The New Era, 1883-12-28, Page 77 build a straw stack over it.,l Runs. AROU le VVEALT wo WJK er f, opbAiug on the Aide op ite t q to Opea up, the od Thel 150. Quick IF, la, a, Corns, Warta, IN of 1 the Tit win a. . tow 'gho I I , a tho Wethli. zknewiit,� straw alsh=k ch'ar a4, 09. ncz�!t warns the publi, 9rhwee M*01he a basement barn and' much 0, Within sibd4e or much. information falih the use of the madkicto 81% 1 Y8 that most 61, 6 Ono Sao Moses %ies no isio can bp madeby Ony frmer. t ob about the' 904.190 ud the commercial cost. It'says: The insensible or 16 ni now and1lid 27th or ,ppro it, I o r-6, ii a thing to the I a' igo�; to pro 306 �tif, %mmer and n'si rpriaes k I , etwee I even reqture al )it' 414to devoid, 11 g, there � will.� be Which finds a way of escape throng year Dece r, will be' Th mbe: ere wi Th wh 'I course of the river, ordinaryplothin -Pf DO pVotaltiotip'� Ihn' fifty if,aq with these and 'a feWboards t accatitible.. The wli a .. 11 1 0 is kept in by the :� wAer� sleighiDg an Christmas' Day over the oy vbii�. a -its mot uley Po6l, has, been C.... N.Y., Feb. 6,1680.' g QImNTei-I hae -been very low, and have tried, Th noramitabTsI, I'm fue bei'Eae more attractive in appq ff6u Ith to' Be proof, and the clothes tire 'saturated with? part of the Pi6vk�oatr a Stanley's moisture� A very'few iiiinutes will suffibe ;everything, to no ad I he part of January 'will be akE garly it ot Mens'. carefully surveyed adil mapped with some iuigws, you noadzi,tiplot for me plotti�ugl vantage. ard you El y, in to -Mouth of th tobiade'rthe underclbtbing;l damp �' under 1, onerido.9 days. of4'�ariy,!,May, 'Weather. When it is, considered how ric ogga 'are furthest station now is 'it top a Bitters ecommended by so maiiy The latter in nutrimant it mus they 'Mae j&kh�of th nodersteily cool, b be.obvioua that' Ikelemba' ikiver, about 100frmilae' 1 the Whe :to give them a trial. Idtd,andnow&inqrbun4, nt herefore. the improving,'andam nearl' a 1honth will be I t so th* b ightest' eyes, 'and all their river. io ly r la and constantly y 'two -or three days of it h te he ced in la *He has ebtablished a - wearer oX �a -mackintosh akes off that. strong as ever. etzlb�g wea6t er, r cahnotbeprodu here unle W. fl-wiILL it. juieLtititieB of rict tions with all !the natives. -erce in ined d to 'te thaw. Irgelf,21 Com Ivs todanitnunittoii, if its aim is hurting lode; large fee 0:boiasu arti!cle of� clothing because it has cease' �i.t.nd�ed with 'days Of roodera in -ne r sari the redde46,MPB, rm proof a--Blust all )no.- )?eeiibep well� now it C antral Africa. is destined to find along the rain, -he is in the position of a person wh There are Horne-, women' that re4uire Riot be by the lit au4tti I � I - 6, .1 � I pa�rt of Febiu Congo tb 0 line'of it's most rapid d much d' t -be similar' to the liLtier part of Jahus y6h expect them to Shall onfli int6r. ovelopmeut. has danip clotbeB on, and if he Bits in the h-1 re8alagi,, as. some �, Mae a must ri thin I'm nottlie ma for any womW9 w id Prof. Nordenskjold has, 6elioved, Since he Baddle, ot�w'alko home, or, ridias.in an I open jo 0 iably i3easicifi6il-to. make t1i ingamaiiy Lrmerscou ,,am palatable.-�­ 'but- before eclose of the er kTrMg- 00 us of the beat tb R wint I build a 16hg 6per. Shod adja- made the northeast PaBoage, thpLt in August "trsp,be is rnorelikiely to take !cold , than if jun�.: me, dq.would be to ike mildigess will got in. a Or loklik I pyory ) car vessela.from Europe could Pass -)is had not a f, I I I on my own buttons, my stockings I can b h here the 'Used th"inackintosh stall. I' winter W ather will afterwards ir6turn, buu cent to t, eir t poultry ouse a an -through the'Karit'Seman&reach the Yeni. therefore, we say,,% macisintosh is once ASALliouls, a 'a hands aroun my room aye. no fowla could scratch and'sun themselves on, put spring will open, early and be Wei mi, t a sei River. It this were so,, it Would be. a On, it should ow'Do account - be removed dyspeptic, or constipated, Should address, with6tanditig the general mildLao,,s of the ty days., It need Ot be bxpen- cold stor ano fravellin.� but should be Substantially built.: fact 9f commercial importance, til he[cloth6a can be chanka'.Or dkied with two stampB for-p4rophlaiti WoRtin's -very siy'e -.but the un t Will be tbrew or four, I experience vgaard in � the notion . '-of Dispzx6ARY WhbickL.AssoCUTION, Buffa a e s,no painted' ldqlluB� S"ach -s shed iS almost indispensable' to of � Lieut. , He by red bodily to,. B ver' but short, dips o inferior p f.tfie mercury, qux those whoi raise early o Pijuaphna and'of the international p6lar tOmperature. The use of si'matikintogh' is N.