HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-03-04, Page 2. *-,
a. . . � I d
___ ____ __ TIM OUNTON NNW o.M I . . , Mar. *b, igog
1. The New ErA
I . .1 - I I I.,
Too Little Blood.
- _._�..___ ",_ - _".M ,Mg.
...... . AN AR , 0 SURGEONOP 410� _t ,
Is published every Thi;mda:r at
- -
I .
I . ,
,A414aw Ba4- Rrlathv�avve,
I ,
F_no,lillh ViviSOCtiOnildii ROCOVS a
Thre4taning oircii1ar.
Responsible tor Nearly MI ofthe
. .
His Own story of sk WooAsrM O"re-,
tion He Pstformed.
. As"o VTANIRT t "
I - t QZA f I N.
. Leading surgeons and physiologists
Nisery Women ViAdure.
Mr. Walter 0. Harris In his account I
r ar
, '�r'
I � TW*SQf oubscription-411 pe, ? Nd
40, %ilyp"lace ; $1.00) way be, ohar,90 � *
'in every part of Znkland have recely-
,��d - remarkable circulars, signed
Annemia, to written on the features
of a journey to Tafilet tells the xtQry I
ak'Aso Paid. No vapor dlacoutinue
votil 4,11 the
A1.C.;$# containing one of tile most
, ofainety women out of 4 hundred
Unmistakable are the signs of 11tco
of a wonderful operation 14,"Aurgery [
as, It was reported to him by a native 1
1 � '. ArrearaAre 1 �41(1, imlewo at
- * *Zloq of the publisher, The'date to
, ,
,ixtraordinary threats ever leveled
,4galu5t vivisectionists. The circular
'little blood.11 The weaker vex Is as-
mailed at ail Ages by the evils result.
doctor who was',travoling I is co -
4 h In
walob evei7 subscription is paid IS do.
. ..
I v4ed on the la,bel,
is prin ed, but. contrary to. a' well
known act of Parliament, does not
jug from bloodlesones4. from the 1,10
who is weakand 11inKuid, with i ull
parly. I
"I think 'the ,014 man failcleil that 1
1 WvertiOng r4too. Transient adver-
A'm%oatp, 1,0 cents per nouparel, line
contain the name and address of the
eyes, pale lips, fitful appetitE � and
don bted b1s Skill. At least, he was al-
I It, fjx4i Ingerdon god 3. cents per lalt:
printer. Accompanying the circular
is foosimile typewritten letter,
valpitating heart, to the women who
feet 41never
ways holding forth upon the oumect
. Jtu� each, subsequent 11asertion4 Sal'all,
� .
*$vortiaoments not to, exceed one lach,
a also
without Address, signed "M. .Cowan."
well," with pains W the
b;tck and across the shoulders, failit-
and cQatl4ually repeating the story
that when in Algeria he bad been Of-
'I.'As , "Lost" "Strayed;" "Stolen 1w
, e authoress
It is understood that, th
the is Mra, M.
Ing fits and aching limbs. And. later
at lite's turniair disor-
fered a fabulous salary�the. sum va-
A'Wrted once for a cenis, or one
of. circular And letter ,
Cowan, an Irish lady who frequently
. dereand beart troubies make great
rIe4 each time the We was tol(I-to re,
maqnth Qr$1.0ormauxlIcationsiatended
Vr publication must, as a gw . waritee ol
visits London, staying at a well-known
calla on a -woman's Strength'. I
At all Dr, Williaing, ' Pink
main in charge of the military hos-
p1tal ;it Algiers, an honor Which be
I tKa faith, be acQompanied by the
owns of the writer.
The circular begins -
"some little time ago, in the coffee-
Pills are eapeci* ly valuable to the
. I .
had declined.
i , To Inswe publication in current
e copy of advertisements should be
rooni of a London hotel, I chanced
to hear one of -the party at a tablo
female sex, for they alone possess, the
power,of Tasking In abundance ,the
. I
"He pe,rer tired of uarratIng the
facts and details of his most ouecem-
; .
Wt hm'early. ,
knew a per-
close by narrate how he 1;
rich, red blood of health. They fill
the starvet. veins with new, blood, so
ft, operatlon. There Is a meet in Mo-
. , Qontra�6trates - The tollowingtable
di'we our rates for Opoei . fied pbriods
son -who. was iii the habit af, praying
from Ume to time for the death of
that eafeeb',od bodies are stren thened,
rocco called X(Amachs, who are fol-
lowers a certain saint buried near
� , I I
. 11atila Space.
Ono leading vivisectors; he said
9f 0
weakner esare fortified, arig robust
bdalth is restored.
. -of
Meklam Tbese devotess amqs6 their
I yr. 6mo. 8mo. Imo
- , 2.0 olumn $7600 $000 $25 Qo,$Io 0()
that a, a the roan indicat4d died.
"I tn7e7l to trace the Speaker, but,
, Mrs. R Smith, Windsor. N. S., says:
Audlouce-and' themselves, to% let' 110� 1
� . . I I
. L . 0olumu 4000 2600 15 00 6 f)o
as time had. elapsed. did not succeed
"A few years ago my health began to'
fail, I suff�Ared gwastly from inward
boils -by tbrowhig tato the air heavy
� �1
I I Volumn 24 001 15 OOL
in doing so I then thought, as, I
troubles, and in about a yeaes tim
cannon ballq,, which they &POW to fall,
, Column. 1800 1000 550 2 00
myself know of the efficidney of pray-
my whole System was almost a wrecka.
upon their shaven crownc. On the oc-
. tach 000. $50 200 100
,I .
I 1, I Rolm. HoLuEs .
er. it wbuld be well to try if this
. -
were actually go. L I thought, first of
My blood had turned to water, and my
heart had, become so ,badly effected
casion In question It namduellit k"
unfortunately been wanting In rell-
L 11allway TimeffablelUbaug&
tryiug on Dr. Starling, but it Seemed
to mae unfair to give such. a stab in
, that 11 could scarcely go about. Id
fact life had almost become a -burden,
gions Power, for the, emon bal
c"shed. W skqll.� . .
I .
