HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-12-21, Page 377 roll thin and bake In a quJokovert. LIPD S*FEL 1)ecC PAT&GONIkAN Plervala". COXISTM AND TUE RED NIKV,
-.-These are 'imple, but excellent. X Fw Remarkable 111notrutlown at Naked Indiana round cliatililffes. am to -the CnItue at midersto OA UOO!k4p]*Qlia selves in al,F e na 'Sird, gel'.,S,jkhtsand��,r�.ounds in the B r ezi"g RdL er'Factoriesof Connecticut. THE. FAMILY: OI -American plumbers t1u, ho'me,noblemen. (811611 ftapois�o Chronicle.) At a meeting of the American Astrono.
I , 11 .: � , I ge The satchel muff of plush or fur is popu- We extr4co the fellow�ag from " lar The wild scenery L4 something wonder. InIcal Society held ali'� t4e Packer, Ioxatitiit h puu�ber of' letters which n eb oil the -allow- Prof. Henry M. 'i DANTE`$ DREAM-REPRODMED. W76" have received ftll,'and w all t b�,Sij sbixi I - I , �-. , I . I in retakence to the l5overed jectintainST 0 is !Setasonsliile� Topics Discussed 18�r for lifiiai In their eabs''and: school- ha�bita and disposition in Brooklyn, last even girls. indeed a pretty Parkhurst road a on colApt8l giviql; Benefit' of Fair Readers. . I A, Chester; Cqnn;, Correspondent Writes-, -of cate it, 4- - Children's' cloaks of dark velvet and sight. -, In some- of the ravines � you Sea accounts of-Abose';kbich be Itid observe di w ' 001 There are in I the Uaited,8vatea' fourteed 11 A Beli6�r in :Cats, 11 States that not large drifts of snow that-havwbaeu carried, d big rice, 91rs�.fas1A0xaaWjir1mtme4 with. light gray and -eleven oilthem are iI!t �Iolig, ago We, "d: b h urii'g' astronoxxxt eiperie bit factoriea a large; Strong toia-cat, there by the wiud, and, int6 I B 0111d The earliest, he said, 'was that of'18136-- FASHION' NOTES, DOMESTIC-- RECIPES, ETC. I.rxtbskin. � i il itiC Oon:jaectiout, �ii'd here, in tha� town of whom. almost no excitement' or hunger i Halleyl Magipal it would not'ba at all -pleasant to looks veiy much like-flie
Ostrich tips intpaiiacbeB'are the favorite Qhe�tcr, within a radius of two Miles, cala would cause'io me'w,, and hardly any pro. fall. , T I he'air here, of courbe,48, present one an it appears through the-, ri be found no less' than, s! Yer�'cold, nimirige for Henri II Henri .111. and ;X_ i th`68e cloven. vocation would induce to use his teeth and but it is, a Ary healilly' breeze and very telescope; 'In 1843, when the Milleritea (Compiled by Aunt Kate.) The visitor here isi 8 within doors. Giron -m! hat'B. are to �fiave hiami powerful. Claws The bracing. At,o'clock, iilid_day,w -reached ofid-of-Uow'orid 6 Artistle DrrsAng by a Girent Actremp. I 8 � 0
�din OLmarly trip- the, �house -might A pretty tidy istnade owink sexte curiosity aroused by the our. aric pring place, or. the 4igbt, asme looking for sigris of its dissolution, they dis- r_0 -make the next harbor by day.. they also
iiders i run with b ack ve va exid of of the taotorieB
twints, : fikmilers.' a visiting one bout, ift him' bV or covered Vexing, at noon -d&y, and'
a our as I( Pull bixif U
could not
Is, �ake a pillow of I III n% wabout Ellen 'Terry's beaiitditil i1brila's gow he Wlfirst �entor-th& forging room on t I, or m lht,'and iWille di gue Im- Pit-, which should, be, attached 'A tassel. or ball of" lig at as it would ba found A comet , It was.�Vout 4 degrees 'The long of the pink and black silk. ground '.floor, � where a -busy and "rioui disturbing,- his feline, peacefitl, or philoso- Possible. a6b fiil ',
to exxter.� Ab , ou.b 2 o'clock we BoUtbe a rot he' sun.! Mr. Parkiturst'gi phic temper. If really hurt oil any Occa- r'd ived a. I presented. His slexiseoi hear neighbors came to b B16eve,,the collar and"& p6intea,bodice. Cover a, square or diamond Shaped board ePectac a 0 a visit from Sbme1j of the Pata-t . im to! in,quire it there, Miss Terry liaeaMorris fabrics, and respects with Ing at once b6comea useless, !as i1e, clatter sign or over -teased be utteredit, melancholy, *a danger o6his COMet.8t6kitig the ea jb velvet or velvet paper�and ban I g your )g -of iviliultiplibity bfheitvyr�nnirjg, little cry of paijaw I never of'arger gobian,lildians. They oatxxe� off from the 0 them. Shedpestiot torture and render �pbk6laiu plaoqua agaiqst,,'1An and blat On the -shoireAll 4-queor-looking-cauce-Wad out of 11 I told them", said Mr. g.4rkburst, to t Dig liale.' 