HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-11-02, Page 17.7
DIA.N111 ING ,s6 scorr
'rristers, Solicitors,
.Cominissioners for Ontatio and Manitoba.
.500 copies Irving's 5 cent A"Itisic, and 500
col i is Evans' re: cent Music, justste bane,-
Boolc Store.
VOLTS, NO. 44.
TERMS - $1.50 Per Annum.
CJI:A1NT01‘1, ONT.
FRIDAY, NOV 2,1883,
HOESE TO LET—Apply Nev Era Office.
- A PPDENTiCE WANTED -- Goon smart
ZE hid, as apprentice to the Grocerylimeiness
Apply immediately. PALLXSER 4t, CO.
AU High School. The entrance examination
to the Clinton. High School, will im he741 in the
Mode School, on Thursday and Taiday, the
Mu and 21sr of DEcaiansat., next. beginning
each day at 9 a.m. Intending candidates will
eend in their naines to tam undersigned, not
later than the 20th of Nov. J. TURNBULL
B. A., Principal.
aye( ann Subseri-
iaa tees premises, Lol J. Baytleld concession,
eeeerieh Township, :moue the •end of August,
a yearling Roan Heifer, "lightly marked with
white. Any ono returning her,..er, giving Joon
ination where rhe may be found. will be suit
'ably rewarded. GEO. RALDERSON. ,
4213 New Books srAtY RA/0.-Stra,yed,frona the eubscri-
her s premises, Iota, Hallett, on
lire 20th of October at yearlln,% rani. having
. .
smell piece cut from the teat air the right ear,
-- --
lust received from the old country and
itbe United States. 'Come and see them.
‘, •
We have now over 125,000 envelopes tn
stock, and about 150 reams of nate paper,
bestqualities, cheap. '
and marked with eeea arose on the hae_k. An
one -giving•Inforeriatimi"that'aVill-lertd to its re-
coverY, will be suitahlY rtiwrded. THOMAS
reeteu :undersigned desires to thank his ere-
rneroue Mends in Clinton and 'vicinity for
their liberal patrimage daring tlie twelves rears
lie carried 'on !Mae :butchering businese, ..ana
would Ultimate do them' that he will re -open an,
Core's. buliiiieft, Huron street; about,
the 12th inst., and as.be thoroughly 'ander-
stands the' business; •and will guarantee ,coin -
pieta satisfaction, he hopee again to meet with
• as liberal sapper t as formerly.
Clinton, Nov 2
Men with
iron Shoes.
Large variety at Lowest Pri.3es
When you Nvant
Buy st frorn as.
401-1iftIS. DICKSON,
CiitTy Book StOre.,
Ailmn 25 cents.
Chair tailifen:a,t S o'clock.
r•enttier eineeeieeTtie IN (ANAIA.
filHE niideisigned liaye-made a_igjlements Mt the
'1 handling of a large amount of Private and Com-
pany Funds, for loans on real estate this Winter, at
lowent rate t of interest and moderate charges. ,
'IV hite..S tar 'line of Ste:tease i
'Arschoie lline Stealeships.
State lmne or st,0.0-01Aps.-
all information apply to
8 l'agee, ;out, 'and antsted by new sintehiner.X.
Contaiitte all the4ews.
:Special Market Department.
Capttal :Story always running.
Agricultural Be -atm -26ut.
in .gentotze. I'uzzle Colin aria.
Fiunay hT.urnoriams
'Just ,fho 'flung fo F Hy
mesexad-ie Leo, an -tithe paper will be forwaefed
to Von o Januarytst 1885 ' '
114000 dIN . PREMIUMS.
The most liberal sedupements ever offered in
Canada, to parties r"gettit,g up clubs for kthe
Weekly/Fa' seJarese. Send)tor Premium List.
Weekly Free 'Frees nod Farmer% Advocar:e
sent to 787 Jan naM, 1889, for $1.75. Ad dress
, ,
iaRESS OFFICE, eceen•oet,
N1-01rICE:,-- The books of .1)1M. STEWART. &
1-11InimulTr, intiof.,-Rriicetield, may 'ate
,round by those Vrisiiiing' to settle their accounts.
it, $V. W.- FARRAN'S edi ce. ceeton., . • -.
