HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-02-25, Page 7. -1 - I I'll IIJII�_­ . . �iihfidt_­�� . . Ad&_4--_- -1, �- . I �� 1. __ '-- _Ir - _ .,-,a," . - -11612 .- . I I I � I I - ., I . A I I T -1 -KE OUNTON NEW EIRA I 7 it, I � . F0 I . I _N-__ - - -- I ,.b. 25th 1000, � - ­ - I . R 11 � 1, I I . .. ,R!. im a' 1 1 I 0 . 1. I .. I I 11 � I-— .- I � � � I � � � 11 .." , I 1. __ - - _ I ­­­­ . - i 010P li,-Mwommwml A. I.- 1.11. __ - ___ 4 I , - %-,. 1 1, - _� - _'.. I I I - - 'j,"'. ,,, I ­ . � . I I . . - I . . .- -1. . . 11 ___ --- . I HOW TO CAGE A BEAR. ,A NATURAL PROMOTION, I 40 RHMMATISM. � I " , I VALUABLE PHISCRIPT101 �F. . 1, 1 U44 Sifte umt wolApt come on -I Show Him 0 rrats and; $read And, 6 SOLUTE - Now Deputy Speaker 'of 0ornmooll . * 11 I I . . ", , I I I . Lead the Way to His Von. . I Has Earned His Position. - � 101EY INO BRODER � THOURES . . . . . ". � Nscapes, of aulmals from tbeir.c4ges . Circumstances were such at th(I . K I I � � . . . I � In zoological gardens and meuageries . opening of the present Parliament . CAN IBE MAIDE AT H OX PD. .. I..., . � � - ... i LUA are fortunately ra:re. When tbey . 40 . SECURITYall, that the Spealoorship of the House W�e -are . pleased to be able to publish for the benefit - I 11 ''I - occur the worIc of recapture Is set - could be filled by means of a natural of aw . . I �� .. �� I -0 I � I �. . . � - I � about in a businesslike fashion, and 00,00,0! . promotion, In the last Parliament readers the prescription ' of a celebrated specialist, This 4the . . I I. I � An En -Canadian filled the chair result of years of scientific inves enc4s and I ally cap- . til glish tigatiou. sod "per! It' . . I the prison breaker Is gener. Cenulne in e House, and a Vrench-Cana- r I I . , I I 11 PP , tured befolre anything is known out- is taken from a reliable publicittion I . . I 1. 'L ..." " Biaeik Himight side. 0 1 than in the Senate, "Tarn about" is This is an exact copy of the on'iginal:_ � . 11�. � . I . � � the rule, and this made the way clear . . I . Stove PoUsIft In the periodical Issued by the mall- I - for Air. Marcil, Deputy Speaker in I . . 1. I I . � Carter's � 11 agement of the Breslau garden an . . the last House, to go up bighgr. A . � I . I . � is an, inspiration to the housewif&-so vllll�g amusing story is told of an Incident of,�, I � A01 - . ' . . , deputy then had to be chosen, and I 1. to do its Work and does. it so well. - this kind. Some years ago, on it fine it"61, 0 the choice fell upon Mr. 4G. H. Me- % r ' , . . � I And just a few rdba brlugs I -fle Liv, a Intyre, of South Perth. 'He ought to � .. _ .. I � 1. AaS7 to put on, autumn morning. just after the gates t Pft )N�,���C.IA,, '11,, ' ,�. 1. a brilliant, polish. ,were opened there was a loud knock. ­ � - be able to fill the post, for ,since he . . . . . � - 0 , You should see for yourself how good b,,r I . � � , - I ' � "Black Knight" really is, - . ing at the pay window, and, iii. reply to illust Bear 816nature of came into the House, in 1904, he � . &*V,AGf,0, r . I . I I I . the inquiry of the money taker who. shown, considerable ability and great . if ur dealer does not bandleit. seud,ns OA , . &Vtxo� � I I U1.70 . diligence. Always present at the sit- , naine and toe, for full f4zed can. presented himself; a man In a state of' . . .. . . . . . " ),Cx", � F. F. DALI,EI(CO. LIMITED. - HAMILTON, OuL ald that .as be was . I tings he often spoke, and if not ex- , , � , great excitement st . 4ZL . I . I � ,Zgg� walking on . the Oder bank lie had seen I .. I � . . . 1. I I � I . actly a heavyweight he showed ar� . . .04�� 1 . i I . . . I � 10- - through the p4ligadIng a large bear ;. . I , understanding of the subject he diS. L I . . �'. - . - � . . loose In the grounds. - "Greatly obliged - ises ]PAC -Smile Wrapper Below. . cussed and fair facility of expre,si6n. . I � %-- - .-. I . I - - . _ ___ - I— _____ I . . He will now have to post himself on , I � obw,��.o % * ,,- . . . . , . I . -to.you, sir," was the reply, ,"We know =A an saw the rules of procedure, foi in the ab- . * .-A` , �.. . I I .1� I I ANCIENT SURVEYORS- that already; that bear goes for a walk . tQ tam W witcotim . , sence of the Spoaker he m.Vst preside ' - 0. .� . - . 1. ,N_�.L. , . � . 9' � - . :. - every morning and returns to its cage . I nq FORMUDAUL and as Chairmhu of the Committee -- ­ . I 6 � ,;4�4, alm�., '"A., , - . , - 0 ng many . ly�c_ul, I - I leted on the -.0.1d before the visitors come In." , . of the Whole lie will, dur! a� ." ul�_ - , . . �� I SETTLERS Their Methods Popt no FOR DIZZINF33. . long - sittings, direct the proceedings. . . � . �� : ,�. ­ ; I Tombs of r-gypt. . The man went away.quite satisfied. . I r - I � I I . I ' The offi -new the real state of IME, - M JBILlOUSKESSo Mr. McIntyre is a native of St. Mary's, ,The ingtedients are vegetable and have a gentle and natural: , . .. In an address ,delivered before tho- , clal, who 1, . . 