'three pieces of board, one at the- bottom and I would tell them,' Ifidant.' '� the goid'�colore& i' it in a *0 of Put` inaciiiiieryrni&e's bbiuverBati6xi other� hand -he got Sulky if-'peoplb-laug wait a half4hour \them,.. insigui . I I .1 - exoep strong, ung, pow ch, Whop ho show6dL his feelings 6'i o 6 ese'were sewn, and in 'balf,hoLr I was able to asgura, \damask blillg6 about the- graceful Aines of t for � a isall of 1 or. him too mu and one on aide, Th The latest brides' dresses are trained and From the ceiling are suspended long,rows 'byi7retiriug. under-iable'or, chair, or by, 'together w1thhbeitJ,'dbd admitted con6ld'ei a wag, no dalage�. , Now,. the r "form as if. it loved them, - atild the -trimmed with ll Iii.iffing around, the bottom ef"heav Shafting filled, With , driving P1117 staring btolidlyi . outof , iodow;. nor would them'th�t thb V tian red Silk of which her dress and e�r a : brocatelle. Th6 I y W ablewater. With the exception of,some shins way I Was able to ascertain this noOv simulated skirt of the4lush of which her robe ire composed lays, from, six Inches �'to as many amy vocal Coaxing 'or blandishmenta tbey had -Th-ei-r-b-o-di—ew exiing of the uperzshirt,showixi4 the bro--fe-tst in diameter,- Instead of, a floor idduce him to, movd,from"his � osition- rbgard6 the u un,, at , I coui - d "6 I neissopure that there is P -they 6-Uvod of Clthing a tr .. ... and bate re 6atelle is.� fringed Wit I ight sprayla -f the visitor, -walks on ci4 packed as hard uutii a better nature had,:oercome tho, MitIlites that, it 4 h !I, 11 , . many harshness or opposition in, its ,,, 4 I �i� I h had been alongside Dbanged its,magnituas at ail, all oorarge'bloss"6rds. Its I t d I 'tints. The 'darker . Changeable damask, and. smooth! aw cement, � and � on which are sense..bf Wounded varlity. Out-of!dcio' h:yy had not even the skills t.o.coypr tbam� reasoned inihis waY-if that comit dreiseS are dedbrated" in-' profu- carelesHly thro I wil',in I heaps touB� and tons his character �was. diff' rent ;',and in, the wari With itkn_arrow-j ewele d, belt and with laces a eelvegi.with'. 'They bad- soldthdm_fd1f6r ear,uia iVwbula7bave chiliriged, its distance Sion with ora!rige flowers alone 6j� Mixtoed of, 'red -hot bi tB. - He Sees, long bars of"cold evedWA or 'early 11 wbichah wearsonher return, and whiein ; -morning is. fine`aIto biscuits, tobacco and -bo:ies Of 'mat6hes. or its apparent- Size,, and if it,was o with white roses, white. jessamine and lilies steel placed:between Strong Shears, walaii powertul cait6rwailling was� the delight o , f fa .. b I .
.ireceiVing Dwsanio and his friends,, is even After 'remaining on board' -about anihour. Tist it did'not chatige I kxxe�w,tbat it' of the valley' all those flower decoridio-DE; cuf thern into appropriate lengths! as easily his many 'female friends and ih Wag More sugg4tive of the art in dress which' a aDvy'9f they -returned to. the Share,, all but end &Way.to'do any dama-e." ble,-,but, WhIph iq Act Wittled belogLpilt''On� in Clusters,! obaplets,,sprays. ��,aild, lady Would cut a piece of his, own S.6i. t Hie Vandyked The excep'tion'a'l one1; 9 being entirely lusied. This, he said, Called. his 1, attention to btfl�;l or streiin all over lxii.be arate string w a line o 2orable gaHh -and' mpaiing:ihe c this bomet', and Think of 81 aud P f many all � hex � scar ia thc!� whoid xibt kkurn � io,,the,sh6re ixx� wixuds cOl 'beside'g Ow , Ijig -region of eyes axilk Sprigs, i sturdy men'stena' I �J,aigeB in as roiiiid, very*J'R'W n8bkSa,.4,a'ImoBt sleeveless � b , , d� that he state-owed-jt� to' -the fact that 'the second w i so fbrtutiate, as,to Wme '�hlearer to the pfitoed- unti L Yet which hara 6fat With the delights� steward had f diid board ati old b6ttle.- thallLother American, aard bfilbk dress upon a lon hiii Woman. A, comparatively new idea in silk quilt correct orbit
0 . b . ; - I 1biS exhibition il ot, Infrequent, and has' circles 'is- to i orname t the centre"bldok they his to a �,whltp' beat, wh6n of battle bebides Which fame,bestowed on d --t had been left by, nomers.' 13 green ress tba; some they ara. immedistely put,: under "trip _Pas_ � L -6__ , - ' Mr. Serviss-t the iiiitials,of the,�Maker �, and by the female Seeger oii-t _rr_O E been seoxxxtaeVi jitnes at tb a New, Metro with him the credit for Sundry Severe scarB,that'
Lhe wav 65 w. ere, 'With the Indiaxii w" polit" Opera, i"0% h it looks like, a way,,wbeuth�e silk q,uilt�maixia Subsides," humxxieri,, which,, . -Ruiope. ' this'. I ra]306 of th6ilk. at: sunset 6, Set" 4, _bl_1____ peculi ap ea G_ --WE -Still-flloi -aUexCuWfokX 0 he neighboring tonoi dul� can imagine -bow duly ttii�'d,.ft being� tied oil and around, short't a ago afid hei__seveke_�toxx of --:-the i May I me ing,oqr ws ins, midute, hammer, t bars flat ieral.'sirriplicity of pi!gft� scraps , into patchwork, since this on O�SL walls and thb" geu the end, rourtairi the Centre, axxd!squa�e -ut.,h agbutle warri - 6rwaseudeared-to the him by the sailors With seizings. Later on on the th of � ovembar i6 bad, been appa- Jet' '4�g N. Y. JVOL r1d. placed ii: d ,The bit'h%6 now at;�ted family -Lin fact, 12e ws one of the. family; 't, ot, colorixxg,�-:- ;nieL J I i�d6ws,ixxxitaies stairied glass oil the other dh we had a visit frohirsome more ofibetp, ient in San' Francisco, and a: her, pointo lltu I skin it .. ad It , I liter j"� anythi el Ise th t ha L be itit existerice,-aad, is called �ju thi�,Jorrn 6ild engrossed as muc of its'thouiihta as this "tim , a accompani male., or on,'*ould gl�ena to be ug a 13 exi. ad by a fe east from th-at lat i . I 'to the the celebratej "in Atio, ai deail,�bout' found. is ;A�6xt p§�ssbd go,. the black poodle, did! Beo&Vse a skins they, brought off were those of.the� indicate.