HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-12-21, Page 861 111ift FIC164Y ITHOCITES, DUPLICITED. JOY TUANBD TO ORIEF. what strange -reflection that the plaintiff Dee mi ber 21 11883 Could scarcely have been 4warded 'l -been ab�. sit,14asamet. I Rile' Awe" Toward a JLIttle Girl umi,evea It her past history ha& 13 ir on the 9ptbr Some Mewtirkm What, to 4iw and what Aqi go 00.� 'legram pays Dissatiefac- (a t with the Boys. Very R' ar- _76reagh of pi,.ro, ootutely'1ree1rO&,.fit4i6.` lartain who W/ uldn't 9i eFa. 't that 846 Was an Of�in ibie ggyptima, at If you have goo C,&TUOJLJKC U]IE?J. A Cleveland, O.j telegram says., ToUY as to sell, advertiB I I 11 I I � � xiase SuitWon Y1 in 0- LiymAlet'is ateacher in a,country school world, and that t eP, as the ''SOUdan; "OWII)I,. to the, piesenc6 of. the- Hire san with a, kettle and: veil U fence -urged, like wax black Nubian troops wl, AipPOIntment 1 Oi aPaU ROPrONeuta" in.gtari/cofinty, five mile4south of Canton. theiD r4j for the"do a brush to pain to, Cnn�tdu and,the inl.ber hands. The verdict of the jury Must o Are really its yestbrda�phar backbone. The AraVand ,other troopsar god With SHE -GETS 'NEARL a Alltbe railroad The cars go whiz, A­'Lohdon o4blegran". says,. ',P6pe'Le6 aesaul�aud.battery. Mrs. k. Oglethorpe probably be regarded, as intimating their jealous of thona,, and,.Conaiiler their oonnbc. zing by 80,fast�tbat no one timij read them,— , opinion that 11irJoy had not'been inflUenCeL d donmith thorn an�'i�j ury L to theirproBtige. to be sure,' but I perha-ps, the conductor would XIII.' hs appointed Dom Smulders She alleges that hot from :P al , rijkopentatilye W .,' I is. the plaintiff. by the knowledge of her. Previous fall An, attack Upon Ifliariourn i8iminhient. stop the train to accouixn6date An 'inqtusi- ,as ap Canada daughter Maryi I i Years, old, was'& Pupil in Itomance and lExperienoes -in. the Plain. and Mgr. Sappisci 'as -�P&641 7'repre- Waiebool, And OU Wednesday laBt, for so L We in's Cheqixercd Career. virtue, a, nd that the fresh publicity given to 'Th6re isa,7panic at the tive passexigeX., sthe.amount L by th trial ought to increase ­ im � among fientative in -United 9taf6s. The i of the rules, Laymillei, as. a * The iction for breach of promioe of mar-� 1b, Egyptian 6fficials. The fall of the gar- trifling violatibi Remember the faiio6s by..he roadside �as 10ter appointment � has . been-, hinted pUlliahlnelli, ordered her to remove Aar seat of compensation Which is breach.. of At 'Tokar And ginkat is expected well. Nothing is: so to this passer at i , " ' riage, which, says the Lbudon,Standard' � I titled her. There Vqe :k des R 7W 'side of' the room. This she promise an -patches from ome., It Is, now-, m -the bb, many. daily,'�wing to t' tMed that by as &well painted-pign:, �4Millingtonls POBBI, O�hfnan, Chia, 13*94tlo. It is 8 officially announced. The appointment of has formed the chief' attraction to the incidents in the case to which it is im f of the refused to do, When bar royal,,courts of justice a tO miller tbre'-w the L Blave dealers', was MedicaL Mixtuip. for mumps." floct L unoccupied at'' a oru �iefer. to,'A*& that tAeL:defe killed bilthe 'I'jitiefi ship A a boa during,, 04:j�aBt fourI&YA; ;has termin tst6d I � ' I L I Dom Smulders. has not heretofore been an. fipon-tbe And tie vy-cord about � fight �Tlic' 6jiger Hay6J,our card lia- hotel regiaterby Ant exhibitedA good Thai two' appointmonts,t1io6gh ,noun berwiists. He thendiggged1be girl tothe, holds!th'e�'tOwii'-�und-�thekb;xa,no fear fdr,the Strafigej�� to �iDg as such tiobs USUS Y f t t, L, Ji, ", ftlly­� similar in nature, are entirely disconnected PUtticgL the obrd6 Oyer two of the Al' 4 One might .13a P L Y 9 UrOpean .. . . ;_ , P1 I" '' ft6u�lboeu for a nig t'gen -bhy cigar or wo, -tba' anisadoub a, i has o -Sir Samuet-W. t,i'r a -they t fromeachother. !the, latteriso'nbbfL a Writ B, "follows befor6 th6y les, e'toWii, t4lct need I me hooks uqed, for holding wraps, drew the girl no: tbat 66me- 'CUB so results of, the., visit � of � the American excep or; a same- reaso 116:14st that brech.of promise AN should to ilia Tioiei -up until her.to6s � barely touched the floor. jim, cause -the m6st timid -of . a, inspiring literary food besides. biEib(ipa�;to,R6tiie,,,�bila,,, the 'former ia!thQ in L'sh­_b_ as. 'be trie L by a, jury bf- matrons'. While we The IiQrtli�rn_- limit commenus at. the If an adigrtisingagaw w-unts your busi. I I ion o a, ung 'frOM4.0016011. preAturew- to show fight. when driven result of ofith L not in any way disputing tbe.justicO Of First Cataract of Assouan ; the Bodther ness advertised -in 'a � fancy frame at the-, ------- a P9cu- -in the morniri� - im01,10 O'clock in the into, a, corner� The laintifb in - actions ji, given, t4ere can be little , is the equafqjr, Tbiw enormous torritor 'him &lxqt� 200 per cent.. more UziAJA_- everdict actually --by- -f— _Nt&VW_iW t, pay On -thia_ I title of o _fEg . ___d__a - — Tho officia tfiese. pupils, L is IVI ed from Lowe an I is wor anada. 