HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-11-09, Page 4• tav buck •ioemot$, To builders—D.A. Forrester.'. Chopping uni11-A, Callander & Bro. Servant wanted—Mrs., Brewer. Robe lost—D. B. Kennedy. Grand concert -Baptist church.' Winter Overcoats --Thos. Jackson, Fur Caps—W. Jackson. rzxn t o FRIDAY, NOV: 9, 1883, WEST.' ti31tOls.< The Conservatives held a convention,at Smith's: IIill,_on Wednesday, to select a candidate -to oppose the fetlirn of ion. A. • M. Ross, but we have not learned the re- sult thereof up, to -the time' of going to press. A good, many belonging 'to th t ,party are unfavorable to bringing out a candidate, regarding Mr. Ross as an:ex- ceptionally--goodman- for -the -position; EDITORIAL NOTES. THE general public are becoming con- vinced day by day that the syndicate and the Dominion Government are one and the same thing and believing -as they have every -reason - to, that it would be impossible to beat him. He has been successful in three contests, and has yet' to have the first im- proper act charged against him. • Mr. Ross is well known to the people. of West Huron, and it is hardly necessary for us to say anything about him. He bas occupied the very responsible -position of County Treasurer for twenty years, and it is universally admitted that no better man in the countycan be found and: , and — --ing-that-perioddof-service; not the first it regularity or error of any kind has been found against him. His position, also; as bank manager, has also further qualified him for the duties of Provincial'Treasurer, while his speeches-bothan-and-out_of_the_ House have shown him to be thoroughly familiar rith all financial issues of the day. The Mail iis vedesirous-that a con- test should take place, and states that it "will watch the issue with interest:" The , and that wile the _gov- ernment is pretending to help the syndi- cate, they are Lining ^their own pockets with the money of the people. _HE editor of' the Goderieh Stat ig-a, Sunday School teacher, if we mistake not, - and we are sorry to say this:faet does not prevent his publishing wilful falsehoods. When he refers to the Mowat Ministry as a "Dakota syndicate" he shows his par- tizan spirit and contempt for the truth, for he knows;perfectlywell that the ministry has nothing to do with Dakota. A TORONTO genius claims\,to 'have'in- vented a new snow plow, which be ,be- lieves ; will effectually keep tracks•olear in the heaviest storm,-The_rnain, principle of the invention is that hot pipes are -forced against a snow bank, which, he -be- lieves will instantly melt and disappear like the, glistening dew before a morning sun. This -mayook very well in theory, but we are afraid that in- practice it will be quite adifferent thing. Some of the snow dr_ifts,ieacountered in this neighbor- hood Last winter would freeze up the hot- test pipes in no time, or drown' out the fires of, an engine, if Ached - Perhaps g , Perhaps the inventor does not knowwliat" 'a -genuine Canadian snow drift is like.-- IT- LOOKS very much as if the News (the "evening edition of the Mail) foresee- ing the coming change in public opinion, was preparing too go with the people; at any -rate -it -expresses opinions totally at - variance with the latter, 98 the .fol1owiig in reference to the Government's guaran- tee of C. P. R. bonds show :— Conservatives, — Conservatives,! here, who can easily fore- see inwhat cohdition a contest is likely • to leave them, are not eager )for a contest, and have no': lesitation in so expressing themselves. Mr: T. W. •Johnston polled as large a vote as they can xpect 'any eandidate to receive, 'and. certainly a larger one than will be polled by theop, ponent of Mr. Ross, if such .there be, in the present election. -' No matter who should be Mr. Rocs' op ponent, we expect toseg every lover of - the province turn out and record his vote. Our Reform friends, we are confident, need no words of encouragement to arouse them to enthusiastic and united action. They,endorsed,the course of the Mowat Ministry last February, by . a handsome majority, and as no specially new.issues have arisen since that time, there is no reason why they -should reverse that de: clsiou. People of" all classes should feel proud that we " have iu the county one who is honored