HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-01-14, Page 7-,-. , vl,;�rl M -7� 2 1, ---1o- . -�-n�,rT"Opl!pl��r-ARFIR"�-�:,..Nw.v%,W."Mlllmpktp
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009cf, Arrangement For ,.Driving Four
� !
I 1. timovestorinst 9 Sys tos, healthy
seadition. V
the bung. and covered with it find
screen. to, keep out Insects. At the bot-
I . e suf-
. . . . . I
The Shfte Oat Womet Come o _
I r� , gi I ,
: ,� ' r
, ,
a perpendicular row of glmlek� holes
or- Five Horses Abreast.
says: This stanchion Is
I simple and I
� - wiN And It 1A be way beneficial, and
bored and- fitted'with wooden 1)1u',s
" to
r THE 'ALE' R'N'r..
I , �
0 :
I � 1.11 I
, 11 11
. r
� . -
I , Writing Of Multiple bitelies*Iii. the
13reeiler's Gazette, chicago, A, MISS
rian. oity's. My metbgq of hitching bou" i
. .
. ____
- * 7
added, from time to -time through, a.
on a bluder. I then take down the line.
thd horse
... r
n I I !_
%_ r r
. � . I .
. � . OMLUA
I � I
.1 I .
iv �������������
, - our I
all 6e freedom to Move sideways that .1.
. . . -
I . their,coats to qgivd them sliarply-�the
. . . I 1. : I ..
. I , .. !
, M.0rum,Bu,r90ssvilIe,0nt. Canadlangair
V Restorer is
a Mixture of ttboi;t three-fourths -wine
The: amount of inoney that an nalmal
. I I 0 1
L I.
. . .
. i.
. : 4 1
- w
i 0:, , . � .
I horses Worlm equally well with three,
vinegar need'be.
.1 � . . I �..
addeiL -1 ' � . 1.
... I
.. . . .1 I .T-.4 .
. ., I . '
I of the horse kind will bring at private
� .
I . 0
1: I . .
... �
, 3�
1 �
� four arid five horses. I have quite of. I
. .. . I
I or public sale deliendA largely upon .
. � __
�. � . . . I .
I � I . . I
1. � 1. I. ... �. � - 1. .
Do n't be laid upAn
. � 61 . .
bed Withr La Grippe.
ten driven five horsea abreast, but.not
more. However, I believe that -six qnq ,I
I . ,
Puts Up Her Medicines, In. Most Tempt- 'I whether tile ftillwitt k's In high flesh, ,
. . !no. Formo_ I well groomed tind has a sleek, glossy
I . F
. . "'BlaeU Kn121119, i -
1: �
I .
, jl;. .
. 11*, .. .
,.,. .
. �
. .13re,%k up the cold and fever
Cure in 24 hours�no.
with Coleman's Campho-Quinine, �
1� �e
bad -effects
I seven or even eih ked
this way as. well as four,
. . __ �
I - I coat or Is thin In flesh and rough coat'- '
11ave yalt ever tai5ted anything mor;, f Qd- The selling value of an antmal can
I -11,
.. gn'[ r ..
I _____ I �
I 1. I Stove Ponsh
"'. . �� � .�
I .
. . �
As all den
. Jori;s or irrom OOt.,EMA0
- ,
-26c. .1
Take the lines of the two outside
horses and *hitch the same a
r s you
j, 11clous than thzb� fresh, ripC,, luscious I .often be Increased frouri one to two
r rults? These are Nature'* inedicirlea. J hundred 4011ars by the addition of one
. . . .
is an inspiration to the h.
I .11in
r . ousewifesq wil . 9 I I
I to 4() its work and does it so well., . . � . �
.� .
� � I ..
I . L
I .. - � . -11 � Ir ... I .. �..-�
� .. I .
would bitch two horses-tbat Is, snap
. flesh, and
A regular clot without fruit Isposl- I or two hundred pounds of ,
I to put on,and just a few rubs brings
- %%
I .
I . , . 11 " � . I I
, _.. . .
. � .
. r � �
the spritad line In the bit next to thel ,tively
outside horse, Then
. the cost of adding that amount of flesh
'dangerouo, for thQ s,*stQnyFQo7n 0
�r. �
. ..
, ., . ,ril�iai:-.Vt Polish. .
;�; I
I .
rioney vinegar.
get three straps
gets Clogge(l with w4sto watter and 'Will twobably not be� much niore
� � You should see for yourself Low pod
I . .1 1:
L r � 1. . V�Vw1w1v
A, modification of a Vrench generator
41 Nu .1 sit Ir BIT ,
. . ...... it' - -
the blood p t Juices stir I 9 sed cash value'.
olsoned. * Vrul , ne-fourtli. of the Increa
. � "BlEick, Knight" really is. .
r , I
. I . .
devi ed at. the ATIZOna station will
;;�, I
'-ftIA - - .
r Pir'll _1
. I ,
up Dowelz, maneY3 and Skip, making I No owner mw, make a greater mis-
11 urdenler does not bandle it. send ua :
hir 9A .
. 'lame R04 loc. for full filmd, Call. .
... I I
. .
proyee especially, Serviceable where
. A
. I . :yl
thean wor% vigorously to throw off I take.thau,to solid his Istock to the sales
� I
., . 11 1. r
I . L .
Only small amounts of honey wine are
- I
the dead tissile and indIggstible food : ring *ijOien thin Ili flesh, says,the Horse (
. . ei� rAW ZZWA Danile.
L . .
- .
. 9, F�,� F__,
" ..
r .
� I
Whlcll� If rotained, soon � poison the 1 ureeder. Thrree quarts of oats a day
- . _.- - ;1
- I . � - -_
I sobtakil
I . . \
, , I
blood and cause Indigestion, . Ilead- I added to the regular ration, together
r ,� �� . I I
. I (I
� . . , -
-__ "
- - .
