HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-03-04, Page 1_,K_'1147,V,Z1W1krT.V r.,-4 �, I _ �,.Vl I. .
11IMT -PA,PVV---.11 I ,*, � ".
--?rT-rWW1".-RW -r "W=1qC --X-T--_RW-7--�J � 7971-m`�, 'qlgVT�',�,-"�w'-'r77"w."wwmlw,7g"' - .
, 1"Fr .9"W"w- " , . M-7--, N'74 --m- -.7p"W"',
- , �1. �'Vl . I
. . I - __ __ ___ .. . , , ., . , , - . .
'd . . Colborne 14� Sesiortu , . . Mayfield Hallett.
I . . �
� THE Ale'Killop � A. BAJ) WA$0, OUT On Thursda , ed I . Dn&Tu Q I v MR. , Moonnuousia-A PERSON."-Xiss Mary and Me Joe I I 11 . . I ..
I Y ,94D D,u,&TEr - Word was recely Blake accompaniel by. MlsR T
I I D04,TH Ov MR MA.TTHNW LYNC11- morn7,ug last, Me W ID Forster drove . this ;p k of the death, at Regina, bf prominent resident of the County died Lamb, visit � , essle , ,
. - Mrs .%, .1 adfriou allixeKillop"Jast
I . in the silent mesilongerof over to Holinesville by way Of the alavoon, and her three year last week In the person of Me, T, J. week, . .
I I aturday
� . ..ALF death entered our midst, this time Oolboroa bridge, and on his return I old child. Deceased, who was an ex- ,bloorebouse, whose death took place on , �
I Im - 14 bomeward, was as tonished to find, that
"NOYAL BANK oneim"in"ggas its, victim , attliew . ceedingly popular girl when living Thursday. Mr. Moorehouse was 75 of A GOOD STALLION SOLD Win B�ll 1 25C SO N L Y
. CIO .,, UL
�_ � I I 1 Ia the ineautline 110 feet of the bridge , bw, secured the young register- i
. "vach, a highly respocted resident PC �, I . d here, recently operth, roqr months with age *9 In the bookanil ,,,on �
�, I had been Washed out, and stmi Years ago he we Mlys't'q' Lord Atra for shipment to "- -_ I- -
. � OF QANADA. this vicinitY. The deceased was b0a it a car""' her parents here. Unkind, and it is lonery business in U,Aoriob,owalng -OW-10-mm.
� 1 . in Clare County, Ireland, oIx:tY-nine down the river- poears that the hoped untrue, reportsare in circulation the business now conducted by George the West. ' Vbis colt which Is tbe I .
. I ,, water Jiad got dammed back further AS t . , Dperty of R Blak-, ebb Con... Hullett .
, o the cause of death. TlAe bodied* Procwr. Later he bought a property fir,
. � . . . years ago, and came to this. coulitt y - . I � - � ' � 0 was In looking over our stQ.ck� we.
� with his parents when a ouug boy, up the river, and when the ice gave are expected home. � overlooking the rivier here and built a 4" not Yet three years old. . H
. I - I
� I � 0I.-INT"ON, BRANOH K a way the water'camd- down with Buell. I sired by Dird8tall melanite,, an4 is a at we have too many.
L' � \ . I 1. I Three years ago me ) Suffered I . � . . fine house, where be -hi% since'resided, I � . I
. 1 stroke of paratypis, W6 effects leaving volume -that it carried out twosections ' Mr. Moorehouse was 4. Presbyter splendid piece of horse flesh, The- .
I I ' of the abutments. After be got home,. , _ , !an aid wa I a $350. ,price Hale Brushes. Ia. order to Clear ' ..
. him in a rather frail condition. He I . and in politics a Staunch Liberal., His, P . . I
, 1 . � PAYS . was in hl%usual health. until abouts, which he did by fordlag� the river. Me NOTES Miss I� Horton left. Saturday many friends and relatives from the OLD VACHELORS.- Did y . . b
I . he . a he was taken ill Forsteerliged up some' wire fencing for Stratford. to. Star a few weeks with _ou ever un.- them out, we will on Saturday I
. � I a, i
F . . month a 0. W , - ' �
I .L ATTIgNTION - with Brig It's diset I the open apace in the bridge,and -her sister M6 G Clutiou who is not 8t-ttes Were asasembled at his death dertake to c etb. 10i 9, sh . regal . at- �15o and 85c A .
L , ount ulithe old bachelors
'A ;SPECIA .1% I tse,of which he died. across I I . , and a large trxin of ,acquaintances there arein Hull
� � �� . put up a temporary footbridge, wberek. well at present. Harry Williams spent followed the remains to the L last 'rest- have so many w . aloe to , give a . rush �
L . ring his illness, every attention . . . . ,hen, there W such a . . I
1, � e) I Du . .L �,y walk across security Saturday, visiting friends, in Ooderich ing place, the interment taking pl%ce splendid 600ply of indudbelous maidens and a Comb for 93et- "I I
- . ven him, his wife and. familydid bj . . in . 11
wasgi . . , persousaii I _
"' . I I ; a a team cannot cross a; All. Tp. Mr., and Mrs A Ho , L Y on Sunday last. Thesympathy of the whomight be induced to- gol*o double - ,
ev! I people 'goes out Y .
. I TO all t;iat loving hands and tender care ,hopurs eerhas been no of tb I I rtou"Ieft to -da to Mrs, Moorehouxe harness and prove thenistelves gau6ina ave to, hurri, for
L I c3uld-dotoall Ate his sufferings and a Couuty Engin lifted , i air return home, to Alberta; they
I . . . I . . .
... . 11 il I )long the life so fondly cherished. of the accident. For the present will visit friends at Sault Ste Marie oil and the bereaved family. home -makers, -How man .
