The New Era, 1883-12-21, Page 7The executors to the Estate of the late John Hodgen s; have decided : to continue the --Dry -_ Goods business in the interest of the heirs of the lateproprietor, mousiness will b'e-co_nducted in all i.ts: branche a -heretofore, and ouTr e stomers = c -an rely on in be aswelltreated with and liberally dealt in the future as they have been in the past. 1u11 particulars next wee .'he subscriber •liar' :t large stock' of new (O.41., N:1.) W1)(,)L) STOVES,- the TOVES, tlre latest tlesigazs,' ivlrlch_ will it sold cit -'the very lowest prices. Sole 'agent for tht� Ce�c�iratecl Alttl: Coal lStov€ OUR. LETTER BOX: The NEW ERA does not; nolditself responsible for ideas expressed under this heading. FARMERS .BEWARE To tice Editor of the+Ulinton shrew Era. , Srn,—A farmer living not. far ,from, Walk- erburu engaged a man with his mate to, thresh for him.; they came at half past one, got to. "work 'at three, arid quit at five o'clock. 'Next morning they,, worked one hour total ,three hours, for which they ;asked $11, only C,$3. per hour ; but they gave'tbeir impudenco'free, of c1arei., their motive being spite. The conduct of these two calls forth my poetic ,spirit, to avenge. I"will sing you a song, Of a not far off' land, 'Near the village of. Walkerburn, Where, lives a plain farmer, Both: honest and kind,. • Wliose,gainings he's willing to earn. In the heat of the summer, From morning -till eve, Away over hillock and plain, He hied to his reaping, Or gathering in The ripening golden grain. gni 0Ii` l Then to thresh it and fit it, For sailing he hired What he thought to be men for the place,. But he found his mistake, Cutters_ &. Sleighs r2CRZ cit9E: A QUANTITY OF FIRST CJ» ' SLEIGHS.: 1c IIS. -�-� and NOBB:I_. CUTTERS at the Phoenix Carriage Works, •Y O\DESTORO • Also LI.111tan N r,`(0\5,`.DEIrOCfA r. and 4.4611TI3ucotrs, whtelrwall, be soh; cheap for lash or, eood notes.. The whole of the above aro Made from the best seasoned t1 ger, and warranted equal to tliebostmade' in•the Dominion.. al Jobbin'� Hesse Shoeing.✓rand ever iio g .,, aspeCialty, al only good workmen aro' employ - cd and the best' materiel' in the market 1ised. • A1ar'ge stock of first -clash mateIial always o11. Tee nd;,4o,that you. can depend ori getting a good ;sit 0ny:ti nei ou short notice. The Grain l raiSltier'.'Is humming ,rain laud 'farriers can:have their grists ;lout l _it 1110- ',nen t'l1 notice, and at the lowest rates: fiV OD.—Any c 11-sT1tity of good p iseltosed, at higliestanarkctprices•citli'er:$lar trade or t afih W'(JOPPERS MrANTED 1�• t.v ,-O,4 ORSES.I'OR , A1.1 PIfU NLX • (14 PIvfAl (J4' 'I17 t,'•:!c b`, T OtiDCSP.OP.U, tlrrnin r nine li lr+uti 1 5 r SALE Ere the even had passed, They 'were boys with some hair on their flee. - • With 'the wit of a child, ��33--. r((�wit-" And the faith the;same, nlrrn�llr. I �liiinn-- sair __ftc}- a ful _But ofbraudo o k„ lf revi,Ui+'orbelive meIllete`,�.TI L i01%N gr'G "U� To any anti all, ' P•:They;wantecl.three sixty an,hour. •-r T1.N.15 P anti hs virtue: of. a. Power oi' ya1e;O'er prospects so golden •1contsincdinra;certainn ortgage made lig ,,_bib—fi_-_-__-Robert ])owns, 10 the Vendor, which will. be they crust iravo,grown tall;produce(l`at tho time of sale, there'Will be sold. Or else they 'got wrong'in the. head,11y. Public: Auction. at the Central 'Hotel in tlic For though in their. §tature: ,ab6UWNV..�. .. a V 1.,. r z ,I'.T v V Town ,4,f. 'Winton, tit 2 o cloc;)c p.m, I,,y Davicin • 1 ''.�liey've nothing to s1 rn 7)icl u1 00,; aur,{hence✓ on • , ,They : thought t?ley mere bong~for the. Saturday, Dec, 22nd 1883; Then oil to the neighbors Y, 11 n 1n� 1 property, vie, —Lot` The rumle ee hint The lc o Valuable pro) 4. yt; 7 t number line luindred and'twenty41ve, on,the 1 Like the ap]ruals noted as'balkers, North shier of High titre t,'andLotnumber,one and if yoif'd but seen hundred and thirty, ou�hc South side of Town ;scud street • it'tlloTown of Clinton, in the The fast"time that.they made„.