HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-11-09, Page 1-mommomme MANNING' At SCOTT Barristers, Solicitors, CONVEYANCERS &e. Cemmissioners for Ontario and Manitoba.. OFFICE - TOWN HALL, CLINTON. 500 copies Irving's 5 cent Music, and 500 copies Evans' 5 cent Music", jut to hand, et-es...tea ' Book Store. 4213 New Books juet received from the old country and ,e United-. States. .Com -and see them. JUST. RECEIVED, NEW STOCK OF EN-VELOPES AND PAPER. We have now over 125,000 'envelopes. in •stock, and about 1,51'reams ot note paper, best qualities, cheap. les -- • Large variety at Lowest Prices. • "When you NV it t D P'l P Buy it 'from us. . CHRIS: I)ICKISON, City Book Store, Clinton. Ste NE.k. -MONEY. 'undersigned have made arrangements for the laidling, of a large ;amount of Private and Com- pany Funds, for loans On real estate' this'. winter,' at -lowest rates.of-interest Mid moderate charges: . . ..„. . MANNING ;Sc. SC,OTT, lOWN MALL, . CLINTON; TICKETS ISSUED TO7',111E-7. VIA White Star line of Steamships. Anchor line of Steamships. State line • of Steamships. all information apply to W. JACKSON, Ticket Agent. (neaten sept 21 1888 OL. IS. NO, 45. TERMS - $1.501'er Annum sCLINTON ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 9 1883. E . HOLMES dcSON Publisher. FIELD ROOTS. 1 WEST 'RIDING OE HURON AGRICULTURAL HOUSE VO LET--..4.pply ew Era Offi NsociEree- WAtTNED-A. Gna General servant. Probably in no -crop do we find the ef- ' Wages $i ner mouth. 'Another girl kept feet of the past cool damp geason so per:. APPIY IO MRS--ORE,WER, 1110 MoN011'S,Eanki ceptible as among field rciots and those' centres.s who know what an ordinary; crop should OLST --:- In • Clinton on ;Monday evening' a be, will. gee from the figures given below WOLFRoLE. Tile tinder will be suitm4*that,: as a rule, the crop is below an aver - rewarded on returning the same to D. E. KENNEDY'S LIVERY-. a; e. Last"s? year we advised erowers to be • ,. • ' less sparing • of' seed, and we are glad to • - - . To B,UILD.ERS. ?TENDERS will be received by the under - 1 signed till the . 2051i of December,. for the different -departments of work. (separately or en bloc) for the erection.. ota Brick Church in the .Town of Clinton, front plans and speci- tioations prepared by W. R. Gregg. Architec,t, Toronto, 'which can be seen at my office. The cominittee haerees isroeurea-meeeo-bricee- and will turn them over to contractor at cost. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cpted. D A FORREsTER Sec of Com. ClintOn; Nov. 7, MM.. • , CHOPPING' MILL.-- • MGM silbscribers have a first-class Chopping. Millin their slier), next to the Organ .Fac-, tory,.run by steatu power, and are prepared to. 'chop alllunds of', grain at any tithe. Farmers can rely OD haying their' grain borne with theni and get the 'work done, at a very reasonable price. A trial sodcited. •- • • ' ' REACkS1114'EHINO-We• are..also prepared to an anything -in .this line. as wo have every facility and thoroughly understand the .trade. • AUSTIN CALLANDER & RE.O. effirro-n-,NliNft-fS82. A 4D CONCERT AND ORGAN RECTAL.. , ',GRAND CONCERT ORGAN 'RECITAL. underthe auspices -of the Clinton Baptist, Church, will lie held in the Town Hall, on the evening of THURSDAY, •NOV. 8, when some excene.nt Choruses, Solos, Dliets.& Quartattes will be rendered, together with Instruinental *Selerftffing: orrqiniSt. • ADMISSION 256. CHILDREN 15 15 c, monsdenssesmossm.......:, . . . , The hooks of lens. sTeweee.Le. • .1443RLBURT, late of 13rucelield, .inay be found by those,vishing to settle their accounts a,t W. W. PARRAN'S Office, Clinton. -El RAMIE 3101USE FOR 'SALE, on 'the cox, ner of Sing and Cutter Streets, Clinton, contain- ing five roomswith 'Woodshed 'zIttael,iod. Apply on the iirelui3es-to-JOBN FISHER. . . _ f1111111VESIELING EI/i11", „Lee A seeena iesea .CLIMAX. TI.IRESillili and iforee-Power, in good working meter, billy a short time in use, is offered for sale on easy terms. JOHN RIDOUT. cinetoe. e 15 0'1' F1111 SALE. -A corner. lot on the Huron road,. west of Mr. S. IValslfs, consisting of about -one-teire or an acre, suitable far a private residence.