HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-02-11, Page 6— �Wmp--­% ,,- - .-",,-,--- -, -V ---r4Q"W -� IV, ­­ . I - - , . - I - - FW----W---V,9PVrr -r"(7 % -r -;-WTT ,5NW-71"""PXK'"T""`1P -, 7V"19P5qV.r1V"94W-1T' I . . ,­ -M- "-ET,�J,- - �­ ­-Tr­M.rJW-W-"W" � 1 -T-7— -.-"r-"""R-P"pw'---'"w'TT,"'"7p� 11 � , IV— . . . . I . Txrj OLINTON XZW RU . I .;' I Ftb. I xdl'.� Igo, -0 1------ --.--- -­­­--- ----. . _0 --0- - ----------.- -- - -- ----- - - *,­' - I - .- .. - PPOWWWWWW" . ­-, ­"�.,�'­"��;­� ­­­ - ....11-111 - I.- -. , Z� 7:.Z ­­ .'' !,��-- -- ­­ -- - ,;-9­�­��a� , � , �,­ - ,­.;�.�;�,.;­­r�4� -11 � I �, I .... ...... ... —­.­ - ".., � , . , ­.­­ �f ;­ . i, I '- - ­­.�­ �.� --.1 -� �­ �, '' ­­ I - *�' """ ,­ ... � , � , . . .. . .1 . . . ' ­ - I 111. 1. M407ftT ftl�dftg; - - ­ - � - ­ - ­ ­­ ­'. I ­ . 04ELLINO THE TWO. I � . . . ADVIU ATIOW BLYTHE IS QUILTY - 1� . , ' -' .� Jury Finds That Man Who $cat Wife 'WELCOME AT BERLIN Liverpool wheat Futures Close Low. Medicine Hat poopl# Feel UT F Dr. Bar�, :M.P., 0ays He Told Stow- , I , * � N LIST, 11, -IL I Hat OVWr � - . - , . , 4rt4,,4 to Have SPA Cqnfilnod. to Deathi Is.sano. I — or, 01hicact Unchangod-1.1yo ' 41bos In American'Papors. . I Ottawa 4i - J . I i TOrP:lto,c Feb. 10,—"Guilty" was I . , 1-14,b. 10.—Dr. John Barr of t v r Stock—Lgtost Quotations. Mediallio Hat has As mild and 1$9natcr* Wor 0 -­. sa he t rendered' by thw jury .King, and Queen Are Warmly I , . , V*V U. S..Cana. Tho Postm�ster,,Qonerolps .13111 Is Shelburne, M.P... for Dufferin, aid Tuesday Wooing. Feb. t - balroy a climate,gs, any point, in th% a, . ny, tbatt only about a fortnight Walter Blythe, obarged ivith. Liverpoo! who.%t futur" to-d4y closed t yost.erd '-"ains' Gr#eted by th,o Kaiser. � clian Watorwo-yo Not . G1.yon'-.$o,.p9nc( Rqacliflo� a�o lie Ii, murdering his wife on Sunday, Jan. " . ;,�d lower tbau yesterday, and corn clos*4 Canadian Wea%I It peralateuttil how. I k t . ad p�dvisoil the Stewart tam- 3. last, and tried before Justice Rid- -,-,/ lid' b4her. .. ever, got* tht nine for All t a 0014, . � � — . ily to hrNe G�.,ur,-,P, the inaniacal dell in the jury Assize Court yoster- cbicago, Uay wheat closea uachangqd weather of the continent. Hero is the ! � . lerer, opfin,N1 to, an 4SYIVW- � . I groin, yester4ay, corn closod %o lower, latest from Thel Duffalo Newts after C � 0. P. R. STOCK ISSUE MAN mull'"",he' breth,,1 ,oanie to Inc." said d, , an � ONSIDERAT19K POSTPONER , Dr. 06 jl$arr, "And told me About George It a muscle of th isolaerpla face i and oats cloo*4 Ue blirbor. I 't wer.4'.3 nnows0ria- ,� . 110, I , . . I rak we guess that tho � I , Stewart. He fso4d that his father moved as he received t9re verdict and o L � I Winnipeg Options After this sto I . Wheat-Februg aU . l. - vhen Asked by the judge if he had �r bld, JTUIV $1,44144 American Paragraphers' Institution I , , , .T] 11.0 y to Wor.id come down next, day and Bee N Dornon4tration. 0 Mar Meatina of. 06% era. 11 Unator Smikh of MIP.Msan Ilays TIv*t !get Opportunit Ine, ( 0 p � . . W, F. M;Acle4n, So r Or else they would send for me. - anything t say lie stood u and bid, xuy,sl. will know beMr than to monliicy Wit . � ' . � ts-Februiry 40%c sellers, 1!lXar 43%o Medicine Hat." Agreement -WAs, Not Vrafto;l by For'. , . . Raise, quoticn�,Once Mow*-DeePon- The father eame down and gavo we 4hook his head. Monarchs. 15 quelled by Police and! bilo)� . , But the citi"ns of Medicine Hat . , - 0 .0 and. Ploging of tile history, of Ills son., Frouil what I will not pass sentence upon you a e y Sabres of Toronto Grain Market. Moe Secretary Root# ft.t by oa , I . � r . lie old me, I concluded that the man. entence Soldiers -Addresses of Kin$ and r : %11,eat, Toll, bush .......... ;I 0 to '$I 01 and get out an injunction against r . : A. 'Ing, of - W Ran t ";11118 moment, but I will a . should call an indignation meeting . . .11 panels Will Bo Attorney For the Power Into.r. 4 I ala PAY ,could not b., trusted nt. large, and I jpu at IQ- o'clock on Thursday morn- Wf:eat, Jr,ed, bush .... I ....... 100 ... -1 , ays Mjnls� told the fatlier-so. I said theifthat Ing", said Justice Riddell, and the I Emperor Bespeak , Warmost Wheat. goose, bush ....... 091 Judge, of New York. The Tudge's ests-01sputo Between Sonae. . � I I r I . Necessary $c . .::: rhymester, nover having seen pictures the man should b3 placed in an prisoner "' ad quietly from the 111ye, oushel ................. eso, ., tors 4mith and Lodge. � I . ter of Railways and CAn4ls, Relations Betwilin. Countries!. 73. 1 of Medtolne Hat citizens engaged 'in � I . .�% asylum, and that I would have the ' Court TOOUI accompanied by two. con- ck,vhegt,, vpushcl ....... 067 ON I . I , bulo.ef I ... I ...... ..... 0 flo , ­ - � galrip of bilorkball in January or pick- % , 1Z 11 Y. buishel .............. 0 55 - 0 ,� .:. papers prepared if they wanted it .1 stables. The. jury were out fifty,six Berlin, Feb. IQ. -King Edward and I .Ir4 Washbigton. Feb. 14.-A somewhat , I Ottawa, Feb. io.-The progressive I Ing oucumberi in Mareh,'has broken s � he exe�* . Thus, within si cutive session,of the Senate yesterday , A I policy that ha's in adicipla- donp. Stewart replied. that he would minutes. j Queen Alexandra received a. hearty , : ta, bushel .................. 9 4Z I- . ensational charge zpade in t * � . 4,rhed the ,. x weeks, a home in . ?S out into the following =16dy: * . , bout it, but that lie did � welcome from the Emperor and tIIQ Toronto Dairy Market. I . . � , - , .