HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-10-26, Page 5U.Ii•S SND STATIUNER' 1l KAY'T Kopp.- Climax cough cakes. AROUND THE '.COU/ITY. Quick, sure cure ; of all dealers ; 1-5cts. The finest brands of Note Paper,, . in Cream, White and_Toned. 000 - m _ Out stock for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE is if ow complete, autl: HI be s014'-at-^Imicea T-O.SIII'l._ THE CLOSEST BUYER. €USTOM WORK.—We, cut the best leather in the Market, and guarantee to 'give satisfaction. TRUNKS & VALISES—P- ful' assortment and -very 'cheap. Eggs taken in exchnii a for goods. rr a per cent discount for cash: tV. 'TAYLOR -& SON, CLINTON, • at= var-i e-ty as usual -u al rye ., _._ H SIMPSC N. CIi'`nton. IF YOU WANT GOOD, CLEAR, STRONG, BRIGHT PICELES, BUY Palliser's strictly. Pure Spices We keep also the VERY BEST BRANDS IN VINEGAR, from the best manufacturers in the Dominion, at,th,. 'r, SPIOE' HOUSE, NOTED TE , COFFEE I !� BEAVER BLoCIt, NEXT TO TEE TO s '.f1AI r.; CL NTON' ' -6.'.PALLISER. -o. TDB I 1. at-cst lio� eiti se . Gaud, �!( the 1 m 1at� slocll 0� � 0�1 �llid ��jOtll ��1llI0Ci, t� �'Z11Gy C0� � MILLINERY OLTP. SPECIAVY. and onsets in 'Briar v Fall Hats and L Chip,in all. the new. styles'and colors. . Winter Hats and Bonnets in Beaver, shades. Plblsili4: Felt,. in new styles and FINE ASSORTMENT :OL` FEA'TIIERS.'' 1'IF=E-.ASSORTMENT OF- BIRDS:-- 'u HENT OF PO•ru P0aI5.. FIVE ASSORTMENT _ ERS. . 'N 'II rlss:or'r' E>rcz.lslr & I'Rl, FLOW. Beaver' & Telt Hats', and Straw Chin Bonnets done over in ali'lea"ding styles. ]es: We ben to call atten:ion oe.'our ctistOmr mid -friends o the fact thatn �having _bolt him_h_e best -markets ad_at -Jose prices, we feel con fident of gi- faction to all who may 'favor tis : with their patronage. -AA: BEEsL111/, . CK. E-�VE1��7.0 I\TOV; (:) r� ,�-,g, T•. . .t 'A large 5iocl� of t)lese noels �vllicll will •l�(, sold at_ very' .ante rices, Lansing .•F M"''.4.75 T- ,'_ • R,o. z� ,,The; 20 lit ISCO .r � �L c:' e.per ce . 1 IJNT . S ]� of . u,111�iE;l" t,tofj 35. 111', st coritiltie5.: out Y' LTE d TOCK. OF HEAVY. & LIGHT HARNESS LS " COMPLETE -� e ' . n 11 Trarik 111 ai rfor thehl' lioih C ,ar ►a a Slain � les n ° t'rn hand. s ltd l�,r, 11 g Y . , 8 naw. }s, 'ZTC2. rctt)riah 3Ioc (lilt> 1 c�r><: AGIE1NTT BiG PAY. !: LIGHT WORK. Active Agents, _ Ma1e__ or Female, -wanted at once in every Town ship, Town and Village, to canvas for z 07,4 q Y r) O to PVC U Y - C '.i>tyF'WyN L OCCR 0 UU�y?o'91 q041'".+7 c' tip ��:mArz., X :.. p, � Q4 -i p Lf �a .Ct �Ft-1.r. Q7� .460,8 Et l• m s=. —` iJ�Hj]gi3 49' a a •� C ..p •e mt=�a10 o� Cit P w.6. e45 .ao pc3� p T4 �:•G"'� �, mob ^• 5 9 4 n[...._. 9 • %WATTrl d• 4'0..,t *flf . e, ant un AYER'S PILLS.: A large proportion of the diseases which -cause' human suffering result from derangement of the tomach, bowels, and liver. AY -ER's CAI -Mane Prize act directly upon these organs, and are • especially, designed to cure the diseases caused. by their• derangement, including Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia,; Headache, Dysen- tery,•and a host of other ailments, for all of -whihh-they-are a -safe, sure, prompt, Anil pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these Pmts by eminent physicians in regular practice, shotes unmistakably the estimation in whish' they are held by the medical profession. ; These PitLS are compounded of vegetable sub- stances only, and are, absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious ingredient. A Sufferer from Headache writes 1.YEn'5 PILLS are invaluable to nae, and are my constant companion. 