� Yb as cold ais any thing experienced last wiiiter. hicken8. abi party inihe"VaiDa confirm the 'Older belief to pioe�qi 'a man from a Severe -torrn of Oneof these,4111 ocour bef ore� at I require ad, ladle that it is noitade to count at any time upon rain. His clothes must, be',' aa;Lu'p, if 116 which the right Chu�cb�� the othel, E, in tlM Lotter pa 1 know whigh it is. I Shan't tell you except r rt of Jauuary and n8 the navigability %ra waters. Lit in this wtoy-fil arc�Bimp ly The coveriugfor spinach beds.'and straw- of the K )ut.' weam-in of-theEe Firteptors. 'The sole eiirly,in February. NewfoundUt, bar rise is beat put on after ., the, ground I is! 116vgamia has, given up his trip slicing the. gain'frou using it is to reader the"InOisture (at, it is the Church that 168B measure, the Maritime I rovivaekyw rls and give, oifts, bewilder , in ahea folks live most, n6wly right." 04 slightly frozen, about the last of November. S�i,bpflan o6a9V Aud ha"i returned to Vaido. warm ictkeadt& cold', and to prevent - losa� - � h ' , ' " -4 ha'vl"e'a heavier Snowfall than-uisu'ttl. 'B... er.L "a . r, if you ple�sa, that am blank ! ekof ; good manDr cluclUg--thp, on his way haTe. of he_p by e"por�iion. If ihtj mackititash -Wi -off, James StuhLrb, a civil engineer in the'exa. be',removed', evaporation' commencea� im. -twinter i Start rlitibarb ely-In-Abe. Nidgara river- :always does a.go6a fal�l 'equen ONE �OF TIM MissicnEcry Society, is, in iai risks of spr pla on ad ei 1109- 6, y of thoLond el a t �e oons MOSTEREQUENT businesa. stwenty-oneoldmald onsider ailding 8, a air 1* th oadbetwee'u, L, akeA Nyaiau 4nd that process. 'results of depraved uirfritioni caua�ed by Th aIn shipping, apples in. winter ine a oinpleted Seventy ridigestionand�imPei�factassimaila,,ionoffood is eMaiden Creek,riolling m'll at R ey -�d , I 1 1.14" 10011sgc�-- V Wid we live or six that wis YVI barrels wall 'with newspapers" and- th' the unsightly eruptions which disfigure the -f�ce -ing, Pa.i shut dowh--yeaterday he expects to to mate; milesoftheroad, aud,,ds Methodist Mission -of so m linust Will otwada greater degree of cold without, any people. t ­The, -blood being poor, and quence. of dull trade. la,prtty school -girls -who, insist, I - finish it Soon, the society bas sent to him, a deficient in Indiehal for repairing and building have had sokne loss," Injur.y-.� , ­ � I - ..report' of the tired Seamboat, built in s9titiona for trauspor7 The, fihy-iiitith up the tissues,, does not ­properly nourish thei The., Pittsburg glase-workers, now on, 9bbage beads do Missionary Society of -the Methodist akin and- disagreeable humors manifest them - B, hard a I wm Stand�� tation Oval Is At- which,- lie Will launch on Strike,. remain determined.' Arbitration or cross. Iiy their fast: irisa6hes,' Church 6f'Canada has just been published. =j.the general health at the same time has, f - g. heads on in the But, ladies�:A a t, ons'fromthis data I liope� L harden ui Lake Tanuhuik%, The Seq . dissionary mpaired. AadicitL and permanent th It �tiah I ailed. 11 t eliti Ithey'will. likely x1g, �46 largest contributorg lib -mission cure roSultB from restoring the diaeativ p, before, �So6iety:h�s tw6'sueamera"now.on Lak� a appar, 66IL4,6; I . 1 1 . . I ---- Massie. J. M. Treble, Toronto, - atus and 1v III- is -- slai - ad plies a wl a peace spring. Nyasa& � Goods'caii now. be'- taken all the fuods aiF6. italizitig the circulation whi, �The Rhode I Cotton mills pro The only favor that I ask is to be left ii $300;. SohnMacdonald, Toronto, 0680; Dr. affected by. Di.'Wheeler's Compound hlixix of :red F ing can uctidn of wages with shutting *down as or I consider one thing stirb as &uYtb Give fresh air, whenever, , lIlob' outside way � from :London -to the north end of -a "llosphates . andCalisaya, a purely physiological the. alternativa� The operatives 7 biefei, the be-� . I W. T. Aiki6g, Torontor, 5200"-;,, W, if for only few NyitBsa by s e4mer, except'at the rapids iu to Irature- Will -allo t the Hu blood -maker and purilier that., imparts 'great ilternaiiv6 1.�iii n.ot,niarry any -girl, a�nd none shall narrk Mps son's Bay CIornpay, 04813 - -arinia Moore, fr6ahness of tone mullcolor to the daciplexion'by minuitib. at a time; avoiding a cold -draf t., - the River Ehire, around whibb:,they, have., 'Hamilton, �$660; Hon. Ji&s Fortier, Efforts or -set directly upon'the plants. Go bocaTried by land. Mon. PrQuioti I ng. n.atkition. a being tzradis to bring t6 r �De e -,ween the That's just, exactly what hL a said abodt: a yea b �k' pers, last gummor M.DeBruzza'hasi iesidbod Brazzi- EL fia;Dford, amili Her Majesty's trea;F,. 