11 . , the case, at once ordered the gates to � I resides, carrying action, giving a distinct tonic effect to the entire system. : I ltoy4I Geographical society Captain I FOR TGAND Lima Ont,, where he stil ,. ... T R A I N S ,director general of tile be closed, und the director was iti 6nee' I FOR PONSTIPATION on the business of a private banker . ent of Lame Back in ... Y1. 0. Lyons, ' I and exporter of Canadian p�oduce. . It is a wonderful mixtur6 in' th atm, ­ a 1. I . I I informed that the bear was loose. It FOR IIALLOW SKIC1. t cu , ruMat ­ � . survey department of EglyiA, told of , Of 'course the deputy cannot ex� TJrinary Troubles - I res Rh urnatfe Patus in a few houn. � - TO . as, a serious matter, for the bear had , � FOR THECOMPLEXION , ' the . I the work- of ancient - X gYPt!4u sur,�cy, . w I pect to be so grand, a man as The ingredients Qn be, bought separately and mixed at home, or I , ors., 01At every period of ancient killed the keeper In.g traveling menag-. �� MUST U .. speak o spacious . a I I.. . . I . . " ANITOBA, * ALBERTA i . erle'and for that reason was sold to to liarew Toffstable. er, hQ cannot expect s. ,ny dTuggist can fill the prescription, - . . . I UgY tign history," he said, "the land - . . or fine apartments, -and on the other . . . . the zoological garden I Mor - . I � I 6 ,w eaders t�.�, - was I? measured and recorded with con- * h . . hand -he is not expected to perform 0 If not in need of it a W-Wi' -#d advise our re , I . I a mate had been put In with him she . oUng 0IQK HKADA04.1, - - I this out and.sAve it. siderable accuracy, ' Property was - the elaborate and - expensive - social . . 1, . I . I y Canadian Pacific direct line . fell a victim to his bad temper. . . -------- -_ ti a that fall to. the Speaker's lot. . %. i le I I dealt In regularly, An.d. an elaborate soon I du Je � I -22! 0011001 I I TnTn �.__ - I r Settler5 travelling Settlers and families system of registration was WaIntai. 'While the authorities were conalderIng �' ' .- ­ - - .- _ Still the deputy has not been for� I �d I I n- the best step9 to talce to recaptu . re tbe - 77 - gotteninthe "economy" of theHouse. . I I -1 1-1 mmut &122���� . with Is i,slock and without livestock ed. .No map of landed property In liwitih-difid ff ch �. . - � I - ef?,,�ts should use bear -for they Ivere lonth to shoot such . I . . He has quarters on the second floor, I atiolont E, gypt F has come down to us, , . . . 'A . � I ecialTrains RedularTrains . but on the totiab walls we meet with it fine animal -the keeper whose negli- They Are. Becoming an Important Comparatively Small, it is true, but . Neased Men . ' t ... 'a door utiffistened had much largcr than.a private member � will loave Toronto leaving Toronto represelitatious of land measurers at gonce in leafl.og Part of Eng!and's Yuletide., ' Nervous, i'm . uble made his appear- can afford -at a hatel, w�ll appointeld, I � . ` 10.15 P.M. daity aused the tro . . I 11 ch rU ESDAY in , work. Their methods of land meas, c � . Otnown that every . ARCH and APRIL Tvurist Sleeping Cars urement are represented on the walls: ailee, Ills only reply -to the reproaches It is not gerierall, and elegantly furnish, -d. There is a\ DRS. K. 4 rL ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS i I . gx� made in England neat littlo. kitchen,. big enough for . . . . � I I . . . at I 0. 5 P.M. .. . I f the director for allowing the bear to nitgort crackers.. - I ._�� -_ . ­_ I Fastest Time of the touil) of one Menna'at Shellt 10 . ... ­ n 3 feet to 6 - _______7_ - I Abd vl Qurnti, In Thebes, it . over- escape was, '11vell, we sliall li�,�� to, ranging'in size froE feet preparing the meals of one .or. two . Consultation 1� land . and evon,7-feet in length. These pprsong, a, handsome dining -room, . I I- . - I OLONIST CARS ON ALL TRiLINS get lilm In again." . - . ' I I . I ­ �� No ('hnrde for Berths seer and inspector of the boundary ,g ants of the crocker world,*like the which "between mears," can be used I "I FREE. - .'. " I stones of Anion. - . Ile Went off to the storeroom, filled- I I � - . I onal- article, are made tQ for other parposes, a sleeping-roorn , �' _a� - . . . vonventi I , � th , . . . . When be saw - . . � � It I .. I Low Colonist itates I � "In the .sceae depleted are shown , his apron wi carrots. prid bread and pull, .whim -they go decrack," and Are and a fine office. A. d6puty 8peaker- . . � n. Malik . . . . . . . . I .: . , - , Que5flo . � Mnly Through Ufiln to the Wait two chainmen measuring. a field of .then, sought the bear. . in every sense, of the word a true ought to be able. to � malte himself I . � .1 . . . ' . thei animal he called out to attract its . . � . 