HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-03-04, Page 7N
- -11 1 1 1 .- . , I. - .911r. *11, 1009'
SOME CLEVER DO - DGES OF LOW An honest, sturdy and persisteiA
MEDIES AND TRAGEDIES UN. desire to build the: highest pos"
U ible grade of instrument, made this
Army of Para5ites Who Live on QQod 4'Vruit,;R_tivoV Cured Him When old 'Woman Aged! 104 Announced
Nature of Others In the Metropolis 0 Rise Failed. That'She Would Spond Her Mon�y plant of ours grow to what it is -to -day
Vlverton, Qu e., Alarch 17th, 1908.
VA as coldL5 and bro*sup. tUe :C�iver it 24 hou, of Empire Frequently 1.14e' thi Per- 0 on' Boats -Another Expected Ar -
I W!,$h. to place U record, for the
"feel yourself takinrcold", et,abox at your dealer's -26c. sonal Oolumns of the Big Dai sake of others who may be sufferin6
in the saine �vay that I saffered, that rears- I rjShW,0m0nr Were Afraid It
or send direct if youp dealer does not keep them. Sotnetimes Appeal. For Themselves no medicine I ever took did me so Meant Military Service For Their,
COIr.MAR fflEOICINa Co., TORONTO. 2 and Sometimes For Others. much real good as kruit-a-tives" d1d. SonsW�althy Pensioners.
I suff ered for any years w1th
Tragedy, pathos, and humor are
The recent charge brought against Kidney Trouble, with ridd PaJn in the
a woman in Loudon, England, of at back.
I took every known kidney remedy strangely intermingled in the Wei -
tempting to Procure charitable con- and kidney pill, but nothing gave me dents connected with tile Payment& of
MAN MONEY. tributious by making false representa, the half,million old -age pensions at
any relief, and I was gettlifg discour- 1814"S.
tions -through the medium of "agony" age4. - postoffices all over the British
column advertisements calls attention 1. wAs advised to try "Fruit-a-tIves" Uuc4 of the humor was providigd. by
The Sin of. W The Old Touton!Q L,4%v on Killino or did this
orldly Pleasure In the I to the fact that the "noble army Of and so --and Medicine cured the uld dames, many of whom could
Seventeenth Pentury. Injuring Others. never -works," who prefer to live On roe when ever,�Ithlng else fallO. scarcely be persuaded that the pen -
Buckle gives a graphic picture of the The system of atoning for death *I other people's good nature instead of sion scheme was. not a myth 'Until
ottitude . of the kirk of Scotland to, bodily Injuries luffleted On Qther4 by doing a day's honest labor themselves, the Avephilliub were clasped in their 000 00
paying damages to as old as the earli- often find this particular newspaper hands. 0
worldly pleasures during the seven- est Teutonic laws, praised by Theitus. feature very useful and profitable. And then their delight led them to loidl,
teetith eentury. Cheerfulness, especial- The trespasser wgs alWays required to People who usually ignore 'the ad- do I some funny things, At Tober- U.-
ly when it rose to laughter, was tp be ertisement pages of a paper - al -
make peace with the aggrieved family v mory, for instance. one old lady, dis-
g=r4vd agalnpC Smiling might occa- though there is often to be found appointed at the somewhat curt
f the vIctim by "Wer -Geld."
o #A thanks of the pensioners who bad pre-
sionally be allowed; vM being a car- therein much that i$ interesting and4
nall pastime. it was a do to smile on WWI to the ancient German for hum6roua�will, in nine cases Out Of eeded her, made her farewell by -de-
Sunday. No husband should Idos his man. "Oeld,11 now, to 19 the days of -ten, glance down the "agony" Col- elaringt,'"rhanks be io the Lord it)
volto and so m6ther her child on the Wotan, means money. umn, and when they See -an APPeal the firmament; thanks'and glory to
*Wth a". Jesting WAS IncompatV Damages were assessed -In accord- like this: the V h roposed give
us emm w"
b% with a Wy and &ergas H& no 4Dm with *be mhk sud, wealth of the "Who will buy my erp-eket-work? thau to' the man
ppled with
Injured party, nod the money was Alone. in despair, and cri through whose hands the momY
n1nisters were given Muth td weep, A
petid, over In the presence of the whoW rheumatism. Cannot move from my Came.