Fner of KinRAME 11101014E: FOR SALE. on the Ger--
g and Cater Streets, Ohio -ten, contain-
ing five rooms; with wootf-hed attached- Aepw,011
the premises to JOHN 'FISHER. 1
-- A
IlOrse second hand CLIMAX THRESHER wed
Power, in good working order
short time in use, is offered for sale lna easy
terms. JOHN RTDOUTi Clinton. la
W. JACKSON Tieleet legex
Clinton, S'erat, 21,'188a.
role sAr t d• tl 1.1
A corn .1) .Q le 1.1V011
LOT. '
road west of Mr. 5.14 -aisles eonsistini, of ilbout
onetliird of an acre snitable for a private nesidence.-
JAS. ,THIDIVI PSON NV'ell fenced. Will besaid.on reasonable terms, Ap-,
ply to J., H, CO:MBE, Ciinton.
(„ARAY LAMB..-CaThe into the premises of the
kJ subscriber,tot 32, nth 'con. Ifni let t,' aboilt the It
Of Scpternher, a Lamb. Tii e owner fs; hereby notified
to move 11t0915 ty p19> exPenses and' take it aw'aya-
W1LLIaal ERUNSIREa, ar. .4>-
TicipPxr AGENT, G,F R.
---se-Overethe '5-New-Short-1xin e te--Chiesigo-
.nillitsteireeTioN PARTNEusliar.
aud' all points.Southwest, West _a_/._Tne partnersb7P heretofore exi ingb0tssvn W.
and Northwest. Charlesworth and, Ceorge MoCulia”-It of the 'Grand
Union Hotel, Clinton, under the firm name 41
Charlesworth & disqolred on Wednes-
day, Oct. 3rd, 1101 :CEO. lifeCULLACIL
Given on application, and all other in
formation freely given at the office in
1-41 4 RIZ FOR SALE Olt TO TIENT.- lee
..22 acres, being Lot 21, eon.' a, Hallett, 19 acres
cleared. r,eniainder good besh, eontainilig hard
wood, pine and hemlook. NVill sell the timber
alOno, or land together, tosuit purchaser. -
RICH. 13aRKwELL, toncleidlOte. 42
lliES: spiRj,
...,,...,,,,,,,,„..-- . _.,-property-latorrorneZ-by Tho under-
signed, en .:Victoria street, as :5 tefreshment
and three rooms down stoma, and 7 good-sized
store, as offered for sale on remonable terms.-
It :consists of two-story black etore, with shop
rooma tip -Stairs. cellar .94x2S, finarter-aere lot,
good stable, hard'and sett water. at T. SALT,
Clinton. • . ' 42
Tsubscriber , ;desires to return his sincere.
thanks to his customers and thepublic generally XTOTICE.."-A ight Waggon p,ricl,two sets of_ Bob
. tor the-liberitIpationage extended to him iathe :past,' IA ,,Sleiglufto Se) ;- else' ;se seeeseemeediothes, sue,
and by furnishing the best article at the lowest remu- as Pants,. Vesta Coats. tuts, CdPii; arid all sorts of
' ntrative, price, he hopes to merit a contirmance of the Women's;GirlA and Royal Small arid great clothes, to
mamo.den. I can bo found at borne on Mondays, all day.-
. He would sPeciallY recotnniend a trial Of his. direct A few cords.of short and long woodier Sale, who wants
h 2
aportations of tbe very best brands of ., r i -4.11.- debts -due -the -estate of-marrantrtairtrueit-
, . . . now be paid, asd shall not peddle thi alter.
. irandies. POil Wines': and Holland Qin' , , ,.
W. MARTEN. Pedler, 64, Clinton:
i ' • • ' -. . . ). PROPERTY FOR SALE
euvente roa lUDIMNALPettrOSEs'Aan FAmILV Vsn.
elie Thos. Abraham of the 10th Ton
is, we are glad to hear, recovering, though
sl ow 1 ye
Mrs. E. eledelantl's funeral sermon was
preached en the Methodist Church, IOUs
eon., 00 Sunday, to a large audience. Tee
sermon was able and Very impreseive.
T 13 R NBEME. V.
