HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-01-07, Page 8J� -7- - --i _- - -W - --"---.r- - -
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- I ,�l can testif� t I , � IC 1. - ' �
great merits of yoto yntui- . , �
I sion, especially in, ish ; TURERMOSIS i � � IL
diseases of 9L pu , lmqp � -,-. - � 1, d
MY 1� - �: 1: e rIL
I nature, It has saved m4ny Aside from the danger to huradn I
lives that otherwise would .health, one cannot afforil to have tu- � . I I 0 .
have vielded to consiimn" iPfbarculous cows upon his farin.,.Tbey F 11
. r ..- I I . .
I � �
'tion , - . we keep Scates
,�:,tWr-4,11neam to really ndarfal --- ai d k
� .1
coux, InteVestlaz literature ragardina cur
art a iluetlace to the,heru, as ta.e rao*t
valuable animal ma* be attacked at
I �- I - �
. ,�� I
. � 1-1 .
Emulsion, in. the boUSe-all
itilt thile. Transmission froul'one anl. �
.. .., I . I ,'� . I - - ,. I I I
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The Preservation of Our Rest NatIve
.. . . 11
na . per; � .
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- the time and all the family
mitt to another is often speedy. The
. 1. � . I � I -1 I - . . .
. I 1, . I . I .
. I American - Typos. . .
I �
use It." -MR, C. J. BUD-
v,Teat polat In guarding against the .
Lll$earae is fitist to eliminate all affected
. I '. I
Pedantic persons- way express soln C�1�
Box 158,, Wash.
, ,
than Ili hily other ,state, and, contrary
1111IM41S 'An.4 then koep eaell, cow In
, , . � I
,:. , I ,
. ; V �
astonishment at the Rica of ItioOng
' '
ington, R, 1.
- I ' * , , ,
8,11(14 y6buatv'taalth and such sanitary P suffer fro Piles , i
ff yo in the experience
-1 . � . I 140tt�olll I
I �
to .a breed of saddle horses for
, .
men -outside. of th. a thoroughbred- as-
. .
. ,
. .
surr6undliagil, thRt-her constitution will tbo PSailldS le3dS tao one definite conclusion
I 't ', � , � .
! ) . . . � 0 - . . .
. �,� . ,. rz, I
ridge horses, but the records of horses
with pedigrees are sidine,lent proof ot
. �
41ere are �omc poltits by a.. success- '
''SCOttg', �
bedobeforme. Then I star.teditaking PSYCH INE and it. has certainly donb
. .
throw off or, rendev) werl6s tiny bac- thati, the Wrest, way to relief is The Zom-B
terla that �
paY An beir way to her. believe thato nature provides somewhere, a care,
� � . I
.,;. , . - .
the -claim that the American ,saddle
Plenty of'sh,qablite, t1littity of fresh air . �
. . Zarrt-lluk is the refined and concentrated essences of b
. , I � . ..
I 11
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V, � . .. I . ... � - � ......._ __ __-1-1
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horse register Z-ont, . ome of our
ains 9
'best-'6hfkffg-cFnJ (xid and `fhif ... . bii;6�121"Iii_
. .
1qVft-_1______ _411 - - ____
so-, -
_ - -_
both In the stabW,,A.nd. out ,qnd go . I . I
. d bamo�.'.,TbgwvU-cally-.It.ah,ou-Idbi-soo1 .Artaiiysis�a
cl, � -
A-cA,,pnd- -care*liV4P-a--ionvz way tooz-, * '. - .
wardVaking yAr cows Immune.' on ibis. Pra0lcallylts well as theoretically it, is� g
of in4oiir, condnent.s bear testhu'opy.' Keadthese
V . . . I
, , .
. I I I
who are using, that blood
I I .
jvftf J
'Professor Shaw says ot -the.disease.-' people
I 1, .. I
, . .
I... ... ..
are acting wisely.
.1 I - __
, I
Mrs. Wm. Hugli-es, of ;t53.' Bocholapa btTc6t,- Hobhelaga, Montr .
Tuberculosis Is. a germ disease And suffered from blind, itching, and protruding ,piles for year
. a. Somitim
, I .. � . I : . .
1. I I . I
There are certain lines of breeding
does ALL it does by creating
coa only be 0utracted. therefore, by so bad that I could hardly bear tq, move abou,L' The inflammation,
. _�. il
I.. . .
found In the saddJ6 register
flesh find strength -so rapidly
contact with the germs' it ig reaL son, amning Fain, t4- throb�jng; the aching, the over -powering feelings of d
I , � ,
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I . 11 .. � I �
: � . . ,- . I
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which can bo.,rell�d upon to. ir6duc'
�' I . 0
, that the progress Of --the
able td suppose that the liability to In, dark donjouls-whilin thii ii1ment brings, tbc shooting spasms of -agony -all
. '�s from ibis a%vtul aliment can. understao dJ11
terrible that oaly�sufiorc
. ..
. 1 4 . 'It" .
� . 11 . �. "
I I � J
. 0 .
carriage I ho
I rses, In, Kentucky the
. .. I I I .
disease is rethrded =1'oftefi
fection is greater where the germs'are . .
. I � 1.
-, Bad as this gase was, Zam�)lliuk triuimphed, and, Mrs, Hu ties suffers no 19tive:
cumulative�that Is In stables where 9
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7 I , gr
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. .
1. MRS. HOPE, Morpeth, Ont. . - , .,.. ..
. . Terrible'Effect of La, Grippe - .
i . How many people there are who know from -bitter experience the. evils I .