&�atio'n of the Postogice Department see his wife u � . � . I Un4jer Hon. Rodolplie Lemieux is not "think she would consent," the quiet village of Agincourt has by Senator William, Alden Smith of � I , � German Deople yesterday. - � MEDICINE HAT. - , 11 33utter. =ator, dairy ­�20 Qm . � , . beeh broken up, the mother being .. . . I again reflected in the -provisions of A Bad Actor. The principal interest in Michigan during the consideration of . the- first Bviter, lots .... ....... b 22 021 ' . e� . the bill read a second time yesterday, . Orangeville, Feb. 10. --Stewart, f,hql buriod in the sllerit* churchyard, tile (ray' of the British monarch centred , 18utter, creamery, solids .., 8 27 0 28 ' Oil, there's a spot f wot of where tile the iptemational' waterivays treaty i . I insane 11 father' living in the. shadow Of tile in the speeches of the Emperor and Butter. creamery,. lb. rolls,, 0 V - Arctic winds blow free 1 1 1 - . under Which c6rapeusation. not ex- murderer, is very violent in his I alths L 9 0 2.1l it blizzard, and pre6ipitated a lively row between thit . � cee id galAqvity in the county jail here, takm &allows, and the two childrien taken tile King, when proposing he .'Q,zzs, new -laid, dozen . . . I I I 4D W . � to Eggs. cold sto e . 0 26 Vii Eve they have Senator and Xr. Lodge of Maspa- I o4ing $25 in a, . ylesterdsq across -the Atlantic ,oquet r,`o,,1,y,1,1t1,11,1,,,, twa or three; . maralDer of for registered letters or paxcels lost Ing very nasty "speils." UV6 WAMOn . Cheese, larue, r,V................. 013% . ... 'ever hidden in a semi- the Fo - Committee, . ,'Iteg during the course of the gala ba ohusetts,' who is 4 leading . � ill, ftgnsit from ("me point in Canada moraing, atter having asked for a � strungers, as, the result of r at the. imperial palac6 list evening. Cheeaeo twin, lb ............. O� 14 .-. "&,Ile still. i�,l . I reign, Relations Xr. I , � , posta drink of water, he dashed the con- Blythe losing his temper and beathw The utterances of both wore of the Honey. eXtracted ............ 010% O , A frozen sky, . Smith, who is fighOng the r0ift4- � I . I I , to another. Hitherto extra - ge . i on domestic or inland register in the jaller',s face. Ills wife to dea�h with a pok", most cordiab. nature, each empbasiz- Liverpvqt. Grain and Produce. And a snowf 9,11 isn't counted'Iess it's tion of tile treaty. asserted that the , ed jet- , . . , . , il- i ' LIVERPOOL, Feb. 9.-C1osWr­Wh at- , . I � l � tore or parcels has insured special M'4111am- Holden, a powerful ra The trial lasted but the one day, in& the peaceful *'sentiments, and the e thirty -some feet high. conventi6il was not written by tormor 4 - . . � I n. has been secured as An ex- T, C, Robinette. whO on No ay with- Ojos strong; No. 2 red, western, winw, , ut"bY . , Ad a reliltiouship, of the two nations. Sp rt's the place to vear a bearskin and Secretary of State Root at all, b . 0-4 011�1 : cautions, but no componsatioll was . wayma . I a d, futures ateady; march, ,13 11 d; pr� case of loss, thq re was., tia guard. . drew from the defence of 'the prison- - The. Emperor, speaking in German. snowslioes, broad and flat-- Chandler Andergon, A. New York at- -, ' , . may, .74 10%d; juiy,, 7s jo�w I I � I pscid . . � ugh the rl�l er because 'a postponement of' trial said: I Spot, r Medicine Hat! . torney, formerly ovilnecte4t with the � I , . . in - . I � . . 11 - * , au h a covering letters,.aud . Corn .teady; new �ixnerican mlx� 'Rearing, tearing Medicine Hat. Joint High Comalission, He. said I . provvsion from TELEGRAPHIC BRIEF% was denied, reappeared and after An- "Your Majesty Inay be 448=4' With ed, via dalvestaii, So ad; futures, c4ulet; . 1, . parvels sent abroad or coming I I other vain argument for delay, con- � '. I that.Mr. Anderson Iliad told him. so. . other countries in the postal iinion. . me that my capital and the whole mareli, 5s 6%d; May, Be ;%4. I �# ved by sented to defend the prison. G. T. German 'empire see in your presence Hams-ShOri cut, 14 to IQ,. Ilia., firm, 4b; Iils'A cold -storage station, many miles Mr. Lodge retorted that this was.Ao � The bill was favorably recei Winnipeg City Council have come ' � I i. bacon, short rib, firm. 47s;, long clear,mid- - , � I'' assed through the to terms with iho C.P,'U,. On various Blackstock was crown counsel, a. token of friendly feelings and sent Wes Bght, ,quiet, 47a 9d; .40., heavy, I -from anyWhere, ;' � . '... ,be. viewed as closely -related to meow � : the House and p , 4ulet, With a weather man, some. I111u4s, dabity, for it was not made in the ` 11 4, � His Lordship in his charge to the menta which induce Your Mai, ' i 0d; shoulders, square, ateady, 40s. � I . . I I � I committee stage. , I . matters long at issiAe. have ury ealt first with the points of to . I estles 478 * and perhaps a polar bear. . . presence of the gentlem" ooneemed, . I �, Haughtou Lennox thought the new The Port Arthur (3ity Council i I a pay -this visit. T4L-_ German peo- Lard-Frlm6 westerri,in tterees, quiet, 4ft r, why. Smith re#1ied.,.. in i : . ulation should re o*o from An- aw , ativ to.assault In. all its fortais ple greet the rulbr 6i the mighty Brit- Sd; American, refined, In pails, qlrlet, 43s What goes on theIV in sUMMe Thereupon Mr. . T rag quire the POO- 'ecepted . a grant' of $3 And a anal y for ea�h, I "It he ish world .empire with the ..respect . 6d' I � � no. .one seems to.know, . � ,Wfect. . -11 . � " . a . I - I , master to iscertain the amount P140- drew Carnegie for a publie library. wante . u a her," proceeded -bin New.York Dair I always something doing ' "Then I will -repeat it, and' eAd . . � ,einieux add- The Shannon office of rock at Nor- 0 due him and perceives. in his v1sW 11 .y Market. But there's . . . ad in a, letter. and Mr. I lord I I '. will. didn't he ume hit a new pledge of -future peaceful . NEW nds start ta� that the Senator from Massachusetts . � ad 'this weuld be donej--adding that . wich, Conrf., .burned yesterday,, loss . and -TOM Feb. D. -Butter -Steady; whei? tile Roall -wi. - � 1 hand a a my blood run cold friendly development in the relations unchanged; receipts,, 13,"818. . blow; . also told me so." . . � $300,000, The flreq�cn ��ucd severa . I C1bieae--rlr;n; unchanged ,receipts 4002, . a- � . the Department always makes good when I eard I a story told that a 1 between our two countries, , For here's'thf� place old Winter is sure Senator Smith continued his stat .9 :� any loss through the dishonesty of families . I ' ftgs-��Firm; receipts 7014;,state, Penn- I .. . .. . I � an' officials. . . man, brawny and strong, had taken "I know how much, our wishes. for iYlvania and -near-by fancy selected, of standing -Pat- ment in regard to Mr. Anderson'ts al- , The, Technical College of Stuttgart torWred her . . . , th the treaty, - , y I this delicate woman and the preservation and the strengthen- white, 39a to -40c; do., fair to choice, SIC Medicine Hat! leged connection *1 el e, � I , 1g. Guss Porter called attention to . has announced its intention *to estab- to death -with, a stove poli&, Before , Ing 'of pence are in accordance, arid to 33c;- bro,;�rn and mixed fancy, SIC; dp,,� '- Blustering, flustering Medlethe Hat!