HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-01-14, Page 3. — ­ � - ­ "Impqw-M-F-IM I 11 , I 1. ,,, " . I -Ivlw�-, mrPir-'T — 1". , � - .1. . I . . - -1 . - . I 1 71ra — * .1 , � I �� -- - � I----- ­ - . - - - . ... - ,­ 7 . .. .illo W, .� I . .� I I ­ -­ ­ .. . I ­.;­ .. - - --.---- -­ , - - --- - ­ � ­­ - I ­ 1 141. 301C11131 I 2= 0-- A 4i, ;;; "- A - , o. - ni � *­ ". NJ . 11 I I - , 016446,-4 4%, 4, 0 *--WAw� - . 0 ;X 4 1 1 il 1;ii14 �.. 0 1 'I A, I .. �--/ - I .1 —, -- - - I ,- .- � I " .1. imViTarrm., I ­, 1ft7A1W$-i*AC0U­T;*0W. I Near PeAth's Ooer I A rAVM, WtC . .., -`M-"*"" ,­ -1., . 1 4� *Iik*� f ", ­ 0 t I tbaw F A 1�9 & Im = 4"tft"",Q1Ab*u`lA- M*r4 Th � Quar " .1 A to."Poonfat of the tot, , �-O. �An a tor of Million Tom Xi-a.vm cure* dyg*pala, It guy of I chi" i M"t Forneas nit of '. - ".1 0 V0101NES � . qW Xtt* #%oh We4 #,nd at . inod in Uniteo KinXdom in top, ar& are una'ar. Pooboyad by. Fir* I n Toronto. I I I tha ftadorsof this ow, , rtfflff Itilro �." . , . 11 . xt'would seem, ju ag from last V from atomaeb trouble otgn:v, 1441 Xt WI4 bo Xamembered that durilig I t , putput trolli t Q wilies and a A 'Holme" Will selt you A X Of " the Boxer troubles of , -1900, Christian hICA44, HOMM-X*10 14Z. . RXtvo*t Di4adellon, 004balt year $ It! ; Aa 014 -too , new oompcq� ki-O-nm, for W 0012to with ,an sboolute I civilization was disgraced by the 100t� turo which Cur" Wdavy *W - 'i X4 ' quarries Ot, the United Kingdomi thRi SOArfatee of relief ormoneir Wwk. J,,� !ug of tho slapreq's Dow ex's. palace I I Wax 000, Otince I ., I =PQ"Ad SPAO SAM-P"AlIA, 0100., there is little ground for the fear, Noll Murray of Iluron Road, ,Oode, In. the inner elt I Uver Troublos, . le , . y of Pie in . ��-"= ;,h"rm1e" Jv,gV^e4ie44, can be I$Qxlletilnes'ex.Vreued,,�hat tl coal re- rIQh,O1a­Q&ya. oI et I . vuifor,S4 With kl. . by, the 1. . I � 11 .Aab*oaed� bm on _ sources of the country are giving out. jalgestjou joro troops of European natioxis. After-., :1� A to inon I -r home ilrugglat*jaad Nearly %8.QW ver four yegra anolbscl wards this loot, oontainin ' I local drug i t state 4 - , I ' _ . all bA , W ,x , , AW4 eW . 00 tons of epal were W011 given �Over 44 imurable, by m%ay W48 ,most precloug In C 9 t j, t siape' tho celebrated, 1. Prescriptiort , ­ Y mixed bv ebaking, them well, I - � $11Y felb raised to the Surface during 1907--4he &ctpm I bad become AL, nervous hinese. arts' 4.11 distinguished t, A. 7 4' In A battle, 9,011lez ;a goat'r I ,!ilohes.t total hitherto recorded--;sbow. aindoralts, was piled up in the public ('C ti 4 . specj4Ust has be, 1,4. - , the oxat 6�r doses Wreck through loss of sleep, i%act what- S"ares an4 aveessible to the many . M Or loss known it is inter- , . f All increase of close upon 17,000,- - 4Z -000 tIon for' evorlkatdi not, xem4lWoa. ray atom, ferin;r with the sale ,of secret medi-, .1 I � a pl_ cea the'eloggea .2 t�OnSr On ''I',", 'A , I � the Output Of the ) 0 ach for Qver two bourq. I won a city. t , .. = 2 .,r I , , id Suffer 4aventurers that thronged th Cities, especially 'tho patent or ad. � � 1WtAve- due tofilterandstral" r. The total v lue of J r vious Tbis, Was 4destined to Julve a Sequel �), . Tea a Ilia coal 7, , ­ _ thip blood, ,� with vomiting, opolla thatwouldalmo vertised kidney pilli. The. presed � - �� . t ,0 poloquous: wapte st " * ­ 20&fitor And UrAQ -4,414, *bicli amounted to the Stupendous :figure'of . killme,'perspiration as large as. heads right here in Toronto. , � I I I I I vauses- I I 11 ti6a, which first appi . AK�mo;ow . 007.6001wol 1 1 would brvAk out, all over ip?y b .A few years ago there vaule, to TO- Itlig . eared in a - le4p. 1. . - . .o4r and health journal,% ftproducv4 here, w obably surprise, imany leave me ai go weakeuvil a gouaxtAull - ,, . I , I ,. As Rboll rontio a dealer in curios and objects Of jus I motism is not ouly. the most t, exactli As. originally written.- . ' . . _ . IW-Uful alailliorturol.10 diseaa�t. but d4u. readers to learn that a quarter of tb4T that, I would be unable to stand, not a al$ . and among the things he bad I ous to life, thlRanigll re'elpe will no of coal in I the United King- algWo reat.in over , Six months and. for sale was, a Fluid lExtract CascAra.#p...* % oz. , '' I 1:4'bt bo greatly valued 47 MR oulp"i, ,exported to foreign coull . tries, WAS 0 . 0 Weakened and ran down that he depla , spun metal itg, which , . � y our- (10m, .i - red was of Chlnes6 workmou- Carri4pa Compound ....­,, I oz� . . rsbero'Athome"who, 0 -France' m 1yxup sarrpaparula .-.q#..*,# 6 020 I for -intst,ance, � during 1907 13,0Y 1 ly Ship ond of. great 4ritiquity, although . ohog1dat once tarally thought 1 WOU14 410. A , - - - . I I arq tblo valitigro to, get, this rollef. I bou'At"10.7W 000 tons from us. Ger- ar was .greatly weakened &,ad he did riot know much about, its his, , Directi'044, One teaspoonful after isAld 04b a person who woul4 many 10,00(),�6,. Italy 8,25%000, XtAh, would flutter ancl a sharp nally a Id t 0 a firm of ,I and at beoltim . - . : , pain would tory. He- fi o I t each mea � , c� , .a. pi-ego,tiptipil regularly, 0, dose ,erlafiols and Sweden over 3,OOOOW come through me and. oqt my h0eAt who polleat alloll, Any good druggist can dispense . , , . b, - local architects .1. 0 44'1y., 46i even a, a, i each, while Russia. Spain, Denm.j';r�, IwAs.re4u64in weight fro . � I . - m 10.0 to things, for the sum of $40. The-F.kept this, or, tieu better, a person can . r hAyie, le'r , 11011"" d, 13gypt, 'abd oven the -Argentina Re- leas than 110 pounds, Doctcra would; it in the office . . 1 � W"k, WOUR'nevo Serious. Z $or months. and one buy thi items separately and mix. 1.� I A0 Or Vilnakry. dioOr4ers or,Rhealap give djoerent causes for my trouble, 6f the partners i4ecame doubtful of tbom at ho . � , - 41uil . . ,- Public purchased over 2,000,000- torl& yet noup of .them Ravein , p. Wo ellobtgot me by Shaking them well tl' .1'.