The New Era, 1883-12-21, Page 27 .............. . Painful to, t�e itneBse" his ,wife: this m inin I suppose He It never: been, Arthur to 9 than to the (lQeB 'visit Laos a d G&W. 0 16t me,*ybu rams ]Decoinbej� IN Arift that lady in %, bright 'gay humor � 1 , CBApTER T. I was taken! sick a yearago, WS MUM& I mean youth HES 1. 1 ";; Dar- lieen" Was, new illness vor�ploxes him. ' She is lyingdo a kofain a' usband of course, i'don't'Im )W Ki With bilid a fever." in,: ri . Igh . a , aya. patience! is being OR o me; overi(xemna6lit brings it on Dr. tda-gdwn Of Young My,doctor pronounced Me cured, but I got - t 'I deeply with Valenciennes !ads. sorely tried I Gordon says, and your—my poorcousm, KIIII'llea thfradiousn"'essi but a a a ok again, with terrible paine in may'back.sma' ]POICTItY. Her complex' it"is of pearly reflec- MainWile the appgaralloo dt' it! stilli for The People LoVed HerMUCh. has been terribly o r -excited of 4te, yon, to] a deslidad I gotiw bad I OW.71 tions, whiob Darragbis untutored hand haa who will" stand by this woman i with the 0 id not move i kn �btit he hero and on a table by her- twist in her mind it -she (Darragh) refuses sr11 Terribly,." he Says, tersely f ailed. to. put t From 228 lbs.'to 1201 1 bad been debtor 03 Sn"Set to do Etc 2 �,nd for He is ready to be profuse in his apologies tha;nkB her �vlth a look for �the way in Side are all the dailyp,,�pers. for fe my'liver, but'it did me no gobd� T,did hot bxpeet. Ed aunser to-aight, no 'glory The recollection! of how they parted on There is Silence W MiallieS. Then to live' liters than three months.- I begap to use for having,missed his appointment with her Which Elbe has accorded kinship, to, Lady the, previous day iflashes. into his mind as Lady Killeen Puts V, Directly my appetite returned, may �rs over the Pallor ' of snow; though )as thinks it Bibgu- Kil' hand out, and gropes Hop Bitters jUAtk,i,, the heaven aboveus,, at his club, and leen. her, butida,moment she dispels for something on, the little table by the side pains left me, my enibire system seemed renewea And dark 15 the earth below, lar that'she jbould not have- attended to his watch her;, shemill- ad it by magi�, ad arter,�ualug several'bottles I Banset to�niaht, no tining St.John's, her when She coined the unpleasant memory. weigh of purple orinkl, or. gold;- equeat and followed him 6 Mrs' � . want Some one with 41 My powder -box and pu.0 w have gone,,,be is rather r that� � I have been so. impatient for you to Where at. ore than did bef pro. To. fly, Bitters I owe The day dies sadly iu.sbadow, still, as matters out of'this,state of coma ; it N bette come to me - ever since'Dairagh lef she they'?" Bileaske peeviBlily; 11 itJ94 y Strict my life-, And,Ithe�night COMeb,daXlE, 8,nd"001d. glad.than otherwise that she has not done � Some one ion and' friertd,,� Dublin June 6th, 1881. should.be a relat . P, I I . I . I . : , . , I - Stretching but a, jewelled balth and order I that they Are put here every night, Ed. isn't it?" - I � I . "" . How To GL�v siox._Expose yourself day and jursbinato-morroinorning! -Sunshine � "Ing very sweetly night -,eat fee much'.witliont exercise; work too 'is Such a dear' agh I,-! �hd says, with emoi aiii While Darragh Where are they ? Where is Millar, my its she is, She' My d3ar Darr Will brightenthe. eastern sky - Clever igo erlact—I maid 2" hard v2thoutrest; doctor all th4, � tinie; alia a). was her —a e is �o vile.nostrums advertised, and then you will oq,,an a c�tn��4ay up P The birds -will tell us at dawning nsuspicious, gc6d-naturoddreature that I ti d h ore "Millar *cut. to,bed,,and io�probably s they go twittering by- Zleodfi't fear her pressing- any -home inclui- So you to Mrs.. Thorne want you. want to know, ho, to get imll, which. a answered I and the beam.' let me help you---:-'? ,The pallor of snow will vanish;. sant disclosures The sof t �lasp of berhanS, asleep now in three words -Take Hop Bitters I 1. ties that may lead to ntiplea for Me, 'aakiag'-Jor- gains things to be to fin The, d the dark clouds drif t away'; -In-g, affection in her: well-trained eyes_..aF3__. "No, no—you won't know wher, gras� is under the anow drifts� tie thinks, as, he � tilr�� into the sent -to. me, and saying �why I'm a d- 11 1 h -_. upon _%'r'., -But. in spite of his unbelief in I I a co She says i the unflatter the lace for my head, And if you find it you A d'the blue sky under 6 a gray Grofive. How,beautifi� sh �hig do Away With slid is, Killeen," won't know how to pin it on," Lady Killeen his own Wdii 'fie experiences' a startling ticties, bendiLig down over the pillow on. ilig Suggestion her words might otherwise �q6,, sunset to -night in tho household, is, SAYS