6f told. by one of the hasitened to tki� tan',"& witness eminently calculated IS IVI -1 r Wyut 11, , I an e � irn put I U not have. awarded.--th ­ irop6asible-',of acoefis, except by 4 PAPAI representatives -Will Probably b6 that school Bud ordered the teacher to ciit her out'O c Be ;�,o' Id deserts, L 'W an an of 11 Ap6Btolioommissioner." L T I heir OffiO8 down hich fie did. The rl when role to make a favorable, impression up plaintiff, nearly as much as she has race ved. south bf thaFie in whip ' to, catch a, tr'Pin,,be invariably aBod. i I � camel transport.' Tq the' British juryman. - The same' attra6tive Inasm' dch,aB a'stay of execution was asked deserts,tbe rainy zone is reachod. in lati. stop and and their migsion site entirely eccl6eiswtical. WaB unable to i walk,: and, it is fear6d has terior which -enabled her--to-enstiare the Conn �s to. read depot aelvertisbuibritai- I � I ex The',report that a 11 nuuclo'� was to b8 -Bent. sustained s6rious Injury. aymilier I for by the defendani's Be and granted affections of. the defendant. in the first tb tude 15 0 -and the country would'. become' your card might take his eye.", .by 0 Ild -wip-mayassuiriethatanappli- m,rniiI6 ot�wealth­w�i:6 it develo�ed'by' aturas or excellent service _j Wilfbe made to tbc`di�isjonal court to the 'United 9tates wag absurd. The "bail for hid, appearance on S , next ge� Of.course the.street thexraorneter dodge t, y instance again � does h Cation rai way commu6icatioli from Suakiin. ­lt is excellent. Zen a. man's 'fingers'and experiment was ried And fAiledi -for A hearing. whou'all6wed a wide'r:range of operation in to'revie the decisio No doubt the main inion, concerning T4arB are iB'the -time'. Neilh6r Dom � smuiaerS nor Seppiaci has ' .1 r ' L—, . court of'Justicb. Without hurti . - W U. L I is-impoBsibl6to offer an op, any miaBioii to the GoverrimentB of Canada Latest froxiiii Iretalid. Ug any ground' : willbe that the,damageB muBt1 such development without information re-. V6 a others When he reads .or ilia United' 'St 'Catholle body's feelings, we may, say. that .the overDm'ent, tisement. Fatm To the regarded as, excessive, aince we fancy that s6ecting the po icy of our, G plaintiff in 11 Miller vo� Joy ". was endowed, Print in he0huich in"tho8d,territories they will, doubt., al Sooibty Of -Ire- every one who watchadthA case bad arrived ponwhich everything d6i�eiids_ Egypt blackest ink 75� �.Piawl­ fdoa� tOL 'L t AThe Royal Agricltui i twithstanding bar age, with %. fail share o the conclusiorithat the defendant would and alone, the Baeds�o iBruptioia Ing oa on a I your wrapping paper. less_ b6ai the powers of 'ablegate. DOM 4a;nd have �'dec hold next year qL ?.1f9these elements 4succe�a; On ibe'6th inevitably have to pay admething 0 T a Soudan was annexed- 7Ladiedraturing from a''abo-p* 't 'like or $mUlders iaL a Belgian and -la a M;mber of R -for his havetakon4o t.,, oyal showinKilkenny. band, th6dafendantin actions for breach folly _ Whetb his folly w ping our I the CiBierol�n' a its toper y aP- by Mehemet Ali' Pasha. ' the 6quatorial '16 be'- walking. bull'etins,'ar,'�l it the, ink' Order. Among other things Lord D6Von has addressed a letter to his abe will set L t1e,the old.coutroveray1n.Cai aads, Limerick tenantry offering them facili ise, is generally somethia g either of prXed: at 'th sum of ;C12,350is, otcourse, provinces were:L anneed by Iiis HighneBe rubs off and spoils some of their finery, no in regard to � �tl�o - talyers't ' d ties ni�m ­Io6l, or, at a�uy rate,,is placed� L highly I I .Vs or a another, question, on which it is smail Pasha, the KheCllVe, . 'Whom IL Matter. Thep 13GVL er'will 6top7,at dur sto 1 Y, a, forthe- purchase of their holdings, Allowing in Buch- a position. that he, hi�ipears to be- rY -re, Jinquirainto the assertion that numbbrs of , Probable ihat-th6lastwoid has notyet been BUPL Ila. any balance Of the' money not�proyided by one or both. As a,rula man is -not'- said. near y Uve­years to press the slave, tradeL''he,'having risked a, Don't fail to advertise ill every circup French Canadian Catholics are�memborn of the Land Commission to remain On, Mort., bi "bre Lf I the Masonic ociety. Mgr. Sbppiaci made defend"I u a aq o I promise case revolutionin the Soudan yLciughi�g tliat pro�ramme; It will hol UM I L ­ , f L it the circus to, pay 1� a gage at, 4 pei.cent. per ann pUlei3B e has been some'degre , a JUL an e� oti act_ illB,., and visitors can rolieva the tedium' inent member of. the Augusti DrY About . thepr6jaciea--wholosais VAL. hateful inatitut on� in * reep for British its, b _a notable example, -,in fiction'. notwith- udug ove and has heid several imooriant' of the�Iflah turns' id be, standing. Of the defendant in Miller vs. sentinient.'Gener AlL Gord.on Pasha -followed of the . clown's johes by lool, r your: H hat- wy, footsteps And a L, no I bunt6rodevery species interest . in g� I remarks about. 20 per Conti �Officeslu thChuich. e bag.conaider.ble Wee after all The Castle authorities took, Joy " -there Can -be-no harm in',Aayiz)g w b acquaintance 4ith� the English �lang -for tho � sarnp, Object' dAring f guage, no -notice -of the rumor, UntilL ihe�-.