; . ,
the dark without first letting it be
known what was' intended. .
and there seemed little ,hope for me
One ay a friend asked me if I bad
, "My old sbemf friend Ind beft 0011-
"it was, .therefore. ft*lly decided
trip Dr., illiamm' Pink Pills, and
ad to, the rescue, Acwrftg tow a*;
I .L, , I aping West Going East
to make earnest prayer, giving inuch
told,me thkit she had been In almost
onint, he removed the hpk" patek
I I U.07 i�m I
thought to the subject that the A!-
the e -condition ff was and that the
of'skall, replacing It'wIth the.tUd at
, .
1� 1.25 p.m 7 35 a.m
mighty, if were In accord
the prayer
Pikis bad restored her to her' proment
0 green pumpkin, wiA closed the Aft
1 . 0.40 p,m 1 &07 p.m
with His, will, would proniptly re�
splendid health. I took couragb from
,over it Xn a montWs Unv% he NI11116,
�` I . 11.28 P.M 5.15 P in
move the man most likely to. cause
what my friend told me and began to.
the patient was, only c9nv*le=e,a4
; L I
- � q, Going North Going South
future suffering to innocent NubjectO
by hill experim�ats-, About a fori� .
e the Pills. I took them reg,diar-
ly for several months, constantly
butwaRonce more hard at .-o Pme-
I m I - I � I U.04 a.in 7.2D &.fn
1 U0 p.m 4.18 p.m
night later one of our m6at distin-
guishod medical scientists dropped,
- _
groviing stronger, and the internil
troubles from which I bad been afflict-
11cing his rellgl"croba0c feats, witill
. mot only a remodeled a,ad reamte*
� ' �', L � __ I -_ --- -_ -_ -
I .; I .
and the newspapers -were ]an mating
loss this
ed were disap earin o and ray, whole
1wh but eyea a new crop ot hw."
L"' Missionary Congress
the to science of ViV180016i
and the discoveries he 'was ust shosub
system seemeg to gained new
8 trength. I wanted to. make" certain
wasnerwomeri Fealtm.
I . -
�! -
�Z'? Rev Charles W Gordon. D D.,, of
to make." .
The circular concludes by ad
that there would be no retura ot the
trouble andl continued to take the
,k curious least t),Lkes plum evlorZ
in the 'Pendleton Town Hall;
., . '. . . �., Winnipeg, best knowaas "Ral n.
i . I * th (30
to be the
the "scientists" to take'"thougYrt
be warned," "Their fate," says -the
Pills for a time after I had rpall:Z
fully recoveredi Since I have Proved
Q and, which had !is origin in the
i tl, - nor," is one of sees ers at
. .
� .1, , the Laymen'o Missionary Uougress in
writer, "is in their hands."'
"The letter," well-known
formyselfwhat Di Williams'Plok Pills
can do, I have recomidientled thorn to
terosity of the late- Mr. Thoinai;
Costley, member of the board of guarr
Toronto, and will speak on theaubj
i:�,. , ect.
; I , he is most familiar with- "Our Duty
said a
physiologist recently. "IS an atteml*
s. number of su�ffermf; peop1p, and"
Aiam- He used to entertain every
,year a of Pendleton washer -
',.: � to the English-speaking and Buropeati
L. "
.11. Settlers." It is interesting to note
at intimidation. The writer fQrgets
that the circulation of thi6 letter maY
those who -have given thern, a rair trial
,have proved withQme that I)r.'WiU-
'Women, and when he died his family
I .
,."� that Dr G-)rdon got his noin de,plume
incite s�rne' weak-minded fanatic Ao
Nine! Pink Pills are juat what,they are
kept up. and still keep, - the custorit.
This year's party consisted of 3W
,1 � ,while writing for a Toronto vaper, and
"L� the name was given him by MrMac-
murder� for have less faith in .
prayer than in physical means," -
. Soldby all medicine dealers or by
women. all of whom had qualified for
L�" �: -donald of The Globe, through the mis
Anti -vivisection societies were' no-
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 froni Tho Dr. Williams' Medi-
the treat by earning dome part of their.
livelihood over the tub.
� 'L:: , i 11 interpretation of a telegram. The
I name was originally-110aunpr," to sug-
animoug in condemning the eirga.U,T.
I I .I. I
— . ,
cine Co.. Brockville, Ont. � .
_ �
.. I
, . gest Canadian Northwest.
I Playwright at Ninety.
. L
L -wivairited'Potice Travel I-ar. ,
Witt* ,ii Will SO
' lzaak . Id. �
.A collect r bought the offleial copy
. , � The railroad companlee of Canada
� 1% I . L , �are co-operating with the committee
A� a rule, men who reach nineiiw
of age have. finished with work.
' An *Oidence.of the extreme mew
0 pon's
of Izaak Walton's *iU at Hod
I .",
�, 4 in chame of the National Missionar
'. ,
to L
and we content sit in quiet retire-
ures to which,the Northwest Mounted
Police will vin bringing delinquents
Roomain Chancery lane, London, re-.
cently for $180. It is engrossed in a
_ Clongress to be held -in Toronto, M%rcK
� "Slat to April Ub, and -have granted a
ment. .Mr, James Scott. of Cbelms-'
ford, England, is an exception to "
a k in a visit of -one
to just'eo's 3 at ed
law hand -of the period on a sheet of
I 11 wate of sh single farefor the round trip-
On. account of the annual meeting of
rule, for although he has Attained "
of their officers to Toronto a few days
ago- to take �baek a horse thief. I I
parahment, twenty-nine by twenty
inch0s, has attached the probate dated
%,�. ,
- the Women'sHome Missionary Society
age of ninety in still at work On
a 'which -he hopes- - to 'Produm
The prisoner -is Thorn- H. Webb,
Feb. 4, 1683, signed b -
,y Thomas Wel
I , .
, of the Presbyteria.ri Church, a large
of ladies take
play L
, A hft
soon. Born in 'Sheffield. Mr. Seof
arrested in Owen Sound, charged with
� . .
Stealing the horse, harness and bugry
ban. registrar, and bears the seal of
the Court 'of Canterbury, - �
L.��, number will advantage
, � . of
I , of the special rates. An extension o,
1 ,
, ,L I time will be allowed by the western
been by turns' a saw -maker, a conk-
niercial traveler. a publip-hotio-PIN,
actor. i6�u attor-manACM,
of grnest Maehon. a reporter on TFA -
Calgary Herald. Sergt. .J. J. Wilson'.
. .
- -
" . i
. -
New Box Trick...
1, . . I roads, so that delegates from a long
priet6r� an.
and, latkr'in life.- the lessee of mw
N,W.M.P., brought Webb to the city.
