The New Era, 1883-12-21, Page 10C LT•N•`rO N NEW .ERA FRIDAY. DEC: 21,"'1983. [,r7CAL NOTICES, OHIO!. AN DR/E33 kLOWEI3$ - A splendid essortweitt. • T Ii. COMEE, drugirist. SAGS- AND Ilium Nu T' ANTEp--The highest price paid,for any quantity of logs and bead ing, blessas; Ri+tcsavoan, Stapleton. RWCOISIE EARLY toiavoid the rush to ttte map Jewels sroum. A large stock of useful Christmas presents to besold ohedp. A. A. W'I' ETT. nextto I1arland Bros. store. G PALLISER do CO'S is the best place to buy Candy forXm{Is°`°sto'soper cent cheaper iaixTunn gives givat satisfaction, Till', CLINTON.; NEW ERA wISIIES ALL ITS. READEits A aiER1 0 O.ZIST]jAS. gewn 60Pifg. Tutsis the shortest day in tite year: THE High School closes for the Xmas holidays, on Friday. • THE brick for the new Presbyterian, church, is being delivered in town. ME C MlitsoN slipped down`th other any other time oftho geafi P vLLts>Jie's SPEci&L A number ,of contractorsare in town examiningthe plans of the new 1 r sby terian church, and tenders will, notTbe opened for a couple of slays. W. Doherty tit Co. are anakingethe first shipment of a car of organs by the G. T. R. to London, England.$. They havegood` prospects of sending there about forty organs a month. This speaks well of the Clinton organs. THE SIo> .—Mr. Geo. Young is ]aid up with fever, but is "recovering. Mrs.W.H. Gibbs is prostrated by severe illness. Mr. Will Jackson was confined to the house for several days'by a bilious attack, but is around again as usual. --"Mrs. Dempsey' is slowly recovering. Mrs. Gosman, of Btyth is also in deelining health. Me'SoNte.-Last Friday the following; officers were elected -for ClintonLodge No 84, A. F. &. A. M:- W. M. ' James Young; S. W. W. J. Paisley, J. W. A. O. Pattison, Treas. T. Cooper, Secy. T. 1.. Fortune, .Tyler J. Rider, A SItETi a'of-the Model Schobl Board 44 and injured his back; be is ccoveT,1"-~vas-held-on. do fdaLhwhden`Miss Holmes ,lugs . I's -WILL take about' 420 bunches of shingles to cover the roof of the curling rink: NOMINATIOS for the position of school trustee takes place at' the townhall next. Wednesday. ME. T. SWARTs got'' his' hand badly, jammed while working at the skating rink, on Wednesday. DIE executors of the estate of the late, 3. Hodgen: have decided to ,c.ntinue'-the business here. A-sA.E of real estate takes place; on Saturday next, and alsor. asale . of buffalo robesr harness; Etc: lilt.:WESLEY BAER' nearly lost the end of his finger while running'a saw in the organ' factory. JAs. GALLAGHER, of this place, has sold a couple of b`r.i F tares owned by him in Lucknow. THE regular meeting of theon"11Ie- dical Association will be held in Clinton, on the 8th of January. MB,. 13. B. PROIIDFOOT, surveyor, civil engineer, architect, &c., bas opened an of - lice in the Perrin block. ° — 4:r_WEDNEsnAN Dir.laisley_,=tax col -- lector, gathered in $400, the most he has yet received in one day. THE butchers make their Christmas dis- play of'meats on Saturday next.; It will be,something worth seeing. AIR, JOHN L4xnsnorios.rou . of Tuck- erstuith sold a sheep to Mr. 1A.'Coueh, this week, ,that weighed 240 lbs. was re-engage . or • e ivslon s e now; teaches in, at the same salary as before, she having passed succesfully the late ex- amination. The account of,C.''Dickson, $4.75 