HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-03-04, Page 6I I � ka� "M " . . . � I . : � . . I � I f I ,� . . 1 6 . � . . .11 I � MI MANTON N.19W J$UA . 4, . - . � .. � . � 100" P i "I - 1-1-L — , I I . ., 0, _0111111111111i'm I 1" , , - "' , - , , , "' , , � � .... -11".11 .­­ ��­­ ;;; I .. ; _11-1.11. ;­­". -,- . I.. � I - '_ — — 1.7 . I _ ., 1.1 ,.. " � Ma. I , IF . � -11'..... 1- 6. 1 11 I 1. . I. 1. -1. � I 1. �.4 I I 1. . � � - I 1. -51i " I I . .� I - I . � . . � - . - � .. I . . '. . . I . 4 � � , EARLY DAYS ONFLAINS , - � .'�­ .... .1 . URGED TO SUICIDE. . . . I I . . � I . . i . � . � I � I I Dabbler In Spiritualism Finds It Was, � � I , LS INT,ER- , I � � ,, L � I , a Curse to Him, v: ESTINQ STORIES, . I .. I . "' ... I I % _�AA � The tragic suicide, of a, man to whom, in his own words, "spiritual - � I . I . �11., � `*__1 � -1 .01"', , I ism had been a -curse," was hivvAi- . 0, $. McConnell, Who Was Once With . 'r - f I . . I " I . 11, - I gated by the coroner in Manchester, B 'ngland. the other any. . tho Northwest Mquptod Polick I- � I . . The victim was, John Houghton, a . Recounts the Rounding -Up of the I I I Ir, L I , ' __ � I '. ,,- _. '. school teache hr, hand' the evidence showed that e ad shot ,himself in Whitecap was stealing the horses Indians When -0. P. R. Went - . . - 111. - . I the head with. a. revolver. Hia widow . f' Through—How Loud Voice Started I -Lis enemies. - The major sent a per. _-��,.­ - �-, . I � P stated that lie had dabbled in spirit- uttlism and had been upset by it. . to Pa T.,orne. y Court to Marquis of L . . orne. .. , 11 I I . Hard ,riding was all acli�ievement , � .. I ,Some time ago he asked me to ' I I "Wheir I read in the financial and � . . I , , , . , . 1, ! 11111), III, I i 9 . take poison or drown, myself with � him," she added, "and when I re - commercial reviews of 1908 of the tre- . I 11 . . I , . . fused and spoke of bringing in the mendous progress that the West hams . doctor he threatened to MR ale." made in the past year I am tempted I A number of remarkable, letters were left by Houghton. In one of to look back on 'those days when,a A Nervous Wreck these, addressed to a friend, he wrote: few men were em loyed in tile woil� Pillimit4ble . X I The spiritualism which I thought of preparing the Prairiel ' Now in kobust Health. . such a blessing has turned out to be of the great Northwest for the Ad,s. # . a curse, to me. 1. am iloing better, of the farmer and the tradesman," Mrs M. E. Harron; of Newtoli, Cintr, ,is far as money is concerned, than remarked Mr. 0. S. McConnell a fe,v)r writes: 6; 1 must say our son. would have, ,ever I have done, And still I am . days ago to The Vancouver Province. been Ill a Coniumptive's grave, -1031L 090- : forced into this- awful action against For a number of years Mr. McCbrx- 'had it not been for PSYCHINE, Hewas , my own wish, in a way you -cannot nell was engaged with fhe Northwest taken down with La Grippe and a st.vere understand. I Mounted Police, and subsequently, col& His who'e system w.s weak, in- �, , I It you do any,thing at any time for � . �vith the Indian Departnient in clear. I . eluding his lungs, which werd seriously affected, as is always the case aftpr La my wife and children I shall be pleas- ing the plains of the redskins and 'Q�IPP` . ed, and Goa will reward you. . , roundingthem upinto reserves,where � they could be watched over by the 'After taking sqvcral remedies and" To -his wife he wrote: . Dear A,gnes.—I'love you more than officers of the Dominion Government. "It tre4tmentf, wt; procured PSYCH IN4, and . tongue cannot. tell the. marvellous results OvOr I did. and -jet I take this step believing that -ultimately it; is better was a great and important chapter in Canadian history of which brought about In two months. .Regained . over tweinty pounds In weight,anO strength f9r you' and the children. I have un- I 1, in some small part, was called upon to assist," said Mr. McConnell and appetite returned." I . Mr. Harron himself Is most emphatic illy been the cause of your . I sorrow and sickness,* and believe that reminiscently. "I was a constabl. 0 ai to, the benef i-cial result of using PSY- you will -.be healthier and, when things are sititled, happier. *Had I with the mounted polim when tha word was sent from Ottawa to gel CHINS, . Ile declares, " To -day I am -in splendi.d health I and have never been sick taken this step sooner you woul I d not the Indians of the Northwest congre. a day since I took MYCHINE." � - have had this last sickness, but I . listed to leave you unprovided for, gated together on reserves prepara, i PSYCH INS is the greatestlonlo known. ' I have been urged into this for the tory to the building of the Canadiar to medical science, It builds up Ole sys- last twelve months by the unseen ,, Pacific Railway. That was before 1880, and the Indians livina in the tern and tones up every organ of the body, enabling it to resist and thro I w off disease. world-, which I wish I had never urs.' Jobn; I district where Regina ang Moosq Yaw now stand were little less tham Veak rierv.es cannot exist where PSY- CHINEisus ed.consistdntly. Send fora P,S For you to go And live away fkom 'me would. not help you a bit. bands of painted savages, and man$ , trial bottle and proVe the truth of these . � . Dear Children. ---4 love you dearly,. ' fli�ion, arrant horso 'So statements. - PSYCHINE is sold by all druggists . and I. long W stay with you, but I 'miss thieves. you will see that we had � and dealo.rs, 50 cents and $ I.OA a bottle. dare not. Never � elltirph, - and no light task before us to carry on, � always be. good.