The audience at St. George's
.,." . distance may remniii eastuntil the. last
of April. It is expected that .about
or two provincial tlfJjjtM. L In thin
and took -him to C41gary' L I
'1h,,,,geant is a famous trsieler'
London, is being mys,tified by a itew
box trick, in which a airl. auddenly
,.;., .
. , I
�, , . AOOO persons will be in attendance at
last capacity Mr. Scott diii4jed Ch"*
Kean.for - one of his housoa, and bio
after oriminals. 'and arrested the no-
appears in a box which has been lin-
tl!., the two meetings.
,;. ,� - '
... Mr J A Macdonald of The Toronto
t0ouring . I . I . �
companies ineluded 1511111ch
Charles Pvisik!
toriotiA. train robber,'Min ex. whom
- )e from prison bas been.'& topic
ed. *ith Plate glass. . - ' ,.
I . I
�,,_ .
Globe. who was the speaker at the, e�
names as .T. L. �Toole,
- in Parliament. . . . � .,
. . -_ I 1.
..�, �, 'e _T1
, cent Chicago celebrationoftbe'Linqpin
CliarleSL Dillon, Barry Sullivan, and:
Paul Bedfo M o
L I . .1
What - Bi-autital Hair.
I" IDentennial, will be one of the evenia
� , 9
I , speakers at the Canadian Missi6n-iry
has not produced any plays for -803X*
years now, . he still devotes Wo bourf
... a
I Not a F vored. Location.
% .
The, beauties and wonders of nature -
a .
Ho,Qi often dolwe hear that'exelarau .
�L, Congress in Toronto the
, . , _ . of Marph.
a, day to writing, and he has now,
as displayed.in Vancouver have form-
tiob of a certain *oman'shr.ir or a oe
�11. � He.will followa number of men ex-
completed'a four -act play dealing with
ed the theme of many a travekes
tairt man's hair, * , . I . .. ., I
, , L _p.prienced in work in the west and
the life' of Dougal, the Most. I?
rhapsody, but it appears that ,thers
A Prominent scientist and hair spee
, , 1.� . Northwest,, and will speak on the
are people who do - not 'appreciate
ialist emphaticb,11y states, and has pi,
.1 "Chriatianization, ofOur Civilization."
murderer- . -
them. One such ,woman, born . and
ven, that any man or woman can har
" I
I I Delegates are already registering for
. t . ,�
"Th Last Muster. '
.bied in Vancouver, recently vi�sited
' I .
lukuri%nt, lustrous hair, by using
'L' the ,Canadian National Missionar
L " " CongTess to be held in Toronto,
. a . .. I . �
L One of the most interesting storim
in New York. - I I . .
. "It must be wonderful to have lited
famous prescription called Parisin
Sage. . . . .
.1 -MarlK
� Slat to April 4th. More than 5W cler-
of Sir Hubert von Herkomer's -career
and grown up in'such a p lace," said
--- -_ -_ -
, Parimik'n 9'a e I& now made and Bpi
*i, . men are registered as Elonorary
is that, concerning his famous 1�ictuff%
a New Yorker who had . tra*eled
in. Canada. 8 R Holme�, the drup
1, Foramissioners, and 50 of the most
"The Last Muster." When nearing
Lround the worU � - i I .
giati Is the agent in '01intgn ttnd -tit
11� . ent men from theUnited States
the compleUon of the picture a drowsy
-Vi1`Why,- I �don't khow,". said.the na,
readers of the Nuw EnA.can huy qop
: are Coming as visitors. .rhe r,xecutive
feeling came over him. which he knew
v6 of Vancouv6r without enthug-
. him for only 50c. a, large bottle.
�: Vommittee of Montreal expect to send
to be the forerunner of a breakdown..
. iasm. "We've jUst-got tbd mountains
W 9 R Holmes knows that Paris!" .
, , a delegation of at least 100 men. Ham-
, The picture must at 'all hatards be
- and the Sea: thW.9 alL� , ,. .. .
. . . .
Sape will beautify'the hair, cure dan,
r.uff and stop falling haiij.And- for tbt, -
: . 11ton, Ontario, will send 80, and a spec-
done for that. yeax's Aca&my.-
.1 . L 11. .
- .
11� ial committee is at work in Halifax to
: ,
secure a delegation from thatelty. The
how? - He o6tainced. an. kineriem
"health-lift".apparatus 'Which restored
- __ ....
Repeat it:.-�'�Shiloh's Cure will &I.
reason he sells it undera guarantee I 4
car., %.
I '.
� offlotinent of commissioners as assign.
. .
No Strength.. *SOMe',BO)aoo Caine WL.'
ways cure my -coughs and colde.w ,
I I. . . %
� If you cannot obtain Parisian Sag �
' 'bottl
, I , Tor-
� edo gives 500 to Toronto, and the
,i bought tho
him wheUL an early patror I
- � -_ � i .L
. . M%
. I. ..
,who, 70U live, - you can t a
� . outomeh feelthat thisis notnearly
��, , . I
I 7 . enough. . .
picture -for $6,000 befor'e'it was sent to
the A y.- Within a week o . ..
I I . .. I ,
for Soo from Giroux Mfgi O., Ft Brit
Out.., express charges, Prepaid. .
. I
I I , . .
,�r 31inard's LinimentCo., Ltd. �
I ing, it he received letters from: two
members. lbett Bitting on the,council
. " . - .
., Poo' Lawreate. Siys - They 14w I e. N ot
, . . '
1. I I - I I �
* UVOWS VeMs Lord vrianci*W. -.
'. . Gentlemen, -My, �
. daughter; 13 years I
warmly congratalating him on his,
One from'Mr (afterwards
� FitteO For Great Affairs.
I . .. . .
.. . .
"M '.imperial
., The English '. House of -Lords boo'
* -kind
� old. was thrown from a sleigh and,46:*
; " jured her elbow so badly it remained
work. was -
Lord Leighton. whb was -a Stranger to
L all'.national. and is�
sues that can arise that of Peace or'
never been. particularly to Amt.
,faii visitors. Long age, in the dW1
. �. stiff and vdry'painful for three years.
him, Ike bther from Mi. George -
wix) 'Added that.When Pis`�
war ii the'.moit important," says
-red 'in'
when duchesses sold their kisses -for
completely cured her and she has not
ture came before - theiti. the- V., ,
All Austin, a recent article,
"Said the preservation of peace.. the
votes -the Housia of Lords forbade
theia'to enter, and a battle-Toyal en�4
- been troubled for two years.
