HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-01-07, Page 4 - - 11 __ 7"Arjw"I� _, r7MWWr0r--, -7pr7r.- - "..."..1.11--1 - : ---j,-- ��I-!'_ _ .J----- ___ - -.---- �
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I I ,
� I Synopsis of, V, 444�41VM Ow ., THE QUEERER . I ." , 11
Ne".111-WIck I 8 Torelieve the wor6t forms pfltheom- i . A disease, of young girls 10 I
I I � gpNIOSTRAV ARQ1_UbATI9X$ 1. ueat#ud sot Sot)* rwoRdtA MOST UNIQUE ' ouggestj - 0 Da y'' 6 �
. . -
.t I NV" 'Year _ I -
. . atism, take a teaspoonful of toe fol.
1, low mixture after each i Interesting and Ve advice that A, 3 . .
. be"4 wtloa of D9011019P i 10 , .
Any a".n .nxtip bedt m9e*.1 . I 1�
. . I F Hon, One halt 1OF BRITAIN'S POSSESS I �
"*jid. In;Xau'%to4.a, Saskatchewan and 41, I luid Extract Dande ION$. I all, should, read 50 Iff ,
.4orte,ipoopkiag,s and 26. not reserV4131467 - . . I .
. , I - � ounce; Compcund Kargon, Qua ounce; 0%moff" ��Id�
�* bW44tiaded. by,okp ,, _ .
. � y persog who 1# the Compound Syrup 8ar4apaviAla, three
� �6k any, mele qy#� p . I. .. . - ounces. . lty'of British Subjects Many others willecho the conclusion
I .
-**boad of 0, family, , , Photos -i , ;ir 07VOCR
lqqi "' Tiny'Commun' expressed ina Very interesting and I Sa , - Ing, e . I
T"'raotogo.0tibeextent Q1 Quo, %, me to have These hArmlesa ingredients can be '.
44WOU of 160, 0m, tuoroor'los's ,,5�,, " '. Now is, the ti I In Antarctic- .Regions, Number One suggestivO'Ietter written by Mrs Zach. I I I �
r : : .1 � , he latest obtained from,our home druggists'and . ay, . . I . 4 * , . , .
I .4ppllojku4A.tqz,44ity;,auet,be�.m� "I , them taken; all t �re aria -Pollard,of Grand 13
., I I . aire easily'raixei
- 1� . . I by shaking them well Hund.red, of Whom Nearly AIIA . *,It is one of the illusions of mother. 0 Xx -
I CA00by the 4pp1iQ&0h at A ]PO I oUle, Relief is gentrally felt I
.t a . Mon,Nova Scotian SkIppffir Pays hoodtliatoncetbe .diseases of child. i .
I � , udo.Ageii.oy or Oub-agmoyfor ,$ - .styles; we guarantee' all in a b , � 011porn ture dod 'HOUS09P
, 4 .
, I is ,ltuate. )4ntry from the firatfew dosev, I
I "', triqt in, ibloh t4c.14ad rwork satisfactory, This prescription forces the: clogged ProfitabW Visit to- the, Ice -Bound ,,hood have been successfully passed a I .
. '41 � hy proxy *%y, however, be mad at an i4actIvekidneysto filterandetealn - smooth road lies before their dear ones , . .
XVe4Qy Qu 0 s the 'ishi g Goods at
I I , ,ertailk ti 'e, bb- V'� " , . � Whale -Fishers. . Boys. bruise themselves, or perhaps I IF, ukh in. . �
It, may be along m in the blood the poisonous waste . . breaka limb. I)ut the physical history. I .. 11 �
. f%tbor,.,.motber,.1eOn, daiijbVir, %ttee and uric acid, which causes, en- . 1. . I -1
I ' ,iloter.60,.a intaii4iog homesi6ador. -- I I , The barquentine Stranger, of Lun of the youn;,girl is subject to so many " ,; . . I .
, I I . , , Rheumatism, I burg, N.S. caTe into port the othqr . , -5-WIPPW o9r"""% 4 090"W4 I . �
k � � - . The Himest6wer is required to perform, fore - the family is together ' As Rheumatism is not only the most damers, it is ctply when some,.great . I
I ,
I , be hbmei
. �
.�. . . . r � . . under OUQ,.Ofr $be 10 ain . I ca,rrying in lie one . as C =-
11 4ead dittles , ;_ . aor day lag v �r, signal locker a Ii been ou cessfully oyercome -
.. I . 4X " C3.1 . , painful and torturroUS'disease, but dan- house . , ith a red ground and a that we realize how many dangers IN6. it"'Co I
r .
I I I .11 +0wingplana; . ' elrous to life, this small recipe will no white Whale in the ceutre. . This is� thereara ,My eldest obiid,a daughter . � � � . .1 .
� .. (1) Ai least six months' residence upon aoubt be greatly Valued by iDany -suf- r . i
r jVk. oultiv%tio r '�, th * '
� . � 12 a loind in each year for I 8; Roberts. the flag of the Argentine Fishing Co. just as she bid entered upon the six. f Urn " I i
., .. . 6rers here qt honiq, who shouM at once � I r
. . . ,,6,hr�00%re. - .. prepare this mixtii , ie to got this relief. It Was 4 flag obtained on a trip to a teeptli year,suddenly developed weak�
. Photo Artist, elintoW, sh Colony situated as tar South ness,. her color faded, some unpleasant 1P �
(?) 4 hometiteadar may, if he ao*doelres, . . r � is said that a, person who would Briti jig " C r '01h' 0 1
� A �
'perform The required re6 , idignae Out-kffrby I .1 'take this preseription.xegulArly, a doi3e as men live. - . heartsymptoms indicated a lowered
' Ir - - ., .
. -
., NvlPg on farming land owned 4olqly by - '"�ij . or two daily, or even a raw- times a In the South Atlantic, just OutsidO vitality of that organ., but strange'to r ,N re
�� -
I b . . C4�_ - :)us Kid* the Antarctic Circlei� 1,700 miles to say she appeared plump, The bodily I . I. I
ims u9t less than 80 %Qrea in extent, in - I week, would never baVe serio functions were obstructed,ana a waxy .