—Your loving Father. the mandate of the Dominion -Gov . . &'T'40Qk6.M . ear . Sisters. --Please be - good to - - ,ernment. Zho]"RO—NOUNCEW-51-KEEN JU M Agnes Nfrs. Hougliton) and illy abil- J "There was ono Indian in particu, I,, _ W =�M N IN dren. have been .a curoP3 to. her. . lar'with whom we had a great deal . HE OREATEST Of TONICS 1`011 Hf Al IN AND ENEVI This would. never have happened if I of trouble ill the early stages of i . . . . . had not botheredwith spiritualism,-* . -"*'THE YAK FO 4., — . R, CA"ADA. Ernest Thompson;.$aton Describes. Its Good Points. Briiest Thompson Seton has astirr. ed Canadians that the yak really is I exactly the thin,g, for Western 0im. ada. Mr. Setou's recommendation will probably cause Bowe amusement 11 in the West. However, it makes in. =Ireading. There exists in cz be points out, a vust b�llt of unsettled country -extenditig from . Atlantic to Pacific, from Maine through Canada to Alaska. about 4,000, by 500 miles, which would be suited � to cattle -raising were its'winters not, . so severq. Here, lie tells us, is the I yali;'s chance; for this animal is able , to withstand the cold of just such re�lons'as this..Says Mr. Seton; With four onths of hard frost. 1 and deep snow the ordinary range I cattle can riot thrive, so that - cally the north limit of c4ttle?,arn4cott ' In without winter -housing and feed- . lz-called , is the south limit of the so Canadian faund - not � the south , . boundary of Canada, but a line cross,.. , ii�g frorn the south end of Lake Will, rupeg to the north Saskatchewan, then southward alon.- the Rockiesq.in- Ao the United. States. . . "Attempts to utilize this cold range have .not been wantin,fr. .The Ameri- ,can buffalo and its various crosses ' with the long-haired cattle of the Highlands have been tried but so far witho.utsatisf4atory results, chleflybe- cause of'the unmanageable mature of the buffalo, I . . "It,4 native food is a coarse., wiry . . � grass (whence one of its names, 'poliphagils'), or grass -eater, .but -the ex . periments at Woburn.Abbey and at . 'the London Zoo show that'it will eat, . and that it thrives equally well �: stuff that in the barnyard ZV thought very poor foader inde I!i "In size the yak resem cattle. Prejevalsky says the bulls Eire five to six feet high. At the sholilder, and we.igh 1,000 to I , �W pounds, but . the accounts of various other authors would suggest a much greater weight. In build it is like'.'a common ox, Ivith the hump of it biso'n, �but the distinguishing fea re of this. cold- - , . ranger ,is -its 6d Pt. On the upper � MP8 W generally it is three, or four hes long And but little'thicker.than , " . ,�, . I � .3 1, 11 game. This was the notorious Wilt'l - . . . I ' 0 I .. . . irours, a hn; , . .. * �e The cofondr said spiritualism, se ,M_ . I ,. I I Riat, v, a wel -furre g an bu ul',, tit lengthens on the sides, till th — - , __ � - . . . Whitecap, who was always a thorn in the side of law and order. � inamage tooR piace.on-me Train shortly after the Sydney express left � ed to c liton's dis- . I 11drs. NV. lo. i,vaitui, *v� i-laniilton ig looking -for two relatives named Pilge, throat And body are covered wi de'nse-halry fringe that reaches ! "One of the tribes which 'we hao . Sydney. -N.S., recently both lihrtici.' 'McDonald, ordered mind, and.probably was the . cause of giving `4 Y' who esidbd on North Hugbson . ly 'to the ,-ground. The tail, is so been loo�-ing after complained to out pants- havin.cr the nam� of .direct ,it ! I$ ' A verdict of "Suicide while insane street in that city, .and Ny,ho, ivith onorm,Vkrsly bushy, and 1wth thb Commander, Major Walsh, a nativf . of Biockville. now deceased, th which was also the name .oif the clergyman, The railwav officials have was returned. . . . . -.Some * . 'f -o belie . ifty othprs, at i ived to be. heirs to the esiiite of the latA, Henry hairy fringes is such a generous 6ov. eking'for the that it is diffi!- - Whitecap was stealing the horses .no record of any niarri�ge having tak-. train, this being' - - .' - . I ' ' I Old Time Sports. Va,we, Mar-ble Arch, I Middlesox, Eng- 1 .bocks, cult to see how any'wolf could, hamw' - I -Lis enemies. - The major sent a per. on place on it theL . . . I . I land, said to be worth $7 50,000,000. string it yak. Thus Its remarkable L emptory order to the chief to send -first innovation.. Births and, deaths I . Hard ,riding was all acli�ievement , The heirs are scattered all over the . coat affords' it all 'ample protection back the horses, and to deliver the a!e not wiminnion evoilts, but.niar- . it, wi'libir our great grandfathers ex- 0 eontin nt, afid -ibehide one '-named- from flies. in sftmmer, frost in win- , thieves into custody. The ciliel , riages , are very rare. The ceremony .. celled, says London tit-Ilits, ".Squire ` . P�g .0 ,,;iding in Saginaw, Midh., otlia � 1' I . ter, and wolves all the time. , . laughed at the claini, and taunting was performed q1iietly while tbii pa§- 0 1 'der 9bdIdeston. rode 200 mil6s in un ' �rs in St. Tfi6mas .and 'L�fndon,' And " ."The. near affinity of this animal ly replied tliat' lie would . ' mak4 sengers li9tene( i I ill silence. The bride , nine ho'ur�,-on relay'hories, and'want� quite a few in Botb�vell, The St.'