� I, I 04. each from us. l3ven after aappi ' : its allttienticity because it appeared together in � . I I ying .relief, I commenced treAti4ent with So fresh, in color and texture, Fin Ily th � a bottle. it i's stated that 1, ' 114tWilouta,04, prederv&'lt, Ocod' these -demands, 3here was sufficient I a e in reclituts being vegetable . I . �UbOUM419M proscriptio All-o-na, and when one-baii Of the box they sold it to a very well-knciwn de4&. harral so And sigi -, are . I �q which reat- coo � . ' A * c 1" � I I I I . �l left for home consumption to al- _ �s .pie. 1% has a gentle . - 1041evo Are. soarceo indeed, and wberk was uVed I'ceald eat W:� Meab Without, or in antiques for .$70.' This dealer Anol- natural 'action, and grailuall* , ' 7ro' � ' I" b low I � � -;V­�­�--�----e ---- . T � e r, I- in his -warehouse tones ,,, I - -� . . waut, it bAdl3r. ,bet( low for'Ngr t6us for eve�y,,. person. in lcppt th ug Yin up , the eliminative, . �� *.. lv'464d It' � . suffering.tbe dreadful vomiting Spells. . YQUI � the United Kingdom6 I used -ikb6qt ten boxes In allL,aad I am � . I . tissues, , L_ h :, -. ­­ M A_:_ - S.. � . I I., , 'MAjM--#)(� -- , � f � at--ro --f O`ftt­--S2­p6er: ll�-] . � for ano erable; peried, And leaving the kidneys., .. a perf , i I . . 6 .� � ! _ preserits kb e -ce -elltirol,YL�-- stomach is 48 11 �. , in , . I �, . Cu ��, �., - . of the minerals raised, and other min- WA4ble to diopose of, it, offered healthy coo tctly . . I , � 19 . . , I , — --ii--+,-f�- - heing­ . I . I � I . Ulf- -- , 4 tion. � I ­ Strong as ever an tWA ,4 , �;�711 71-.�*,- -1 V , ­ ­ ", , -, % .. -1-17 7 h-, 1;,; , "rtr .. ,� . ,,Y� �., ,-,Ilmraqprvw�,�r C F! mr � ;F r -5 , . . Z 'A . " ,,� Y qpr4 sw 791F - A . , . 11 � , 1. I . . �; , I , " , , . I - - I � . I ­ I—— � -1 .. ... -1 ­ .1 I.. ­ - ---11 I ­- ­­. ­ I- 1.1-1 11 I I � . - , . N,O I I *0 I j .. .� 1 30 DOVY49. . . I , . a v.1n... . � '$ Price , y � � . . I ..".. . I . I . . It I I . "- . I . 000uraliturc and "OUSCON . . '. ' . . 4k Inv I . I Furnish ,,,, 0oods at . . . I . . I * I I -V---V--W0-ftfr� to"""* I I 11W �* 1111111110V ;=- - . J . NAT A, %, .X X ,, . I � W 1W "�"�� , ­ . '' . . . '' . I I . I �. I . . . : . I , . . ;. �' Opp ACUAL . -+Ml ft" *'s - � A I ., 1 %; I I furoll 'I' 1W 4510 . .. ; . . .1 . TINIB lines, ,we b4adle a * I I I ! - �. , . re varied; the $01ection 10, un-, . I . 04.40111104, Ift the County. TIke p ' rites 10W and,quallity ldgho� . ...: The stoeU is Iticaty and, L - ., . 1% I . . 1� ! . ' Must be redncc4g­4,ud a special, . . . . ) . . price On every article We Jiandle will be given. � . 11 le I I '� � I . . I . I . , . . � , � I , :�, ." orals, slich as clay and shalej linae,r back to t W-it-0W1W-et9-*Iw ----4--riierchaiit-w,�41---U-no"�-i ".ublic­ ... � , I '' � any EnXIi4h I I -Flightest trouble with digestion, I to '8011 It .. i ." ' ., I � , , Municipalities ..Have, -stone, salt, sandstone, and slate, were - - declined to repurchase. . Pe 'CAM'd ­-�A�rm �Wo r1rS`.'4,-j-rjji'-K0-CVe-j$---- - ­R&I --B-----..-- -7--,------,- -­--� I � . 1: . I - . ba*o gained abou affairs statox - that this reci . , , .Seis g �t r I ." � I , .Qual*- Induction Q . valued .t 40 ouxids * I . � I . a . , , . evernonles "l , Last Summer there came th Toronto h . I . . . , ,,� � At over ;40,000,000, Such,aro W61ght, Ara strong 11 . is *e4midsm. $AV* the prescrip., � I . I .SS . I , .1 . I ,� ' I ' �., . . ­ i tby,like a 01 to . . ook Cases, BookShelves, Bed Springs, Suf- . . I I I 11 Some, qRa.int 'customs are observed- ,,,the �alues of products from the bowels I new man. I will alw ie of the world ,greatest exportEl on tioa, � Poles, B - I I . I . - I ays a I . . I . ��' 11 1 '4'§,,,& a ­ I � ­ � �� f fets, Baking, Cabinets,. China Cabinets, - Couches, I . . � * connebtion with the induction Into of the earth. ' . . of MI -0 -pa, as i XoA b� autiqu6,rugs, ud .be was entertained — I — L � . � . " , , � . I I I � -#Moe- Of the new 600upant of the may- , 0 'i I ­ - kept WO train Sure 4eAtb wh�a all else at the home of one of the architects. - . I I . � ; .1 I ., IFTEEW-8 ., h In the course of conversa THAVELINQ -RISK$; ININDIA. I , Carpets, P . . . . ral'.0hair.. The.X MABRIAGE. ad fai . tioll lie d - . . . . .. I . . ribs, Cradles, Cots, Curtains, Carpet . , : ."X I . 1;110 . 1.4yor of Lincoln, ' I led,' , , to) �'. � . I . I �, I . I =dred I � . . ! r .­'�' ­ Xn9land, is-dulyiBlected- by,Ahb plw., I. I . I .1 -1..-' ­ .. .. r ..."..'. . ­�­ ­ of a ,�onderful rug three h Problem of.protocting r;nglish �;iim- Swooperst Curtain POles, 1,)ifilng Room . . , ..:,:. � . ­:AA9'g".uPOq his, filig.ere,f all Afivietit ring, Husband .of . Woman Wh6 Pointed . .. . cars, old *hich, had been lo6toed fr6m - Chairs, . I 1. �, ,� I . I , . I .1 ­.; " -­ , . � I . I y Palace of t 11 � Dressers and Stands, IDivans, JM�sels, Fatchings, . $ . I , . . , � twhibb his." P. I THE K,ING'S TACT. th he Emp I Native Thu$s ls�a Serious one, , r ; .: 1,.",i ­ -tede6essOrO have worn Nr - - f10011'Call" a Famous Soldier.' - . . I I _ress Dowager - I � � ., � 11, , - . - . � 'd had disappeared. He had'oever The mimy lris(iulces of assaults an4 ' XPurniture Covering, Feath er Pillows, � I . I � � I '.�, L. �PPAtAtlos. This ring p9soesses a our� Ot Which QN00 Some idea of ' � An . : " ' ' ' ' lo , SirWillia.m. Butler, the distingaish- cry I Why seen it, but had a minuo. description robber . . .. . Fr mes, Floor * . . . :.i ; I I , ..� power, for when the mayor sends I , ­ .4 I 44 gol obildlei, who recently entered I the Ensland'a Pfuler I � . . � . . . Iles 'to which passengers on In., C I ri - 1. I. �, �' : - ,'..'r "' It' �jq any school within "the, city the & Loved. of it. . overings, Y in eo C3 -rand -fathers' 0 1 , .. � � CH84 . railways havei -been Subjected. I hairs, .T=Tall . � , . - 11, � :,�:'',',. v - . . . . I ranks of the septvagenariaus almost "Why� that very rug is in Toronto " oulminAtfing in. the mil � �� ;; 1, " .V dliviolma3ter is bound to give his Pu- . , It I$, well known that by his tact � . .,rder of 4 lady Ohairs 11411* Zrrors, 'Hail . . " said his host, "'I -h . I I . la disposition King, Edwgd , a .. Toy cc in a first-class carriage Some week� I -11 ' .4 it in . . I I., 114, 11 I , . ay� A similar the:.'jubileer of Ili$ entrance into the ba 1 �$ 1 , .. , I , . I ,at thei same - time that "be celebrated * � ­ I .