�Ar6h' his,own counsel Eaid-that he had 7 Accounis of, Java's Awful Earth -L of difficulby elow cost " etc. ith 'and �', is air y we'll , rea4 in Ameiri� b, h, f 6 indigosint'aLtid do-. At any quake Given �by Sea Captain I s- nearly six years. These efforts Must eA boyLW' �iaoard on'a pole is an can history and:'litbrature. 'He L . is op o us becato rate, been exceedingly foolish. - Wthe er- will been diataBteful,to the.Britiah Government .,interesting objedt' L nbft -ad t 6 Scheme, when he WaB informed dict if the, jury is to be taken as logi8aily. I I .., ., . L .1- . on the Ptreet, and lends a be .: abbbinpani6d bseveral secro- th t b sue : Oioject, had been either dis- im,plying :that "the jury I disbelieved him as they were. regarded in passive al Brice dignified air to.your"ostabfishment. Hire t%ri6s, the chief of i whom has already been L Irish- Gov- h yet his -evidence was atvatiarice with OF HUMAN BODIE�i and 3 KhediVe UdF,1is agdenia� 0 or obiatemplated by the I rq� --a out two. named, -and .,is L Dr. Stanton' 0 S.A. - of w ene thwalis Advertise on Phift-Ldelphia. -Mgr. Seppiaci �vili prelide- ernmen I t. ceived the,Acknowledgm6iit' Lot for . I a caie),aar. People never that, of the, plaintiff, he was something A Boston �telegram'Bay$ Interesting tL a risks of a d ' geroua: enterprise in. the look at a calendar to see.wbat day of the' nover the Coun: I Lot the MrB. Alexander Sullivan, the -wife of the Uinta ; thoug4 it iaby no means necess ay and thrilling,accounts � of the � earthquake, OfL dommoriburna ity.- Hicks: P'aaba, moi ' a L th it is. Ci Church inAmerica" Pre 'dent 'of the American Iri�ib, National to -assume as much� as this. ' Nevertheless, which devastated .'the IBland'of Jaya, On CaUse' U They inerelyglance hurriedly - which 1'4ill be hold in Baltimoie -or. New, si wh over:the Whole of, And his unforttinate Officers have fallen,and At it ad as to be suro that your name i; . ork, in -L 1884, arid which . will settle .. i League, L o bastravelled oven allowing for.a prepossessing - plaintiff August 27tb, are -brought by the sugar ships I become a v - a demcmitim of spelled without a' I yp �tha the Soudan wil n poitant L questions -61 - discipline.- - To .'Pro- Ireland as, an. o t -, sheJ , a - c , on , - , pable , defedant,.,2%3�0,4R _ Vat froin Mauilla, two of which arr.ivea here, to-, the f',ilavo trade. The'def English WhiI, �-, tow, wafted by A .and Y, ea an vin I an is incapable considerable. aeount to award as damages ay, Capt. Baker,, of: the :barq par­ftn:iu,the� bands 'of lovely women3 erly Understand- the, matter �should be 6od that the Boil olf.Irefi , , , ­ 6, a Us W� H. h t g6neiai and the de irticti6b, of a, British pa ad States:,is a than comfortably su�po'rtifig'fha and -it ose perA66.-Who like to regard. jurige gives a particularly iiaphic accoun ,Moncri.eff) "will: be re�' nt -WAh the remembered -that',the-Unit t 11 .11lb-.1­1 -6 arded -as -w 'tis -well to have the itig'redola a Aines a -incapable 'of S.Uppor, itig- as infallible wi a apxi6ffEi.t un ere an -of-th-e ..on' 'in �4h - -P -er f -U-M-e--O f ­1� —13 your Missionary coubtry; 'that ith till i, aUd.uttorly I to. r a Son 71he Carmine U-111 W i�h' 49 de, th b interference both tho�-tiller andthaeuperim-posed land-, tlIe'motives whi6b induced ad very decided' v�. sea. The barque left Batavia on the 26 tb basiness , address is 'print diiciplinii are, not so tightly drawn as -they I d, , . . 1 I dan. The sla"ve-hunting wili"be'revived. in� ed. This will- or a that tben�stfon's needsrequire a di and wa;s therefore diractly-in the vicinity tenfold hoftors,Iand the Work of Goner al tuake-the: market ver I y good are in countries where canon laWB alid,the' ayster iditiry'li - Ud tenur ver i.ot. - I I , , decrees of t strictly. Abolition of the han o;� . The case took a ong time to try, but.the otAp-iiei at- the time of, the upheaval. he Council of Trent -are . that every obstacle o A division of the:pro- main- fa I a bugh. The that at daylight on the Gordon and myself ill 'be utterly oter. Pa;tronizeevery'agp6ttht�t..shows,ypuan enforced; that the' iblAtions between eta ware Bimple n thrown'.: The territories that we. annexed. Advertising, tablet, w,rd, directory, diction- biehops and priests, have been defi�ed, . nd f:Lto Of agriculture entirely among the tillers plaintiff �.Was a womanithLA history. Ten following morniug'thoBe'n b6aid'noticed a. a of, therBod should be removed �;', that so long or eleven Years ago�sbe:brougbi another heavy bank rising from the'westward nd 16f:]Egypt that are proo-, ary or even an- ad vertiaing "Bible, if one is perous. The a quatorial �provin , ces , un at adepend mainly upon thewill and diBI, -d ff red at a reasonable :�rice. The man Posi. tion of the bishops; L I Tb�-r6p6rt thaithe aa Q6,111.leraof Iriah6il have to support 5 action for breach'of promise against a very as it rolled up it entirely obs6ured'the`99u'n. the able adininistratio'n of Dr. tinin'Bey must make-aliving. W i�on.