ChuTelf haa been re-
chingled. Colin Eadie as added a div-
ing house to his already commodious•out-
buildings. 1). MePhersean and F. Powell
have got home their new threshing ma -
aline -end they, (sot effie N. P.) are mak-
ing it hum. Most ofthe teachers in this
township were lest Thursday and Friday
at Bressels, attending the Teacher'sx. Con-
venon held there.
?lies AL Kenaigean has gone te spend
the winter with .friends in Guelph.
The trustees of S. S. No. 5, Gray, have-
eecured the services of Mr. J. W. Shaw,
Brussels:for next year, at a salary of $4e0.
At the conclusion of the meeting of the
North Baron Teachers' Association, held
in the village of Brussels, a society, to be
known as the N. H. Teachers' Literary
Society, was organized, and the following
officers elected :-Mr. T. A. Reid, presi-
dent; Mr. A. McKay. vice pees.; Mr. J. J.
Wallis, sec.-treas.; Messrs. J.W.-Shaw, A.
McKay, R. Knechtel, J. H. elcBaie and
J. A. Young. The society will hold its
first meeting at Brussels on Saturday, Dc -
camber let.
wEsT wAwaeloser.
SeoeT.--The boys on the 6th concession
of this township enjoyed a squirrel hunt
on the 26th Oct. Joe Bell and Charley
Durnin, were chosen captains.Bell's
party gaiised the victory in the contest. -
After the toils of the day they repaired to
Miss Addie Fisher has gone Sse spend a Mr. E. Fewleree where a sumptuous re -
term at Alma College, St: Thorees. • past awaited them. A.fter disposing of
Mr. Geo. Stewart has been overseeing the good things the fiddlers arrived on the
Mr. D. Canteelon's apple Peekees for the scene of action, and you might have seen
,past two WO -ate. - -sfirEeifft-sizieb eetheeerefeelebeelle-- -able-Ter
ore hae 13.
Mese'bring down a ehipmonk through. the'day,
- . 'More-engeged at N.
tee and will .tbies soon enter on .Ins oear .
.year itt-the fene-sehoo • -
Mr. Wrd. Long has rented ims farm to There were quarterly services held in
'Wm. McLean,•ell'ove,re'w,he.. 'net -ends turn -the Alefbodist church here, last Sabbaeln
• using their best eudeavere to trap deare.
, •
rip Ili madersigned offers for silks quarter -acre lot
SASS' ALE AND GUINESS' PORTER, .1. en the ituromitoad, (Wet °aside, the corporatiOn)
• • ' onwhiem
h is erected a frame house, with flaw ro ins,
ttles, iand Q
In BoPnto iiarts.
.. • . ' good stable, bearing Orchard, hard water, &e. PThe
taxes on this place never reached, $1. a year, it being
CANADIAIS:ALES AND,PORTER, situated in the township. Terms reasonabl -
kblittlna'ff and DAVIES Leers eonstantle en hand. j04 , W. CORE', Clinton.
just recciired, in prime condition ,., ,,,, PARK l'OR SALE. -
.. .
211entrell GiWge2,, .A.le_r_Oltanipagazo---,Cider) , • .. --- , .
rrirE eon 511 -half .,of Lot 29. Seventh. eonees-
to Plain. Soda,. • . . : .11- sion of Goderieh Township, is offered for-
, sale, It contatits 14 acres, is MY the Cut Line,
• ole A -gent for (3,-oderiek A-1(4.
8750 mace from Hoimesvilie, five from the town
-- NROBliJ
of Clinton, and a little over eight from Goderieh
ing the whole•place Into pasture. Special services were held in the church
Mr. John Sayder has returned from a on the first- four 4ays of the -week; the'
visit to has uncle in Nebraska, and is pastor being' assisted by the neighboring
'much pleased •with that part of the world. ministers. •
Mrs. Wm. Allen was takesete lier long The fellowing officers were elected la.st
home, after enly two weeks' sickness from Monday evening, by Maitland Temple
dropsy, leamieg a large family of small No. 304 •
childrea. Richard Miller, W. C. T.
Alaegie Radcliffe, W.V. T.
Mr. Peter Strang has resigned his pcf -
tends t.aking the theological course at ary E. Sturdy, Fin. Sec.
W. D. Wilson, Treasurer.
sition tea,cher of S. S. No. 1, and . in- ' 'J"sP1' Stalker, SeYetrY•
Knox Colle,ge.