4100 - H tlement..the present difficulty'li -Canadian, . so as da, with Pfihoo master and, $60 �ago. . 0 ; Mrs la6ymen plasterers. in, TO, ille. tThis a small collection of. uttive E�iz%, Scott, � Mon treal, $i5oo G No , if. you bould but' see'his room5,, they,are a Secured a'groat� harvest of fine honey from -r Halifax. �750,3 Jairus Hart, of Wales 66!:� b6ard, will' remain, ronto. UtB At the at end'of Stanley Pool'. Geo'� H . Star serge ,perfect �hbw the dreaded Caulade, thistlej thus i'llustrat- we 'and Stan- U alifax'! $50Y James Esterbrook Rxeter Until bhe� en4'.Qf this month At. BdrindAg' The treqqpure coach," from DA.dwood. 0 n6tied thl ings and knittedthings, and painted ing the adage that everything has its use. On the north ak ot t116:Congo, pialities.audscreedE wo. and will-'riiiidh Bsirbadoes' in 'about a fort' to Piorre, makes two'tirips a moutti,,o gu Bauty'av- ley's Leopoldville. is almoat ditectly.op- toduS ien, and $30 boo �a phot.)giaphs of fa Professor Sargent, of-.11ara;rd-C�11eg,e', the South bank, Da Brazz g 00 pach time at s, cost oLMM ii r posits, on v ne queena;­ iB of the Sdotah,L pine as 'the most Spas, on 11 In laoa�and to the:a Lung ter -ago Fiarm'sabommanded th The gold is.ia 150-pod'od brickS, lo�ked in a -stone sibs, 1 Ife-she's right to the pl Pjoi . - , Some years. 0 ' a AOUt,�H ON COUGHS.",: ens the native n good, I know. 9 Is a rung uld.hettdly got off ile a hearth d va b tree far ' mers can plant for'sort ritory. is -now, disp I uted ' by a.' attention of'tbe Presbyterian Church. 1 t ' safe. R"Obbers 0 if you tell.him. of,th year GLD IAL Cough 0, i Cold endways.,F( children with Buch heavy dricks' if ihey could open., a words he said a wind ' -br eake about: their fl-3ldA,.,4 d actid � the Rev., G. L., Miickay�� )r . . '� I i the b4l ildlin' tatiley has estab;liahed.,so -many st:,tlone Wall -or adults., Troch 81 1 6. Liquid, 5Jc. At drugt: ago efn a Ele answ�rs you, without a blush, Oh, tba -and has suedle-Medso'w to, Induced to aettle ihore. - Mr. Mackay has gists. Safe. ell in, U811al Way; In buying trees from the fitikseiy inspect 'win the goodwill of the natives that. it 18 sincobeen joined by seats able colleagues. ritz' Roucheiner a L ged, 6. haiii , g , left , at, out No 8 may bgBhf' Me With baby near ne believes azingre word old Utichelu closely,,the;rootS. No matte' oubted Whethei. Da B'ra kerd ulnesowith li"') Gone his Bay r if. the. stem d Will be.aobleto Under their judicious manage-inent,the Merit isl awk 6 ke c' ward ; and ineriu without modesty, ins When tUright angel �conias along- they marry. be . orb I- and, the tcip�� , spr&wley. If. bompete.with 'him 'on even. tormg i, ' 2 the inisgion 'has greatly, proppts,d.,.�Tqr.aomg da L. I.,* recently placed the latter the roots be the ot6 r'end. will o' aning up �tha country. - time the Work was uphill laht� ��,Bat mo est- merit has a doub of the hot stove ttL d.burn ed her any day." e ome work of opi the on the top. ri ght. The�6ol6nist& who..'will *leave E'�glffind missionaries-begin,to Sao -, the I fruits of their claim to ao'ceptAnce," and generally-� meats, so'severel�tbmtsheviill'die. WHbnaske I ' " h 1. - witli Of.t a �two or -three,, thousand vs�riet , i6B before' . Christmas to battle. in xew� Guinea labors. 'Sometim&agoMr:Mabkaywrotei many"patrons baiholdetS6�- Why hedid it, he THE 'FARWWiiUi�00' SaiKv [as,! four or five are. enough for Will be practically the pioneers in a land Saying that � all of iii -.sudden a obange be- Hughe it cry.", of app, auy� one,, � orchard � (for , mairket), � �Lnd tho'seL nearly as large as Eogland., Fraince, ciLme Visible. The Suridu6y meetings sind Give m6 amid'the sa]:I861ma'st6r, -7 -If you foal dull, drowsy, debilitated, �boufd­ be -the ones which have proved and Irelandlt6gethe-r. i Neit Go. Australia, the week -day so ' hbols eganto be f';qiJanib , L - Benten which the words a'burning -eo*picis -of Cohystsition During.' the Its. headache, Mouth tastes bad, poor, asLthb.--beit-in-oae's-ow-n-iaeigh-'-it-isAhe largest Bland, in th6 world attended:' In a re6btit'- cum notin he S�, 8 L 6M6 0 tliemsAv. . I , L ­ L t_ , ' � petite, t6n'gUa'.cG'at'ed, "you, sre,suff properly Applied:" medi- . Y, fertile a claims thai i Sp ering 01AMS Long Eve nings - 9rhood. Soil is ver. bounds In fine zioLessic ion in the north:of from torpid li`�er, or", bilious' , aea,,, N6tbz- ,ately the bright boy at the head ofA' .12 , sutural harbbrs.