-produciijg-4andlord..,:6'19,ss they, will, rich American gentleman, who had seduced At thig"time"the harometer4commericedfall'. Perfectly con . ten T, American. b era considering the (a'Geraiaii) 'are ted' free b�; dont'lhink of, ad1vor06i.ngJn.a w1el1r. nain too poor to support- manufacturers -she as a shopwginan at True- ing,dro 40 degrees, indagai'll Irish question -hag only,the foundation that reL her while PpIng to 29., from slave -huni ters, iud�tha-revenu� leaves 'established,, lek4i.timam aow�,paper. Notfok tai',emi ration misfortune fitt'A and wlili:w�om slid had lived for four suddenly rising at one jump fo'80.70 d6i!r�eEii the Ancient Orde'r-cf- Hiberniwns and other 9 a favorable'sur -Steamers'traffic upon a,moment. L)ur &dvertiHe,ment would be Irish secret ocie , ties �re tolerated in some, because it has�r6rnov,a, go, many thousands or T that All hand ell', i3d sail was plus. . d­-aud w . o uld- flud its Way into five yekra.� he defendant in a were. at once call 11 -T(3�' th6:,A16ert and sbacesS hag' nice y priate U landlord Anticipations. 9-11 the 'tbrjfty dioceses and condemned in others. This of fine',deserving peasants ; and that this action �b.id. 'Marriied two or 'thrpeyears taken 'Off s- fast - ab. posailble.:: . During. waided our N2:t­:,�Ugulzie of' the' region,' was a matter of ,consul Miafok' 130 *is.due to the systelu before Bhe, sued himi, and she Admitted this time heavy showers of sand and ashes, If ignorantabd cowardly. pessimists, suggest where the farmer, tlj'e Wchniiia, the tradeB-', Which, Without any return to the boian ry that t,ha:haA received his visiiN, and' that commenced fallingj-'completely covering the abatdoniment, of the, Soudan: -because Man and o.th'eigliv.c�Ai�d'i,iit(5t,hefa�aili6soi-,: - TIRE iliiNiswEls.11 has for-. every � landlord it has supported he bad continued'an allowance' to her for- "the docks, masts, and spurs to' the.d6pth- of. crowded -,out sco some we', have suffered a' reverse, they Woul,cL the wealthy andrellued', who baVeati.- res of tillers, time After hiB'Marriage. .,-The.. action several Inches, BY noch of this day it had destroy the entire fabric which wao insti- cles to buy and money �Vifil_ h" Li. to byy. Narrative of the P4utterinas ot the survi- ' !Some curious episodes. occasionally occur _r suited in her receiving a surn of E1,500, becomearker than the darkest nigifit, and w le vors-'khc Captain Heinained Behind.`, whern­�he Land Commissioners. in Ireland which was Certainly not - exorbitant, to Add tor,the awflif"666U&- -it coMmeboed to tutoid-by- His Highness Ismail, PaBha and them, aD,,d After the of t,be day hAs darkiin the firit.glijam of, advancing beeia,, dige'§ted, it would an pon-' trahge o B, -tea A.Duluth despatclibays:, 1 letter has take evidence for the, purpose 'of 'establish- inasmuch as that deferidant, had ultiques- lilo,* 1hurricauie.. 'But, �B" t ay, bii d d .& . civilizatioii. Let L� rigland'de dered--and' mxt d�y 6 Ing a fair rent.'. The 'other Lday 6, farmer tionabilybetra�ed her, and was the father of the Beg remained perfe6tly.onii6otfi., . L Heavy Clare a''policy in L down to your-stor6 aud, wt,a�nize you and plied her. child. All t . base facts obe admi anuoriadiDg, were aj been received from a Survivor of the lost, ap I Egypt, instead ot-weakening her! own s I an- near Skibb6r6bn, in County Cork, 1 tted ; but, runiblinigs, like dit3tant' �c .aia P Ithoriiy -of kae teamer Manistee. . He says , 'they le prestige p coming in incteeiiiii.ig humb6rs anA Countered A 'very he I �j , ilia for it reduction., -it was found that t i d to appreciate the, motives of the continually:beard,aud At intervals, the phry. th 'Hi3edive by. jiiteiierellicai, with substa-� you might..have. avy ga a rom P at a. He pleadeil,'hawever, that the Jury in aw&rdillglier now a much larger W htnirig flasheA, Aiii! E� southwest, and:about 20 Miles out the ves-" two COW As lighted up by. lig eel, broke in two. The. life 11 boa is oo'�poor to. food Itiiam';- and - tha i tial aid. The fact of tlib-'likre anuourice-.. two, larger block and. more, .were land was sum out of the &cket of, Mr..'Joy, her Aub- strong, Small. of sulphur permeatid the ih,t we should- . withdraw our troops 'favorable.lodaition,axido it bigger business,. ed they were -- bnd-ke�t,�'. on,: 'which he was- taken out� but iiefdIe be ere laune Bequent 'history must, of course, be con. ato,iospherea'udrLadeitdifficul�t,d., M"t have weAkened, the, position of',Qxen. but cf.X'ourse xt,,�voufd be more - ex Pensive d-liAve-Btrenktheried theAeter min.. _'�an.d.-,bribg gz6kt H;-Neiv Haven. -All but 6fie'-wWre swap 'a i �t 8, to that-effdot. siderea, and'it Is.:right to,aay_,-at­oUce-tbat .-All hands.. were -terribly, affected. -by �t' on .1 the ad&y­brought', 'bu"C no impropriety'of conduct"�AsequeUt to her Awful -scene I and. Many 'of he sailors n y nine perep a emy. Orieniala cannot. lie�L*AB.:for -top 'given ithe d tion :of -the, an boat �d. f ' h ilitihe �76rld W an - , which, Bai final separation rom t eAmericaqigenflem thong as'comigg to,an allowed to get *in 1he remainin � ost. comprehend a policy ofetereotyiied," oraim They had a terrible time,After the.bteamer cow.. :The .