Counell qlapped. ,th,pir I .
.most precious of all thiag8, consist-
sued between the 'ladies and the
�iYours truiv,
i . .
i ]a 1AVESQUE.
imitiesny. . . � . '
. . . � , 11 , �
� .
, ently with honor and self'orotection,
is likely W be jaiperged
peers. The Lord Chancellor had
let thorn in,
1, �
L . .
rimuch more
sworn1but he would not
��. St Joseph, P. O., 18th Aug, IM. .
togirit, of Earth% Fallum. ,
�. .
byL ifidulgenee. in 9"timent th ' by
and the Duchess Of. Queensberry had
� I
- For one wi*ug to stud * the.. W""
4her cause. -, :
an .
sworn that ladies should come in.
of the - lowesf) dregs' of this earth.. I
: alm,' deliberate judgmeze. free
�'This being reported,". -we read in an
. �
, . -
would edvise. him to giVe the, abimen
from all untimely or too generous
old di ary, "the peers reSolved to:
I., I
Of London a rest. and watch , libw
omotioll. is its bek piroteedon. Vill
starve. them out, An orden'was made
I Anew building at the Preston V&r,&
i Coach blown down.
. I
thronis who .besiege the offices cg
anyone deny that In. great emeritenr L
o L doors
that th should 'not be opened
.1 L works was
. the -agents who undertake to
cies men are, as a rule _3Ve_
, and eollee,
till they .had rA190 their Siege."
: I Mr. L W. Tyrrell believes that Fort
the catiti-boats witth "help" sto In
Imer and in
'y ore submissive to
- These amazons;now showed them,�
.: ChurcQl on the Hudson Bay will be a
, real. -Ger1riaii. and. Russian' Jew#,,
a,�,IiTd judgment than women, whose
selves qualified foi the duty even Of
� � L great seaport.
Doukhobors. Italians, negroes; brok-
virtues reside rather..in anaU& di-
foot soldiers. They stood there Ltill 6 L
� Mrs Raoul, of Montreal, was assault.
dwdowu ' "aharka" afid, "confidondt
rection? . .
- '
in the afternoon without either Bus-
". ,ad by a highwayman, and is in. a criti-
1316W' Ircra_ the L jar& cities , - 9'
"GiV6L emotionally combative we- ,
tenance or interinission, .'every now
; - cal condition.
the United States., one! -time moneyed.
men. the franchise acrid h -is conceiv-
and then playing volleys of thumps,
�, I �
I A. W. Malone, ex-Ohief Of Police ,of
'' Tit �,; om, the - larger English -townik,
I I �t"Ift
able that war might be brought about
kicks and faps against L ,the door with
j Simcos, was found guilty of shootir
Constable Wilkins intent.
. .
. �An 'a Siagle Month L(or lesa)' in
Nye .
01 Toronto, have
N w York, Montreal, or
by - omen, against the effort of men
to Nav A ,it, and it. that.. event it
So much violr'o.�re that the speakers
in the Houso wer scarcely heard. At
. P .
. with an.
f sentenced to life imprisonment.
run through the capital given than
-would,be men,' avA men alone, *he
- last by str;;Aegy worthy of a general
,. I .
to start up in busine6s, and are re-
.would have.to, figh -� and, if need *ere,
the 14die,2 "all rdshed in and placed
� A report comes from Victoria, B C.,
turning on the oft -chance of. getting
to die, while the very utmost women
themsalves in the front row of the'
. that 1he Sikhs there have an associat-
more. All bustling anil hustling each
could do would be to act, as'one is
gallery," where they iemainbd t"Lan
: i6n that is collecting money to buy
other after the same ptize-a free
pleas'ed to remember a poet -has call-
hour before mi�lnlght_a�plauding or
.. . arms for the Aisaffected natiVos Of
passage to Ltmdon, the home and of-
- ed them, I as ministering angels.
hissing to their. hearts' conte=L
� India. .
ten tho'grave, of the desperate. -The,
. 01 wa. I'share th terse conclu-
� I , o
At tlie'Bauxe th-ne tenders will be received for
steel auperstruoture of the 13sid thiee bridges,
; '. The finest leaves from Ceylon tea
. I - . . .
Captain. . 1.
I a French wit, '6ne politician
Sion OZ
Burst Water -Pi
'pes. ' L
� plantations are contained in Salaida!'
. Tea. It is packed in sealed lead
. I - . . . I .
- . �
the ragie. one er thd less=hP.-'
hold, the practical outcome. of lematP
Prof. Vivian.b. Lewes, lecturing,iii
I pack-
I eta to preserve its delicious flavor and
I �
A ar
- . . XTrana '111runk Pacitic isaiiway
Co' -is calling for tenders for the con-
. I .
franchi"!" . . .
,.11--...-_._.. -.1-11.111111m
London, England, on theL monders of I
water, had something Ao, say. about
r I aroma., Sold by all grocers; never by
� peddlers, or in bulk.
struction of two stearnboaw .LvK the,
the bursting of the domestic wateV
.1111111 .
Skennh river service In connection
pipe after a frost. He gave a simph�
- . .
. L I
, $100 Reward $100 .
The this
with construction work on the west-
ern division. . . . .
" . L I
Hdve.One.l -
remedy. If a householder has an
outaide leaden pi�o which is in the
habit burstffig,� he has -to do
I . readers of paper will be
i to learn that there is least
.' Capt. S. B. - lohnson, superintendent
' "
hurt, and Mri. Tweodie arose with a
smile on. her face. I
.. I
of - all
is to ta�p it- with a malletso ag
pleased at
6f the ,,cornpany's steamboat service
. � . . I
. 1. I .
. . . I .
- - L Imusiem-
�t. I �.
� , � one areaded disease that scien'
. ce has
'11 e%
on the Skeen,d. wi , iablish . head-
-- '
.- L ,
, � -_ 11 ,1`1
I LL I .
I I ''.
I , . I � I
to slightly flatten it. lion thoLnext
been able to cure in ail its stages, and
quartprs at Vancouver, which is con-
- �
frost comes r6and will'be no'
thatisUatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
sidored an indication that the hosts
. .
