HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-12-28, Page 2f
bov had drugge
M�lley boy
o"od, Vueourdous and, Biii�`dly
]December :9;yp ie true, Jennie was c nail stuse Isulam Enallm
a Impoo
iated in Choking bar. 49A of Is -Bet 7
........... 20th.
btende,d meeting ' SUB-, a blaynoy on Nov. ed.
A largely W viar �411
Broolisi At. P., has been- ap- rid doapiitob says: on Satur. a ore peiiMao,_ 4he
A last (Monday �a f k v -'j 64 , Wardle 'W"
theMsubottanC, rale Maurice
under the &UsPic0s Ot nted Lord-Lieuietiant'Of3he Couhty� ot armer
eorgd Cbisba at
1EUGOAPOW SUMMARY' 'of tbe",Fenlan Brotherboo& at or pol says 1161 was found in an r
deepatch Ix imcon 6 ith in
t a Dublin. at
last evening to take action in re:ar villagoi we f Xi, ion in a, water,' colescon bi
oloeet back of E
61bonnell. After 9 nu At the Drogheda municipoid election On 0 igam or
execution * of r feated f resideneei a.'&hort 'distance: be
echeR, resolutioDfl, IL v kng alive. Tile case was% peaufia;li on&
of 'flaintuatory Spa re No :26th the Parnelfitee were de over two h -- ---- I "Uts, vbich�occ rre north Grand Trunk statiM. About It was Stated by the &at woman that as fier
ch a
a ,are. 10., O'C Mr. Samoa 4r
,or.. J�
,or.. xx
,or.. xx
,or.. xx
,or.. xx
ar.!ch xx a rrb
ar.!ch xx
ri man @r the along the whole line.* xx
±�oxn All adol' ed.calhug d4, I �'days Bt husband had sold, her for a 4iiartof
�r_- te,�4t News pt durlig the Past fevi ro. 1�n kriaay night
It there.
wor of 61113811 and Capt. Win. Randall, who'for many years day, night Isa�c�Fowley,.a Wealth , Citizen, .-S, it Char, was, drivirg -tome beer she thoughts
Id to &van
WDV1d. he was atliberty to mrorry
-the membis at was killed by engiu( -6n G. T., i.bn t�,n d SO A short a
t --e rs of the brotherhood distance abovis the
Over, office of harbormqstei; His axlk
pledging filled the a4l
n. 0 0 Re, o, Man lying -On the
jud it be gtL
_00wn Limerick, died oxx3Nov. 22nd.. I , . lltiu.,
body 1% U"60_yo`r� 9' Saw Lordship-, That Is not, w
to rexx7ewed energy in striki0g, in th b u
'who :sets i�t It baa_baa, ds6 3topped'. and fo
a share of the �Jvipd, the eneity of Ireland, i6d','in Cork to- run a the track this afternoon,'Lixud people were roa a E atea before the Magistrate.
Columbia wauts kl- and asgigted'b�jm to rise He than that he was idle and : would xx
naught the laws of humanity an OIVI Iza- )test railway to B01inascatty to meet' diBoussing the melancholy 'affair when the Mr. Va in
a vai:L' Rdssa and Profeseor at '44 ding Pr6fuselY. Xr-�Van- -When t�him he took the a I
ti6n.,, b'Douo ch, which is to be; news�cam6 that the:stage, running between found bi Be
6oi,6 Ketchum prizes are being di* MC ' the Wast Crook bran
Tile J zzaroff were among the speakers. X-ingston and N%paneehad been'demolished '� ickle,61d him he could got home lill tight, he
r, and he said -if i's 'uld -it
Ole. embended to Clodakilty. he we hi'
tributed Saturday'
in Toronto,,acho killed. -The and Mr. Sith morla- the child be would Lot iiotxbie�,
S�� Vii_66Lt de Paul Societf is -relieving B . xG IFILuR -11 N UAT PC'
1�iglit Rev. Win. Fi'tzgerald, Prot0stant by.the train and two persons
on NOV.L report proved too true. The stage had:lleft ing Mi. Vausickle. was found, !'I Mr. fuTther.' As added tha, Ul
21th,at 'L t a 'we
Bishop of Killlbe, died
)nto. KiDgStOU wit4-seven passengers aqd had closeiUncobscidus, w1th hia� for � quar; of beer�
the Iribb mmigrants in Ton worthot Propei oyed after Aomas"Water L
$460,000 rly ve�sll te1ji(jif6ird, a b� a L " Pris
;oil of robbing Her riet, Illness, -frozen, �nd a
Tbe'ikd Pov�ell,'coxxvidl xaaclied th crossing , I near Cataraqui feet, arikieB, hands.-aud noRe' oner-Pl0aae Y 6 r
Deauville some ti'm Isevelial.-Flr, P a is 69th,y6mr.
when efgine 37 came alon:
16 mails at �Du a from-4he vveat ,very namy cut on his forehead. kwatiDg Sol,
peal tr JJSJ��JnJjCc' a wake at Cork, - the L floor f,
"isiitonced toAvik. the Pro- cane and a bottle of'whi9key . were OID d
yearsin with a beav;y train. The stage as Caught, s WLIZ�Xrpl
�e County Court, A last (Monday) night'S 'and mourners and%orpse were, 'by Of bhe� al 'h k yes,�. in
vincial R-fotmat6r �.at , t gaye *ayr t find '6ightfully wrecked.' beside hind'on'the floor oBet. s.0
y despatch so�ys:, The most 'disastrous eon- ,the hind par W1
ifi'm badly damaged -mass r mingled I at the"
Rat Armitage,,aged'75� a, 0
Ottawa, yeAdiday. widow,'residing , goouas discovered be. was removed to aret Br Will
-------- L- '1'6 L r 'a diiffd
Napo a D'Laianie, e JaBb Dig Portage bottom . of a,'WP tli6mawre�ldonoe a 11ils'Loid, -Call Mixigarei
-flagration !bat has yet ViSiLtbd w tho cel air..