-first item Was 9, pint of Paraffid'i m an Was alleged against hot. " In 1875 she Tbrogho" thegaleffietide set�str6rigly- I m Ut ty-whei,they Witness the.� reireat. ofthe want down. -There, was nothin th6_ Did you give that to Ahe cow 2 " asked a went: to Bournemouth .arid.started business to the Westward and the barque drove battalions.-YouT obedient servani� wide'expanse of water before tbem., They Commissioner. 11 Shore and A did, sor," :as a milliner under, ',the.. name of . Mine'. through the water at ilia rats, of fourteen S , AAiUFL ­,RARn MenWho, trAnstbrin,iddern: painting into I ja-ve- it -to * the Poor -Masters 'do No li�yn(,Vering � the fresh arouU& on th was.the answer. Revillion. The business did not* succeed; knots per hour. One— Beaman was badly Orolled e' tuflid cut -waters, baking it cold, wet, and hungry, three.dais, And one baste for medicine.!' Tlic.next item was a And she left the place forA time, returning, hurt by,falling from the hodse to the deck.� paint�p.g with'& paete and I In �an, I a by one dropped.,bff, death having,come to pound of blasting'powder. Did You giv� Borne Bix years' aifterward.� At 3 r. m. the sky commenc�d io.,grow a il"the. �rorfei crackis appear., oven Wit their relief. Some. fr6�e to batii,�some that to the cow 2 11 asked the Commiosio . nor , Mr. J 6Y_tbe,. defen . I ant, is a builder at little lighter, but the' ashes still- continued e A fLutle -neyeet Anstro oui� of sea gr�gs in I evon. and 6xpoattre. -�'The Begorr­-­b­-- d-thegrocerhas n the 16nowingdy ItiventWhat k Bread is made . y again. o ure an Botirnembvtb,6wnin�aoobsid6rAbleiidouzit, tofall like anow. 0 a gra Aied from exhaustion Played jth43o1h�Mijnds_ shire. ss, 'is'. cletinbod, boiled, I 'y6r, !exclaimed the max) aarqiie entered- the' -Straits of Sund York 'Sun 'saya" I that a, - y . o, . ung c. op a , �UPL say Captain McKay never left the -boat, but 80 me; f property there, but he - Nw6re An the: the I a The New 111 and mixed �vith a Emall pro- L _*-,-, I ' 0 remar a -am captuin oft is. boa a a y"neceoBary4b, add- that -his claim witness box. tliat-i�waqs All wortgaged-, aud� -and-the':exteut of the damag6�-d,orie\LWas, ffib­- I - man-9At:: in an o a up- owirWilily-wBinall. Anciffier'Man d :, Whold islands it she is a coffin for anybody'she will�bemy Was struqk, enianded 'a that his net income. did not exceed "00 a plainly to � be seen., t in ilia abl `b6ior'6 'tO'lO nine -keyed instrumon d a coffin.". *After: the main left thaboat 'they reductioh,"w'liAn it was Pointed'but to him f Nith a large had.sunk, anaL 'thOS6 that remai�aed- year. HeAs62years o age, I 'him.' Eight small roundkeys broa In-ParlB there are men who make'a. - f _1" hie, , f d 'saw the Manistee make one plunge Under tLat his :father had paid the rent before grown up ami Y,, Irot Wife",who had changed in form. Krakotoa iBl8,'hd, key, in thE, middle were 9;rrat Jg6d in'line., living , by collecting- lin,seed' plasters from, ad disappear aten "and 'th the waves, And that wag"the her. him for �Oyears'withoutgrumbling. "But wasali'eLwben',M6. Miller first visited ad and Verl They4ere Attached to Bmall, metal ahaft6 the hospitals, ing the' oil from a i v ,There were.ten of the crew� and Bevan pas- the father niver �dld Yet honnere' answ6red; Bdurnern6tith, died -in January, 1882. ­ In a , ng, I lslauds�, - h6retofore cavered. wit� he whicli, converged beomh A� r6ll of:)na'rro,w',: li-�peed- and selling the linen 'tolhepapei­_ �Pngera 06,.board�when the spring of thaiyear big real acq(taintan'ba, �1reesj were CoMplewly b%rei As the barque jr,7:94: t �,ba o Machine. T is'd t'6 b6rrow�t h ild Manufacturers palit 1 '­ but of those, tied:, out in Man With' the t ' ' t t g m4ney.to buy himself 'a - c6ffhl iand b t plaintiff;- fira i ilong,she 6U6 ka&;' ri -is -A I ustrOmen, 'Is ca and, extiabirdin" oil bund Zinoshoiselds4 iry p" only three we= And reached Hough. paid 'It, Yet According to':.1his statement; he never -victims � of the. ter,rible disket6r� :'Th& at Ni6b6l,Bay, It is�.coi�ipdsedof nihe,.* t6n..The wreck odauried:off, 4gle 11ai walked her or oalled Uonher; water was covetbil. 'With treeB,'and ashes,' I uhot, W1 vs; ore a diatiuct,p ab -her' of �:'and for 600 mil 6 fields of I Avbv�rda. L the Pon the left., earls, till n A, av joins to W.'corres ding: PY together in ne ; and. two letters from �d' - -I on fine lifatr6�:and firml JL QiekEk :14.6ii V41 that date, ­inviting himtooall�uponher, Boa. Thus four 6 filI6 five characters which the oLDistifute Peopler,rom ireland Irul t 'Capt. W.' H. 'Summeis, .,of' the 'ship k -brint 'on' the toll' of,paper be' the f9rro of, a. - petfiget crogN about an i" ch g ry Y, w eys I ere,pu 79cluark Sent toTills Couniry. slid si ned Yours 've �erl the Anapuck; says th-At at- 11.3'0 a-. in. on Aug. and 9' 1half1ohg., 'It, ig a Perfectly neat able'.19evClittlell. at at Wealthy in evidence. According to :struck with either hand - at will, and the i% - t d M odriosity,and 1 expece , ssys.the�Mel The follo,win le sh Ab6 !nil need much earlier , nd. Iiia 276V, when We .Vessel was! 700 miles:fro aiddie k6y� with eith � i thutub� g tab ows numbei maqy comme a bourne. Argu's,,,to fetch'a -fabulbus price' ier�ons Irom Ireland. assisied out to, had asked hot to be,his wife at t1w end of any land, in latitude 6.10 soutb, arid lorgi- The\#ve bliaracters"strqck'are sim'plyfive owiD to the extraordibary', CO i euce,oi_� A ffoUstou, Texas, despatch .4ays J.