HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-02-11, Page 9Ll ,, I . - � y � � I " I - Tax, OWN "W Am 17,eh. I ab, 19(9' . � ot � �Willillo� loll: I 0:104 0000000000�ow" -1" - I 1.1pl-11111-11." 11111"Tr � T-717 , 1. # Ir . I , _... �, . . q I I . �_____.. " ,__ --111 I � -1.1 I . I I . . I 0 0"� -1 - - . I . ; * . , I I : m III :.: : Z�_��� � . ­ . - ­ .. - , '. . ­ - I __- I 1.1/i .. : - , , , . . ... I � I , I . . � - __1 - I - - . . , , , . . - - - 4 "' .A !� �, I - J, y 1 . � . � . PILE * ,'#--*-* 4g. �' I'll". . . . , . I L '1111"HALS OF LAWMAKERS Iff NIGGER, IN THE Wa- " 11C STORM - _�.....�_ -A I '( r 13 ' � .AK ARTARC' fF -t-4. I I & Thousands of people so throush life , I 1. I . �.. � -1 I feeling more or loos miserable without 1 . f, , ;r 11 I A I " . Wei I 1, I . . ;11 i I i . ' ever knowing the reation. They sut- it, t, .. i�- r, �F' I ' � BRITAIN HAS HAD SOME GREAT for from hea - aaaho . Braying the Perils of a South . I I 11 , L 1��'�, it I -, . . I M.P." CASES. ,. s, Indigestion, pains . . -, �V, �7 'I t � LLL ft,htest chill . 'I . 11 L . I Jim ,the back. and at the 4 . , I . I � -9 I I , �� , � , , � -� IF , C i , , ; lwlmww�,Aq 1, - � P , I I get rheumatism or neuralgia. Polar Wintees Night. I . , �, X .. � .1 . I . . i ... .- ... -0. 0 L 'k."'.."'N, �1 1� V, . ' They try to core these separate otit- 5; I . , � I I 4 - �� , � , Henry, ILabouchere'*- -Appearance*, In breaks, never suspecting that the ro6t ci 1�ko � I � A I . . . L I E, : � �, 1.4 --/ � . 4 V/.., I � � Court In Connection " ' I - , �, ..... LLLLL . - 117 1, . - .. ..... .. With His P4 of,the whole trouble Is the failure ot eyV r- ),o ,4. �i . I J'�k I I , ' 1� I - - � I * � - - $r � 1 W ­ ' ­ , - � I ' L . W I . S, . : I Don't be laid up in bed with La Grippe. per, Truth Are Now Histoilc-John the bowels to move regularly, and in ' 11 ;.A, I -I, / I" . . � . ­ I c. I Don r . I . I _ I , : tire � o-Quinineq Burns an; Quinningliame Qr4ham ,nany cases the pluozIVIii action Of Uld- Adventures of a Party of Explorers. In I � I . ok Up the old and fever W . - I . 11 , ! Brook c , ith Coleman's CamPh . . ad skin. The r4sult, of course, " I I � I I I Curds in 24 hours -no bad effects -25c- . Did 66; Weeks For Inciting to Riot neys a a journey. Over the Broken pack I . 11 . . . � .It .. I At I d#09ri or from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO-, TORONTO- . Is that the whole system gets clogged loo.-T'hp Solid Wall of Wind That I . . , // /I - I'll I 'At *I I n. Trafalgar :Square In 1888, with impurities, which, soon turn to . _ I . Fla ko.4 p. Friendly looherp e , I I 1 I - . _. -1. I - . -------- -, . . I . - I poison, and show their presence In va- ." , I " Y ( , I . . _­­ .1 11 -_ . ase in i-hich Mr. .. I . L - 1 The sensational o I or ys. had , . I " . L ' 11 I r7_ I I L . I . ­­ I __ ­­ lioratio BottOM10, M.P-, is figuring r1cius, Ways. - . The arctic expl .or has. alwa , U, /" I /) / I 11 ��, . , ,� 13AKQUF-TS "Frult-a-tivesil-or, fruit Juice tsLb- hardship and danger enough, but the � SOME LONG LS moment in the I . . 6 : I ) I I , . . I WS NOTES. - so prominently at the alug-dsh 1 . I I i . A� , N F4 1. - I L. M . Comi:aon lets-proniptjy rWr up the 11, unta,rctic far more ter. J I � L k". I I P � One British 11OUSA Of .s recalls .. I I . ch liver, re2ml , i . / I I ! . ftefragranib. memoryot A cup Of Feasts That Have included Over 'whi ate thp. bowels, and atIM11- rible conditions to meet. Luckily lie (' \I 1%�"//) , ; . , 1 4 . Tea -lingers with I Hundred Courses. late the kidneys'a ,�Iielr . : . WIcious i'Salada-1 I M.P.'s 46ve been interested, I Thus they cm i , . .7". L Bev `year work properly. - ra all I I. V r .. Ifior t; . P always 6f Speaking at a dinner in London re- . several (�ther famous, trials in nd skIii t% do', meets them with all the equipment I � I I , . , IJ i en don As in the present trial, go in tile and method that arctic expioratiQui has I . 1 11sh and uniform qaallty� . . ntly Sir Robert Hart, the veteran these troubles by removInv, the cause, taught mankind. yet .they are most . - ­. I - - - --- I I ce: � Hansard case, Mr. 13ottomley'conduct- --- - ___ - . Who 0414fellows' lod o room at Chat- -general- of the Chinese CUS- and make It Possible to really enjoy _ . - - - � _. _ �__ _____ . . . kam was jobbed of NotoejeWels and inspector ed his own defence, and his brilliancy life. 50o a box; ­6L boxe,i for $2.50, dangerous, as the 9tory. of those who - -_ . . - � 1-1 I LL I 11 . I I . k 11 . , tome, se,id thd longest. banquet he on thav occasiori' stamped him as. the Trial size 25c. Froilt.a-tives lAmited, have lived through -the south polar � . *y .P. an( - - best "lay lawyer" in the country. Ottawa. - - , I the IL t -rd -'h ' L , I _ stainent - I the theves carried off ever sal at was one. in Pekin, will L I can testify. One of � . ,oxeiri alofthe-order. * Ch _ --- winter night PROMINENT' TORON I %J CITIZEN' a copy of the Be .tu lasted for 11 *consecutive hours. There Probal�ly no M.P. ever fought more -_ , , - --- ­ eirlences of Bernacchl on the cruise I 1, . �� � � Adpeat It:.-"Sh1lOU'#4 Cure *tit %I- were 12D courses, and he tasted them L actions. in the law courts than Mr. " .. I . exp, - ' . . 