HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-02-25, Page 4a I I V1 , 4 I . " rRO' "1011W NIAW NUA 1:1 , ____1.1 NIX .-Stk, 19" . � - I I _.­­_­;� 111".. .; � ­ I I I ­ I . . - I � I. � ­ I � ­.. ­ _ — — _'�. . 1, ; m �rr �W__ ___,. �_;.� _0 I I .1 ___ . . . Smadry 0 1 . � - I . � I I I I I I "', .111; i 1. oil �.. I -1-11.1 1. ­., - - 4 ...... -, ''. , I , � � -.-- . � i - SCHEW , . I -01 � 1. 13"A *""** . "" ldor,ft Frow 19'"M I I 1 I 1 I I I t t+0 I m 1*+x " ** .1 I � I'me , COLONIZATION . I k ".go', . 3 I rch Ch 1 $Chu "4 . . 41M, . I omthoo , '... T I ­ 0 d "'r � "I "an"! I " a 0 rr' f"Com PaC1f1C'C04St EXss to4tb'000()I'aob,"m-boerlDf('tbe House 0 � T" rr frioncls W -USLOY ' . � . 11 - =M, n � vilre i-111. 11 ton ion , rnon$ Is the Sphinxlo riddle of the , ` W " I 28Th,e tot- isvillgrgach next Sunday CATHOLIC CHURCH F-AURS ON A Parliament Buildings. It. Is written 110111 us of the feco oaqh "'" . ,uVao ject — lqbe love 'NEW ENTERPRIM . I 4 . I curs _�O. � W -A *nuouuoe it iu the N-,,iE * moru 0, . r Wn ) Sewing- - MO"" achine . , on the "Or" I; so koo,Fo, but . oz GOd." H "" '�' ' a "" - - . . in- Ofect Ist to ARM .30tho llotso numberedDop its fame is such -A. � "" ';be 'r � , . 1941111:1elluslyee � I that a number is considered ulineces . .11 . .. � i §44444-41 . Ever �ys`Wcicame. 1 Miss H11% Lindsay is in Toronto for a The junior L ad a vpry enjoy. Under Quidance of 13ishop Latul;pe . � - I , a. O�-, Spokane- con e of wee 0. able social on 1111gue h evening, WUP0, ' Needles-, , � P , oary The riddle, like many historical Wish.; Seattle, Wasb,; ,rt. ones, is or x9sortion rather than A Friday ,,mf Tomiskaming, Effort Will Be, � A I i 10,104, Ove,. question, ,,No 9trangers Admitte(V' iss tta ,. coill to the ouk'st of Miss thefollo.wing progtam wee ren&red: . I . I . , . . . ! . road the sigus on the ever -open portals Ida 1 a ,v, t lot ee . Inetroment,49, Misses Merlis Moore; Made to Oonqver Northern Ontario I ­ I I - , i -041475-San Francisco, CAL; LoaAn, Just what constitutes a stranger N r - ass, (a oil, I a) made a Lena Holmes; recitations; Loretta. � and Qvebec-Intent It Partially .to i hits I goles, Cal. . neverbeen, defined "Ono not !q the visit ro a t, Is ee . , Barge; Marjor NoMatb; Olive Moore- , , , . . g ' t visited S, -ug by five g via; ext -1 claps by several - Keeo French - Canadians From � 449,70-19134co, olty. - . fellowship," says Webster, a Alva, Ps eo 0 1.1 . ri Such as ihe ]�Ew IiO'ME, SINGER , ,n4 tb,%r,. I =%,,18asgoodan, answer totbe friends a a $toe lasto - eek firlti; Solo, Uonna Mulholland; diaq . . �v ! . ,&bove rates are One-way second a ( ups. D. A Cautel , on a , ad Prank Crossing the L,ine. " . . . .(* t , -, 'also , 0, apply!"l; from. Clinton., Tickets Any. The wife of A, P. Qunary, Principal )14 ' RAYMON TIS, and other makes - I Number Sixteen, as most Visitors to .Collegiate, is visiting -relatives in Ing- Rice. Fred Rumball,- John Watts, and . With centuries of experience in pio- , I)l DA I to.certain other points 100. . , . . . . , , in proparO Ottawa 'learn, is the Liberal bead- ereoll, . . Wilmer Wallis, . xicering,. with a record as missionaries . I , For further particulars apply to quarters; a L -o, as they soruolImos: find, Miss Jentille Shaongn left for, 1hicago -14r W. Brown, of Exeter, has been almost unexcelled, with an organiza- may be had from us In all sizes, - I I - . I I I �. I 1p. X Hopap _ . I 4N8, 9L,QWU Agent At Is a real Legislative cham,ber. the engaged,as Organist for this church� tio I � � - tr1l, in -at on go"day, and was ticketed by A. 0. d sect, society, " I � . I . Of . - Ono opposite being onlya P; k . P Fattloon, . . at a. salary or $100 ayear. He will or carper . ation, tile Roman Catholic$ ____ I - I - . 114 ,Aco next door to tbd Hxprosq Office a place of parleying and spea, Ing . proba,bly enter on his duties one week ... I... . . ;Z��_, , � Qww�_�_�;*a�;� � , I , _f. a of Canada are: setting them . � � I ja room formerly occupied by MvMedd.. L,i,wa are.not linsdain the House itsel The Misse4 Pbwell entertained froin Sunday, It will be remembere4 , selveu to I I 1. . ­ I . , . Th,eyare--morelv,as Itwore, rubber- number (of their young friends Tues� -e a, short timQ ago, the task of colonixing . the timbered . I - ,_______ . . � that he played hex . I I . , stampedinthe big chamber, I.Tsually day evening, and gave universal satisfaction, Bhow. xegion of Northern Quebec and North- ­ I '"IV ,� I - 0. n 0 . . . IL 1. MMTON MW ERA � their form and their. fate are"alike d Mrs W ,T Powell and son, Master Ing himself to, be an accomplished mu- er Ontari . At the head of this . 11 I ' cided bef!6 e they jet to it, The com Heber, of Atwood, are visitip at the "IciOn- Miss Balsa. who Las been choir . I . a it AMPED 1. . . I IVLINTON.� ONT,. 14 EB. 25, 10 I . 9 I , great enterprise, whicIA means the ex- . . . I 11 I . . � . .09.* mitte4ts form one great lq,�wmaker, home of .1. Powell, leader for somis time, and whose pro- . 1i . . I Room'Sixteen is another. . ficlency has been shown by her excel- 1),enditure of hundreds of thousands of 4 . ,, , I.. ; I - . - . .1 � Principal Hartley, of the Public lent training of the choir, still retains dollars almost inim, ediately. and mil- . I , . I l . To the Publici ' An Innocent Writing Room .. School, was called away to-clay.owilng, ber, position as leader, S )e. expects, lions in time, is the new apostolic I . MATS and,RUGS.1 . 