was paid. Air; Gregory" 'wase heard' in the interest of the Campbell readers, last the board took 'no action in this re - THE sleighing, although very thin, •has been of much service to-businessssand:ens ()mous quantities of wood and rain haye been marketed: this week. When there -is any business going, Clinton' gets 'a fair share of it, and the fact that all this week the streets have• been black with people and conveyances, is positive proof'; that the farmers know where they can•sell their produce to .the best -advantage and buy their household requisites 'ou 'the, most favorable terms, JusT IN TitirE.—Messrs, C. and G. Do- herty, of this "town, hearing 'on Tuesday that a Toronto agent was at a certain place in BlytliTfling to .sell an isrgan;: loaded up an organ of Style 73, . 2 sttietic, and got to the same house on Wednesday just. as the BIyth party was about to sign a note .for the Toronto, ergan, but "the boys persuaded him to a, trial of theirs ; it was. brought in, and the two tested side by side, -and-in one hour's time he decided in favor of and bought a Doherty Organ;, ,.Merit will tell. - 1 'srEcier,meet•ing of the' High School • Board of trustees was held ,on Saturday evening to consider the application ot-Mr. H. S.'McLean, of Lneknow, for tbe:posi• tion. vacated by Mr,' W. R. Lough. ; Mr. McLean asked for $.700 a• year, ,ancl the • :;' •'Jts.3 CALLANDEIt's-;scholars; in the secretary was instructed to engage him .if :b ode~ School presented her with a couple he would accept the same salary. as' Mr, ofhandkerebiePandcollar boles, "Lough had been receiving, vii $650, to Mit J: P. Fisgrit,-of t'olbo tie, is ue which 1t r DleLean consented He has gotating for a hotel business in -.town; but .the same qualifications ass his, predeces`sor, and is said to -'be a'very successful tesehe�r.. 1.•as,not•yet completed arrangements. s. Mx. Jos. WEEATLEv has -bought out Tal; Seaforth Expositor ; pa7s the :e?s-' the Kinburn hotel. and :takes possession lowing compliment to tire hew school -in the 1st 'Dlay next: $1,600 is the price.: spector for north_Iinron ._" AIr D M, a1=:_ JOHN K N EDY, a young man work- loch, of Clinton, has been appointed Mr. ing on the baseline; cut his foot with an Dewar's successor. Ho is an experienced' axe a few days since, inflicting; •a ,very'. and.: able teacher and we do-, not knots of were �tiound. anyone who could have been selected;bet- siIILr"'Good Tern—Tars" ~lave 'Previed` t, ter qualified and adapted in every. respect: P P to carry on the work which: has been so .good_.progranime fo>• their .entertainment'tvela•eomnienced and`.: so__ably .prosecuted' on the 28th, and expect to have a full; by his predecessor. \I'e shall be much • ~house mistaken if Mr I11allo,cb does:not perform. TuLentrance-ekamination to the High the iniportant.dutiei of his new' position • School, Clinton, is -being "held to- with credit to himself, benefit' to tli"e'dis day,',in,. the Model School illi. Turn Britt Ind to the satisfaction of the people bbli Presiding. 1i (,Turr.-One"-of the hest lectures ?M-EesEs A, Conch • and J. H. Combe ever given in,;this toiro, wag .delivered `liave"lately"'added"neiO'signs 10 their pre the;^Methgdist chureh, ,,se,. \Vednesday• ; raises, that of the: former; being unique' in; evening,„by ll shop Carman, ol.Bel)eville.: sits construction. r` " His subject "spas "Trade and' • get �T a; Roman "C'atholic -'fair'" in James and he shoived,athai•.ough familiarity wig li town] ,Da'kota, last week,• Mr.