eager t6eling when lie catches. the which -the whit eposes Peaceftill convey., ly, halt rising iii.the excitement 111he lieath-stope is dreary and still revulsion of I Y ' At It with, it in Lord or recum- 'y first�ljmpse of my IAd 'a face,,and,hears again. ,Ho'w We will- both �filiid her 3ast they do away 3f these toilet questions from h rdere is sbmetbing.the matter with.father, Y bent posit I ion,among the d6why' pill'w W0W1AjN1_Q. HEALTH; F-WOMA And modlei lier'Arst w�or&: against doing anything to bring,on atiolher Killeen's estimation,'but not ill Millair's. b No playing to -night in the parlo�, k A:6cording to' v of the case, Millar asides, can b -fou put �on- properly? -Is ,So I you have been to that Woman, att - 't W ?" I her viep UYVIPATHIZE "y�fl H S THE H'0 P E'Or u later, no song ac won, we No story, -has barns the brunt of�fhe situation, and I don't behavb it 111 Anti the little 'ones go ta their sleep without me I You have been listening to He bows his- head in assent. Darrdgh's, . 0 -11 You can tell me and I'll try," With,a feel wrong.,. been the one to ague t Darra It, WGMAN. Ing of, Borrow and her sneaking if�isinuation� i and mabavolent wo'rdB, Unintentionally as they arezuttered, In ake it practically pie ca e to, Lady. Killeen this morning. What Alibe Says, laughing. She does not, foal d. weak� Suffering rendeifingB of the reason why' we Oarted, fill hilaith reinorBe. If he bad not obeyed Put t6 -morrow when sbadows lengthen, n.a 'voice of Such Mrs, St.-John�s,mundate, to call on herl if' Ty!�ue may have done in the way, of aura. UPOno lecture this poor, he hbwrta Will be ruddy and light; have�ou?"shd beginB,i a the night is nothing to Millar. She womari for frivolity, for Darragh has a Childron, will climb on the father's knee- concentrated fury that Lord Killoeu�dt;lllost he had only given his. wife 'Some ampler, 11191i Audthe mothe� be wall and.bright feels for a moment ad if he were guilty of ad bad succeeded in giving '(Willar) has been the peg on w ich new heart.,to feei fo' those things-b,elaw the But_ surance than he Go (Ioitwp in the glory and Weep, 7 . bhargiilg1him -her that,she wad,unshaken oul.the pedestal.. . CIMBses, fiegh from White's and Worth's ace which her.clear'eyes discern: _.-And the sun_o�er, the -little household-' hung this'-`mQrping This� acquiesence in her scheme of msk. d Music,' -John's because She W6 h it, this dread have been .and Bhb�M, Of lauglitel,,alad story, a I Went -to Airs, St. on W a has placed bc Of a f ather%, and- mott delicate. pearly hue, f ing herself up' for the cozaing r's kiss. wrote t and be Ito, a fierce tiger, is to whOm, this a ask the to see her PauBd I thin�,_ this fit that is,li has hand prity, on Lady'Rilleen'solideks, with her husb%nq A Most softening. :She were friends,, won av'e assailed'het. As itjB, he'is YOut] is due The sc And My h6aft has oft mournfully said: - imagined that,you. and Id hot It f rigb nonce on Lady Killeen. .8hoIieEl back "lainyhterto sunset,to-night: he Bays injudicioifily, for by his last'vords too, thoroughly- , idne&'Iti-id 'sh'sken to., )U1L of the Sewing. iW11 ,,;Gray is the sky and horizonj n arms us she- ref[�&4 bli. these thinas; and contentedly:,,,while-, Darragh, bathes the, w -9 -now that of being able to �protect Ciouds piling to left and 1to'right he. adih ite the fact of kn:o* in feel confidence 'it Is with a t6u ' of u Usual s:sperity in bealltiful paiti4ined-faco, and-- brusnes out Gone are the purple and, arnber'tials, tb, Are not. her 'properly in the future'. So therei is all n the Bilky.leiagths of Sol t golden -brown hair. -L she repeatsi in a voice of The Bbimmer of pink and of -gold.' Friei2d§!' little besides �grateful humiliation in the her tone 02tit She SAYS ­; �� I that -BU1whe1l,­it.! -Afy-da­hus- the-shadov�, Un-a-utera;ble-szorn —a-i3�d-in-her--v�rath-Erhe-,is- -7 I sayffrl�= — I And: my night come Lit. rk and cold." ve,, �re6rred'lkiss Thyllue to get plexion, and adjusting the lace Which is to Verypictuie8que.'and handsome.. ,What. You will be b6r,be�t friend, Darragh, and you'd ha I in' the may - she will, t You, help her you up, Which YOU would naturally, � all() Soften it, lMy Killeen grows restive.. Th'enjow' ' morning new glory, over I may be, whatever that woman rust: You. and: lei and kind,! I §hould, have One grain too Mucb,�an'd,it�w 1-uld nittke NeIk bounty of earth and of sky, try to. make, me out to . be, I �m not so from which r6marki inder'eudently of the boug..Bo "I nice 0 New hbpe'in my -love and�niy duty, mean and fal6e a thing its: Bbe is ; I would, ev . idence -,of the uplifted - knife,: Darragh stayed'in bed gladly, and got Some of the me look I.ilke'a painted,. Jezabe),!'