- claring that he is the attorney for . I I the ease of a constituent who had on- lish ' a. chair of aeronautics. Count . fail, to cbblce, 35c to 34c; western firsts, I. . . . I goifig on the Derich, I. practjce� 1.4w �can offer no better welcome than an 35c; liecolids, 34c to 34% , p, . I . I large power interests at Witiva ]Falls I I., I trusted money to the Postmaster for Zeppilln' Will deliver 'occasional lec- for 26'years, but this is the most at-' - Sion of the firm convietiop that, . . I . ,11 the, �veatllcr signals ,when And. that tile treaty was frawe4 'for . tures, . . ' expre. . . . . . . So wate � , * .delivery in a foreign country andhad - til' mky is oliereast, ,.. I not been able to recover for failure 4 ' E: A. Lancaster has' Arranged to ;r6cibrup crii�e I have had to dealwith, Your 11miosty'n v1sit,may contribute I I ' e the benefit of these, interests. . Tkt . � '. %', I . b 0 in my official position. According to.' to th realization of these, ou. . rwishes4. 1, CATTLE MARKETS. .. I. . And it ygu,see tile cold-watc 1129 fly' -charge ziladt mora'iin�resslex on'tka-. . I . . . . � . ,; to deliver. . have the debate on is resolution t all the witnesses, wheim the man made 0 "It , voice to the hope that the I . . .1 . . . . I . ing fioin the inast , . , Senate than 'aiiything that, has yet . . � T. W. Crothers (West Ellin) asked abolish .the. Senate on Mondfisr, the Firrn­Uvq� Stock Markets, � . � yellow neti�.'�nd see come out . the murderiiiis attack he Was per- "I givilig a over which Your Majos. Cabifts I ' Just -read th, �11 � . . in the�' diaciassiaA ,of the '. , , I : rnaTan- 22nd, He intends to force -the aouse - To - - J � I � , -tat thei why the Government did not L . I .1 . . I fectly 'sane. bliatatise 2i wife With vast ampiT ay continue to prosper and ' I Steady. to�. bull. '. I if it don't stote, treaty, anel it became evident tI � . -, I � . tee payment of Jarger - amounts. to a division. I . a'poker is an unl . . fal. ict �0 - -. ty rules M pledge this glass to the I LONDON. . Feb. 9 -Lo . � ing b1lizard's coming- I 2t a'- opposition to the,coniention will coa. . ., : Mr. *Lemieux said he had, under' l The prisoner nafned Ploulld in St. ,-� I qL19 . . . .. I flo.1'rish, I I ndon- cables for "A hoW1 I I I � � 1* 1 Ian of Government - I ...,­ 1. health of Your Majesty and the cattle are steady, at 12%c to -13%c per lb,. .'. I 41-xty,plve-milc gait." tinua for some tim". -,*aUftt0Z Udgeo ' -' � . '' F,onsiderstion it p Vincent do ',Paul . Penitentiar�, who . What 142ppog*d in COMOX; L Q , . . . . . � dressed weight; retricerator beef AP 4uo'- An'd it , you look tht � Message. O'er, wIIo is practically in eharga o . (Afte I . �� Inslutrance for larger amounts- � was. s6litiduled to teceiVe seven'lashes I neen . I 97 1 I I ed at ,/tC to 10%0 per I.b.. � . I All see it's dated at- .: �- treaty, will *. to keep it blefowe ** �, ' . ,. DayidHanderson again pleaded for to -day, has , had this portion *of -the - Vancouvor, B,C., Feb. -10.-W. Me- . I� Ili Edward ,replied in German, . . . I . . you .. . . . I I . I . , ; r , . t r . . .Toronto"LNe Stock. .' � . � Senate in frequent executive -oossions � . � . . I Kay, secretary 'of the, British COIJIZi_ r saying I . Medicine Hat! - I I a one.bglf sent drop letter kate for sentence commuted. . 'rp in pa ' r ; . I r, � ,_ r ' Witl de. - TORONTO,, Feb. 9.-Rece'lpt3 of, o . _ d of. I � . . rural cominunitics4 and �e,d An. At Pottsville, Pa., Jour men war bia Conservative Association, has � l regard to the - aim and I Sn. wy, blowy Medicine, Hat I ' ' until t ' he matter is dispow ' I . . mO a ; 'The waterwayn .treaty ban' asgaN4 . ., I amendment to section two of the act smotheTW by a rush of oulm at the ceived a ta4egram from Prince Ru-, aired result of my visit, Your Majes. live stock at t ' he'City Market were! 57 � - . �--- ,.. , r � . t from Matson, who was tQ have ty -has-I'tiven .eloq'uent. expression to carloads, composed of 994 cattle, 1082 ,a PCOR� r �a sarprising degree. of sarlopay I& ,- I - � to that effect. The Postmaater-Gen- St. Niefiolas Washer� of' the Phils:- per . . . . '. � '. C., not to press his �been the Conservative candidate' at own feelings., and I'can therefoie. llogs, .391 sheep And lambs And 175 1 � . r S. , . eral asked him delphia and Reading Coal and Iron Oomox.Atlin, but di � d not run - "Ow- my . I I f th dulveg. - - : , - '. . . . . � . 1. I . . - . , ,table hind closed doors y�&�day, senator* .. -.' . . amendment, as he dasired that a full Co. "They were . digging at th�e bot- � 0 y rep that our mission is o a . I � Sorne of Theril Visit. Many �mrrl,.. S'M,th , ttiriled fimealy upon amatar ., , ; ' . 'lei, only of recalling � nxvarters. % ' tM. . . '. . * ­ . I ftc4i year should elapse since the re- � toin -of .the -bank, I � I - ixig to lack of financial bicking and P,Apbre* ,, before , Tilere 'were arfJ6W Cattle, IM Ibs - . each Organizations, at Chris TI , Lodge, saying. 'in unparliamentaxy r . . . tion' �of the drop letter rate. in _ At' Norfolk .Va., the, Norfolk And -other support, havw retired. Yebapl&. the world the, close., ties 61 - relation'- . . . . ­ duo r . I . . . . in weight, bought for butchers'. -purposes . it: ."Y�u iir4ate- me; you alwa:78 I . � ian elected," - ship. between our, 'two - houses, -but that \yould W,e done, or rather kave -been' Charitable effort for the distribution term ., . r &ties, before makiig- further radue- Pdrtamoutli Tiraction Co. terry. steam- gth irritate, and yen irritate atkers here. � I- , The amendment was with- ughby. Spit. 7 r o ' of'.Christma onto iv ilk . . I .