1 •have been a severe' s ttterer.frorn Headuche, and your PILLS are the only thing -I could look to for relief. f One dose wilt quickly trove: ray bowels and free my head' from pain. -They are the most effective and the easiest physic 1 have ever found. It is a pleasure tame to speak intheii• praise, and 1 always do,so when enea ton offers. r:., of W. L. Page & Bro." W. L.'P_r b Franklin SL Richmond, Va., June -3, 1882. �."I_1lavetttSet_Ati};rt'8 PALLS in numberless in- stauces as recommended by you, and have never knowni thein to fail to accomplish the desired re snit. "'We'codstautly keep them on hand at our home, and prize them as a pleasant' safe and reliable family, medicine: run. DYSPEPSIA' they are invaluable. J. T. HAYES." ataxia Texas June 17 1892 Dungannon Presbyterians presented, lllr, Bennett with a Purse of $50. 1'.ttr. L. AIurpbv. has.-pnrchasecl the Garry farm adjoining Seaforth. ' • Dox'.x •PUr.r, Ia'.—.Use Newton' • hila tnint)tii4" mo€hache cure. Relief at once • of all dealers' 15cts. Ur. Wm, Warner, of Grey, has sulfa farts lot 4, con.: 1!, Grey, to Mr: A: Dclgatfy, of McKillop on private terms. _Nits. A.11. Green has sold her farm of 100 acres, near Godericb, to Mr. Har tly, former- ly in Mr. rAttrill's cinploy, for 6,200.: Jos. Fletcher, late of the American hotel, Brussels, has leased the Central hotel of Mr, Mickes, for a term of five years. A -son- ofMr....Mho McLaughlinof the 2nd con., of 1v1cKillop, fell one day last week and broke his arm at the elbow joint. Mr. $: Reid, of Hariock, disposed of nearly $100 worth of eggs last Monday, all of .which were brought in in little more than two weeks. The out put of the Seaforth Creamery for the season has been three tons and a half, _and_.lLthe_batter-has=been-disp-osed of John Carnochan, of Grey, was driving a i reaper into the barn, ,when was caught be- tween it ands post and had his leo broken. Mr. $. McCoy hasbought the -Riley farm. in the Hay marsh, and goes into .extensive stock raising at once. '_Mr. NT. .Morlock,'ere ditan, has purchased' the Ross estate,.former- ly owited.Ilogers,by consisting of 90 acres ,for $5,500, The oldest son of lar. S. Foster, township clerk uf flay, was kicked on the abdomen by a colt r,n the l0111 inst., and died from the - 'ecas the injuries sustainsd ' day last. Itoof was a bright, promising onId Sun,of lE year. of agq. 16 your hair -turning, gray, and gradually ' fal ling out? Hall's Hair,Renewer will restore it' le its original- color, and' stimulate the follicles to produce a new and luxuriant g; myth. It\also cleanses the;scaly,eradieates: dandruff',and is a most -agreeable and harm• less dressing. \:lr. C. Oswald, one of the pioneer settlers •{ of the -township of township of Hay, died ori' the 1.4th inst. He had attained the good age of 83' years. 'Jo did not eat anything for 44 stays previous to Itis death and only drank a' little' water ;cceasionally: He , slept almost continuously. - 3rrs. A. Taylor has sold her farm on the $th•con of Hullett,te-Mr. 11. Ok', of Lon - dot read, near Exeter, for the sum of $7,500. The ,farm contains 100 acres and is good value for the money. - Mrs; .Taylor intens moving to 1- ausas,asSoon asshe disposes of her personal effects. , l fid and body alike suffer from sluggish action of theblood, the result 'of dyspepsia or,. bilumsnesa.'.