11 'I I - - : "To the, visitor this headquarters is n to the death of a relative, , - . . however. to gii to Toronto, in the ()�Py vica I r of Temiskaming, Bishop K A. . . I . I . I U . I I - . . L Having been volunta ly appointed wr�tiag room; in nocently L enough, and Miss Iva and Mr Hurley Webber, of spring, to persuo her mqsical- studies. . . . . I . A I generally fulfilling the put -pose. Mr Zurich. spent Saturd&y And Sunday,of ,In the event, of her so doing. MrBrowa Latulipp, This pioneer,has often been : to the position of Surveyor of Customs Hutworoon writer, forty letters a 49y, last week, with Miss Be Kennedy. - called the,, "Blahop of Colonization," New des' ' ' ,iped on good quality, 1. . will albo take. upber'duties aslekder, ,g,ns in Rugs, .stan � 1. I at Toronto, it will be necessary for we and writes most .of them. there, X.r Mi John Little and two .daughters at the sitme salary as now received. by lie has been in Montreal recently . . OgLnvas: Holly and Maple L2af do -signs are. very I . � . to sever my relations with the people Ralph Smith of Nanaimp, British Ocl- have returned home after spending it. her $100 a year. The Trustee Board con%rring with those above and be-. . L 11, .. I � lm. . - u�mVa's sole Liberal until Mr Tomple popular. ' domplete with fringe I Ail4 I I . I . of West Huron i I of , . - . few days visiting his brother flenry,of , congregation. are under great ob, .low him''in the church, and with rail-' , they make, an I L i I 11 a man was elected tho.other day, writes Bayfield ' ligation to Mrs Glenn Campbell, -wbb way and transportation companies, , ,excellent Ri�g. . -1 I 11 . f . . . . . I 1plinton ia particd:lar fficlently fill. . , . I � :4. I . .. .retire t.venty-tive'. He gets letters from all has very acceptably and e and making other preliminary ar- . 'the constituencies bi hi4 Province;tliat Ur and Mrs Colo. an English couple . . , . . I I . . I L , Dame street east in the city of Mont- . . I 'I , from the managem ( . who resided her time, and Pd the position of Organist for several ran ements for the establishment of ' I , I I . . i� � . Of the NOW Era, is the penalty ofbeingtbeGoverrim.ent e for some' . . Sundays. , he%quarters and for the opening of . . I I . W; " went to Toronto, -have both secured - . . . . ith ;vhioh I have beau connected. At. member, With the Hon'011ff 51fton . . Door A s, at . . . . ,ord� � � . a colonization bureau at No. 68 Notre � at . 29co :" most without interruption since the Mi J P Molloy, of Provencher, shares positions ther' . �- . WILLIS . . the duty of Answering letters from all Misses. Christina Matheso -and-a-qUarter, one -and -a -half, one�and-three 1� I �, lint day It stafted, July 6, IW,. I L . a and Mary A. Men's Bible Class 'was, organizad real. He has .selected the Uev. Eu� I One I - . 1, . , � . over Manitobw Thus Sixteen is'& -0hantwent to Toronto. on Monday , �-. I I I I in con ction � ith the Sabbath School gene Cbrbeil, cure at La Tuque as I ­ '�Iwlileh nobody with the expectation. of securing poo- last Sunday, with Mr Fleming as colonizatiozi missionaryi, Rev. Cure � l genuiale w I no W L' quarter len,gths,, at 35c.."40c and0c eaCh, 6. - I I On the 21st of February, IM, L I Wag ritin room, L I . I . . . . . 1. L . L I Can deny," anfw.hich nobody wants Itious as millinersi teadi ' cry popular with his peo� . . . I � . elected to represent West Huron in the to deny. . L . . L oer. � I L Corbeil is v . . . ' ' . Mr And 14rs Hugh Ross virent to - T �9(jay ple, is -enthusiastic, energetic and . . ' L . _. I � I he Social announced for TuE , � . . I I I)ominion House, and again at a later But There Are Others . Wingliam on Wednesday, to attend 01 competent, The bishop lies also. - in- . I , 20ce . , I . L � . _ was postponed until Thursday of this . Mat Hooks: at I , I date, and although not successful' in These gentIomon,however.an I � ,week... . . . , . . �.vited Dr. Bris'qon of thd' Colonization .. . I . I I I I , _A those social ga4hering of old friends at the, � . ,the two ensuing electloqp, I. formed of the party chirographicaUrIa.clined, home of MrMaxwell.- . 1. . . Society of Montreal to assist in the I I I I . I � . . I �' . . - - . ,, I . are not the only h4itues of the . place. Mr Walter Richards, of London, � , . . SALVATION ARMY settlement of land, adjacent to the i4m .1 . .1 . . . . - � . : - . � . many friendabips.W I �. . . I . I I , Ong both Liberals X�li the - lbo, ni,g, a few join them, High Chief Ranger of the A. 0. F,, , The Revival and Musibal trio will lines of the Grand Trunk-Puoific and � . . . . � . ' . . . and Conservatives that I appreciate lounging in the easy -chairs, reading,, ,while in town this 'week., is the � guest visit Clinton on'Wedneiday and Thurs Temiskaming and Northern *Ontaria. . . . . and -chatting. It-isin the' fteraoOLA Of his dO.li5in Mrs John Derry. . � : ony, Mareh 10bh and Ilth 17he trio Here, - near the height of land and 4 . very much indeed. In withdrawing, en., . . _ a . . . "­.`C0OP1ER1S* BOOK STORE .. - ' . that history -making b gins, just - Miss Pearl Cantelon, who has t�en. consists of Adjt Elabkirk, banjoist and running away - west, along tile line of .01, 11 I , I � . . . -tirely.from political lifO, the express- before, and especially during. the sess' home for lieveral weeks, . returned to soloist, CaptAih McGorman, musical the G,TT., lies a rich clay belt fifty ,_ . .