with'a position in (the govern- ment-of the province, and instead ofoffer- in factious opposition to his return g pl , should lend their assistance . towards' se- curing his elevation to the position. in which he is:placed. For aught we know, the Conservatives May not offer,' any opposition to 2Mr Boss, but in case they do the election will be held `on the 17th inst., and we shall then expect tosee the. Hon, A. M: Ross — ermphantly returned as repreaeutative of • the West Riding of lluron by a larger majority than'eveih.,,,• : • THE preliminary steps in>the arrange- ments for agrand convention of the firm,-_ ers of Manitoba 'and ;.the north-west are being taken. Tlie agriculturists; who practically hold the futureof"the country in their hands, have been trodden upon by monopoly, -'multiplied until they feel that a powerful, united pretest•in defence of their legitimate "rights, can being longer delayed.: Their grievances' are unmistak- a,bl grave : nd serie n•` character, n y g e a ys y char cte , and month -after "month new•iniquities .are be-. ing devised further to aggravate their on clition; ' --Ehe Dominion Government have long, had notice of a growing' feeling of dissatisfaction even from -.their ...own' • friends and,they have no exduse to make because they have net abated the'evils complained of, butinstead :of' doing this they have intensifies them, till the farm-- ers are no longer going- to tamely Submit to the injifstice inflicted upon then; ...If Begs to announce the -arrival of new lines in DRESS 'GOOD, Which he offers at wholesale prices. INCEYS,. A line of Plain and Fancies at .wholesale prices VELVETEENS •. Black and' Colored in stock of the Mancunium, Fast Pile Velveteen; (which can only be pro- cured from him:) �N� user to : v -hitt it --can be•. put will disturb the pile: ILKS VE LSE TS f The heaviest stock ever carried by us. This is the. greatest Silk and Velvet eason'the fashionable world` has ever seen. "The i'failiidiciiles he criticisms of the opposition press, concerning the C. P. R. 3 per cent. guarantee. This is not what is wanted. The :Dews. belongs not to the Opposition but to the independent press, but 'it joins with :several. Conser- vative papers and the opposition organ in, enquiring after the details of this peculiar epheme. The people have aright to know, and the Mail, as the Government organ, has a right to explain if it can, and the people are not in humor . to .accept -jeers: instead of facts, ` nor sneers instead of logic." "" i.•.i TITE Syndicate are trying to grind out of the farmers of the northwest all they possibly can, their latest outrage being an. order that no graincanbe loaded into a car without it first", passes through , their elevators, and` for which they charge 10 cents a bushel, which reduces the price of grain that mulch. The Manitoba Moun- taineer, published at Nelson, in a , strong; article _ denouncing - theoutrage, closes with these ominous words, which, we dare Say, express Manitoba sentiment. •pretty. clearly :-- "The only "The'only effectual' remedy for outrages such as this is the complete annihilation; of the monopoly. The people now under- stand the true inwardness of the' Syndicate iniquity. Wipe it'out by fair means if possible,; give them an indemnity, or any- thing in reason whereby it can be quietly put away, but failing this-wInn IT our ANY now." THE Expositor says that Mr. D. D Wil soli paid out $300,000 for eggs during the past year. Now, as the j roductiionof these eggs required'' labor, t.i'' ;ir'gathering,': packing, shipping,' Sac., required still fur- ther labor, and all'of thea) were disposed of in a foreign country, so ,that their' sale was-a-clear',gaiu to the country; would it not be much wiser to givea bonus liir the. production of eggs rather than a-bbnus,to the manufacturers of pig iron, which:can- not be shippedout of the country, even after thebonus i of $1.50 per ton is paid - upon it by, the Government, and a still further bonus in the shape of $$ a ton' protection duty. ; The producers and ship- pers'of these eggshave to contribute to - "wards the bonus and duty on riron, but the iron manufacturers do not in-, the slightest ',degree contribute anything to assist the egg producers. , If . farmers' would exercise a little common sense