-add . most,of the counbry� the island Some twothous�nd persons have la kboiGrd &nAw are, is healthful. You Many, of,the � nati rote,-.., �S LOAD% Pg colts shibilld have a ellent 'd away their.idols ; and fie Specie, y ing will cure you So � speedily and perin.j. went to the b c 11, fo treati)�entoit�ewick6aissburniu�gt�h�*me.. TREA.T -TE1 I E I H E NLS' it ther fubur6,4aefi:il12eAii depends larg6l ves are oau- lug noptly,as::Df, Pierce!SL"Galdeii I L ons, ope v. -of* 200 inhabitants Medical 'the'g 64th they make the.first wi 113,-L I Discovery." By,all dru i t If() W in piloals, but they have been friendly towaid .at illage Philadelphia Chronicle. up6n r as,lar ai,B'fheir. f ­everyL gL for Lin seed oil cake'in small defies. is one the whites ears have, per- I On ., instruction in� 991A 8 008t,V L mitted themAo, be. D'Albertia' the Italian Christianity -and ovary -house cleared of Ja 9, verykare occurrence that thei. Antereittag- ExPerhuentil, Is' Wheat -and of the best remedies for eloesti in the Dry Stoeker,, Southwark,: Mass., number of. yearsbf a person's life will ex--,. explorer,, trusted hinii�elf alo'ne idols." !Cas6s Such as' this..keep :alive the young faTill arAmalls.. 4c1ODg fall dead while in a,,fi t.of' pas, ion, causpd,by beed the number of, pounds lie weighs, but them for near y a year, andtiorn �his reports LLith in Christian missions., a is in � eistenc e, 6 11 -year old son. to obey Such a as If lairge trees are to be removed,Depem- and therecords of B obari, another Italian Cu the refusal 6f'hi a a in Lt,twrisnc ro a Is OruIrch Notes. mcounty South Co. line, Mrw,S'Alli­ 17, bar isa good, tin to begin the operation raveller, is derived the greater part of the g"h bortiaon, who lives in the n6r'hlsrn,. L part 0 atil)g-ei large I -Rev. Josbua� Mosball 'rector ng .(A Zracbi� Agriculturist's Budget) by excav ioie'� where the tree., information we ha that County, io 8g,y A !this little-knoi.Wn Wh:d-lo�.'b'dt .,seen the fair, fiesh'you "a d,�qi �.w -is to giDg Gi� cap trench r,th of Australia- Church ou-City�Islanld'.�N­. ajew7-IV611L h th _d,, eighe taland. Now'Guinea'48 u - girl -transf6rimeid -in a a on y 70 pouri&,,- - .1 pulpit aiound the tree'at some little di 1 8-0,1160 from which it is separated,by a iitrait-orily dead in hia�l as b6 Waabout to open Wood How to Cure Egg Eating, pkle� haggaed; 'dispirited-. an 2 The A,Winnipeg despatch says: The railway i. . ., � I 1 .11 r 'Q as -is a -,ill the services on Subd f�omthetennk. Then when the. ground is eighty nlileswide� and ensland -�PArklingM Sol y ev I eningr Kiln Sometimes the habit _fo L rmed by care. thoroughl� frozen, the tree, with. the id. es,are dimmed, and the r 6 sitUation-continuea-until ldrop Of a &rth� adhering to its agitating the: 4ne8tion­.o.; I bg the-' ev. r., lu�g kaid in his -sermon SCN6� laugh,hearZfDo -More. are L runumg naoiti*rtigularly. eVet ra�l an_ ofth, a kitchen ms'Ul 1 -or hougekeeper. ChrlatiL It o6comim, -the, are digorders , of: the' System which Dr., gL I-iii""pail an I d York that a, 101a' wan -ahells into, t A -and' set in its now -home d . 1 gines pered wi th, by putting �for,tbe inereasing-accumulaiion- of 1IJFdLvbriW-Pre i0tiod" oub goap�in the boilers.. Some of ube. riew Men in throwin th6 egg be removed, with reinalayL. �iviiig them with the other waste to L tile perfect Safety. a 11 andai'of a f6 rt tim so r 9 squandered Bit s%lu'Us- wealth in thi w, -men -and the -remedy in she e. 'Remember, that brought' in have joined the atrikerg. An a, it �you This should never be don. f riSm. Want the hens to respect their'own eggs Ad �Loeu If we u and aa�ai nothing W0, dorresponding increase o paupo the 1, CODA me��aii , . i . I : , --is all f ale weaknesses' Understanding the cause of'this unthrifty must Surely comd.to the endL Of Our ingly �u am don to:day, but was'rescued by the ��Ol'ed' The � sense of absolute pitch, by,which a 6ea by-iwd-b�. 'This pri - OaarleS­111L. .-reb orE uniple does not ]FA, Y, Willies t i health and beauty. By all drug- 'after a little rough usagei 'to p y , a aL I ter very ro id ' person is tible to Dome any note of,06 apply 6ril The kiWitobeiain -perience, y tIo: our worldly' 'means. Wis. gists. L Send tlireestamps for Dj, PisiCe'S Z the,� yard here were tampered with romedy. 