-Ayer's' Wills will stir -up the liver, excite the stomach and bowls to activity, open the Pores of the system, and insure health of body, which.is indispensable to ntal vigor. On Saturday a little son;of Mr D.'Keunedy, of fort t; lanitobtthada;batte_y-e1 en out by Drs'. Ca nphell, df Seaforth, and Gunn, of'Brueet eld.,- When two weeks old the child had, inflammation in the eye, which burst the eye lc an'u 1. black muss rotrud• 9 �Y .. P inr between tt t t.en the eye lids and leas rod c1n ' �, s d p h w i` czs '.'Il.zniowe:writin�froiii tnLamntitn of the -good eye:: , The object of . Thefts SFr A, L �,. .Atla>tte;'Ga. ,says:- "For some years past have the ,olterationwas .to' .save the•good:eye. and •b" •t. o: constipation, from which in. been s,t teU t P , • .use of ineilfcines'of:various lrfads eprte of the I sulfer�edk rcr aeing inconvenience; until some months ago Lbegan taking AYER's PILLS, They have eutirEly corrected_ the"costive,-habit; andT have vastly improved inygeneraihealth." ... Al ER's CATRAWrte Pmts. correct irregulari• -ties of' the bowers, stimulate the appetite and _ 'digestion, .and by their prompt and thorough 1 , `action give tone and vigor to the Whole physical noir AVE F i.v EDITIO' •) .. ,The circulation of THE WEEKLY.. MAIL is now 75,000 copies tiveokly,: and rapidly: iaicreasin.g. eco y P1tEPAREP BY . C. Ayer, & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold, by all Druggists.. YOUNG,' All experience the wonderful benetl- OLD AND tial effects of MIDDLE- Ayer's.Sarsaparilla. Children with Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, MA1 . or any scrofulous or syphic taint, may be made healthy.andetrong by_itslitiuse.:, Sold by all Druggists;; !1 six bottles for $6. Pili:'FrutliSI Front now till Jttnuary. Ist. '1884, Ioi• ONE 'DOLLAR. 1 It contains the latest news, both. Ilrictil and Foreigu, a splendid Story Page, First class A;ricultuir'l Page, reliable Market Reports, Leal Column' Household” and Children's Departments, &c.,_ For fat her particulars apply to The blood is 'the ' founda- tion -of life, 'it .cir.culates through every part of thebody and -unless it is pure and rich, . ood• health is. impossible, if disease' has 'entered the sys- tern tl;c 'only sure .arid quick way tr.) drive it out. is 'to lit- rify and enrich the blood: These supple facts are Welt .: town and the hlg.iesf meth- 'dical" authorities `gree that .nothing lint iron wilt restore the blocd-to its natural condi- tion ; ondi-tion; :;rd also flans all the. Ironpreparations hitherto made blacken tlie teed:, cause Ileadaclae,.' and ire otherwise injurious. SULPHUR 'AN I) I RON 131T7'ER S Will thoroughly and. quickly nSsimulate tvlth =the blood, • purifying and :strengthening'it :did thus drive di..eaoe from any part of the'systt.ta,,aiut it. tci}I not blacken the teeth. cause headache, or .constip - tion and 1 , pas.'.;t yr r,Gt 1PiC- rious. ..•.�•t }ohtiriiiw ^�1 . +,?trent Oet.-w-rst ,h$ -i. For sr aeitt t 1 h e been n gee t ulferer f n•n b nojl flit ease; tlyspsps:a nd'sosett,.v ion; and became so Bohr lttated that 1 coclds,nt retattnanythin en bystomach; i,i fact life had chs c• 'trcon,e,a harden, end wheh.hopc had :.lmostlt3 n.., 7: was tntlui:ed to give • 54'i.enct. Arta IRo`r Mr pros n tt•in1'. I nm nu t 1 ing til thh.l bottle tail Imre not f:lt tis 07_1 I d,o .11 pig •nc.. \IPS. 0. 1..,3100811 �T;LPf1T li AND Tito ?F :TLPIS el'iecttcilly c'l res ilk n_. p lepsid,indigeat, ion ant t we T1:-..' .11058, il.Tl(l rC„nll(:it^],3 the gr(:.t- 'test relief ai'lil 1'2,frit tai p sons Suffering Uta ant ll diseases `:l,s Malley. aunt liver cotl)laiats,- cly,allel> i:i indigestion etc, , Sold by' all Ini'nagisis and It Depot 150 St. James1., West, Montreal, Price 50x. -1lW:• H. COOPER, Jr., Oineral-Agent, CLINTON..