HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-03-04, Page 5K 'A I NOV' 4tk 1100 Watch . I Quality Y� is a matter deserving, much' thought from', purchasers. If 411 points were consider- ed, tbechoice, would. rest in a HELLYAR. s WATCHL We will not sell one. of I thesie watches 'that we cannot positively guaran� tee. Call and make your.. selection. Headq uarters for Engagement and Wedding'Rings. d 1L. L L %V A A Jeweler and 0vt1clan, Opposite the Mar ket CLINTON QUOR2209002= Weyes If ested Free -NCM CPR, L TRATFOR ONT. This school stands In the forelront. as laroltand best practical training School I. estern Ontario. Wg have three de- partments: Commercial, Short haiid. Telegraphy. All departments are in charge of experienced instructors anet the courses are thorough and practical. Our graduates secure good positiobs. Write for free catalogue at once; Elliott & McLAchlin PRINCIPALS. P a Tap, 0L1JKT0tq Naw IsKA RIArrWes 4$ Rea"lls, Clinton. NwAtt 40port, e mm.. vny. nn 7v v V T. 0% 0 44w 0 44 sm 0 A 64 B 0 50 to 52 of %T 401 Wedding was so!'.0m lze'! U). 'FAAp;.6 T E 8 v -e 0 a *fr.;$ t.. =Ig 404041114,10 ()= ld*:V 1gle wu 0 - M. BORN BF.ADWIN -in 0414 OZA M 301t M 4nc HBradwins Varch I Mrs rormerli rtn� 14" All Z W�aa urle Mr. was 1�1111 MMZ- �d 11b % 4Xil Ca - HHOTOR-In F, Fab 21st* to x0ter, ........ 0 = to 0 22 unitedi. :::::: . ......... 01810020 ,and Ure Obas. Black, a son. ROSS- In Godericb, Tp,, Feb2lo to CATTXX -ExPc%rt,$5 2,1, to 05. 60, mell, Sers"t and' Kra Rector, 9, daughter. of Dmliwoo;l. to, a 50 ttx;,�: Ur and Mro Jas nose, a son, Basis B7'"aR"j'an 0 14'1 reb 12,to w; ihf"?� 09 0.- 18 A as Solemn. Partatthye $4 to 04-50; lambep $0.50. Mr'�OdXra zrs,;y8-nd00n40QuW Dziolim, per 1b... 9 1.4 tq 0- 1,5 ze Johnetou, bhoom"oe owlegalrinaou'd'v Mrs. 3obn Hensall, Wednesday, ........ V[7A'r.FrV."0 Ir. Bronson 1.1 o,o 15. on and watered at Toronto. $0,90. Feb 10,tomr and Mrs Herman Wpaliltloor64, va when Votatoela p 0 is to 0 20, was ar bag, 9 0-0 to 0 60 their seco.qd daughter Elizaboti-, . arriage to Mr.Jobo 11. united in in a daughter. 4pples, dried... . 0 .. Or 0 4J to 0,0 Parke, a prosperous yogng farmer of BLARK - InOoderich, Feb Mo; to, Mr DIED Piave. GIEBSoN—In Brussele.Feb 24,'Sarah In relict of the lateJaw�eeGlhson lgellrmoilth ,and Ure Obas. Black, a son. ROSS- In Godericb, Tp,, Feb2lo to CATTXX -ExPc%rt,$5 2,1, to 05. 60, mell, On, Mr. Wedueefty Pytelaing the boniq of 1 ind Mrs, J. Uov�ard, Drysdale, Ur and Mro Jas nose, a son, lum al;eeis,. $4,80 to $.5; hutch er stock, 11WtU0E,714141-9;res, was the Smile of 4 quiet but pretty D'ETAICH-Itz Goderich, Feb ISO. to Ur and Mrs W A. Dietrich,& daughter. $4 to 04-50; lambep $0.50. wedding. the epyamony, the pecaslon being marriage of M Ns Sara to Mr Jae MARRIED HOG$—V OB -Toronto, $6.%- fed A. of Pollick, a prosperous -young farmer Huron Township, - XAcKAY-McDONALD- InGodo- and watered at Toronto. $0,90. A pleasant, event ocoureid last4Thurs. Logati, -milt east'of Blyth.—T, Gundry, Auct. rich, an Feb 21,- at the residence ot the 'by Rev R49, q14St4)r. dusi . esidence of AIr iifternoon at the r hride"s parents, Quebec St., . S1f4,,NBTJUY. in Brucefield. on BOSI, a Mrs George Boan, 5th cqu�eflsion Jas A Anderson, 13 A Robt.. oldest son of Donald and Yrs MacXay, to ,Saturday, Uarob Otli.