HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-10-26, Page 1M! gNNINO. & SVOTT Barristers, solieitors, Gcmw s.ioncrs for Ontario a11d Mu»tob 1 9Ffic,F � • TOWN ]TILL, ,eeiNs0 , SIC, 500 copies Irving's 5 cent Music, and 500 copies Evans' cent 'Music, to hand, Book ' Store.. 213 Nffv Books Just received fr�oni the old country and the United States: Come and see them.. JEST RECEIVED, NEW STOCK OF pNVLLOPEi; AND PAPER. We have now over 123,000 enselopes. stock, and about 150 reams of note pap best qualities, cheap. 191 Ir er, ibles � Aibuii.s Large variety at Ionest Prices When you want A GOOD PIPE Buy .it from us. CHRIS. DICI<SON, City BOOk StOre, Clint Oil. •40NEY. :MONEY. ire• 111E undersigned have made arrangements foothe haridling,,,of a large amount.of Private and Com, pony Funds, for' leans on real, estate this winter, at lowest rates of interest and moderate charges. '11ANN13/70, & SCOTT TOWN HALL CLINTON' ISSUED 'PO TI111, OLD COUNTRY VIA White Star line ofSteainships. „enchor 'line of •SteamshiPs. State line of ',Steamiliips. COUPON TICKETS -I •ir- -Over the " New Short Line" to ChicagO and all points Southwest, 'West and North west. TERMS — $1.50 Per A'ainutni OGtheeeepfi.''eureeee ce,oenn inutile. Shortly after the erection of the ()envie flouring mill ; it Goderich, some six er seven yearsago, which was slecinlly de signedto manufacture the Minnesota and Dakota spring wheats into a low rade flour for Lower Canada consumption, a County newspaper had an article upon the right and necessity of putting a duty upon • the importation of this wheat, tor the es pecial benefit of farmers in -the neighbor - 1 .E.ROLMEiii de SON h091 pf Godertch, and to some degree Publishers. ,. throiig3 out the county. A (ley or two after the publication of this article, a ;re- presentative of the Ntw Elie had an ;in- terview with one of the proprietors of the mill, reading the article in question to' him,and at ite close asked him what 16 thought of it, and the few following ques tions` and he somewhat vehemently said. "Oh! they cannot do that! ' "Then you mean "to say that if ever a Advantages Still for the subscribers; CVODL�'iZ1cR TO WN!jH1 N. Pickett, of tfiegravelroad,and was'mak- after they had supplied their -inner wants duty is; put on the importation's;; of wheat 1lrs; S. `Yells;ofhtichmondvlle, Mich., ing reparation to give possession ati an from theabundanceprovrdeu in the coun- cil you will shut down the mill?" The publishers of the Montreal witness having r preparation when • the latter bucked out ett ehamb.er, by the ladies of the come "Certainly!" is on a visit'to her sister; Blrs. H. Carter, ea early day, h y found that. the clubbing rate$ ziveu last year were „ r ....„ gatiOn, TllB ChaiC Wag OGC,llpiedj12VCV.... u: most satisfactoryma4er res>.e t, are induced re- _ 10th con. �Toclertch township. of hie bargain, paying a considerat>on for Furiher, i emu had tLought elide was th tion le' behad caused DZr Flintoff . James Gray, pubo ncidentaily referred, to a'likelihood of •aprotective peat them. Such clubbing rates as follows: -The postage piece' stir, �V.: Laith�raite 'has sold his ,two, b the fare thA.t hn hnrl a +.ha „; . established and a ,uty placed on wheat policy -being. of the WeeklyWitness is .41 a aao te, the .,_, _ R - - . -�. -- uuv LVpll ,r14L '111111 1V1" GiLp 1rr6G,Llme,".a8 you would not have builtthe?" When price toleach ree �will bee sent t90ecentslor $? one �uVet;! :.when � `John_ Oaks," to�NF'r Pvobt! hIeMrchael, thus'refers:to a former resident: o� Hu1- - significant of the �.,:,.,:..�...,..:....... of .