HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-02-25, Page 3. I . - .. -1 - . Ireb. ;ZStb,1" .. THU OUNTON NEW ismA , I � 3 ­____ .. __ . � _ , ___ _ - � - - . I I - - 10""A 0411114" world's X"O", I __ ... ".. .. . I I I';_- 1,.��..;�;T�,_ I , A Nothees Ulk Tomether", , -_ -_ - ­­­­ 7� - , � . . ,; . ... , Z � - LONDON ODD PRISON . Xomigratipi Figur" -Show That Qat, J ' - What Zam-Duk did in a Western ­ 11 -IS I ., I in Sixth a -PopulationArrived , of . � Homo , I 1441)40040 4 � Westlnlinster.!Vock Tower Is the - " �., . T,b4toa.0ad.0,14as.establilbe4a.wortes, , , . � * acre Is- just one 11tuotration of the . - wig , dom at keeping obox of Z%w-Buk , Finest Jail In ,England. I �ncor,4� I . in immigratiop is the boast . It � rue record at always, Andy. Itio a t , � I I . anod,ein the Official bluebook of the #0 artment, of interior for ,the year .d uses .to which this great Lhe vario balm was put WithbightYeatiota4(kry fami. BUT IT IS<IL(LWAYS EMPTY. en3ed March 81. _ . reautts in every case- w Pat one During the twelve- months I M4400 30, ,*ad during a few mouctio only. Ars �J f 907, William Avenue, * humilgi,L.4to Arrive4p an 1pore;se of - ,, , Irlom a ,, The Tower Is t4 aritish Parlipmenvo . . . Ile decac. e, eudii TJ47� uring t ,I ig 1907 a the total "U1.ni�orwAgJ,IW,1M,Qf Whom wlauipog,ma.kea the re0ortas follows: , "I have 4ound Zam-Ruk ,so vory House of Detention, an4. Chqrlev .410,211%camefrom Gre%tJJjIV&in, Ire_L useful As ihoueehold bAlm that I Want Sr;tdI*m$h Was, It% ILast QCCUpanu , I land, and the United States,#, and 34- , . to,make its merits still more widely The Old Prison In Former, Days. . ii ries, f other con t , =n Some vight,weeks ago ray L'' Ad . L ) n Is tren e . L I. . . e� Mr, 0 Vtofztor; happened o, . It the average oevitence, L a crimbial . L . . - op" 11 , 81the" , Wlismoret Ott 1. I I I serIousaccidetit'r While at Work,_& I . L I I Were allowed Jor fielect his place io � A L � e., I L 0Z Q to - p -F - . 11 -t Julation of Can . rusty nail penetrated the palm of bIQ' confinement big cl.iolco would , to V ob. P* . , I I " I- 06 During the past twelve ears, there right hand. The rust of, the nail poison ed the flesh and inflammation set, in - , 4bly'fall Oil t1,10 Olock Tower�p . r1san I At Westminster,L as that to tile very. . I ,ngl=� Sooteb, arrived In Canada, F . wigrants to the Irish And Walsh Im He wont to the General Roo. quickly, , pital and consulted a doctor who, ad fli e t priso I 8 A In Great Britain aud-Is � . . � mumber 1. at 4377A one quarter of yised ponitioing to. draw out the . L � able to guppl§ comforto and luxuries i . I I , _ whom arrived last year. 111twill[thas was applied, b poison.: This ,ut whea. , quite unknown to the ordinary B.111 , . i � , be seen," gowmev�ti; the deouty mitile- . , there there wax no improvement after I Sikes. . I ter,, ,that in so far as the, quailtityal *fewdoys, I be an applying zamwBui� 3 But the law decides, that members 1, I _ i , � ,. of immigration, -of t.his particular olass is concerned,it has now assumed suf- balm. leaving a . pouttices# L , 64The elloot Was Almost magiCall of parliament Only may bp confined "L' lipient large proportions. to satiety Z %w-Buk000thed the paiu,drewOut . . In that Jail, althoug,h rank outsiders � � lbhewUely expresied desire on the the.polson, and allayed,411 infivimmat. could be committed to the Clock Tow - L I ,A part of Canadians throughout the 014 ion. Healing then commenced and I et for certain o1rensea against the, L obvious and, new provinces that for , In a few days he. was able to r getting . rules and regulations of parliament. � * � . L veasonswashouldre6elve afalrobare �of British subjects ornioratingfrom , work.", . .1 o,�4ix weeks ago Voy husband, Mr 0 J The Clock Tower prison, as It ex- Ists today,, wa§ erected in connection I I . . 4he old land." . , - Few British Unde's'reabl eq ,. , . '. I I It -law, walle returning from work quite late irk �tho, e vening, was bitten . with the housq oc.cupiod by .the ser-' at arms. This official Is In coin- . __"__�� . 4s o t6'undesireables,some otherwise I , 9ex by a dog, the do q teeth penetrating the flesh on his tf gli Just L abOV6 the geant plete charge .of any membqr, COMT ving immigrants who had not,on . ,ontering Canada, the necessary means kue% Directly he caiiie home Z%m_ . I witted to !�he Clock Tower, and a I I to become at once seIf,suppQrtIRg,wa7 I bave been Induced to cappe thru the Bak was applied to the woond, and in a, few days the soreness was gone and member cannot, easily make big es. cape, because.. in order to do so,. he � . injudicious geal of philautrd.pia so-. the wound tb9rouqbly healed." - . "'LA third lubta e healing must pass, through the house of the - ,Apieties evigned in this class of work," , It is regar ed its highly satieftotory e powj6r of Zam,BUk Wag Ided' . . � prOvA whenvoy little boy had a nasty fall., . . sergeant. I . � . Very, few!'