� Racks,, - Hig� Chairs -z .1� .1" S, A h4lid4j for th . om, ,­', I � ., . e 4 . 3:ngrain Rugs, I.nlai . ­ '­�quotoiapreviailo ,at Chie ,4 end for months," ince, are engaging the attention of -a � , ,hooter, an on- . eared himself not only to � . � � Interi6ir Decora� ,.., , , I., �', �� - "' , . . . . ids ' I ­ d Linoleums, ' I �. " , I'. . - -404Y. hAd his first taste of warfare in - Ili Up The i6x �pe%al conference of railway authori. tioni, Iron Beds, � . . , � ;.� �� ',�. ,ouletit turquoise -r4ng being used , in- t Own subjects ', gland, but, to the , . Pert was amazed. I'Where I . I .. J*dineer Stands,. jao.anese 3f,at. . I . , , . , � � . , . 1, ,,I , ,'.-. I i".1iWoth f magistrate of Chi. , �e Ashanti Campaign of the 'severl- - People of mank other lands. One of . is it now?" 'he edemabded,., all excite.; � ties Pitting in Sliftla, - They hope -to . . . I . I ,,.,-,se. The chie. ­ . �- . , . S, X:itchen, Cabi6i6cs, Kitchen Tables, XA01169CS, ' . I . I ,, �. "'-: ,,:'- r � r,:,,, , ties. After eleven years. -of what he -the attendants. if a foreign court - � ment, fIt"s worth $5 I � . , e ,�� , ­,�, Ilia With a. ild , M a I devise methods tar the better protec-, I � , .1. U., I I , is Also ar a rol't-� has S6 aptly, teimed "rusting routina," c' ae , ., square foot.11 . 1110 I I � I . . . I I �1 I I � - . � I . th 'nied - cane.,. I - recent visit of, the Britioli "Well, I caubuy it back any time r t1on of life 'and property.. The. diffi- leumsii,­1WoiriS Chairs,. Mirror Plates, MaZ,- I . 4 , � � - 014' malacca At York - scribes a . I M10 ' . I .. : I., I '� I ­ � monarch 4nd the impregsion he made. , I the architect.' -oulties Ili the iiay of a y .�r4ctieat - . - . . �`, 11 - ..� , " -, - ' tresses, Mbuldin s,- :LNT.eedles for'all' -of Sew- I , I I '".1 .,Jare equipped with silverminounted Oak I . . A deal was Struck then and .there, action , 1%ho' eandi. � � makes � I * T,oi4 Uayot and Lady May Ume, wk mentioned on se�oral occq. The taller of ihe stoj* is an old lad . . I � I � I, the cress �S'"illiamt who was a captain at the want it for 470", said .. ' Are considerable. . . . . I I. , . � , I ::j, -".,� "', signs Ili ther despatches qt.Lcird WolseL .Vho has lived at the court since bay The dealer knew an American . caw. - tiona o ling Machines, 3 Furniture 1. I . �.. 1, , I � sta46T ,which - hax viazk6d their ley, ".and. tim!e T - rgans, Oil Cloth, Offic6,* . I , , a -1. .. I -1 noisseur w wo -ugly P&T Ctravel In India ake such that I �. . P .1 '... , . pi#*` for" c0laturies, 'Moreover, . . .1i %,0S I ­ . il,.n�,,�,aixtj from. that onward, un- you w Passengers demand and receive great� I . .o III the last Boer 'War, ,there' was . , ,five 1 ,dd Pieces,'J=f t, Parlor Suite Parlor,Cabinets, � I .� I - 1. h s 4 dollars for t,- 'and it was er privileges in-Ahe apportionment of ­ . I Ir ,�,4,, the; 'ady Ma iys the distilgo- ampaip of importance, "The , I cbme. Ie . smiled, he - ,th I . s I 1 r,4 ­ yoress enic I kicarciely a e beam dt -be - Was. Ake. the sun. . Ile 'treed, that - the two Architects and space aild the suppt -nv arldr Tables, res, Quality Beds, . .!LR#uks,' ... " , -4'� �', 'On of, I�diug. the olily la y in the ' ". 'i L �-!' -4 I d , n e eniences V . , . , ,'. e _y of co f 1" "'I . 4 . that the, British army was t gaged in Ade -4 all feel that*we were beA,uti- . expert should secure the * rug,. , than dan be afforded in Western edian- . I I - I I I I . - I ,­ - I �.:11.1w, . A4 provided with a chain of office ln�which he. did not play a prominent a . . , 4 1 �L." , t .1 f . , tan Chairs Sideboards, ' �. .. I ��,ii ­ 1 by' he Corporation. ill wdn erful, and Tot there WW I Stair .. Oilcloth , %,!" , J . . 'It was after the Ashanti Cam- 110 an S sell it, and go thirds on the profits. . tries. Such luxuries, however con4u- . I . , , ' Secre. � , . ";,. .;,, i ,� .; � � . . She is, also, entitled to retain the ... 11 a love * ries�, Sewing Machines# -Student Qhairs, Stools - � ., iii .. . -'i Part ., e I 11 fell I , with Joyfully one.of them sought out th�r (Zive to -comfort, indubitably ta S 3 , I 11, "Ill, ,,,�* ., Pre x the �;Afgn ,and shortly before the Z m - dealer *In,' antiques, and told Portunity to robbers. Wher OP- . r.rables, Toy�Set�, . Mrnaertiking=ever It . . I I ;14, 1: , - 4,4 . fi ,,"Lady" for -'remainder .of � Ulu hi fro tbo, momeirt he kissed our .him be e Nevye can 1..: 1;,­i� � At of '7b. that Sir William,niarried :Qu en's band. -I . I . had come to .buy back that WneslD� be sure of finding compartments Qceu-�, 1 a . Ything:. the .1 ., . ' 0 . raps e . I . . - . � ... � . " Jier H10. There Is a local rhyme which M,is, "Eliz4beth Th it . . . . � I '. _ ' � 1. I .: I , � The JR . ut I'lig, . I I . . - 77elvet RugsV :'Writl� . r ­� s, . I on., the ,well� 31 He not only said nice'thi.ngs, b pled only by single travelers their ue . e,sV:.and, prives.low, I � , ­ � I . I:. 1 " - A ays - - known painter of " oil dall" � and , "Herets wb4Vs left of it.' 9 , �' . � ". b . I ,�--'­f;�� ' --�-��Th� -34a - ' I I e did nice things. He thQUkht of I ,01'11 make -farious pliris aA muchassisted, When, . . �Desks'villow,­.Chaifs, Xtensio4 Tables. ' ur . . � -,�;�` yor is a * lord for, year an4 --a, - &th-----f -­ .. - . ­ 0 I I � �.,4 I er amous pictures. ­The Story goosr - - "f It;'- said .the ­d . �:­- ': I , I every o y ani ealEi- as.Jr(%u,pntly .6 a long jour- - - ' . I I t . :,-�11 , * - " � . day." tliat�,S& William--m�ha W yow a.presen I . ,,9,qgrs .on h - tky - "7"o � I - i - I". b d ' I -we never felt Ahat:--hia - � . t as then., of ' .ney., a � I por ion o, hi . ' I C' f­t'F,­­o- ti�lies- in- - ­­ ­- . - I ­­­ fg, ,�, �,,,,. But hi� -wife is a lady for ever and chAriping , speech attentions .6111*ing him: a burnt fragment, "You. , -- mo4py "tefunC � i � � , , 1�atler�was lying Ill at' e6me- froin theAdea, ,It is the too . .1 is r U . . 7- - PP4 not, -satisfactory.' . I . - � . es,' and, ­� eer _ _I �1'� - � . 4 course, COLO. ow we.had a:flre in*he��, the other the' -territories, of independent native . I I I - I . . . I �' , , ,_1 - IL , . ­ � ­ � , ­ -�- -- -'..1-1 . I 11� ,,�,:;�, ,tful � lin . , " .y.e. � I I JS - . . . � I . . I � I ! . ,,; " ''' �14*lar Ilospital, i4en his friends al-, thing to do" N I from day. . .. . �. . I . - . . AIVUluds of Epholstery done, Covering ft a blg:�: Yarlet I . ­�.