- IV,01 fenced. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Ap- ply to -J. II. COMEE, Clinton. _ , LiTRAY LARS R ..-Canie into the prejnises of the 1..7 subscriber. lot 32, 13tli con. Mullett, about theist of Septernbcr,-a Lamb. The owner is 1-iereby notified to prove property, P. expenses and tate it away„:- IVILLIAM IHIUNSDON, jr.. 4: DIMS() • - • 6, UTION OF - ------Thn-partnersh frheretof are -existing -between-1v:- Charlesworth and George McCullagh, -of the Grand Union Hotel, -Clinton, under the firm name of Charlesworth & MeCullagh, was dissolved an Wednes- day, Oct. 3rd,1853. GEO. McCULLAGM. "IN1 ‘.R.,1* FOR SA LE* Oit To itENT..-- 100 -eseaeees,...bein lett, reit: cleiived, remainder good .bitsh, con ta Ili ngliard woed,'piue au a if e flee. witi'sen.teo timber alone; or land. Etutellief.;,to.suit purchaser. - 111011..' BARKWiELL, Loudesboro. 42" ent. tevicas ANI) 1.01' FOR -- The" TOPerrY fotely occupied by the 'under- signed; en Victoria .Street„ its a efreshment- store; 15 Offered for siile on reasonable terinS;=, It consists of two-story brick, store, With Shop and three rooms illYW11.8,4414.PPa'anct.7 good-sized rooniS upstairs . cellar sexeS. gdarter•aerelot, good stable. 1)21;11 a I 8‘11.11 Water'. ' T. B. SALT, ClintOn. ' y 42 .! 171411411.1KA 1,1C 3111VATii9N:=4,LINTO-P.:. eee niece school.. • The entriinee examination to the.'Clinten High. Sellool, wilt be held in the ,Mode 'School, on , Thursda y and: Friday.' the 201.11.. amt 21sr. of Tese1.3.311310,-tieset. -begun-1i her .each day. -ht Intending' candidates will send -their names to the Undersigned; not laterthan the 201.11 of Noit. JA$.'TuuNt ULL, JAS. THOMPSON, TICKET' 'AEORNT, G. T 11 Over the "New Short Line" .to Chicago and all points Southwest, West, and North weSt • MAPS TIME CARDS et. Given on application, and all Other in, formation freely given at, the _office in THOMPSON' & SWITZER'S Grocery BEAVER BLOCK, 'CLINTON. WINESipi'D THE subscriber desires io .return \ his sincere' thanks to his customers a, id the public generally for the liberal patronage extedded to hint ,ih the past, and by furnishing the begt, article at -the lowest rernifs rierative price, he hopes to merit a continuance of the .4atrie. fie would specially reeorninctul,s.trial of his direct :Importations of the very best brands of. " ,Braadias Pert Wines a Holland, Gin Stimmitn FOR MEMICSNAL PURPOSES ..S.ND PA5111.1/ IDSE. BASS' ALE AND GUINESS' :PORTER, ' 13ottles, Pleats and Quarts. CANADIAN'ALES. AND PORTER, ' CARUING'S and DAviss Lsons, constantly on hand, Jost received, in prime conettion, ' lifontrel Ginger Ale, Champagne Cider, , Soda. ' • Sole _Agent for CA oderich A.Ie. • N. ROBSON, ALBERT sTitiseT, Enloe ELOCif.,,ersterroN. DENTIST, 9 -131.601C - charges moderate, 'CLINT,ON* (.--JTRAY 11EIFE11. - $.trayect from ki.her's -premises, Lot 85. tesnem'coneession„ Ooderich- Township,. about the Mid of August, O yearling Roan Heifer, slightly marked with '11111th. .one returning -Ilea oi giving infer- ation where she may' be, fen ud. will ,be snit .:ably-rowarde--GEO.7:RALD-f',RSONT:=-7. QTRAT,'RM.-Strayell, from the ` fiubseri-. beree neemises, lot 38, Iltit con. Thillett,. on the 20111 of October,. 14 yearling ram having a small piece eut from the Cop et the right ear, and marlied with a red cross On the hack. Any one giving infothuition that will lead to Its re- covery, win be suitably rewamod. THOMAS MOUNTAIN., ' , BflTCHERJ NO ' ripens undersigned _desires to thank his nu- rnerous friends in Clinton and vicinity for theireiberai patronage during the twelve years he carried ou the butchering business, and, 'would intimate to them that he will re -open in Corros building', Huron Street. about the 12,111 inst., land as be thoroughly under- stands the, business, and will guaranfee cern-, piete satisfaction, he hopes again to meet with as liberal. suppor t forrnerlY. _ _ • , 1101318. FITZPIMONS.,.- Clin ton , Nov. 2. XTOT10E.