HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-02-25, Page 81� S- E COND -W E E K ,OF A-- lomwa (jRVAT SALE GREAr�.. SALIE­Of the Hodgens Bros.' stock is creating widespread in- terest, and bringing new customers to this store every day. No sale we have cver. attempted has had such immediate success as the sale of the Hodgens Bros'stock. Crowds of eager buyers have thronzed our store daily since we announced the purchase of the Hodgens' business, and never - have customers been betteir repaid. The' genuine money -saving advantages to be gained by doing your Spring buying now is easily to'be seen., We're selling almost all lines of General Dry Goods, i;� sorne 'cases, less than rnanufacturers' or wholesalers' prices, Good, horiest, dependable merchandise you need ri-ht now, and for the coming Spring and Summer. It will -cost you nothing 6 see the stock, and we will -not ask you ty buy, unless YOU are perfect.y saiisfied * Here's an entirely ' new list, which goes on sale Friday morning. next, at 8 0,01ocks 6 (Ali former SaIQ prices are cancelled.) Commencing Friday morning, we will sell utitil further notice Finelft Bleached Cotton, 10c 250 yards pure Bleached Cotton, one yard wide, fine, round chread, very smooth and even wpave, splendid value at Hodgens' price, 12Ac; while it lasts ........ 1,00" 40c India Lawns, 28c 150 yards only in this lot, Hodgens'Bros.' fine India and Persian Ltwn, about the finest qtfalities sold thisweekonly.. ........................ 28c Lonsdale Cambric and Scotch Nainsook, 15c 140 yards fine whitti Lonsdale Cambric and Scotch Nainsook. finest quality in stock . I regular!price 20 this week ouly .................... I ............ 15c Finest Embroideries and Insertions� . 19e About, a duzon patterns very flue Swiss. Insertions and embrolderies, most of them small ends. -from 5 to 12 Yards. iomo beautiful kigh-class embroideries, .1 9c which will be. reduced to per yard.... 500 Yards Embroidery, Sc WO yarde, Embroidecy andInsertion, in.many differ. slit designs, that sold utilto 15c 'per yard- on sale, Friday at per yard ...... 0 .............. "50 Yards more Torclion Lace, 5c Another 25() yar�d lotTorchon Lace and Insertion, in at least 15 designs that sold 41: double the pricei . will be ready.Friday; at per yard ............... 5c The Last Call for this Flannelette 400yarus E,glish and Canadian Flannelette -pure white and colored stripes, somie of Hodgenl;' best patterns, th-tt sold at 15-0. Positively the last chance this season �o get it at the pribb .................... Best Crash Toweling, loc This ij one of toe best bargains in our store - 360 yds pure Linen Crash Toweling; line, medium or coarse weave, all on s%le at per yard ...................... 10C Two good Table Lincix Bargains Jukt One Piece, Of 60 Yards, fine bleached table linen-,' 60 inches wide, washes iLnd irons well, while it 1 2J yards for ....................... $ 90 yards 'only Unbleached Table Linen, '58 in. . wide, good weight and Pretty patterns' -just the thin�lor ordinary use. Per yard ....................... ... 250 Wool Blankets Do you want to save a dollar or two'"w2 a pair of good Wool Blankets P If so, buy them here-ri ht away. We've only a few left, but every p , 9 . air is fresh and clean, and a dollar or two less than regu. lar prices. For Friday and Saturday, we'will sell five pairs of good union blanketsto thelfirstbom' ers at per pair ....... I ......... ................ $2800 Just 200 yards Of the 49C Dress Goods We have just about 200 yards left of the 49a Dress Goods, and considering the different Weaves and colors, there ate not 'many yards of each kind. This. - lob contains Dress Goodg that sold. regularly.at 75 t -85c per vard. All colors.to- choose from how a.t ple�aydo* $1.25 Kid Gloves $100 100 pairs Kid ?4 loves, in colors of btack, tan, mode brown and grey. Two well known makers' brands. that sold at $1.25, this week $1.00' Fine a" -wool ]Underwear 89c Some fifty more garments have been added to -WD 890 Underwear table, and this will be the last.lob. "we cansell at the price. If we had not bought Hodgens, stock of Witson's and Pennian's Underwear . , we could not sell it at anywhere near the price. As it is You can have your choice of severaf different kinds R the best lines made by Turnbullts, Pehman's and Watson's, including some medium weight vests and drawers' suitable for spring wear. at per gartrent.... Good lUnderwear at 59c We have taken all the odd lines of tlni:116rwear, bought from Hodgens Bros,' also all broken lines of our own stock, that sold up to $1.00 per garmelht; And placed them all on one table, At per garment ........ 59C Another Hosiery Bargain at 25i Pight dozen Women's and Misses, Castimere Stod*k-' Ings, in: sizp,8*8. 81, 0, 9J And 10, pl%in (Ir rib make. The -best 85c Stocking to be had. Ready to -day at per pair ......................................... 11, 25c 50c, 604 amid 75c Belts, 25c Here's a good Belt Bargairi:-5) Aften of them, Women's Leather Belts, all new S.tyles thal, eold !kt 60c, 75c and 85c each. Clearing the, lot at each 25c Dress Muslins and Gingliams, toe Although we haqe'sold �all the Ginghains �nd Prints advertised last week, we have ecuredatiotherilplein did lot which we place on oale,sar, per Yard j ........ A it En firely New Lot of Dress Goods' at 73o We've, bold back some exertionally good Ditess Goodsl bargains for this week, and i . vou want'agood drew, sujt� or separate skirt, this 1�,wortb coining. for. About 35' pieces Dress G6ods, in Poplins, Papam", Serges, Voiles, Cashmeres, Venetians. etc.,, in black, brown, navy, c4rdi.. nal, myrtle, light �colors and some pretty fancy tweeds. Some pieces in this lot are actually worth double, bnt for a very few days only, you can choose for per yard seventy-fivc Cents. fitummy Oillee bargains Will be found In every delthrtfikent, of the store, A _­? - -mmmw THR, OLMON NOW A CLINTON NEW EPA GIvING1cvlDHN0.6—xr 1) Conte- I The town 00U0cU will hold Its rog- Ion is to Toronto this Feek I vl ov I deuce In 141114, I*r meeting on Monday ov"iting mi9xv. THURSDAY. F90. 2�, IWO V4 Dam against a rrunk. When Loodeqboro station was, MrJH Houston, colleglateine .... . ..... memo time ago burned down, a large quantity of packed apples were &Igo tor,14 visiting0linton school this The town band went to Seatorth oil Local Notices. Od btirn and the owner of them is one- Wedoelw&Y night, and goes down fag thwoomparly for their value'. again Friday night. Raw lFurs Wanted- Rigbe9b Prices G3ANI)TRCNKTOWN AGENOY The M46ons of town givesfarewcll paid. - Bert HOveY., Clinton- - Mr. IF, It, HiAgens, Town Agent �upper to Up Belcher, on Friday even. Butter and Eggs wanted--bigheat prices paid. OANTELON BROS, Olintor Q, T, R, has rented the room next to the Rxpres4 OfAce, formerly olicupled lug, prior to blo,'departure from town. Mrs. Jae, Winslow, London, an aunt bv Mr. Medd. and will use it as. Anil, of Urp. k itzslmoilv, died In London "n D.R,'OVVVS,r49ndou, Surgeoit, Ocu. list. 