& progressive movemelite8twarat air; in an evil d the'-facti 9 It t it to whiteners in another family.. tter.. -One Indian' had. a very value a:,a a,,, w o again nea Well,
0 that it lia& beea.reporied thilb h, , is no','reason ides. oh twi Soo'Irl, litc-1 . Advie. to Br` and through' machines whi fit hour. my Son biought'home from: I., .. ia.ling Im pert in caring for pod", Oi .1 bl Call in ad boon noticed n, E a gland.on"the 9b babies.' �Butstill Mr.J6h)n' Ruskin'eideme Love is blind, butloveisnot deaf. - SO .the flat end � Into a,,,, r apma of jazlidaw ima iicke'rcage. Nowthisbird' In es Skit ,but then t000ld and, dirty for loth of �No' am to indi- 6aultifu lase. It is 'istrange how tbe816 oreatureu and vember would. be I regularity. � !be swedgers," was what Artemus Ward W6uldL.CsI an-, alau ag I a to exist in this 0vdrelv inclement cEita some greg;t 6offimon"CmUsli. Of a Model. ilursery are of interest, right or, don't snore. 1 a . size it, now', and again ui:ider"the influence axxioosin�, l'itile ' Cuss.' 'His 'cage res yqong, and Bobere they Are;. giV.eubyhim Donbtth'to�teu'togoho�a6toyburmotber ted climate, where it freezes xxearf� all the.year Various theories bavebeen , aliggeated "to in aletter wh' )�Lat bee Oft �Sieakfagt*room,� (also Much roundi 'They uaan6 'more clothing than account ich has� L 5ener than 'five times a 1 week. AS you of the blov� pipe the Steel is soon red hot in the for it, Praf.� Drap6r attributing it published in. Iwhen one blow -from a. Powerful drop used :ks a -room- ' or �study that afforded them by'nature, and tbair to excessive -milisture.- Mr. Set Englanil: 11 I have he\says. 11 writ- don't Igo'he may eventually begixi 'to doubt play, urgeA A, I bee ause your Bincerit�� fashions the' sqa`a-`r'6 end into it ording to Circumstances), and he' waB .Ifiuts,aip nothing but a few Sticks tied 'to- be a6bunted Jfcr�' ten a pamphl6ton xx* ties the opinion' that it mi. an d first sbaiAh properlf- bevelled for"" the ri�quexxtly�allowed to hav� the tun of,'t'- getber, with I never write a out anyibi capt wh, Do not get �`xxgry when, afew. shiia thrown on the theory that tite earA was pasBini b ' ing at ourbusla again I I I know. more, of than Most o people 413ks you to darn hisatockings. Son i Is a wee tl y bit , brace t a heated On' such occasious� his�slyxxe8s, predatory �ver the.to? of them, iiud,thei canoes are throu�h.'a cloud -of. meteoric dust, aD4pro,�; uy P 0 weapons bits nd, general wiekedxxis�B were aL always full ' f water; The dly, ' cause I think, no�t��yg an C eaperto and paBsed.under another*ldro� w idh '11h abability b to �his� by secon .,be uch d Suggest that it would be h b still . tips n Its Shank 4 figur - attraction to the y ounger useff are bows, arrow I a and-sp . ears. 11hey extraordinary liumbef, of ioet�drshacj been,, matteisin 6 I1ur8eryexoepttb9*..�dther,' new ones, a telling the. Source of great hole it Will bore �;wh in bars of the lamily-� litly. the litizi3iBarid'the� air. So f Your husband'swardra8e will fre4tiond Hize, of th( e, finished' me m. bough his -,at the.fle,b of the an'linals,."they till in'the visible race Another con Irmatioxi wagi,� -liu -A ut r �P-it-lh�tlTeFwayjqf —ttons; I- ----- - -chasej- Apyoa.vde d ordeal and, manners and customs dict-ileit,perhaps-giv —u5tri(T5--5-r gfiess in r.eq ire .Pace more it an ures the fiery h fish, b 'found in the fact that Prof. trooksjof Now .and sometimes they, c*tc B leave the xxoedle� thread and ictitton-_ gl6wing red, pastii6s� throtIghiblh g, equa Hatia action to line and DYY wife _t food isi. York, recently obseiv d- the perfection a Xtbeir principal article of nitiss6le, of these thr a Deoessa6- ble- way Cpresses ug and a sque h 1 - ' - older Still which there are- millions around there. In, which,,witli a Iii ze, avail the children, for two or of
