HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-02-04, Page 8S
Feb- 4th, 1909
CLUSTON NEW ERA Mr- H- Blftell ham routed Kira Halk's MVTUON Noble.of:Wlgh ftivor,41-
bous* ock X, rr street., and h%W moved b0t&4 Who baf b"O VWUng 13W unelQ
TUMA&T. FOB� 4. 1900, thmto, hlrJA8Walk1Vsb&w, for some time, R
left Wedneafty morning for Guolph,
71fr, Walter, Townsend has taked
"101?u iaLoIdonwitli the sborloco where be, was to, U married to a Wy ITT I
.140cat Notices , I - k of that city. Miss Jernims, Miller, ot
Manning Organ Doo.
town, 044, Ur and Mrs W Miller. of
AXW ft". W110064. Highest prices 'be 3rd con. Oil—
Me Squire, who went t4 Rastlaga of Hullettal.w amomp%u-
Th e, paid.— Bert Hoviy, Clinton. County a VouPl6of weelc* ago, expect. led. -lilm. do*--
Autter and Ugs woloted--bieh"t lug to close a deal for a, grivo mill, has.
Mrice.-S.04d. OAftELo*xBRw, Clinton returned to town,tbe deal nct having A.Y.P.A.—On Tuesday evening last
DR been cow leted, US is still on the Sir A A Hill Ave an interesting paper SHEET Music
W r OVEN$ Lopdon Surgeon, Ocu, look out
list. Specialist,' will �; at W. S. R,
b Tc r a suitable lavestment,but 00. the Periot of WidenmX Influence
=to to remain here until spring at of the Ill'o of C
Holwas' rug -store. on Friday, Feb� in . briat. 00 Tuesday even-
bk loth, the program. will con.
(V see properly iQ 91 FV
20 h . tted deafness. sist of a mock parlianiont,pffloarea Sa
ratarrh And fitiling eyojgR treatede MrWwOantelon, formerly aresi. follows: - Speak( Not al- New
Ho 1. -r, John Ransford
ouralltotlp.m, dent of con 11, Ooderich Tp., idled in Prime Minister, i McLeod., Itto
Clinton,on Saturda
y evening, in his
71ptyear. He was burled from the General; H T Raucet Postmaster
oeal News Seal. A A Hill-, Millter of Public But all Good
home of his nephew, Mr Jno Cante'.on, Works, Ilector6reig; Minister of Rd -
T Ables ODD FELLOWS AT HOUR.- 11 -be Holmesville. Deceased was never ucation, Clarence Copp; L
annual At aarried, and, le , eader! of the
Rome -of Clinton Odd Fel- 11 B,Vtb, A aves &brother, Arthur Opposition, John Hartley, Abillwill 00--
lowowill be held in the, lodge room, on at Iso it married, sister At be Introduced by theMinister of public I ,
the evening of Friday, Feb. 10th. j;Un. Dungannon. Worke to, supply Oil . nton with a sys- do-- .71C eacW
cheon. will be served, ani
d games and
music ovided. for a good evening's MrXoseph T Clark, editor of Satur- tein of' waterworks, and the Oppost-
gal n, "I day Nfght for the lifit thme. Pars,bas flon will introduce -a bill to extend the
A euteKtaliumelat. - - y
franchise to w omen,
resign.6d that position, and will teloin
LIORNSB OODIMISSIONBR81-The tl1heeditoriaj,:taffofTha Dailv Star. 4 for :z5c
Board of License Commissioners for The change will take niece on Fe PROMOTION REPORT FOR Div
Cetitre Huron, hAld Its. f1rat moetiak 15, when Me Fred. 0 Paul.. oltyoditor ISION'5-The follawfog is the r(4port
here on Th0sday, when Mr Hoover Of the Montreal Star, will succeed Me of a Promotion examination held this
You remembe� our Kloadyke Tables wasebosen Chairman. The transfer of Clark on Saturday tit." Me Clark mouth in the Public School, from Sr 11
9 for DP-oc
the NOrmandle. license was adjourned isabrothorofMraS antelon,oftowa �94111, Marks obtainable 030, -Oar.