. �,w,hlch follow in the train of La Grippe 1. The whole s.yifem , is run d ' own,' �
. -
Stopped,_...It is a wonderful
fiesh'builder and so easy to
I Mrs. W Uiiall,'dScolt Street, st, 119mas, sAys.-11FQr months without ces
several tuberculosis animals are pres-
ent-than,in those wbere only onedsr tion. I c6d**4 great p4m front bleeding piles. k'r,r as many months I tried everlthin
'ght -'
,�:,tWr-4,11neam to really ndarfal --- ai d k
� .1
coux, InteVestlaz literature ragardina cur
.1 '
digest that the youngest child '
� which I, thou w;tild give maease, but in tlije -'eiad, dispirited and still suffeiring I
present, Yet slid experience has shown. gV* ha... i - , . . ...
. and most delicate adult can6
� takeit. If yott are losing flesh
that but one affected animal In one . , . . I I
I Then"it wis she beard of Zam-Buk, and �he adds.--" Although Iteared Zam-Euk
season may scattbr germs. -that wIll"t .
."_ would h0ikc the ordinary remedies -useless-I am gladit-wasnot. It soon proved, itself
. . .
from consuiription or any-
.. . . 11
na . per; � .
' .
affect .many ahimals. The';aanger - Of', lo"be veiry different. It rapidly gave me relief, and. aftir a time cured ire �omplctelyi.
other Cause - take ScoTT'g
collence of conformation,-quallty and.
- . .
infection from animals a�t � libiii1y In ,' 4, Would like to kt all su%rirs from piles linow' what a grand thing Zam-Is,Ak ts.11 .
. -
I �
.� � .
. E �,TULSTON I .. 'It 'iVill Stop the
to- �
the open air' is not very greq q , life, 'I'hor.'Citim, of Ellesmere Street, Runcorn, says:-" I first began, to iiuffer from
Some animals are mueh,,,mqrq, germ - pilivi'dirough sitting on dam-pigirviss one summer,- and forycars I endured agony fr4m
.mra8tiiig strengthen t .. lie ,
whole system.
. I - �
than. others-, � t a t is, , 'the - y,cau this terrible cowpkint� Sometimes I-Wduld be %pedriddert for as long as'si mcath at a � I 11 I .
stretch. - Yet, to -day, tnever from Zarn-Buk
than Ili hily other ,state, and, contrary
. . . , I .
, I. .
stand, exposure.m 11tter it �', sufler piles I .cqred me, to s tay curied, . I . ,.f
W - Otli-, .1 .
' '
� , .. and blew the day I first tried it I . . I
ers. - This � Is true oi, animals, that are I . I � . I
terrible state, I had had La Grippe, and it.had settled,on my ffings. I kept.
I -Be sure to get SCOTT'S
� . , , I
. . -
men -outside. of th. a thoroughbred- as-
I So one could go o , y
. -
strorig and vigordits, and Tet,it is prob.. . I �oa qiioting case after ca,se, and it is by working Auch,cures that
Ann-Aukhases I . � � t
f6w itself its g'reat,reputation. .
. ,
. .
. I . . . . .
A,T,T, DRUC.GIST6 . . .
. I .
. .. . t., �
true that wo 061mati,iiir h6 ,strong
. 'You an is terribly painful ailment jFt be guided bi the (cregoing I
sure JndAfi'. ,�, N6wl& flor from th . I � � ;
that they, can resist 'expo . cams I Don't delay !, Don't waste time on thin a said to be "Just $is ood 11 Get � . I
' J
. I
- Let ub send ��Oxl .-. copy, Of Mr. 33tullbria's
appetite entirely ralll�, there is a coatinu2l feeling of languor and weakness,
a ,
ad life seems scarcely worth living. In many cases the lungs areattacked� -
,�:,tWr-4,11neam to really ndarfal --- ai d k
� .1
coux, InteVestlaz literature ragardina cur
. I
and the victim gradually declines, until' prematurely carried off: by. tbe�
. __ . , , � ..
I .
. . f. * .
L . I I � ' ' ' I
I . . : INTERMING . . .
I .
. propa�,* 'I., JV_t solid ha 0 card men. ,
tlonlu2 tri.. . -
I I ft,
� .1
dreaded plague." . . ,. . . 1. � .1 -i . .. . I
What would not the sufferer give to know ot it SURE remedy -of some ,
. I .
. .
br L�eding of horses fo . r Ihilividual oxw
.. . . 11
na . per; � .
' .
I q
medicine that would not cnly arrest . the d . isdase;.but bWld upthewasted *
collence of conformation,-quallty and.
- . .
- ' ' .
12G.Wellincton S*; -,-1.y. :' Toieprito
� �
I ;
system, and restore permanently the lost health and strength_;. in a word,
action is caxrlea.to it graziter tt.pgraO
1"�4 . . , . I . . I
. . L L .
. ,:
give new life and hope? SUCH A TONIC I-S'FSYC'HIN-E.
I I . In tills year of high " Alu we should
. , .rA
than Ili hily other ,state, and, contrary
�_ . , I 11 ,
, I. .
. . Mrs. Hope (n4e Cattle), of Morpelb, writes: "My lungs.were in a -
' '
�,o popular opinion,. the liloqt .of the
. I .
. I . I . . I I I � � I a . I
terrible state, I had had La Grippe, and it.had settled,on my ffings. I kept.
witliout L .
men -outside. of th. a thoroughbred- as-
�_ , - * ___ I __�` _ * �I
� I
. ,
. steadily getting worse, and got so low that I was.confined to -bed, arid- could'
; not even sit up * I consuited'several dottors, but they, said nothing pould,
. . .
fablishitients who make theirIlving
. �
41ere are �omc poltits by a.. success- '
bedobeforme. Then I star.teditaking PSYCH INE and it. has certainly donb
fro.m.horse breeding Ili Xe'ntucky,-In
fill dairymaii:' Don't starve the c'alf In '
. .
wonders. I a -n now as strong P . s I was be?ore'ftiy sickness, and can truly
. I
file blue grass couliticS..at len4t-are
br�,edlag:n&t for specd,� but -foe tyj�e.
tettehing it to d i I
i n - _"q
1) h)t overfebd,
that.PSYCHINE saved my life." Such tesfim
.pny as. this, is convincing.
