HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-11-09, Page 5U 'l{u' l oFF.=c Climax sough! sakes. Quick, sure cure ; of all dealers 15cts. h'e finest brands of Note -Paper, • • ort - � tr : _ : �I a andToned. Otir stock for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE ;is; now complete, and will be sold at .prices ;TO . SUIT THE CLOSEST' BUYER. CUSTOM WORK. _L- , Fthe best -=leather _. in the' market, and guarantee to give 33ecut satisfaction. TRUNKS .& VALISES -A, fun assortment and very cheap, EgKo' taken in exchange for`goods. -- r3 iii per eenE discount for cosh. `v TAYLOR kSON, ,CLINTON. o0 great variety as usua SIMPS, ntOTE1 F•YOU=W-eNT-GOOA,.--CZ"EA1L,.ST'ROl`Gi--BRIG1IT7PIOKLESi-BUY --- allzser's strictlyPure 'pic :Pes We keep also the VERY BEST, BRANDS ;IN 'VINEGAR, the beat manufacturers in' the . 'Dominion, at th from OTED "TTA COFFFI+: S i.G HOUSE,: BEAYEIA I3LOCK, NEXT To TILE TOWN H ALL CLINTON . S. ,PALLISER, - ' r i I . la�tcs t IIOVgitios. -11 ill e .. , � 1h'l►�tCi Mil Com rete stock.,uf !+till ��l y MILLINEPSOUR < SPECIALTY, FINE ASSOR'rhIENT OF F EA'1 HElS FINE ASSORTMENT' OF BIRDS. 1 M Posts. and < Bonnets in Straw,and SSORTAIENT OF PO Fall HatsLIVE A 1 in all' the new styles and. colors. ASSORT T ENGLISH & FRENCH FLOWERS. Chip,Y Bonnets in Beaver, - : Beaver' ''&' Felt 'Hats and Bonnets IIats.;. and r Straw Chin, ,. ` .'. Bonnets cone Odet,i1 > L •le ad .m (Ys,,.t YlPhsh &Ielt, in new'StyIeSand shades. a • t having • "t tha . and friends to the f b -boa to call the attention of our -customers , bought o o giving< sa.tis- lion "hb:in the best markets and at `clone lienees we ;feel confident of •. g . .with their; atronane faction 'to all who may tis p � BEESL OAK L C .YE unaio,, Aral e t,, Stockof these'(yowls . v"` ,, s � hlch' Will be -sold at ery low rices, ranging 5in F. RO.M: �$4 75'UP Vi %h0 2lper, cent DISCOUNT S ALTof in1nE1Goods ill t continues. ont u es. O IA T HEAVY $._ . .D C , 'LLIOHT HARNESS ."lSCOMPIE TE bilks and Valises forthe:miltiol 'Georgian glan B aY Slin Ics 'always ant: - .'• - Bloelz- Chilton - IG' _ PAY. LIGHT Active Agents, Male .or. Female,` wanted at once in every Township, Town and :! . _W Village, to canvas , for The circulation WEEKLY ,EDITIQN.) WYATT.4 & UQi, Asim,, canton restores,,with the gloss and freshness; 9f youth,. faded or gray hair 'to a natural, rich brown color; or deep' black', asmaybe desired. By its use light or red hair maybe darkened, thin hair,thickened, andbaldness often; though not always, cured. It cheeks falling. -Of the hair, • and stinrdlatesa weak andsiekly growth to vigor. "It prevents and Cures scurf: and dandruff, aud7in%ls nea'-i7y every, disease peculiar tothe scalp. ' As a Ladies' Hair Dressing, the'\ ioof is unequalled; it contains` • neither oil nor dye, renders' the hair soft, glossy, cud silken in appearance, and imparts i delicate, agreeable,' and lasting perfume.- ' ? ii. C. P. BRlcnaR writes from Kirby, Q., Suzy. 3,1883: "Last fall ins hair "Commenced falling out, and in'a short time t became nearlybald. '1 used part of a bottle of AYER's HAIR VIe30R ivhicli stopped.tlre Taping of the hair; and started a new growth.:''L have, now a full head of hair growing ;vigoronsly.,,and ant convinced that but for the use of your pi•eparatio`ii I should leave been entirely bald." J.W. )30*Ex, proprietor of the:1lcArthur(Oh;io) Enquirer, says,: "A.YER'S 11 SIR V.iaoa' is a most . excellent preparation for the' hair: 1 speak