� SAVINGS BANK Me' best 6 was also nothing can. be done towarda Creating the Way bavk. Me Cleveland Tich- . 7 0ailable theyare going as quickly As 'thQL'
,:: - I . me4icat assistano .9femporary bri-igo for teams" %ild L iU borne of Godericb,was the guest, of his #ICTORIOUS VBRIBUSTS-The Mardi bachelors are there in Hullett%nyhowp
I . . I proaured, Dr Michelle being 1A epar . - ce . 'Gras celebration, given by the Lady ollowing-la price suggests. I
. ata at attendance, and- ill that, medical looks as if it may be a considerable sister, Mrs Hoia Horton on.4unday, SCHOOL REPORT The f .
_ -
� . " � ould.do wasdome, buttono avail; time b I efore . anevir bridge can be erected Me John Linklater attended the Farm- Verikiests, on. Feb 22od, was reported, the Veport of s 8 No. 8, Hullett, for I I . .
, . .
.�. . ,aid c herwise,the bright hopes At the last meeting of the County. .br's Institute meeting at Carlow last tQ be the last �utertainmngit to ve February based on eight examinatio . n . I . . � . . .,
. . I - . .
..� J -,'I- ,and FARMERS BUSINESS Ood Willed ot contract was let for the . Tuesd4y,and took (in able part in'the given by the club during Lent, but tests, Sr Div. -Sr 4 -Eddie Gray, N ..
". . . . I L I . "I that were entextained for big recovery 00ullcil a 130W bridge at this place., discussions. Me Ed Lawson Attended . this W" only'a, chair movement on Garret, Violet,Philli a, A NeConiiell, I
L : were shattered, when on Monday even. erection of *a I L L I
4' . , . . . I ttieFariner'sineeting stDangannono their part, and on March 2nd again KhloOonnell, Bert%runsdou, Jr4-m- . :
'' , - ingpreviousto his deathheliecame : DRAma.-The funetijil took place on . . W. A. McConnell
r - ,New - x4vallothI9419 . , . and gave an able paper on birds. Me moved on the field of merriment by Elva Manning,. 8 Lyori,, frauk.,Brown, . I . 11
�', , . . �f weaker, and on Thuri day, Feb. 25tb, . ag of Sarah, relict of the 'A H Olutton took 4 business t * t way, of a fish supper, which.soon de,- Fred'01rawford, J D E slay. 9r 3 - H . . t; " ..
I.. . - � I . fully Monday mornii r&oo . I . .
1� . . I at2,80:pm.,he eace passed away late James.iCobifi, (L)R, Colborne, Towu� Stratford, last Saturday. MrO H I r_ *01oped into tb6. usual. quickstep gaie. Crawford, V Garrett, Ivy Robertson. . . Phm. B. . I
�,'�� , I Overcoats,Louniburys, (Loadesbor6).1 surrounded byLtis Wife, and, family to :ship, whose , deathL Occurred on -Friday L
� Bitter oranges, McLennan!s .... ..... I I .ton,Dunlop, has been confined to her On 'entering the field they were. A Grainger, Pearl Lee, Jag Orawford. I . . .1. LLL
, I L . . .
, whom he was bound by the last in Lond eicts ty -
1"� I I 1, 1, Wall paper. -Cooper's Book Store.,..4 strongest on. The body was brought room for some, days, from the eff longly opposed by Jr 3 Annie Kirkeonnell, O Phillips, C.P,R. Telegraph Agency
ties of affection. His pastor, Rev Fr to Gpdarich and the interment was ' L I rain a body of deter. Lillie Brufkadon, 0 . Orawfordi Jewel I . L . . I L . .
A,, ObilLaper Yet. R Adain's - - I - - - � ...... 4.5 of ulcerated teeth; we are glad to say ed Porreategs,* but the redoubted . I
I � Going out of Businesp, Jacobs ....... 5 McKeon visited him a law days before made in the Rowan Catholic cemetery she iaL improving., Miss Youngston veribests quickly dispersed the enemy, Graingeri Olive Little, Jenn' Maing, L I
. I � , . his deatb,'and .administered - to him in Colborne, services. being held in St was _ . B. Little. - lerage. I t2 , __�w . .
I Eyesight. W R Oounter..,......., i..S nts of the Catholic Peter's 0hur6h by Rev, Father McRae: the guest offier cousin Jean Clut- forcing them to bivouap, beyond the I Enrolled 25., Ave .
I . 1. Watch Quality. IE[ellyar ............... 5L the last sacrame - � . I I � %n, ; on Sunday. We are sorry to Say ,swamps on the outskirts, The Ladies, W G Beaton, teacher. . I a ___ - . .1 ::,
I I I urch. 'He was in, fail possession Of Mrs. Tobin was 65 years of age. , a . I ' � ' .. I,
� See4a. W T'Smybb...*..'..........._..5 Ch � . TFAC1111131tS of ripe scholar- I
I - 4 all his f4culties, knew Well death was, I � . . . W Kingwell is seriously ill at the Aid of the Mathodisti oburcli were the Jr Division , . . a in .. � I I
. 1swoll Tailoring, G WBargo...i., , rntendod for last week , bouleofher.mother. MrAlexHorton next to move against the'club, but the . . . Mbeip, wide teaching d bus.
. :,5 h6verip near, and as h� � ' I . ,,Jr 2-M I ,a a �
. Violin ipstructione,Ir6no L.Tackson .g a lived, so; he . kry Curry, May Lyon, Percy . xperleace in leading .1 I
I NoTEs-Fved Says next time he goes is still at his raothers home in order to Veribear's had crossed the: fire zor,e, I usnadian and American :
Mrs L H Elliott..... 5 dlbd, happily. But sad Indeed H the ' . 25 11
0 - - To the ladies, ak* - ,drivinghe is going'16 have a More be convenient for the dootora daily 'under the co,Odr of Matin Olive Lyon, Mary Crawford, .
� . :5 home from which be has been ' . an . darkness, on o he in . , I centres,, employed by our ..
Giri Wanted, Mrs S, R Sm lih I - be the -utter,if be has to.canvas visit§-, he is Somewhat batter.. , - previous evenint, which, was a sudden Delm artithwaite, W illiaer Scott,Dora, .1. ohadn. of high grade 001leged. .
