HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-09-21, Page 7ESTA.'�E OF �m T By the i st of . March next, In accordance with the terms contained in thewill of the late proprietor, the business of the estate has to be wound up by the above . date. wore $34 $334, r o e or 00 0 CDOSO rum. Well assorted :.in every_'dei artment. We connn.enced on TUESDAY ,morning, SEPT. give a discount .of TEN PER CENT FOR •CASH, on all goods excet GYczii2- Bags. .This, in, addition tothe very low figures we have been selling goods at, ,makes it The people here have ever had of supplying themselves wit Dry Goods at less than wholesale prices: ST.A.T C.ENrTON, h'cpt. 4- 188;3;. ?FailArl�ly g>Ql` ;flakes �Y�ur Bots NOT'1OE, Mr. Donald i\lartin of Mount. Forest r1HE' undetsr,'ncd 1ravir secoral couiplcto1 u acco,p hied by the Rev.; 1V. AI. Mar tin, it ec nipped saw Ttd.11'. Ennery.wheels: nd of Exeter taking a trip through • the • othet. pphanc•es foriinis1iin up wood. woi1-' ' and having-mumarrangements tor the, use of :North-west. 1,t the use of,Vie srr re Planer, is prt,Iiaretl;to: to parties who ina.3, require then, at ti ery,,.rga '+ona1)1e rates. 'Steam pow er Shop 'if:Kt door to Doherty & Co 5 Oman 3 tetoryi n.`c,alJr;aNn>;x cC-itJ:q„ Gliutou .o'f" fall wlieat, fi'alia Nhleh�l]e W11C5ClL.C(:- • ly,realizo 1,000; basltele. t panic occi rreci at the St.''l ours, 1110 , j»1'yesterday, doting the tlpstruc- ti�n of ti]e Pliceni� Planitine 111"il), op l;iosite., : Tbo pr;�i,soncrs;-a)ar n ed by thee' lire engine§, feilton tires+ 3�nees °beg gr"trg:. to:'be liberated.' 1Vhile three`lad , namel Walter Pernb; . 1'Cr•., Robert %hunt, tfurore+'in' 1 �`;li•' a n over » vv. a•c>res ad this sc so ,SELLINa To';itiake:ioorr_ for'ehrrstrrias Stock: 1 OVER Sat0:0'0....yeilT English, Scotc. Coatings, Worsteds, GET YOUR FALL SUIT NOW. ee� erges, C. Immense_Stock to select fro it W-Ilo NEVER FAILS TO GIVE-SATISFA C1ION,_L 5 -STILL OUR CUTTER,, Prices away down. Big St�ck ofPM$SGOtJLJI New Patterns. ,Low Prices. ,___Black and COZ0red_ 1 And everything usually • kept in . a first-class Dry Goods House:' FALL & WINTER HATS ON THE WAY. FULL STOOK OF GROCERIES. Our increasing trade in other departments •compels us for want of room to o out of BOOTS & SHOES and CROCKERY & GLASSWA1 E, WE 'OFFER OUR WHOLE STOCK OF THESE GOODS AT COST. R. COA' 10 'PER GENT :OFF:ALL GOOD; Fancy Goods, Toys.of 41110.. 1 -Ids Picture and Phmto:Frain,es, Cliromos, �,�E6c�.; Etc:, BIGIRARGA•IN IN ALL ':LINES. , OW l ,. . York Domestic; a � 1e1' ��'ashion S in Stocls..„, ALBERT ST.i*CLI'NTON , S P SOAP .SOAP w NO. •J Ssme'.as made:rhy the Great 17calnomy Soap Co., of Zurich, 0 Switzerland, whose 'trade ex- pa, tends 'largely throughout •Eng. • b land, Prance, Germany, Aus. aria and Italy, Manufactured in Canada only by the • .110.00,1k,;Sada. Cu, atMI C101)FI11CI3, 4 J,,o1)n .Cansalemand.,Wm .„Sait11erland,. W.BTO,Slrogtinguuirr sels neat Port;Burwell, on Situ; d.�the :latta t,as• apt idlentally, ,shotkin •tlie ne"ck.uy one •of his companions and cannot• •recover . •.His brother was struck by lightning two!. days .previons snl so badly injured that his legs will 'have to be amiintated ,. Joniee,''ex M. P.;, r5' spoken ,of as rn J;rideprldcrit candidate for Ca r1- ,ton in the;.eyent of Sir, John;Macdoruild r•esigning;his.scat for the -county.» It is said -'13y" farmers near St. ,Thomas that` not one field• ofecorii in ten, 'Will be h'us'ked this year ; most of it will he cut. sip to feed; the 'Stock. ••;, Kavanagh; • • Balton, Sittutlr `sits other' � a ,Irish .informers in, the 1'h,.eni i Pa, k,_ tirade+ s,w `t'rialJio airs cv d;:;at Melbourne, Australia„ but were not permitted to laricl; havo beers„rb,shipped to Europe.., MARRIED ! Cox.