'krom -i 6% we find� musical: scale .. which- rcay be soundad, is have to'husbaod. out, � working powers and, treatise on�, Disa:Aaea of, cInien,(96,pagp�). e We doubt 'the fisibi G is ch -'broken byL an Th . eTf 61 n �L,: ASSo JA 16-dil the one of 'groat rarity.. Some interesting�iix' in powdr,whbilosi Spr1ug"as we I Addro,A' W01iLD'S,' MEnI0 TION,.' The company olitim 11oat, ibundadt the bra' 'lias beo received fro6o. n a flock 0 ', tWI a - . I 'Arike will -fail. I . perim6towere recently made with�a YOUDgL have to husbAn' eviiryihinj 6166 we' fl6lig.Koug 6roat excitement prevailed Btiffalo, N.Y. g�6wn so ad. i f ' 3hty' light poB�. i Y, NhopoosAeases ihis,�if 'a '- ' I &I cf�'th 'they, will have the 'ireg'ular � )this city 1 t to inCautonoii'lod gyonjIlie,arry e set c, this ration, .a ',sesB to, eat 'up in. 4 short time what idna r . 6makabl. d.gr.e.. Th. :,lady Ba mbinas, owing to'negl f American Presbyteris MISS ties, Mr.. after Wednesday. The sh4s �;iil he, ra, t in & ,ought to last ior"all our life. is bad maJ'iage- - WhiteL Wnat; womenwho-11 van! er opened on that,'day. -The�o I ,hat they. devoured every egg,L -Without " t o' part of the room with her ban d M- There.. are many a sv h engineers, meht and',tbee Henry. an r. ive� oVevery.Jay�, k to ill'assuredly prove L Ilet intrigued,' t9ad, Many meu:wbo* have never' continue fi in, but new men are In, closest watching Lit'the cadal piano; While a performet too Is ev We Q�Ohpiatriaqi'prea6he; from, Shqkloo'ng,r about r eith, r morning, 8 In -a. D at. tb -In-the firaf. 'ship. W616azi��bat�np &Lfrieiidghip:' g, ar very xtraordin ary an I in ails, giz iy miles east of gaLine'd;' but'-.thos6.. -who. have done 6 abu dance ng ben., Giving the Blaells . every the e instrument. k III ih�y d6the hame thiiogwith friend- -Canton. D'uri riot' the craving ceased* and we found the.,eggs as we but �Onco 0 town' chapels were,.destroybd and place,, in 6rder:tc, produce aiiorifusiOD.Of can eat up, isiery else.; nd leave our- And Morg worthy of, a glass case When the' remaining in the -neetwundisturb6d. Aeon. tone and jL , , ­ * h jeL 1. 1 1. - �' L .� � � " B y 6, 0 go on wit , Out of ull� Downy worobippero We seriusly,injured. : deprive. ffie- lady of any -pitch umbs 1. die. t1oa of the exotipa"he ki ti�h �ii assistaut-ta. this remedy, we manufactur ad inighibe-caiiiyingin her mind" The native prea her iw�aIs also severely hurt. i ri�half L - I .. I L - MUSGUID. This Big that'largti cake that oloCt,was'ours' L 1f:W& _Colton. an eggtray, from a oommoa nes,tbox.L i6okoningi the..'iixpe rim enter arrived later, throw toamudii onr our friends, mkke, too is so Bimple that any one acoustomedfo, the , a under rnilitaiy escort.,`�The'Caoton Ztfki I ME an raw his t umb. iapiqly up and dowe. the of many detnands, on theft,'sympat6y, their ===��-T-en=years-'-ago-tthe-nanab Lydi&�E­Ri uBe,of tdolB cam Disk hour'or�twb, kbyli,ard 0 Or �: three: times', withthe pati iats aro!causing exbNOW'�rrt by the WILBBearcelyknovifn c, xar Which enoe,, their, good- nature� their allow- ut8ide'of f �COI-STH A Alight inclination of the board upon tion of. rumors that large, quantities of' To -day it is wh'ms"d-wakd�'Bll o�r the o.- 0 diampera.- raised, from' the strings.' Whea sude,.-their' gLeherbsitf,,: we shall. end by the,nept eggL'S,faBt136ed.will cauge-the pew- he etruok a, Sing In bating.L'Upl* PON?F.derjare concealed in the Roman Cathoom tinent acid mB-E(g who ad � the ecalar..s.0a No other disewe ia so Prevalent.; tl�. co, -'M the'' noise had subsided luarshori timetbeoakeoi-16V6� 1, -i--�journahAava bo'conie famili�Ywltbitlae. al3 Constipati6nj adi"110 rctri'cd7 llaEl over -u 0 v , a us to the end Itte that bu. them �ith- 6, , inodest con- celebrated RicLiey-Wort as a laid egg,t6 roll a;way from under, tbe,hen,. note' at ran lic Cathedral of t1opeaten re g ouE doEn, When the lady promptly t�hat Qj6uldba lasted ,e �c Rendii stinate Iz an d has been:aq u %ndered in thismaw beyond her reach, w3 so 0 me It IF' - droPPod declared that 'it' -Was 11 E flat," which fri to. blow the edifice d6wii.-��tI1 ip Whi6b WaL road the. -truth thak,l E cilr6. VVhatevor tile cause,ho�-zt c t L -;-and S- thi such t -:case, Ahla raincdy-w M­o-�brcame it ehe The i%r board'liA4 ilia same in hnati6n i was -correct.,: had4. been Darby amebae of, dem'sind, andL. many a love h ha eer (A 'c a Ojects over the' -been'.ad- ey L ago . re Quiet. has toward -the caintre,­and pr thoroughly tested' ou single notes _Q10_w to PILES.'� ed -suit.