11 - ... �- , " . Appl! lu nearest agent for full'infortnation and corn with a long cord, on which are . cracker. . comfortAble. there, Mr.. Marcil did not. , for - t1orne. ... b � . , 11" . I . I . . . it,,, copy of "Settlers' Guide" or write R. L I knots or marks at intervalir which attention and by throwing down food I What the makers can cram into loge weight during'his o6cupwicy of I . 11 I .1 I ... � I . � . . Thompson, D.P.A.. C.P.R., Toronto enticed it to the back of the bear dons. typrising. , I I did 1, %. . Tifeatment sent . �.. . .... .... . . .. I � . � __ - . seem to -be about four.or flTe cubits . these monsters is simply BE those cosy apartments', neither . . . . . " I , . . . - - In length. Each- also. carries At sliare I Here the man entered through a small A -3 'foot. cracicer,.costing $2,. will con- Mr. , Bergeron. * Mr. McIntyre ' has .. . I . . . . . . . I . . , - �� 0 . . W. JACKSONt- Agept. ClInt0n, ,cord coiled upon his arm. Beside th6m door by ,which -new,arrlvals were put tain presents for twenty-f9ur persons, none. to lose, Perhaps he .will grow . . � . � . � . . FREE. , 1. , I . . I . . . . . . Ik three offi4dials, who carry writ- into the cages, He was closely follow-, ,.consisting;of vases, tea -cups and sail- stout. . � . . � . . . . .0 I I ... . I- ... 11 1. I I . . . � . � . .� . I . � Canadian Hair Restor ­ wa . I . . edby the belij, but iedched the middle `cerFt, fi,gures, aninialsi. birds, re,ptiles, .. . .- � 1. . " . . Rimonable I . . . t2J7 ing�materlals and who Are.accompa- - � and jewellery,, In one of -the big safes , . 1. . I . I I .� V . I . . I . f the� cage before It had' -scrambled Boy. ST . . .;o, . . itted by a -small boy carrying , ritifig pal, London hotels . AKED .HIS CUSTOMER. I �, � A ... . I w Q . . � . .. I 'Then bw at'one of th6'�rinqip . - - I . ... Fees Mr 9�_, .. . . .wh through thb small, opening. . � I . 11 IV � . � - I . I materials and a bat In' Ich are dropped on the floor the rest of the there was deposited a 3 -foot cracker.. Young' Gambler Had Assets to. Bat I . I 1. . . . � . I . probably documents and plans , . � containing twenty. costly. I Treatint"t :: .. I . refer. s'apron and made his - pieces. of . After His 'Money. Was 13ono. . . 11 4 ...,. . . . .. -_ . '- ring to tho'properity6 An old.mau and � food he had In hi r I . jewellery. It was madii to the order I . . I I I . � . . . . . . way out of the cage, which was at ., Any day on the down-towp I . I %Yill restore gray hair two boys aliio.aocompany the'survel- . .. . . . . of an American millionaire and,was . , 6tieets A NERVOU$ WRECK . . .. .. ROBUST MANHOOD, I � . . I . I . I � once securely fastened in front and at ' ' 9 . I .. . � . . . - . Stops faffing hair causes to grow on bald ors, - and a -peastcnt brings a- loaf. of ' to to, pulled on Christmas mornin 6 Toront,i), during -'the *Abft hoitrS. be- * . the rear. Thus the incident, which the, m6rninig. papers We. 11130antee io Ourel all Curable Cases of Strictureq Varlcooele,,, . . heads. Curesdandruff, Itching, scalp diseases. bread and a bunch of green corn. . i - � and .its contentT-distributed to the U#een thd sale of I By its use thin hair grows luxuriantly. "A similar scene jj�. pictured- on the might have had serious consequences, , guest& . �. . . . .: . . and the issuing of the.afternoon edi-. ... Nervous Debility, Blood PolsonN Vit2l WORklICS50s, . . ' . ' I ' ' 1 Containa no oily or greasy ingredient& walls of a tomb belonging to a..eer- - . ended happily for -those on -whom the Crackers inoasuritig 6 feet and moro tions, one may see knots of . boys- . . . . � Ility.rdsied,-London Field, ariably-'made to� - some little more than. babes. in years', ' .* : KIdneys - Bladder.and, Urinary, Diseases, and all - I , h entirely unlike any other hair prepam responsib 1 . in length are -iriv . '. - K . I 'Men and Womolms . ' � tain Amenhotep, also at Sheik AVd el I . . I I ' . . .. I I 1. dollar to . . . � tier over offered for edle. * ' . . r.: Scores are .turned out'.,ev6rY gathered in doorways or lanes. Ap- Diseases pe I Qurna. 'Here only one man accom- . I . � I orde ch the and you will see .that - � .. I . I A good, reliable Canadian preparation. . I Warned In'a Dream. . . � selison'' In the, large,,coutAry-lioups Don't wasta your time and money on cheap, dangerous, - experimental tr6atment� . Ynsollicited Testimonial% . parties the. chqlnmei�v each of ,whiwp, ! - . I the� Zling of �these. monsters is right- t. . are newsboys abodtingeraps for ID n Inerr b being experimented on with rediettles - - "erings y b to us in confidence. We will treat . t In atkpu a o n's' dl es ul B me I I els. They pay little - " ur u . 