� , . :::'.'.-,.-51 and dimmed with toars will . comfortable 4, . . � . . . I have built ui),& superior, unapproached., . .
. Auqti6n Sale, Jas Smith,._ the, Whole neighborhood. Miss.Bertha , . I . surprise to the adies Aid, who -could Riley. J-04 Tallett, Everett Hill., 8r Pb . . .. . .
- . . . �Graatftlo, Tozer& Bro � tru.. ;,.. -�'...8 ., eyes that look in vatal for him. To the I . I - ttacking I party at � bay 2 -(Equal, Mairy Jamieson, Bessie curriculum, "I . . . . . . ���
bereaved widow ' extqod Million spent Sunday underthe parent- . I GodericbTownship only hold the d � l9ach student is instructed Privately at- :,
, ; and family we � . . . � � Crawford), Harr,v Riloy, Kathleen IN16- his own, desk. We assist our graduates I
N, Last three days, Newcombas .......... 8 al roof. Me Gustaf Kurachinski has'. by assuming the aggressive on, the . I ;
. our heartfelt sympathy, in 'this their NOTES �3amea Smith,.134yfield .road, . Connell, Janet Hunkiog, Mar to tbe.best positions. I
, , -1 I Potatoes and enionsf, Cantelon Bios..8 hour of trial, but they have the consol- returned to his home in Berlin. After Will sell his farmAnd stock on the Ilth evening of March 3r , Aud. thence -re- canuell, - Norman I y. Kirk- � Three .courses.- Commercl4. Steno. .
, . aaw Fur prices. Bert Hovey spending a fe'w. weeks renewing old tiring under great disadvantagee. The Manning, Minnie gra�phy anct lolegrapby, . . .. �
' ., I
. '.
4. . ing happiu6ss of knowing 1hat' their of this' month. Messrs Wilbert And Crawford Jr. 13t. .
. .. dear,one wits all that 'was "good a6d acquaintances inthis seetlob. hlr� Ubas LadiesAid"of S -_Andrew's are now _� - Kate Brown Mau Courses, Enter any day.� .
- I I . . ktobert6oli and sister paid a, flying via. .Ethel Howard,'wbo have been visiting ader training, and are likely to ate qual,.iNlildred Gray, Kirk Lyon), Y Send a postal for.particulars, " ' ' 4 .
.. . . P true,& good practical, christalu, a truly their cousin, ,Me Finlay, of the 9th, re u 'ttlOwn,blyrtle Graingeir, M Shobbrook I . 1. I � . . . . . . .. . .
I I . - .. - - Cam N LINTON . I
�2' . . fond in. it. up the Maitland .on � Sunday Miss tack the dolumns.of the Veribest
- kino and loving husband, -a turned hathe on Tuesday, a social ga .Woodman., Pt U Johnston ,Oraw- C
� -. . du gent parent, a faithful friend, and A Durai -is op the sick, list this week, ,March 17, and-alth6ugh the Verlbest6 I
respected Me Micheal Uhler has -purchased,% fine - thering being given on their behalf, on * ' th . ,,is ford, Alitinking, ,13 Little.- Enrolled I 1, I
,. 'Monday evenlng.�Mr and Mrs Sny-' Wit" over , e -Method! , 28 Average 25... CLE a BUSINESS COLLEGE I
IL I I was universally beloved and youngteamof colts, having soldbis I . lassies of St ., Andrews uston. teacher. . � . . . .
�� __ . by All who knew him;thls was testified old I der, Coderich, were visiting their A N 9eq the. Veribests their a - - I _; 1. -11 � . . .. I . I � GEO . ON, Principal. . ..
' '
,� Y
. .. .. . team for shipment to the. N ort� a e � I . . - SPOTT � .
� " 9 . I bythe�many people from far and near, * . I daughter, Mrs 3'Tebbutt. last week. - Mp ' t0bu . - �. . . I - . , �
� 0, , I . who thron&ed to the saddened homoo West at a good figure. Wit Stevens annock. d March. ,17th. .: . . , � IF . .
� . Me F d-Tebbutt who haa been 60ri- . . . � flolmosville, I I , , I
I myor and gaze on the has beew busy for the last - Lew uAYS � 9 . . From an occasional, c(irrespondeit. I . I
pa P, urat and Snyder Cuqly ill, we are pleased"to learn is bet- . NOTSS-Ap blic meeting will be held :N%'*%',&Ml.,�,%",W%" I
' to 'Her u � r' hauling logs MessrsD - _u . . . . .
Marmalade -0ranges1face Of At rue friend, who looked 60 ter. -The Ladies Aid of Cole's Church, NOTES - Xiss- Robinson, Seaforth, on M6nday. Mareb, Sth, in Holmesvil . .
. ibrene and peaceful in Death'scold am, iut6nd building cement silos this com- Ia . .
� , .bulk of the Is having a social time,on Friday nikbt is the guest of Mrs H LittleAbis week., hall; come and bear particulgro -,6x- , I
. brace. -Tivi funeral which'. took place ing summer, and have the in the ch4ruh; 9, dainty lunch will be In the Methodist Church -service San- pact to have speaker from an outside 4 The - RegLson -11 I I
zen gravel alreads in - . I . . I I I
� . I -
-B.itter Oranges 20c per'd6 on Saturday morning -Feb 27th, Was readiness for -that served, after 'which a short program. day morning Miss *Robinson sang !L point, Mr. Ge6. Holland left on Moh. . I
� .
. ' . -ad its Way to purpose. The project a. ion, ,.Me verV tc . juchi . ng o,31o,w Precl- I d%y for Elgin, for,the purpose of pue ... . I. . I.. � I I I . . .. I . ...
. the largest ever wend . of - Rural .Tel a will, be rendered; Silver collect hich, was ap . - ' ' * ' . t., ., "
. I phones is again recei;vinj considerabI . &_ - . chaising dairy cows. Mrs Herman A.n. $ I Wh ' � , .. I . . ., . . i
Large Sweet Oivnges 251c per St Columban., The casket was borne od-' it Allin, of 'Godericb, -was . - * y . . .