�'sbe gays, As the'larksings.gladlyou high: roke up last nigh tAking,the powilei-bbx '—an egg-Sholl in silver Shadows iast only a night-time; not send for room—if she had ider's that it hIss notbeen all Smooth ailing rest WhichygurilIndsBb - V � from'Darragh'a haudB� Then she feebly ."�---Like a happyblrd,sin�'them away; he:r brideg mbkrked'on You can go out '0 a room, now, at trapped a man into marrying her.�in order since the lately married pair a f th topoison his mind against life's ocean together. ud s;pplies it with -fingers that trambjp, And so For af tar� flio-iiigh t'combs, the. dawning, once," Lady Killeen says; chillingly ; a gr&y." o dothi to Ari&tho,blue'sky j� und She —1 meiii,�6bs call never Bat Drikgh II0 the, discretion Iwitich is blillar drops a qIress, In wbilchbrooI16 velvet,, f 01 t rig has failed U lade meet her artistio'eyee aud:'�s.ese of the fit apli- 8 -in.poisoxiing mind aga nst liorn'.oi­.delic�tb feeling and, kind-hearted'. dreamploied silk,.ancl, M.echli 4KHAWS acceed I you, LYDIA_E.� P1 -.JPurne)Ing�on 'Xozether. for t i ' or look6 a in well harmobized'-cotifusion, On thefibor cation of powder.' darling," he says pacifically, heir room �-ness, and 'so she neither asks n I I I IUSi, AS She a fromthe room B.h 1"'ahe exclain�a in did, Beau a, is on A f UILY 006 a as, she abruptly retreat VEGETABLE COMPOTMD. ty, in the.orchard hot upi6d corridor', -and he has, question. .. Her we ry, anxdus'waitoll. lasts ff bsond-gla6s; klossouls all around bar, o ide , a ofthe thickness of ths w . alls.'At all without intarmissio� lor many.hours. It I hear I'.wlis dwfuZ 1 , �st niabt when'the views the e act of bar work in a 1dly bittiagall alone � 11 1 - "it's this glaril -that ruins A, uFEMALE VVEAR- a loud -i cleaX dark night�wbe ck cata�a Killeen . sayb, ag murninj ligfit for, ll- � I I. . 'Waiting me I found voic6 isr it Lady Killb a Lad 0' NESSES, ]Including Leticaribma, . r. her. timesLady 1, is y me. No woman ought t show herself till hen 0. 0 Aight dimly illumi.- tShe has made up her hillud regqlar and Paliful Menstru -it Sof b I stole theay along penetrating, bell -like' organj but W c: floci ustless.: A.night twelve o'clock, in, th& (lay, unless she is a V raise(l in wrath ab.6 could 'be fie�rdjronl nates the rb6ta. With a few quiet words to'forget ill that She remembers having In the,gra,93 bobidd Clasped my two bands 6'er%erby . eB, to:the Bids of the bad, Inflammation and Ulc6rntio Of milkmaid." one 6ide.of*.S.tb.h.ahengb tq the other. Darragh draws near board about or said of John. "0 . no 017 1 een s y _Qmothing, the Womb, Flooding,.PRO. She has-limled, yc�Ygbi�y I -Thou she-h— accounting f or: her own -presence bars in A6 noYawfuTl' approaching to pucc-66a'ih the'litera career XAPSUS a darling -Isa SweeteElt" trjed­4he cht P', easy, natural'��*ay that Lalmo8t' persuades end.pi.�Sly. He.kilovigla6w, c At he, as Y immediate unworthy� of you," he Lady Killeen!" to believe there has- -m" 8-&,ba'd bargain, but :there is lip' eed- of.which she is, so proud hag:taken-the L_?Ipleasant to the taste, eflicactous and Your b6auty's my undoing, That is quite ad In its effect. It is a groat help in pibg�aney, �and re-,' been no collusion 1i f T venom out of* her,"' sbe. adds; and, for.tiia Trusting- how that you will list says,� in a tong of *tender remonstr&aae�- OF a. moment or.two. to give his knowledge tothe world. Il . It -1 . . .. ­ lieves pain dta�ing labor and, sake of sweet peace' a prpmlseE�,�, at regular periods;, To my tender ivooing.' 4,Why irritate yourself And dis' it the warped nai U PfFISI LiNSUSEIT ANDPRESCRIBE-IT rREELY. stress. me �Bi: are has �beeu � tricked -he goes�on, Ydif are much.better'now, c And- iti'reiiurn fir-�thig ML* very y ing rs upon alidireptly. so of ion that it know., dear yc quiet d endly wi in Darragh. I'll CT'ron ALLWnAKNE8sEs of theg6 erative organs Sweet, 1,love you -you alone, ab�ut �n thi 8t,,Jobn may possibly nd warred Pli'll have 'to ke:e fri th your calls' n t give up politic a take her up," Lady Killeen Says- of either sex, It Issecondtonte remedy that has ever. -Bob-d--those,sof t eyes -on me;- cannot, all At Once take up its digits ' ad habi . al ex 'I�enaefit." f "'clear light She laoighs softly It, would almost Grant me but a littlokisB he6ausp what. she has said will rankle 6 faithand trust. �_Even in�tli6 getter been before the public;'anil �ior ll diseases of the: Ah, don't frown uijon me. if I "am ';stabbed in. -of such a� fuce:, &B Darragh" iidy,' , IV. And as shesays this Killeen, real-, lie GreateNfRentedv iit the World. K01004 Please her better if he said� 1111INZY8 ' It is t b�.yqur Alid ; because,, izes I'low very funny all, this, woiild'be if, t ban will tu�iil -upon thy darkly for a time Ui Overhead he linn6t'sweet k 1, Yo are a tigress; you will always be. B wife, COMPLAINTS'of Either ex To his mate er ladyship. were, some other. f e�low': ust you fainted, And, ready.to:tear those who come athwart you. A Find Grent Itelief in Xts while I have life; because in sending for I came, t6.