HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-09-21, Page 5WE WILL„,c4IVE' 0111 'JiSCOIIIF BalanceOf SUMMER' STOCK of BOOTS & SHOES for the next THIRTY DAYS. rneit ani :!/ery. Cheap„ -H-. -0a TAYLOR � SON., CLINTON, August 24, 1883., J t> •.' 1` D.o*i'T Purr, Ir.—•Use Newton's one minute oothaehe cure. Relief at once ; of all dealers, FURNITURE 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,; 123 1 MARY AND I. Tomas e bn May,and the soft zephyrs sighed ed Through low bending above. 3y Mary 1, as we wander'd along And whispered of beauty and lope We'll make ua k nest like the birdliugs, I said, And never shall part any more. Oh, yes t she replied, and :eau furnish it nice At the "Rua Rocaea" Felt:aeewo Szoan. • "Put, creature Ithere'smanv a wealthier mum Would 1ad1!Y have you' for a' -bride, - ' Jut, no one can love yon more fondly than 3, ldy treasure'and beauty, and pride ! Oh I. had 1 a,inansion with carpets' of gold And of silver --/d covet the door hut sinthuh s• he said "Von can•pnirrha e•the•beat At the Ren Roetrsti' 1•URN[TURE STORE." '9,41 'spread you a couch upon which to recline - -, _ When evenio Shall ya,U uedeeese„. Of tfie flees e^st down.",hutithe said with a • "I like BEN sEr'r a• mattresses the best.(" •-"Then so shall it be -love,--and tables inlaid, And seats from some fur distant shore."' "Oh,-po t" she exclaimed; 'they have elegant. chairs At the "Rio Rooer:a FURNITURE Siem " w e wear( pPy day t 4' en I ever forget `• The pleasure that beamed in her face • as she gazed, at the niaryela of heaaty displayed :In tits mot wonderful place! We'furnished our, nest nn an elegant style. Reen Married a twelyetnanth or more,: Aeul itir} is sin m thh 'on -to her babe, - Of cite "Rea 1 i i i • rlcau5TURE S'rose. „i1. -0N1 OF 'cite Piny I3oexLn, Next floor fq fLtrlcir d 73ros stole;- A7oert Atree.C; Cliaatort tomo; III •10I'aap os:1it`sxnl se=ep-;s1?'t,E PEI'tSf»3A.L AND POLIT..16AT,,. Sir John Macdonald will lime the ionic at ille Lent.ox election trial at Napanee, •cm the 10th Oct. Morton St. B. C church, Landon, de-' ' clines to enter the union, and is ging to lay a t r.a e,t before the English conference. first rst Wednesday in -tine 1 84 is _ o . the diy eon which the` new organ %rtinn- s Leine ( tufted 3tetllodism)- cumes into force. , Mr; S. J .haal-so,�, iVL P.P , of Stone- wall ManitobaTha�,_b?`eteetieia�ateil, hilt- Ica disgnalified, and will contest thli seat again. i Ilamilton Alethcdists are 'clinch • exercis- ed over the return of the Genera Confer- ence to call, the Cuufereilce in which 'that. eambitiedieeci tveis att,tea.tud4L-T-ham }-Iattlnilton-- Con ferenee.l • Owink to the 'disagreement ofthejodkes who tried the Etast.Northumberianl elec- tion case, it Will .now have to go ie. the 000.rt-ef App-eilh to-be-t1Te-10---t R1ly adju- dicated lrpcn,• •, _ - • iuo arts ..w 0 FOR JOHN OPPOSITE TFIE TOWN HALL, 000 • • In order to -clear out the.,: balance Of his slimmer -stock of 130.PrTSA Z A -SC O: The. subscribes will offer the above .goods at 'a: discount of 90 per Bent for one Month. ' •Tis. iso: GEN-01NE, AND ANO .HUMBUG. FALL aL'W7NTER GOODS' just arttyMe,;• to. be sold ,at' low•, prices anti the usual disoount. S OUR STOCKOF HEAVY LIGHT HARNESS IS COMPLETE ''& ! c " for'tlle 2iiillian, Georgian Ba Shingles always on hand. Trunk, find apses . Y Y ridr3 -'HE -BSC .a7. LDISCOUN'T FOR CASII V 1131• <)€�Ix, ltf��> ;QI►1t>�. NIL 31 Ovr H-ARVEST TO.OLS-;Forks and Handles,:Scythes; Rakes, ,&c:, 'large' stock, selling very cheap:, WATTS d'.-.,EJO.,'afgeute, Unlit On Rev. Father EXPERIENCE.' .Rev. Z.' r. Wilds,. well-knoce•;r city .to is„ionary in l!i ew York, and brother of the Lit,, e;nineutJ'udgeWilds, of the M,assaclsu- ae tt s'Supreme Court, writes as foll"o i -vs : 73 F. 54th St., Hen, York, May 10, 1112. MESSRS.:J. C. AYER & Co., Gentlemen : • Last winter I was troubled with a most formable itching humor affecting more csi,ecutlly my1lnaiis which itched so intolerably at tight, and burned so intensely, that 1 could scarcely 'lee r any clothing over them. 1 was also a; sufferer from a severe catarrh and -catarrhal cough ; any appetite was'poor, and ray system a good deal i e n. down. Knowing the value of AYER'S s 5:ucsa I.A- RILLA, by observation of many other cases, and from personal use informer years,' began taking tit, for the, above-named disorder MY appetite improved almost from the first dose. Ste n short time the fever and•itchiugavereallayss tie'I all signs of irritation of the skin disappeared ley eatarrh-arid cough we're also cured by tke same means, and any general health'gr eptly imp: DV;c.l, • until. lt:is'Yiowexcellent. ']'Peel z hundred per; 'tent stronger, and L"atitribute'these results to tl o use of the•SARSAPAisr.LA,which I reared acid J With all confidence as the 'best blood Medicine thcne ever devised.. 