ftL grosuling and lamentadom Otte,, commuotty, Its acceptance forestalling eibair; dependent entirely on kindness "What Will you do with the Man -
the Rev. Alexander Mulop. was noted of'landlady. Do. please, buy My 11larke, Lowlan's
ndeed, help an e " Mrs, Rebecca,
feuds. I the recognition of War unfortunate e
tor his oboly groan.- :To ontse in t1w work, -and so st pensioner,,who is 104, years
trivolous I art' Of writing poems. w" 'GAd (mmoney for'the mae killed) by gentlewoman- -old, 'was asked,
"Buy Wale," sadd k,,k. OUR plant didn't grow big because we wanted to
tondemrAd. Igen should not disport law precluded farther bloodshed or the chances are that many of them the old lady,
other forms of re#euge, will, be moved b� the Pathos of the pUy, "I'm Z plagUy 00a lot
tbe�mselveo with musle; dancing was a send half a crown of prom make the �most pianos, but because - we wanted
elverfous Sin:" jovousness even at 'a It the slayer was not rich enough to. adverUidment, an I used altogether fifteen boxes ing out boots." Id lady' Of gr to make the best. It takes more space to make ot*
thrilatening was a scandal. One should pay the required sum, be tuned over or five shillings. 'the on set The' Birmingham 0 1
weak and walk with'aravity and so- to the Injured It is by no means, the contention of "Frult-a-tives," and from who was annoyed bee=80,sbethOught
, parties. his zone as the writer'that every appeal of "1111- t1loy gave me relief and 1, am 0W good piano -than to make four of the made -to -sell.
Ileumity; he should not enjoy his dia- slates. It his �ons were not sufficient Practically Well: again; :no pain, no On- she was going to xeeeivL-_,as she ex -
guarantee fortunate gentleWornen" who have tress, and all syinvtoms of kidney dis- pressed it-"baek money- in re�pec4 kind.
ner; only the ungodly rellsb�d food. for the' payment of the work td sell is a fraud although the ease have entirely left Inc. I ans very of the number of years, she had ex -
The groat object of life was to be In a debt, tbe slayer himself had to turn -crippled "gentlewoman", who inserted thankful to. be once more teeded the regulati4r! tUTee score and Besides the regular machinery�,used by pi"o
state of affliction. Whatever pleased boDdsinan, b I oth . the letter and the the aforementioned. advertisement in well, and I makers we have many machines of our own invefition.
freely make this statement for the ten, had a countei-pArt, in an old
the senses was to suspected. Whatever spirit of the law requiring that the a London daily was ultimately Proved sake of others, who. may, suffer as I man at Sheffield, who wanted his pen -
was nattirs) was wrong. The church- f"Ill amount of damage inflicted' be to be an able-bodied rogue who had did. To them,'l say try "Fruit-a-tives," sion for it quarter in advance in'or- Each one of these machines does its part of the con -
already served. a couple of terms Of as they are a grind kidney medicine. tart a business. struction of a Mason and Risch piano in a better way
mien gre-0 .vur in countenance, harsh recOT,0red by the aggrieved parties , the public. . 0 der to s
In voice. Joy and love disappeared or imprisonment for gull* advertise-, 50c a,box, G. for $2.50, or trial size.25c. And then there were the. two old. 'than, it could be done without it.
The majority of isuch n of Walworth who considerably
wArp f4it-vt4 to hi4e In obscure enruem merits, however, are proba. I , genuine;- -At dealers or from Fyult-a-tIves Llm- won)e
Fulfillinq His Agreement. for most newspapers no=ays exei- ited. ot.taws. embarrassed the postmaster 'by pre -
become tired of living In rent- cise such care in regard to publishing nenting him with two rashers of ba- M.