'Missionary H. M Church. Its usual, c . I cO . cov r" ut I arries a spare'cord. - The On the ctectis'lon of -a fatal accident I . 11 Oh ' h , e c se ha. h r ow us � t With A. Burke, p . - . v 'u t s Y, and r_ Dre yoU to health In the shortest pos-, d 'figu -he'tomb of to a lift ip a Paris. hotel -'some, years ,,,, egarded as the ,] . attention . casual . passersby, but ' . �,­ . I i Iv r .rincipal ev,6nt.,on pdrg or -nick w 'c 0 h . cut, Us , �1 � ones id 'killf b � . _fo k res, are larger'tban In t . I ti - b tly - di. t and ase practicable. Each case is mL . it t I ast . . , Akhirnirn, Egypt, and friends, greatly pleami Menna, and, though they are now Q itgo a lady whoi, waa just lkg . Ing UP 1, Ylih e w e m.d e - 'Ml � vX,h results aft;cr two years'Using. . � 1, . festive mornini. Three ,or four, �catter at sight of.a policeman. Some t,_ :d , the to , Wa,_t_ Our No. .tb.d is o IM,ffand h.. stood the t,.t for - U A� Hopes, Wilner. 'Montana. My ha . . � .. . children. grip .06 lAge bon,bbn at . I them are inveteratp ganiblers, and- ' t've.ty y . p � I . . � . . I - ir In it,started back,,Isaylug, 110h,' tbek.e , * b and whiskers restored to natural colot. d=k much damaged, "it Is possible 'to see . . eaoh end. -and pull away until the, . brown, by using Canadian Hair Restorer. , 6learly thitt the cord terminated: in. a is that dreadful mdu agairl"'.. And . Apart, amid the roars not. only wager their slender ' capital a IN am 'Iff � ' . htLsband 'to come 0 A-busi- - . . " � 11 1. . . � , I middle falls , -mortgage the. future. . X.Orurn,Bn swille,OnL Canadlaullair ram's bead." , . . tried: to Induce her. f ' mi iii re ei�plosion,," So'fqr as. but also ' W ill , . I est I have . . . I ..... I. .. . ... . , 0 a n tu that .ness-man tells a little. s�ory us-� . . contents ar � ' , I . Restorer isther" ever use& - " . I . I off it,.,, too, but. -he � refused and e concerned� D.R* S',KENNEDY& M6NNEDY . I John G. Hall, New Aberdeen, Cape Breton. _' . . . . . . � . was :. ihelr� . trate. this tendency, - - . . r. . SWO . id . � n __ - J_ " ' . among the killed. The.11dreadful mau" .. :k your purse,the .Co. Mich. . I � Canadia Hair Restorer has worked wonders. . . depends entirely upoi He hixd been. in.-the'eustom of buj- . Michigan Ave.. and Gri -St., Detroit, .. My head is nearly. all covered with thick A MAN OF A&ION. ' ' to whorn she referred she.bad seen In inaker's, ',as a -rule, inseiting -into - . , pap . ev 4bout 'the same.. hour " . . . . growth black hair, original color. 0 - � . I . . . . . . . e , articles'. sl�ecially� ing ..a.. I , I bmzffiiiiwgmr��W I ,e I . . . a dream, which � the niece, of the friend these giants th eve ght from a.particular boy who � 49Sold by &U wholesale and retail druggist- t of His Tight . CorhorL , . L 1111 I I . ; Mailed to any ad , 8 n the civilized work, I He Got Ou , WlthL - who told me tile siory had -heikrd her � ordered.' � . � . I alw7ys o ied t,he same -coroer..Giie - .. � .1 I- . .1 . . . . I , L . ccupi - L I L. .1 I I I � L � . .. � ' to a; ay or two -before th I One � . on receipt of priceM, I lyfanufactursedby, I . Flying �olors.' : � . , . that'went off this, Reason 'in a. � - ' L . I . . , . I � relit (I . evening hetendered a :cent as usuhl,, I �. . . ,,,,,�� I" X=W11N Co., Windsor. Ont. -Cana" I lie was a husband who, when he left * (lent. .It. Was o -f a:funcral drawn -up'. Cabinet - Miniqter'-f. house 0intaiff0d a bdt the lad. made no -move t4o L hand I . � L ' . , . �, 1'��S Id in Clinton by W. S. R. I home for a week �or -so on I ,ri'busine . ssi -it I lier:do6r, So pi;mpous as to produce L, Complete. rnodel raib,�ay,., twenty toys', - over a p.aper, Initead another boy . . ... - - - � ­ - I . � I . . I . I . � i , ded -1 an crackers., .. I � L T_ - I trip, invariably- t06k with him a photo at Impressiom on' her, pres] . d one hundred smaller rushed up 'and flourisligti the sport- .: ,Mmm�_ � 1rdlinles, J. E. Hovey, L W. -A. % gre, Another, ordered by a. titl6cl lady, ing edition that the"C'ustonter wanted, , NR I L 1. I of his. wlfk'and in flie'letters thathe over by a blg:d,irk man.in h strange . I McConnell, drug&ts. ', - ' wrote to bet he . contained,two, doieri musical toys,', The latter, ho�vevor, .Waited .expccl-i � . . OLD FOLKS _ I point of j , always. made a? great , sombrero hat. This man she saw, or. . el I - I . . . .� I - ' Pon .L I . . . I . reiy one'6f -v�hlch was niade'tO blow. . -antly for his, regular boy ,and. then I . - . � his .portritit, aiid d)vb1t, il' believed sbe,saw, in Lthe lIftj:and'tI1e.- 0 . MnL ,special toys'L costing 'as 'much asked .-. . .. . .. . . I I .- . 1. . .