HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-03-11, Page 30 - . I I I F_--,_'1-- I - ..". . : � mar, 11th, 1000 -1 . I � . . .1 .11 � . - I �.. .1 ­ .11 ,� I . . .� : � ­­ 11 - 1. - .1 . 1-1 I - 71, . :, IV ows Notes , . I � . . . - �11 w4wo's )(44l"quil Car" pbo"nP" Repeat W.-II-9biloWs; Cure will 93 . ways cure my coughs and colds." � � . Mrs Osborneof Sarnia, disappeared , ... I .*nd the police are looking for her, 1 W144sor people have, beert swindle I � -Out of $100 by Harr ,Moe . �, up: -Check artist from 4 Inuip�g. � �, F.411in I g 'from a, la4dor to cemen I , 4 Atior, James Mearegor wasl killed I . , the Al. 0. X round 11 �use. at Montrose . Z , An English, girl, who elop I � _ ed with : married man, was* taken from � . . . th . stealmar Corsican at Halifax and wil � - /I \ ke sent home, . , I - Wireless messages were succebsfaI13 ,k ,received on a train between Banal( \ and Chicago while the train was run � ,*,ng at sixty-three miles an hour. A three-year-bld son of hir, A Fla , . herty of Brantford was fatally burned , 1, , by Lila clothing catching fire from a 1. selluloid crmb with which he was playing near the stoVe. . Because the school trustees of Sect - Con No,, 9,near Amherst -burg, appoin t - ,ed a colored teacher, the white child, rea have all been withdrawn from the school. Two of the three trustees are colored. Repeat it.—Shiloh's Cure will al- . ways cure my coughs and colds." I . , Nov. Jas. E. Hunter. now on the Morse& circuit, Essex Co., has been ill. vited to Tupperville. Kent Co, for- th6 next pastoral term. He is the son of I John and Mrs. Hunter, Brussels, and indomitable workqr. 1. Three Chicago highwaymen, con- � victed of robbing a man of 46 nts, have been given lite . cc � terms in the pen. ftentiary. Tue. reason for the long sentence. was bacause they had used a . weapon on the ii.-tim of their assault. Eirpoau GoiNG To MANITOBA. — Saskatchewan, or Alberta, oonsult'a �, *rand Trunk Agent regarding the interesting route via (3bic%go and 1-3t Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth. Bag. i gage bonded.-througb; no Odsto mis ex. amination. Full inform4tion from 41rand Trunk Agents. I One Toronto judge, it appears, haw . been deliberating for five years on a ease that when judgment is given will. . . I -effect a number of suitors, at d untill it is given none of,them may P�opeed . with certain business � propositions. The situation is ifistanced as showing Ilhe need of judical reform. It seems I to show more- the need of an axe. T %e,Governor of California 1� as sign. . I � od t e bill to prohibit rublic gambling on race tracks. Oali crnia, next to .0 New York probably, bap the g prcportion of lovers of horse tacing of � any of the'states. If * its community san atand the new order, there will loot be much chance for the old order in other places. . Jrbn Smith, ex -M P P lo�" Peel, 4116d Friday after sulie 'ring' for three fays with a severe attack -of pueumon- Ja. He was first elected to the Ontario I Legislature its member for PeelCounty in 1892, and held the county until last , olections, being successful five times. � 3116 was a strong Liberal and was per- haps the best known man in the Ooun� I atof Peel. He was a Presbyterian- in on, and is survived by a wi.dow n1diXtiliree, daughters. . A return presented to -Parliament by the Minister of Railways shows that I since the organization cf the Railway, Commission it has ordered the pratec- 1�# Mon of highway crossings by the sep. amation of the highways from the rai . I- way in twenty seven cases, by gai-es in mine. cases, by electric belle or fiaA- lights in twenty cases, and by watch- men in fifteen cases. It is estimated ) that, gates cost between $OW and $8W. ) watchmen between $1,000 and S100 per year for maintenance. . . Long distance foot races are coming . in for mUch condemnation tbese.days.. 4 The following. statement is !being, pub- lished by the -newspapers throughout England: —In reply to your inquiry we kave no hesitation in si6ying that we consider that ,�chool and cross-country races exceedingone milein distance are . wholly unsuitable for boys under nine- . teen as the continued strain involv . ed is apt to cause permanent iLnj' ary to the heart and other organs. Y ours faith- fully (Signed), Sir Lauder Branton, Sir Thomas Barlow. Dr Jas F Gn'odbart, Dr. W. Hale WhiteASir Alfred Fripp. . � I — - � : . i I AL, A - - A I . " For three weeks I aqtually I had to be fed like one feeds a . I 1% baby, because nty hands and ) arms were so covered with " ? eczema that they had to .be! bound up all the time.,' . I That ig the experiellee or �ji,j . . Violet INI. Mcliorley, a 75. Gore Strc�l Sault Ste. Marie, She ad,i�: : . � could not hold spoon nor fork. Froi 1, : -finger tips to elbows the dreaded dim. S spread, my fifiger nails Anie off and, . flesh waq one raw mass. The itchit and the pain were aimost exMiciitin ., I had three months of this torture an , — at one time amputation was discussed." "2�am-Buk alone saved my han and arms. I persevered with -it and qiln� �'. - the end had my rewar& To -day, I am I * " "' * " I. ,is - , - "i 9A cured Lompletely of every -trace of the I dreaded eczema, and I rervently hope! I - that sufferers from skin disease MR � know of my case and the mirac e I Zam-Buk has worked." � Zam-Buk is without equal for eczcnl " ringworm, ulcers, abscesses, piles, crack Aa hirldi, cold tores, �hstpped, places, and 9,11 skin injdrits and, diseases. JDrvggiAts and stqes at So cents a box, or post I free from Zarn-Buk Co.i .Tbronto, for same prite. You 'Are -waimea'AgAnst dangerous substitutes sometimes 6ilered as to just as good." .. 