Having con and the wing of a goose as a
ed houses, 'Mr.- Gwimple' had bought advertisements of any kind that the v no rzternai t-emini"o. thank -offering for the pension; while as o n.an d R *1 -S C h'
a. home of his own. . Not having JW . ope for fraud has. become limited Id 'dame insist -
i apers A photographer was called upon not 'yet another grateful 0
enough. money -.to pay* for It outright. in consequence. Even the new$P, I ed. on giving tile -postmistress . an
however, are . deceived. at times, and long ago to make Isoule pictures of an
SETTLERS he had made a: cash payment of $1,1090 y years or so, but of orange in..gratitude for the money. The pialib with a soul
it is., therefore. always advisable. to old ]ad$- 9f sevent
It was a genuifie'peel of
and given a trust deed on the propei T make inquiries, say,from the clergy- surprising agillty pnd qutckn&s of per. . Glasgow pensioners preferred togo
for the r�malnder. Onenigbt. not long max, of the distriet, -as, to the merits of ception. The,p"Icture nian was there-, to. the G,eneral Postoffloe for theit pen- There are many features in this instrument
after, he had'taken possession of his the,6ase before sending money. For fore somewhat surprised to find that igh mariy of them Ikad to which no other piano contains and we require
T R A I N-8 6 th6 sions, althoi
new'home, Mrs. Gutuiple roused him the begiing-letter writer has of late no words of address. could Induce -Walk considerable distances. Vara
% r atteiition to begg' special facilities to conqtruc'e.them.
from a deep sleep. turned his or he ing- speak witil after the opem- Ions reasons were given for this pref-
TO I old lady to
diGerald,11 she said, "somebody IsAry- advertisement -writing. ce, but prob- W6 want to tell you the whole Story of
The favorite -dodge. is to appeal, net tion was completed. Thoin she put,her erehee for tlie central OfB
111ANITOBA9 ALBERTA In- to get into the house!" o much on their own behalf as on fingers Into her mouth. whence shc ably one bf the most' quaint was the building of a. Mason and Risch piano. MASON
11r. GwImple crawled out of bed and s sit of some chaxity in which they withdre tha. of an elderly woman who, . in nd RISCH
bob w several wads of paper. '11 . 'PIANO CO.�
SASKAT CHEWAN started. downstalm intere4ed. - Appeals for "You, wouldn't have me pbotognipb- fine Soots Doric� said she , t to Send this coupon to us to -day and we'll d,'
rofess to be ueTal!� because she 'eouldna- send you 6ur booklet "Inside Infor Lltplte
"What are- you going to do?' she' onations.-to 1�qtruggling infant rnis� ed -..,d my checks falling In, woWd! the "Ge TORdNTG-
sic b ( the,
By Canadian Pacific direct line N. oftenL *,cry trust the district officer�,"
asked him. oiWl or "homes" are you?" she asked the photograpbor. "I ()thers were desirous of keepingthe Mation " which tells the story, /.sew we'yiuk iu�s�
.'Itin 6oing to let hirg In," he an-� suc Just stuffed some gaper In m were pensione trated booldbt explaln.;.
For Set!lers tmvelling Settlers and foniffies cessful. - Here is -an . example of mouth to fact ' that they !rs to
with livestock and without Hvestock. ch is said to have brought in making of a Mason" and, Risch -
should u6a one whi 1U..6ut,,
swered, half awa between $2,000 'and $2,500' to the A& f themselves, and avoiding the idle cur- Ing the reasons why I
'Oro let him In! Who?? ioSity of neighbors. ano and why you should have ihould own a Mason and
Special Trains RedularTraial vertiser,. whose home consisted of a Nothing in the. way of a cough is, doubt in the minds Pi ItIsch Vlano. T161s in no vmy
-*T-he'man thii holds the trust deed afid�led: house iii, a- London sub- Referring to the It. in your home in preference
he tJ f� quite so annoydkg as a tick ing',teasing of some of the pensioners as to the obligates mo.ta purchase.
will leave Toronto leaving Toronto on this property," he Mumbk4L . 'IT I starved
Ir three ill -clad, :hal h. wheezing bronchial Cough, The quick. reality -of the scheme, it might be ake.
'ach TUESDAY in 10. 1 a p.m. daily urb to any other m
NIARCHandAPRIL Tourist Steeping Cars document I signed. binds we' to.admtt children, who - were -pr"cd to Pe is eit relief comes perhaps from- a pre. Mentioned that the worthy People of ................... ............
at 10. 1 a P.M. Fastest Time him tp. the premises at any ho4r of the Own: scription kdown.to Drugpiste' every, Dunmow, -the little'Essex town from
day.". "In'terrible distress. Honie in. debt, where as Dr Sh000'6 Oough Rem6dy here`t�e primeA -01 prinie flitches'
COLONIST CARS ON AL14 TRAINS and likely to be sold up. HOP61ess And besides, it is so thoroughly harm- of bacon used' to come, were very The Mason 'and Risch
to carry, on God's work unless I get less that mothers give it with perfect ing the 5s.-, and
No Charde for Berths Repeai it-._��'Shfloh a Cure will. al- pleased to. meet' any 'safety even to. the ..youug6st babes' 'gceptical about - gett Pia�no Co Lithited,
s j:50. Shall b, even . pow they ire wondering �h6w Pity .............................. ................... ly
Low Colonist Rates ways cure my 6ough an.d. coldg." -he6rte and, explain, Rho tender le%ves of a,simple 132.W6st king St.,
gendrous A reader long the pensiorl will'last,
sbrub, give to Dr Shoop's Cough. em- Thqy reffiind one of theol Toronto. ....... ................................