. members of parliament L � 4. that of the total exclusions OUM at warioiis,ports last year, only one-nintli. He is flye years a , 4. And was day befell. His he are coin witted to the Clock Tower In L these. days. -have to baeu ' �1- were Brit,joh,although the British ar- wivale were nearly -one-half of the total one when BaTlaying struoK ,orl a sharp stone, which cut a nasty We go many years to find a .precbdevit� Mr. Charles L . I immigration. . . . . . gash. Asstion asIbad washed the. cublapplied Zava-Buk in the USUM Bradlaugh being Ills last member to L L I � -The58,312peoplewho arrived from A6he United States during 1909.brought way, and it woo really wonderful how I OCCUPY the cells at the. Clock Tower, and -he did not occupy the mL long.. He _11 in money and effects to the value of about $42,000,ODU. The Hudson Bay quickly It relieved the little fellow's pain., , Within a week the' cut -a deep - � . was handed over to the custody -of the � I 0* I -Company and the Railway coin iold 311,072 acres of land for . vne--was quite healed." � mother who once proves the sergeant at Arms on June 23,. f880, committed to the Tower and rolo, sed ga, ,W2, as agaiiiiit 1,277,759 for A,;%very -rouna value of Zam,Buk %ill never L, next day. . � r. _ I V1,697,931) in 1907. The averagd, price howeveri increased from $6 02 to $8.78 again be Without M" , - - Zam-Buk is a pure herbal balm, and I There are two sets of cells In the Clocic Tower, an upper and a lower, . per acre. In 19W, the average price. was $3.46 per acre. The total number cures cuts, burns,. bruises, . abscesses, . . Ulcers, eczema. scalp' sores, ringworm, - but both suits of cells are touch the I I . . of homestead entries was $Mt. a de- .1 chapped hands, cold -sores, 4VUbt,bite, t7ad leg, infl,&med pAtolies, eta, It also same.' In each ther e Is a sitting room of v�ry ample proportioni,' well car-, .. . -crease of 7.464. The adreage taken up- last year was 4.867,840 acres. . . cures piles.. Used as an embrd,cation peted and furnished and replete with - �' 4 t . It is remarked that at the present wate of settlement it will soon be nec- It will be found to remove rheumatism sciatica, and neuralgia. All druggists most of the things which - go .'toward . -making. on� comfortable. I I * essary to direct the incoming settler to the northern part of Alnert:L or and stokes sell at 50c. a box, or )Part free froin Z-ani-Buk, Oo#, . Toroptoo for . . I ' In each suit there'are twObedrooms. � for the 'use of -the Itaprisaimed . � I Saskatchewan, "where itwill probably, . price, I . I . . I I . �oue O , I - , er aven once ' _,;, be found that the agricultural possi-, bilitied are in no way inferior to those .- . . .1 .", , TAIKE A rREE TRIP TO EUROPE . . of tbe'jrille'r, 'who must always I be on L I I of the regions more to the south." . as a guest of the London Daily Ad� tbb - spot In Order.. to see that .the legislator, makes,'no attempt to escape. i . The H * onlesteaders . . Of the 30,421 entries granted last v6rdser, the best* metropolitan paper printed in Western Ontiiirio, ' L Any. 'Member of parliamebt L sent to . . . year, 7147 were made by Canadians,' All the news from;all our latest war. the Clock Tower by order of the . � Is q '7818 by Americans. 4810 by 'On I h kot quotations and All general and loc. . . speaker.ivould be required to paj for ng 1020byScoteb,,%39by Irish, a 510 ,al news worth printing. - . . . his ovin iood,',and,.if he did not do by Canadians returned fronithe United SPECIAL OFFER . so he. could sued in court Any States, a.- 21,M in all. representing a I Send $2.00 ior -the London Daily Ad. .be legislator Incarc6inted In the Clock - � "'. . 1populat;on of over 52,000 sOulO, 10&ViAg * . yel!tiser for 14 months and400 votes for . . - Tower would be allowed. to r1se in I . 111519A entries by other nationaliti ' ,,es,,r yout choice of candidates in the Bur- the inarn$ng just when be �Ieasqd . ,'and . resentina a population *of abo t .M.. Souls. I the Canadian,j who home. opean Tilp Contest.. I . . I . , - . he could retire to. bed *whevi t3ie spirit I . steaded 3690 Were from Ontario, and, ', . - I . .� I . moved him. He could. read to his 494fromQuebec, Austro Hungarians . to the number of 2472. . innanitants'of 'the -Isie ot AVIgnt speak of. 4'going to Hngland"When they heart' ' s content and sm6ke'U$ much as he liked, there being no restrictions . The total area sold by the - govern- . leave their own. fragment of the king-' . over such -matters; ,.his whole punish- , I inent in Manitoba. S"kat6hewan and Alberta during tlie year was.114,712 dom. A,,patriotle .0ornisliman also . ment would .lie In being proventeA* 'and' .1 Acresfor$1,192,615 Oran average of goes -to England"' when be crosses the from joining his fellows mixing . . . � . . 1 , $10.40 per acre. ... Tamar. Similarly Inhabitants, Of. the Wlili� them- . . . . . ­.. '. I . . . "m . .. B(tlk&n peninsula talk'bf "going to 141u- . . . . 