-', By thejolly=aL volly t ther board far enough to. protect the egg� . jeKlbus-y- 6nq -�1566ha � on J a ly mairitained by/.the - prese6ce The manwitlisn'okes in his boots mig- 'with constipation. Eidno it :has ot'gunboats, and oC.Ahe militaq; n th bec6&es at'laGt a. -vVeakenedp n When roll�d­a*ay.:, The,,spaoe� tested A took the,door mat for :a. �.vjper. Slid Ile �thd, plicitted modulationi'and whan.ib potboti'-, -by' tbe:foliy'�i)f�di��l�y�,,w�icii, onee ail of PlIc's c�ven between An boards isjust wx 6.6�ugli to CI Y. y� wi por�-,. i give free to tta:,egga. &'ad il)qured,illl In what k6y-is t delidioii§, kind ofj-enchant MeS. his chord?", e,reBpo us so ame qui a 6ithdi c -k y C,",".2 Althdug way. may be lined with'a -handful of 'saw at ja"� an ppreaBiv I e . nightmare; b tha_ 1%'cking the '.technical kniowledge,* of: bar- folly 6f�,thaj ui�ioag chaff, to'protec'ii�t;6 Sheila Irom �c' racking y -Doed. of peitpatuAl, e g niorlerri e1he d iiable;io call every_ch -6r& There is first rate a ei ­-.F:E�rThe onder ini9try are with, hi.oge8, mony, an u 1 0 1 h by whi6b;oDoa cled to Th:e fall hasbeen ApPlixent.in.the be,Latiful Diam94 All: It the babkboard. be furnished t d, Dyeo kivas-aud ooloratof ink can be ag the sigil of deli66ful vitalityi ba�8bmes IAI'h -die hard. Winnipeg barber's g price6 al a, "a be used as a lia, to A110, I W -di ihe:r,emov a once,, answerto iliq,qaespion, at last &,tyranhy too onerous to be borne S, I ith. J�J., J6 . I -- - -- -i La--''- t9id It is 9; complete, egg -64, Eind� still charge 25C." i7orlhai'r `outting',R[Id n"OL re-.,. ./ �L I : . ; , : ­4131ILS J1 139 W '�Wfiat chord is this?" , she replied by i0i Chase absurdities 'andt-'extrava' Lo _,ra sppuLaer h of "'a eg'% dtiction, r baJ beads* iththb.y ershell.3,iiii)urc�ie,,adapteato, gancea ing. a 'Kil r' D of gg Man don't know-� the name of"it,-but the, 3'30tiis is -the food of lbv evoured and,desimy,i], DK9gheda in'Kil .ug a t. we t -,a a eat -ha the.nuisamoe: � a QLShakpq'E G:&D&B flat.L"' wi h w I ecake4hich should ha The best rd/'F.yf.( ca fr.. or 'L 6 , as and h ve lasted.1,6v . .1 /4* --- , -1 1 . that:when-a hen has,contracted the, bab ublic euteA&in' innipeg at.75. correct. 4 p ment on one life of egg-estingthle'A ortiewt "way:, is time eaten and done with'- before half 406. b ceomion,' conversation turning on this, 6i'b. and ustea;d of eating she.is put inA dondi. thojourner.had been gone through. , We bushel, f d' posea, as-it-neaxly-, Quick--- Cow hii,lady-Baid that,'the..piecii- the Grebe 13-- e t-gur -calfb' �too,% greedily-,-` -tOO­IDC0D- fthe erag� rice Is not Bladder-aud UrivaryL DiseJases:. al� Druggist& But a good tra; W *ae'Lln thqL hey"of 'D. p -p valuable to.be ven up without an' effo Biderately. we bill down over'60 3..,abusbel. - But for all. this flour is gi , 1. order'. to tait the 'currdetness of the a '56.L it,. often- acquired Pore Hyacinthe..,is 'Bajd.,Lby,:an minent-- reform her b. hab i2d cry, land,wonder ho.R tit'loaB Come about �3 a bag, or �7 a barrel. Statement a gi -wont io,the conduc-' tha;t� �e haveiiotging left p6p on With. IF ligence L of the OW but &L W �psak the VDrest Franc of Any t the condluBion- 6f-tfie-piece &Dd're- .'*a. had husbanded. our resources they writerAu -h rkB a 11.r 3 x1l agg re we ad wit the to ly that tbey had played' -An aboriginal Man liFing- AmIrabl Y, turn It The' 'IDdian summer DR' tde.pired flat P d �Wodld L have laked - was, our excese by placingit out"of' a y In'si ich1eft as man I y broken- it in D The I latiug on -her- arithmetician. -- us poor so,abou" ]011#08smid W ard 0 now IDUM-, of the . hen..t6 �do' 'd the inariiage o ber.fp W." a throtigh the'neg 'at,, a..r 9 th oil inquiry .,revel9d, the r ted peop�lefind'but When. 061fite. lf-� is osin" 0 Sail:v01, Sig & page In wheat Expei fuet.tbaf the tbrWhiob the 6iollestra berg as 'Victoria of, Hesse, One o t e H we are wise, W6 will il6a,ke f ouse. concert tuned, ge the Ohio Experiment Station- bas issued, 'tho �Qdaen'a t 'h -.I tone elow: 11.3 Our life, omd say, a I we b tb rauddmughcers, will be dail'd t . -Eler-ability inAhs:'Al�ect6ii-i Dow and w e - A all ke"ep'. fd'r, the f, �abouD the:15tifiotApril, who is read A, s, Demise, -gi�in"g 70fame in erestiaq whe' P1 0 y 5 an hat w a t( dtily a,'natural gift and' "lot an equiredL nwant it sil V it 3sta. It appears that Finloy;.whaat- wal, wia never o biiy,.,a t�rua,, the first t6.ripe2!�L;'',iu-06180gtiv�"th ticcomnlishment.-Nor!tiie4 Bullq cheaperI. Verb, Th uroedmrtie&Jn the cc who Will driveLaWay,b my6rable enebiieg; a' Benr U lftanito6tk.� c -El an 'one gre&tel3l Weig u hUp e ­i [n �Amairicu's,:. Gw, th9t itcber'at e'diseased kid ��Jk, o urke Mr. James H; Proctor; of Varden, hasin a, his liquid is now To c. it r 0 head, of iie 6' meapured bit6hial., The -Straw' was �'nbt t Y! �h'� o is -to, draw thetur -:his, possession the- awd p apar6din,114mid-am 'M 0.