The New Era, 1883-11-02, Page 8F "NW," 1, ;s,il, a giri,and, makes .,hot gaill,tellippred been thrown by n later if you insist, Upon, taking 4, Mr. Tholrne,,tak6a of lively JFOUTV B11ALION.GEIL31%. Au,9SQ,000Forua We Through a Ghost �pxnber Q 188'3 bpell puts in solornBly 'With h J�e at O*ni p8bpIejtI`l Nis., kanealey� s 1 ajid*�,ordi�i'le��e�ofthotli�bliAi�6Whou� - 4 - there," Mrs. Li " I I SY81 �v6nileifht 'kheory thuft.,�'Coutivruw the Ah E riai Pa" 4613 ad will soon die of terrbri appealingly; al�d�', then,, ehel goes on! t�' hasboellesoor nkand.-jbinii h)tr1oVrho 9 Jy44toh says Airial. of� , t ( mmbzi­'� if the poor ch: it. c osed, in thel, Co WoO"e, .17,AKPpInes u1nd �Cb4a.. ot pe6lil�i ititore even it she , not shot. it you are weak remark thati WkIling, as efio ia to drop,Jho, seem very soler' in!au&,'q is by *b1ch 'Miss 'tisioij subject, thf6fe,'Js� o��e paxt,�qf it � that'sh� 413 Im v4daj Y04 � a t1lo :Vnir Xxorn ilre Madding Crllbv�th h o risk your"own IA on,#, dclndr4a." Wonjan, d rash enQug t You lay" a, 't a y urA "T AL� 16sh wins a far'n't U'st e f"' h noW�21mra', '01, � any is a is, '* - tih�e �1'1 " . I I It here, and I 'cannot forgoCind, i3a V60k 6 land t a , j06� ' " .1 11. - - �L 0,18,ifitiff'; allegea! th Fit, have D6 right to ria shell bear me away fronitheltleasAre, 4liesley,� think!' 8 Y'sat itgentlemah ana%iaWit6,1, Wor a, y -the' unquIet spirit ot voices of songi -A is,� I I Darragh. P i A: �eco�id Hele she'dfire anqtliiii 'of 5,bu Y: a 'I are of the lamps, and the treasure, The mia:ta arid the think v6ty,badly,of �you, Robert she w;a warne b you gay ar adbr6thar,Michael Condron, tacorrid ing toward: her to Erie and aispokiess.ilames 4.ng, al - From the g tother vibrd ab`6uthiar gi6ing.11 What has Darragh to do, with it 211 says Troy; but: Mrs. St. n is one of jtbo he absorbed'in new book and she 'a the her de I I -vVill you lot me goiloup, Marian T' he Dolly, as calmly.� is 8he Oau. -hearted little newspapen! Quickly glaric The joys I hav� followed so long. most Bimple.minded, kind Take; from'pe the cup that is giowing, asks. Ithink you will findshe has everything women I eVer met with hot gratitudefick hilzboindi she asked, At a certain point in leged to have gained fra�dulsat possession The gobl6t has changed to a skullt, The Rivet of Death is -there flowing, Will I let you go. alone What a way to lo with it. MiThynne was dining last any trifling service a fello;� can render her the article,' of Michael's eiitate. Mim Condron p�cu'd I Cull,: ry a of putting it,' 'hys erically.. ",I night With Mra.8t;'Johu and mendous_re I ally Jolm, wliiLt is the germ theo I she says, up,�came to Eriefrom Ireland, aud,ii1veSti The ash 13 Of,r6SeS t U -.,o Le literature Is its ng 'treLop 'gaiad uutll'Bh� discovered suffloientproofe d 3 go at 9,11,; you know I and abou= ria tbJ doqi.'�8 4,The!� g�.rm cult went you t( when they asked I . .. Bring cypress myrtle and holly, it it 10 1 idi 'U'd And cast on, the graveof lost years. hate. the place, andAread the Paople;'buti he quite evad6d, the subject as :am not intolerant to har,�Arthur ok in 'the encyc cps ia u at "Germ` to bring suit. he proofs were oufficiet'for linto a I inful to him,, Putting twoLand-two "in imp t r arun your own head into-th all Litientwith her for garnishing what tha' will; I the jury without going into the gfiot a SCOT' full at is a. explain it so much r better than oil w is real' about her with, Batch a lot of can'." y f death, you surelyApli't, wisfi� me to together is not evidence, I know; but you a a s t at e:: ireet at " - _ j,r , , " business. 9 is 3 0 o in a M6,C), *st Acoordinglyllis wife opened the book it i r a at: i run mi I too; and asi 0 Us stay, Must i allow that it. 113 odd, to say the I set �Unreilllity; and, I'm i0toleraut of myself h sout I t 'tw ning, ok our 's to -day', I fael' that there is something the� word named and read : Germ Theory in this house for the rest, term, I of it; that just as Captain iAaokiver uitlessah ieono Yon9. ver, thei Darragh..allould Po preparing frivolotis,add unreal about. Me, too;'here, I; of Disesse—A theory advanced by the ablest shaft be doing my duty quite as uch by Y049 Did Sfie Die?, Ani a m6nt girl, with a reale's'orirow At and best lUvestlg'4t&i and obiontists'Ot the -a greenest Shall witherL-,­ ipala�ining he break : ith,'Mr. Th&laaes that al re, -as by going back to Ire7 �tq W1 ,She hn The birds that dre faii5st shall die, 9 gered And'suffered dlongi pining away other if There you go Marian iniI