� , . tio, er )running between Willo . M6Kay -then raUthorized the stata� alwaims jd�stran ailing tile friend- taken. -toe export had there been space s 'cheer in Tor rganiZa- , Your Pat is ofien- 1;. US. . ­ . . ment that "the association at its hoad- . countries, : ftyailable. .. The§e cattle sold at $5 to $5.25, ds of many different 0 . rqniZing, L Manner � � drawn. &nd Old Point Comfort Was burned ly mdationi betweew our . the han . to give." � . . . . . I I . r , -quarters inVahcouver d at , tj . ie :preservation of a and c1ne lot was reported. as being sold to upposed � . . . � Mr, Fisher's a imal contagious dis, f the crew were I oes not und6i- and 1hus 3 each . � , . ni - .at her pier.r Three ' . ' ' ,&,o to Ottawa for , butchers, purposes.al; r Ai011l, different secilon of'thI5 . Mr. Lodge ignor6d-the passead at- , .. , . an act amendment was given its burned in thelt bunks. .. �� stand the reference 'in the telegram general peace, towards 'all. Myr efforts $6.50 Per ewt...: , .- .. take care'of ,a . . . . , . eas . I .. . . , but anawered Mr. 'Smith on -the .� � �.. , second i3nd third readings. Tbe,Min- Satisiled that Turkek has renounew . to lack 6f financial backifig, the di.9- are directed." I . . . . . I miltellerx. . . community, -'Foriiiistdilce, IR .Christ- tack ' r . , Prime pf " r points raised ,again'st, the ratifi"" - � ,�.. Q. �P-lced lots, and they were scarce - later said t,b87 quarantine regilIQUOUi3 ad its intention Of demanding' -a -recti- triots, of ComQx and Alberni having. The�dinher was,('% brilliant� op6ctaol . r i* to make a -load, sold'at $4;80 mas weak, the St. Vincent. de `Paul of the: treaty. . .. ... � I . . 1� . ­ I � and- fiegtio the Turk -o r -Bill On- t' between Em.. �jaty.seeg to the. Well-being 99 in- . . .,� . " , 0 , * to the preval n r Of , gariin fr* raised suftleient f : undar to'carry On the King 2,dward -so tile Sop . . . . � , � , wing I . ex- - _Wbo4, $4.50 to $4,75; me&um, $1 to digent �. Roman � Catholics�, 'T * . - . . . . k � :� �j . - disease in the United States tier, the Bulgarian- Govi fiiiawA. has ' qampaign.'" ., .. - and Empress, with Queen Al 116. Irish , . - Must Hang. I 1. er . . . . , peror . thmon, P.M to ;4; qsinners ind I Swyroda ., * ' I ,:, � m6uth relaxed except; .as. to' isilied order - disbanding the � I . . ... I . . Are. at the Emperor�s left.' All the. cornmoh .cpws, $1.50 to $tSO, butchers' .nt Society ex- . r : had not been I . . I I an .0 to $4. 1 . I .. . prot,esta Benevolent I � horses. . .. . t r * 'Revolution . In Persiat. , , hilperial, princes; *erv'pieseilt. Prince bullii, ' ' .. st.ticken ones Brampton, Feb. - 10.-Rad6hZe. ?X., - � . � I . ists of the eighth divisions called 011 . r . , .. . . .. . . One commisslon'silesmin'bad. a load of tends aid to the,poverty' ' i ' has -erected his-scatE014%rin the - back, ' . . I . � . Mr. F. Maclean'observed that it was a -folk weeks ago. - - . 11 I ­ . . Vheran, 'Feb. 10.�A serious upris- Von r ,,,it, Ther 6 butchers' belfers,.1060'Ibs. each, for from the no Ong . . ananp-t , - .1 . -Buelow. the Imperial Chancel- ka d. rth of. Ireland, the 8 : - , � , . . . I . r . I � , has brokeh oat'at. Resht, capital' lor, was. *seated o � - be Unidn ,jr .I- Of th6 jail here and 4611 . . I . . ,� the vkw of 'drovers that tha: export . . PT . ir Ma which lie wais, offered.$4.90 at t of* 143 gland' see' thf no Englishman .7411c r the exedation of .ftoalo .., I . . . . I.. . .1 . Ing � n they' meuts to !�`1�7­ of interior grades of cattle to Buffalo . of the Province of Obilan., - I : Jestie%: surrounded by the - British � .StocIr Yards -orf Monday; these lie offered . tmas dinniir..it' SWytedar at dawn Thursday k . .. C.P.R. Plans Big. Exhibit... J. . . . to-day'it 46. per cWt., and could not get. is - without a Ofiris . . . . ra , -. - �� drig the recent outbreak was not The governor,, Sirdar Afghan', 'and �uite and the German' Ministers .L The much 6ali hal . a , . � . r ., �� dw Seattle, Wash., Yeb: 16.-Represe - - � It This one instance shows how p it, all . So �,011- I 1. . . trade, and should p- -her - adininistratioii, tre-i't . I I . in default 61 rganized are completed. I,' * . . . in the interests of several ot . o�%cers table *as strewn witb-red,'wliitd and hichei- pes were. . . . . � a t;ystern 61 0 The last hope. for *iha � &nii : , .� ' �'' r . . tatives of bi� American transconfinen. - m. urdered by. revolition- blue' flowers .and the dinner servied. ' F eedtro wad, st�ejcars. - �Vhich` so MGMY philau%rop.- I .. , have been prohibited. . to the ta�l railways, Are beginning to. Sit Upr hay ' a beeu� I charity 1 . man *as swept iwiy yestaidaT. aft4w,- 11 �: Mr . Graham's amendment . - who'burned.the governor'.s. pal- was' of gold. The .Emperor wore the r 1-1. & W.'Mu�by report receipts light, ir,ts advocate, a great many of,lha, noon .Court of Appeal rA4 I I 111.,, � then and Ulm notice .of. the'.rhannei in' l8ts, . .the British Roy .al bra- with a fair demand at Vachangid prices, . � when the . ,1, s see. and "the postoffice and the,tele- uniform of . h. I Governi6ent Railways Act wa ' . follows: Best feedeks, 900 to 1006 lbs" ed poor' %ve become SO in fusod to reopen. the ease. The o6uTt,. I . . which the Canadian leacifier Railwily. a, while the K was Atired as,' as ; pauperize taken up and reported. . I .graph office adjbining. * � r . goon I each. at $9.70 to $4.15;.best stockers, 700 t pace, - a- .. I r. . tbe-.yo,Lmds.11 By.telling a donsisting 'of Chief Justice Mass and "' is . . Prussian gene l? 'The, Empress 900 lbs. ewah, at $3.20 .to $3.70; med "making -, - r L ) r . , I, * - . I I During the hour for private b�lls . acquiping, s .. , A panic-prevaW in the city and All a r1i JuTri to' 'secure . I , I Yukon_pracifio Exposition, . I � I ., - in . . .tile 6f woo thqy manage r Justices .Oaler, Garro%, .1aclaren and: . , . I � � "I )bjeet-. . It haj rmore r6eantly , . the ,bazaars have' been closed. The appegied in white and the Queen stockers, 600 �to 900 Ilia, eacil, at $3 to $3. r 50. organizations. � . . . . , ...'