. buiuting, but the pipe will force itself
is the only positive cure now known to
. 'Will be built in one of the local ship-
. �
'a Jittle towltrds the . circular Again,.
the medical fraternity,. Catarrh t)eing
yards. They will cost abotit $35,000
, � � � . ,
and the succeeding frost will ,prob.
1 . a constitutional disease,requires a con.
each. . I �
No sentp-in'running from one
'i,6b pipe back to o,,,, 9-
� stitutional treatment. Hall's Catar6,
� i CurA is taken internally, acting direct- -
Tenders require their complWon he, -
fore the first of -June. They will have
doetor.to Aftother, Select the
. � I
,,Ir ,bring.the
X otun ity; AvIien thb inallet will
� have to be again brought into use.
, ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces .
of the system, thereby destroying the
a 1pngth of 136 feet and 29 foot bcam,' '
wit� a darrying capacity of 140 tons,
best on�, --thea st4nd by him,
'Do not delay i
but consult him
I . I - 11 �
In Williarn-W.'s Employrnent,
foundation of the disease, and giving
,he patient strength by building up
Iff tiMe *hdfl you are sick.
One' of the old -ago, penslon(�ts tit
. I the con§titution and assisting nature
� Micd Nad Lo4y Nost.
Ask his opinion of Ayer's'
Hanipton-ori-Thaines is Mr. Thomins
. in doing 09 work. proprii'ti-ira
haree so much faith in ittl CnLraClVe PoW#
L A queor story comes from a city in
the west, While soino workmen, a ,
Cherry Poctor.gl for c6ughs
Poster, who is 90 years of age, and
-has lived in Vxbridge road for sixty
I ers that tbat they offer One Hundred
few days ago,'Nvefe removing the con.
And colds. Then use It or
years. When a lie was in tho
. Dollars forany ease that Wails to citre
deninod Hpire of a blifirch, 250 feet
� .
not, JU at as he says. "
ompla,y 451 the Dulce-o'l Clarence, after.
Send for testininnials free.
froin the g�oun8, they found. a large
. . .
. I L
ward8 William IV., in Bushey Park,
F. 01-IMN-EY & 00 ,Toledo, 0.
Sold by all druggists, 75n.
colony of inice, comfortably nest6d, in
die hollow part of the woodwork, at
� and had to open, and shut the pad -
dock gates when the duke went foil u
.1 I VftL publish our formnus.
We _bmfilsh
Take Rail's .P&milY Pills for constip-
the base of the gilded cross thzit
a alcohol
I I 7 it."im.w"n"
topped .the steople. I
11PI J� I it I 14441
Vi& wa��,;Y*d tb
U e, 0 "nanit Y6=
.. . . L _. . I ���l
-, ��
h. -AL. 17_� 0.2'a I
Saskatchewan, nr Alberta, o6risult a
Grand Trunk Agent rega%,difipt the
interesting route via Oble4go and St
Paul, minueaclis or Duhith,� Bito.
gagrobOndedt tou ;aoCustoiag ex.
amination. Vall ihtfopmatlon from
Grand Trunk Agontg, �
." It VXAZ5 jVU1"V.V IV U � I .W.00
efoature.,; had to make for food and
watorl Could it bt� po,isible that they Always keep a box 61 Ayer's Pills In tb6
aeloctod that lofty dva4ling plade W house. Just one pill at beddifte) no* slid
accure Safety froin their natural'one. thani. "I ward off msay Ali attook of
ini&3?. The easo j,s rvm,miubh,, aivl ""O�snosa
would be ineredibln, wero it not H m * n y 'y!'*'
I votiched for by those whose word wt �t:: Pills P
cannot doubt. � I .Xiialwaii
. .10—�� — .
. I 11, I L I I I
. I
% , . , i
1011110111— 1-------- L � —, . .
Miss Agnes Boy . lo and Miss 1, Met-
calfe, two domestic servants at Roth
asay, Scotland, who are about to a,
married--orto to, a member of the
DroadrioughtIft eyew and the othor to
a local me0hanie-have been chosen
to obare tW late Marquis tit Butola,
1;11_u��_ *Tx.�f M41-- ..—
— ,. . _
Farm for F42le I
r .
Vor "I# shal folio 01 1200or444 boing
lots q&.,%, -lot con.. Qoderlob township.
---d frame boqqe. frowe. barn, stables.
I*$ 1s*tTJ)0-N b,
drev hollse, good 6pring creek, 10 *ore# of
. I
coribskrd, o!l clepred but aboul; 25 acres and I
I L .-
- I 0_��_ 11 11 -1
in (;0d9t%te0ff,Ul%iVAUO0, Soilricholisil
49,tm -R, Aoonoblo spraiii to auir, puraliss-
�0 I
q. __
er. April, to 0 J. wallig olinton, Ont I
0, . .1 - #*_
I . --- L I
. � I .
Cloilliee eropert� Ft)r �ale
I .
- ,
I - I I
Wmming Agathst
Cho undt,tsigned offeris for isle bis choice,
the $treaw===
gardeti property of three scres pimMed ia
Glorden 18'arvey, (Ninton, There io a oom.
Noable house wi�h sto,no odlar, on the
, jOBN RlDou%� - 0, B. HArIlk
tr3antl to do a succossfol
place, with stabl-, hard andsots wii,or, all
Ktods of fruit ireag an I d in otate ot
t - 1
I '
without advottlaing,
it is inot *xpenalva to gain,
- L
mitivistion; will be Mold Wijh LeX)tirootitfit,
I H. T. R A'N 0 E
� �eslr4bls
I � publicity by the up* of
)a reosoustole terms, H. JOYNhRf
I . I
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
InIk. Our claawfRow"
Wdot Ads, cost little,ond so*
I . _ "
- fUnk, of hule
I Financial and Real. Estate.
L INSURANCIB AGENT-IteprosentI.S Ii Fire jai.
$ .
by viseely ovorvine, - I
L - -
I . surance COMP4,4100, .
ther"L 611-6 0310tillk
Trr 118,24A ,
On Maple S�. one half tiore ot ground,
DivIslon Court offl4oe. vl
your buqlasss,r
good fruit. treep And oniall fruit,
honso.iligoo3conjuiti;ri., ApKIV to
- -
I .04 .. . -
I ...., ..'..
Uddh,al- .
___ .
House for Sale, .
