HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-10-26, Page 7Boththe e Dep x't e Sts r ll - sv nq. p.. rtmnent s still under the man the Millinery de � _ _ ,� ;, -_ �f MISS BROWN, a.d he Mantle department under. the .ana .0.it en.t o f MISS MOMA.NU , ' both of Thor have . ain d.= uch a re utat or in their several. de artm:ents ghat it"needs• ,no World•. o• co•mment •Barn us to r••e••co••rnrnend them to•the avorable support ai the: publ c Te do not nten d having a.y. regular openi g d.ay, as has <<been : our usual eu.sto:. : -W'E ARE READY NOWT, and vw�.11 be pleased. to see our many friends aan d customez s as here �-ofore, an d will =do our;: best: to make them feel at' .home. We can show one of the Finest and most complete Stocks in the County to choose from. guaranteeyou asaving of .25per cent bypurchasingfrom `us We can g g rather than from. other houses.. ;:The business is to be woundup by the 1st of March. The goods must be sold. We have gone all through our stock'°and marked every piece of goods far below 'their value. We are now giving an extra discount of 10 per cent, which makes our prices far below the lowest. We. don't sell goods at outside prices, but we sell the best` quality of `Goods, imported from the markets. of the different o. 3T producing countrieson the continent and beyond, and we sell the minside of the' very"inside price, and. then give 10 per. ct. discount for cash. may. Kindly call and see - s. e will use you rid Estateo a o11tit 1883 Blankets Blan e AND A sick of goods mpCcl for cold w(athc J. C. COLE .1:S' 011l'. GRANT) SUCCESS 0 Makes Your Boots CRl7ICKSHANK, THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF !len, l'onten and Chiltkett's Boots .k Shoes. Spring. Stoc.k_.• well assorted, arid complete in all departments.' ALL GOODS SOLD CHI+: A;P FOR CASH C. CRUICKSHANK, BRICK "BLOC.I: , ;CLINTON The Croat Furniture Dealer, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. atHall ClothingHouse .000 f VJ. mos, a and ..... a.. Call 411u $TIN*s, thonew�e• st patterns and ,shades: A fine assortment of.TROUSERINCr'S. All.will In be sold cheap and made in the latest 'style. 'I employ nothing but first class help, therefore you -can -rely on getting •a,.first-class article• by leaving your order•at tiro OaL- Hall. ' CLOTH BOUGHT WILL ;BE CUT FREE. Parti3a having their own material- can have it made on abort, home, nd perfect fit guaranteed. Call' and esararae L FOR CASE ONLY' and at close rices. Cutting dont our stock and work. WE F, S L �' p. Charges reasonable., • . OAK;.HALL, BEAVER~' BLOCK; CLINTO$. Ile exhibits a PAIILOISUITE in Silk `.tivitl , Silk :Plush Tr1n11111ng ,, 1)I'ice $.1.50.61), Surroundings to match,' + anioiintino in all to S!.100.00. BOX. and I. Pl.Ull'ISTEEI: judges. of tile Manuf't.ctnring Department,:_agree that it; is one of the finest exhibits -Of IF ityliitur theY,;hat e ':ever `.w iinc5sed. iii tl is Opti t or th,e country, for which he carries oft' THE ,I'IRS1'. Cutter ioi this. :r..lepartinellt,.;tnil the • :pitIz ,, as fie this alv ays clone. irg.e'number. of or.deis bo 'has. filleddu ink ,tile li int soasen is the'hc'st evidences that coitldJie desired of his ability to >ult t11' ' parties in style and fit... AT full Stock :of Beavers, Heavy Worsteds, Canadian Scofch and English eitons,. weeds. a A fresh stock of these goo at the..:lowest• price : k. GOATS c� SOT. Clinton. ipim• Y Li4rwYYY1.i• NNW EMIMARAI AgeretS ` 1 �..... .0 a•.•. ®mom; • • ▪ _. 0 e. Wanted -imaginal' THE GREAT DOLLAR PAPER, eWeeklyGlobe �fi't U1t ..NOW bio.. END_ Ob' 8$.} NLY ONE..._ 1 O -DOLLAR. T � • r••: • .�, • • • • : •{+ THE TREAT: CANADIAN PAPER. • t. Has the most extensive and influential circulation in' British • -1 . America, is noted for its extensive Cahle and Telegraphic News, r, _, and is the great authority upon Commercial : and Financial ,10 Matters throughout the Donvnron. - ., SUBSCRIPTION. : ?i One Year, ..-. $7 00 1 Half Year, . $3.50 10 1 Quarter Year, . $I.75 -71 _ : 0. :0 • • . 7. 0 .c. In: order to inCreasc our already/loge list of yearly sub§cribc+s to Tim WEEKLY" GLOsti, we mate'the following liberal and anagniti- cent offer to every reader of this' advertisement who. wishes to tale: advantage of it at once.:- • • Tor.* 8.60 we'will send•to.any address la Canada or the -U 'S. THE ;WEEK'LY..GLOBE• (torn -now to:end of .December, 3.884, and nsaddition, A tIANDSO*E NICKEL OPEN-FACED STEP -WINDING WATCE The Watcli is of (onvextient size , it is neat in c b/Jcare c •at fs a ;Tient-winder, consequently o eytlf es no .key , 7t :IS , dust -proof; 'and , a goal time-keelier. The above price includes poSta ,e upon Watch to any address in Canada or the United States. Thisoffer only.hokls good until Jatn ary aoth 0S4. - We will start shipping watches on October 15th. Remittances should be sent at once so as to enable us to procure necessary supply and fill orders A++th as little delay .is possible.. Address, TEE- GLOBE PRINTING CO, (Limited), TORONTO.' The Great: Dollar:Paper. ••: • • • • • • • 1 h 01 I ,1 ;i' I 1'l•' T{ (l li: 13;i NN.ETT has a fill st clan's Ulpholqei er fl a riz the city, and Illy one. •t\�alnting Upholstering;done,,now i - the tune. 'IA big stook o %IAItiLOR,; Eznitoo ac anal tazlrTlrTG ROOM BVZTE ,n stoo , 'c>CPhiC is will be .sold ohoap for Thxxt9' 9' da s. Caine'and get, a bargain, and -get prices find before buying ()xa file goods RED ROCKER STORE ex, to Marland Bros., Clinton. EiAVI Jlr�1' R, t'[:IlrEl;)', f Jrost a stoc i,)1 AL1. l ii4 f)� 6'0. PAr8TIc•t(L.!1R" nriY,`I` WEEK. K, YHARLAI> I t0S,, (;LiNTO1