6 6 01 . I ... 1. 1. ­ I ..­ ­ ­ .... I. - � I i Acute' Indigestibn coulity C111 I—— .11 ..__.__.__1_1( - --- .1 ... I RN 1 - musslommommom . � . .. I - � � ... 8 up" ­ I—; , I I.. I � ­. ­­. I ­ � PRIZE LIST . � 4 ' Mr. T. Jo. e , .I 11) - 1fl I I ' vitre.4 0 ot 4 of that t sa", I KEY :OF TIBALDO UVRON 11001UNTIr Thrlimich the Vinely Vs � y n 140 d,a o otall. * Dr. Williaoiss Auk P11 Is I ....... , . r. an e, t,o, Wilson Bros, of . � Stock and Seed Show E Y -E S I G -'H T I . I I There is no medicine can equal Dr. ' . . Curious Messenger of Death In. _______ . . Williams, Pink pills for stomao �--__ � , h trou- Uesers, Anderson & Taylor, of th �CLINTON , e ., TRURS., APRII� I d bles. These Pills are not an .artificial Anders , A. person should be very carefti . , ou& Taylor Co, of Lackuow, vented by an Italian. I NORSES. I In choosing an Optician, - a ,till I r.petizer nof a stimulant. They act coltbiag,ma facturers,haveolos.ellan I Tber 6hould demanct ability, reliability, and-4bove all, ex. 0 atur * P own way by mgkiag rich, agreement with Seaforth, I CLYVESDALES L , , Vouncil to periences for experience is the chief thing in optical work, L 111snion. a Y.axs aud.vex ............ . slo s6 so I 1 t 'red blood. This new blood gives vigor a tart a factory there. TRAGIC LEGEND' OF' VENICE�. Stallion, 31 years an . . 0 , 4 un4er ........... 0 'A 2 � I to all the organs. When it flows Elliott Fairbaird, father of Mrs. Tag. I I . . E)o 17!l through the tiny velas in the,istomach, A. Bell,*Hensall, and who has resided . I I SHIRES . e UIUJI:�� it stimulates them and creates that with her for Stallion,11 Years end ove . .20 6 2 . 11 crayli I some timej died at,5. p. In. Unique Weapon With Whick the Man L f3talljoa, a e re, an r ........... I ,ig which peuple mill 11hppetite.' Y a d under .......... . U 4 2 0 Then when the appetite is satis on Wednesday moraink. Deceased of Mystery and Murder sLought to -l"E'ROHERONS Eyesight $pedallstli of Toronto, I tied wap 77 years .of age and one of the old . who has had 38 years, practical. experience in the optical bu.sillas wlth� food the blood gives the storattell residents of this section. 814Y His Way to tho Hand of the , heat Forcheron stallion ...... _'-.lo 5 o, strength to digest it. The nourish. - � Woman Ho Loved. . . HAORN14Y . . 'will be At the ment iSLabsorbed by the blood, and car- The home of Air. ant ,,�,-Mra //Fred I ried to every organ in. the body. That L .k Rtallion, 3 years &ad over ............... 6 4 2 NORMANDIE HOTEL, CLINTON, � Green Lake Road, Stephen, was the The chronicles of Venice tell that in stallion, �, Years and u4iler......... ..6 d U - is how, Dr. William% Pink Pills cure scene of a plaesant; eveht oil WodneB the earlier part of the seventeenth cen- I _-ON-_ , , "' R L I . �, th *r 121 �`l .;,-> I of dark . F AVY' DRAUGHT . 1 *7* stomach troubles and all the b ood is- day afternoon, Feb, 17, when ei tury a certain stranger, a man 1.!,1 � � � . eases. That !show they give health and L second daughter, Miss ipsele May be- and sinister aspect, arrive Brood Uare, 3 years find over ........ 5 s 2 . � Jh , , V �, Ills L d in the elty. Filly or Golding. 3 Years &W over .... o J 2 � - . , C strength to all weak, Worn out people. I I ursday, March 18th, 11 I I I . e appears Filly or Gelding, tinder 3 years ...... . 5. 3 2 . . . . . . unruly passions; painily I . - laud, N. S., says; -41Aboub three years Team in"Harness-soo specials , .. 6 4 His work has been very bifhly.recominended by all those L � I -*ort Malt- Ford, son of r, John F ord, of the to have been a man of . Mr. R. Thomas Carry, I came the bapwy bride of Mr, Hilton name was Teb,414o. H � I Same township. . of three colts of ime, progeny wh6 have had occasion to consu t biro - professlonall�, and I a#. . . ago. I was attacked with what the doe. of great Intellectual - power, but one ­ of Same sire ... ........ . . -.6 d tur termed acute indigestion. The The community has surpmy patrons and otherq tbw-, they can have the utmost con. . firs L sustained a 'Whose talents found their chief outlet . AGRICULTURAL fidence in him and his work. Make appoin�ments now. . . . k indication was a bad t"te in my great loss in the death of Tbos. 0099in, in crime, ' I � Teaminhartiess-See Speciald ........ 6 . . I I . . A � I I I I I . I month intho morning and. a. shallow ot Ford wieh'. Some two weeks ago be One d Brood Maxe, 3 year$L and over ........ 5 3 2 complexion, Later ,.is these symptons bruised his leg, but was supposed to. .ay lie observed'a beautiful girl. Fi y or GqldIng. 8 years atil over _ 4 ,,, 2 . . UT 4% ,, but his nevves,gave opt, , or Oelding, under 3 years .. .... 