�all j 0' fl, an being our cousin, You knowj 1 t ougfi� - ----- ant other-malitg.. odus n'. hunshilaekoundthLinfalling, y ushelikschallengedme-to , duel d* cut your claws;'! Y yet, in, spite of, this conviction le passes ZTDIA. E. PINE31AMIS BLOOD 'to Accept her challenge, ve me -nur will eradicate c�ery, vestige of Rumors from the' mean -it our,, y�- t a Bide of his ne of. as you would rather ha for your BO �:Bt a does' not sav this. On4b6;cbn_ overy, pleaeant, -one e sel Miss Thnne. Buys,. trary, he gives vent to in 'fierl metal'to* th4systd ., As marvellous in results as t1fvlampound. To the g.1,16h cup the bee Must 1931.11. than any giatiating remarks, Blood, at the same timd iIvU give tone andstrength to lihgs�with sweetness laden; For she'is on m ff he says soothingly, laying 'her hand - oil' the broad, a;ad Stiff 6rs1er to Bee that she will.not be It shall'rot-be!you, my Wi a( I". Buttortlie4 on, other wing amuse Win; and not 'only, -to -a rmistf, him , '-Both th are.pr gallantly." --iS7�bent.-,upoa�-her�eo -cwlled-to-accoti:nt,f6r-her-rabid- aof CT a-Compoulidtind Blood- 17biow hat. 7 aseably ell in" the prea6fifi but to. make Z Western. Avenue, L)�nn, 31ass. pared at 213 and: 2: itti.gO.It -�ii�,-gi-ves-her--the_v_ictor:s_ yesterdwy T I . .1 1 -hi&*fordat-"mtevdr-.hai3-bee&"plt5aBB��-t- was well done to steal Upon me,na- jeelin�- some � woMew isa, whatr you ar.01 tolling About if'you thin.k.,� and there are in the immediate past. And being on her at bymail in the form of pIlIS"01- Of 1,oZengcS, OIL' Blossoi:6s all Arou YA a her, d refute that woman"'s insl-' 'wares and - take me at my'worst; n'n " a , 0 without is Ee, cr. . Mrs. Tinlham' Buttercups and ma�rguerites, you can roast.' an as ca, ot gal a viat ry price, e par 6i:I� ior eith Did she toll you w y we" ari dangerous. growing metal with her wur-pmiiut 'on, slh6.Suaceeds Waiting me If (in Lid her. dubus attacke, h ranged between you� and yotir,coysin that . k= answers all letters of inquir�. Enclose 3 cent u66 'me ln� and see his wife behay. t says my whole nervous Bys,- Send for panipblet., iiention, tliis Paper. you . The clocto Mbreov whefiev It' Now she's promised mine to be- parted , a a madwman when he'had in at,, er she sees; that e All through lifetog'Other; I'm sure I fo,rgeV',he; unaf- ing lih ad-'. tem. has been overstrained, and Darrggli E.PrYXHAmIsLrv7ni�ML8 CaTe,'c6n4lpa.' for growg�weary of theseJopice, Bh everts1o, UVMHD-1�111ness and Torpidity Of the cents. Whother for better ori worse, dened hot I It -WaB -nobly plapued�-' e� r looted iiidifferance, f6rb a regardS..6all.thi 8 acup� -rest aU4 quiet. Supp9se leefi, though * be -is id --lo-via- y Hand andlhearftor6ver... a... to .� - . -backAhim up stick Buys- 11ae need of ine' And , fier, aiad. Lord Kil- -'-'Idb mostin ate, 'Wor s fail her, 'alid.�sho falls bubk Upon Most pmig d )erifeat l. F6 the* pill th -an air 'Of bt " h burge I yq�a ard a.:worthy ally�t inly if' hyai- Qw, weeping terribly,'for herp they are. rig 8 a ragh now; he has been in I&e with her,'a4d O.'er the 'hillsbf liatber; you forget." an iumult'ihat is offere&�'to Cal, strength is.�,spont,, and,:fiAt& andeuspl- sudden, prostration. Tti6ii with Ia '' well. Though we're wed welflovers b a- me, she aayB -a kre flying,ou . is Proud of lie r. Be one of the Jourrteying�6ii together.\ arca8ii.eally, for her ungov. did conceived portrayal of, curiosity slid ad -is, of.th616mily tree. On her praises heiis4. h ic has - Then ahe'prOceeds 16 catechise, Dairagh -'�-What was it made me ill yesterday I -The ---L' i - s a fat - y I temper �wh ernable',temper:L , -that rig g a q iuger. re u, been the bano' and curse of her-life-is,in atriotly aad:eagerly.ap to how she 11 really, that I kno*w of," hegays, care. topic, heAllinks and already. Lord I tile anash, does not bare for conse7 arms now, -a doom look_;" And whether a touch of color, ieggly, for. he is, resolved -to, ka'epl Mrs. St. *k olut.f or Ol brightly gloams,�tho sursshins� in the.