-A light. Waggifi and two sets of Bob .Sleighs to sell, also all sorts of Old clothes, such - 54Pants, Vests, Coats, lints. Capsoind all sorts Of Women's, Girls and Boy's smell and great clothes, to affellt71"eitirbirflillaill'attlitinfirr-tifi-M1Wfiya7alrdifrtttltt A few cords of aliorttind long Naomi for' sale; weo wants it? alf debts due the estate of Mary Attarten lutist now he paid, as I shall not peddle- this winter. W. MAItTf:N, Pedler, Box 64,'Cliistoti, PROPERTY FOR 'SALE MILE undersigned offer:t foi sale a Iliarteracre lot. on the Hurotilload, (just outside tbc corporation) on which iis erected a frame house, with five rooms, good stable, bearing orchard, hard water, &e. Tho taxes on this place never reached $1. a year, it being situated in the township. Twins reaOnable.. 40-41 " W. 001818, Clinton. • . FARM Fall- --SALE. — rrivrE, soittla-litilI of Lot 25, Seventh coeees- • siOn of (Goderich Township, is offered fOr sale, ft centaius 'i4 acres, 18 on tee' Oet Line, tv o Miles from Holinesvilleoflye from the town of-Cli ii to II. and 111,11111c over eigheefeoin Goderieh Par further thfotenati apply to B. GERRY, isiteseette FARM FOR SALE.' Tho suliSeriber Offers ,ter sale the °roc -half of Lot 18, 2n4C,01/. °fret/netts conatetinserew. ee acree, tietirly_all cleated, ana !air working ereee. Lois houee, flame hate, With stable bo - low, wa,ter in the barn, young orcharct, 1511(1 It' unprove-nents Sitnute ouly. tri rai16s .froin the -growing WW1& 01'. Clinton. Will he koid on roasourible term9. 1p.!;141101.1F. • (18/ 4E0R., observe that in every Instance where we examined crops, no fault could be found in this respect. Owing to the excess of Wet weather not enly do -we findirootsebee- lowethe average size, but the quality is not equll to Armee years. Instead of the usual crisp, juicy,substa-nce, we find them -neore-stringyseand-the-excess-of fibre -root- lets especially in the maregolds, seem to run through the root, givibte, a woody fla- vor to the root. The most important pout we have to note this season, laowever'e is tn instance of the benefits of under -drain- age. Mr. Joseph Morrie, of Colborne township, prepared his root land by first of all thoroughly under -draining and sub- -BAST VVAWANOSLL. TEACHERS ENGAGED. -Mr. A. E. Gal- braith has been engaged again in S. S. No 13 at an inerease of $15, thus making his salary $3e0 per annum. Mr. W. Mc- Kay has been engaged in S. S. No. 11, at a salary of $400 per annum. Mr. Mckay taught in this school for 2 years until the fall of 1882, when he resigned to attend the Clinton County High School. Being successful for a second Clase certificate at the late July examinations, the trustees desired him to accept the • position- which he so efficiently filled previously. 13esiEFs.-Mr. 'William Stewart an- nounces a sale of his flarm seocklesteeNov. 6th. At the sale of Mr. T. 0 -.'Rourke, in Morris, .Mr. William 'Toll purchased a mare for $149. There appear to -be a few "light-fingered " gentry in Blyth. Far- -niers -complain -of -having- artic-les--reMov,....:- ed from their waggOns. We would advise such "gentry" to be more careful in their operations in future, asi a watcla ,be ItELGRAVE. Mr. W. Heal has sold his tivo-year old colt to Mr. Anderson, near Donnybrook, fetstheesiuneofe$140s—„-- Mr. VanNorman has returned from Nlichigau and intends to make his home in Belgeave. Scene say he will soon take to himself a better half. Mr. John Bell returned from Algoma on Wednesday, and was married to the sthird daughter of Mr. R. 3. Henry,' of the 9th con. East Wawanosh. He intends re- turning to Algoma to live. WINGHARI. LEFT TOWN. -Nr. Frank Holloway, who hes resided here for adonee time and has been the 'chief clerk in the post office, has taken a situation as bookkeeper in the n Glenora Roller Mills, ear Picton.• He eWilte-be greatly migiseAS-laving taken an active part in sports and entertainments of all kinds. BRUSSEL*, DESTRUCTIVE FeRE.- A. fire broke out BACKED ODT11.---U1Sd'ORIe ETTiinle since l'.!lr• . harness shop of J -I.- Dennis, in'tlie'Leacl- . • e. . hereabout. 