. .
This has - been going on foe veiirs,. nrid
for aline. calies. -11diled b7.overfeed- -
.1 -1 ' . .
ng to one hy undIrfeadino, The ideal
I � IS � I I � . . I , L �
. eal nui sUrt oui on'the way to'healih I I . � I I
. I . . I I . . 11
. . � . I .. ... .: �=_�;�t._ . . . �
. I I , ,. �
I ..
. Zam-fluk4a cum also for rold-sorex,-andl cLippedcrackedlian,d ,,ulcers, festering sores, blood - "' I I
, " bad losr, ringworm, scalp sores, burn.% .c. I
c 'a , z. ,
. =41ill-to7disemases ai;& injuries, . I I . I I . ; 1 i
All druggists and stores -t r.o c. i box, or post free from 7_h= Buk " .
Toronto, for �Ace; j boxinsfor44.2,%. . I . . V'REE43OX -1 ,
. Coi�ut at attachod coupon and inAll lw.ih x c. stamp (to pay return. � ,
) Zam-lWk Co., Toronto, togothet witb name and date of -COUPOR. - . .
. this paper and a Fme Sample box will be sent you. � I . , I . �,�
� . , . .
. . I . , . � : . . I -
. . I . I 1 6", � ,
. _ --- . . . -_ .: I ,,, . �
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I I " .."41. 11 I �, �
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� . . , . Ili
. 1= REAT SKI -C .,.� �, I
� - . � . . i ., . 6 � . " I -
I.. 11 you arc surrerin.e in a similar way, and have almost despair�dvf' . [While to all appearances perfectly - I . . . . . I .& . I . I
� for this -reason the good,' haudi;oillc ,.dairy cow sbouldtAt weigh over 1,000 . healt�by, this cow had tuberculosis when I 1- - I . . ,�
. ,`
. .
, evqr recovering the health you once eajov6d, why net send for a sample . horses of Xentucky have usually be(in .pounds. She* should be affectionate the picture was.taken.) *,' . . I . . . I . 11�111111111111 . 11
bottla of PSYCHINE and test it for youseLi? There is no reason why y6u � * ' ' ' . I. . I I . . I � . . � �;�
� � I . .. . .
. should � . , appreciated,, their. history traced. .111d and it llttl� n0ftolls- - Some hca-vy - mitely under conditions 't expo' ure fa- .. . . - I I I � �
_�___. ----.----
. .. not be restored PSYCHINE has prove.dt.be so.vereign rem,edyin � their descendants accounted .'for.', If ; . 0 ..s : I I . . .1. I � � " 14 - -
. . . I . I . , cows a - feeders and some light vorable' to the'trgasmission of the dis- � .
.i, %V . . hundreds of other cases. �Why not in yours ?, PSYCHINF, is. sold by'Ril" e e ttentloa to *point,,, co; . W re. light � . . I : . L I �
I � . . , . , , , � . . 1. .
I � � I
I druggists and dealers a', 50c. and $ 1 .00 a bdttle. _�'_'L � a heavy fmders. To.fttalu it. high. '.eiise. I �. I ... . . q 1% . . . - . I - . . . I . 11 , . .
I . . . IFF, IDUEYERY..DOSE., - , of 6onforhiation. and action, bad 111201"i develop 'an 6iggodflesh and rounded . . � . i - �
. . . 11 . I m t . . � . . I - I . . �
I . shown fift '' . . . Tbe.germs 'are probably never'lm� I . I . .. I . . . ,q 4 � L I I I
. �_ ,y years' ago- .by 'NI0r,,M1i beef theie - must be �careful-. selectiott pdrte4 simply throiwh tbe-medium of, t - ' . . . . . . . . . . 1, I I
0 � . . %, .1. � 1. . . .1. . , , , .
. ,
� ... . . ' ` 1RIAIL AOTTLE * IrREE . breeders. in � New England' and . ha& . !t3 - � .. .. I .
PRONOUNCED SWEEN ., - : . . 1 " , �
. of breeding - stock and .- 000d feeding. - the breath wliell�thls breathing Is n6t� I , __ '. ,
1 4 . I , . . . ' .. 0 . . 'W'Wol.
BF.4 . . that(.% been'displa,ked the saiiia enthu- T6 trial .. . . .
Dr. T. A. Slocum, Li Ited.Toronto.. I. I I . . . utglu size contilitlops good f6ed- the saliv, '. I . . ... I . ..�, - ,� _ I � ,
CIL Hill m 0 1 .sl mal., They.may .come from. N-riwousiDEBILIT.I. Ill:
I Please send me triaLbottle f pay-, . .. . , dsm 1or and l0Ydlt.V- tO'n' Talll,Lblo Ing Is.required. Keep the heifer calves . A_ �- NEW M ' . . � I
HE chino' in accordance , with, 1. our -, , . . I from nasal discharge, froin the brou-' - . OVR- . ETHOD TREATMENT will'oure you and. make a man of . , ,- .: � "',
I , � ,
- ' y . . . ocal.t,�pe,of 1101'seN, there,woulci llow� ..of the 'good milkers, Irregular, feed- . . you. Under.its Intia6rice, the brain becomes active, the blood purifled.so that all . �� , �,
I ES, F N11 , special offer, . . ... I � I I � - . � .