Only Through Service to the West matters more f ully R , d women
Apply to nearest agent fo'r full and Crqup'po�itively stopped in2Q�mlnut- -And whcn,ia gener6us-hearted'reader edy itfi remat kable ctirative effe-et. A
free copy of "Settlars'Quide" 0! as with Dr,�hoops, QroupRernedy.. One did vjsit thi! i�nbug, he fewdays'test. will' tell. Sold by� all roin who. got the idea
h.r'0=t".iR L 4 canting lin f the . Chpddagh Settlement, 1XI
Thompson. D.P.A.. C.P.R., Toronto test alone will burely prove this truth, f no children, but WAS told that dealers. the ei.ty of- Galway.,
I ourid As that, in'return for
kind-hearted' fr into their bee
X6 vomiting, no distress. A safe and ierid fiiid taken them the pe the Govemment clairbed
pleasing qyiup-50c. Sold by all dealers -ten altogether -away 4or-,the day. -=e nas. exercised nis im-portain rinslo u,
W. JACKSON. Agom lialon. to distressful the lit of enforcing military ser -
ams Asadento kinsmaix ng yj Rouse, btit'tliere are only two men- Cough,* otn%a Coolds o not, ea . at 61;
'K19 011VI 1111UM114 A particularly hara case is th
# , Its horrid. Mr. Fly bers who wqo born in Ireland in the
Abandsomely filustraIdVreftly� Mrgeat.cir- like my name, a rainute recitnl of symptoms as they are Portsmouth . man of. s0veutY411,70,
culation of any actentino jon=l. Terms los (a bsently)-4 fear It's too late to change now I -louse. known to everyone, but their &ngUg are who, after hav!na his clairn 'allowed
Canada, $3.15 a YOU. POSU90 PrOPald. . Sold bs
An lJow8desion., In:oaeh House the meTaberqhip in- not undorstood so %Lell. All the most au'd getting.-Jii:A pap��rs signed, was
cluded three men who wdr(
the United States. pital wR:t'8o
Broafty'Rewy rk 11"-Xllholwcl� sflla�o!p. 3 born in taken seriously ill, The town hos- r" NOW
k0Q0 Dy serioas.alTpetjqn� of the throp4t, the hibgs full th at lie, h ad to . bn
r cEL9 ri -BA01P.
'an e br'ncb iil 'tab(s', are, in the begin- 'Ceo
Scotland had three representatives a th o inniodated in* the. workhouse fii-
_Thiq was -equivalent to pqr- Stmach ow bf w4r. Lha OvctWu Dow* A Oactd tp AM
in the 1AA' House -, now it bas, only ning, but cou"ghs aW ouldij. Lrniar�.
Too- much streAs eaq t be ItLid upon t "ish relief and ineant his 'disqualifieu- 6�4 dUt
two, no , he -h was wifii�
The ziew Rouse also inclnde� one admoniti,, to all persons afteoted by the tion for flie, Pension whic jake'kn NR et to-
mcmbe� -,�ho was born in South in his grasp,
insidious earlier stages of throat and lung I Into -an East-ond oftico etibqc a li+-
America. -o hold �t onpo will -with a pension-bool; careful -
By religion the figures aro' eq iially disease, As failure to taL t1a boy u 0 n - 440,0W4. 11my nuke yftsw CIA&,
interesting. esuae man!r years of suff6ring, and in the ly wrapp(ld P in 11 Picc Of M,
The Roman Cqtb6lics are of exact- end that terrible wourge of " Coiisump- Paper- "If volt plomo. inis-,", ho Better Than Pills Vor.Liver Ms.