- N lAL DRUG STORE LL BOR P't S GR Itr ' . D.1lil . c �� - 11: .l -ply ST I' POWDERS-- E, E �d 101. hiATl�-�cERSI�i INSECT POWDER ,GUNS, EOJ3 TILE' FLY CAMPAIGN: MONTISEn441V LIMA orA.;A' I S�i O I' I JU T , CHEMIST AND': CLINTON, ONT. WAfra'S az :EM STS & DRUGGISTS Albert Street, Clinton The public wall' find Our stock or medicines complete, warranted genuine, ;and of • i -tile best quality. TOILET SOAPS, Plki' b'UMERY, SHOULDER BrtAC.E:S,TRUsS'Es, SPONGES AND ALL •KINDS, OF DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIESUSUALLY KEPT IN 'A FIRST CLASS iDRtTCI STORE: - relieve the.j;ain. whlch;'was successful) in cvtry respect and the' little fellow: is doing ecel 1. • A „ lass_eye will take the place of the -onet'imoved. Henderson, Blyth, has. been e.eng getlfoi•the5thtime. Mr.D. rases: has h en re'•engaged-as teacher of the school rn Section, No. 2,' Tnrnbetry, at anannual saltiry.of $‘155. , This is an increase 'ot.-$30, '(en 3tns;raye, at present at the Model, art ole} Pupil of School Section No. 2, has been. engaged as 'teacher in S: S. No. 3t Turnberry, at a salary of $' ,0. J. W. Shaw, son -of the ' principal of Brussels public school has -;,been' engaged as teacherin a S. No. 3, Grey, for 1834; ata salary of $450. - -OUR LETTER BOX. r 'rhe Naw Eta sloes not,nold itself responsible'ii•.r ideas expressed underthis heading.' ZN SOMEWHERE. - To lb a Editor .of a u: (, linton Neta Era. Sot, --At the -Bible Christian Anniversary, held at Flolmesville lately, I„was surprised while listening to the financial statement given by the See-Treaa of the Trustee board. which I thought' to be misleading. He said that the balance due on the church last fall was $950, but that he could not give a state- ment up to the present. Granting the above'; to fje dt"clrreot (but I' think it was only $800,) then why is the church mortgaged for 81,100. Did they want to raise a littlefor their own uez, and trot wish to eneumber their own pro- perty, or was it, as they said, in view of union, to;nake'themselves safe. ' Yours, A RE.IDEY.. 7.1oclerich township,: Oct, 22, 1883. t The new governor-general was sworn in. at Quebec on IlIonday. - The -People al' Winnipeg are crying out against the hostile attitude of the C. P.P. to that city:':',• A. banquet was given to_ Sir Hector Lalinivin, ;tt'Montreal,last'week. Montreal appears' to be in a state - of great nervous excitement, caused by the business depreasio, i and layge number of failures taking •place. At the Toronto Bicycle Races on Satur- day; the three inile ruts was won inleleven j minutes, the fastest time ever made in. Canada, on a bicycle. The Neiv York 'Sun asserts that the navigation of the-i-Iudson River is threat- ened hreatened by the destruction 'of the timber which pfAtecte'its headwaters. It would seefn, "to a man up a tree" 1 that this eovennment of ours ought to 1 -have grit enouglifiiptitifs toot on the pologamy C.iu:so lnUtah without any mora :ado. There is need ofprotnpt and ener- getic treatment, its this riser; and if so rank a pass should- show itself in any, other country it would he dealt with aa.....,,. treasonable and seditious. Jttst: as long as the, national authorities fool with the polygamists, just so long will the latter be. -` defiant,. Why isnot the strength • of the law 'put upon them'cfi'ectively?.-St.' Albans (Vt.) llesseilger•. Rit.ILANTAY TIM CARD.. '1'i erns leave Clinton as follows :- 3u i\A TnpIR 'RAILWAY. Going East. • Going Vest.. ' 0.1.5 a.u1, express 8,20 atm, `mixed - ;3.20 a.ni.'-Mixed 1.17 p.m. express 1.17 p.,m. express 0,15 p.m. 'mixed 3.p 1).in. mixed -9.00 p.m. express CnEAT WESTERN' nalowkY. - .. Going North. , Going South. 9' 25`a.tnt express 13.20 a.tri, express. 3,50 p m, express. WATTS & 00. CLINTON. `A 6,10. P,ur,;,•express