� the vicinity of his homestead. Joint own- I - .11, - - =_" no or Urinary disord2rs or Rheum4" the soqtbeast of Buenos Ayre% lies .1 .
, .
, y
irehip in land will not meet this require. � I I . or palid, or yellowish skin gave her a The liucs,,sve handle arq varied; the selection Is un-� .
, . . I __1. tism. . the Island of South Georgia. It is ghastly'look. The, doctofs*tonic failed .
, . ment. I I . Good the Falk- I I e - 911-
I .. - (jut this out aiid preserve 0. 800 iiiiies cast southeast of I to improve the symptoms, *we.decided equalled In the County,. The pric s low and quaRty hi i.
. , I.i ' (0) If the father (or mother, it the father . I -Rheumatism prescriptions which real, lands, contains about 1,100 square to try Parrozone sohighlyreodminehol- I . .. . . I . � . .
k , is deceased) of the homesteadir time per- I ly re;iove are scarce, inde�d; aud whTi - 1 The stock Is heavy and Inust be reduced, and a. special .
- ' . . .
, � , , manent, realdence on farming land owned . 11 �911 � � you need it you want it adly, Ini" "' "a" is a British crown co only adin t -It,wasprobably i price oueyery article we bdridle,wifl be given. . �
I I .. � I ' . he newspapers,
� ' � ,' solely by him, not leas thaix eighty (80) - . . belo o the Falklands. three weeks before any manifest I
. . . . I 11 Z. 0 "Ing t . - - change.w but oricethat �
. I � I apt, ,A., p. Strumm, a Well built, ______.______ -.-----,--. _______.___ ________._
, - oo Ing mai , - - k "I _' 64fifk --- . . � . .
_'___ --- -oores.. �In. extant, in tba-vioinity'. ot.-thil-'. - . - � ... � I" _ as noticeable,, I �� . - ..,.--. . . . .
I., homestead, or upon a homestead entered. .. . OppQrtunitlog for- Y-oang. Wolnew. - -fine I- ,'k- ' I iff--1614 I)ONT be lal?� Ferrozoii.6'chec ed the rui
.. .. . , � 1, .- ' - - . ath Georgia on a . rocess the upward advance was rapid . _ALrm Chairs,, arm Rockers, :Brass - B,ed§, Brass .
I for by him in the violi: ity, auoh homestead- . I I - . - peAed to go to Sol I . 1. ' I . �
� ...,.. I- . N, Nursing the Best ITaid Occupation . . . I
I sidence dutios� N�11 . voyage strewn with icebergs and I V siltipose if I had neglected to give
li� or may perfQrm his own re t, . _ .Poles, -Book Cases, Book-'Shfllves Bed Springs Buf '
! - by living with the father or mother, . I I � . , � ,The Phila4elphla School Tor Nurses, ice, fogs and whales, and succeeded her Ferrozone she would have fallen . I . t f f I I �� ... �.
. � ..
� I __
I .
(1) The terms "vicinity" in the two Pre- " I 2219AChestnut St,, V,bilad-elphin. ]Pa,, in getting away With the charter safe- into permanent 111 -health,. as it. is 'I fets, Baking Cabinets, China Cabinets, Couches,
. I I . .
- I . . . . ^
, � am deeply thankful ,that Ferr9pile . , ,,
.Seclingpavagrapbsis defineA as meaning . I . offers Free Scholarships in Trained ly and,clearing $5,500 for his ownQrs [es - a Oots Curtains, Carpet .. ,
n9tinorothan nine wilesin a direct line'. 'k . . I � - to young wo I men in -every T.he Stranger, with has. completely restored my daughter � Carpets, - Ciibs, CrAdl , A , ,
I I .
. I � . . .
, Nursing in two months. .
. , exclusive of the width of road allowances I .1 . - . . - State in the Union. The Scholarships d of lumber to vigorous robust health. Sweepers, Curtain Poleg, iDining Room Chairs, - I
� . . , .. e _ nearly the last of her loa . I .
. . orossea in the wea, suremput. IT WOULD MAKE . , . cover the full Two Years Ocurse. wi�h from. Bridgewater, N.S., out' of.her, Ao tonic so nourishing, 49, strength- . Dre'sscrs, and Stands, IDIvan% Mlasels, Etchings, .
1 ' . I d,, Inifornis, JaUndering,etc, vres, wait- glying,as F errozone. 'It gives -you a , . .1 . . - I 1. . .
1�-- . (4.).& Homesteader intending to pirforin _ " YOU HUNGRY rO01MA b0'ar d.��i.il lay.at the Boca, Buenos A .
�11�. his residence dudes in accordance with the . � 1. . 'no u ed On " road fare paid to home ing � -'ballast to grand a;ppetite, brings fine color, a :Wurniture Cov�erivg, Feather Pillows, Frames, Floor .
, . . .
"'; ., above irhile living with parents or on to see our fine aFisortment of Cakes &I- town 01, district upon the , for a cargo 'of hay or healthy eek ' . I
, . complotion . . glow.tothe ch s. It thin, Co ngs, Fringe, Cx.rand-fat .
-,. hand, -Why bake at home . . � come horth again. � , p4 gain in weighb. Tbinl� it oVer, . veri hers' Chairs, :E-lall . . I I
. farming land owned by himself, must not- I WAYS On of thi.Course. ' ' . . . I . 1.
: �.. : . tly the Agent for the district o - When you. have such an -assortment to A home study course and a short res..: His ship broker told Capt. strumin ju erroz.,)be is just wbiLt every person in Chairs .Elall Mirrors 'Hall Racks, High Chairs, .
' .
.! ion. . X such Luton. shoose� from, give u . a. a trial. and they ident course are also provided, which that the C.ompania Argentina wanted oo)? health requires., Sold by all I . I . $ 1 . . . � I ' .