- dryJorlp- The- - rst,-t ivg'to d large,.giving lesB ,ht pet t -W6 b6ttoiri- Er Eyptian. 'The Egyptit�u gave thgpeootd� key. The -pleGtaant�est way td`draw� a turkey white bear which was,4illki, a f a, raye rs. a 6. urs BEFO;.M I ------ t a Ito r I laroBt-yie mus1he -bd­d-qjdtidA:df ew, As ago. 'erl to.ok� oot- n, 'the on -3 01' Piiyst-Tlri�).- --graM�-au tl­� rod doe d, -the- it136 tWardCOvJsring.a p �ao o er. 4LY1 YOUNd-O.R Q�J) hetivieAt stiaw. . Treadwell, York. Whiie u u'd atiafftid with -nicely in . ownebil5 i41�'rahge 28weat. ' A riumbe' they' h' 66" r ."which i aboutten feet high. TOWEN 01 Cha'd and Ride �anked third in yield of seasoned "bread crumbs'.., The amount -of of black aLd-brown bouts havebeen seen�fii Atime the biuds �tbe Child'B:L atLViCinity of I buMr. ad-sa- ate oi I, Nmtv�: Fol(cIt A14 We aii'd, 'th f"rocitor is at'� Hub rt Herkomisi is going to try to' build bead moma �th%t going ki ST VITALIT', f , g needed dependA etitirely'�bu, the slzie omir a %me on 'Wh Ivet thVefLy-,'omall 6iiss wi'bh'bi8 own -bands, assisted %Ie9R,WA8TINGVIIlAKN3t88Ha ' all t for�,Ltj3,i3�:P-tee'�,�L-bf-�L�'bf't�-� O.a dath-damp from the' t -vi�lthont -1511tinut ciAusili Speedy relief and c000pietexo8t, Arge, be. eic66di ugly ar. a S%ygL: have always ugder,. y row of the, yiD4 n -Ve. and be�' fa"thily, very* I �b Amber � took, fifth.- rank'. L Experiments!, b L- d tai bread C aDd' b the Nineteeoth :cctury, sading� brought S.6out co . a- liberal With � the if there stood that' black brown ears iebaiii- bricklayer.' The interior, of the house menial help. ll, tbekefore;� th-t a thick and thin si ndest discovery of Nexget tho.. Same color througLdut the e6ti wheie�&�'-boiw fiveB'ioremarkable for the 1.ddress Ifthere may, not be anough to go arou Its year. have &� righ to' ask,'U� Of their fellow - h habd-carving of itfi.Ae6oratibnsi all' axe-', inortali... *aa-tsuy' differe Some I strong twine, and tie up the logo and On' the other banilj' ifit bo -a polar bear, nee in -1 a earliueis, of to account for,ita p�eaishca ii� by)iis 14ther unit h Me how are We -Di thick Seed. *i1ig4­0-tthe animal in!'Very inuc the A& ot 'of the Phi Spiritual' Inedium.- " Put it in, the pan WAh actiountai paiil maritimo."ill its habits', Japandoe, Empire, wlio'otime fi rfjt ''to. this -tud -of� -But little AWtirtince W&A apparent Way as' commit sea of investi�ation�tie np. -these parts 1, �Thd polar beir hso according'. ' Googi]GIL Miy6houto' ' 1%, subif., iladelphia, 'ear! life' in thd'.qu.%l0iy -'of -6he- grain until 'ij L Wag ojected's plah,for the, y from tbe two ot bontideDt at Ceiatenniali pr nt He 1: CU]RE F I TS a I nd' differa her Species ot'' 0 a the antird Nb* i's all'beem U10mg Weighed, when it' was made' evident'thgt I bible , water., not enodgh"to float the tuk- "4' --- to It.q jt� key, but only enough'. to 6icely'batliti it.; , esirs mentioned -in %fiat'it is strictly A flasib. sli IO'n i WaR, ma6riied on Wednesday to 'lie hin seeding produced the'laigast kernels. his to Oothrougl word of it n EL it Me and t Irri bave them ve to rn awti ii; ( ni call a radt� the prol Have a ­hot C fish%teatitig animia. ii-vould be inter. U38 Aa� 54onts, Of Sarat6ga. , She is lavening lectures. cal cure. 'I have i dimlso of EPILEPSY It was' observed that ' '- 'portion of )van.", This is absolutely ee- series of Wednesday lvva,rant y wheat winter -killed as uniformlylowin sentiai e:ven.if-y 'estinig were d fjolir naturalist readers heor,,this niceet and-,preitie fift to eur:mther7ollt 6x­kay "borr bl%t- -H meo to [in Y'Doll- re e--t.o - - - -0-w-STIP-t At They have' averagt0 the case 'f thi d more in the Case of buckpt 'of 'coal frond thaiiewtibuibr next to account for the wbiten animal- S'AtA a- ff. ebg*of b a f An i -i ]printe. wOt, Pdt-_­th6 tU k mice for ry troati,io 0 aIt IS 11 olar,bua;r remoIly. Give Express dna lo4t 061eo., It- eosta.Yox thick seeding.. door.-, r py, id, an, every now in queatiop, and i is, ily that ban'.. three cbildreIi'-an d, Vol, I Ulu so (if 35,4 pageapatih. dnodeo;mo �'hd tban have it well baitod,:, td, not Send to ones theory at''Ing it's b,lag orily.-tbree b6dro'crus in-Ae".- areful' drese y At no:perwd=,&I3L. I apd, been, Sin k BaIrlex. experiment so so Dd houso*never ak the husband §furgntr& cauBoBithe,deatli of "Lay of their to *tivbe and milauto 0016 pari6ol a week in your own tAlwn. JA-MnB 3�earman, jun., writes from 'York was friisid once and hb,turkiiY' asmoito, the Mr Us a bunch of.the b Proctor sonde v Aretia� 11 ar e t go ffi*inty� outfit Preei 9, HAT'W�T" Ke do n ., n reference to blackbarle� table' -house animal's f,ur, which,JA jp-rfeot!y whHe.7 m' when in the _to, the Sache,74 i looking quite. like"i boarding bkdroc a- !ihi-L.