�_ _ y .._ mill. Four subscriptions are sent together in o e envelope, the price to each will hn 75 cents, ... Au ;n all.When On the farm of Mr, W. H. Weymoilth, i Communion services were held on Sab- e PretEreTivE evAletreua--- Gobo smart bath, laSt in Mr. kit 22,, Sth con. Hullett, may be seen six x -s. lad, as apprentice to tegorocerymusiness , Mr; Rosa was allse°issi,8e'ds Cbilyurtelebe,' 33 acres of hay in ' cocks, which averages 4a APP1Y inime(liar°13% 8* PA 1.1*.IS" J''''' C°''' ' 1 ellen who is still able to preach. with ton to the acre, 4 ' . A short thriosince Mr. Geo. Flintoff, of • bull, The Brandon ;Sun of a recent of Hullett, for over one hundred. dollars. lett:---"Frank Tanablyn, usually happy LAND SOLD,-- Mr. Robe. 111c5Iurray countenance is extended to the broadest of the 10th con., cd cenderich township, grin since Sunday night last. The twins are doing well, weigh seven pounds each, haseold 40 acres of his farm to Mr. G. Miller, who owns the nextlot, for the mine and are the ffrst the citY has Yet afforded," party or favor. One of its features which is much valued in its special departments ',shore questions on . . , . C. M. ANNIVERSAILV.1 The attendance at the public aneiyer- church, on Tuesday evening, was all that could be desired, the town hallbeing com- churches and also Ribv. Thos. Brock, of Mount Forest. , Rev. John Gray, who was the first speaker, touche upon the subject of union, congratulating the Methodist bodiee" on " After a little further conversation 'LI Ten subscriptions are scut together in one envelope the gentleman, who sCouted the • idea of a ' tee prise to ewe win be 70 cents, or Win all. The Weekly Witness it3 now 38 years old, protective pcalicy, arid considered the put - and has not ceased to gain on the public confidence ing a duty upon wheat as one 'of the most Another evidence of the fertility of the the conetimmation thereof, and urging all It lives only to witness for right 'and truth in. erery absurd and senseless thin s'that could b matter that can come before the public, regardlesS of done seeine that lie were an exportine veterinary subjects are answered by Dr. Ideliachran COLBOILNE. DULL BURNED. -On. Tueeday nieht the motion of the work of salvation. • _wit state t le protest of this gentleman froni -the hien to , Questions on Hee-Keeping are answered by -Mr. D. A. ° 3u • , d • .a lest week, destroyed by fire. The property had re- - ing, and hoped Tor great results eive his vote at tl el t" t west • to use every legitimate effort for the pro- couniry, ta :speakers separated. Not: t t this, the first "union" tea meet- tizan against prote'etion at that time his' par - F. n. 0. s., Principe a the mentrea: veterinary -mr, j. S. Walker's null gets a good ( griet m111 owned by Mr. A. McKerral and Rev. Mr. Kenner had pleasure on being College, and the Dominion Inspector cif Liyo Stock. t d • st now known RS Melville's mills was entirely prawn a ship or some other infiuenice, caused Jones, of Beeten, Ont, President of the National bee convention. . Questions about poultry and pets are Mr. Ilarbottle.stoppe NVOI . , answered by Dr. Anders, Montreal. Questions of,. „ . . , . , leaving only oneena,n at worlt on. tl been leased by a Mr. Pierce, Who united labors of the el,,,eaerch. _ support the protective policy. ' anicultural subjects are answered by "Rusticus. tuneei. , nly taken possession .o.f it _a ell. ort enumereted the claims of the.cuueen„ and age; arid Sinee then the mill has not been run 'Questions on fruit and plants are answered by 'Mr. . James Dougall, of IYindsor, Ont. Question:, on leg,al • . 1 ' time. How the fire originated - le a requirements ' •I ' ' ler] nor line it been- a financial sue- • of Montreal. Questions on snbjects of every. k.ifid,ore subjects are ansivered by au eminent Queen s Counse thresher, and is nOw runriing two. That's Y --1. ris- c' eegssuelinI'it would have been lessee if 'the lausiness. reel ..t t 1 t a. short' wheel in furthering the cause of .t h tariff, Ind been carried oat in .t , vreiy answered by competent authorities. THE WIeLK- Ey WITNESS is the newspaper. of the nenemoe, Mr. Byron Forster, of 111arkhaln, is libav-- also, ,isel-„e loss wil.1 Ise heevy It was Rev. Mr- csiraig followed, iluti itti-reg on 'but