, . ' '
. . . . icbtdI'tdbes, as Jn*cougbing, and from ' pimples,* blotches- and ulcers heal ul�,. the nerves become�'strou . � i,-,
J GRE T . . . . . I bc,* no necessity Xor government ald.to ,wron, temperature .. as steel, so -that I .
�, I Itig. and titilk. at, - �4 , nery �1� ,, ,,�'
I I � .. ...-m- . ' , - . I " . . . the dro�pftigs. They may dry and rise ousnes4, basligulnessi.and'despondency d1sappqar; the eyes tecome brl'i;bt_tbe - ,.,. ;, ,
. ,
%_ . face full and ciear, energy returns to the way, and the moral, ' I ., "' 11
,L I I I
�_ . __5 . _-__=_-, I ____ . -I'Pavo tho �'.Nlorgaii frohi 6.structiou. . may cause -scours In calves. Tbeinllk- with dust :In- the . stables ''ori, yards, sygtbms arainvigoratea; all drains cdase-no more vital waste front the system- The 11
. , .
'. I .. ... . � .. I .. If.horsemen in the limest . ono soc . tions cow Infended for beefing may go right. - . . Physical and mental I I . ", 1'. .
. . . . .- I , * � 11 ' varloiisorgans)3et!.om(-natti't-alan(li)lanly. You feet yourself a m4n And know'rnakm , 1. �
I . . I . I . . i of the corn belt. had paid, less xa.ttell- :on. milking. �vhild:* . r. Ned by,ai� �urreltts, and Ili this way., 7 riago.cantiotbeafailure. .we invite ali,the afflicted to consulf tis conjadentially and., 'L, " iz"
. s s'llutilil, .ittways. .rAfLVU% S-11,1- - - . she is*fattenWg. Fee. ibey. may be taken into,tbe lunks. free of.charge, Don't I et qiutdk* aud'fakira rob j*u of'your hard-earned. d I
. � Brood slow' I tion to of the.staIV luf�med udders X in.milk cows try rub- - , . I �er . - NO XA1 I . 6. lars.. � � . I
- -#"* . as calves, .y ire-' '� : � -N CON S*EN11% V�, .
I- fteieut nutritious,fop(is to keeb them in . M � . . . . NSI�4
I i-ood coudition. At'farrowing t me tl [li6tid"W"their localities aud mord to pin*,- with h1hixtute Of lard, and'.'com- Young animals, . V VV . ,1E$ 1PSED. VVITHOTIT �VliITTE . I �') �, "
I . . _' N i their individuitlity flic -,f9c , Iiiorse .; . quent1v 'ge ' t.the germs Ili milk, both I . THREATENED WITH I 'PARALYSIS., ,� . I I I �'11' ,,; 1�'; �)�,
. a . abo t as iiiuch%as'the' . . .. . . .1 I , , .�
,4.ca�rl mon salt* tlslii�� , u . P�ter E. Summers; of Kalamazoo;M16h., I �
sow should -not be t( th h . � - . I . I .� ' animals . .1 , " � � ,:,
SAYS THIS IS BEST . . ' a _ I W.ofk of the depil-r(ul'ont'of . agriculture lard will take up. . .. . . . whole, and skimmed. ,.young . I . I . . � , � "'-",,-
s * s in, fair . . I . I . . iptibl-e to the dis- . relateahisex ellienee: - � , -.., . . � �, ,
. ht�.d plouty of. exeret a and -I . � . ar� alsd ii�iore .suscid - ... , , ,
. . . . . , -1 �
�) , . . ' I would be'out of phte,e. .-. I . ... � _ . _ � I . .. ,,I was tr6utled with Nervous bobi ty .. " " , �, , !.. I
condition she 'will be bettei prepared I . . : case * than. those that tire older. It Is . I - for many years. I lay it to indiscretion I I � " "
� ,to care for ,her, offspring. She should . t Spcclac )Tork. In- horse bteodiug by iniluard's Lt1iiiiii2clit Cuireim. Distemper I . . . now . pretty�lvarly proved, tbtit' tuber . -, . . .iand sxcesses,in early outh. I became - .. - . . I I— .,I,�,-���;,,
A loWN" heallik &I be answer- I � he tulfed States goi�ernment was' . . I .- . -_ . . . . . .- . vory despondent and AlXr.'b care uhethe.v If . . I . I I I � . I I - . I
ing the question, Ilmhat is the ]lost not be fed. corn every day of -the. -year. .. I ' . . .. - ., . , . .culbsis . Is much more prevaleat Ili � w I worked or not. .1 Imagined everybody .P_� . . � , , . .
. first made, possible by ttlie Incluslon.,iii - I
' . .. 11oh's C ' who looked at m6 guessetl iny secret. � �
presuriotion to clean and purif.* the This grain. should, be given most spar-: I , R.Elpeab it:_'.'Shi . ure will ala ',5w- . . 11�
� . ine that are fed itillk from crea�mer- . Imaghnith7e drVarris at nig ' . A�� - I 11 I . I I
. , . .
blood?" prints in a recent issue the Ingily just before farrowing and Ili its . I I 001 , it , .
. . tit r . lib weakened
. "
� year ended June .30, 1905, It . L h se"30t:80-fe.d. . � I me, wy bae1c. adliied;. had pirilils in the . . I 11 . I . .: .. I
,a .1pprop latl6n -aft -for the fiscal 'WAys..cure M`y agl4and eblds:" .4 than, In t 6* ,
back , my headi liands arid -feet wero - ,��, , , , .
: I q tti Item I.. . . . .. � . - :. ot . ,
. .
