The New Era, 1883-12-28, Page 77
build a straw stack over it.,l Runs. AROU le
er f, opbAiug on the Aide op ite t
q to Opea up, the od Thel 150. Quick
IF, la, a, Corns, Warta, IN
of 1 the Tit win a. . tow 'gho
I I , a tho Wethli.
straw alsh=k ch'ar a4, 09. ncz�!t warns the publi,
9rhwee M*01he
a basement barn and' much 0, Within sibd4e or much. information falih the use of the madkicto 81% 1 Y8 that most 61, 6 Ono Sao Moses %ies
no isio
can bp madeby Ony frmer. t ob about the' 904.190 ud the commercial cost. It'says: The insensible or 16 ni now and1lid 27th or
,ppro it, I
o r-6, ii a thing to the I a' igo�; to pro 306 �tif,
%mmer and n'si rpriaes k I , etwee I
even reqture al )it' 414to devoid, 11 g, there � will.� be Which finds a way of escape throng year Dece r, will be' Th
mbe: ere wi
Th wh 'I course of the river, ordinaryplothin
-Pf DO pVotaltiotip'� Ihn' fifty if,aq with these and 'a feWboards t accatitible.. The wli
a .. 11 1 0 is kept in by the :� wAer� sleighiDg an Christmas' Day over the
oy vbii�. a -its mot uley Po6l, has, been C.... N.Y., Feb. 6,1680.' g
QImNTei-I hae -been very low, and have tried, Th
noramitabTsI, I'm fue bei'Eae more attractive in appq ff6u Ith to' Be proof, and the clothes tire 'saturated with?
part of the Pi6vk�oatr a
Stanley's moisture� A very'few iiiinutes will suffibe ;everything, to no ad I he part of January 'will be akE garly
it ot Mens'. carefully surveyed adil mapped with some
iuigws, you noadzi,tiplot for me plotti�ugl vantage. ard you El y,
in to -Mouth of th tobiade'rthe underclbtbing;l damp �' under 1, onerido.9 days. of4'�ariy,!,May, 'Weather.
When it is, considered how ric ogga 'are furthest station now is 'it top a Bitters ecommended by so maiiy The latter
in nutrimant it mus they 'Mae j&kh�of th nodersteily cool,
b be.obvioua that' Ikelemba' ikiver, about 100frmilae' 1 the Whe :to give them a trial. Idtd,andnow&inqrbun4,
nt herefore. the improving,'andam nearl' a 1honth will be I
t so th* b ightest' eyes, 'and all their river. io ly r la and constantly y 'two -or three days of it h
te he ced in la *He has ebtablished a - wearer oX �a -mackintosh akes off that. strong as ever. etzlb�g wea6t er,
r cahnotbeprodu here unle W. fl-wiILL it.
juieLtititieB of rict tions with all !the natives. -erce in
ined d to 'te thaw.
Irgelf,21 Com
Ivs todanitnunittoii, if its aim is hurting lode; large fee 0:boiasu arti!cle of� clothing because it has cease' �i.t.nd�ed with 'days Of roodera
-ne r sari the redde46,MPB, rm proof a--Blust all )no.- )?eeiibep well� now it C antral Africa. is destined to find along the rain, -he is in the position of a person wh There are Horne-, women' that re4uire Riot be
by the lit au4tti I � I - 6, .1 � I pa�rt of Febiu
Congo tb 0 line'of it's most rapid d much d' t -be similar' to the liLtier part of Jahus
y6h expect them to Shall onfli int6r. ovelopmeut. has danip clotbeB on, and if he Bits in the h-1 re8alagi,, as. some �, Mae a must
ri thin I'm nottlie ma for any womW9 w id Prof. Nordenskjold has, 6elioved, Since he Baddle, ot�w'alko home, or, an I open jo
0 iably i3easicifi6il-to. make t1i
ingamaiiy Lrmerscou ,,am palatable.-� 'but- before eclose of the er kTrMg-
us of the beat tb R wint
I build a 16hg 6per. Shod adja- made the northeast PaBoage, thpLt in August "trsp,be is rnorelikiely to take !cold , than if jun�.: me,
dq.would be to ike mildigess will got in. a Or loklik
I pyory ) car vessela.from Europe could Pass -)is had not a f, I I I
on my own buttons, my stockings I can b h here the 'Used th"inackintosh stall. I' winter W ather will afterwards ir6turn, buu
cent to t, eir t poultry ouse a
an -through the'Karit'Seman&reach the Yeni. therefore, we say,,% macisintosh is once ASALliouls,
a 'a hands aroun my room aye. no fowla could scratch and'sun themselves on, put spring will open, early and be Wei mi,
a sei River. It this were so,, it Would be. a On, it should ow'Do account - be removed dyspeptic, or constipated, Should address, with6tanditig the general mildLao,,s of the
ty days., It need Ot be bxpen-
cold stor
ano fravellin.�
but should be Substantially built.: fact 9f commercial importance, til he[cloth6a can be chanka'.Or dkied with two stampB for-p4rophlaiti WoRtin's -very
siy'e -.but the un t Will be tbrew or four,
I experience vgaard in � the notion . '-of Dispzx6ARY WhbickL.AssoCUTION, Buffa a e
s,no painted' ldqlluB� S"ach -s shed iS almost indispensable' to of � Lieut. , He by red bodily to,. B ver' but short, dips o
inferior p f.tfie mercury, qux
those whoi raise early o Pijuaphna and'of the international p6lar tOmperature. The use of si'matikintogh' is N.� Yb as cold ais any thing experienced last wiiiter.
abi party inihe"VaiDa confirm the 'Older belief to pioe�qi 'a man from a Severe -torrn of Oneof these,4111 ocour bef ore�
at I require ad, ladle that it is noitade to count at any time upon rain. His clothes must, be',' aa;Lu'p, if 116 which the right Chu�cb�� the othel, E, in tlM Lotter pa
1 know whigh it is. I Shan't tell you except r rt of Jauuary and
n8 the navigability %ra waters. Lit in this wtoy-fil
arc�Bimp ly The coveriugfor spinach beds.'and straw- of the K )ut.' weam-in of-theEe Firteptors. 'The sole eiirly,in February. NewfoundUt,
bar rise is beat put on after ., the, ground I is! 116vgamia has, given up his trip slicing the. gain'frou using it is to reader the"InOisture (at, it is the Church that 168B measure, the Maritime I rovivaekyw
rls and give, oifts, bewilder , in ahea folks live most, n6wly right."