�blue is beginning to think it well to loo quencew; 11wbowof pink crimson j. wouldn't- be -an John out of the controversy it Pas4fe. gdfe.topim when his. ' ife. seraphic sky, or discourping with W _4�: fra�raufw* ith !fie harve,gt time the blithesome, 11 Perhaps we had bettor close the subject improvement fastening the Jace-nlder. b6i But -Lad Killeen is more than ama -But preseittly.aillar, sifflaggrieved, and )urs -fly, f with -this assurance framing, that Mrs. St. chin,II' and' ad Darragh fails to findl the him.. Y And all around iswondl�ous. fair, as 1. some airy I I . . .1 ; consequeoily'very querulua, comes inAL111ur- John'llag' not said -anything, against you, -required, ribbon in a diawer full of g6rig8oull, " Surely I remember.' Yes - I do �1­ghe knockiLig at the duo t is* at I Dal an'of America with an eNcellenta hand r -m it way -with gio�vingg,'col lldell 'aging to Big putting hot haad Up er tell I dblorforbuttdr� sdmeraorica8 that I Hadtouched 6ra the slid thauif-sh6­hud. done goi it'Would,not' li6jerl toh fo Bad. ce a warning and abock. 1 012 lovely land" _hSIV8.madd the'sfightest impression. lari'. again, and to! feel berself,bereft:6f I I I was hurt -m I withgreat success everywhere receiving But what to Bill are. all.-tlieso scenes? TZill "Are you really so . pachyderma I tou's 1. ? feelings *are- tried by 11 Bog pardbit, my lady. V'.she says, with highest and only prizes at both. Internet-- 1 the to Congenial society. one I 'had believed in gh Y hearing that whom . t you,ib quite out DaV7 F antly distinctness, .11 bu a aw u 'a' are you So ballous to my. honor -,and happi. .,She �hiiB ap Sine be 8 slia t the. ahow.with Jim, her. 6arantl q recovered bar as a; friend had been cruelly asperaing me, nu'lpber two' yellow poivd6r,'and -90'But by patient and scientille chemical, ro. of that other b6y,'.. ness 21' she cries, mislAuderstanding him in Ui 0 -bear' d 'every other*k in 'earchwe have Improvoclin s6vcral�points, and normal good tcli*er I li�4ht o ness, to yort.,, cl,bidtolleB �y6ur, skin. Sbali now offer tws new the best 1. Vieworld. H6 didn't know lie lovecL her so, but:now each mstitling his -indifference, and'asher strength returas,_sh_g little word her rage, and cc f the kind, because, I Col ' t b.04tpermilk., it .4 �.. number,' two' at It Will Not or h of bArdatb indiffereace-lo, b ;,cast mjsJ � all. eimbirrasBiiig memories *OUI To him was a weetest musid his ears,had ever to evil: report ave a t let1er," L ya, vehem_ once dn't let1er," L Killeen Sa heard-- herself. of th , fit of. rage or, madness which seemed 8 at, mently, for he . doe not desire' a econd ,'-No thank Lady Killeen are 'misinterpreting w At I�ls likely to have; Such a trudicalAermiriation -editio& of y . esterday.' 'Then his. wife, wh , o' Strongest, 3rigi,*6j;.t iknd -Dari visions of, that'lounge lie ha that',stood you h bhintUY16 dour� Ay ilfully..,? all -Baw� is perfectly mistree C.h ban DarrAgh� -the rd"d d Oh I hah Ii. Ve du6th6r'61 6m. its bendin enterisdI., a of herself now And aid,ghall order in whatever I -may wan ezfpegt Coijr Mads 9 re the -simve,of i, .'Womall's 't at, In a! -in 'aware" It sterly, inactivity, She' when you d; iviiiie repared I bosom bore�t, g balaaice ILL Y gWe,and, please to, n oll,:Is so 66inp6und� -YS -------- - -i- 3vor-wyl fit -I _n g :tp a ounge - Mg -at g Mann 11, an , er us e"at luife-ty`4�bba Ira I& Ing", MwIlln a nedidenioy' �itiu �guld a Walon awages a she. could, a you 0 0,0160k t - :, �': L ": , 11 ) a d' I ',,And asks him� t I � 'It f3ince now he felt: Jorlishi0s arm 'Aroufid;:-thdt er 8. Aipoahim rewur ing yj�j_ -,rSEWAR15.of`-1 �irnitatlons,,an( o a dthorf'b�oy 'crics; a most beside heraelf O*MorfU otheir -oil colols; for'Ilipy arb- becoate a, ac 466 But or twoA e;W L her insatiabri firaving for. apricali r that.he wflVhoybk go near Passion n :a ite a tand restless am r bitious:* Mrg'�'St. Jobn in you ctufi'at "I i 6w.L eave :a a h Mali is. stag rafi6id and spoil 4this being the reE t, itilt of ber� to:knoiv w`116ro and how to. "I' yletwas It you: to fbecome hei� tool ?--Why did my, ti fit to di 6",71ot-with-o'cows ire you must -be,:�aftar on.my merely�, desigii4cl tp� get ...... nonce. :She�had He could 'not Aa;ckj3_the�o6arage to U 11 n t. I wish. you'd go aud'reft n6w;, she 13 IstrupkIly pie against a &IBe attack, or to , "1 1. to Me", ulder," Darragh'L the whip li�and of � her, mistieSB; atud,lo I in defend hid 134L U ij have no desire t I her mistress has. a lKillar She, ma s to Dar V L, to am taeo a "or 12 some,iiiiaccountab a way The ginger n P, tile doughnut, too"theojeriial a site as a accuse her if It b ,the attack,to b r il'the t has no excuse for -not .