11 be near: Odessa, -was Bitting in theback seat.. na Dr.,Winskill sud.
occurred ther, h vout"'IfiElf'-pa h monlid, who reports Vansic
bad two of his fingers'crushad Whilst L . I . I L i T b ord-LioutensuiFh-as—ecimmuted-t d' ed witli-a,-tportipn-oLth�e-tvr-eA�- ___ kle'S ' skul, .,,�Margaret 1�rown thereup6d at
man, , I I I 1 11 Welock, a fire broke otit'inthisi general ' hpa'Sgied o Private -dantei tb boX--'U]aL(I,.*ItB�--efoEia-.,-e-"Ib.iij
d morning at Belle. genten6d of deat WilBOD, some 'forty-one y%rds* arid hurled . to. thiO, �Blightly ed remains In
care on Sun ay store of Zither Cc'. 'The fiameB were an'uncuitscious condifto e
-'villej �Both�,ofthe injured-digits,had.to.be '!of tho West Kent.Rcigiment, for the murder ground in the ditch. The hub of, the , a a e was probbiq
n 'is is. ordabip. She sai J' h
the .-, - I I : ....
fought hercicaily, but the walf second. inarriage;. She knew the
of Hope, to penal Servitude for, 'wheel fell :)n her all d+he waalla�d When. ery.L
amptatec south very I
-be mo�tt
t t tt�r, the E,4ogii6r' and,Wardle, was'a Ive, ;iBbe
mtered Thom� -Mrs. Joa _1 a
On Skorday burglar qui�hly blew 'them into 'the picked up. eph.G4rrie', aged 3�; Of n� 0 b 13 'E R.t -Lb
I L*aB carried eightelin-yards,aiii]: -,oNy,, e, come OL a in thie ondi� qus�jr
absuoked adjoining 'building, and although every b fie had old her for a, -f of be
ple they -o
by the peo fory.
13 Oor6 at liaii6i�amith and ri exertion -was-inedel Oonorhl trowti, Colonel of the let Bat Westbrook
up as far as the ditch. She was UUCOII-1
and goods. hat BdB-,died-on Not. 27tb-.- -dropped n'left his home near roalli - u belk�`od 1 0 be,
a of thEi�street go 6 aiX Milos 't iM-Lryea
'�Bcious but alive. - She died at 6�30 o'clock.' Fonlgeia's,6661 house, , i,
derable Loney g P. i* ryp
ir plunder.tho th' in ea 'to obt, Second street,'a '*as Glenvale,, ba eon, His Lorclehip.-And you 'thou tit right
After compieting the' leves Aist go. The'-foll6wibg7are He Served tbrough the Punjab campaign, en ry Wartmani of d, And -Oorth'of the city,,yestbrday about n
and present at Chilli4awallah. and Mrs. H
Ain horse from Stewart's noirig ba,the she should marr She wished me
' li city. y again
s&Uth end: 6f'tbe west side of'kai
------ - -the buildings burned,.-pomme Gqojerat. bar- arm brq4en�_and' otherwise Sari I oupl�, �and as w4s'bis w tit, walhe& into
lo L u L, & the dbg frightened t am o n'street:, injured. M#9. urcell', Odess
'The plU.L I deters burStL 1.Horse Artillery, wbile h a'. and the J-P,the '� 6enio'g he attended -this concert to: give her away, anA I,did'so. (L9ughtei.)',
into T� B.Crook, hadwick & McLellan, hardware ; registry, Major -Carr, Roya aug to .. Gb Fisk Jubilee Singers in,'Wick. -His t6rdsh'p Y U balped he to'COM
t,ng With welve.yeai.old d r'.of , Mrs given by the on a r
AVIDg house, extrap Mg V, buggy, robe and offloo dodupi6d.L by James Weidman, imme-. bun the Ward UDion hounds, on, t IM086 in culoual d ere �`)J , ffe Hall and appeared aomew�at� uneas he cars!' you do
were 5 ira y- save t ey'w I L. , not do it
harness. Lst'idlifit(Stmilay) they returned 'fruit' the 24th ult., near Dublin, was' thrown Y,
diatel overhead:; James Gre6n, not oven hurt., Fred. again or you wil"
Warner, Wilton,,And 131 nd out two or three times dur- I'get yourself 'into trouble.
0' Btorli Store; Nichol-. from. his s f-ra-5Tu-r-ed, Pas ng 10 a
Audcapbutsdxivalu�ble horse.. They als Baker& Co., general- horse. His Skill Wa, per H4L was in cc L in 11 pany Alibe,Roseby was next -,called� and said . . .. .........
bug r. fterwards- Douglas Stoims,,Odeash, medicaletudeDie; 'ipghe formation.
gy� fromMr. E-l"gPo6ne
idi 8, were �pifcfi 'with no one when leavirg ilia -hall, but went She Sa War
lea ad die drink :one gl*63 of the
Boxx� tailor; McKinnon Brbg., g6neral store; find be died Soon a going,.ho Jortbe holiday
Near Rodney a s6rions collision between Myera & Lillie, Woodbine Hotel.; K6bold r: Law dua , . I h �aight ioo,�aids the Grand
db Nov 17th theL Poo Dal �idbxxtly str
t �ou h the fron� 61 the stage'widdows,bui L
tohers' a 013i6l guarantee Lordqbip�Who wa.Et: the:-barpin.-
wo, freight traino on ilie'danada Southern Brothers M6Dougal 7 1, 5hOeB; _6f,'Kilrush endorsed bar came Out Unsca thed. The dive'rLofthe
_6f, 4_ e-itil -- : - -S
1 way.occurred 'on Sainidavyi-that pui- -Thompson & 'Nln�er - butcher 230_000f6k�bhd_compl' ade'*:
on an erabl� w'minutes. e, has a
stag Ir heit. 'was ousid Y�iirt. leaving tbere in. a le ith With George Chia al.
genic in'g McCarthyls' way, and the The accident'is unaccotintablo'; though�i that vou.