� . . . . �_f - - - I - I 11 . -Y I w . � � , . ions of good will that I have received, ions of, the. House across the hall' Six- her - duties as Superintendent of the, pecialist, and Wm. Bissett, S mttish � miles ide and some three, or four I I I . � .1 both verba,11y and by letter, sinee'my. teen becomes a hive of Activityi This Telephone . staff At Orillia, Wednesday- 94ritone and Orator , .rho. nipetings hundred milesJong, �and in this dis- ' . . � - I . . I ..I . I � I . . . is where the houdris made. . , . . . I will be held in th69alvatlou Army- hall tript -where *Opldndid' wheat has al- LayMe1i's. MISSiollary Movelikent -yo-, or" up Viffes. . , � , , l . I . . . I . I . I I � . Miss Deverell and Mrs A A Hill spen � . I I appointment. was announced, from There are', forinstance, deputations - It is the promise of &,real musical treat ready been...grown in 'a few cleared . . I opponents andsup r. are If large, they are t . akei ; , their old fr' ads, ,Wr Don't miss it,. I � - � - . - . I I po ters alike, i to a privat last week visitin , to , . : . . ; . � I fields, it will be the aim of the colo- In couectlon with the Canadian Nat. Road Wanted to Too Rich Similka-, I room, It small, they greet. the pbjbet and 'tier . . .. k . I . . - . . . � . � .y, At Londesboro. I - , I , nizeis to establish mally­sOttleMelitS lonal Missionary Congress, it is inter. ' . . . very gratifying, and I want to express of their search in Room This v'rtek Mrs. Loua6bet i6thegueeb . I . BAPTIST - - I . . cite, thatitir the year 1908, ' meen: Valley. ' � I I . ", * I Sixteen; pro. ,. . ' .1. .y . .. I.. I . . I I * * ' - . . . , of, f armers. . . eating to a , I : .4 my hearty thanks to all,these for their vided, air course, thu. it is a Liberal of Mrs .Hill, . . Rev. T. W. 6harlesworth will con-. Already Bishop Latulipe 'has plant- the contribution of churches in t�e With the backing of 'the Vatican- ' ,.v . good will and good wishes. member they have come to see.. The Miss'Minnie and Ogle' Miller, and ducta, Memdrial-SerTi-e.ou Sands , y ed,a crass near,Ville Marie west 91 UnitedStatba and Canada-7to home ver city council, the board of trader . ' I �, . Conservatives have Room 89 in Which Mibs Ethel Maha#y, of Clinton, who morning in,connection-with , the, death Quebec, This is a'sort of foundation and the tourist association of that I - . _ . , '. . I In answer to many inquiries I may to entertain their friends, but arvOp- visited. ftietil i Hib6art for a. few of the latd, Mrs. Craig. - Special. Ser- stone, a I ' 4 mark.. so to speak, a anti foreig I n missions, increased about city, 'as well as -the 5npport I of ther . . .� . $6W,0LK) notwithstanding the firian. I . say that no definite plansfor thefuiture � .position is seldom deputized. days, returned home Monday'. having man aad.! appropriate musio.� . Subject guide poata;nfor here tit Ira Tuque is cial depressioti in both'countries, And residoutsAn Chilliwack, Mr. Robert L . , . I . . - ' Those deputations want ` VAvIOuS . . . I . . � it is conceded on -all sides that this� in. St,evonsoni'oae of the oldest pioneer% , . $, arc yet foriped. I must sell oft - the � .had 9. very pleasant time. . L for the evening "Geliazi's Sin." - . the.gatoway -to the new region to, be ' . - . . I 8�- Lee, Ule'l 10 The 8'anday School Will h&j� L. and L the, firat, flway�, at not? suah they,get Era Cooper, son Of Mrs. W. Cooper, . . A of ,Briiish C61umbia, - I I I � . their peopled by these, priests and their crease is'due to the Laymen'dVission. . New hra and wind up my business Annual Sleigh,viAb on.Thuraday even- foll6wers, - -By .La Tuque - from the any Movement, The BaptiitCburcbefj . � I . � S a cant eat With a inister, an of town, has been for so=6 time living. . . . . I . at Toronto in L an effort to i4ise - their white men th enter the SimilkAmeen. - affaire,before I can remove toIVoronto. ih Londonj Eagland. Rib old friends. ing weather permitting. . 'Cob I country,. will petition the Govern-. ' - the iniater 'comes across �to ooM � L . , I . �. . east, by the T. & N.O. . and ' alt share at what Toronto Churches are ment of British Columbia to build a - - -h will the future. 'set- . . ' libre will regret to learn that his wife . . from the �sout . . I . I have no idea whatever as towho 111,06Y ixteen. ftentimes there are two at- . ONTARIO STREET - . t,'oucbeeded in raising ten pe" ' a summ6r from - Hdpe - . 8 Iserlonsly'l.),and it,m^y toke-mouths', L . . . tlers enter this; promised land. The AIMlDg a I . I ' ' ' . "' .wagon road thi ' ' I three Honovables listening to as many I . - , I I be the purchaser of the New E . The'�revival -services � are in their Li. just cent, .more than'the total, amount ask . 11 . I?&. pleas in these bacred- - precincts, . *hIle or�her recovery. : - Frendfi belong to the bush tribe, across the Hope mountains - to Otter ­� I . . . I . L I ":L . . cond Week and are provitig - most.. as the Crees-differ from the plain In- bd for, and secured M,000, iustead,'of -valle I . Whoever it is may be able to produce the House deceives itself ifito kninkin Mr. McKay, -of the bld-ost0lished: �Be ,. I Flat In the Similkameen. -, , , . . . interesting and helpful. -Large and .. . . . , , y 1�6$8�'_ L' .1 I . a better paper than I have succeeded that it is doifig the real business 1011i wholesale fivmOfGord6n, m cKay & Co, CIL, I- dians. They settle in the for6st iind $50,000- - ' � . ' ' i- - . I Mr. Stevenson, who owns .no. . 'I i � I . I . . I are�natten %uceand0acbmeot- clear their own homesi while the E,ng- SlrAndro*Fraser, Lieutenant -Gov- th I an thifty-four clairns in -the valley, .. : . 1. .. . country because it has a. bigger Toronto, died on Thursday last, Mr. liln"gelsients betterLthan the last. The � - . L "L,/. in doing,but he will not hive the well. Ih? mber and I ng�. ,.. .1 'li,h Cailudian. and American settler', letuor of Bengal, is coming to Canada states that the only!thing which ii � 'A . 