•'Fleteher, the principles 'oi political economy,doubt- Turner, formerly' of Clinton, won a niam- less'cotrvincing some of his heaters -who;; anoth cake, which realized,$60. Heid; adverse. views, 'tirat''the, trade .rets ` TRE' closing examinations of the pjsblic tions of all countries. should `be "ot the 'school were to'be'held on Friday, 'e in• most liberal 'Ind, unrestricted' na.ture, .and ing at nine o'clock, a. m sill' - titeregsted msustaining his position.by:. irrefutable an - are -respectfully invited to attend: guent The chair was occupied by Rei 'IRE :fine weather on:Friday"list under Dir. Birks, ,of Holmesvihle. ` We would. ~vent a sadden change when yl thereto""-' suggest that the lecture be repeated soiree net`er dropped to 2' above zero' at nights time tainments... • are -riot so :mtigy-..,other:- and F�upday night it' went G° below. entertainments ME; E. 1E:EFERhas soraecurrantwrne' PERSON'At..— Mrs. Charlesworth, of 'in splendid order1.niade twenty years agog Grand Forks,,Dak.,.(mother of Mr. -W. L and for' which lie` hiwsel f piclred,tlie cur- • Charlesworth)' is hereon. a visit, ; Dirs.H. pants. it Won't ,do to sample ittoo often. Foster~will eat her' Christmas dinner stt, T'icl County: Iibard•of F`aaminers ,mot the home ofbet parents in_•Diindzis.lge and Airs. A:.'II Manning upend Christmas with -the former's parents at Almonte. Mr. Geo. 'Rumball; has been in bed several' weeks, and is not yet:able :to'be up:-`'-` I1i"r.` Forrester, of Mitchell, - was 6n a visit; to hie son the other day' although n„ man well up in years, he never> had a:' day's sickness in his life. -Dr. Worthington will take his C:hristmasidinnor with his son at, Maple Park; Ili. , We had a call this week from .our old friend air Jos. -Irwin, former- ly .assistatit ormer-ly,assistant agent here, and now station' agent at Cayuga Miss Jessie Bedford, or; :IJullett,"left.by (-1•.'T. R. on Wednesday last, for San Francisco, Pals Where she in- tends visiting friends .;Mr. and Mrs. C. Simonds,ofGodericli-township,.also' left the sarn•e•dayfor New Orleans, where:they: will,epend the winter: for the benefit ,of Mrs. Siinsiinds' lie Ghas,,.Cl•ra and W. 1adleyleft orrTuesdk, for New York' where theytake the State' Line,of istcain ships for Glaisgoty: . in the publie.school here, on Saturday last, an finished the papers of the Medel- 'xtes All the students were successful in THREE of the Irish immigrants who had Leen having a jamborce'in their quarters en -"Huron` street, spent -a night in the lock- -ap-last-wee~., tncl_-tere dismissed in the MIL W. PAISLEY, yes.terday,.received" telegram t� the effect, that 'his father, isho iii now in lies 93rd,ye ir,' Ivas on-. the point of death, and he,: therefore;, has gone to see him at Wroxeter." AT Tins meeting of the County Photo- graphers' Assoeiationlastweek,it was -de aided to form a; Prorincial Association,` and a meeting for that pnrpose .will be. heldsi"u Toronto' early in January. . v'Ot 141 hsn named Govier,'.of Ifni - lett, eanie•;irito'town on, Wednesday to have his -hand dressed, by it doetor. He- - "levo vt i-voisoned` in some" unaecount.. • able