last year. Well they. will bev ready -again to a� out meeting,, let 04ntelon 548 -, Lloyd� Rice 54501il-
sabsOqu r
MAN T H,&PPY R`STU RNS - PlIfty. --ton Streets 532; Frank Ponuebalter 532;
46NNUAL ME STING. -The annuO one handshakes, we extend to one'of Dpreen Stephenison 521 ;Francis Rey, A
next Saturday, Februar th 6tho -We' meeting of the Olint0n; branch of the our most prominent citizens! nOlds 527 -, Giff6rd Boaton 550; Ilene THE W. Do rAIR, CO'
e We al-
Hur013 Poultry AssociatioFtj will be: most tearfully- regretthe number of 00le 510 ; Noi val McLean 010 ;Foster
held in the room$ opposite Or Thomp- 1,tears, kut he is good for many more.. CoPP 600 ; Sheldon Townsend 5 W.; Wil.
have been busv taking stock,,counting 'and a j fred Crich 490; M
on'p, Wednp,@0ay, evening next, for And he IS Sure ALL ItIOUT1 can ervxn.Ulliot� 486; Blot-. Often the Cheape st--,;Al ways theRest'
the election of Ofacers, &c'. and All guess for'whom we intend -this "Billy niellaII486;ClintOn-O�ok486it4arg, 011%-
inembers are requested to attend-, the Doux?" Ara:hfs1n4tIA1sW.X.? aret Walker 448
listing everything in the- storc.. ]Everything On trial-Arnolid d0b__
financial statement of the lateshow w 0 W_A� Glazier 438; Edwin Judd 482, Willie
will be 41ven. t the regular meeting of f4oDo . nald 809. Failed
we found that for any rcason whateiVer Clinton Camp,No 70.W 0 W held Jan -Vera Trick .852 ; Clarence Finch M,
BUSINESIS CHANGE - Me 8 Castles 27, the following Offleers were dtlly Lucy Stovens,,teachev. A6
'should not be here has bought out the butcher pusiness w installed by Past C 0 Sov Onsla Crich
4as been thrown to,4?ne of Murphy Broii.,aud -will amalgamate Council 06mmander-IR R Ker; Advis
his own therewith, t&kin nussemq%n Left -R - Bell; Banker- 0 W Cooko
side and wil1 go on twelve.tables ZSaturday of the Murphy stand. on W( Clerk and Treag., T Oottle;9scort-H
onday next.
We understand that Bert Murphy will Sweet; Watchriiian- J Oook; Sentry
leave for the We . at in' the dprini, his A McCreary. Board of managers J
morning. marked at prkes that .,will, make3 brobher� still giving his Attention to the Fairi'Dr.8yAne. spa Nelson Ball..
hinplement. lousiness.
the selling a positive certainty. We call WRDDING -A quiet wedaing 'was
SUIT PORSETTLEMENT-Miebael solemnized At the residence of Mi -Ina
them A Mott of Hamilton, H H, Larkin aterling,on Wednesday eveni�g,when
and lox gangster of St CatharineQ0 his se'cond daughter Sadie B., was
are suing the Guelph and Goderiph united in marriage, -fo Mr -Walter T
Railway for & balance of half a million Smith of 0110tion, The bride was given
wh*,ch, theY BAY, is still' due on con- aw4y by her father, aqA % ore a dress
KLONDYKE ImAA BLES struction. The company denies. thisr, of white Swiss lawn, 'o %nd carried a
and offers something less than a, bun: bouquet of white -carna.tions And maid-
dred tbDusan& -According to the en hair fern. The ceremony was per -
plaintiffs have n formed by Rev Dr Stewart, in the
coalPany, the ob c()m4 the
because each and every, one. W. -Iii. be a., verit- pleted their woik. The defendants presence of 30- guests, and -the gifts
I say that the chief engineersT certificates manifested * 'the esteem in which.. the
able gold. mine for -every buyer in' search of Lf pro Tr. ees have been paid. and they 701IDg People are held.,
eny t a p!xiutiff`s1,elAjm for extras. ... GOOD POULTRY-PresidentRotke
e plainti q sa i that the chief Eh -
and Secretary Kaufman, of the Huron
bargains. There will be all - Winds of ineer, was in 1 aired health,,"d poultry. Association exbilAted their
t ey were absolve fro obtaining Rhode
certificates. Partridg4 Wyandottes, and
things. 0 -ii each table,'but zot much of any PLEASANr �i. Island Redg,TeSpectively,at the Lamb.
