HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-10-26, Page 6A MODEST 0) APPLICATION. The following tile litodeog application re- ceived in answer to an advertisement for a anchor which appeared in ono of the county papers recently. Believing that it may be •• .. PRIZE LIST. The following is the balance of tbe prize is listof the Hellett Evil Show not given last week :- , HEAVY DRAUGHT UORSEs . - Brood mare having raised foal in 1883, 1 and 21 Batten- e e I au • - bury. Sluing foal, colt or Idly, Horton Innis. 3 yr old Gelding or Filly, I II. Me- Mordie, 2 R. ,Carter. 2 yr old Gelding, or filly, 1 Forsyth & Liner, 2 B. McIalordie. 1 yr old Gelding or filly, J. Av,ery 1 and 2. Heavy draught team, 1 J. McMillan, 2 Mrs, T. Ale-ef. ichatile Best imported horse or•tnare, any age or class, Horton & Innis. ]3n - tire drarlght yearling colt, Canadiau bred, J. Mason. . Best Filly over 2 years old, .Cana- dian bred, Jas. Tabb. Best feel csired by Boreland Chief, 1 J. Wigginton, 2 W . Wise. ` lloen or. CARRIAGE 310R8Es.L-B!!ood. mare, 1 J. Avery, 2 Wm Cooper. Spring celt or filly, 1 J. elodland, 2W. H. Scott. 2 yr old Gelding ea filly', 1J. Avery, 2 Thos Tipling. 1 yr old Gelding or filly, . I J. Wilson, 2 P McGregor. Yearling Stallion; Mesers. Mc- Gregor - McIntosh. Span Road or Carriage Horses or Mares, 1 Thos Bissett, 2 L. But- ter. Buggy herse or mare, 1 A. Bogie, 2' T, Bissett. Saddle horse or Marc, 1 G. ShipleVe- 2 R S. McGregor. e ' , AGhICULTURAL Hoeses.-Brood•maxe hav- ing rait,ed foal in 1883, land 2 J McMillan. Agricultural team, J McMillan, J Thorpe. Spring foal, Horton & Innis, J Marquis 2 -Yr old filly, C Dale, jr, G Pope. Yearling geld- _ ing or tilly, J Dale, Geo Irving. 2 -yr old gelding, Jas Archibald, W A Grant. Span of agricultural horses, J, Thorpe, Jas Stevens. Mare and foal, any class, Horton & RIM. JUDGES -Hugh Love, Hine` Green, L. Hunter, Exeter, Mr. Coppin, Mitchell. Tamema it MUSD CATTLE. -Milch c ow, 1 and 2 13 Snell and Sons. Durham female,H Snell and Sons. 2 -yr old heifer, A Innis, G -Ma- •dloton. 1 -yr old heifer, A Eleoat, (e Middle- ton. Bull Calf, A Elcoat, G Middleton. • Hei- fer calf, II Snell Zit Sons, W J Biggins. 'Herd , of three females and one male. H 'Snell & Sons. NATIVE OR CR A.DE CATTLE. - Mach cow, Il Snell & Sons, 0 Disney. 2 -yr oldheifer G Shipley, J Braithwaite. 1 -yr old heifer. Id Snell & Sons, G Shipley. Heifer calf, J Marquis, C Disney. 3-yrio1d steer G Shipley, J Dale. 2 -yr old steer, 0 Shipley, 'G.,,Cross• , man. Fat cow or Heifer, G Shipley- , JGDOEs.-J Tough, Stanley, Geo.Stanbury,_ Stanley, J Cufning, Ilullett. •. . Try itUfapirv'ereth'sapepaib6hiaiendCsetraretnete, bunnst .. . bruises. It is a preparation of Viteeeline, Car- bolic Acid and Claret°. It will eure•rany 'aor-- where all other preparations fail.l.r-Uall et,J. 11. Corabe's drug store and get 11-packaee. e cteerut to such few teachers as cannot toot lwenty,five cents is all it costs. ' w we LEICESTERS.-Aged ram, 1 R. Cole te; Son, J. 0. Stewart. Shearling ram, 1 II. Snell -& Son, 23. 0. Stewart. Ram lamb, I ILCole'&", SOD, 2 W Clark. .PairagedeWes, 1 H Snell& Son,2. J 0 Stewart. Pair ShearlingEweielle: Cole & Son, 2 J 0 Stewart. Pair.Ewelern114 1 H Snell & Sons, 2 B. Cole.& Sen. .0xforde Shropshire, Or SouthclownsAJI.Stielltie,Srifts, J 0 Stewart. ; ' • , .. .t. t t Coesworate.--e.Aged Rene. 1 3. Cuming, 2 J. Marquis. Shearling Ram,,1, J Southcombe, 2 11. Snell & Som. Ram lamb, I H. Snell :84 Son, J Curning. Pair aged Evres,1 H Snell & Son i 2 J Cumitig. Pair Shearling ewes, 1 & 2 .3 -Tinning. PaiT-E weelaTabse--1--IF---6-aell--et Son, 2 J Clueing. . 