. vans, attention in -this .neighborhb , , L oat it the. ated very highly. � . �: . . I ..
' by Messrs Thos Moylan, Jis R home 'T W ilf,id � ' , I
dozen. I 1. I I 'to be a great Com am- .of Thos Cole this wee . - . �IAURPRISE�Tbe Ladl�sr &id Offh'e* draws, cf:,:Ca6o0olis. Mich., who has : I' I L I I . .
. . .. . Patrick G1vlin,Geo Hollandi Michael -certainly oughtL i Thompson traded his: black driver for' Methodist; Church, BE4 I got' a been visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Leon. I i,oug as . Stook 1nv1;oratqr -.. . . �
. ein and Patrick Ryan. ,$Olemn ence to the, farmer to. have Telephone more serviceabler one. Cantelon Bros, r4th . yfield, I
�Geib- Nelennan & 00., 01 KI connection- With the nearbytowns and a e4ctloe 3k surprise, when Mrs ard*, loaves for.her horiie On Monday. I is th� iQr6atest PreparatiOn `
. 14t6ii High M a, f Reqtiiern was. celebrated . - I �. I Of the 7th-, had the misfortune to lose a Geo agli -ratepayeia -of ' � . - . . . . . .
� . I as 0 yillaves . . I.. . I . . . nald presented them with A great niau7 �of the - . I
,,Oash and Trade for Butter and Eggs. ev hert M�Keiin, P P� who feel . I . valuable. three yeor old colt, with oblic $100 -to usei. for in 'thi they, .saw Goderich To. have signed the petition I fok hdrses and eattle . .
I" I
I I . . . �.. . -
. . . . * v in ' I I . .
I I . . ____ inglys;n .consolingly spoke of the.unp . � � I , - -Councillor Rathwell has been laid up 'Chnnel, and the ' ;ht ofwas, for 41tural -It Acts directly oi� the. food - . :
- . . I . . I . . , , .. . , most needed in the asking for the rig .
. . .. 1 certainty.of life, and the certainty of I . . 0046irich. '. . W . 6 Ladies Aid handed .the sum 'to - the To present . I
. .. ith a pahiful'carbuncle on his lef a 1 one Co ; gecording to the animal eats, assists, _. . . . .
- I .
I . d atb,an the .happy eternity that DEr'UTA,TI6'N:A ftobation consist.' hand. -The auction sale �f Joe Curry' Building Committee of theeburch.this PVOS�e�ts'a telephone system .wilp be. I nature to convert the starch $ . .
. . - ' a aits the soul that leaves this w6rld Ing of Mayor Councillors stock and hickplements, on'Friday, was -has . .
t . . .Macklin- and L making $600 that .the Ladies Aid established in the near future between parts into SUGAR,. an I
CENTRAL . strengthened by th6 mainy consol4t� Munnings. Craigle, Humber, W. L- a gTeat SUCe
. I '08S. L Me Keyes, of S&Ska- handed to the Building Committee of I Olinton and: Porteee Hill. Miss Susle. . $ . -
.I- . . . ioni-of. the Cath . when it becom6s'areal. food- � .1
, - : M. G . the lie* .
olic Church. -Afwr Horten, , .Cameron and A. j,,. Me- toon, was a guest at the bome-Of Me P church; And ivill soon-bave Acheson is A iting friends in Ha;milton : thaes why- animals thiive, � , I
I . BUSINESS' Mass the fuilaral cortege proceeded to Paw left Godericb.on Monday, for Ott- Cole, for a few ftys.. ' :-1 .. % the � pleasure to Say that the !new and Toronto this %ve6k. - .MrA 3 Cour'. ' . better on � � . . . . I.. I
, . . I ., St'.0olumban semetery,bdneath.which awa on the'GoveriiiiienCthe I .. . �" I I . . -_ .. . I . ticeis confined tohis house with An . , I I ...
. I .
. . * . . . consecrated s6da all ,that was I mortal to press theradditions to. outer . � * - I .. . . . church is paid for. . . . ... . . I . .
I necessity of far . .. WingIllain . . attack of lumbago. Miss Holmes at- ' 01111 oc n ora er� .
... I CO WHO IS'... of .&'faithful'and devoted husband,and bieAkwater at eoiterich. I I. . I . � . WOMA'N's INsTrrul�E-The Womans tended the funeral of Everett Herbert . . Alarge'pail for 756. - . � .
, I s- Three deaths' occurre& in R1�TURXIkQVoD4wsoil:- . I ..� 1. I
.. .. . .an aftectionAte father was slowly and DEATH I -Dr.Stribg. ,Institute will hold its regular- monthly Howe% the two-yeareold son of Me M I . , ''. '',
.. ,4;TANDS ready to. bblp Young -men and . as that. or. Bishop of Selkirk, -passed -through .meeting it the homeof Miss K Parke, ' . . . .
" - women to win independence and - ten&arly lowered to its laRtresting e6derich,oii'Mondaf. One w . W. Ho Oodericho an Tuesday, I I , . . .. � I..
. success. Ithas given the st%rt 'to then- platie. Me Lynchleaves to mou'll, his of Mrs.William. Blackford, She is sur- this place With his family. Friday, on on the 'Fron b R ay after. whose a . I . . I I � . I �,
, � oad, on Thursd " dea"t'hofoccurred vbri suddenly .. I. . . .
I .! I sands upon thousands of you 0.1 . loss, a wife, -two sor.s'and five d'aught- viyed by her husband and by h& son,.. big w% to London, Out., to. visit rel. *noon, -March 11 subjects. for discussion, Sunday- morning'.of croup, Holmes- � I ,
It can help You. Write for nil?"10009P.16. - -78 -a . , ourning to DawsonCity. 'HomeNursing 'and 'Character Build- ville Epworth League If entertained () mes �
. , . . erej who will ever chaviiih. the sweet William Blackford, jr. She was . ati,v a. efore r : . W S,Ro HI
. .
. Enter any time. ears of age. and wid' always been a 11 . . , . , � . . I I -1 � . I
estmemorleadf that dear one, not ing. ' Members should make a point to Bethel league of GodeRch Tp. awdBen- - I . .