SURPRISE r-�Tuesdav ton County Show,last,(ieek, and made
eyoriing the members of the Women$ winnin a as follows: Partridge Wyan-
single line-, From all. the s6re:'we'. Institute � met at Nimen's Zestaurant . , d - I Cook, Ist hen,.!�nd Cockerel,
ov�� and frorn'there proceeded to the resi. Ottesili'eft; Rhode IslandReds, let 9 0
2nd Pu
have gathered the' dence of Mrs Tebbettj Princess St., and Cook. 2nd S 0 Pullet, lat R GCockerel
supplies. Oepart .- Ist:and 2nd R 0 Pullet, special for best
oo!nolptely surprised her'. -Xhe a * sao4i- female in class, The - com pis.fition in
ation is ve -itself into' bo'h clasies. was -
ment contributed its share. W --e cinnot tell A ,sunsshiunpep,,Osobodmtwoirtetesoe,1 and, to 'visit
t ng, aftloularly
members who Are unable to attend'the inihetorin,&q 00. nen t is de.
regular meetings, through illness or notes.qualit .. sto ex,iblt6d,
you what you will lind, but each table. Will other cautea. - After -by our local Ybree'ders,
spei.3ding-i pleas.
ant evening with the "shut-in" all pre.. BRIEFS '- Mrs Cra
be numbered, - and, you can* take 'your sent partook. of a -light lanch,which . ig, slisterof, Mrs J
the ladl?s h*d thoughtfully Tayloi,.wfthwho .8 resides,laseri-
taken wf th 6usly ill, and feRrs
them, a0d at a,reasonable-b"our se ak- her recovery.
ce, I iweentertaiub'4 for
choice -of everythifig, on It, at one -pri Ated f6r , vtheir� homes, bdvlftg bax an 'The mid-winteir nifisleal
examinations in connection with.Lo
viijoy h3g.together. n_
4ble evew
dch. Conservatory, were.h6ld here on
A. -HORSE OASS-Last`w6ek Messrs Tuesday of this week* Prof.- Willgoose,
Table, No I- H T Rande'and W Doherty wpre'ciwl1.* the n6* Principal. pre�idlng. ..Mrs Me.
to Stratford tozgiv6 eildence. in. a' :00.prt entertained friends on Tuesday
horsi� case of an Unusual character. , "eninit. Me W�sley Walker sold a
go -me time - Me' herty had a fine Piano last we%, k to - Mr Jos J�rvis,
Vhoice' 5c 496 Do
pretty swift driver known as ,Billy" Goderich Tp�... I& Jacob Taylor, dist.
which subsequently. passed through -rict agent for the Confederation Life
'theha;nds-of blie.late WW-Parian Inane . ance 06.,-to'day. had the pleasure
J I -of babding to Mr Mel introui Postwaso
Table NO 2 and Swarwbf Wingliam, - ho Wit
it to a. W Kiddof Lidtowel. - w t4pr, at 113lyth, � che4ue for over $M�
The latter b ing, A matured. N ' - th' '
'Choice 106. sold a horse for $1000, -known jj_XArj e POIR.Yin oscompany
Khan,'to a party at Winnipeg% which I " Me Mdlntyre, of 71orouto, has been
was suppoised to be prett, . y . � swift,'but ongaged as Cutter in owiriection.'xith
a tersive tailpring business ofMor.
)after winninj a couple. 6f:ra6ea, it fall- th
ed in all others. in which it . rish.& Crooks; he has had larg
was enl"*,
Table -No. .3 ed. The, purchaser of I Karl claimed ience In the -city, and expepts=
that."IBWY" had. been s4bq6ttuted for and even. increase theirlarge trade ..
14 iss Bella ONeil had the misfortune to.
Choice 1,5c the'real thing, and�brought suit, to re,. fall andgeverely isprain'ber wrist, at
cover'damages, We &;ejaformed. that -
the ovidence: failed. to -support this. the rink last Friday night .. Me Conn..