'LARGE BREED PIGS. -Aged Boat, J .Sten - bury. 'Sew having littered in 1883, eJ Stan - bury. - , , ,, SMALL BREED PIGS, 'SUFFOLK -Aged,. trar,G Plews. Sew having littered in 1883~4 & 213 Plews. Sow pig ureter 6 months. old, .Wm Dere per SMALL BREED PIG8',- BERICSMEN;-1-G ,..A Coeper, 2 S (trey. elew,1 5 Grey,2J Avery. Boar pig limier one year, 1 e. Grey, J Collies. .Sow pig under one year, J Avery, T ' State - bury. Sow pig under eixe„IporttLise S Or'1,. 6 A Cooper. Jueoes.-W Ross,Mitchelle L t Tasker, Hullett, 3 Moseley, Gederich. . 1 POliLl'IlY . --431ack . Spanish, W Grieves, T . Beatty. Light 13rahmas, T Beatty, J Her-. risme Da-rk Bralimas, T.Beetty, . 0 Onopere Grey Dorkings, 1 and 2 .W ferieveste ,, Black polands, \V 11 Scott, T. ifoatty. .: oritien poi. - ands, A .1 Wilson. Spangled ,liatrilete'gs. eA. J Wilson T Holloway. HonderiseWe. 'reeves.. . Partridge cochins, 'W Grieveseeer'Beattee: Plyroonte„reeles, 1 and 2 w Glie.ves..,.... Buff. cochinp.. • T Beatty. W Grieves. Conneeeilei, .1 and 9 NV Grleves. Bantams, T... Beatty, .W Grieves. Ducks, j Ewing, W Grieves:: Melee covet, T Beatty, W Grieves. Geese, Wei Grieves, T :Beatty. Turkeys, l'eos Fettle!". P & 2. Collection Singing birds, Mrs W Mur- ray, P. McLennan. Collection :of Pigeons, T Beatty, T Tipling. Colleetion • of 'feeds', T Beatty, Wm Grieves. - ' , , LerLemeseS.--, Siegle .buggy, covered, Fe Ruinhall, If Oanteloe. Single buggy Open, II Ceutelon, J Brunet -len. Single cutter, J 13 Weir. Panning mill, McMuYchire & Om r Gang PloweJ B Weir. Iron- harrows, Thos Tipling. Field roller, J Brnriticion. Demo• crat weggou, J Brunsdoe; .F Remball. Tut nip cutter, Jas Young. Set horse • shoes; 11 Jones, T Tipling. Pump, J ROSe. Wooden axle petene skein lumber waggon, Wilson' &it MeNelly, J Brunsdon. Wooden- piety, nes Tipling. Wrought iron beam plow, JEWeire• J•Mill ere -Horse Hoe oreseuillerej_Yeeueg,eje B Weir. .. , . Juieees.-H. Stinson, 'Constarule, .3. •L:18 - hero, Londosboro. ' DOMESTIC MAN UFACT p R ES. --.1101.ilO ' made cloth, Miss Nash, lime made fiaapel; Miss Nash, MeEwen. Herne made.blankets, Miss Miss McEwen, 0. -Nott. . Factory.e.enade cloth,. Corbett & Boles. ,Factory rusde blankets, Corbet & Boles. Factory intide.flannet, Cor - bot & Boles. Gentlemen's. sewed ' boots,: .,0 Orniekshenk. Gentlemen's tagged b.00te; .0 - Cruickshank, Parka' Set;"A Bennette-Maille work ,NV H Cooper. Home' made wine Tiles,. pear. . . • . THE COUNTY JAill..,, STATISTICS. The followineesynopsis of the County Jail 'Report for the year ending 30th Sept, 18$3, will be found of interest :-Number Of prieon- ors committed for the year, 58; of these 46 were males and 12 females. Of the. total . number 20 were committed for vagraneYeel 1' males and 9 females ; 8 for larceny, 7. for,cOn, temp teof-courte-5-deunk-andetlisorderlyet-5efo re insanity, 1.foe horse ste'alleg, 1 for assault with intent, 1 for forgery, 1 forj :perurer:T:1 for. illegal voting, and the:remaining' 8were i or minor offences. Of the: whole number115 were married and 43 unmarried, an impettent fact for bachelors, Governor Dickson says. The greatest number confined at any time- - euring the year was 15, lowest number' 2,. Daily cost per prisoner for ratiets, 9 ' cents.. The daily averageof priseetere during the year was 6 and e.fraction. While the letel number of prisonore coinmitteci for _the year is the lowest for the. past 12 years' the: daily average for the 'mouths of May., ,enne, 'Sely; August and September of