7.40 on Tuesday night, in the John 'Henry, of the 13th .con., entered in- beatteel3lock, east side et Main street,ein- soiling, whichwe feel sure accounts for to an agreement with Mr -Thos. M'pgridget Cludidg some sevee buildings. The fire - the magnificent crop he has this year, 1 of the 1.1th, to purehase•the latter's farm. men were promptly . on hand,, and had andthe fact that allare.sna006;large and. Mrs. Mogridge, howeyer:. strenuously ob-' three streams playing on the flames:, but of fine' form: His 'soil' is a: Salidril°anl,--jedtecl---to-the'sale-of-thes,fanneeand-for-a-The beesseree gs , erinike. lender, and tee which he manured'in the fall with twenty slight consideration Mr: Henry released.. fire scion got beyond control'..„ The adjoins loads of well rotted stable manure to the the other from the terms of the agreementing buildingseere on tire several' times, acre eand Casteapking. he again matured: ut were saved by hard evotkewitn slight broa'dcast a light .cevering of about -five. m:71E1114m Towrisiite.dam'age. I.,oss and insurance S-Pliosnix G. loadsto theacre. Istieturnipe were sow -ed, The heaviest ratepayer in GodeeiPh Block, .oetned by Dr. Iiblines and T. June 1st, and carrots and'enangelds' MaY. township is -Mr. John Middleton, whose Fletcheee-Steliaged• $300, 'covered Isy in- letlf, .In. sowing hen:lade sure of having taxes this year amounts to $102. There ' su ran ce. , Mrs. Lengeltirititn re andstock, seed enough, in the ecet by doubling the is one ratepayer whose . taxes only e2,000. insured for $1,500.. Struthers & prodess. Some growers distourege the amounts to 7 e cents, and several others, Powell,. dry goods, $8,000, insured for idea of transplanting to fill blanks in the among the .nupeber being SheriffGibbons, $4;500.7eMiss Robertson, dressmaker, $100,. drills, but 'Mr. Morns is a.oem believer who will only be called ineon - to pay,. 13 eoeustireSesee„,. it Dennis, harness maker, in this practice with a crop of mangolds,.' 'cents taxes. They have no reason, surely $1,000, insurance $400. R. 0: Struthers, although be also censidees aliberal sowing . to complainof heavy taxation. ' ' two stores;.J.5 , ,',000, insured for $2,000. Dr. the most imPortant, NVh1Ch as a rule obvis . BUTTER FACTORY. -We• believe it is Holmes, two. buildings; $800., insured foe a‘te's-anY,IfeoesitY fol'1SlimsPhIniinge We r. .thp intention of MW. Herbiseee'of - the $400, W. Ainsley; 'furniture and :stock, still find some grower:who thin out ear- Bayfield concession, to "commence -at once $200, no insurance. A. Keel, spring heds, rots setoilnrnedauiPslicl-; rniacituhrCeds°.itible'yas iibeeeeCin ‘Nbeulti suitable for a butter factory, and next $200, insurance $100. Jesepla Laird, bare the erection ot a. 'building on his fame $800; no insdrOnce. W. Blashill, hatcher, littleettinning. as a rule.. We found no season comnience toren the game. There ber, $100 no insurance. J: Leckie, on signs of disease or insect enemies in the is .i, splendid opening in tliS locality 'far building, $506, inured for $1,500. W,. .large roots; but, especially in.lowsground, such an enterprise, and, Me. Herbison is Nightingale & Co.,' dry goods, dtimaesee, a good rn any instancs. of the potato,' rot. Well qualified to carry‘en the'ea.nie. . It is $1,000, fully insured; - ''' -'s- • ' Skirvin purple top' appears to be the best . to be hoped, as they -no. doubt . will,- that d the an his neighboring farmers will lend their variety ofetureip, and the long re faTeohreiteconimapnitgroaltdiv, e suilisitness.01;,..t'his sea; nernianent suceees ' assistance towards ns son's crop has not discouraged fere-lees by ' .. • • : • ' ahing, the . t.aetery, a Thieet;.Relocut:Ni_C)._Ei vlitsVi 0.nre InTflifthti:SSH. ioth Court, afr. Justice, Fere:use-a Presidilig, any ineans. On the edontrary, we find . . •TOCKE.ItS311%11. closed at Goder43 on Tuesday, atter a them more inclined to extend their large e cli.001.., REPOR i -The .fol low ing is the very' protracted sittine, . . ' • e eT. root crops materially, finding