1ha . , ,ogder talk! . I W McT4ggart, son of- Mrs. ANIcTaggart, ' I ' I ' I being of the peop!e at heart any more I .1 I - Aix T-Trieuviable . Lot, . I of t9wn,has also interest jULL . services of Sunday brought .out very :Zref6s the op6n cle.sredAields where to .Attend the National Missionary .1 rdtaiding the development of ebme'of . .1 , I I e le. -up: I - than I have had. . . I . . . nected with thesam6. firm, and is con. larger audiences, manv being unabl. V 'an go �to work. growing wheat. Congress, Mar6h.31st to April 4th; - I � . * �, �, Not alwaisis'Ita lilessantecinference - . . ., � to gain admitt4rice in 'the evening. without' hAVing ,to- clear � th6 land. .The on' *the in'titation of the Cinadian- the rithest. mines* fn British Columbia, I . . In accepting apositiouthat means .which go .. , *Mk. Peter. McKenzie,-ex-M.P.,'for 0ouncil, ably . seboned by. Mi. John, is the lack.of facilities.to.get the are . - - I . . 11, ,eson in the Liberal rallybig . The men's Meetliig' on 8unday� after. habitant inherits. a cooteiited , mind. . I , , . , . . .. � � . . I . out of the valley. - . I . . room., Mlatsto,rs must refuse as well , South Bruce, and a brother of &Irs. Mc. noon, wits im inspiration and rebeivid i R. 316tt,� who to in England doing. ,, ' ' . . '' I" I � . W th - a little home. a,. team�, same eat- . . � breaking the ties of a lifetime, the in- .as concede, though in most cases they ,Lennd;n,. will, leave sh6rUk.6n a three strong common . . i . -numbers Of rich Mineral : I. � I dation .from the large --a. few *pigs, he will -live happy special work in :connection 'With the !�irge . * I . . - . ' he I tle and lodes 4are known to exist U11 the way .terest of others than myself had to be avoid immediatekeproaclies by promis- ffionth's toar. to - Scotland,. where compa,ny of men Who aseem bled � The ever after., and bring hii family (colleges. . Sir Andrew was a Moderator . ­ , Will be employed inimmaigratioa work, sersices. will he continued this week LlOng 'tT10 old .trallj 'which is now '* - I siddration. There are. other He Is A, upli . .0 e Presbyterian General Assembly F . . . considered. There are opportunities inO con' most 04able -mail for the ios-­ and until Monday of npxt ,we6k wheh to' -be contented .in that ittle. i6rld, Mill& las . t ydar,and Js ,)ne.,.of the blocked, by fallen timber/' siod Mr. - .. � . I :i, for one's family not available here,and cases, however in which thq .visitors, , ition.. . . I .. . . . � - . within which their-14hes have fallen. zealous workers in that coun. Stevenson the 'other -day to a repre- - . . �. - have come to Ottawa,td protest -and - . I � it is expected Mr. McHardy 'will. con . For years, in commoA with other most � . .... . � il� * . - . I I . 1, I � when the'time comes that I muelt do soi ' - . . Mr i W Irwin lea�ves td -day onAls olude his services­witb us.. Three se.r� try.. His soin-ln-ldw. R J ff Old- sentAtive'of The Vancouver Province. - . � i . Canadians,- Freribli-Canadians have . 11 A�m.i , "* J* ' : � . . . Uaderthes� circumat�nc�s.Atie lot' eighth trip�to the old country, to v! 4. 17-ices.wiil be held Sunday, at ,., and hanj of Edinburgh, is the i reirry of "Most of 'these I-od;s have, passed' - - ' .. . ' I � . - . . , leave, 1, will do so with deep regret. I . beon drifting over "the bordoi I .m.,and7p.m. Allareoordi- the - Committee in, -eha e of the the prospective stage -of development. I � I. � M is *not ,e . . [I- h! . of the inister tiviable; In..abroth6raudtWosfstet%sti(L're,'.biding ,at �A5 0 tlxig is not &sirable, It will be il , .*r , Invited.. ' ' . - - i � can, never repay the kindnesses shown the flouse itself, he may bd, flay6d Iso in the 8mertild Isle. - He will probato �411y­ . . PH'S - ' ' .. aim of Bishop-Latulipe--and his army World's Conference of Missions to be Tunnels and shafts. have � be6u.. stink . . ­� �. . ' ��i " * .1ashad." 11b .go- by thw White Stir line I and ex, . - . - I ­ .of a4sistant-, not onfy to bold -what held lnEdldha�gh, Juile, 1910. . .�., � ,� me by the people of West Huron; nei.. to speak, "Lashed, but dot P � . ISTJ08D I I n . . - on'niany claims, and in, some places . . I , � con talk back and with tha,6�auth6ritk� pects to be absent about two mouch : have,: but t be�kori .those who'. Mr. R. W. Allifi, Who hits been visit, bre haso-been piled up ready for shi:P� ' . . I ther can I ever forget them. And that In . the party 'room-, he i . a 141kLug to � . ' . Is- - Services were held here Ash Wed- they - 16 back- ovi,r tile Ing the western' cities for th6. . -. are lite . rally, - ' . I ., 0 -(, 1� . .Mr. Fived 0harlb, son of H. -B. Chant,: nesday, being. the c mulsocement; of. ba�i(- wandemd awav Anglican ment, and mining, me . , �� I have been able to retain the -respect party friends andinuat take reproach. . 1�' ­ � . . I . . . I who .has bee'd Physical Director "for Lent.. . . I bordei. They h4va.*,been working at Church, in connection with the Can&- � , out. for a road� - I - - - - , . 0 � I , finding- .es, in a forgiving spirit. , . I a connection with the AIM- , ST. . .. I 'this scheme for Norn,eey. and now. than National Missionary, Congress,' 11flillere I are platinum -deposits. in ' - - : of the community, notwithst . some time I - . . , .