'Specialist, offlee wherein to wind up the business Of HOdgens Bros, andalso, for Vile Tick. We Y- Mrs, Fitzsimons attends I the=l will be at W. 8 R. Holmos' Drug a ore. on Friday, Feb et Agenev business where people can �Frldsy. Ur Jag, Smith one of �the oldest 26th. G asses properly fitted, deafness: secure transportAtion, by rail or water, n resiilelota of tow as confined to his eatArrh and failing eyesi Hours 11 L� 4 P.m. ght' treateds NO VE FOR TH ACHERS - The, pro room by illness la'awtweek, but is now auniewbat better. Motion examinations ftr the Ptlbli� Schools of Huron, will be held oil Apr The frame building formerly used for Local News let, 2nd and 5th. Popeis will be Bent out for Jr. and Sr, Speond; Jr. and Sr. the purposes of wQrahip by the oongre. gall niof St. Jogeph's ch4rch, will be MILITIA.CHANGES -The following Third and Jr. Fourth cla sees. Teach- ers are requested to send a posteartl at e( offer� for sale by auction, on Satur: day at 3 , 9 clock. all ' angeis utmounced-t- 33rd Hdron- Regiment- .0 be Lieut-Volovel and. once, to the public School Inep9ptor, stating the exactnumber of candidates Mr Hugh Rnss this week sold a beautiful new Scale Williams Piano, to command regiment -Mayor A Wil- to write in each class, The parcel con. Louis XV. �tyle, to Me John, Hislop., son, vice Lieut. Col. W. Young trans. tsining the papers will be sent to the It is a fine instrument and Mr Hialop ferred to reserve of officei 9. teacher by March 27th gets one of the test. NEW BUILDING -Mr Jacob Taylor SVCbESSFUL STUDRNT�We con. Mr Thos, Trick attended the funeral will this year erect is store on the vac- ant lot adjoining his office, having ratulate Miss Dell Millar (youn est a ter of Mr and Mrs 3acob Mifll of Mrs Miller, in Goderich, on Friday, She was well over go years of age, her rented the same for two ye I are, . to Mes5ra.Forcl and McLeod, who intend ontliVel excellent standing she has taakr) en at the -recent musical exams,in con. bimband at his death, having reached the Unusual age of 106 veare, to conduct a flour, feed i6tid seed busi- nection v% ith London OQnservatory of The item in last week's paper,alluding ness. therein. music. Although Miss Millar hatp been to the town finances, contained one PROPERTY CHANGES -Mr Row- studying music a comparativelys ort, time,yet she obtained First Oless hen- glaring error wherein U. stated - that: the law costs last year were over$2000. cliffe: has sold his five acres, and build- ings on, Raglan Street to Fred Watts, Ord in Piano work, which speaks well for As a matter offact they were less than $100 for the sum of 0170.0, and has bought the property of Mr Jackson, on the her ability as a student. also for the ability of her teacher MrB. W. 01 qvku - , �Me, Masonic brethren from town'; London.road, consisting of three acres Campbell. who attended the funeral ofDr Carder, with buildings, for $1400. ATHLETIC. -quite a number 'Of Blyth, an Monday, were Nessrs. A. J. Holloway, Dr Shaw.Dr Gunn, Gto Me. TRYING TO SAVE IT- We were boys assembled in the Council Oham- ter, Saturday evening. in response to Lennart, Frank O'Neil, W. J. paisley in ei ror last week in saying thtit the horse owned by J W Elliott. and Mr. T, Jackson's request of last week, After discussion.it w4s rdsolved to and N Ball. on Nonday'morning while Mrs Shin - which broke its leg, had to be killed- It was a fine driver, and while I it can hold an adjaurned Ineeting to com the 6rganization of a. Junior At letio non, Victoria Street, was helping to rya' trunk from hep house to a dray never be used agdin for this , Purpose, an effort is being made to save it. And , Association, which will be held Friday evening at 7.30 in the Council Chain- oh"S ped on the ateps, and the trunk fell Blip on ner chept, hurting use it eventuallyon &farm. ber,in place. of' Saturday as firstde her. quite 88verely at the time. 