� W*ith'the' common cattle is shown by . mincemeat of the nit.jor and his fol. and groom wer6i unattended.* . . I I ed to back himself to ride thedistance Thomas .1leirs - iticlude - Mar ' . y, widow- the fact-iliat it can -bo readily ciossed *bieeds.', lowers if he dared to come near the . . . _. � .. . . . � . . I � I in eight hours. A queerer test, ac- -of - .. -e the late Luk .:Page; Jose�h Knight, With any of the domestic It , camp in search of the horses or th4 � Kaiser Sends Diplornat. . . .. . . .. . I 1 "eftiling'to., - otW,'standards; wirs . the , - aid.daughter Valeirie; Byrou Knight, 0 'is particularly" fond - * . ,of -rugged, hill, ,' � � . thieves. . &f. thi, Ge�rnl The status I all" consul is match arranied ,bbtween. ' Horad6 soris qnd it �l . - - aughter. Tlie Both- �,,!eoll,heirs. re - scrambles - side -.pastures , *he it I "Whitecap. iiad n muster roll- ai . . raised at Montreal. The- new man to Ross',.riding !his horie Clinker, algainst - are�, Mrs. Stephen'Sussox, "Mrs. among the jocks-likd it goat, or grows some eighteen hundred warriors, but succeed Herr Franksen is Herr Lange, . , � Lord, Kennedy's A al, rid(lon adic. bY Mrs. Alex.- 17311wdod, Charles Cal- 'Villie - .fat. on -miserable wiry grass-�'among Major Walsh, nothing daunted, turn, of Wui ' t6mburg, who .has been .for r:)me time., in important P6sitiOns at. ' � . Captain , Douglas.- . . Ross khockod , - Douglas heAd'ovPr heels over a lowny, 1, .m IV,Ihyood,-�iks. Mindr- va.Su;gex, Alfred Sussex, Mrs. L, Mc.' which Eiiropierin stock ,would starve. The country along the'north shore of - ed out at tight, with.twenty-five con. stables, myself being one, and order, Ing four wagons to follow, headed th4 . . . . ._ 1�erlin I . � ' He iias th(`�:rank of it legationist, gate, as the riders had agrQed that jb 'tl"g' charkiiig, and 6roising were to be, al - Coll, Miss, I -10arno,' Sussex,"Miss E,t.h6l Calloway, Miss Dblia. GFalloway Miss . ' take Superior would make a verit- . � Able - Hapy.yland for -the . yak " . I .1 detachment strai�ght for the ronegadi. which is higher ili, . an consul, and the . . lowed at jum . ps"mrid anywhere Lottia Galloway, INITS. N. � x. corn-' , t The' in& ter, Mr. SeWn goes. on td .. 'be chief's camp. colony. in MontregI thiniks'this is in view of the fact that the-. situation. .the else. Those conditions. of riteing do , * '04 wall of Thamesville, -Mrs. Thomas. Reynold%, Charles Galloway, jr,, GeQ., tell us. is not to allowed to - rest . on A- theoietipal basis.' He himself "It was just midnight when we over tile. Ger'nian-Ciabldian. relation 5 not b.blong to day, ��but .the�hardi- I has not' left modern Gall6way 'M ' Lafe .Young of Es I . ). rs. � . - has called tbe.attention of the Cana� - quitted our camp, and by dawn wl knoll that ii recognized'as requiring a ,Mplonia 'qua,114. ..hood ..polo � . gro"ind s. Evorybody knows tjie story - sex Roy W.'Yourig, Frank Young, jjj�s dian Goverminent to the opportunity,. were on a overlooked Whitecap's fifteen hundred tepees.' tic mg well as a commeteiallY . . . I fied mail. 1_. �. �. ­. . _. I .1 . . of.-Ahe polo. player -with a broken .13ittift"of Helena Young, Mrs. Hannan, - Detr6it,,Mr�s. William -.Pope, and'.he has been'.given authority to ., . . test the. matter practiWIly. .Hd says .-I ,The word was given, and we gallop . . . - , . .� collar -bone. who rodc..off his mail, Mrs. Wesley Ellw4joa,- Miss Hattie -: "I found .no difficulty.,in g6tting.a. I ed hard for the middle of the camp I ' . : Heirs 'Disappointed. - . . -again and:Again as. -.if nothihg had Ellw'ood, .Miss Maud, Ellwood, Mrs. sympathetic hearing bn the'yak quo -s - where the chief's tepee was situated The. HamAton descendants of the happenedi." . ,, . � I . . William Frank and Mrs. D. D. Camp- - ti011 fr�m the very -much -alive -author- Heiie we dismounted and - surroundee � .late Charles L. Sprifiger of Delawar ' ' Thorl. there is the extraordinary re-' bell. of Fillniore., Smk.. . � I . . .. � ities'lat i0ttaVa. I was Asked to solve ; the wigwam." A few curt command2 who thought they would, fdll in Arl cord � -in markmanship of Horatio . I I 1. ., - I I . � I ,�. . . the question of'giitting a; small herd ­ were given, and.in fifteen minutes w4 large fortunes, have Wini notified- that. Rogs, who. in a pigeon match with- I . ... .. .. . . . . .. . I to begin with, as NYL-11 as full infor- had possession of the thieves with.. they have no claim to tho-.Wil 'Wig . , in - Lord Macdonald gave' five. yards and � �. the th. total A failing tiny. nerve-7no lar er than the yl mation oil methods of managerneilt '!My for the I t -I , . They wero out a shot being fired. too property, whidh be.o.,n.ee, owned. then.won . Match wi a of -finest silk6fithread-t4kes romItho � -Opportunity as - - bandcuffed and thrown into tho . - .... . �.. : wo reons-out � of fifty-three fifty4l I pig . Heart its impulse. its power, its- regut yo recognized when on a visii to Woburn , . wagons which were already waitin§ . .