HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-02-11, Page 10V
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I I 1
. TER, Oxmmlq N" SEIM I � I I I Feb. lub, 19" I
ROYALLY FXTHRVA.INHD -The Mr Gep Cower, who Is mployed ' In, DRATIR QYTHOS. MARQUIS. -
Rowing, -from the London Advertls- Modil's barber shop, has. movod. his After s long Mao" theta murrwl on
, of Siturd4y. b" special reference I family from Soxfortb-,, the 4th last, the death of. T Marq*%
a former well-known olintoulap, of Niagara Falle, N, V.. at the !a of 42
r. Taylor, Von.ln,lavr of Mr. 11W. 31ro U A Moore has disposed of her years. Deceived was a son f John ,
:evens. - The annual barquot-of tbt 'ottage on Towage ild Wroot I to XF 0 Marqqle, of Godericb, and bad been a,
nalty Bible ,elave of Aakin' Street . Hawke of the Organ Factory. .
� � . , . resident of Nlagaro Falls for the past
I .
otb6dipt Church was held last night Me Alfred McKeown, who was nego, 19 year@, being formerly a- rbside6t of
� the school room, sixty of the seven tiating for the purchase of -Me Me- Goaericli 71p, Where haL 'W&Q ell And
r -two members beivir urosent. The l V. - t. I 11 A favorably knowti. Hai wa, I w
s mqxrled 15
. � ' Prienoliarnese ustiesp Q-P%1y1.=:' years ago to a 44
' alUir proved it splendid success, .mad a to go into business ac Londeaboro lu� . ughte.- of W. Blake,
t Joe, of Goderich, to
I very leasant evening was spent by stead. The people of tha %lity will -th on I . raterlyofColborne,who
, all. Nebanquet,was given by Mr. find Ulai a competent wi edaughter, survive him. The
. : I and. reliable 1
and Mrs, Israel Taylor, and the popu workman. I remains wore brougbt to Goderich, ,
I : . , I
I ,
..�. A�Rn-ourncc-ffi_ CHI � litrity, of him painstaking au4 energetic , where a large number of friends ga
. I couple was, needless to say, consider COLLEGIATE BOAUD-The first thered 0 the station to pay a last tri-
� ably enhanced. The class is an or. rneefing of the Board,. as. eoustituted bute. and from themes were conveyed
. . . I ganized body, And u-nder the. guidance for this year, was held on Wednesday to Oolboru,, Oemetery,'wbere later.
, , 1 Mrs. Taylor has mad e P11t t
,�,-) of Mr. ant evening. . Rev 0 ft Gunne Was unanI. In o6k place. The bearers were ,TP
I , I _
.. I We beg to announce that we . grea�sbrldea, Otteminate talkswere mously we -elected as Chairmart;Xro 0 Pickatd, Galt-, Ohms .Oakes, L 9ny. I
. '. . . . appoltit d Se etary, d der. and John Swanzi, brothers-in-law
. given by, a6mit forty members, mad Guudry was , t. or an
I I � I miss IdmWestmam, virlia was the del- Mt, K 1) McTaggart, Treasurer. of deceitsed;,,and two members, of the
I I I have sold ourg4ueral Dry Goods . egato to the conierence of the ' . . , I :-. Order of Maccabees. who accompanied
� I . I I . 1, . locial adult Bible olnesat Toron ,ad- DAIRY PiTOOK-Me W R Lobb, of the remains from Niagara Falls, and �
. : . � , I k- .
. . .
%W 44 -, _ . ___� - dressed the sch9lara--briefty- the derk+.T).hrought?Aoholce dairy who, with Rey Me Millyard, officlated
I . '' '" * -,,,e- � . � �
� , . . . , , - - a the grave.
� I- business to Mr.... J-,'-- ." , , coifibe, : t of the conference and the cows hereon Saturday, � for the lat t .
� , .. . . . I =te of organization. Atibe coa- ,iroviement of dairying in this vicinity,
l I . I . chi,don. of the banquet a flash -light They wore boug,lit In the neighborbooi DEATH OFMRS Me DONNELL--
. ,
� I . . and ouj. G arpet . business, to ,Messrs., . photo, of the guests was taken, The- �of Brockville, and one of thecows had The death occurred on Thursdav
11 . . I . .. I / I . I . 11 membftship of the classisdouble what the wi�fortune to get down In the car Feby. 4tb, of Doroliby Bilkwill, reliet
I . . . � . I 'during trabsit.and was considera,bly of the late John McDonnell, at the
. . � I
. I
. .
� 11 � 'a d , I close it was . ii year ago. I ipjured by'the other cattle. . - � ,
. � . advanced age Of 82'' years, The de�
. . qfn * U, we wil . I . 1
, L
r .Nzer & Brownt � ceased had enjoyed very g9oc _ lier*ltb - - -
�'. , " . I . '. I . I . I . . - DEATH OF MRS TIKOS MILLS. . 1� VANGELISTIC NEBTINGS. Evan- for one of her years, up to about seven '
�, . : I , The death of lkfrg ThaSL Mills, formerly Cell" W,4G.-Barni L j, of 8 L mith's Falls, weeks afo, whom she went into 9, gen-
, ,
L .. our store, . to.. tr'.%nsfer the stock-., of the Huron Road, Hallett, occurred 'Ornmence, t a series of meetings in'136 cleat dec Ine., Mrs. McDonnell, was one
i __ . ,, . at the he a -of bee daughter,Mrs Spell jott!, Hill, ,,,
�� � ., . . at, 1 6hed bvtbe stairway of the oldest rekpidents of Exeter in
�� ,,,� ., � Bluavale, on the 3rd insz., theremalus behind Morrish & UrOok!s store, Wad- point Of y , having lived in this
- - � L
�� . - Ing, th 't ,' or' ' ears
� � �� . I � .).'I- .