„ - county •o1' Huron. containiog by acluressui•' - 5ou'd"have tho ehtthemprofessioiialivalkers ✓g . ent, two roods et land, more or less. Waal Upon the lanais siate a tirst Blass two-stoyJMashie y. A• E osint, SQ., A young uebl od frame dwelling, 24 J 1 r , containing down stairs , THY; INSULT '1'O MR. ROSS'\ rooms anit a large hall, and I bedrooms and elosc.isrip stairs. There- is^also a good stone cellar. a good well and sor1:.v, ate✓• cistern, - Tiier•e is Half an ac's ifgoci11 g:+acicn TanC I con- , , o lice_ Lcberol;..of _t7rc_.,1retk ,Ezsk._ m This P1011erty is In a, blot-d.i-1, curial I n1 tiutl._ T)F..AR-.,Sn,—As-the eleetorsof the-coun- f:lonts on 11t h Strc1 t i,v of lhiron 'are about' to cast their votes _ EAh,MWJ T+'OR'SALE. 800cash. and 1,a1•n,ru ;n geoi,s • at the coining municipal 'electieng' for with interest lit (1 percent, er 111 per ,Gent rzown connty'counciilors I wish to,say'a fefv Your Its? THE O T . MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF , den, Women Ind Children's Boots & Shoes. prr� Stock: ,well assorted, an complete i'n a1.M' departmen • ALL GOODS' SOLD C>F,AP EOIL.CASH C. Ci UICKSHANK, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON NEW [ADVERTISEMENTS. area 1 uction Sale-. OF HORSE BLANKETS, HARNESS, BOOTS, SHOES, &C.• The tinders -101,o will offer ;by piit lie auction A splen.did'assortrnent 'of the above' goons, as he is' bound to reduce his barge 'st`ock, and..-will:le,t the ;people have the goods. at•their own prices, This is no bankrupt stock or sale of old goods, blit Vii, genlu-ne sale of new articles of the very best work - . and :material, 0LI.1i'CON MAItHETS Thursday; .Dec. 20,1S83., .Although the sleighing is but poor farmers are embracing the opportunity of Making good use-. of it; and are `bringing:: in a considerable_ quantity of .produce;;. p'ri cipally, old :.wheat. Crops: -.of •this 'year's .gro,,wth are -so. hiw in-rice'that many are -Molding en to- then for a rrse. Oats are slightly; lef✓ er, 0.10.1t..other grains: are without, material change.- fork is somewhat higher :and, good will' go from :7v to `;Gaper 10 lbs.. Wood hits slight,: ly_tlechned, but ti till very_dear, so much:. so, that many say that if rt -is -likely to, re- n-its-presentrate t .Y will=cease•to •use it and' burn, coal, Which would certainly be cheaper. At preseut there does not _e1) zear_toye_any_:pxoapedt-that_prices wi-1L advance ; .business has been overdone, in more than one .country,, and now com- inerchil-'matters rare settling demi' to natural condition;' Inlllontreal 'Toronto and several-other-manu'facturine• centres; a large number of workmen- are thrown out of'employment "Ind, therefore„ the de- wand for Meat kinds ofhottschold supplies is diminished.- The greatest shrinkage value is,rea].ized in li.brses which. a >IP ear: ;cage nets • limos.; unstiledtble, but they f � were Selling ling beyond their zeal value. .Cows maintain, their :price-llrinl3, es- peeialiy those that have just come in; or are abouttodo•-so, SALE TO,a ONIMENCE AT ONE ',1'.. M. 'SIIARI':' TERMS. ---All sums„of $5 and under, cash; over that amount ten-'Inonths' credit given on furnishing approved notes A discount of 5 cents on the dollar for cash on credit amounts.: REMEMBER THE FlLACE—VICTORIA: BLOCK, CLINTON. JAS. TWITCHELL, `',:Pro r J. P. ;BRINE Auc1 • Desires to :call special attention to his stock 'o# 1 a Of all kinds;' s'Liitable for Christ gas presents. AISo t'hefillConfectionery. eSt .,,� res . 71r-nit;'Canned Goody Bic; UNINGHA-1Vi E.-RO��_R • CLINTON.--JOH4 at time of sale and balance in one Month with averd5 :rnent:_t11at--brigade •,Eike have so LOT �$� +DN.