-Anction ?f 0 ing olborne township, he occasion. be t the marriage of their third daugh: nhriste , na ourigesp daughter of Mal. colin and Vra McDonald. I . of household furniture and turnish. Ings, 0 Kra, 0. S. J)qnlO s 1-esidence �'Ios, Gundry: ter, Allman, Miss Annie M Bean,. to Ephraim ofToronto. HOWARD - VOLLOOK - At the Auctioneer. 11 miss Morton, the Evangelist, closed a (it the bride's parents,Mr and Fridav, March 12. Auction Sale of her series of meetings in Itimeall on VIV1131d;0111cip, Howerd.Town UvA, tiay,oft ]Farm Stock and ImPlements� tbv pro. Sunday. At the closerof the morning Fab 17, Jae -k Pollock of 'Ripley, to party of Mr. Finioy, con, 91 E. D.- service forty- nine, were received . into Miss Sarah Howard, Aelifield. Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer. the church; anotbar, reception will be DETRIOR-REGIER- At the. R C 0hurch, Mount Carmel. Feb 22, byRev' Saturday, March 13, Three aerps belonging to the estate of the late E ]Routledge,Clinton; held. could ing, rshortly to receive thgise xho pot bq.presenl, on Sunday morr- 'ievexul. join Pr Forreater,.Mr Leo Detrich to Miss Jo, sep1line,daughter, ofJuo Regler�botb also. horse, harness and other effects, Jae A Sm.lch, Auct, churches, while will other of Stephen. Tuesday,. March 10, CleAring Auc- tion $,%Is of first-class Forn'l Stock and A of meeting of the quarterly boar th-e Benmiller oircui r of the fdeih� M(;KAY- MOD01111S - At Melville Manst!, Brussels, Feb 24, by, Rev A C Implements. peoperty of,Thiwas Rad- cliff, at lot,27, 000. 3, West Waman.oph. odist with church was held February Sth, a large official. representation. Wishart, B AIR Mr Angus M61K&yo of. Strasat uri, Sask.,to Miss Lucy,dau gh- Everything *111 be disposed of ag the proprietor has Bold the fairin, Thos. Harmony finances.wera and hope provalled. T found. to he greatly in ter of Mr GeoTledges, of Grey. Gun Auctioneer, advance of last year, as regards laoth McKAY-RUTLEDGE -At Melville roday. March 18. Clearing Auc- salary and eonnexional I unds. The I Mam"s, Brxisqels. Feb 21, by Rev A 0 tion Sale of Farm Strick and Imple. pastor, Rev Baugii,wiL.9 unaniml6uslv I Wkhart, B A. MIr Dona)ld J McKay, of Whitechurch, and Miss Ida L Rut- ments. the ropeAm of Edmund Lear con. 13. Huriett. Thos. Gandry, Aucit, and chargo heaTtFy invited to remain in of the circuit for anciflieryear. 14-nive. ctaugliter OR.= is— , SATURDAY, match 6,—Ifortgage Rate of farm of Moi -69 Tr. o0ad VJI logo 11rolierty.,in Port Albert. to be bold Tvi.�nTvr.r..mUr.1.TrzAN — At 06 attlisColboVDQ Hotel, Goderlah, at 42 o'clock re-vionroottlie, bride's rootber, Feb Fi. by Rew (,, 0 Jenklrw.� of Winfrham. NJ P, noo1%,-1a09,UUndry,Auct. . SATURDAY. March 6,—Mortgage sale of lots In tuo Villago of Baydol4, contaiulng 90 acres. Jolin 1, w;jilt,11 of Whitechurch, to Sale at Colborne Hotel. Goilerich, att I qlalocu. .r, NJ -pirnrpt th1r4 daughterof Mig Q Theo.. Gandry, Auot, Mrs E Mulligan, of Morris . Tp. MONDAY, March 8.—Au�tlou sale of farin DIED stockaudimplementg. property of Thonias A, McDonald, sit lot $0, c6li. 6, 00dorich Tp, Thos. GIEBSoN—In Brussele.Feb 24,'Sarah In relict of the lateJaw�eeGlhson lgellrmoilth Gundry, muct, WEDNESDAY; March 10.—Anction of . de of a first-cleal brick hotel Pr6perty (the Commercial Hotel) In the Village OfBaydeldrat the in year. premiscs. Thos: Gundry, auet, HENDERSON—; In,. McKillop, Feb 20, Helen Henderson, wife of Geo M THURS DAY, March ll.