- -
. I
aches. Itheumatism, N all� A
- 'eural.-Ia. a I with a half pint of West ludla or Now
host of other distressiziL, troubles Orleans mohisses ,,I,,l .elillfl �f
M I . . .
___ __ � - - -11-__-_ . -1 .1.
� - I
. . � . I r - � - - - . I I � I I . r . I P
I a vq�__ AW I _4 � I I � � r But there is a quicl;cr way to'stim. ��one gill oflinsped wealto thenightra.
- fpr two onths,
� .- I ulate the organs to do thpir 'woric � tion of gr�alu continued in
��, ii� PGO ... I ..... , \T , 1 1--14' ,
. I 11 .. - 1�1 �.� " . i � - "rop erly, Ta,l�e ono or two " Fruit.a. . .
. . . �, I . ' with careful grooming every ddy, to
. ,_ - � -_ a Lives" tablets' every night, besides eat -
I The iobon - _. ., !-. . . . � . I
� � 14"d favaluc it Lo 1kreahtarm"alet -of I - _". � InG son-io fresh fruit every'day. 17,ruit� keep ilic pores open ,.in(! tile coat -free
" .. Z 01 r I "-tivei" combine the medicin',11 PfOP- I from dirt and a
- ,
- -
- . .. _ . � . light woolen blanket
Idiliany, bladder and miner troubles, _. -, - . I orties-many, ,times , Jntensifled-of
. I
and diseases arising ther Dirom, such - . oranges, app, es, prunes and fig,; with � Ili stable to keep. the hair cl6so to the
- - '.
. I I an rheumatism, sciatica, lame back . --..- __ . I I. I I I I r � the best tonics and iaternal disinfect, I boily, will nittke such a .marked In -
L r . . . .
. , md lumbap, and we feel that the I I � . I . - , _ �a ants added, . r, Kid, I provement in the condition of mo . st .
I .
I', " mollilia are, entitInd M narticulnrn t � I I I . Their.. acttQn on Towels, Live . .
, ., .
I JWeraing it. .
. WIN141
L -
I .& xuLTi!PLrw ancir. '' .
neys ana bKm is as natural -as ,N a
I ture's ow.n. but quicker and more,
.., , A
. th .. prominent physician states that
, o exeellent results that have been
. . .
to be made Into vinegar from time to-
. . about eighteen, Inches long,' make them
so you can. adjust them to any length
, . .et:
'fective. $old by all dealers -25c. for
trial -box -50c. for regular size - 6.1
. obtained from the use of the mixture
I are due to its direct action Upon the,
time. A gpo4 wine or gtcqhol barrel Is
ca�efully pointed on the outside to,Lprer-
with a buckle and have a snap in each
. .
boxes for ;2,50.. Frult-4-rkves Limited, I
. i
Ottaw'a. I . ...
.... nays, slating them in their work
.vent corrosion of the. hoops. A ven.h
end. Snap one ep.d-L In ibe right sl de of
. I
. % . I
of all isonous waste matter
hole Is now b L oredJu each end of1the
the outside near hors e and In the.left
. I .
I . ,
. I and k rem the bl and expelling
samme in the u # d at the same L
cask near the chime o4 the side*next
sideof the horse next to it. Snap the
inside two horses together in ,a like
- ..
. I I
Stanchions For cattle. ,
I 1. timovestorinst 9 Sys tos, healthy
seadition. V
the bung. and covered with it find
screen. to, keep out Insects. At the bot-
manner and, also the- two off 'horses.
. 11
Writing of the cattle �tgucbloxt -
I . e suf-
tom . n .
of one e'd a spigot Is Insert9d and
Your horsea-whein hitched will.appear
. I
shown In the MuOrailon, d breeder
fabw frew afifiotions of this nature
a perpendicular row of glmlek� holes
.as In the Illustration. I
says: This stanchion Is
I simple and I
� - wiN And It 1A be way beneficial, and
bored and- fitted'with wooden 1)1u',s
" to
This arrangement. works finely on a
easily made and never falls to hold I -
roggemis tbas It be gFm & trial,
act as a gauge. Fresh. wine, which,
plow, drill drag or anything where
top plece� of the stanchions -are" I
. .
� .. . .
I - -
. . L
.must first be Tully fermented, � be
four.horseS are bitebed abreast except,
. . .
- �
)hade of 2 by 4.';stuff I
L . The loosQ7 bar Is '
I .
. ____
- * 7
added, from time to -time through, a.
on a bluder. I then take down the line.
thd horse
cut a -an angle of f6rty-five degrees at 1�
., It . . . ..I
1�. .412 T.T I , vn�
f. -I, . I i- i. � �1, U
.OfL next, to tbe'� o
L lie on the
. v ,
_ -
1�� - -%a"&A" "AA " 1:1 USEA11-wr
. L
� F.� 4 -,, e Dusig ole and ..
ending near the bottom of the, cask.
near side and drive'as I would two
I I .
. I . .
. ... . , I � uNd,� ' � -
. . nuAby Fon.Tim r
I .
. I .
. .
.. N e - 9* - 0 .
In this* way the active film will, not be �
horses on a wagon, excbpt that I have
. : . . � . -lint
i::::� . . . horses whlch..ake thin 1n* flesh, t
. __
, .
disturbed by drawing,off a little vine-
hitched together ,with the stra
, P.
, - . they will -hardly' be' recognized by�
' A
, /
. .
or adding a little fresh x�lno� The '
The line on' the X horse I hang to
. I .
I . . . A -:�11 .those who formerly knew them. . ' ' .
.,.- .
tube jn�ust not he of- metal, but can be
*o#3e lever on. ihe'b,Inder, as' I use. It
- .. , The quautlWof the above.necessary
- I
Will rd�itore gray hair to Its na ral color.