- I . ":� ... .. . 11 . . . Ave you a pain -of Anv kind, any. shots' at; thirty-fivii yards. Another. . . _ larit --The� Stomach also has.its'hid- Y. . Abbey wheid Ito , so many �.ears, this � � r for their reception, and we were soor 'mounted and back agairr wheie? stop just a minute Ana think' 'wheth6r -extraordinary � fe,it .not frequently per- forin6d Was that . he. Would go -out awl- den, or inside nerve. It wasDr Shoop who first told us it was wk-ong to, dru'k animal .has been. succ6ssfully bred. The whole scheme. was .still further ' galloping . toward our camp. This is a samplf It matteri; not it be, wom,inly pains, hpad pains, .or' any kind of A l . .kill as mArly as twenty swallows..be-' a Weak or' f4iling stomach, Heart or Kidneys. His -Dr Shoop's - .advanced when, on hearizig the de- tails the fnirodu&ion, the of the way hostile lndians� were'deali . paln.one -of Dr Shdon's little Pink Paiii Jore -breakfast. Itwas.R . Whooffeir. I os, . : prescription , 116storative-is directed for' of proposed � . . Duke. -of Bedford, with-.characteiistic� . with. . I � Although, in the. majority of oases Tabletii,tifil. surelysiop itin 20minut6s Formula iAaialy printed on the,256 box . , ed. to walk anybody to London fo r . . . Ccep 'the $2,500, and,nobody would A` ' t th6- .straight caus'e of these, ailments� these and fitlterink Inside Thid - generosity,, presented to the Capadian herd six Arid to' -Mr. McConnell got -- long peaceabIl' . I .1 �oldby all dealers. . - - I ' � . .. . . L . . challenge.- . 1. �. I . .weak . . . L I . I . ..- , nerves, no doubt'clearly explains whyth6 Re.- - Governmoilt A of yaks - . . - A. for the :ente ' ' � be th e breeding sta . r. with the Indian%. there were oue. oi . __ __ . . 1� . . . � � I . . . storative 'Scent has of late grown so rapidly . .. , . . . .. . . prise... . . .1 two -occitsions when relations became . . � I . .!I- -$."I , , Inc!, 1_WWrp.,.osr. "-,�, .� In Divorce Court. ` � in, . . * popularity.' Druggists say,that � I . "'These are to. beAtandled . &st. by. . . strained. One of these wiim. at. thd ,, time of the visit of the Marquis- 61 . . : An ingenious Manchester -(Eng.)� in. I , - Sii Gorell Barnes, the .English jus- those tice_wbo has been making .some, re-, .fc who-test,tW3 Restorative .even ir a fpw - days soon become fully a' on- � . experimental * farm at Ottawa. - 'the . Their number will be. inereased.'by'. Lome to tbe Northwest. A circulaa bad been sent to the Indian agent� v�ntor has patented aJamp-post which,, . it is suggested, should be placed near , . . .in ivhich , marks lately oil the manner . -the bid taken, is tl . � vinced *of its wonderful merit- Any- way. don't drnl�rthe orgam TveAting . fresh importations as soon as expen- v telling them not to permit the Indiang . every Illarmbox in large cities. .It -is Nted first oath' sbduld Is � . the judge W,ho once .W�nplained. about cause of sickness is the 6' nly sens- eneb shows that it is justified. Ultin maUly breeding -stock will be, sent 116, to take away any of their cattle -front to be with fir4 alaTi% aid telephone, rollwup- 6mbuldned stretch- the scent, used by ladies -who eame ible way. . S and successful old ..by all d aiets.', I i I I . I � � each -of the westqrn and northern' - the reserves as the constant, rna rchi tip, about to which the animal.,5 were sub. er, str6ei- map,- and chemical.- fire- . . . in the: Divorce, Court. He.- before him.* was iuff6Ting, -from. a headAohe; and - � d . .. � . I . �, I i . . . �O�. � � ... . state experimental stations, and thus * in time we h6pe, to�effebt a cofique'st , tbey jected by their owners whi,nover . extinguisher," and will, it is said, . cQ.91, very little more than the pres- said 'to his hostess one day. that it ' . * "Scentl" I . - . Won BaDy ny a tsar. . , . � , of that'great 6tock -range which lids .got the opportunity to exercise them ent lamp -post. . I .. � . . . � 'was caused -by:_scent. she ' "What, . It is some. time since the. Burns- between the especial domains of the * " ,ir fle.811 was calculated to reduce the . . , ' 'Aimed. do you .mean?" . _'�c Jdlin�r� fight, but a good story con- common cattle and the reindee'r, and . ' and pave the way to a famine in the ___ - I 1h . . I ' Constituency of. 90,000 Sclijare Miles. 