� - I ftmonkhe� notice in writing,must,be will talk for themselves. - Bakers of q kly open the door of .opportuili to. charter for South Georgi.aA and In- grifgkis s, 50c per box or six boxes for . :E.nk'rain Rugs, I nlaid Lin.oleums, interior Decora- - ,
, . fiomemadje bread, the best, to be . had. ' . ic a � . 1. ty side of an, hour and a half the. charte . r -day. . . Stands, Japanese Mat- - . �
" ,given to the coeWigsioner of,Dominlon � ,�d nableprogressIvestudentstoren. $2.50. Try Ferrozono to . . I . . I . �
1.',c - L _ *)&�piy foi While up town come in and try our ' .the Stranger'si while three Nor- I � . . . tions, lron.Beds, tT.ardineer a I
. Ands as Ottawa, of intention dei a noble service to humanity and at was I -1 . ..-. CabineEs* Kitchen Tables, :r-Aounges, - - .
411 �. . 'patent. , , Ic6 Cream and SoaaJt will tefresh you the same time acquire for themselves wegian barques, afraid of tb6. ice Ta7 - - - - - --- - --- . ti , T��,Itchen I I . . .
I Ing. I . The bkrque�ti,, - THEARTISTIC. PIRATES., - .
. . I . I . A. substantial income from the best piid . . - , . Ingsleurns, , M. orris, . . . I N
W. W. CORY, while doing your shopp* ldlei.. in the Platte. .. . . Lillo Chairs, Mirror Plates, , Mai.. I �
�.*. , .)Osputy of the Miniater of the. Interior. . We keep a line of first' class, confec- occupation now open -to w.omed ; be- took 'aboard 100 tQns of coal -ks bal- Yo ho! for the saii-swept ,9panish .. . ,. X.qiildings,. :tTeedles for all makes of Sew- I I . . I .
: 4.13 Unauthorized publivation of. this tioAary and fruits in season.' sides qualifying very student to deal last, 840 -empty barrelsanol a nine -ton I I - � .. . .. .
... , '_ I I e - . . . Main,, , � . . . .
I ,. Advertisement will not be paid for. , Cash dr,trade for ButterlandlEggs. with emergencies in the home that boiler4 f6r the straiigest and most dis- I . . Irgans,'Oil Cloth, Office. Furniture, . . 1�
- . . . I � - I . Xnay mean, the. � t�whalixig stiltidu.. There.ice . 0 1 * - . .
. � � ' . r i 'Odd- P e6es, ]Fianb's, Parlor Suites,. Parlor Cabinets, . I
�� � A iaving df'a,loved one's i6 and Yo hQ! for the pirates- grim ing Machine*s,, 0 . I
, I .. I With the shark agleam on the weathe . � . , ,
-, . - were f as A'( - , . . . . . , . � .
. - . ty"Act. 1908. . ' NIME � : . mes, � benih . I . . i .
10 � Volunteer Bonn . I -W. W. . NS 'life. whales ound as plentyi' - .�
1".. ." � Warning to Purchasers. -- Plione Jig � Clinton , Far-seeing philanthropists afe-adding .In a Connecticut pasture. . And the crew .a-�studyin& him 1 Parlor Taibles,, Pictures,- �Qlllality' Beds, . I:Z. UgS, � �,
.., "
, �*1�11 . . I I . . . -1 tothe resourcesof this School, with .. Arrived'ilt.the- island, the Nova � I . . . � . . ; .. is Stair Oilc1p - . .
I . I . . . I . Ratan Chairs EBidebodri , , th, Secre.! .� � 1.
. 'assignment of the right of a South �. -- -- 0, __- the ylew,of ultimately exteuding,these 'Scotiiin foun4 -of sixty.men " A!"quoth Gory Tim, t s, .. . . . I .
' � - '
I . q ... � 1ftVZRT ' ' benetits,to. earnest, energett I a colony ng . Art is A I � -, 11
. ... . African Volunteer entitled to a land grant : p young I -afloat,, mahni 7 � taries, Sewing Machines, Students" Chairs,: SiOOl
.. musb I... .. of.apoDintmentof a substitute I Seeley. & West.. ' women in all country'Alstridti and in ashore ind forty mer . -a . ers � en- (Tile gunner bold was he) . . � ' .
&ad I ' form provided bytheAet. . I a flef-,it, Of three -small item As be cliewed the bight of a bowline 1 -everything the - ' . '
� b ' . . . . . . . . i . . ...Set§, _U�dertaking7 11
!:, � cial a tention is called to Sub -section 8 of . I . . I. all the smaller towns and cities, . - The gpWrnor of 11 I . . ,Wables, Toy . . . .�
I , � n 5 of,the Volunteer Bounty Act, :IW8. , - --BLACKSMITHS I.. The Institution is approved and en- gagoFd .in. *ha ' ling,. . :, Wight , - . . , Velvet . I . ..,
, . .
tl I provides that no assignment of the right . I . I V. 9 and edu- SmAth Georgia-�is -Capt. C. A. Larsen,, Abaft of the larbdard. lee, . :. .1, ... .best.' and prices l.ow. . . .Rugs', W.riting . I . . �;
I . ". 11 . . dorsied by leading. pbysi6lans. 6 � . � . ' , . .
olunteer by the appointment Of & 8121)4titutO . I 1. AND It.. � ' catorsoftheent,irecountry. Som�'Of, ,%A,IIo'was thei commander. .0 -f -Dr. Ottor.' . �. . I I I Desks,'Willow Chairs',. M.tension Tables. ,`_5-_r0Ur . . ... .. ..
be accept.ed ororecognized by the Depart . � :ploring -ship, the , I lie again, : I I . i ory.' : : . . . . .�
of the tOri r which is NOT RXr,qUTrX) the.leadjni� men ot this State; are its Nordenskjold's ez 1962: 7'-stipIc for Art!" s chefully I efunded if goods, not sat sfact "
AT111) AFTER THE DATE 011 TIV, WARRANT MACHINE REPAIRERS . - and .endorsers,- as Antarctic, which. Was " lost in "But I likes it r"llyaln' gory! . , . .y . . . ;.^� . ... 1. . . I I I
HE VAND GRANT issued by the Minister of . . . . . . 11 ,strong supporters' ' - 'mmercial. b off, . � I . . .1 . . . I ' � I . . 11
. - will .�� seen. by the catalotyno whioli . I,n Capt.. Larsen, whose -co With a - Frenehinan's .tbumb'(cul ' overlug in a. big. variety - I :.