fit a lii� heart, ridiri'& a borrowed fiotse, 4nd it" sulip,osas the, 'surf 'ads a c 'JUMP: air aiAd Water toble inhabited to 01 the time fbiyearai" d* The zong that has called us to, Just O'L (inclusion, you � fisvet, not.la;,,� shadow, of A mining to' � �e rich and happy and no earyox. sets her friend, asa Shall sink to an.e6hof6ss sigh. 6ag6fi fo ' doraiiio� to;,i,L successful who mile i,tho � ait- or The doctors doing her no g Lady Courtney, pil' diUmbles; u I' ither the one; n6 aAnd at last T op,Mtters the The hand tb at �8,reachihg fox �Ieafilure r r he'r'husba;nd sa;ys" wig ourati, by this H h, s6iety, in, vexed tnes,,for he sees that the limit of 6thdr.t'--: pppuIJar,:growth o a Shall, Sink ill the coldnesli-of ealL ar Wo Sri who, moves in tbe,,bast' f th 'lowest' form papers Say so mupli about' ina quite ready topresent.me," Do ly's ached, and, -,ter&d beet , �-Indeadl Indeed!" The voice that trills forth the glad measure b'' ' -.The cousin lo�er have dropped behind df, ­ fungi�comaron y @ria,, . , -sh . on that medl.� NV�ak faint and,dissolve in a breath. aeaftr4fice ha,B,� een to theiris lfiends:'as I 'Darragh saywthis,' b How thankful. wai la be, for I don't like Mrs. O'Leary well enough that the� g6l will either' wrathfully resdat and w osb,'powor, o .rreprod ,under the.genuine mournfulnessof a 01 souls that forever caulst sluber I to wish to know any of hei frienL; these attacks �or break forth4 into tears at something I favor'ble -conditions, -As: so -great arts w atexe ever at r . .. . . .. 1, est I iblty of emher Marida; and, rather the injustice atid,ort a truly, on� Ar ypt.Ws, t q %,sing a ge ffered ono, beci Sias t at ria utnumber ev, ties, illions rofessedl be, through, her interest an& Idon't',.,kn'ow' what you call aving no sensitive egrajarid light Ifeart. all our- Eleven-4zara-n=--d�aqghter EU ears 'at are fcolia I 't society' reson for 60mmg­to��slioli A "My darling -I What is uncheckedih,its itiord4se,would grow*, to a qf�,pg.ery. quandered, du.ti... I'd me h complic�tifJhof kidney, liver. reu- h dp�r!.Datra& a (it ton matie trb Nisii.ciuli dabilit on 17 oses lostin i a pasti. plunge into,, wholeso I orify',rdpeat" whAt Mrs. e,,.a y u w life 'g I )t ll�y,days. Mlarian pe-isisks., inkBi ubld�Od fast at athreetlis8sly *andareil, you � or the rest !c time'i -space an re Y, a, c Besides d it we arwnot Jrich7r�aud e never shall be a ket ounli iau6iea'iit last,, whn is this La :,QLeary toI ,ine;.%nd­phq vety"cle4r Uader dia-care of the VEistLpg said j. is ii cap -be he g-ve he -i a 'pikhted womdu.i� Why,� she saw tE -we:' appy, 0 �'6 condition tunder which t semi.'det&ohbX, ifop rob or wax tat 4d9tain. that are ure y, I I ' TThe fool oft�-daYds to-moirow IJ:But Do relief. d to us in good health on go And now she i hr I' ga ' as Tb6A.6h6" tolls him)::about'� gohiver Was ti ad of o y I filter4thiou'61i ddtton batting in iiumgr-( a remod� as Hop, Bittare, that we The boasted and petted of kings;. -n gagemen .,, , I - ., - , . " , ". , " I - . It,snot,, only for Dol y t at, grj�7 Oki * A a er cop- ears before f 'en pf'�' "C' ' Afilit day, by as siniple The siI a pittstand.would borrqw, robabl bt.) ee it iAfier'.klltha:� jig ad is changed t'0 a wedrer of rings. grave or ye%rs,lI rian -rotor I h 6up Eq "T she goes on4o observe thaf-she el4itto t III a gerid The prince at.the head of a With Darr�gh, -hyrine that Dolly dribAa she says, is beitbt,, for hot fio,ba Irge in,. ne, ......... .... Wpo By slaves is3orn down fro. not ��Iiir -16.1 t thi5 --from bactbria' Will her duty to stay and lokaft i most. 8 0 w, 1,46 time from aj,maq, a' T The dove, yF inthe steeple; �gfie I I ­ I - ­ilrky is, Gear - tnx,�Wcll i ooTxllg 11) until their,term. of joint occ,' 0 a I in t6. Fallsdo.11 t he iron bell's tone. upan w, th pve;a h; ne`bd &r Q6d a�ud 16 c6nue�'�'fidkldnegs,Vb t'Lgri� fo i ie, - , development of", new germs. Whon is augbib;S 139y' Mrs. O'Leaiy expirjoB. herself &180� RonaldMao4iver 'is it t all t How niuch better father is si4ce he used Hop cry the voices of ages, in,�Tinie, plys the lash., [r But "on I �tfiat,rit ,� �quires, aboutv, forty It would be a' liftla too capr -Darragh fishe isi nlsliQwll e8timall n it r .6 s,, 011' n icjous� and kadatioin een y. The haxleliq a�hft, frien&hipl tfi�nt'7b oily, m's, hi Ai ad' gwell-after his lo is n urbb�i,' 611i, NVe luake for ou'rjiAtory pag from declared incurabl6�'­ As headlbi�iig we h6eaiessiy:dasb. jj�. believed heg to At )et Soz thdiigh 6he writes, a ��'k-Perhaps,.,Iae,,.I��sia't�sunk 