manner, and it swelled considerably., ON TUESDAY a fine Clydesdale stallion arrived here from :the old country,, for a xesident of Wawanosli It is an -unusual` • 'season of the year to bring horses ,across the Atlantic, but the man, in charge of it. Said he had a good trip. JY,L F tsuEx, of Colbornc7. While' zn . town on Wednesday, stated that, al-. ' though he Wits one of the largest farmers in that township, he. would not this year have dingle bushel of wheat to s;ell., Mr. Ma, • • lewood, of Ilul:lett, stated that are wi°tTf • M have a• single bushel of any kind of gram , and would be compelted to,. Mitt?Seed'next -spring. -lens tV11 SON, ;Mary Strect,,had a nae, rorty escapo from poisoning, a few days since ss she was siiflering from a colli h she bad been taking i, medicine' fut:3L, aud b mistake got hold of .%t bnitle 'of ' ani manin'ainTi took- ,spoocful before. she Scah'ed the error, Ari -thisliquid is tt •.rank poison, anedie l essis'fmice • was ciil: ed in, and antidotes promptly adririnistcr- 'ed and She wai soon tiut,o.t• n;tageF'. iIHRISTMAS MEAT. Mr. R Fitnimons will Allow the follow; Ing Christmas meat :-1 Leifer fed by J. Brownlee, Tuckersmith, weight 1200; lbs; heifer fed by Jos, Churchili,`Goderich t'p, 1250 lbs ; heifer • fed by John, Thompson, Goderich t' i, 1160 lbs ;' heifer fed by W. Jarvis, • G oderich t'p, 1280• lis ; 3 Iambs; feilrliy N.J.Adams, Hullett, 1:dressed 106 lbs; one 100, and one 86 ; hog fed by Jas.. Scott ; two by C. Spooner ; two by Robt. Fitzsimons; one by C. C. Osborne, and 200 turkeys, geese: nod ducks: ' Mr. A. (:ouch will,show a coWood "aud 1iei- fee fed by ; iiansford ; heifer by Cleorgc Bill,;B tse line'; two lierfeis by A. funis,, Stanley;corv.lyy J C;yinish;• heifer by R. • Marten, 'London toad ; tiro pigs and•five lambs 1ny A.• h leil,llister S. sheep by John;! �. `•r� 1 � iIi iOur� i. b Lai] j 1, uc ci iii t s yI. :Kelly ; 11Mry Oresstn ill's-tu keys, sine being.. 28 bs ;'20 tit rkey,scools, by, P. aind"l?,.1\le l+;ivaaii •' I5 geese by T;,Carbctt.; 1i ` 11, 'I ew51e" is i"ll make at good dis- play, but- we Could not, rooure`a 'list' of• y.r L. his itrt'iolea in time for `publi-rat nn, . OF ON serol rresc NECIEWE AIR, packed one 3.23. a boa:. BRACES, one, pair :in a. bo$. Magnificent collection. of SILK HanclkercFi See one. great 350. ,line, or three ,for S1. 1C:ADIES FINE`:h�`T.STS,. XEN S Ii'UL >€A.)?S. GITt.t,'S 1-01[1-11, iLIl--kJ1k �i5 --Hatter.". _:slid Fort—ger,Clinto>Q;: ERRY CHRIS' ALL, IS 'THE; WISH" OF DRY "GOODS E1IPORIUMYI, CLINTON. Largest 1IA'S Tay. Cheapest : and, Best' Stock ice, the County. of Huron. PI1c TO oeket. an a'rnil ambles. SCCSS:-Cier 2000 new '.ones -in this fall. Chrisi zA •..', cke# .;Books, Purses � . cap d �Iaclies . Skclels• . imported s l ii tN10 newHavana, Velvet -Frames. . Ladies . Cornpa t ins. en stock ot. , ies .. nfl" a o aceos, P masL ie,s4ents of all kinds @l i . ,DI S l:.t T vee' Zit ;l edtic tion "Ices • zn Overcoat �xIJ CTI I�1 +1 vx-biTetrio oy T WILL STC) —A N S �� `? WE .JU E BOU' iI'3 TO GL.EA <, OTlrl' i;1T Rit1VER, COAT THAT' WE HAVE "INT:STO't)I,.AND W'E THIN WE CAN, p0 IT BY:: MAKING' EEPING D CJCTION • SO Ike' Y J`1T -, TOT FAIL TO. SEE ()TTR STOC,I .. .N ee our "Great•ec iai - Overcoat p e'+ b. :... ` E �, � �•fit, _�... M i, d' iJ a LH TON 9