04 slightly frozen, about the last of November. S�i,bpflan o6a9V Aud ha"i returned to Vaido. warm ictkeadt& cold', and to prevent - losa� - � h ' , ' " -4 ha'vl"e'a heavier Snowfall than-uisu'ttl.
'B... er.L
"a . r, if you ple�sa, that am blank ! ekof ; good manDr cluclUg--thp, on his way haTe. of he_p by e"por�iion. If ihtj mackititash
-Wi -off, James StuhLrb, a civil engineer in the'exa. be',removed', evaporation' commencea� im.
-twinter i Start rlitibarb ely-In-Abe. Nidgara river- :always does a.go6a fal�l
'equen ONE �OF TIM
MissicnEcry Society, is, in iai risks of
spr pla on ad ei
1109- 6, y of thoLond el a t �e oons MOSTEREQUENT businesa. stwenty-oneoldmald onsider ailding 8,
a air 1* th oadbetwee'u, L, akeA Nyaiau 4nd that process. 'results of depraved uirfritioni caua�ed by Th
aIn shipping, apples in. winter ine a oinpleted Seventy ridigestionand�imPei�factassimaila,,ionoffood is eMaiden Creek,riolling m'll at R
ey -�d , I 1 1.14" 10011sgc�--
V Wid we live or six that wis YVI barrels wall 'with newspapers" and- th' the unsightly eruptions which disfigure the -f�ce -ing, Pa.i shut dowh--yeaterday
he expects to
to mate; milesoftheroad, aud,,ds Methodist Mission -of so m
linust Will otwada greater degree of cold without, any people. t The, -blood being poor, and quence. of dull trade.
la,prtty school -girls -who, insist, I - finish it Soon, the society bas sent to him, a deficient in Indiehal for repairing and building
have had sokne loss," Injur.y-.� , � I -' of the
tired Seamboat, built in s9titiona for trauspor7 The, fihy-iiitith up the tissues,, does not properly nourish thei The., Pittsburg glase-workers, now on,
9bbage beads do Missionary Society of -the Methodist akin and- disagreeable humors manifest them -
B, hard a I wm Stand�� tation Oval Is At- which,- lie Will launch on Strike,. remain determined.' Arbitration
or cross. Iiy their fast: irisa6hes,' Church 6f'Canada has just been published. =j.the general health at the same time has, f -
heads on in the
But, ladies�:A a t, ons'fromthis data I liope� L harden ui Lake Tanuhuik%, The Seq . dissionary mpaired. AadicitL and permanent
th It �tiah I ailed.
11 t eliti Ithey'will. likely x1g, �46 largest contributorg lib -mission cure roSultB from restoring the diaeativ
p, before, �So6iety:h�s tw6'sueamera"now.on Lak� a appar,
66IL4,6; I . 1 1 . . I ---- Massie. J. M. Treble, Toronto, - atus and 1v III- is -- slai - ad plies a
wl a peace spring. Nyasa& � Goods'caii now. be'- taken all the fuods aiF6. italizitig the circulation whi, �The Rhode I Cotton mills pro
The only favor that I ask is to be left ii $300;. SohnMacdonald, Toronto, 0680; Dr. affected by. Di.'Wheeler's Compound hlixix of :red
F ing can uctidn of wages with shutting *down as
or I consider one thing stirb as &uYtb Give fresh air, whenever, , lIlob' outside way � from :London -to the north end of -a "llosphates . andCalisaya, a purely physiological the. alternativa� The operatives 7 biefei, the
be-� . I W. T. Aiki6g, Torontor, 5200"-;,,
W, if for only few NyitBsa by s e4mer, except'at the rapids iu
to Irature- Will -allo t the Hu blood -maker and purilier that., imparts 'great ilternaiiv6
1.�iii n.ot,niarry any -girl, a�nd none shall narrk Mps son's Bay CIornpay, 04813 - -arinia Moore, fr6ahness of tone mullcolor to the daciplexion'by
minuitib. at a time; avoiding a cold -draf t., - the River Ehire, around whibb:,they, have., 'Hamilton, �$660; Hon. Ji&s Fortier, Efforts or -set
directly upon'the plants. Go bocaTried by land. Mon. PrQuioti I ng. n.atkition. a being tzradis to bring t6
r �De e -,ween the
That's just, exactly what hL a said abodt: a yea b �k' pers, last gummor M.DeBruzza'hasi iesidbod Brazzi- EL fia;Dford, amili Her Majesty's
trea;F,. 4100 - H tlement..the present difficulty'li
-Canadian, . so as da, with Pfihoo master and,
�ago. . 0 ; Mrs la6ymen plasterers. in, TO,
ille. tThis a small collection of. uttive E�iz%, Scott, � Mon treal, $i5oo G
No , if. you bould but' see'his room5,, they,are a Secured a'groat� harvest of fine honey from -r Halifax. �750,3 Jairus Hart, of Wales 66!:� b6ard, will' remain, ronto.