I Address W. IEL SHAW, Pr6s. , 40ad; only gone before.' - - ' . . K I working woman. Ano . ther Oath Dn,A,THS." The death of - neighbors, .bepresent at this meeting, AS the - . . . .
, ,
. . . I . . � . . � I I arl _ Alex, Bruce,aged 82, and Thos , Jimie. Subject ofeelectingour ipringbulbs miller Igague'bf Colborne, also, a num- $ �- '' , .1.. Phm. B, �... I . ..
T Tet again we hope to meet thee. . . - Was that of Everett Hbrbet,the infant son, aged 83, of EastWaw.anosh T6wn- ber of the young people from,Ebenezer I I .. *. . .1 . ..
Yohge and Gerrard 6 . ta., . I : I T When the day of life.bas fled, - - Son, of Mr. andhdrs. M. W. Howell The I j tea ents .of the count . or - f will have.. to-, be considered, And all. I I . I ..�
oronici� I on . Monday might last', the: visiting , Hanufactuflng.ch6niist., . .
. . I . . I I thee * - thirdApath: ' as, hey'.. should have a voice hi the seleetion,� - - . . I Ia . . . .
I . V . . �
. . ,%, . . I I . hen in. Heaven With joy to greet shad was -that of J. F. 'Bit ceutur,, occurred last ask. M , I'lap bWl, Soo.' a - ... .. I Jeagues fornislied i very interesting , I . . . . I..,
- . .__,�: 1� ft-,-- . ,Where ho farewell tears are the Uentral School. Mr. . . . . �prograrame of i . ;UW% 0%,0%0%AW% I �
- �:-- . .. .. � I I ,� I..— _._,_._. � �. � � . caretaker of , , � - settled t 'cire about the .6, a thro. an4 , I eadings4'recitations, . ..
. , .
. . I � . �. I . I is a brother: of Obarles. 13 t �4 a few hours f each other. IRISH SOMAL-.--Tha. Ladies Aid of and music. 'Our pastoi, Rev Me Sao ' . . .
- . 1. pates , ., I . "
. - . , � �: . . a a-,, died ithin I W, * I � .
I � _. . . . �. . .. � . . . . . 4 I.. . �. . I . cooperi�of -town, and *as himself form-. ,- . I StAndrews Churob-have decided tolden, acted is.0hairman. ,.' , - , ., , 1, . . . .
� . -_ . - � COUNCILLORSo—The - . .
� - I .- . . I 1. I.. . . . qly in the same line of - business. . .To UNsEA.T.TwO I . hold thalliannual - Irish .S O*cial , on St . � . . ' 11 .. �
. . . . Mayor and corporation of thei'town. SCHOOL REPORT- The followirik is . I I I I
.MAsolqIC- tast" Friday night the se Patriek's night..; This,gathe -*Oupil . a of 8 8-: No -i 3 for , - . , . . I
1 . - i I . have been rVedwitb legal notices by la a report of the 11
. . I . . .1 I . , . 'Worship ful &'ratepayer calliazz in- question the always boon very popular, TnV w% hi", . I I
. q. I .. . . . ..1. . . . I I . district' deputy Right . � February based:�on regularity, good � . I
� . . I I � .,
I I . . . . . . � . of Seaforth,'-paid - sure that this year it will be * just 9 . . 11 .
. . . Brother Dr Cooper, . qualification of V. R. Vannorman, fur I . � a de tm�n and general proficiency: � .
Ordered Ready-made . 'flicial visit to Maitland Lodge, No merly town constable, and member of Popular And successful is ever. . . 5 or ray b unnings,. Lizzie' Bedard. I . . .
I - an 0 . . , I a 'I � �
0 Ing , .And a most enjoyable ` q : T 6 #"�'� I . I .. Jervis.ChasLa-vis, Walte� - � . I .1
cl i h ` , P
ish't Cio*s 8*2 AF&AM. . . . I . . S p _Lor .
. clothing . Moff . � . ; . . . � . M , . the fire brigade, who was elected bn6 ' . . . I . . .''. r 4 ne . ..,
I . I . . . . . . . tiLe was spent at the lodge room. An Of the councillors at the last .'electioti,, ... . . . Summerhill Nelson, Larne McCartney, Pelty Glid. I .
. . , I 11 I . I .1 at h .was enjoyed In the - re I - .� -Jolclough . . � I
I I - . . I . .. anqupt and v it is said, had not glined. A y pA-A society has been organ, don; Ernest McCaitnev;Ellk ( .
. . �. � . . , , . I o � - . banquet hall ol� the lodgej &ad 0. pro- from Thboe'f Ire brigade. bef ore the. a act- izedin''connection' with the church -Albert Proctoi.'Jr 4�-.N6rmaa Holland , � I I
. �
. .. 0 1 * - �. 0 1 .� �'� � . I.. . gramme of excellent . speeches imid ion. Want of propert - lalification here, aad will hold its meetings in the. De bert Huller, Joseph Palmer, Lottie. " - '. I
I There *as a large at- y LaWs, - Sr 3-Stalla Nelson, OaNWAir, .
. I , songs followed.. is also ahegedagaln�t 4noitr member 11 _
I , 9M . tendaneo, among-thb gathering being. f the Council. Several rate0ayers Orang.e'Hall on Tuesday� e,�enlnga. A . Frank Jenkins, Clarence Connell, A . I I � . . .
0 social evening was held this week,and . . . L I
Ourl florin, , I a number of.visitors, in3luding A,fair Alcook. Jr 3- 0 Holland, H Lavis; � , .
CL I .. .g - . I Morning St signified'their intention of bringin was much enjo*ed,by the large, num- . . . - . 11
� I 6 . � . . representation from a" thesi'matters up attlietne 11 , _ &2"Flva Proctor, Varria Jervis, P Watches
� . .. .. . . . . xt mieting'o bar present. Th -6 .. . . .