� Thursday even* il ins' ,.,' - F I belsog interred ih B!uevale cemetery, "a
1� I I . nesday last,and is continuing the same uilighbory nearly fsavepty live
,, I'll . , - , , I . I I . I L . the Rev Me Andrews officiating-, Mrs eyory evening at 7.30. He will also,' Years , She was born n'DEl#Qnsliire,.
. .
" � L. 1. Mills mmi4ea name was Isabella Reid, hold services on Sunday At 10 Wa. m., England, and when seven years of age I
. - .
. L
� ,�. L I - any f�rther -.*particulars, � we er. . - and she came to this country with her 2 33 and 73Y 0. in. The public is cord- came. to Canada with her parents, the
� " .. .. . . . . I "'i arents, from Tyrone, Ireland, they ially ipVlted, . .
� � . - I. . . I . late Mr. and Mrs. William Balkwill.'
��L;�;-, 1, . . _. . Eenig among the first Settlers of tho . I The:fauilly settled at Devona couploof
:,�.. you to the advertisements. of the - Bayneld Read. She was 00 years and SCHOOL BOARD. -The regnInr miles south of the town shortly after
' C � . � I
� L I . . I I . . . . � 10 months old tit the time of her death m6athly. weetitig was held on Tbots� their arrival in this country, At that
: . . .
� � 7��* L L. . .. 0 . . L and was'niarried to. her lato husband day night. As thp school needs a new tira6 Exeter was not settled.. Use
I L . it was decided I L father kept the BD,Ikwill house this -
� . . abovd-mentioned firmelp . in 1802, he having died in 1896, She roof ' . that the Property
,. , . . bitions find possessed a Com - I
, �' .. . . . � I -� . . . was very am I . mittee secure fill necessary infor side of Devon and besideslo0ed after
. L .. very cheerful disposition. Nvhioh she matLon in connection therewith.' Say- his tavern intere6toi cultivated the ad-
.. . ,
� L � , ' As we. dteflni - s . 'tor . 'our ' . eval.tenders were recalved f ' . I labd. About Sixty two years
��, ' .' ' .. L
.::�" " L. I , tely . 0 . matoWned all through herL"severe -_ -_ - ora supply - * o n * I
."..: � . � I of the of wood.running all the way from $2.2-1 ni� I
� I ' , 4 ' , ' . � . . I . . . p affliction, caused from cancer . ' go A e Was married to John Me Don.
�, " . . . a died at the home of her per cord up to $2 60, for 22 inch wood. � ell 'af
e" * rkom4ch. Sh n ormer well known business
1, I d E
. , connection with. the' .Dry Goods
. � . , I . daughter ,Mrs Snell Bluevalo, an 11ho tender of *J. A. Webster.. Hulletto Man 3C xet6r,&md.,ivbo prede-wased
v .%.. . �
, �:, . .. � . . . . . . � was tenderly cared for by her at'tb,e first figure was Accepted. * .. � her twenty -three years agd. After
!��, , � . . I . . . � daughters Mrs'Snell'and. Mrs Thomas - . �
.." . .. . - to - Watt. To mourn her loss 'there re their martiage Mr. McDonnell kept .
, W1$11 , . NATURAL (419 -gr J E Howson, store at Devon and later moved to Bx-
"" . business iD Clinton, - we I . of Medicine Hat,'son of Mrs, Jag, Row -
I �`�` ,
. I. I .
I I 0 .. - I L
, - I . . . mains three sons And, two daughters star, where he continued to eepatoie
. I
! if -� . . I namely, W A and Briiestof ,QiouxFalls. sou,sends us a photo of.the natural gas in partnership with the late Isaac Car -
��L� I I I � thank our many Customers for.., the., -. 8 Dakota; Oliver of' , Wingliam; Mrs welt recently struck at that place. It i ling.' Ten children werb' the result of, '
� , . I � I I . . Snell of Bluevale aiad.Mrs Thos Watt, has developed a flow offivo mil"Oo'cu- their union nine of whom are liviuP,
� , . . . . I � . . I . � . of Mid, Michig mi: -Besides those. her I bid feet PS twetiby-four hours,proving as follows: �dhni Charles, and Fee Vof
. I
, . I � . . brothers were 'Turnberry it to -be thd'greatesi"gusber in Canada. '.'of xeter. re. Th9s.
, .. �: � .- Andre*R61d, ensall and I
" . very grenorous patronage we have Sainuel, Brueetielil; Win, Xan'eas; Jno It is sold tb consumers it'l5c per 1,000 - at home;
1, . C7 - -_ . . _ I I � I � Bawdea, Clinton; Susan,
1 . � I I . _.. . . I . I of. Huron, S Dakoft;.Afks Jane Watt a 4.eet, and develops equalto 21,000 hortie M . Di.. Browning; Ml,s. L. H. Dlck-P
. e � Nicholson, 0 pqwer-oer day., It will certainly be of MS. I
� 4 . . enj oyed and Ve' I - twin sister and Mrs Win f " . 11� Sol), Exeter-, Mrs; A. K Bennett, of
I so long 7 . I bespeak . . , Tacoma; and Mrs Robt, * Patters6ii, of great service to. that town . Cstlgarv. The deceased was a member
,, � .� 1. . I .1 . .1 . . . oon4 I . . .. I I I . . . I I . I � . 'Ch" .
, . I . . SAskat ' � , �. . . . THE QO.F."ARE'GAME.-As it re- Of the Trivitt Me"100al chu-T
, I
� I
... '1 , 0- I I . & . I - � I : - . I I . . �ly to the challonsre,in last week's Oa- � . -DEATH UF M . R VAXEGMOND.-
I I ][Or our successors a . continuance . SVGAR-BEET CONTAAOT8- The I I I
.1 ,�,�., I � . � .11 . �� . . . . Wallaceburg Sugar 06tnp4ny,Ltd.,are per. theOinadiinForeFters are willing Still another of the greatly respected
.��'. . . .11 . � . . . . . ., out after contracts-fr6m -the Netnews to play another - game .of: Oarpet.Balls pioneers of this county assed'away.on .