' Aerrel Symington, Alarshal,
At the last meeting of theeS.O.T. a de- Annie Sturdy, . I. Gua,rel.
bate took pktee on the:subject, resolved, Win...Stevenson, 0. Guard.
"That thie is a better generation for the- - -,--esseee-----
working people than the last.,, The cap- , keit LYTHe ,
tains' were Thos. Heddle -and ,J: Moore. I „,
v./ ANTs A '1'.ft.wrxErt.-Mr. Pat. Kelly,
C. Waltere, chairman, gave decision for
who has extensive timber lirnite_in the
_the negative : northwest, is advertising for a partner to
•kelp him work them. -
. LLET r. •
tittle bReynolde
LN2CIIANGE.-Mr. Alf Lawrence ,oy, son of .14r. Jas. ,
thref ,.-,,-horse n who has resided here for several years, and
aged e years .2, oSat-
For further information apply to
cp.8.TS ntogic, e subscriber im'ere.for sale tile east -flair ()
..3dt )8, and con, of Hill lett, consisting' of to
charge. Moderate.
tunes, nearly, all cleared, and in fair working
order: tog Image, fiame.hato, with stable be t dw, "btreliaid-
other improvements, 8ituate only two miles
from tiitt growmg town of Clinton. Will be
sold on re,a'Soinible terms'of Payment. '
ann. Sqrt, _>, 's, Ir. R. IVALREE,
urditY., and,got ',cut .aeont -the face. taken' °II active .Peet in- all Public, secial.
Mrejas. Walkinshaw, teethe 2nd e cotee and 'church matters; has moved to ,Wing -
hand, and 'will take Charge' of the nranch•
get his ba,nd-badly•ja-noreed at Mr. TheS.
Walker's barn raiSingla,st Week by a stick. of hi • 13°"inegs there, his partnCr,-.. Mr. •
tGracey; svholiasbeenliving Wingham,
of tivebOr failinc, on it No b'ones mere
b k . taking charge .ot the Blyth branch.. Mr.
STATESTECS.-The assess-Lawrie:ice life:: not had good health for some
rue/it roll of this township .was'eonsedeted time, and .the change is made with a.viesv.-
and returned to the clerk ,on the 24th of to imPee'veelg it.
just sien months between the 'two ScReeee° The Peesbeteriene "re the
strongest hotly in this neighborhood, and
dates, the following large -iratepa,yers iu
nehoemses wjesFhlytendnied:A-WT4TohriPITeY. ,fuJo.onReEy-.. thheere! asTtohreolirevioec thheasmeohsatnrgioepduiltasrqthuaern.
Lear, 5. 'Shelter, T. Grennan and S.
Abbey. Five of the heaviest' tax payers
in the township are as follows, and pay
the amounts following their names: -W.
$148,11. John Shipley, $142.10. J.
McMillan, $136:52. T. ' Moon, $109.12.
C. Dale, ,jr,, $102.98.
ao.oLoingv.tigtist,. •
The re/steal services. at :Sharon ,com-
menced on Wednesday, with a good :at-
tendance for the first night. e
Rev. B. B. Keefer, of Hamilton, preach-
ed two excelletit sermons- in the C. M.
church, on •Sabbath last, at 10 a. ro. and
On Monday last the eceelars of'S. S.
No. 9 Were .dismissed fronesehool, ois ac-
count of the death of Mrs. T. Carter, of
Elohnesvilles mother-in-law of Mr. A.
.Duff, the teacher, -
ENGAGEE.—Me4'A. Duff, of this place,
has been engaged for SchoolSection No.
4, Colborne, at a salary of .$400. Mr.
Duff is a competent man for the position,
and will give good satisfaction.,
The temperance naeeting, •071 Monday
evening, in the C.M. church seas acl.ionrn-
ed, after a few remarks by the pastor.
Mr 'J C. Stevenson and Mr-.43ay1eyT of-
Clin ton, will come, some night, w _ell ill Q.
weather ie-favolielee
GooreWeeens - On leiday elternoon,
while Afessre. Pickard, Mureh and Cour-
tice were threshing at Mr. T. Pickard's,
Holmesville, they threshed and eleaned
well about 900 bushels of oats, in .a little
over four hours with their Climax horse
power machine, purchased in Clinton last
NVe-aie sorry to-Tecord-the,tleativol-Mrs'
Carter, Who peacefully passed1awaY at the
residence,of herson-in-law, Mr. A. Duff;
of .1Iolniesville. ore Sunday. She was a
woman in whom all the Christian graces
were found, andheld in great respect by
those who, knew her ; her remains were
interred isi-Turiier'sr cemetery, Tucker -
named Miller broke into the house of Mr.