UtB At the at end'of Stanley Pool'. Geo'� H . Star serge
,perfect �hbw the dreaded Caulade, thistlej thus i'llustrat- we 'and Stan- U alifax'! $50Y James Esterbrook Rxeter Until bhe� en4'.Qf this month At. BdrindAg' The treqqpure coach," from DA.dwood.
0 n6tied thl ings and knittedthings, and painted ing the adage that everything has its use. On the north ak ot t116:Congo,
pialities.audscreedE wo. and will-'riiiidh Bsirbadoes' in 'about a fort' to Piorre, makes two'tirips a moutti,,o
Bauty'av- ley's Leopoldville. is almoat ditectly.op- toduS ien, and $30 boo �a
phot.)giaphs of fa Professor Sargent, of-.11ara;rd-C�11eg,e', the South bank, Da Brazz g 00 pach time at s, cost oLMM
ii r posits, on v ne queena; iB of the Sdotah,L pine as 'the most
on 11 In laoa�and to the:a Lung ter -ago Fiarm'sabommanded th The gold is.ia 150-pod'od brickS, lo�ked in a -stone sibs, 1 Ife-she's right to the pl Pjoi . - , Some years. 0 ' a AOUt,�H ON COUGHS.",:
ens the native n
good, I know. 9 Is a rung uld.hettdly got off
ile a hearth
d va b tree far ' mers can plant for'sort ritory. is -now, disp I uted ' by a.' attention of'tbe Presbyterian Church. 1 t ' safe. R"Obbers 0
if you tell.him. of,th year GLD IAL Cough 0, i Cold endways.,F( children with Buch heavy dricks' if ihey could open.,
a words he said a wind ' -br eake about: their fl-3ldA,.,4 d actid � the Rev., G. L., Miickay�� )r
. . '� I i the b4l ildlin' tatiley has estab;liahed.,so -many st:,tlone Wall -or adults., Troch 81 1 6. Liquid, 5Jc. At drugt:
ago efn a
Ele answ�rs you, without a blush, Oh, tba -and has suedle-Medso'w to, Induced to aettle ihore. - Mr. Mackay has gists. Safe.
ell in,
U811al Way; In buying trees from the fitikseiy inspect 'win the goodwill of the natives that. it 18 sincobeen joined by seats able colleagues. ritz' Roucheiner a L ged, 6. haiii , g , left , at,
No 8 may bgBhf' Me With baby near
ne believes azingre word old Utichelu closely,,the;rootS. No matte' oubted Whethei. Da B'ra kerd ulnesowith li"') Gone his
Bay r if. the. stem d Will be.aobleto Under their judicious manage-inent,the Merit isl awk
6 ke c' ward ; and ineriu without modesty, ins When tUright angel �conias along- they marry. be . orb I- and, the tcip�� , spr&wley. If. bompete.with 'him 'on even. tormg i, ' 2 the inisgion 'has greatly, proppts,d.,.�Tqr.aomg da L. I.,* recently placed the latter
the roots be the ot6 r'end. will o' aning up �tha country. - time the Work was uphill laht� ��,Bat mo est- merit has a doub of the hot stove ttL d.burn ed her
any day." e ome work of opi the on the top.
ri ght. The�6ol6nist& who..'will *leave E'�glffind missionaries-begin,to Sao -, the I fruits of their claim to ao'ceptAnce," and generally-� meats, so'severel�tbmtsheviill'die. WHbnaske
I ' " h 1. - witli Of.t a �two or -three,, thousand vs�riet , i6B before' . Christmas to battle. in xew� Guinea labors. 'Sometim&agoMr:Mabkaywrotei many"patrons baiholdetS6�- Why hedid it, he
THE 'FARWWiiUi�00' SaiKv [as,! four or five are. enough for Will be practically the pioneers in a land Saying that � all of iii -.sudden a obange be- Hughe it cry.",
of app, auy�
one,, � orchard � (for , mairket), � �Lnd tho'seL nearly as large as Eogland., Fraince, ciLme Visible. The Suridu6y meetings sind
Give m6 amid'the sa]:I861ma'st6r,
-7 -If you foal dull, drowsy, debilitated, �boufd be -the ones which have proved and Irelandlt6gethe-r. i Neit Go. Australia, the week -day so ' hbols eganto be f';qiJanib , L - Benten which the words a'burning
-eo*picis -of Cohystsition During.' the Its. headache, Mouth tastes bad, poor,
asLthb.--beit-in-oae's-ow-n-iaeigh-'-it-isAhe largest Bland, in th6 world attended:' In a re6btit'- cum notin he S�, 8 L 6M6 0 tliemsAv. . I , L L t_ , ' � petite, t6n'gUa'.cG'at'ed, "you, sre,suff properly Applied:" medi- .
Y, fertile a claims thai i Sp ering 01AMS
Long Eve nings - 9rhood. Soil is ver. bounds In fine zioLessic ion in the north:of from torpid li`�er, or", bilious' , aea,,, N6tbz- ,ately the bright boy at the head ofA'
.12 , sutural harbbrs.-add . most,of the counbry� the island Some twothous�nd persons have la kboiGrd &nAw
are, is healthful.
You Many, of,the � nati rote,-.., �S LOAD%
Pg colts shibilld have a ellent 'd away their.idols ; and fie Specie, y ing will cure you So � speedily and perin.j. went to the b c 11,
fo treati)�entoit�ewick6aissburniu�gt�h�*me..