17be ladies of" the Divorce Court - 'It nected with the betting on,it has drifta which at. present is lying �idle." , ivinter time. - , love perfumes," hew replied. has,- , ,d in -fr6n Woodstock, Ont. Wood- P I . . . , . . I - - ..... "Loud Voice, a Jamoug- chief of the. - Mr. Le.ally, 'Speaker of'thb Queens* . .. been. a hot ,and trying day, for'meL for :stock, . it may be mentioned� is one of I .1 � . . Canadian Beggar Abroad:. - C a, had ideas of his own . . ree about land. House of Assembly,' who died suddenly- thb other day, representobd -each of the witne6sefi, who tire p 1;�ea the. many , Western Ontarib, -points home A 11F rediirick ArchdA16 (le Smith,".. the. etiquette and veremenivs," said Mi.. McConnell. "He deel-ired 10,; inten. the constituency (if 'Bullooi comPrls- :in the,b6x quite close to the'.judge,� has come ..into court - and waved a which. claimed to be the Bums when,he was unknown to w6rld . , .man who,. posing- As a par lytic in , I tion'of taking all the cattle . on the . . ing- 90,000`squaf� .miles,' Lan, area as dainty. handkerchief saturated' with. 'fame 'and.' known as Noah 'tiviiso. 'the *man L-oiiadh, Eng., darned enough money to 'maintain 6 villa at Nor'wood, hits. I establishment with him to pay Iiii large., m.Great Britain. I . .. . ., scent, I havb . inlialed . patchoul. I. . S' "put it overlo) ince colored , An. .'imitator in. Justin * Aleiander� a . respects to the marquis, and. gave It Out around the reserve. it) tbe Crooked . 11 . . I . I . . I Gift 'to the British �'Musetim. ' ' white rose, heliotrope, and ,. a dozen �otlier peifunies 'since break- 'to. 'but Burns there has not been sucli a rush' claim *the � -white . b6y as a citizen. ' . . ., Canadian, - aged 24, 'who was senten6- � ' . . ed to'21'dayg' hard labor for',begging Hills that lie would mareh the beaqtg Ji. Plerpont Morgan has� presented : fast, -and, unfortunately, the more . ., that'd. Another �stor . I . . y. . - 'a few days Ago. his stand'in "fift miles to ment the, niarqui-i and Ao . the British Museum the collec.- . ' emoticiiial ladies' become the more *of A any rate in a store in Woodstock 'big ' ' ..Taking _the�gutter in.NeW Bridge- str6et, Alex-' ' _v . . -would march all that. reinstined aftvr . , tion - of 2.500 prehistoric weapons knu-91111 together by Oanon GreedwelL . tlie� ;wave' these retty .pieces catribric ang. apply them to efore the b fight, a. German clerk put his baby and'baby - carriage up . - ander begged from the passers-by un-` - 'the the feast lie proposed giving all the way back again. I . - - ­'- .: - - ' — . . - .sbented their eyes." - . . . as a bet with an unmarried man. The 'det pretence. of selling m4t4bea. . . I His rijht coat- - sleeve wait hallging . . "He refused to be reasoned with . hinted that if 1 ,. I ., . _. I I � . . Not Exactly What She. Meant, � German.bet on Burns, and of course inner told . lost. Thon the unmarried wi . Ile had lost .his right haud � , imply . but had a wooden one, whiell'was . 1. .. . I ,� 0 . I . . I Mid made ally move to m ould be trouble. . .. I . . I . � . . . '11,11, , � � I � �. Sir Litwrence Alma-Tadama, who of his luck, and the last heard from him. that . he down. t covered witili a glove. He! preferred. t - "According to Itiq promise, lie start. 0 7 � I - .. AS has just entered on his 74th year, the following -Amusing A. was was going some night to get.the baby.' 11 b A . e aid,toha�ve Ahe sleeve6f the coat t - to excite'pity. . . , d out from the reserve fine afternoon - I—, . -tells story. I ' . t( I had an offer of $15 for it." he', ­ empty a . ... follow -d by three. hundred braves, each one leading a ehoivo livad of eat. . 41 ILE I . . day or two after lie -had been to Windsor to receive his knighthood said, "and if 'it wasn't a Dutch baby I could get $25."-Saturd.ay N191114 � � �11 - Hindus Sue Officials. : b ile. I watch(,(] the procession go ovee I ER . he gave a big ieceptio4 at his beau- . I . I . Bahari Singh and ten 6ther Hindus n flie hill and then mounled my broti. S - ' � ti.ful house at St. John a Wood., Most . . . . I . . . . � .. I . . � � . I of Vancouver' are seeking to recover 0 rho an(f rode out after them. -I train- PIL , I � of the . callers hail' something .appro- $20,000, 4am4ges from Dr. Munro, im- d .... _ mm_-� . I I � I I I I . -1fiaW to say but one of. them a -__ m�i Ationinsinector for alleged -wron- .6 � en trie 11PAU 01 Me Coillnin nno, as . . 4 1 each brute passed. I viif the leading � I I . Well-meaning old lady, managiM to . TOpe, the Indian,, offering ni) rcsi�;t- ... - I I . I goiastray. "Oh, dear Sir Lawvence,"- ance, while the chief rode (in ahead she said "I -�m , awfully 'glad. to hear ' " EL . the, news.' I suppose that now yon I ?Ti,hiq big broneho without nn.ev look- . . , UR .- . - 11 give tip painting and live like ing behind him. . Slckl,c cho and relloveall tise-tron'bles Inci. wR . dent to a it 1.640 state of the system; adch as a gentleman!" - . "As -,00n w, nil lli(- rw)­4 -wory eu t D17.pliless,.Nallads, Drowsiness Distress after . — . I headed the ­t1l:, b -w!: tow,afd tlio eating, Pallkin the 81de ac While their MoatL . ' " Sa,tr L ' . rE%-;Prv(- whilv ih. lvdhm� tnarclv-d ToldArkAtile 6itecess has bG ohqwn imcurfus ' Might Ha�e.B�e Differently. .; stolidly niter their- cli:. f. ' . � . , L I I ' , L ,A correspondent of the Manchester 1 "One of my Indinn., iwili it I I xuardian supplies a rather amusing . great . Tnticy In a naval 'uniform worn by . L S IX . . oxperi6nee of his own at a "literary , I I t-nf, of t1w marquis' vulmirngv. and Vertaftcho, yetL 0.1. PaimLlttle Liver Pills irre guild meeting" where he was.givirtg b(,ing n chief� he nskod the marquis equally v4lunbloinCbflttlpgLtiontouritgazidpte- , Untifigtials9nnoyin camplain All. Address on Stevenson. 