, ., . � -
of glass 'where available. _M this re-.
only when tiirnin to the right or -hold-
.9 � I
-I,,. ,..�- - L . I.
I . 1. I I for one mouth- will be abofit three -
- I I - .
Stops falling hair causes to gro. an bald
P'� - ' heads. Curesdandruff, itching, scalp diseases,
. - ,
gion,a, large stalk 'of -native cane, the
. '
ing back in case he Is too free, ,, �.
I � ,
. -If I have',one horse that is too free.,
. I
1. ...... I I bushels of.oats, one and three-fQurths .
I .. I . I . � . .
I . gallons of molasses'and three and -�
By R43 use thin hair grows luxuriantly.
Joints of which have been �
� . perforated .
with a hot Iron,
I hitch'blih in. the middle and a: s I lower
I . , .one ,
. I
half quarts ot linseed meat, The lat-
. . , Contailis no olly or greasy Ingredient%
Is entirely unlike an7 otlwr buir prepam,
-nid-kes a very service-.
lible tube,. ,&. tin funnel. ninyl)�, i.1sed -
horse each side, then take.' hit'
- . a , ch,
�: . . .
� . . . . . ' -,
. .. I . . .. . .. � . I ter will.n6t only tend. to fatten the ant ,
. . .
tim ever oftrod Or sale. .1
. - , . . . I
fn p6uring U10 - wilie into the tiji;)e. - A,
-5.trap.. slip t.�yyq 15ijaps on it and tie it -ta
' .. . . . . mal,'but will makb -the 6at soft an(i
�. . . ..
A go9d, reliable Canadian preparation.
. . . bee
sipillar apparatus has .
n found ve ry
. -he 9
the -home ring of ofie -of t -horse
. I � .
. . . , addlw
, , . . . � I.,. , . glossy, , Any ode can figure the
r �- IJ-silReAted We.tillmontals. .
Edith A. Burke, Missionary H. M. Cbnr:�,
servIceablp In 'France -,for. converting
next to him, then. snap one snap in
eaft* 'Alde'of his bit, .'and the -other end
I I . : .
- . .. . . . . . . I;lonal.c.ost, per mouth,bf the
. I . . � . . . . I . '
I . I . �. . I Horges that have been broken 10 bar -
'Ahbimim Egy andfrionds, greatly plea
I Tdth two
tii6le-wine waste. Into vineigar. Suelp
. I
Lle .
. . . -
of the hitch strap 1. snap, to the'61id
. . �
' 0 . .
. � . I . I I � . . -be road
. � � "ss should driven on tlie
res@ta P=1 years'using.
. � 1� A. Hopes, Wilner, Montana. My hair
wastes . under sultab tdimperature
. �
. . .
conditions Yield good, vinegar Ili nine.
. nl� A
borge!s liame ring. This will give.bi
. . I i
. I . I '
� I . � . � I pome .every. day, and It will. Improve ,
I : I . .. I 1.
� , and whiskers restored to natur al coloi dark
� brown, by using Canadian Hair Resto;;r.
' .
ty days. The gen&htor I&.started with
all 6e freedom to Move sideways that .1.
. . . -
I . their,coats to qgivd them sliarply-�the
. . . I 1. : I ..
. I , .. !
, M.0rum,Bu,r90ssvilIe,0nt. Canadlangair
V Restorer is
a Mixture of ttboi;t three-fourths -wine
Pe needs,,but., be.,cannot go faster. thah.
. .
the other,horses, for the'liltch strap
, == � Ins mile:so,as for Start the perspiration
� . I .
A_ - and.,bring them. to the .stable iydifm,
the est I have ever used.
N? , I John G. Hall, New Aberdeen, CaDeBreton.
and - one-fourth good - vinegai, When
()nee started no new
*Ili hold him bac)�. - * " � .'.. . I � I �
. � i
.. 0. .. . 1 -, UP .__ �'_ � 'If .
. _ a straighten their hair 'with'a rub '
. Chnadian Mir Restorer has workeawouders.
I My head is nearly all covered with thick
vinegar need'be.
.1 � . . I �..
addeiL -1 ' � . 1.
... I
.. . . .1 I .T-.4 .
. ., I . '
. - - "
. . . . I .. � rag; throw a: light blanket Q Ver'
. . 1.
growth black hairi original color. 0 � I'
.. I .
- . - -, I . .
I .. I ,.S.'
. A Sensible Feeding Floor., . .
. . I
. ,
the top and should.be , long enou .
. . Ll- . . . gh to -and. put �thkw In their stalls,- using
I I 198old by all wholesale and retail druggists.
. . .
.urood sows should-aM,itys' lift -i -e sui
� A. feedl4g. floor will save' Its -cost ln� ..
efend about one had one-balf-1fichep , Cure not toda 'them stalid-llf�a-.drdft
I . bn�� seasod. ,It Is impossible to "ti. above the top' -pieces. . I . I . . . . . . . 1 ". . ,. I - . .. . . ; . '. . , . .
0.1 I : XaiIe4 to any address in the elviliz world ficlen t 'nutritious foo' . I . . .� � .-
� ds to keep thepi Ili . I . . Of air when the. harness. Is being . re. �w_� . .
on receipt of �price, Me. Manufactured by . . . . . . � I . . . I . �� .
1. . I .
. -
. good condition. .At fa�row,lng time the, mate, the number of tons of corn that 0 Is. a 1001) made Of No. 0 wire moved and they' .are - -being rubbed. ,t . -,� - . .. . I .. I �, I
. I 9 Windsor. Ont � . -1
XIMWIIN CO. . , Canadfle gow should not be.too fat. If she has are wasted'ev6ry year,by being train- about nine 1?6hes long, with it ftook' , . . .. .. . I .. . --....--- - - munm9mummil6dugfigimmmm I . . '.
- ' . . . .1 .. down. � _. , . "t , . . . � . .
