The New Era, 1883-11-09, Page 7Both these Departments in full swirnj The Millinery department is still under the management of MISSBROWN, � , and the Mantle department under ;the management of MISSY 11Ic1VIANUS,,_ both whom have gained Such a reputation in their several departments that it, needs no worctof comment fron us to recommend them to the favorable support of the public. We do not intend having any regular opening day, as has been our usual custom. WE ARE. READY NOW, and will be pleased to -...see our•many friends and custome-rsas-here- tofore, and will do . our best to make them feel at home. s complete Stocks inthe to -choose . fro... . We can show one of the Finest '� and mo p County m We can guarantee rather than fr 1st -of Marc stock and now givin far below t the best quail producing co u a saving of 25 per cent b. purchasing from us you g p Y p g o her houses. The business is to be wound up by -the The go' ds.must be sold. :We have gone- all through' our arked every piece of goods'. far below -their value: We are anextra discount. of 10 per cent, which -'makes our prices lowest. We. don't sell goods at.outside prices, but we: sell y of Goods, imported from the markets of the different .tries on the continent and beyond, and we sell them inside of the veryinside price, and then give 1Q per ct. discount' for cash. 'Kindly call and see us. We will use you 'right: 188 yes Your .Boots 1Ri?I(JKS= THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL kiNDS OI+' nleii, Women and Children's Boots & Shoes.. Spring Stock well ..assorted, " and complete in all departments. LLT =GOODS SQLD-CTiE A -P --FORT. CASH •z NK: BRICK PTJUC C; :CRUICKSHAK. CLINTON 000 Call and seeour stack of 3 1:w TZ!'....OV5R4Tfli� AN sarr�ss, In the newest patterns and shades. A fine. assortment of TROUSERINGS. All will be sold cheap and' made in the latest style. '.I employ nothing but first class help, \ therefore .you can rely on getting a first- lass 'article by leaving your order at the Oak ball. CLOTH, BOUGHT WILL;BE CUT FREE. Parties having' threir.own material can have. it made on short notice, and a perfect fit guaranteed. Call and examine our stock and work. WE SELL POR CASA ONLY, and at close. prices. Cutting.done charges reasonable. M. F'IS CHERR. OAK HALL, BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON. IIAVEYt17ST RECEIVE]) l.ankey AND:. 1\i1 stock oe all otliet foods for cold w�athec ' Cutter COLE" is. Dila, L to for this,department, and; the J. C. large number of orders he has filled during the . past season is the best. evidence that could be desired of his ability to suit all, parties.iii style' and fit. A futill Stock of • Beavers, Meltons te,-4 Worsteds, o s ed s Canadian .�. an Scotch d L�nlish TwOeds GRocMzEs-. A'fresh stockof these goods at the:. lowest prices. RAND SUCCESS The Croat'F'uriiiturs Dealer, .c J GAI I -le exhibits . a PARLOR SUITE , iii Silk, with I Silk Plush Trimmings, price . $150.00,' with surroundings to'. match, amounting in all to $300.09. . W. BOX and; I -I. PLLTMSTEEL ,luelges of the�-Mariufacturing IYepartment; agrewthat:it, is -me - of the finest exhibits of Furniture they have ever witnessed in ;this. art of the country 'for which he carries off THE .FIRST PRIZE, as he has always'done • CANNOT BE BEAT FOR, OF ALL KINDS OF FULL PARTICULARS NENT .WEEh..1 HARLAND BROS., CLINTON .', >: OUR LETTER BOX.. .: The NEW Mtn does nov 1101(1 itself responsible for ideas expressed under this heading. HOL]IIESVILLE B. C CHURCH. .'J'o.'the Editor, of the Clinton New Era. Slat,—Your correspondent of Inst week seems somewhat surprised at Reader's ac- count of the Secretary's report. ' Now, we don't consider there was anything like as plain a statement given at the Anniver- sary as appearedin, your last week's issue. _ILthere_had been it would have stopped some