4 3 2 . WV I -M . .� ped . my tongue washeavily coau. be improviny leaving chinreb, attended I Fill r% devilo n a manner ily . - .R. COUNTEJ - ed h I . especially in t e morning, and I and on San av; morning he was taken which showed she belonged to a family GENERAL PURPOSE - . . I" . . I fe�t rse$ and before the doctor of high degree. She Was, L in fact, the Team In Harnpoo ......... iF I IF MARJOIAGE, LICENSE14.L /",�� particularly dull. My appetite bew suddenly we L , . I .... ... 4wgmt. ISSIFER 0 gAn to -dwindle, and. even a light ineal arrived,he passed away. daughter of an ancient and noble ROADSTRR�­­6 " - - - .. L - . . - I I . . - L __ ---. � 1, . .. L' . left we with a 6ense of having eaten house.' He fell violently In love With � I i- I . too much. As I grew %A ors6 I ateL Last Thursday afternoon, Mr. Ckmp. � Lr'tolllon 15i hands and over .... ...... s 4 13- 1 � I I I barely enongh to sustain my body. but bell, Blyth, bade good-bye to his many her, Though far removed from him in 15tallion. under 16,1 hands. 1 1 . L . I I ""' " "' .. — __ -_ - _-, - —_ - . . Vqirriage horse In borne � _ I Nomum still experienced the most acute pain friends in town, and left to ace.ept 4 station, his blind a L Sq. the equip - 9, I passion took no Count . spent oonsid red ...... � ......... 5 3 o . . � I A wretched languor came over me position it Toronto, where his famil of -this fact, and fie determined to sue Roadster hQrse'in harness. the equip. - . � . 'L . y which I could not throw off w, reside. Mr. ment considered ................ 5, 3 2 .11 . ���� . . . It seem- no Campbell has been a for herharid. Carriage team to harness-, � .. ...... a 8 % I . .ed as if I were always- tired, with but citizen in Blyth for,%,. good many yi�ars There proved to be, -however, a more Roadeter team in liarfiess .... ........ r, 'S 2 . . I little. strength and frequent violent and his 1rionds here will all wish him. insuperable obstacle to his, suit T6 0%ddlo Horse. . .. ............ .....4 a . . I headaches. The remedies given. me by prosperity in the City. L e �,g . . I . . I & . . I . girl was alread betrothed to another, re In all classes to be. considered. Age to . -any others om . my docbor, as well, as m . . .y dat January lot. Brood mares must be in . . failed to restore me- or 13veii to. re Saturday morningL While about to it young nobleman. of L almost equal foal, or, have ralsqd a feal. L ; ' - - . T 14 Ew " . � . lieve me. I was in this very unhappy harnegs a four -year -Old colt wro. rank and fortune. The knowledge did CATTLE6 . . . . . . I - I . . . state for almost a'Year when I read in Youngblut, of the boundary road. be. not diater TebAldo,. who boldly present- L I L . . . I ,Ween East-Wawal3o,;h and Hallett, . I SHORT HORNS I . a newsps.titer one. day of the cure in ' edL-himselt before the girl's parents I � ; - - a B 11, 3 Yeaus and o"r, ....... * .......... $8 ..05 03 . I a case similar to mine througl) the use. Lot.,321, con. 14, waskicked on' .the the capacity of a suitor for her hand. pu"ll..2.7ears ........... -­... ---5 � 3 72 �. . - I of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. forehead by tb6, animal. and badly CUtL Bull. 1 Year..., ............ 5 a . 2 . TlaN de- For a, time if looked serious, . - the As might b9ve been expected,' he met � . , : cided we to, give .these Pills a, trial. but . 'tons rebut Cow. 3 Years ani * Q*.v'*e*r* ­­ * .... . .. i--5 3 2. . . It was not ung manis alrigh With a curt and'unceremon . 1! long before I'felt some yo I t n6w4 . I . . - ,f. Heifer. 9 years... ..... .. ....... I .... ew ra , relief froxri the distress afterme4le . — . The. repulse rankled In his igind. En-, Heifer, I year .......... � ....... I ........ 4 . 2 1 � . L I . . L . - . L � .and as I continued the use of - the Pill'.' ' . $100 Rewotrllj $160 raged. beyond measure,'he shut himself . . . . I . . � .L I .. . . . . . . . � ' . . e L 8 ' ' np in his � ....5 � . . . . , . � I 6,11, langoUr and drowsiness and head, Th r aders of' this Paper * will- be ­ own house and there secretly Dull,2years-or over ......... L.'... 3, I aches left me and I began to enjoy in- Bull I year ........ ..... . � ....... ... 5 3 . COA taing each'week a. large -amount - � .. . -that studied a. means of : revenge. Pro- Cow, a 3 . . creased energy and strength. . 'pleased to learn - there is at least . 3 years or over .... L ............... . . 1, . . . . To -day one dreaded disease that o6lence has: fouildly skilled In the mechanical. arts, Heifer, 2 years ... ... ...... ........ 5 3 - ' . . 6. * . . � . . I am a well man enjoying the best of � been able to cure in all jts stages, and he allowed himself no rest ulittl3be had ' . POL* . of h . health with'never a twinge oftilo old � that is Catarrh Hall's - Catarrh Cure I I � . . LB D'ANGUS , ' . . ...omo news, and to..L sabscribldrs ,. I I . ., in-0eilited a*most formidable and . - . I . . . � i - , . . 111:, I . . I deatt.L Bill ' Years or over ..... ................ 5 - 3 . L I .1 . . e of Dr. Williams' dealing *eapon. was�a large key, Bul " year ......................... . .... 