the' government. made. such ar.range- and the fan3ily paper of the continent. ing an addition put to the h.ause en Ca in insured in the "union" cue thrown out by Mr. Gray tnentS 3S t ' t th t t f et: !he News of !he World for One Cent a Day ! Farm, and intends moviing his family here 'tile "a"y iVitnr148 I"' f't*O' thiclii,t,Tisie(ral Or corn Was t we ii fr 't ersoilal °Pinimis carried out this year, as the home °Town • airily upon eh s line of thougnt, wheat to .be• ground end neekiiiiewing, • d brotherly charity, rio matter its place, Thie ari•angement cannot be eved7eYrti V''''-il'ii'it:I'YrePi:',:ti:1:10:16,11'ewtiotio; the correspoldagit , frail -the HohlidglilileIbliteheri an -Mr. C. McLellan IS now also,nse. bread; they therefhre do riot sub- I 'Corbett; and wife are on it visit b sbil)Pbri Mgleat ant"' ;°'-;1;7‘ t';' co n rq'trd atled the aterefore the mill is now shut doWn, all lie grit 'a" 'methodist. bodies 1 u n corn In fact•the whole winter., ..e„ wood to Loneon, whien ie per for its price in the world. -It le °rifif°4.'ibc) ti riatis .when .1 ' .0. • This is 'not the only mill in the hands•discharged and a. caretaker put hi xe?elill.r9,71rdels'aildreel;110OW11;'and firmly eatahtished, to need any extended comment. Single'. copee.s-e-One cent. s•those-shatity )°,1 manner. ' • eood eriough in', quality to .be exported. er ....rangevillo. might "°'w wil"e'ly'lltistritline phis remarks in. a is neither large enough in quantrty, or eontains the Sunday 1.1 S efortli mill own - yeoung,and old, 'Price, 30 edits% year. sintin,rrie. The Weekly Messenger. This is eight w each week in brief and readable fonn, markets, Easm avawaefteft. )I . F Prandon who hre, been estine statistics relating to the foreigri 'Tient. Here are tero--niills that cost in pae'e weekly, nervapaper, containing the world s news won er w en t e most abundant 'Success woutd croen count of the ."e4.P., t e e. • ge°d- times Prmnlsed - \ • - their IIe gave a niimbet Of inter- di h fi • • • ' • and also all teataepoars in the Northern Messenger. The thinadian edition has from one to two pages de, . BRIEFS. -The young mate wilose on a_N-isit to Branclon, :11 a n „has reeptinede -mission work of the Presbyterian church, the neighborhood of $200 000 .rendered voted to news of the temperance societies of theme back- was broken, in July- fait, through V ry vorab ly eipressed with thet part ehowires h. • te, 1' gely the a, mount ow ve y, . useless by the' false policY of preteetion.- minion and their work, and editorial disellS9i011S of tdnperarice questions. it remarkal3ly cheap, fifty his falline ofl'a, barn, ha., not improve of the country, , spent therein had increased since their In this county- more tall chilli/lies haye -cents y'ear, with reductions to clubs.. Sample copies will .he sent with pleasure. The 3Iontreal market.s ap- pear in the Canadian edition, „end the NeW York mar- kets in the Arneritam. All subscriptions payable m • — The books of DRS. S'ITIVART HIIRLBURT. late' of Brut/01101d, nifty bo found by those wishing to settle their accounts rill RI. WA NTED--For shop. Liberal Wages Nil will be given to one who thoroughly under. stands Fancy. wore. None other need:apply. W. H., SIMPSON, Clinton. a.? ner of King and Cutter Streets, Clinton, contain- ing five rooms, with. woodshed attached. Apply de the premises to JOHN FISHER. it Horse \ Power,- In ood working order, only's short time in us ,_18 offered for sale on asy •L01 FOR SA LE.—A opreer- tot of.v. the Huron , road, west of Mr. S. Walsh sy consisting of about eue-third of an acre, suitablefer /14n -is -ate residenue.- Well fenced. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Ap- QT8.4.11( LAMB -Came into the premises of the 1....7 Subscriber, lot 32,130 con. Ihillett, about the 1st of September, a Lamb. The owner.is hereby notified to prove property, pay dypeuseM and take it away, - -11-.1-The partnemhip heretofore existing hetween,W: Charleswortlf and George itteQuilag,b„ of :the' 'Grand Union Hotel, 'Clinton;' tinder the firm name el, premises, lot 44', Ataitland Concession, Goderieli township, about the let of Sept., a wh ite Heifer, about two years old. 