the preeentt goer.. is . tthe largeet that hag been for Hie .pasteal:6 ' years, it beirig a faetion over 7: The average number of days to each prisoner was 41 - aneL a fraction. The .totel netnber Commttte , last year %vas 87-72 males , and 15. .feinalese , showing a falling off in the limber' ef, tom; mittals for the present year of 29, which, speaks well for the morality of our ceurity: Salt lumina cared. Aro you troubled with Salt Rheum, RoUgh LSkin, PinAples or Clehicer soree ; it sot go at once to J. H Combe's drug store and get a package of McGregor & tIarke's Carbolic der. ate, Price twenty•five cents, et was never known to fail, 1 BIDDLROOMBE, Watch and Clock Maker, JEW ELLER, &c., PER CENT DISCOUNT., iii it. It is a genuine copy even to the t - e • • e „net of eteeerseee and hooping cough. nius, ,perhaps. , . . • ; -... Clinton, f3epte22ud,,B3. .• 0 THE-- - SDI-10UL BOARD, . infer:Med that your • -Q.,,I1N-T.14011iN-'1- Iant amat -, ARRAN ' B RATTEN'CU ' 1 & TIS.1)A.I4L . A N .14 'E R S , ' •. „ ERY ST.. r CLINTON, ''./ .1.1PY.1,1111157 WV: 1:11.1M 1.11491 ' ' „I WA TCHES, CLOCKS; ' • WARE. Which we will Seh . • ' ws MC A , IL ,•,•11., a gurr• e • ' " ' ..,- JEWATLERY, SILVER- . • . " ' . . at reasonable rates. --) , • ' " , e . o ,.„ u ......-... ar .. ,, . : .r. H, .3 .._- g- E. EI= . ouge _ - ' ar ;hoot will be vacNew Yeand now roceed.to offer you'ely valuable services for is year comtnencinz at that period. Hear tg you 'want•a vete,. tilicient etacher I have eoubt tie to I . , , SUCCESSORS TO.' JOHNSION 'TISDALL & GALE $ : i - ' RePairing of every tendsd t,o,and all work Centon Nov, 1982 •• . „ ?. , . .: ' ' , • description promptly at warranted.' .... J...B.IDD4ECO.TIBE. ' 1/4..... . . WE OPEN S leCial- CaSh',Disetinirt. ....... , , , . „ , . 'THE. FALL 'CA.MPAIGN. BY, ANNOUNCING ' ' 'fti ' Teti -•twr . . ' Cilii-t •••' oil o you will glad secure me. m eix 'feet Feral sex ;inches thlgle v. hen I et . pin the Morning staucling without. my OCRS , . . FITRANSACT A GENE,RAL iii.NRINOBBSINESS. 4.. Moneyadvancee 'on' Mortgaina'and Notes of hand s n. I N weigh more after uir al.; than before teals a great deal.. I 'cv`ei211 before" going AO - . s ed nearFS" ti•Iree 'hundred PC'unOs'e° 3.°11 can asi.ly see I cen lick arty man in yeur section ,,..,t saying arything about women and chit- 'rem' But in the 61.4 place 1 want to know. bunt a, boarding: house as that is fe very .:int•-• ,ortent poiut in seleool teaching. I Won't °aid inc helifee where it is headed girl Drafts islet -led payable at par, at all the: offlees of the Merchant's Bank of ciimada. , Now Yoii, oxelsisogf,' bought and sold. PRoMDT.ATTENTION r AID To CoL- LECTI,ONS throughout Canaan and the United States- , ' , ' - .. ' • ,- \ SALE NOTES -BOUGHT at close ratee, a.na Money advanced to farmers ort.theirown notee,foranylongth of time to suit the borroWef;Alltattrketable eeetie. tieebough tand sold, -• -..- ' ' ' - - ' " ' •• • ; KEBAB IN NEW YORE AGENTS OP THE BA ' • Faissisiss.wss' . ; II ._, , lit k 11. 1 .... . ,Stock is new a . owesgiires, t lt fi -discount - • , er4r" -Our E'SGLISII .. , 'Black ,aild • eg oirs:BLACK . . Pliliri-,Atid , .. • ', :Heavy ALLIVOula , . NG our order, and '. ' . *See our...Long . . rlieles.,' 01.1)ry all& .amit 0,0tS complete it; all clePartni,ents. and . is ' :now ' • , to cash, P9rchasers, fortable garments for sliewilig-. of FE and Canadian . CCorei ,Cashteres., aid COLORED , fan.cY. Wintie.s. -A 1-1" . FLANNEL full . .. ,, , _ B 0 .guaranteed to be, • patent saddle .. . . Boots, sizes .6 . , • . .