verized �ev'enteeu care and badlY injured build' of the Kilrush and Kilkee Rail �t i . s' farm -6f H5'acreB and 'a large family, his, His Lordship -I am Dot sure
, itncs!3' -of .8econd-L reclamation of Pouloasherr B' N� if, l�� i
two of ifie trainmen. An ey'd, I of new build on the porner y sy. Said th"r:iver 1 Bt do tibl of the animala� is still "liviiig, and tWO ebildren'sire aie not, gUiltY.of, bigamy, or of 'being an -
I& ��ys the freight care Were nd J. K. Brydon's law office ifi� the o 11 at accessory befox.o. the f �Y
'a W tre. Numerous accidents have occurred at this six home but of a. family of, seyen. 'The act. 014must nOb,
iiO gl�litxtexai and up promis'. 'building, �up-stairs. The njil]LIFAX L t u's side gince.frona the
jR!t4 Z E. -crossing. There,,willbe an in�ues case has a,. MyBterip o this sort of thing:.
endines were doubled, t W osill foo.t uV to 5100,000 or more. 'I I li I tiwobld S. 6OP16 have,
-place he fe seem to be xndielly� no �right to selitheir
wiveg for a quart of
twisted, wrenched and- battered.''beyon'll The goods, furniture, and fixings in, the One'MBn Burned' to, Death -IV JC for a man: ' to i6odIV6 gu6b� 6, beer or anything else. (Laughier.),
�HW. 1. �T�
recoguipop, The logo to the company is- different shops which were lot out have I ff Fand_(Y' xid ae ha'has re Is 'the second: nusband, cape o -7- ceived up6n"b 9� fore. G orge Chisuat, -value f , t xx terribly dama a sub- al�paxsqtly just oni of - hia kee6B, jh' heavy, wbile.,4he, h0 � fr6lght' has The flame
0, 1, night's�Halifa .S., Brandon Attorney, Stole 515,90 sa
"Mat4ed xJS �alao 00 Ut 3 A last (Sunday)
naiderable.' The -sided aVo clock this morihDg.. This ad Disaorued t Le, Whole Sum �ef�rring to t a sa eathL o f Win next wi
exteusive Conflagration that despMell Says: . About hali-past 4L this h d Van. ine8s�c�lled,
responeibihiby �for the. accident,is not yet is the fourth -His ' Lordobjp--�-Eovv did you come -to
mornluglirli was,discovered in the'Queen A b6tiver'(CA) do If' Sickle; (it Jerieyville, in.Brantford, the
fixed hi%B occurred in this town within ae patch Says A red, T le 'marry this WdMi%L? WitnisiS, (IUL� the eit i4agiilLtht eor of Prince and- Hollis muropean. months. _Th"ap. made by fire last, building, corne bigby 11owli * rd, g6libitor,of Brandon, Man.,� e gram, sayii:�, HOC did P, wlijit ?,
hi6r saw him Con�ot. out
Atioets, 'by the janitor,- who lodged in the who wix bash Induced to JDg home his daUg,
an,night extends nearly two hundred yards, arrested here' has SenorSaj'aBta has been�elected President, - — - to*,-- U . W,606 which:*M hter.) Qusniopaiited-A bi�iwtl
beiiSg the'poi -thi' 1 Uppeir portion ofthe building. The Smoke a rreni r
of the Spanish I Chamber of Do Puties. rtidn of the', n Mat ch y ler 1�15,000 to Pinke. ton's deteo!� ' n and searehe (Laughter.)
anilcompactly. built pon, and 000-upleby d by His, Lordship You 4re not fool enough.
h not got doW barged from custody. an
-The-Briliah-'Government announces t at iUld n stairs, and at.'ence had ditable'one he was'disc b9lastabld Hall hbou'�Uc to in Copper$
9u , Le Control in Bas Ib6 fpiducioil -business estambliBbments. cc Cape for;,,bimself and famil , his Howard we s, an attorney good _Lgto�uding. was all he had in his _, poesessioin. -'I�r. Jae.! 'to euppoiB6, YOU VaW b1iy another xniW a
Utolabd _Pr6bahly_3A_pg9ple will -be rendered,. to seek as y wifo Oi.� (L4Ughber.)
of hi d '68' raither a ii;:bubchior, his ot&i you-. giv�
-&e-A-tliat a co-lic 8 iu�l s regarde
PliaID06 watli'the pr4yer.of a large'majority 1688. It is raraiilmd wifli-, and-twwohitaren, two niecaa 4andon, and wa wife"and �three.-
famit y A window' of his Apart., model Dean, .. xe,� who 'ot 4.Lon ),�porg6ba found Vansicklio, ying, on the road His Lurdship-How much' di t_
wite; an 1 13
in his f,
of the tiktiues. t b- of-600,or 700 is visited with Buch a -ca Y, d himself. Vatquh&r & for her ? Sixpence, �(6rtiot laughter.
the roof H � His Lordsbip-You are as
The: 'British Governin II as -notified andAhisis Surely one in which an appeal 'Pell, Overlboked any -account resort to swinding iamed him'upou his sot e Seemed per. - _gxulty7ae. She a building adjoining, about: twelve financial transactionB.,: 'The history aixacdeseory b,folze the"facit to
Fig pt thay.Greai'Briiain is unable; to inier. -for sasistanc* to our Sister '6wna and r.rst'. is': You are
ALin both Ontari61ifidIffanitoba can ot bblo. Ttiking- 6,.' feather bed, he- of'his present trouble is as' foilowB.: �,��He 66ily They offered to, assist
forelu; the Soudun, but w y ned'the proffered aid, h el� ill tr to Induce h' h he ded II ve com-
jximped dn'the roof, tis -wife then dropping Wag a member of the legal firin.�,of �� 901q; Committing m'YOU h
the Porte -to despatch air expedition thither wit,fi juatice be made. The Buffer'ers here 0 a ted b amy' YoUrBelf. 'Every."bodybas
n o'him, she and 6ne,of hot, Kirchoffdr.aad1aowara, olicii,rk foith �,r6ffiarkino�',that 116 Could manage all right. ig
by,way of Su�kim. have. nothing,to fall back uponj,,-no 're- chRiire 't the. Pluln jj��Ie_ Said, that ited bigamy in this oasis. � (LaugUter.),
nieCeSLfcjloWiDg.. The other niece, named Snowden Colony in Creek diB- he called into,a, hotel over
Tb&' r of M. Axidrieuk,, the French 46urceB whatever further than the a; aboiit,W�0.. HewaB h000m- Go down.