the benefits standing of S. S. No. 4 for the month of noticeable, besides :producing a lafge-r 2nd Carrie Johni, 3rd John T. Crich. ' the tnwus where they orizitutteth In th° October -Fourth class -1st Sarah Nott, s. 018beevoefi'livelassicesh '4evTitseetti din‘ivienlif'°irntlelerefisrtinign;. for 'stock feeding yearly becoming more. quantity of better barnyard manure. Third Class-lst Geo. Layton, 2nd Gee, stied of Van Egmond ve. Gray the defen- ' 'Mr. Morris drilled for his roots, making Crich3rd Minnie eight drills to the rod. .classe--lseeennie Jo • Henry Curwin, of G-oderich township, 3rd Harvey Johns. manured his niangolds in the drills in 1st Rebecca Stanisur spring, eleven loads to the acre on a clay , 3rd Fred. l'el'ott. _loam eight_drills_tost,heerod sowed middle '' THE ...PROVINCIAL TREASURER. HON.1. M. ROSS PIIALIeLes CONGRATIf-• EATED EY eses CONSTITUENTS. AD- DRESSES BY THE NEW 311NISTER. A " RESOIaJTION OF CONFIDENCE, IN ,MR, JOS'UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED. ()al/ICH, NOV. 2.-, When it was . known this evening that Hon. A. M. Ross was to return on.the..9.30ip. m. train f,rdin.. Toronto, whitheihe had'gone to be sworn in as Provindal Treasurer, a murnbee of Iii friends decided -to meet film at, the railway station and welcome him home. The notice was very -brief, yet upon, 'the areival of the train the platform, was crewd- ecliby 3rourg andold a,nXious to see the return of the new- Cabinet Minister. A number .of Highs Scheid 'sell -define,- evho ' take a keen interest in' matters political, and -with whom Mr: Ross is a, favorite, here torches to light up, the darkness of the night, end headedeby the town -band, 'marched before the carriagel containing' 'the hon, gentleman and his friends to the Reform rooms here. The Crosed was quiekly increased by. the other friends, ad Mayer Horton being calledeto the - chair, the. meeting was called to order. The chairman paid a highstribute to Hon -Mr. Ross as a citizeneand a politician, his 'remarks meeting with enthusiastic approv- al. Col. Ross:made a pithy reply. 'Ile' had, he said, accepted the- office at con- siderablenersonal sacrifieee_but. he felt thet he Could notwellrefuse to servehis Province ite elle-afore arduous S'iiiiieseir a - department. He had -endeavored to faith- • fully serve them as a private inember,and he would also try to do his duty towards all, independent of party color, .in his new sphere. . It was the practice in Eng- le,' d, and it prevailed to a large ,extent in Canada, not ta.oppose a pew minister who 'went back to his constituents for re-elec- teen.. He hoped that such. would be the -dese-in--West-finton-noese-e-He-had-- won. three Contests in succession,and he thought if Was plain that_heliacl_the_confidente.of the electors -cif the -eidinge Heh ' -ad' net ne spent ocent illegally in previous. elec- '0 tidns, and he did not intend to do'so in. ....._ this. He hoped none" of his supporter e - .wOuld do anything should 'a coptese be . forced avbieh evonhrie any Way bripg dis- credit on the party. He had no new poe licY to announce tor the GOvernment ; ' their poeition now wee' the position ;they had always taken, and. that was. to. firmly . uphold the territorial and legislative eights of the Province. He was .not'.go- legto move his family from Godericb, as wae reported. He had -been 'in the riding fretth childhood and if the electors .per- rnitted him lie. wasSwilling to live and die here. Should a contest be insisted on by the ConservatiVe partysehe 'believed his friends would stand slibuiclercto, shoulder as before.' Such d contest would, be fiereer " than any before fought, bat lre tinstect that. his1 supporters would send 'him. back With: .a larger majority 'than ever., The hon. geUtremen was -warmly applauded at times . during the deliveey of his sensible, manly and timely addreS-S:7-Thig-linproniptit • o-it4ierino• has shown tliat the Liberals are enteitriiastie and full of 'confidence. One of tlie strikine feapures of' the assembly was the nurnh'er ofintelligent