'in 'idea can: be had of -the capacity of germ- AndIve ilreso.glad-thathe usedybur.Bitt t ry 1,0 YO." otu6th t6o:W6w for ourc iou I, "t " , IL 'I I la�bit',` I , f. -9 say i6p;Oduc 10114" P 6 tha ping th B ThynnO' ugg ts b a�, �pr,. bejgia�,AJafragh, to co epAu see I , , . I I , I V,Utica MY., t a wor a wh' I ill a �viidest of faction, n I that she is befit o'n iemai an' if 41kliorate y, -tioatt, as bro"', n if he 6 zbefore she starts for Irel d, 'she Then I hasn't I sorrow, or myse influence of germs in the propagation of a, shrinks from 'the meeting as from� some- MC xpress for 1. ba'v'e been fed the erce'flame§ we have lit. ing here, . an feeling 'that f he puts a )is than I can e. I I . . use the disease and obargeB Upon this horribly' deceived -in him," says, Darragh; pressure on her'iuclinatip'ns make thing that may inflict actual: anguish upon inception and development of very many of LL his wor raigh :more �,dhjicntt,by, her with alook in hbrieyes.that malies,Xr. tall 'bel;buttil'mle MPLIP0&riops tp , m&6-. rrct�, come, Un P,rq,p,q LATI prejudice 'caprices coasent5,.at ast , #I - �ied Th�.hh`e` 14 L f 8 a g k; ';'.' . ., FERMANENT, WE OF4 HUSBAND S -1E i)arra h. shall 66l'thM there �o he gi re oft thWt she shall -remain. rovided illat her" 't A tells herself honorably. Therfo ood 4b: a mAn in. has carried: his: Original and beauti- Mother comes to,stay with her;. she winds up with those words, whare ded6ived-if she, has once thought well of Ail experiments so �, far, and '-.from n , tb,e morning. of 'the' �.aiy of their the hardest flhe:haw ever been' called'upplu him. Wo cthE The Pedple LoVed Her Much.,. them deduced, such practical r6sulta Constipation, and no remedy lins ever e artu or.". ia�i, hais been the c -Wort..as I a Meanwhile Ronald Xachiver oriminish the number of elobratdd !:idnezi-' s ypry,gioatly to d; -ovcr plIsti to a t6diF�ds4� I beli6y it will' ta Wye OU pala ll�dnbr It tfi icifig sis Or, overcome if. old friends of the AnU t 4 'on-ald' All, an vv o y's marrl�ge'viitli 61d 'that my pi�gageznent is brblie'n. off; ­R eta among fd�vls-proviug his eory of,,,Dariao :A'fe r. ac iver an , is son.' is� not to filkii few more who knew the Lepells in their ,on emore tpb to be that 1: Would never put W . y to- go oil oving pinint is vo.-Y'i palmiest daysi iny, I have said, N. ese.-are ..y its them todiziner. and n These. germs -ate "darri6d" - with this, the list: of their social diverpions ne, for what I wouldn't,forgive in germ. iseases. qiclrlly to foot into this �house,,thgt You share with a because bs,,bas-failed� ar.' to,da i"th IhV, thiough the�,i, I ung�j,- the v -mesley is g ad Ln ingi aal M'akaB ' such a mystery of -her. Darragh, is ine . - I abit Abotllbr� a IoW Wom a bqA fct;" d out. rid' sister are'� ready to go,� the,Th wit averted eyes. an -P.0,691 closes. To say the truth', Mr. A'r I" " stomach d" I /v-.Ieith a of it Better far that life, that your wife and' your i�agh pao�sip 11 %gadn' 0) 1, 11 , �11 - I I thj6ligh­�thp�� Iiiage chiefly" the' U S 2 is wife should be,cuill em both16rever." i a gets t is,1efter, and er nd '-disappIointed -thm*a t1hat she 'should g h" �Aist, I have to d'ovelop, 'by - hbr; Robert,"' the old- whbu be dt%wLc �ato the�vortex, and whirled to., ant eman, but at on-' impulse is to:,, giv6 lup�,-,the. ride 4a g(?.,to,, t',(To be. continued.) U d, ilioughti --prevail If' blood,, in ading t earnes req as "oe0ou ihe her own d61736ruct' "t I"listive, broken�:t y-AD911y. ion in. company with Mrs. eeme �to tell that her Heoond 6fial Dress. ing,. y,.;of i t a, t word; my ounwish O'Leary;. for that Mrs. 6'Loary ia oa the 2�o­ . hige-rotte tdut- leads'to ruiLL intaitio urle. a movemeht,;�Win aybr. of . the. marriage must take placzl-in J I.bad"biltt eep��, n tells a s 8 B i6i t4is yit9;,,4�prbces8e§;'- hey BUT tNTXTL1W�W0aU.r.; hi g-&ud- Ronald g� -sue -he,L,d' better'-dd. not eum'stispi, Ltrom. , tbellteston*0 m -LA peg -to. h iinbusineiis Arthur. I dress'llisone oii�allffi�gallladi a arg�,'the 'cause of like iUj-U`st­i-0'e L-6 will- marry. without my can onstrue --or dohiitkbed for'him -'I can PiO76 sigwof� L4 rt-�'gainsv he 7 a L g a K. c arac er a 'mi. M%oklive then: Tn6 -two -girls are-..in,sudh,- widely..differl' lfe� I goe'dii-vith 4teeped'.1tito, dii­;atmosphe f fflbg� to, aginalo . n sense. udat' plipy" H'isp vie'ry little 'of one,' a ressacep; Lately Prof. ent ble sidnbas- as"With'the, Th as ll;� SCLOPU - t e;suyt ey, can.you recouctle'lit o,� 'i h f . ... .......... an 'an 10 fia4 come'ovdr� Once oi q' Tamper tlithe,,, fortune; and, into- ihe,­Row� pr6ently.,, t i e� coldrs, bastdiatish to herf U Ile -,Wattqiisumption�ofl6a lungs is-d'ae� r R re is" ale. rfy given'bolly of the o'pban sister can leff to. 