ments, I shoiild say the rougher 9nd plainer blig where he get t am. nix ber'bf telescopic meteors.. The,:samet. OrellrSiDgs, They have L-, I'' tj everything the better -'rio. lace to cradle' If your busbaLd Complains that. you.can- cru8h�two.iucheB of the twisted end into a thrbe weeks, eitber in blessings 4, x4othi ng in )a sbape4 of corn,, clause might accour fot� the. �gr,een . San cap, hardest possible, bed and simplept not cook an his mother dixes, comfort him ma9B in which you faintly disobin the thia-wretolled bird monopolized greatdeal wbeat or cereals of any kibd,,-as noue'grow reported in South Am6rii-a airi'd India, in wit I h the refle6tion:tbaJ it spura and cuttida edges -of the future� ciattantion. In the meantime 6oliath (SO apyw�ere nearer here- t4axi twelve h- dred possible, fo6aj according to age, and floor b you prbabiywill by Pull September, axia� bf 'fact, Closa ull in9 a a too cold for 0 I the t 'Areasioldaspheis. j bit., 'It ls:next annealin c�lled from his promise of Sizi) its a li"Atell, v y -e �otjoed durin the days
and walls of the cleanaNest. Alleducation, Miles a The clim tij - i bservers bav uty is, first,' in - the. . b I eati t 1 y I of gentle\ fieea a pair of! new- phoes'say roona, where, with thousadds of others, it though,big propurtionw Lfiver'reOched the bar y which Preceded g 1811 if you any but d - gbrub4� They will nbt tQu6h. i these red � glhes'4 r jay -for is. buried.behdath heaps "d, efimiecal and gipude) moped laxxd� sulked; forsook, the, liquor, of'hoy kind. They ��6 ia appear umall ;-sie"Condly, in.. \xxothing'about� them, but-g6t the tool t�inge to too sun in this locality. sees rou , I ds - fields tmeanirig grass,., water, something else, and then while he jSL:away thoroughly� baked uutil the � steel is wall hearillrug for the ccal or beer Cellar ietb*ij2'g like: tbe I` di 13, big, neg- ance,sorr lallaL One meet Prof he opinion that, I , t f'flip�out-axxd select the Shoo I slyourself.:Zvexx soft tied or annealed, I Next it, is: pickled lected his axid And ilx�,thc altos -in; Guatemalabut are -a smaller I 'Prof'.. Draper was, the' �m6gt correct beasts,. flo4ers*axxd sky. With'6ut.:theBe no titable' , -iig 4 shortly 'became,."in fact, a disrep, ',I itch degene-
all 'a a4air ofsevens look small jt6a,maxi sl� long for eseveral, hours in Va a contailli mild-sborter r cej And very- in ascribing the. ph,c-_no,m.en,a to cxc'esBiv6 moigo inab -dan be' a cated human y;t a may lig solution of Bulpburio� acid,'which character that no petting could reclaf -Ishould,imagitie them to AaGr� of f hs'he does notj know the nuMber. stro in. ttire. AH,a, ac�. lie said,"the be�Exi ade a, Calculating, machine, a walking -.rat - be �tEe", :ettilig married in nor 'eatq off all the scale lefu by.tbe many' pre. The jackdaw_bowe�er,tuined out a failure;, 1:atmosphere' at through4bol -dictionary, a, paint�r -61;`dead bodies a -,Rememb6rthab very . lowest �4ec; Vm9tigibi or'scra�tbhei�dn key 8, and I Catk6j" a 8 Id shut yourself up in this via . us , heatiugs in theforges. The . bib now' hi4,wickellness 1, I ceased to,pleasei'and hi men.of humanity ex' month of.Novei On W Y You S Oil 113 iBting, and, only,ou'd link short'itl the -chain dh�Liged'wid* �disedl�erertof new forms of wormg in mull; 1houss. Accept all itivi�atioxxs 36S into'Jixe mabhixi6 room where the mannerB ikera , objectionable, Fina, ' I act them with the molikoy � tfibe. to Coon all extraording,ry amouat, ":.in . t.,a,..prpperly so4cal-I . ed --ffiachine cuts . off all su' oturried fiim to the boy who . ., - I hl 4 , '' It __,_sarue.\as before, andt, have' good ti riiisiiiiig perfluous my sell 'r One of them, a )paiontly a better humored - the red mtts viai a on t e pre,- a Ime. of -no '.use '�W ktel '�WQ was -fd1lo wthn-his-cutor I- ju f -:1lumau.--being ll,,Jorming.rude, he,,v6r., Pictures are,% I b6fioive', a cp,jpeS.,, homeland finds b Cutting. Senoth_you pwflolls.":Sa upon. s� r)(4 ore. Litinxise came forth f bimply due to the rt� flc Lie sudlight whlNtover'by themselves. If the child "has an \4 fire,out he will realize how chaer-' �._jgas. The I�aillixxg,: macbccii AIRF --he rom, rail and gang a s6xxg��. They sit, or rather poliju smoothly orrecu bevel, ready dark and dusty. corners ; licked himself g uat ais-m inon- v� does ana this, fellow, b-illis di je iam.-New, Yor 6th6�'iLlings riglit'round-iii and given to it less. jite would be Without you. to the 0 q Re tn7, I I for . on it. The Clean i be time, and' onc6. there took 'his at short intervals �would yell . out Ania -7d. -its gmrd,,6n,. its cat and its windoiwo �.the' ln'the\cou�jse'of a montji�your husband. the scro', to be made up bottom,oi place on, the iu- in 'the 'doll's,c' a b ($ ama ama,"e'rying out quickly, and - much sky and sta'-rs�--ixx.timei pictures of, flo�vers will piob bly�:ask *hy� you xievi5rgo near .levelling machine - smootbo the any more. ll men, d c- h- . I.. I the: blade m: nine cutw favorit& place, for a siej3t%,'whe:re e, ight and beasts and things in: hesiven and� h, 1. An. after the mrikey. style, As Diglut'driaw oril I ';. ., � I II tj h I to, it.