James YOung, who resides at Trick's mill,
and stole therefrom a number of -small
artieles, but being detected, he returned
"A FAL'if-One day last week Mr. Wm.
Cook, of the 13th con., had a very nasty
fall, which, fortunately, was not attended
with any serious consequences. In, get-
ting up to wind a clock he stood on one
chair, and put his foot across to another,
intending to, sta,m1 on both, when one
tipped, and he was thrown with consider-
able'force across the back of it, falling on
his side: It was at, first thought his ribs
were broken but such was fortunately not
the caSe, but he was severely Qiaken- up.
lluzirair,tr,.-Mr. :Whitely ' who has
been canvassing since his defeat last
January; will contest the deputy -reeve -
ship, at the corning election. It is said
that Messrs, J. Peacock and. T, Harrison.
will be amorrgthe-dandidat'es for
tors. There is not likely to be any op-,'
position offered to'Arr. P.;11iott, . for the
ters. The salt mete here.have 'lately cone.:
Menced elee manufacture or dairy salt.-
.,:".`40iir sensation" • has somewhat quieted'
dosen. .1elytli ha :s large school populit-
ton, and wowill beck the boys a eiese;
those.of any other place for noise-making.et
Who is going to be reeve next year? is the '
'prevAilingeluery. Several marriages are
es:4NA of -the 'coming ,etild weather may
hasten .there: for "it is not 'good for men
to e,-alone,.e..witli the :eliermoneeter below
;sera. e'en, sibe spring the Reifiese boasted
eliet we were going to have seven bicycles
here, lint•We have only beenable tomus-
ter up two as yet; joliei Thomas must
have been drawing on his fertile irnagi-
nitions •Not Much grain' coming in. Tlee,
;Rev. Mr. Fisher. is..keeping well,np .his
encl of the ministerial. plank. Blyth will
give a begins to any Manufacturer who
wilIl,work. !up sassulust into a mercantile
coin m o ity. 'A good livedebating society'
is watitesi here:--sornething after the form
'of the,;(1inten IIciuse of Com Mons. We
should' :lige have a skating rink, curling,
chih, and' a Variety of other things lifitt
cannot: be .enumerated.
•Ei.'noiamis es SON
e -
Rev. B. B. Keefer has sacceeded in
forming a strong lodge of the above order
in this town. On Monday.evening he ad-
dressed a public meeting in the temper-
. .
ance hall, Mr. Manning, presuling,on the
general question of temperance, but more
particularly upon the claims and aims of
the Royal Templars ofTemperance. The
distinctive feature of this institution is
the insurance connected with it. and that
it is the only order which secures and re-
tains the influence of leading temperance
men. On Tuesday evening the lodge svas
opened. Besides the officers there were
present and initiated: -Ree. A. Stewart,
Rev. Mr. Craig, Rev W. Birks, Messrs.
Lawrence Marquis Werry, Lough, Link -
later, Cuninghame. The follewing offi-
cers were elected:
Select Councillor, D. I. Bayley'
Vice-touncillor, A. Armstrong
Past Councillor, James Young
Chaplain, J. Curtis Stevenson
Rec. Secretary, Horace Foster
Fin. Secretary A. 11. Manning
Treasurer, John Boles
_ William -Beesley
. Guard, John Cruickshank
Sentinel, Robert Fox
Medical Examiner, Dr.Williams
There are a number of Others whose
names are signed to the application for
the charter, amongst them being: E. Cor-
bett, W. Doherty, Thos. Gibbings, Chris.
iC i?illsOie.L-AlYee.°sKreterer- is evtoenbseenongr2as-
tulated on his success and the brder is to
be congratulated upon having obtained
the service of one so peculiarly gifted for
the position.
At the last metting of the C.O.F. her
the following officers were. elected :-A.
Callender, C.R.; 13. Churchill, V.C.R.; A.