� . I . . I . . I . :. .11 ; Lo'dge.' S&ith'i Hill, which has Always . :., a fift6ers. are; Hon. Palmer, Stewart Male,. go*Xuatilngs � . . 1,
. � . . 1. . I . been on terms of closest intimacy with the C6uficIl. ' ` - 'i, I P -r -es', R�v"W H Dunbar; Pros., J H Jr 2 -Alvin Leonard, Leslie Hulleri Chains. � I
. " . . .* . �. I thebrethrenof Maitland, Lodge, the'. _ Fiiii Guirs STAVONIERt S`��ORR,';�-Be- . L07�ry, Vice. Pres.. Miss M � Tyner; Miltdn Holla : : �. . . . I
'� _. two lodges frateraizing oninany social ,tween . eight andnine Wclopk- Alonday , Sec'Mi's i RoAds; Treas., D. Barr., - ' nd, .Leslie Jervisi Clifton - - I
... I . PrOcror, Wn Gliddon, - Pt- * 2� WrP Lockets .
. . P . � 1. I . . I I
I t�ig NOTHS-�-Xigs- Ran& spent Saturday Aleock,.Fred - Lavis, )B -Nelson. . No on I
Departme nt. , I - - - .. , ! . Occasions. . L ,. ,�. Vt1fire broke out in the back part of �,
. . ook stationary aad faney'goods. Rings . .11 1. .
. L I . 11 ... WOXP,.V* VOTERS Losio-Last Friday Store of Elliott & Walley in the Greg-. and Sunday, 'the, 'guest of Mrs. Win roll 85. Average,3Q. X W Tteviartha, . . t
. .
. . � . L . .. vti night there . was, an interesting debate IV, Beaqom'.' Me Chas Tynerattended the teach�r. .. IL I . . . .. " '_ L I . . I I
. .. . . or b 'Id' site'the Queen's Hot- fair in Blyth, on Tuesday,. A number � I . � ... �
. . . . t .. I . I � . . . .. l3racelets .'
. is now in full swing. Our large staff is'kept busy . IN at the fortnightly meeting ofthe 001- tef ToPY,coplamp was knocked over of the young people from around,here � - '.'- L - . - . I . ., L " . . -1 '. .,. I I ; "
,., � . . '.' - . . . . . .
. I L � ,,, lepiite instituteLiterarYSOCiOty, when :Ana set, fire to a lot of rubbish on: the - attei� L . Biadbfleld , .
" the young ladies tried their powers on � . . � I I
spent a pleasant time at Me :R . . . . I ,Silverware
ra Suits.for S We still.have'the, . floor, and in a few moments the whole , . I Ifl , . i
-'j""ti, . turning out ext' i, pring. . ,i the.queStlDn of w6men's Suffrage.'Miss . . son's Qn.Priday. evenlingw Misses Scott NO TES -The home of MI? 136ssenbury,' . . I 1, L ' I . %
. — - . , I of the inside of the shop was in flames - I � � % . make good presents and I .
I I ., $
I. % I
I � $ S
1 $.
, $
.. I' I
i - - 1 $
I I t t
I` 0 1 .1� I
, 1�5��,
, ' CLASS' `ot the froin,oup side t6 the other. %ho fire Be ,, on Thurs- � . . I
staff . " . . R and Tyner visited at Me .Scarlo,tts on .
of forni,er sea'sons A,LL FIRST L . �. 11. Haggitt championed the. cause . ' of our village, was saddened . re'acceptable, . L . I I . .
. .
of*, . � I a ewer . a � ay, . Me , And Mrs . -of their infarit . a I . . - I .
MECHANICS,. and'with the addition bar .new . - women.; She,was to fiave,beenadsigt-* d promptly. an thes0ot-and ktujaay aud Sund.. day. last by, the death 11 - � *1 * I
, I . I . . . . I . L
I I . '4 bd by Miss Mclieddi but the Ia be' Te in the heavy plate glass windows ing'ham'are , 0. daughter, Do . ..'� ,. . . . . - I
, ,
. ,4 tine . . . . �
- . I tter wad Nelson B* visiting friend
1.1 rothea, nearly*. months. # - . . . - . I . -
L bro around, ere at pi?eSdnti - Mrs Jatues I �
Cutter, Mr. H. B* Maclft�yio, of TotOnto', can. guar- ' � 661e. through� indisposition - to � take, with the hose'-dozzelef, and soon ex- pld ;she Contracted pneumonia some � . . I - I , ,.
.. 1. I I Tulton of Brown City, Mich., has been . . �
1. L
. antee a good fit,- ,and every garment up to date and . 'i he ?t. L The negative was taken bi weeks ago, from which -she did riob.re-
. �f. irpai itinguished.thela&meg,btitnotbefore the
_ M I nd Elenoi. stock was vbry badly damaged. except v ' A*-- 3"" GRIGG - �
. t�isitin thi(s,weekat heroldhomean cover-; the funeral. took place on Sat. .
' i ' k a % . . Mps Wightman - of � . . I
-64 isses. Lottid Robinson .A tlJ on .. I 11
- � A , ;�,. . �j'L r rand Bond. 1�
- . . � u d t *th t , t 0
, four silentsialeameri filled with. leather ,� ' A etery ' -. OptleiaU
satisfactory, both in work m'anship .and des gn. , - Walker Dr String, J At Field and Vawanoah,s ,
. I � I . I I . ._?4,.,1.'. . son were the judges. The (;oods etc., which had been moved out � he uest of her sister Ys;mpelA le tl'or reav- , Jewtier xiild
. . . W H Robert: iej ma. !, the be ' .
. I ly two rmer airreed on awardinir the #�U_ .i.....4-_ 1 '109s of ,their child. I ' _,
I ; J*
I . r- Patterson -ho mra:J"'Miller. Me Jas Mil 0 had ,a ad parents in Issuer Pf Marriagei Lidenses. .1
. . .
� I
� ... .; Our New� " I , �
. . .
. .
I . .
I I .
. I .
. � 0 V *41 ' :
I . - -
spring."'Suiti.ngs - ." ��
. I � . I
M. .. . . I ... . I . .
. . � . .