Sold in Clinton by W� SS, -i�, hc.d plenty of exercis�� .�hd 1 , s *Ili fair- pled Into �he mi.id and �n�w,by.hogs. � -bent at right angles on each end. ,Oofts�.ilot. broken to.harness should I . I , * .. ..I.
. . . "' "'
x. -to the t . I ... ,
.1-1 . ..1-1:...J1
e , � . hould be from' 0 stj These 'are fastened I A
. . - ' th� is. ) . . ' . I . , : I
4 to eltre for her offspring. She should inches tioln'the' 'ground, built solidly wi nee, stal5les so'az to hold the * .
ru . the -side -.,or. in. front 7ot a poiiy -or - '- "WHED , ' ir 11
Holrnes, J. E. Hovey, W. A. condition she 4111 be b iter prei)hred . :Tbe..floor a tour; t, op * pieces' b , e broken to *lead t6 bridid. eith . er, by -
Z> ""'
, ggists. . not be fed corn every� (lay ot.t-tio yeari of good timbers, and around the iidge .bar In proper ,phice,,,wben, closed.' ,, A . ` running by their slde� The HLQ0.D`D1ZWA8*L.8.--U .I... ,.. (1,"
. I . . . I . n - , . grooilis, .,. .
__ ... , I ---... , This grain should be given. m0t, spa r- ' should be - fialled tightly a 2. by, 4 Scon- show.$ the stanchion o�*n alid B clos. *ee of. welf bred colti. offerea at -pub- - _,_
r . - . . � L. - . -1 . ... . . * I , Drs. K. & K. Esbibliihed'20 Years.. . ..
I ugly just before � farrowing- and in Ito,. �tling tO-prevent the corn from,being , ed. . .1 � . . : . . - sale �wlll largely depend iipon`wliat 1. . 1, , I - . . . I . . . .. . . . I 11
� .60 YEARV . I � .1 . . . 1. . . I . I . . lie . . .. . . . . -_1
-o quarts'of..oats .'scraped off Into the mud. '.,. . 1. . . � . '.. . Shee'ts Nee . ess . ary. .. -they�.show Ili the al , , . I . 'NO r4AMES USED WITH...'. � - " - . I I . i
4 EXPERICNCE .place tt:ratlon of tv . . . . . 1, I . . 1. . .., Kecorcl. I si os ring.. The best I - ;V � Ci5� . I � I . � �
-ftm on - Ifli one .� . 'I" . I - I � I . I . . I
. .
__ __ � quart of soaked corn wl . . I - . t - gaited: c6ft in thq. world that hasuot . W 0 . . . . ,
I - arn, whethei . OUT WRITTEN iCONSENA ,
, No up to date dairy b, .14 �� . . . . 1. . . - I .� I
. .;P . . - .
quart .of - wheat. This will prove an A�reezing Does Not'Hurt Silage. - ' ';r'100 cow 1 should A, 66en 6ducated 'and. drill ed to lead Ito . A.� was gLirvriseO at'how the' - 4 , .. 1. , --.1 ...... . _.:
%, . contains one S, . . I �_
excellent ration. -, �. . liage dods:not nee- . , , . . ,
. ,
',§ � . . . . - . The freezing,oV'si . . without its daily -record� shee 'c '�illf make. n poor sb.owing . In P I... Sores hezled�- "I too1c. yotir. Nim .
A . � I I . ' L'4bd ac- bridl - I raod TMAT.49',"P for a serious blood: .
- , . spring ba)ancc--s The stateincut that. the - . � . -A dise,tsc Arith which I had been inflicted � I 1. A
1� . esoarily mean It, 'loss): as it may. be , . . I . Mu ''' �M_11 -_ - .,
1. � . � . I I .. curate cales"', lil it be ,the ring.
. Vajue of Warm Quarters. 11� thaived oui and made fitlor feedin it youngster Is perfectly green,and has, . f". - *1 * I forti6elveyears. -I had consVedascore, � . � .
- I . I . . I , 1. I I ,W_ ,
. . 9 ,'merely ,to .intelligently. ' esthfiate� . , , f . . : .1
- afid when properly 'attended to need. I . . % " " A . ),3, .
Warnidry .q�arte�s Will go a- 10A.9, . Ic I
, . never be��ix tau"'Ilt to lciid will no-t-belp " Nof-Rhysicians. takemall kill got blood .
I . � . . � . . . ine -1ted Ifut Springs and - Win* %i .:. �. .
Year!s earnings, 'writes.Mrs. F."Howle , I " .1 ". _ ,ne, vi, � . I I
.. ThADr, MARKS xay towarq keeplif- ihe st,6ck coffi� : not ,rot, or mold' . . ' 04 - ,water re-orts, but only.got, teni I. . . . . I .
I .. , . � ., The frozen ''silage - con en: ,the mitit6r,:in �iid 14alpt., The purebaser . � . .. inineral .. I � . " I
I DESIG S * . .. 6ild of Wis * sln,ls besi� daify'Wom. . I . . , . � .. 14 . - . p6rar reli0i ThLywould-libipillefor a .. '. .� I 1. . 11
- �
� I .,-,( .table,. and . When coi�ntdrtable may be often thawed -by mlxing�.with . III y to Just..w.hat,be:'sets and to , , 'W'. � � 11 ... . .1 i
-COPYRIGHTN . 4tock . . .. . , . .. The day lias. gone by'WhOu it 11g w pa r , I I'll, 0i � . thile'tut after discontinuing the Me& A I .1 11 - , . .
1. BlEstell and descrip S &C. ,xIII row and fatten much better and the warm silage at the c6nter of - the , ' . . �. . , .. I it. I.. � I tt .. . �, .
on I - will, prove a I I . ,�� - w.?uAl,"brea c oil t I . : 1.