. Place � - uarts of oafs .! , . , .. , . � " I. �.: * You C�illnot al,ways,(JeLect tuberdulo- , t, - " I . , . .. .1
following : , a* ration of A-wo, (I. � - - '� inail6. Ili allinjill I . ; 1. . . . � , cold, tired in -the morningi,- pooi--dppetitLq
- . xperj . . � . . . .
I .�
Fluid Extract Dandelion one ounce; . of .$25,000; for �, I . .11. .. ' 'InCe 'Of 1lT0_,qMl1l',1l.' - 1. -vvere shaky, eyes blurre , hair I . I I I . . I
: . and -one quart of soaked' cor .30th bhe . . . V I �
. . . . ft. I. I . .. . no Urati Horsa. . ,,%is fron.i th&,ttll)C�Ir. .14 .. fingers . "I... . � : . � . . I
I . I . - breedibg and.fecding�.Iti co_oper4.tjo11 I , I .. . � I ss.. . . 'in. - ' I loose, mentor . .. I . I I I
Compound Salatonn, one ounce ; quart of wheat. T b Is will Vrove. an. * ,fb�,,,herd '.it the �Alifixivsota experl .' ' I y j5qoi;�,ete. Ntirebtless'lin . . . . .
, ,
.. . . ;. . 1. 4 The I draft . burso posse as: three , ��t (L. __ Ir I .
. . wilh'. state agrie.ulturd? exg�crlment . . ._ theflngerssetinandthe doctm.told me �
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, four 'excellent �ait�on. . . .. .. . * ., ,.. . . . I. ill in it horse.for hdavy ,, , , ttlttioh' ls�lnic of the healthI6.14t - - he feared paralysis I took all hinds ot . �
. I . . . I I . i§tatl . . I polut's-that ake hi ' . ' I . I , . . I I .
. 4 ' 100kin ' ' . f
oulac". . . . I . .. . .. . . ions;. . ,, .1 I I I . . . . g cows ,%*vere, tested agd . ou - nd to. '. . . .. rn�diclnes and triea,many first-class I �. .�
I I . The reasons. for' taking, up, the work. 1-10 must,have weight, which I . . ys oiansi -to b,elt for .
' ' . . I .., h I— .wore an eleett . . . . . . . . . .
I Shake well and use in teaspoonful I Value of Warm Quarters." . . . . .. .. rl to 31ft. Clemens for - AFTER TREATMENT . I . I . .
. I � . is it ave tubprculo§IH,' �0ffle otliprs-that., hree mouths. Nvent, . I
I the *first, esscilthil" bestvy �'bock bona . I BEFORg.-TREATMENT . .
. br0eding.of carringe horses: have bean - I . . - � baths but receii*eq littld tieneft. while I . .
doaes after each meal aud at bedtime. . *a`rm, dry.quarters will go ajon.g I , , " I . � and 'stroug.,muscI6s.!. Wlleii, ,, bad �every., appearance of, suffbiling . I
. I I I . fully set .forth In various publictitioils, I I &. horse . at',)Ib.Cl6men�sl�i,asindiiceW.t-dediisti]L..t)rs. Kennedy& Kennedy, though.1 had lost �
. . . . , .. I .. unditsaved my life. The! r ve' ent was like mag.lc-.l could feel tbei vigor going. -
I I ble; and stock when comfortable . tirely. free of . . through the nerves. I - was trip 0 n . I I
A well-known physician states that may toward .k6eplag the.,stbick com- ' all faith in doctors. Like a drolvning man I conirrienced the New Tlet 6d Tre tinerit
. , , � ift blui off � with the disease were shown to be cu- . - I h a
- I , ill articles for t -be pl�ess'and in pri'll1le pulls .the teuden�y ts to I . I .
1, e mless vogetAble ingre- . 41orta. addresses, but -i recapitulation bore the ground; h6nc"e the. neqassity. of Ills lt. ' .. : ... ; I . . . cumd. mentally And pliyslcall�.. I havesent them man I
. dients, which can be obtained from � .. I I . . . � I ly ,
imill, grov�'and fatten much �bettek and .. . - I . : I .
any good prescription pharmacy. . .. �ldlay not be out of 'order. Bri belug'beavy. If he has his head check-*.* . ." i . . . . 1. . . - . . . � . . , patients, audwill coiitlrnie�to do so.11 , . . . I. � . . :,.
1 46 Vlth.legs f6ed than w,hen left to take' . .eqy ad � high. he cannot 1) . ull. to advantage .. . � . Licd on Hogs. ' I. I ,I . .1 . CURES --.GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ' - � I . � �
I Thismixture will clean.thablood. I'll I e . areof- themselv' .1'. . � .' , StaLted' ''they tv�,re: That carriage , - . .. M 0 I . . . Wd ooat arld cure VAPJCOCELE, STRICTURE,,NERV.01US DEBILITY. BLOOD' -
I ' in just a few days I . ,es. . ., for. It .is. natural for. hitn' to - draw his , , In ,making pl,s c6nifortab ' le ' one - - t IDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all I I
. of all impurities. . . . horses arej as a rule; the ni6st valtinj)lo ' AND. URINAR COMPLAINTS, -K .1
. . . . I I 11 .. . I head doWn 'when 116 Pulls. A horse should be -on ,'the lookout forlice. . . Diseases poculiar to Man. - .. I .. . . . . . .
. . .
tho,skin'begins to clear of sores, boils � ''.. � Pure Water, For Sheep. , . . class bit thd-.hjarke�., tli�li.t.is a re,4111C . . CONSULTATION -FREE BOOKS EE a a] , �
. and pimples. It ts vi or and . ' way -hd�ve. ii heavy. an'd �powe�fjjlly ,' Many keep xind -feed I)J�gs - at a loss Blank for Home TraMment. �. . I ....FR . Ifun l6le'to c I write fot a Question
. .