false reports. s The secretary did not state the amount ofmortgage,\nor when it was ,made, '" Wei Nope the ,'last statement will be satisfactoryto all concethed:.: The debt on the church was covered by sub scription wouldit not have been. better to have collected it as it came due, and paid for tlie'church like men. Yours, &c.; Ri :�ivrr.. Goderichtownship. Nov.; 7th, 1883. THOSE 'CHIOKENS. BENNTETT has a first-class Upholsterer front the cit ,2nd any one wanting Upholstering ne; 1To.w-isthetime. . big stock of Pas�zoi $EDRoOMol and DINING ROOM S'D ITES in stool; which will be sold cheap for'Thirt.9' clays. 9' Come and get a . bargain, "andb et pricesand eNainine goods g before buying: —. • KER STOR Next to I3arland Bros., Clinton.'. .tbIte Editor of the Clinton New Era-. -Sett, In' your last issue soineperson complains_ (that neighbor's • are killing his poultry, and'he,thteatens totake the, law against them. From the , ature of his _complaint he .evidently bel ngs to that class of persons ort' whoin there are far too many' in • out to ii, who think , more of -their-own-selfish -ends-than-vhe--ights of their neighbors. If' he would practice, what he preaches,' that is the divine law" to do to others as he would have them do to him, he would not be guilty of virtually taking other people's property by , allow- ing his poultry to run at large.. He would thus show himself to be a good citiaen, and at the same tilne.,comply,with the town by-law. ' Yours, REn7iEtt Sir,JJohn•Walrond is the latest recipient of Government favors at Ottawa. He has just secured a lease ' of 100,000 acres of land for his ranching company. The land is situated between the Livingstone Range, the. Rocky Mountains and Porcupine Idills, Northwest settlers say that quite enough of good land has been ...locked up for ranching companies, andare moving in the direction ofpreventing further ap- propriaton of this. kind. (.: 'MONTREAL LIVE: STO'CJIC MARKET. • Therewere about 400 bead of butch ei s' cattle offered pre the ' market on Monday, a considerable proportion of them being .in," fair " condition, i though none,, 'were" ;very. :choice. „ Trade 'was rather• slow, none ofthe Sales being over 41;,,c per lb and comparatively few at over 4c per lb.; Pretty good steers and. good fat cows sold.at• from $30 to $40 each and conimon'dry covs at from $25 to $30 each or 3ci-tirSje pet ..lb. Lean ish animals sold at from 515 to X22 each or from 21c to, `2;c,pet. b. There;were less than 400 sheep and lambs, offered there on Monday which caused an active demand.; and ''firm rates . to ;;be .raid. Good ]ambs sold in lots'at, from, .$4''to L50 "elide, and common lambs: at $2.50 to $3.50 etch. Old sheep soldkat front $4 to .,`5,'7 each. Livo,hogs are selling at from 4e to 51c per lb, but some parties are holding .for higher prices. `Sales; of hosvere made" last Saturcday,.at Iess that �5c per The" trial of the petition against Nr. Hammill Conservative, the member re- turned to theLocal House for Cardwell, ended' on Tuesday by the avoiding of the election. the TeinP eran*ColonintYon• scheriie Was one of the great election cards in ; 1`882. 'It brought Siri John Mcdonald going votes. It was to onrich, thousands of.people,, and do a great deal to people in the northwest. There .'was• much speculation in ,Stock. Men who. had never'owneda,.. 1,nshel of dirt• • iii their lives t ke dl about .tli `r.-_ ai y ex 'sectiods'Gf`6b• acres, and some of thein sold their' chances at a;'handsom' profitwithotit having invested a penny. The "Colony is not so often heard "of; now, but Mr. Rufus Stephenson mentions `it incidentally in the report of his recent tour •of imspectiom He . says "the Temperance Colony" embra,cew a large tract of'1 nd'itnd-contains'"a`bout 63 set tiers,'itho have each broken from 2 to '25 acres." .Comment is not requited,