-61()ods alld it- Offered at, our , , gives all.; an the cold season, EN() 11 Tweeds, allit...,Falley,,,_,Drost . . , , ' 'VELVETEEN .. Plain ' ' , .h.r. width iac . We • in the best of seam,, which . , , to10 - at • clothing .. Sii;leSs . . has keen carefully selected, usual low prices, which, . .. ., 'opportunity of ;securing .good . , •, WORSTEDS, SCOTCM at e, small cost 11 , is. '-very-..att.iiiktive... - • ,., . , . . ,Gool f 1 'S Iff'atiliftil and fitti.ey Flannels. 1 - . - • ' -3.11(1 '10 -. per en .oll • shew a very large .stOck orEong-Boots- .. • . both Men's and' Boy's size; leether, and" best woikmanship, . . : cannot rip. t ' . „ -- _ •81 80 --and IO -percent- .. . s-' . . . : " ,. bought with e011e- „., 1 .1.., ;ijiii odg' Made with off. . • , the • : ., , . . to- a red . . ' '; ' . hat_rriekes the portage inMERCHANTS BANK 05 CANADA ethe morning fee it , '• . ,, - :- ispecial S too hot and I cannot eat enough. I cen- 1V.TEREST ALL° WED 0.2s7. DEPOSITS .ot bear fat porkenetbiag- but a .good :Itteibt nd a calf alternate mornirigstwill'imit inc as .,...'W W :PARE;AN ' j l' .1'181) AIL . ' • -91,,oliPthli Se I I- . 13 1 1 Su ' s i6nRe sr sB and ' k' MAKES eeps ces'A[a. uSPECIALTYtI yonhs d a arge asscirttnent of- ' - ,, - • have, an end iu view ie. bring myself to e limax anel want te leaVe ''you in, .a good lealthy condition. .' I used' to teach docvn, ,the ountry end the folks they: liked inc 'Ito . well ". hey thoughtelt,a pity to •see Me teadli' and , rtibed Me to leave and do good' to .otliers. ,did it. for .t.he good Of . the world. - I • have aught in circeee of 'effluence and good ,breed - ., and t'cimeider, myself able to run yoUr . itilt, -show., rhaVe po dentate., can 'make it „,.' n a fewewteks RH' academy of vehicle you will. oe. piteud, eenl, if you hate „any, Young , ones liatenre in•lie'eceef a tliiirothebeeleeMPIllierian entjled beflerieseenteitie. 7PeiVantet Strictly inderetood that'ehildien bavieg the measles, , , loopifig emeghe itch, cholera, dietheriai and ,thE,,,like'slietheft'a ,e -to be :pt4 in, iny ehaiige t net Opeciallye /Mee having eititelifarnis'where ,he head is the .f,oldeatirlt. are eshaded: by the ntir. ' I want an ,eS'siet".ant to lielp,, rie: ..She. eill have:rnest'of the leielfinge,J. will de `the felting ineeelf. Doan where I need to teach • ftetAl(jl'IRCiber'.:rS 'G A.T Or :ALL , , , .' . . ROBES-. kiNDS. • • . 0-- .. . I , . • ' ' • e• ..." t'' • .."- '' '''.•re . C°FFINS I, CIASETS:, . , . ;COFFIN TE;IlVISIINGS; _, ' - ' SHROUDS, ' ' 1 , And eirerythi'fig in the Undertaking line, a'ncl .ean furnish 'everything' Suitable.for, a funeral . • , e on the shortest notice and ' ' . ee , At 111stI-sblt8loieaallaeRaeg TWO 'SPLENDID HEARSES ' • ' . : ' ' • . ' ' .1 . , KEPT COR• : . .. Hee, ' , RENIEMBER . THE YLACE ' . r. OPPOSITE I THE Tovtt, HALt. : , * 1 ,had,a gond Sobel)! and the reason I' left it . • VERY CHEAP2.. [wasinterfnred-With'but I ace. bigger now • tnd ,I- itity. the HIDH that infeTferes with - me.. . .„ . t it 'would,:be better that a stone were li,anged We L. !Nzwir oN5. heck. As forany r ' ' . " . , - ' ;THOS .1 STE'lE.NSON • • ---, •:, , ' tlieufhis reli...gioh am the. - • .' . , ,. , , , • . , . • ,, . ' ' tarne•religion'as tbe -trustees, aro-and regular, . . We .• will: Set the hall' le?Iling on'TUESDA Y, SEPT.. llth', when We will commence - t . , . dividing.profits 'with -our' cash. ctistornere, by , giving e ten r epri,t .ptece. or itdequivalent to. all: who Purchase goods to the extent of One Dollar, 'ONG' DOLtket To ALL WHO. , . . . , ..,..,.. , I • • . , , .., ..., MAKE A TEN DOLLAR, - PURCHASE.' -TEN DOLLARS 70 ALL WHO • MAKE A liIINDREL. ' -Dolt-AR' 1 UROFIASE. ' . : ....