6 3 . I , troublel and I attribute my cure *en, is the only'posiiive cure -now known. to , . 9.9 I . I I . firely to.the fair us the medical- fraterpitV.' Catarrh being .Thfi7 . C. I'l r ,:....ri 3� away, is "like a lett h 1. I , . . H 3 Yea sandovor ,........... . I . . . Pills " � � . a conwitutional disease,req tile handle of'which was so construct- .1 ' .2.70%X9 ............... ............ 5. .3 I .. . m ome. , . Pink ­ alrea a con- . . ter I � er fro . . I . � . . . � I . . eTheseoPille are;old.by all inedicine, atitutional treatment. Hall'sCatarah, ed that -it could be'turned at will. DAIRY COWS AND v AT OATTLE � . . . �. . . I - 11 . . d alers r I I a gu can'gotL them by mail at Curp istakerr internally, acting -direct. When It was thus ,tumed a secret -Dairy cow, any age or . brood ......... *14 3 I . .1 I . . . 1. . . I .. . . . I I . '. . 11 . � - * . I 50 cents I ox or six boxes .for $150- ly upon the blood and -mucous surfitees . spring ,Was disclosed, ,which, on bein . g Fsb heifer. age conswere'd .... -.....a � 2 ' . .. . . I I _� . I . . . . � I � from The Dr. Willianis' Medicine. Co.�, Fr,t Steer, ago 3 2 . . I I I I . . . . , - of the system, thereby destro considered�...... . .... .. . . . . . . . � �, Brockville, 'Out. , . I � I ying the pressed, launebedLfrom the key head a Two stock steers,2 Years rind u odor ... 3 2 1 . , 1. . Nandation of the disease, and giving. fine'needle , or, lancet. The latter -was L:VWO 6tookteitors, o ycare, and tinder 3 . S, ' I L ' * .*ro 1 '14 . . I I P, - . I 'Aik patient, tstrength by building up. of �such -delleate con . ' I .­ aub*wriberts in Cemada , -.1 . . - .1 . - . An ExecUent r __ . __ 1 * qtruction tWt -It . . . . . . %mber , 1W 4We constitu ion'a rid L assisting nature. 1. L . .. SWE.EPSTA:KE S - ,, . ,.. . . .. . .. .1 ` . . L 411 , Ileat . 3 of qT . I . . :4 , , I ­ L .1 . . . — _. . I I Mi lining itg work Tile ' penctrated the body, of the victim .' a I bried, 3 years a' � - - $I 'k VE Aft IN ADVANCE. ' - ... � � � , I . propriptors nd under . The March number'df Busy Man,s havii so much faith in ita curacive-pow. -burled Itself deep In the flesh'witbout with ull......,..............; ...... $5 . . I . I .. I I - I I .. I . . . I Best ERM0. any age .......... P .......... Diploma - I . I . I . I . . ... . - . .. � . I . .. . 11� Magazine is filled with an unusually rars that that they offer One Hundred leaving apy external trace. ', - Best f6l"sle. any age .................. �. 'Diploma . � . I I � . I . . . . I . � . . choice nuiAber of bright and * enter. - Dollars fdrany case that itfails to 6nie . -The .marriage of the betrothed con-. . I . 'Cattle date from .$ept. . 20th ' . 'ro Arnerican Subscribers, - , . . . ; . . I . 1. taining-artiolee which--'eannot fa.ilto. Send 'for testiffionials. free. . . -ple w, . as fixed.to . take � plai�e . liv the I pri . n ' . .1 . ., - . � . . . I . I. . .. . I .. .. I � . . � 1, be of greatblilp and -benefit to., 41 its * - F. * 0 HENRY & 00 , Toledo,.'O. hurch In Venice'on � a certain" , , -GRAIN LAND SEED$ .: - . . 19i. �, I I . - readers. . Each, succeeding Assue -is, : . Sold by all druggis I elpal C .1 . . � I . I $1 50 A YEAR IN ADVANICEN .1 � . � 11.1. ... t9,15c. - ' . . Fall Wheat. any variety .............. 83 $1 $,50 'I. . I & . . L . . I . . . . � -evidently more instruftive and attrac-, Takb. Hall!9VAiiiily Pills fo ' tip- 4day. - Before the ceremony #Tebaldo Oats. black, named ... � .. ........... 3 2 As . : I . .. . . . . . . . r cons . . . I . . . . L. . . I . . I I . � . five han Its. predecessor and �, affords. ation, _ � I - ' . . . L "... '.. . cunningly dlsgulsed� stationed himself Oats, white, named. ... ,."..........,... 9, a , � 50. . '. I . I . . I . � � � . . . � I . . , . . I . _. .. '. . ., . . * Barley. two -rowed, qr6mad .... ;..-.:;:. 5 ::60 I . .:. I . � . I - . . . . � a wider sele6tio . L r at the church door armed with his dliv Ba,riey. six-rdwed, 3 . � . � I I . I n ih the effo.ot to cater I I . . . . . named.....'...... 3 - 2 ' .50, . . . . . I I . L . � . . to the tute of all classes. The contri- - � I : -..L . . _ ,bollcal weap9n. . As'the, bridegroom Peap, uomed..-..i­.� ........ ..... e- 3 2 . 44 . I . . . L . I . � . . I . . . I 1. I . . . � I I I .. I � . butions dealing With System and Busi- . .. . " . Timothy 6eed­ .................. ... 3 2 150 I . � I . 1. .. . ... I . ... . L. � . ,... . . I � DIMECT -IrO Wig - ,was -about to ent6r the..building the Clover Seed ..... ...... ..... ­�......s � .1 11 . I I I � � , . . a I . . I I . � . �_, 4 � . I . ' ' ' L , the Life Stories of 8tic4essf al Poo .. I . . . c Moe avl* .. , I . , , 1 ple . . , I I L fle"Winnipeg Rx.' and sent the' deadly steel- lancot'llito I -- - . W�ekly- papers ' . � . STIORN, CANADA . . .. . 1 '66 , :_ he bes ' 1- � L . ness, Political and 06i . . 2 . L ' . mm6rcial Affairs . . . . . . . Potatoes. late., named .............. .. I 2 .60. I . The Canacifim Paq! concealed watcher press (1, the'rprIng. pot 8, a , named,....,. -....._;.a., 5 , ,oc . One, Of I t . I and clever flotionas we�lasmany other press," leal I . . . . SPECIAL. PRIZES . . L I . I . . . �1, I I ... I . . . . L L rinp, Toronto � , I I L I � 1. I . I .L . I . . good thin a'. is evidep,ted by a glance L . ati-40. 