� * ' ' ' .
are thebe-st we have ever shoi4n, both.in.va"tue.and
range. Corne and select your Suit before the line is
btoken. If yob think it too, early. to have. it 0,niade,, -
we will reserve it for you; thiis giving you the bene-
. I
fit of the choice of the enfire range. I . . : I . .
. . I I .
�.. . . . . �
I . 1. . . . . � I.. I . . .
. �
. . — .
� I . ,
. I a � I I .
. . I .
. .. I I I . �
. ..., . . .� I . I . , � .
. , .
.- Four. Specialsol. *.. I .
. . .
1. .
. �
. ' 1. .
. ''
,. I Men's. Trousefto .In �
- -1 . -44, to, &
0, 6 0
NQ order, special at.....'..4-4--l".R., �
. .
. ..
. � .. I � I . .
I � I
,&IV . S4,050,,.
mo.Ven!s Trousers, extra speir-7
. ial, inade to drder for ...... 064..4, .
. .
. ..
. I .
. I
. IV ' Men's black or blue Serge Suits, � - .
, made to order at...,.4 ...... d..*#*.#.0..*b.$186
_1 .
No.4 Men's Fancy Worsteds, choice $226,
. patterfis,. mide to order at ...... tj
. I
�. . I
. _ -.- . .- �.....—�..__�..--!!.!!!t..�'.!��!..�-t!!!��!!!�!!!���l-"f.—
. � -1 . 1.
. 0
. Mornsh & erooks
..- I I
I "A Square Deal For Every Man 11
No________.____ __
.— - __ ,--..-.. __
victory .. to
. the arguments advanced for woman'$,
franchise were more weighty than
those brought forward,againit it. -
� � I 1, . -
. � �. I
, . . .
I , , ,
" . se"miller - � . 1� .
. . .. 1,
I . � : intended for list *oak. I ,
I BE,xMILLER FED. OTH, 1900. -At thei
above mentioned'date and �Jolace the
ease of Jack� $aiith V 4 Soo Brown wall
, decided in the Beumiller High Court
.of Justicebefore Ifis,ftonor Judge
1: Stothets. The ease in hand . wos - an
action,to recover damages foralleged
defraud in a horse deal, The evidence
on both sides having' been, taken the,
casq was referred to the,jury for their
decision'. After_havirlgbeeaodt�uta
shorb time they refarned a unanimous
verdict in favor of plaintiff, the Judq
Impositig a, fine of $1!�P.and costa.
Daft K 0 for plaintilL. J Mittichapa
I � for defondan to . I .
. . .
,,, . � I � 11 - -.4
� . stanlei -
1 . Pnusog�t,-MrJohn Moffatt was in
�. Hamilton last weekattonding the fun.
. eral of& cousin._ He returned on Sat -
. .
� �urday. � � . I . . I .
J* SCHOOL Rnroxi�-Tho following is
j the FebruarY Lnonthly report for S, S.
No 14, Stanley. Names are in order of
i merit: -Sr. Sth - M.. M. Fisher, It. 1Aq-
1� Death, (4. H. St6phenpon. Jr. 5th -H.
IJones, ion Kehl, Sr 4th -Arnold Pet.
s rie, Hannah Dinsdale. 0 MeDeath, Ir
... -1 __ - - . __ . ___ - - ..
- .., I
lived over thestore, n hot Soo, who6
' "' *
' �
wood bee on, Tuesday. . . . -
I �
Th6 Sacraifient of the Lord's Supper
� I ., . . ,
111111111111011111111111 I I
, e"
. recovor,p '
' 111 ,d
was -just �o tygh P
SCHOOL RRPORT�-Tho followingAs
for U 8 S No 12, Goderkh-
will be held in thol?resbYterian church
-on Sabbath ne#. Rev. Mr. Small, of -
. I . I 11
s I m eL
fever, had a ca 3e fro ng
A nafrow
the report
1. . �!
suffocated by the smoke, but got out
. and Hullett. Sr 4-Total'800. Stanley
Blyth, is'expected to preach. ovi-Friday
. .
. I
� . �
safely, - . . .
. I
'' .
'Challenger; 207; Al bart McLaughlin,
199. i r 4-rsddle Miller, 2515,, Lois Ubitl
aftern(iQao.. Mr,Sawers, of Alberta is
visitift �, t",p home of his brotgert �
: w
L .'L.!. I
I . I
. . .
. Lond6sbero
. , , .
, L209; *Jim Lovett
i,�,oger,288;L iin Mile ,
1%,*Etta cBrien, 107. Sr3 Edith
Rev V, � 18a,Wbrs,- he has recently Come
L �
from Buffalo where he has been for I
. ,
V.1ablia, V16lit 'Soap . . I
I �
Men's medium and heavy Weighfi Overcoats
. I f6gular 6 to $9.00 for....... -3.00 to 4
Men's 85o Woollen 250
Harvey, 221; -Bert Beacom,187; Harold
182;EtdredMeBrien, 173. Jr
treatment, in a hospital there. Mrs'
Buibil, HenSall, is visitirig her aun,Fj"L
,, �
. . . . . 2Se per cake� � .
mier, Vinolla Soap
A*� .
166 25c box
I �
sooks ....... ........
. Man's 95o Woollen *seeks ............. ; - -20o
13 208; Secord.McBrilan, 225,.
Mrs Jas 13roadfaot. Miss May Beatty
WeStal'dSter, 'a the of hot aunt,
- . a cake, a, -
.,'Lirll" Soap f .1 . I %
I . I I
I �1.
, Ladies' 50o Corsets - - - .,, .....__'.256
Lddibs' 76c Corsegb ..... :-.w ....... -38C .
5 11M Green or Black TeEwtiatil MoneaY $1
0AIv1n-tbvAtt,I53; Andrew
78. Be 2—Rabel. Harvey� 267; Teenie
guest .
Mrs W Scott, ,,' John, Aik�nl;ead, who
. I
1,0e 6 cake, 25e, a Lbox .
vitiolia, Baby Soap*
!L '.I
. I ,
LOUNS131IRVO, the mg store with littlepricag.