- . . .1ges Bement ere the goode are tilnt• ye, we ... f'llg )t, and emerked. n,t 1,m. prices, Whatever you .receive in the way of eliscount-te to. you oreetai eeelle. - • ' • . -----------', ., . • . ' . -, . .. :,... • • • , . ' • ' ' , CALL AND INSPECT 'STOCK AND COMPARE ..P.RICES.- ' , ,, , , . , . . , . . y etteed wo,rehip if they desire it. .I knew 0-LINTON. ' • Ili 1111111114A0 ' Rig ill about polities and can vie With any, states- • Men in that reset et.. I know I will snit- pin • Tifi1 there. The fellnws bae-e le .ket,p pretty quiet - . luring elvetion tinics if ,•ihey don't 'Want :to ' Incdrporaied 4nt. hurt. ....Du, ing my primary 'education, no On•e..tliotightaewasehalf as smart Rti I am now ' ' - - - • • 4.10LSONS RANK -I ; '. . ' . • ' , • '• . I ' I • .." . • . • . . • by Act !,4 Parliament, 1655: - C.A.'PT.t-iI„,;:' ."; ' ', tfe2,000,0Qa. ` • ' . tililfili:UM:1111111DIT: ,I , . • ••• ' . . • I , • .,,, ' ' . ! ,-,- . • . ,. • . ' • ' - . JOS.' WHEATLEY; PRO,P-. 1 %Ith'eti”b they thonoht.I was • •" t . make ee''' . -'Teens .,, .. , 8 geing . o ..,.... my meek inthe %amid. . If you are in. Want 11:EAD UFFICE IVIG.NTLEAL. ' • ' ' . . ' . • . • . . ' . - . of some tine -to give you lessons in Morality I : • • ' ' . ' will now,offer you my eervicee for: .that. 'My ,THOMAS W011KMA31,...........1'.re.sidpent. • • . . MOLSON .......,....1, ice- res.. experienee in thie line is.not fp . great, aeieftrty 11. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS Gonerallianager. s . ;free bus in....Conneetien With, fife Ttatten- .LC, bury Holten. and.Grand Union. Hotel ,' calls left a.t either of the -above houses. wilt • . • Promptly aett.efid, eet ,.. ' ' .; • . - Iiaggage Wagon .ruri in ernareetion with bus. aed au be, • .: this. profession -but -I -he ve. ercrleeerrealiorten .recom t tnending.myself., to yon. 'I believe. en giVing good- 'Wages to teachers %and "Ilniniaters. Teachers' with . third class^ ceitifi'cates • mid without any. experieede not loss .than 8400 . . and those tn,ore capable a suitable advance. Preachers of my stending anti iii 'the' infancy 'Of ;the profession might werk for et300. ,. ' „Get,tiorieti,. 1 haye said nothing 'Yet in tee.• gard to cur engaging 'me at 'at`iy salary but ail enay preachltenrevene-tisevell tie. teach --for . . , . ,. yoee I offer' to ,teadlefor'yomfor $450. ' I Went it - - 1Voles cliscowilted, C611e.clions .'''otc!tl.q, Drap..s isited, Sterling ...an,(1....„Ao.eniciwi....e,ral.m.A.g.e -. ' '. bourilit a4d. sol,c11 at loweal , , re .e.E.;).errent ,- ra te8. ,. .• • , NTERES'i . AL1,OWED.ON DEPOSITS. . ITA:13,1NXER,S , ' Money adv.all'eed• fp ra,rinet.t;.on,•their own .snoes .1:vit.,11. one or rnOre endorsers. No inorto:age-ren timed. as. se, cui'it'''. e ' - -...IL-C-.1-13. iiii)V,, it M iie.r, • . .Janeary 1863., ' ' ' Clinton. .., - - CHARGES ,MODERATE: Remember ' -She old: estab,lished Eus 'Line. . . „ . lev.,Father:Wilds', ' . . . -EXPERIENCE" , ... . . . . • , . .., 11,-. Llev.. 2,'. r. 7114€4,., :r-e1.171cnoiyn; ' '1 .""lrY l'n Ne...7.3`°!rk' a!?-4-b-t-°-*I-i..--1'9,r, t:,-..:. 3 nil n en t JudgelWilliln, of •the,Isiassaeliu • tette, e Supreme Court, 'writes as'follows: . ,.. . ity ; h." . , . .. .._ . :1•1\ii ril.r17• M' - ------- . tEN.T, Di couN - rf,..iii subseriber . , 'the late,st L., , , t e!,, ------ir.7...!,,.--._.:Dtor_., tee. `="-- - ' - -eltgallr&-ett. Reetreorem . _1 b ' •!1 •:....1,0900- ,, r !,(•,' •----:1----4-llt •"''''" ill01011: , - t.