15 0. in. - the., breast of bisvictim. Tbe.young I . L' . . :.. P . . . . I � I .1 .�.. .. . . I . . ... L � .. I . I . 1. . . . - , ... . . � .. . . . . . dAilv, carries through standard and For beat three horses.'mares. or geldings, age ... I . West.. �, .. � I . � at the tat fe of contents. The original nobleman had no suspicion of injury. I . . . . I Oft L. ' . I . . 11 � . tourist sleepil,g cars for Winulpe 'the. I . . . considered, open 4 to each ip in ale . 0 , *. I . sketcheis and thQ sel6etibno from the Noith*e-atand Pacific Coast. T is is at the moment.. In i thli midst of the - . County. of Hurotii The 3noi.w".1h. must. be . I . . �.. . . leading magazines hnd periodieWs L . I ' ned 31st March by residents of thenamed ,krn r I . .. . 14 . of M eremdny, .however, he -was seized * . n L . I Le a io, , . . . ..the -car service to c ' Vownships. Prize $25,00asloilowit: . L. . . . ­ '. . I . " . � .1 I . I the world are a�k- handsofijel�,'illus- We= direct., through . �sp I I .1 , � . . . . . . . . . . Can' With a'sliarp asm 6f pain and sank _.. . I ,� . % . . .. . .1 . . . , ., trated. I , . . . . . ada,,trairls run the entire . I Should only one, Townsbip.�613�pote - � ...... $600 � .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . � . . ..., .. . I distance through -Cauadian territory, fainting on the stepd,of the a . . .......... io ou .w . .� ' . .. I , . Z . Itar. He Should two Townships compete.. 1� . - .. Imli6dded in thia,handle of a broo ' ' .and'the time ma;de,is-*con.siderably was huitiedly'conveyedi'to his home, Should three Townsho.s* compete...,....,,... E 66 . . . . I . . .. '. 1 m . Should:lour Tovroahlrift o6mpete.....�.-.... 20 00 . I . I L - . � . �� . I for six month -a, -%Jiv.e,9 . Tassh6pper faster than by any other route. ' whore' the loading �, Venice physicians Kbould live or mdra Townslicipp.tomp te.. 251W00 . .. . . ... ­ ., . . . '. .1 . . I . . . . I . I . 6 . �. . . OfL . I . I I . . ,4 . . .� . I L . . ;: 1, I _ .. I I tr,rnped out wpen . the - handle .the ' . . ---------------* M - ... . . a , were sumnilmed.to attend him. In ­.Any'number of entries will be,Xeoeived from I . . . . . . . . I . . . L . � � . oom was split open. The broom b As. L " - . . . . '. . .� . V. sp I I . to 'of . their - unremitting efforts lie .. . each Township . � I . L _.. - .. . . . . . .11. - - � . I . . . . . � , I . �.._ . . �_ . . .., I . l,'c,r beat bag Michigan Amber rall"W I .. I ] L ' 11 . . � . been in the h6tcher shopL'of ChUloS - - Rev Robert Thompson, paitor Of Bi-'. , sank and d-1 ' : Were t1i6y able' to; J... best. Mr. 11 . I I . . . %. , Meech, Toronitt)4 and as it st6od'in the loa'm circuit, died sodgenly. . . L 0,, nor . I I . F4ir donates one bag Pamily-Floar. . . . . I . . - . . � . iq corner wplort, out it was taken to -d . . . I : .discover the, natore. of the mysterious. b1olson't; Bank.- Tj6phy. vmtue . 615.00 . .'for best, I . I . I . F 0 R .., . ." . . . . . ... . I * Hon. .R. W� Scott introduced. his � and fatal seizure. � . L 11, . Heavy -draught Tearal in barneSS.' L ' . I . . . � ... . . .L I . . � I . . - ay . . . . , . . . . . I I . . j and destroy d, The grasalloppee was. scheme for Senate ieform. in that. - ,W - � - I . ... . � � I ­.. : . � I .. . . � � . . . .. a, pretty gr en and,'seemed to be nohi! ,ith the..remov - ThoB. Murphy, agent Doortnii; iwrg.�Co,. clonates, � L . 0, . . '. � � . . � the war �_ Charaben.: - . . . . Al of his rival, To . 8, $30.00- Improved Disc Harrow, for best I . . . . . . � . . I . . se �.'or its long incarceration Ili . . . 1 4 baldo once more presented himself bea � 'Agricultural Team In li�6rndgs. . . � . � . . I .. the wood . E the broom handle.' ' . PafrickShanaban WaE Committed for � . . . . L 11 . . I , . 40 " L't 0 , .,.", . '' I , . _ _. �� . � . . fore tile. girl's parents. and renolk I his The Directors of the Clinton Dowling Allby, offdr - 1. , h . s' , L I I I . , .1 1, . . . . . ,, Wift. _ L . " trial'on a charge of Afterupting to cause nest for ih6r hand. L Their r LN. . . .. L- 80 00 for best Agricultural Brood Here- ' . I I . . . I , I. .,% �� , �­ . Have',Srou a �iiu--�-df,a:nv kind, any- all explosion at thpCauid&'IronFuin- .req,-, L ' efusal to , ' - I � . . . .. . L LL . . .. .1 I I L. . ' Ii ra�qa out,Mllww�s tor' all Stook'shown ab, : : . . � 1. L ,�. ., I . . . i in e -Vslr� . I . . . I . .. I � � , �­ L - -ace at-Mldland,_ , . �j , listo . a . the - . . . . . . L r L .- where? ,' St . op* ja6fli, initiate and thinki . L I n ...to, hi s' led' their doom. In HE . � . .. � ­:. : r -n ..in .9 I . I It matqers not whatherit be,w*'.omwn . 1. . I s of'the I , ' . . Wb . at,manner b^ accomplished It'is not JAS. SNALL, � . . .-L; bB ­ . I .� . �, .. L . .1 L I .. . .1 . . .. 1. ."­.. . :" .� * lY F(?ur m6mbe'i" KirigstonBoard I .. . 'fh L '':; rresIden ., .. SHAW, - �'. L !' ' . . .: I - I � I �. L , . . . � . .. ­ . pains, eadLBains, or any kind of aL of .. n a few- days b6 � C , . . , . Soereto,ky., ' . . . L .1 .1 .. i ,� . I . 