*� . � �,' A f3rightlingsea, a limb of the -Cin- . 0, it all c I ame ' � � states, the. eseb,pe - of criminals with ,, I ;� 11 � "' ' of colors*carried in stock. .. r . y . . .� :. I I ­ - I , - I moof'.bored him . beyond' endur e his heart, � I I . , . And in that 'arollitectl�. olfice t6 -day thcqr plunder is alio facilitated, It is . pk . o - . . I - . I - .. . � , . I "" ", I ii�.,�.:,,. I-que Porft, tho ceremc I ­ . . .. , . . �, .. . , , 'i, . . � I . . . . �. I I , I `�� my attachiliT -to with., deseripticilis. of thei famous-a-lic �eniug th.p;e was a great func. p6gsible that- 4omie'sacriflees will have � . � . . . .00 . ` , Pic 11 . ne a% li4s the 011(trred and ruinqd fragmelit . ,.,� - . of. London .- tion at thd palace, Ve had been stand, If what -WA9 OnRO the most valuable � to be piade by trilielers, in the inter- .,.]Pictures fraMed wh I . . I.. �'..;, -the election of ma.yor has takenp ace ture which � was the. -tall . � . Ile you wait., Satisfa tion guarautcetL ' I I � I I I. L c . . . G`,! ­�,�' In the parish church belfry. from time Sceptical regarding the picture's, ,mer- Our own, Chinese ru'ji.in the . I W6 bonQ to Please our custoinerso . . � I ���,' ,t`,; ,, . 01 . Jag fo*r.nearly two hours. -world. , - ; � - est�& 6f, ill . � . are I .. � . . �. I I . " , 'I., , I memorial, The retiring Mayor of, , . X r- 1. . � I . e nublfc.;�safet-,�- " - , - . . .. . . . .. � . I � . I � � its, -,which, he thought had been _ . � , � I - *� . . .. . r . - . %: . . . . . I.. . 1, I I . . � . � . . .. I . . - I . .. . . . . . I . . . I . . . . I . , � . I - - It` . 0 Qu I 6 t"kind and considerate - - �. I - �O , � .­,� - Bournemouth, on investing his suc- agge.rated 'bd Vent to Load eerk� is mo$ . ... . . . . I , '. I., " , I cesBo' with the civic regalia, confirms it, - a I , on, . saw in these matters, but the vigit of the . * . 'Something Just A s Good ' . ­ � . . . . . . . . , . ' .. � ...' ­� � , . I .1 `�:�� " . Inv . .. ' .., . . . . I I . . . �1 � Long before Port- Cr6dit, . On Atinoird! . I r Ables for JDINF-nt - - - .. . , . " , to )&ffice with a - gn �was conquered, Shortly after , ngliall King was such an honor; such' , . . � a Linlipent Cc,', Ltd. � . ,, Iis I him a old-time loy he met MAs Thcimpaon,'4itW tbosy were - H .1 i - .. . Chaft and T ' * . ­ I 4 . ­ 1, ' . I a success, Ahat it made her qiute for-, . t., at .. �� � I . � . . . . .. . . . . . . 1 4 � . I I " I , I - � � ,,I-,, qne A similar salutation av M -ti niarried, 6 few,' -weeks lat6l". I . � , tained thoi -dignity of A summer resort,, Gentlemen -I have used - I . . ' . - � �, e . � kis";m .. . I . I � - , getful, -She! forgot. to Sit clown her- it was known'to the. owners of small ' - �-� ­,­` " . e ine Ing Mayor of 'Hanley A , . , . - , . ., LINIMENT from,tiLhe to time'for, the . Ne -Mill also rent our S�nitary' Carpet Cleane?, the . . . . . . . I . . � V. .1 - , I � f . '. , ': 4'striking" ceremony marks the �xPir-.,. ' f'. Special - Knibwlod I go . I self: or to, give the order to ''us - poor . yachts as s) snug'harbor,:'�ut a poor Past twenty. years. . It was recommed- . . .., ..� , .. . . ' . . . % I I -- I I . �, 1. �, ..Value. 6 '. 1, ladies , Ili attendance� I - all! getting 'Placo f6r' 4taining -'Provisions.,' Two ,. :ded to me- bi a prominent physician, of . I . . . . I . ­ DUS-K I ­�., � , I .... I . ..; ­ "' .. I 4,1��-,� .Ation of the Grantham Mayor's tenure I I . , . . . � ­ ,PT...-. . .... . 1, ' `-P'� �' robe is'stripped emarRable botanical kiiowl- - . ,ditifled y6ung, f . - ' 4 . . , � . . , - I � . I I ... � . . . . I I I , 111-6­�� , .,of -office. The [ off him, The 'r ' 61d, 'and Ring Bolwara sa* my dis Mon treal, * 6 cal . ! . I . I � , . � �,�t, ", � I 1, znen�-greon hands;-4ibol. * led it the , reat Nov,% . I , L � . ." :;We.� chain is taken from about his edge of Sir Gioig6'BIra*Oo4, one. cif tress.' Ae- was walking about", talk_ , th­ . Scotia Uniment.'., It'doiss t1a idaotots! � .250 P1ctures-:-0iAces nearly cut Ea. half.,. See our window . , . , 1'�.� Ar"', I yacht -up ,at -the piers,. foun& a I : � � ) ,41� 1111� I . . . eir I 'L. I It. � ­ - ,. , . �. t %­­ 31eck and with small .wooden ham- the rno�t "erudite men in' thiS Iiidian ,, ing to everybody, Suddenly bestopped store Witli.A*o all but highly. ,4soorted viork ;.4 is PartieulaTly good in -vasps L � '.L to* Saturday and next. week.. They,,.won last'long., . 117 ,, . � - ;V I � - . I ... 1. m � . 1, 1. , . . .,, regular 50c, at, 10c, * regular $1.00 at. 35c.,. . ... 1. I � , I ,� �., -; .,xer - ex- I I ..me and'said- - stock 'and enquired for brea& , .. of Rheumatism and Sprains. . I , . . . ­ . . � I . L � 'i ., j:.1;�.,, I the Town a0erk . taps tbe, ' service, once. enabled. *him to Perform ,in; front of " � I � . , � ., ,,,, rt I 411111 L,M , ,, , , , ,, -, ayor c th� head in to,ken o e e - . , : , � , n - , - . . - , � 1-., ., I. i ' M almost, ,unconsciously a. :n*t.. Div or I . L 'detective - . work. - .. ". 'Duebegs, �ou Must: a t: down. I I . - I . "' el e -you. are by o . . '"I 4641t keep - Said th . - . broad;" is gen "' . "Hkely-,you .... . . � . . ours truly, , ... . L . .. I . , . . . - I . -G; DUSTAN G I 10 a ,ill .,1� I.' ., 4ruse, of his authority.. a I "I . "I.., . a So � ','. uns, . -,, � "� " -, I) '. , % L table has to submit to a so . I . 1. . Ae'wa§ in 'Bombay w e e wits . - ]�- b 4 L .9 I .v rorn. out , standing a I .Jong. Sit-down, 11cialy.fcir a few thei-L, , oral lnercll�antj� - t can go some.Lijola-'PlIt McQuijey't the'Shoe. � - � �� . ... ., I I . Chartered Accouiliant, I . 1:1,:�,��'.,.;, h, t" * 'lar ceremony. Immediately w. a sirm . asked to irivegfigate the case of a 'w"b " ment.s. I will stand Ili lroht cif * You aker "' I .... . . . , .m. ' ' . 1. . Hblifaxt N. .8.-,`SqPt- �1, 4005. , - , � , . � "�,.�,,, i�,�p, . � .. ., - . "', . - I . ­ , "P, ., 1, after.hig election"the chiet magistrate, , J ,.;� ­41&rm.'en, and by L' iouni'xiciblem cit. in .applying to an . ' 'the governor for' an, - appointment; re-, . . . 