- But� effective, re y� is to.bunt u,;u a1-xx!6Id'Vook�of the edg68-6f the lilades Straight, the screw. often be seen with big, head on 't'hej,' i low, -the �fft eaven fearti�, may be -iiabful f b, yall.weatic otleshoris,axid, we saw 1: �A gen. emAL in Brussols chUms to. haVe.' 'a ice rec thein i3o' more'.'' pt,rpcitumi:c! 001,; It .waS` Started -machine forms the �'tfir a or axe i: a an prapt th' ' 'houris every cutting 6 da and a doll on each Sides of biim),;� or i nee flee first,thativ, realities re. heavenly." He4ill attend �tbe AiziDg, Or lap. that ad Most it)vitibg.,, lt� ust on il. the Point, and took cit. 0 T.1 e ea , r ag .. 0, and we omp.,� i[Keeit'jile child.ren -be - remembered in to, is s ftei hat. machine cuts the 'boring end 'toL the exact tb&t;d.uriog the aokdaw's NearIy,'all th6--- 'ient N�vi York hotels up to a recerit, dtite to "ve been roe
Hiar heu di ameter I a is' -Short popularity his riVal had,sufferedfrom lh�ess and fratf�l ass -of little requIred., And Still th � bit seem to be baptized'by Englishman., The 2ing . poyfectiv� "Ab bp ,dr"lillght IS i I d b keeping 11rh ' ppi,j E- oxx ly about half inae 110 reaLueglact. Hisfbod was. in i4bund
mighi,'be , prevente lb.'You pas4.iuto,an9ther Brunswick, the Westmicster, the Windsor, obtlaj.n6d' in a roj�e or shaft,bv exposing ib y era,, warm As ere you See Ong rows of ow the wide 01 They! &xlee the rug was'at his, df psil,'but he ao* are often so' is
__T_h.o_opLu_4kp��!. partmen .art and no the Laxigham sh to the Sun: Th6 drabg1xv, turns a fan; =O. is, with-liesPect,to dis- skilled ' echaxii6a sa�ted upon high, a 'das 'of the A' tor which Winds' wti�!hli of the qlock iih6q�dly dress6d��6dib tiS c teplit saw that,for the moment 'our hearts in excess, a, creat re dt'ibe;'Most-viarklible dgaa tire friern tlx6 and others,'' more .vital jtIIIL left rx , havin 1�6 ixna�ixled-wbre alienated, and it Dearly I u rt 'h R,:S). a until, i it) each ma g in"froxii of" him a.heap oj a the - St,� Nicho almost ul3clothea-that thily �re in'Pon- is malim6i being �motilded.bybe bits. aud a.11ot of'fileffof vitritiu�s sizes and broke his owir., Will any'olle hia. denieB -and olas, t a. Irvi . It !caches ibe.top� w1en it'adtuates� ov - action*of tbd�Aiu&�Xlx_the_m.0.EuiIi 6- affeZt -for the fin'la Fifth Avenue, other names with' brake that'st8fm the f,,,,a but� leav a it free. In in iace as an, attribute a forxij�s, owd roun i6n I tihd thoughtless mothers dismiss, I Ome . 11 flarl", half roun I of Cats explain- fits -of sulks viiicuatecl New York 100 �,ears ago Ii tie, and -thus 6e power -is Stored brutiality, while the A\fterxx�otx- of the Egne Ely down alit —9tant--dis6o petulan t r and 1.11ii-tempefed, s distin , t1y' locill! �flavor. If 'the -British to start tk��iil a ter me.,. weig t hAs-go �diffi poor GoliMb's ground -off and leather, odga," j6s,lqu'sy on- any ther, bypath esis than. -havet managed! the wil.l. subject with, ther,'general. com� day Will firld 'bi 'r�tliuusly consid loc plaint of crossiless. Warm. under -fl in, g crate. and and to g -t back for keeping tbe-ol k. 0,1011.! annals Thos'ewho have had L ekPdrieuce with them each"Of the4 is used'in. tdril, to form., and that, he 1' acted . as' many, Christians Ao John Mara; aged -1-4. Wa"B fou'o& un'obn- su&good home�naaae woollen stockings4re- smooth the various' parts- uns Cutting sur under efn�ilar': conditions of mockery and, Sh aD'- I hai, is- Beloua-in the street, N. J., on faTA -Of 7tbb:; bit. The squeaking � Of a a is suffe fu peplia become desertion oil the r ov& a ii'd it'tbe�mosttr4i 'I t, bf thosti th e*y I
&� comfort ':bey'ond computatiork.'' in the "no"' ik, - , . . I 171139 frOla' mero' winter season. W th6.tn.Stdr indulgence huiYdre&files -of althost as many sizes- and iespect 2" Thursday night. 11 I hen Worn in thowilater. M100tine poisoning, having firilblied too really .la �' qmPorium, a 04 in the use of Opium . T of life i tbCugh_t,,to, bec6m' -e-Ventuall it �gje te it is Condition to delay putting: them on ishapes1ills the airWith sh�rjll,notes.pud.sets. ,,, Mr. -R. -Moore, -of 97 Barkley_ road,- Re.- - oxg rette�a a y- 8 City. -th -tebt :or! - 0, ge. r'u geriVa Part a kitten '(It's a grand spiloi,", remarked a native a