11W6 had ' to scii(l out similar oniforjn.�4 for the e6rrect4lidisor(lerso�tliesioimna & prayeri"' lie says, "then we had it . whole of Iii., tribf�. His wishvs wore Nver and rrgulAte tbe bowels. camd 'L . hymn, after which the chairman an- er mPlif'd , With nil(] a tow montlis' - , , � nouneed that the So�and.so quart,afte In'ter the unique spophiele was wit- NEAD. 1� would render an itern. But tho mem- - rossed of a thousmid NNarrionA atti,r.(,d Ache they Wofild be almostpriceleasto thopisiom bers of the partette were not com-* in old 1�'nglisll naval unifornis ill -it, suftr front this diotrening complaint-, butforto. plate, so the' chairman called oil me judging fron? their (-lit, saw service inatelytlieirg"lnepfldoosnotcudher6,tLn4thoee to spealt on Stevenson. 'After Mr. , i ' vhd onto try theill, *111 i1sidtheso little pills vahl;4 about the time -of the Napoleonic able Into Tdany vag that they -­-�s address,' he added, 'we'll havo "V=.00 - Illigtodowithoutt cia. Bata vrill ifto ill] W.14 the. quartette to brighten things up I fter all 61 heA - �� ._ + __ ___,6=*. -ft& -..W": . I , I ' ' a bit.0 JJ � . . - . . . . . - , i I Fortify now against the Grio-for it owi conoil iKpot compeaw To the li�aac Aoso pramy lives tba is w*rd comes every se4son Ante'. Prey,iontles- . . -11 ­ The gralt, Uterino Tot) VemAkeourgre4tboa6t. 0 P it wlillo the little Caudy Cold Vitro Tablets- . IN 6thc ts do not. 0111P &it 0 GtibCtUd M � - . offer in thiii roppeot a most tettain and W Ilogulatord, vrat h 11414 Cartet"it Little Liver plill I ,, yon ,,, 'N Onct)r W, llftnakdadote, - Id,n , tbm dcpondable saf6gnard. Preventles, at; - . down lime d I very easy tO tal, ) I , . I I hey to 11trifti tegrfetalil Tin, (I lJot I '. bat by t oir gentle t pi , of Atrongth- -No. , k nr , the "sneeze stage", will; As wVII, Also I. V, - . surely head off all common coldo, 13ut I . r , 10dogrens Uron6r 3; . I , , I for a odial ona, we RIM I . I mi -Important, Kee 'n , promptness is All 1001a W nil dr s or MIX I OAITU 9010199 00,6 XW tolt p % I I . -pal on t t, f - I Prtivendeg in the pookot or Purse. for . - 1. , '�' ,� .,le-51iii, I I'll , I M ATdA. . W Ill. W '100, W bk Instano use. Box of 48 for 25m. gold � d 0 0. to IV) I . , by AlIt denials. 0. . . I ful detention at the C.P.R. Wharf ]AA March. Coming from Fiji Islands, .'the Hindus, were detained for clepor- : . . �atidn tinder the orde'r in-councili As A not oonding direct from land 61 origin. . Subsequently the order-in-touncil. was . disallowed by the courts, it being de- clarM that the GovernormGerteral-in- counoil-had 6 ppwor to delegate this' authority. to a minister,' And the, Hill- .. , . . (his wera liberated. . .. . .1 . I . . � To Convift Heterodox. . ' Tho headquarters of Archimandrite p Michael, who has boeii appointed w bi'Aioli of tile -old bolivvprs of the Gro.r',k Churell. in Cantida, is to be, in ",klunipeg, Thh; Appointment is due to tile desire of the orthodox church I to convert sixty Russian cohgreffa- t ' wim ill Canadit that have. left ortho- dloxv and tire to -day following tha �CE�l ic Bishop Sevaphiu., , I �ijfj _ quarrel Oetween Churchet.. I 11 T110 ehurcla imion id -'it grot it )ittle% jolt "' "' 'i I' ' it I Sask., roc,nitly when the All ' ali'l, Mt thodhits. using (mv bugll(i'lei�il)l,,11�4' got into it tallul'. be- . VOIWO 0111, Wils ullogwd to bo l�iol0.g- ii�-,, it,; sorvieo qo tw to interfvry with 'I other. Mr. T. Turnbull. Anglicall, 4- �;1,'1,1e4 Mr. l.". Sisby. Methodint, a liar, 11 W -td w�tq filled tilt, co.,;t'A of tho court und ortivrool it) .!ip,)Io,-Ni,. He pwd fj)e ibw bat refut-".1 1� ap'.1,iLiX4. 1 *4 I . .. � I __ I ------- ____ ----.-------�-�-------�--------,-- . � ­� -.--- I - - _. _.__1 6 . . I I � � � � 11 - . . Mar, 4th, I 909 1 � ­ tl- `t��It.­�+� -1 I ­ I .�W#ow*oxoop,,l"-.,l', W, -!;`.*' WHAT HE OWES TO ZAN-BUL , It% – � I 4_1� . . I- - I , :41 tae late.,1111cier War, o � weS W health t0 W. Frank Scudamoro, Qw, gmexto -4 w3r corrosporident.. who ant many e_ .... , clif the Cah4diao. despatches during , Zam-Buk, He has passed unscathed through ?,9 battles, but. a scratch which tPurned to b1004- Kalsoulft nearly onded W dayL Zasft"Buk saved im cmd le writ.es as follows; - 11 I have proved, Zam-13uk such a bless%9 thato I I want ot-hers itio know of its meWA, IrIM poisonous dye In some uAderclothlag I waik � wearing got. into q ticrat,ch I had s4s,toiAed a , an ,ad blood -poisoning set up, InAammatJ was followw% by great. pain and swelling, and � I then uLmrs broke out, on my legs, For so I . me I I t;une I could not walk a few s6eps nor even . . I rut, my feet, to t,he gro d i I ny left., . I eg below the knee I ha4=enotnan ulcer3 , , � which caused holes, Into which I could putp . my thumb. On the. right leg I bad four4een I alders. meokal treAfment failed to reileveii homely remedies were applied invain. Week, followed week and I gradually got, worse, untill I was worA out with' pain ani lack of sleep. Ont,he advice of a friend I obt.aitied I 1. some Zam-Buk and left. off everything else I A whilelt,riedit. It, seemed to give me aalmost � instant relief from the paift, ;,iiid ia a few day. s I noticed that it. ,was healing some of the ' ulcers. Th'is was cbeeping indeed, and gladly " - I persevered 6, t. a a - uIc tlreatinent,. Bit. by bit e po!'Zancius atter was, drawn out., Thoulcers ere healed, an4newhealtb�, I'l skinsrew over the previously discalled places. I am now quite cured, And in gratitude I r�m . ment.ion these facts that other sufforarslr� In skin disea3e-may know of something% will care them. . . . � I . =======____ I . 