It Ahe boy Is looking after the, flock! ' .- I - - ' blillt hock bone, but'llis muscles may W4en they- are Infected aud do., riot ' . . . --L I .. I I . I . . . '
. gradually. (111ninishing* and 'that %iiot- . .
energy into run-down do ilitated I of the strong -domand tliii ,.supply wltA - I I I
. I
' ' � I
. men and vromen. For many years �teneh him the .Ilrst thing. thit 'h . P . not be devel ped'and 1 weak. A - know wby they are untitrifty and ui ... . . 1. :1�
. Sarsaparilla Mone has been considered stre'datilty and will: suffet f .1 . I I atiop:s of , . . 1. profitable.. When the i I Irst signs of lie . ,&. .
have tA pearance' . I I
. t*s . ee . p- * thstandjng all the Import may be KENNE"vAKENNEDY.
I . 0 p . '1_ ' ORS4111,
a good blood medicine. But while ' or water I the carriagO -type from al)roao,. thel. draft :horse' * * ,e Lf I . �
mtber thau'drink from a dirtv vessel,. . . . of.pqrfedtion as to size, Dut btliess his -1PVeftr, which. 4re -white spe,q,ks or nits " 1, L .
It Luilt up and istarle new blood, the p . 1 I . . I .., preferred horse -was the. I ' I Cor. Whi an Ave., and G�iswo'ld St., Detrolf,.Mich. I
. . � - . .. . . .1 . '4'merlcaul .:tendons and inuscles are" strong he on tbe.ends Of the. hair back of'tbe 19
,,, p ties remained within an a I Tb .. . horse. Uost - Important. of all, how -A cars. tit . � I � . . . I . .. . I
accomplished was only tompor- e tender leaves of a barmless, luy g � I � I - C4.1111ot stand...heavy 'w'ork. ' Like a id on the sift, prepare to'iAak.i� , . . I I .
I 9 - Sarsaparilla,. however, when healing, mouritatripous sbrub,-give'to ever, was. the teeling that stepsi, heavy chilln, heis only str I otg -is the ,rk of thein. -8bray , 0em. with �, : I . _. I . . - . -_ . I
ary. I . . . . . . I I short,%�o __ __ - -
used. In combination with Com Und Dr Shoop'.s Clough Rernedy its mar% el- ,should.J.)e taken,to eorrect the. practical N e . . . Isome, good dip, clean the nests and , --- . I . . .
. on$ curative properties, Tiglit, ti-�kl ng f. castrating valuable stallions and, yeak st point. . . ... . � . . I . � . . .. 11 I � . .. I . I
�J, Salatone and Extract Dan e , ' 1 . .. . I , . � . . . 11 L : pens- and cleanse them with.the same. I . . . L : . I . I . I
works wonders. This combi or distressing coughs, quickly yi6ld to .selling, *valuable tnams for other than . . .. 1111111 .
I - , _ ___ , - ---I- 11- the h . - ,6,. .... L . . . I. . I .. . . .. on Livti, Stock I In the. absence of,. dips take equal
ealin sodthin action -f t I Warts . I
T2 9 ^ . I
splQndi(I presciiption - Dr Shocp's
CqUfh kbniedi�. And it"is so safe 6nd
goo( for,ohildren,as well. %containing :
I110 opium, chlorciformf or other� bai rg,. '
ful ditigii, mothers should'in safe'ty'al �
ways dediand Dr Shoop's. If - other
rembdies are offered, tell them Not Be,
A I ci.�A.d 11 -.1 .
.wourowniu ge by a iie ei.a., .,
I . moommum� . . I . I ft ,
. . .
L . .
- . L
.. . . .
. .
I . . . .
. .
. ___._ - �_
. I . .
. I , . I
I . . .
. .
� =-- . . I
I � * ::-�,V .
I 51!:%f,___ k-1110 *ev- . . .
11 � . N . parts of kerosene and 'castor. oil and.
m I fan'k Tarmeril' 06%, 0nii;iderably an- . . L I
I � - -
I I ,-- I .
. I
. noyed bYthe di�pearanice'o�f warts On brush Itfluto the.balr'all. over the pIgq,
. ,
.. . I I I - . . , I . .
. 1. I .
. I
the stiaw-io
. I 1% . ut' of the nests and
* calvesr, Aud colts. Hoard's
cow"' . .
- heiryman offers the -following 4s an. ,
' burn iL Disinfect the floors and sides
Da .
. __ . , , � ..
I .
. . f. * .
L . I I � ' ' ' I
I . . : INTERMING . . .
f .
I I .
officag6us ' of
. remedy: Salidpapertbe.wart .
�1 'Of the pens with a strong solution
I - I � .
I . I 11 ... . I
. . . � I
. .
.. until It, bleeds slightly; then bo-,.�der carbolle acid , L two
of watb ' to a gallon
� .r. It any afterward -appear re-
611le . vitriol with
I . ' L . I 'r" A I .
. : %-#/4 , .
* F �'� BLOOK
. I . 11 .
and. mix vaseline,to a .
I , heiLoper . .
I I p.eat t ation. . I . : ..
-,E I . . . .
. . . . . . . I I
. I . I
. I .,
vaste, and rub on the wart. � §. . . .. . I I
.. I . . .
. . 11�
. . I
- ,- ------:- - '.
� .
About Qualif�ik Yours.elf for a I . , .
I . .
. .
- .Turnips LFor'Stock.
. . L L .
.. ,�
I I . In tills year of high " Alu we should
. , .rA
C are -e , , - . .
Stlecessful ' r.
. I . I .