�­,.PAU1:8 * �' �. . rand. ' TT � ! I . �, 'Particularly manyare the`depata:� land Y M C A, injured his k4ee several I t lay. the building of the T unit Paw -ill return to Toronto early in March. this district which have attracted the; . . � political. difTlerences, isjo me a source tio, ns, widell wait.upon men whica Ot. The � cus amary Ash Wedaes� - r I I '. .. . I I , of much pleasure. � .. taw& claims as . pecullarly -its a . Knion' the ago, and. was a, tile time .r. . held this w6ek, morning , cific gives them their o�por4unitv. � It - '- Mr. W. T. Stackhou�e of ih6 Bap- attention of the Dbrninjon- geologist; - - . I , %VQ,' dared to lay ff * until it got better - ,and evening. . ­ . I 1. . opens o in the. .n 0 . . ' I . I � . a rie�r 't,wPir orth iist Church, will also be. in Toronto-. .at . Mr. Camsell, wb* will- s�ond all next'. - - . � � ood%ye" .to ,my Hat MeGiveria has been mentioned.ai. Thinking thelenjurva smad iecount . � , - . I . � . 1, � . land,. a country with 6 climate with about the same Vin , . and,these, with summer in the Similkameen . , valley.$" . � , I ' ' - ' "' . I the.cham,pion'receiVei.'gdti6x-alibuc:the h '- ­­ ­ i ­J� . , .. . e continued h.14 ,"duties. but" fluds now. .'Rev.Mr. art has Tbeen invited back which the Frenob-Canadiam, arc well � Dr, J.,*W. I;Vatora�, the .. eabyte Ian � 1. Mr. Stpvpnson wont to the Similka- - . .. - � . . fffiends and readers until it becomes, Hart Charles- Aftirphy, 16 a close se4oud., that.he Must give Up, as L%0 ­knee still to Kippen for the third year. I . , iacquainted, and'of which -they an, not*. 'Church ill spen t eir -entire, -� � 0 meen.'Vallev in 1960. There were no . - � , -- ' . ' I . . I � 11, . . I . ��­ " ""absolutely necessary to do so. �4 Of -the other members of t ,0abinet,_ � bo�hprA him., atio . .. I . I . � i L I . ---I ­­.. -1. .. . . � L , ' *L ,''it ' , . . I -1 __ 10 dn Aj4u .'- -s-, I . , . -Wiffrid is-the-ofily 6 ,_ 9 0 pilact- I 11 " 1 ,; I he is (-xpecGed home, - L ' �afrai-d. The�t­imber-wedlQt:-106i __af. L Woo ' L _ . iii -tho I . I g -L L . Very truly yours,,,,. , _�, Sir n % . - . .. . , . . Rev. Mr. j,ang-Ford It real L d h'af ' 1ban "the onAry Congress, sO_,da_y.F,,_an1_'When highL_­- �' 11 ': . . as - Mae ' I - this great territdry is More wol'th, fok"the tionitI.Missi . w, Tig. Or . � . il leally crosses the. halt di riog business ' pastorate a6 Brussels, to � I . . . . . I � . water.'was met, th0e as, 110twiWiFf I. . ROBERT HOLMES .hours. ' ' . I I . A P'ORb1-HKXDI,N.T0N1,,iN WED. I I accept that' going after, not to mention th", 491"' ' ' 'mming. 191any of the Indian * - :i . .: , . - , .. .Vhe'S6&6tiry 6f the E xecutivie 'it blit sw', � , ' .1 , . , , . , . DED- On'Tjajiisliiy� beoruary l8m, it. of'Ohrist Chuich, Listowell, .,... - cultural possi - Cornmitteein cb�rgiB.o;f the Congress -tribes were hostile, 'and. at. one time '. I . . . , , tl . I . , . bilities,, Those imdlthe :� L . % Sawi, - - ' Grace. ,dridoveloped but . known , mineral 1 re- . ' * - . . ' ' UgT13r911gb­the­E#I%ates. . 1­'�. .very'protty. and L faebi9nablo, Wedding ,,.,...Rev. P astor' of I . � . . _ .r_Gundy, Mr. H X. Cask6y- of New York being Mr. Stevenson and a�companian held . *,, . . 66L Cluti", 1. :­; L, ­ . " t,4(%.nJ. is ­' *1 L- .. .. g- .. .. .. �.. .,''. -1-.-'- ....... ­'­ " "..' L ..... .... ... .. . I � .. ! . I at Oroa't," Hliniraj - - th6dil If,'' t Tho'niii, ' h. sources are" this lure that 164ds . L � . I . 1. t e WarrJorn at, baV '' ' ' ' ' '­­­'­­­.'­ �, . 'L The House,* these days, is ripping ,tbak . place at, �"Oed ,q 9 , � as � Lem1:6rarl y in Toronto. . I ... , 1. 't , � . . , , L � k I Tile appointment of Mr. Holmes." through'the estiniates like a buzz -saw. Olitiriol.whon Alva Ei hel", the 8eccind Z"t6d to"" �L 'I," anotIier'yeA'r.'-.,'Ae., qn. I . The territork under' the jurlsilic- , , sJJ'k v na iv . it.h L , ' 6tem, , .;:.. - ­ , . ' . .0 �",trj.X4 . "Wb we're' armed w six-sbo . ,��Xr � . .. ;O� ;: "o Surveyor will give.01'easure to his con- .The "oldest ifthablta�nV'cau hardly re. daughter of Mr. Jacob Danko, 'wiis has as I (3!%Lo,., . . . tidu ,lof -Bisbop" Latulipe is 6% mil" - Pastdrs of churches thiougout Can. - . � I ;-- .. freresin the newspR,pei world, and be united.'in markiage. to Mr Jno Hedgley . .. . - - "� `�;_ I. t . .. . .1, . I . ada.'bav6� been asked for fiams-s h. -novelty in those days, and the In- , a -session in which such PL.0- : - 806 .in - mtending ' ft , member widd by fle.; long,..'e 0 1 will be cordially -welcomed to Toronto. - Rev Altrod Brovvri� has been invited' L . . of wdii .. in their congre ation wh ,tnB W6i-6 - affaid to approach - L too : �1, -Toronto Star. . gress was made. Whea the 116uae is Bell, of Llo�dminster', 8 JLsk., formerly bir fromthe limits -of the di6cese,of,LLaRe would 'be - interested in tte couling (-lose at:tbe'y thought -that'. . the revol- 1. . .. I in Supply. and.'with an Oppooffloll of Clinton, the Rev, Vir -Roadhouse at. , f the quarterly bo.