TREA.T -TE1 I E I H E NLS' it ther fubur6,4aefi:il12eAii depends larg6l ves are oau- lug noptly,as::Df, Pierce!SL"Galdeii
I L ons, ope v. -of* 200 inhabitants Medical
'the'g 64th they make the.first wi 113,-L I Discovery." By,all dru i t
If() W in piloals, but they have been friendly towaid .at illage Philadelphia Chronicle.
up6n r as,lar ai,B'fheir. f everyL gL for
Lin seed oil cake'in small defies. is one the whites ears have, per- I On ., instruction in� 991A 8 008t,V L mitted themAo, be. D'Albertia' the Italian Christianity -and ovary -house cleared of Ja 9, verykare occurrence that thei.
Antereittag- ExPerhuentil, Is' Wheat -and of the best remedies for eloesti in the Dry Stoeker,, Southwark,: Mass., number of. yearsbf a person's life will ex--,.
explorer,, trusted hinii�elf alo'ne idols." !Cas6s Such as' this..keep :alive the
young faTill arAmalls.. 4c1ODg fall dead while in a,,fi t.of' pas, ion, causpd,by beed the number of, pounds lie weighs, but
them for near y a year, andtiorn �his reports LLith in Christian missions., a is in � eistenc e,
6 11 -year old son. to obey Such a as
If lairge trees are to be removed,Depem- and therecords of B obari, another Italian Cu
the refusal 6f'hi a a in Lt,twrisnc
ro a
Is OruIrch Notes. mcounty South Co. line, Mrw,S'Alli 17,
bar isa good, tin to begin the operation raveller, is derived the greater part of the g"h bortiaon, who lives in the n6r'hlsrn,. L part 0
atil)g-ei large I -Rev. Josbua� Mosball 'rector ng
.(A Zracbi� Agriculturist's Budget) by excav ioie'� where the tree., information we ha that County, io 8g,y
A !this little-knoi.Wn Wh:d-lo�.'b'dt .,seen the fair, fiesh'you "a d,�qi �.w
-is to giDg Gi� cap trench r,th of Australia- Church ou-City�Islanld'.�N. ajew7-IV611L h th _d,, eighe
taland. Now'Guinea'48 u - girl -transf6rimeid -in a a on y 70 pouri&,,-
- .1 pulpit
aiound the tree'at some little di 1 8-0,1160 from which it is separated,by a iitrait-orily dead in hia�l as b6 Waabout to open Wood How to Cure Egg Eating, pkle� haggaed; 'dispirited-. an 2 The A,Winnipeg despatch says: The railway
i. . ., � I 1 .11 r 'Q as -is a -,ill the services on Subd f�omthetennk. Then when the. ground is eighty nlileswide� and ensland -�PArklingM
Sol y ev I eningr Kiln
Sometimes the habit _fo L rmed by care. thoroughl� frozen, the tree, with. the id. es,are dimmed, and the r 6 sitUation-continuea-until
ldrop Of a &rth� adhering to its agitating the: 4ne8tion.o.; I bg the-' ev. r., lu�g kaid in his -sermon SCN6� laugh,hearZfDo -More. are L runumg naoiti*rtigularly. eVet ra�l an_
ofth, a kitchen ms'Ul 1 -or hougekeeper. ChrlatiL It o6comim, -the, are digorders , of: the' System which Dr.,
gL I-iii""pail an I d York that a, 101a' wan
-ahells into, t A -and' set in its now -home d . 1 gines pered wi th, by putting
�for,tbe inereasing-accumulaiion- of 1IJFdLvbriW-Pre i0tiod" oub goap�in the boilers.. Some of ube. riew Men
in throwin th6 egg be removed, with reinalayL.
�iviiig them with the other waste to L tile perfect Safety. a 11 andai'of a f6 rt tim so r
9 squandered Bit s%lu'Us- wealth in thi w, -men -and the -remedy in she e. 'Remember, that brought' in have joined the atrikerg. An
a, it �you
This should never be don. f riSm.
Want the hens to respect their'own eggs Ad �Loeu If we u and aa�ai nothing W0, dorresponding increase o paupo the 1,
CODA me��aii , . i . I : , --is all f ale weaknesses'
Understanding the cause of'this unthrifty must Surely the endL Of Our ingly �u am don to:day, but was'rescued by the ��Ol'ed'
The � sense of absolute pitch, by,which a 6ea by-iwd-b�. 'This pri
- OaarleS111L. .-reb orE
uniple does not ]FA, Y, Willies t i health and beauty. By all drug- 'after a little rough usagei
'to p y , a aL I ter
very ro id ' person is tible to Dome any note of,06 apply 6ril The kiWitobeiain
-perience, y tIo: our worldly' 'means. Wis. gists. L Send tlireestamps for Dj, PisiCe'S
Z the,� yard here were tampered with romedy. 'krom -i 6% we find� musical: scale .. which- rcay be soundad, is have to'husbaod. out, � working powers and, treatise on�, Disa:Aaea of, cInien,(96,pagp�). e We doubt
'the fisibi G is ch -'broken byL an Th . eTf 61 n �L,: ASSo JA 16-dil the
one of 'groat rarity.. Some interesting�iix' in powdr,whbilosi Spr1ug"as we I Addro,A' W01iLD'S,' MEnI0 TION,.' The company olitim 11oat,
ibundadt the bra' 'lias beo received fro6o.
n a flock 0 ', tWI a - . I 'Arike will -fail.