1 Re would be taken out to. exerclse, .1 I , I . INDIGESTION EN US I when, they -lea-*e their own - cor- !rope' . -but would always have two bffielftla' . .1 , ___ . .,4 I ' ner of the�,.corit nent, to curious edu-. beside him to ­ gi o:rd' aiatcot any at-' . , - You can eat anything'your 0 . tomaCh trast with the people of Great Britain, L Wh6 regard, themselves as both, of and - tempt .at escape, and .big, -exercise. . ' would-be taken on the terroce-before oraves without fear of a cage of indi- `k,<cestiou or Dyspepsia, nr that your in I'Vurope,'� and It Is only 11the ponti. ., : ' . the house. sat 1for. the day,' Unde . r ' . I I .fo9d will ferment or,* sour on your nent" that they visit. There Is, an old 1 . no. circurnEitaiwes �would h6 be al - . . , I stomach if you will occasionally.ta'ke a story of a 15cottish nifnister who pray-, I , lowed to hol& converse with big fel- . - ' , little Diapepsin after -eating. ed for a blessing upon sdt�e,inlfabltants. . low men. -One way or another an Im. ' . -Your meals will tasto'good, and any - or Ore'at and - Little Cumbrad (islands. . . orlsoned M. P. would n6t-baye a,b4d . thing you eat will be dIgested;no%ing. I I In the Firth of Clyde) and the adjacent .time of -it. and be would not belk&pt . . 4an ferment or turn intoacid or,poison or, stomadh causes Belebift .'Is , - , and irelaud.'.! lands of Great.Britain . . . I I . ,f �or any lengthy -perloc'L . in confinement f � . � - . gas,which Dizziness, a feeling of 'fullness after , Massachusetts. People speak -'.of going, I , "down they., for. the But it- the Clock Tower Is not much , � T6.Wei-flie � ,eating, lqause6,. Ind! estion ,(like a east1k v�hen ptart . , I 1. used nowadays, -t he prIs6n iump of lead in stoomaci), Biliousness, - Maine coast' .., . , . . .... 1. I of the house, of commons of it former . . . � . Heartburn, Water brasb, Pain in .* I I � �� I . . day7 -was much In.-evidbnee.' .In olden . 4tomach and intestines or other symp. I . Parcel 'Wrappers. . . . r � . I . times'.a. passing remark, ,in obserta- . toms. .. . Headaches from the stomach , - are ab ., . ',,The hardeqt thinjito Wrap up," said tion obnoxious to the house, or-, indeed, , . solutely un�nown wberd this effective a shipping cleik, "is a- viollm A depart- any'...trifle, was sufficient to send the . - Temedy is used, Diapepsin really does in all the work of a healthy sto aCh. It ment store -will often test,a- new 'wrap, . � . r r I r per by giving blina violin tor.do-up-. If. � . culprit � forthwith to the Tower, and , nbt to the To' r only' for 4- member . we I digests our weals when your stomach Lach r , he passes that test he is all rlght�' t . could.be cominitted. to'Newgate. . -can't. triangle will digetst:- all ' "Abroad bags and string, 'beln.-'ex- Sometimes the reason for committing the food you can eat and.leave nothing . I Venelvej, are rarely. Used, And ti . . le young . 'a member to the: Tower wh,s somewhat . � . . . to ferment or sour. -6 . ' Get a large 50 cent case a' Pap _s . . . . . groceryman must b6 -able to. Wrapr PO_ . * amusing . , as. witne . sst ific 'ease of a Diapepsin from your druggist and tatoes, flour and'all.. sort% of things In ' member .for Southampton, who once. I . :start taking,to day and by to-morroW sheet6 of Ion . He gets a kind . Paper a e entered the house in a dridnken condi-- you will actually brag about of 1iUaCk­ He lays his fl *the on and, mistaking the speaker for An . I your healthy, strong Stomach,for you In a square of .paper, dou6i-el Paper, owl sitting - in anAvy bush, addressed. then can eat anything and everything Over ftnd,'with an end.la�each hand, -him as. such. Result -the Tower. . you want without the slightest dis- comfort or misery, and every .particle . . -swlng� the Parcel. roiind and round. . Like ma,rc, then, It -is do�e up, , and. �11 Ho*ov'er, -the member was released. lie . kt ano. se;ror6ly reprimanded: I vf impurity and Gas that is in your- stomach -and intestines is g to be Ci,09 . . � d can ca ry ft� safely quite a bundre 'you .y ' .11, .day 'ridiculoqs behavior. � .� for his � , carried away without the use Of 18,,,4 yar or,so, prov Ided you are careful. ds' I � I .. . The, Tower was made use of by the. I tiVes or any .other assistance. I . . - I , .� � . I - -siongto parliament In one (lay as.many . . . .1. . . � . . 'ov . , � � I , erstooked. . . I � as eleven Presbyterian members of the The friends please Hubby was . evidently worried, ind . liouse� were committed to the custody, ., . hand us news items when they are wifey w.hitt-y'llig to cherbr Dim up. . . . of the sergeant at arms and flung into � Irmli. ' We prefer not to publish a birth after the child is.weaned, a marriage .."Cheer up, Jo hn, and don't worry," the Tower. A�nd, td*show. - that mem- . . . after the honeymoon is over, or the .she said. ."It, doesn't) do. any good to" - . 'horro�W ' bers w. ere not'committed for errors In. ' . . 4eath of a; man after his widow is mar. . tr6u�lc.11 � . I I -. . �ppoeb .Alone, onb has only to mention' . led again. . . : . I . 4413orrow 'troubl6ill obboed. her has- -1. i . 'the- case of Captain Churchill, wb.o'in . ' . �1. - :hand. "'Great Caesar's gliq#i I itin,t . I 1869: was committed .to. the Tower for . Repeat it.-A'Shiloh'p Once' wifi*al- borrowing trouble; I've got it to lonit!" � .1 I refusing to taikLi itercliftnt ships under . - . I ways cure my coughs and colds." I . �. I .1. . . I , . I the -protection of his man of .war unless " - - - -_ � __­_�_._1_.__­1_._­ . . .. ___._.?.,__�__?