Anyone sending a ti may 9 I 0", tmoi:-,,.-� - . . Cities the srmptonis I
vrhother an ft . niess". �� a s tisfactiiry and! . , . �-: * . I . , , . I
rpatentabloo kommunlea. with less feed than when ' t,- to. take silo.: 'It. % - -, � The . . I again-runn ug- soPes, 1) otelies, rlieum- .
90my ascortatil on Ir opinion free .. . lef generally, c6nadered dan . conclusive answer to a buyer Who .1 - A hint to the wf�e Is sufficlent. .The . .. . . I I . . . . - . , . I . . �
. ention is probRbl . . . . - . I I , .. . . . - pains, 18,btt iebair,swelllugs . , , . I .
. ... . . . ' i f. P I I . . atlic 0 � I . . I . . 'L I
a - to , . , t I . . .
. Uons strictlYcoluldejit al. RAN --nre of tbeitiselves. � gerous Ao. feed frozen sllage.-4owa L -sbci . e , . . - .. or'tlio gla a n � e handssealftig, . . �. .. . .
_. 1%BE 0 OnPaten I .� ,. . . . better your' animals' iv 'the mor i ,,,.i,d
� cent f ree. Oldest agency for se urmirg,atants - � . I . . . � . . �vjishes -,to .,Invest .,his money with a . . ; . , , . , , . . . I
recet o . . I . .
Patents taken throigii, munn a; o. V, . .Bulletin.' . . . . . , itchl - ;-I Ptle Stoin4c", AFTER 1rrftwrh:%r6r4T'
. I . . - , I . � . .. . .1 . I . . . . . . 0 1 money they �wl I briug: it..ds just. 68 .MEFORE R"TMENT*,, ness 'Iyaw yspe �palr wlieu it . .. � , , .
a . � . ,�
0-- . I . . . I . . . . elear.understanding as to the probabl I � . I . 5 , I
(al no Vr out arge. in tile . .. Pure Water For Sheep. : . � . 11. I , I . � ..� ... I � . . . I . lir Con . . . etc. ',I hat given Up Ili des ' '_ . . � �r . . "
r . I . , Important for farmers'and sina n- friendadvisedineltoconsul , on, as you bad cured him df a shnflAr diseas .8 ear a o. " .
. - r - � . i me. - "HOW many pounds and what - . . nor.1lope .. . � . , .
t merkft it the b6y Is looking afWr the"Ifock . . I on co ' . . . 11 had . ,but took hisavice. In threetyeeks, timethe sores conitne to I -
.. , 'r . 0 1. ,
. r,
. . � 1. .. . . I . 77-77 iier 'cent Of;.butter fat?"lls .1 fair try breeders. who.., have -horses, to sell't and I becalno encoux-aged, 'I continued the N= AIETHOD Tdr,,A:TMnN r U ontlisnpil- -- - ': . .
A handaomely illustrated weemy. Largest ctr. .Soach Jilin i�o flftt dhing that sheep' .� � _ ' S' ibl'o c tIon. r ..... .
enlation of any selentific journal. Terms for . . , T11E: 'HOILSENIA] . - que,stion��lbh:t any reliable datrYman%. - put thenf In, the best po s . ondl rab the end of that time ever�, symptomNid.disappeare(L. X,%v clir 1, ears ago sil 710 ...
40 r :. � .. I ,� -is sound and . . . .
_� .. � signs of dny disease since. llybdy,threeyearsold, y. Pee' aluly . ,
I cWnada.$�L75aYcarePOBtagOPMPald. Soldin Rr' dainty and.,wlll.. su(Ter .for water . I . ... I -should hold himielf In readiness to' as for those,wbo send their animals to Can recommend youi- ti-entmentwith all my heart.' Y66 can re 'r n Ingoll to' 0. . ,
a nensdealers. . I rather thou. drink . from . A dlrt-.,� vessel, . . . .. . . 7 . .7 . . . _______0 -ans*er, and the seales,,,)vith . privatelyr,blit YOU Can use this I I I .-YOU wish.." . - . ' : W, if, S. I . I. . -
I .
rdUNN & Cc 3618rand"Y' New Yart, . , .. r 1� . . : . . . . I . . 1. promptly . the sales ring. 011ty dealers ,wh6. retail . . . . . test.n o.nial as . . .. � r . .
. � . . . . . . , . to � e'llitont, eta are, al*dys ready -to buy Wikr.�t NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOCELE. STRICTUREi VITAL WEAKNESS, . I . .
. . 1. .
. I
. I . . � . . . . . . I ... I r. ...". from a'horsels legSrthan a comb ..S Me r '. * BLOOD. SKIN and PRIVAtt Dlspases, URINARY, BLADDER and K . IDNEY comillain . . . �
11railch 0910& 66 F St. Was",- -qn.D.(R�a . A soft cloth Is bottek to* rub the dirt carefully kept iecordg will undoi,bted-
r ... I � . . k 4�16n' ` . . .
- . . 0 ly now aiid.ffien relieve lite. con,qe Co- *animAls that are -fat al�d, sleek. . , ,,,,r ,Wo . . . . . I , r. ,' le, . I
I . . . .. . .0 and mea , . . . . . '. � 1 . 'Ir
- . . - SPECIAUSTWASBAFFLED horses are very, sensitive about the use .from a severe strain. Thesel,fogether * . ' ' .- - .. r I .. � I . . I . .1 .1 . � I . . I .
. . . . . . Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you intending to ms�rry?. ITas . .
Svnopsis of Canadian r 6 - - ;.. t " : . ., Of. a comb on their legs. A. cloth they VIth the Babcock test, will. do .even. ', . 1. .I HEADER. your blood been diseased? Have you any weakn0w? Our,,Nr,w* METHOD ' .
� . . . r '.. . . I . , LAND 'POISONING. I TREATMENT ivill cure �ou. what It has done for others Itwill do for you. Ciinsuliation . , . I
; * . . will never: object to. . I ,-ioie; for -reliance , - r . . I . . . Free of Chilrte.