'NARROW ESCAPE:- Mr. W. Pro. ter, *he is employed in boiler makinig'' aided, wlien thelofficers eta, . will be appointed. Every boy %ho is inter. ested and every man who is willing to On Saturday Met t1te Principals of the Collegiate Institutes in Seaforth, at the F6undry, had a narrow a escaP the other day, An iron, lever, in Its help a good work on come out o , n Fril- Clinton; Wingham. and Goderien, met at the home of Principal Field, Goder- descent, caught b . is head And carried I day evening. lob, to discuss matters pertaining to it down to a plate, when he was res. cued before. turther injury PRESENTATION TO GLEN COOK the welfare of Colledates generally., wits Bns- It was&' marvel that his. neck '-On Monday evening last at the reg. Miss Cantelon has rented the store on Huron St., east of MeEwen's .tained. was not broken. DEATH OF'W 0 REID-On ular meeting of the Ancient Order of Forreotera.Mr Glen Cook, was -agent. ed with aPast Chief R,%ngers by Grocery store, for her millinery establishmentt where she willhave Sunday. morning last W. 0. Rsid, of Seafoith, ewel hissfellow Forresters. Mr. Cook has more room and light,for her increased trade-, and where she will be to passed away�after an illness lasting for has been a sVoially Active officer, and pleased meet; her old friends. over one year. He was one of Sea. forth's K. the Lodge as pros ered under IS . . m most prominent citizens, and guidance. -The meragership thought One day last week Mr P6rte, of Lon - was well known thrbughout'the coun. itifitting to make some special recog- don, was walking to the home of a ty. Messrs O -E Dowding, Jag Fair, J. nition of his Beevieps. at the close of his friend, when he suddenly diopped to Wisemen ' W R Oounter and W Jack- terai, He was taken entirely by sur- the sidewalk and expired from heart son attended the funeral s�rvice in Seaforth. on Monday night, The re. priae and whenhe recovered Somewhat from the shook he. a0knowled ed the failure. He was a prominent resident of the . city, and brother of Mrs, G. F, Mains were taken to Oakville'for bur- ial-on TueSday morning. "honor in a creditable speecT. The !Jowpantons were guests of t4e evenv, Brickenden; daughter-in-law of Mr. J, Brickenden, of town. 'TRE"MILITARY CAMP- There is, ing and a pleasant social evening''was spent, Refreshments were served, af. . Mri I)McDon-dd, Weirict,.Passen- rumor amongrmilitary men that the ter which followed speecifes -by High ger Agent 0 T -R., Tororitoi and Mr annuak camp would not be helJ in, London' this year, but 'would go to Chief,Rang_(-r Ribliardstof London,and. the Weal. officers. Duperow. Assistant, were in town,on Wednesday. They were 1%i zlng-ul It, Stratford, Last Year Uwas hpldin P the appticants for thepositiou ot Town Goderich, thanks zto the direct eiforts 'of Major Shaw., Capt. MoTaggart,- COTJ.NlIY1 �TEMPBRAN'OF OON, VENTION- Thursday. preceding Good Ticket Agent, as successor to Xr Hod - gens when he leaves town. It is said ,and Robt. Holmes. Unquestionably Goderich is the beat for Priday (April Sth has been selected as tht re are a large nftmber of applicants, place, a.cam� -in western Ontario. However, pressure so it i's being brought,to bear islsaid,. thedatefor thMuron CountyTemp- erance Convention to be held in Blyth, It. On Tbutsday' evening of last week; 'while skating, Mrr3 Elliott, Huron St., ', to have the camp in Stratford... pimintses'to be one of the most im- portant Conventions ever held in' thd: had the misfortune to'tiip and Wits w ' thrown torward�otx lf�i head, shesus- CONCERT-An. excellent and well attended concprt was given in Seiforth' County as thequestion