__­_­­.. ­­__­� , he ree8lved a,gift of :000. � - ... .:..-. ­ I --- I I ... ­­ . Standby your town. Not a dollar .. . I . I I . . .0raminal. ' I . Toung Mother -I'm sorry,11r. Top- .. . , in those days they bad to pay stiffly � for the i)rlvllege of'being sent to the I "Invested. there but some good Comes of it. There is no family like one's own , hoor, if baby's crying annoyed YOU- Tower, as witness an extract from the family, there is .no wife like ono'g'own Ile's been cutting his teetb� Too- diary of Lord. Clarendon, written the . wife; there should be no town like otWs floor (a -crusty bachelor)-That!s. it! �'day following his committal' to the �own, where we live, educate our child. Tho Idea of lotting a you= child have o 11 tower. He says, I" r,-l)Od brought me . ,) dren, on whose street our bables play, a knlfe� to play. with! � . � � ' A note of the.fees, which coino to LISO and where we msiy someday steep, 'The newspapers stand by the tow1of . . I .. . . . . . I I. I _vIz the governor, 1100,. - gentleman I I . I and lei the business men stand by the newspapers, andlet us make a ur libme I � . ' Solitude can bQ dcllght�ui'only to.tlie, �' I ritlowan gaoler, L10.," pqrter, X20; gol � , NVhon. a member oft'"ends'lin these I ,I - ous Its p As fam ossible.' . 1dnOCent,i,csz6%ynski. . . ,. . . .. ul -be "named'l-al- days and req res to . I I . . .1 I I . . ­ ". - ­jr7-­_�­ WAYS a U ocessity before eommittal-be. . � . . THE X&RCH ROD AND GVN - I I .- ., I .k I I . . I . . . I 11 ... , . .. .1. . I . � Howmuch DONO , U., is not sent to the Clock Tower, but Is suspended frotti duty'and Is not allow - . Fish and Came Protection wok , ' ` * , lob- as tlilo' ed to enter the 4ouse torso' . � .. . throu hout Canada forms a prominent I r, topic In the March issue o Rod. and . , We*'h ? - I � . ,,, 1; � . ., members doerce. � .. I . . . � . . . .Gun and, Motor Sports in Canada The Ron. Chas Scott tells in graphlo'lang'. - . .. � . - our to..aay, then Weigh Y`�,, self begin 'taking , ,.I'# ne Urd6r of the. §6rsphlrn. The-Ordev at the Seraphim Is the uage of a successful moose hunt inNew Brunswick. while the Finest of I . . 1. - ,� . I *B-fick'S old 4tand most �kainous,-of the decora- IT .Hunt . tlov, In the* -If4 bf the king Of Sweden. . the Wolf River'Huht Club is one no, sportpman I I rea unmove i An iw , . . 11 ,. I OrIgInally'It"was instituted by, Magnus, llv;t some GdO years ago, too6nunemo. '. J ent oft e wolf hunt now in .cji pro.. ress in orthern Ontario should not Vastoless, I : rate tho,olego of Vpsala, the ancient e overloo ed, while Dr. ffarnadgVla- . ­ . oapital,of the Swedish kings, and Its I Ideals of Sportsmanship will recom endthe selves toall, These Ideals, . I .. 10. ': of ' C A Liver il. 0 statutes bound the i6ciplents of the 'order to fight to the'donth fot the mon- � will be oberished.aimed at and worke(I , I ' . tenane of their rollilon and to consti. ' I up and cannot -fail to have a marked ef. Weigh yourself two. weekg� from, to. 'tntb themselves the gi)eelal protectors feet on the future of'sport tbroughom ., day, and see how much you havp Of the Wldo%v and the fatherleso. " the Northern portion of the continent, A description Of British Columbia's -new gained. . That'a the Way to test the qualittifeg Avben it was revived about the middle garne preserve, with many, othbi art. of ally tonic, und it bobe.stiv, regtilarly pf,, tho eighteenth Century by, .Xing Ides. including a articulArlY good Ono VMth taken, 11rieles lfastele§s Will stire. Froderfark thbrobligationg laid upon the on r, ur Trading Indians in the ly ndq welghL Make thrill thitt it members wore somewhat less Onerous. Far North, debartit.tenta rop,lete with formation and &special adaJount,of the Willi put go and life into you,- color' in nd red, )?lob blood in The decoration consists of -an eight pointed star In white enamel with Cher, . Hamilton trap alioOting toftenaftiontv make up a number appeallo to eveorl your voins. Just ,Say 66 AlItICK'S TASTELESS ".to your druggist, UbW bonds of gold and Is worn on it broad band, blue kIbbOn. ]over of $relt out,doors AnT ,one fa I � of pale �of yivld Interest to them -all, I J. U. Hove.v� Clinton, . � . � . # I � . . I . � �� . , I I I . # . I � � . "t I . � . . . I . - I ,. I I I 1. . I - -- - - - - _-____1_,4L1--._- ­ -.-,--- - - - , , - ­ - - ---.- __ .- I . . 1-1 ­ ­ I ' . ­ . 1-.---11_-__..-. . Fine ror Kidoeys SEED OF THE VIOLETO ' I W""t � I .. 0"' Here 11a a slin 1, pol a volor - ,,ioae-msile mixture The Flow;r I Aggressive In, ftits, of ; " given b on U u r Rl Its 8 1:� y . e t I" 0*01404, Modesty. PARLOR SUIT Ki - per 4140""t Who 3440T0.8tiote. went that It will relieve almoot any The common wild ,00et'afferils one " 11. . case of Kidney, trobbl,& It taken before, of thq most remarkable Itlu.tstratJons. of � the. stage of Bright'o. disease. Us tke care and. apparent toret1wilght of . ' states that such 0 rapt.0310 as lame nature la preservino a species. As ov- , back, pain In the olle, frequent desire erybody. RIJOWS, tho, Violet grow$ In theL - . � to urinate, =01ally at night; painful I S PECiALS I and, discolor urination, are, readily Phade, ,in pastures, wood* and Ad44 I I overcome, Here is the recipe. ,Try where the gross 13 Abundant And long. � . 