P. Shetler, Chap.,- Geo. Newton, R.Sec.;
A. WOodrean, F. Sec.; George Grantham,'
Treas.; Wm. Retty, S. W.; Wm. Walters,
J.W.; Bence Tuck, S.B. ;. Wm. Little, J.B.
J. C. Adams becomes P.C.R. The court
yanks about third.nr, fourth largest in the
Dominion, and is still increasing rapidly.
Geo.-Neivton has become agent for the
NEW ERA, and he also authenzed to take
orders and job printing for that paper,
which will be very convenient forepeople
around here wishing to stibscribe or get
•any ivorie done. •
elr. C011ier, of Clinton, has his shoot-
ing gallery here at present, doing,a rush-
ing businese every erenine teaching the
young ideas how to shoot -and spend
money. .
The Porter's 'Hill Icorrespondent.eratee
that D. Roberfe was gcling into the teilni-
ing business rather extensively here, if so,
his Muse he it silent partner, for there has
.not been any publia annotindernent to
that effect yet: -
.quOitifig is 'getting rather dullhere
now: Not expecting any more 'inatches
this hill, for we are.i.o1 that Blyth Intel -
ere •do not intend playing nt it .return
'Meech -no More than live expected. :
,r ly • 1
• Mr: Plid.Mis'. H.:Newton 4re...1i-10011g
'friend's- in-Leneesbero'thie weeke . .
Mr. A. Hamilton had 30 llee of beef
taken ,.frinn•biS milk house Monday night,
NO clue to Where it went.. :1
: "The • ways • and means :Corninittee of
Bethel Church are about Selling the or' -
gin or exelianging it for ,a 'nevi, stove:
Anyone getting the organ willget a good
The revival Meetings at.Betlia Oeureli
were largely' attended eyery.,hight. It is to
be hoped:th at good may be done,ffir if there
is . a lseetieee 'PI own ire eliat needed a shak-
ing.aniong the dry bones it is thie. •
Mr. Wire Murrey, and bis son, Of Godet
'rich, were 0121;. shooing, when Mr, gok.;
ray's gnu was adeidentally discharged,
the Charge' entering his son's shoulder;
he had to be carried .110ITIO 07i, a Stretcher.
It ..
i>. scrious-'if not rql.-4 wortio.1
Itlg-now talked • te extend the litnitS
of Goderich toWnship as at 1present it is
-not ige enou,h iteseesood trottine trite .
.Our..'sporting nien etopoeee the follteehise
for ee treeln btmt nothing shortlereefi.om
,G-ederich to Clinton,- by ehe. 'Heron road;
therree br London road. to Precetield
frein there. to Bayfieeile thee by the :Lake
Shone -reetleback teeGoderieli. If they,
dan make -a trench, ter this traek there:
jots of Money' forthcoming. .
-..Thereis' great. dissatiSfactienexpressed
at the way school matters are .being ear!,
thigisection, and the shabby
ungentlemanly, way the 'trustees l treated
Mr. Campbell, the present tenders, there
not , being being one single cereeleint.
against hini in thesection, Heals° came.
here highly reconimended, not haying to
wait for parties tteketurn to get a recent-
menda.tion itt all./The trustees hired an-
other teacher three w eks befeee giving
Mr. C. rioeice:tleat sechevie the case.
(cnie corms /nelent states that 116 Split its
items lust week, b.an We never .got them) •
Dissefesine.--eAt the Winnipeg [Assizes
tho paee, of Dickie Vs.111‘cOutcheri Was
tried. The plaintiff' is la young woman
22 peers of egee and 'Mitered &Met' with an,
'infant in her.arms.- She sues for $10,000
damages, Alleging that defendant seduced
her under proem:se' . of marriage. Her
story' Was is very pitiful lone; stating that
she Was in the einploy of the defendant in;
.Wifighani„where the litter was I in the
liotel busines. Ihis wife :died, .and'.he
determined on moving' to 'Winnipeg to
take charge -Of the Beetheysiek Hotel. , He
started, asked Plaintiff to go with aum to
-work: iii-tli-d-S-affe'CiPaCity there, end. she.
left with hith. En route they stayed over;
night 'at the Geigg House London', where'.
she sriTs her 'pith was aceniplished. The
evidence Wag to, the effe'ct that she was
not aconeentil party, 'end the bbtinge)
for defence ineV ct for aMen-snit bn lbw
ground that-ffisueli.word,the case it was a
„rape, apdscieil elenieges .epuld not .lbe .ob-
tained till the.crimitial >ase was'disposed
of. Ills tordshIp' enteredthe riefi,suit,
and it is apparentlie did net believe bee
Mr. .. , re--en-gaud-11r
No. 4, Mor4,jit welaleeyor$44,0.- --
7.11E- A. Reid'had a fine yearling. bolt
killed itt the pasture, on Saturday last.