. . . .. - ,
and Defence In favor.of the Volunteer, . .. . All kinds of lUpholstery-donet' C ' I .. . .
a . 8aubicribers havi�j f oimed*a paitner. t .0 ' . . s car�icd.ln stock.. I �
-J VV GREENWAY . vill be��sent to any one whowrite.4 to ins inet.bas been aroused b)� the un- by. g�im I - . . . . 1. � of color I I I I . I � �.r",
-'of Dominion ship. are.darryingonl)usinegi�inSeele'y*s v . .1. .� fit in the. ' . I,v - -fory! , . I I . . . . I.,
. Commissioner the Scho.61 for it.' limited: possibilities of. pro e dr,�-%vpd me inany ,I I . � . . .
Lands, Ottawa. old stand, ,Rattenbury 25t.9 where , - .. . -, V'. . ., .1 . I . .. . .. .. � .. . .. I
optember,.10M. . � - . � __ , . .Nvhale industry .in the near Antarctic . . . pleture's framedy,hile you AV-1tit. .SatisfaWon.guaranteedi .
t �ey are prepaxed-t ' J prompt pow a * - . : - . dventures, Chpt. - 11vp (Ira-,NFp(1 niy gun -tin action�, too_ . istoniers* . - . . . . I
I tteiitlQnto:anoyei,",14il2theitlI n (, Lfoyd-Goorge Anecdote, - "as during his n � I ��... . � , Wc,arc bound to.. please our ci . .. .
. I . I . . .
� � � . I . ating kn' atpoint-u-ork.. I'iii a bristler! .1... ,- . I . - . � 11 .1 I . . �,
.)Ir.. Tjoyol:_George, whe ing his Strumin lofind a most .fasciii, - .. . .. . .. . . I �. . . I
n -pav . � . . 1 bL�d il .jk'�ji ,t46�'ttioi'.Toretop's . I I 1. . .. . I I., I . . . . I
Nox o Cold 8"a!G8' -Guiiranteed- - . ir Oapt-.Lars6n's Per- I've p, as . I . . � . .. . . .
iiatiAtactlexi . . . ,L�ilc'sintie IIOA; � it was bN . . . . I I . I . .
Se I I . . first.,visit ,to ,CarllaTvO11 C, I I helid, , - ... . . . . Im-n . . .. . . I
ion, that the Ar.-entine Xishing I � � -, f or EJNIW.-. � , to ,
Co. was j)l'gftRiZe(I. ,., - '.: ' ' . L. n' paintoxi. docks .1ilm W istlm!" . - Chairs and Table
. Ili,. -appointment. f o the Cbristp.blosbip, - suRs . . .h . . I .. I .. . .. � . . I I �:..
e ey & West had to. shiisfy tile, solTiewhat,inbredil- . . . . . . . . .
81 In one Day . .s . ,� . I 'Mrs:, * There iw.only. one ,worrihn - on the .. A . - I , �tN . . I I. .1, .. .. .. . . . I .- .� . . - . - -the - . I . . .. I 1. . I . ".
' .
. 31_aCksmith6,- F . ClInto.na- *.Iou� -earo,Wc�r g� t6, ifis identity. - ' y QUA;:4 11�1*� inko, -, basun's mat", . : � We *ill also rpnt- our Sanitary CarpQf, Cleaner, .,;� . , . .
. I 1, . eorgo and'he. arii*d there island; 'the .- wile of Capt. LA sen's 'A . I. . I . . � f
, I ' . I . .
Greatest Lung llealing Medicine ___ 1. � .1 ... . � -,L Jew ....V4 he loivarod tl.i.o*boar(lillf.1-il�ttirlg-:. !. ".. .. .. I . I : . -KOT. . � � - -!, " - - � . -- - .. . . � ... ..
- -------;-- -_ . .11 _�Imall. plqrfy� and tho Iiew Coxi� I bi,ofile�'. - vAll .the .exc6pti0ii of , I CIT :art -hut. a cli-rving. part-, . . DUS . '�' * I , . .
I _ 1110titia - - like' . � .. I I . . . I . I . . I - . I , : '.. . . . ..
. W 1, . . I . It kn;@ced at the. massivd lwoek NI'llen lion. se tfn- 1" . . I . . . � � . .
Wntoscience. A guarantee cure for s in: each Year' . -the cap- e tOO, 8 � I � � . . . . , �,
uug trouble, Coughs. Golds. Asth. .. ?V��, . I stable himso . , . I -in half. � .Sce 'our-. window -, - �
40or Which, g ards, the -main 6 pay.. -a visit.. Mrs, In lk rich verinil W . ... , - .1. - � . ...,
, ntraned. ain's Nvife conies ,to . . . I. 1. .. . .� . - . -prices nearly cut . ., . 11 I
' I . . � . � I
onchitis, ore I.,phroaL and Co,n- � . u, J, . - . . I - .;. . 11 950 Pictures ext Iveek, ,. They -wofilt last long.* ... - .... . I 111.
- 00 AM 'I . . P. -otalayr too -,On has I ,-r home a- pikAo"'ah ."�� . . . - "Al' OR, Qur I .�. . � . � :
I , k theni-fOr a paTt-V a I., . � . ay and ii , .
. . aturd.
Br . L 1. s in be . , ; staT- for S. i ,
btion, ttle sold under a .. . � I Th cai . s ut 110! ttl)(Ire q 11 .1, . I r.egulaj., $1.00 at 35C . . I . I
. Every.ho . . . I "' .� I I . . I ... ..regular. 50c at 10c, . . . I I . .
I I . .sightseQn, and. demanded froim'Mr. organ and a, .graphoph6iie,. beiside * I . , I I .1
. . I .
un!y Cotigh Medicine Betqrie placing your orders for.. Of - lle� iisulW fee . of 4d.. for . I b6oks and. plenty of faTICY ky6rk.. � I .:.,'*- buard bolv, - - . " - Lad . s, � loo . k . . . I .1 . I . 1, . . .. 1. .1. . . .. . . � I I . . . I . I 1"11
sed by doctors. 25c B,,ottles. I . 1,10yolGeoirge, t . Crierl. .tho, CcLptuin','. ..--- . . . I .. . ,. N
� *Your . season's, supply'of Coal, get llohnissiad which -*would ha�,O been, Nopotiqin 'amont , the' emplbyes pke-' �. .. � . . . ... . I . . better nte to'suit 14� . , . . . �
, , . . .. Licarty-A I �. We could not�'have.put this sale on in a! � .... � . ...