11; � It comes up. early In the, spring 4p4 'L - Fluid Extract. Dandelion, one-half flowers at a time when the grass Is , � -A T -,-- ounce; Compmgd Kargon, one ounce-, inost alounognt K44 guccarent. Of I . . . . Compound yrup Sara4parilla, three course It Is liable to be cut'down by L . � . ounces. Take 6 teaspoonful After the qcy 114 , to all barmleos to be bitten off by grazing animals. . And easily mixed tit home. by shak . Ing . ,the, but vouch more likely is It I 1. . V ff 119rc S19 i each meal and at bedtime, � These Ingredients a - The violets that come In the spring Walkr. S ru a , re, well in a bottle. This mixture has a ,either do not seed at all at __ - I , pecullarbealing and soothing effect Ingly, so. that it the plant relied on Its � I t . upon the entIre"Kidney and Urinary spring flowers for Seed It would prob- , I structure, And often overcomes the ably perish Ott the ,earth In A very , f�w . 11 1;17� h ed worst forms of Rheumatism in just is, . . ., L little while. This mixture .1 L is . said to years. . . I . � our stock of Parlor Suites, Or I . L remove All blood disorders and cure But in th6.14te, fall the plant beats I L . . L I clear 6bt ever.y on now. in stock Rheumatism Oy forcing, the Kidneys another crop of blossoms that are nev- 1. , . . e I to filter and, strain from the blood and er seen save by the professional bola- . I at special prices. We want to , I system all urlo &old and foul, decom. u1st, They are very oniall, utter] ! make room for the ne '% , 7 In- W S r *1 ng. pospil waste matter, which cause �hese significant In appearance, ,.and grow I - .--- stock, to ar L afflictions, Try it if you aren't well. either just at or bela* ,the surface of . I . - I . rive about I arc . " . - an I .at date, wil not" Save the prescription. I the ground. These are the flowers I d until that date, I � .1 - I ­ , � which produce the seeds for tile next 11 I refuse a reasonable offer. Ifte . ! I KOAN'$ NOXIINATION. reason., The'llowers. on long, stems - . -1 .1 ,stock is right up -to date, amA .11 L I I I �� � . . 01 b1porolng In spring are only for * "I ­-­ I �r L prices quoted below are sure t* 'IS; Ills" Opponent Backed Down After ilie, hidden flowers are for use� a'att:Z I I - I , m I I I . number of oeeda they �ear may be -- �. ake some ps-on our floorand - , I Nerve -Racking Wait. . I .. 94 In Mr. William, F)loan, familiarly judged from the 'ease with which a . � I decorate your parlors at ver . L � I " . I known. . as "Bill!' $loan, who resigned wild violet bed spreads. . . . . . 4 - little cost. . Your d'o I I a r s wii , � his seett , in Comox-Atlin to giire a -When the seedis are rijo tbe.po4 ex- stretch like ela ti* , . seat to Ron, Win. Templeman, the, plodes, scattering them to a consider- . . .s c here, on Parlor Suites, Positively no'such . , House of Commons has lor5t one 'Of able distance, often to ten or twelve prices will return to You for many a day. Grasp the opportun- , .' its giants (physicil," not political). and feet from the parent, plant,. so that In ity. Every sui a highly popular. member, Standing spite at Its boasted', modesty, the tiolet .t marked In *,big, plain figures -that almost., L . . . . . � v�611 over six feet, Bill has the pby- uot ouly takes care of Itself-, bild be- speak to you .- � � �. . I sique of a Life Guardsman and mus, . I I I . . I I . , , oular strength capable of -prodigious Comes a troublesome ag;ressor, . I . . . . . . L' . . I feats� As prospector,,, miner., and . . I . . � . Lot t .. . � . . ., Lo't 5 ' . . 11 I lumberman, he h"- roughed it with - . . I the best, and encountered adven- One only tive.,�Iece Suite, pollobed One only five6pfeo'a albovevupl&*I� . � . . , * - frames, upho I L . I . tures. inn 61 . be him- � . . stered in a good stored in Gebevii. Rug, guaranto". ,_ . u1n I . I .. 011alitY Velour, reg, priest- . has been our best seller and - . self ssys� none of his, wild wes;t ex-. ' I . . periences'was halt so exciting as an Odd gff6l-t of One Cure Through.. th& �26i to clear,at ............... $190 � & be&Uby'. reg. $50, for .,1- - - - #42 incident which occurred - during , the Subliminal Consciousness. . . . L . . . . L . r . I L last election; ., A very well known oculist tells of I . . Lot 6 " . .. . . . � . . . r comax-Atlin is one of the largest, one case wh .� ere healing' through t Lot 2 � . - . . . I - beauty; to see it r I . 1. . - constituene , her no Only three-plo6e suite, polish, This Is our big ifruet the largest, _y in the ,,,,,,,,,,,r consciousness Wag; r really a L Dominion, having an area several . means a deal at the big reduetiou., source of embarrassment to the physl- . rame, upholstered in best quai. Remember we will not duplicat� times greatey than. New Bruriawlek, . . L - l .Silk; reg. price $3600' . . . I . . - eling Are clan who was reep,qnsible for It. Sev-; - . the offer. Reg. price sol, and We L while the facilities for trav I � e . r . . at.,..... o ............ " .,..*.'..:, ,5 best' Value in Clinton or Huisic ' L , . . ' ral years ago wliqu the dye speclallst . . .