the �amo. force as in the old Rotse, ti,n, �,aid, without 'any prearablo, "herf, is
the f1glare in ci,)oh case being 70, grandfakber2s book; he. won't want it, "Natum's Remedy" (KR Tabhu) is dw Vory tm* ofeki MA ks
The ho'dipd this morning." Sow &eauot, Sick Hna"La", d Awnw. S&M-f COm**WL
resbyterinns numbor 46.iii the Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Sy1rup is because C&uftj" tiva C4mplAl" SkW'D"ism OU Mkclo. N
now 1-lonso; lnst'vorcr they had 47. ilot'lJold as. a Cure for ConslIM01011 l3iggs-l'm afraid I am working too t)mpq. pm*a and RW.�txfleti. A4 d- 160 &*Am"Aft 004f 4
-3 Aw tonsequot deav �knj kttattuAtim W -w ow A 41 dw
The Methodist Vh,lreh if; represent- hard,,
ed by 50 i� tho rmv ffnnsn. na against but for affootions tril.-Iltary to,, and that 00&25d.4" S0U9V4rYWhK$-
If you want your stoves to loolt as It they had, t coyabines all the J)i#tVr,--Whom are you NvorkingP
40 in 'the lw;t Parlinment. result in, that discaw. I
been cleaned every liour, rub them octaskoitmfly Th6 Churoh of England ha,; 41, lung hcali)6g virtaes of flie Xorw4y pine
With against 42 JaSt tifnt". troo with other absorbent, expector6nt and VOWS ftepho
StoVe P011A The llanti,,ts wimbero(I eight in the noothing medidnem of recognized wortb,
t"'Blaelk KI-n-Ight" 159 2%e Great Pjrip� UW oPrlcr
former Tfouso; in this tlioy are six. and io absolutty harbaless, promp6 and 11�',Awtho *
'tiou to t1le religions is, a Tones and %vJgoV%
it Oyeis the shine that lasts, no matter how hot the fire. It shine$ An a(1(1, TAM
mfe. So great has been the stiocoss of this horvotul satol". k , Ve
Tho Con �rrepratiobalists , Win
alckly,too�--justafc*rubs, You get such 6, big call forthe money Vniverhalist. wbn(lerful remedy, ib In only natutal that loodin o d AM=
I and Bilizin
qrne &8 last year. And "a Mij�X(, 31oded Wollr*
Flat lawk Ituight" is easily the cheapest you can buy. are two, the w numerous persons have tried to imitate it. txtad Weafraegg,
tho.re is ont, Lutheran and one r, ar- Dou'+, boL humbu I maandweote PfAbvsdor 1!��
Schd your deiLletlo =vod Ik tot fall rlztd cin, fgool into taking anythin
Ifyouctinotg4tt-D two uttr�y. Ingdon Indep6ndont, just ye) OW orbovOUTor 0 %viliV
it rl as there but �11)r. Woo< a." Pat up in a, $1 P %
w4vt in the last 11owe. Wrappe curt. Sold b ^11l, or Mal r
t OR
26 onto. b W61 cOA 90 0-0
U& 0. Z 11AUft CO. U1111ft r; three Pine tr600 the trad k%. on "Oey, I Sold bY all D U9915tse
V66e "e. Tho MkoWne Cos
voluble exp ana
position of the.bome were offered,but
powers uno rus ve y in iv coil -
siderable tact." , That is the *opinion
vice from their sons. - For this reason
of them refused to accept the'
Y06 Much For His Mind.
the visitor's suspicions were aroused.
He 6ommunicated with the, Polidb, but
generally of the theatrical profession
Mr. G. A. -Redford, whose
bs. until thev xeceiv6d. the explicit
Alik,their. "bhoys!' would
first Impulses," walled the sad
eyed Individual, -dre Invariably good.
before they could take action the bird
had flown: The evidence of -the neigh-
. C er of Plays
offl'ial position as Examine
threatened by Mr. Robert, Har
not haw to'eo "to. fight the blacks'."
n Dublin,
-in fact, 1,think'thit- I may venture
bors provided' them -With the true
'court's bill, recdhtly presented'in the
At Rings town, ea r one
old lady. created a scene by demand -
without fear of undue exiggeratl0l)'W
character of man and tlie Sid
House"of Commons. It is with the'
ing to,be paid at a�'special.' cou uter,
say that they are very good. r But .1'
state- of his three children.
Another Illustration of the ' agony"
office' and bot the. man, ' that the
ad she could not mix with the class -
1. always" act On
never act on them . .