11� . I of it, 7hich we are satisfipd...'they to, � �,t. any time, At any place, and with Friday.,in tho 06tson prMr A -Q Van-
,, I. ., . . I ,h groW 6ugar beets to be delivered, at . town. With reference to the Cup
. I I . ; . .. . .. � I Berlin factory, This,company has any Egmond, of E mondville, brother of
. I I . . . ' we are pleAsod to announce that we � -
- �,` . ' I � made -such it -success of the business in , I the late', E.VamRM,o0d, Df Hulleft.
,� .. I ' ' I have won the silverware, And it may Deceased was
� 1. .1 � will endeavor in - every. way . to " .'� ,their own district, that this. year - the a son 6f the late Colonel. ,
. I . I . . � I . . . I _ , . faftners! have voluntarily. written. 6000 be seen Adorning. Court Maple Leaf Van&mond, nod was. borh in Penn-
��%, � . � - . . ... . I.; I . I . . . . � I., . acres ro'be grown during the" coming No. 16, till this time,next yiar, when Sylvania, March 11, 1822. Be. came tb
. I - I � I . � . . ... . . . . ". I I expe we'will agaiii:accopt,All challenges.- *tb the family in 1$29,.arriv- -
- merit. . . I .. year,mud this at practitally t36 use Canada wi
,."" _.. � I , , . Here is hoping -the Independent Order
" - I . I . � 7 - I I . . . - . . � whatever. They earnestly - hope.that , be the Jacky Winners ing in Watetloobn his Oth'birthday;
,� . I. . � . . . . I , Of Poirogters M"
�,�:�, � , � � I . . . I the saide� results gue years later they mo7ed to Hair-
�`.. �., - ___.. : - �_ __ - ___ . . next 'year. Say, �enjoy goo ..
I win .be: aobtaihed in 0 et us. all ' d- sc
1��,i-..* - . I . � 136din as soon -as the factory ia.put 1w . fellowship and brotherl Signed purbev, an(I afterwards to .bgmond-
;�, . `� "... 1W Iff . " . I to proper operati6ii, and iho'farmers . I � ville,W.herethey carried ()n a distillery,
- . ' y IOFVO* �cl saw mill.. in 1R31 he went
�1'1� . � 'on behalf of the Ciwa,dian oresters,- .
" �. �'... , e. . i P S4eppard, RS, * WS R
. . ',:�__ 'd," I'% . are satisfied they will receive We-sam Holmes F§ �gr'ot a"
.. ".
�,,� . �..,, . . � t" 'I-, * treatmeqt 'as hits been extended 'to. - � . I . I .. I some miles on horseback with his 1a-
!, I I .
-,*.!;�";� , nod,e"kae'ns, BI F'VS10, their patrons .at Wallaceburg, �The , -�,;S 1,� F, - � 0 - ther, who was ori big *av to meet Win
� B .SS HANOR- The an
. .
. . . -
�'.,i;,:�.t".. . . � . . � I. I intention of the .-ompany is* to,leavd dvo,., ement is made elsewhere that Lyon Mackenzie, an'd take part, 113 th6
� I 1. " . lie .
, I � .
1; , I . � . .
, , �.� �, a . , , g . � � I . . . . , I - � - unturne& to make tbebtlSlbess rebellion. He WAS the last of thefam
f, - me Hodg6ns Bros have disposed of. their
�,� * �:�'� I %= I 0#&*M ft 10 low I -- . . n 6.'s �c he farmer g6d vVill estah- �Sto,k of 'dr. . . Mr.- New- ilv. to s'ee his father alive- On-.Feb,42,� -
� � . profitable to t , V - goods here. I
,� 1,��, , .! �, tonias has been found . . 1846, lie maerled. Isabel Bryclov, by.
I CLINTON NEW ERAJ . CANADIAN ORDER 0 ii HOME. fish the sar6e oug . combe purchit,sing.the staple go"Ods, .
- . '.. OIROLES-Tbe I ti�ely satistactory � in: their own iindTdzer&Bcom.,a�he carpets. For whom theee were. 7 children; 5 Sons,. 3
, � . Annual- meeting was an 11 "stilb,livi g, and 2 daughtera
I'i�, .1. . I THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 1909. held in the Odd Follows' 'Hall,'Friday. vicinit,�. All bee' .a will -be* 'mhiiiif&ot-. somd.t1a,e this old -established firm has , of theta! n - S
�`..4�!�, '. . . � . . � � . �ujar during the monthsuf Who died in infaiacy.- Some year af ter.
� ,
"� ;F,,,- - I - evening ' last, when.'the follbwing.-bffi need into been trying to.close -out business,here, . he was-ma-rded he"atarted in hotel
, � 40�.. .� . . cerq *ore elected : -�:Leader; T. Jackson October and November, and nothing' 11ad.as aresalt of the sale� mentioned ' '
� Z�'-. - . . . . I .... Lee T B Lipdsm3 Winter, -store. . will c6ase to do bus! - I -'and remained
. ,,, Vin,Sec.' left to be delivefed during the' � im�ss , tol business im.ftarp4rhey, I
; _ V* Leader, J . the I
.�.�.'!. Local Notices. .. . , I Wo, bespeak f ar the Oom pany, every . there till -1855 He then moved to Eg.,
� " � w I
- 1'�,,-� . . Wiltse;,See-Treas. John Wiseman- night, and the stock will be'iemoved ,
: , . Alarshall,'RWplah; Warden E Roda-' - consideration from ths fart -der patrons. at once to the rag ta
,o;�,, m.ondi7ille and s ited in. the woollen
.1.1 pective storeg of JW.