0 ason, It a A.. in OtI.. b" h imugining that 6 vibth� Cannot di8tio You' pause to are.. so.- blended: With. --th. - distorted- opi iiinfii `ttiel6eeds lum road -Writeg - tlx�' Lord Ma r, W le may last: f r the So or even for moment to watch a couple, of men who, fiom its birth, and rought; it up and tr6a to.reduce .3 vo ot guisfi'lietwe-eitilatit and faucy. So much is of Fifeshire, to Dr. Ham.iltoii, at'Niagara Salary -from $16,000, to $10:0,011 -7 - . "a ' at is; made a and seated. in front of tinyjorges,.gre�..heatlng, It as 6, I og-�-t as lie Sureyed .the grandeur, Of 'that.. s,t,u- D tit IcBecipes tind-Itintvi, this the case.�tlxat those' he hear them a iRyga:o ciall ,ithe-bits: to a cherry ied.-c6l'ofaild Companion df it.' I kept 0 III 032 .�yor 'o, on 4 so: no not ing is or Its- h f tb real enef., Ai, Cfigjf�i air state-, west 6f:Englanil� leaving' t tg has,ZeSi000 '�94;lLoo� E ith ta broom i4t.. ffi� ho�le�,twolv e lent 13 at 6 , '&to te eri6l"them he cat 4 peop!e out of ifour- to: express. they idk.� keriashotaacanIx iakexx1soxcel their in.- to in( the proper: eg, nes 4 re i ti� g., b6ila6. Ireturnedhomoiab6tit4oiad-Chii t nc5l8a of nailSea and vomit a ree p 9 ut, firmit.y, and-it,would benex'b 0 sess to , 1149 h PrQtru, ing'' qileitio'ka -You alaclIcarn, t at alt h t ali�DQKPID find lot oil a _can 019L - e- An by a latch-- Iking oa: carpets d c6iiceiixi -g,- d ' 'ja � . Y. post', an air 11 b"' ha, IVV7 7. hej which, been, �salalg fisils O'n'shoes digs, off the iiajttlearfully.,� Hlaggil]g his chains e femper their---owd- 'rd 64 --room.: III' r4c. uld hardly Calluot -control- whorl they wept'lip-pts-irs to'.m!y..g --b tt--'B;'' i&ed olice'al w,eek w, a at victim 9, tr 8 tate oijg; draw from, the,: victim a �tr ment btxrxx� their flugersi Y U now Open 9, the morning I found puse asleep in her old whw' ards.' :v a Room" id :place at the fool f um used door: lett ied,, Polishin of the bad, and she could Set brooms o4ay handle do �itli respect -td the quantity o o g my usp 'fuSB with� _S-C n old broom apd, by ' biria f'be` a acted an int tion th rub floors with a Start back a Scene which 11W ak6 eno o'U.P0171 interfere 'with his-%flowal)(16� Alw Ve w,tr h UNACQUIAI TED WITH -.THE CEOCRAP HY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL lyb,jittleLat a th2de,--theIii-mop, in' living' reproductiorro Takiroginiquiries, I'founa thatIbb'.6'at bad W Is I I I - I .. . I . I I . I
a, -d' that by -'s -.nae un - 187drear' 19 before you�, Men wit eve in the water. thiern,too, is the dr eeni up the kitchen Stairs fro SE �BY'IkXMAININC THIS MAP, THAT, THE b6ppy combin a4iCxi',6f eircumst bnal duat rin to 118 since. anc a lack, faces bla6kelied,by'char Mix turpentine wiiii Stove poJisb, put on. of money, ilavc id] Amer ti a I' went &way twelve mont" Lon'tillement, ,olbse ii'tand'in long rows while s sbe't f 11 . A bho'.must. hava� recollected my, footstep, _811 eapolig t. ...... . ...
-bter,old babits." a d fell into cold, stove a little at a.time Will shine when rveillance, &xxy.(jr.aIIofth6seobs cles, long plays from taellacuds.ol -ey - may -lind Says A . little,milk f th t, each,. h4h�ixig up their blackened'. fbatuieS' A., Member -o -Abu66d Vribe' Ill the water in. which you Deitto be-able.to p 66ure; the drug, experi-L 0 and* making thera, look like � vij±jita,bje_. Our tribe haVe good hiernoile-0. . My mis- are washing' y ur dishes, is -much nicer ones having. tang t .6 horrors of. demons, -Each man hold s L ixx� hiS haid a tress %yB that �xxy �'graxxd , fitthe r_�,usedi_to_ tlian Soap; :ab�tftlexlce. t bit -and- presses-it,upon-the polishiogwha6ij,� 'watch �or-�her:�l-brotliet.Whel3L-he�r,6turn6cI k,_ a 00 so a erer, as way 0 in& Y v S Which thousand re olutibbsin JrOm. 'college ou''Saturap,ys at 1 o'clock, always fjltej�;, SeCoild lxxle� you, Inust nul�j, 6using by - its fric io� a gr at Tibby a Seen, atobibg on -the area 'of the steps. IIA, get t O"ibei door Tibby . . . . . it,�obl)7giye ono'boil boil t of sp to fly out in froxxI Ighbeth ,has arl, E ily -made Apple Sauco.+-B ake apples Althougb.Ahe majority�:of speculators, operator. You�behold the many different followdbinjupstairs, although n6ver Nd With a pan"over them, plsnty'water;,. Pick may have made up their mindsihat wbeat processes of finialiffig,as the bits P&aar on out ot the* kitchelij."would rather endure _p lb, n peel,'ma§h-the,kest through a, colander, another down 6' hubigoithan be parted_� from. his.friond. cheap at present ricas,aild therefore a Vfrom one ikorkmaluto -Tibby never stirred out of.the kitchen -folly to ignore the fact row until at last they look la� bright' as. e good purchase,� it is swttitit appearances, are� decidedly militant to burLialled silver. I'll th&' patking.toom' excePt on Saturdays.?'