'The,owner is lierebY. notified to prove Property, pay charges,and take it away. -PA UM FOR SA1.16 Olt TIFILENT. —100 ae acres, tioin Lot 21, eon. liullett 15' acres cleared, rerna ntler eerie bush, containing' hard.. .T1".01,TSE AND LOT FOR- SALE. The -LA. Property •lately offeupied by ',tee 'Muter - signed., on Victoria, street, as 0 teeresinnent ,etons, is Were°. for, sale. Oil .reasopabie terms. - ft consists ottwefstory brick_ Store, with Shop. ,and three rooms- down stairS and 7 eame-eieee rooms ea -stairs. cellar ralx24'. eneettetaarre Given on application, and, all other in. formation freely given at the office in .11/4"TOiliTCE.s.,,A light II;aggoii, and two sets s, and Doy's.sznall',Mff great clothes, to 'sell...I:can be founff at home on Monda,ys, all day. -- A few cords of short and long %rood for, sale,.who Wants now be' timid, os I shallnot peddle this winter, 4 •• Almaree, 'Peeler, Box 04, Clinton: PROPERTV .:FOtt 'SALE ..7 • undersigned 'alert/for sale la eairteralore ▪ on the Iftwouttea.d, (just outiide -the Corporation) on which is erected a frame hoes0; with. five Mein), good stable, bearing orchard, Bard .m,ater; &e. The situated jai the townahip: Terma reasonable. „, FARM FOR, SALE. muc o a e. e appeera.„„.„eee e p- A ceetahe person in this neighborhood um° been rendered, ueeless than. have been ally sinking. -The road on the an con. would be greatly improved by a few loads e d h e tl i g ti t '11 I to see •'° InanY °I' iumular 'tees °e'°I.° l'., arid, the amount of wealth that has of the much talked of gravel. --The Misses neither him, because there was such pleasant RS- 1 een irretrievably lost by it will never be pleasine or Creditable to him. , , Shipley from Ailsa Craie. are visitin a at ' . sociations connecter wi i iis mime erine RCN 1. Brock W118 excee ineY Please( 'erected through the operations of the N. 11 Mr. Gregor AleGowin's.-,Mr. Alexander Dey lost a valuable 'Mitre last week.- -A 'somewhat lively ruiedWay Occiirred last Thersdey night. _A. team -of horses with buggy attached, belonging to 'Mr. Dobie, ran from Dte Sloan's &flee in Blyth home; a distanee of 4six miles. Persons with Corbett • was preached' in, the Methodist Cluir(.41, On Sunday, There ',WRS ft lerg,er, eittendance than the church (;011141 aCComo- d ate, :arid the sermon -wee deeply impres- Mr. C. C1.11011, lies; returned from salgo-' here that he could never forget them. , I3esides the direct loss to the proprietor. - He then referred ,at the toile to the towns and length to the ee these mins, different way in whici a congregation neighborhoods in ivbich they are situeted may help and sustain their niinister, clos- will be verygreat, in various ways --a large i lag with the reinark---thet,the eongrega- iltnnber of bands. have to seek em - " During; the evenine the choir; of the and (lecreasine • the business.of the town, teams, meeting them, wermobliged to give ma, and eays he is highly pleesed with church, under the lea7.1'ership of' Mr. Win. and also, making it impassible for farm - the full width of the road. 1 the country, He 'will have his saw mill Doherty, rendered a number of ettitable ers tl.o obtain the amount of bran and other ; running in December, nil the Thessalon pieces of music,' and caine in for some mill feedt hat is desired, which is such an • MANCIIESTEIL. ‘11 * i river. This will be a hum that has not very complimentary remarks 1 from On the 15th inst Mrs. R. Miller wife 1 important aeldition___to itIllie fielder grow" '-i_e_e_2_,.. , , , been heard -on that river -before. . ' the several speakers. Miss Mimic ei17-51 of the prineipal of our village school, I Theeshing k now all the go, with stearn town, and: MX- tienew, of TorontP, sang the time the interView took placeive had ,; presented her liege lord with a son. . ftnd horse power. . Oats and bfreley are I solos that: ..were much • appreciated, „did strong fears that a protective policy would • - 1,•;eFethEerrEtis.