- ". , ,,� '1� Raw Fars wanted. Highest'prices I . Mr. busines§, whioli'lie'darried on till 1865, '
w%* esetitAtive 4 to Gra�IdLodge, And trust that the venture *111 : be a Newcombe and T6ze.v,& Brown. I
- k I_ . . wept . ., . . �
. Barb Hovey, Clinton. ji . ,Its . . i i � I �,e I -is,
I:! 1.1, paid.- . . a. .., . . I success in eyery partieu lar. , As the F rank Hodgeiis-, who has had chair " then built the Seafotth Woollen Mil
. . . I . .
�.,�Z` I . I . . . I . . . I
I -
'! "' _. - - ]Matter and Ems wanted--hioest Wall4ceburg-Sugar Company'saverage of the business hero for some time, will. which were:) biprbt in Dec. 1883. Rig '
, .
_ ��: ORANGEMEN -Last Tuesday even I wife - di'ed- May" 23,1883, 6 loss h� felt
�,,;�,-,. prices paid. OANTELON BRos, Clinton -' has been secured tbey bAve de'emed� it r�tnain in town to windup the affairs 884 he built the. pre-
.,. .1, . ingthe-Orange'Lodg6 met,and-after advisable to transfer their staff to the f the ' firm. . We .have not learned v6ry'keetilv, 'Ia-1
", . � 0
:,," . initiating a bandidate,- had iep6rts . soutwoolien mfils',andin'Julyof the
.- 'DR. OVENS,London,.SuOgeon, Ocu, Berlin territory to solicit -average. Mr. what. he intends to dQ afterward" but �
,", . i deigateg Who attended the(" St6k6s was in town in'the interests of ar retired from businessi. I
.� 11 S. R- from . . giv,
,-il.� " list, specialist, will be at W. I the chang6 will. prob�bly -necesiftatt same-va
%_�.� Lodge -at Exeter. A I . I a it a to -two 3f his sons; gineb
,.. Holmes' Drug s! ore,, on Frid , a , I committee,'was the factory. on- Tuesday. . Me W his removal froaitbwn.� Hehmsresid- I 9 I :Ov r
,.,11'. � appointed to look after the celebration , . -
�� My fitted, a ass: then be has lived witb'his son L G.'
� , 28tb. Glasses proper . Graham, who has, *epreseilted �the ,ed,herb all his days, And. hits ,boon a -
t.'��,.� e t to -be held here on the 12tb of July.- Wallaceburgfactory for, ,two Season,,.' In pecembee, 1005,,he had a stroke:'of
:', � I catarrh and failing eyesight t '.. , . . . . good citizen in the f allept seii.sti' of the ,
�.,:;� Hours 11 to 4 Pad. I I � -At. the.clbse-bf the Oralyge,threEi xnomT will again act as tho'compahy's . . repre, . rill regret his 1�ro. parilkaisi.and it was thought he could
'i, . ,term, and while 411 V; . - in a'fdvv m' nths he
,! . . .
- I . I . I . . hers received 'the- Royal, Arch,Purple' setitative here this,seasion. .1 .'. . ot recovtir,.. but 0
,;,o,�, . - a- . Degreo,�aft�r which luneh�w served.' ,�, I , I V, I 1, . I babl6remo*ml,.'frorn t6wn,.t.he',ver n gli he
I �. . . . could
:1,� . . I 94S L , . . I . `hie many rie IT was as well its ever, thou
Le, . . . . - � . I I . . . f. ildi.wi I
- .
.. . OGICAL RE -PORT FOA , .. I .... I . . - beat 'wishes of - ' .... 1. I . not. remember names. Hewasaireat
� 'Local NeWS . ', , ' METEbROL DE11TH. OF N-P R - Nion' be.ixtend'ed. to him. ' I I - '- ; 1 I er of Je"ey. cattle. A man fond.of
`,��. ,� I JANUARY 1M -Tho highest imaximar, - . I I OV .
I . . Bolger, of Nitiga,- Min., died: it thi .1' Y. M. C. A -A mock iiounciii6being. company, and� especiidly the ,young� ... �
,...... . The Misses Little are entertaining it um. temperature was 5910. an the 24th, home of big trother; James Boyer, 1J �electod in. theY M 0 A here, -to follow In politics he was A, Con4ervative, afid.
11.1.�. . The lowest ihinimum femporature,was ' i
1� - Mr. D. Robb made his ins e as range. was Monday, February lst�' *her�Lhe had I
"�� � , n, Huron yo.. on. the p
.:, a . . few friends this evening. TO Council, in-roligion-an,EA31ocopallam, the. fatter-
- 1) con the 13th. The higtk t " miles north of Walto roceedings of the wn ,
i`_ I . - . and';add interest. to the. meetings, "as al bei conducted by Rev Me Barry'
I P c�'On Of ATV,ou the 13th Ahd'25th� Theloweat . . - . I
.� I .R�sisfe
;1" _ Clinton Public School last week. -. past seven 'Wookb; .aged �
I I range was 46 on this 4th And 10th..The bdea for the ' . well as giving oxperiinc6 to the rhem- -1by Re%4,Mr Shaw, bith being.
' -
1�1 - Me Baker, Dominion Fruit Inspec- totil rainfall, was 2 4 inches sad the .73 .Years. Deceased was -born. near bers' T46riominatiohs took placig'-on*:*eryat,-t6.bti�6fohiiii durlhg his, Sick- .
vl; - I tor, WAS in town this week on business anoofall 10.5 inches. Thunder showers Oast;16 Ot.way; Ireland. And- came -to d-9 Jad. 28. last Thursday - the, mess. services that ivere'much a0preel- '
" '
., � � . ny T�� a 'i' .
read: -on -the- morning nf the 2.3rd., Canada when five ).rears old.thti farm cand�isd tes were given an oppertunity ated. Me VapEgrabrid will bar missed
�.11 � Me W Jackson had new rhubarb last occu naron, the 25tb,, 2gth, locitin . in a littl6 north to state their views -on th
..11., ,, PldUjZh'fig WASLdoi east Otg on.0 bush far . . a - cluestions in. the comninnity.in -which he was so
.. I week -but it was grown in his collar.. I Reaforth. 'When 16 years Of before thii council. - A'number of ,the long a prominent figure. He lias quit
I mad 927th'. There, wer6 three inches of . . ,mi a
'.. The Organ Factory is so rushed with snow on the ground at the end of �the age he was'apprenticed .to the, Shoe-. candidates. were unable to be present m'number of relations in this vie ty!