of it from my own experience. Ifs ,rise :promotes tris growth of, new hair, anti'mal:cs it glossy and soft. The Moors is also, a sure cure for -dandruff Not . withinniy,knottlr,d;;o has'.tl e preparation•eyer.. failed to give entire satisfaction. MR. ANGUS,,F:vitBAIRN leader of the, cele- brated ele brated"FatbaiiiiS' mi1•y "of Scottish Vocalists, writes, from I assort; J!ess., I%eb. d, 1880: "Ever since rey`hair began Grm.ve silvery evtadence of the • Change which 11ectnvrtitne procuretli,'I:have used . AS I•R's:1ian Vicon, and so have been able to' maintain an a •,pearance of. youthfnluess -a mat- ter of ConsiderableC•.consequence to 'ministers, orators, actors; :wil.in fact every one who lives in 'the eyes of the public., , . Mits ublic - Mus O. A Peaseo'T writing from 18 Edn ;St.`- Caar"lestorwr :1lnss.,: Alrr d,,14, 1882 says : " Two' ,years ago .about 'two-thirds of my hair canie off It thinned very rapidly, and' I WAS fast._growing bald: On usinAvien's ItAIII Vroglt-the falling stopped -.and -a.new 'growth commenced; and'. in .about a month nay head wase eonipletely covered__ With sliorthair. Itha9 continued to grow,and le .now as good as before it fell. I regularly nsed'but oneally bottleotasadressing,"'the'Vrcon, but,now use itoccasion- ' We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of, Ayala s 3I-aIn V1ooR. It needs but a .trial to eonvinee the most. skeptical of Its value. PREPARED 13Y Dr. J. C. Ayer &- Co Lowell, Mass. • Sold by all Druggists: " of THE NVEEI .LY•'MAIL is now 75,0011 copies weekly, and rapidly increasing.. From now till Jaiiii dry 1st, 1885, for ONE D014LAlt. It centaurs the latest net s, both" Local and F6f rgn, a; splendid Story Page, __ "_. a-'- - " -a .- te _ ._ ._ . -, _... _. _ v .i. .,.... Flrat class .� nc.tiltural Papfe icilable lllai•Izet Ii.e ,arts Lettal Golamn Househo]cl': b bf and Children s liepaltrrl nts, &c. - • For further particulate apply to COOPER, ., General, Agent, CLINTON: R J1C7f3T ` r„ociziv]mx), HELLEBORE and PARIS GREEN, :DALMATIAN And PERSIAN INSECT POWDERS ti SEDT POWDl0cGlt3149„ FOI;t 74'Ei :FLY CAM'FAIG I. ) 10113E6,$ iictitTTsitiiiiii4Ti LI** ' ;"'DICE, JAM S `H. CQ1 i13 '- ,' CHEMIST AND •DRUGGIST, CLINTON,. ONT. iE11/1ISTS & DRUGGISTS,; Albert Stx eet, C1iiito The •pulllic will find our stock of 'medicines complete,. warranted genuine, and- 01 the best quality, ' TOILET SOAPS, I'ERFUIl3ERY, SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES, S.PONGES • .4N1) ALL IZ.INpF3 or •DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES'USUA.LLII' KEPT IN A FIRST. CLASS 'DRUG• STORE. Drowsy, dull and'ou t of sorts ? Are you liilious,5lauseatedand ' .' made Su`k ttiy the thought of food)' I ea dull, 'drag - Ring 1,..'rti y our right •. side? bo )(air h.dyers 'suddenly ,_get -sore anyappareht • cause? ^ the whites of - your eyes t c'l with yellow?' Is your sl; I 'i; t l.inirny and copper -c ;1.,. _rt'?; ] )oes rr your niouth..,'t-.sie • l.latl /. in the; norms;;? iic .v u (2ostive? I)o youpiles?.. Are your ]s nrc'.5 irregular?' Arc 30n ( _Ly i rl.in'sr711)- ed at tie). i ? _ you gloomy and t' ? Lyour (-,;lorecl? :lie you i t rt' r f i of bad feehn• 0 :' i i ..1 1 :o t. of your` body? If 'Sr), t' •ed before your ca;o z ' .r e serious— . - you.; :: _z ..oil by; some , forth of, Y v 1 ..: or become otirerwisd Lo(;t its ly sick: Take. ''.SUL?l(fL:R A`H IttobT I31TTErs: '] 11e t-oulile with you is that your I ver is:out-of order, a•Id I trod, regulating