The'ease-is still undecided, and will be . 1. 1 Wit up for several. days
ter. has 'been.
with mus6ulat rheumatism. �..The Me-
�continue' -in the�W-esta--�
d -Kil-opinsiiraned 6�-has-pmd theclafift�
Table No- 4 'WOMEN'S INSTITUT. The reg- GE
of lvfr Fotresiter' ha full. for the lossof
ul#,v'meeting* og the Warnen's - Instit. his house and bo�tknta, no expeotion
Choi,66 19p utewas,hel lastTiaursaq�yftfbernobu 'being taken to the same, as was rumor -
.,at the home bf*Mru. J. 4 Yo`fin9ton',Rat._. ed would be -the case.. Me Geo Ba
t6tibury St. Tliere wasanU IP01r,
nus4ally has got' oriened out alid � is read I
large attendand& which showg that the businessIn his linel his longexpierrence
Table N interest in'the meetings.'Is ine'reading. should materially assist him ....... B119,
0-' 45' After the Usual preliminaries, one'of M%Bprgesssaged 32,died-at tbellouse
the inemberg gave a demonstration on of � efuge!Dn Monday was from
Choice -25c. Boining a fish., The husbands of those Bayfleld ....... Mr,"nelcher is leiiyin�
presentwill probably he snared the town,. having accepted 'a position at
lr trouble of picking the pesky' bones out grantford.. -Thos Fulford had the
of their fish in the future, Mij3;,:Ash- we in* for a windfall
le good
wfwollowed hi an ex6eilent address of abfOrtuile to co'
Table No,, d 4or out
.,4r!IW from English. relatives.
to promote and"utilize the I Carrhan Hall, teller of the
itute." Throwingout Many viduable.
Royal Bank, has been transferred to
suggestion$ DUKU Bit would, do well tol Nia4ar& Falls; bb is 6 reliable and pro.
ut into practise,,
_'Mis' Ashley was� misini, Youug. man ; Mr. Shepherd is
listened to with the greatest interest, 9X
And all present dipressed the wish that oted to the telleiship, Air East to
dgerkee er,. and R it Vodd6q; 'son of
we would again 41ave the. -pleasure of r. John odden, Rullett, enters tbje
hearing her In the near future, Ted bank asSunior.....A, atty0fhunters
new members were added to the roil. from Clinton were huA ug qearVax,nd;
The meetink then closddi After. ?Vhiell. Monday, and lost one o If their hounds -,'
the hostess served, an ekeellent unch. It is a black and tan andanswers to the
end - id Mrs. 'name of Sailor - if the dog wanders to
thank" was' t er -
_1�sh oto r her vei� dd qa� also any house the �wner, Mr.George Rob-
'ey fo Able re
to Mrs iolinsgri for her kind ent rtain- evtqn Clinton, will be mach;obliged
M;at. for I ..,
to return.
For the next ;en day§W6 hold our ANNUAL 8ALt
OF WINTER, GOODS, Our iales. are, no reco
iiized as. a great opportunity ..'to procure genuine
baygaftig; , During'Fe.�ru,
ary *6 - usually,%' expfprience
tgour coldesit Weather, And, goodg we' are offering
will be very suitable.
Heals $t,50 Felt Sboes.'.... 6.14cducco to $1.00
.31#10s L85 overshioes, ... . ... redo'ce.d.to 1,50-
MeWs 2.80 Buckle(I Robbers, W. 2.35' .
men's 2.60 Rnekled 11111bberS, to 245
Men's 1.40 Aitektied Rubbers to 1,00
Men% 2,10'Rlickled Rubbers to 1,75
-A 651tuckled Rubbers to 144
Ladies Va"nek'Slippers, regular$1 soitor I.00
Ladies Felt Slioes, regojar $1.25 ........ for Doe
Ladies 10d Lace, rerul'
A at $3.44) � . ...... for $2.90
ROY's Felt L!Hed Moe% reg, $1.75 for $1.40
Man'k'other lines,.we have not room to' mention here,
An inspection is invited
P a/,jZ AA! -0- v , ss r ! a a
Friday. and Saturday
S1. auahter Sale of vurs, Fur Coats.. Winfer--Coats, .
AFool.,.Blanikets, Remnants of all kin'd6, &c
FRIDAY and SATURDAY are the'last. tW-o days of ouri st6ck taking-
andjhey will- -be the. T
story'. Cotiae In and look. through the s4ore,''atid if 'you doh t see What
you w.ant,' ask'for We 1�ifil, i,4ave SPECIA L P910ES on all lines.
20 P, Furs Ladies, 'Win'' -it
er.ct off Small. �ter Coats. t,
Fr'dav . n will a.