" - .
� P. . ' I . . . . .
�:", orderathatthe staff is .now working . making trade.with the late David Me- priesent dealtyery 1. . . I .
?" . month. The ice was fouvinches thick. . . . , .-
. .
I , � , ullou�h, of Harpurhey, where he ' but several who were
I I overtime. The fall wheat looked well during the q rdars;after ]ear i tb ably with the, different popular issues. . .
t . * . '. . . worke:1 three 3 m1mf,1d0 The issues most favareii were. -Water. . PetSonall'oteg � ;- ,, 1.
"., " . Ell Holtzhauer, one of the staff of open weather. . I .1 . I 1. I . . trade; he Worked in Clinton and a.; works and F#e rotection ; Park im� ' ' ` . .. . . . *
,. . .
1. . . Mrs W Oafiteloh visite4 friends, in .
the Clinton Mills, is laid up with an - ' and three- years in � - - � " O)o roads ; Encot;rage, Goderich last week; ,
,;.". � . ROYAL TEMPLARS -The annual ,rich at his trade. % X, . . '
J - a ' to, new industries;-Sev0erage; Me Armstrong r6ader a visit to Tor-
, attack of bronchiti.4. I . -meeting of Hat6n District R T of T,. .the Southern St tes.. just before the .=went ;
:.,..: was he -d -on the9th, at.rheAlaples,tho ' week. ,� . � - �' ' .
, Me and Mrs Hartley 'entertained the .Deceasedinarriea .
.. � - I . American War. Xtitkicipal ownership of Eledtrie Light,, eat, last
::; . teaphers of both the Public School and li�me of the Societary,Mrq -F WWmtts. Alicia, .daughter of Robt Taylor, Of A mew station, Good speecheal were Miss Ida Lindsay W*iiiting friends '
., ,, . Collegiate Institute,on Friday bvening Reprosontatives were presentfrojit1the' Constiance,and chwried on the Shoe- renVeandidates, they at Gorele this week. - ' . I
. .made by the diffe . I . I I .
�'-., 1. various Coundils throughouttlie dik- Making business 'in Londesboro'fdr being: -Mayor, 1. Hartlev; J. Tdeker,,, . Me G F 81 r. Barrister, God6vich,
11. A Dungannon correspondent has . Ill I .
.- , Tbe meetin " ; presided ovii. . � �. .
. , I this to say aboutr the work of a former .trict. , .f Aeveral ybars,. finally 10cating'.near Reeve,.P. Plarnsteel,.0.11alt.; Counqu, WaS it, town'this week.
, . i ,Or Alliott, of Gode- Ninga, Man.i Where. ho, spent.th6l U W. Johnson, R. Pattidon', C. Hoare, J., I
"" I Clintonian :-The' first horse.,collar by D strict Cdunci as . . . 1. I
1��. madeInDungannon formany years, I rich. The -state of the order was fully 25years. ;Two.dau ters,MrsA-Mulrt Roberts, J.Hall. W Holmes. The elee. .Mrs Murray, Toronto,. sister -of Dr
11�_, discussed, and it was 'unanimously de�r Mrd -D Butchart of Viaga, Man. and t- oulpson, splent Sunday h6ce :: -.:. ". .
I., I I was up for inspection at J ohnsoars har- I , ions , will be held to -night in theYM M,1- `P! . . . _. � . _
I . .
�� �� . mess shop last week, and unanimon�ly, cided-to procure the ..services of aa,oro; - John A.,ofV&ncovv6r are the -children. C. -A, roomS-4 .'. - I .. � Miss Agnes Portee, lKincardine, has
. � � . I
1 I . .. I I . . . . .
�.,� . declared perfect in both workmanship -ganizer tot *the�inonth of March. to Mr'Bolget.suffered froin cancer of the , - - . been the guest of Misi .6 -my' 110% Son.
.1i".. . andinaterial. Me Johnston. has found thoroughly'work thks. district. 'Me F throtit, And -although with tbG best . -DEATH OF' U'll ARGENT.-Af ter.3 i�ff leftlbn Monday to, vis. .
,�'.. . Buuhanmm� Wingham, was elected re- rhotiths- Mrs'O Bari!
... time as yet to make only one bair;.but tmedical* skill and good huriifig, be years.of great btiff6ring'wlth � �.
. I �. antative to theGiandCoumcil of passed away as stated above. Decess- tism, -Xv. Wi Argent, of Diniley Terr4 it her.daughter, Mrs.Pinner, Toronto
".1 � he says that last witittir in Clinton -he pr0s, . .
� � . Made 300.' A dollar fact6ry is ahother� Pittario,,whilch meets, in Torontobext ad adhered to the English. ,eliuveb;the A66,.dled on Vri'diy, aged 42 years; -Do. I Nr Gordon. Johnston, Caledonia, is
. I I I I on -in-law of Sir. J I
, . possibilitv for Dungannon. . week I I . I . . I .funeral took place Thdrsday afternoon. �qeased was a 9 ames visiting, at. his home in toWli for. m.feW,
, . . I . ., . the service -being conducted by� the* Cartwright, Hallett, and was &'quiet, days. . �. . . I I . .
. _ . .