�IBir_H1��..1..ET , out-niterest ... _ .._ _ . 4onsistin' of 100 acres, Nitnato'abont three > ,For further particulars trhply'to t s usher, Basely insulted Mr: Rossi the, county. )rail s from the ra idly growing town of Clinton. hsq„ (linton, T)aVSd J)+elauson,the :Allet.'ouesl; treasurer. No one dares bringan accusa- u.. roved • p� erg'" 1; lt v ation'- olden- ;Clinton,” ti to . , ., 'Reil til. rd good ou ti+ , I r tion;against 'him -he has'beena true and N 3i0I R G M1✓RON cl •usual lr arta ey LA bIDRO P did soil Well-watere and use a � h 'r ' .faithful servant -to county- n r 1r,ltors Coder ch the CO anli a- reriils trlreral� W. W. I'AR1�A\, Ve do s of ,y, 'getl: + ---_ Minton Sept. it zaR)• pat (l-zv0, l'tb' TO. - _ ��_V .tleman .ofhigh standing iln all hes business • transactions ---and, forsooth, when time p iI3 undersigned desires',to thank' hie e.L r 's friends in Clio ton and vicinity for me on ,- ends a y ;herr liberal patronage during the twelve years t1 linemen, 'and carried on h ) butchering „Item the iD ivould intimate to .thetathatgho bee '1Y'. -coni- .neared business, in •Core'el:buititInj¢.;:oils Myron $tretb. ~hero 3m will tie pleased to tricot his old friends and fMniauy ,now ones its Inky.favor him 'with ;'heir tronago- I1f1:1`. Fr ZSIT1IO' - :CHOPPING. MiLL.✓ of his political opponents, with no brains, 11111 h. sirbseriber1o'have a+first-elatl1 Chom ina Mill in their shop. noit.to the Organ AFae- tory, run by steam 1)0~55', and are prepared.to chop All kinds of:grain at allytime.'Farmers m' n. earoly:en having heir grain home with m ;and get the work' done at a very reasonable prier). A trial solicited, • BLACKSIIIIIIltI�i(4 -We oxo also prepared to do nnytliingin this '11ne,,ari-we have every facility and thoroughly understand the trade. AUSTIN GA,I.LA i)i1T',&4ES1Y3,. ('11ittort, .No v,•1x82. dare insult the m ajority of the electors in the county, by the vote cast at the coun- cil. . Eleetore the day,of reckoning "is at. 'hand; bring out men who will undo what the brigade have tried to accomplish. We. of Stanley will •.do our part, let the other, Municipalities who have the same duty to perform not bo behind hand. Let all those political tricksters apt county.coun- cils Ute forever put down. STANLEY. Wheat, :scotold " hie* - -White ,., a� hrto wheat, ol,i new Spring, :• Oats, Barley, Peas, Flour,4. ,:,,Potatoes, l�•��,utter, Egg's, Habi' iTilies, Sheep pelt., • Lambakine, Beef Pork, `. Clover,, Timothy, - $1 05 a 1.15 ' • ;?0 80 •a l l0•: 1 05 'tr 1 15 0 75 to 1 10 1 00' u 1 18. ' :0 31 a 0 31' .• 0.45 a 055 0, 0i :a, 0 65: - 600 a G 00 .045' a 050 0,17 a 0 18 '0 21. ;a 0 22 70Q:..:800' - 600- a 650 . • .0 50 a 0 75 0 60 a 0 75' 5 50 , a 6 .00" 800 a 8.5,0 • 2 00 a 2'50 Bucklen's Arnica Salve.:1 The best Savo in;theGCvorld for cute; bruises' sores ulcers salt rheum fever sores tetter cruhapped hands, chilblains, come; sores, �klu eruptions, mad • positively cures piles, or no pay required. " It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25' cents:' per box, ,Watts & Co. FARMS 'FOR SALE TILE un Iersi fined offers for. sale lot 21), j rI 9th a con. Godorioh townehipp, containing Weems 'ion which is oreotod is brio house, With stables irohard; &c, Tho land isgood;'plenty of water Also,lLot 29, 10th con. poderich township, eon- M,Ining80 acres. 29in'fall wheat. Barns stable hreha,rd, two' good wells, boil • 4 ood; te. Y11l be. Sold singly or together. RO1:3T, COATS. Clinton. zehns c� ego , tetoria treet 1inIiirtintif IflMIU 1113o rta- NEWUUFU 000,^ ---• +1', T US• OSI TitE- 1TIh1'v`. 1' �1• L , D LOT , ' fir .,. n ,rAf LY. BR,, BoQUET, and all•:of I -I , MBS TOOTH ANI). liTAfl :' , ; A [h, I3RUSIITS C0 1,t,t1 ; TOILET SOAPS, COSMETICS, &U. ' " z F 1-1. ai: 1V1 CHEMIST AND DIIIIGaIST. U'LINT>NO,,.T. •