of the -abolition of the WWI ftom every Municipality of tained a 'severe concussion of the. brain and t66ughshe­inanaged to reach home on Friday eveni ng, under the auspices of Mr'Yule, Organist, Presbyterian theCounty not now underLocal Option is,to bb considered. Mr.Jos. Gibson,of she there became unconsciatv, atid had to call in a doctor; -under whose care Church, quite, a cfowd'frbi�a Clinton Ingersoll, Priesiftnt of the Ontarib Alm liance, She il� progressing favortibly. attending the same. The hall itself a commodlou spne, but the.exit is bita, hag bebn 6oured to'speak, also Rev. T. D. McKerollof Lucknow, (w)d This season has been a;uunfavorable one for skatingand Harvey Davis does and in'base of a panic man people would be likSly to Buffer. The - hall recently from Owen - Sound), as well -as the local men.. Delegates will be id at- not stand L make, Tuone 0 touch through managing rink., Hockey was evidently built 'before furnaces ,were introduced, for it is -still heated tendanpe f r6ra all the churches of the. Qounty and representatites from the tothe matches have had be i3ostponed,and, 'the Carnival advertised for- Tuesday by. -a ' toves. But it Seaforth. people., do not obj6ot to these things, and. do. various Temperance ..iocieties, I The railways will give Single fare for the was postpon ed. till L Thursday of this weeL The band will be [mind Something more 'inodern, per' ha' , an, outsider, should return trio for this date. (The'usual Easter rates,) p resent and the ice being in 0 acondition a large not. But it I o opk' , 'rude, to say the least. LADIR S A:ID StPPER I -On. Thurs- turnout is expetigtedo. Mr . Bone, of j�arst Wa�oknosh, was in. I ACLINTONIAN'SADVANCEMH9T dap evening last the Ladies Aid So- town On Saturday, on his way home -It is always a pleasure for the Nxw CietY'df Wesley Church,..lintertained He and Mr. A. Stratton, formprly'stat- Bh,& torecord the advancement of for. the members of thelchoir,the Members ion. nt here, are, the Couniy Audit - 'Igo mer residents of this pl&ce,so many oc of the Officialboards and their wives, or" and they h'id been. making an aud- cupying high positions of trust and re- and a few 'others belonging to the it of the County books dqringLthe week sponsibility, For some time Mr Henr church. -The school room L WAS tAghly at Goderich., Mr, Bone has had preVi- Rafisford,, second son of Mr'Jno Raney dqcorated, and five tabled Provided ac. Ong experience in this directionbaving ford. hag been mana�,er of the Domin- comodation for - the guests at supper. been auditor of East Wawian6sh for ion Bank at Boissevain,,Xan * and so After this was Over, and' t ab he t I e,,, nearly A. dozen years. He. says the well has he discharged uties 'that cleared up, ueV Mr,. Jolliffe took h booksof th�,,County�,�are.partictilarly pro' to he has been "oied I the position 'chair While a short progrscitt. was. ren. - 'First well kept. 6 Nor of Manager of th th End Branch Oered, came a Topic-pr3menade of the. same bank in - Winnipegi. whe're the business is such that a large staff around. the room,in which pretty�near all present took part. 1beh followed INOREASING-The business of the. ' I is.