1. L . .L . � ' vain.otnf- r Shoop's little Pink Pain -ag Health have resigned as a protesi known. but withi .L . . a" 11 . � . .1 . ,. . I .1 %. .�, , . �* L I. . ­ . .1 . 1. I .. .... . .1 � ainst the .Council's action r rding , hail been done - to .,death in tile 4ame - .. . . I . ,. . . . . .. � L .. . .. . L . .. , ., '. I . .: I -Tablets *ill, surelystop itin 20 minutes o94 . . . . . I . � ]Repeat lt:�11§hiloh's.-Cure will'al- :-, I . . 7 . �. � .1 .. .. . ­ 4 .1 I ­; . 1, . � I !.s. .. .11 " tL'. ; th6vacqinationb law., � sudden and -mysterious fashion. 'L I . .. !� L I . 7 ­ - . � . , i For ula, plainly printed onthe 25C box . Y7 . , . . . ,7siywcure my �oughs audcolds'sf . r . * L ' - the- *- . - : , . The, Railway Comm' ission' has issued, - .The exalted rank of the victims ere- I L . I � .1. . I we ., are .- well .pcj tipped, with .. � - . Scid yalldoalers,., .". � . . ­ I . . ... . . .. . ,. - I . L . I . . .'� L . a draftorder ' uni ' . . 11 , . ; I I I : - �- I _.t. . ­ Kinard's USS344 C"es colds etc L . : I - . I . . . . . I . . prohibiting spitting, -ex- ftted, a protound - sensation, and when, . .. . . . . , - L - I . . . - I - .L . . . . .. * I . a .0 . . . .. I . I L � . 4 . . 1. .. . . . L ......" .. I .. 'bype 4 �. I... .. . . .. � . I I I . . . . cept in vroper iieceptacrea�'irt passenger on examination of 'tho bodle�s,. a fine .' - * � .. : '. 1atest.L. J-- faces nd up' -date .1 . L'. I L A. Mighty Nimrod. In � in a I . . . 1. .. . . .1 I I . I .1. . . _L cars, stations or waid g room's of rail- �teel lbstr(i ent w s found In the I fr. Noe Clio tba - Winnilie ., I .; . . ways in Canada, , '. .1 . .. I. . . vrier, 9 I . . ' 'L ,' L . . ..: , . q I . .1 1.� L . - " .� remarkable carver has. b�en'th4t. I . - . flesh terror be'edine universal.- � The ,cit- . merchwit, wh6..'bas been appointed to I machinery and -: * h*a,ve the, � - facifi . . I L . ,'' L I � A naval .seaman ha's one'd. every day - izens feaed "for t fill 0' Manitoba vacAney in tile' Sell * I . . � - . I I of r. F. 0. Selouls, 06junious hunt- i . . helf, llv4zs. The ut- .e ' * � . .. .. I .. � � I .. :. '. L. - . 11 I . . .1 * I 1, . . or and - exploror. wbo 'Nylli accoinpan� to salhte the quarter-deck of his ship� . most-vigilabee,was exerelse . d o . n.the ate caused by thp. death of -Senato" . . . I. . . , , , 0 ', . I . ' L - I- - -ties n . . . ! President Roosevelt oii Ills African big': even if no officar is upon it.' ""SaladWl part of the duthokitles, but .as yet no Tli�nias -A. Berniet, Avas born.,at R' - ... .for.' turni - g out -at -sh0t, notice . . 1. . . . I . . . 1. . . I . .. rill,, H , Tea is in such p6pular favor that many gawl, 'Vaudteuil county, Que I . . .. . ; . f, I . . - the s people- feel, like saluting apacket whei. su,�01�lon fell upoil. Tobaldo. I . : � g . gali� itwn. iri. . ,pj ., .. L bee" in . I . . %v, 'qnly .n.ty'-you" of am, -wbon . the eatly, fifti6s,' and took Ilia dlass - - - all e a -of coinmercial, Printing. � I - 1. ...L ... '' . A � tw( I I . . . I , . at C" i : . I ind, overseen. ' . . � The'bereav6d girl retired to' a .con- Cal training . '011e . L . . ], went to :Nlatzilel�,,h in tlays L. I . . . . . . L ' L' . ge l3burget, Ri-. - - . 1. - .. I ases 1. . .. . I � . .. . ." ., . & I , , . . I L I . . . , , . . . - -lien JAY�iv,- kno* i -th�rn - Roli. 10& Noble. bLifteve d* to be . th . t vent, wher. flrst�mofiths L joi . L� . . . . � ... I . 1. J . rai . ,, wvre un i � I ' mou., elsbe passCA the . add.. , He then - n -ed his -father. ai .. � I � . . . .. I . . � ' . . . i ' 0 ' ' ' ! . 4 " Id LWIlen -c - an nGg In' sorrowful liecl ision. Ottawa, where. lie launched oVt.into . pu you. n e 'thing - in * . . . .. L . tb� ilitorior ot tho, oiinin� oldest, Baptist minister in 0 adaLdied of . . . u � . , , . . . i L ". ,. Wh e d any . Mas a sealed book to t1w. EuroPelul. thi,4 morning..Ele was nipety-fatir Tobaldoi however, sdu,-bt her out in Comm0rcial, life in the -clothing'busi- . . --ft, . . .. . I-or.years be was hi unknown couti- I ars old, and'the grandson of Rev., tier retreat and begged Lto speak. to her ness . , . I . L . . . I ­ ! . . ILL 1. . . . . . .. . . . I . . . . ' . . I . . . f -i(­s .11111ilting vlophants, lions, an(I Neth,Xoblo, firaf Congregational mid- th . L . .1 I rough the g . I After q, few prosperous years ill - - thi line send in your work, and 'we , . , . . . I gr.ating. . .1 . . S . .. . . � �[ her u-nimals, and at 6m, period lin Ister in New Brunswick. I bushieNS in Ottawa, Mr. -0hevrier, ' - . .1 ", " L . I . . .. . I I I . m- neaxly tl1J-('.­ I , * 1. . I .. ".. ills dark, evil face bad.alxya�ys.been with hh, family, *enf to "Winni . .. . . ., , . - . ' ­ : . . . ' . - . : , , , 1 .. I . : . I L �.e,jj'S `%VW10ut'.4T'eiT]9 . � , 'Ouii cb�rbspo6defitg will oblige us by displeasing to her, but sineb the deatil peg -guarant � ' - . . . . I " aper, it tolegrarn, or'an�,f ldiid' 'Icuttin�out- 'any -reference thatm4y in 18�1, and was'one of the pioneer will ee sa isfa­bti o`n.�, . I U news . injure of her betr.otbed and paren.ts. It bad.be-' mproliants of the ;wie 'L ­ I . I - .. I.. ..,.:. . 