- of I V W. Rose, a wealthy carriage manufacturer, - Ontario durbig'the present. year from, Ltho April. Ib,was,' however, admitted -on all tude -89 51 east, heas startled by hearing short d"bdii all running one'. way- that I is,' 9 its erfectly� J3 nimg-_ 01 of _d by.Tuke'fj,Com de -the, middle 13 -p- — Lq had� )i*h - ;Christianity� disappoare& -shil,hei. _w,orkhousesap mittea-'_1 '13' R.iliat.An of June'sh four,% v,e-lo�d�.,.i.ep-ortojn-,the-northwept,-,� to ��wis,\e-o.f-the-strip-of�-PaP6r;7TheirvE�liW 3ed stepaon.Wl the. giaud,.'j4rY th, had joined soundinglike the"diechargesoffie depends upon-Aheir position Buppof At Sent by T� d which 'the. gOIJO up to Lqnd avy can- Rose is Cornelius Krum,whbdn�,Xixigston Imperial Govektiment cont I ributed her there on receipt of a telegraphic meE- non. The 'ship quivered in ovary beyra. ive key's are, atruck A�qutions. fact was' noticed in -connection , When I All. f If -is -19 ally-cer-tain.-that-olie- took.' Shortly. -after -the' a, r a ..a.. -line in Java.. Two sage� qU -reports with' In." - I" -, '' fro"re the,- s'den-o- of -,the from Union Worhhouses ............. 21460 'Wimbledon', -to" the* house: of'.& Obscured and . it betiame-quite di�rk, enout -:. - .- - A., -together.: -th eault i tbeJge' eartliqbtih" gery, deserted his: wAfe a'rid,'iwo children As sieted 6iiiigrati n.of servant girls ........ 550 him. down to like. "A" in the margi hunned:miles away I 0 money; an i mar -gentloman-beA;ring the same-., as )lot..., ;-a1thpugh..it_had__.b DY_ -soon came to Teia6,�mado_ d' tied- _eeA -dlear,, sun _a, I bright, Ar.e disa;ste a rn�eHhnges - coul iot -Mrs Dagnall. I He katurned,'to Kidgaton Out o . f.this rium V I c - r have been sent 0 a , tiuck and released the strip of. viol isfiiF 4,333 -Belf though n t.Ponfilected, With bet; and day� ' Tiie-Es6n,v�aiinotvisi6le'a;"t3�3 P.M.. that Mr. Miller,' of Wimbled,on, had then nor the rest of the evening. Un tbe niorni. . ied. . On raising the tubes'a Porte in 1876, 4ter the Charge of f6rgery,had -O �,op"e,'so Caot papr j gs�qn 9, To.T6ronto- Communicated to him t f the 28th the; decls was fouzid.to ibe thaTive1eys are struck roar as. of a waterf�ll-­isias . fi6ard,: nd-by been outlawed; t and promised to bring,his'.- Pr I om Union W 90 a portion, a any ng -Q a shoi first wife to Texas. . Failing td.,do'thi6, -h is,, rom ............... rate, of hot past history, At the plaintff'q covered With a� beautiful 'fine- w ite, sA 'd; son1: be a line ating at the top of oL)e14.voicib ihrb clerk..: TukeFund .......... 656 - nlonth� A2,646 like "in dom_ at the other end'heard the Voice, but of the son followed him 'A few request. It',can hardly be doubted that and the, sea full of pumice stonil� o'l a bintiona of a at threatening exposure;. Rose shot six time To Ottawa- thegetofthe �Iaintiff-h%vingvofuutarlly Summers attributed the phenomena,z b thes' dasheA ruck 6ut with a -whole ot6ne6i�gia sei'teucewaa'audibla� - - 0 � I . I _1,,,! n giv this, information to . the Bourne- passage of the earth through '. a'meteoric likeifing to the histru- 130ni�...v�ounding-hiu�Taitd:-wheii-he iq� eAett rs Of the: Sometimes, w4ile' movement fornd� ih builder;:' efore. arrying -me t From TtiliiFiind .............. .................... .81" C him, shower; and , thought 'no report. like a pi,ktul was heard. .showed signs o recovery sent . him to mouth uthe our'boinee,' is wtit:1 177' lorida, Rose assuringhimAliat the bobond T6.,Kiiigsta -------- was­tha---elbment.'_:irL *.the 'c"e which iriaAter, untilaboui�� week later;­Wben be, to full jig. n- In 8 7robably the moiit wotid'erful tree in the iou h F rom Un eavily in ber,favor. . On the mbt',an� Englishman who reported tn. wife wao only his U�istress, and atthe BA Workhouses; .......... 62 worlq-is.,the Baobab, bre..ad tree. it giowht, 'time inducing her:to say she -did the"abool. From Tuke F und, .......... 46, part of %the defendant t'it was said that, same occurrence� on' the game day.. The 128 only to the height 'of forty feat, but is ter all, this'was -but making a virtue, of two . esselai,. most have been .'60Q Miles Ing. The boy.-�­has=now -returned, . to- , 1 _' ' -_ . I . - diametei,- The a;ge oflhe� To Hamilf -feet' in ..on . ­ necessity that E6 woman withto notorious apart' at the time. � Capt. Summers firs� thirty Houston ' to, COMO hi ieparation to is boldt 3 From Union Workhousep.;.,:. ........ 57 mother: but the, ja'th'er's wlier ...... 65 history, recorded in the newspapers of '16%tued, of- the real, disaster on calling at -St-.' tFee is qui a nical eaboutAIB From TOo F�ujd..� ... ........ . .. 11 P I 11 I I . . I I � Bidets it the oldest living organic'monu- unk. ' :. I , it p6isibly bore t6 conceal Helena. own. 122 the day, could'hc of6ur,planeti�'� '-A,g6od sized room Mary An, WQtd6An,cOmmpnruse,.