'ever May "bui III' 'hei.heilrtlaboat pl� Ptoi-tvhv� ca llse'-fhal-presence� ofa,.,,,pecUIiar 0 hsstand, that * Captain meeting ify your.ouir, his is in her head and hot- i' much.t6-be said,for,thd a -e in Which'we are with heCiu the Row and being with hei.st your c ' aro?. Can you. just ant k4oki'ver, t germ. course of lavish expenditure v��ile you are thatba has been false,cowardly, liViDg; that a�'no former time were fashionti bando'wn were the regults'ot diiance, not 66 L hat if When the 'circulation is boii4�ing, the ar; crue deferkinghorlhappineBs indefinitely? Did �d 1, in severing his engagemerit-with less absolute than they are now, it nerve�s elastic ari& the of arrangaLlienit., And this phe doesla,a you understand me to say 6om Ronald. 'g6nerous;,patianti,fiobly forgiving,Dqlly. d taste is 0ntinually':shocked by the' � `th I_f � arid. energy,, the germs I . seem to, way thso would entirely do away -with goo in the that the marriage . must'. . take piace in "I wiII,-'ndver'forgi�e, hird. Will never: b a I . p' ' "poorly; if at with iwekk-'i jemlluf fealing, it any had existed, .. � I . . �­, . I f L p", a I "I � ­ I ecause' J soothe him by a. eign o my. gui y an - feOr ladies ap"P"' I , I , " ened nerveii, crysual.-clear soul�of the girl roi whom Ron- . line ardilt y ddVdte,th6mse ves to '!poor ige5tion or ma, assimi a- uld is eaga I answered that.last question justnow xiess�10'r hinq­! I will never forget -the -a serious .'course of self -study. A bow tion of fo,odor a loweiia , g of vitality -from ged. the 6thers I do not feel called 'upon to Wrong he has done to Dolly,".Darragh-pro'-'. fashion is generally afarti But aftei.- - explaining this eazily and ad by some prett T ' �ahy-cause, a change'eriBues, and in this iin- arragh - ),.atlealpts *to speak on snaWer., If Roriald( for,, some reason, of" raises, herself �,apd.thq next mainutep before woman'to wboun-the novdity' iSI-becoming,, ovprisbed and - we germ "ttirail3i p akened fluid the h � � �i * . hia,own� wishes to engsgement�A ;she ia� joined by,Ar.thur; Tb�nad,�, wh6Js buC the;trouble � begins '.*heya thO­,plump an " ed -eOt,��db�iitiypembai'r�a,usindi2t� finds a'.genial'home �and detlelops until star, #either a try�l rather unpuncti 'as � I I � - ',!: .. ,, , . , - '. ; - I, with 01 let I a nor call she geei Ow, matron diQurps fieriao� quo Aisekse are dist The a4ve is a good likeness of Bira iy'dja R ritti. I wish Ito methin.a" wouli occur. to call tolaaw thow, hi , 1. ­ ­ 'Ll� 1" 4. tosf6d,� protp be, You have. no right -to speak of such a and' yards.ahea:d dffipr� l-' was t no thor back r Xass.i hoabovciallot er nma 8 loci patience-! o all' heil4j ma;a oBists miy1a tvathfullycalled the "DesiFri � d tiv marl' - your bra o. . Ireland,!' she. . _ im- f a 0 : -influences o begins; " or I Wish you *ouf possibility; the sugge d is &D UsUlt to t is il,mposiible for, her to out or wors t he around llim and --doe 'lov, tell o' ould-marvel At,"anare4iiire that were"admifte'd on hot dark -baited, take cold, while the outerma d llurry:aud h6 ' not 'ih . a not some cihei� correspondents a ocall'her. She Lit 0 Ronald says, but � it; is his not a Thornes w' 7 1 1 - I I I I . ".. thom-whose systems,have' loaa!y devoted to berwbrk,*whlchJ3 8 - a'ac t. dffi- sister. rJ3 zea: . 0 w,il his heart, thatis wounded,,Dolly feels. all eiplanation:off, To'be told. that 6 -,certain tirit. is in a -cep six lady b6comei w"k- from. by daubb read co f study, im . is. obftad to h r ily n- of''& d y fiSt6p,"'she says,' and all her, gentle. cult to,pass im. by, with� a coo I� nod w- hen' fasbibfi is likoi he arimig that'a' lairi tida d thalarge co' Doliy,:1 6an't tall you why exactly; go r a wsftt�mts, to hall) her, answer rreapprideme womanly' pride - Wines L t6 her aid- iind he -Laanifestii-subla an. imolcIr d` 're for of the fair sex tha a temporarily partpa wwoh, deX.y poirs in upon her, each bearing 1tSSp . a"' Va horrible to have to give uterance to 149-aesi v as the germ theory. The germs attack any I Ak,to Hw en&blegberto speak very firmly You at to stop. and Morlsoy'ar", wits.7 A'craze for red and yetIlow weaked6d`­p'pdt`Ii`31 tIA"i"ll d' for-gs.d4ad. not hard wbcdit, about a woman, or to. seem wibh�their e, 0 ;'I V�Sett­ Com:poundlgi willAcknowledge. that� I atleasthavezhe the matter is takisu. out f hot hands; for wil not alter, the fact that these colors suspicious about a-strangei.; hub: do vioe themselves,"' --,begin Iheiri�,,, pr'bpa Id th b16 While the; brunette' Lilivedtigateditand, right.to offer to release you, R�nald and'I "Mr 4oknb� -1with the ".'