9 all. Mr, War Americin envoy . i done in - coll. of the Southern Cross some years Recommends Wonderful 'TONiC L; �h . ways,curemyco.0 h9andcoldo." . - n 11enTy Labouchere hai . I . I I to China, wbodCriad to secure the in- . I HAUE. . ; � I . .Viveltundred cattle Were drowned Emperor Hiemg-Fung bection with his popular paper, Truth. * 'WHEWIELY ANCIE'AT I . ago -shows -what -4h antarctic gale . %, , ' * . .. I . , . . .'b:r the flood, wateva on the Stanford � terview with ained' "Labby" did not ioeek re-election At . ­ Particular In- I means, - . . I Mr. c,eo. bmith, of the Smith Manufacturing Co., Limited, 2.19-221 .... ranch near Tehamas, California, Wed" in 1859, tells how be was entert after repre- , He . and'a comrade, Ellifsen, started . 11 � I . L. � . it I . h_ L at a dinner that lasted from noon, one the, last General Electiolf, Skeletons Which Have , Front Street, Toronto, Is 76 years of age'aad is. In wonderfully good I . 11 ��.. . . nesdAy A . t, and 1,1500sheep ppris . senting Northampton for twbitty-six t9rest to Eyropean Anthropolog.ists� out on a short sledge journey to carry . , ­ . . I � 44 Aear Obtuse. . I clay until six o'clock on the evening years, It Is said that the libel actions , , %anderthaloid has beerl .provisions ficial one campr to anotlier, health. This beattributes to PSYCH140,which'hota4es regularly ass .. . broup positively stoplied In20-minut- of the day folloNy-ing, ,The total num- has been .0 The name N� ancientL it was in September, and th ay tb' t Is . . , her Lot courses is'not given, but Ward in which Mr. Labouchere Qus�d to -denote an extremely 1. e 'broken Tonic. He-says;--r-"l can most honestly and truthfully is a . I ; him between $200,-� . it; ALL' IZO N10) i I . U L to wit1ii Drshoops' CroupRemedy. One he had to give, in after Involved have cost L . I racd,j of men�r­qt which remains Were lee pack over which they must travel' never met'with a medicine so very wonderful in, 0 L :.1 . e Was I t4m* jbione ,will-itir6ly proye Oils truth. mentions that , d . I , I ._ 85r - . 'Whei my' belxovo4. wif' Was . . . . .138 000 and $250,000 a. � ,.in the Neander val- W -foot and a half thick and . . 1%0 vomiting, no distKess. A Isafe and partaking of ifferent dishes, . last found I '1' . !n,L says The as but a . CURATIVE POWERS as PSYCHINE L - L . . I . . hosts wondered Not sirlee. 1goij, however, when Mr . I p)ep�IngsyruP__Wc.SoIc1 by, a , dealers ,,whereupon his Hugh Watt, M.P. for a -division Of (Odrraany). :-Since thf ntire skele- ,likely to break In pieces ,Afresh or.pile- livjng she wouil say In the morning, for many *years, 11' ca.anot sleep i : . Illy ' _111L . � . a . greatlyl�­presurnably. at his'abptem- sentenced to five years' scientific American, an e L game up In deadly masses at tile mercy of for your dreadful,wheezing," I tried everything, but alI vain -till I , _�­, - I I . - one hu . � I . . .. I . I About ndred veterans of the . I Glasgow, was I' of an adult woman of the n . I I Vanianraids of sixt3t-slx and seventy, iousness. penal servitude -he was reledsed. at toT Ordogne (France), the sea a d wind. The'two a�n had got your PSYCHINE. This put ine� right in vary qlick time. . PSYI- I tile E skinto ban- � at -for inciting type was found in 1) . . , Probablys bow4ver, t ye. 4 months mo three,gledgee afid, eighteen dogs. They lid, strength most "presenting veterans from all Parts others, the efid of the firs ' And Only a to ,` ., up.in beal2i a. . . I `1' . *f 0anada. marched in a, body to For quests last longer than any to the murder of his former wife, has in 1905 liad'hardly started before the .wind - CHINE cured rn� and has built In ' . I . . I I L . I yved I 0 0 . � - . 00 for. And the quantity of ,food swallo . of Parliament figured %. near tUe salne'Place., Mt' 0. Hariser wonderfully- .. - 11amentRillatli U. Ffid&y'to PrLe . . a member skeleton of A, youth. rose and a gaie-threatened. Halfway. . As a T nic andBuilder it hias n -6q0l.11, I . of I and to is also Proportionately greater. Ross unearthed -the, . I � k of his party of na- such a sensational ,Case as thit which pical, characters of the,, to their destination there was an ice- , P$Y_,HlN"4 Is the infallible rernedy for till disorders of tbQ Throat,. L L . - . I . . a iequot for a federal graut � . I B under arms in defence records that sever, is now engaging piablie atteittion at. showing the ty I Ibital , Imbedded fn the-� PA' Lungs and *Stomach. A grcat appetizer and " pick me up" for. run. � �. rho wer L . . 012 1 developed sup:rao ck lee and - . I . I I . � I � ___ �counjry and presented & wall tiveg once atd continuously,for . , Quildhall. But in 1901 Australia race-stronr, j. taxilla, large teeth -0 I . . See coupon� . ifed y Con. , the . - ridges, Poweiftil nO , � they hastened to'reach this befoie the, down folk. Try a bimple fr.,e. 161,014ii . . . of steel to invaders -from thia Uri hours, Aiiring which time the, rturbed by an ar . . . was considerably pei � om. teeth � were still in states. The de utation, was -received slimed: 200 Pounds of seal meat. Eu- . ich,XT. Findlay, Labor mern-. etc.' The wisd -storm- should break. . . I � F�SYCHIJJE: is , sold - by all. druggists an� ra, 16 Climatic- Held wh � i . - 'u'rier and Sir Fred- . a republished in his their alveoli. -The lower -law was PTOg- . they tolled o*er the ' - dealer -;,S and $1.00 A bottle,, � . � ropeans, exposed to the san - , ipy Sir �Vilfrid I ber for Melbourn, , us lt� �lyn6st calling Por live hours 0c, . erick Borden, who made SYmPathetic condition,. act In \much the same -10 61 the. animal. tee, � the wind" graduall A rising. The . . This at-' natl to an extei . . . 