,,, r :
fraud is provided by.a erer
stage � is 5o.,wroth-go wroth, indeed,
of people who Were besiegin the pay
second thoughts. This. trait In my char-
actor has.. mined my career, because
sumption, . who als thus:
from eon appel.
:, A
, . . edford has been called -the
i,�at Mr
4 devil's disciple�" - Mr. Redfordwas
ations, how-
counter.' The official Tegl
ever, were I inex6rable, d the lady
Canadia,n TetterM*e
my . second thoughts are'always bad. 1,
. I'Am - dying for want-' I I Doc.
tors say I have six months to live'if
formerly- a bank manager und does.
was tbliged to coraoriii-
in Dublin
Is an Absolute, certaluture for XCczemna. Acne
Rosm, Tetter,- les, Blackhpds. Rin
in fact* I think I may say without fear
of InIsrepresentation , that they're
I stay in this country. Suigest Oali-
fornia.- P2.0 necessary to take me there.
noV court popularity.' His pet aver.
sion i s ' the photographer and.he also
yet, another old peison .
pension, as she believed -it
refused a .
I Htad, Itching PiIes,,Vk0r-ZUN1
parbers' Itch S5
a, and al cutaneous and fadAl bleadshem
one suffering from the white
Do hel t I .
dislikes tofir-wheelem i�ce one over--
�cauie from. the Salvation Army, an d
likeiy th be prejudicial
Has th ro�3ghl:�,and successfully ftstcd
hu 0 so catIL Inclarable cawm
"Well," suggest4. b& who was Ils-
"why 'dowt,
. L.-
One these r "Con8nmi),tives�I., Wag
turned and nearly. killed his wife.
Her escape was little short of a mira-
as such'. was
to her religious %ith.
n is entirely unlike anK,:ther prepm6m
ndxture or vifitment that bee" 80'4 or 1'_
telling, you - wait uum
',on ihem?.11. '
brought V) book in, the Midlands a
' .
el - for the - -vehicle was laden with
men -
Talking of Irbland, it.might i
A few applications will coovince ftt ti ban
thir dr thoughts and act
Mdurnfully, despondqntlyj the sad
�nt to jail
-few months ago, and* was se - there
to try the cure
'. .
heavy luggage, which might. have
fallen through and crushed L her' u
tioned that the figures for thetunty
of Fermanagh 'are re Inarkable Out
wonderful medical virtue and mexiL
it is made in Cane". A good honest Cana,,
eyed IndIvIdual shook big head.
. .,k
for six months
"The poor stricken brother of the
she lay helpless arid imprisoned - at
of the.total population of 63,000 there
3A, 0 * so that, roughly,
pTeparation. r
ftice me box My Cents. or five box= Two
!'My dear slr�111 he groaned, I never
had thre
le successive thoughts, about
P who evokes the aid of other
'in the wbrols. "For God'i
the bottom of the cab.
are pensioners,
one. person' in every fifteen in, the
Mailed to any address on recelpt ofpace.
Gold agol ropnimended by all leadfug Drog-
anything In my llfe�"-Exchauge;
auth ors
sake, help me to publis h my book by.
and who usually
One Pine Lasted 2 Hours, 60 Minutes.
in held -the
County is� an old -age pensioner.
The suggestiot,' that a man or wo-
gists In CAnada. . 41
Fampblet free to any noVireft
At His Own Risk.
a subscription,"
turns out to,,be an individual whose
a' smoking contest at
W41thamstow Baths, England, receniv
man may be foolish � enough to keep
into sum on deposit at I per centi
ManuisAured and siold by the sole Vn4me,
00ler (ou crutches and with a band-
attentions have been m. inly devoted
ly Mr. G. Smith smoked an -eighth of
�in a bank, or inyest several thou -
Tim Tefterine Che*mIcal C*�
ote over one ey0-1 - have' come, air, to
to the pint pot instead of the pen, is
similar fraud, to the broken-down
an ounce of shag for tivo hours 'aild
fifty minutes without letting his p1pe
�aud poundi in building sites, yield -
wind"ra Qatarw-
Sold in Clinton by W. S. R.