1� . . � � I . I Aiin-Buk differ3 entirely from ordinary ointmenta'and salve.t, qs the abore ia&4 cleqrly.rrove, For all nkin illseasa Weerg. ahsmua, sealp sores, ringworna, childreh'* sore heads cats. burns. �rolxes. etc., it is a speedy cure, it alafo cures eacini, itich. PlIps, blood -poisoning, Ace,bleinishes, barbe.7's rasli, � do., cold sore,% ii.haived hanys, and Post bite. hubbed well into the parta aftetc,�. It oures rheitniatism, 'rieuralgia, and , sciatira, � All drit,.wists wid stores sell at 50o a box. or pi�qt I froe.f,ronr Zrws-Buk Co, Toronto. for, p? ice 6--om"Ift"b, 4 bo= for ,I r2S. . % , . . - I'll, I I � � � I , , � I. � � Wo I A , ..... �. � . - , T14E GREA11' SKIN-CURF , . _. . . 1111 ir . . ,N E XY .. r*ln uy�imi --- are I -.4aw, NO I . � .*HRI . I . . . RW% . � I .— —BIMITY Qu is DIE ROD TREATMENT ,vijll cure you and make 6. man of! � ,e the brain becomes active, the Wood purified so that all - Icers heal up;. the nerves become, stro as steel, so that arld d spondenc� d1ya ;I-th I%e � _b - - - - __t"! .�c ' 6 0 e " m r'� ta' 13 c a d men att be' � s cal. ,I -h. - ' � e 4 0 - �� - -_ -y- -_ ' _� , r a r L 6 , t h 0 , ' I ,y re n oral, h ' a n des, � t P 11. .Y_ t t , .1, r.hi. , . a . . _01.. "It. " iist. from t _ ai�ur.l ni, Ma.l i yo.r. If . lit. d IV. I it. I Y. flo i f. -I e - " k -o" _.r- 6 tile . 11. . o.._lt l , t Us. iv al t.d t � '. co -fid .t.-Ily ,.d _ ..� r 1,_ 4 d 4 u.. rob yo. of Y'.� li.,d-eitnied dollars. , S U� Mr SE� J�TJJOUT .wRITT , Co . T . UX Xti� . . � TENED'WITH PARALYSIS.. .. later E. Surainers, of Kalammic;o; blich., . ateshisexberience- ?� . :16697kab, ,- ­_h..a� ­-J."y me guesse my seciet.. , ' iched, had pains In the, � f, ams at iaight,weakened . ' - Mo ' 11 I ' 0 Ld, hands and feet were - � 7- 1, . ­ I riling, p _ .qor appepte .11 . me I of. �. — �_� .e:Wswl, pilysiclans, wore all, electric belt, lot, = _-05- ,,.�-- /,ft . . . SEFORC TRICATMENT three. months. went* to Mt. Clemens for AFrCR . I .. lifttlis, but received little benefit: , while . . AfAft. Clemens I was Induced to consialt Drs. Kennedy & Xenned�, iho�gli I badlbst" . cnt.� . .r gl.ng , y . . . , .." . I I I . 1211.6616 , and all �� Blank for Home atmaiint. , . .. - .. unak 0 tp C I wrlt6 for a Queed�n . � . . . I . I . . . - � I . . y .. DDA "" D _. I L.� 1. ' . ...W.M.nNEDY&KENNE . � I I I , .1. Cor. Michigan Ave.,- and Oriswold, St., Detroit, Mich. - - A. - . . , L �. . . � . . � . 1. . . .. . . I I - . . _____ ... . � . . . . . ..� .. . , . I . . . ''.. . �_ I � 1. . . . . ., .. . .. . . , , I . , . I . I , . . I IQV , - I � . � I . . I . . . .. . . ... I 1, . I . . - _ - - . . �� .. ... �� � !­ - Itp - . .. -.;7 41'. . . I . I _W � , . .- . . I - - .. - I 11 11 I'll 11 � I � . ___ - ­ � . - ... , - . ­ I - 1__ - I - - �%% - - � I I . . . - - --7;1 - .. . . . . � - . . - - I` I . I . . 1. . . I . . , . . . . .. �� . . . . . . ­ . . . - . — � 1. . . , 1. ., I ..: � — � . . . I . . I . ­ . .1 I ­I I �M, I I , � � Q_�3 � I . � wl I I I . I , . . . I . I . I h � . :5;. " . . I � � . . I . I . I . . I . . . F. . I I I . I � I . . . . . . � We - Want to Land .'. . . � . . � � . - -IT WO&Lb MAKE: � � � . . . � , . i , : � .. ybu HUNGRY: ' . hab'will open your eyes -tiD tfie faiat hat you canniot- do better anywhe 9 to see:our fine asisortment, of �Oakefj 04 - ways -on band, Why bake at home, . ""' ; when you have such an assortment to' choose from, give iis a trial and'Aheie .- ' . .. usiness, but thoroukilly "up -to -the inute" and watchAil ni th . i 1.! oing, we. are really' adting,jor our wn ultimate benefit. I *hile doing your shopping. ' ' � � . - Q*.A. DOWN69 : I I I . Cash or trade for Butteriand Eggs. , . . . � terchant 'Tailor, - - Ointo'n, .. W. W. NIMENS . I I . � Phone 42 . . ellinton I � I . I . � I .1 "I . - . I . I . . . 0, a .1 . I Re'u-n-arruc I 0 01117 . I .1.. M .. I I . . I v I . , " n I ES W'INTED " .. L — � . . . �, I � , I �1* 11 I or Rides I Skifiv. * i3ash paid f I i Our Work is always neat and our rices are right. Your repairs done � . I ,nd T.AlloW. .. I hile yowl wait, , . Tvir us tint! be.convinced. . , , , .1 .111. .. ---------------a_ . 11 .1 I . � . I *1 ` , .. I i 001AIJ. Opposite the Post Office. � .. . "'. � " -�, I 1i .!".11 � , � ,", � " . , , : " , '.. . ,,,s.,. - , '. -, .. .,i-. , . .t - .i . ... K ,� " , , , . , Z4, " : . . , I Z;�_­.' ;. .1 ��_,.- . ;1 - ...1. 