�aie abbreviated: 'can be out her"Past, and th4t.to-tell her intended.hus- C., flinrs6n's T.111filp iinthetrii�k�oftb6,Baobab with From Ubion,WUrklybuses ............ f it wa�'the only ourse XNDlN AN&eXTRE9. band something 6 principal' con : A Saturday' in 'London' YJ - ------ cOmfb From ....... 9: o . pen 6 her.,'The fa Is tro b atrikiii 19. only the itr , � __ . ta Iat �riemained. hat she "t One of,our men'Who wr 19. ' '14'All P eViOUB 8110. 2,00 words andth tree will still liv' audfiour�sb. The.: Marxe i§unii CInlariied troin -time,- United, did tell him, and the juryprobably thought says . Mary Au.adrsori'g rr '' I a ' 11 h sfafe� 16Y Caund . , The princi al-contributoks 6r� the'. Unions of that sher i ht-haV6 -rdarriedhim,Without- cesses were to- lit surpassed by her per- 9, Minnie says the , manager, - , as re- fruit, which is nouilehiiig,' is about:a footr Ion Cayugas. p, mig pig Tral6e, 248.; RlIm 7" 112 133; d- Dr. -Taluiage' 'very A IlUff�lb Aeropatob'roa�o Beforer the.. doing Fib. had Abe choB6n. At Wiibblodon formance as Oaltea, where her ease,ana Porte s sermons-- for two long. - The,trae grows. W WApr ocial, advantage by Suriday�. I am not awar6,.that his,rapid man at Kbw, in Englaijd, which is More Court of Claims -yesterday morningGe J Mr. Joy was introduced -i -and -treated �grace were shown to sp I ii� - TOUGJULI T111TIES-ON SUPER110H. fifiaeritig of this noiseless little" in B-trumen t than 80 years old, haviug only attained Otr ng was. Prepent to, argue the:c1aim I as her betrothed husband; andit is clear the olaoBic! severity of the Athenian cos' Of aro that what he learned of her previous history tume. :Her absolutely prfect,, in tetpreta. attracted any attention from the dorigrega- height of one and a� half. feet. The-bld-d-6t. Portion �f the Cayuga Nations of sufterlogs offt L4teanishlplm Crew. of : iia � innocence'fairly.;enrap�ured tion,, and yet" he made a full. re 0 w Baobabs are estimated to be overr Indiana living in Canada for a, share of the did not then deter him from accepting the tion We. r LbUr p rt, whi6h, kDo n The captain f the steamship Liberia ar- ence,�,; that to --night 'Any jf students 'who -have been stuffyo �,000 years:old. $2,300 annuit ' promised the 'Cayugaiiby rived at St.'Ignace, Mich., 6Bt�rd,aiy. The position.. The defendant himself insisted the fashionable audi crowded,ther Pit and gallery. Whou-,the 1139 six invention Y y Weeks could readily have tra'n� df'the sofa is ascribed toa� the State 'in .1810; The amount claimed VANN' Btrongly that he bad always qualified his with iriterest: makeB A formidable" el was struck r by ,a heavy, West gala, 1 . -h '', in the, virtu' 'bewitchingly- beautiful, status of Galated scribed. The system can'be learned curio�g piece of etiquette 8crupillously sum. blowing, 56 miles an hour, hile., on, Lake position wit an as of the pe-' to Was unveiled the public* seemed completely obse rj&A of ill The Canada Cayugas ho)d I that as the chief which '13aVIDg,- -clause he appe,ftred one-third of the time required fdr,any� otho r,�,ed in France duriqg e , Superior, And had:her rudder carried away. sb6rthAnd,:iiP work,iB tini iuiId�d confidence. taken 'by surprise, and gazed' -a few 3m of, Jegri6le,'jS enclim6nareby. WhenevertheKiDg: vBs lia,ve placed unbi: B at of the nation, A.yb.gegbt! (fiBb She'btoaphed to:aUd'was in tl�le trough of � eyx apli an d, a 'TaBff�,as short hf6ararcalll ��hblftored, with aVf8it an invalid, whode illness ith them and they. are. a nitijoritfoi � iliAr ha 'tiS1&CiOkY bis mind,he intended momenta in,'silen'tadmirationABif spell- all WaB Ba the Boa foiabout IS bouro d her cabins' t th �boqj� And then spol and an operatok,Sr Work oan be read by any t 1,1101W in­.bAt her-f6ko­ marry ber,bUt indi§pu4bl ntahC6&ly'burBt into a was of such a.cliaractor as -to force him O� nation,, a large Part- othe�,aariuity,l ashed, bo- . - , _ a tandsTth 0..r&l pb abdti I " ­ r - , -, �A ­ .�eV -6 up -Eiil-atid-batche Ekanae-gWA�Jr 709�11 b i -One, Who, under ow, d st6ift of app %use. t a an, The matter'.was heldo, exist, in the 091f'g� jg�ntal reservation aQ 'Charmig American troa§- wA.4-' to wa in placed in the room ci ;a to u a 'a. 'fiord the State ver to the' A' school' :with twoorteache ' 0 ihe .6 6r;i , tain and part of the crevi got fire. ee 6ingo'before the curtain and- 1-proresEt in an innor r 01;2. : Nearly all His maj . asty reolihed on the spare, an she only. He�waa One of the ed" and lay in it, r8cuml:iant.,posture. during-- for a de'disido., hold' and got`UP steam' d'!" :introduced and lie'liehaved called thr Michiric6tbn 'Island, as'Mrs. �Miller'B intended iiiialiand, and that showbredmith e,xquieite��bouquotsj seveiat ema,na,ged,16 make Y,WaS, perhaps, of Which were trimmed1with red, white arid toa_dhoro, a� shm-fingered young Mkn, wAS the entire time occupied by�th6, visit.'Whan where she'r"ohored in -60 fatlidnibbf water. be-pbould, pay acme venM aAousRibhelieu�� M and a num. the inevitable'cionBe4uence. - on �bja nbludstreamers." called' 9 olJeed and'er-cadt' 11 th , ) . ontreal aThe vessel became badl� iced A the lar$'e furniture manufacttirer onr-BOna_ 'to Boui-nemouth Edrong presBuire � was pnt' dic�Ation with about tb during bib,j IN 09DI wous .etiquette- bar bf the drew had their handd and feet rapher.'