. last night, - Haughton Lennox ( . becom� known governo . r , s r � tr , Q.ol ' bav6 taken' refuge � black. . ., � . .. ... . . . . .. . �. . .. ; Milkers aml Sprinserm.. . . charityAro I in all *. the .Meredith,. Were addrissea by'.t.s. W.. . . I . i * ad to proceeding, with a bill, to in- 'ietly ba i , ps ., � � . . ithere was a liberal, su;iply- of Milkers . t Christmas time UO one - counsel 'for the prisoner, , . thAt the C.P.R..has qu rgainr - , I - - : . After the dinner Their 1%ftj4otles I . Of course, a ..O'Connor, t., corporate the Salisbury and Harvey . I in t le Rus�nan Consulate. . I and -sprlpgers­`whlchk.m6t a 9tronz mar- . I ground' that Parhi- ad for :14,000 s4uare feet of -spa i even the pauper' should who moiiea for leave to appeal to - � . Railroad on -the - co In. .The outbreak iireiurambfy is. con- held a reception. And the. Emperor ket at.$ to $00 eaeh,.and one extra. qual- wishes that nqcessury to k 4t, . �,, ' &n NO in- Us Iti .cow ,as r port - t $70. . fare badly, but it is cap the court,and to have a reserved oaso '. � , . the hgricultural building d .ill A lovem.eat.: . . N e ed a " � , I" � I ment should first have a declaration a ted.with the Nationalist U towed --decorations Wi the members 11 Teal Calves. I � . . , ­ . submitted bi . I . . the Millister in re. still. therein ail exhibit'inucil larger. 11 c . .. of the Xinu's illite and thei Britisli 6� sharp .ev'6 Out for t' Ile . ringers. . Jus.ti�6.- Riddell, the . . I . . 11.1 - I I " . . of policy from -and m6re comprehensive than many . . Tl� . � . . . 1. I ­ . . . There .,.,a a f0r. supply of calyer that 'Jests the TOLlY desevving but.diffid,mt. trial judge. % . I I . . . . . . apect to level crossings. . ' . . South . African -Pirli:w ent embassy, - , ., - . � -sold at. ;3 to $0.50 per .cwt. I I . . � Before incorporat* ­ il of the leading states south bf the line.... . I . �The special train boiiiiig. Their. . . Sheelp and Lambs.' . . . . p ,I& be , tobbLad of. 1heir just The condaYnned Mau still prote , . �. � . . ,gts ,- - ' 4 1, Ing any.more.ra - I . . 1, � -,. , � . .1 Cape Town, S.A., .Vol), J0,-1(C!A.P.1 1. - . I ringiers". are chiefly- his innocence of Ihe murder of'Oleloka . , . �i ways the Minister i'llould lay ciovu. � . I ! � I I '. .. I . I I I 94ble.5­�Th`& Senate get,5,40: memb . ers;. Majesti6l; ar�ivedat.the Lelater,Rail- Receipts werelight and prices bigber,.as.. share. These ' of the& just before a Galician compatriot, Ja 11 , . - � "'. policy, but he would agree Justice Maclennan Resigns. . ��., .1 11 1; iid Aatioa at.11 O'clock. There had follows: 'Export -ewes, sold ut $4 to $L50. women, aixd one I . Liutock. j - . I .. ­. ' . I . q. to.,$MO; lambs, $5.50 to -'Joseph Fask�u�s bu'sh-near Clark— - . , . a I � , $ to,2.b,e jidifiihteAr of. the Gover',n9r-' �i`i per �6wt.; rarcts, $3 - , I I I I vanes the bill if given the assurance . - Feb, � 1Q. -The Minister * f. asgembled lo.meet the King Emperor. Kto per 'awt, . . . I I .. 1. .Christmas visited -t1aa * guaTteirs Of the . ... � , Ottawa, � I . eIieral. Th,d, House ., of Assembly - is . . olent Sd�iety- son. �oii or, About GOOa .1'riday list; '1� ,� ' I , 7 isigiiii,tio William.and-a large nutober of. couk.t " . I .. .. . . � . I., I . . nOv .. I '. I lrwoi- Justice hus` � . � .; com I . I ,. . . � that some safeguards will be I ­,T44eiv6 ' ,She re �osea of­51"froni tfie Cap6, 36 1,0,b, , noxrj� � .Irish,. Protestant Be . . . I �- � ,�. . , a and for WIlie'll 'he was brought to .1�ook � I ated when the bill goes to the 'from the '.Si in Urt Of' Justice.. T'ransvaal, 117 1 �nd, 17 frdm , ificials. . - I .. .. ". I .Mr. Harris rel�orts. Prices lower at $6,75 with -a plea.for aid f isiedal. ' , . por r. Graham. assured Mr. Maclennan, �;hich �A- , �on� Natal, - King -Edwa or William', for selects. fed and watered at ,the mar Do, �' ' ! '. W uke. 'effect ' rd .'and.'Emper one of the shrevfaest-ottha commiV' � by the skilfW work, o . Proy . ­. I . . .. , " - � committee. Mi . . .94 the'Oraiisae, Free State. . The union' . oly� .ket, alid I . Ights at. $6.60, . - .' I . I . -d6stion bar : . . I .1 . .. ,: �: . .. . , . ,; :� .. ? t- I IAnnox that,whatever safeguards were' S-ajufd.j� �-jjext. --. . . . .. . . I greeted each other and xopiate I . � . I . �ga commenced to ,q . . I tacave Millir.; % . I .. . . . , . . - � * . � , . I . � .. .. tah�s the coloilial 4'qbts... The.. pomeis. . ah East-Buffala Cattle Mark I at. .. '-1 i d 'g . - '.1 . . . . . I- , decided upon would be made 8PPlic- -He w4s ointed a niember of the a�en-�l at ou,the cheek.. , I - .. I . 4-e'W.hA '.�6xdination do you belou .. I . � . . . I., . I . � app of the provinces are upp y '.. 6., " cat ,,, ­ �%4iiy�� : - . 1. . I . . 'k ! � , " :1 � .. "" . Ontiri&v Court of 'Appeal on Oct.' 27, 'de 0 odel . � T ese. axe ianges ov, ' le PTOCea- A'ST B,UFVAW; re� tie.- t,�,-i�,.h� , � .. I You u ur.ore n . , .. . . . " � d, . � I Steady; prime steers, st,s to sam.. -, �, , * . . . - . I .1 ce. I was, . �' kh�&A,��,k was the prompt re- , r , %­� -able to avery charter put I th . rough this I fixied'-by act,-ihe an�Ldian sion for - the arch W a. la I , Manion, - . � im. . On Oct: 4- 1905, � oho�rt,�6afg pro-' .1, 011 we . ; .. ... . Houston, Mini . . .1 � � , ­ . 6, " . beffig . bus .I' a d-. : ' 7. - - ' ­ . . ,� � enls-�-Recciptii,':50 be4a,' active an,4. M " ". . . . . S., . Fev.. 10, � bbi..' 1. also urged VtolmPt. ac-' moted, to the Supreme * . . '- At- once forme .. . I . � steady. ' . .1 . . I r m .. I � T. Dr.' Sproule .", I . - -... I ­ . . . ' . . I - .ply. - .. I I Baskin, inixrderer'of;Rev. .'T.. .-, . . * �. . star. W. F, Midleau Ada to .the place . of. Judge Nes.�Iiltli ' , I , * e ro.., , , - The , route o14 arch' to tbi'-�j�alace * . - - ogs-Receip 2100 beadZ'91o*; heavy, "Hoir mftny sacraments are'thaTlo son,'. was Iyn6hed'by. a Ifiob here.yes. . - 11 . . tion by the Mini . .. � . ... � , .�6,tria:rl - Close. to .Mont noi '' . . � Ss' higher,,. pigs: 15c -higher- heav,7 and -the' M odist ellitreh?' sai.d t1te . . � '- � - . I . . . I ! I I.. was line with large ordwds'that had ,in, et'b . I � ., . terday afteihODn , , � I : :. - I gislation - . , . . . . Oottinje,- Montenegro, Feb.. IQ- 'been .Waiting to . Toughs'. "do Irles, $r,50- to $6.75. 