. . . ,bY placing implicit . I ; - . Ftee.,'No. matter ,%rho has treated you, -,;rrite for, an honest opinion . I : , r
Norlh-West . Child Tortured - with Eczema, '. ' . � I' , , � "Tile Golden Monitor," (Illuottated)dnDlseas sofXen. 01 I .
I I 1. I -Contraction of'Back Tendons. on tbqm be' Will acqu re a.-copfidence .Charges reasonable. BooksFree C
. . , � . . Saiiaithing Neiided to Distr6y Toxig I ., . .. . I . . . . I . �
. , . . I . that will enable him to buy as Well- as . . . 'thin' c ' ene .
I HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS . . . . - , . I .in tile 'early istages of severe.cam . . I . . . . Secretion ot Roots. 11 . NO NAMES USED WITHOUT! WRITTEN CONSENT;. Every 9 onfid lal,� . . .
- . 1.
Any even numbered section of Dominion When all else failed Zo,=-Buk I on � of. contractl ' . � Sell to the best advantnae. .. , . . ' I Question list 4ind cost of Home Treatment FREE. . .. I . '. .
red Tier , on of back tendons, or I . . I . ., . .e . I . . . . I . . . � I .
3�ands in Manitoba, SaskatcheWsn and Al. � I .. . . : r-, . . 6( . _ . . I No one knows so well ,Its the, practi- .- . . I .
berte.ei,cepting 8'and 26, notkeBervad,may I I ''. 1* " , shorten t � he too and apply A high bee I . I . - . I I I I . �.- cal farm6r how rapidly, . a naturally ' I%f � .
I I -, 1� kneestring," give a complete rest� ft .
be homesteaded by any person who is the I Once again the unequalled- merit. of , I-'. . . I I., I . . � fertile sollmay be, i6xhaust:64 by culti- In& . I . . . I . . ,
sole head of a family, or any male over 18 am-bu disease has ed shoe and hot foh�efitations continu- - - � , I 1%10* . . I .
I . Z kasah6aloriif skill I � . ' ' 0 -KENNEDY& KENNEW �
' . . *ation. 1n this. country the.iOacc6 I . I I . � I . . I
years of age, to the extent ok-one quarser been demonstratedi this time atLun bn- ously, orcold astringent lotions. When . ; . .1 . I .
. . . I I . . . .. .... I . JandS.of Virginia afford an exAmple of ' . Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St.,*, Petroit,- Mich. -.1 . I . .
seation of 160 sores� more or less I . ,burg Co, N. S. ' -,. . I beat a'hd. tendernesi subside, the high '... ..;...: .., ':. I . .1, . . 'r . . . I . .. . . I . . 11, - . .I � I
Application for c;atry must be made in Mr 1) G Xiissrnan,bf that place says: iie'eled shoe may be dispelited with, - .N.". ... . this ,rapid .decline In fertlilly. Tbe . � I � . -P I .
I .
I .**: .;!.,::. ' I 4bandone,d New',Engla,fid firms, too .� , NNW=, I
I irson by the applicant; at a Dominion Mylittle girlinow.neArlythreeyears old . . It . I . I .
. :. I I . . . . 1.11 .. . .,:, �. -1.11 I . I
I . � the. foot shod level and active.blisters. .1 .*::: !*-T. p - . 1. I . . I I . . . ... � .1 . 1 . - . ,/
. � fande Agency or Sub-agancy for the ills- whOh itb6uttour . wouths'of age 609110 applied. , iodide of mercuiy Is the -best . ::::.: ,*- hbi "to illustrate ,the eftects produced - , I . . . .
1. , I
I trict ih which the land is situate. Entry to be afflicted with pezemA. I consult6d . . I ' .4y'.1i . *::.4. . . by the constant coltiv�4f�on of the saM91 � . ,...,: . � I . , .. I . I ''. . � . . �
-. Vvho did his . - ' .Buy si.:Well Brokeri'Animal. - - :.**:3* . � 11!ii; fields.' Land that once yielded crops . . �., I.. . - I. - ----..- .--- � �. ..
- beat - t , . I . , ` �,'.. ii -N.': � . - - ... � . .
by pr6ty May, however, be made &%'an .a, specialist foi he . i-44.-*.*� ,
. , I...... .
oor little th ;.:.
ARency on cartAiri conditions b the --lii.-�; is If"by magic iiow rbquires an artift. . � I
A- , y . . g butt e disease bd,Hled .. ; Before buying a horse se� that he. Is - il....Q."10* . . = . - . .
. .
father, mother, son, daughter, brother or IM, Alpd afte along trial I was olidged. well broken,. A.horse may be p6rfect i::::j:.�;:;;; :.:�i::. . .�Ialjprpplaratton W0ve,1VwIlI reward- . .1 .
:,�`ii� . . I 1. .� . .
.... -1 - I .
� *ii; -. .. ..
0- , . :V __1
. to admit tho, is treatment .was :i� ip 1. . - - - '
T- I.:: i �! R: .; I . . - *!�.`.'i rarmer for his strenuous labor in
. .
'Aster of an intending homesteader. not. In forwand buI1d,'souiid'f6,'*Idd'a'nd P.n.-nii.--m the .
� ., The homesteader is required to doin' An ood.. Then -1 tried various U, �: � - I . . . WE WANT TO HAND YOU.OUR I .
. . perforp; . limb and -yet be, rendered worse thit, f--*.--*ffl1�:j1--_Y-T, - , . ... ii4*!j..--!:. . I . .
'he homeoteso dat reme ' ch* were advised by frieu4a� "iri.01,11-fli, I *� � . - i:.-1!: i !.: ii;;� i .: i - - the field. . I ... . . . , . . . . .
tea uncler one of the fol. but e les IV I ' el ' ' S* or bad ii..._. .-... , .,."'11.-,�;y.--, INTERESTING 7e_ ' 0 1 1
.0wing plane -, with no bettenresult... . vitin ess by YkIbUs habit _1 �; .. I . Sir 011+er Lodge, the emln6iit lMng.;.- - .