"o applic ation for the amount d4_
an 6*, accident Insurance policy. I fell
-'a .
musician, who is suffering from-for�
eign com�etffion. -has a wife and three
go out. Four hundred nien competed
and twenty-five prize6 were presentQ
ing no immediate revenue, and ripen -
ing for the- benefit of heirs,! in order
is- so
Holines, J. E Hovey, W. A.
down a 1.61i, flight of,,, stairs the other
children - but has a chance of wqTk- if
byMessrs. R. and J,- Hill, Limited.
to claim a pension, not quite
rd as at - first r appears.
McConnell, druggists.
evening sad sustained damages Oat,
wm diftble me for, a month to come.
he get his. 'violin -out of pdv!n.,
Only Z5 is, wanted_-
absu .
'-' man who received an old -age
Manager of Company-Toung Man. I
� Summed up; it may be said that the
pension at Great Bentley, Essex, for
instance, has $1,400 invested, -owns.
have taken the'trouble io Investigate
-your tam, and t Bad you. are not entir
t1agony" column. frl�ud- is very much
skit, 'to - the beggink-letter swiriale,
a house, Worth $1 500, rand is in re-
ceipt of $1 a week sick pay from a
tied to anything. It could 40t be Imiled
Wit often proves more successfuli sim-
Ply becauSer one advertisement an -
benefit society. His wife has $2,500
low rate of interest.
an accident. You ceftainly' knew the
young lady's fatherwa.s at home, .
pels to so many.more people,* and,
the face� of it. seems.so much more
invested at a
Another examp le of a wealtIV pen -
An of Strikes a Nail.,
Is A Remedy, Without. An
sioner is provided by. -A woman at
W)od Green, who has.,$4,500 invested,
interest, and �vho is' said
Mr. Serapplugton (musingly) -AB
Lincoln sild, 'a man may fool some of
- AnoUt ttle Members.
Equal For, COUGUS,,
At pmall
to have $1,060 in'the bank and soiR, . Q
sman house property..
the people all the tAme and all,the Veo-
pie "sume -of the time- `,Mm Scru P,
In �the -last Parliament there were
.2oo njLtivei-bom Canadians: in - the
COLDS, And All Affections
third case, an applicant who
're'e'eived his full. pension admitted
Anyone onding a akatch and deacrigHon may
tpicki ir optnwn itoo w other ap
pington (biriskly)-BUt You can't fool
-new House the native-born number
Of The
possession of three cows, several Pigs,'
Invent on Is ptabably
Bonastriotlyconfldei 11A 1JOD"N"""
ltgal%'NOT Patents
point free, Oldest hgel)ay fogecarl�fflatOnt1q.
taxen t rou tunn - receive
me any of the timelf-Fuck.
There are BiX English -born, as, com-
iii the last Hoilse.
and a market garden.
Pathetic in th,,� e\tremo were Aome,
'the, bid-
patents .
ppeeo4j notice, witbout 0%h. rge, In t1lo
Didn't Take tha 021t.'"
pared with'four
four to the o)A-
of. incidents co n nected with
v 'gif
-Ireland s�nt sons
age .-ay.'
ams Asadento kinsmaix ng yj Rouse, btit'tliere are only two men- Cough,* otn%a Coolds o not, ea . at 61;
'K19 011VI 1111UM114 A particularly hara case is th
# , Its horrid. Mr. Fly bers who wqo born in Ireland in the
Abandsomely filustraIdVreftly� Mrgeat.cir- like my name, a rainute recitnl of symptoms as they are Portsmouth . man of. s0veutY411,70,
culation of any actentino jon=l. Terms los (a bsently)-4 fear It's too late to change now I -louse. known to everyone, but their &ngUg are who, after hav!na his clairn 'allowed
Canada, $3.15 a YOU. POSU90 PrOPald. . Sold bs
An lJow8desion., In:oaeh House the meTaberqhip in- not undorstood so %Lell. All the most au'd getting.-Jii:A pap��rs signed, was
cluded three men who wdr(
the United States. pital wR:t'8o
Broafty'Rewy rk 11"-Xllholwcl� sflla�o!p. 3 born in taken seriously ill, The town hos- r" NOW
k0Q0 Dy serioas.alTpetjqn� of the throp4t, the hibgs full th at lie, h ad to . bn
r cEL9 ri -BA01P.
'an e br'ncb iil 'tab(s', are, in the begin- 'Ceo
Scotland had three representatives a th o inniodated in* the. workhouse fii-
_Thiq was -equivalent to pqr- Stmach ow bf w4r. Lha OvctWu Dow* A Oactd tp AM
in the 1AA' House -, now it bas, only ning, but cou"ghs aW ouldij. Lrniar�.