- __ _-, 11 I ___ � -, . . � . , " . I L .. fro R the fact thiit thd�sl.-I# of It �va:�,the col�vlder.�re. terrifled Ifer from going ,. AS $100" ar6 inSeAed into 'tbese'big :"What's the. �iatter? Where's 'my ...... . � .'' . .. . . . ,I I I . Especia* need -NasMls Pjawdr"OM T&'bb)taaod viotalm the Rhauzi=-An . We rA aneyS, 'oliij; thing that kept his -'spirits up up in it4",Afflido'n Notes. and'Quor e8. " crackers.' At'the, same -time a 640ot' I pap�lr?' � I I . . . I ... . I L *paA b in go J . I . ' . . L .� �mgcf-itw4lohftnccdNiokotptbcttS4oaucb.bvc&,& A 11 owela oz . ` . Vt. . .... . . - . I �- , I I awd * f -oi' :. L , _ . . . '. I otelier, containing a host of C11605,. "Well, yo see " re . . I . - ,. , . . . M when he was fhr y, i n* her, 1. - - ., cri . U I %plied'th� ur. * acdw. need it for thr stienth and vVer Li Clvm � . A One day, however;'he left -the home . . :1. * ,: I . ackers,,. capii and ':chm*, shatAeface'dly, ­rne and him,was. , L . . I I . I . . . � I . I Ladies and-Gentv. �- novelties, - Amall cr - W "NATUWS P-EMD)r' Ili Yaw Dodari . - I and forgot to take the. portralt with.. L I - paper saits..may be had for $5. ..One shooting 'orapg last night, and I lost : I .. . . . . . . . I kridne .. .. � �Yhbn I Wa.s younger kids *Crot. kids . . I .. Condition 11W Weak Kidneys, guelyaoir to weak :.all. my money, and.you was a regular.; . . Tab a txMis ocrar =4 Mae: a wiR kecp vow a7g= to such goW � I . 0 vt ra nd t1! . 14 I Tito Kidneys, -.11eart, a . hini.. But he was not. gbing"to, lot a� r in ea(liz', Now -all the gets some idea bf the. popoilarity. of . - dism" canine uh hold. EMT bZ4 is guarawed�wctvcsamfacd�or *Arad'iu .. erves, . * . In . Zititsits o . . , cuatorrier,, an' --lie N%-R)n you.`� _. . I . 4 : 1. � � I h. find tb..Ar weakness, not ili the organ little thing like thatwokry him. � 1. .-V - . - . . I . � 'pr�-A ionded ' . . " . . . . 8 _all the girls L this detide nom*, which was un � I I . 11tolTillebutin tb.3 nerves that control tutd guide . I boys are gefatlemen and .. . . , . . and 4rengthen them, Dr. SPoop's Itestorativ,�g - 'Down 'he'sat ftild penined 61g cus- ladies. Where arQ the.kids who climb- I known in X6gland sixty years, !we,. I I 11 . � ,�, . " , 11 . Q I . - � Canadiah Shipping Disasters. � .. . & m(,dicine specillvAlly prepared to reach th ,r .tliaf Messrs. � . . . ­ . .. , . I � when it, is ein6mbered Better Tan s flis' controUlng nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone. tomary amorous �plstle,. in which. the ed the Imes, th5 tousled - young ca- ' . One hundred and.fifty lives 'have. � I . . 19 futile. It is a waste of thno, and of money as portrait play-e-d_its usual part. It wits. rousers who go MIMIr face*s.black w . Ith, Tom. Smith, the makers of these giant a . - GET A 25d BOX ' ,ti, . . . . I � . crackers,. alone turii6d out. 20,000,OQ(V ' b4�ph � lo' '9t on tb.6 North Atlantic with- I � .. . . . . I well. if the =I,, not until the letter was posted that he . . . ' . . . . � . If your back aches or Is weak,* . . . ' � dirt and. tore' their little.- trousers? ' ' I in -two months .(Noveinber and 1)6-, � '. I . . I . . . . I . scalds, or Is dark and strong, if you have symptorns remembered thatithd'port :� this, season. ... . . P 11 ralt.,had..been ' Where are th611ads who scrapped 'by, , . ... . , . . . I mber. , Four vessels have myster- I I . F , - . . I ce . . I . . . . of Brights or other distressing or dangerous kid. lef k I I . . .. I . isappeared, e,arrying . 122 men . lou discaso, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month- I at home in a conspicuous place . r6iinds *11ile .ot'ber'lads'kept'tallics, I sly d _ I , blets or Liquid -and see what it can and wiM where his wife -could ' ot fall to diso I . Mr. C. I -I. Cahan, now so - well- 1 "'11 wli116 four .or live ::. . .16 " S _r O -r . . I � n * es ok mud . . down. with thern. � I � dof . . . . . the malds who. me,de their. pi. � -onnoction with, Mcxicar.L tal to the.' , oryou. Druggistrocommeud and soll . . 301.0 ...known ba c . - ainor disasters swell the to � I I I cover -It.. . .. '.. .. ,and dauced- in dirty alleys? The ,ht, Hegt. & Power affairs,'When hill * 33 i half mark. With -two &* . I alk . . . , I � I The tit was.Indeed In -'the, hre, but . ' � - Lig century itrid I . , . -'', I . I making calf: love some*hcre'now, ex- �. was . . crvati�o 0 I Its" . PR � . he was a man' 6f action and d6ter-, . ' leader of the Cons I p_ . excoptio all these' disastefs - hap-' . � changing -cards and: -kisses.. They're position in the Nova. Scotia .House of . pened to. vessels, on the Canadian. . I 1. " i . . I . , Rup'' S 'mined to.:,get.out of 1119 tight corner all"hxeo up in Sunday togs, and they Assembly, when the 11..