I . perim6towere recently made with�a YOUDgL have to husbAn' eviiryihinj 6166 we' fl6lig.Koug 6roat excitement prevailed Btiffalo, N.Y.
g�6wn so ad. i f ' 3hty' light poB�. i
Y, NhopoosAeases ihis,�if 'a '- ' I &I cf�'th 'they, will have the 'ireg'ular � )this city 1 t to inCautonoii'lod gyonjIlie,arry e
set c, this ration, .a ',sesB to, eat 'up in. 4 short time what idna
r . 6makabl. Th. :,lady Ba
mbinas, owing to'negl f American Presbyteris MISS ties, Mr.. after Wednesday. The sh4s �;iil he, ra,
t in & ,ought to last ior"all our life. is bad maJ'iage- - WhiteL Wnat; womenwho-11 van! er opened on that,'day. -The�o I
,hat they. devoured every egg,L -Without " t o' part of the room with her ban d M- There.. are many a sv h engineers,
meht and',tbee Henry. an r. ive�
oVevery.Jay�, k to ill'assuredly prove L Ilet intrigued,' t9ad, Many meu:wbo* have never' continue fi in, but new men are In,
closest watching Lit'the cadal piano; While a performet too Is ev We Q�Ohpiatriaqi'prea6he; from, Shqkloo'ng,r about r
eith, r
morning, 8 In -a. D
at. tb -In-the firaf. 'ship. W616azi��bat�np &Lfrieiidghip:' g, ar very xtraordin ary an I in ails,
giz iy miles east of gaLine'd;' but'-.thos6.. -who. have done 6 abu dance
ng ben., Giving the Blaells . every the e instrument. k III ih�y d6the hame thiiogwith friend- -Canton. D'uri riot'
the craving ceased* and we found the.,eggs as we but �Onco 0
town' chapels were,.destroybd and
place,, in 6rder:tc, produce aiiorifusiOD.Of can eat up, isiery else.; nd leave our- And Morg worthy of, a glass case When the'
remaining in the -neetwundisturb6d. Aeon. tone and jL , , * h jeL 1. 1 1. - �' L .� � � " B y
6, 0 go on wit , Out of ull� Downy worobippero We seriusly,injured. :
deprive. ffie- lady of any -pitch umbs 1. die. t1oa of the exotipa"he ki ti�h �ii
assistaut-ta. this remedy, we manufactur ad inighibe-caiiiyingin her mind" The native prea her iw�aIs also severely hurt. i ri�half L - I .. I L -
This Big that'largti cake that oloCt,was'ours' L 1f:W& _Colton.
an eggtray, from a oommoa nes,tbox.L i6okoningi the..'iixpe rim enter arrived later,
throw toamudii onr our friends, mkke, too is so Bimple that any one acoustomedfo, the , a under rnilitaiy escort.,`�The'Caoton Ztfki I ME
an raw his t umb. iapiqly up and dowe. the of many detnands, on theft,'sympat6y, their ===��-T-en=years-'-ago-tthe-nanab Lydi&�ERi
uBe,of tdolB cam Disk hour'or�twb, kbyli,ard 0 Or �: three: times', withthe pati iats aro!causing exbNOW'�rrt by the WILBBearcelyknovifn c, xar
Which enoe,, their, good- nature� their allow- ut8ide'of f �COI-STH
A Alight inclination of the board upon tion of. rumors that large, quantities of' To -day it is wh'ms"d-wakd�'Bll o�r the o.- 0
diampera.- raised, from' the strings.' Whea sude,.-their' gLeherbsitf,,: we shall. end by
the,nept eggL'S,faBt136ed.will cauge-the pew- he etruok a, Sing In bating.L'Upl* PON?F.derjare concealed in the Roman Cathoom tinent acid mB-E(g who ad � the ecalar..s.0a No other disewe ia so Prevalent.; tl�. co, -'M
the'' noise had subsided luarshori timetbeoakeoi-16V6� 1, -i--�journahAava bo'conie famili�Ywltbitlae. al3 Constipati6nj adi"110 rctri'cd7 llaEl over -u
0 v , a us to the end Itte that bu. them �ith- 6, , inodest con- celebrated RicLiey-Wort as a
laid egg,t6 roll a;way from under, tbe,hen,. note' at ran lic Cathedral of t1opeaten re g ouE
doEn, When the lady promptly t�hat Qj6uldba lasted ,e �c
Rendii stinate Iz
an d has been:aq u %ndered in thismaw
beyond her reach, w3 so 0 me It IF' - droPPod declared that 'it' -Was 11 E flat," which fri to. blow the edifice d6wii.-��tI1 ip Whi6b WaL road the. -truth thak,l E cilr6. VVhatevor tile cause,ho�-zt
c t L -;-and S- thi such t -:case, Ahla raincdy-w Mo-�brcame it ehe
The i%r board'liA4 ilia same in hnati6n i was -correct.,: had4. been Darby amebae of, dem'sind, andL. many a love h ha eer (A 'c a
Ojects over the' -been'.ad- ey L ago . re Quiet. has
toward -the caintre,and pr thoroughly tested' ou single notes _Q10_w to PILES.'� ed -suit.-', By thejolly=aL volly t
ther board far enough to. protect the egg� . jeKlbus-y-
6nq -�1566ha � on J
a ly mairitained by/.the - prese6ce The manwitlisn'okes in his boots mig- 'with constipation. Eidno
it :has ot'gunboats, and oC.Ahe militaq; n th
bec6&es at'laGt a. -vVeakenedp n
When roll�da*ay.:, The,,spaoe� tested A took the,door mat for :a. �.vjper. Slid Ile �thd,
plicitted modulationi'and whan.ib potboti'-, -by' tbe:foliy'�i)f�di��l�y�,,w�icii, onee ail of PlIc's c�ven
between An boards isjust wx 6.6�ugli to
y� wi por�-,. i
give free to tta:,egga. &'ad il)qured,illl In what k6y-is t delidioii§, kind ofj-enchant MeS.
his chord?",
e,reBpo us so ame qui a 6ithdi c -k y C,",".2 Althdug way.