-At the last meeting of turning out fair, and spring wheat is of a I Master Depew gave several. very fine or-, be adopted, and if it was, just sueh a result Coate Dufferin No. 40 the followine superior' quality There are hirer -quanti- I gan recitals, the organ Tied beiPg th would follow as has here been ?-iet forth. °thee:re were elected :---.•-• ' 1 7 i ties of oats and b.arley sold on ill market 1 i'' a'' 'fi ent pedal bass one exhibited by It is to be hoped that this costly lessee J. S. Habkirk C. R.' 1 here but of wheat there is very little. the Organ Company, at the lateshow. A will he productive of good results, and yei•y pleasant evening • W 39 spent, the thormeehly enliehters sidlicient electors to thanks to his eustotners and the puhIje generally sOuth-halt of'1.,ot 23, ties -enter. eereses- for the liberal. patronage extended to 610,t,of Goderieh Towneene, ie •oireree ler and.by furnishing the best article at the lowest"reint- sale, it centai 74. 2ereS, is on thoOut. Line; - nerative price, he hopes to merit a cOntinuanee ofthe tv, fromillrolim5eville, five from Cre town. lb) would specially receininend 41, trial of hiS direct I/or further • ' 7- ly t importationo oti .the very best brands of , B. GELLEY, Ent/S.-1:1L'S. 'Brandies Putt Wines and concession or Stan/ay. to rent. 11 contains BASS' ALE -AND .GUINESS, PORTER, 111 Bottles, Pints and •Quarls, can • have the .job of cutting i,)00 Oords Otwood CANADIAN ALES AND ;1?ORTER to SOSEREI W MILL,/ • P. B. Wallace VaC. jamee.Young, Rec. Secy. . • ifei,•iiiesveLree. sneeclics eoTirainintt• tIlat could he. •reverSe7the vote7theY geve in 187,3'. J. P. Brown, Finance Secy. 1;awreneeeis about to blind a stable Oil -the follownie; evemies the net pro- 17o ask • the sanction 'of. the house to , . . i and Air. Walker. is cutting the lumber foe' . . '• • . Rey Mr Birks ivill commence, epecial - • '• 4) la in the item of $90 000 'n th t. - mates, for a monument to Garibaldi, re - Rey. J. Pritchard, Chaplain. services at aion-9,ppolal tueri -, 4/n -- re LAINDES110RO. Rev. B. B. Keefer o f I tam I ton, will PERSONA L AN D POLITICA L. and retiring Minister of Finance could next, morning alio' The 1.7th of J ainiery is /IOW said to have younger, though more cxperienced, Mr. It Adams has put a tine stieet lamp ?Jr Elf 1 he., retur ed. rt. ti ., e leeri need foi he assert) 3 111 , 0 ar ia- . . . _ , itiTfrboenbt roifdgthee-gEaningpoonritubnei. railroad are ex. at Godetich, where he lies been on the menf . riected-at Londesboro bridge in ft few does. jur He w s onl called 011 once, and IT 1 r pose( o lc t oc - e -tell, le p , and gle and a bltieli that even lie undertook Mr, Roberts' 13118tIleS8 1111.S Ildpf0Ved 80 et was sm In i•eviewing the career et the great much lie has had to put on another man. Tlie four dayel meeting at Bethel ap- daY night- - I . ' - -' .,. patriot, lie dwelt on his generons and A hew platform has been placed on the taointment, BaYileld circuitegoing"on this One Ifuedeed hands haYe been 'Ws- .sympathetie disposition find kind. heart scaleg-here,-but -not before it -was needed. week; is well attended, the -Church being eVarged-fiereci the- linden- Cotten- Factory lauded- sis perseverance 'and hig daring, • • The roresters here number 81 in good full each eveeing, and a good turn out in and se,venty-ilve from St. Anne's. --,Mon- anti declared that be admired hiin above standino• They intend celebrating their the afternoon. • treal Witness Oct. 23. 