� I . . . . - Rev Mr Lang forcl of Brussels. Inter- unassuming manwho enjoyed tfie re, . Mrs Howse
: ,, ., . � . . . I 1. , . . WL n, ToVonto Junction is
. � . . . � made at. Brussels cemetery; spect and esteem of all wfid kure hitm her auliti Mrs Taylori Ontzilo
.. . . . ' . ingot Was * '
, L � . L A ' ' ' - , . I � D Sed was A: man Widely knovt n He w - "I'm , .. L. ! .Z . . .
I ". . ' as v; member of theO 0 F in which St,,etg . - L
. I . . . . , a eelhoighly respected; . . -he carriedau insurance of. $100O....x .. . I
I NNUAL I ... L I . ad . ., . I . I wife And 6 children, a - we left to '!mourn Me t Bellamy9L i3if Dulutli, paid a vio-
.1 . . . � . . . I I I. I . 1: . I I . ". .. - I . his sister Nis. Alex, WriAstrong#
I . 11 -&lops I I L TIXE PR9�V&�ENCROFPHRJ L URY bis loss. He was auadhereiritof the' it to week. 1. . .. I : . , 71
� . '. I Episcopal,Chardli; he was born at.Hal. last 1. I I ..
'' 'T L S f ' -Im spite of all the talk of finding I btead, Essex, Ed 91 and catne to this ' Mr. Gillen, Superintendent G.,LT.�R.,
. - I , - ..Al 4i 7. ' 'ury continue§ country With 9, -tend 21 years ftgo�:'
1� . AVCK AkI.Nfi . I . 1, method to Stop it, 'peru F11 was in towii Thuisday, while.en route
I . . .L . 1. : I . . .1 . . la the courts. The judges and magi. being employed for a number of years . - . .. . I �
� _
.. � ,?. I . * . I . I . '" 6trAtes are constantly coniplainibg.-of with Me 0. Dalai' Hallett. He Piubso- to Goderich. .
�. . I I . For the neitt t6n days we hold our ANNUAC.SiLE I .1ts shocking..,frequency, and lawyers 4uently worked at'Stapleton, and af- W. Middleton was among the guests
i _ _
7. I I I L . . I I .. find in it one of. - the chief causqP ,of terwards held the position of, night ,,ata hoplast'Thursday-afg b,gtven-by. -
, OF WINTER GOODSO - *o� uv saleg'are "ilow recog- . Me and Mrs D, Seagram, Waterloo
! . I .. I . I. . L� . . uncertainty in tryffig a case. Of course watchman at t1re Organ Factory iantil. . '
;1 nized --as a areat (Jpport 11nity to, procure &nuifie, .where the per qry is e tn� his Illness compelled him to gl�Le this Rim Hattie Middleton left Istst week
o Z� . . . . . k L ., - can than send the on & visiv to her sister In Ottawa. - 9;he -
� . e4kiseagy" 4011S, His father, mother, five brothers, .
b4ijains. During- Pebruary we usually experience L d jnA -to remain thoro. qome time. .
; , * urer to �.Ason and we shoul Up;l folij sisteva'(Survivd, this being the expects ...
' efl
. I - P arm. an . I . jr�, has gone to
our coldest weather, *and the gy0ods wd are offerifig. 11111i[Lbly. do so for a good long t first death in the farmily,' - . Them'" IMcKer2io,
I I will be very suitable. % . I . . .. 11 But wher6. two' witnesses "bwear . , . I .. Walk6rvitle,w.here- h6 expects to woft.
� -, 1. I . I . 4 I . .. � I � .1 1, . . I . . 1. .� I lagainst.each,other," And there is no , ,-'- .. .1 , . ... .until the spi�Ng buildinK trade 'starts,
� $1.00 L '., a solutely ceftain mamas of knowing De Shaw hk&been attonditig Afr'Ato
1,41 . � L I r Me A'H Wilford, Blyth,has been, ap.
1. , '
L .
�, Men' --i $1 54 Felt* shoes..., ... redutod tOi that either i4 d6libbrately 6ommittng' eat durLl)gbls illnegii but the, latter ..
� -L L tag me, icineg I '
perjury,the dourts do Pretty well when ,§ d' * " meot pointed Assistant socritavy of the Y M
�'.,, - -83 4 ....... L-redaced to L 1.50 * L ad also been tak" , 0 A At, London. Heis a nephew ofMwg'
:, � 110104 I ,i, Overshoe.. tL 5 � . they try to strrivo ht a ,lust enough de. Scribed by Ur And Mrs Ame84, and'Mr . � ..
l', � meies mo Buckleil Itubbers, 1, % 0 .2.S. eision to settle the cage1vithout,ventut- John Watt, And Me Argent's death can T. MeXemzlej je. - ,
." i . I . mess, And ourfringwhil,-Iiogi?emedto'bovetplty- 'A&ong those who Attended thoMep-�
� I . . Hen"s 2.60 Buckled RubbiIS " . , to - 2 . "')', 5 . L'. 'mg 'o'ikil either of the Wit
. . yet there is little doubt tbat'ond oil trong. Dr Shaw refused to give deigshon Concert in Toronto this orvok.
. . other Is committing perjury. some. gi= certificate, and it Wits decided weroMrs. .1olliffe, Misses Ida Holmes,
I �. I ITIeuls 2.40 Buckled Rubber's ,1 to 2,00 0, .
� � I thing might be done if 'We had a publio to hold an inquest before the Ooritnev* Lizzle, Relido and Beatrice Green, .