may be lined with'a -handful of 'saw at ja"� an ppreaBiv I e . nightmare; b tha_
1%'cking the '.technical kniowledge,* of: bar- folly 6f�,thaj ui�ioag chaff, to'protec'ii�t;6 Sheila Irom �c' racking y -Doed. of peitpatuAl, e g niorlerri e1he
d iiable;io call every_ch -6r& There is first rate a ei -.F:E�rThe onder ini9try are
with, hi.oge8, mony, an u 1 0 1 h by whi6b;oDoa cled to Th:e fall hasbeen be,Latiful Diam94 All:
It the babkboard. be furnished t d, Dyeo
kivas-aud ooloratof ink can be ag the sigil of deli66ful vitalityi ba�8bmes IAI'h -die hard. Winnipeg barber's
g price6
al a,
"a be used as a lia, to A110, I W -di ihe:r,emov a once,, answerto iliq,qaespion, at last &,tyranhy too onerous to be borne
S, I ith. J�J., J6
. I -- - -- -i La--''- t9id
It is 9; complete, egg -64, Eind� still charge 25C." i7orlhai'r `outting',R[Id n"OL re-.,.
./ �L I : . ; , : 4131ILS J1 139 W
'�Wfiat chord is this?" , she replied by i0i Chase absurdities 'andt-'extrava' Lo
_,ra sppuLaer h
of "'a eg'% dtiction, r baJ beads*
iththb.y ershell.3,iiii)urc�ie,,adapteato, gancea
ing. a 'Kil r' D
of gg Man don't know-� the name of"it,-but the, 3'30tiis is -the food of lbv evoured and,desimy,i], DK9gheda in'Kil
.ug a t. we t -,a
a eat -ha the.nuisamoe: � a QLShakpq'E G:&D&B flat.L"' wi h w I ecake4hich should ha The best rd/'F.yf.( ca fr..
or 'L 6 , as and h ve lasted.1,6v . .1 /4* --- , -1 1 .
that:when-a hen has,contracted the, bab ublic euteA&in' innipeg at.75.
correct. 4 p ment on one
of egg-estingthle'A ortiewt "way:, is time eaten and done with'- before half 406.
b ceomion,' conversation turning on this, 6i'b. and ustea;d of eating put inA dondi. thojourner.had been gone through. , We bushel, f d' posea, as-it-neaxly-, Quick--- Cow
hii,lady-Baid that,'the..piecii- the Grebe 13-- e t-gur -calfb' �too,% greedily-,-` -tOOIDC0D-
fthe erag� rice Is not Bladder-aud UrivaryL DiseJases:. al� Druggist& But a good tra; W *ae'Lln thqL hey"of 'D. p -p
valuable ven up without an' effo Biderately. we bill down over'60 3..,abusbel. - But for all. this flour is
gi , 1. order'. to tait the 'currdetness of the a '56.L
it,. often- acquired Pore Hyacinthe..,is 'Bajd.,Lby,:an minent--
reform her b. hab i2d cry, land,wonder ho.R tit'loaB Come about �3 a bag, or �7 a barrel.
Statement a gi -wont io,the conduc-' tha;t� �e haveiiotging left p6p on With. IF
ligence L of the OW but &L W �psak the VDrest Franc of Any
t the condluBion- 6f-tfie-piece &Dd're- .'*a. had husbanded. our resources they writerAu -h
rkB a 11.r 3 x1l
agg re we ad wit the to ly that tbey had played' -An aboriginal Man liFing-
AmIrabl Y, turn It The' 'IDdian summer DR'
tde.pired flat P d �Wodld L have laked - was, our excese by placingit out"of' a y In'si ich1eft as man I y broken- it in D The I latiug on -her- arithmetician. --
us poor so,abou" ]011#08smid W ard 0 now IDUM-,
of the . hen..t6 �do' 'd the inariiage o ber.fp W." a
throtigh the'neg 'at,,
a..r 9 th
oil inquiry .,revel9d, the r
ted peop�lefind'but When. 061fite. lf-� is osin" 0 Sail:v01, Sig & page In
wheat Expei fuet.tbaf the tbrWhiob the 6iollestra berg as 'Victoria of, Hesse, One o t e H
we are wise, W6 will il6a,ke f
concert tuned, ge the Ohio Experiment Station- bas issued, 'tho �Qdaen'a
t 'h -.I tone elow: 11.3 Our life, omd say, a I we b tb rauddmughcers, will be dail'd
t . -Eler-ability inAhs:'Al�ect6ii-i Dow and w e - A all ke"ep'. fd'r, the f, �abouD the:15tifiotApril, who is read A, s, Demise,
-gi�in"g 70fame in erestiaq whe' P1 0 y 5 an hat w
t( dtily a,'natural gift and' "lot an equiredL nwant it sil V it
3sta. It appears that Finloy;.whaat- wal, wia never
o biiy,.,a t�rua,,
the first t6.ripe2!�L;'',iu-06180gtiv�"th ticcomnlishment.-Nor!tiie4 Bullq cheaperI. Verb,
Th uroedmrtie&Jn the cc who Will driveLaWay,b my6rable enebiieg; a'
Benr U lftanito6tk.� c
-El an 'one gre&tel3l Weig u
hUp e i [n �Amairicu's,:. Gw, th9t itcber'at e'diseased kid
o urke Mr. James H; Proctor; of Varden, hasin a, his liquid is now To c. it r 0 head, of iie 6'
meapured bit6hial., The -Straw' was �'nbt t
�h'� o is -to, draw thetur -:his, possession the- awd p apar6din,114mid-am 'M 0.- dryJorlp-
The- - rst,-t ivg'to d
large,.giving lesB ,ht pet t -W6 b6ttoiri-
Eyptian. 'The Egyptit�u gave thgpeootd� key. The -pleGtaant�est way td`draw� a turkey white bear which was,4illki, a f a, raye rs. a 6. urs BEFO;.M I
------ t a Ito r I
laroBt-yie mus1he -bdd-qjdtidA:df ew, As ago. 'erl to.ok� oot- n, 'the on -3 01' Piiyst-Tlri�).-
--graM�-au tl� rod doe d, -the- it136 tWardCOvJsring.a p �ao o er. 4LY1 YOUNd-O.R Q�J)
hetivieAt stiaw. . Treadwell, York. Whiie u u'd atiafftid with -nicely in . ownebil5 i41�'rahge 28weat. ' A riumbe' they' h' 66"
r ."which i aboutten feet high. TOWEN 01
Cha'd and Ride �anked third in yield of seasoned "bread crumbs'.., The amount -of of black aLd-brown bouts havebeen seen�fii Atime the biuds �tbe Child'B:L
atLViCinity of I buMr. ad-sa- ate oi I, Nmtv�: Fol(cIt A14
We aii'd, 'th f"rocitor is at'� Hub rt Herkomisi is going to try to' build bead moma �th%t going ki ST VITALIT',
f , g needed dependA etitirely'�bu, the slzie omir a %me on 'Wh
Ivet thVefLy-,'omall 6iiss wi'bh'bi8 own -bands, assisted %Ie9R,WA8TINGVIIlAKN3t88Ha ' all
t for�,Ltj3,i3�:P-tee'�,�L-bf-�L�'bf't�-� O.a dath-damp from the'
t -vi�lthont -1511tinut ciAusili Speedy relief and c000pietexo8t,
Arge, be. eic66di ugly ar. a S%ygL: have always ugder,. y row of the, yiD4
n -Ve.