1 all for his g.allantry- to the dear ladies, anniversary the same as usual, on the, 1st of Nov. Several speeches on Forest* will be, delivered. , There has been two Nish hunts here lately -one fair and one foul. The first was " cheat all yell ean," which was done N‘itli a vengeance. One man brought in more, count than all his opponents tege- ther-they were the game from a previous -match- at Saltville.--The-firsteone-waa-er disgrace to the name of bush hunt. The last was, it is believed, fair and seuare.- C. Crawford and D. Roberts bone cap- tains the first named side winnine by over doubling their opponents. One pf the eheoters succeeded in capturing two each countang 2,s, another on the same si c almost doubled this, making 75 --two red squirrels and one woodpecker. teianCee DIVISION GRANGE. • • Calbeck pre:jacked in the Methodist The Marquis of Larne' d the' Princess whom he too loved with a ndness —4.. , ehurch last Sum ay Morning- He has Lottiee, will leave Quebec or -Great -Bri- The • remainder of his remarks on. this ' hem]. longer a local, preacher than any taie on Saturday next. Special arrange- subject were lost the deafening ape other person in the countY, and is always' inents'for their accommodation have been plane that came from the qua.rter•of the listened to -with pleasure. , made on the Allan steamship Sardinia. House occupied •by Messrs'. McKay Bay- • Arr. Lawrence has been re.eneaeed for At Kensington Palace, where the Mar- ley, Scott, and a few others, the lleamesville school, et wae found that gum and 1 rincess will lave their home, Ordei being 'restored, the speaker pro - the head's of families did not witat any workmen arc busY getting everything in ceededtto paint out otlier noble qualities estbangeeaRdetke_triistses wiaely hired him shape. It is understood that immediately of his hero, iied argued that the people ef againe at. the eame salary. aft -et -the arriVel of Lord -LC -Wire he Will -be fren•nd eirosperous Canada should shoe' sumnaoned to Balinoral, and there ;invest- their appreciation of One who had done ala CAltilA1f(4‘li 11..11,151 .1,50}.11, oonsfxritty on hand. Huron Division Grange Patrons of In the abaci -tee of the Worthy Master, Bro. Fortune, W. 0. opened the grange in the fourth. degree.- The minutes, of last Meeting having -been read and adopt- ed, the auditors a,nd executive committee proceeded to''the discharge of their re- tiyeLsluties Mid while . they were $o I engaged the other members of the grange held •a tiOnSultation on matters coeriected: with the good of the order. The meeting adjourned for dinner. Upon re -assem- bling the auditors and executive conimit- tee gave in their reports; wkie_h_syere -reed ..-hy-theTs-gretaxeteand4inannimusly adopted, the benefits that wbuld accrete te farmers and others feenelhe adoptiOn of the "Ta- ro -2a syetem of regietration 'of titles." He alio advocated the cause of the " Ontario people's salt manufacturing companY," as Worthy Searetary to make a •I'ew remarks npon the working of the Dominion Grenge ;Mutual • Fire Insurance Associatiom• for which conipany he is agent in this divi- sion.: The Secretary brietlY replied to The next iner1,ing of the Ituron sion Grange wit be at Londesboro, the 15th 'of January next,' at 10 a.m. W. M,-Jeefis 1.4 T:it I bscriber otrei's Pit' gale Ow east -him' of - Lot la, 511.(1. eon. Of ilullett,.06»Sisting Of 50 3cies, nearly all cleared, and In fair working order. Lo.? herrac, frame barn, with siable be- low, water in the barn. young orchard, and other iblirevelnents; 'Situate only two milca from the growl rie emit of 'it h old on l'OOSOIlabi0 terloN of payment. ' LOT 18;100N. 6,- HULLETT, Consisting' of '100 afire's, eituate atiollt, three. • his Royal wife he will afterwards visit a monument to his cherished memory. Mr James Herbert has, leased his farm e. t t A g 11 h. • he • • 1 • d The leader of the Opposition admired lot 5, con. 6, comprising 50 acres, to his arrangements are in progres4 for tendering Garibaldi for his wonderful military geni- neighbor, Mr. L. Slarezer, and intends re- him a Tight Highka-d welcome, ; - us, and his