'SOL . �. I � tkat no one shall see., _ "The dear,'kirid' ' man I 'T 'is -%fts start . ling. to ,tbe' citified %h " ' . �. . b Lail, ' .1 - - -- . .,. , ,, . .1 -I.-. � - --- - , - �1. ' -favoi 1.111 A11 1. :-� " 7� ­ couticillors,'heAdea A , . 'L, I ' . 11 ... �':� :4, -brass band, proceed to themearest (A , , -t;, '. , 'L I that _1e: Was Pie$ented _ I - out lr�onl just ' r - arid 'loiter.% waS�'JLS good. . . as ,By and 7jy he went -his word. Up, '.W it'. sft& there. -as young men, . i . w . no reason why the staff 'Of life should ,' .The spellitki -miitch, once tii� . A6 arena oflocal J`earnin�: in Caftacui -i-> 'Point .ns,- , `!�,,,,- , ­.... , of the � boundaxy, which happe � . �`tq be the middle of a ploughed field. L i�;,-f ..L J, '�" - niland, his troolud of"In - I . I flan had been.. lost, on 1he voyage, I , , hat li� r, " , to our�Que6n,' . aid I don't ' AnOWL, but she ktt down and gdve-t � I . " ho not - with, the =6 ,of . ,be associated -60 les. '.Sugar wA L the - fiOxl iterp and 11 . I * d.the win entertainment of many' I 'an [re. ' .11 has almost, entirely, I. . t A.�' . , , 1. eye's .huge crowd surrounds'a post. ve,�, .. "" 4 � * ., ,"The bellman clangs his bell for order, 1 "� , A few days after' Birdwood.. hid un. " ' derthken the. juvesti'gtitiori he inie't ibe I . Signal with. her' lArf, whic: an§ i I tbat.we'ladies can also Sit, " *1 " . probiptly. Sd plied - the 'brown var- . iety, soirie 21her.purchasel followed., . . -L e, disappeared, Perltdias country' folk - I . . . � 11` I . , I .--the charter of the bo' .... 'ugh is read, I.), .. ro lu I ,��L aild the mavor i4,. then seized bv sftl-� I . � I yPu.ng nobleman at dinner -mat � the ! -, : I governor ' cor 'S house. . Tfie table de a-' 4. f -T- ,­ � f ­T I ',I 11 1� L .11 ,sa thiXt"a man, whether he is- 7 �i�F or 'a peasant, who thinks of -the , - I ..IfNol. � W., what else doe we - want?�, 0 al do,*' chorused ' tg� Tog - matm, a ., .1 . I Llof to -day can. spoll -as correctly.4 � . �a did their f4the . rs and I mothe , ra -and'.' . --h -+-r +h' -n t1t,& -r a ­ - lie+ .. . ' . I I � . -wart ams, lifted and "bumped" vig- �4.. �� %Y 11� -i& . - ., — -4. � i . ttiangs can. T, I ake � care of the blg yachtsmen. . . # . I- I , � .. -6 . . I .1. �- � � �'.. . I ` I . I 1 . . . . . . I 1. .. I � . .. . . ,. . . I 6t get as,much fun out ,- . . � . . . , ., � 1. to is r�peated at every point .01 from:the young.noblerniin sit4, �. ' � � ­, � ... 1. I I . 'tain they do lio . I I . .� I I � '... -vrooei . . ...t . . I I ­ ­� . itorekdeper. .. I ' . L " �- :.��. 0. .. ... I'll . I I I .. . hogmphy . As �1. I - ' i�, ' ' ' . I � . PC I : . . .1 . ftewhat *dent 'in -city oi- lown, but it. is 06r. [ .�, � . I . l ... .,orously dn the top. (A the post. Thi$'. tibnal 0 ,whing, and.Bitdwood's praise". ill nggs� too", . . did- you 'Sayo � - � asked the , � , t : drow i - . .� . I . ". . ... . I . . sit _ I . . � � . . . L, . I.. , . ii,� ,the boundary, so that when the Oerc.4 ting opposi 0. . . I . ­"Marmala&��m4lmaliid' e of their. knowledge of �brt * ­ 4 i :+ *94, , I I ,�Yb. . . . ek � 'horus. , . ,.. . - - ,­ z �, 7 , I I .. . Jack I I .. . -.1111, -. i . .., . . � " u shoul se the.Aniherstia no- For- Raising Hu , ' ' I . ' of .a generaUou , I ' �' � � -�-Al� ' I , ell I Molly is eoncluded' the mayor has d e . . �p I . . � P ; - . d'the y en, - I did the country'folk W.,�- - � :. ,L . K � I 1. , . I I e +4obtam . . I � ., . I '. ,:�,,� WIL%`,ib. its­natiye.�N�oods, Sir. - , �s 0 . . ai r atid � ' rf ** I ch 'n � I ­J,�"4: , - -eevery - reaso I � T oiull.i. inopecteid Ag' .Then, evening attip %.ovejaink. ' Furniture 1, . ' , t n In" . - . -6are ­ . . r �� . . . . i , aker 0, -t n to remember exactly __ _ h& slioirek6eper'. , ., ,. ' .. - I � . erf. I ,� ­ -, it'Vas a fatal remark. "You - come. . -thtoughout"the! long winter, was ope I— .. . 1. . . . I I I . . I . ., - . � I I . . . . '. I . Where -the borders of his jurisdiction ' . on use. I ..;a. ibelf devotbil'to pain -killer, horse.� , lit ' ' ' , I . . . . . � i , .. � I � � . atly .�. L the _ - . . . - or Night. . .. ... .. "Ill _� . Phonjo 2fj� . ­ . . : Vall' Oa I I . .;. . , , .. , . � . fTom Raixibon, flient" insfa X- 'pieces of Oak 22 'by .4 b ow liniment And * similar thin ,;:Ili the4e battles over w0rds;% the ., 1� I 1, . . , . - . Y ". ­ ­­ . . I I cease. . I claimed Birdwood. ' . � - * I, . ,� . . y 1'aW� I ' - ' go, jhen� alling team- of one' School .bei '---- . , --� . I � ­ . �.. I . I I.. . .. �- - . . . . ..��.� . . - - + Th . . .. I - , . �. opi,- I . being �� N � . m . . � ., . " - .4- .. .:, Directly after electing the now PlOce: 15 by '4 by 1. man& . shook his. head. . It got I - �. � I . .. I M. . . I .1 I . I . . - 1. I . .!..: , . I I . is AhAtIol- . ,,No" lit, Said ,"I haven ft. art - i r, and I . . I ;:.. . , . . mayor at' High Wycombe, the mern. . . . - fh�p,: the - Silen6e. .. , Pale plece betireen ,the ay ig st 4'of a2iothe . .� I lowed thei remiirk� the +request. of -the larger ones, at om, I � I . � � . - 'Iyers of the town council adjourn to I Fac " '�n'i do much fn medicines, !�e. conte . I . . I � . young man t1iiit-he raiglit leave this end.' -'+T6 the% low&,end nall -two .pleees� t Is, 1.4. I ,st ar . as mucit inierest, I I - —­ I .. � �. . - I 0 weiglits and ­ . - � . , .local .�. .., a. hocke 1: I i � � .1 � . I I � . I I I I �. I 'A' , the borough office of by 4 -by 1, ,one cn. eieh al" - f bat I can i6ve you quinineor Sbidlitz . In the H . y mAtch I I 6 . + I I .. . . . I � I- I . q. - 11 I ­ . �­ ..1. , ..� .. � , - I I . . . I I I f , ' , In I I � . I .-,lueasur 9 table, 'all proPared ethe',go,�ernor - an& ' 04 12 1 . . `0 � ,wil nd the -day, . boy: or girl ( -it I.. , .� I . . . . . . .. ... T � es, where the new oedupant ' the t - powders; N61i , , I hi just as does tot and . .,. . .1 . . . . I �, ' �� . �a. r. , 1. .: -- � ' ' . ' " ' , ' . I . th i for the subsequent dis. bri6- Pieces alre' - . . . ... . 11' - . . 011V ­ :, 1, � li- ih� mayoral phair, and each alderiman I . adY Joined for 4 1 % . . I I -was I usually . P latter, for on tho I I . +. . ce o "Olapany ' r .' 