Jhay were each depending Upon... W-ith-the Martha Boutilier, could, not get to ihe� tfict.%,,Tbeyr were, also solicitors for:,,the T. � I L, Am baissudorto Madrid,wili probably be de. and went . to the I ro6f I Woods & KdI16,of Mill6rook, OAt./ liani , ad by,,aoung,map, whom h The witne left the: box with aMerity,
I J� , d L. J . _ b treated,
d I Was Imr ofirie they� ha;v6 lost every thl6g. The origin win ow to 61368,Pe, firm Of L :but aediately recal
waxd�td� by the Spanish Governm6ntin 6fL 'twelve- feet'L sed- a big tiaci of an an in, turM.,was tk6at�d by a c,
of the'fire is attributed to the ex about, higher,, and;, jumped �w.ho.' had �uroba in ompaniou. ed 'him L bOWL '10
railway d . . 'ship,. who ask a
.-oonsequeues-of his haviDginBultea roof L Of that he' Stay all ng thatoolony. T Miftbrboh'Arm.remiit6d-., 11VOLd with.the Prisoner.'!
ard. the - other' house he
aP io: the � h in k
�er a 8 OP which wili r&ed, saying be' bad trav-
w,here.'sbe eceived, xnjurieB by draft about: 015,006 fOr the pure Bibns,t1ehargmatiL, L 'hey were allconm 'land. Howard-took'Lchar�b f. his';q fien,:-iiad guessed becould �oxx for'three years.
was good humpplill IKE FOR ILIBEIELTY. I)i6bably prove fatal. L
M D ut-to-Ulre her,
bbed'by the �rowd when he 1 . . ... 0 OLYOUWa
oft, Now," widlout'vory, deposited it., iw- bilit veyed6 comfortable quartereL and to L b* or back ag�in He drove -away� DespeirriteAttemptoi 'Five" Prisoners to BeriouB injaiieB with the above exception. Braudon bra bipeiial -Bat ��"fortunate
gate yesterday mo�ning.
er6ey. Witnei
kle-1 'o - i�Awl keep her,,I you loike-
He,,receivod.�'a marked cheque' for: -t fa.' Mr. A.
b Post _U '0 8130 pe",
in'.%' Govern,men al. va, , t J'a i� scape..�_'_ Another lodger in. the building at the north th
Oboliividou A Pittsburg despato says :"Five prison- West corner of the:upper-flatwas sin6tbisred* amount,�, and a L day or two a ter Brkith �!'Aburday, in rnlEig
His Lordship -Tc
Th'CI --Aie -on you do, notaut
r ow. ek made. a, desperate attertipt to escape,pii in.biBbed,.itia Buppooe&. Hiatiamewas app0arelf., in . Winnipeg. There morning at 5 o'clock. 'She is Warille'a�wife.
n- Prince Of- Germany reached her if:
Lie-, 'yeaterday , afte L rn6on, , and was to- Saturday afternoon w bile ',bein g-144LOU , 6�, Edwaiid R.' UConnor,' L an&� be, had been chased , a ' draft for �6,000. On' 'the U4ongoibus,when foul 3d,1e never'rallied. S
f 1� Mr Being, -Hia. LoidShIp"'.
used I -t_f a I WIS
al W 12"' Second Bank of MIUDeapolie.irom the. rornA ed6n'aitosestaibei.�A irst he showed ait.�'miidheiitbuoia6iiibyibbpeo�le. peniteatiairy. Thepart�, W'ho- werdland- I Clark for . S Coihen Tobin it) G6'Q of We,
si;be,wt Quirinal., Arrange_ I eSf, Mpie, ta & in of' Deputiea,: Brockan 'surance office. for eighteen WaOntario Bank,, and anothg� for the sa "Co b
ay . 1, was thits' Wait-'blie,
a bag 50WD� �botL a a Oi, �I tinfortunate v
56 years old, and a, re8pbotable man. aMOUot from -the Union'L9111k. H 19 1 -cortaG that- his, dkfhra$uW�d from 'the
b n com, I pleted'for his-vibit.0 to:@ aI4 Bc'rliu,�,,yere. PaBS Ing seemed. to havNt w-.th a -b&A hubban4
hLIS always CrOW� His remaiDs we theL wound 'on,�'tha forebeaff, in in the,first place and ail ignoran Man iz
'Sixth: sir6et,whie led , when relound'in the, 9A 97 draft on 'tbe.lSenprld t
ii�,oher rianie& Patte t L be BADR of , Me I ntrea ieut. Ge --bis.bead. 'He. of St.'Paul from With
Al St. Peteraburg, ldeS�aidb says L rison kicked rman aft6rueon , minus ha been- the Ja I.: The bed'
11. L I _Y�FRB 4hesecond. H
,very de f,, The loss some 14 000 �'and drew by chequeL: "ib Move L ,
d higIate home,6u,vMondW., It,
iEa'rbbr telegral;ha fro !in Irkutsk to. ay.: in the stomaoll"'abd with another started will noot be' less than, at is -Lordship,, w9til not think ib,'ii
itystrecit. B �a is, conclusive' that t 6 deddseed 'did not d
Arrived frinin Jakidtok in Eineteen. days; tip Li -be A third pria6bei -thr"' Or ly one or two of tbe'ten�nt' iiciuf3ai�ou'ntg,.ii-b'out'�400. He triea�t�. h -case in whiqh she.�gliilo bci-puniehed=�t,
. ....... .. . .. . Lls.L fall. '-There
Military, honors were paid '-to the bodies, Of red pepper in Berlin's ej�bs. German an Saving a small portion of tbeir:effects.. got the draftsmade. payable to exxrer;� but, -receive... , e -wound when la&ati�not je�er , el Y.
iB&li was -sand or -g "'in jhCL' L W
De Long and hi, L A- ' ompanione oi did not succeed. ' He took cars, ilia�t Als ravel foun
-after :PaXt: Hi hip ., irected�,tbat Wardle,
"to BhoW 9. Lords
a our depar B'ockttn started a an hle.,
bon] t nothing wroq. tuke� hrcm� Jakutsk,!"�The bodies were to-. companion and cornered them\ w an, ks'should stisped 'T ying neit"Ahe B u a So going d W 0
an s: � a done without..