-,words -86 om 24xix 0 people visit Mrs. O'Leary Do ladies 1ion. is 'phly am.ilat1sf!ed,oV66truth6fthis. if, sort 13 trecorarranaefi o any kb* do iti for I, feel that,' however'. Much you, th,�`rp"6"-,2,"kiypr pulls �.bp, and to' ip'd'ard �f the of blute 1by.fortifyiiig, a-;", the 7 dii si�ountl of ,is proveit7ineWs li�, I ay 'iba �'L'tjj' '­ � f f .,wpa dbts',gilly th 1� come here Does she g' to' od I . r6und after him, ao bo houles? f may care fo love'Isci 6 in, 6,::'Cro r me, still' aces at orse d "d bi'76 adventuress, Mgh�,tha4�ght shades alsebetter.11 :Tagh, fiodi herself homilied hez� tlo"-vo a r ece Was one in tbis.world; kud' be 'resisted� - and driven from Puts sh" - 11 It works like a charm an A shvcs, friepda closelo4hErrail aj&in8t'w 'System. BUt,thi, has h She.16ohs 'straight' into,,`�i.: t� 'Is .'jLj,mUah to saa beyond. this, c� la:,U4 DIU pab y the Nv yournama will get mixed up with. ers. t L at no WoMaUL proved of th With. those brown truth-01h6g- eanipgt, who -cramps lier broithivig tencoz-Acea, road She'Rao tj�', ­' , impossibility heretofore, and it-lias b6on 'fai �,t - lot yari'llow beat' an dubles:Y76mr= ... 7, we your � friend; L Mr. T orne,"' eyes of. hers, and he ca'naoi iitter a gaillaut Aa& is Sitting there �afi&di ru-i Tr Dolly repit,34,.-Not with y detinite desire k,6 Co� lie to her. 6tudy,of.phygiciang -g Dlsp1ace=6z's'azd t asser R Aodiz 086Lproximity, efr ng rom�` i� odg,,`�an atre i4 I U e, t nepast f& sequ f a- 7 'Mrs. OtLeary,.but "aw a, prop�Lratioii hs been the; Change ogUfe.l' to defen d the pratspinal werkmess, and fs a a distrusted me too?" he 0j.jJ"% at So you hav -f-lia6w-wh to � I I 1 ars, owever tdwat, Ut 8,�pWitig" -riglitl tbw y -because she "aWiio 'd thmii says, humbly; and the girl sh akes,L her head, iahe ff It permeates every.portion.of n Ve �or sa about her. Q racting 'great attention, not oil y, 9 py co 13 among t -eL ress're driners suppo !7 raF 1,11c' tou'g ad but li" St. John auTrMra�fd �,'lielvllfo and vigor. It removes Does 5 with sorrowful wisdom tells, him h O'L ry rid'61 -by. a, U -as w lia say so ? Mr. Therue- will not Never -I unt beu I.s%w then'draw -dp 9,'d %gener� Y; il this minute": fiestroys all 6iy r la, acknowledge her even, as an ac.quajuiance". tb,�t you distrusted yourself."- ness W the speak to her with� an. assumption of taking Emperor "Willfam. aar]= ejIi; i " 'L," , "" ,L ­ , -h "' " 'Whic is, dead u06n-t §,,t-beory,,lan 4 4y% oua Prostrat. Genaral� and F.know.that he � laments that Mrs. delig ted -to h c sHis old father looks at. him with*pained it for grantell't at B 6 is Thevitality0f ry r, iSIC ion'. er. YOU the'G6rman Emperor is a safely be said no remedy has ever eau D6pre nanAL1jd!geSt him them as tfisyaro't6im6efwith,her­ sourcd�of,u . ncel rdtber reeards' And -found *hibh can:so sticoessfully, Place the: down'tcau . sing rain.weight and, vacicaqhE, is always ou4bt not to, be'bere, Dolly, amaze ad; a n to resist the germs o sWhat cab I- o', and %q bore can 'go?"L 1 1. 1 1 f' its d fiend of mine' rati6n. He' is 110 aid h ld f wit angry� inquiring. tsyes,� but -Ron as. And-!��ee, another 0 mi w, well on his w y to�, Bys am, in a conditio per. -say-: or on, too! exai-' rarnier's Safe all ciielrmstauc o imse .. e,h6s'Lll Mrs. 016ary 6ays, bowing ivitir: 6rLthan hi grea -sea 'is., Vl �ot in -viith the law. rately. It , , I 1 1 �87 ­137years o d t.ancfescor; dise ever 'be- feels,in ;.governs -he iv�e syStera'-j' Dolly's pye� and i�6kated '3�, as abw, l6oksl� M -0 cl��. jj� that aI '- Fr whbn�L� that Mona wdh's. tough is unquestionably an& kacw too bu�,YOUL' ' d' ' h he 913 an -.w at tlie,'other ThOiU61till iii't " f br��o owD ever! know hO'*.MftrisU'8Way5 onstitution ke':'� d �'Offiaiefi.i that ha�.*L Cap ain Macaivar ought ''to. take you, itipi of but'little'inOmG. niz ,'an old friend in, ou," I .. :�; , for him nt- "I'do n'o`t'r6dog' " a' y is par bOSe,L an druggists, �Lny advice required as tovrecial cases, "d and i-helcares of goveri d-- the nameo o? nuiny who bavb been IaZtolted,to pe4gleet, f But,through. al I I his self-abasement: there thit ganifeman saysl!ivith: s; iteiii stiffness lff6 has bpjpn :)Us 0 a M'�Rat John, say, John does the enoydlopedia be ifing Jout 0 111. , cmpoun ,eV3 �y 'of paasi6nkte joy. the us6 of the'Vegetable C He is, free w ich there 001 -Warner's SafoCureri Jil i be noj4isfak4, find a d', wished, 6� be in ip arriod thleL th stam5�6r'QOY.' I R I i , S' R 0, A. O'Le'ar'y"16oks abidiedig she -daiy, dppite ibe i -i., convenient to ob- h !even Mk' "' 'i' I I should not wond6rl-aeai, it's a -rand, 'Lynn,mass. 