1. . good!) .. . - ' + , , . + � t � * I I . � . I . I . .1.11 . , , . I rage 1i . I . . . � er that t young man bad ab- SupPottlng' �e the ,. . .. . � .1 ., � and councillor, is. publicly' w6ighod, 8, v y I �ho �b!xs.e; . .. I I 1. , I 1.� . . I aVil A are better speller .V) I . I � ,. . � . . , .1 . - onoled rola ta goon with public I : - Three. i - from the to tjbbr : - ..: , . ,.. . than + the boys), who "spelled' down"t 94' .. . I I . . . ; ,:: ­ ­ � . I., - find these records form one of 'the I .,p . I nalles .p of . . . � ­ I 1. . . . . . ..... :� . - funds. . : . .. . : , ... � . boards, bore.a halt inch bole.,. *,TtW Canadians In E�jiand. the . I UY . � . Gre ' ' !;... 11 1 M , , - " ", I . Areasur6s stored in� the municipal ar I . . - I I .. , .. . . . 0A, 11*0teless, de, ater* in -'the school,' -ori who, stood up last hi I I I , . I . ... ; . .. �. . .. �-' , ., ­ 1. . ,-,-p . + . I + . I . I � I . . � � I ..another piece of wood The b b, , . . " , , , ,chives. I . . .. .. ' - - - I 1 28 by, I by I , one of th�se digwoit matches, wa's Z ., 11 I I 1. � I I . . I . � ... : I I . � , ,. - The Lord Mayor . of Bir�ningharn is I If -Albani, Weri +,al Man, ' .. . . . . . ,�:* British Houso.of � Commons. 1P.,a Cana- '' I . "I, - .� I . . * .1 w � , �. I I i . . , �1, I . , ­ , I I �. to I .1 1:0 , � � � I I . . I . , . � 1.2, . I .. , . I . . 44 . . � .. - required . to pose before the photo- The farrious prihia 'donna, .who .is � I . 11 . ­ f . . I � � I �­,- I I Government. - lie Will Shoot up, it. one small head could carry I 0- . - " . - '' , . iis elee. annoutcoolAo appear oTi .tile variety . . 1. . . - . - - . � " I I . . . . . I I . - . . . grapher immediately after. I .. I , . q: .. 4' / the end of � if�ek'a debate and with- All he knew." . , * . -uc ons. L' - .�. `�. . . I. . .. ! , " 1. .1 .. . . . . . . . � .1 . dian, Mr."Donar Law, ,who' - loi � ight. the . the hero'of the hour and.the. wonder . � ... 'R, d ' ' ' � ' .. I wal� 'Ithat t . . I . tion, and a copy, together with a f6w. stage at a salary of �,$2,506 a. week,,, I � �. .. -these -gpidlin - .4 ... - , . . I . . I I r : . , � I , . I " . I 4t � .1 , . � out a qinglo ,note before biw". with g-mat@ios. ap I I . . I . .. .,4iil I � - . . I . . I ". � , �. %. -biographical detailA, is placed in art -dnlike Minei- WIba-,,Ao h ' . . .. : 1: .. s . .1 . .AT dnly . the, I aces 0 ' pesil�dAo. tho sporting spirit and to . .- , ' . . I I .� I . . . ... ... . 'Z . - . .% I I een. expressing'. approval 8 PS . .. -r4 ! . . . ­ ­ . � .� bi I 1 te V 7 / , *;r ` � "'.'A . . I I � � 11 . 0 "! , W I f his ,oppcinen . While . - . ,album containing portraitg.of all the the uf. - . I � ts ,arid I ! , , . ' local pride *and. rivalry somewhat as . I - - - e . . 1. .1 I ..., � . I . (: '.. ,%J- thi� dold; bare top of -the brass-boand . . . . I N., , �, . - . , .,�. . . , 1, � .: - -, occupied sents Higetto moverhent-has a t Op, , %. � , :4, , � 0 1 .... . I I :.i -.gentlemen who 'havc girea in- ., . 1. �7 lcle� -�d I . � - . ... . I I . .1 . . . .. :., ''I , . �/. - ;� , 4 � will' pick athletic I . . I .. �'. . . 11 ion of the superiority of the.sterrier ' - , ,,;-,-- 4.1 � . liox to+ pdooaraM, bira, he,� . 'games do, A *cann6t be �. . H. -, : , � . , , I . . . � . . .1 . . � . .. . . ­ .. ­ . �on the council, and this finds a place L . I . .1 "'Y 1 , of ,nied,that they"abo Appoled to th4i' . � + . i�� .. �p � , 1. ��. .it , ... ,;�,;:­ ".I :uT) one by one, till t1fe hrgument§' , I I ., .. � � 'IT ' . A' 14�, , '' I _ , .. I = , , I I 11 . In the municipal library. sex. -kin old4asliloned. enough," I .. . , I e. 171.11 , i , ions ,intellectual side and possesg4d vaiu� �., , 'J . . . A , ­ .. . Et .. � 1. 11, , . — , . she" eo�fotsed. a short tinio . ago, "to I � t" . I. ,.�- - . .. all his opponents on all the ptev . . -- - � . . . ', " 1-1 ..,, . ' , -1" . , I - . .4 . . . . ... � . . . .... .; � �, I , 1, , t- 'mid crushingly answer theta. But lot.. � I . .; .. . . - - *­­�' ­ . 11 � . 11 I .. + . .. ­ . * " F . I I .1 .1. I 9 - 1 9, 1� - z ,,. - - -1 .:. . � . � I I -" 61 fhe.suporior , . ill carefully, minutely, - I .1 . I , �, � i - days. and wi . Able educational c aliti��, :. . I . :, ,tu . , � . A Sarcastic Judge.. - still revere 'man' �­'� . I . : P4 , f : � :, , - , ' h6w odd they -are -tool I ... , -, , .. . ilolv i I .., Three of the main chitracteristics of Sex. But, . - loifte unwary. ree Trader. challenge I. I . ew.f. , e� A� 4j. . ,� .. c. I '1571 : I. I.. .. . '' .. , " �. -Sir L it I were a nian I should be- ' I I . I � 1 . - . ' I i-!4 - '' :. + .. I . . I I ''.. , -: . Tames Charles Mathew, ex -Lord ., . I � 1. '6116 'of' Mr, Bonar Law's quotations. . . I . . . I I . I : , I , � mnolll; -bat how funny -�if-e wine .. . I An�k . - I I Justice of Appeal, who has just died, � . - . - Newtstr,ength - , � W, - �, - men., wbat. j ren. , -and bore : 1 -to Ims; eight or nine j?ockei�, Quick. .. , - , :r; '-E�eryihihg' In,' ' ' been re�uced . ifi. +q � . " " I i . . : �..were his capacity for dealing with val child how ]OVA e: . a hole in'It sreveiv J�lches I.J610.- as thought 116 div eSL a..hand I to . ' ' ' .Our : store .has 1. . I I �: '.. t, . � with all their big-lie4ftedness. - with, oneend., plitce It between ' a a . S - ' . price his is..YOUR I , I ,. LL .1 rr . . , A . .cases in the shortest possible time,: the turo pocket. Always the rigbt�po'cket- He . roi WeA. ,Girl, 44 � w .T . chance to procure a. present: ;4 1 6 . . . , all. their 'experience of tbe.yorli;l hoiv Wli�.&-and'boit -with a f0iir-bw i�ulls out a pitting. Always the. right . . . . . I .. . 1. . � I 4 ' . . ­ . . often quite Itipsetting the calculations -U.Wt.� - . � -0 . I a �4 ­. , " . , I 0 for ur friend., Christmas is past, . but: a gift. ii I I .of some of 'the slow -coaches of the . trustffil'still, .-. and-when,�'a woman is .' 'Pack .a notched pl&e*ct, Wood al�oat cuttiy1g, lie roado out! on, extract Call, Be Had b� . Y - �.. 