%'rd Lof the ,First St. John in' the e,ast towavras those National,, Missionary Congress. in. To. vj�r rgin . . I In choosing Mr Hal m*es the Govern- whicii it -ads' little to fight About, depu-' ficiaLing. Promptly at four delock the Ty, ethodist Church, St, Thomas, to ie. ,of the,.Aiocese of St, Boniface .in ihe �. wpuld - yiever. cease,'Altoba I . I �; ment has made a good selection, and 'tations . I bridal plartyentered the drawink.risom "Dain for a ihird year. - . ronto. These will'be communicated ',4 r .thpir lifflp leAden nellats," - ' I . . L ". are almost a relibt. Even Mr � I . , . � I west, reaching up north to James with by the Central Committee, and . . . � I I I �, there is no doubt that he Will fill the Lemieur, that most'energetie of - men, to the $trainidf the Lohengrin li,edd- , Winiham Baptist congyr . egatiod has , Bay and- south to Cobalt, from the those who can and will attend 4111 be I .. . - � . . . � I . :��J, - , office capitbly, and discharge Its. duties was observed t6 be -readthg a novel - ing-mat ch played-byMiss V Iola Dunke.. extended�a-cail to'j W. -L. Steoves, Laurentian mountains aild fitrOams of' alJpointed dommissioners* Itis ox--. /-Eredeviek.Neddo,�vaa ki led bya fall;. ' :�) soas toearn the good will ofthose and surreptitiously helping himself to' 'JVire bridej who was given aw,ty by her' whobas supplida the pulpit for two or Qlup.bec to the wheat lands of imani- poeted there will be50D c6rami0siont-rs .Ing, tree in Kitley township. � � .1 , ' . . ,, with whom he has to do business. As candies during a, ree at "dry spell." rathet;,Was attired in an Empire gQwl1 three Sutidayg'r6centiy. hfr;� Steov6s toba' ' this is the region towdrdswhich . . . . . one of the youthful friends of Air 4" ubuAl thing, the Poe' Unaster-Geii- of'ivory satin; handsomely oraided, � . . - _ in Toror6o who will each pay -a iegis. - - Joseph. D6slaurious of.Montreal was � ;1 with t6llip veil Arranged.Witha coronet ' ls,&.t present attetiding McMaster'Vni� . this litodern Moses will. 16ad his peo� tration, fee - of 05. . and WOO men from killed by -% roof falling,on himi, . . 1, - HolmeE, fhe writer is pleased to con. eial utilizes every momenti even has Of lily of the-viklley,and carried &'sheat , ver6ity.' Aiter the closing of the ter , in ple exit of the wildernegs of . New of Toronto- th!6r registration . I . i� . At�ilate him upon his appointment.- huge batcheibf. letters seht in tallith " "at Me Master, on May 1st, Mr. - Steeves. EnglancL , The Aevelopment of � Cobalt . .: .. � Hago Scott,'a tbree-year-old London . I �' , Wamilton Times, * ' � to sign at uninteresting ,periods. He -qf white rO86s, lily 6r the .v lley. and, will. take up his r =g,11113 6acb. - 1, . . 11 esidence in 'Wing- and othoir mining re�ibnq will'cr6ate � . . - t � ,. .. . . boy, shot himself Mihi-e playing with a - - I I I Mr Holmes has accepted the position reads 'them all. . - . ­ maiden hair fern. -Misi Hema Dunke ham, when it is likely., his ordination a home .market for Ill the pioducts . . �.� . . I . .. revolver and died instantly. - : . .V '. i, - of Surveyor in connectionwith theTor. . . With the House in;Supply,the roolit , acted as- brid4smaid, wearinga princess will take place. � � I . . . I I . ' . . I . L �. , onto customs offlee. Person I , - drea6 of pale lavendarmarqaisette with. � ., 1. . � . . of.the new m4de,fielda alopg the line,- . Ama:d'dogNvaskiltedat..Springfield. - Nelson Dessleiof Berlin., ()tit,' opposite tills quiqky, Among the � � . — . .. s- � . ­ ,, shot .1 � .ally, he is . . I I of thd'Transcontiniental- Railway. . .. I and killed a pbliceb%Ptain atO-eah N ­ �, a good fellow, and gatuittfive of lacd And pink rose O.adi CONDO LENUE i -The follow1bgres- Bisliop . Latulipe Js , devoted to llis � . �. . . as anewspaper man vioilora" ,are other than dep�utatians, as . ' I . I An eEidemic, of poeumoniais rep . art . '- - Y., andwasbimmlf mortally wounaea'. ' . .! this journal has no reason to feel other ths.t t Is usually defined. Lawyers . a;nd carrying a boqvN-at Of . pink vases, - oltitions were passed by the Mac6atlees �buntry, is a calm soul. but. possess- e-1 at 0 � Idon, Ont.' Ir. I I . . . . � I '.. . I ., � 11 � . . . 0� than proud of one who in the earlier who have bills before committee, ore' while little Vi,riaa.Ruegel, in a pretty bf, Niagara Falle concerning the death . ing much energy' and - patien&. He . Thomab Plurnbridke was arresteid on - � ". P . . . . I. days was an employe. Justhowmuch in and chat ami'ablyo and with an aim. white dreas mado a dainty little ring- -of the late Thots Mavquik - I I 11 ;will,. -make this bis Hie 'work. .It ' .Mr. Edward Kidd w4o'elbeted t6. the [a charge of wounding the cattle of : . . ." , a npwspaper man knows of the duties An arm's -led th, .61f careers may be b I earer. The groon! was. supliorted by .: �. I I 18 Commonain Carleton bya6clamailon. Mr, Ira Gilbert; ofSoutowoldbyshov. � I 9 . . NiagaraITaIls,N.Y.,Febl3,1000 _ hiirdly necessitry to add that the bisb- . I I �,, . of a customs surveyor is. problemati6al made or lost; or. a, new company- may his life-I.ong fri n,d,Mr Andrew Forces , , , . . . . - . Thle-was the double seat held Ing a sharp instrument . down their I 1. , , - , 1, I but perhaps that was not the p . oint,- be in piocessofformatipti-wbere eacti ter,of Hamilt6n'o rho ceremony wits . * Whereas" A Ifni .. Sup. � Op counts ver'i.-Mupli On the assist Borden, , ... � I .. throats. .., I �. I I . -1 I . ghty God, the : Is' beheagues in the episco- ., � I ctus .pleases, AndJonly man is solemnized under A canopy of, pink reme Ruler of the UdiVerse, ,in his. ande of hi . . . . . I . I I � � . . � ''I - I_ London Free Press. d white wreathed with smi 4x, and infini ' who are aniffiat6d with deep . . vile. 'there hre other my*steries.: in an . te wisdom and mercy, has called � puey's I .. � � NOMENEW, - . � The Herald congratulates Mr Robert Room Sixte6n, besl4es the- riddle of the house was bandsbmel� decorated from our'midAt to dwell with buti in sympathy- for him and his woric.. In- .,, ,'I : . � I . I I � . �'.. . � I 1". I Holmea, ex -M. P. and publisher of the I deed, this i.4'to be ii 7t.'bw era � it pa- . . . � . . . I l "who ia'a stranger?" which ,is -written thre ughout in the saine. color scheme that rea ni beyond the skies, out belov. I I . . I I . � I 11 . . 