. e Easil�. -wash6d - Dlsh� Towals,L�w a t itient - ____ _ - , _Pt. -an d -any impokatxt-�axxtd- -immed'ate*+&dvance - in- h fi 'abed bits, 41 -An Artful Pass " '.writes -that sheonce oa , put in cold wateri� Stir often rll prices. , 'For instaiitle,, stocks - of, I wheat� in �axld 'a-few.inspectois ais-examirlill then), saw, a oat taking cars of a whole'-silopiul of, bailed, repoai if necessary with more sea z 9 f the� can- I P Cbica d have increased over half a million with magnifying*gIasseB to see �i _brds.; It was a S,unday, 'and pusa� had -bushels" during. the PpLat Weak, and daily detbot'any; scratchaoi that have been left'i-by been shut in beside tbe.feit.thered'sougater- tei; riuse. For buins - and �chlds,, alum. water, ap,- receipts continue'very heavy for this season the"polisbers. to-,aQb as goner al -in -charge to. keep out the" Covered. with 'of the year, -.yestetday'H: inspection fdr.to- enexxiy (mice" or rats); and, though pussy,' nr aIX to (lay.b'ei'ag�376-6arl6adsi-mo6t�.of,-'-W, ic i[Ale, W the Alanitoba 'Woods. was . dozing Sweetly on the top of a�cage, I )_6__ggqrs,a ret h I urtyinginto the'woods, 9 es no mark, ll -g, , -If the crop,.o witiler h am Oxre�bho wa8 not sleepin at her post Ioilclaouri'lba as Can. Syr up.: d ficient,-the spr I ing' W bf hoxxor.'!� xc ia,�ge.' -L. Wet, �ranljjat sugar with tells a reporter the story of- E 7 Water, flavor.. -with vii2egar.- tb-tafte, boil 00 t an immexxlse;_� iis'' d6ruonsti4ted 0, logger's day. -He Says: 1i The'first tthihg Ave,millubes addhig rapidity with Which Westor�fi 'c'entr a t a be -done inAh6 fall is *the building/.Of- a the United States Jitint.19 Gaarded o U pincligrated let: been recently filled 6P. an rind. . : . .. I I There: � it I 'shantyi'Which'is generally, constructed:of t t " 'L' . ' d ubt that,the next retu�rrxs'of the 1 logs,' routed ith lumber. -Thi8-iaf1tte&np It would not be healthy for A cup of he wa or * IS a good tonic and 9, 3i [ supply on thiis contixxent�wlll tun O I inside with bunks for sleeping 6urposes,: in attempt any of his tricks about the mint," stomach cleari�er, ant! -., suro'curefor con, 3310C is', :'In contlect, which hemlock or spr I ude brush i's- com., a itipatio. It sh in tbe,mdrn'. 10,000 ushels. Th said dol. toudon Snowdon, th' Other PON Py ould be ta,�an to a ieporte�' on the� Philae "Co a 0' R60K ISLAN ith.the heavy! reserves qf�forei D-& PAtIFIG and 6exxifig;� W dgenliwbFat monly used as beddiDg; The obinks' j �Ocord. , Abu in, England and liberial home pixicked with moss and' ut a year 'ago I Caused all. BeIng,the pm� at central Line, affor tolcire retirixxg.� veries, between the logs an ds to travei'er's','by reason of Its.urtrivaled, goo should be. Sufficient : to 6uxb, the !� - 6�'iixxd the'shant . y -is lioatijil by 'means. 'the muskets'Ab be' changed for repeating- graphipal Positiong t1je, Shortest and best*route between the Eas-1:1,Hortheast, and To heal cut faixg.er,s with rapidity, tatur,- enthusiastic spocukator who has bbelft-so' of What is called'a �caboose, ) or op I an . 11 rifl6s.anff seven -shot oarbilles' that,are dai- So nj the West, Northwest and, Southwest. re-, Uthea t, a raie-the part.with alum watet; it will.sting loxPg expecting a, big.l advance in fdoo of the, platlej from'which.this smoke:makeS-its exit lings. Our-�outside'watchmexx,mbo patrol '' IM ITterally anti s,tiridtly-teue, thailts; connectibris�ar'e'ail of Vie principal lln6ii` h.ip . I -of-lroad-bitwaon iho Atlantic an�� th6 Paciiie. ly-for a little bit, but Will soon'stop fact that tbe"Worldl� imm lliat�ly available by a:n opening, i l the roof. : Th6 cocking in the streets a out the place,, ate �7�.ve , aup� for good and heal quickly. I hatve tried,ft - I yttfbread4ff� is I larg I el'y" p irearms ;' in fact, t I bay' lk By its Main line, and branches(It reaches Chicago, Jdliem't, Peoria, Ottawaf, Stipp in excess of, generally done by a tnan, who is -often paid died with f litirewa Several tirdes. the highest wagas in�t , be Camp.' 'The fare M, very La pzk(I Inosan als.� 6 'eat ievWi y at ,,,9en.e6eo, Moline and Rock Island, in Davt�npo�t, Muscattin% Ptive re�uireihe iDg :KnoXV1116, Oskaloosa, Fairfield, DeS M6 in as; 'West -Li brty,- The rle�osits of fine coal 'ashea, found on Washington, Keokijk, consists of barrel,' or-ratflasuake,lpork;beanp,� pp'reon in t e build oan.liandle 9, iinti6, �Avoda,, Audubon Aarlan, Cuthrie Center. arld Councli qluffsi . .- I -7 . Iowa Clty� Atl the ledges of the kitcbendrap rou ri- 111cr. dri I ------- -- - Pi �,app a an Ir suc 'game as 6annotd . ivine In Iowa 6 Caliatin, Tre!n*tbn, tbarnero'n and Kansali City,ln NIisso_u'rl4,and-Leaven- ourVaspospois ig powder auff-flixids-for A curiots question has ju I str been decided in' It a -. A-�shantymlixx. b0iiled''that I know of, an worth 'and Atchison In Kansass anc!, the hOn d6 Of -cities, Vagand Urt bStW the men. fiixd� . t a woo L ti�f . Cleansing xxickle Plated orn amen ts on stoves. in the Portsmouth County Co )ean't'got much time to loat. hr dthe, why tbe,,Secretar of'titl feLlitsury ba�o lnterMedI5i�4i=--nh e� can dc oull ifidd A�bps would scratch the ornaments'. a husband and wih. The an". ordered Oatiihg dulls at carbilles for the