they would see how their interests have to, suf- fer'.in'every instance for the protected manufacturer, - the government does,not readily listen to - the .,complaints made, and act upon the petitions presented for improvement,' they may expect more decisive steps -to bet'ak- en and radical changes decided upon;, Tut-.A,llans entered an -action --against: the Montreal Witness, for libel, laying damages at $50,000, because a few letters had appeared 'in - that paper, charging that steerage :passeners were „not properly erl it `R P y treated on the ocean passage. The evi- dence at the 'trial last weak .more than sustained the statements of -the letters, and averdict was "given ui,:.favor of. the Witness. The plaintiffs doubtless wish. now- that -they hadnet entered the' as the publicity'' given the trial. g will do them far more harm than the original' publication of the letters. The'Witziess claimed that'. the facts were publishedin the public interest, and beingtrue , they were successful. ; Our stock is superb. ' S.'S. Seal, Mink,: Sable, p Persian Lamb Astrachan and Beaver in great variet. -See our prices. They will astotiish:you- CNK ETS Advires_of our .second "shipment .-just to'. hand, and will -arrive this week. FARM. TO RENT BEAVER. P, 1I1J1 subscriber .,dyers 108. fru nr,on • tine ilftir•^ • • 00n0088100 of Stanley, to rout. 1t'courain, 80 acres, over 50 cleared, frame b acn and other.. outbuildings, log )court good orchard, . Leasee can" have tate job 08 cutting 900 rotas;.ot' wootl and hauling to ^tagger, 1".111 particutui•s apply to JOSEPJLlv.MILLS, C7.tsTo>r. • • J3Efi1' FAMILY NEWSPAPER_IN 0ANADA. I .KING 01, WEEKL4E81. PRESSI • LARGE . 1 'PAPER., Pager, out and pasted by new machinery. Contauis, ill the News. Special I1larltet Doliai•tment: gr•ieuIcoral Lop artwo ut. Ca4i1tT Story always running. A Ingenious Puzzle Colu'uu. Funny IlgwOr,ismH., Just- the Thing for the Family. WSend 51.:00, and the paper will be forwarded to you to 'Jan itary lst,'1885. N 4l]:,000.,,.71N.6.1,tnEAI11DDIS.:. • i .The 'tnostliberal 'inducements ever offered in Canada, to parties getting up clubs for the Weekly Free Press Send for PremiumLlst. -G-waoir`ly Gree Press aril -Farmer's Advocate sent to 1st January, 1885, for 51.75. Address• •1 FREE PRESS OFFICE, LONDON. EL, EI;,ANN S = . -The” best "makes'in -Gree Fancy, White Scarlet at millprides.''' . LES. Our assortment is immense, 'prices low, styles and qualities high. MILLINERY. - We lead the trade.. Lowest: prices. DISCOUNT. Latest goods and styles: Ten ' Of per cent 'ori all ' purchases for cash, r , Butter or Eggs: JOHN CHAIR, the Great Dry Goods Man. Fva1 thousand' laborers; who had been promised 7oriz all Winter, have been dis- mi8seel from the service of the C. I P.' R., and are being thrown on the tender mer- cies': of the Winnipegers ,in batches cif several hundred ata time. kr is publicly announced that a dele nation ofnii'nisters, representin'r the. Me- thodist Church of Canada, are ;to proceed to Ottawa and present - the Marquis . of Landsowne with an address of welcome ;on behalf' of the 'c'hurch they :represent;' ;No doubt every Methodist,' as well' as, :every Other religious representative in the :Dominion extends a cordial welcome to him, but this presentation of. a; usually verbose,: and often very untruthful, ad: dress should' bestopped, and the churches should: set the example If`; ;it is ; ne cessary, on the arrival of any distuingiish- ed personage in this country, to do -sortie -thing in order to prove that he is a wel- come -guest, thenait is high time we reani Tested our hospitality and good will- in Some other way' than by 'a;long-winded,. hifalutin and: tiresome address: , , ` THE Nawp Ei i :lits : rovoked: •both the Goderich<Signal . and Star to anger=and. their angeris terrible. ;Last week neither' of them Gould rind works strong' • enough to show up out baseness, and theyhurled" about a coition', apiece . at mfr.. devoted head. The cause of our. misfortune was that we stated that Ogilvies's mill had been" closed down, and gave a few:comments therewith. Wells -we are . glad to' learn` from 00r:• ever -voracious friends .to'',the west, that the Mill' is not closed down,, an lc this is lust Where; We : were; slightly "too previous." We ehoultl simply have