I a d Saturday we- i -.give 2o .,Cost -nd less
per cent off �;.all small Fu* r's.such as. Auffs in'black.
&c Ladie� Beav6r.Wintei 06ats,
Stoles, . Mufts, Caperines, Scarfs, i
in blue,grodn' and' brown,. 24 ofily-lek ift,-.
Clable, Mar;n nx fsabella . ox, &c
Ell "ot' F U slz,es .34 tQ.42*, in loo§e� and, close' fl.tting,
All prices marked in. pjain figures, s' b. styles,trimmed', with. -silk' inilitar-y and.�
ject to lisdount' of 2o. per cent o.ff 'draw braids.. Regular, 'to V
$7-50 up 20,
Friday and Saturdayat cost and less
Our Special. $.38 CoAt
.M Coon Ci6a s
$6 eh's t
for. :39
for $
uality tlick B6aver"
L2idl.es�, best
er Q)Ats� pure, skin qtjilt�d lineO,. -Men's'undkicl natural: 06m Coa''C's,made"
loose. balc ' k, ' ith large natural Sable col-. -from picked skins 50 i�cii e"slo'llgi good
lar, a really� beautif ul.c6at, �nd. -our. spe- bik:collar 'eye I r . ) ; r. ., s kin. primeo. Coat guar.;,
cial at:`$ :.-F S
38-1- riday and atur-, e t, for� - Ono,
an e�d year,. sizes 40,42, 44
day, pri�e,*..'........i.,.;.,!*,..,,4.,.",..�,,.........* lop only., �.Regular $65.. frida-Y -And 0
Satu y' price ........
rda .......... $5
7.5 U. ined.,Coat-I
A FOr. 1". 1. � . .. 11
.$25 -Calfskin' 'Coat:8.4iA
-Ladies Black Beaver Shell- Coats, with'.
d!M'skrat .11' naturai - Sable Men.'s' a
blende u ning, Brown Calfskin 09 ts,'well made
and &ood big loose coats,on.y, �3
collar'.1o6se backs.. Regulaf �$7S $54 -gu
Friday and Saturd . price.6.... left. 'ke lar $26. clearing 'Frice $15
$'o Coon oats for: 9 'A trachan'Jacket less
5, :.C. 3 S'
'Mens Whole skin C66n Coitsi.good than cost . .
_J�g:c6llar;,- dee furre.d, good. color, all
I I p
size . s,'' Re �iki -$5o* lFrid d Ladle's Astrachan' jacket*"v�iih S61f or
ar .4y an 4t,.2 9, Sable co'llars,in saques or.Russian blous
. . 6 . - e
'$atu. P ic,&.... ....... t .............
Styles, 36 coats to choosie fr6m., Regular
$25. up tq. $75.. At le
ss thalift cost.
$ pf) Coats for-$
$6.'.Wool- Sta k ts U
Ladie's Put Uned Coats, with' bes Si'x:,only 'pure .' wool . Blank6ts -8 lb§
quality' navy -blue beaver shell., picked 0
i "' ht, 'd' from the �ery finest wool
�f�skr.at Hining,'two, stripe Mink collar, weig , nia e P
68 x 79 inches. Regular $6.
..guaran i9
teed for 6ae year, regul�r-M..' Fri And 0
rQol. Rriday and Saturday
�$4%� Coats' for' ig R�ninants of lbressC�joo'
o,50 I ds from, to
S yards'
Ladlet -black 'beaver --Coa'ts*, 'Boston
Lamb lined, 'interlinid with rubber, Remnaiirti. of Flanfielettes, Cottoll.4,
brown Martnot fur collar, a good warm' Printst Towelilingi 'Shiking, Sheeting,
and stylish coat. Regul f Sateens, &c,,, at about the hal f i
ar$25-10 price
turday,� price ..,dt.7 050
yriday tnd Sa
.4 1
No,, _7
No, 9.
Noa 10
N6,,-i v
No, 12
Ohoic e*
$1 9's
You will
find, some,`,of the biggest
Dry Goods
Aargal"'s you haVe ever
seen, in Vowit'- on
Tables Saturdery.—_
P a/,jZ AA! -0- v , ss r ! a a
Friday. and Saturday
S1. auahter Sale of vurs, Fur Coats.. Winfer--Coats, .