—Clearing auction sale of farw stock and Iml),loments, property of Dickson, - aged'$29 years, G. D. Howstt; lot 24, con. I 'Woot WaWSAICS11, Thos. Gundry. atict, '-:FOHNSTON--� -In Godericb, Feb 209 John' . H Johns con, aged 81 years. MONDAY, March 15.—Auet.oti sale of choice rallob adws, you ng cattle, Leicester sheep and 0 GRA)�—In Goderich, Feb 22, MrsA g seed yolng horses. property of M r. Samuel- Bia.. t, . 1, farm, Saltford,—Thos. Gundry, anct. Gray, aged 72 years.. NtEDNESDAY. March 17—Clearing auction CARL—In' Godericb, Feb 21, Annie, sale of farm stock and implements, property of daughter -of- M Carl. jas. manning, lot f,Olborrke. Farmhas been sold.—ThoNduc-011124I.-auct, DIETRICH—In Ooderich, Feb 14, Pauline 'Grace, infant daughter of Mr Match . 19—Auction sit]. '"B"Ay' C: hdrm,., implements, ete., Property *-WWtA and Mrs W A Dietrich. Logati, -milt east'of Blyth.—T, Gundry, Auct. GRAHAM— In Goderich, Feb 2f,,. MONDAY March 22��Auoftoa sale of two fs`�-$' and 1. stock. Propertyof Edward BI-* Donald Grah,.Lm,74ed 66years. nott an. .I'. Dunlop, at lot 18, con. 1. Godericli S1f4,,NBTJUY. in Brucefield. on BOSI, Tp. -7, Th9s. Gqndry. aunt. .Febi 25tb.,,Dorotbea, infant daughter of Bruce B6ssenburyl ag64 -2 �Edonths Bell- 'Parkes .... 76 in Cut: and 27 -days. Th6*0aimiral post0oned.-frow Tue's- o burs ay eVening was-favore Finding it was going to be impossible to lea'�6'L wi good ice. � 'her6 was A gocia ciowd NOT E9 09 �THn GAME.' Rube—Gito nle, the sma I balls every time. 4ack—Will, I beat Doc,bir 16. ('Corg slits were -too low. of as u6radings atert3dritheficei.nd 0 tile coQ+U-'.. The Store where you get the most for your money. but, on Account. of conflicting dates kiltedinanex losion.061.1c 110W INC. "F,. doealove to travel. with,othdr entertainmente, there- was, 0.0heapest not as good an 4ttendanea as other- would have'. been there. The but man A flne piano will belp to make a man'slife morbldhalemony iioble the trues and will inake the rough wise pelze will pers'Were No. I Gran. Sugar per cwt�470 Separator Oil, per pint Potato Race— Ross.Vorester 1st, i im Lawson 2nd.-- I mile race�A Doh(;Ay (secood quality not hand. led; %Pore Flax Meals'� per owf $9.25 1st ; E Kiirr. 2nd ; 0 Ea * at 5rd.. Ladfes' Canadian *Co�l Oil per gal. 10 C Salt, 200 1b sacks; 0, & Gent. Gent, Bert olinson ; Lady, Miss J lil6rrie. -Gent's Fancy .W -i otill American Coal Oil par gal. 200, Salt, per ...... ...... $1.30 son ht ; X Davis 2nd. Ladles' Comic, Other goods . at similar prices. This wLould''be a good . opportunity- Miss 113awdenjst. Ladies' Fancy Miss 'Ross let; Miss R. Andrews 2nd.. to buy a sack of Oat Meal. GenVs Comic -R Moore, lRighest prices paid for Produco.. BOWLING.' Adams, The following is the score of a, garne' played between. ulinton and'Seafortb: at,theJatter place, on Tuesday;— CLINT0N. 146, 2nd SEAF ORTR lob' 2n.a. game game aame* garrvo 85 Ste Gkabatii'..- .187 vens-.i.. 73 52 MeTaggart ....... 126 80 Robqpts--.­l16 68 Hoovor.o-----i', 08 93 Broadfoot.. 91' W Momnaell,.......i0q. 41 Vale 101 78, Twitdholl ...... 141 40.McLo an.... 51: 81 R ast ..; ........ 119 B6th`Qne:-. 109. GOING. OUT OF BUSINESS Bell- 'Parkes .... 76 in Cut: Walker ......... 10-Z Rankin 129 Greig.... w JI810 all 063 243-- TOTXta ...... 1621 .