' . I . I ?.6.ng1ig-.;Fe:. - q�- pilig;Y My:; . . . � I I
residence upon "Next 1 called, in another dootor-� ra. - I . . .. . � ; i;:i1:1.--,t - 11 . I ell .
t six months, . -ii6lit 't loini. �. . . .. . ..*k*: I: i, t..,.!,:; -a-,: . list), scientist, Is ropqrted to have ex. � I �.. . . . .
11 I ea . . :..-. ' . I ' .
th's .1ti"Imflion of tb - .the disease continuedto -spread. 1b be- - . Wheii:C61*6 Griaw Rains. I `�1-110N'rlj -.'�'; ;A . .Pressed his .belief In the.theory of the ' ' I .
. -
I , e land in each year.f,dr, .. ;!�*i:i I:'- , . - . .
4broeyears. I . I R;*5. V TREE..BOOK � CA - I
0, I I g in the form of ithall spote Lind- pust . To prevent ,colts from gnawing rellis.. :4.:. .Poisoning of Pe cultivated. lands 'Ot . I ... . . . � .. 11
1 (2) A hornestead-r may, if he so-dealies; tiles on the child's head, These increased . WRAi. * the rialins In Alcoll.01 � In � Which . .1 . .. . ;., the world. The advocates of this theo" - I- �'. I ... ... . . . I I I . . . . . �� I I .. 1. � I . . 40
. I ."Xi - I I . . .
�rform the required residence duties by in size and disobarged. The dischaige, 9104 aud asitietidi 'Ita"ve, -166n , dU- ev6't1iii thil-'ryst6'knatic rotation
feeling on farming land owned solely 'by seemed to opkead infection to Lither , � / 'ry him . About Qualifying. "Yolitsell for'a . .
bim, not less than 80 sores Parts, and bit by bit the disea0ed 01ve& Generalli ouq�.trlal Will effect ' ,�. 0 6f crops Is- needless. -They belleve thitt � . . 1, �, I . . . I I
.. in' extent, in. area . � . . . . It is'Impossible to -exhaust the ground ' SuijcesSful Qarae ' . � . . . .
d2e,vtciniby of his homestead. Joint own. increased until at last the poor child's a cure. The same. result has been pro. . I . . :,� . , r. , . . 1, . . 11 -
. arship in land will not meat thi . a require. head and face.seemed.to be one, great d.u6ed whe.n a fewseeda ot,red pepppr. . . 'by'k crop, qs the food Supplies in the . . . . . . 1� , I I .
, . I . To learn the folly of entering "business ,
� went. . . I sore. ' .... . I . . ,have been'thrust Into Small Incisions Moro proof that Lydia E. Pliak!-� soil are too -great to admit of such a I � . 11 I I .,
. (8) If the father (or mother, if the father "When th6 gecood doeter failedio give I -in -leather loit-purposely Vlfhln.:tlie ham'sVegetable Compound cur". result. Other. causes, thqrefore, Must �� 111.ie?� without a. "budhicts edubation- I . . . 1, . 1.
. � b deceased) of the homesteader has per, Al2Y relief, I was. a.t a 16sa what to .1 , . . I . ., :- - I famaloills. . . .. I 1. . .. _. underlie fhe failure of a crob *in -what re"id our Froti aPtalogue. - , .. I . .�� . 1. . �
. 1 . -! 0, colt's reach. , . . 11, I . .
. *
manen% residence Dn farming ]and owned ,Someone who- haki tiie.1 Zam.33,uk - ' � Teaching t . he . Colt to Ea I t. . �- Mrs' John Sao% 489 Gro,nd Trunk was once fortl . le soll, and, according to V�hy destrabld to setuie thla "husfrieos 0JU041 L I'll I .,. .
� .00lely by him, not less than eighty (80) stronglT advised me to give it -a trial, - ' St., mol�itreall i S Mrs. Finkho,=: the believers In the theory, this -fall-' . iton" at rorett City b4lnot* Collega- I . I . � .
( , . I I
I.." acres in extent, in the vicinity of thi and I d d so -i -The firs.t feW applications An old horsemau,says that the best . 4 road Gdtdogtle, I ;; I 11
I 'I. was ver much run.dowu in ure Is due � to root poisoning. Accord. - %'hy Lth$ blg Mareatnilrd touiles prefer. , I 1. .
homeStead. or upon a homestead entered didb't sei6m. to have any effectat all but Way to, teach a colt to eat Is -to begin. health from a e #Ae trouble, was thin, , . .r. 0 B G'. grdaaftt6A-raad Ggit-slodue., , .. � , ,'' . �
lbr by him in the vioir ity, auoh homeosea& thou It not appal-plit it musthavio been while. tile' inn . hig to 1he �olsonlng theory, . i * crop POP44) A", - - - I 11 I .
,,- -
I - ilig twevery roots of disease ro'li nursing It.. JXPI . nervous, and ver' wealc, afiid suffered . Thia flt= BOOK 6plains 16 deiall ess. � &I .
er may perform his own residence duties attaN does not do -so well when It lmme� out Caminereld.Shbrthand and Typewritinf to
' re4Af M6 . mare once 4 day- on'lay cut from beaving do n � paing. Ind4d Courses, TallowhIFF.C.B.C.nAathoddo 1) 0 41,4, *�p -
� with the'father or mother. for afterl perseverizi with he tie - I Mutely' succeeds another of the same rhatruo,tion are AP'6riorl S�r& vulud of
by llving . .