•1..0 _ . _ • ., s, inigi, .'... j v lo -t-.,_,...-,----,...- , 11 .:.•,__ has.' a. I teroe stook „Of . tie w ..:017:12142:lit • WOOD • . .... .. .. • ' . • „ .t.losiens tWleidt will he sold it the,. Veter lowest.' prices. - ......_ ' ....... .. ' _ ... , . , .....! • , , _ ,.. _ ,i, . ,. J. . . , . . . ., . ., , , . . eALL AN1) SEE. IT. ., STOY.ES . ... . , ,-of . • paicrever,y month so if r kill it elming mid . . . . P-eare elear out. and lnive nearly all. my . ealary with -'111,,., Yon can get 'agreement forms and . . fill there cut end teen eend theni to Me to sign for I •Lcnow. vett Will he happy to. secure mef . I live :twee ' from town; and come to . . ., . ttoten I o' oust this, , leepectitig tO see Seel all well at _Neve Year; ` , ' - ' • ' - ' 1 let 13 )1 . ' . i Yinir.leachee.nrel eireactlier ' feienede S. Y...D . : : . . ‘,/ ‘N iN-r,-r-i 0 to tuOrti., . ;; FOR' ' ' '.A• - ' C littAllis ' : GItOCERIrs , . ...:1,.... . . t't ` • . - -. • 'Cifooktry -.. Itlasaware- &a- . t ,....'..ti • ' 1 .7"'-' . ' ' • . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' .' ' ' ' Copmeat. : "" `' 14 ' - . ., ' . .• ', '' " ' haml„ B. 541.71'St.1,, New l'ork, Ilfay 16, 1882. ,NESSI:';;.. ee C. Aytat & Co'1,Geetleenent: t '. Last -winter./ was teoubled with e, most. micone. fortableitching, humor affecting more eseecially niy lirtees, which itched so int.olerably at ' and burned So interisely, that e eeele sparce,ty - farnoym'ealestheviseurgeeceeeaetrat/rtrbiieraeifid. Ictun,tetiasr.itlitY'een'sgthite;tfirneyr : eppetiteevespoerearetenyeystemeego_ott deal 'ClOwn...,;It.-noteteg -the .yedied, eetfeeeres,,Seitswite- nyereAeby observation of .many.okher .CDSOS, frotir•pirsoDal uiesin former Years;Th6gantaking '4 "fo'r, flie'Weve-tennied •disortTers.' '-.N1 y 'neve • , •• night. bear run , • and ,' 'tee , , . , .. .- _. - gr9cal aud : alwa)ts. oil ' ' ' Improved. almtist frdm the first desc. After a ; ,... ,,,IiiAttinSe 'Fluid Itightuing Is the only iristeneous' relief-. for N.ettralgiai Ifen,daCht:l., . 7'Ootlinclie,:&t3,. ' •','.u.b1.3itili, , a few drop,bi.18.kji:is' all '6,hetis.needecie, .Ne tal; ing neneeou:s rriedichies. for Weeks . but • ' ' - u•te',1 'applicable:di retamees all pain en.d Will , . , prove 'the. great value of Krain'e Fluid Lighte: ing. . 'r wenty•five cents, per bottle „at J..11. Cora -bee, drug stere. .. - . ' - ' • : . -, ' . . • •• • • ' z . . ' :: .. ''' ''' ' . ' r.' . • . Dan, fttt7'ilelobratoi ,EnghshireakiastD. ' ,,, ... ' -,,, . . . , .' ..„„,. ... ,..,..r. : . r ')I49ar C'11.11'ett'••ri a'n1"5' • ' 'Ln'nftl - u 1°4. ' Bacon : . ', . 4,nd ...N.o. ..1 L (1RD . ..- ' ' ., : • ' • • . At prices' vsitiet .cannot be beaten!, i a' tewn... , ' . . . - ' ' '''''-•-•. ' - • ' ' . ' ' .. . i' • HIS' 60 •C ' 'TEA A 'SPECIALTY. , . • . ' short time the fever and itelfiagit ere allt•tycilcinal all signs of irritation of the skiu.dittappe tred. eetarrht and cough e ere also lcured by the means and my gcnerel health greatly unproved, ..to it..is .now excelient. 1 feeeti hundred. 1 gent et`rouge,r and 1 8,,trit,nite thes.e results uge or 'the' "SaltSAPARl LL A,' WIIH,•11 .1. recomMend I , with all teamed:elide. as the best blood,Inedietre, ever 'devised'. I took' it- iMiarnaii---tle.). se's - melee a day ; mireueed.; in alleless,than two -bottles. -II.o.pliTieileattilotensiel'iftta;teso,agtooYcoLur...*,§er vice,. Ittop_ing respectfully, e.,P. I; 11.,D... . „, , , ... . ,. , -many 111y r some . per to the . • three t:be, ir r, .. ' .. T 1 /T.. ift- I Veofeo'oio . '' ' ' '1144 all4 .044cer 1/411r140 SOLE AGeetT.FOR • . ,.. -. 