NEAR. JLJL' this end he c t a, Wound 'was I shouidbacalled,;
, Ce ' I L ve 6ra-by,the'e4y autfiorid Patterson dre A revolve butJWAS :over-,, iotuo�ined about. the half per h �uixdeb6fbre his h ame
d -b es.axid the ate 0 -exchange, d coadeliji-af . In qontactlVith t fact that nGeograpfiical, Society of East�iSiberia�.` The powered, iNie'unwhile- 6CKi�own Ith A Itande. cent. r an, �Suc he earth. 'The 'His Lordshi�
f t 16111-ifg for*ard` (addiesBing the pri6onar)
dogetting It ' i ' B -ab' s , 61' u - t - al - y- , nece , sear ' y ' th , EL ' t P"B�
on � 'a L catafalqu theAka be at 96 thir 'pereen age.
-bodies, now ying 6 blinded by the pepper,, pluckily hold on to
h-aro, Bpato says:
tvvo,piiaonerB, one of whom kept the Crowd large t a Ii h he id"'.of 10 Square. a wij, save on is bisxit prooeodii3gzmas. o telegraph tobis" 'ix�jUjiag: bra . gt one t
-view Of the city for two- in, or er i
pupighmeilt up6n:you d that,
Az partner. -in- Brandon baV�r be had: been i b6en,in a. db!2edlor boodition E Is May � . -hat man% have c,
back by &urishing -a or. The. fifth, 8chboner was. in ./, " " , 'L L peop Din
hours Wddy,�driftipghalples.gly. Several derstand It
he prisonprJ encame to the��L a issistarice oU "When be ijaft��'the � Hing�s
detained in Winni0e He thdadecanoged." Was hot drunk . I .
more right to sell. their ives than they
frOm t tug6 were vse�t in search sDd failed to find g.
OUD a Rail 4eilin,and with Bove d.. gfi, t waBvery coldi axid.� within -sell other
hletroUlitun , Undergr 3ral others the. party i � % IVC a. to
ro bar, is believed he has gone down li" hour he is, found wounded, blood- o h
11111111d1111ITt .......... to Mr. 'Lowell in reply to hiB'�state- wake secured., The revolver- er peoplWs horses or COWS, anyth
d. t
W iT, h all on b eveeBe is suppose YJ g.L h a
razor seem to have be.oh Blipped t6the "Ing an �'d b"' T pro lik*my Story, of kind� - Y ak
wenit that �there Was, no, 'evidence to. show to be the s=nle'r. N,drtb,'bape. lumber :�'L " L - . .-. , !�� L, -L . on bannotL M hat a legal
complicity of -any AmeriC%u'iU the r ... ot man during their� trial sedreted in a paqkage, I ight ILengthy Interview, ope., 6,_ en;_frbm Muskegon, with a crew of a transaction. of you seem to
. .......... &�
6COL ad
u I it er- bUtoba. (qj L , ' Ignorant__
d ground explosion.. The. authorities Men. me cablegram A JUO V'GIR JE XPER E. 6f that, that is n6cessar'
the y �Wo
of railway Say they were advised. erick,Willi&L-d went a rmpg,,,LP, 77— should givd You Some h or
�kquu]6 Niagara. PUDIS ent Ixx�i
lb:'.the German A r':Faar.OuCet
osst-au Car, necessary, that it Should!, be. 10 U 0
tbroughIthe Hoffie.Offic6 from inforruatio a Blinnarcklm Egg Diviislon. the Vatican wii mbaggadC you may understand it.. It
from Now,,Y-oik 'the' explosion, :bad' Writing to -the Baltimre Sun,' Irom . How, tordi�ide five, -eggs', between three di
:il 6peS;kJ6-.-t 6 -name of,tfie:EM.7-1� :slle'6t_sonOfLtheRevi mus d'
.been a;nd:,Wey. adduce�.otber� .'Sy ixay� N. S.".j a traveller P� , .1 t be Imprisoned an
ly,, rAnce W kept to hard her.,"'
anyt ung'.4n).Ametica, ,that fair, f: allff D.t t eLL 6k; of this-vil agei''Arrived.. hOMeL On w
o,people is 9�: problem 'which� ni�ghi,,) a
al F b ..a phi osbpher Ut.", a to efulapy in 9;PyLeqMmunin lou.L Ditow--pon1p4te, Wit 'PUZZ16, practical p y, Utah& oi"thd Pope,. he
Further Dative a '-the
if botlitiidaij�aiid grahileDi'LL genius oUPriuce. x8marek has Solved that_, Pkin ed �vv 'y Vope. wIt �&xi_
_01 ee6 d 1, b, 'fev6r North!,
as. received
At -first -the -water- gaps -a dista d g eon: in: e for., three
lbetwee Mahili, andj' dha 6'. -cordWi Tlhe,b d
pi�oie'd too much forprofoU6d.ihinhefa.Tb gra"7,typ old- -in4boi
t, as thouga falling ofiii,Ihe -back to, the aff�ctiBd and It d "I .... k 'JLI'
13. . L 1- - as vi exppame sadafac-' a4as ihAe oxhpio�. of- the North Can 00 Zan, y. p g or he inaiT
k Pasfi�,a hands were but off and., . a - d that, as ]16 made the great iiOn at beng �kble to manifes . t'lxio�'resp6at,
was I afterward oat of a great &rmchair.*dut'outOt the face on y won er is dousiraotion,�Comp%n,y to have a big brick hou Be ad'. aijoder man
a on �to� Pie6es� 000 cf�- 'of the mountain- by goinegisuat of nature
be discovery. as mapy a$ tbirte6u'years ago., it�
's Men were'-ta ex�, prisoners. or El 0 it ew II r taken Mck, but.on x ime�
he* -'long 'bout la ti
The: vdte:� tervi at
Hicks Pae, k 0 ig' H lin�ess rough.bo'd Bhant�, but
j, L b - ' -
Falling, in Spray; It gailidiS itself f r should only now.�:h��q � beexx_gi�en, to 0A bet�i7 e6u. the Poj)� and the Prince, laated;'an' b,sickness d�e de shanty, k'
�Tw4 Europeans arkd`twel've'kJ'yptiaDS, Who World inL the-pa�gbwbf the Deidsche, vue -It me�_ eiqg�80'.:Muo in sit on de fencea;nl:
another run and the �Becoxld me
an,�_. 6.00 'gorge it was on t 'a �eveDing.: o
were trying toreach KW4 r, u. ii-leaving,the Ya toum�,via Drfbu f, Phe, _"0h=r_da1xwk_dab1a_a
falling over 800 feet4ato the � great =13-t at R
hayenotydi.arrived. Th oiyfiaivei prio'babl can appeared 0 be deeply Moved., and. hL U up, with "It dban' look 'zalitly.riglat to 'See. due
y below. Thefallie.so�far�and he'foliage a'day,when the -Prince to aid top t,
ol,ice. H6Bpi
Otte, aftei The German, Crown Prince yesterday- I L Car be _to the railway- man go pus in , an', swellin' an' crowdill
loot -their way., It is. believed that the go den -se hat Ia bi'g eai received the grand dianitariea of, Italy,:thb - t,
he, to 1360 like everybody also; had',bad ot to si
Europeans are,,,;tdm;und' 61),onovau, and. 141wag hubgty-hunvrier,We May COD h tiavels at, the rate. of everybody else off de dewallt to let de pub�.