'Discovery,, Paper, libellfrig We King. is expul- to ,.zle y Prepared o-.,Iy by Dr. T. A. Slo6um, Limited, * replied. . � ..wAy. - Capt. Scott, of tli6 ticle resulted in, Mr, Firldhiv mind - the 1111117 highly gale -broke I,u fury jiist as they reach-* -' Slocum Build1ng3 S11 I . � I O . a ------------ 41- . . ori his return from his long sledge . . on from the Victoria Legiiiative, As, The cknihe teeth were not very . . . . & . radina.Avenuc,-T6ront . � . . and ice of 016 � 51 ixty-four votes. to seven- developed, as in anthropoid spes,,The ed the Iceberg, under whose lee .they - ? . . . . .. . ­ . I . ., I .. . I � � Letter krom A Forty-Ninez journey over the fill id nothing but serribly by b. I . . I . � I bones of -the limbi0were entirely 'In pitched -a tiny silk tent, into wliftb . . . . 11 . ___ . . I . I . . . . , Antarctiq Continf,nt, d - . O.Ccord -us in they crawled after having fed'their . . , ' . . .. � . . � eat and sleep for the space of tbree teen. 'eksO Imprisonment For Burns. with the type known to . I W. P allouriag I -KEEN . interesting and �sln-. then b six We I paleolithic, man, the lemur �massiyd dogs. as best they could.- Hour after . Zere is a simple, days - p-nel nights, and' even , . e . just twenty yc�rs ago- members of -adjus curved. Near , . 0 � eere letter from a rugged.' pioneer of m . as -still' bungrv. I a and. stubby; -the I ound thoser hour the'wind raged; and the ther- . nd I. . T T Of TONICS FOR HIALRIAND ENER6Y, -1ke da -ars - w � � .3 %I, ­+ parliament were suffering fines . - - - . I JJE BRFAT5 . A 1 and. hard ,, , 1�..:44. U - re sins were f� �_4 i a --e- helow zero . : � . .. I I . I .. . ; I . . .�: . I I . . . . ... . - . I I I . ­ .. � + .i . I o , . . . ,ii ... I . . � . . I . �. w 0, r re . Commande'r renry ail ., L' IT I imprisonment formilitantiactim I the unt ' ­ ­ " �,M .-- .. . 1, �'. . . I I - � . - �. , " � I I �Tjjus', The -attitude. in " . T a I s -Of t eo rlan t.vAiltoOitflfornia - faimished froyn their futile I Is. which of Bos PTimige I I I . . returned . . eemed to, The snow drifted the .: � 6 8 OUld &1D eal to:all catarrit'victims.. ;. Lauglitered the same cheerful willingn6� which the body was placed s - - S over, and ! into the ­- r.M,2j,=Ag . . . . I .. . � '. s . tcnt� . I . . . . � . . . I anta, a $1, Mmv� 5. TW8.. dash for.the pole in 1906, 8� seems to�characteTiZO tile SUffragettL indicate t,hp,t itligd. been p4aced.fliel!8, .leep was Impossible.. . I . . I el ,o.' B41yd a herd of %evon. muslic oxen'on Hazert at Of 1888, in erest, The explorers, wbo'h6d , mett�p r. .. - . . I . 1. - Boothse a, N Y . north ot to -day. The �Parliame * This I T � - - I I . 7 , # .1 . )ff tile extreme of .of tur� for burial. . . is of spebial int 'hoons� - - .----!!,.M . . with Island, -( A ni Eflits fact. was' in a constant -state p,g it ilaS hitherto been sonle'Wilftt - In the ObIna. seaslaud cyclones In the I ­ . I . . 1. . . . � I .1. . Dear Sirs;_:_ I was afflicted ,or two. (lays an il, Chiefly owing to the troubles in that primitive man did troplea, found by.the aneroid.as welt . . . . � . � cotarrh and trio . d a number of remed. Greenlafid. I r . their M-Ol . 4ohn Burns) X..P., generallry -held-, I I - I I thereafter t1, �,y dibuclied inside . ' -- IRMP41; MyoffIlm3m . - iaf. I'purebase -i, 6,atirilz continuous .. and Ireland; -,while Mr, rabarn, also � .dead, and ,this. was an ','as by'theik own sensationi that this' - .. � . :tio, but re6eived no reli d ow, but- Ily,ile. of - and -Mr. .Cunninglinane G not bury thpir . . �k tit all re- i ' ' 'all'. . .1 � , �. I , lypmei, and beforp -1 had s' . . indicati Of his entire lac . � ga e surpassed- theta. -all. Worst of I . , &a outfit of I .-*1Vn. they had -finished,'flie. 13 - House, at the time, on. . .. I . . . . L , I AdIk a% Ayllk� � . % month orso,a 0 was ".as high as a tall a member of the . . , . I I I used it for i ndtbought man's R .. . ,� . � .. . . . . . � . . . to , ey knew Well * a , . . I � . � air it for a . . ... . citement of the . . . .. . . . . I ... I I was cured,and stopped 118i . . I---- . . ear to eut from the . " m-- LAS* Es. � 11; �. . m intro, . 1. _._� . - IN H used the bottle I noted a marked relief boties id . . duced a little variety into the ex- - li0on. : .* ' . - �. % . I It'seemed'as if the ice was beglnfilng.� , ' . "" , . ­ crack. Th th it the . . Thin, session by getting sen . . iceberg which protected th , BLOU 01 * ,. 1. air getting . . . i I Who Wouldn't,giva 25 cents. to stop � .. . year or so. Tbonht I VV . ,. teneed in January ofthe same y, out . I I � i using it . I 'frien Me *Ub31C!eC1. . , - imprisonment, with . esO ust one litt I e 6�Piiok full force of,the storm was the *mos -t , - . I I ' . . . . ­ I . . I . I � I eatarrhagain, an started . . , � . a. rulb throu - six . weeks' .� itin�� to unlaViull a pain 20 tim - . place ossib . .. .. . I ' I � I d . "I have made it .. -hard. -labor,' for ine , -Dr. Shoop's--46 11 st le In other . . . I . 44K&i)3. I U843 it every mornings an . ,gh life," � . Painiirbiblet'l I u p . .. � I . 