'URIC SOAP . 'Ph e abdve inStance is but ono of the , , . , Stoutly coniing to ournotice, which .0rove the g - f-ct • adtipt,ability Of.!AT,ETI'D con- per- TO., ..„,,, ‘,.....,...„.,,,, i,i,risio.N-. col- n/r CLERK, V I • Conveyancer, &c. ,Oftice, Eat:. 3nburv Street Clinton, Ont.. - . ' • . ; I • ' T HOMAS COOPEE.,. , • • ' • ' ;,ALI3ORAC STREET. CI4INTONL . . ,SRESAVAIIII,LA" !'the cure of all diseass arisintrt frotiOmPor,e poverisherl.blood, ana a, weakened Vitaiity.• .; , ,. .; ,--1 ..•.,, , • . nir. or im- ' . -, 1 . . • vrARRIAGE LICENSES. --APPLY : •. TO THE 13.1- undersigned at the. Library , Rooms,. 'Smith's moo, . . • N • , : JAMES' SCOTT. - . - - 2 ' • . - - • S . t. • I .- 4 .! i. , ,... EOWI ER' St ' SON. '.... 'Ayei's.::.,Sairsa-pard cleam!es, enriches, and. ,ntrengtliens (ho ' ' ' ' ' ''' ' '.blood''• Stimulates"the action, of',ihe st-sikrateb ancilbowelsi- 'enables 'the res.ist a• , . . -re rt. ,FORRESTER, ' 'CONVEYANCER,' LAND, .1, . Insurance. and General Agent, !donor to loom, OITI.CD, BEAVER 131,068 Clintoly 'Ont. .1. ' TITONEY T 1 4.,E1 ND IN 'LARGE. OR SHALL Omni i Ili gOoti mortgage seCurity, •moderate ate oeititereste H. ILILE,Clinton'::.,,,..._ ........,_....._. :BEST STOCK. •OF - ' ' ' . " . ,.. . . .. . • .... • . __,,,..... .R 1 NG'S LI 1441 And,thereby eystenytto Mi'd.oVer- Cotrie tbe attacics of ail Scrofoleir's Di aqa se s,: ;lions of (IncSkin, Pliennuttisin, at-tarrh," (h.1,1rfa • imbiatn, and all disordei's resulting;ront poor , . cbrrupted blood and it lon't state, of the system. - f PICHPARE13.111- . D .1..C.•A "er .& Co -Lowell 'Mass. F.:rup- , , or . . .. j..A -.V.- . TEA AT, 95 'CENTS PEP.1 1' . '1R.1- IT.. , TRY OUR 50' CJENT 'TEA... CANNO, E 13-E,A1.- '10 'LBS ' , . .. ,, , .. . - ,eap A :LIST OF:LANDS II,•T FITIRON 170,it !SALE -BY J-3,.. thirCanada Coranany, may! be seen it the:office ' -If IN TO Wet.: .Soldhy :-1.11 DrUggistsi; price el, sixtbottitesTlitTee. he undersigniii. ' .. !I &LE, Clinton: .• ' ' • ', . . ..., • ' . ant' ' eeiree:-.1et'e -AYER S , . n H.. DD,WSLEY, .M. 134 I1I; C.R. S. CNGLAND eiee Physician, SOrgeoti, etc., O'ffico and tesidence ...„.,-.,4,.4.1s...,. Bank, mar,"icet square, Ciinton.' • .. . • . .. - . •... ....,., , ,? CATFIARTic . ' • r • • FINE -PLATED WAR. ---k ft" ii.tataA ----,Pit-LS W---11.-IT-E' Boots it All onir.,Tall: A NYTIIIN,G, ."IN wear,' froin, ;$4.,,,p(ii- ' • . '• ,' ' '--- Wante ..,. \17i11 SUGAR., 1, 0R Fil.. • - .7-, . .Shoes ,....B1,4: i eclite, lions' 011 Silltinter..... o...ods.' lines' of(BOOTS 'A Nti SHOES' are ticu,v coluplete. i WE CAN UNDEliS Ij1 LE.' •' 'TUE TRiDP 'IN' , FAL); A. N O. 'W I...N T it: ,(1-0 0 D.:4. MEN'S EO9TS, 'heavy pair, upward. ' '.F.ELL'I' \YEAR' air .1 MEN'S LONG ROOTS, `,ert.. . ' cheap. Ire,poet our1 • - - • , . , . .. . . 3-0, 0 . , ()(,)()('I t11 -Si Winteil A ' . ' i • ',1)1)16Si ,,.. .. , a3 the highest cash. Prick:. I$on't sell until 'y oil see -it: , , Sept 2883 --THOMPSON &•SWITZER: . . . DR. APPLD'YO.N.-OFFID,E-eAT RESIDENCE on'Outario street, Clinton, oppeAite tlie English Pur.getive' Medicine- Cbtirch. Entranci3 by,sidege,te. • •. • • , ' '. • . ' -.Best ' '. • • • . • - •.. . Aire ': 't Tht ti n f time, i', mid:toile', 3.1'1'01'1;1;10118 • • and " ' • - • (-1,..YOUNG, M. B., {GRAD,HATE. OF TORONTO s.,..,•Univereity;)Physician, Surgeon, &an', residence at Mr.'Manning's, three doors cast of the Temperance flall„Londesboro,-Ont.JEWELLERY . • NEWEST'OESIG•NSik • • . . .. , . , . ' 1,s ,,, n.tlige•F. DiAorder8.