-tte 7 Tr WE --qlil eje tfie, fellow got the -d n r 1 n the wJDter- and: either Jr-eezo ; t'O anda.. ;And I know"fro owu, ex- DO 5 ELI; iuilo� pared to vouch f�r itsproductiV611`8813, it needl h., he time. 71 death oi"iiontr ct, a cold which proves fatal ' arieticij of help received fr 9 Mam' a and tbiread ig.not.kno'tv T it heV'13gLyielded this yda� 39 'bushel' to the amiP turk ah�uld remain in tin oven depends M. DaLeaBepa boasts tbat� his 8 iu­�R; fow Months. b Diversity I I at t e never 1883,fowls are Soon o'ooked�, Scotch ;'that`in­-'�36ot1Knd tbere�ake LeasepH A certain old Bdrderer,-ou b'eiD-g Country VEGETABLE BALSAX 0 acre, of 60 lba.. per busbal., It iequires laiid� up.n,,,,� a are oithe u th.. GLL,,­tiffle� When the cre prepared About the game as for other bar�, 1783 take -longer. anifLea6ela, but�w t!rance,�oiie of big .. owil I n4th 40f'bw securely of'' ley, and, I beliava'.v�ouldhavejielded more' _me,ilted by ai. d iviue on the stre trust hert­-468bin DaMe besides big DD MeroW4 -memo*, rq or son y oj� noloom- than, this only the lan was 'I horticultural, haul' Draggipg 9,�� big am and 'thkt , tfib , pikthedral n - waiid.,bt Jhew'ory. It only rbttiins'w-h&'i: Puskin. - a', B6 riot. � it f ily plied j'� � No, Lhave: h and bar 16nor t6 t lodged badly.', t: AS to its jeedLing qatili 668,,1 lotiquet across: tbe�s' burgb� was-conatrubted by an I hftg�Uy,& tage. f4i cy- -and'pk6b&bly, air, if'you girl'k likie tested it,,aud �hi,ci.k nothing can Bur. , 1, t i'mothAr told A tor6ni o elegrs, m" says,:' L63sepa,'kWho W' lisaB it,' being, elia I I . if not superior to 86u6d7 A, case of as .�one of �bis 4u- Were to! preach to me'foir 'two,, hoDrg, -I out ofthe gjile� She would'4 stood'ilie tes� for Cn nter�st'W* aquatic 6irolaB was concluiled-In awe 'when ou nialied, to as, an a an d its�lf' pq -andmn6h more profib%W than'the' uld nov, be able, a in 'a �hciiir�, the, you d has prove tIv- best' )he County Courlio,piorni6g., . During S5iif s6bers and makdo.',th mind raimember )ed"youliad h M biggy.ouewgrown of late years, by So many ihe Season ifib 'To to -Rowing Citib bor-' ge' Ow a W( sign Saing:" U`p in the gqtter�-Ifi% the d�' known or nial ' And� in Borrow we love and trutt The clergymen of Indiandpolis have no ahia thod�,bt 1, 'we 't,oDt tba�t g.%t6 I f8rmers--.Wfioi­ba.v-a not boon' able. to get ow� d alour-oaed shell from Aleck Elliotit,,t a r ri tods ! In to tenderly said the dead for d that funeral ser� n afything to fill the, place. - I have a quian- a Is 0 tily Whiob'l wl BPOSOL and.while'it was being'r6turned in char I di of -to parties who ge become desirerio-us-':Acid,jast agthe Biurl,' ji�rfoimed on secular days in' rmothor ..d S Whodptng Ccugh of Elliott and the captain of the'olub it. shin� out in ifie night, so there are. blessed l]iriv&te'dwell1Dgs,'&ndno1. inthe houses of! zil Lung Diseasesin. de,ire to compete for the priza that I learn. wao r L uni"i Min, by a stieam'er abd SW&134ed, -faces th, t out , grib f ;'t L bobgb Attie,. mammA. F. W. Fearman, of AeLmilton,will offbinext It ook.at us in. 'ilp ;' omb fiat the friend,s'�hall takeL'16ave, - whiroper. 11 Yes, you di or old. SOLD EV MZYWJ I Ile PIE. for 6 Elliofifi Sued the club toy street' yelr 0 wo, Thw6lub their, fea�turos were f ding. fr'. m, onix6eui boat hog fatt nod ri it I" - . . A, , . 0 of �tho & - ad"in''Orivate the rernins-!-o'u it"wag not- responsible, as the, Shell look 25r. 6nd $1, 0 tt�ar :Ott the Steck Warta. L d a of Elli6 I bt, and the ow6re.oi tbf, L16"t "be exhibited to the publicI andL /like � Pig'."' was in., 6 Flood, the daughter of- , that ,with"GiLview to reducing the burden dcI'out de d I ate.11 Yea C)OWNSI, �X I One of the befitch6ap devices for keeping the'steg'ter' wereL re8pongible. The jury C ulif ' 0 L rnia of - 64 a, the Services sh t . 11 all be on:oD& day LIM g)ib�-ta whip'YOU arm in winter is to put up a frame, this morning.. &w4rd'd I'diott 0190 ittud often repeatod story . thttv a"" Wort stock w a she is engaged to .,.,d,thb burial privately, performed on ehe de date; I tliIfft over !a cover it with 'poles fzdln� the Woods and boBtSo', day frea� 8,MyJa()NV &jtj Po tlilnti a marry an Engliah peer. whip Me, 5is timV, [1, 9, the- ea8e -t P 16 t fib, P 10 :of SWI P h 0 IE t try t 70