I .
. N ture's. Reme ly our prices. � The, very. best goods ii�p-f,ly -paia.lia'a no't qoil,�o of Mr. vails, and,- go far as. Capt.. Striamin. ''i it man76%wnr; il,ndmurtbermOTP, - . . s1s only a few da tva di�tane*e, I . . . 1. .I... �
I . carried in stock and sold, exthe, - -_i,loj,&George's� friends- I itiforrihed hei cOjild lea:rli.most of tlic'.men -the . Tis , . tyl� .. I � � oui customers, as Christina , -at the, pricee I . � .
I . . - on' a car Ite, -O�ds ...
gy PillS F' . - I 1, . ., . and,to get nice, clean, new,"up-to-di t� . . I
. J
I . 2r CopsUPAW , lowest -pbssib1e,-.i:)rice... _.�-,, : ,,,lie Was asking the Chief 'Constable 0 i'sland and PAeaffiers.are ielatcol Jn, slle�'Il vat.u.s. a.1 1. . they are selling. ,is ik, rare chance.'..Wle. will lay aside, and , " -� . . .'.�'..
. . 1,
P1119 will cure Rheumatisn and., . . Orders . 'may .. be Iqf-ti atDa:vis pay for -entering his i)'wn stroingbold. - some way. III dildftion:to his month- a they. all. 'Wdre . . aiit the-go6ols, abY 4tticle, by paying a I . .1 . � I ",
-ill ' : . -:good..., Iy` wage. every hian're'e0ves. a .boinus ,'And tl�at-,slle did-arl .. . deliver when you W ' . . .
Disease. Pimples and Blotches Aftor scannin'g him car6fully the I I . swung.. . . . ' . . t.. D4 Very article will have a,s6echil price. Comia. I I . . .
& Rowland7s.11itdware 1. e ' . , I de Osi . "your heart . . . .
. ndy, satisfied herself. that; though b on ever� casli -4)f. oil, I -ari,n, most iinwilling. , restablishment� it will rpake ,",
move in a feW days by taking FI With - _ I . of lialf *a cent' I From a, Yard - . ugh ou . 01.
If, - . . . tt6d . 'ITO faction. A pleasure to ' - ;��
I . , "a" e p
. . I I . had bbanged sfnco slid: liad last seen. : '-, Whalds, whales! Jt is iiothiiig but, -.0 . uOth ,Take- to. Thn, as'theY. ki-LO .. . _ s et undescribable joy and satlis . I .1
Ills. One taken at night time w � . � I quarters, ha'w4s indeed . I . �. - I and w . I . � .. - . � � . . . . 1,
I - I ' are . . I - b und h .
. .1 . I . , go . 1, . : .:. . I
I � 0. 5teV%^11k-$Qn, � ! Iiiiii at-clo5se . � , .%vilales 'in. tl*ie,;e' waters. - There . I -. . . . . - s 9 OVV .t i� S. �� , . . � .. I . . .
& e you feel better in tl:e morning. I . . I ' . him I jj� h .he od � � I '. I . .1 ... . .1 . � I
. ' � � .
W. J. , , Mr..Lloyd-G(�brge. - - . .n,Nwhaies, of un, -whaleS;: right � ,,T110 -work-rhate -is -killing.. - .. . ., - , : . , "I - I � . .
boxes, 25C. For sale by , . , icorn � r line - i. ,. . , .1 . . .
. I .
. . . . I . ... � . I 1. in . I ; 1. .. 11atold Bro)wn- . -, 1, . �__ . . . . . I I
gqlSt ; St Electr1a LIght.Flant. A; . 11 ) � �_. . � . I
. .. The. incident - groatly .aritused the whales Mid hu pbacIft,'-and while . - I . : . . . I
0 . c ns . * hak- the Strangc1r Inv in *the bay one blue - ! - . .. . . . ... I . . �'..�.- W 11 . _. J"" � I . .1 I . ., . I I
01HICS9 The Dru . . . .. o table,'wlio,' after 'cordially s . 1 . �1'4 I � . , * ' .
I . . I I . . - I . I . I . . . 1 �.44�! �1'i.111 W . I- � - I '. , - I -_ - I
_ I . ;i brieftour Of inSP .on., ,,, - ' . ninety4lve feet. i The -oil- is! sent -tO - - . 11 . p .
.. .. . � .. � . . I - WHAT IS. ITC ti . I . - . I .
. � . I F'isl 1c. - .. 'ped,to . Europe . . . , 1. I
. � . � 'Buenos Ayres, whence it is trahssihip- - ? . 0 . I . 9� .
. . . . . ..-. DIRT .' N .K .'R * , , ,
I ing the caretak'pr by the li'and,:.niade whale- was Gheii thaf measured . I .. . W I 1 . 4.. 4 %
. , I - .. V-1, 7 - A.L. E
dati, I ,
, ,
ord & M deod I . �. I. . . ... .. � � I!, � . A -1 I " ozir ,, .,�, , -and to.-Rbme bmtent' to ' . . .1. . I . � W._ , . . . .. . . .. ' � . . .. i
the. United States. The plant oii� - It is the old Anglo-Saxon, . . -
. � s -0 � . _ Amoingst. the fiffies of Sarawpi,"'IT � name for ltnittir�-/ Dea r':and Undertaker, Clifiton. .. I . - �
, 0 -ri Borpeo, interm9t'has'Of late 11indruff and 'it's a good, one. Ifyou .. I . I . Ie I . . . . � ., . . . .
. ----*- . R. FitZS111h6h &S � -orth-P n � I - est6lialleil. . .0i . . . . ,. �� I I . . . I . �
� � .*, I N .. S6AR 'Georgia bas been I � . .; . . . . 1. . ._ .