apany, w ib
the scoIxd� gaheriDg place of'tbeclnuU' of a Ch,
FrahkVizete ly�', spray,gli6tertug in the, sunlight 1,500. feet than anybody; had, howl , ver, the good President S aud DeliueieB,and, *'about, ten nhlep a. day-, and was fastened lie know d.at he am a. king,bee, but E4u
the., mcbody. He. fAquently,
An �aiaburgh.. despatch. Says -the. namew. bddw. The valley boloW the f do f6ftune to secure five eggs for 20 frahcB-jaiia ...... on i�ahirid' the irain, �Four meh'haVeL,to carry de, anxieiy of.. b6in' ifi
6_de.tailoi-�anl d6dgm-,!. de,g racior
ef.theLn expibsslid'bivasaif awbeing dbepl y'imy.reseed' Out , C , i . fL a L car d -debt, OtL
ien:brouglit fro reat� oimphithg4tre e, enerosity to skare them. With`t*O' of" h
in Glapigow for trial Out tit 9 by ilibe6rdiMiq of'biB weloome.' 'A'State7 h ill fever. �As Soon Is;,, M,.'� subEcribin 25 to build a aburch::
foregeei �'havlug. typ 0.1. bin, able to pay 10
anquQti�was�gi in & Prince�g honor.
.'on.th6 charge of participatioti.in dynamite s compamoriR. rig th
d hemmed in on ls�ery tide but hi on e car, be soutrag�T�are :McDaimotb, C'Alok . I . 'd_ I IL asable'tol"vs th, without a hope of b
the pefpQn ICU ar woll 8, The Prince leaireli in 'Ded back t 6n�de dollar.,
6he., -MbO Matical difficUlt"y which would ixrxse� lixst� evening.
of Ito " b r6tu, to Calgary7,1._s qpping at the
ban 3b; -Donall�, in h t 1, d' he- of this-, Princels, M Ljoi a d - 6 myoun-.�ain. No, human i6oi�hkg' ever' been if e were to a tempt an equa ivision Thursday-.,,: friends,idar. am heap's an'
:took the precaution o ea two L 0 resi euce,. o f
,*�Co.be,Duhn*andCieoy. Itls,all�gedjhe known to trellbil-thia as h6: dahnot' be t t f -the five, inieivie itb�tlie Pope is ixiUdh,reiU6r,kedA� At, Upiq Ife"' "' Ithings'dat dean' 166h,"zactly righ
prisoner. 8 'be . tY reached from belc hi. aBb6d"j off b,S er for a of. 1. ��IIPR 0
tire main rs of �� secret addle )W,� by reason of a second IMS01flit; aDd-tben I - I., � '6 us at fust giance,- but' when ya come to,
a Mo?iiteur de Rome Says -the Prince!s . ...... . precipipe ever -show of ' dida �56iili4e
deg,and'with a great, om'Th
the objE:3t�,of Which Wto o4ibrtbrow. the which: the same stream falls, viSit is the outo�ino� of Pri66� Bismarok"s' ggei it up an' 'divide an'.Bubtrapt suthoiiii.y.Of,tbQ,0tIeexx ini Ireland and eon 76uld,"be it D'UUirDity,'f:nade.afiiir diBtribution
and to go.down from" above V 'of: the project for fedCi&ting!_the..L0 all got a-b6ap'to,be, thankful fur4 an
'gntary otiservative JlCIO 1S, :to an -
strain regard, perilou4 undertakine' �xpftisifiing tbr6e, keeping to himself all 'the _11116,;Jb6wo6k4"�. ONSIff . aw
acting with FL' knowledge of the two thai-he h' forbesagainat 'the 4udaoi6 dourage. us to gi up six;ly in do in ather-
ad So eon- 'theLplabe of- honor in legsail, 14 a
V -of. dA ' ha arkhain
jib first
6W` jtAuborir, world
stone and Dish6h they"congpiried t6blow'u f enjeatly got rid t a, yback lik
publie bi an I �v p ungest Buft][ne"s chn has been asaigned'to the Papacy sit an' kick an!