young men who we're present eild joined in the heartY Senio' lene, 2nd Lacy E.Nott, (hetes Blyth, from whose property a . JI p ro. receptioa to the new alenIster. dant is one of a filen of extensive -Notts r seeond Jy72n niodr soeiciolfriodrdeclarsisc-h, sthrneall)liastitriet.iiir; iflesosestsIthayo taheueitirodidnigstnaini distant,. otof PERSONAL AN]) POLITICAL. , which he claimsrights as riparitm re- spatch Icons iSlontveal conveyed rietor and otherwis . . Ile alsc'elaims lieen pollated ley tete . , . • "e--------------------------.. lvetineeetiret Vene Dean Bald - 'sewn " Bissett, Colborne, .liad eight BEitsoe AL. -Mr. drills to the rod fer .mamgolds;oe a, etrong been teechine in th clay loam, which was manuredin spring, tille6iefe,Years, has &roil thirtyloads,t6 the acre... Seed sowed.May. s a' frac]] er,, of Tin_ no ou-b-sese-e-e.e, eotits een..the seine piece i'or three years. ' ' fest as he here. .Gereee , young, , of C.Olbonie 'has his .he *158 the ecipi r .en OP' gravelly loam, .ivit,h 'alSuPds. eiresg.tosWhien heb :ince of naturel' drainagee He has nine - E'LucaTioer.S.L.e.- -drills to thesrod,' Manneed broadcast. in ef. eee,repils ertee spring; twenty -loads to'Seed :Ce M Kitty' who has salt or brine "freinethei. dsfendelit'S'W '7Lt''et"e rhsh°P el"°1'" ll"t°1"; exPeet Cs .'ilecedtirin the last Tenclerine it unfit •fo ) S to /36 on the 28th iris1.. to te,acls in Belfast:. witnesses-surreyore and cet,i.zens.ofI•3lytir The Olaterio Genet of Appeal. high rreputation and '7.7..were Subpeenaerls end after ascouPle of Irtiesdatte,--,Noe-etubetes-1,3tii---to h s manyr,-trt-&As - 7-diierAnsasITheenoecupied e'viclenee; '118.:f011oisring'' ApPealat Z. letetiedife removal Ithel defence Prodliteedteeefriiiinysdieeloeings NiseetirSt-tel-Sast- Ner tei.11q117,PA,1 a nri ; Lennox;.. t 'Of an albtim earl: a011 ds .tbe.face that ert.' eniriparetiveles recene 3, ei , public school here fen Bele"' is the standing' p aintiff, had caused a short drain to be The Martinis 'or Lorne and West Yojin'Iceittitint(z.lcw,:ile'sl.esleelsa ' These ere the Prin- . riefly replied. - date young Van. Egniond, who had drairee o the carding mill...under his father; the all 1--"rav ' " 1110 sowed middle of June. ' •' -. tela'eseemeell'Itheigf,e1(3-)cee Robert Medd, of SVest, Wawanosb, has meaner. and narnes one of the largest fields of turnips in the • men.. I ourth ee Riding. The soil is a friable clay loam• Edith lItaneing, manured in spring broadcas, twenty, load; third--Thorriton 1 td the acre, and•salted about 250 lbs. salt Lottie .Johnston, to the acre; eight drill§ to the rod, eeea.' e ., Sprung, ITred. Shep sdwed about June 10th. • .' '• • ',Patrick Carroll, of ColbOrn h. 1 ' e, as hi forrn---. Louisa John ston, Lizzie Chur.c carrots in a °fay loam, which was summer first form --Chas. Jr „fallowed last year and manured with forty. waith, Chris. Sheep leads to the acre broadcast; he gives eight drills to. the rod ; sowed May '.2.4, His PORT ERS MIL L . late rose potatoes are, on, the same quality The case of ,Tohnston vs. Scott next tried. of .soil, manured in _spring.thirty loads to vir.riaii,i!firitga,Ay.fidfilcontilseaortfl 1111-17.t Ashr:lifiyas11-Iree: . 1.eas another water ease, je which e.,, larts_0.,- the acre, eight drills to the rod. Frequent • eeovered-froin a severe Itiekere-ciii-eirefrom -sdePutlithurel'-witue- ''''."-$11PPe-a-re'dlY6hirtue- -evidences-le-fere teweere-es-eisejelthliiisg11-1116- a colt, which it wits fearecl at one time town of WingiW,111, headed by the Mayor.. soil has a good-riatural drainage.• would cense ner sto lose the INC, of .Iter In this case the plaintiffs; who are 'mill C. L. McIntoshof Goderich torwpship :.iimb. ,.. • . Owners on the •Biver Maitland, above, has his carrots on a black loam, deep and . Supply the -town -water -works with water well nnderdrained, inanured in fall about.. _. -A PPle-blossoms and apples have-heen---fromtheirn-Aam-,-Ifi.rougli ft..reiries-4)-Ipe...s.