' '
I �
o W. TROMPS619
_ , ,
A comfortable frame house 'on Mill St.,
I sleisn. surgeo4s.:ixto
I su!a%ie4#anuOn glve� to, digfts" o0ki, .
00. I
iontaining 8 bedroo.wo,*eittlug room, loan-
, U78, Har. %%mak &)id Non, L .
try wood9hed, good cellAr. L bard wid, soft
Nater. One-quarter oicre lot. Will be sold
obesp. ApDly a . t NEW BRA, Office, or
omee ancl Iteddien".
Two d"ra west of illio Commard4 nlpW
Va"n at.
nkilm URNRY FOLLAND, Clinton.
I . .
. I
1$zakaohe is the primary c46use of kidney
trouble, When the Wok aeltes or b000mes
. . � I
House for Saw
- , � I I r I , ' - , ,
. Dr. Wo Gillian I
? I
wftk it !it a, warning that the kidneys are
air. W, Gaim. 16 x. A P., X. IL 0. L. Zen-
� .
4ble to b@COMO aaeot4ed.
The larize cotlage an Queen street. be.
longing to Icbe the late Holmes
OM69-00tario Street, Oltdon. Vislit eaW a*
froat door Oleo
. I
. .
. '.
. need the Warning; check the lWk&ch&
&Lad diepose 61 may shances of furthir
ealisse of g.
,is offered for eale. The lot, is one-hikif
of or resideil", IA#SnbW
Olriid- L � I I
troul)l . 0. I '
If . don't, serious, complicationo a"
&ore. with bearing ftuis fi,reee, hard and
'oftwater. Abargain. ApplystNEW
OgIfthomMIL* fflgta1.,_3toSV1W11.Tt*.9VAs1'
. �
t first thing
VIRA'offiae .
------------- �_
very apt to rise and you -
kno,vr you will havo o Y,' * &4 or
L I � -
. . .
I DR* d o Wo SHAW- I
Bright's Iseane, the t Most d
. Cottage for .male .
� ,
formsof i oyTrouble,
0 -1 __ . .
Aeco"Clieur, eto.. offloe &U4 reddence an
to.b.rr St., 000081te W. Varron's red4onee, .
Mr. Jaines Bryant, Arichat, N.S., w"
AIS&1�11 buy ChOICO'COU49e 90 J0800h l3t,
troubled with his back -and usid Doxals
Kidney Pills, ,he wiitex.---�111 ' cannotsay
a ft and 4 Water in the house, cement qellar,
Kelso furnace. Eleetric. light. good lawn, i iore
lot, Cement walk ozound house. Part cash. bal.
. I I I
DRe V, 11. axon I .
. .
too much about, the benefit I received after
usin g three boxes"Qf Doan's Kidney Pills.
ance at 5*/o. Just the place for a retired larraer.
APPly , � BOX 174,-Clinten.
- DENTIST . L . .
(Successor to Dr. Holmes I I .
. . I
I , '. greatly troubled with an aching Pa.-
across the small of my back. I could not
-_ I
. OFFlerty Isor hale
SpeciiiiUst In V -WK AU4 BrIfte -Ifferik., .
IO 0 work and - my back was so weak I
Graduate of the Royal College of 1)j1ita.6W
Owns of Ontario. . . .
irould have to sib down, Itwonldgoaway
for a fow days but would always return.
-J, .
. The undersigned offers for sale two houspe
and lots,'i &6re each. an North St. floustB fair-
ly comfortable. Will. be sold cheam'Apply to.
Elonor graduate of Vitivpralt.y of Toronto Doti.
tal Department
Graduate.ot Chicago College of Dental anift" ,
� I
I was advised to try Doan's Kid P
- ney i'L�
011,eago. �
and I must amy they completely cured nie�
Will visit Baylleld every Moliday. I I . .
. Price 50 cents per. box or 3 boxes for
House, II)r Sale' L
-.--... � - . . � I..
I .1
$1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on
I . . .
. . I I
I i
receipt of price by The Voau Kidney Pill
I .
SubBeriber ofters for pale hle'large mLd desir-
. DR. R. FOWLEal, I I ., L.
I . LL
.C6., Toronto, Out. , � .1
I ..
ablo, bouse on Huron Street. furnlabed with all
modorn couirenievemhot aud cold water uv-
, I I . .
. I
. . ?
stairs and down. with batb; batd and Bott water,
large stable mad driving Bbed bearing fruit trees.
Also ball -acre lot opriositelmoRejazie-a Plain-
I L ...
Office� over OINEIL,18 �tiore. . .
. I
. . �
Ing Mill. . J. W, MWIN. Clinton.
Spooial care taken to make dental trealp. . L
I .1 -
. . . I __
. Vnent he valilleas &.a possible. . . I
. .
I Aosso. Graxs�tie Did Not Eat Cain-
: fitfin 16r Saie . -
. 1. . . I I
. . .
. penions on Trip. ..
. . I
� I
I I - .
. L , . Miscellai!Ocius.' -,, -
I ThIrmigh the eXertions of the de'
The undersianed Pffers for sale bid'farm Of.100
.acres, beiing Lot 29, Con 2,'H. R. S.. Tuckeramith
. .
pa;t;neut of the attorney -general- of
Queboo'end'Datective McCaskill- the
This is & good farra, In a good state,01 Cultiva-
tion, and in allrat class locality. There oxe good
farm Is
. . . No witneeses reautred ' �
. . . ,
whereaborats have at last been, L dis-
buildings on the property. The *ffered
In one parcel or will be sold In twdrisrcelo if d
simd. Eorfurtbervartioulassappl to . "
I . - I
. .
covered Of ,Toseph Grassette a French.
wau, supposed to be' the' sole sur-
MET. RANCE. Clintou. or to L.STON a.
I , 287 Tecumseh St'L
Live. stook and general, Auction �e" L .
. '
. viv,w of - the ill-fated hunting . and
(ti) . . . I Sarnia. ont.
. �
' . __ -
triding *&rty which came to grief in
tb* , -in r of IW7-08, in the vicinitY
. . L. Farm for hale. , .
. .
. L . I
141 IL stooAt Notes a StWouds, OAQ885' a JA . .
NEW FAA 0115cei Clinton, pmmptly atlewell
of Uke Mistasaini. L.
, it will be ren*wnibered that in May,
I . . -
Subscriber offen for sale bla farm of 650 acrea.
to. Terms 'reasonable. Farmers' sale. no%@ .
disepunted � . . L I I .