Too- much streAs eaq t be ItLid upon t "ish relief and ineant his 'disqualifieu- 6�4 dUt
two, no , he -h was wifii�
The ziew Rouse also inclnde� one admoniti,, to all persons afteoted by the tion for flie, Pension whic jake'kn NR et to-
mcmbe� -,�ho was born in South in his grasp,
insidious earlier stages of throat and lung I Into -an East-ond oftico etibqc a li+-
America. -o hold �t onpo will -with a pension-bool; careful -
By religion the figures aro' eq iially disease, As failure to taL t1a boy u 0 n - 440,0W4. 11my nuke yftsw CIA&,
interesting. esuae man!r years of suff6ring, and in the ly wrapp(ld P in 11 Picc Of M,
The Roman Cqtb6lics are of exact- end that terrible wourge of " Coiisump- Paper- "If volt plomo. inis-,", ho Better Than Pills Vor.Liver Ms.
the �amo. force as in the old Rotse, ti,n, �,aid, without 'any prearablo, "herf, is
the f1glare in ci,)oh case being 70, grandfakber2s book; he. won't want it, "Natum's Remedy" (KR Tabhu) is dw Vory tm* ofeki MA ks
The ho'dipd this morning." Sow &eauot, Sick Hna"La", d Awnw. S&M-f COm**WL
resbyterinns numbor 46.iii the Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Sy1rup is because C&uftj" tiva C4mplAl" SkW'D"ism OU Mkclo. N
now 1-lonso; lnst'vorcr they had 47. ilot'lJold as. a Cure for ConslIM01011 l3iggs-l'm afraid I am working too t)mpq. pm*a and RW.�txfleti. A4 d- 160 &*Am"Aft 004f 4
-3 Aw tonsequot deav �knj kttattuAtim W -w ow A 41 dw
The Methodist Vh,lreh if; represent- hard,,
ed by 50 i� tho rmv ffnnsn. na against but for affootions tril.-Iltary to,, and that 00&25d.4" S0U9V4rYWhK$-
If you want your stoves to loolt as It they had, t coyabines all the J)i#tVr,--Whom are you NvorkingP
40 in 'the lw;t Parlinment. result in, that discaw. I
been cleaned every liour, rub them octaskoitmfly Th6 Churoh of England ha,; 41, lung hcali)6g virtaes of flie Xorw4y pine
With against 42 JaSt tifnt". troo with other absorbent, expector6nt and VOWS ftepho
StoVe P011A The llanti,,ts wimbero(I eight in the noothing medidnem of recognized wortb,
t"'Blaelk KI-n-Ight" 159 2%e Great Pjrip� UW oPrlcr
former Tfouso; in this tlioy are six. and io absolutty harbaless, promp6 and 11�',Awtho *
'tiou to t1le religions is, a Tones and %vJgoV%
it Oyeis the shine that lasts, no matter how hot the fire. It shine$ An a(1(1, TAM
mfe. So great has been the stiocoss of this horvotul satol". k , Ve
Tho Con �rrepratiobalists , Win
alckly,too�--justafc*rubs, You get such 6, big call forthe money Vniverhalist. wbn(lerful remedy, ib In only natutal that loodin o d AM=
I and Bilizin
qrne &8 last year. And "a Mij�X(, 31oded Wollr*
Flat lawk Ituight" is easily the cheapest you can buy. are two, the w numerous persons have tried to imitate it. txtad Weafraegg,
tho.re is ont, Lutheran and one r, ar- Dou'+, boL humbu I maandweote PfAbvsdor 1!��
Schd your deiLletlo =vod Ik tot fall rlztd cin, fgool into taking anythin
Ifyouctinotg4tt-D two uttr�y. Ingdon Indep6ndont, just ye) OW orbovOUTor 0 %viliV
it rl as there but �11)r. Woo< a." Pat up in a, $1 P %
w4vt in the last 11owe. Wrappe curt. Sold b ^11l, or Mal r
t OR
26 onto. b W61 cOA 90 0-0
U& 0. Z 11AUft CO. U1111ft r; three Pine tr600 the trad k%. on "Oey, I Sold bY all D U9915tse
V66e "e. Tho MkoWne Cos