�ept. I his is An important -position for %:wellrendered solo by Mrs W Doherty a recitation, bV. Mi6s Ouninghame,solos Cliutft Knitti Co. is increasin g Be rapidly that ad mliti,n,l machinery is a man as young as Mr. Ransford to hold, and be is to be congratulated on his promotion. by Miss Ida Wilkin, and Miss Leona Potts; a 'medley. with solo parts,by� necessary, and in this issue is.an ad7 vbktisement, calling fo'r more. girls. DEATH OF NEIL McNAIR The members of the Ladies Aid- none of whom are members of the church choir BIRTHDAY PARTY -1011 M onday evening last, a number of girl friends. following,from theGreycorrespoudent of the Brussels Post, will be read with elicited rounds of applause, and show. ed that if the choir ever went 'On of Miss Margfteet Liv ermoxe assembled' at the home of Mrs Hanley, Main Str. sincere regret by the many* Clinton .friends of Mrs McNair-. -,After an ill- strike,' an excellent and capable Sub, Stites, could be found among the ladieS 'are The gathering wag id the form of a surprise partyi the ocp4sion. being the ness of d.weeks of typhoid fever Nell McNair, Lot22,., Con 15, p`asised'that who n conte t to sit among the audience every'Sunday. It was. in- birthday of the abovementioned young lady. A humorous address was. read bourne from whence no traLVeller re- cidentally mentioned that one� ofthese 'honor by Miss Bernice Agnew, when three turns on Tuesdav afternoon: aged 36 1 Years; 6 months and 18 days Hehacl ladies has the of belonging to the first choir ever organized in. eon- pieces of Limoges China (sagar bowl, cream pitcher atid pin tray) were pre - been getting along fairly well when perforation of the b6*els:'t6ok place nedtionwith theoldRattenbur hPirch f, ter a.. viz:-�-Mra John Cuningbaine. sented by Miss MAud Livermore; a suitable reply was made byMiss Liver - resulting in his demise. ffewasason ot the late Jag McNair and was.known 6 few remarks from Atr J01110e, the Meeting Was -closed, having been Par- more -i although taken by surprise, Afterrefroshments which were served to many in the township, as * he was Assessor fcr the past two. A. fieularly enjoyabl6, and for which the Ladies Aid Society deserve much by Miss Tilda Colel6ugh, the company Years, bout 7 years Ago he was united in credit. reed, wishing' Miss Livermore =y happy returns. of 'the da;y.'. marriage to Miss Florence. Duncan, of Clinton, and she, 2 sons and allatigh. t6r survive. Mr McNair wasa faithful.. member of Knox church, Cranbrook, and a6taunchLiberal; and his early. demCRe is sincerely regretted. I -. His pastor, Rev D B McRa'e.con4ticted the LINDO service. Mrs MaNAir and family will - Share in the sympathy of a wide c1rcle .of relatives..and friends. 4 ON A SERIOUS CHARGE - The S 01ES Globe of Tuesday, Said— Thecivilquit brought lby Mr. Narcisse M. Cantin, the well-known St Joseph real promot. - ainst Mr. Ziba Gallagher, a barr- ----- is r of Torotito for an accounting of certain transactions, between'them alf'that� a lady uses,'we.ttrs, br eats, n6thing is'. was ititerrpated'in the Non Jury coprt OF. by the arrest of Mr. Caritin on a citarge more Vital to her daily comfort 1han -properly- of theft. The charge was laid by Mr. N. E. Wilber, President of the Amer. fltted shods. It decide"s'. the question of how she' icauSilver.King Mining Company, who alleges thatMr. Cantin wrong. fully.appropilated shall hnish eac� da*y—,whetber dred and unhappy, or a certificate f5r nine thousabdobares of tbe company's stock. Mr Cantin was at once led away rasted ind comfortable. to the detective office, where btu coun. Bel arranged for bah in the oath of$20 i, thus enabling the plaintifT to r6turn �to Not one woman in eight is properl� fitted to, the court early in the afternoon to witness the conclusioli of his suit. proper shoes.' If you will give us a little extra th-ne It, the end Mr. JuAtice Britten dismiss. I ed the civil action, wfth costs. The theft charge will e proceeded within `1his sOnle day, We,.will fit your feet scientifically and ac - the Police Court morning. The civil Oulu dismissed by the court