$2 by no means the best. A campaign. - ' I . . - 1, Coubty. Don't wait, Ther !. '' . - ... � big special pri . therefore, is both an atclUous and ex� -he knows about ears and tbroats, to . 0 . � . 11 . . $ ' � " eels -,-'­ 48.50 ' L'' ' pensive business. Before the elections -was studying in Vienna a young gtri Lot 3 .. . I 1 . I . . . I . � I . . .. . . . . drew near, Bill entertain,ed hopes that'r was br6ught to the hospital to be treat. One only three -'piece guit ' . -Lot .7 . . - '" L , . I he would L be, saved. the trouble and ed for -some nervous d . lsorder, Tlypno. e, ,our . . . . . . . .1. . . . expense of a t-ontest. but in . this hi tism--or sugge r stion, as one is asked to . leaderi Polished Maho&uyfriwes . Here 1p a genuinemahogany frame, . � . * , . I guaranteed b - higlily polished, positively. ** I . I . to, diSappoinillientL the. Z the makeri '.tipholl . . r was doomed . I call it those days -Was used, and,fhe ' steredluot,119b StVelvetllug, Will ., . Conaer*ati:ves puttin andidate L � ast a ;If t, a ? � newest on the market, only a few . " 'ho, seemed deterniined to gi*e the, was brought uader, his Influen0e_by. $440 Sa,e rp 11 reg. price weeks in stock. and. -owing to a, ' w the tinging of a. bell. After a few 160..�. $35 mistake . r .. sitting meraber� a run !or big' money. . ........ ­.. .by the maker, who put . L - . L I * treatments r she went to, sleep, Qr Into .r . . . I I' the sofa in a different silk than the, LLL As' the campaign progressed, -how- . imeouselQus and receptive s . , r _L, , I . . . . I I 11 -. other pieces, and is' hardly notic. . , ever,. 13ill's oplionent beg -an to lose the tiite; as W 4 � . .. I r . courage and . when. nomination day.. soon as she heard the. bell. She Was . . . . .... . I I I able,. but we got certain. conees... I . . . din , . . ospital.- ' ,One only f1v0-piece all-dver-uphol. I' the benefit Pf P. groat,bigjel:,�e- : . arrived the story got -wind that lie speedily cured and left . the lic . I , sions on it, and we will give r . __ I was -a quitter.. . r I . I -Next da 'he was .1 us, t U'll r . I y�-, s brought Unconsclo : ste e, bo"�,,S711%.now and up. I .r. tion. - . 0 regu af ter V -I' J I . . lar price in ainy - ' r . . _ a a' gular iL sent Away., The day no d te 're ,e ad city store would be$50-;we -'-' Both candidates were - present at roused and OC the nomination meeting,' -and the ex- . that she.was brought in again. I . udeed, , . I value at $ 0, r... .. $29* 50 I . Will clear it a at .'..' 4.. $30. 'r � - � citement mas'.int.ense- It' b6dame - for some time scarcely -a -day, passed ' . . I . . . . I .. . .. . . . Ut . . .,j . . I . . known that the"CO134el-vativO �andi- . hen she . Wasn't Cariled In limp and D003 utiss C�e . . . � . . . I . . .. . .. . . date had his ,nominatioll'-papers ih-bis. -W . r ' . - . . ,. millg- Look, thema over and see jvhat we say is eorlrOct,. . . pocket, but that he *as- of two minds - PncOuselolis. .She bectime a positive - I . .1 I � I . I . . . . L i ' I . . I . . ... . . . I . as to-putt�y them! in. - Slowly the- - nulsance-ato the great'nourologist t , hat ' - I .. I ., ­ _�4 , I L . � . - . - . . . .. . . .1 - . . - - - . ' L de ,had hypnotized -her, And he flually sent - : I I . . . . . . - time' dfagg 'aloFg and still he mai , . . . . I I 11 .�L C' . ." . .. - � .. I . . - no inove. .Occasionally,'whon an,ex-. persons to w L . � . . . ' , atch. her. It was found . : . - - '0 .U. . ., - tkat 0 her. way, to work she'Passed-a' . Ir. . . . . . . I �-. I � . . . *uberant Liberal .was ,disposed to as . . . , . � c. h es . I surne -,.that 413ill , Man was as .good .:Certa n 'a I � I In church And usually, w s at,the . . . . . I .,- I Al elected, the Congerv%itive would door at the moment duilug the Colo. . . . " . I I . � . , L :1 . I . I . . I . I . significantly ,place. a hand -in his - . I - ­ % . . . . . I his pocket where the papers lay ; and bration. ofthemass when the'holl rang. % 1. I - ­ .. . �, '. .. I I I I 1. - . 1. then the Liberals trembled; - It was, .&F its tinkle she ciklmly� curled up and 0- L'. .. . W,e. - h.ave.. . as. if .the - of -D ' ' w .e I .- 11, . I . '. I., � . Bill Iput it., sword a. � out to sleep. it was nee ssaty' to. A �, 11 - , rxiocles was held over big head. . . ouggest'to'her,the . next time she Was , -P _ . thefn , at . � . The climax came 16d'thin *a few. min* brought to the hospital that no bell in .. .7 . 4 .. . I . . . 'utes al'the hoUrLflXed.for-the closing . the World Could have any e tLaa.bef . . - I- %I . . ' . . . . ffec , . - - . '.. . . .. of nouliPationt'. * The Conservative except the onerung In the hospital b , - all.. ; rl . . wag still whLiting. and watehing. Bill i , .7. V p ces. .* * Sloan sat -.with, his -watkh, in -his hand he neurologist. After thai she: weiat . '. . $I. . . - . . % I . I * . L. . . . . . obout.the 'city quite uinaffectek by,t% - . I . 1; dL . ' . as they paised... , . � � q. 0 ., . , , . counting the seconds - .t . . and' . . -,ias broken- by 4 -bellgi and the neurologist drew. a. breat , . .4, I �., , � .1 Suddenly tile tension.. I . I T,,r . 