.Mr. Canipbell, of Goclerich township,
Was selected frith": thirty applibantsto
teach S. S. No. 7, Thr the ensuing year, at
a salery of $400. . •
. :Mr. T. A. Reid, teacher of No. 8,
has been re-engaged, for 1884,at an' ad-
vance of salary. Mr. Reid is an excep-
tRe enLgeod teacliesise_andehasestieen the.
best ± satisfaction here. .
'At .!Ir. le. Bell's sale, on Saturday, Oet.
278h stock 'excepting horses' sold imusu-
,Aefarnisof,e0 Acres, which was
advertised( foteeale, IvrtS bid in ,by Mr.
Bell when the auctioneer was dwelling at
52,650. We understand_ the land 78,Stall
for sale. •
Mr. Thos. Nixon, 2nd con., has rented
his fettle to Mr. S., Therrington of Blue -
vale, for a term of five years. Mie Nixon's
-sale-of-ferrn stock-andeimplementsewhiehe
took place on the .2981m Oct., was largely.
attehded, rind excepting horses thelormer
sold wellMr. Nixon, we understand,
intends removinge to California.
Mr. :Harry Fell, a young man aged
years, step son of Mr. D. Agar, 2nd con.,
succurabeci to that dire disease. constinip-
tion,.,on Monday, 22nd Oct; His ftineral,
which took place on the following Weds
nesday, was largely attended/ The O.Y.
Britains, , of 'Bluevale,, of which lodge he
was it member, ;followed tis corpse to its'
last reSting place, and ead their burial
service oVer his open., rave—illuch-:sym-i
pathy is telt for hitafflicted friends, who,
though they'SOrrA, sorrow riot as those
who haveno 11 e.
Joie White intends to i n trod Lice
'hiS'Oraiie Incorporation Bill sleet Per-
lie-Londen Thisee sieblieli ed. mi,artirie
the departure ofLord Lein e _ fy,bni Ca-
nada, ill whiebtee ffeniinion ie described:
as the least costly, least troublcsonin, and
greatest c f (bo (Jobonie9
Pastardiy Outrage,
It is very seldom that we bear of any
eat crimee being perpetrated in the coun-
ty of Huron, but an outrage of a very re-
volting nature took place in the northern
parfef Wawanosla, partly midway between
eVinglutm and Lucknew, a few days ago.
Some time last spring a veer respectable
young man named -Bather married it young
lady of rather striking personal attrac-
tions. Shortly after the mafriege he .
moved to a farm which his father hell pur-
chased for him near the old homestead,
where the young couple lived happily ne-
til the week before last, when a young
man named McPherson, who lived on the
adjoining farm, called at their house in
the absence of the young husband, and
attempted to- outrage young Mrs. Barber,
but fortunately failed in his attempt. --
When her husband returned home, and
learned what had transpired, he was about
having Macpherson arrested, but some
neighbors interfered, and for the time the
matter' was settled. A few days after,
however, Barber had occasion to work at,
his father's place. Before going he loaded
it gun, and givinget-tte-hirwifeeseeldelivemeeeesseesee
to shoot McPherson if he approached the
house. Unfortunately, McPherson found
that the lady was alone, and actuated by
it spirit of evil, he again visited Barber's
house. When Mrs. Barber saw him ap-
proaching, she armed hersslf with the gun
and threatened to shoot him if he entered.
He parleyed with her for a few moments,
and then suddenly rushed on her, taking
_thugun away, and outraged her in a hor-
rible manner. The greatest indignation
prevailed on the circumstances becoming
known, and Macpherson was speedily ar-
rested and lodged in (-4'oderich jail for the
crime. '
At Osgoode Hall, Toronto, on Monday,
an order was made admitting McPherson
to bail, ie the sum of $3,09.