­� ......... ;..1207 Finding it was going to be impossible to lea'�6'L NOT E9 09 �THn GAME.' Rube—Gito nle, the sma I balls every time. 4ack—Will, I beat Doc,bir 16. ('Corg slits were -too low. Clinton before spring trade w6fild be well advanc N.I.Z--IFb1'.".1my man 6 plus. Billy—That telegram took net have decided to remain here for the grea'ter. part My Vs. Wesley --Who got my- lemon? . we the stock we had, enables us. to b -noarly-a cbm-.., annyand %ok— oldtonded stfityJar the Hockey atch, or we would have done better. L of new stock, which we 'Will �6ntinUe r Se anor at 6te n— ow could I do better when, I had tz 2 On o — b un erta threw us do plete 'z:, that are sure to brink us the business ft, r the wa. ci — 11 Ileys 10 alike to 0. - r prices balance of our time here, - S�af6rtb junior Hockey team will play 4 return watch here on L Friday uighL The Bandrwill�be in attenaarict, CLOTHIN 0: game froW L$ ter' 9, - skating froni 9 to linemp 10,30. The Clinton U as followt,. - We hame a complete new range of- the very neweat Men's and Goal, D Stewart-, -Point, jk;ty l4i)mball.. Cover Point, H lkwitebel]3 Rover, B' Boy's Ready-to-wear Clothing;.consiating of .-Men's Suits, single and. double-breasted Youths'.Suits. - W re aito giving patticular -attention Jobd6fon,-* Centre,. . a 'Oweil" - Righ, W' `F- Forresten, LeftL - Whig, A 11191 be this line. There is the growing Y ' Odth from 10 to 18 y leal?sb who. - Wilson. �Both t1aams are pr�e�ty. ively does not really feel like payinc� thii price fol, a tailor-made Suit; yet wants something better than the ordinary. ready-to�weim, To meet playerepiud'thbr� wtil,'be some fun this requirement, we have selected SUIrling lengths, -patterns of the dvertis.ements. new Ordered Bultings, and are having them made up similar to *,�viil .1s ordered suits, in everk detail. * These suits appeal to boys -who want to be in thb style, Never before have we- bad the range of 'Irl, vianled, Boys' Two-piece Saitsw.e are showing this spring. - The Bloomer Knicker is a new feature in BOYS' Wear, We have them with the Vatted, at brice, iroung glrl'to do general housework, two In famllyt;Apply� NEW ERA. suits or in odd knickers, Ito . the Ladien Durability. Price and Style are t1te t-hree points we are to to, do Shampoo. going to get thib Boys' Suit trade on this Spring.. The unddisignea prepared Seali) massage. ate A Fr days H U MRS M TT 70Huron btreet, J ACO S Ee W B 'Violin. Instructions ifiga I -toile I, Jackson, Pupil of �A-korrank t. lImt BIQ,Chford, Torontor is prepared t I 0 L IN T 0 Nt.'* ed number of pupils for violin taiton. Real. dencO Higlrst,% Clinton, Tailoring Clothilf,� Furnishings; choice Cows forr Sale4 The undersigatd willrb SVC for private sale. at his promises, Holmosville. oh Mohday dnd Tues. day otnoxt week. March8th and 91im-Twenti J. 13. Hoover. Nelson 1861h THE SALE OF 6 FINE FURNMUR we Are having . sbou'd prove mighty Inter6sting ta you. It includes just, Cho -furniture you need at fgs� than the price yoted be 'Willing to pay, Thisisntbutifteving ofArashy fur. nitura made to sell at cheap pricee. ndle that stuff &t all- It We do not ba is it -sale of flivnitarb that $01i Will be proud to have in your home to-d&Y. and just as proud after yoti havo� had of W, ear ont"674t, ]FURNITURE AND HOOVER & 13ALLo R, PARLOK SUITIE" ,SPECIALS"o ----A T— walkcr% furullurc SON 4 11 We have- decided to reduce our'stock