�M- Whitney d 'or St. Pierre coasts, . . � . I . �. . I . somehow. Ile remembered th' . ie sirs and'ut ses. rteal kids have coal legislation was_ up for -discussion . lgewf6undlari , b und thitlier. . Four . I I .. . � I .1 . .11 ., 1. . . . . . I � I I 1. shcu-v�, 'm , 0 Shop a is . ' Or to:. vewpls o . . . ' ' ' . 0 . where the photo bad been. takea'aud vanished from the. world, which fact . made a speech which, for length,,W4s. steainers;tbretc i3ch6oners, one bak,' , , , 0 promptly Wired . . there for .,. t.Luothe . I . generally thought'to have.: w6n . the xge contributed th the .". 'Sold by'. al.l.. Druggists. . . � . r is surely.-hades.And all the.boys are . Can I . I death . 4.1 i .1 JR 'had p � adian record, He � spoke for nine ' shot. One be The. casualty list is 'as- I . . . . . � . . . copy, whicil he ut Into a beautl! � VntJ6ni,n, and all the .girlp tire la-. - , 4oll. . . I I W ful frame especially adapted for trav- hortits. `A case 'just finished In Loin- I follows. FabTe liner- Neustria, two- """�____ -_ - _1410101 . -",- 1 . I . 41es.-4Walt . Mason .. In . Emporiii. . Ca- ' . .11 � I . I I . . - . . . I ''I . Restorativ 0 cling. , ... I I I . .. . . .1 . . r don.- England, however beat's all rc- I moriths overdue, from Now York to I � I . . I , On his return. home'his ,Wife ,.'handed ,zette. . ..­ .1 I ... I I cords as far 'us long speeches are '�Maa%eili.M, carried 47 men; ,steamer ... . . I ..... 1 � . ­ 11 .� .1 . Sold bY "ALL DRUGGISTS" . . �� . I I I conce;ned, for an address lasting- tine .. 8tikkiesta&'seven weeks out ' from- I I . . .1 I . i ,',- __ out the freezing, mixture" to begin . A bifficult. Ex�mina,0pn. . I _. days,. was delivered. Thespeaker was Gliisgoi�r - tij Sydneyj carried 30. men; -119TITLED TO* -PARTMULARS, - ' ZE�_-, ...... . � 11 . 1. . They fuelebrate th. �f 'tne with I In unquench-, . CandIdatesat the, Royal'Yeterinary : 'in the' s ean � .1 I . . I , IV . . - � I : . � e. Birfhday I and then dissolved , .Mr.. Bufus.Isaacs case of Wylet t, a6r s6o City. - believed to have I . . : W__ � '.. I . . . 6 . � . . � Saviour of Their Religion. able tearsw' When. under cross 6-V1qm-` college, London, must pass eiamina- - et�al. vs. Lewi-a'qt Al.. '. I � I .foundered in 'the Gulf. of St.'�Law- . . . . . . . I . .. - . . . ­ . . .. , ­____ . * -(fte M"s MW Zukla D" �� L , - . A meeting of Indiana in London ination she admitted that the causei of tions.in English grammar and dompv�l- " - .. . . � I - - I .-.., _- __ ..- _---­�_ renc6, carried 28 men; bark. Artem. 111ft, . .� .. I . � . . was held recently at the Caxton Hall, hdr grief was his ciubl deception, he. . ailidmatics and either - . .. .. I I I e ost on Eilglish coast,..Car� I - . . "' , � �_ . . . tlou� Latwt in I . - * believ it I I 009 . 00111111PP11111111"de!te"I . I I ate the birth- I produced the newly acquired' photo Grb d ' ogle AP10 1 18 ,nen; barge. 101, foundered I I Westminster, to celebr ek; a we orn language. or I ,,OPLE.SAID' SHE HAD . ,ied )ec.. 18, in gi4ld - Pew 01111311111110 .1imompow some I - I . I - . . � . . I . IS.. I , , . of Shri Guru Gouind Singh, and then asked her, -in a hurt voice . � . , off Seal Island, U .1 .., . day . . I . i (horse sense.?).. This from'the Matric, . a". - . I . - ­ I I . I ' . carried 7 �men, th � -, 1-2 I - . - . I . It )bet, poet, and Miipected "Pind the center of grAvItY Of -a 11111- ' I driven . 6:1Z. WA " 0, - I . . i warrior, the great ree schooners " - saw �, - proT - how she could possibly have s -on Newfoundland .coast in gale, , %_2 " . .� - . ia " who flour him 04."gking off more tarradiddle form wire which Is bent In eb it way -ONSUMPTION 'ashore . , , I nation builder of Ind , su C � W-WaWas . itimi"N"Punty I I . . , , isbed in the seventeenth Century, and . . . I . I : 0 . - _ .. . . . of.Dec. l.with lo "VAW. . � ­- - * on his little wife. . . � that It forms three sides of'a square, I - _�__ 7 ed on Irish coast and § ', - hal,wes I . . I I , . .� � in honor of whom a memorial.banner . �. I � . � Once In, the candidate for V.'9. hasto,. I. . . " .11 t 1. - Irada wreck . . . The &be" 0 1 1 m . I .. - hung over the presi6titial-chair. Prof. .. I . . I � - . I li .. ". tien -lost. - . � I _.. . foosid lavah"Zoilat Ile. M11krestment of' . I- 1_. I I - I " . �. I � cover chemistry, physics, blolclgy, bota, � 11 , nitinary tranbles . . . . . . . � I I . 1� � � Gokii1chand delivered an address.on. isong oVern1glit two CUDZU10 OZ WDIte . 