Marquis,. 266; Vannv� . Lovett, �227;L
`Florenoe LAwsoft, 124. .Jr 8 A—Elhai
hag .Just recently rented . his farm I
, has moved Into Jno Swan's house.. -D� .'
, iOe a cake, 250. a box
I �
I .
XoT,gs—The moving picture hhow
draw a large house oil Friday and
Saturday nig ht. Mrs MaXeon has ar;
Male. 220; Vrtjd Johnston, 170; Jim
Johnston, 100, Sr 2'B—J Liudsay,221.
Albert Alkenhead, Of Hensallo will- be
married on Tbin-aday, the 4th, to Miss '
,'Lullaby" Soap I .
. . . Se per cake - .
, "' ' . . I
. I
- L, � '
rived here, and'oo itnother4anilly, has
Pt 2— Dorothy Marquis, 1801; Flora
killer� 153; Cora Miller, 05. Average
Aratitaget of London- a number of vel.
4tiVes from our netg�borhood will be 4
,, i -,in imported Briqligh
' 1�_
Soap a A is the purest, blan est,
1� .1 ii
been Added to population, R Smith
bag'secured a'good supply- for " ice ioe,
attimdauceZ, Those marked with �
J 0 RAndq,
, L Me P
present ab the weddint . rime, .1
station master, ,Who ai beenLill, IS
And oat trialy scipiltific; soap
. Ado egg of
Contains "Ro axe
I .
1 . "
', "
'use Ili Ahe - meat bttsiness� i Huiton
missed examinations.
. I P ,
L I I . I
—1 .1 W., I
m . � I :I- 0 . A.A k, _0
I . I
bas Advanced the price- of wheat to
about $1.05, and flour has been raised
to $3 for mix6d, Mrs Adams returned
froin the millinery openings ion Toed -
day evening, and the ladies will soon
bave the pleasdrig of seeing and par.
chasifig the lat6atptyles in .that line
of 'fin6tv. On Tugsdayeveningthe
Young People's Guild of Xpox Church.
��ald it visill; to the Guild,of St Andrews
chtirch,Blyth; they turned out in good
strengt1l.and report having a splendid
meeting. 04 Monday, evening -Me E
Lear gave a farewell party to the
young friends preparatory to leaving
ille film. . I
I .
. � .
. . . llekt;oek
. teacher. I I I I I .. .. Z V y U.P ..%. .. I . I lurea n ten v -1. I I
. � 4 .
. . — � 5� , . I ! . " ! 0 � , _.�, . . .Alkali. Those, *hO prize the I
. Walkerburn .. . , . . . I health of the Skin should use it * , :
. Flarter's Hill ' . � before allotheks, I . .
No-fEs-Miss O.'Eqklin, nf Godericli, � '%0 1. � .
ap6nt Sunda3 '71'Qs here, There PRoLiptc-Ur Potter is the owner of "'i' I ;�,
a . �T. Iii
is quitea mova 1 n horses this spring,- a brood so* whichin eleven months' a U<Yv- �M'y I �
� Jas Webster sold his team I-eepotiv, hid three litters of pigs, totalling 55- Dispensing I Chemist. I
also � F v.%nk Longman sold a ,�aluable Thisip stock raising wfth 8�vengeance, , � I" , " ____ - I � - � . 1.� . I 1. - �. �
horse for 9, good figuia, Quite a num. . . . . .. ; ., . I * � 1"'i -11. I I � � - I
ber of young people gathered at the'. - I T:1411 I I I I , 11,111,111 : � 1,111.�!T�iii * " . � -
home Of Wm Pittetson6 on Friday — r. - - I I I .
... I __ -, I I - -_ ___ � I .
e 8rd-Autin Hood, Idti, Rath. NOTES - Mt Albert Knox spent Sua- - I 6 I
tilling, It8ed-L Wasma,n.X day with Hetigall. friends. The - many, I Aghtleld
ParsonS. Sr 2-Jessle Collim friends of Me A Watt will regret to .
nds,Anna Fisher, Jr. 2nd" learn of his � , V serious illness. DVIATH.- Mr. Morgan Austin, a re.
089, rartg-Glecil .Johnston, jAessrs Bond a, ver opeet6d resident of Aslifteld, dibd on
I W Allen arAngaged Monday, at the age of 00 years,
)Per. Part I -M. Cooper. W. in hauling material for the orectibri, bf .
liv, the monthly spelliog an eV4P0rAt0P, Mr Jos' *Xon, Sea. On Saturday lAit Mr8. ArmArongo
tho beat Apellerswort.-St 5 - forth, Called on Iratlock friends last of Dungitlanont Patoled to Great Be-
- Jr t - -11 ;tonos Sr 4 -41 Dinq. week. Quito 4 number from this yond Ill Ilerldnet7-firAt to- . ShehAd
, j, . . 4
4 -11 Xehl, gr 1.1 --A Hood. ar vicinity attended the ballat Winthrop be 0, resident of this v 114ge about
I'Aft ening-, all report A 00.1 formerly livin on the sixth,
od. fAecolid-4 Collins. I"t 2VIt"Ll", Flu I'mminn af AAl-tflidd.
Anston. "Mry _11 1. --'--- time*
- - - — ____..J.._ ______ -
. -
THE. MOLSON8 -B ANt '� .1,
. Incoriorated 1856 1 , I i
. I . '. . � .
� . ...capital, PAInup, $30500#000 . . �
I �
. . . I Rest Fando & $305000000 1
K" CS &IjUalles in Canudia4 and A.90tits slid (' ,orrOAPOIldefits In at k I . I
I �
I .. the prinbig,.11 Citi6s Ill the World. ,
I A Grmaut, uAwKyria aT80988 TRANSACIVED, .
. I . .
.- . at $ill urstucheso Interest 406wed at 111911"t eurrout ftt6f I � I
'�'T J
I I .... � I I E, DOWI)ING,. MV,anager ,�,;
. �
. _. - - ___