of Parlor 8tfltes, or clear out every one now in stock !it * special prices We want to, make room ior the 'new Spring -stock, to*arrive about March 20,. and until that date,,, we wi 11 not refusea reasonable offer. The stock is right U to date, anol Trices quot0d. belop; are sure to mako some gaps on, our floor an4 decorate, your, parl6rs' at ve little cost., Your d o I I a r s Wi stretch like elastic here, on Parlor Suites. Positively no suck, prices will return to you for many a, day Grasp the opportun- itv. Every suit marked in big,- plain hgfar , es that almost speak to you T I cliciostrig-an O'pticlAn. T ri shouldbe. very- careful it -and above all, ex - bey Aaud demana ability, reliability, perience, for etperienoe is the -chief thing in optical work. TAUBE9. :,13yesight splecialist, of. Toro.atoo who bits had 38 years.practical ex0erimice in thei.optical business, will be at. the "NORMANDIE HOTEL9 CLINTOM ON ..ThuisdaY,-� March. i8this rsconim4Kided by all thosle His work bag been. -very highly who have h , ad odcaBion to consult him professionally, and I as.. sure mv p-�itrona and other� thAt they can have the utmost con-, fidence in Ulm and his wor.k. Make. appoititments now., J N, COU TER 'KA011AVE LICENSES. JEWELEM, SlUER OF I p ebra-ary -Sale*. COMMENCES Ftida Feb*' %�thle Y9 during Sale* .1 itra value in Childrien's �hoeS ro, ship - in s6curitig a arg We were fortuhate at 16�S r.e*6'9 'Shoos, -that we can sell -ment of Child' �% al Frid#: than mandtacWr6rs prices, the'y:go on s e mor . ning. &e themin- our7 winddw.-. h p 'cap '6D P-aAwi bbild's Rld.33titton Shoos, wit atent.toe. Reg .75c and B5c gooda,'IfArua.ry Sale price. per,pur'.-.� 50c. 30 pairs Child's Kid'Chocolate Shoes,. in button all'a lj6c4d, sizes, 3 to 7, reg. price 00oFebruary.5ale gFice... 650 16 pairs Obild's I -an Sli�per'a, siz6s 3 to 7, reg. price 185c. February Sale price.-. All our Felt goods and heavy Rubbers aft&.Soi.'at -Cost. 15 pairs of Ladie6i! Patent. Bladheisv 'Goodyear. Welt, 0 0 , 3 reg. price $4j.,February Sitle price.. This is arare chance to Shoe the family. at Bargain Prices. Shoe Parlor musb;; rium. tyhe pJAce, whero yqui.,. dolla a its duty Ak �a L 10,4 A'maiil�.like is full of cross . esand.ternOVatibris. Recomesin- to this world without his consent and goes out dgainsr'lM Vill, an& the ti!ip between the twols� exceedingly rocky. The rvle of �,qntt&ties is one ot the important features ofthe VVhen' be is veti. -little tb� tig girls kiss him, arid: when he t's big he kisses the little girls -and some of the big ones too,, ge It lie raises a large family, he is endorsed by the premier, but it.he raises a small oheqk he is 0, thief. it he Sgveef money he Is. A, miser, and if he spends it,, be Is a, spendthrift, and if he loans it he is A (non-comPus mentus) It h doesn't give to charity he Is A ritingY Oussjif he does It's S for sholtv It he dit%,B young, he -had A great future. before him-, ind if . . t -1 1. .111, -ad is rockwv� I head of phOicill YOU119 COWS, In 900,1 donditioll. April. They _W�. W kiltedinanex losion.061.1c 110W INC. "F,. doealove to travel. calving in March and are mostly 1, 1 geh s val.d., 3 Dir, tbares. and a. fe* grade Hol9tainti, tiable N1 but man A flne piano will belp to make a man'slife morbldhalemony iioble the trues and will inake the rough And the vlghb person to buy it from is