+, CoLL, • Al the residence of the bride's; +brother;;Fhtit;'lVIioh., ori the 18th inst., by, ritheRev, Mr. Shier, Mr. Josh. 0. Cele, of :Clinton,; to Miss Mary A. Cole, of .Flint. -' C,t uci 14IeGmir —At the residence of the • brides father, on Tacaday, Sept. 18th, by rho Bev, 3.It •Gilchri t,B A., of Chelt enham, assisted by Ioev•J.A McDonald, the Itsv.Bobt. M Crab;,`of Dimbartoni Picker: ing, (formerly of Clinton,) to Esther, second'> daughter of Robt. McGhee, Esq., 111. P. P.; Hornings'Mills. 1',INION DIAICKF'fS Thursday,; Sept,_2_9, 18.83. Tnere is nothing whatever doing on the. market, and „lrrices are unchanged. All•' kinds of, produce' are in fair demand, at good prices, eggs selling at 19 and 20c.- The cold weather causes a demand for wood, and there is but little corning in, Wheat;; scot• . White wheat,, Spring, Oats, $arley; peas, . .Flour, :.Potatoes, . Butter,» _ nay, Hides,-: - . Sheep' pelts ,• Lamb skins, Pork, - (.luver- 11sire(ey; Wool V v • SU 98 a 1 00 '0-90 a 0 97^,:1. - 0'00 , a . ,1 00. 0 30 a 0 35' . '•040 a 045 ; 0' 70 a '0 75 • 500 a .5 50 0 50 a 0 00r- • •'0::1a »a 014. Q 10 a 0 20 800 a 000_ 6 00 a 6.50 • 050 a 0.75 .0751 a:100 -- 8' 00 a. 826 »5,00 e 850 015' a,• 0.18. THE B ;OT, DEALER IN "ALL KINDS QF Men, Women and Children's loots' & Shoes. Spring Stock well assorted, and. complete in ah departments. ALL GOODS„SOLD CHEAP- FOI3,-•CASId G:, GRUICKSBANK B1 T ,B]OCK, CLI3TTO.ii7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: BIG . PAY. LIGHT WORK. Active Agents, Male or -Female, wanted at; once - in every Township, Town and Village,, to canvas for WEEKLY ''EDITION.? • The circulation of THE WEEKLY MAIL is now 75,000 copies weekly, and rapidly increasing.' From. now .0111 January.lst•,-1885, -for ONE DOI,LAtt.. 411__ • It . contains. the , latest • news, both` Local;.and Foreign, :a splendid Story Pago, First class. Agricultural Page, reliable Market Reports, Legal Column, Household and"Children's D.epartinents, Foy further' particulars apply to ty. F9. COOPER, Jr Gen"eral: Agenf, CLE�TOH: •Ir TWAIT Goon, 0a,EA31,,SL•BONIt, E:iecari PnJKeEs, BUY t1i sec's• strictly . Pure. Spices We keep also the .VERY BEST BRANDS IN VJNEG 11 , from . tlr'o best• manufacturers. in the" Dominion;, at the - TE1� `1] I , COFI�'EE SPICE HOLT E Prirnn.BLOCK, NEXT TO TIIE' TOWN HAIL, CLINTO PALLISER. T.. WHITE: Oak Ibil,;Iiea,vel ;flock, Clinton. The subscriber desires to intimate to • the people of Clinton and surrounding country,that he has opened a Clothing Store • Ne=t door to Thompeori r1C Switzer's, hewill. pleased to attend' to l wok entrusted t him,in the most bealr ..:.• ._- o egpedi: -tions-mannerr Having bad several year's experience as Ctitter for sone of the best establishments in Ontario, he can •, �uara tee iatiefaotiors ins Style'._ .iid Fit.. A full stock. of it11 ,goo s on hand .usually required • for ,Clothing, such a TWEEDS, WORSTELM, OVERCOATINGS, {� EiN4iY;: rROUSERINGS,'; Bcc. siarTarties 7ta in •them own•• aterial cil,i /tazic iGl nidde 2tr Onshor�t 2iotc . 9 � � 1 � • j `•. A. TRIAL SOLICITED.'. CHARGES REASONABLE. Clinton, Sept. 14, 1883:: C L L N T WM H: M2 'Ha The subscriber desires, to announce to the people of Clinton and vielnity`that he; •has now on hand a full stock of Scotch, English & Canadian Tweeds, Beavers, Meltons, Broadcloths, Worsteds, Fancy Pant Patterns,; Etc., Fte., Whic'ir' he is e rpared tomake u ". on the very shortest n p p otice% Tieing v practical cutter, he feels confident that he can give the bi.sdof satisfaction, in fit and style. CAN AND WILL SrEi, A5 Crt ,ir Ploirsr IV ;I rr7, CoUNy'r r. WM— MITI1} Opposite the Post'Oflice, Clinton')