. I . I . ... 1. � - .. centered ro�inol-afi undi.scovered tiihg- tbred 'yeai . ,s.. It turns out, 200 --barrels haveldandruff you�haVeitch-dirt.and- ., , I . ' ' ' ' * ' ' , ar Night . . , I �� . . .
: ommodious Grain . . : . . � . . . . � � � re part arid . , . - Phone .29, - . _ , ... - . 40all 04y . . .0. 1. - . .. I ... .
Having secured a e . ih. which is always: expected to be the little Thicrobes that'a . � I � � . I . � . I . . . I . I
. lebone from the right . I . . - - .
Storehouse, we are now buying all . - We, arq .But fb , A. day. Wha parcel of dandruff are working persist. . � , I . I
. . I . still in the.But- met with;in accordanc6 with the pro-' . . - : � . . . . .1 .1 . I I
kinds of grain, for which the highest , and da)� and soone '16t- . I I I .. . . . . . . - .
I . businessj�.� and,are . in lit jelithyologip't. whhl-6 -brings aboiut'$7,500� a ton, and � . ently. night . ror .o . �. . I - ., :
prices will be paid. .1 . . . cherink. phecy of an . am a .from- the liarwhal-$3.;200.. The pm- . - -_ I
� . . . 1, . on -to. fill. all oi- 1!11!- plophedy I is based oll the fact of duct'fdr'this 'year will be 20 000 -b�x_, er' will reach the very life of your hair - I I -I- . � , I .. . . I .1 1. 1, ..., � . I I : I
Bran. Shorts, Gorn and all kinds of in a positi, a 3 (3, Xnarkable c6inciden,ca.of distribw � rels. Jt. sells for $20 -a barre'l. - - ... Nad deslioT its Vitality, - . . , -. . . ,�. . . ..''. . .. .. . I I . .1 P. . . I . " I � . I . . �
grain, Seeds- and other feeds kept on ders t�r ' 3W whe'atsf tion of t6e,.Lung � fislieg and a group - .-Then.y6u'A be bald -Bald to itak- a" a""*" , .. .
..season .. e; . The steamers are built iii'Norway for riot even the, wonderful'iejt0enat- "O"" I . -
,baud at the Storehouse. . . I ' i � . I 6f. 11s.h h own ois.,- the osteoglossidae.. , I . ., . � ' L� . ... . . . ". . . .
int,rusted- to'.Cu., ca im, . , ri. ind have three�l�awse. pipes on .each ing *properties -in Parislan Sage I can .. I . .. � I . . I I I I. I . . , .Z._ "
I . I - . .... . . . . . . I
�. I .. . The two groups are found t6gether in de for towing. the: whiles to thoi-' r. . . I.., . I .
' . . tr6pical hilibrie , a d 41 . .. grow hair - after the root bulb or root . . . . . I
= . -%vliili;t fn Borneo an . ion, is.dead. I .. I . . , if . . . ... . . .
. t' �ioal A�istralia, a u-, , 1 9 , - -'O.- - - - .. I
. . Our n * 'business stand tropical Africa, 181 ' d:, Next, y�ar a floating. $tati larisian Sage chriooDandruff. -
. ford. & McLeod . mol''Stimatra only the 'ostqoglossum -consisting of'a.large steqmer equipped W 8 R Holmes, the aruggist, sells it- * -
_ . 6f, le.�6ombe .Block, . . - I,, r Gl: I I - withplenty of boats anU a trying -out-' recommends it and k . .. I . . ....
F. � . - . . . . . � I
GOT. X. STATION, CLINTON r has as yet.boeh taken'. this, the ikan�, back,. . . : � ,.
. tion with We & large bottle and your p3 , wu - , . - .. :
Yuuilante�s it; only. .
. I a . , . *hne . fresh� pla*, w ..on � � . ears 1 :4. � ..
.1 . oft - silia is a' watek fish covered ill be run in connec '. 1"'Ne' T V. . " Y''.1 . . . . .
1. - � . � ons - Soil . -.63 . ihe'land station. While4,Gapt, $trumm. if it fails to cure 'DdUdiuff,.* Vailling, I . .. .. . . � � .. " . I .. I . I . .� I. I . .. .1 � . . '.
DO 14tuim .& . Witl! large scates'compbsed of'piee Was there, a steamer camiB in, -towing - Hair and Itching of the scalp. , , . . 1, I I lw'. . . . 1, . . .., " . . .
. . . ... . . . .
. � I .. . like moisaic� It'was tiken on thei Re- . . I . . . .1 . . � , .. . . � ts . . .. I
PAINTING AND - - - ,. I . two right ".ivIial6s... "',Here's your . . 1::� . , . � . . ..
, b-, . � . . . .
. P11121 .76 Clinton - - lang v His Highnom! thd Rajah freight," said � Capt. Larsen to Capt. .. .. . I 6et. ' .. . . I 0. . I . . , .
I . Muda. It. is not improbable that .the . . The Khodive As P I I .. . I , , , ,
. I wliales aire worth . . � � . -
I I . . . I � 11 . Bornean Iiiii: appear� a . . 1. .1 I ,��, ,I I . . . . I I .
I - � � -ply loca�itv being the Rejang delta, just $6,500." . . . . It4s not geneially knowii that the. . � 1. .. . 11 . � �. .
� TRIMMINGO . - . , . .. . : , ill - yet : Strumm. "Thaso two -Most rare. Khedive of Egy of 'no. W. .. I . 1. . . . �p 11WZX S_- -i
. 1811, Wi
We can paint your house or. . lik g4 I ..Right, whales aroi the pt' is a)poet .,--,� et . .0
. - . - paTt�cuinTly *in lal;e districts. . rAlc. of c , _; . . . I .,.. I
0: . I � : . .. . I.., - I.... ' There are so many "nais" and hump- mean ord6r--�-in A ourse. � � . . , . .. . .1, , , I... .. �� I I � I . .
. . I
. I
� tpaint and -trim your buggy, - I . . . 11 . . " .. . . The SufiragetU S I cared, . .backs that only. one' steamer is sent Those wh(Y hive read Ilia verses speak' 2 ". - .. ._.1 . . . . . . . I I I.: . . I .,
I%*- �_,... - e 11 1, .. ' ' the other'two of them with. enthusiasm. Abbas . I .,. . . . iives . and Forks - , � I I
1. ,and make them look like new. . Suffragist: who-- has after these, -while � I ..