many noble qualities, het moving to Biddulph, where he has leased mr. G. w Badgeraw m. P. 13. eer Beet could not overlook the fact that in his '- 150 acree for a term of years. ' zeal to accomplish his own urposes, he had set at defiance the' aut iority of hie: John Entwhistlo an John Strader, of country, his king, and many times spilled ; Riverside, for conspiracy and peaitirY useless bloodeand involved hisreountry in connection with the petition agailllst' big._ heedless trouble and complications. He return to the Local House._ The defend ants testified on oath at the trial that on into Mallendine's Hotel, Rivereide, and treated him with liqUor. 'Thc judges at the time discredited the statement, and the charge was diarniesed. Mr. Badgerowe who would have been disqualified had the charge been proven, has taken thie, the earliest opportunity since the trial; to in- -diet -his -traducers:- Theetrial-will-1-prabeess ed with the Order of the Garter.; With much for the cause of liberty, hy erecting. York hag instituted roceedings against The proceeds of MT. James Daniels' sale aniounted to the neat sum of $2,500, cows sold as high as $11$, and horsee froea $185 to $225. Mr. D. leaves for the land of his birth, England, next week, his family having preceded him last July. As Mr. James Campbell of Hibbert, was 'removing -a reaper which he purchased at Mr.. J. Daniel's sale, his horsee took fright and rau away, dragging the ma- chine against Mr. H. Webb's team, which, happened to be standing in the „yard, The guard caught the front loot of one of the hence, mangling if-TiTglifftilly, and - had the knife been in, it would, no doubt, referred to the questionable morality of the man, and his views on religious ques- tions aud asserted that for Canada to• erect a monument to such a man woul be for a Chrietien /Mien tO exalt immor- ality and IlkOptieisin. He queetioned the public funds to such'a purpose, aad if ee. money was to be spent in such a way bly come up at the Court of Assizes with- country more worthy a moniunent than any foreigner. t:Itave severed the foot from the body. in a few daye, e 'Mr.' Bayley supported the reeeilaion. koka, case IS nosan_theeCaart_OLAppea,1,_ South ' East Northuniberlaild, Eaet York, West York and Lennox eases. The West Simeee eaep has. been •argued, but the time fee ayguing the others has not yet been fixed by the Coutt. Of the' remaimeg petitione, Welland and South to'the 26th December and the other to the 17111 November; "TheEest Huron, West Haetinge, North Renfrew, North Ontario and charged - the goyeriimeat with extfai- and North Victoria casee have been post- - e end ince ',mit • Mr. Carimpbell replied at some • length, eulog,ising Garibeldi, and defending the government against oepbsition attack's, He would stipport the resolution with his Mr: Taylor moved the adieuenniont tsf The writ for the new election in MU- He Wanted remontunent not to.the ma,n IPPEN, kolas cannot be issued because the Mus- Garibaldi, with his imperfectiome but to Robt Mollie who has been in theenortli speaks well oi that country and intends Robe Kettle's house was burned down yesterday morning, the greater part of the furnitui:e4was saved, It is su posed to ales. IT. Hollinesheal hes been very poorly but -le new improving'. At a Meeting of Reformers of Muskoka', Mr. J. W. Dill, of Braeebridge, Wftfa nemie prOliching election. Betts who wee 'defeated by Mr, rauqUier at lltet general, would see that it woe expended'. , , Mr. Scott 'had' mit been infbrined of Liberty's demise, and asked for perticu- lees. The hard earned" money of the peo- ple eltonld not be squandered in this Way, -When WM SO badly' needed for othee- pleading for economy and retrenchment, Feist Middlesex, Cardwell, West Middle - Sex arid West Grey casee are to_ be tried this fall. All the caees tried._ are! being appealed on . both sides,/ and tintil the Court "of Appeal rendere Tie decision. no