-�hate �verybo'
iaonerg ONTAIO d.' d be liptod'An' risturn'dr...,
fildifige-st Glasg �lie
'oil A pr Who --HaMilten ---:T. JL. Carroll &,Cc,,.
plead - not gui�'ty. aamspate sayo A laborer he k
orlLln&4 3ewellere, assigned -in It Sell Caseot llnsnult�- n ruist. High. crumbs o4 eon ola6hun.
in pick up s6rtin
iekxx a
I named, Rob mh Wkin. an"
96te��Goonel & Sllth6land,. general, b i,: about,-AQ�47y_qg
store ap%," she:said as' the o1cf,ma Ban _f t knoWiti, � at d axx6th6raubk - k PPkQk_qa_nd_PtAc =
waii, with rawh and. A liDOOL $able,
.1 , 'r . . .;� , . � I t -6 7b concession, of Markham, take
trust! : Toronto�Jamei."Jonn. after a hard da h a ad in into sn'oasy ch ir k heap, o' com or
at all i'ap maker, trust- at his roffice" ",I noti'ded' in tba�svenilnig'. 'A' New' Dodge. to Cet 'Jald of A the �� head 'on
d, in Wbody is wuafj off:-dah him'661f -Lob U., ae
Weyn, nierchautLtailorjr paper thatL Eleal5kin sacqUeB are advaricin nig t a out - o'ckpok. in, -dumu - -to tr 0 b
oo ville` C I The lisi-ot iieveh��-Invixxci ea, c arg� :Monday wlt� Connection WitliA, nitir''dr er,conspiracy 9 co, aS IRne In age.,
tru An pr as. The'biiiill appears' to
oomtrLic, ary Kofford called -on'' r 'i�ud would-Indi-
y �qte.ly Rose,
16unty Msy6 Was be4'un, I 'iNIT tb a* to,, cb,, Sept. 25 .
ifini eg-Gill Atkinson, S� my �bar;,.o 7 � Mi 1675
neiral Sta-ted'that- sei tied in truet; And -you know you promised o buy me dowu,Ahrough. thECbraiiI, Sma�-1 have bderi, ta�.Wg Fl6p, jB
and Do committed. at�QL" , " L .:
he,' proininent dontiBt of Leadville'; ade�: ha&been ' or.
1would prove the' �.Land I LeSgue,.,had i :EAst-J, F oneltb3e inflaxoxnat on'of'kidnoys anu bladder.1t ha's6d
sU6cfIb-6d-& fund1or the- to ibe-atiortliog request , that hot
aill for In what four doctors failed to do. The effect
murder'ofoert Diou-, er' 8 asBigne -in,, trust. I know I- did," be I Will �iHxB Wife, however, Stat6othat her husbikad.
on, which'could Dot be distepted,biv,
L In t o��V
_Andre.W. Coleman', the principal' ThreeL River esiletai dry goods, ke�o But' with this increased With POiEl e6ing, and, -Bitters Boomed like! xffigib tome.
word. 7�c home intoxicated Of�Eop
th W. L. 'CAR
witneOp I Or,1 'a ptOSeoUtIoii;--,te6tifilsd to th in�E` alto took�',
a ftS8jgDed'iw.trust.,,, dstreetls, rbktion
6XIS 6 d then abot,"bimse wLi
I=y,' and'offered �300 coi �lace between
t Doe of a bra 6* Fenian L price the Scarcity money I expect it' a . if 'th
y, admitvitig:: that she wiBbe -, to.
tro�therhobditx'county,xay'o. He Said he, GeneralBTonag6rVixUrHC will cramp me somewhat." ohildr6 living, -strike wetwe
iL rne succeeded in I of,her husbu.nd ne'Roff.6rdi,that'. PiBtor.', The two at home, a Owing to 0 ro at New
I was thinking," fii� daughter then said, B 11 .� ,-, r .�, 1, .. .
11 ormation'to the. Police, its La" g orea 116 b' eSterday. a ornoon or,,.:
had been YAivibg securi6j�threa railway enginelbra in M�ggaa y 4,pout 14 and a' BIB edford, Mass., y
14 110 one is She clasped a pair of soft wh rms of be�r nd�B brother, w o,wao onam ter,youngar, oth cc ft
whilli Biating L,tbe , APOUS out� L 1 11 Stfttisonejat� L
t a Clitioetts. to supplant, the strikers on the. ab his neck, if it- would'not be bottei�,tp and berself'fiiigbt,,together 0 1 nj6y,%U;� higher wages the A6queanet cotton mill has
nourance 'of K50Cj'Wbi61j'be]r,btxgband bar7 ifinite period.
aoo�mpq 0 hoprigon6re'to mur- -C. P. R.j but.tviro of them deserted at Mon. wait until next winter. Old cloak will down lot arl'indE
A Vien Us, despatch Says
913 treal, and the'third we b, thro�gh.Torontol do�very well, �Dd perhap's se�lWwffftc t6 at 6ffio four', persons,
the gentlem'- ried.: After makixig an' ooppointmelot-io lie and,
V escaped bcoa se'h -16 n&- eluding an 'anarchist wpirkman, bave,been
on route for Manitobiialone. �IxMoxxdayo eVoral, in,
..... .. vill be cheaper then urranged with the. Police" Land a "Tu U Jun -i 91' arested in connectiob.v v ith t a
'The old! man 3 ofille recently- lippointed 'Q,'C.,g groaned in a guiB of Spirit Fri ay n�g In murder of
U f4rmer,drCyepev9ral1ri6ndB the COMMir h
d,ra*B a carry com b I over his red bag- �w t d�'E�iid. start4d' homewards; but
'iereSted ins ianc6 nien to. be, present bon� Ali, *art'young gary of'Policel,at Floridsdorff,
arid� murmured to himself, OrB
Ontri, :,night iii-ordpil-16 giv 1ears are big be
1 61 16 raye appear..
oal,branchea;df the Irish Kati' coaled at The �_wbo, wasi'shot "on 8atuiday It "T,
gL, , . r -4b,t 'a,
Leii �ttt Chicago have formed& MUniCip I auoe.�L B Dot fivilitIg this satiefact In the )3�66W h Woman expose, , an 0 '-bo he Wag �olieb. recently - Seized mbeir o an
Were Im rqe F. 0 h t
a youn h Pe:;heldt a
billapublirshedbyHeft�Most war' h
0ouncil.. behas bireh a� bulldog, t chew it— to tend erly taken to, ari inlean asy um, w ere jitie neraP. a you gas
Toroft a ro 'all '5b r, 6i; from 'action,
'Ti 6fh two do-
Frelirgbuys y d Eire people to' ab.gtv iit is believed that with' proper ' -'a d Tdp'U* b u I I d a
Secret an ester aymorUL' phila Died r666mmonding single sets of violence. espe.