and be�' fa"thily, very* I �b
Amber � took, fifth.- rank'. L Experiments!, b L- d tai
bread C aDd' b the Nineteeoth :cctury,
sading� brought S.6out co . a- liberal With � the if there stood that' black brown ears iebaiii- bricklayer.' The interior, of the house menial help. ll, tbekefore;� th-t a
thick and thin si ndest discovery of
Nexget tho.. Same color througLdut the e6ti wheie�&�'-boiw fiveB'ioremarkable for the 1.ddress
Ifthere may, not be anough to go arou Its year. have &� righ to' ask,'U� Of their fellow -
h habd-carving of itfi.Ae6oratibnsi all' axe-', inortali...
*aa-tsuy' differe Some I strong twine, and tie up the logo and On' the other banilj' ifit bo -a polar bear,
nee in -1 a earliueis, of
to account for,ita p�eaishca ii� by)iis 14ther unit h Me how are We -Di
thick Seed. *i1ig40-tthe animal in!'Very inuc the A&
ot 'of the Phi
Spiritual' Inedium.- " Put it in, the pan WAh actiountai paiil maritimo."ill its habits', Japandoe, Empire, wlio'otime fi rfjt ''to. this -tud -of�
-But little AWtirtince W&A apparent Way as' commit sea of investi�ation�tie np. -these parts 1, �Thd polar beir hso according'. ' Googi]GIL Miy6houto' ' 1%, subif., iladelphia, 'ear! life'
in thd'.qu.%l0iy -'of -6he- grain until 'ij L Wag ojected's plah,for the, y
from tbe two ot bontideDt at Ceiatenniali pr nt He 1: CU]RE F I TS
a I nd' differa her Species ot'' 0 a the antird Nb* i's all'beem U10mg
Weighed, when it' was made' evident'thgt I bible , water., not enodgh"to float the tuk- "4' --- to It.q jt�
key, but only enough'. to 6icely'batliti it.; , esirs mentioned -in %fiat'it is strictly A flasib. sli IO'n i WaR, ma6riied on Wednesday to 'lie
hin seeding produced the'laigast kernels. his to Oothrougl word of it n EL it Me and t Irri bave them ve to rn awti ii; ( ni call a radt�
the prol Have a hot C fish%teatitig animia. ii-vould be inter. U38 Aa� 54onts, Of Sarat6ga. , She is lavening lectures. cal cure. 'I have i dimlso of EPILEPSY
It was' observed that ' '- 'portion of )van.", This is absolutely ee- series of Wednesday lvva,rant y
wheat winter -killed as uniformlylowin sentiai e:ven.if-y 'estinig were d fjolir naturalist readers heor,,this niceet and-,preitie fift to eur:mther7ollt 6xkay "borr bl%t- -H meo to [in Y'Doll- re e--t.o - - - -0-w-STIP-t At They have' averagt0 the case 'f thi d more in the Case of buckpt 'of 'coal frond thaiiewtibuibr next to account for the wbiten animal- S'AtA a- ff. ebg*of b a
f An i -i ]printe. wOt,
Pdt-_th6 tU k mice for ry troati,io 0 aIt IS 11 olar,bua;r remoIly. Give Express dna lo4t 061eo., It- eosta.Yox
thick seeding.. door.-, r py, id, an, every now in queatiop, and i is, ily that ban'.. three cbildreIi'-an d, Vol, I
Ulu so (if 35,4 pageapatih. dnodeo;mo
�'hd tban have it well baitod,:, td, not Send to ones theory at''Ing it's b,lag orily.-tbree b6dro'crus in-Ae".- areful' drese y At no:perwd=,&I3L. I apd,
been, Sin k BaIrlex. experiment so so Dd houso*never ak
the husband §furgntr&
cauBoBithe,deatli of "Lay of their to *tivbe and milauto 0016 pari6ol a week in your own tAlwn.