00mmid-Ite -man. . I I . . -A-4rowd of ov�i 306 detierniineA "-. protested against the idea that the who resigned.',' ..' . , ­ ... . rnixed, ,$0.75 to 185; ifts, 4,40 to $8.50; .. �� proposed Iev61 crossing' la I I . ,� � '. . r at lea�at - fwQ'houts: .. . to 'r&.98; on I . ii, - I . � . . I �, should apply anly to the ntw rail, ' � I . ' . Twelve Austro-Hungafian . warship§ The weather was cold and nipping.' . Sheop and lambs --R c6i . pts. 2M lic�ad, � �*Ilseveil, Sir. qa1d the wdman.' .- :zons to�k'ffie negro from. the jail and � - % � I cover the old roads. . . . . Nearly qurned­ - - , have� arrived *,it'Spizia:Ba:�.; close to -bin -0d, 0 . I . '�Rlln 8.1ong iiii t6' tbe St. 'VineaRt, .hanged him to a nearby tre�. X(A a' - .1 .W.Ways. It should . . . . * , Wit .the Brand6nburg .gate.thj . active and unchang , I - . Wing4am,Veb-M--Word hasreach- the Montenegro frontier,,and.a crula� mayor, Harr Kiraqhner,. and the aid- - .. Now y,;' ' gt�ck.' .. I 'iety�" 0 ria . . �, I . a stcond. ime. ' i ,. . . rk Live . aia,the questioner,' shot -was fired, and the. whole V - -' I ..The -bill was read . . ... . I at Paul'soc ' �, I During the discussion of the canal d lie the destruction by fire of gr is putrbIling,the coast. - ; . ermert of Berlin., Nrelcomp4- thos.'visit- . NEW -TORX, F - -.-_AaCoJptx, I who -�yeil iwure that only, the 4eedinj was conducted quietly. - ' ,.. . . . . . .' 1. � � I I a re Of : -five Austrian infantry with 'abbine ii1i t,yalti '. ab 0�-m-Beoyes was . � � ght, lion. G. P. Gra-� th home of James. BuUagh,. in I as. i �. .. . . . o bbasts s6veh sa . .13askin was IS "is a ago. . Ue -ad- , � . . � e4imA&M last.ni� , . miles noith'ot here. '. I . I 7 , . guns 45o, ha've.-: arrived at . the fron� . ' . 1088; n . othing. doing in'- live caittie; feelfac Chuich of R me .1.1 I . I ..cr . A- . - murIvr .of 11 . 01, , I . , . . ham stated that the plans for the - A demonstralioh by the unemployed' steady; dr�-esed beet,'steady, At 72he 'to -; ­'. I . . mitted the- . .Udaoja, , lim . U ments. - I Th6"father, whd has.been blind and tier between-1-1orgogovina and Monte-, of tile German ca�ital planned to 306. 'Oorts to-morf.QW, 3M qUArtorh of . . . A . � - , . - w" I - de I . 1. .. I I I.. Ou#d 'shot to � ath on Suud&y,; .1 deepening of the Welland Canal had . .. .. . . .,. .. . I . 'de with the arrival of the visit- beef, . .1 � I - . . . . ; -helpless.. for several years, negro. . :, I .... . . . unde � . not been completed. and uhtf I .., .. . I eoinci , .. -Recelot - tea4y f nx, ' . He ,Prefers -a'Yankee.. k a. tree 'whe,*e' he,was *Qn�t to , , .1 .1 1. .1 .. .. . i - � Calves, , al IUO i; 4s, , . � was . I were ha, would be unable to Ray what . . � . -44. , rest. kin haa robbed hita kud' � heard ifie 4'.,rackling of -the flames, I . . . . ing monarch only paiii"yoglIc- veals,' $C60 to $0.75; western calvea, U. 1 11 and out, called his son, Who, . rri to $4.60; ' no barn*4rd Calves;. 4ruse4: The folloIking. is a letter to Ray- ; 3licy Would be adlopfAd wM regird of the Railway 6 ash Near London.'. cessful. A number .of meetings of the . dressed .Veals, 7%c . ­ then 0, ' 'him' to try.* and I ,emeeal � ­ � : ­­��--- I P . gettingity dragge(l. him Out � - .1 . -unemployed -were * held. in various eftIvell, stt&dy; city to nold's Newspxpet' of Londonj and , I I . � . , I . . I . . ! to .. witl, Mau .11 ­ London, Ont., Feb . 14c; choice, 150i country dresised, 7c. to 12v.. utuing - emar s not strictly th'. 111111, I . . -1 the transportatioA question. ' . 10 Briikeman r k com;., . P .cri fr, I �, . . that 'sometht burning building iiu4 as the roof.le th6se, co 91 I . . I - . . I � I - . . . . . 11 . . . ", . . . I . I I ng, would I , . - I � Sbeep and larnbs-neceipts, SM. teolin c* � plimentary to I �� .. N . . He aftitted 1. I �iZl . . . 'Close of Stratford broke his left ;inkle parts of tlie cit�, after which catladiin . I , . , . . I either to deepen the ill. .. . I mash-ull in the Grand present f6rmed in two -processions stud firm on puffalo'idvlats. . '. . I . . . .,.J"; ` ,. . L , have ta be dam. . . I've been. five Yeats in Mini& - . ' I �' prasent highway or cut o'new chaA, . . . - . . in %a small s started to march.to the pala�e,-whlth- nogs�-Ile6tipts, .2050�, none 'for sale . oa * "Sir, . . Licensing Vice. . .. � . Trunk �,ards i - yesW. d morn- ' ' . ... I . ' �­­ . Georgian Day canal pt - '. . Ofie Family's Tragedia i s, I at 8.80 er .King B dward- had been escorted by live weight. norainally ,steoLdy for bogs; - to -ba.. . You in the Old Country h 1"' L, Montrtal,'P eb. 10.-,6 ihe reselt of - ' . 1 , ,�. � . -Aal, bjx9d the , � � . .. I JI.. I .. . '��G . . ' ing�, A* freight train..w2ytagidly I . I W'lliew, and th6'towh -hall. -.wtak. for. .,pigs. . . 4 . I . .. - �. I .no idea, ,vvliat most' Engllshrrlan�� �f" I 'the action of Chief of Police . 0.0adlica . u ... . I ng -and . E eror I � . m. I ' " - . W r, . ' � , --stru . .. air.. . . mav--w"74riteree-pte . - I . . 11 , , � I . do both. - Roefiestei,' "N.Y:-,' Fob. -,IQ,.- ..Oorge- ­V�-1;1g--ii,It0--a­si4j :�Chlcsaa LiVe Stock. . througli'llero. ! 'You could' see fw' %, in - invi: ing keepers' of houses of,ill. . . , I . .. Mr. W. F. Maclean is ,not Yet sitis- Sampson, ' father' oi: Harry Samp- of the big,niquli fieight­efigines.. I .. I I n sa-. � . �C-k r C' A G o - -510trrqel� b--wouldnit-fia'ye. mfigh [RMA-12,�Ome ,down to Police lamd- I .1 � * , . . I. I . . I Feb� 9. - at CC P , . fied that tha Government has Pursued son, whose - *fle Georgi6 A. sampajon'' - - , . . � .. . Lhe po ioc attacked it with dy . - yot " 'i -- I . .. I ,. . , . . . 11 . ' . 2009, market bte&dy, steers, $409­,.tQ- V., love left for C . I -quartars- to be : L Cornin's, . numbar .auatab, sibre . .,, %oadiani�. P -ft worked I -aigned at Lyons, N,Y., on, ,.Right- Hon. -.Alfred �Lyttplon . cows, $3 to. $6.50; helfers, I $a to .76'-, buliV. , &ons IbIlovred by si'llue, looked: I the proper cotirse in authorizing by was� si, la�6 I' bras.. A I . . I � order-ia�eouucil . the iwm"e Of C -P-2- Monday, charged with.:the mdrder.of . . H.' E..