S11Til1Cd".Ll— �'7I dbIt-:-R ASD•'=«• IRON Biritzits will help }ou as :nothing. Ll,c sl 1 to shape of medicine c. I. Regulated stimulated and. Made,to do its proper war k ut a proper manner by SULI'IItiR, " ANA Irtov Brr•rt,s the :Liver will resume its•-alatural funs tioils;,and all the above,'symp toms will. disappear 'and be' • forgotten. But doinot'negleet' them. Use the remedy at 'once. Sold everywhere, price yo cents; AROUND THE COUNTY. F. Pelton has-sgld out Ilia boot and shoe business to Thos;. MCtinllllrn of Wroxeter.' A bear was seen crossing through the yields on the 14th con."' of 11Ic11 i]lcip , tho ' other day. toothache curie. Relief at Once onof all lens, :., ON'T PULL IT. Use Newt of ail dealers, 15cts. Mr. S. Murphy has purchased the ,farm belonging to Hngh;Currie'east of Seafortb, for the 'sum of,r$7,250 cash) This is an ex- • - celient farm of` 100 acres. Wm. McCutchen;,has sold his farm be-: ing' the south half of lot 14,.con. 6, Morris; consisting of 100 acres to Mr.John Ro; b cf' .- the same township for $5,200.. 1Vir. ., Campbell been re-engaged in U. S,JasS: Ido, 15 &'31), Hawick and'' Car rick, at a ealary,of $390. Robs. Stewart,: of Brussels, has been engaged as teacher in the Jamestown, school at a salary -of $$$0• Is,,your hair, turning gray .and gradually falling out ? Ht1L's F3air Renewer will restore it.to.,ite _ornginals.-color, _dud --stimulate -the- ° follicles to produce a now And luxuriant' growth. It also cleanses the scaly erndicates dandruff, and is a most agreeable an'd"`hann - s - less dressing. - Mr. Udder, late prupriet-r of the old Bracestty mill, which is.aititated an the iidint .a .fie G:"'T.; n,.r`tli bf 131yih has purchased the property in Blyth known as. Milnritdaeile's mill, and will comtnenae' work in a' $hurt time. Mr. Livingstone has lerlei•d Itlr. Carl is mill building, and will put hie machinery into place, .. Miud and body alike suffer from . sluggish action of the blood, the result of dyspepsiaor biliousness, Ayer's I'ills will stir up the liver, expite the strniach aper buw"ls to -activity-, openthe pores of the system, and insure health, of roily-, which is indispensable to: mental +tot As an instance of the importance and ex- tent of �h: egg trdde of thin •section; we May : state [hat duril _% the 'present season Mr. D. D. Wilson, of this town, has 'paid, out over $300,000 for eggs, and fully two, " 'thirds of that large sum hasrheen distribut- ed'through the county of. Huron; and all the, eggs, .with the • exception; of three oar loads, have been handled and packed in j_g-ts>txp, i1brierS isotL-iLsSLinforma us tha;trrnanyfatmers'•in thou vtcinity''have -dins season 'sold. over $100 Horth of eggs.— Expositor. BILI It'Y • That the premier of the Dominion should 'havebeen unseated in one county ::-:- because his friends, could notrefrain from bribery in his interest, is not a cireum- stanc3 of which as .Canadians we should bribery be pram", . Of course, brbe Is the same no atter in whose`interesf itmay'be re -0 - sorted to ; but one would prefer that a man : with- the national and almost :world- ivide'reppotation of Sir John A. Macdon- . aid, Should, not.. be: til'e 'beneficiary of so dis iac aact.. -'Lt is, said that there - disgraceful n Was. bribery on theother side. Sup= -l.n iosi'thele was; two blacks do not makea. white P,>tter tar for an 'man to be de- feated; by � • means dishonorable sans than to feared n avoid, defeat ;by means equally ' d'islion- or