'to , PUTP I OBS 0 ' .) I I I h o I . - That all )Is faieWelli. and and, yesterdAy,be,wos' busy all,day in dis- onaiidy, and thai er se� this compouno Is i3a;ya aud'thea-ellb feels hersinclines hot head in,,g9 himself r For Mdney Complaint of Cith h W rides on. I pral, pamphlet we received ' the ar- hargiDvarious' oriV91"fundtion9ofroyalty. other day stated ttestimon SShow,L ta as urtda�n ia2 at - Dr. -Gdmi, of a, oxv� to to t a story o how the r pioach' Ma Was Partly 'r a him, despig- H' Did vou-m , &ke a.znikake,-,QUeenle, or In' face rvellouB and sustained 'United States Medic&I College, endorsed it. "'Jrs. Pinklinnals Liver Pills,)* says one writer, 06am th Let im per- .,I Of L this ap' tlem4 i,',ma *pg, . 3t his-�defalcatiou h de''One,infoigeit f;ic be world fo)� the rtUra� of CortSiipatlon'L ­­ b,*Ly;' a has that gbr,1it'nejds�t12e;gmppr9 n words in 'At all 0 the wonderful cures it is ac -1 - oney�� Joys 1, '1 W iver. Bar Blood cant marry You la es tc,�tW FoUrth"A -ab ly.noted ill yodr, f6rtune for 'hiS want of',ie i "10up le itto be honor OW 0 grek rice 0 t 6; prosell y u t k nows' fipw ih� 1,-,heartad Iris., girl will 0 In Lyp lots loathe him to her �a, S to� d't line and bids lin ease appreom ion o a si na ionr, . as ril I -hisextra ry., ury. 'k It- d h �.' ' ' �pbg io o a D a. et:di S6 13ym,, friend I But, th6ugh,I1416ows; �,this, he 116 -hug made a mistake Mrs.'O'Leary' cafe'r., �1t,was a joy an d,bonor to me 116we'v6r the facts I ab . ove. tated may be, =bition io t� do good to othcl,'2, - MachiVers thin it i wie to to -illiiff: of he now', nd he ib"� !ROMRh 'remains, that the gor k w 11 be" is comparatively, happy, forhe��,is�i:man free M llobert'cafi, refund it." say itterly-�' one that he shall rue or, he says, 11 to see thdarmy corp�'on6e mor. the truth M theory of ' ;11 -t s, bi and he can. wait. kac�lvera are selfish. l,their pru- pay for." M k. Probably. it is � the last time; -At my L age disease is the correct one and -that the great says, gr�vely; the� arib Tlleiei;�re few posi tona -in i wi I :nore pairl- You see Ca am so iver is,not long, Ono �makea7110L�plans.?' et the event which remedy -mentioned is the onl� one' which do�c ful t6tbitheillis' ordinary b 51i'the ng on wil eadfastly in the'face 'has ebeen fouud'that can.'put tfia-s�s- ddd Oh 1,.�D61ly d ntcr'Lwbmau�,44aa tfiat oi�%�Iiig in the lua el 116ays: cpO'0rdbarMr.AIihur1ThynneiI4'L in temL, in L 4jOUudb'a6aiird for U lauch'iq I am,; io; wi liniahe,thel greatest dhangds, perliaps titan to kill these me C6Udi fe as I do I never, longed for money in, tuy.IL r a 8 0 is empire� '�B.y no todreer'o ch� bu t been eDgage&' imod after the, t " I quontly .' about his country's elftion , f hi ey ta3K of what 1. wolda do if I w6iisi!ri society.of,the'666 to Whom has toba:l6ft to wait the willowand to spea Lk and: the foreign and certainly- in the d6mestic. before th wri a a 0 ang undermili`6 t h abeen- broken of, a- engagement ha L by Miss Darragh'B sympathy CLUT� ourAinad bag. the.inomense as, the' Kj� no WheaA want it for'y6u."- � 0 e mpo6aSeL p6li Where time t'hiewrous, _of Ronald and Dolly the pain,and the p6rsonal,element in ica� been more, I could. be happy gh -without Mor is, evident ; and he is,s6 cidyer, jR6n-- it tbe� Kitokive'rij "didn't Mahe:tt embarrassment are, all, the gr at and his s 11 LLL ; - .. I.. - I - inwo a bA'�'Oaieei before him. cle account arly illu6ftited:�7 a'n�do-of4lie-4ather ns6le himi 0xeml a�efte '4at of -press You 6an.do �0 I I I. I I throw off to i 11 as rgan,, cmiblint it to the brother of the other. Ali I That might� be, possibl AunorqWg to M ms�om-'the pros inacCion, stinitsiatinIi the blAlth� iiecraiionvfl valust be patient." e, if Mr. Sto i"nct only'purchase !.,the Bile, and by,koepmg the bowels 6o!. s-equa tot pective, bridegroom must And -what pait ues C occlision. arge'L � agaraiYal 9 Gazette ­pays: ,,For and furnish a -house , beforehand, 'but­� he 1. condition, ezectincr its i-agulw� fi,iscih -ld she. says,;. N`76'ro goo& tilie J,gly but li aptaw Mac�ivei Roun, John were'to 'die,7' the lady 'says, laugh- TheXi' take in tliia, ua�16a6ant giae !Dairi , gh ke' all bad husbands, he's aringxrom,� friends dtilil' rthat if. the pastweek Superintendent Harrin On muA buy all: the weddin trousseau -even to ta rta- emarkably healtbyt' aad'Aakes� t -asks.