*LBerin'ett wounds -and others y�rera ar ad.. . #�4o.to'$3,giL,,,Al,ieX".$S.GQ.to, $$.2j; stodksra with Americans .and. Canadians,. - but . I 0 Up"A . I . �MtL night he took thd Montreal, 'Feb. U.- , L *. I ;, . -, ..., - , . I . ., I . me a Yank every 'time. . He is ,as soxa at. in the way of. a tax, .. . &lid feaders, # to $5,40. give . ewh . I - %V ' I '' - 69pital stock. I he, - husband, was found I ddad I in - of Calgary -returned , from England. , Wo , "S"icides.. Hots,-Xtectipts. 19,M-,' market nrint 'more puiily� And dbesn't 'Eoieei -at L �Ree6rcur , air yesterday made ta -hot � )portunity presented by a motion, ben at his hom * . .. Out of rk . r al a at Palmyra yester� I .. 1. a F81100 . 1�1 . ' ho succeed � � . , IT _ - lie L . department. Such.. a o6arsa. Ile da� .. morning. He was a brother of kon- Alfred Lyttleton, era, $6.86 to $9.46, ht mixed, $6 to $6.20., ()st Canadians; an ]English- ' - to. go into SUPP17 to reopen the gub-. day vesterda-M with'the news that -Right Tox'onto, Feb. 10.�Worrying ba ch�ico heavy shipping, .$Q.40 to $9.60,%Utch. gliglishi4en like' &,Canadian. ..-Accord- ititack on the methods of-th ' �, wb, and in aup' rt of his claim that the late Rear Adiiiiral- Sarapson, slid- .cd Xfr. Chum& he had been- out of work for nearly eWeice light. $6,20 to 4.86, jmckki& $C15 tw * Ing to in L �iiig 11)�,.,44se,' . . � I .. varliament, PO iontrol. of . . erlain ad Secretary of 'L I , at's bad, while clared. ."goad like should haveO �4 was an, important Witness for the' r Arthur Folkes, . 130 Peter street $6.40. riggs, $5 tQ $5,15, bulk;of sales, $11,26 Man is. 'everything. th . .1 . . I I . ,St,f,, is. to pp.y A. visit to Canada a yea I ding to their . . , . ter-laulaw.. . " the I . $I h . . -Went to the, northweit soetion,6f the to ;I 40 * ,y. * themselves, . Acoor L . I . . � .. pros ention Of his d. . -t. . . 'and L I I " "A . hen a simila aPP 1: - .. . .... �- - city in search of ertiployment an " - S1 aWnLac 0 .1.. adi matters, referred' to wh al qugh , early. in August nox h;�� - lainbs-'IteCe ts; i4mg; ftar. cotint, ate th4 Lord's chasoli.. ung'Womian Srutall� Assaulted. . I . peri - . . .. . � L . I . . I . . . d ket athade lovrdr; nhel3p, �4tlo $6,06-kmbs. , I . . ,,, I 0,P;R. wim di asect. - . 7. 1 . being still, unsuccessful, I"t nik4t he' , LThe only ch-arn an Englishman'sOlks I pittsburgi Pa., F6b. Ife.-Ulwast, . �� . - potion. by the 3M Hanagd ' shovi Dentist, Haiigs; Himsolf. . Counterf I eit Ton Cont pieceq. . . $0.25 to '$I.&;. y�earllngs:,, $5 6 $7, L - -to Say a good L Word -And a - I � . lie quoted fri . . � . . - --!� . � . �. .;- . . to have Out here scious, shot through the hip .. . put. a bullet in his head, . ­ . I . " , rj*, 'd a 0- Veb. ID. -It * is' re L -te was - � r Ilm is an Englishwoman. 1�*4j her body A. Masi of bruima, ho4r , tice took Bownianville, � Feb. 10. -:-DX. Charles 'Noronto ,ported Follies wAs 32 years 01'aga, I to I I ghat the then Minist;,-,r Of 30 ' I , Mqre P6*t and Mo .' . . -gth Diseasa, anc �4 �ha view that it was necessarY to pass H. Harridan, who has been a prac- that many counterfeit 10,6ent pibees. n9lund. - . He' leaves a wife . . I -­ rften � her stick up for . him7 lots bloody I disheveled,% :­ . - of and her ; . � V eh, lo.--sherift 14" . I - -for nearly are in circulation in *Ontarlo� -The, born in E . tockpbr*. N.Y.. 4. 11 I lop 'act to authorize the iddition4 ticing dentist in this t0*11 L , . . ' ,arid. two.childred in destitute eiroum-'4 time when a - Canadian is &r0uu4wftk clothem torn to shreds was tbd eon- ' I . . ., . - , onpital stock, and that oeTtain con- forty - '0- Ounces, L . 16 . - . years, committea suicide jester. money is i perfect imitation, but Foley wan. notified yesterday of an Ili sneers. -Yours, -atc." dition, of 101ora Ellsworth. W years of _ . . . I of toot and mouth di L . ' 'I, . dalf, in on being thrown on: the counter ra- . I alleged, o"a is- , Ai$ioRs ,should be imposed, aragrig morning by hanging him .. . L . - , I . gewater, -Xia- . . I L . � - - victim bf a 6ruel assault wka* L. - fliem - that the additional "Plua . day i . .. . ' ' I �ds Dontistry. . 'ageA flate on Monday night-at,ft". i , the lock-up. : veals, itself by. its, leaden soudd, ease on a-14rm near.Ed ' ' . I . . . . . 1. .,'M�rnoria[ For Lincoln. [a - Sick%#o found I , I . ihotdd only be Annuad, to the 4beifi6 . Evidences of insanity'��anifesied it. I -L. I I . . - . '. The 40rat immediate- I I When� it Prospector has a bad tooth. rock, 40 miles -east of here. There i& . - . . . coca for vb�t;fi it wao aaked, and still About ton days Ago, a�nd through' I . Postoffice -at Sea, n Rib, 10.--On:e millioft r. - 01arig *of BUH40, a, achii.in the north'.wantry'llis plight po . dua't8 her, wsail#jits. � . I I L , U ' ' ,Washinki,6 ' y "a Count'D I -A 119tido %XT stock should Aot be the advicA of friends be was pl-aced. ' marl. 'Aoas-indted. - . . . I �, I . . � the new NVa0iington;' Veb,. 10�-Two, A ' ' * two hundred and fifty thousand dol- eterinar servi4e of the sta", 1. L . . & 15sr, He also calle Itirs is appropriated for the.-erectioh ho lntZna-nd1t111111e sheriff that he had, is 4t . I *, . I 561d it less thal z 4* for safety 'in thpAO.VM Iock-up, cans anfl, a like number of 'French , V; A � . k�alntosll$ Ona� of the. disco#- L$..,. House Committees. -Chairmon. - I 4, . . Lde b� the , - .. I.' - I . . , � . . n ngton.as it alrtad� sent, inspootora to the 'farm. . 4 I . . slorks will be a: . . , evers of the celabarted BaTtlett mine at Ottawa, Feb. 10. -The mevftal At"A-� , attention to a promise tag . . . L mployad'. in, hati4ling ot - by a .. I , , !, I . 'pidernic. . L memoriAl-to Abraham tin )Ifi', . I 1, .. ; , , :, then Minister of the Int6rior t at's ... . Smallpox 94 the mail ,ot. the ­Za Brotaan6" ou I . Gownanda, tells Of a man he'encoun- .!r 06minit-teas of the -House ale6tad , I .1 be matle to - - - bill �ptrod ced �. 