Hugh Ross, Clintont the l6a.1 GI Olt ith the good, the and NA dollars for their favorite obaritAble institution. King Upward V11'sits in his fiftutiftil drawing room in 'of NOW places Smooth. Boyinvo the rightkind of a Piano at the right kiftcl of oloo, from the rightkind of people. tnakes him neither a chump, a IUMION SUE Lot I .140t 5 One only 6e -piece Suite, polished One,only nve.piee---'albover uphol- Wratbes, 11pbolatered in, a goc-d btered i1i0erieva Rug, guaranteed., qualityVe our, re!.. pricet F has been onr bct;t ueller,. and a beauty, reg, $50, for to clealt at'.. Lot 6 Lot 2'. This is Dur his. holluty; to see it Oneonly thrcv�piece Suite, polibil, means a deal AL't he bik reduction. ed frame, upholstered In best qua), Remember wo iI ill not' duplicate It y Silk; reg. Pelee $30.00 the offer, L Aeg. priod s,ol, and the at,. ......... ......... best Value hi Ointon or Hur6n. county. Don't N�4it- The big special price is ...... $48-50 Lat 3. One o thres-iiiecig: suite, our Lot 7. leader, pp lisheil Mabogany frames Horwis a genufnemahog�auy friiise, guamnteed by'th6 maker, upbol-I highlY. polished,. positively the. stered In the best Velvet Rug, will newest on the market, only a few* last a life.tkme; L reg. price weeka in stoek. ',and owing . to a $44, Sale price $35 mistake by the maker, who out the sofa In a different silk -than the - Lot 4 other pieces, and is hardly notie- able, hub We got certain donces- sions'013 it, and we will give OR One Only five -piece iilloovej.uph-ol- thebenefit of a -great.big relluc- steredi a sbowy Suite, newapd.up. ti6n. The -regular price in an to -date, regular, pitice and city store'would be $50; we Y good value at $40, for.... $i9- 50 Will clear it out at ........ $48 - Don't miss coming* ]Look fheni over and see 'wha iye t gay is eorrecti, S. .0ach We, have, them, at I I prk�s and.good selecti4n, ie y an d. MON.. We have Iron'Beds in -great t . a.,tii stack to cho6s6 from., BEDS �;SEWING,-w'M.ACHIINES Dont f6rg�t, we handle the best ori the market, Every . mdchin6 -gu,4fantee&-­�­ y- lfoi.ten yeafs. Repairs 'and Needles . for - all makes of machine*. We sell.a good rop­. famil�fUPVIachine, d rawers, 4 _head 11 y guaranteed U~4.Vy. Ugl 'gso IS K0 In the Rug Department you .-Wilf find sortie - great bar-*' arrive gains are �making ready.or our �pring stock, to!", ;'MArch2oth. 25percentoft'any.Rug n6�i ih.-S.tock.. 'We have them in all qualitiesa nl;l sizesti Triceg. range 1iom" $4.5o up .�o $.5o.o.o. . Come and look them.,� oi,�'6r. On . ly, 4 Oleasu're.tq, show you.through. our i6imense stock..-,., ant, Pi,n Or a, nts... We handle the famous Q, DOHERTY, made in Clin- t1on, by Clinton peo0l ' e-, and gUaraoteed by. Olinton peqile for ten years,'and sold o0V . ery easy. terms. 9ffie in nd talk it aven. Iromptly done, also All work iielatly and I P1 V all kinds of repairing and upholstering. Y, alon� your repair work earlk,'. be. AD A INCY Brinle Spring. trade is -on us f6re V IV. ,.WALKE Furniture Dealer and �`.Undertaker$ 'Mone 28, fflght or I day. -The store of -quality thief, a bad maliagert nor 5, spendthrifti hub all who come into his presenoe will be made bAppier and brighter. and instead, of being cuss, his belgilbots and customers will rise up Anil, P. stingy tail bini blessed. The right kind of Piano to buy is the NOW Scale Villiains, And the vlghb person