11 f , ... .. I I . I - I I . - a shout:- - I . L 1. O, � ­ ' ' ' . I . . I. , I L ' i - - - ,.: . . INN - , I L . . . , . . - . . .1 ... �.­._ . I 'iA thousand dollairs tbat'Bill'810-in - .. P'. .. -:� L � L I ­ , I , , . I . selec Pyn I 7 I . I . is ele6tdd �bj acclamation!'! . ... . In -�'Ckaem,, if a certain hidden � nerve - . I . I L . . . I . I . . . � I . I 11 11 .. I 0. . , . a . . . I .­ . . � 6L Unible goeaL'wr6ng, *then - ,. L � . I .. :­­ . .. . 11.1 It came froni a-miner-wh , . the Ok avilhatcoil. . , , , * , .. 7 . .. � '. . .. I .. �_- - �, L � to restrain I big enthusiasm� was pre- taidg- this. 'nerve ,%wlif. alidl.guke. . ,., . I - .. � . I L ' . . . I : I � I .,. . I . �� . P&red- to back. the favorite *ith'Lall ly fail. .It may be a stomach nerve, IRON . We' b'ave lro;n Becls ing.reat. variety. and L . 11 , V �.L ' .. - L" 1. I . . .1 .1 I . I he L I L I *inted. It h iven . strength andi , L I b . I I I L . . a- fii' . I Lwas- worth.' And -it stil . or I way. ave . I .: . e L I W . - supporl eartbr Kidneys. It DSL .f - . . three minutes toAhe cloWng liour! .. if, . B18 - .. I '. stock to choos rom, . ­. .. L ,. I . ....'...-, I � . , There was some L sillphur6us ,la'n-. wasDr. Skoop -that first,pointed to . .. . . I .. . .. I I I . I . .1 � . 'L . I .. , . L I . . .L.-. .. L 1. .. .. L. . ... L . . . . � I . .. . . . .Ld L . few.. this vital ttuth. Dr. Shoop's. Restor. - - I . . . . . .- � , . . . . . L .. I . . . .%L 1. , . I. . I . .. . 7. .. I .! I L -.1 I guage* 4rour that TOom for a. . �_ _� --- __.. . . , . ... I . - I ,� . ativo, Wag not made todese the Stom- I .., I ,. . . L. . . . I . I .. .... � . . . .-. 1. . 1 4 � . moment,. 'while the over i6alous. miner , , ­ I , . L . . . ". : 1. . . . - I , , ach nor ternporarliv � . � � � L . . . I . . . . '. Was roughly''ejected. And then every- z stimulate the L'� . . . . - . . . ' ' � g4g. �. .L ,' . taAhe. Cbriserbative can- HbartorKidrioyg. Thataild-fashioned - . _j.% . �, ; . �, I .,IN ... . 1.� body turned . -Sh000's Res. I SEWING'... XACH I .. Aidate , e�. him .close method is all wrong. Dri . . . � . ..:. . I ­­ 4 � - . - rl� with -the challen'ge, . Slowly-b'e- rose to toeative goes directly to these failing ` , - . . . .! . . 1, . . � I . . .. ' . I . I � I � . . . . . I t inside beeves,: The remarkable success . � . . . . his Jeet, his hand once .more sought, of thlb prescription deraonstratiWtha I . r. � D6n't.f6rget,Lwe.haXidle1h.e be - -.' 1 his ..pocket,, and .thea­�hje sat. down. � ;, I I I iiiarket.' EverV machi' i ' est 6n the ., * L ' s rugg e vas wer, and,a minute - wisdom of treating the Actual cause of . I The t ' I - I ------ eSe - a ing organs . . it L ,6 in. '. I I I . ne. gu arante.eA. . ,_ ' I'ter ected - 'And:. . ;� � . . I Bill 'Sloan, was declared el th f " ., . ­ ' by acclamatfort. I ,� 'L deedeasyto prove. A sih;iple, five .Or - .� 11. for -ten Year% kepairs and Needles. f6r L � - *h ' e . 'I 'never' had such it 'close � shave ten d4ys'test will surely tell. Try -it ,1 . all makes of mi achines. . We sell a go o4. �. '! L . once.andsee., Sold by, Ali . dealers., . I I . ' .. L . . _.. '. " ". . " I ' . j all', .my life," �he says. . I � I . � � ­ ' achine, 5 drawers, cl r() p . . . . ,�,�.. . . L . I I . . � - . . - . . � . . L - . . . I L I . . . I � � . I . I . " . ... I , f-1 m Zfu ' . . L I . I . . � A Mushroom Town. . . . . I I � head lly.gLuaranteed fori ........... L�.$19.001 .. . . . L , L �joubted Premier's dhecK. . I . . I : . .� � I I . . - . . . I . - � . . . .. . . . . , . . ­ I . . . . . . I -_ . . The. trite. phrase of towns "growing .. T%vo Mattawa men who o�we to I . . I Ot-, , . . . . I 1. .. I . . ." I .L . ­ - '. overnigbt" ig. ' ,Sbarcely *hyperbole. so - .tawa Tecently to sho'w Sir. Wilfri& .- L I.... . I. ­ 1. I - . . ­ - . . - I 1. 'L . . far as the new piaces, along ihe Grand - ' -a -work ol'woodsineWs art -in . I . I. . L . . � .. . . - � I . Laurier .. - ;,. . I . . Trunk. Papffic are-. concerned. Tile R I , . , I . . . I . the shape of hand -carving had the uu,.. . . I I . . 'I R.0 L - , . I I . . I � � manner in. which, they . have been L f6rtunate experience of beingJailed in . , . . , . i , springing up .1.4 perfectly ast�nishing.. Hull, for a f�w hours owing to sidapi., . , . -, ..R.Ug r .". - . is the bard prairie, . gso . rs , I N. I One, month there liong aroused ,when they attempted to . . - I 41.70". I � I -a in-onth lat6r the a-veler finds, an . . . . .., . , . .41�. ,. .1 . . L . L 1. I . , tr. , . pass , � check for $25 bearing . the P' � . % . . . . I . � . . . ; . I little town, .with L a tire le i re- . . d L . - .� . I �Board' of'Trade, neinPallei, P08 . . rreai bar- ,en6igetie and biisy . sibly inier's .'sign t , *,Tl, , two' shafity- , . In the Rug. Department 'you will fin softle, g . ,. bt-narne i,*,o6Qpie and Nault - 1. ' - S, - . . Stoek,.J t L � �e'i '' .. , nien raifls. - We - - ah" ready f6ioUr a publicity ag6nt, and ev�rythlng that r, in I . goes. to make up an embryo city, were kindly recelved'by the Premie ': 9 .. .. I .. 1. 0 pring, 0 a ve - I L � . �� Rive L h roVed. hitmelf a 1rue. patran of; about March, 20'th. . 