---- tWelve leads to the acre, nine drills to the found in the orchard of -Mr. II Newton, consequence Of application for water, the A valuable three corporation passed a resolution . requir- rod. Sowed tlie end of Afay. His late a rare occurrence at thie:tiene of the year. tolser. The report is eunstl'ue the eam in 'Ines-.ii..i. tion trim-ite wend. course across hie own A,;8-1 •, 1 , • . ted divertingr ce s .,oti se a ‘ec at y ei poo on. , pu•nctuality and de - property, which it was sought to be sliown .,...,..otictay, ail( weie ecceided a flattering arranged 'in' order of was, the original channel. Thisdisclosure 'reception. ra reply to an address from. rm-Lucy Johnston, Flora. Miller'. Senior was a surprise to Mr. Garrow, counsel for ,the Jorpointion, the Nlarquie referred Vitllace, Geo. Nesbitt, lp)leneitniePiefr'el*sin Sellei case, ,h aeswould ahandolithat' to the increasine prosperity of Canade, . neither he nor , his ahd the awakening interest „pf England Junior third-el:Daily pard, A. Ball. Second he ',the affairs of the Dominion. ,flii.L111:, atl:veare61doeie 'iyanTEbagtmownhdielliadyitte); . i , , hill. sWeraci;ncill..pa•Tiothic'vanEgmon,i doubtless inteudee tis e Tho teachers of East and West Due- ' ohneten•. Lionel Leith- " sl o . a, it to. euceess will prove a very •ham, in eenvention :Assembled, have, re- ' are. . - .. long and expensive -one, as the expenses solvetl thatsit, is in the interests of edu- of the litigation, which the plaintiff bears, cation that the Ministvy of ' Edaeation will amount up to about athousand dollars.- should -1)8 emitinued. They . want no [seek ward movement.' no _revival .of the -et/As-the tex-ie ted-When-there-was-a-C-Inef-- • Superintendent isi deeired by them. - Hon. 2110Xarlder MackenZie ill a letter to.the Port- 'tope Guide, indictitee his -opinion ofethe- eanse if depression in • .these words :---ii The state of cornmer- eidl affairs in Canada . i'S 'most serioug, year old heifer. of Mr. ing that sthose wishing . to nee - water rose potatoes, eeven drills to the rod, on a siluilar soil, are of ;fine size, but a thin crop. No eeidenee of rot. " • iHumphrey Snell, of dullett,has early TOSe potatoes, eight drills to the rodeon friable clay loam, manuredilsroadcast in the 0, twenty loads to the acre, • They are 'very large, but not so dry cooked as • the others examined. The following is , the prize ligt as we 'award them TURNIPS. Josegi Morris, lst prize, 3680 bushels tothe acre; Gordon Young, .2nd prize, 1254 buSbels to the acre; Robt. Medd, 3rd prize, 107711,- bushels to the acre. MANooLlls.-J wph„,1,4,11mis, 44448-bilW1iTeiThe acre; Samuel Bissett, 2nd prize, 2S08 bushels to tbe acre; H. C,urwin, 3r0 pri7it; 1914f bushels to the acre. CARROTS. - Morris, lst prize, 17171 bushels to tbe acre; P. Carroll, 2ncl prize, 14825 bushels to the acre ; C. L. McIntosh, 3rd, ,prize, 1158 bushels to the• ! POTATOES. -n. Snell, ist prize, 3 bushels to the acre; P.Carroll, 2nd prize, 277e. bushels to the apre; C. L. McIntosh, 3rd prize, 93A bushels to the acre. We award McNMr's special •prize for the beiA aere of turnips, quarter acre each , of mangolds arid. carrots, to Mr. joscpb, Morris. • ' • • ' WINf. YOUNG,1 t 1 ' , ALex. sMoD. ALLAN', s'ut4e8' Nevernbee'3rd, 1883, ''' - -este-Nes ErEN. A i'cesully ivhuict Me. Gilbert McDonald was feeding his horsesthe young colt kicked him on the eightleg and broke it in tw" plaeee just ;these theankle, which will prevent hint ,f19.111,_Iveseldeifigsfe:SA-0.Deeeilme, James .McDonald accidentally broke her from the pipe in question should first .. . ob.- leg,'a few days ago. tain the•written consent of the plaintiffe. The services at Bethel church are to be The 'defendantesewho are large furniture • continued this 'week, which are being melees, claimed to have received verbal ably conducted, by Rev. Mr. Baugh ance permission from the"plaintiffs, end tapped his colleague. Although there hee been the pipe. The plaintiffs denied ha -vin aegreat deal of good dene, there is room Hisgive 'IL otriClesh•Pi gpr Ihnoi slsdii°n1g1 itnta atthtehNevadvefaeni ideagnedts. for more.