The terms 'IV 9 Ile at Ili Inch lengths, mixed with brati, Mid. did not care whetb'q I lived or. died, I C611, 0"',
i6initY" in the two pre. Ment,.- fOi, a -little wh ..... noted a . sort because It excretes an active ppl- Business LrJuc�tar4Asl a .
as irig p,ragreipbe Is defluel as meaning matked fluproveMent. E -eed and - inols-6 felt so badly, I . . � 6�4 I
� R. coura, dlings or other grounif t . sometimes, '9001suon'di Diplornta I
,ged . ' son Whielt to destructive, of -its own . . , � .
not more than nille miles in a direct line* by this We continedwith Zs, -Bukand telled with water, just enough to make . I'Lydih E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Cow.. , Just kond -your pirAt" 1� 1A 1 04" Special .
exclusive of the width of road allowan6dp lef toff every thing elge, The alseasewas it adhere to the bay and not be sloppy. pound completely - cwted we of all my germs. Aftificitt manui" are tecom4l . .nct Addraos - Gats,logue e- . . ... I . . oplinlada-
, troubles. I gained in flesh, and am Mended not Igo mucli as It food for the I will P(iadh you - .. . I I SeoL and
. erossed in the mea surembut. ! geaduallysubdued,theitehin grow less He arrangeh, the feed box so the (,.Olt I , promptly. .. . J d. . Jam a
. 1(5),& Homesteader intendin4 to Perform ! acute, and the little one's sugering was oan learn to Oat With the maro. In this free Irom. backache, �eihale *trouble,, plant as a reine4y agalust th�so root ' Lip - � . _. I st "aty 40, * _ . I .
his residence dudes in s000rdance wiih tho I teileved. Then the area of thi) so � rob sick headaches, and nervousness. - Poisons, � I � I )1V" . � Th o I
al above while living with., parents or oil ! grow less and less and in the end ev wAy by weaning time the little animal 'It heartily'raeommend Lydia V� 'Very thorough *reftaUon I I 6 I � Business & shorthind colleto .
"y will be able to keep his colt flesh, and - Pinklinuilk Vegeth;ble* � Corn on,, 0 s At"' I I I , I I .. .
. i OF -was Va. I P ' r' h 0- r ece h � 1� Londoni Ontario. . .
prining land owned by himself, mass not. - trace of the dreadful eezeM OW ve , r ntly be�h cirried out at . I
Ry 11be Agent for the distriot'of such inton. : moved. N ot only soi but there hasb ' 'Iments, knowing what it . "
. . een :weaning will not hurt him. A little of all women's all I ltothamsted,-'perbao the most eift- i xw1watterolt. ,J.W.Wfblt6rVAt:,Jr10:&,. :
im. i noscarring of marking teift ,to disfigure ,this feed will digest easfly� Is eeonom- has done for me.". � I � I ;,elent odidlotifid farm In the world,". 1. I 1`010010.1. . Vkt-Pilriatpal; , � �
Six months' notice in writing mtkal be the 6hid's fade, I- �� teal, will 4isten& his stomach, and If FACTS FOR SICK WOME I N, Wfilch tond t6 shov that adherents of I ��� I . __ I . . . "Wommem"NONWAMM"- - weft" -,
giv8o to the 00mall oisioner of Dominion ' There is no'tv nb trace of the disease follOWed until he 19 four or five yelirs IP& tbirty years Lydiw',X 'Pin the poisoning theory bAve. not . yet fta- I I . I � I .1 .I � � � . . � . .- I I ..., I I I .
. I Lands at ottiwa, 'of intention ispilly for , which eitused her ibuebsuffering, bairl . 1�- .--- - - - , -.1
1, . plki�ent. ed one specialist and one practitioner old, when his digestive -organs are Ili ham's W&Ptable Xorn oulld, MAde eteded Im folly ptovWg their case, Xf I . . I , I
" . W. W. OORY. and defied every vemady I coluldolitidi, podect working order, be Vill be prac-, from roots -and herbs� C Well tbo tbIs theory be truo mointires In the - . . � . _� ___ . 11 11 I . . I . I
. ,bPuty of the Minister nf the InterfOr.' save Zarn WWII. . deallY IMMune from colic or stomach stemdud remedy ,f6r feMale ills title getwo will rio longer be tiecessam f . � . ..
. I.B.-l[lnauthorizedpubli,�a.tion of this. Zim-Buk to Nature's o 12 tpqu_b1,q,,_ - LADIES. -COLLWEj St, Thornaso Ontatia
wn heal! . tmudsol 'but 06inetbipg,to destroy the poWns :'ALMA . I .
. n . . I . midlias positivelftimil thou, � � ,
adv80180ment will not be pitid for. balip, being composed of pure her", . .111. I - I., . Women who hoe been troubled with OxcrOW byl,the plants. Will servo a $150,000 efidowment, lieudd I ()o pays all eliarges for iegiilar course I I
---I- - __... __ .'' , , foi ecenza, . .
. .1 essences. ItIsasure- Oure displaadments inflaraiiiatinD, uleera. moto useful Purpose. AS &� root p6l, first-clast a4vantagial at v.dry '$24 111cludin l4atin, 1"reach, German,
I tffig-woppi, ulcers, cuts, bnrns, litulsoi., I . . , , I . �
, . .1eg 10" com Rmt compowd don, fibkoid i�_Ois, irre able, rates. .,. , , .. , �, , *
001191tTIC poisioried sores chronio Wonde bad . M Mloxltleso Mork 18 *dmItted to exist in - smAll quaII4 � icason Scienct, Pianoforte, )r,"ving, Nvith board,, room.
� . . . I ' ...1aundry and. library for ojie,�car, . .1 . ..
� � AmIdblia, festering sores &V T)evlodle P0,111s, backaphe, lat beow- Utica only, tbo trottment ' , , .
L I Tho P6%b Wgina Tord of Jand b� � r6r CXtAI09U0, Ad4rogil -
indloes. L . . "Tha I ar,
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