25 per cent, off arty Rug ��Pw' .in $to'ck. L L . I 6i, Melville, Watirpus and -dozens w , . . s, rt�l� 'P.S. , L 'idr little new plades are already . ' giviug them it �be& fdr'$25 - 'have them in all qualities and siz 'Prices rang6 from , ,. - . . � a V .. We .64 otl ' * * in exchange for the re$iilt of thei�b)lnj, I . ­ . terming themselV61.4 bread baskets,. 00 .i , .. gateways and libbs. I I I . . I houn of labor as sel.�-taught ; $4-50. UP to $80-00- Come and look . them . over. . Only a ' I One - of the most Ambitious' and 'carvers. 'But when the�:canle to cash r,immense s oc � ... � 'L ' _ , - � - I -lull' butcher' store pleasure to'ibo'w you thriough ou * t ' k. , pfdMie -6f- _.q6"TyaW'�W - L - th� 'check at a I , ­ . nios I . .. . . I 't 'Ift ' .the � Vms the polico- were - oonimunicated with I 11 . . . - . . . . .." , is Watrous.' It 'W" in July the first - ) I . .� . I . . � . L . � . � . house waa'�ullt. ' Now it is illeot- and the innocent neophytes in ,'art, � . . .., . I I I I I . . . . I . . porated, with a - population of 46(). were looked up on a charge of forg.-I 11 1 I . I . W , I � , 6� 1 - . 6 name of the Pkirhe Minister: . I - 1. .1 .. � - - - I -The residential part consists of,fully* Jng, th ' L ,' . ­. , I 1 17 .- - I -liouses, 'while. tN6 limirs later from Sir Wilfrid.,and! I . . . . :OS And . ­ , I 300. , followed, ,�,Z �, � to the check. Explanations " .there are stores, . I Pian . . � . banks,. two hotels, et�. , � I . . Watrous, 0i0i is the third aiv,.� the :men��weire released, . . I I L . - -1.1 � I . I . . .I � . . . . __ . . . I. . . sional' poffit On tbo .G.T.P.. is 408 ' . . . , . . I miles front Winnijieg an4 360 miles . Croup positively stopped W20 winut- I . I . . , I th DrS . '. , froin Edmonton and 'sikty . miles 09 wh . hoopg'Croupildmedy. One . , . . . .test 'alone will surely- prove this truth, , 'L .... . I , eft�st of Saslmt6on. ItAs locatedthree s ' C�­,5L,T',," �'j'.�,",.­..­­__ Or wmLS � . � miles''from, Ettle, Manitou Lako'. This a vomiting, no. distreAs. A safe and E!�_� 5L,,:V, g� ­­ . . . � . .. -L I . pI � lug syrup-' c. Sold by all dealers � I .. I � Inke is traditional amongst tile In- eas ,.,00 . I I . I . I . . dians, for. - iti 'Curative po\*V�ts. " ItA . I . . I � . . . . . , - ,, 141.11111�.­ . . We hatial he famous I � water has beeri submitted to eastern . � _�_, I . . I.. . ' I , . . . e in Clia_. . Canadian nod- lkmorican analysts, . . . -4. The. Conti�Ast* . � . . . * ) . I � . I who ave pronounced,it.to contain The, eltlerly belde regoyded,iii tlie " - : . Ion, by Clint ople, Antil 11 I I ­ ' . splendi(l,,modieinal'qualitio-s, In all mirror her. wreath . of okange blos-, '.. ­ - . - � . L �� -probability a Banitaritiin will be es, , ry 84 . t1fi and Old __­;.w�-;,�% .­ -,- ': . guaranteed by n people'. . 0011115, her gown of I-vo .�. I - or ten years, '. o . tabli�hed Abortly. Thi- wator� is as Valenciennes and her I . . - f a on very . I galty ong rope of,petl- " . . as theL famous Vtah Salt Lake 'I 1� .- .- - 1, . - , , ... , , , . ' - D "' . L feet pearls. 1i terms. Come in and, , ,� while it has a'sPlendid ,beach foi L . �'i 11.11, I I __ eaSy . � .. L bathing. Tbere Are many stories-tol.d "Thore*s only oho -trouble About fine I . talk it over.. . I I I , . -of tho t'lirl-, wbich have boeri effnot.ed,.' elothes,10 she murmured. "They mako, . . I I I I . . - � , � I 09� I . I I ... I one's face look so shabby," ,-, ' . . I ! . L . . ; . . I � . , . I . . . . - � , , I . ptly done, als � . 1 6 i L . . . I . , L All iiork oeatly and prom ' I Mlx.&RD's himmruNT CO., LIUIT'Plol PICTURE all kinds of repairing and upholstering. % His Proof. * FR. A L . C . . ,repair -work' 'arl . soln� tifild A o- I had'% bad attack of . Tadgo-VOu have,not yet established Bring along your 'L y, be. � , . I , QuIpsy which f, Pd.1 NO, _ . I I M4 me no for two vveeks the prIsotker's Insanity. Attorney-­Bfit, fore th6 Spring trade Js oil USL 11 * . i and CostL& ICt of Money., . Your honor, we mean'to Introdu.!e wit., ­ I,.: . - ., Finding the lump 'again fornlin " . . . . ft 10 nesses to show that the prlsobor babit. � I L . I I 1.11, L .. L I 11 ... . ­ I.. . . 17 my throat�'I bkthed freely wil , N. 11411 It I .. I I _.� . . ARIMLIMMPINV, atidsaturatiftga Y Argues politics with women.- . . cloth with the lirlimdat left it bnall, Pack. , . . � I . ' � nVhl . . � , . . � - 6� t moming tile swelling was gone Thb C911 of COMPAnionshIP. . 0 . land I attrIbUtea tbeL wardinf Oft of an , You often liear 4 lonesome child . I W. WALKER9 ' 11 * ; t . . Attack of quinsy to the toe as(,, of Bay, oil Want r4olue one to play withl" I . . . .! L I MINAUD14 LINIMENT. � I . Mdorly people often b�como lonesome . � � . I I *1 'I 9 I 'I ?I I .1 - - Minaiture "Dioaler and Undertaker. G p Wont)BX nud want some one to play r1th, but . . I I st John are afrald to say soo 'Phone ig, night or day. 11, The storeof quality I . - L I . ­­. ­­_­,� ­­ -1 I I . �, . I � � . I le L I . . I I . I . � I . . I I . . I L I A � / . ."WW6. .� '___________. - --­­---­--­­-­­­ .�".-.-��.�..�..,.."..��".-..--.--I ...... d. L... __ _