0, I . . reference Would th`c coulii Thursday next, when the oxperimox�T aiyesterday by RePrt- . MIA84 In Panic Drbwn,. ,., - othaehe in a tent irmen 769torde-Y -ts follows... ftb- Montreal, Nb� IO. -:-:Dr. NadeAti-has nave 400 1, Xassachusebts, . tored witli. a bad to * . I . to ascertain the actual,,c6st 161 the 1. St. Isautherb,' of lCa, tal zoa po*Atoffica in establis Wit �r . . - 4 from . hed. 8egiari" Ill., reb'L 10.­�:Tw6' miners at Lost iAke �ortare. The Poor fel- lie' ateounts, A. H. Clark, railways, l 1, - that prq:. return I 1-11, , . I L. -A commission.of' idven, is created 'wo 'a icramble for safe- low was howling ifith paill , - � e'L ,r O.P.R., ad askad wbother . mouraskh district, 'Wher6'ho was sesit ' I i rt. '. to prepare a gonotaf ,design for the U6 drowfted in � and had. 9, Chithtie, banking, and efibanifto :� ,vilso had even been fulAired, . by the Public Health Council to con!! SL1601ayid For Sbprarrie Cou Monument and $10,066,is provided for' -ty in1he Leiter 041 Mine here ytsa ,,Ills -partner to try- and iifibve the- tooth a. H'i Miller; private bills, MT. Atlk-� I - m. .1 . Hot. Mr. Griham -did. not think 'trol ail., , x, The ' Ottawa, Peb. 10. -Hon. R, F.- . Suth- . the expelises .'Of this oommissioui Uvday. J?ourtaen.­ 6thors escaped out of itn socket with the handle of a 'let- privileges anil 'alactiqft,* Vil.- an get was An' but -promised a I � % 11. � to 160t into 6b oessary. ' numbef 61ithe dize�istd exceeded 25, erland, 1A.P. 16r North Essox. and I I I . - 1- ,. . . witb,outln�ury. The panic was-caus- htlife­ MaoTntosh,t.,jv�.! himitlf to a lia�a German;' standink,eldirs, Ur. . L a matter. As for th6 .rlt agrioult&a, 9. Schell,' 1 and tho- health officer disinfoctGA more 88pbakor -of the 04mmong la -the last ad by 4 Might explosixon in the w6rk- little backwoods &K llstry:' He pickid � UeCt&iley, ;� . conditions inlpose0l in 100 h8 than fitty. hoiiscs and ya��inatod,hun, 'Parliamant, Will, it is said, succeed' Hero Binni at Homti. 11 ings. In. the rush 16r the shaft t*o tht filling otit with A knifa and then ­ - I i6 of . 1. . resigned, oli the - Petarboro, Feb. 10. -Tack. Binns, the f,bll into a WAter hold. . . ' r thought they Were Covered in ' drods 9P villagers, . Sustice MaeLeniian, 1, c1taTed the cavity with a pin. .Heat- - Nature's Gift to Canada. , I . L I.. " . '­ ­- - . on the . . - ' I � .. der-in-eftacil passed' in fho . . I Suprome Oour�.beneh. wireless t6lqraph operator � .1 I ing st bit of wire whitt hot, he cplung- . prosot . I .� _ London, Veb, *10.-M.A.P. Cable).- �L �, I I I cage. I . I . Condat"ned to Hanging. - - . . L . steamer lt6tf�blio at the timb of the .. I Want -to CornG 1­166mie. ad it down upon ,tile perve. The" Ed, Osborn, addrossink the Rayal . �; I I O&sk�, Fe�. 16.-C.I.,pt. Nikitin ()! I Another Bomb Outrage - � collision with the Florida, vas- given � * Wingham. . )Ia In . W, its the smell of roosting lInsh, but Colotlial Institute, said tht - G.'?.?, � �, r . .Wornap Deport6d, I staff,. ratire,d, ham beon : Now York, .Feb. 16.-LBight Ihniiiian L. 6' - rousing, reception . in his native Peb. 16.-Many.peoy the proapeok)t iie'ver 6va a sign 04 the - would be a long. sttip forward. in the I � ,�, ', . .,L L Now Westsulbst0rp, )34- r6b. III.- the geqeral -InArti,,11 in a four-stoicV tonombrit houso on town Yeti4tdaY Afternoon, He was this vicinity ilI.6 have relative$ ilx� ain he Van fluff.cring. Tht nOrTe was s mbblora. � A,my Morris, wha # e' 10ir letters tollink, .olutioli .51 this trarispotntion'prbblorfta�, . Able hard redontlY condemnod, ,by a doutt to Avenue, Brooklyn, fled in met at th railroad tiation with bivnds the wO.st ate r6a0iv! , I . from 3an Francisco. with, the jntal�, death by hanging, aftor h9ving loiin ' lluglnvich of tho great bard abips suftered, ptilled And, the PtOsPett" secured fa- ' 'Cling that nature has given 00Adi;'--` (3hilieso found guilty of conduoting rboyolu-b ..y.qnia -yesterday when a bomb A-%- Playing "See the Conquering Hero *them oney to 110f, &agh it was adoomplishad ih t' tion of marrying Lee Darker, . " 1;ir,ion wreekod A bath * dodbitu out thore; and asking lot ral . I control of North 1morican 11 ' 1ft$W*DOt- merchant -of victotia, was dopO�w tionary agitation 6niong. the elillstod .er Shop 404 Comes," ind the wayor oXterl . thd etude luial horoiO mannet tie- i tation. . 1110 I - � . , . 11 I I , . . I .1 assist them in returning to Ontatio. , I . 1, niell of the Army. I the ground floor, A weloorao;. scribed. . . I ­ I . I . 1. . . . . y6sterdo As lmda0rable, , I , . . . . i . ­­ I . . . *4 I. : L I . . - I.. I mn I . .. . . ­ '' ' L L I I I, , l�� 11 11111111110 I - I- - � I 00 1.�!�� 'I W . .1.. 11110� L. i '1' 1 I'L i L '' - I I -1. . � . -11 I'll � � IL I - 11 ..'' i I , I I �!o �, I Awokw.no - . --- - -- -- I I t� Alt I lil;wx .... .. . I L' , . ....... . -11 --­ ­ ­ '. ., 1. ­ �­ _ _ , L' I � - . - . - . . ., , I liqr- F& . I- - M . -1i I—= , -- � I It 0 1 1 � � - � IL I . I - I I 'l . . ! . L ­ � � - I? . . . 0 , . , I , , , , , , , , ., � - , "� , I. I I Er I I � � I .1 'I IL � 1, I I I d .1 rei thl P d to reb ship ? it m h I I 1. I I . - ` - - 'I I J� I , , I I - - - i 'I .1 .1 I -4 E - I ��n-. - * 1! TV �to"-' n 4a - draw ,Jhre -I- .�­;.. ned , 1. rest � - _�­ I . . I' I . - I ` I I ` I I I � �, � , , �� . I - I . . 1. . I. .1 I . 1. .- r) . 11 . . . . . L L h" - wan L - 11 ­� ... L � ! � . . . . . ' t . U, . t �1 ne, .;. � 1. I . . * I I 1 A ' 0 il - ou'r -store SUD . Wft . n thf,k), .1i *"r^u .w nd, * , plied h: ever inglyo .1 . . I .41 X`%.; ., *00. ... i � , . . �, . "' L* '� '* ' . . .'' I .0 I I 5. - " � . ,� . . I �. . . I P- I . .0 . ­ � 11 ib I 0 1 ­ � 1. 1011 , I 4-101% 1". ovxrav 0 ) . * . ni a -A r-rroe"A*'-ries'. uihile our'Linic , I * weg" L � , � illif Y1411 4 es ar6, al ,. - s the, " t oo. To 0"Neilft,� � I . . .1 . e . ­ I 1. . . I - I L . . � . L . I � . I � . . I . . . � , . I . I I I ' L . . I . L . I t . . L I .1 I '1� �� I I . . . � , ; I L 4 I . I I . I I ,I , -, . . . . I � . I I . .. . - I �� - - ----­---- - - - ----1- . L-.-------- ­­­­­ --..i.-------,-.�.,�,...,-.'',i�IL,,Ll, .1-1--l-1-1.1 ­­­­­ (, , C