busbabd house. * Every.. morning, Wo -houra before -�-No eggs,' '�-lifib' �01. �dayligbt,'the.foremau's I Hurr'a'b; b I DYS ' I is because CWTE I .,6riddlc Calies. On engi at on -obe of Her Xiijesty's Ships baints' 'I have'noi ro,'ueStiedan OPMEAT ROCK ISLANIff) MR four fifths R atid�Endirigitb6stwilbD on! abore:to liW bovird,t'and a� few minutes after-tbe whole w6'are suffiCiently', I ar e&. , At this time our, yery sent as rt.ls.famiilarly Called, offers to:tralieleys' all the �advantagas and cornfoits 1. . 11 � Ots, there ag turned o'dt*over a million of, In ' 'to a-stnooth- tracki-safe-bridgesTUnion- De-oots-,at-hil connecting 061n,�s,, buttermilk-4ith� Cojilloneal.;' apart from 'bi§ tsbe Sent her to his Hbanty,is ali;ve.� are greasing be Cident add flour till'all,io-in kalt, soda til otbilr'g. Rather ilidn' li.v6,"*ith b belves , and Atinding. axe�, ',Is Standard dollars each month, and, -we -fre- fjweet,� in er fixing wh' Fast Exprelis TrEqns,.,.q!�mp.qqod of it �-51.5-000-000-in-7silver-in-thie- -7- other.-injW',LthS_wifELsup 7F`i_4_CVV U P H 0 L ST E R ED a n d L E L ECA N T DAY C 0 A 0 R l' It n a of, th 6 beat-weI4 �o;�edherself� -0�hers-are-perfcirmiDg�theii--ablu-ti(yxfs--glid- -qllbntlY�bavi OVC41' r -by Per..ow6�woik. but a MOST MACN�F'JCENT HORTON RECLINING CHAIR CAR'S ULLMAN,Sr V ailing il *, bowever; She ruji'llibg their firig r tbrotighAheir It it would take a littl army p' a a air'as. vaults, v m iiif1i--daxxnon:to get at =t�rtlaglghod ad fiandsornest PALACE SLEEPINe cAR% and 'bININC,CARS longer if, when new, they are put in alettle _was#hged to,sua her"Aiusband. for tlle� a sort of a�ol(ig fdr, cotiiomg, � Br know IF means of subsig,tence.; and the simple re-, CgeogoTd.by press and people to be t a INEST �Of cold ��ater itill -a haticift;il of'salt" boil, a ut P14 y
t h, over, the different, gangs set o and In *which W6p&ictir. rnaiil� are served to travelers 'at couple of bourn, then take off lot the ply r,o bar demand was that there. was �-& getjxx,3 or their work, wbidti in tionle dases is In Europe tli6 mischief mak6rS predict sv ROAD IN THE: the low rate'6f:SEVEAjTY�VJlVE CENTS, EACH. homa-for"her"ai'liler mother-in-law1g.-lbis fro four to ft I'�'SbUp ' RIVEP4 ChiMIAGY stand In it until Cold. ra vs. miles from ibis shanty, great revulsion next,6pring which,. will'.1ead T'HREE' TRAINS each.Way. between CHICACO-aild-th rV3 .1 declined to laco6pt. � B�t, affei hearing an Id i ' k i 'I - , aya commenced by day- t � I I I :11 . I cacti way between itbor to4 O coffee, long boiled drives affwOT Is'aw o war. TWO TRAINS' and,r4,i,iNNEAPOLIS'&1d'ST. PAUK, t e'dase, the judge decided that a, husbaild light you' Can easily see we,have no chance via th6l,farnciU6 XbeautifulwOmailis a Pr aroma into the air, and pleasm the-nostrilA, s6paiatedjrom' his wife�)fiad ti right to to be late risers. , : The anWork all day, ractical poem, A% 'ER T L E ROUTE', P ve With her dvotik 'their dinnerf ALIB but disap*6ints the. palate, Agoodwayis e6jilel bar to 11 timing her savage mate, planting texxder� to noixid, like tea, xmas,1ope, eloquence, in fill whom she ap. .0 ablesp6on.cold The converse of this punisbinent,would, in.. which is genet a' tell fko2en -or, half water and let rkdep. hot - t tell Minutes or tpeeA Nei�tah-h Direct Line:� via perreca and Kankakee, has recen ,r y been E NT , � A;" afici of many 0, Man, ho considered., a by the aide: of About News, Richmond, Cincinhafi,'f between oWport ndlariapblis and
more, but never bDil. it.' tea is best drank th' inter late poir very severe On am Gaaltii. amost� nol council Muffs, St- 0a6I,'MInneapolI§ nd m6d nts., ldBli it start is made for'the Shantk; which two try jurod -by Slander, as we usually find that to All T"rough Pitissengers carried on Fast Express Trajris.� More detatied information, see "aps"d 0tolders, which maybeft In reached long after dark. Supper eaten, �bekhebestfrui WhiQhrtbqbiids, 6 o tat ned, as is gaQcd,, U13 the' the' weixr�- war, � bunk in, , and ate 400n b on Gingerstia S"_Boil together two cups, of If a 0 �pecking at., 4tall principal Ticket Offlces,ip the Unit CI*S Now O�jqatxttol"Aes and one 6P of lard.; -V)AeS. , r ,:. I I tates an�d Canad'atbi"of T' we I as1icketsi 0 arinr cot d—a a al f 10en me head,:,abotilderg, and aroatwri rs:,I1k6cicarfb'ntain*,d6not R., IR. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN gingor and end e.v;6n tablespol: ook 1"fi,eart above all the rest oil, the, world,� .—Detraft alderLn have eciderfiagain6t seem so deep as they ate ;-the turbid -4 0 lnful'of, siod& VI Prbaft-&-Cutil anagor �Cenil`,Tlkl s1r Ag: d-La??dor., . mix quite Ifata&M. opting the X16W stAbilard tim Most profound� IU
d hek
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