� L
. I
ism, psrtions. of the human body
wom found in the woods, which were _
bell]g CaSt bfklf OfL Job 16.,,eon. 6. All
cleir�d* well drained. " I fenoed; good ''Clay
land. in good condition. Plenty of wator; n11W_
_ -_ � . �_ .
, , .
. G.�_D� MeTaggar . t. X. D. MoTaggar . -11
� . .
. .1
Lidentified as -those of the.916de, Aug-
trame houRe sud barn. Two miles from CO..
staijceP.0. Six miles from Clinton. it intles
I I �
MeTaiggart Bros, *.
usto Leviiieux. Th-ey were horribly
-mutilated, 'conveying. the impr ession.
from sebool.. Ariply to underdgmcl. personally
on the 16th Con. of Goderich Tip., or by. letter G.
. I .. . . . �
. I . .
that they Wid been used aa,,,7food
"by other farniphing members of, the .
I . .. .
� __
. '.
To Rent In Combe'tlovk..
, "L , ' L �
I ' I .
. 1,
party. . . I .
L . I . �__ . .. I . � I I
. .Generall banking . 80'sin"s - .
. Grassette. is a'# Albany. Th letter
I . .
I for . small i3tore or work room,
oin e or
. L . . transactea .. �
. to . Detective McCaskill', Grassette
&%Is: -Learning that I am sought by ,
Next 0 Jobn Ransford's bffice. 'Avely to
. I . J AS. 5MITH. Ontaxio St - , -,
I .
I __ . L
. I
f I
Ahe,police under the ,accusat�on of
the murder of my two companions, I
— . . '. � . " .. I .
. . House tor Mle
.. I .
. 1. I Dralte isined. Interest allowed on - I
'.'' L devosio, . . . .
wjdte, to you to say that I sin at your
. . 1.
I . . L .1 . .
I dimposition in order to rid InySelf Of
---" ,
Thelaj:gef on Ontario St. belong
.�L MC - *
The Kii1op Mutual -
this serious acciisatioh. I might say
�hat my two guideg'set out ior Lake
gtg ,,,rameholipe
ing tate of the late Mn., Moilteith. is
offereo for sale; Suith ble for good-sized family,
I Fire I .
nsurance V.o,,.
J 0'1'L front the con-
. itnerice of the rivers Ohibog I amu . and
Hard a4d soft water, stable goocl cellar. et.c.
For partioulars. apply to Vs. 13AMILTON
Olinton. oi�to ALEX MONTEITH. Kippen.. .
.1 I . . I . I .
Parm and Isolated Town -Props ' .
. I
I . .
: Ibs*ogeinan, where we had passed the .
I ..
. - , I _. _'. ".. I
. . erty Only Insuilied. L .
. . .. I .
L .
. ;,
.'autnum. I was to follow them Several
Shorth&JIS L for Salt*g
. � I
I . . . OFFICERS. � ..
days aftei with my dog,"buf having
.. . � .— � , I . .. . I .
. J...B..McLean,PresidentAeaforth-, Thal
been -unable to move for several daya .
after freezing my' -foot 'and having
Five young'Buils, from 8,Lto 39 inontl�s old;
good oues; all dred -by Duk , ()f Richmond. the
Eraser, Vice-pres., Brucefield; Thos. 19 , -
Hays, Secy.' Tress., SWorth: -
. .
. ' '
then only, a'.1ew pounds'of provisions
sweep,takes bull at Clinton sud.Drucefteld in
IM8. Pr,..B to suit the times. . Comae and see
- , I
.1 . : . . . I
. left, I had to give -up niy intention of
joing to IlAke St. John, itnd then � 1
them, or write H., K. WISE. Clinton, ofit. .
1. . I I _. ". _ .
' '
- �
Jas. Connelly,, Holinesville; ]ohm � .
. . .
betook myself ta the WaShwanipi 'post,
,. .Shotthoi.ns * -for .,Nal.ei "
- I
Watt, Harlo6ki G. Dale, Clinton;- U.
Chesney, Seafbith; J. Eviins;-B -itc& .
.,a , &Stance of a] Lmost 70 iniles, where
. - .
I arrived dying of 1huriger," - I
. _.�.. - *
. Some tboro-bred Shorthorn Bulls and. Heifers
wooni J, Bob. ' L
P I. G. Grieve,' Winthrop,
I I . . 11
I .- ,
.. . I
for.sale, from.one to three YeaYs old.
. I JAS. 13NELL. Haydn-BtLrton Farm. Clinton.
- -- --L"-.-.
. .
neweis, Brodbagen. . - �
tor is , , I
. ..Each Direc inspect6t of.losses W ' -
. I
, Repeatli t- "Shiloh's Cure . will.gl
L .
. . . .. . , �L .
'his own locality- I .. . I I . I
way I a cui�e.lray coughs and colds."
I :
. Cedir-and An chor Posts ,
.� I . I
L . 1. � AGENM, * L .
� . .
... � I .
. I . � � .. . — . ,
I - I .. .
A 'F* arnous Sportswoman. - ,
�. - - '
7Vor a Quantity of Cedar. and ,Anchor
. X1101i
Imats. 11 be sold cheap. . . .1 .
Robt. S "'
I � . mith, Harlock;. Ed.1 Hinthloy ,
* James Cummingi Egmon4 *
Scaforth, .
. ..
I .1%w- women ,have had a more in-
. JOHN 0. BLUOTT. , -
L Bayfleld Road. Godorich To
. . .
Lville; J. W. Yco. Holmesvillt I
� . . .. .
. � .. �
I .
I 1p; I; ir and adventurous career than
WaL A.ke . Tweedle, the English wo-
I .
� . �
I I __ - .
Wanted--ViiiiiiS Atlentlon.'R
__ _ . I .
.. . � .
man who bias been working So baid
I , LC .
-to aid the victims of the Messina
ma4hquake. She hQs traveled through
For a first elass Job go to the Now Dou�le
Procens chopping Mill, next to the Clinton Moo-
. .. :
. ,�, I � . I . .
Painter and Paper Hanner, ' �
.w&A of the countries. of the world,
nab by rail. but astride a horse; has
trio bt Station; We Ilse the Volubination
a ,'Is. v6ry-tbing ground twl0e oVer.
i . .1 � . .