L begin feeding - the turnips early --as
. , . I ,
I � . . I
. L . L I
� . . 11 - soo i as frostdestru$ the pastitre, says
. WM69W " the Rurair NdW Yorker. If You give
, , ..
- ' I To lesirn the folly of entering ','busf�ess � . . . I
.0 . tidn"- . .. .
life" a , business aduca L I
... "we N,
. . .1,
. 11 * .
I them to cows, feed Willie �6u tire anlik-
witliout L .
. ,�..,
. r
OD in- or soon aft -or and ,+' ... a -4d +11
V , road our'Free Catalogue. I � .'.
i, .. .
�, I
I !110�,N V I . . . i . I . . b I ,� .
. DEDMONT, OFTEN VOTIND IN.VZOIGUL7Z OF - ',,�,�� '1A1A.44A;�,,J1 ' %,hy do,qirAle to ocure t1de U he&$ educa$ .
. - I . . . - I I
� _e� _7_:�_ 1 __ . r . . .. AXMICAX CARUJ.Adlil HOXISM., . * . taste In the milk. -By analysis turnips ... �Iion at I.M., -My BUJI;1,305 CQ116ii6 . . . . . 1. . . . I
.1 . %,,- I . r.bod C.t6loil'i., . "I 4 _
- . -oneAenth as. inUcli i ___�L_ -,
�0�_ - �vl . tire worth about ,
,� - � . 10 . � .. breading purposes. The dopartment- ORWAY.PINE �. . Why thq ble;, inerahnVlo* hnuse� -P.relot -.,- -A -"',c- ... � ... . I
I '. . - % /I . � 6 6 . . . . .. 1. � . pound. for Ilound as cornmeal; but, ; F C'B G'. 9y,dusteA--rasJ"C&00iu�,, . ..- .. .�44
- �� b . also felt . that, - although imobalily . I REE 130011 explains in. detail 16J4 .
1-1 . I I SIMP, � like other succulent foods, they have a - Tim, r. . Q'I" V,P �
. . . oue C�rninerclal. Shorthand abJ Typewridd . eq . .
I- � nothing could wean the - Smerlean lij� 1 40 44,1 7I 1
.7 il, , I gher value than the aii,�lysls Indl. Courses: Tells Ay Z C. B. C inet6ods a 0 $I �p . . ., .
I . . ;#1 IO . I . I . horsemau from his attaah�lent to the at(%. �Ve'wonld feed bran or corn. � I - Instrualloo &r. superior Sho'Na Vidua 0i C611, , ", . . .
(it . /., . . .. .. I 11 an ard bred horsb, t � lie most Useful c . . .U41"Oss. edu.stors, X4 I . - . . 000 X44 . " .
I 1. (I 0 . St. I d meal with them. For sh 'p the tur. , . _q
" . I I I ce sociatibri'll DIP10faft, - . � . � I 0 ' �Svuclsl
. I � . � :c1litracteristics of ibis hofse shouiabe nips nee picellent. Por bogs we pr0fei!,, Just Rena, your nem. .. - , � I . * 011sialsids- I I .
I . I ... � 11 preserved If ,It -would (!olifinu� to be I to c -y. b . sna addr..1lq-G.t&i09u#, - I . I SaVL and . . .
11 .. I , I ook'them and mix.di ran w[th h y"ba' .
. I . . . 11 .. of high value to the farmers of the.. W-190MIAM-0.8. _. - %V01 re.ch , , I I . . .1
ir. .1 I . . V . !,= ... .1 fi � . . P"Mptly. .r .. A , isku �
� I . . I . . . I . - � ,,q, � , 0 1 .
. ,� �,
-.9 country, . " . - . 'k , If .I I k"", FF The r st city,
I The Most Weresitaing Daffy ___ . .. I I i , ' I I
.0 . ef . . . - . I . I . Combines the p6tellb healing �irtnes of , I Care of Sheep. . . . ,/w� 1,\,�-, , 4 '. , 9tisliless & Shorthand Colloge
. . . . . . . ,�. . 1- . TWe Farmer of therl Puture, thb.Xorw&y pine troo with oth'iDr absor. Do n6t dose the lambs,or owes every 4. �IW ... i0p?,�,,� I � . 'London, 011tuirio. . I I
. I
The "Toronto Daily Star" is 4troiig in sfiecial features . The future �armer Nvill subirrigitte. I ,�� , , I W �,, . r I
. L . . billat, atpoeborAnt; and sootlizing, medicines Jfin6 they show signs of being 6ft feed. if , I , I'll ek J. V. W4621arvolu Jr: ",
for Women. � . 1 0 , , I his land and defy drought ns. well as . I . utely . i J. W! Waotbry I .
I . floods, I'le r ,,ill be , of recognizoa worth, afid is absol' Shut them rip alone for ti,few days, . prinq1pal. . Vica.p.doCIP4 , L
11v in,qtalinent %cokile''tt Selent1fle . uk"9111- L L" I .1 I - � 11
� L � There are the daily Home Pages -the dai . e harmless, prompt and adfafor the Cure of change, their &.ea�alTd ti,tture will gon- .. .. ,,, I . I I m , W I - I
of a good story -the Social an -the ... f!j,r star, and every farni'Will produce crally righ . � I �1. �'
d Nisonal coltitrins r . I . .1 I 1 , things. If you sce.one of ;,,A -,W_,6_ -.! .