AFool.,.Blanikets, Remnants of all kin'd6, &c
FRIDAY and SATURDAY are the'last. tW-o days of ouri st6ck taking-
andjhey will- -be the. T
story'. Cotiae In and look. through the s4ore,''atid if 'you doh t see What
you w.ant,' ask'for We 1�ifil, i,4ave SPECIA L P910ES on all lines.
20 P, Furs Ladies, 'Win'' -it
er.ct off Small. �ter Coats. t,
Fr'dav . n will a.
I a d Saturday we- i -.give 2o .,Cost -nd less
per cent off �;.all small Fu* r's.such as. Auffs in'black.
&c Ladie� Beav6r.Wintei 06ats,
Stoles, . Mufts, Caperines, Scarfs, i
in blue,grodn' and' brown,. 24 ofily-lek ift,-.
Clable, Mar;n nx fsabella . ox, &c
Ell "ot' F U slz,es .34 tQ.42*, in loo§e� and, close' fl.tting,
All prices marked in. pjain figures, s' b. styles,trimmed', with. -silk' inilitar-y and.�
ject to lisdount' of 2o. per cent o.ff 'draw braids.. Regular, 'to V
$7-50 up 20,
Friday and Saturdayat cost and less
Our Special. $.38 CoAt
.M Coon Ci6a s
$6 eh's t
for. :39
for $
uality tlick B6aver"
L2idl.es�, best
er Q)Ats� pure, skin qtjilt�d lineO,. -Men's'undkicl natural: 06m Coa''C's,made"
loose. balc ' k, ' ith large natural Sable col-. -from picked skins 50 i�cii e"slo'llgi good
lar, a really� beautif ul.c6at, �nd. -our. spe- bik:collar 'eye I r . ) ; r. ., s kin. primeo. Coat guar.;,
cial at:`$ :.-F S
38-1- riday and atur-, e t, for� - Ono,
an e�d year,. sizes 40,42, 44
day, pri�e,*..'........i.,.;.,!*,..,,4.,.",..�,,.........* lop only., �.Regular $65.. frida-Y -And 0
Satu y' price ........
rda .......... $5
7.5 U. ined.,Coat-I
A FOr. 1". 1. � . .. 11
.$25 -Calfskin' 'Coat:8.4iA
-Ladies Black Beaver Shell- Coats, with'.
d!M'skrat .11' naturai - Sable Men.'s' a
blende u ning, Brown Calfskin 09 ts,'well made
and &ood big loose coats,on.y, �3
collar'.1o6se backs.. Regulaf �$7S $54 -gu
Friday and Saturd . price.6.... left. 'ke lar $26. clearing 'Frice $15
$'o Coon oats for: 9 'A trachan'Jacket less
5, :.C. 3 S'
'Mens Whole skin C66n Coitsi.good than cost . .
_J�g:c6llar;,- dee furre.d, good. color, all
I I p
size . s,'' Re �iki -$5o* lFrid d Ladle's Astrachan' jacket*"v�iih S61f or
ar .4y an 4t,.2 9, Sable co'llars,in saques or.Russian blous
. . 6 . - e
'$atu. P ic,&.... ....... t .............
Styles, 36 coats to choosie fr6m., Regular
$25. up tq. $75.. At le
ss thalift cost.
$ pf) Coats for-$
$6.'.Wool- Sta k ts U
Ladie's Put Uned Coats, with' bes Si'x:,only 'pure .' wool . Blank6ts -8 lb§
quality' navy -blue beaver shell., picked 0
i "' ht, 'd' from the �ery finest wool
�f�skr.at Hining,'two, stripe Mink collar, weig , nia e P
68 x 79 inches. Regular $6.
..guaran i9
teed for 6ae year, regul�r-M..' Fri And 0
rQol. Rriday and Saturday
�$4%� Coats' for' ig R�ninants of lbressC�joo'
o,50 I ds from, to
S yards'
Ladlet -black 'beaver --Coa'ts*, 'Boston
Lamb lined, 'interlinid with rubber, Remnaiirti. of Flanfielettes, Cottoll.4,
brown Martnot fur collar, a good warm' Printst Towelilingi 'Shiking, Sheeting,
and stylish coat. Regul f Sateens, &c,,, at about the hal f i
ar$25-10 price
turday,� price ..,dt.7 050
yriday tnd Sa
.4 1