1. . . � . : . . I . .... . I )I inolie , vaid.ho was,..P(�rfectly iappy. e -feeling of neighborsi TAn st; starting a . . 11 � I .. . .. � I . . . I . . � , . ­ . . . ..I . . come repulsive." When, therefore, In clothing and -fur store on Main'stre6t, . 1. . I . �iL , - ; e S")(I?lt Ilvarly a quarter of fi-6ellutiv ,IV 1� A wants �to.give -all the neWs, - - ­ . -is, . I I .: �L I . . , . , � 1. L . ,� �. I I . I f jflts lib. ,T)en,Vt,r'1,tjtJg J,)I(, L interior �;f but does not,want to' -be the medium tliecoqrse of the inteivieWLhe pressed which lie %till maintaii The firm of . . . 1. . �, . I I .. .�� . I . . I... . .. ... . �� I . outli Africa.- I'lit-ri lie. i�viit to7A]w4mL fop�itemo that, intentionally Or other- her to fly With him he met with an in- Q11evrier: k $6ns is ond'of . the ILargest I . I - . . I . I I Oil I,. lifte��,ii-iiii)l,i.,qtti(l�itiili, tom, in wise create ill felling. Give` us news; -stantand lifflignant refusal.' Her s I corn . concerns of thp kh"i in- the West, and L ­ . . . " I I . search of inoosi, and caribou. Tt �%�w.i LeaVecut the jokeEf..that. the senior pattrier is wi&ly'known' � W - .. _'. - L .. . I . . WaY. ,hurt. stung him to- the quick. Beside him, s' � . The 2 NE. �E�:RA�. � I . . I I while oti this to.iii, that '. in' the Nvild.. 3ust its N.oimb McLaughlin, a young Iself with rag�,'. he biougbt.his deadly tbToukhout the -westeTri c6untry as a . ­ ... ,.,.., I I 'L .. 'I. I I . . � . . L. I .. I . . . . est, . I I 'pult of -tho Yukor rd . pon ohVe more Into play and sue- And .a .man 'of sound Judgment and . . , 1. . . ? came aej" L hill' ooclli)i(ld' for vaviousmisdemeanbrsait Bralatto V�oa L . - high repute, 1i . . . . !)ss a irrplier's 1, 1111li-, Sf�l()Us Irish girl, .was about* to be sentenced . I commercial pioneer of .. C nton , " - - . Ontario. I I . ' .. I * by tw(� 10,nglisll imen-' Oriv '1111d ii"t HarryChong, a prosperouer ChineseL ceeded In,wounding the girl throug,b' upright, business princ$les., . L . . . 1. I I I . . .1 I . I the gratingi the obscurity of the place ' - . . I. - . . . . 1_ L . ' I got his discllaTge from the '.\,orthwmit 'restaufamt.ko6per, offered to marry preventing �ls.acilon from beln- obw . 1. . . . . 1. . . Motivied Poliep, itind tho othei`,` wh ' 0 her. The offer was promptly Accepted. . � . I a . � . . . I .. . 1. . . : ,, ­ . � . . . . L I I . I had carriod fliv iiieluiltme oi`N0ver- . The girl was chatked with Vagraneyo served. , .. . ' . .. I . ..� . . . . Ing Three 1.1i I vem.. . . I I � , I r_l,sl*11 Nivas the son of h peer. - , and had been,given the option of going . OA her'return to ber room the girl - . Keuty1tcr . � zZaamm �� . . I . . I I . �.. tojall or joining the Salvation Arnily. felt �a sharp paln:ln heir brcast. Examl- The work of .r(,bxiildihg Three Riv- ' I . . 1. I I ­ . I I . 6rind J30y"to sci`entisL , . : I . I . . nafton of the spot, showed that It Was '"so Quo., is procoeding steadily. Only . I I . I I . . Dr, Go - orge Gure,.wbo Ii-AsJusl.(lied. 40irn Walsh', one of the trio of dyna. dotte , d with a. single, drop .of blood. ls'-'- mont"s "live e . lap,;Pd since the asss's ­ __ .- L L . i in Birinifigilan . miterawhoi iia March 1000, weresenb- . . conflagration, but filit,ady about one. ­ - .. . - . .. . ' - .. . I . - . L L � � ; ison L . I � . I to blow up the Welland Canal, died on ed no time In vain cotl�ecturb, b I ut eu 0 0 � 'd ' ' four ' ' r. . or trying wast-' :or 'riettring oorrioletion-the. class of � M * L I at the age of 82,.'"16S enced at St Catharines to life impr Physicians ,were hastily summoned, third, -of the -burned district is built *up . an entirvl� st4f-c-dudalkA rnan. Y . or rriont.in the penitentiary I . f - .Taught by pnsfexpoileiice, tboy Yea 4 be ,worked a,i' an. errand t biii1dings beirig in the. main a great , Ned &, c 1 I h boy an(] for foilr yeari mi a coopor. . , I ' '' . � 2 L six 'in fly. Tuesday. fit that Institute. after a into - the flesh, )Arid extracte'd the slen- improveiAent upon the old structures. S � . ecured'a'commodi ­ G '. - ' ', � . I . ' . P. "I, - , - . v 'Having " . - DUP .r= I 1 .,Irorn, . . h � .Working Morning till lengthlylliness. -Walsli,whowas aged ;der stcel, thus say rig the girl's life.. . . ­ L' � P - I t . , I . house,. we tire now buying . . , I . . I c1glit tit night,'llp had 111-11o. leisurc forty years, had a 'v�ife in Dublino but The dastaidly iittempt o6eilislonbd ad, - . I . . I . . I t tfioi dr o of r in, for which the �higlicwt � . ,� for stud -y,- but in Ill(- bours slolen from rid relatives * ft this countryi Question . .- . . Nov%', is the time to.'have - prices Wig a I I I sleep he pond&red de.,ply over sc­lenti- 1. . public' 011ter.y. Tho visit of'Tebaldo to . I I I 11 bepaid. .. Z -ots, and 111,111 til ed before his death as tolliscomp laity the convent bocalne known and , �L I . I .thenf taken; all the latest;. , S'L Oorn an I d all ' I 11 fie . � in the attempted, outrage. WAIsh I . A , - ' . subjo o. folundati6n . caust I all I Brain. Short kinds of I iis futute successful career,, From... .66 HEADACHIZIS 116e - , .... of I juerely. said. It was all a mistake- it sn,,4plelon to turn upotiliffii. . The ein- . ,...17 . L styles; ve guaran I grain, Seeds and other feeds kept *it , .. � __ , I . .. . .1 . � I . I I , rME 11 N k � L - I I. .1 :_ El I . 