. All work guaranteed. I .
cU=A*d.AlPine peaks on SnQw-shoes,
Capacitir tbirty bd9a Per -boiir. ranning every
day and chopping done while You wait. Wealso
. LL,
.. . Pricei reasonable. .
. thinks there is nothing so delightful
. m ioe-boat ahiling, shoots and drives
rdu oatq, grijid flax. and make wb6st and corn
m09,1- 110t ua grmd your next grist and noW tba
Residence nearly'ot) osite the . .
, , P
. *Ah the best -in a word. is a s0ler-
differ40120e. WOL try to accomodate oUr cudozAars
as fer as pogsibld , � . .. I .
I. " . Itute. ,
I . CQUegiate Insi'
. did type of the strenuous sports-
I . � 'JONATHAN BRQWN. Clinto.n.
� I . I . ...
. - . I
. .--- .
wMan of to -day, Her,most excitii?g
md,iiienture occurred during her. trip
L � I . . .
� Tender,4 Wanled ,
. . . . .
. . - / .
. .
'Y . -
1JA008'TA - LOR
. .
thwough Mexico some years ago, When ,
sbia was the. guest of President Diaz.
. . 0
.� ''
, Tenders will bo recolved bY the 0oundl 0 the
. . 'L
. �
e U19 ION .
She was .careering down one of the
bigg6st mountain in the world
Vownbhio of Bullett up to 2 'P. m. on Tuesday,
the 16bb of Mareb, 30W, for the building of Con-
. ___ : . . . I
1. . ......
' .
I *a a trolley car, an engineer on either
creto abutments .to support tbree small steel
bridgeo. I .
Flre;,:Lif� -
Accident.:' ' `�
side of her and Mexican Indians be-
At tlie'Bauxe th-ne tenders will be received for
steel auperstruoture of the 13sid thiee bridges,
- . . . I . .
I � InsuranCe
hind working the hand -brakes, Sud-
* L
denly she *as maimed b� the neck and
longthbetween abutmoilts being sa lollowe:-
No� 3. a low truag 40 fb Aran; No. 2. abeam bridge
I . . .
. I .. . 1. . ,L . ..
. .
.. . .
. — ,. .
hauled'offthe car. As she tumbled a
16 it abitn', No. 3;,& bowni bridge,.3 rails,
lhrfa;111�11un; Roadwq 14 it wldp� and all of those
Real 0stulid bout1ht an .
. d Mold L . .
dejected mass on the side of the road,
to'be flilished complete witb cement floors,
. .
filioney to lioan - I :
She perceived a huge engine draw.iljg
a goods train 62ming thunaeri g along
Sp"ificittions fot the cement work can be deen . . — . . . . .
at the Clapke 6111ce Londesboro . , I . .
Tao lowest or tendAr n0i 'hooeasartly ac- ' ,
Offic 6 Isaac Street.
round a kurt of the pass. Crash it
cepted. . JUME,i 0AMPDZLT,, Cler)" L
� I , hex door to New §
. hr�
went into V* trolley -tar, not a qcrap
I . .1 - I I 'L � _
, . � .. , . I .
of which ewa� 10t, Yet no one was
'. � .. . .�
-7.,------ � .. ! " � I .1 .
hurt, and Mri. Tweodie arose with a
smile on. her face. I
.. I
- .
.1 . 1, .. I .
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I The'Myers I I
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- - L Imusiem-
�t. I �.
� ethod',
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AMalft ,
Rhe. ISM
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(da' (L HOIMes.) -- Teaehero�
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I haVe fdAmd a ttied and tLsted mro for Ithen.
inatism I Not rent6dy that
. . . I .
Now ia, the timo,to have your
I I I -n�,
. .
'' �
The Myers' Music Method, for begin-
A will stmlght�n the
u1stort4d lfmbg of chronid crlpveg, not tutn bon r
P�lcyole cleaned -tip at,d 'put in
ners, provides a, thorough -prepArat,ory
back to flesh aftin. hat Is irnpom1ble.
ape for Spring. Bring it, it
course in the rudinients of musit.4 We.
t -mn no eurely kill the paim sind patigs
thli,&Dlora b.11 diseaso.
now and I can bs.vo it rqady
lessons are conducted on Kindergapt,on,
in( Aels, and include -Plano,
In Germany-witit a Obewlst Ift the, City of
Varmstadt-1 found'th6 10t Ingfedlent with .
you, witboindelAy .
practical �
teaebing, making the study pleasaub
V11140h Dr. slioop,g Rhourdatic Remedy wag made
Ind -interesting, ".
& Derfedpd. dependable Prescription. Withoub
that last Ingredient, I specessfully tteat6d inany.
. .
Private lene)na 11106 given, tind PUPJM
o"pared for the Conservatory Junior oma .
� . I m I
etires 01 combie ra8es of 018 heretorbro
mueli dreaded disease. Thmo sand -like grantilar
wadeg, fotindinithownatlebipod. 8pomt6diwolve
If you wish to have our Tnower
sbarponed and rep-5,ired, drop
I I . I _ -
. . - - � I I
I . I I
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�Mg away jmdor the action of this romeds, as
11141,y doei sitghr when added to p0ra wab6r.
Jue ft p6itak ckrd or leave word
And th"NU , 1v en d .4so ved, fliese olsonous wastes
freely, a -Sq, fro t s � ,
ou a Is is 'Rol 1106 19
at the shop and I ABU call for
and deliver it, .
I I �� -1
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'. ' ,
, .
orb or. ndw 1ho,
ir I noi -ho fte exalge to tti er lorig6r with.
Now is the time to have these
_ I
V 0 11.4 co e 06 recommoud
things attended to its I sball be
Dr. Shoop's
busy later on.
I.. .
A. TURIVER, flinkillo
L Allilion $ale I
I 0 I
.. . . L _. . I ���l
-, ��
Pmm-YSAI'VimAY at the AttOTION ljotj8g.
GODER1011. Sides cohallated &nywllete, &tW
. L I I
LIM. MroliAddise. k0al ext&W, livo Mock, at%,
T - _j_ - 1 . ..... L--,—"* ,
Sold by "ALL DRUNIS ' tlj�n Vare* ibloteakpor
�S" nj;W
. .
4 G. W. 13140KETT, Aactlobeer.
yho 0 100. 13ox Ift. Qodorli%, 0aJ,. �
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