• .. were taking water from 'the plaintiffs' Mr. A. leIcDougall leaves this we k for pond without right or authority, gave Manitelia, to be absent all Winter. judgment for the latter, with injunction restraining defendants from the farther EsveLLE. . use of the water, and with cost of suit of this village, le now e• against them. . ax collector. • .The case of Allen vs. GouinIoek, WaS an 110L31 Mr. W. Stanley, on his rounds, as t --Tlielslaeterefrh appearanCe to plast and also that of the ave at lass made ir er Mr. Potter's kitchen iment for the sale -of ;60 acres of land in actien for specific perfornaance of an agree- Parsonage- the township of Tuckersmith. The plff is ,.There3vas .ince of oferaritreinen kn� ting, on Monday eten- farmer ;residing in that township and the that:partieuldr branch deft is bre GOuinlock SeafOrth. Judg- e% as the RoYalfAech. ment was givent in favor of the plff for specific performance of the contract for the purchase and sale of the land with re- ferenee to the nieseee as to damage. Costs reserved.' ' , " The case, of Fisher v5. ?apse wa's an ac- tion for the. rectification. of a conveyance of what is known as the Papet homestead, 'on the Huron road, township ofGoderich It appearesthat the conveyancer who.drew the deed Made it mistake, and that dile of the,parties who had joint interest in the property died since .the exettiaon .of the imperlect'deecl, leaving some infantechild- ren,which neceseiteted this action.. Judg- ment wits-, given eeetifying the conveyance_ as aelred. . Quarterly meeting *ill be held next 'Sunday morninc, in the Methodist church - the business meeting of ofileials will be held on Mon ay, at 2 p.m. Ali. Bailey,. of Clinton, preached 1511 850- (imitable eermon in the Q. M. church, on Sunday, morning. He will preach at Sharon ciPpointinent next Sunday. •,The townehip conned met at Knox'e hotel on Monday, 51hinsi,, quite a mini-: ,ber were in the 'village; ette,nding the sit= elngs of the council, having blisiness to b/ring.befere that body, Mr. EliticknaP oceepied the pulpit -el -f • ehe 11 C. elated'. :on _Serrday. inreeningee hissiseebeeferet time he has taken it since his'SeYere illnese; butnotwithstencling Iris, • age and iefermities, he ,preaches with all his' old-time energy. There was no; ser - 111 the B. C.. elsurche'inethe evening; thee attendance :St the Methodist chnreh wee lnree, ThereWere 27 failiires in Canada during, last'weele-a decrease otG when compared Witli the sarne period last year. The ''BefOrrn ers of Lennox have noted- nsted D. Ws' Allison he their candidate for the Consine 04310i:en: - hnt May be .almOSt, entirely attributed ki 'protectiVe Sacilicy and,.9xaeggiVe tax- titiert" the Gowen:merit •absorb --5o .eee nation's earnings' that their Sygtern is closely allied te'a forded lean. The worst. to come yet. It WAS Cirri-. 914 thet: at 'Greeneek ',predicted' eie eatlIse combination of manufactureig to .1, • , keep .prices and hold the tiaitekebeand that the first news/1 'got at was the °Otte') Lords CeinhinatiOn.” What do the . Tory 'or(vans who .'arb mak. • ing such a feeg ever' Mr. Pardee owning a section Of land in 'Dakota . say to• frone'. "the 'Teiron.to.' World. '"T in Ton:jilt° thn headquartees of a great Dakota cattle,company.. The range osirtied by the conipany . is one of the moskeXtensive in, the greet . Anierie can' Northwest:- The Cattle on it: , are -nuMbered by thenisands, New, etlie preeitlent Of this ,beinapany is that Weil'. .kneven and eminent representative •of Coinpaet 'Clonseremtisne • yirige Robinson,toplier Q, TE646,1iditties's of ihe company is Mr. Henry . Conservative wireoniller insEast Teton - t. And amop'g. ;the big shaeeholdere, We insight mention, the Tory Sereater, Jelin Hamilboiii of Idewkesbury '; :the ToiySetiestee, David LesviS aepherSon, Yli6-1S:"CliCJnoritleTh=4Tie-liiiiiistees„. of thOi. Lite:riot-, and •nspe9i.1.4y. charged.. witI tho eteoroval'ent ef the'le,Toetlieiests. and.bie peetner, (el, GzcieVeiki A. D. 0. to theeeitiecne Yet, those.goei le - men .. are.. elsareholdeee 'co; is, .paleota Tan A lid Wt1111; if ,•