. . I . . 'Probably the . Hilini's poetp 616dious., lofty - in -N P Teapots., - � Kn �
. . I . . one .more to enlist re6ruits' to the %tea:tReri; go to the north'eud fo shoot y is in . I * . 'I. .
. -All work guaranteed, and.our . .- - , .. . I . d �ight whabis,'wbose whalebone is al- Otheme'�' and full of allegory; *p,s are . .. I ... .1 :-.-,,. C� ffee.*Pot . ' Car�ers, in, Sets . . .
" �
. .
.. . ,,prices are right I I . : - .11 . �AA ., I I :cause than any oth& wornan is Miss �ys, worth th� ip,l�.auipg� .,No stdalk most 'Arabian poems. IR the -course . ,� 1. � .. 0 . .. 5 . Pocket Knives - - * .. .11: ..
i . I .Annie Kenney, the y6ung factory girl, wa ,"'bi. � . " former: visit, to *England the'Khe- I Tea J<1�tt:16 . I . .
I 11 � I
I I I . ,hilear's &'N -,allowid'to ifig in -more I ,
, . ,�hose. magn'etic petseridlitY e than of..a . . . ..
i ,
I . KCMATH A OVERBURY .'. - - 8 �1!8�lle -to I six whales- at once. /ff a captain dive sent the late.. Queen .Victoria a . I . I lys � - Scissors * �, . . I " I
. her Oven to cro�Vdl , per : � nificent bbuiluet with one of his I . 1,41. -Crumb Te. . I . . ' ' : . 0 . .
� . n I , . .. - . .
. . . . 4 %, * '(in -wonoldrful 1 brings i' .Mote .116 ip. reprimanded. HISS id I , . . . �
views. VisVilt ney ria a . _ . ,ms. Here is a roggh-paraphrasp, I . . Cuspidors . Child's Sets ,. I . I .;
Leslie'sCarriage Shop Clinton Icna'ckl of answer h* objectiong.of Sixteen right wbalesPwere sbob the POe I . . . . . I . I I
� . . .1 . -Ne . )ne. of the ,yQrses- . "I. send you . . . I
. � I . 1, Pitchers Regal jugs I I .
I I I , I as tylp following 'little firat year, twenty-six the second and Of. ( I 11 Syrup 1 , . ' . '
__ -, . . . .
i . 1. - ... . .. . 1. .7 t I 1, . . lief . hearers, - seventy-eight the last year,- Whale' this' bouquet a'%' a testimbily of the I I I I Princess, Teapofs . * ' .
,�.. - st,o e out. love of tile Vgyptian people, 1990 ', .'. - -'. 44' ,'Child's Trays, � .
I . �., , �_ I I V r will. shOw. While ilic was speak I � I
. .. �._ I .
� I - - I . . I .
17ftim PDR91 - _ ,::T ".. I on - her" - f avorite Jopic before .% . meat, if pickled in order to tak ros . e,. each 111j, each jasmine repre- I . Fancy Hanging'Lamps . .
. I / . .1, MCI 3 ANCH1101, - - -z41-0 .----. _,f,-.-,-�;�� - I . . mixed audience a mwa objeo,ted to her the taste of the -oil, can, hardly be art of an Egyptian, and . .qUka'r Spoons,. .. I ,. .1
- I . .
. . . 1��__ _-;;�,-- - it beef� . senta the he I . . : . Fancy Table Larfips - . .1 .
P I 1. - arguments on the ground that as man distinguished fro . - Berry Spoo ' I..q. . I
- I . � '... "I' - w �:s or to - The Norwegians talRed of annexing its perfiiine isthe irreense of a prayer . ns . �, � ' ,
.. . ,� 'it and , � � . . �, _ . - created first be was, superi whiell mounts to Heaven for thee, 0 . . . . . Tea Spoons , . ,, Cdrpet Sw6eoeis I . .''
if You .. see us, you'will be convinced . � I I . .woman. !'Ah " ,replied - Miss Xenney, South Georgi�',. but "this made the ower of Queens." . 11 . . . .
I I I Akat the beat pla,es to got your cbopping done ia 1 I . . . . . . . . without �a in;mo� . nt's � hesitation, "do Argentifies jealous, and Great Britain -powerful, Queen, .0 fl d and , ._ I . ]Desert' Spocns , - . Skates . . .1 . I - . *
� -at the- . . . . I . I aid, abolit' settlea th� question by sending it The queen -had the po4ni fraine I . . . Ha I nd'Sleighs I 11 .
, Land- . know .wlint Durfis, . s I -in, her boudoir. . � . - - , '', , . . I � �
. . .We WAnt to . , U . - Re - . . . . ' . hung , . � .. Nut Cracker, '. . .. . I . I . .� ..
. . .
, New Double -process . y I ouf',fi . rat order,-becaftee we know that iviol at 0 . 'suiol. 11, warsliip the first year and 'planting 1. . � ... I - . . I . . . . � . 1. . .
� I .1. _ . Hi..4 Oprentice hand Rn tried on.ma . the British flag on a sn6w-cove'red 4 - .__ . . .. � ... I . . . . . I � . � ..
.. Chopping Mill .the gatisf&6t1onyou..*iIl derive from Atid thon 14P madis the lasses, O.". ' ' mountain 2,800 feot high:' The bruish I . . .. I . . I Noihing.more appropriate and Useful . . .
' .t e . . . . �esi, . .. . I ' - ' * W . I.., . .
0 . . I . ar
wh � er . . . ' b .
Next door to the C . linton Blootric 8 �109 thatwill open your eyes to ,the fac Aft, r thate the intinrupter .left hur Government made'Cdpt. Lar�en i ., ildes for a Ne
t'11 _' riedIv. , , . .11 %rs not HAD BACRACHHO . . .