11 . . � ' kidneyj biader Ana - _. IV .. I . . � . the "Prophet, Poet, and Warrior," in or pink beans. In. the -morning holl ny�, histology, physiology� bacteriology) . % . . . Prlces� In gowganda. and disesseli arisi'as therefrom, such . I . I � , . I . I . L ,I'hq course -V W14igh he said that the with a pinch of soda flitiert * ns ,mediba toxicology, bygleneo . I . . witlking through O'"'rbeumi6tism, 80tatica, lame back I ." . . -_ . . . , I . . ic�i medicine, meat In- . . I . , 71k, C 'j -L o, and W* feel that th6 ''. . . name of prophet Meant much more Und dralli. Pry ond largo'sliced onloll dietetics, clIn . . I . ,Lroui b , ity -ist now carrying � . , . . . .. I . � I I e east than it did in the west. with a � piece of pork or bacon. .Add spection and horseshoeing.-Horses, ' . � I huge telescope bags 1112 with an pablic, are entitioa to particulars it WOULD MAKE . in th could criticize Ruskin, Carlyle, . anagenient. ,. ( L . assortment of etprything froin jew-. 414111cernitig it., , . I I YO -U. L .t1UXGRY . . The I not -Xilese 10 the, Iiians; also a cup ot 'Horsemen and Stable -M I �. I , I . . I elry to suits of clothes, . A pro%juent physician sta-teS that - . I Goethe, and Tolstoy but this was � .. .% ,: I * . .. _ -ha i to S."..r fine 4ps6vtment of C�ies al. . ", - l the case with the �TOPIIPtS of India, canned tom4toes, two shredded chill - " '- .----.--. .� I . . . The pri6ts ate 'somewhat exorbi- thd excelleat 'results that , .; �. hand. -Why bake- aC hoina - 11 peppers -and gufficleIt hot Witter Even'in tile world of comm6ree ,it . I . I . obtAined from tile jigs of tho,tnixtliro witys on . I �(I. , salt fl, Welder .. . ' ! when, you have'such an as who wpre too exalte They did not 1. JI "I tant but a wary buyer .can rtaulLAY., are due ti) its direct action 11pon tho I , sortment to ,kly for ten *ould be difficult to find . " . L . . - class Gnru Gouind Singh with Rus- to cover -viell..'Bbll bris . .. I . I 'LL. q, cut tbeiti in half . Mg thota'LiU 1, give'us a trial and they I mintites on the stove before putting -advertising genins thail the Rev, Wil- . ' . I . � .� , kidneys, asaistil their worX. choose fron: . ., or with Tolstoy, buV �_ Carlile, head, of the famous . ... I . . I ! I I one pedlar sold a pair'01 shole-1 io" - all Poisonous waste Matter will talk for themselves. Bakero og . I kin, with Goethe . son . :,., , .. . .� -n Of filtOdu � li�rist, Ive bouirs. . . . � . I I . $5�-much worb- and then ant -doNN placed him on a level. with C in the -cobker.. Leave in for f . I I I f i extidling -howelinade bread, the b�t,t to be hadi : - I I de. - .. ! and -aids r6rd the blood ow 0 .1 '. . the l . . I I Chureh,Army. Had ho chosen to to fashion some loot `w(lar Out Of � a While tip town come in find' &' - ur To them he was as Mahamet to Good Housekeeping. I . :_ �ag in, 'ftd, f,)r Ithree Months. � same in the urine� and at the same ' r c . . Mahometans, Buddha to the Bud- - .. , - �. �of,o himself - to a business cat,,Ier . . et pioew of - blanket, for himself. .. time restoring the kidneys to a healthy Ibo Cream and Soda.itwill vefrest YOU . .. . � . u I . I . - 4M&t, dhists, and Christ to the Christians. . I there is not mXich 'doubt that 110 Readliove Mrs. T' 0. B .-k. Brambrid Blankets Worth $2.50 il,'pair.- in tbO I while, doing your shopping* � - . I . . . %, I :L - ,bnsiderable length I . Dental Inoubation, ,� . would 'hh,�e made a forhinb. , Hi.4 Ont., was cured (a, Aolso her li tlo boy), y � ci-ties, sell for* $4 and. $5, There aro a iiuf- I � e 4olifte. He, then dealt at 1, I . . . I . , ture t1Z � keep a line of first class visleing. uncl�, topical -sermons fit SL,Mftrv-a1-HilI the �Uie of ' . ... I nal with the history of'Gurn Gouind and "Tommy' ' 11 said the , , . Itio rejulta prioes, though, for as donk ry�an� fruits in season. � ,, me that-bitby sister of Your$ draw hundre'ds of people ev�ry SIIA- . DR. WDOWS 110' -711;Y PINE - petition increases the cost. -of articlo,s I : ) and I the manner in which he cteatod the, scems, to I . .'t� -SYRUP I Wages are '$2.50 Cash or trA& fop lWttery.and Eggs. . , . . I ,� I . Sikh nation, instituting rules and ob- is pretty slow. She iiasn't anj tee.tb da�. U1% Carlile reoieritty confOss(ld - "141 Lit .1101t I would write Vill be. regialated. I , . I the 1. .. . . . that he wap ,a. firrn believer in� the l3he writes. , pet day, with bonrd, which costii $151 - 6 , L servances which had remained to t. I I yet, has she?" I and lob yort 1411(w t1le'llonefit 1 11a,ve're, , I I : Wo , W. NIMENS . ,..-- nt day. Other speakers paid ri- ,,Sbe,s got plenty of teeth," replied spiritual uses of advertiserftent, and, ccjvo�l throi,gh t1to u" of yout Dr. Wc6d,g a day, fliough in some cases m(In are -1 . . = to the Inemory of the Guru, and the indignant Tommy. "She's got 1) 110 alw�Wys found thaC the money, nu Syrup. A. few years ago I getting $!q a day by co'nfract, ....