to buy it from is Hugh Ross, Clintont the l6a.1 agent, if any of orm readera think that there Is 0, better PfAbt) - made in Canada, let them -prOVe it, and they can get one th6asAnd. NA dollars for their favorite obaritAble institution. King Upward V11'sits in his fiftutiftil drawing room in 'of NOW Windsor- Castle and listens to sweet Strains JhUsic Will a Scale Willi;i,nis piatka. - noy&lby has the aest And '00, may You. We 0411'all he kin 4-iri this respect, 0 T at, Ungh r, oes,, clintono 6ow ana examine, the ftewesb cronuod inplano, manufacture, and leatin how easy it is to buY Ono oil the osay-payment plan, Lot I .140t 5 One only 6e -piece Suite, polished One,only nve.piee---'albover uphol- Wratbes, 11pbolatered in, a goc-d btered i1i0erieva Rug, guaranteed., qualityVe our, re!.. pricet F has been onr bct;t ueller,. and a beauty, reg, $50, for to clealt at'.. Lot 6 Lot 2'. This is Dur his. holluty; to see it Oneonly thrcv�piece Suite, polibil, means a deal AL't he bik reduction. ed frame, upholstered In best qua), Remember wo iI ill not' duplicate It y Silk; reg. Pelee $30.00 the offer, L Aeg. priod s,ol, and the at,. ......... ......... best Value hi Ointon or Hur6n. county. Don't N�4it- The big special price is ...... $48-50 Lat 3. One o thres-iiiecig: suite, our Lot 7. leader, pp lisheil Mabogany frames Horwis a genufnemahog�auy friiise, guamnteed by'th6 maker, upbol-I highlY. polished,. positively the. stered In the best Velvet Rug, will newest on the market, only a few* last a life.tkme; L reg. price weeka in stoek. ',and owing . to a $44, Sale price $35 mistake by the maker, who out the sofa In a different silk -than the - Lot 4 other pieces, and is hardly notie- able, hub We got certain donces- sions'013 it, and we will give OR One Only five -piece iilloovej.uph-ol- thebenefit of a -great.big relluc- steredi a sbowy Suite, newapd.up. ti6n. The -regular price in an to -date, regular, pitice and city store'would be $50; we Y good value at $40, for.... $i9- 50 Will clear it out at ........ $48 - Don't miss coming* ]Look fheni over and see 'wha iye t gay is eorrecti, S. .0ach We, have, them, at I I prk�s and.good selecti4n, ie y an d. MON.. We have Iron'Beds in -great t . a.,tii stack to cho6s6 from., BEDS �;SEWING,-w'M.ACHIINES Dont f6rg�t, we handle the best ori the market, Every . mdchin6 -gu,4fantee&-­�­ y- lfoi.ten yeafs. Repairs 'and Needles . for - all makes of machine*. We sell.a good rop­. famil�fUPVIachine, d rawers, 4 _head 11 y guaranteed U~4.Vy. Ugl 'gso IS K0 In the Rug Department you .-Wilf find sortie - great bar-*' arrive gains are �making ready.or our �pring stock, to!", ;'MArch2oth. 25percentoft'any.Rug n6�i ih.-S.tock.. 'We have them in all qualitiesa nl;l sizesti Triceg. range 1iom" $4.5o up .�o $.5o.o.o. . Come and look them.,� oi,�'6r. On . ly, 4 Oleasu're.tq, show you.through. our i6imense stock..-,., ant, Pi,n Or a, nts... We handle the famous Q, DOHERTY, made in Clin- t1on, by Clinton peo0l ' e-, and gUaraoteed by. Olinton peqile for ten years,'and sold o0V . ery easy. terms. 9ffie in nd talk it aven. Iromptly done, also All work iielatly and I P1 V all kinds of repairing and upholstering. Y, alon� your repair work earlk,'. be. AD A INCY Brinle Spring. trade is -on us f6re V IV. ,.WALKE Furniture Dealer and �`.Undertaker$ 'Mone 28, fflght or I day. -The store of -quality