20 miuutes,'sure. 1, .. . a N a. . . keep myself clear of catarrh. I coii- lie said at the table thL- other day. to & assei�ibly in trafalgar Square, . . any'pain in was sure, , to, separate Guarafi�eed Cu'red or No. P ' . I '..., �, I . � . ways, as -the lee . . Yo , . , I.. aider it the best catarrh medicine that man at his left,. "neirdr. to med.dle: With - A few di,tys*after Mr.. Burns and MD. formiti,onthebox.Doettifs'saN itcan't .. flr�t �'Imwedlately -round -*the: bcrg, � I . - � . . . . 1, I I . . , . . inmended I. I . I . . sent to prison ,warrants bebett&6d- Checks womanii "pains, I . � . ... . � . . If you ever. bad any. coatracted or hereditary I . , � isused, Ihaveofteniecoi busitess,"f - .. Graham were .1 . throwing tent', men and dogs Into the ' - . - ­ I ' . . to my friend-. I am 81 years old.'- I �. � another man's I . was. .were issued under.tho'Crimes Act for, i beadpains, any pain. 2D tal lets 25c. . . .. .�. .. 1, ... I . . . i �Itiod disease, ou are"ue ' v r safe until. the virgs � ­ - '�That`s right-p6rfectly rlght_�11 'Sol&by all- dealers.., ' - : ,. , �� .. olson, bus Yb-, ov � . � .. game to California in 1840,,. -arid of . � . . .. '. �, . .. the arrest -of scvpr�l ,I,Asll:. InQrnbors. . . :.. . . . ... .. .1 ley seas, The cracking of lec' was now . . I I or n rein !ed from the system. . � I � I . : the. reply. , . . . 1. . . commbricedi for in . . � - . to be heard above the roar:bf the, ., - youp �� . � course am not'as vigorous ad -1 *&8,58 .. . I. . : . And.thr-n the fun ____7_ . . . . I . � ­ . . may-have,:had some disease years ago, but I * i,Bat I -see you have.anew confiden- .1 . . . . .1, .. - - ­ .� . ' � it lynx;-eved- d'-, rauinie -vilarit,, wir ;­(Illtltl�. . In, their ... � .. , 67W ymptorn alarmd You. SOmW I . �! I years ago. My address -is 8,11 Uh Street . I I )I an ambush S . c Ivilss-"t wind. '. They dared !act. stay I . . . n And then some s . . . I I . . 'spite '( . - , ibelter. , , . . . . . . . . � I flat clerk.,P . . . I 1. � I . � mer�ld , , has just published a se 1:. . .. . . . .. 11 lurks in youi.system. Can you Afford . I ­ . Yours truly, W i'dock. . * " , * ,. I � tectives the gentlemen of the U Peter Pan, . . � ..!. : . I poison stl . . � . , I ... .1 q� .. 1. 1. .. . �� app.ear­i . ' ,. I Ryomei -(pronounced High-O-I:ae) i's . "Yes, !�Ir, - yesi.11 . . . � . � Isle proved ­a%. eliusive as.,the I 1wily ledtion. from. innumerabli- letters �§lle- A- � little to the, east, Bernacebt re- I A to run the risk of more serious symptoms . I ­ .. . � . . . . I ebildr&n abont I ­ I . I . � I " i� Ing as the poii;oii multipries? Beware -of mercury �: .41 1 guaranteed bv W 8 R 1161mes noV only "Heis a bard looking. 4qtwei . 1 have e We ,ed from membered, was a cave. In the body. of � . , ­.. I , . . . lot catarfh, but for grip, coughs,- colds' . . D � eV - '_ ' ' �. . ha% receiN perenr .. I � P1, AY. : . . . 1. . � -'Ahey .1 . - seen him Intoxicated a 'dozen iiinest, . . . b6te0thies'- I in Ambush. * Mr.. .. Barrie�'A' . . da "I .thd feebeig.. Once In thht, they *cold '' 4'. ... . I 4 or i3lineral drugs us6d indiscriminately Fay, - : . . . Uironchitis afid croup. A complete and: 1, *oulqn1t-tru . st . him' <)lit of my Mr.. Douglas Ty'ne. M.P., who wOs. �jne, Part I Of � t1he. book* sho' tell't I . � ruinthesystem. Twenty years ixperienceitk t'be ., I L. I . vatfit, includin inhaler, hosts only d under my9tbri- ometimes has to , Te- not A least be* precipits.ted'Into the I . .1 o prescribb � - Ix Took It' � 11 Luently drowne, how she s . . I - treatinent6ftiiesb.disease�onableaustc. , - .1 i I A sight with a s pencei. .Im out, .s bsec . , . .. .. -d' ­ , even if they wefe*carrlqd away, . . -ed' I . . . f I . . . . . twe6h--H-olyliead - her Tess ,Ing- sea . I . . . sp ific remedies that will positively Cure all bldod $1.00; extra - - - t es of Hvom I. if atter- charity, eh?" ' . . .. . . .11 . . OTIS Circumstances be ceive the c,.hildren in Iceberg. and all. It.w.as so. dark that .- : ordt character,'le&Ving 116"bad . 11 I � wards needed, *cost hii,t: 50 cents. ., ., of I J . .1 � � . the det6etives-for rOOVT, and how awl<ward it is 'Whell .t . . I _. . . dise,ases of the w I . . ."Well, not altogether,. you -know - He. and Dublin., de -fled - . . . % I . . . . 1. �f " . . . *He'wqq-b�l(-1q ered-in questions About wli4lier Pet- * the wall of * heberg could. not be, -teen - fro , . . effects oA the systelli. ou.r New'Methbd Treat- , I I . � . -7L6n- '01110 mO7 911 . they.ask .. , I . . . . . I . -weeks, Then .. . 4e . mcittvy I . I � . 3t eldest son." V"I'r-01,iid '&r , 1.1v a, bov. "A young e,r,en.w ii the Ivinds touchied It. lie, -1 . ,ill.purify 6nd enrich tbeblood, beat.,- up . � . � I . . ,� horne n i er' Pan is I -Pa . . . .1 ; . . , don MAIL' , '- 1� � . � � six 11 she "Bys, two explorers .g . . . I 11 � � . - � .... ... I I -1 , . . . lie escaped from, the besiegers,. crol,s- g6tiewart.of 'r,lionl , . I . .. � 7 allulcers, clear� . I . . . .6 . ... "I I . ... . I . . . in"'i cab -to tho , all(l I gath-, . � . . Us, both . dr wift-&ow in, and swollen ,glands will re� I . 1. ed to Lorldon,. #11-6vo �,!-viis brought to see nic, ­ Could, along the slippery wa - 1. . .. V- I .. . .­ out'll, . � .1 t Ill , ­ . . . . . ., . - . � . . -he Clock T I � I son ­ All,c4ses ' I I . . 'A Look Ahead . 1. . foot Of t ' � feel and lo 'r � � . � ­ � RTH TAKING - ­.- 1. 1, 1. lower; and was mak- ered ­fr6al;_lIii,, iiitroductOTY Ternarks , ' - tiirn to a �brmal -=dit ion, and the Paden w . . hands, on the lee. -and IIILHr bodim . . ' . * 7-o - ­ . steps.