-it ma�,crush al -to death in its Iffleted, *Lthe tables upon -. her. Jobnuy-iakd., 919 t or aturned She reBolve. I Beat obeying her. affection, -Lady Killeen sa's, struggling to kick whil She can, though �nd E'10 sbo� ins nio her�useil to bake. Why did I link myself w such, all, Give Y P I .. me a higs," Lady Killeen exclaims 'as *ell� am ber'wekn6as will perffiit�j, to push, Says— For wh to Bill were all these pomps and vani- utterly be gave, Impulsively, as Darragh 'is going away, tiesoneegldd,. Darraghawayiromber.'' It expense !San object to you, ipy� lady cooll Itaking,tip a, neivsIiap6r. !lot 'I While his Joruslia, leaned u on anothet?Ia' liver rePU - 'then with. one Arm round the giil's neck She, Yon're dreami HAS, 8.ErZN PRO'VED Ug �till; itLiS I -Dar- if myheiiig here costs more than you find 0 ho SURES7 Sion of. his f rendly advances and explanA-, -goes on It 'I Miss Thynn,e� gaysj's'oothiDgly. She- it T CUREfo,r, Will '"' When I g �t'' rag,,,, convenien't to pay -.and -1 know that's the 11 tioris' the' -distorted view. which she e� plif on as-iisi I was pit, . �Wil not, -bb.astobished, case'—xth yo i very-- .1. -1 dango at once Farewell, frail girl! the s�oll is passed;and Bill's St _in*. taki 6vba allow'herself to W of ten himself once wore� pdild ng of �MR conduct in the now f at. -loss amnoyed, at -the extraordinary It us urine -out yestbiday' -by' something., or pay for my own, room 1;..k r, d1. �d, red indin .Hc lived for love for gl6ry, too, but :now he'll is patience, at' t- WC victiml`� T=N Do NOT ;Aair, has worn,66t )nothing about, lJose my hes�d line, which,this. woman, m. afie� baGbeen Lord Killeisn'risegsnd rings the bell furi. cate.tliat you ar He is entirely, it �Ar�21- mgo IcidAcy-1v art dt ouad,:(drug� Iva for gore unprepared, for what fol- And. then I believe I -say horrible'things to No, lacimbsholl'tir- to: AevaBtafe- the; tending with the tenderness. of a, sister busly but before, au�wered Lttdy a Dz�e�d it) and. it �wili sp&edi ----- ---- ---- ----- I- ly'over. uld - -- ---- bather ain`fdfid "of or is pa is as stand­ai'slitile poop ej�no ma Killeen fia t come and resto)?e healthy action. 3 Yg, Boo Ing Y= Wthe Strairl upon I ything crue ot these, but'worse� with� �iotidish joy be'Joins an t i'll III ' Nover'.-M'ind ber'Lingolbitt r6v complain�s peca-Iliar P is adop in toward her. us the German hand. ioka.Up the paper be 'loans back ve me "I have not Meant it'fW 1know it is you,' D­Uriagh�,"�, IA�dyMil. tongue; All servants are they ujisurpassed, WO111d to you forg I , L, , ' I * I And now, when Jim warble soft befioath and ''the large shoat of. the. 't will act prom in his chair Imba answers. There, ia s omet Ing sneering have'nothing more to get' trom.one-not ptlyand safely. the mbllbw Moon, Times, lifted up to b,ifi -reading leveli inter- Darritgh'accor&d her a free a d,pbrf act r .6ven a bliaracter-and Millar'knows tp Ust,land dull drqggi-� of 11rine 0) Solikowisacl6tlitheBia_ -,hisbigp-flat,b ds wall as fierce in hot tbnei find depts the view� of which he'is rapAdly tiring f r1cicdustorrbpY&.p6 Orgiveness. -involuntarily shrinkin away from itI; Shall riot ouCof - mercy- give,hei, F.B falge,&, Q nine, all speedily, 3,1cld.-tO its curativa.,power. - -lfam�ely, that of hifi infuriii;ted wife. It p 'r' if . - That's right III t a woman Who is ail- i�,Dqnit pretend' to'shvink\f rom me As if one -as -I -got -with, her., You may go," she- - < -43�_SOLD_ _r AiL I Suddenly the paper is snatched f rom his iug inbodyand mind Buys quickly, bending I wero_�,mad *oma !"turni L wit a, of Ana so I'm faIrly.ongagi.A at last, n,11.LAdy illeencries. adds, h 'it r6yal, ge�tur in LadyKil- wardto ca�ch'& glimpse of bar.. " Pic- 111 tell Pie 'disdaiafill­ ifference. from. V a esgerI, Own totbat.is-w ait you�!wi 'peo In the:meshe6 of CuiIid'u nothe hallas,and there before III suandg� for o faiin qui%ieriog wita pi�ssioia, turesque char m B in the clieal glask; at. the' t. edy6alfentianee'So LcnItforget it, for,, tuiti wh6rej may, lelm, bar whol now, a& you- im cleverly faced,�ang'ry mannertid'woman'wilb has her face white and d1a 9 planned its--cf-rage within which U!bo ring on my. fRiger seems to.say, uortedvith'Aitich rage, end of the roo6a.' 11 That'FIL right .1 and -now __jUgtLa,.Sj Wag getting With its glitter. and'flash,: You're up longer' a -it W'a and Buffering as �hemselvea go ad send Millar'to:m tWeeL � JOU, 'and YOU " pamBed,th6se lim A CURE, GUWNTEE6. r cOusiw­your,oId* self-control is possible. voarown�­ -be n will Btfbmp� .1 a. A d 'bettLor lab flit nbyUpon E, U,IIL Be ED I C,'I N E ting alid folly alone." J hi mind And viBion, aftd,in� yo a Ariltur first?" give' him a., '�You-may tail the clerk in the knife_vihicb�she=ha&_caugh1 p has, held 'u �Caf_�'g , ;. .yqu'4 lover han dle a a. is 'go W _U. hen Millar wageB_bu1_Iet_Me_oaU:6idl1_ Bile, do ell) Me i bit, there's 6, dear, tyt is dinwor full fofreliesbere� you to'be Ave pr _tab1b___ --rdy­ne�w, foii"e for me to look at I sliallHe She grips Darrag s wriiWaSLUNa- epeaks,' operly if you 7 a of"las b season," You see Pain 7 IT e "You Shall not scorn, me sol" sho' lin a better �mood for' Kilfeea ;'but You'll bu either the with bar, remain here another mgbV' ac I. A n oredreameellban theimbu in the moon volia" 0. nor tile inti That's, what Q she lifts the knife high into ibo 'air, est. in not aylug a tr&PL whiChL. a word6 convoy- have -th power.t6 a a I 016.1'011ieSt tiMOB at shrielca'.