- th t has bqen b c" �jniniitost access is �iy. examining',the ad br� sof,the pilette which hairi you- aver loved- -tw -ly cure. you-love,bet6oi-t Ismu to Wax 1. "' % , I ) :, , � tb,6�, Acadian, sla iijgybe naeded- for years to come d in Surely relieve and quick inba MCD�Ut, -tell 0 ry in the Spri�* to cleanse the system, eve d COMO, every, one. n a is ore -or less ill it brigg.� i bpi 613 h iiij ak6, gifts i to' tho b- wallb your appmess, dear �tell;- her I I I pne shouiq take a thorough courso of it. 2van't t.;11 -imm's .'PrIceI ease. It's ao.different, to our happy days ""I'"ce to'laMaid8L a4,mily,the-bride and mll'the' 41, 0OL0 BY DROCCISTS Dolly,sighs, aud in thaii'way by.the'lri6h and ihi*4ktby.,I am' at % �Dar gL I . I I 8� 0 so ft� di�aitp friands,concerniod, and" to 'defray' all pits,'whic are turns lifirllead, aside, for fear of we tint 11either ; I am only apoor littie'llara 4ork. &St _and Babl_ I. -I CHADTE' an R XXI. fr6ai the, udge�o I b� the d �ctors, the pipeases 61 ilia wadding Is that those 11 happy days"i� re days'of trial Ingoroan ;1 and in illilsed ife2% a deem6di64 fitti i a t6 ake athorOug selIdent fap6iVitieS. i 16, 1 must be remem- to'her be`ng react in list face. I IIAVE L6ST THEM BOH.1' ,Well I you're bottler as you,are,-'busy inati6l'of-the anchorage and cables bored that dvoryihing.bosts �enorm .. ously in exam n In' the oodif tho'f* M6. ' O.'J-4eary One of the few friends of the pAstwho 4 0 1 da�s that and quite independent,-',' ' Iiii3f that hae been made'..'since � they Mexico as 06L mpied to the di6iVen'ed between the,'breakill.9 O� "take up the Auaeitl6Ys" in these days,,is" says �tw�th hop f,,'It weariness. A oods�of all kinds being im-' f 9 . 16drwon eark� agdi, 11 ' If"' �' " " ' ffi� L I were lald'� some furniture an g Dolly's engage rt io �cu Occupy, wri ing"' I ��, - :6 11 - little Mrs. St. John, and at, once',, ithout went and. her depar uro or �coul., in r Td­,� t h I t heavy,, in ponry, :,&tled at great expense in transportation, initV�oul&be haipp tow,�� any pattict y -for'U, aL greatiriend. Ireland with her brother, t.b' girl had, to h bee Wth ilar reasoil Ahfiur Thymic himbelf,?' a blk' Un. ere �,are. . comparatively 310''Manufac- ship springs' up between the Eon. Mrs. hear hard things said,61 Ranald. And are i6 cov t6iieS.'Sud, 130 rai wa , ye , �i n . dthe dubiea iire r o a Ra o n'i crims, a n'mo satisfactory simply outrageous. Fortunately for the Ili- ill O'Leary and the -pains taking and popular. Even her brothei-the brothervifict after The a i n i,tee oung Irishm6a iid6s up to them. Yes, ity-seeking'saithoress. alliothe indirect cause' of ' the ' or -did N, indeed. The wire of the ncovere abl�ii , briftroam's ideple,�ed 'pocketbook,there is p ala so lvri know 'what the attraction is at. the �11 You keep things going yo r O�yn, not spare Ca t i 'Al ki is,'so'bright as the, day, they weriil-16jd, Lind- -no going off onmedain the abAencb,, hotL slip Con_ to a t��h"t ;on that othOr end I" shb 4o6a on With i3oi thet'sfi4litest sign of.6oiroding is visible of apythilig but sta�,e aiid mule'trans pot vay share 6f,tfi,3 expenses,'." she Bays to treacherous prig aftWr -n--arch �tton�-making-tfiat oolishfies mpooi- - hiie a, poor �are woUn& la replacing the mason work bility, but'the married pair goi,,, direcitty-,-'t,6 Mko.Auuo8ley, who, though be� begins to awfully disappointed in, you, � Dolly. He Miss Thyand Wait for: ends w A 7' feel herself the Victim OfL,& fraudi.11sti 'has shown us clearly' that it' w I as your humble little woman thinks you for your a,brick arch will be built over the anchorage their new home oil the wedding" and, fitrl�es'to keep up the'&ppearance of'belieV- Money he wanted 4nd not yourobtf. And impfid on &'Work thaC With, u, jide do"' 6 Ia n'tin or IL'th, �the -batjhe first connubial breakfast Under atj1onoe he 'slid has really �4iiv' i "a' A 'iiand,6r�, ing in her honorable friend. Accor inj y, be cquldu't�haudle'thp money ,,a . n arest y, o, I ' ; 'A d � �� : , btdno�biit their own vin� and fig tree.-700'144!4�ndencet, Robert s�dd 6d-, X00160, Olr in the worthy." ql . L' f I , 11, � . . b most heartless and insult. 111146 litarp, wit cut Tine removal 61 stone. Herald. d i d' With Mrs. O'Leary's Freb6h Ang �wa�." IYou needn't thalik ;16 Th6vor wi occupy, x 8 vot �Inake me think that expression of, opinion 'the g"allan,t young' �; I I Ij �Ttetbing 'Will a LADY BrAtTIVIERS.