1. .. I I . � � I '� - I n -Lr�boW often too ea8fl,y talce, I TheJR1eh,,Red ' .. X " ! , ' law, his determined c . doncer ed ,fylnk n;, A"Anches'10 9 t6 the short .end Of 'ph makes.th6 intetrupter sorry be, ' . alW , s'adceotab�, � �' . . . �, : I, -�- �pposition to the b - wh) I . .LY . I + . I . I use of the "eat" and the piling u# An!" And after thus-qual hoT this ' - . . . . . Ifflood.Hade 1jy Dr .W1111ams" + 1 94 , 1. I . . I I.. .1 .. I . . . I . . . Z ... M " . , ;.- .�, S;�jt�lnp over. .About. elght Inches too SPOkO, , ; I �nt cis to the " superioifty of. I . . I . . . I ,- W. . 1. I I . ­ . . I . I �. . � i, . taste -n, loosely a plede og . . . - 1- . .. I I +. �. . . I . . .-of heavy sentences for repeated trifl- man, Mme. Albaril further confessois tile other ond, . Andthet )5u�6rlatfvt- I's - Dr. W&. . Pink Alls .. . - , 1: A* I- . . I 1. . � . . � I., , offences, and his sarcasm. His that f r � .1 namara, alsioi-ft Canadi'an, He is- th' . ..) . . � , . � I . . . . W . .. : Ing + i ,he re -a man sbc! �Voula strap firOn ninefeen Inches long,*btw . � .. . 8I � — " I . . - , .. I . . I � I I .1ablous dictum, "Truth.will out, even reeziest speaker in , the Rouse- of' ' There ooln,eq a, W . 4 . , . 10 I . end b ` ' a ,'al. . � . I t4l, . ' . ' I ' I , I . . ill an affidavit," Strive to ooe"tho ,world, and profit by' has, d book 6n: the- opPoofter: titabinth li(06f' W , I 'R I . in every Other two lialls'lil the upe R great Pit -v flit'Y most iaveky� gir !- W -' 0040ONTER will not be readily . all the good tbere is I I- DdVW 'Comy�ons. It was ' , '. 11 -forgotten. Under gxaminatidn onoa . j4t boards1 ,* , i'm oil tlio, Government 'benclij* I when sickness -attacks . P4 I. . .W IV , 4. 6 .1 + . . . I ;, �- . .:...'' '!'. - a ' , , her, Thd 0train, upicin. hei blood is to, . I . . I .1 � . I . .. I . . ' . I � �., . I 'Sir ,Tames was al her own, Sbe 'is dpvot6d to E'nglalld, . I . CLINTON . ill country, in order,fo help ib iffiPrONIP, iegulate the Put 1� 'onsibilfty 4nd` offied -,qome�. � occasion before 4 ind, say's P*01rie 'Where repp ,-rarmog;:-, y9g h= a convemetit', ftfit . � . reatt. and there comeo hoad-aches and .. I � . � . ,,, ­ k" money -lender, Th6 mail had been. h ' , firnim stifle, Afic. bosf. thfogs',men -can gaditacheaIl 064 ft`ppetft%�'attaeksof . . . .. . I 1. i ,and to thp. EM&ES11, 4S.'well act to bor - I ­.­ ­­ I ..1. ­ .. ­ .. . I . I � .. . . . � , . . And lll�iPelkslvle-buga�iatk, � , - do in the �%rak of deba6, Yef 116 de- ditelaeaamg &&-rr-?aIP&tIbq'. -and a I . - . . .1. � I ,charging. - usurious' ifitotest, and� own native Canadliui' laiid. ApKU,'!.� , ��-- . ..�.. , . � I . a' I I., I . , .1, - I ­ '� �ti. - a tved. 00' honor more, ffian. moSG general tendhbc3�tbt eeline, . . . . ­ --- , , I lumong other things he had sold some', I wo,re $X ___ , ( T . . + . I t . . - . . � , 1. I boy," to Again qiiotp- hi�ii 6wn ... , .1 ------------------ 4 --,� .I., � - .I , ­ . he only - I -I , ­ 1. . .116 , . ill M0, . I . � � A., , :! �13po,Tting property to a young inlin he .,Ivo* do, -I am. sure . I . � . . ..�­.. .-- 'I I.". I thing tho'l; datiprotb1ply and s . I r I sbould long to do . ­ I . - Dedolily 1. -- . . .1 . - -- _I* '. ­ -- , * * .1 . ­ , . _ � -had fleeced. He was' asked - why he ,tlliAg I . cure. these tro6bleo-JEr Dl,.. William '. . . . ... 1� I . ! '. , A Westeen. 9'eriial. .. . � . I , . � . . 1A.L., . ,$omo for anfl'be sometbing Iiii! M.A N Y 0 0N OT - 1 1 - , , . I I -.-.-- . X N 0 VIA res$cd Wish you, nappy � .., --ad--this property; he"roplied pru­1n"wn-,.countT1,,, . Tho Regina LeaJer l%6ttticLhs dnej# Ptak PHIS,- *This IN the only 101ase prox A �� t th _ I I . � a ,med anit, � .�:. : ' . . I ­_ bine I T ; � . V --. 41entlj that lie was a sportsman and ' -­i',­k . - ' 1i .gowri serial-rio, nof q, cereal 4hat aottibilly thal6aA new rliih red blood I NBC 1101011t '"' . Perous Yearo , I . �. 1 . . I I I I I I . . .1 . 'loved Ahooting. "Pige ,. . ED, ' Some tinle 'on n fill fXIV Of x4Z blood i I , , . I . I .. . I . � .'.' ------­--- - HEART- AFFEMC I : do, pie ti _ an 8 ! . I I . ,ons!" queried' Piiidiplo'1016st L�ke It. . . - - —� - - JkgoL­rThe-Lv,radei bogan to , - i % I . .. . ­16-6hovound' for, ,,,% stbly to f�ljo;v�:the I . 'Ink of vOhat you need, Remember, ,wd are . I �. 1he judre. . . . . X(sw .2094111d's I PO4 More P6001b. L theloinEs thirig nee od to nikatain the I Elections Overt- now YOU' can thi ­ � . . I . L = , .. - I I . till money Order; Than 4re Avrate of ft Win§ 9vis all womon of ;*911 at, the old Stand# and iia-readl$- a*hd Willing to -supply . 1 '4 " -- L.r , L -)cistAl Savings and telegrap - ciin%At Was running serially� After health Of 91`0 ' ,a _you as over. X U will . . �17�v;. I I , t , 11 bus4fosq L .111ave Healt DINease. I i ining 8 T o tkuthiofthih stat. :Sftdout, Stock U ,. 1. I.., , I . - ounin tweral; the editors emp nature Ye&rs- 1146-41110, �td PtIces Obrkibdt-r WO Woitcli thA markets" onely, I I . I +.� . �. . I . 000 more let. tile 00:001USjon r that' One m0lit is PrOYed L�n ea$b of' Miss tathe? 'so as to take care, of your hitereats. ff YO111,114ve mot pitronize usin liepast'. I .. 1 . . 1a'inaroa,4inj,fast,'* 6,760, 4"If oithminationa ' word niado if every. ., , w �1' 1 , ,a im, fArs Ili I907 than in 1006; parcels post to . written 4 * t , . - H0, *no# VoPla *Ould be surprised, at tile numa VT.* SproUld, Vue-w&nvIlIejX,S,, who. 'Vou will find it to, your benefit to, do,so n6w. Thosewbo have . .. . , , by a, Regina author' wag � better than a : . � -patronited u inard'Ased by 1,260,000-,'$13.040,000 de, - bor of etfions *alking about suiTering'from the Offe�rjng�� of several easternoyndf� sos,",At the age of sixteen years Ileft Aa the pas ,.Wq hope to -merit.. a. cogtinusiuco of your favors.. oul, terms, I A , . I , � ­ . NOU . POSH8'in Postal savirigw baaItSL ill,throe heart Tisaaso,�O - - igh SO 3110DU fori of produce a , � L . , ng r eoutitry home to attend hi hoo, be OALS'Ul Or I I LOL4',.ttnd'wd?a;rbalv5b,ys,btfy and - * , . � 'incrensed' by' statenlent was'lliadi6i by A eaten' an(' It w'll APPeAt'aodora' ly' . I u ong hours prdpared to p0,y-c1%tb; if I L . � . . . reft9t Ynontlis, money-ofdor'.q, This atirbling' I . ­ ---- , ., . , L e : , I Ito* 31, h The West is+ liqanning to al We close confluementa d I . P . yp� vViallb �k. . . L L... , . arts ' 1,786,000 felegrams seat in doctor at 4 redo hould tb4t wheaCis noh the only tlOW Us- of t6dynellrly broke 'Ito deWn. My : � . . . I , firi!ngth, Or X0rV0WeAkn6911--Uddt1n$t mote. ng 'it pprum .L, . � FOS. three, months, an increage of lr),000,, � I 01 " " . Itively. 