-I -1 . ... . -pboue 42 1 . Glintoik " tdod a back -in fhe . collection, ly jrt)111.14� tgler_-� are. boing . . . the singing of native songs conch outhtti, of .teeth, .Only, they , Oent cam 'W11011:1211ta"I' _ .d wit,, iny j1111gs pt,lgo file othel hand, strae I � . . . . . . Whole in . Once -he' advert, e4oxteriqively a (118� . Consumption 1. .. I.. . � � I . . . - bed yet." . ,A saw t had alld that I �fs@d g2on 6� -at $3 and $4. In order,, that 480 .y9A1,%40 � . , the celebratilon.. -, - _____L- I ain't hate ! �'. 0 douTR - : bolti's Big. Swim." not live throiigh tho fall. I had two doc.' Mol . 1np.iiiay-bq fushod. --- iiXPERIENCE .� � , "It" 6aid M Ca j _____ - 1. I Kinard -M ILInIment Cures DistenlVer .. I . r- Aile, "I hod n9t -turs--uttending ino and they wero very much . I . 11111--L- -, I .1 - 1.11 . I ' Dowdney Back in Politics - . I 0 .&:Lj , 11 - I - � - 71 1 announced in the bidinary wav .a spr- glo,rhied af)out tne., J,was'irt bed three I I . C - __ : I __ L . _ , . - -_ ., � � - . mon, say, on 1.1onah and the Wil"110" nfonths and whon I got.up I could not walk, , Hon. 1";dahr, Pewdricy, fOrine; Vert- I . . I I M � 1 134 . I 11 , hild a o6n, so had to go'6n my hands and-kneen for tonant-GOVOrnOr Of 010 NOtthWest . A Dfore placing your orders for I should probably havo ' wooks, and my limbs stserned of no e 116 supply of 00 I gO a(lip Territories, intprvie'%ved recently in . your seasor greg4tioh of two br tlireo old li rk. threo t., . � � plao(S. Waq . e'T0WrJP.c1 use to ino, 1 gave up all hopes -of ever T,iv(,rpool, said ther6.,was, a posqibility our prices. The, ver beat goods. , . I C90 As - it,'�qmq tile i ki I happene(l tardee in of his ag,tin,entering more full� 1140 , . TRA09, MAIMS . capried in stock.atilsold at the' " JL am P tjjree��uarjcr's o an liolir bofort, fbo �il ottin4 b6tter who 0 D � )( a orway ,o(Ilitidal life in the 'Doniinion. 11 DrSIGNfg, lowest possible pvico.� - t ' . . . service boaan, an(I on Lnina ol,tM(lis 3 10L A11110,11kc tit, r- W01 I' X 1 - I IM & tJ1() clint(,11 I fmind Volbt,hi WTiabolf Pino Syrup wits good for weak lunga. I ­ I . om!" . i ... 0opyruGHT13 &r- Orders may he loft at Davis M ` 11"11M I N w I ' tght I vmuld try & bottlo and by the momwnb�_ _!!!� � ik7 s niteto'b midd(ftriptl4n V161 ­_ � crane ondIng L - e lo to act in. As 0101 . " cl I . & nowitindis Hardware aore, or 11 tinto I )lad nAed it I Ivari a lot better, dogob 4111C Cif novert.1th Aut, opinlon fret " lethor an . there, wore no sentl I had to npenm- 0 lavent I 1,,R, Ago atol ,goi,"munlea, . Ji is prLbably.r ,,tl, 11 I Modato Mrs. 1-thlbehl 171 thn pillnit.11 more and it mittlo a completo curo. St � wok o C&M Hot cat"Po"A 511 ptnotlynop atents with I pnolit ftl..�t t4. . pticy ,or onennug.,vaton . II iratonvi 1"i.. vr1rom.yu J)Iunu receive. I - 44 tiothor ocens!611, fl, nowsPAIVI, . . JV&W MUCOs WK1100 0, 191'al'i In &I" L ffat] .1,1 ill . . Iungi omd it 0 . a I - stevessono I little boy was also troubled with, weaK Tito great Vtovine fVanics lent 0.64 01,10. 11 On'& , ured him, I keep it in the - oniv, smo elreetual. A1000 W, .4 I _-, . -.-- , X 1!At0rOA%VA1Ch . 001111 ,notice kought Mr. Carlile an Invitft house all tho titno and would not be with, I _1 "I I f 1; i i I : i I : � ! I � � � I � I " A'"L " I � " " OF3 `:� A" 'ery - r a I " � . I I I - - 1,0,eAr.,�-4:0;�� (OIL I/ � , 16 I " - � Am IS. � I E OUS S�R; I E trio Ll P ISTIPATIO LOW SK113. �oMr��XJON LE] 033MMMU . . , .. W"fim " ., X � Costs V=T _ '.4 es %ft I I , . � - i I I I . _"Vwt. 7 � tion to a house in thoWPO-011d.whort, oub it for anything-" - I debenA Sola in t 1. , scltott!k 111flatca"'t "! At 1116litrIt LiObt plaillito I . I . I of 'otroftrth- -No. I Abfipd�omelY imtratcdwook .it" � � 13reaks up a cold 9:tA , I rdtrgemt 0 I . I wara of I It f any I I � 330 h "No." 5�10216r.o J00na. �elf " -1 91 Torms 01 I I I I I . ,"., ­­ _...1 ­ -1. .1, , lie found 0; lady who doseribN1 bors Price 25 cents at all doalerg. 11.) degree& htroh9ft5U olat . I L L'...., . I . " At thd f1i'd 6111W2:0 6r 6111, take CaMOO- wq "Oursod With ,4000,000-" SOMO imitationt of Dr. wa. toil 8 141 "I ME%# t, 4 bec :1.75 A years postage popattl# liloldl � y Pifto 8 Quintile, woodlil Xor t� all . UAD .1. -260. I . . 910110 of it And Insist on getting ,, -1 I isold Irl 61! t 110011 jai tepes,t it-._118hiIoh`4 'Ouro will #A- , Cum It,, 24, hours. At your. d . ea.lele's ­.. I , - 2- " , . L , , , . 110, that suin lifts, Rin4m gorin oljyrup. Aak for � . I 11 a A ot . '[a0s8l8w&"y,N8WYjtk JW& I � . ..... . . ---1-1 I 1-1 I—- ­ I . "I I �. 1. ­ to P tho Church Army's 4odd the original Put up in & yellow wrappw , ys euvo Iny eoughdAnaeofas.,, I I � i � -to 04 C 6 ONUVm"WAM, ­Za 4. 1 --- � - - ---,--.-- -_ __ . I works. and throo pift t" ihir triho mak, I I . I . I I I . I 11 . . 'L I - - ­-­-­--­------­ -, _____.s1l116___1_____1 ___.________________. _____,_____ - - .. ____ -