1. - I I .., .1 J, .11 b P 1 13� .11 d . I re I - r. � _�� , I .*I . Iffia I - ! � L i I I Brigtol hn wont to, Birniingliam,when was nothing but a drunken Caper." js.qlj�le,.� of t ,;'law des'cer i , I I'liand at the- storehouse. ' I � 25 y -arx of sige, 'obfiii n ng a situation I .. - b ded �suddenly Work gatisfkiory. - . , .. . ,( . Theodore'Xogs6velty-who Oil' Tburs- alion.111m, Ills .hodse was msarc4ed, and I . ' � . , 1� ,,.4Tinw-lkeepor W 0w ... 46 Nvorki.Be- (ayste-pe oubiefth6WIlite Ouse . at 'there L the abon , itfiable invention was . I.. : I I ' lfbro' lo'no tho'originality of his -m- H .1 - -It may 'be a.long.time. be- Ford A McLeod � . I I � in ton. . C.' tomake room 'for, disco 6roa. swift ipstice followed, . � . - I . 7 , ed, , . . fiftYPIVIS began to bt, noised abroad, r. Xatt, It a belen the most intor. and he ended fits days ulion the scaf- I fore' th� family ig together . . . /_ L .. '. d Spates . . , i I I . G. T. .R.'STATIONt' CLINTONo � � . . ��, find lie set al) as a tenober oil hig own �41111 resi ent of the Unite fold. , L .1 . o I I . gain . � aocoant. Before ho Nvat.4 thirty be had since t e,beloved: Lincoln. Boitil in I I I I a . . .. � L . ,discovered thirt' sfibstance known m The key Is' Pitill preserved in the ar- I I 01 .. . I 1. L: L ' I . I. .. 11 t, I 4 11 pi A 1, 4 41 � Ponnsylyania, of Dutch stock,.it might V, I a I 11 . I ­ .. I I I 1, IN I I . I . I . cxp US V. 4411 111011,Y, A .qarrie time also discovered a liquid 'bv means of which white nickel could I a bieidepoqited. aq a briglit. IV lite, me"t 1. Go ".101 Tli,g,,1iqufd, known as " I r ,'� ,,. I i, .. e1x vel tion, was afterwards , n, i Y � . used. . . I I . . .. . I I . I truly be said be had a -silve� spoon in his mouth. His -experiences have been interesting and varied. A .co% boy from cholde he assisted in many a , rnund.u5 ofi hila own ranch and it to said way always the first to try to head off those inevitable but ''danger. ous stampedes, . 'After ]MVIng the S%:�WLA at CULCe.—Chalubers Journal. I � 11 . , , . Inv' I.amp-wio" 1'r re*sxfi*. 11 An ingenious Manchester (Eng.) ift� .ventor has patented a larnp-poit,wweh, it is liliggested, should,be placednetar . every pillar4ox in ldrge cities. It is . - . - T 0 W 1, A I . What Kedleal-Akill Could Not Do I - ,Kooerts... , I � Ar Photo fist,q elintons . I . . � .. — — — .. I . - fo Sa Corn r le,, . The Farthing Man. ranch, Roosevelt secured a govorn. to be 11tted with fire alarm, first aid . WtLs A ecomplished with go Tunbridge Wells, Hmgland, bas . ' t6rinod Mr*. It. .rkrnold, who p1twen moot position, which at the time of tile Spanish-American war he re&ned telephone, froll-up, ambulance stretch-' tr, street map, and chemical fire- 1. . . � Otirdock B160d Hitters. ! I 11 ­ � . years ago first starVd his "farthing campaign" for London slum childtan's to organize aregirnent of Rough Riders which saw service at the 11%ttle of extinguisher, at*d will, it is said, coBt very little more than the pres- ' If you are ,troubled with Reailmhe do not I . , Whole . . breakinsts. That -�Par tic collected 600 , farthinp; I qlbp' following ynar. lie , ", San 3 u&n Hill. Returning to the U, S. he was elected Overnot' of New York,, later ent. I&mp-po$t, . I � I " hasitoitt to usa D.B.D. It is no new Pto. duct, of unknown value, but harl an estlib, lished .Cracked n 1, more 014*n doiblod that amoi6t, and .Very succeeding. yoar lia.9 sooll .an "V ' v' le esigent, tit which office he only sot ced' a year.whon the a8sagsin's I constituency of 00,00 Square Miles, Mr Leahy,. Speaker of the Queens- ro atation. P I I .. COULb NOT w0alk. ) I or Chopped ldvallft oil its predp(,essor. During I � 069 no fewer than 22,000 farthinFa 0 hand struck down President McKinley and gratified the ambition of Roose. velt. His work durl hil§ ' . land Ifouso of Assbriably, who died .suddenly the othot day, ropresenW I , lal Wrighb. Munlao, tr.g,, *At" 1, .Vivo Mar Ile, 1 Was 61ok And run dowoo would baiv6 Ilaoidi 0,011% ft bittOrtMte In floatifig' I I I . . . . 3. & - No. FA I R V ern. collocted, making a total in greatest, ng terlure,of office was the fresh � , the Constituency of Balloo, 60B1pr1*_ mymoli% 1066ka baforo my eyes aftd pains in My back. * t, 0, avort Years of 70.00. A big effort A t be mado in .1,909 'to v,t $0,000, 0 giving, & imp Itus to the great Nfiama scheme, lie hits boon a good friend to our .ing 90,0W square tiiles, 41A Area " I largo as Great BlittLin. . I I wall not able to do any house work 6b 611 and , could not � algtt at nllhti� Sevorail doctors doctored me bu I saw vv#A gotting, no Wo. I � Clinton Mills . I i I at. file 100,000 niark niny be *achn . ed it i 01A twolv(i vk,�ar.l. 41onatt, sind Ill much admired among Us. �._ - . I I ... ­1­11..�, �` �,,' ,",, I and on ths sAvloor A friend I Wft throf bottles bt Vor400k = Bitten i" thor - , - , wA � , w w I "' .- _.__1___-_,__.,_... 1, ­­­­ , ". ,__ ... �, , "" . Can ail ________.___._.,___ . __ , I af!Wtod a waLvW6 io% ; - Minim) luawat olam 010144hortill, � .