ible, The public conscience needs tet ' r fi L seamed. on". this. matter..; he.inoe illy pinker ithi set einem' 1 anfl' utterly: dis- Y �PY, graceful � -hetiher,applied to•a judge on h •, the bench. of to -a, voter tbe• ollin -lace °. _ p g place its character is the same. Itis'an'attempt "to .Make the low motive, of. freed .predo=' urinate over. ,a sense of duty.. It may per- -hapslreyrilsaTd that -freers are srsme voters who have. no sense of duty; and:,. • regularly look forward to -an`election as a means of getting a few. ill -earned dollars. No'do}`ibtthere .is such - a class; but the way to Inspire such .:men with a sense of duty would'e to re rain most serilpulously-.from any appeal to lower`. motives in connection -wit ll --the= exercise of their political rights.. But when men- .t in broadcloth go about 'purchasing votes at $2 or $5 apiece, it is no wonder the po- litical education of the inases is not ad- vanced, The proper place hQ b is the eoniinoil jail. He is thofetcorrupteriberr of out political systein,aud-the-enemy of :,; Society 7f all the .inen ,were as , loose .in princi`ple asaie,'wemight as;.well put up . the government to auction at once; • for the whole -business of politics" would be merely. a:battle 'oftlie purses): This is not, the -first trine that the unwise zeal of. Sir. John's friends • bits" got him into .similar trouble, for he was unseated for Kingston in the year 1874, on account of •the-bri- beiy,provcid to have been resorted to in his behalf. '; It would be worth Sir John's' nubile to try hard' to prevent his •friends tram bribing in his behalf.-- Montreal t;onservative.''• WATTS &. 00. CU NTorli. Disraeli once said'that to -be a great law- yer meaus.to ruin a great man. For the year up, to date, 348,035 immi- grants arrived - at;New York, being a de= .crease of 55,450-compared..with last.year. Lieut General Phi' .. Sheridan has as - sunned cuinmand of . the ':United.' States rhino's, which, taw numbers 25,000 men', vice General W. T. "Sherm: an; retired. ti" Thirty years-ago'Slieridan was a ,pupil` of Gen. Robert•E. Lee, at •Weat Point, and :stood 34th 'in a char;a;' of 52. 'Only 13 ,of thn2clasa, shill • survive .Sheridan , is the; , 14ti1 cotnniancler of;the, ar.ny and, the - to hold'‘theaank•of lieutendtit-general, 'his predecessors. in ' thelatter respect' :being LVaehtngton, Scott, Grant "and Sherman.• His dsatitnp€ion of thochiefi command will. not, raise his rank to general, the rank QP. jived hy, grant andSherinan ' On the27 th, iE seems, the iliid'oi botto t mills' discharged 1,341 operatiies for ,-7a month. The St:- •Annex, ".the Valleyfield'..'-:,. and the Stormont'h11113 are to'close for the , same period of time At this season -Of: --thi� y -ea> .iLw.ilLpro.vq t very_..serio.us busi- _W• 'nese fortriose unfortunate people'whom the Government and the Tory newspapers haro so, shamefully,,decetved. It' -is high title that Sir John Macdonald, Sir Leon- , ard•Tilley and their organs put their hands in Heir pockets" acid did something for the poor people whom troy : have deluded RAILWAY 11313E CARD.. Trains leave; Ciintoll as follows anAsa TRII\I' RATLW.AY. • • •. (aorng fast, Gorrig^Westi. 6.15 a.ni' express 8.20 a.m. mi ed'. 4:20 aim. mixed ! 1,17 p.m- exppress. 1.17' p. m: express. l3; 15 p.m. infixed 3.50' p,m, mixed '• I 9,00 p.m. express GREAT T REST3PN RAILWAY,..,. Going; North. Going South. 9,25 a,tn, exprei s 8,20am. express 6.10 p.m. rxpreis 3;50 pan. express -- i