-leadinj int�) that -his big' .brother had 111ade'-kim . .. . .. ,� ok like 4 dfiff erent . f 7 . .00,01s"o lif, , . . groped as * best thc� tbeskiii, renioverbone pains o. fhIlelt, : ; . � --------- . _r, I . . I ....Simon liadjust paid a Tong delayed .Ing a dash for the 'pressed against It. Halfway * around'. . .. 1: .. . � . , . re PL r_ pfliaC6.1ara wberi tile. offic6r4.seizerl sex. He put two , . J;��- we accept for treatment q , ,gua i eed a com.s � I Xxtr&ctb&u&#oa;' : bill at the grocer'si.partly In response -the. -. .... . la��., g� ollow n . '. I One eancolnuid, .J' , . . ,unehsy 'about my . A 4bt.t. thq. lee side and met . . ­ - d. . I .: I I - . . d partly because he him. - Another momelit and.Aft. pyne curining test' questions o me, prob-' they . ipp., _­_ if Instructions are , . . � I . � I 1sauoG I 116 The g e. � L I . . alt;i5'�FREB I one Conipeand Selateno ; .' to inany urgings an . - As it was 'tile brother. al ' it came like. a solid thing, bear- * o y1titir-condition, Jou can cotsi I . I . ' I . , . ounces '. Cogdpodnil Byrap happened to have the - requ.isite' ready . Would have been safe, ' - tli(� - ably suggested by -�Ali' %V ty great - Ing, them. back. and down. Not �dne . ReadeO -if14"doubt as t reputation . � � . Odd violently: to. cross ., bor firsi was, ,Call Yoli stle'. ­ . .rs who have no . , ...'. Four. / . .. I , . � . )cer, an old friend in strugi I I ef I ,, . - galast it,,and. . OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetpiat'doct6 -ears. � I ., 1. * I - Sarsaparilla'; .1 I . I . . . money. 'The gr( . . when the Parliamenta,TV . Prlvl-* good lual� 1 .c6uld whi;tle t1lat. day. ln�h could. they ,move, a . or rellabilif�. Drs. X. &. R. have been establi-,:hed over 203 ' . , ... - - ��Ite 6f ,his- -persistence lit .Aunnhig, der, , I 1. . I , ii� ,What.do 5,011 thil�h'Of kissipig?, , th. - They . . nd - . . mixed and taken in; to"P611IN - I :. 16W, would .have protoRed him -rom . Tile, farther..'exposure. meant dea, . I' Strictures Bloti&a .1 I a . I . . , I . . . . . . WE''CURE Nervous, DiebilitY, - Varicoce e,., . ..� �. 1� 4�. . =oil wbd at bosltisae,, thanked'hiba h6artlly.. . . . . � ; too latp� a nd 11 I , I .. . I * ,Rotten," T said. it and . I jr and bladder Cfoniplaints. (3orisidtation'Free. , I I 1, I . - . ,SecretDisea�esi-Kidn,ej . . . . . � . � . -- I .. . . , I . � * h , g, It, ,Xt. � ' I *As n . 'tto.'ghelicr. -:� I . - U . . � � dosei after emk 11 . I. . I . . .1 ��. . bxre�t, biit -it Waf . ., . n' � he agkod,'. anxiout; 7� . I 9 . Treat � , * .. ment. , , � no -it phyVeAL . ,,GOO *1 h od .11 'The a= back,'blinded, deafene . need b I reint , t6r.you, Simon," he. said. gra L ng. �T o aval -. c - ga , 11P -nsely relieved. ., I . I . . a Q eAtloo List for Home . I .� is prenou d . . i 1. eisistande 'of D iniiniL , . paritlyzedwith Cold, , _Ifunable.to callwiritO for .. I � 11 . .t - 'I . . ' 1 . . . � I I cian to lie .t 6 � OR un Ure fbw the.. -Clousay.'. .,,loll deserve' creditfor,pay 6urren&re'd.' - I 1. . � ];,u;_�i�. I wag all rfilit. . I ,... . . I . � . . . .., .. .. I , I I . I . . � . '� hunioredly . .1 . � 1. . Then -they, commenced q. toilsome hunt. - � . � ewe of the kidney,'bladder, sad:all � . L . 1. . . or . � I urinar I �� . 111, know it"i replied Simon, 'land I raadqr a sad blunder, .Tile* .wante .. , � .. I . . y troulpies. I ;, . . Uni . _ I . r , inornIn they found it � - I . Em DT " - , , , f -,ii foothold.%On. the lee side som , . ,ye tibe doctor,:is thelawt ' 1. 1, . . . . � �wbo was, a. . , . gue Cannon. wheFe'L Tow� .d 19 I � `NN . KENN'L:; . 1. I ay.11 - - That same , aftdrnoon the poli�p . . L__ ­ I" , . 1 This me I � . Ing up this w, �. oo.ner a th.' � : t - O arrest Mr. GilhofAY' I . � * ... . ..t - - 1) R$'�. K. rM r. - I . I wish -Ite #16me s . I16 ., *` .* - It i s a .curio.6 f�et that 'iyben. the '. - ' which . .. I 1. . . I. � , . .Yoifd . I , - I . �.. . . � I . I . simple. though, reinarka1le preew ,-. . , . : * .. - , an A detective' 0'11.'thp look. "i.sland-of -Malta.was in'posse",81011 Of low spur,or projectionj upon - I . . . -G-ri Detroit, Mich. * I � . I � ion eyer writtea to - . . ertitie.".., . , .� I . . . , f " ort - - . . . . I . Cor. Michigan % , . I ..., ,. I . . . e1jus so 0 t t76 I little ',m - . -swold Sts. .. . I . . t, . .. . . . . � , - . h . , olit, seeifig ah Irish'mernber,o sh - I i�.-knights. they sciatAbled and lay .down pbrfoct . . . I . . 11 I . I I I . . 's of injiiaritin 'And. wasito - I . I . .. :1 . : Ternplars. -those dough I . . . . I . ystem , . I stature *in �tilp, ..neighborhood -of, the 1�,he, ly exhausted lu the snowdrifts, which. . .. I .1 Jefend6d, their forts. by mNLns bf ' can- . ­ ' ' ' I I . J : . I � I mutter.. it &eta as a. powerfill tonlo* - ' . . .Interterence. . I ' k. ' grew. each moment. 'To this.they oiied - . . � . . . I . Vouse, bt�mptly arrosted him, To t 4. ­ -the solid,roe , I . I . W)p 4 Itothekta ' imin them 13"wr - ' -Alagistrate'(toi burgla0-7Look here, .the I ., IIGWp ,. . . I . . I . � I I Ao-tecitive's.,11orror .-,,pT; lit. non ClI - I I . . � . .. . - . ., � . ., rigines of . . . - I . . anii tke J=X ;%7,.. overeoni- . n � if.yohAoh't mehd your wa7s�. found he* had g6t','hold of'the wrobg . E ach '. 9f. tbes6 strange P 'their lives, for the snow -soon covered. . . . . I . 