said "it was to close down," and this would` not )rage been inch n. terrible blow to our Goderich .totems. • Our information was gathered from what. we consider authentie sources, and if we were to give it, these editors w old open their eyes With sur prise. Their allegations about our attempt to hurt Goderichas .a• grain marketare beneath' notice. -flow canthat-�vh ch has no existence suffer. We are quite .willing to publish the statement; of one -of them "that the:mill has not closet). down, never` has been, and will onliy close down ; for . PC - pears. ! cparas." If that does not 'ease the hearts of our vexed friends, cstriire the boll, gen- tlemen; and begin your show a gain." TETE '' Government guarantee of three per cent for ten years on :$100,000,000 worth of stock of the'C.P.R.• Syndicate is shrouded'in''mystery, , no' further revela- tions having been made by which a good. and substantial reason can be shown for doing so: Why the Government should want such a large loan as they are pre= tending to receive" from the Syndicate it is -difficult .to, ,understand, and what they are going to do with it none but the ini- tiated know. Btit.'why: should the stock need to be guaranteed, when the company received such enormous amounts of mo- ney and „lands, and"' were surrounded by Such restHetion to prevent others frons_ interfering with their inonopoly? :'It is quite apparent' that: the financial affairs oftlie Syndicate are not in as flourishing, or favorable a condition as. they would like' tile world' to believe, and that it re quires the most herculean efforts to prop up the concern and keep it,from,collaps- ing before the`. meeting of parliament, when, John A, hopes to manage his docile majority as to still further postpone; the l/Li1V'1'O1V 51AICHET$. Thursday, "Nov. 7,•1883. The Advanta es Still for the suhscrihers, The publishers of the Montreal Witness having - found that the clubbing. rates riven last year were meet satisfactory in every respect, are;induced to re- peat them. -Such clubbing rates as follows:—The price of the Weekly Witness is $1 a year, postage free. When three are sena together in one envelope, • the price to each will be 80 cents or 93.40 in.atl• When Pour subscriptions ere sent together in one envelope, the price to each•win be 75 cents,, or $3 in alt fvhen .,.Ten.subscriptionsare.sent_together lit ne.envelnne. -tho.price-to-each-will-be 70 lien -is -Tor -47M all: the Weekly • WItnesa'isnow 38years old and has not ceased"te gain on the: public confidence ` It lives only to witness for right and truth in every Matter that can come before the public;regardless of party or favor. One of its features •-which: Is much `valued in its .special departmentswhere questions on voterinarysubjects are_ answered: by Dr.IdcEachran;. F. It. m C.•V. $ , Prcipal'"of the .Montreal Veterinary Cotlege,and_thoDominion-Inspector-of--Live-Stocl:. Questions•on )lee Keeping are answered by Mr.' D. A. dories, of Beeton; Ont., Presidentof the National Int) .convention.' Questions about poultry and pets aim answered by Dr. Anders,. Montreal, Questions on agricultural ',subjecte''are answered by "Rustieus." Questions on.truit and plants are answered by Mr. -J.anres_Dougail, of R ndsor; .Ont,, -Questious on legal subjects are answered'tiy an eminent Queen's Counsel .ot-hiontreat. Questions on -subjects of every kind are ,ansveredbycompetent authorities. THE WEEK. LY'WITNESS is the' newspaper of the Dominion, and the family paper of the continent, , All the News of "the World for One Cent a Day;! The Daily Witness ins four editions daily, and contains' everything' of interest to the, general or am commercial reader. Its mune and reputaion are foo well and widely known; and firmly establislied, to need any extended comment ' Single copies --One cent. Subscription i price, $3 a year, postage free..• •Ttie Northern ':Messenger is,the 'best pa-. per for its p;'ice 01 the world'. It is fully -illustrated,. contains' the Smiday;School Lessons, is replete With general information. of various kinds, and:is a paper equally adapted for the week -day school and Sunday- School, and for y oung,and old, Price, 30 cents a year. The Weekly Messenger. This isuneight •page weekly newspaper, containing the world's -news. fur each Week in brief and readable form, markets, land also all that appears_ln the:Northern Messenger. TheCanadian: editionhaw from one to' two pagesde- voted•to news of the temperance societies of the Do - Minion and their work; and 'editorial -discussions of ;temperance questions. it is remarkabiysheap„fifty cents a,yeer with reductions -to clubs. 