I .- .- that you cannot do better any . . dent governor, with striet,ordc , . tho,iri any of tbit a ove I :
SATISFACTION GUARANTAUD I us. You Will . I I . . --sew � - 1-1-- I . - .. I � - ". �41 ........ I �% , y , , .,� . . � . I I—. . .., . , . ,
eise'that yoa can with - lions,; . , iiir -, Oft . __ . . - - '_ , , ____ i _�_ I .
� � � I at see' in our . . . I I .1 � I t3 allow the seats, se& Wier Was Un 'able To Do House.? . S g 4 , � - - - . ., . . . . . '. . .
find that weare not "&I -r-" leopards, 'sea � elephants - or . I . .
'bi�,Iness, but the kly "up-to-th . I . .. I . . , 0 . I animals of their Itifid to be w�htonli I I . . I I . . . . irw%k I � � I . . . #
rou . . . I . I . .
axnw . minuto' and watchfulhof the interebte . ,, . � Years . I I . . #.
nims wA killed. A scal may be-*illed only for � .. (
" . of out customerso knowing that� by so I I I '. . , , . . , workfor Two : I I
' -_ -
' doing, we are really act!139001! OuV Rht matism ,O.d. � ''. � , ,,,I, - I I., -1 - d , ", nros.., - .. (
"ash paid - Skin's owfiluftimate,beneflt. .. . . , . , The" mean tem�e�at6e,'-�'of Souti Na ,Harlah .. .
C for Hides, � I have found a tried nd tested cute for- Rbeiii GcQrgia i"s about 34 0grees, arid Ott dt Women Suffer I(Intold Agon . y . / ., . . . .1. - I
. tnatism I Not are e that will straighten the tile whole- -island there is not ..onough .. From Aidney Trouble. . � I . Opr AR . ' . . . � - I
( I . OWN69 411gorted-limbs pf ro TI 110morturnbonY . . I . I . 0 1 OVES and H. . DWARE ' 11 . .
, ?nd Tallow. Q6 A*' - 0 .1 g-rowths back to legs to Im , grass,to cover the dock of the Strang. ' -called I . . I - - 1 .. 1. . . ... I �
, . . . I I Eten they -think it is from go
I . '5, er. Thp, wind blmvs at the T , - I
But I can now a r Ill the pa an 0 ate of Very 01 is "
� 1� I_ - Merchant Taillor, - ClInton,, this d,plbrable disease. . iles ari.hour, . . "female disoaso,l There id'less." male � 14"e""O", 0""e". .
PIUSIMMons & S011.9 I I � I . I . . -in the CHY of nearly seventy jn . I . . I .. I , . . � .
I I .1 � I 1--, .- ., In 01,Yminy-with a Chemist' � . .., troubI6 'I than they thitak, I . I I., .__� � ---., _000mm"_ - NO, I *14
. 1�. barmstadt-1 found t1w last Ingredient with. . Women suffer from backache, sleepless, mn��. � �, �., ��, � I I
. 11 11 � G ' Advance In the' -Price of Whis nags, nervousness, irrifability and a drag- 1. I I I C
. I . - � ANNUALREETUN '. . which Dr. Shoop's Rheurnatid gernedy was made . _ . .
, L a littleewd. ovkpondable prespription." Without . ky. . . 16ift .
. � .L 0 A- � 1. I . .. that last lnffrpfflont� I succeAsfully treated many# ,-T,ondon.distillerp of grain spirits. gint down Moth in the loins. j- 86 do,�en, ,N L.' ''I 9 ,
, - gave notice T ddvauce of an theydotiot avoll.femalotrofthia. � I :.
I . gjho annual nietiting of the MOR11161) hintU&I ,)Many ca.qos of Itheurnatism; butnow, at last, ituill ecentlY of an , to - S6 I I
I . - , r1re Insumno Ill be bold in the Town jormir eures all cumble cases of this heretofore . .."..- f ,
i L -13th. 10.). lit I 1) * Tbdso sand -like gianular two pence per gallon. in the Price 0 Why, then, blame all your trouble ew ear s,. I .
��Co"Lwj . .
, , Hall, Samfortly, ITO( -January mueb dreaded digease. . I - . L, .
� I lay' 49 . . . 0 Gift for some of �out friends? If so' I
neeive the Dlroictmi add And' Wggteo, found fultlielimatic Blood, seewtodIS461ve whisky, The reason given for the ad- female disdase 01 2 - . . precure a, nic
S Jm ents, Gbo el . 89 . vanab is the greit in,creasd in the cost Most of the -so-called "female disotders'o .. Do you want ,toVI
,ri�:",..O.g�".,t.,)."I,Iino,nalat statem c 11
2 llr�ft.wftrei in Fruit sets, Bowls,'OurAhol San c S,
tio 61 threa Direetoffi and other business for the r Own. d d ure i r.
, 0 Colylpfiny. TI)a tot ductionj Owing to the. higher arenomoib or leal, than "'kidney disorders;" DOT 8eds, Chairs,
LO G �'. O .1 and wallaro 6f th retiri I is tea I Ous as f: pro I .
0 t 0 6 a n s use of �ris,e%*of rAW materials, ,�. and can be casil� and -quickly cured by ts, etc. . Oranges,
itectors, t6re.1 B MerAcan. Thw Frotsor. ftnd lv.,� �e, I 49 fr . I
� ��, � Meoney. who are eligible fof ro-Obetipti. � Us fA I ro . le e is now no * I . . - . � Doates Xfolitoi Pillm, - . . 'ring of j3ell%ete. L
J D Metn' AN. . , TH0% E, HAYS, . - a t occum su or 160ger tb-. I .0 Mrs. C. Dupuis, BellovieW Village, N1 ,B.,. r our 0astomer s. - I
. SbOretary I sell, In to - . . I Il,
� L I rresitleftt.rl � � . I I . I g whab. writos: "I was unable th do my house.
: Wanted o ;., --..--.- . . 2L 9 There is no Quinine, nothin *otk for two are on 4000untof back. L I �
" . I . el"� ever ha6h or sickening in Preventles. i
1 ANNUAL RE I- i ache. I could nyt 11,
I 1. I . Dra Sho libse little Candy Cold Cure 'Tablets . getup the 041re, DoaWa 11 . . 11 � 1: . �
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11 ; X,%'T1MWAr1tTH,k. A Dealers, . . � I
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