• , • Sti144'everywLern. i',,Y9.1ways. reli.:.31)1.4.t, , . TA DrCKINSONe 'LICENSED AUCTIONEER for tbe Cbunty of Huron., Sales' . 'SOAP SOAP SOAP,. ' ' ' . .1_,.. , , etteneed to promptly. charges Moderate. ;Residenee Albert et, Clintonf t . . e . . . ....... ' ' ,done . Promptly. . . ., 1 ., Turk. &gris.. BLACH(StONE, teachers of Vocal' and .19-1,- Instrumental re este, Rattenbury Street, near Or- gan . Factory. N. BSinging Class.' now l'ornillig„ ,Hepairing. 'fen. Alas- petil..1882. . , .. , , . ' ; , . P•ci , Violin Lessons, given,. : ' ' • Denton, Fee. 16, 1662. '. ' ' 6ELLING OFF .. NO I TOIDT lgETCALFE,. Veterinary Sur,,,,etni; from, the fir Itoy_____,..al Collette of 'Veterinary SIlIgOODS of England: '1 tiffeeetipe etespatches .atten, ed to at once.. OFFICE AND. RDSIDENCE, ON'T.S.R10 STREET, ebINTON". ', " , ' , . • ' ,. - I , .GLIN10,--, . " . , _,,,,,.. . D". EoElliVE.,-.01.P.F.ICE ' RATTENBUity • :35.`, .-,. Murray Block, two,tloors east.oL Hodgens'-enACQ trance. ReslIonno, opposite the Temperance Hall,. ro.... Street,. Clinton. Office hours, 6 a.m. to 6p.m. I) .. ,/ • • . ..- .• : • • ''' , make room fol Christinas,Stock. . ' „ . , !NO. .2- f -i, pr • ,.. A • 7!Iteri . is tile , e .• • ''.4!,,;"‘A ' ,..f, ..is e ' =.:' ., .. k 'ill 1 , - . ...1)cst til.ave.,.tiii•-•d6a1 . . . T4,1,11,1i• 14)11 ' ' .., , ,,... , 1 • - .1141.-Y-. Wall- this' .... ..To Ix RS.' WHTTT,' TEACHER OP I1IT/TC. PUPILS . • 17.1. attenancl !It their dive residence if necessary Re-, 01( 101105 301111 Robertson e, Ituron 'litrect, ()eaten. . .1 . ' ' . '. : ' ' " . ' 10 PEEK Rice's new method tanglit ' if desired. • ' , ' ' . - . ____...,..._. I' OFF ALL- GOODS . ' ' - 1 . i by P -e'' ES'ciriOirteotna; Sztzti(pleCo.,, ottLI°Z11!1.11:c011a: . nil. STANBTYRY, 'GRADUATE OF ,TDE MEDI .1"-ICALDopRrtmont of Victorio'IJoivorsity,Toronte,for . ' . , rnerl of the Hospitals 'and Dispensaries .Noir York Faney GOods 'Toys' of a,11,.kinds Coroner for the County Of Huron,Bayfield;Ont,. ' ' ' " 1! ' • ' ' ' • ' ' .. ' • Picture Photo Frame- tends largely throughput Eng • ' land Frattee, Germany,. Aus: . - ! ' tria and Italy: ' ' ,,, ..,.. - a'iad s, R ',,,v. WILEIAM801..A., DI..13.,-G,RADUATE ar . " • • • • • it ' • ' • •Toronto UniversitY; reuniter of theCollegeofThy - Chrorao ' ,tc . Etc.. ' - eteiangand•SurgetintcOtit-,,' Ortinn 4.., MESIDENCE the hetet° forrectleeceupiee, by DI'. Reeve, Albert street Clinion'.--- . , . ...__.-_ . • . . , _, - • . ' . .,, , Manufactured in Canada only ., t' DR. WORTIIINOTON, PIIVSI!..HAN; :SBRGECN BIG- , BARGAINS. - Acootiebeur,Idecutiate of the CollegeofPhysicianq an et Sergeons.ofprkerCanatia,and PreViticitilLieen, , IN ALL LINES. - tiatc•and,CorotorfoireCOuntvof Hureth Officetind • essidence,-Tile bat ing formerly occupied by Mr • • li.), the al • . . I- 11,141.1tli •Soap Co. . . ,. V 0 . , rocer . It, , ' .-. • . ... , . . . • , ,., He -keeps the list' 'general 00 111 town. Everythini?; Fresh.. . , 3 . Qi - - ROBB '1,11e1Ixtocei ,1 elliral oceiy Clinton . . mit et.. . . ., c Linton, Jan , 10;1871. New 'York . Doniestic, Paper , ' - . , , (34 o- , .. .• . . • ..,,,,J,.. Et'I'W a IGJIIILT de 4.0N. ' Fashions. in Stock. '. r . . Dentisfsewitt , '40. , - •• Go.B_Eitiorr, viltii.Sdalorth every.Wocin 08- A.. day and TItursda and (Minton .every leitlay'of each , 1-1' MI C/1 : - weeeeeecept the.week when Tuesday comes first in the .. . . montly„eeth ON ractee waheat j , re Cearges 1 ' .0 . • iteelerate alld terra cash. -, ' ' '' ALBERT ST CLINTON ' 'tIVOS ,411TOS. alio.s