I Men's MO Buckled Rubbers ,1 -.to 1,760' " Dros(cutor to vigovously takeup MOO 'DeThompson. -A jury was impsmuel- ay evening . Olifford An -
r Men's 1.65 Backleil Rubbers ,1 'to 1.411 - oft-onflicting testimony atid, exhaust, led, doasisting of "Messrs James Ford. drews entertained a number of his
. I I
I I . . . 0611 means to discover which is the 0 Johnston, R A Moore.J& Morrell, 141 " rig friends at his home. Tliftven-
I Ladies Fancy Kilopers, ,regular st 50 for LAO . 'perjurer, It by a,"closer enquiry, !late lcurttea,'A Turpor, 310 Ball, 0 Wallis, was ninat otijoyably a eat inniusie
I I C� J HN 0"
,Ladies Felt Sh I the facts than is usual in the ordinary, A . �lbway, W Ok4bam. M D Me, rllg 9
. . o4, roga. fir $1.263: #;.# .... for 00e, trial of a ease,we could even Occasion. Ta garti and 0 B Dowding, foretoub, and4games. After an �I& ovate lu"Oh-
I . , . eork had -been partaken of, a, flashlight�
-_ . .
� �
.. - teoll - �
daAZ b
r a 14 q
": I Ladies Kid Lace, re4rular $3.40 ........ for st.90 .,%,, v s,,, ally lay a perjurer by.'the bee a photo was taken of the company. '�
. M I lfy,.the at, on Saturday the body was takoft
. �.. . " expenge of this Special investigation to the Colincil room, where it WAS .
. . Boy'S Felt Lifted ShoeN. teg. 613 r6r stalf -y, the inquest The Londom7.&dvert1sef'_Ix offering i
� " , $1 ". ified; for . would not be vie wad by the jut MOM
. , would be ast. we
� I I to send many such gerjarers �b get adjourned uhtilTuesday evening . u
I � . compellel Te free tkip to Europe to A, certain 0 in.
I Many other lines *e.have not room to niention herp. to penitentiary to e'reate a W ologome viaen6e of a numbot of wittiesses bar of the most popular young ladies
I ,, mr of lying un ,ting for the in that dlotriet, to be decided by coup-
� .- . An inspection isjftVitf�d , , f( der oath throughout wap tkken. Me Orydome me
. I I . . - I—- I . # .. 1 ... . . ..... ,. , . ,. .1 �..., I... . I I—, I - he-, COUntty, And' when We realize Crown. There was,nothing to show, on vote. Among the young ladies
I 11 I.— -
- - q , . � Vownixteh ischtef may be done by a thnf de0eaged had diell from othor whose names tip ear In the contest are
. I
. ,�, . 0 ! I 11 re-stimony, "wo appmeinte than natural muses, ithd the jury re. Miss orwee ShopTerd, 40*01t.-anugh- I
. I I it of J�A' o . __
. . thelpoportance of dealing, -with this lurAed it'vordlet Accor,
I 0 .
I i alattor 61�4vply And effectivoly. If it �-pmpauled it b a rc
, :!I I 4S cost a thousand dollarg to 0end A Pee- that drugg shourd nab I
. . , I ; I I . 11i d Jack all, juror to jail', the money would be well seribed by pergons who
� F.i. ,
. ;V ,
I . .111-.1. ..., 11 ... "..,", -,,..,. ., Inva8ted. their Action,
, . . I ic
I " ;.1 . �
I. �. � . . I .
I � I ... ,__ , - � :� - _k, � ___ � - - 01. - - - - . � I �
ed Or 1)1?e-
not know
I I. I
. . . ?
Aro all provided for In ourValeritine Stock# . 1, , �
I .. V.. -
. . .
� I We nevgr beforchai I so 'large, and novel, an A,
% .
. . I
assorunent. Sotne ver refined and deganto *
. I . y I il ; 41
- SO= for fun and xiiicule, Prices rang -c frotu- 1,
_____-_1r_--- . . . � � . . . ..
, ,
. 'I'C to $21.50. -special values at 5c. and 12ic. � I 4
I . ,
. .... 0, ft . . . �
I � . I
. . . . . . . .
. I . I .
� . I '
' . ' .
:,rHE MIQ -Do FAIR. . -COW A
. 1 4 . . � , . . . ..... .
. . .
. Often the,. Cheapest! Always the Best I I �
- . . .
� . � .
. �
� I . I I . M . :
. I I I
. .. I . .
"I � . . t
. I . , I . . . . .
* , , "
I , . ,
. I I ... . " I
. .
. . � - � .
. I
. . I .
. I
. . I . �
. . februar I I , I . - I 'i
i � I .
. . -
. . I .. 9 I 1� .
� I . I .. I . . . ,
" .. I . .
. .
. ,
. I .
. .
. � .
I .
I .
W I - WfA_ I . .
11, . . U TE
I I.. � R
I I I . ..
. .
. . . .
.. .
, I .
. � . I
' � 1.
I . - ' E'.,�_.- I .
.. I
. I
I .
I .
,S'. -A � " ...... I I
. I . I
. . . I
. �
.1 I I . . I .
. . . I., . . . .
. .
1. . __ . . .0, 1.
.... .�. .. 1..1. .. (�, _. .
� 1. .. ...,.....� ...
I I . 18 .
.1 * �s,.,wiss- . .
. . rd ....
. .
. &.1 - 1. . I I
1 .3000 va- . .. .
. ... ... � � 1. . 1,
� - , . .
. ...... Embroidery at. . �.
� . I i
. �
. . "
I I . ,
� . I .
I . . - I. O.C. Verlyd_ I . I I � .
6.:�,,, ... ... I � ... . I
. I . � .. r �
. . . . I I . I I—- � . . ..
I � .
. . .
-busting . I � I
I S31vaggle "VUPMS�e N . v6f,�iat&'. ,
. . "
1. - - P1. es in, one of the - / .'.... ill.
. .
. . anada an - �.....
.1ax.gest, v�,holesale es,lbi. d In:- I -
. I I
I. surance a,�Justtnenfislhe cause of the.',ex- . ... .
. . .
'traord'in�rv.Be-,tgain:in'-7t-,,br'o'ider'y.. , I-
� - .. . 1. .1 . .. � .. .. I
. ..� 1. .. . � . I . .. � 1. . . .. � . .