is the curately to a pair of last phaseot a long continued dispute between th4pafties, which arose over 4 Year agd, when Me Gintin approach Mr. Gallagher for loan Relindo* Shoe's ed a to assist him in promoting thle St. Joseph Litud Improvement & Development Com- Your discom�ort will cease from that hour. 9ativ, owners of �t Summer reitort tl; t Jroseph, Like lliiron. Both pA1,t1p,,q . . . . -claimed to have had agreed to pa y intore.gb at the rate of 400 por oont. for the loan, but Mr. Gallagher denied Fred Jackson, thAthe had charged hift) Interest at this rate,, and aggerted that Mr. Oan. tift's AftuRty was unsAtisfactory. Feb. 25tb, x9og Irik FeRell alwaYs, Pointedo ever ready; the wrio Pint being made of ladium, the hardli iown' metal., and being round, neN icks in the papgr, It holds a go Ipply of ink and, kecps it in exce0c m4ition. It is just as handy as a Foui n Pen and write:s like a lead Peac PRICK $1.00 .'Milo D, FAIR CO., CLINTON, ONT. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best the'Annex GREAT SALE OF. Men's's' Underwear, Heavy.Mitts and Heavy.Working Shirts We'want . tomake:ro6m for �ur New Spring Goods, he ake' this Slaughter, Sale.. Every winter 'article - in: - the -. store''. inarked down to 'cost ind less. There will be lots of cold weather yet this. winter. B� pre- pared for it, -and lay in a good stock of winter garments,at abig savingo 40c'Underwear, .39c Afen's heavy fleece-lindd Underwear, Shirts and .39C drawers, all sizes,. reg 5Cc, sale price .......... ... 75P Underwear,. He Men's heavy wool fleece-iined.Underwear:, all sizo.s in shirts an.d draWers,.reg. 775c, said price 50c $1 Undernear" 75c',�, Alen's all -wool -heavy. ribbed. Underwear, guavan- teed unshrinkable, all sizes shirts and drawers. reg. $1.00, Sale price ........... ............................ 75c Stanfield's Underwdar, sti.,60 Stanfield's Unshrinkatle 'ribbed Und�rwpar. all sipA.in Shirts and Drawers, reg. $1.25 and. $1.35, Sale e ........................................... $181.0. 50c Shirts, 99c Men's black andwhite Daak Working Shirts, with collar attached, all sizes, reg. 50c, Sale price .... 39C 75c Slilrts, 50c Men's heavy Working Shirts, blaAr aind V!hite stripe, extra 4uality,.all sizes, reg. 77.5ci Sale price.. 50c .$I Shifts, 7k Men's navy blue flannel And all -wool Jer§6y KnW ted Shirts, allsizes, reg.,fl,00, Sale price ........... 75C 50c Heavy Miltsg 39c Alen's heavy driving Mitts, horse hide, palm' good tough wearing mits, rpg. 50c, Salli price. 39c c Heavy 31it ' ts9 50qc Al�n's heavy working or driving Mitts, woo Ii d T I ine uAile palm, all -sizes, reg. 76e, Sale price 500 .,25c Heavy Wool Sox, 19C Men's heavy wool Socks., fit grey only, reg. 25c, Sale, price ... ....... ...... .............. ............. $1 Siteatersq 75C Men's navy blue and striped blue,and white heavy Sweaters, rag. $1.00, Sale price ................ 150' .50C Winter Caps, 25c ba, d 11 Men's heavy blue Cloth Caps, with storm n a sizes, reg. 50c,, Sale price, ... 25c 75c Winter Caps, 40c Beaver Men's'lleAvy winter Caps, in blue and black Cloth, With fur -lined Storm blind, reg. 75c, Sale price ....................... .................. ....... 5.oc Alen's extra heavy bdd Pants, made of good heavy Canadian Tweed and will give good tough ivear, roge -01,50$ Sale price., ...... ....... .....$1915 Cardigan Jackets reduced Men's Cardigai.1 Jackets, rev. $Uk, for ............. 1$1.00 Men's Clardigaii Jaekets.'reg, $2.00, for ........ ...... 1.50 Men's Cardigan Jackets, rag, $2 60, for ....... ...... 2*00 Men's Cardigan Jackets, reg, n00, for .............. 2,25 Brown .,A I I 1� I