1. . . . � -ugade. ' "Canada for' Chna- . . . I � ... . I . . 'With pro"u-ision of pink and white car. ad Brother. Sir Knight 'Thomas - F,. tri6tic at ' . � � - Clinton New Era, upon his appoint-' on its doors, I . . I ,t act. dians-w-cvlanize out. own eountry 11:ith . . - . � . . . . . 1. . ment as Surveyor of0ustoms at Toron. .. I I . . . . I � nations, and pink shaded liklifi,After Marquis, who was one of the MM I ,� . , . I I 1� . I I to,& position carryinga salary of $29100 . : the ceremony and congratulations ibe iveatidunrotipirigi e era of 9 'our own people:" This will 6e the, - . . PI-dinsteel -Bros' ' 1. I . Mr Holmes though not of our political n n3b $a battl(s cry o0he new army -of ompiio - - . =_ . I . 0 . . I I)IIIkS I ts, to blie-nutriber Of over slxty,� sion-Beidge Tent- No. 1,3(1,- - Knivilt"111; I �. I . �, County Clip . . 911118 6 0 1: � .1 ­ . � school. is a fine type of man. personally, . . . entered 1he diningroom, where a Clio Mitucebees, always willing and builders , -, - ' - , - . . -1 ,�:., I . 44 .; I . * .. .. . - , � '. I � I per . 'flean, ,can.' 5, West Wawa. dalnty� dinhe was served. A bevy of 'ready to help,in the cause of the I fral . I . I----.-- " . � . n own . elcz- ale, ,. I . . deservedly popular in the newsoa N4tk'VV . r .. * I Leavi gap . I . . 1, profession; he has besides 11fit . and suf- nosh, recently sold his farm to Rioh� .young ladi64% white,intimate friends ternity, especially tlkp widotyb and or - Kingston Whig 75'Years 014. , . . . . I , fered" in the interest of the presentOt- ard Finigan. . . . . . I of theLbride,' proved attraAlVe and , haiss and. ' . p � ingstoll tilt, � Othor L I I . . . I I I . . I I .. . I . � I ar I . I . per ill X " I ` tawa combination and deserves recog. .1 . 1, . � . . At� a din, . ­ . . . . � . .� I I . . "Pablo assistants. The � usual �toasts - Whereas Sir Knight Marquis will be iiighf, Mr. V ,. 1. B 111onse * ox -M PX. . . I.. . I . � I I I �L.� . nitton at their hands. Then the plums Two aged residents of Fast ,Wawa- and ape chathaking follow6d,'. nod the. -11tilissed at theveVleWSLof thle 1'ellt.b * ' ' I �.. . s the . chance of a' lifetithe for YOU to, . y anhounced that The, 141,44sh Whigr, of .. .. A I . . . I . I J I . fall none too often to newspaper men, nosh passed away this Week, Air, Alex'. reading. of ma, on V*gratula�ovy tole. 'all Officers ay'd members .with whom which lie' is editor , and proprietor, I., secure *new seasonable Dry .Goo'ds, Cloihing, , �. I . " I . and Mr. Holmes iq.a good repredentat..' Bruce and Mr. Th6ffiaa1LJarnie8bn. I , , grams' from lkiltaaf. friends cau4ed -be. t0ok: it very a6t,ive part, and its it filul nttain6d its. svvvniy-fl�tll -:1.1111,11- L I . . ­ . , - . ive at his class 'the men who'have ris- Mdleolm,MeLeod, iaoderich, had the' much merriment, one from the home morkof respect to his ineukory bnIt " ,v A . ry. 110': furthor stated tliat 114D . ... 1�oots, and shoes at. almost your Own -orices. . . I .p - " �� . en from the lease' to be pub] ishers and misfortulae to fall on. the-slippeky ipide. 'of the groom, signed by over thirty" Ro8olved that Suspension. Bvid a 11(n1('1' IL .. . . � I . 1: legislators and useful men in a wide , g boon.forjy-�3ix year -4 in ffie jl(�ws_ .- The stoak must be cleared dUnin" the n'e'xt .,, . ." � ,� . walk, on -Saturday and breatk an .4rm.' fellow -citizens, being es eoW ap. Tent No.. 130i Knights (it the Alacabees, p(tp.(,r businikms, an(�[ thcvf, Ifv 6nteni� I - . a i 9 I I �� sense. We must say in this connection a Be Ho ti a the tender. their heart, 10. -prices tnuS - - preei�ted. Mrand Mi rl it fO t 0 in pl,thr t his, � fiew weeks and low t d6 t. Note, the. , ,� I . na' While retiiining from the blyth . 1711deH n partial. rdirvinallf, frolil bnsi- . ' . I I L Post Oftl t -1, � ' I " I , . that the coming meeting of the Can ' evenitigtrafn for tli6ir future'liomp in � bereavoil, wife and fitinify, in tit a l.b()l 11 4 1 (Jr 11 % completion of lfi-.4, hand -1 . f6w price reductions'aind remember what 'we ad- . I I F . ce on Monday eventrig' Miss Lloydrainster. bat will spend -some hour at afflittion, and 101at out, allattee 0101, I f t f ( . � L '� * , � . Ian Press Association should serioT y Janet R. CJ?aig slipped and tellon the s0ino suburban rosidoice'N 1011t.001%, ( I . . . . � consider what penalty shovild be im- . I . dig cago and WinnipogenroUte. be. draped for the porlod ()f .thirty days, I 1. vertise we do. - . I . . L I . , I . . . I 11 Pon th avementnear her ancle's gate and T _" I C 1 . . . 1111t. will tqwnd. lialf,-the -iLly it The . I . I � . I I . I p9se( oTorontoGlobb,on which - Icy? �, bt%N going away suit wild of and LWA these'vesolu tionoba apread o p. Nyllig, oi I ... I I . I. . . . I ) . . Ile_V �" I , . I . I �. . . . . � and bro, 0 the front bone of.her left arm4 .11.10vva diagonal cloth, with hat to on the alinutesof ouvroview an(l a colly , -.1 I . � I Men�s $10 Overcoats to clear at ... # ... �. 6....�4.v. � ......... 05 (X) . . I Mr. Holmes was once a "compi" I . . . � . . I .. ­_ - L I . . L _: " . 'I `L" - T . which,paper after the best, blundering Whileskatingon 'Sit turday evening Was the L -tied to .011ved, wiffi and , . . - I I I . . ! I ...... I..... I .............. r,;50 - , - . . .Mr. a I'd' on 11", ff. Schaefer's farm,, match and mink,fors,, She forwai tile bel .New Albottri'Llne. I " . .�- � L �' . , style of the "Thunderer," calla recipient of it h6st of pretty and vain. 