* :.;I You. shall Buffer for it," Anst�yaad be nice au& hind to him till ner her linche&-fingers i'you find'so difficult t do, It ready,4on't you?,' I' I tFredaudl would�ahom[­Buigoo h yourself, ray lady," th' wom *n days, wit tgting for a . moment whether she, shall for you; I'm � not indeed," She Continues lively recollection spiteful sni ' JBRAIN &NERVE F00DJ"' i discompose Darragh.. ff,, and a a n followed me arouna-ag the otborB,did, plunge it into him heart or her own. Starting UPL'again; I Should be Mad �inyself -to thin ;r posseaSion r having,many valtfables.in. lit. ing 9. irap'l -'Darragg - She"say , o earl woicth a Positively cures Nervousness In AL L its stpgee.. - A-Athoughlwere "putupf6r tbehighost bid;" At this momant'the.door' istb 6" 66en Layi 11, repOatEl, in so," 13 it ally L; Y.but I know You' passed away from For Old and'Voung,jYjale and F A:4dto tell tho.tratla, in learning the art pear, to, h wan you -'her mistreB' Weak Memory, Lossbf Brain Powor,Sexual From- -by one of the, -Servants, of . the,hotel, an& as 'bewilderment' t 16� 'tbbir 6wiler'g- fflirting, one inttres it triflo'tba heart., have been very :ill, "Land I - � I s's—memory. And I �well, herels rt'ph6tograph. - Darragh wallm into the ]ioom, Lad� killeeli . �­Why yeg�-�cion'tyouSbbL? Somei women- keep.,quiet andLget strong., And thedhave I . . I _1 . tiation Night Sweats, Sermaforrhcoa, Lancer- Of*�Bdrely you've, �otju � him... Now, Pray. don't tariia- her head with a gurgling cry, i I a Would be'm6 a ' enough tb'ask you to BtaY, (To be continued.) -hoa, Bitryerineas anti, General 'LoBs of Power. : ­ . Arthur in and relieve- his, anxiety about"' " ' I - which there is. pitiful, despair; and am She and theu'wickbd- cuough to make but thal;L It restores S,urpris- ing Torfe and'Vigor tc; tb 0 you. P&i Arthur was.ep frightened about suated Generative orgarts. i��With each Sojovirner �Triatlal,s ogic. 'Exh falls backward o the floor the kinife is you had staye 0 Sa to you When you fainted,"' okderf6rTw6Lvn packages accom par) iod with +5 Apair of gloves -and solue ado rp, - a for thL - ke of ills nian -XILialics of ouwrested from An epileptic woman'ti hand. ' Whom You btad on 60. been engaged; don't Sojourner 'Trut"B' roost remarkabI6 wewinsend our Written Guarantee to refund I.ltnoW� what 'I was doing before I ke his f Are bei b A brotien fan-ob; Willie broke- Lhat. ladyship unaccoubba;bly you'undbrstand �"' : I." "1'. 1, 1 1 L the money, if the tr6atme a1utM,!. ad �Jyou,. call. it,'� Lady Killeen 9 I, lr� rat I �po� Dg recalled now that.sbe is F 'rep at free by mail to arvaddress. BIT 1 b ill," Lord. hurriedly, to -he I'don't think I do, quite,". Dttrragh says. says, with aild -a cun ig g are in d 6 "a Iii f851, at Akron, 0., whouShe Was Pts And here's a bu tton: I 0iink it came at "soc,'Pr box, or 6 box68' for th 0 arey I ­ t swygalils old, in Pt if tM of yoti�g'�W Eeivs,6t; ,fetoh �,d6ibtor-tho best' ­at 'then She froeB� hergolf 'from Lady Kille "her am, hat would almost warrant tbe the course Of a.speech� at "4 0 .1 aXece, 1 led free o Be ell, throw t'hem'.away, 1­� Darragh bldsg.you.foi c'ommg-9ven, ciregSing`urrn,l and goes in gea�ich of Millar, Site -A, wornab7a right Money. iT wore to th? % ,.. , I picion tb&t madness and borgelf "afb Heonvention, sheshouted. More. nigsus t 61 warit to drag� day talks 'bout *dis tiug in ae,head­.. Alne .0 orn, riditig With Tom throe tim6f� or 18. It,B like i Me up allied. �Mngnellc, Corilp*FRUT. 1.courSO4-koowl ib-ig-obl V. jigh t allow 1. -the veil ..has b when Ilao'haVing'the fiisfroireshiiig Sleep Windsor 0 Vn, I ­- dis dey�call it�' Whig- everd' I've hacffor� IU fE fidiiry gr mw _of Bigirt Irea Y. puts st'n,!e never more ront from befofe bid 0 Tha IThese; nice old rolleg CalllLf�VQ the same 0'ltl�olly tinios�der.. It seeing to,'Darrtigh,Lthati Itie lier bles when Da!rragh Aroudies her-. .11 AS for L&DY rORGETS. Whotls,dat got to do wid,womia!s� rights 6r me, �hustly Seance nlgk T, tion to witne and to, Will_. .'YOU; MiSB Thyane, I pity you � for. having ,ei's iighte. If fit'�,cup won"661a but a. Eqt, Bellti� rAy. dear, now, honest and,true, It Well, -we worl"b speak of it now.;1I Dar. pjn TH E ON L Y. later to the'sufforing now. � 'She takes her been with hot through all bar tantrums,. v, and yourn holds