1� -_ . - ' - I - I I -_ � Ing rhesmatism, Iiiintigi back, iiaistics . ,my mil. . . . . . tr was' &pable 6 ' i contiLihing.: Un en-� them andkept In the warm- . . . . . I I . . 1. .. . � I . . .. I j - , . g( fmm. ,you afe'sure to come to.grief. What, ..TrIpIl.. Ana .had C61IRTed Mr, 'Patrielc wV. I ad it is bodies. - I . . . ., . . . I . . . I .1 I I . 1. . . . &ad etbar sAictioiaz arisim . . ' -barrel. of gunpowdeV,, *ai , . I � . . .. . � . . � 11 11 made you- talcd to' gucic A miserable O,i;ieninstdad'of Mr.,Gilhoolyi Nat- 'tire und of I .d , .. . . . . . . I . . I . . . , . � I war, impure blood. . .. . e we,s mO.A. hum- .said; could thrOW. 10,000 'P0 - ,s They 4are . not sleep for fear of I . . , . I . The ipgredimlis onn be proma" 44 . . busineag? Prisoner -The' busitkess 19 orally, the &,to'etiv .projectiles. Inasmuch, however, as never waking, so they roo.4ed each I I . .. . i I . I . I . I . P0* ghod enough,* only betwe � en youi- Wor- ble in his apol9gies. but khe , wistalce the86 natural,. cannon Could .not be . i . . . .. � . . I. I . .. I I . I I I 0. . . I � . - d steirv, and be I er; altertiately.. At )ast 6y brQkL.t . . . . . . . � , � . . . . . . . I , I 7 i ' I'd not allovi'Mr. Gilbooly: inuch more . 1, 50 were - out out 'of Ahe rock . I . I . I . i . . , . 0 � "n='='I ,wirsily be=, no blilipland. the police It has been ruined. cl -was' captured that. ft"Inel . 1� � and tl;e,gqle': abated.. Crawling over , ' � I .1 . I � V � ,. 11 . . . . 1. . . I . .. � . . . I .- � I is chahnelt, Of aP- .., . 'frozen I - I stljt�' I 1� . .. .. . � I .. I . . . I I I � 1 . . . 1. . . ; I . I - I . . . � . . � too milwil at ho I.. . . ­ . -edom,' for he guarding the varioi . . . . I � . . 11 cabily MIL. I . . . . . fre I ,-e- -Yard amid one 11 I that time � the snow, their garments. . , .. . . - I I D a sa&rilig-fri"d Asir I ; " . .,: � .�' Broke the Rule. . . �� Might Outside: pdla( . proaq:h; and.ithe.,,vessels of , I - hinipS of I I . - a 6 - t, - FIRISTI .114A.13 1�0 0.R - �, . . 0 Hy" . - -.-M-: of the most*remark0le scenes in tile 6 to corne wi ardsi -the r beardk.. � . . . � Rim- Q$ , . . . . . ,! re Ill a Irish :politics� . ' 1 I I were .. . . 0 - tent.. ' I - NN I '' . �. I - lum . . I theiefore unabI thin . AS �66 i Old ... this 111111, N01% as 11110 WW C, illtor-L�fly, I sent'You. .my - b . Lge before, beiri . managed t reach tlieliz , � history of. . 11 . g anni- lee, they, . � . .0, . � I b lauied to,'hwins of4.7=7X"= mohth ago.. Editor --Yes, but �du -wrote ,, . . their own rar) . Ikh It was . � .. I . . "a . I Hanged,., Drawn, and Quartered hilated by ifit 'big weapons of defence, i TheAce.bad not broken, thol -.1 . I I . I . I higtly recommended a i1biultdf- , - -acros the -back of It "Please call and latrick O'Brion Tem.- il�ey­toqk ': . . I REE 'CATALOOK I . " . I . Is . 1. Mention of Mr I : Although the fame'of these cannon � lcrack.eA here ' &lid there. T .. .. I .. ' I . . . . I . . - settle." We make It a rul6i to pay no calls the farnou� trial Or MT,,-Jalneg. was spread far and wide flipy., were. 911 who wbk6,. , * I . � � . !BEN DecIde' 5, colleid I , . 4 fimoo6o*404.0$60,60-*0--si-0--_, Brien.,Ahe Xationa, I � . food, ,s.l6pt,'fed-.ibdir dog .. - . I . I. an the. U611105 . I . , -attention , t6 manuscripts -wriften. 01i' Francis �.Xavior� O' ' . �wbere,'and- to this 1, . -a ive, and then I .. .. . I . I.. '. . .1 . I I . . . 1, . I - . . I . .. ilit M.P. for Cork'City, ,who .was tried not duplicatedi else I .. deep In tho'drifts) but . I . I I . . . day -they remain the only rock cannon . rageousty*went abead, "not caring . .. . . . both. sides. I I I . . . . .. ' 'OU M . � we wit ". pxivfle�o 9F. sending you � 1, - I I I . . . I . in 1867 10 treagon-feloxiy, having been . ists any rtCOTila , L . . I . . � 11 . . .. I . - Of Whioll there exi � dx�resscd , � , - handsomely, , Canadian Halp. I . arrested while leading aif armed pait� .� ' . I -_ t6 be b6aten,"As Wrifacebt . 7 I �� our wensely -interestling, . . . I 'uAcedaln � . ate and ' o attacked ,a police -barracks.,. He . It, It ��as 8 ci'cloc�k 'tjjr � - .' . I . , �,, . . - ways unsatest ' at ,,lit before - ' I * . I er- mischief than despair. wh . . I I . . I inustr I . - � . . doubt a great . . . . . d . and sentenced to be " . . . . . . .1 I . . r ea bed catap, � but: the next �day.' I . I .aW 11RM CATALOWE In 4 . was convicte they r 6 . . . I , . 1. I . van , . '' . - I -rtered. At the - OPLE' SAID SHE . HAD . . aking photo- I - you to:�ct , �7pexlbails.' � I . _' a ; PIE . ploring and t, . . owe It to ,!; . I ,� ;M_�­,n_%. banged, drawn and qu I . . . . ,. '. : they were ex I . . . . fact. you reauy I � - . .. v � trial , - - . . . . . ... . . I . . I I . I , . . . it appeared thai the barrack � was . . I L I . gra�hs and obseivatloils Just as 1IS101 . _� a copy and read it ihoiciti6li Wore'you . � . . ' � . I . i . . . fire, and the inmates, includ . �Jau- may �see' pun' against natur%' be IF0,66% CAT a - . ' Will re8tore gray. hair to its natural color. , ng some women And' children', wer6'. � SU MP ION in y .. . . , # A $i,ei . 00's aelect the Businesi Cdlege to atteAd. I i grow on bald STATISTICS I*, .I.R. - 1101ME I. sic' On , CON ., � T . .blit he conquers her, from the arctic -to . , $1066 Ou I . 0 Stops falling hair caysl�s to 1. . F44 1 . %in - imminent.