. venture street, - has- -assigued. Mr. Crai .It6binaon�had h' 'on him,by hi� family to break off the match, ila'alv1p so(, Downfall. neBs'of an, Average stenog was rigidly adbored it. was likewis&, 9 frozen, and s000nd-mate IB Reports about the'lady who had - undoubt- An inquest Was held in Chicago on Mon. IV. Be Ma�shal­ or� tbre_yeara'a�o, but Ain 'arm'bioken,"'She'had '�2,000 �bm 17 when, Loiiix, X a CA hols of, aft, --that time liabrb6on Aping 6, very largebusi- from, Duluth for BuffAlo,"adut edly been involved in a good doal'of litiga, 'day over th� body. of Mrs. Mary Tlyde opghf� 16 C;Ctl Oin't.0' the or d. aGo -he .. I 0 e red his wound. T wheat, by riiodifications� bout �ioo,000 b� year, :14,000 of'which was daniaged. She is n, -in the place, were current in the"town yean old, wbo, has lived as A- recluse for An U'rigit": t f I A a diagrace -to seawid -bail, noos" Amounting w,,i� ow tion son, all Yea sodiety"Joe W i9g.up-for-the and the upshot,otkr Joy's,calmer conside"r' ' �sanddiedalone. She6laimed to be to dro n his bacai4e event' 'I 0 71'Of hatly -winter. y �Ml y the lilod. r�. a eB, w oklyr,for re� 'tio., W ory a an c in IT -b- id' 7h i ful'that" he mat year n 3 Ma'rquis of to Slid -, married Iii to buy liquor. wereaO �OUC06BB Carried Off ations 6f., the plaintiff's presence and -the- -oVtb( too. 'fuRing to, give im money itiar tions, of the" metropolis, was that,h N below -her station, and for that r6asau*aB Whena, yo , UDg man -hasto depend upon'bis put $26,000 �Aerivad fr4m them' i6tO. his An, Appleton, Wj%, deapato' sayra A -81 C 088 determined to� break, loose from the boils, separated from' the clan Campbell. H`�r mother for ibp�ey, especially when she , The -other (lay a rather,, green lbokirl�-, business. Hid' liabiiiiiei� now amount 0 1 or,.Ila '00, a to 'n ---Indiana on the usAtat,the washitub­ wheh"he is too VOUDgrf6llo*_,ti;oUgh be umber'of citizens t 6cero And L somethingr like $35, Had be husbariftaB 1�illed by the '0 nd be 'claims a Shawano County, are scouring Aho�wrobdo shown rhore promptness in acting oar' nd, achinery, in the bo�el of Aso some traces r his resolVe he might have iioipis'tbirty-fiv ' IN', that m6nbyt 'ilia city' went inte a - ky goods s ore large Buiphiol6oked up in I& -finding it,lb' Upolo . been less overland,trip toC,al a yesb, la7y to work'rand t�rpcnd or ted -up, to Ono. of the lady Clerks- ly �6oished; but even thenhe dallied, a�o, aftek_whid6 ]Are. Ilyde,.rc6urnqq� to liquor, When his minhood is so far gone wall MontliSr severe , I i� �folloWirnd of the' bUtobn old dai!ighter of "then it, is' D jijr, I A_ r , with, temptation, ands, very mprudent Chli6ago,'wh,era she Amassed considerable, that -lie Willi, Assault that mother, thi on c�eurred: ad D�Miia prknk Kline, a prominent farmer. T'hb' " I . , 11 I want toge r An olarloVe Of visit to Mrs., Miller on a subseauent Sun. pro ' ty by, tdaching, !but' took to drl;k his days of usefufiie�o are over. arid :the t fou �aras of wile XJbbGn died in Totused the at has jus� little Child rout of Kline's per I : - I I dissipation. , , �., 3 , , sooner .be�'dies the better it will be- for"bie tor,a girl." Posarwhile playing in f t talking to -her n bet bed.; and Pariq. Shp, house, was carried off'by a boat. The day; wben. he it'All right; Air. �Whlat color o, oyoti tied a Dutc baiiker,iWa's"Vety happy, and", r6cim, undoubitedl� .Net the Current of,th 7 poor mother, the world aid � himself. d ad beautiful to the'end. obild's screams w6rdbeard by Mrs. Mine. Opinion of ib6jur�. strongl. y against him� Judge Couch was called upon at Xndb- Mau 'that Will go b�ck,&a his,,,m6iher, his wan'. T remain Aid' In -hands started was Bu,nini6qedr and far PC 'it -w sa It May at fitf -7 - it eight seeiii singular that a n once, s.i a ow days ago, 6 perf6im! urest , a." ya in I h' f;�, the animal in -6:1 marriage, Ceremony. - ame to ask. AT, S,4 pursuli,� but lost pig t 0 man should be�_Condemnd to payso 1%rg 'When he 6 . of jibb on', tb I hdistinguished ' Physician'. to bug the" the wdods.� 6j,'r - 11, stove.�, Young, men who go courting on M -for refusing to fulfil his engh tn the sbl6oin. question Do You Hoiv rn�ch more. we might Mike of our y.ea, but w6, oligilt to give some 0 " Sunday nights should remember, this, Great Mon undertake greatthinge;becadeb 'It.h'L womau"? otc.� the irtidge' said, Do family life and o r friendships if every c lor,tbat will'Buit her. Is she a blonde Or- with a lady whom none of the audnotNpend aI I I their,time hugging the they iiio great, and fools because ohey'think Probably, would have regarded as a Suit. YOU solemnly' swear," 'eta. :,'The bride� secret th6ught of love blogisoinpd into.a, 'brunette stov wife for themselves. -It .;ifj ''A sonle thought the,U6* style an improvement. dead she them able ad 8to",Mt I n