1. . I . � � 0 .v�tofovd placing your orders tot I. I your semon'a supply of Coal, get I our prices'. The very beat goods carried in stook and sold at the , All kinds of . . 7eterari Land Grants , 4,i,; ,,:, I -if, . 1; . �01 " I � .1 .,�� 111:�_ 1�_- . , I E. Cunningham, . Orders may be left at 1javia . & Rowland'a Itiwdwax6 storo, or to i" ;i!'10,-:�!,,11,1�,y ,�jV4�;,o �1.v 0. 11 1. I �,,, ��. 11.11 I .11 ..'', � stavalillons , W14 40 tu;,. —"111 I tl!1-u1.;%1.jT';-V,1!0... �'?,t ��, �!-� ­- M-1121:1.0 i �,�'v , I 'I I .7) &ys onto 0�y coughs And op1da," I � At 91"ttle Llobt PJAUL - , T14E GREA11' SKIN-CURF , . _. . . 1111 ir . . ,N E XY .. r*ln uy�imi --- are I -.4aw, NO I . � .*HRI . I . . . RW% . � I .— —BIMITY Qu is DIE ROD TREATMENT ,vijll cure you and make 6. man of! � ,e the brain becomes active, the Wood purified so that all - Icers heal up;. the nerves become, stro as steel, so that arld d spondenc� d1ya ;I-th I%e � _b - - - - __t"! .�c ' 6 0 e " m r'� ta' 13 c a d men att be' � s cal. ,I -h. - ' � e 4 0 - �� - -_ -y- -_ ' _� , r a r L 6 , t h 0 , ' I ,y re n oral, h ' a n des, � t P 11. .Y_ t t , .1, r.hi. , . a . . _01.. "It. " iist. from t _ ai�ur.l ni, Ma.l i yo.r. If . lit. d IV. I it. I Y. flo i f. -I e - " k -o" _.r- 6 tile . 11. . o.._lt l , t Us. iv al t.d t � '. co -fid .t.-Ily ,.d _ ..� r 1,_ 4 d 4 u.. rob yo. of Y'.� li.,d-eitnied dollars. , S U� Mr SE� J�TJJOUT .wRITT , Co . T . UX Xti� . . � TENED'WITH PARALYSIS.. .. later E. Surainers, of Kalammic;o; blich., . ateshisexberience- ?� . :16697kab, ,- ­_h..a� ­-J."y me guesse my seciet.. , ' iched, had pains In the, � f, ams at iaight,weakened . ' - Mo ' 11 I ' 0 Ld, hands and feet were - � 7- 1, . ­ I riling, p _ .qor appepte .11 . me I of. �. — �_� .e:Wswl, pilysiclans, wore all, electric belt, lot, = _-05- ,,.�-- /,ft . . . SEFORC TRICATMENT three. months. went* to Mt. Clemens for AFrCR . I .. lifttlis, but received little benefit: , while . . AfAft. Clemens I was Induced to consialt Drs. Kennedy & Xenned�, iho�gli I badlbst" . cnt.� . .r gl.ng , y . . . , .." . I I I . 1211.6616 , and all �� Blank for Home atmaiint. , . .. - .. unak 0 tp C I wrlt6 for a Queed�n . � . . . I . I . . . - � I . . y .. DDA "" D _. I L.� 1. ' . ...W.M.nNEDY&KENNE . � I I I , .1. Cor. Michigan Ave.,- and Oriswold, St., Detroit, Mich. - - A. - . . , L �. . . � . . � . 1. . . .. . . I I - . . _____ ... . � . . . . . ..� .. . , . I . . . ''.. . �_ I � 1. . . . . ., .. . .. . . , , I . , . I . I , . . I IQV , - I � . � I . . I . . . .. . . ... I 1, . I . . - _ - - . . �� .. ... �� � !­ - Itp - . .. -.;7 41'. . . I . I _W � , . .- . . I - - .. - I 11 11 I'll 11 � I � . ___ - ­ � . - ... , - . ­ I - 1__ - I - - �%% - - � I I . . . - - --7;1 - .. . . . . � - . . - - I` I . I . . 1. . . I . . , . . . . .. �� . . . . . . ­ . . . - . — � 1. . . , 1. ., I ..: � — � . . . I . . I . ­ . .1 I ­I I �M, I I , � � Q_�3 � I . � wl I I I . I , . . . I . I . I h � . :5;. " . . I � � . . I . I . I . . I . . . F. . I I I . I � I . . . . . . � We - Want to Land .'. . . � . . � � . - -IT WO&Lb MAKE: � � � . . � our first or.derl because. we know that he, tiAtisfaction you will. derive from , . i , : � .. ybu HUNGRY: ' . hab'will open your eyes -tiD tfie faiat hat you canniot- do better anywhe 9 to see:our fine asisortment, of �Oakefj 04 - ways -on band, Why bake at home, . ""' tee that you can with us. You w1M . I nd that we are not "all- At seail in otm when you have such an assortment to' choose from, give iis a trial and'Aheie .- ' . .. usiness, but thoroukilly "up -to -the inute" and watchAil ni th I will talk.',;for themselves.. Bakers Al 1 11 . homemade bread, the beat to,.behad, - - , f our customers, knowing that, by so While up town come ill All.0 tr ours, . tee (3ream and Soda.-AvIll, refreel you � oing, we. are really' adting,jor our wn ultimate benefit. I *hile doing your shopping. ' ' � � . - Q*.A. DOWN69 : We keep a line of fivab class c6nfee,- - ' tionary and fruits in semono ' . �. . . � I . - I Cash or trade for Butteriand Eggs. , . . . � terchant 'Tailor, - - Ointo'n, .. W. W. NIMENS . I I . � Phone 42 . . ellinton I � I . I . � I I . Shoe' ' "I . - . I . I . . . 0, a .1 . I Re'u-n-arruc I 0 01117 . I .1.. M .. I I . . I v I . , " n I ES W'INTED " .. L — � . . . �, I � , I �1* 11 I or Rides I Skifiv. * i3ash paid f I i Our Work is always neat and our rices are right. Your repairs done � . I ,nd T.AlloW. .. I hile yowl wait, , . Tvir us tint! be.convinced. . . I . MOrshatnons & 50,11110 I 9-i ff."-Watts & Son . . .- .111. .. ---------------a_ . 11 .1 I . � . I *1 ` , .. I i 001AIJ. Opposite the Post Office. I . .. 11 1- �_­ . �., 1. . I . � � 0 .v�tofovd placing your orders tot I. I your semon'a supply of Coal, get I our prices'. The very beat goods carried in stook and sold at the , All kinds of . . 7eterari Land Grants . Bought altid Sold. ' . lowest possible price. 6 I I E. Cunningham, . Orders may be left at 1javia . & Rowland'a Itiwdwax6 storo, or to . I 131. VX(VLORT& ST., TORONtO, , . with .. 11.11 I .11 ..'', � stavalillons , W14 40 tu;,. —"111 I Repeab, It.-11Zi;t,; Al". &ys onto 0�y coughs And op1da," I � At 91"ttle Llobt PJAUL knat4i'll tilkl0ftt C*M Cold$ 00 1, ­ L � A