- danger whan -Mr. .. I - I . I - Sit � r,11ide O;t.,%( This Catalogue explains d about our I - - - " '.. ' , . I ngs;��p diseases. J . . - -, ' . . antarctic - by. .his ,�unconqucrable L " I 11 - - schools our fiaculty* qdi daertnt courses. L kea" Curesdandruff.ltchl* - gEIR [ O'Brien, at great- p.er,gonal �risk, *ont L . the . I I � Ofil REME018 RETAINT -i to , their relief. 11 -1 - . . I , 1. 11. I .. sout ". 'William Aittenhouge in . V or- � .. 1"Jokitso . . . � By its use thin hair grows luxPrIantly. s circumstance .. . . . . . . *.'Tel6 ljvhy lire hotlebtly believootir �001- I Contains nor oily or 'greasy Ingredleut& - ' - � - commented -upbu in te . tms of 1. " . I Ward. ' � ' ,. ' . . . L ' . I I . . r wag . I I i I .ge to I , . : .hair pr0pam , .*: ,'4 �' POPULARITY, ... ,., � . .1 , I )a the best for u. After readhirg Ile book we'wiH leave I Is entirely unlike any other 1 4 . . I I . . . . . praise by the judge when �agsing sen- , .. I . V . I What S�e Th6ught Of the tiage: - I le 4. I � . tior, ever offered for sale. .... I . I . I . of French Physicians L tence,, which was commuted to penal . . L to luclie for yourseK Sending for a copy pl;;Ic�q y�u,�ndor tio I . � A good, reliable Canadian preParatim ; Nvesittgations ,jervitude f6r life, Some -years lat6r.' ­ � . I I A good. story ,is told Of - M . I Zition. just inail your namp and address on a -postcar&' - I . L .1 . I � .1 . I rnsolletted WeStiftionlaU. L I .. . Show that lArge Productioti, of - Mr. O'Brien was -'amnestiea. . . .. - . I bohin Tree, whoso 10PInkie, and tho . ' . . tudd admitted an'time. Spexklil openingo September a�a January. . . (� . Edith A. igut,ke, Missionary H. M, Obumbil Synthetic Medicines is , Not . ' the arrest of Mr; Gil- - . ... L . . contribUteCL largely. to 1,011, , S nts T . . . , �­ . . A year -after . .... � ,-, F aities" His ' . . i . . AklAminl EgY ,anarrienc" s. � . hooly the police were in pursuit, of, . 'don's 'Ch'ristmas enjoyment - at . The rorpst Ci y Busifiess and Shorthand, College, , - ,,, r two Year - Ag.gg""iy V' ' Crowding Out the Old Favorite � it i . . � ' vdth results-afal L .L . . - the genial and eccentric Dr. -Tanner, � I . "estyrs. famoijs actor was I . . . . .. . .. '. . . . . . � � U A. Hopes, Wilner Mo L., - L I I Maj The L* . LONDON. - - ONTARIO . I . 3rs restoped io natural co,lo�, dark , A late despatch from Paris says: .who has since gone Over to tho great I ­ 11 . ,n in J�indness of I W, WESTERVELT. Jr'; CA% 11irldi, Prin � 1. and whiski bert presented. a notable I I I � - once prevailed .upo it giii out of & WI WksTrntv'%T� Pdricip-I .� J, VIciis-Prin at I . brbwn, by using Canadian Hat Restorer. - , , Prof. Grim' triajoritY,_ Stiddenly, Amid Wild Irish I I L I � , ' engage a servat , I . I . L I . � - ___ I . - L- � 1 - . I XOMM,Bur ess 1110.0nL'Canadiatighir I - ri the - , . � . I : , 'heart tlo was desperate . ___ .! . . Restorer is the) Can have over.usods 'L . - 'paper L bcf6ie the Academy..*of Aledi cheering, the doctor .appeared I 1. I the workhouse ., - She I., . . � L. � .. I . � t, �11111111111111111 . . MMMIN I I . ___ I . 4 1 - � John G. Mill, New Aberdeen, -6 1100. cine ou'tfierapeuti� tendencies in � the I-Iolise itg&f. , . I .. I a in pils, -I . . I . . . I I � . . . . I I i untidy . . . .. d,nd, � after various at I I I . . I - anadlangai Restorerhasworgo:1. on et , la4 ten years. Basing ,, his figures ',,Ile had,'driveri at greht speed in'd, Wiios hi Ubd for ir 6, A1011thso to 'teach her i-Aethoa, Mrs.' Tree.told .1 . . ... . . . 1 4 . I I , � . . 1. . . � . 1, � . y head IS nearly an L Coverea With thick : , - . I . - husband tha' -it was no use, the . ! 1! ,. . . . L . -L L. I . 9 . �, on medicines furnished to j.19 large Palace Yard 'in a friend's carriage., I h,r b "Oh'. t L . .1 . . . 1, L - .4 1 0 1 -by the State iumped hastily from the volli,cle, and Read- how Mrs. T. G. Duck, Bracebridge, e ry her ,a I . I I , I .. . . dnp, ',, was cured (and also her little boy) by 9, i y . I . whol e and re 11 " . asylums . and'J hospitals - � 'members' entrance L . .lrl must re4ll go- I . 11 � ,*gold b Be in'theal I w PharmacY, . h6 finds thbLt Ltho � old iushed through Vie ­ rged Mr. Tree.' Afid ' . .. � . Im 1. 11 ed I , . d detectives. could the use.of .1 I little longer," o kLowever, I 11 �� . .. . . , 4 . . ad I t.. .. by fashioned snediGines, , retain -.theit I ' before the ambusFe . the. ' 'DR. Wo she was granted a resPiW NR L i"N' . I I . ­ �, , . V 0so6do, , popularity:, - � L s6ze him. - That night,, when onNORWAY VINE. SYRUP ,, t was all in vain and to Mr. Troeo �." � ,. L ' I . . I I I I Sold in Clinton by W SL 'R. An expert itithorkCy on being4liter- .11ouse rosok Dr. Tanner . e �ad -engigeh the girl; felt the.% . . I I 11 6 P I ,vid,Wed .states thgLt,,th6 tendencies of the Westminster Phlace It6tel, sui- She- writes i: At I tho�ght I would write as 11 . Her told L _, ' and lot you know thei -beoefib I bave to- tesit of getting rld of her. ' . . . � . I . I e, . F,. Hovey, W. A4. the medical profession in Canada ate rounded by a crowd[ of Irish members', celved t1irough the ube of your Df, It lid not -mend her � , � � . Holai 'g, I I 16ng exactI3 � Woods her that if she � , . � C"s, uke Ain ia lrabiA. "d Im *in I .. �. . MeCftnill,'drugglstso ' ' ` ir, the same lines.' Ile who formed a solid square r6und their ino Syrup. A few yeara ago I ways she must return. to the work- 11 you Are feclinL, OW -01-S ,�� . I . . . gives the - following old-fashioned collea�gud, and lustily gang "God Save L01;V8011Ualy troubled withiny IttligE, people , house. ,,Oh, no I shS)n1tj1`1 -she snap, - , U6 ,yw lid lubt dtht. � - _tXW � I . le mix afest afid 1reland" as they marched. On tile , "I'll. got feet betiet in the rnon�hg- Their Will 0 1 1. � __ . .. vegoitab ture, as the s oidd I had Consumption and that I would, 0 "Nottwelt pLemisily" amitihaw tht stswAcli.. 