a quart,.wouldn't ye If I had this"' ongagoineut " over to (161 'a chand r of insensibility, nad for I know what Bhe is wit shols: coming ragh replies with inviiacible.good hutd,or n PlAbb in t Be' be mean not to lat e have my little'lialf 4A�ffx� ][`�hinkl-rtEink-botwoen yo 'JUIIIL gn't 'a, tiood ord ,I am. your nuts a 6�plea6e 6 remembar measuie Dez� dat'little man in black VEGETABLE to Say.to any Iona." omlu —GRUT-firave --aa mile Nor the sifte of one more summor of fun, regard to the uuijpw�aious su'ffaror as natu- NIM ,ustpCne -tile engagemenc:till summervere, werefond She has.laid d Word s of, you - and out as soon as possible, I must r rights ha men becults a. WO_ dons, rally as if sb�e And Ludy Killeen � L.. , 1 11, 0 L I , gethe, to eat'Homething", friend' i (Darraab) hA4'iraitiod for a at any rate," Darragh Bays, quietly,. and Into I Wbar id your Christ dome fromil- 13 and ght hoiiipital- nurse. R13 you�very�mudb, I hope you'll �� "Eat I I shall.nevoi, 09616 anything agaiv,'! Whar didydur Chriat come from'? From, SENT FAIriqD8. sLady Xilleen,Bays rather., wbaiily, fallifig F I OR Where is ddodlebug that orst- In rneicy (ae Lord Killeen feels it4obe) the get up And go.to her." Godand a woman I ad nothid, to'do wheii bluBbing, fragidnee,breathind flowerd, frisli'girl ref rains,f roLm asking a Slnglequesa I pity My lord," Millar snaps. I 3MX'n� AL Wdo'd back by Ap_j�;71'8 kfudly showT, It, or Rzarding a single sugget3tion��, Ohl I hope,be Will soon be�bettdr and arel How'cruo'll Nature is I" She g�ag X gladly lor lifron! Flora'sbo into illnooig With which" her c6usin's Ila- __And tears eyes Wbei�o is rho do6dlebUg that burst flfir6nger," Darragh says, hearbilyj purposely her MoNnor;tlich.; Sapt. 2,5,1875.', oss Vf Appeti,te-' Cause WhiobL h A,Llj11tC) life and toiled away, fortunate ild has bee so suddenly oinitteili misuaderstanding the had: 'As ibe seems :to a test! t e hava bdent taking Hop - Bitiers" for Thro' heat mud dust of summer day 2, oBe inflaminat on of kidneys and bladderAt had, done �On, so Stomaiclif- her sympathy care andatteri elicitedthia pity, " Call him whow you're truth : Of ihor " assertion. Th, tioh, aud t re illnesses of no 1,, she adds, pituouBly, f6r Me' what f6ur doctorsfailed to do., The effect Anti v�b or� the qamV white pokay,' i ceiv6B tha� Iwhi�iii' it dreBsed, Millai, it will be Such a relief �to all Of HOP Bitters seemed like magic to MO. H' iwal gostiveness,,, Wh' h hea the spring; serene aud, warm, There is'a Sense of comfort and. security to himi poor follow, to know � him' Wife is .,, No one knows what I suffee before they W, L� �CARTrR, S=C'4'dwd wintry, Wind and storm, L' I cousin beti; dome on, arid'whoti-11m.recovering. I am Slck:H da Bedecked the comely female form-, ord Killeen in the wayin Which- his che and Bil 0 pray, tak6sLoff her bormet,land Proceeds to going* mism?" gore and bruieed in, body and' broken in Emileill asks th4 te crbottle� S.Idby %NInero­Fi that fluted thiniz, W 1, oball-oorne back," Darragh and every c "at1with the advent ofbach spring herself useful, without'luss or conjecture. i y6i" but Mnine,is looking out for. mal'atiaches itself tb6 most to �Man!, r. Emile, after o6m ction,, The leboll, amire and poets -ping?, Do you think this will IaBV long,2 do Ba"y8- andpeering'out 11 a in my conduct to �puniah, we fo refle, eA WERK. sign t em)v ads you..thilik. g3he will got over itT.' he whis- of a window _� Millar seem a Waiter putting being puaighed�,by Nature already.?l $72 1111..W & Go. Augusta Maine a3la6ting; stimmor Aroam�­ - - D_ I . Coot]., onfit frA( 'forgotten lay- s to-g'dtheir' ifie"Y' by' Misg'Thynnei 'into' a r- come -to--you- now,[!! Guile like thuoon Para to arragh, a -the C,6no like the friends of-yeaterday- the side Of the *bdd oa-whi6b, th6 f6rm'of my lady, it's hard for nte to judge Whether 'rag4 pleads, taking advantage of the lapse tight to.nominsto the midwives. �Now any, 11wouty-ilvo of the 'The doodlebag and whitspokayl Lady Rilleen is bqMg wracked aild tortured- "y other womanAg more afigol oif,devil," 41e the softer Mood. 'But IA�dy'Killeen Young Iwo man clan I bOOODiO ffsg6feMine you over w (hands holding inottoes, efc.), with Mt when the vernal ralpadd boam Aiirob stubborn instantly. qualified for admimsion to the: )!capital cont'g, worth double the money. Xrnan o hillside and the Plain one , of those convulsions which the she says, meditatively. cards I. pnckage6 at'6 to Z'85'aad 60 cents. Cir-� in by I By Arthur' you'mean Lord.kille6n, 'College, 1"tradil th are j6kra When Lord killobbi atoned, M'I culaxs free.� J. F. I �riater; London, Ont. fms�l�o Will come -will come #gairt. aootor has asoured them L vary h a he yo an