JA-MnB 3�earman, jun., writes from 'York was friisid once and hb,turkiiY' asmoito, the Mr Us a bunch of.the b Proctor sonde v Aretia� 11 ar e t go ffi*inty� outfit Preei 9, HAT'W�T"
Ke do n .,
n reference to blackbarle� table' -house animal's f,ur, which,JA jp-rfeot!y whHe.7 m' when in the _to, the Sache,74 i looking quite. like"i boarding bkdroc a-
!ihi-L.-tte 7 Tr WE
--qlil eje tfie, fellow got the -d n r 1 n the wJDter- and: either Jr-eezo ; t'O anda.. ;And I know"fro owu, ex- DO 5 ELI; iuilo�
pared to vouch f�r itsproductiV611`8813, it needl h., he time. 71 death oi"iiontr ct, a cold which proves fatal ' arieticij of help received fr 9 Mam'
a and tbiread ig.not.kno'tv T it
heV'13gLyielded this yda� 39 'bushel' to the amiP
turk ah�uld remain in tin oven depends M. DaLeaBepa boasts tbat� his 8 iu�R; fow Months. b Diversity I I at t e never 1883,fowls are Soon o'ooked�, Scotch ;'that`in-'�36ot1Knd tbere�ake LeasepH A certain old Bdrderer,-ou b'eiD-g Country VEGETABLE BALSAX 0
acre, of 60 lba.. per busbal., It iequires laiid� up.n,,,,� a are oithe u
th.. GLL,,tiffle� When the cre
prepared About the game as for other bar�, 1783 take -longer. anifLea6ela, but�w t!rance,�oiie of big .. owil I n4th 40f'bw securely of''
ley, and, I beliava'.v�ouldhavejielded more' _me,ilted by ai. d iviue on the stre trust hert-468bin
DaMe besides big DD MeroW4 -memo*, rq or son y
oj� noloom-
than, this only the lan was 'I horticultural, haul' Draggipg 9,�� big am and 'thkt , tfib , pikthedral n - waiid.,bt Jhew'ory. It only rbttiins'w-h&'i: Puskin. -
a', B6 riot. � it f ily plied j'� � No, Lhave: h and bar 16nor t6 t
lodged badly.', t: AS to its jeedLing qatili 668,,1 lotiquet across: tbe�s' burgb� was-conatrubted by an I hftg�Uy,&
tage. f4i cy- -and'pk6b&bly, air, if'you girl'k
likie tested it,,aud �hi,ci.k nothing can Bur. , 1, t i'mothAr told
A tor6ni o elegrs, m" says,:' L63sepa,'kWho W'
lisaB it,' being, elia I I . if not superior to 86u6d7 A, case of as .�one of �bis 4u- Were to! preach to me'foir 'two,, hoDrg, -I out ofthe gjile� She would'4 stood'ilie tes� for Cn
nter�st'W* aquatic 6irolaB was concluiled-In awe 'when ou nialied, to
as, an a an d its�lf'
pq -andmn6h more profib%W than'the' uld nov, be able, a in 'a �hciiir�, the, you d has prove tIv- best'
)he County Courlio,piorni6g., . During S5iif s6bers and makdo.',th mind raimember )ed"youliad h
biggy.ouewgrown of late years, by So many ihe Season ifib 'To to -Rowing Citib bor-' ge' Ow a W( sign Saing:" U`p in the gqtter�-Ifi% the
d�' known or nial ' And� in Borrow we love and trutt The clergymen of Indiandpolis have no ahia thod�,bt 1,
'we 't,oDt tba�t g.%t6 I
f8rmers--.Wfioiba.v-a not boon' able. to get ow� d alour-oaed shell from Aleck Elliotit,,t a r ri tods ! In to tenderly said the dead for d that funeral ser� n afything to fill the, place. - I have a quian- a Is 0
tily Whiob'l wl BPOSOL and.while'it was being'r6turned in char
I di of -to parties who ge become desirerio-us-':Acid,jast agthe Biurl,' ji�rfoimed on secular days in' rmothor ..d S Whodptng Ccugh
of Elliott and the captain of the'olub it. shin� out in ifie night, so there are. blessed l]iriv&te'dwell1Dgs,'&ndno1. inthe houses of! zil Lung Diseasesin.
de,ire to compete for the priza that I learn. wao r L uni"i Min, by a stieam'er abd SW&134ed, -faces th, t out , grib f ;'t L bobgb Attie,. mammA.
F. W. Fearman, of AeLmilton,will offbinext It us in. 'ilp ;'
omb fiat the friend,s'�hall takeL'16ave, - whiroper. 11 Yes, you di or old. SOLD EV MZYWJ I Ile PIE.
for 6 Elliofifi Sued the club toy street'
yelr 0 wo, Thw6lub their, fea�turos were f ding. fr'. m, onix6eui
boat hog fatt nod ri it I" - . . A, , . 0 of �tho & - ad"in''Orivate the rernins-!-o'u
it"wag not- responsible, as the, Shell look 25r. 6nd $1, 0 tt�ar :Ott
the Steck Warta. L d a of Elli6 I bt, and the ow6re.oi tbf, L16"t "be exhibited to the publicI andL /like � Pig'."' was in., 6 Flood, the daughter of- , that ,with"GiLview to reducing the burden dcI'out de d I ate.11 Yea C)OWNSI, �X I
One of the befitch6ap devices for keeping the'steg'ter' wereL re8pongible. The jury C ulif ' 0 L rnia of - 64 a, the Services sh
t . 11 all be on:oD& day LIM g)ib�-ta whip'YOU
arm in winter is to put up a frame, this morning.. &w4rd'd I'diott 0190 ittud often repeatod story . thttv a"" Wort
stock w a she is engaged to .,.,d,thb burial privately, performed on ehe de date; I tliIfft over !a cover it with 'poles fzdln� the Woods and boBtSo', day frea� 8,MyJa()NV &jtj Po tlilnti a
marry an Engliah peer.
whip Me, 5is timV, [1, 9,
the- ea8e -t
16 t
P 10 :of SWI
P h
t 70