14vo. rjdncp . � . , stqps 'of the hotel the doctor said pod out,.. rudely. another 0, stomach and not liye through the tall. I had two doo- , , OiBut I Cannot give You and putdics the Blood, &ts its work i1xicwthly mW FICA1621111r, Id ' I I : . . r'. ` ' .,60 YEARS - best treatoient for all -bye to his, escort, and when his .Y muc sItIlAtiOn-" . - cc @kkeav-4Nviw1ab1# 081thig 1114 Vim I#d kl . . I PERIENCE livir'troubles, constipation, 4isotder ,go6d torn ittonding me and they were ver It the actor, it ilevet grptN wisk4us . I � � friends had dispersed was jifittly or- ii, character $' returned I . I , .of the kidneys and bladder,' and alarmed- about-rao. 1 was in bed three '111, find it. very diflicult' . 91roitger,t6d better. I I . , . I 11 I - of the 16ad rested in the smoke-toom. woiiths and when I got up I could not, walk "tMd You * I , 1� 1. I . 0 . ­ I . . : 1. ­. a in � p t,) 'get another $1 bitter, Than M. For Uver Ms& ,# ; � states that many' � ored- tuation without a . � uts " N the i6- �� . ­ . � I e In a Irish memb8r. however, soft so had to, go cft .my Nmdo and knees lo� "Perhaps I?) - was . I . . 6hysidats use these ingt f cy an . ,igorg ofirinprisonm6rit yo, A gonit f6m,'often Uy some d mOre-from. the r three weeks, and roy limbo seemed of no character," . I 11I 1. . I , I r. Michael Devitt, who use to me. I j Solent ratort, "At all events, if tile &ft Sick tki4tdo. Lois of AW" SA11*10i .1 f. am& I'll expensive name .- . than the late M, * 0 ,�&vo up all hopes of ever Take Nit TAleft (dt Wito was sentenced -in 1110 .to 16 yc(IM,'��, Vatting better'wheit I hap to Boo in, Dula come to tile W�rstj I can C4mottitits:4 Liver Carhosint, swo DisommispMon ead an"611^011116 , , I I . . . 'penid 1, -worst sh, . t. Fluid' Extratt Cascara -,-v , % �Ozi- 'served, ood's X the 844ge." . W uauftu TommuVamb""X1110*111,66111A . .1 .. penal sotvitude. Ile -seven. , __ � X. -O. Almaniso that Dr. OVW41 always go on ., 'ot I I . tmu Asisk 801MMCM RJW . Zi . ., . PAS Syrup Rhubarb .. �., �. r ..::. 11 Wl- . I . Pine Syrup �ras g(xdL for week lunge I I I . � .. .. 1 Athing Imm the dloiftiv* OW06 . I - � I _____ . .. - I a. I Caritig&a Coinpou'Ad ........ I 6Z. ,.� Q ,.� - , A, thouglit I would try & bottle and by the .. 1. ­­­ I . ammosom . . � . svig- " I . 'Compowid Syrup SarsaparII19L 5- oz- Throatenitig feverishness with dhildtou time I had Uftd it I was 2, lot better, so o -`���­--- -- . I � LLLL . . . � .. oft: I ­ I I . - . . Anyolk a 0 1 ahoke 4 esm 16n may impletA care. Root CM0013011 'Get a .0,4T5,111ky10j1 I W-4 I n frao w9ether on . Take 006 ttagP00*1111 Afitt '64ch Isq@ekly and safely calmed by prevent, move and it rA&lo a do � "Wo Como - I . " hwentblat6probit 1Y at n titeal and at bedtimes o Ton Tablet . . 910tinstrIetW002414011t 11M I sAfo efliwtual 2 I a, n ' The gred t1terin . it liur oplalo - . ice. These little Oandy Cold (lure Tab- little bl *&a Mao troubled with weiii 1 r 406006'. N`4= � ep it I I sit N -1 - 0 ra.ysboat.hmid,for romp. lungs an it cured him. I ke In the - "O % . � � I "a I lontirmoidest &nCyf0J?,6=1n9[rntA- I This acts in st pleasant Ways .ud leteshould MV I . - - . An"" lien .qtro um 0 tool" I F( � � atdronwhiell can I 1 BO; -w-umW. ------- , � . I , , � . I rateutd t6 6 AIM, 11.1" Joed4"id4witho tux -O 80 11316 � is free from thd bad effects of strong tnesalaAll-important, Pt6vent0860ti- house till the tinio wid woula mot be with � do"ndl. .Sold . I. 1. .1, I—— ..'. . � - . 1�m .­ 'L � .­ , I _ . put)[11ififts od tynthetim � * tAlli no sulninei nothinj harsh or sick. out. it for anything.,, aft of of stringth­V6n, "11,11"M . � I L ! "I. I., I I L ­ _ - , - 11 . .. cou " ' We , e Indee ,"the, Stitch in Price 28 tontm ht all "Or& Bo* I Vs I . 4FT*&TP ! advitq,� all out readers to out thig dining, I hey ar � 10 degrees btftnM. Owe � . 11 ' t . X dNkI1*.1#4 hu time,o Carriedift pocket, or Purs Dr, wood's Xorway Pinei I 101. ,51010J.11,01 , out gad use i1L AnY ,a Imithtionfo bt - Sam I . , AT11,11,4661 'I's T valuable foiniula ?wentlea are a, onuins isafeguat ' rup. Ask for -it and iniiiist on getting I 8:1d all � Druggis so, � =L " . � n [no I & diug&' to gA Supply thiso, ingredi- I * Wki.ppor .. . � 1wrip, .� i - . . I I ts %allailieuse. You "a 0 % . lik I 0 � P ­� . Sold �by all. I I I , � so � low , slix thtm At WOO if you ptefor, W11*000 UM061640*040 outtapa %nd three plao traos ih* kiile, Altzk- . , . . . I .,. . . I : *w., � nek i � I I I I . . 11 . 1 Iffil-00, - - 'I- - - - - 11 '' . � . I gainat Colds. Me. old b3r aill dealers t 16 original. Put up In & Y,6110, , A � , _ .. I I M . . 11ROM =4* . 0 . 4 I I 1, * I . I . . I - - I . I . . . I . 1. I I . I I I - I , 1. .. " ­­ ­ � " L ..... ­­­._­­­­­`­ -.,-.- . .� iiiiiiisi,11,000,0601,11ift," .. � - -I'-.,- - . � � 'd. , _ _ � _____ __ - - � - - � __ ­ - 4