-Ladi annof make Wiftoria, and �the house, at a "rental, that , t 01;! ; d , les, you c Ronald is me'rcefiary,l� Dolly-kepliai. T� on'' reviewer says, "flatteringly. , , ,,- , : V.- 1 ''. ..I �,!! � , lit"It fair skin, rosy chbolts all oplarkling6yes with all pa�ralyzds his f9culties whenever he thin4s potatsi �s nud Salt Areferred. 8he adde, with an effort, quite ad remembers that he��'did'lloilr6ad the book, tho'cosmAties of France or beautifiers bf,the DEFORE-t—AMD; it. � I I I . I i. . 1.., 11 w . orld win poor'health, and nothing will'giye 'I e0r c Applian e2 m idat of these trouble' and enough to feel that there wi� �i6mething and that his notice of it de&lbi in:safe genort, Alexanddr ,H6bdrt, having Emien ilia c are stird.on,30-Days' jr,, toti I d Dbd health, OU1JQ I OR L, likipiltop can 00 , g?AcArial is abitain proof., letter. comes -td hial from: wanting. ini he alitie%- and hopes , fervently that sho. Will the past �5 years, iocently, put' her tAters. 6 i t- fro 9 ho4dinan �wbo, not pursue the siibject`aud load hjar�orl:to' her %hildren on- the street.' , He -has' 6 re ffn 171 from Nmtvous-ppy couldn't'dispense.witli wt ich , adds MaIi6rially 'to both. Mfi!�tlioim )son, the agent, Writes t6lreaign could keep, his love ; but it wdiuld'be wsmak6 &,-conf6kon of big, perflaioup polite- been Oftei1JatqiOated;_ and in re Bishop, of Paterboroughi- who was LOST VITALITY, AcK 0137 NftaViZ FORCR AN ply to the .� -Th -,vAgTxk(;,%vnxxNussn% and all those diseaes having L received thieatening�. still f6i'mo to leel 'ibat I hay.' "b'don oving If liting herself, n. 8, a � P, serious Qf 6 Pi, Bass. Recorder 'ble ;Wife declared that he co blitly ddavalpeceut,Afai h -A front Allwar-s and she g� otsra CAIISES; L 8 eed relief and complete relto- him all this fin didn't So do on comp D46: tributed" nothing to hot support a6d that relapse. ae4tad seen two graves dugfor himself, I . , 11 . facility, of a, , h, raton.,­ IIAI�Ts . , .1 . . 411 L" L , th th6 pieb '-aid As a result of'tho arrangements madefoi! Th; fi�.Ie 'Me Send once for Illustrated rampliletfroo Address ra8h home estate- possess.' and Lim wi a ouid�,preiertoiit poiatoese�fid sialt Y(, overy of the Nineteenth Century. to' practiced ba 011fearfrid68 With bar chi the unibn of the Methodist. Churches, Rev. Must go L home a 1 -Wish 'you w I s 0 r GO., MAOSHALL, W '�d Mrs.ii ren! than bbtil�`ineat 1l onc6iIi, Robert rid. A Id, it at 4. Markham, of WiDghazii, has''formally VOLTAIC U0 Das to his wife. My -personal' spirit aboutiti' Ian ;i, tExten-, by bar sidej listening, and laughing to hot- thieis - ti W'es a day, at 'the, hands of hi gooll, little BtorYl� to husband,, an an arran' ant.- -closed the Primitive Methodist I 11 11 set � thingq�atiajght again I uating his meanness anoss isnot self," d glngL f4- Church in .eace V71 town.,. arms alaid ll to loaj th I iell'of Mrs.�.Ot.14ofia wEpp the bond bet� n �j� w 6 ek,m your own T a 0 P 408, vvomdbly,tooaitho,le6ot"gfit.,""�, � icon "Iklon6�al that town. Some short, -time ago �the;e .11 ba,� , L, �Manly to tha,"laa L id,b6jl3elf, a 1. ­,be 'Were three, bi4noll $66 Perfiaps it' wx :, ,,,,,moro wc y 11 na y. to- ew of the' Methodist El. 1�4L%�-Tt &Co., Petrtllrin k, zdyself Mad if I go back Maria lidIJt' till t In a are More n 'say�notbing, abotit';hiM. Marian;" Dolly ken, and, the one 'be no longer Useful' the Episcopal convention of the Church 0harolkiii Wingliani, but thek are now boli. 1IL at dd';oth'agrd&' to the OJb6ij applies. VIhat's. blessing that We had all' siswiers. o dothat; England, now sitting at Philadelphia, eolidkad'intc; one, to ba known 's the Main r If AME toseeure,i Business re their,"tural ferocity broke and while you keep your pait'of the bar- '. But now they meet the � group -'the have authorized the preparation of Anew Str�@� Methodist Church. Education or S encerlan Pon - left it befo Fien Lh, d manshfpja at � Is SPEkTCER- out in thi's gain 1,will keep miflo." Thornes and Diirradh-�,-a7aa�&rthurTh'yiineI c yet XoA.. of.he Book Of. Common .'Aoitbrg�mainiuxortll caroling, iej oxces� IAN BUSINESS COLLEGN ))5CiOU'L of 'Ee rolb yw u, p on u 48 Marian's Inu r�- That's the worst- of being jilted -it unco 8 the'Noil whioli.fias recoutly Prayer. I:e rolb ich. Circulars free. I shall loo o in the name of" Bunyafi Lemon h irb d th th m ,b fe or th Is VP MI lie in 0 h'O it g "a re f find th orn b 1,040 what I b t onald. in nd