brother is 'O,'ry'saip ofAk �Mwnde -,�lxw in(
told that he did not sea Corresponent at Rome't mav� ultimately recovprber reason. L
having any', ion Cially against, 0
d iben an ta with aiew t
d L- . I I
a correspondent A It- e now a 3legrapbs the eb2hia Call. th 'r'polleet . q�
rl . L � .., oyeetUku, 't e,- ne Sprang t
,.bor6 waii'axl�thirig further could 'be done' 10110wiPg: efinitely settled nn: C�l h ', Carriage.
the N creating orrorism.
labope L has r allo
to'. thbi.,gonit Bad his heay.yi, � "r rr . I'
1ti up beyond, oonbeib� pitob�-The Two daughtefe of',M a top an The American eague pted the,
t1sh oVerLiment bad i6hot squarely the b pl6r�y will meet at B " -m--Strubg g�,
'dr��b' -6'D6bneli Case.` The 1`60ilal Council Of the Am6rico d grasped
in re d' on Reei
tr Man
requdet"6f the U:uftedStateBG6ve t inNov'emberufter, the Presidential OZ. Ost.that.io�-hung�t()&'oloiheg'li Is. rbnto, bad a narrow es6iipe from dio*niog ng ,,fly game in. its no; 13 this tioatedr" a B ep ',Or
'catch frornp� bound ball, foal or ot orwtsoi,
and'ans�Oorerd its questions. Theirb w&ano� �-tion. Archbishop Gibbon -A mutual admir�tionocie y6sterifay. They were skt1Dg'O1i thO'Doix,. T
teSV on the part c r-cer. Howelprei 'r a ead
9 *111 probably A hand. . t*
pj and this _the-PiLt6h6rg-141L�liberty..,..,6,�-.
viel4ide, though it: is not: "Own & tabor and, a congioiatI6 of,women --- avetl rn failure tberaf6i�;.,& door Short abeiho ot er a deliVer.the ball as they, like, theilob' 1 1
when onig of thein bi&ko :'thr6ugh �tbe ice. fl izing the overthrow'.. The Am .. a . ri . cE l;nAsso.
a BritiAli . Gi5veihmant.' M. do v6ied:--that hO!il-" Sbet manage to e6p .. . ........
06seps haSdiSO6 Vdiolr,; as a 4gh 'the butt of the leathe 'y FgJ
The I r deacon t. The acootinti. :f6' 'by holdi'�g�, th' 'ibeii but 13. W, hIp-was rought down-6b,,tho head oUtbe the; Other,.. hand
4.w "York 'jolice ire looking fo' isr6 admitted to a dfy'�06da O('S�O) Ch prohibits the
at idoris'tha'� a eboropjf scolifid6L anti his fell:as it dead. A spring
John'WiA6h the io6b of a Brooklyn audoon. perbinaci4. It tak6a -001, . ..... . vorthro*, said, has simenidea the.ruleg So'
store'in Hoti9pringB on'rthe
;,kiep6r;'4ho race' reteuce that They wantiold' mater quicklybo'b6nallig efiuMbed,with asntl Coinnecti. P1 ial for a generations of.-ligbib wines lind horse fld6h We or, a carriage,, Ani ib�aii 0 f th
y, resided in I rdL L ' I t bitforebment a
T* I' Tb�ir Cries rfor ssoistau6ii 0 y. ag t0% Secure , a stric A �Oxixxg giA whom Wilton betroiyed, aroull , he,o ark was instaintly forced ta to undo ilie-woik of. Whisk , are b, 'kabW forwar. , narrow y escaping, pmesing
BY, and haggio.
Waeti :-givibs" the
Asites', a lonalty for,, a a Otold,- t)a0:p0l1e r produce the kev'to the oae,�nd it]ilp robbers Chiea#o'Neiva.
ovai�the: body of�tbe�.#rbstrate man, ir f
that hobad tbtoo6tefied'L if she made i, flijg, soonaft� voikipgin,i& 669iiiii shop near at� Wsmoi�n abase ore'very' overtbrow-baW
'At, Ottawa; - promptly, w nu to t air . ..... i nee
with �f'000. d6f3oolich 1 ti) him a6er the L pitcher bas 0
in L n lcher �xxio 'her' had - triiated - 01, ndr' t4
afya Tbo, plum,ber looks: on complacently genieral ddlineso trade, and we a 'In Q08eded at'tbe' .,ri f to T1 asks ibaen warnedi - It'lias. atoo made, be often Ltol(I he how Wb -1 th #,.an here are, a Dow. rule"'r
18, Opit 1% a P'
r Is 0 Corn dealer, marks u -own life it, i Afie -which' * "t the Xioilloy boys ir fro or 0. who it 6
p his , prices and 19.borbrBL are feairing a reduction 'Of' hio:
V MxUlb Oni jushiml'iL 1, Atcher'n striking, the,] -batsman wi
o. murder ba(mUBO it is going, torbe *'hard *inte g )ompanios,on theKingsion iirreiited m �takilk, -you, ill' the
Jennie:Ceamer, sixil received, $1,006 from, the iceman increases his pri L Ce b eanei embroko RLiilway. are about, it Ia "81"id" the o co,li won the reply., " I L'Wi$h to ball; by giving, thelaitdr, See every time
winter will b6 mild it b iftly I thrown
for doin� it L; tb DID a the vicilprib�i I ball 'rho
atf lip drove the waegon. The pl be pr to onforce a rbiluotion. The Am wages went i serve in t' is oase,theri,�' S&H the
i i .. erican A general reduction of w e, 16 1 y a BW
M the
ibwhiobJ�nniewMdiiiand6wpithth'eba"h are as flxbd as'the laws of th "i ,d comfiany in that ffect at Trenton iron works tho�tJtL is thdLbffi66,fi eks At36erlct�n.6odeab�Wmitsofthe�fottlbound,,.
ADA, that ebb section has, reduced � their a
Was Unodn"ciduo that 'the employees, WkeeLfrom $.1;60 to $,,Per day yooterday. hot the man the offloo
Fla D in
gerx al r
13 E