I � - I Wood wild lumber ns well its wheat ' I , L
illdstrated daily Fashion 14ints. . . � . COUGHS, 0&tIDS, bj'.� the sheeg Alphig around tatch it and . I . . L
'and appl.cq. �Vomen will woric out� OXCIIIVISL . . I . L I . . �
� . __'_ ____ ,.____,_______.__ __-r____ . ,
. 13ut the "btar's"' strongest a� , 0=11111file �JOSOIY for foot rot. If there _-
.peat to the Vvide-awrike doorsr its heartilyas meti-In fact, they � �'A.
womati Is tW! unusually fifteresting"w i1i Which it presents " I 110ARSIMUMS, Cr%,0;VP, SoAr. Is the slightest 9190 Of ibis, dlseas� get. : '. .. , ,is. I %. . I 1�
a L I ,
�* , . I y . will bo'tlie hortleliltialstsi and .the bu',q tit once. I , � .
I the news of .-ill the world,,day by dn:y, 4 4 � 11 . : . A 4 1 .
. truelt gardeners. There will be clo�er TIMOAT, PAIX or TIGHT- � - I I I � . .. .
.. L . _', _ �.d.._f_ __ - - e, .. I . . .. I �
� TtteTe is not a dry line in- it --yet it ig not sensatiptitil. relatloti between- the prodlicer 41 : I . I � I .
lid ,the . - . : I .1 I 1�
, . ,e , , e8orlae, L consumer, Ignoring a horde. -of iniddle- . N39SS iti the CHEST, If �b,�, Sun Par the Hogs. . I I .1 I . I
... I or in any way "yellow." Just good, clean,, whol " ' I L 6 hogs baye klot a i4outhern ex. � '. �? �;: PE 6 I/ ." ��Ar 0A'f'1('C ..
I well-written accounts of everythitig, that- is going on that',, molt who frequently wnsto more tball pos4re where they may lie ill ti�p sit I . I I - �
, . I and all throat and Itifig troqbios. - lb is . ft , i . 117111 �
.. . i gnorant holp said Ino , . . but of the witid give thent orie, Thoy � 1.
� worth reading'about. . . ,.. . ,114 d"froyed by 1, , i . I : I q A I I
. Subscribe now and tak-6 advantage of our present rate of. sect foos calliblued. tTndc�r the alil. pub up ill 0, yollo* wrapper, 3 pine treom will do much better with It, Any. I IT.... . I . I
, L, . , . I I L � I . . . All(le with MO school file Sarm. will bo the trado mark 6d thaL P0.66 25 centis. fliftig t1h.1t bioreases the vomfort fine, I I '. I 1, �
.... I � SL I . . vtdu0il not only for its groo,'h weight * . I L L - I I . . I I CURES CONSTIPATION, !
, ,tire ��.. . �. I I
1. plen's -, of stock makes It more prof. .. .� . I . . .
: I er-Prodlictsf4'but for Its poems ald Its A 11,tIZI) X)U,r C I I � , DYS PEP51 A'R H EU MATISM
" . .. . . .1, . - �qi .. I I
. L50 A Veimmr' " I . . isineatioll. . . . . OUGIL tmble, I . . I '. I I I t .
. . I I . . . . � . I ,.. !.. � I .� � I I
I I � . -A6� ....... 0 ''I -11, , - �, I L ' . . 15 -Irl", k 1 . .
Mr. J., U. paraj, Alillvitle, X.S., _ - I ,�,*�, ., "O . - Better Than Pills
. to Dail be ono yewt�-$Z PD., ' I -_,__ ,_"-,- t,�,T� , ;1 .0, ..
'" - � 6 -.-- .� W, (W
I I This pupor and I 16ron y $ftr" 6.161M, f Ce,d% ,Cod L � '' , ""
I Mmanly, pains, headliMns, In fact writes -III have beeta troubleil with a * SL , 11 � "
. U00.0004 , � . , � �AKE ONE
I .�, ,..-, euar&n1#ed,r6un1a&JP6h #1 bei added to abopo 8Ub,1bJ'1Pf16fi P.*i0e,q, L iiiny p6in anvVirliere ow) be complotol I , ..., - 000`�*N'* For Liver 11I.s. -
. y lista, dry'Dough for a long time, 09pecial , L 11 �� I I . W. , 'L - , _' ,�.
0 - - .., V" , V , ,; ,W,�-,, 25et. 8 L
. � . stopped In 20 minuttio with one of 1) I iris aftt ivrmn61 , . -
. 0 �'y St Shoop's Pil a. Ask your " 6 tum - I
� 114 6 11 , o" . YOULLffEl. �, "
' L - '. n , �` , � , 6 !,,� cet - ox ;. ,
ly at night, but ober hilivilug used Dr. '. - X.:
I �. 11 to NIGHT. V ,C
ik Pain '11ablet ., 41"I"'. � I I
*bg F , I - i I
Metok or D I t %11
I "I
.. W � a
, I ' r , 91st about, the forull,114% Wood's NotwAy Pine SYTUP$ for a f6w .11 d. I I , L_. (JETTER , r "
, M
. . . . D I Ib imPffinted on the bot- 4%nd It can't wooki, I find uIll, ootigh his l6ft me, To I No Ile I 0.3, I I I; '� " �f ,Sold Everywhere, 4 �
I _11Y
� , I .� Tl"nto. ail ar bobobteteA'L Toy onedaiyo-t%ndbe con. I . I IN ViE MORNINU � 41",
L ,; L - , -
*ino6d, Box 26a. Sold bw k1l AAMA , My, PWOft, litiff4ing, #A I'did, I ftn ".# ,
I - 1�,_,__ -,--,-- , " . , . I - - --- .
- , _ _ �
'�,�,'�",-...-.�.....��.,�'-��-.�I I � � - L - 161A 11-1�ip,�@1--�.-,---.--,,oi&iiihmalosib"---- L_t&Lkbh&,t4Nft"*L.U*&U wadiiiii (AIAL, t - - _ __ --- -Mi I rwic �Vw rifts'ell ii E MQV i du "Cu"i , ,