'Sample copier will be sent with pleasure. The Montreal markets ap pear in the Canadian, edition, and the New York mar- ketsl!u, the Americans All subscriptions payable in, advance.. JOHN "DOUGALL & SON, Publishers, Montreal THING CALL AND SE OUR PANTS at $2,7 PANTSa 3 There -is no • particular change in the`. grain market, and deliveries are very' slow. The outlook is not reassuring. Buyers purchase only ,to, meet" ;the immediate needs of Millers, and assert: that it would no pay them to, buy for shipment "to Europe:. u c pe.. When the }wants of the millers' are fully supplied, and: grain has to be sent abroad, a, fall in price is among the . pro- babilities,. if not"certainty.. Farmers, may hold back their grain urititthat time, ex pecting higher prices,•butthey are likely,' Ssin past seasons, to be' disappointed if they-do--Lt'l�e--receipts in vBritaiir-fiat^- • Iridia,and'Russia are this year large ; the English crops have .been more ample than for many a year-;, and, what is equally sig- nificant to the. grain.growers •o1 Canada, "enormous ;quantities of wheat are in specu- lators' hands. in Liverpool and other pt'o4 vincial trade centres. But for banks .car- lying them;. these :dealers would; have to ;throw their 'supplies on the'market which Would still further reduceP p rices. The banks do not desire to lose, and they continue to give credit rather than force..sales while there is any chance "of an .advance. not..diffrcnit:!to foresee what the ultimate effect of the ;hoardin . olio on side ..gl? y s of the Atlantic will''6e, Other1;rains•are only in fairdeman d. .Wood is slightly lower thandit has been, although the au - . 1 _is not• e. nal tothe d ma iT '.. _ ' ■ p Y.q, �, e n Pro,.�ce of any kind finds ready, sale at quotations. Poultry is . coming, in freely . and finds. ready sale at 50cts: for geese, 25cts. for ducks and from 15 to 20cts.:ior chickens. No turkeys, scarcely,;coining in. Wheat, scot old':' . $1 .00 -a 1 la. new 0`80 a 1 10 White wheat, 01(1 ' 1. 00 a 1 15 1 new - 0 75• 'a ..1 00 Spring,: 1 00 ,a 1 15 Oats, - 0- 31 r 0 33 Bitrley, - 0 45. a 0 50 Peas, 0 60. a 0 65 �Flou, -" 6 00 a 6 50 Potatoes;,... � 0' 45 a 0 50 , Bu tter', - 0 16 a 0 17- Eggs, 0 20 a 0' 22 ,.Flay, . 7 a0 a 8 60 6 00' a.6 50. 0 50 a '0.75 0 60 , a: 0 75 550- a 700 7 00' a 7 2.5- 8 00 58.00 a 8 50 2 00 a _ 2 50 Hides, Sheep pelts Lamb skine, F3eef,' - Pork, Clover, evil day. ' Timothy, ,-- • .ELECTIONS for Governor; Senators, &c. took plane in about. 27 States on Tuesday,' resulting in .the ,,carrying, of eighteen of them by the Republica is arid nine'bythe, 'Democrats. Tlie one most worthy of note is the defeat of the renowned Ben. Butler, ofMassachusetts,who was seeking re-elec- tion for Governor. His defeat;on this oc- casion will most certainly prevent nig no- inination for ,the Presidency, which he. was aspiring to, The Republicans appear to be carrying' the country in the north and the Democrats in the south. $10 AND U W..: SIVEIT CLINTON, DMIDARiTlr ANT ULL B LAS`T'. AT. ,• V. Sti 1Lead the Trade,. Dur GoodSare _ t._ _ii-�7 a Sty lis cheap ea trash - � h given a wde.'aoert our prices . •right, are ° Our. workm 'n perfect! a skip. .. er�t A BIC STAFF, The West Simcoe Tories have nomi Dated Dr. Wylie, of,Stayner, to contest the seat -in the Loral 'Legislature ren; dered vacant by the unseating of Mr. Phelps. Mr, Geo. Moberly, of Colling-• wood,' who came within 35 votesof de- feating Mr. Phelps in ; February 'last,. was thrown overboard, much to ••the. disgust of his friends:.1=— BORN.`. HiovAR—In Clinton, on the 4th.Jnst., the. wife ofMr, C. Hilytr,'of a daughter 107QP1.$ING NICHT t1w aAY. And Orders still Pcurn• ixi. act-od Wits__are=Appr®ciartec J.•bR:: IV.2�, J.J =N'G ,y jCs in charge, , a,nd,,ls ti guarantee of s atisfaction every tinie , ' order "11 o while � le the, .. a sortlnen is ' ENT S t G- EMEN. �,_ complete: E 1'JN PE R ,ENT Oh` for row:t cal CR A 1 B 'THE' 6 EATMERCHANTTAILOR.R.'