. . . - '
. . . . .* I
. . . SATURDAY and j following, , Ja I
. I . .. ,. .. . .. I . I., YS - 6
. ., � 11
.. -1 ' fine Whii , Swiss Embrdld "
.. . .3000, ydrds ' le . . , I I "' ery, : ' , ' -
.. from 3 to'. 1.2 inchii , *1de, worth irom. toc . I
� to 35c "per )rAid, while' thiy I lastp�r'yd. , I Oc*,
. .
- . . I � � I I ,...-..-- I
. I
. . . S � . I _..� . .� . 11 .:. � . .
. .
. . . . . . I . � .. .. . I . . I I . . . . . . - . . . . � 1. . . 7 - . . : . . .. . 11
. . , . I . . . . . . � . . I . , � I . I .
i � . , � . . . � , I . . I : � . �,
�, . I " I I . , � I . * . . � I
� I I ,
. I . I . : I . . I . I � . I . . ; � � . , I I I
. ....-WhIt'e.we'a. ........ , � '..... " �..
. 1. ..'� I ..... . ... .. .. .. 1. ,
1. I. � I..'' .... I.. I.. .�..�� .. I
1. �, .:_ I ... . .� �. I
. .� - ' '
. �
� 7__...�.,�.,.. �.... orA atu - ,4- , �
.. _�r �. day %
1. - .... , I . .
:1 . .......� �: I . � .. . � . I � - �.: ,�� - '..�.. C �:. I . .
. .
11 . , . � � . ,
. . . I
. I - . I . . I . .. . I
. . . . . ;.....'� ... . __� -_ - I . . --.'-- � I ... �
I � � , , -i6e-doieiis whit - - �� ��,
. . -1 _�---Th . . e .ta'wn ' ..
. .1 � .
.. . . . . .. 11 .-Mull w4iks . - . . sig] y� - -
'. . and ' , 1- Al, * -
... .. ' '
. I I . 1) : mussed - frorn handling,- --alt * . . .� i�l
. . I . I I .
_*11 IV 1� . I - .1, .1
.. . . . . . . new designs and styles, daint ..., .
. I . �
* '
... . ... I I . -ily trimWned with fine kce,. .., ;
. . I . .
I. I X .1 I . . . .: . � 1.
... X trh6equarter and long',sle.evel' . ..
. . �
I .. , .
. I- � . regular $2., 2-15, aod .2.50, 1 .
z I . � .
�. 1.1 I , February -sOe , price -
I I . . I ,
. I . .� cach. . oi'.� .... W........... . .� ..... .
11 . . . , $1,00.
. .. . , I . I . � I . .
. - . . .
I . .
� I ! ! . . . . � I
I I .. .. I 1. 1 . . .. .
. , � � I . . � .
;_ .. - I . . , . ..
. . .� I . . .. I I � I "I ..
1. . .11 . . .. . . ... .
� . .
. I � � I I
I . __ I . .� . . / - Two. do�en white* Lawn � , .
. . ' '
. 11 : ,.� .Wafsts,.-_'.inseft.i6n front, � long. .1 ,
I . . % I
I .
I .. I sleevO.s, very daint�. -stvh�s,_ � . �
.. 1. . . � I ., .
� 11 .. � I . . . . �
'. ... . I . 'led) 5 - 1, - -
, . . .... . slightly soi regular$162
! I I I I If � I . I I �
., . t. . .1 1. 1. . . and i.�o, Februatyial , e , . ... . . ' I
. . . I
_ . .
., . I .. , price ...................... ............ 69c �-
. I .. . I . - . . :
. . �.. I .
� . �� . � .
. . I
. . .
I . . . .
, I . .
� . . � . . . " . . I
. . � - . I I �.. . )� � . 11 I . .. .. I �. .
11 . . .1 � . I I I
. 1. ,
..� 0� .. � � .;_� . - __ . . q .. I . � I I .
. . . . . . . :,.. .. I . . .
I � . . .
.. . . I . I � . . . I . . I
. I. .� . . . I I . .;. , , I I
I �e - . . . .
. I
. White Go wns $2 10r $,f..60. - � � - k,
. . I I "I
%, - ... � .. . . . I 1 .
- *
, . . One.* dozen fine white Cambric Gown low and , ' - . .1
high neck styles, beautif�l trimm'ed- Regular - - , ..
. 1$2, -February sale price ............................ I ......... O..$11.00. ... _.
I . .. � ; . . . I . 1.
� ... . . . .. li. - '. .. 11.1 . . . . . ... I - . .
. . � , - .
.. I
I . - . ... .. I � � ''. . . . .. . I �
� .� . . . I... . . 1. . . t
.. - -,. I ... . . . . 1. . . . �
I 'C-1jfldr,6n1s To4ueg. :.. . I I
. . .
. . .
& I.. .
; � i I . mo Childi&s wooll�ff Toques inall the-popu-. 1. �
' , '
I ar colors, kedo. glue, * Omen, �Dlack,,.. Skye, etp., . I
. .
Pineapple or plain stitch,. full double - or .half- . � ` ,
To I que styles, ii,-gulaii 50c for e.ach..o ... v.6--4, - ...,.�# 390 .
. 1. � . . .
.1.11.1 .._....._�,_,.__.i." I
. 1. ., 1. , I 1.11 1. ,
. � . . ., . .. N
I . . ��
.. Remnan.ts . I I
. Rem'nants of Dress Goods, Prints,, Fan6y Sat- ., - I
, ieens, -- Cottons, - Shirflngs, FItinnels, Flatifteletts, I
� . : Towelings, Sheetin . , etc., at less than cost.
- . gs I .
. , 4 - � I . I I
I I � I.. I.—
� _-, , , " . I I .
I I _. . ,
. . 11 � - , .. rown ' LL 11
I .
. .
. 0 . � ID ,
, 'A
I . . OZOX1111TWOMT _
.1. � I -1. I - il ... I I I—- I- - -11 