'fa,mily- of our lato 11vot'llet".41v X night . I 44 1-2 .,to I . " is.... ,... - , ... ;... .700 . Holmes ,editor of theGoderich Signal., *V,11 JaXond bon of Mr. A.C. Johnston. able proaptits, a cabinet of silver from ThomAg P. Marquis', and that they be 11`111% VAlow1wall Pass Cold ana Rail. � Boy's 8,75. 11 ,It ... :::.-...*...1. . I . . I I wity Clo. lins'notified its intontion -of I . 'it . ...#.-t.- ... .... I 260 i . . " . I ; a paper with which he Is not and never 5th line, Ilowtoko -tripped and fell on Mr and Mrs John '1301, the groom's publiphed in the d;i,:Iy, palfors of t1kis 5.00 11 �41 ..k- ...... ......... 3 (X) . , was identified. -Stratford Herald, his shoulder, breaking his collar bone. parents, a Gourlay piano and cheqde � , ity and be it further I applyfrqr Ao Parliament tax-- the pur- 44 � 0.00 kg is .... � I..;..:::,.:,: ........ a, 6 . . I . , I,,, I 6— Mr. It. Garrow has purchased 27 from'Mr Jacob Dunke� and inany otkier Resolved that we Walt with 1pttlence' ty).so of bving ilivorporated ns -a min- . Mena ,50 Pleece-lined Underwear at .... 4 - 1. 4. # 0 4. . I.. ,40 � - . . � t � It is said that owing 'to fit health acres an the first concession of MoKil ,.gifts testifying the high emteenk in to meet our be,oved Brothins when tne Anir cotimativ, with ttio right to'build '14 .0 Red Wool Unde'rweat tit ....... 4 .......... � 40 's , I Prediier Scott of SasketcheiVan, will lopbolongifig to Me. R G. Muidie, and which the liride enjt)ye i in social and trumpet,sounds at the last gvand' ve. 100 milom of railway froni . 46� 1 75 and �65 141 aece-lited Underwtmpitt .... 4...... , 8i. . I . I church circles in her native town. The . . . . Trunk eptifle in Alberta, 'III= .12 1.2a now Sp, irig prints bundr6dA of different patterns to . I : . . retire, and he may be appointed to the' adjoinin6 his 6wti property. Mr. Gar. ' bride was a throo, ViAW, I - . so flos . ., � �.. . . I �. row now has 227, o,ores of as fine land 91�60111'8 gift, to t�o * ' I Oomtnitti-k%. I to Little. Pombiria rivAr, and Z mi choose'fron at ............... I I . 0 . t�p ... 1. . .,..*...4 90 I , Railway-Commissfola. as tan be found in the t6yrnship of - cluster diamond ring, to tbe hrillee. - Xnigbt L0 Oppenbeini, from tho 6rand Trunk Pacific, along 12 1-2c MI Linen Towelling at ............. 6 ....... 6­4.4�.­Sc 4 ------- A� * . . It . t1w li'liabarraass river, toward the Me- . � 1. . ,:, McKillop, I . mald and Miss Viola Dunke,pparl pjns, 8 'Xii-ght It. A. Ulawards, . � . . . . . I -to the best man, pipe c4se, and to thf; - ' , Sir Knight Win. T, Hill. T,Aod rivar� I All lines of. Dry G064"Clothing, doots . , . . 7 Mr. Oliver's immigration bill abuts Aboub.0 o'clock p. mi Mrs Iluchanat, ring -bearer, gold bracelet, Among . 11 11 . 4-1- 1 � - I - 11 11, 1. 1. �1_ -, `_ . . . � ! . . Ing to "Or home, . ' I I out %11 111:1011 ants Who have been as. OtBrussels,was return those ,present, -besides The Kingston Board of Health will . And Sho'eg at wholesale prices and less. - I . . isted to reaT this country by any aecom,pained by her daughter, ,-the relatives of H Itnira And iicinity were it Rev. Dr. X. Grant of - Orillia, well enforce compulsory vaccination.- . I . 11, � � . . I . I . I charitable or other organization, un. f6finer.alipped on the sidewalk a 91 nurnber of on I of town guests: Sir and kno*li' to the pub 10' gen8vit"Sp by' hill Thirty-one confectionerhi atMantreal . 1, Side,prict-s strictly ewsih � . I less the landing of such persons is by poolte Peter StemarVs and fell brea 1, �1;outhqmptotl-, Alias penname "Knoxonian,'! died At O"illift have boonflned. $50 for selling brand- . . I ,,tit ingborm loft xrol... ,'ra Harr . 1. I permission In writinir by the assist � I . Mate, noyes-11WI-11 in am� Mr and Me a on Saturdity. The deceased gentleman led chocolates. I I superintendent of iintaigtatlot! for Wednepdo,y of last week William Hamer Hol'P,An, Miss Ida Danko Nir vb,ry well known, to the Presbyterians , ...1. ' Canada in London, Mao, other re� Wilkinson, 4tb line, Morris delivered and Mrs 0 B'Dankp, go and M " R (,ftheProvince. 10or the pastW yeara An oleomat arina factory at Mont. . OASO . I I's . . I attiotioi2so.t'6prdvidi�d,wliioh are in. seven bogq, 8 months old, to MoAM4 ang, Mr mid Mi's H L,tna, Miss $4,lr 1, he had been stationed At Orfll(a He real Wa"elzey and the p1d,lit, comflocat- ! . . � Plumsteel.-BA" . X, I 11 Ix I ad a R 010 a nd M I W I , � . - I 1� . W g wi �� _4�rl Na I I I I I I L tended to llovent the ofitty of the Jdwitt & Hftteman tot ahlornenb that Lang, Mr and Mrs A V, iok.' Mrs It wits & man ofstrong pervanatity,an at ,ad. The proprioter was fined $400. 1 . . titideraitAble, afid the period within we, hed 1010 pounds., He received Danko Borlin; Mrs Lachlan McKellar dAI ent preaeboroand a Pleasing wnter. Mr. JuAtIce Anglia of Toronto - has -1 CLINTON, , ONT. '. . . I *hIch the Utifit WAk W dOPOAA . rf.00 for the bunch. not a sum to Mr Ana K a A P, Clark, Toronto; Mrs e was'! the father of George Graiat; beon Appointed a Justice of the Sup- . . . � I . , Ifttond6d. ' .. I I turn up your - n000 at by any moana. Rdintindair-LIStowels 61 M. Z for North Ontario, rdmo court., , ­ � .I....._ ­ ­­­­ .1 -1 .. .1 . 1. � -1 "...._...''. I I... � . ... 1.1-1- �.. 6, . � . I I I I . ." 1� I . % . — —,— I . � � - � I I I . . � . a % . % � I . , . ., ,� � I , 1�1 I I I . � I - A/ , I , �_. I . .,--,-....,-.�.-..-."�....�..-,.,-,...� ......... ­_­­ ............. .,-....--,-.-,-�---..�-----,�--,..--�-..,.----,�-..--.----�'..�.--.---.-----.,,-,.�.--..--.---� ...... - __ . . \�.�_ ____ ___ -.----,.--- - - .. - . .� .... .. ­.__.­­..­­­ � �