The New Era, 1883-11-16, Page 7a --Boththese epartments . n full swing The Millinery. department is still the -management of MISS BROWN, and- the Mantle department under the management of MISS ; McMANUS, both of_whom have gained such. -a --re utation in their -several departments that it needs no word of comment from us to recommend them to the favorable support ofthe public. We do not intend having any regular opening day, as has been our usual- custom. WE : ARE READY NOW, __and_will be see � friends and customers as here- tofore, _ pleased . to our :man tofore, and will do our best . to snake, them feelat home. • We' can show. one of the Finest .and. most complete Sucks in - the ;'CCounty to 046'00 - We can guarantee -you --a sa,ving of,°2:5 p ,er -cent by .purchasing -from -us -rather gone ,by. � ----than:-from=other houses: The bus�ne ss . is to be wound' p the . 1st- of March. The goods must be sold. We have gone all through our stock and.marked everypiece' of goods far below their:value. We are toc g _. _ -low giving ivin an extra discount of 10 per cent, which makes our prices .Ar below the lowest. We don't sell_goods at outside prices, but we sell he' best quality of Goods, imported from the markets of the different pg roducin countries on the continent and beyond, and we -t sell them inside of the very inside price, and then give 10 per et. discount for cash. d.se u ri ht. Kindly call an e us We �ra.11 �.se. yo , g .. stiate of th e lahte SINTER G00 31ankets lani • • Furs Furs. •• • .t1Nli 1- - y I 1 , s l I1 Il ok z4l ol�e� oo((s seco�te(1fol c()1(I .883 o Makes RUIN THE, Your foo BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Men, Women and Children's Boots & Shoes. Spring Stock well assorted, and complete in - also departments. ALL GOODS SOLI) CHEAP FOR CASFI i C. CRUICKSHANK BRICK BLOCf , CLT TTON -NEN ADVEITISEMtNTS: -We have now on hand ono of the largest and best assorted,,stocks of -Stoves thecounty.: Of 'WSTQVE.S, • :I?A.2Lo:E�11LE=A,TERS, COAT ST(?VI{:S, Ancl BOX STOVES. \S e aic' selliti� • ery 'slow. A lu. e:au it .uf• rl y CROSSCUT SAWS, AXES, COW CHAINS, &C. VERY, CHEAP. AMERICAN AND, CANADIAN .Olio �3'ARL• EROS. Biicl,„ Flock, sign of the Padlocl:,''Clinton.. ia:: uT t t rttnerit atiid the � r (i. COLE:is .._, t� tter fol this dept ,,. la' qe number of order Ile ha.,:c filled during the least season is .�, til best evidence that could be desired of leis ability to suit all Eparties ire' style and, fit. A CSR A ND SUCCES ---060 Hr Call and sec 011r stook o± 11111COATIITH 9WD SViT�ES, .In the newest patterns and ghaqes., A Dine i sortment of 7 R0LS1 fIN(1S l ll will beso1d ehean and made in the latest s;tvic 1 einploy:nothing but first class Beep, •ahe cl'ore, you eau -rely; ol.i •gett.ng, a fist cl c: , article be leaving yotir'order at the.- t)a1 TIall.• CLCJ7t1:BOUGHT WILLtri QUT 'FREE i'ariies haring their own .--material„ can. have itinade'on'snort notice, ctiuiaperfect lit guacan.teecI. 04.11 and examine bu stoctiand worth.-'-WzP--SJ T TrFOI € 15'lI n� T;1, anat closa p'IC. e,Ga t . —:u 1One— ^, char�es.��a5gilab , d he Croat Furniture .Dealer,;, E FRONT AGAIN. -- - A y. _ _.. ?.�_. .j. . .. .i. --_ y.• �. He -.exhibits -a IvLOI� � U ITI.. in 5111, ',vltl> Silk Plush 'TTritni iingsi price with surroundings to match, amountin' in all. to $300.00: - -\V.`BOX 'and I1. PL-UMSTEEL judges of the i\ianufacttiring Department; agree that it- is- one - i of the, finest exhibits of.Ftirniture they have ever witt'lessectin 1 this part of the country for which he carries off THE FIRST 1 'as he has always clone. full Mock of--B-eave-rs,:. li eew#torn_s - Heavy Worsteds, Canadian Scofch and English ~T veeds . A fresh stock of these Y' �obtls ate thelowest prc(,S, R. COATS SL SON, Clintoii. CA.14:NOT BE BEAU' FOP 1 OAK HAIL, °BEAVER B'LO K, CiLINi O.N ea p Grocerie 'I'EA_AT 25 CENTS PE1t LL. rl'ItY IT TRY OUR 50 (.)ENT TEA. - CANNOT BE BEAT. WIII`.CE SUGAR, 10 LBS. FOR $1.:90 Roots ' Shoos, --Big 1'erinctiery>t ou S1u1111rer UoUds. All our Fall lines of.LOOJ S AN 1) SI.IOLS are,uow complete. Ni CAN' LNDER,ia4 a��ittirrix iN THE'TRADE: IN ..FAi r ANI WINTER Goons.. MEN'S BOOTS, heavy wear,,from $1 -..per pair,' upward;: FJ?li `L'. \E:4Zt • and MEN'S.. LON(3,'1iOOTS; very. cheap. Ic peel �ci1 stnch. a�� eco, 3,OOQ hhlS:P)o fail c7 .winter APPles. Will pay the:higltttr,.;,,e•oh' piicc. TJ„tc t 'sell until yOU see it: C14I:vrON, Sept:,i8slt Ti-IOMPSON; & S TI'TZER • `13I'.N:N,L`1" 1 iias a hi sti class Upl olsterel fr.oin. the eity, incl ,any one wanting L pliol 'tering: donne, now is the time.: . big: stock o ,PA1.EOR, ,EEa OO M: and: DINING ROOM:- SUITES ii . stock, 'which will be sold cheap, for Thirty days.. 1tr `Co tt,. and .get a .baa. atn old et �riCes�trlcl cxitintitle goods • bargain, , t 5. 1 ;,o tis before .buying.. o � BENNETI RED ROCKER STORE .Ns,xt to garland .13r0 ,, Clinton. The subscriber,' lids :t large stock•of 'n('0' CO:A.f AND WOW) STOVES, o the latest: tiesigiis, which wiP4 In' 'O1(1 at the very lowest prices. ole went i+o1. the (e101. i1lt0. alta Coal .- Stove. ;�', Clinton.