The twelfth annual matches of this As=
sociation were contested over the Athol-
cett ranges, Clinton, ou Tuesday. The
wind was very, strong and prevented any
very good shooting being made. As will
be seen by the subjoined list, Mr. N. Rob-
son succeeded n carrying off the Ontario.
Rifle Association badge, and the silver
cup presented by Major Murray, for the
highest aggregate score. Only two matches
were contested, the lateness of the hour
preventing the Consolation match, being
contested-. The -prize winners are as fol-
lows :—.
mFIRSTMATCH.--ASsOeiatiOn, open to
members only. Ranges 200, 400 and 500
is rize _ rfe, N. Robson,
" 6, Lieut. Young.
1 d r• 5, E. G. Courtice.
4th “. 4, A. Wilson.
2, W. H. Hele.
3, Lieut. Wilson.
/ 7th
Sth " 2, John Johnston.
1, T. L. Fortune.
1, D. M. Angus.
J.Oth " 1, VanNorman.
SecoNn MATCH. Open to members.
Ranges 200, 500 and 600 yards:
lst prize.... $8, N. Robson.
2nd " 6, A. ‘Vilson.
4th D.
5th ' "
6th `• 22, IP,iecuatvW.
h 9 tt 1 , W. H.
180stele.- 1, T. L. Fortune.
1, John Johnston.
For the highest aggregate score in 1st
and- 2ncl thatches the O. R. A. badge, and
a silver cup presented by the President,
value $6, N. Robson; 2nd prize, $3, Lieut.
Young; 3rd prize, $2, A. Wilson.
The, regular sittings were helcl'on:.Mon:
day last,,His Honor Judge Doyle presid-
ing, The bar, waS represented by Messrs.
iMelemescineSeagee, Manning; Hetet add
Campion. The docket was very light, only
one case engaging the , attention of the.
cotirt for any length of time. Thisease
was 0110 that Was before •the •ptiblie for
sone time end was aff aeleen' of damages
brought by :Messrs, 14. ee C., Andrews -
against John Callander for the 'price of
lambs alleged: to have been destroyed by .
bis deg. The evidepee for the Plaintiffs ..
went to ehOW that ill the morning Of the .
48h June, tw_o dogs were, foisndsteverrying.
tanibs on'theit. farm. One Of ., the, pill's.
Swore that one of these • dogs was owned
by Callander, and.::was': 'frequently . with
him. Farther evidence was given of coil-
vereatiene with the defendant and acts of
hie Whicli went to impute ownership or ear-
borage.of the dog. Itt the.d:efence, the
defendant denied '•owiiing•er harboring
dog in any way, anel'sWore that six weeks
before he had given his dog to Wm. Jack -
sem. This Was nee sPecificaler denieci, but
Mr. Jackson sWere that he had ietinned.
the dog. Altogether.the case was a very ,
complicated one. Itidginent is resereed
until Nov. ,,14th.. eSeager and.' Mutt for
,plaintift; Melcornsee and eleiming for de.
fendents. '
Mite. jes. OED, of Caleddnia, is visits -
ing friewls here.
Rte. Mit. BuelesesifeLondonyslies.ebeen•-.--
home ones visit to his parents.
Aires Neaseet Hoeetts has returned ,
from St: Catharines, and will remain here
for the future. • •
MR. J. P. .1liLPOI,r1t, formerly of Clin-
ton High School, is now in the mercan-
tile business at Port Oolborbee
Mits. 18. W, EMERSON left for Rat
Portage on Wednesday, where her hus-
band has been engaged during the sum -
Mu. W. Pox returns to Alanitoba on
the 10th, his health not beigg inipeov_ceL
eery:etch ee he 'entitle -feted 13-3, bit sojourn
BEV. DH,-OrARENiffi-., Of Ingersoll, pre-
kiding Elder Of the ArethodiSt Episcopal
Church, was in town on Wednesday, and
assisted in the unioll. serVices at -the 13 C
Churob: •
.1,k11-4 W,' G. GA.T)11E8, .lat6ly; ,teaeliirng
it Marnoch; coMmeneett his duties as. •
teacher ofSsunirierbill.schithb On. Wedncs'.,„
day. He.lms a good: reptaation,tiat d
detibtless riPti 'the, of the