110t Ono thk h0arb1n it btmdr8d is, ill I& I I . : I, I P, r see - be defielent, I - v, m I qW ft - . palf, AdUA11r, d1r. . , . . So this Would em Produce. . .1 . + 6 ; an'. . 1. Ro Z10 , Sil JL0 de' - - a SU + m'ed to I YA a like to Say that "' i -�O� . ­_ ,. . , hi R' r w pai 3 and depressed, I wa a sboto - � fttnfft1t, orlleartWeakn&p. jbeinsi4ei�vjj $510,000, a n "ost . . h 00001 � ,t1!1r1q di, "bi It is qlmo8t 618va "4 "lo" . I . no a 5th, Iwo, " I Wased, I ,, eao 0 6j,l a I . I hiddon MY Idle nerve Mat r"lly D hil at fault Razor as an Ho;rlodm. "but I ma Sure t tfip 6wd th *rt' It, I . �, I the time, ., . . . . . I " h 'by I � h 0, & nintlbor of t:rscrlo � . Fly T � Me,' . , .dizky ge'avl�,, al' � and pimples . * . I + * , , I L . . L L I .1. ,. 1. . 1. L ­ .. - � . . . I I -11 L i """ ,ftbility, more . I 01 --all SIOW tortures dvor&tan fco)L . I — . — ­ -4 I � i. "IMOYneedi;, and inustbave,niorbipower,m"41 by the deatti of Ilia brother, bus. come In a tolserable eondition aud it seemod , I , � , L � . I "I 'TbJ$ 09MIrd 110MD-tho Caffte. or.Hoo,rf; ZTefG 'David Carter of Durham, Englund, largo.,) weak h6lirto Must , , broke out ou Tny face, I Wa's altogethez '�.!��.!"�� il 501ag about wit I . f r. V , cointrollitif More gov,offift . . . �A I , �' , , ,W:J - -4i -� W�- I I , h ealer " 11-,�, el I i i4l - - I f ' ' 0 ! .1 tyb t Ill thf,l, , I �prl . I I I 11 - r - I I'. . %,%" 'U*"",�".%* L .­ I I I I... 1. I . - ­ , . , . I 'i'itretl t1l; NIM11011t that the fell't rallst 00it . "Hulidt6do of People 6 About thdirdally To all that is on human life it Imp balble for we to -continue my " , - - . + ­ � . ..... - ­ , . I . . I ,90 14 1, Ond the Storai%dt and Iddn Y0 AIM btivo 1) - yet do not I . I I I . . � L I � 'clible ipe ftnUolllbg �)6"Vp, 4 bp�(,il in - I I - I . a 46 I I ,L 0 '481011 of a rt'zor) which 'WOtkdfttho*etg6o d I d �1 . � 1; I .. f] Inuo into tile p6ss(" eat 1, an blight, stud ea unless I found a speedy core. . i4q'i jaildielLne, D the' family for morg'than kkl6wit. 14joctil t ook comes worat is when cino wakeful llos in, Lis , . . . . L ' I � Thi.,AoloarLly oxplitins Wb , , 200 Years, It liaSL been ban&d d if when he AY The tried Aaveral toulds proscribed by tb . I 'Al16o0,A1t0LSJDrAt1Vo Ashittlit r Own thtt kiltithem tho, L the u�ausp6cted+ weak.. , , bed ' * I I USeleSSS.,My 0.0 -All . ��, , 04 dolie soihuI from bither to Son,, and is still ingood I heas of the heart IF, mado'appaTent, v ' daet.q.bat they. proved To AWNeloaft SUbsibribers , ' , , . , . � 1,161, weak 410 01411 P, r I 11 And lioari a fly apptoaehi ' ' ­ , ,o try bv. Williamil I . I I 10 AN ftstg6figlit . 1; � I , .. ., 4b" CAU06 0% till t 's V:10110)r. shou r condition. I � I ing.in %be ra fto d lue I .. ' .A�, I . I - ­ L 35efore placing your I I � . . . sbool) . I . . "Bub undoubtedly heart, voeakne", toi night. L . . I " " , I , .1 ­ I highbaTtM&OM 'Dr. PAIDUM "Ir, auffoq#4 . ­6---­�&. 1 1 1 . . .. ri�10ili'Zalla I-litiall1r.consentea to , Otdora tot +1 I 8 Ua4lutivo-thla L I disease I The liab criptloil Pr cc Of . 'iPoDulat 0'l,dALtffJ)tf0fl_1S t1loifle laikeetk(I — . , 'Our aellson's supply of 01al"got I . , ­ , ptr' 40 *46d"A" 11606 COMM, It buildg; L .1 - o if, moro prevalent now tm,� -!!!ntt!�� , L . -Y. . , , I �� i W theso,l ".1womau y 0 4,6all should think that the, stress of I 'Y � � I had hardly finiihe4'.the second the NEW FIRRA to Anterlean ­ ... our prices Th L. " , Alas he', 610, in fact eordl3lotely do "before a change f& %the, b i` beat goods %t(litk I V=t bo 'otter, I I 6 4 OtL , e 01 t ), troby,M6 heart holly, Anypain &nX ' ) MI . 4 -Altova in Al J%() " yo-4vii, carried in A I W d hTV, L L� -���— tilace and the -use- of a to if To . bi�A .1 4 whore tan be West and rush of 3ho4oh, bu -"�&-Jis--I 70 L 11 t" " ' 10 I., I M1,38"th! 1' . 4t& v,'n i ,old at thti . . 1.4— ... . bitic�s Wet I&A.AVA. "L W hh4as . 11111guft , . e I (oil Are, 0 t , , .. -1 J,Ff�4 - f"AJJUJ,cS witaL One OI Dr Ve alob car w �Aenal" va-d ' . NX Shoop a Pink Pahl Tablets. Ask your out . . � . : L " ,I a , Wit . . . Thord IN no d . 1, 111TM . . 'ho � . � , Doctor Or DrUgglab about 'the f6rmuI& and We would si -- I 1. L$ , It is rInted �h Tfio box-. And it Co'n't L otifferiag in any u I I xim. . - - S- 0 S be bet ' - onedose and be; con. t * c6ftr*6 of 11 tea I %. 1. .1 0 . vinaed� Sold by all dealere, A 'I" P 13�x 25tcy,, k%* ullava I "I I I . - F"`­11*0ftAW1"--*-- . . Price 60 40, .", 11 . 1: I Its � at All Oaaleft,ori R * t el � I �, 'RepdAt Cure Will ,&I. retl . 1 0 ItI.-I'ShIlph'a . .t.:Pb bf ptleo I 1. Sold, by `1ALL`DHU0G1M , Ways cure MY Coughs and colds'lio I Limiieil, T6rontc, � � . . � V I � I I . . . I I , . . . I . . . . . "! . . � . � I L � I . I., . .. , . " k� , L " ', , , , � . I . I � I I . I I I , I � _ " - ­ ­­ .......... ­­­­­­ ... L''"'�'��'-,I.L,.L"',-�,.-.�-1.1�--�---- -10�. -..&-- ��� L howt trolable", *tthat thjAfS torr6ot# ifi?ly Adylao any diao ' roih ho4ittroubt6to LIOURN06 Higgill1r 6L41 . ox or 3 boxes tor $1.26 1 7* lfisilid direct low' The T. Milburn, 00"; AtI '" ­­­ . . . . � . 9 . I ' I fully testored my betilth, and I strictly In advance. , Sub, I lowest, possible price, ... I . ,V#1 Since been well and stron . At ta, """ ! solbers living in the States !. I illiams Pink Pllls,atld I sbro!OX . �k CatInotsaytooLlilnehin kVoilof Ordoro May be loft at I)avi ), � & U4 lid'anArdwas-io store, Oto , rarommend them toother alliliggirls. ,must *emit *1446ir fillbacrip. 'With ,,,.a, . . . $rqu evri get theai§ Pilo frbm any . tiout - A T .0 N 0 No or tho . . . !dlolae doilet, or by MAI popee, will be discouthated, ­ W4 jr, tavelisono at Weentil I 4. / . lox or pix boxes for $2, trow The ' .1 1. . � �, L 1 , - - - Williams' Wealoine 0 Dvockville, -1 . . : At W106014 Light Viont* tt� . �4k,*,**" � ' '' ' , ' L . . � � I LLLL "I I I-01001., I I' 1 - I --,.-.I A . I . 1 I' I I . . .A"* I