1 took it in small dot, us tl ice bines a day,'and used, in al] .less than to bottle s. 1 place these facts at your service,hopi»g then publieation may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. Wilms," The above instance is hut one of She many con- etantlycoming to our notice; which prove the -per- •: feet` adaptability of A>c 1, a's SARs tr:1RILLA 10 • the core of all diseases arising 'front incus to (.0 int- poveritAhed blood, and a wea'.c, ne<1 vitality: A)ier's Sarsaparilla -clemises, enriebes,anli strong(icing the blood, --stimulates the action of the stomach and l owels, and thereby enables the system to rc st and ever - 'come the attaeksof all scrofuloucl)iseasrc t -ions of the Skis, 11heuenatismT-Crab rrlt, General Dcuilit�,iaiid all disorders resulting from boor or ,corrupted blood and a low state:ot tl e system. ]'R rail' rr r;i Dr: J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. • Sold by an Druggists; price `:1; ix hot'ties for 115 We make a specialty of.141IXED• PAINTS, being sole'agelit for' the celebrated 'Cleveland GUTT 4 PERCHA Which are always ready' for use; and kept iin stock in all colors. Also; the Canadian. brand of• Mixed Paints sept in stock. AYER'S . CATHARTIC PILLS est Purgative, ('iiiedieine. stn . t or erica :nr:. 1lo1 l-csi ion riendache; and l T iiot ih order •:`-. cold ever} whcar e. A.:11.ayA r liar ae. The directors of the Exihaur0 Bank have resolved to suspend payit iron and , put the bank into liquidation. n31 ih • thi3. temporary pressure is over rile li'i silities- are ,5130,000 circulation. •• . Vennor predicts as follows :—A soaring wet autumn,very open After Octobl;r cold wave. No snow at close of,year. Unusual warmth .in January, 1884. lierdl,y.'any winter: at all westntT,eronto., Severe frosts may do hartrf iii bare ground. •T to relation of the English Church to.. the liquor traffic are about to undergo a. thorough sifting tinder • the initiative of Canon Wilberforce, ttiho Itae blade a vigor- ous attack •ort' the holding by the Estab- - lislted Church of an immense amount of public-hons1'prorer.ty.. When the r1'.viy petitionerin the 1lzonek tease asked to have his .deteisit-,:utinus..tho - costs, sti.tlidrattiirt•froni the Court, a Toren tip fire) of hiwyers, t'a'd to • be made up of 'curies, ubreiued an order to stop payment.e. onelle :-greund that they had .an old jud;- inetit `.nairist File petitioner, "which they omenta, d "t0 h,:. e .satisfied. • An idea of the nay the disputed territo: ry is Dein fobhrd ...,.1, rdc cvuirrvance Ot • the"sDorni'uin.o Govertune tit is shover' by`the operations i•f 1tZe 'S'hields. This contrac- tor took''eut and sc1lo 800 000 reit eayties • at 40 Bents each, •320,000 Ela also tool mit ant ao1d-200:000-feeet tit-tiil-rber tt-50 — cents per foot; ,4100,000 ; •trtai, $420;000 stolen---actually'stolen--irom (hitt rio. • Mr. Matthew Ryan, an ex -stipendiary • magistrates of the north-west, says to are - porter. (rf tI-e ` muipeu Freo Press on the boundary question -=``1 have studied it, and arewell satisfied tbat.•Mr. Mowat is - right.' When teat in Ottawa'I arered the ' qu:estion at• ".eleth-.with a political and per-,: sonal friend of Sir John A. • Macdonald's, - a roan on the verge of, thg'1liinistry,1'as Lord Bea"olnsfield•evenld say, _and 'upon fe- - naily ptittaing tt:e question, 'is it not a good neovraphical Nundary V he replied, 'itis, , but a ad politi1eal one,' meaning, c ident lI , th ,t it didof snit Motisaeau, NIasson, • et a1, s teu.y have themselvesdectedled In the C lust of, Appeal in Toronto, on Saturday, it; the Muskoka election case, Mr. Fethnce stated, that he. had frmally abandoned 'the ,acrtitiny, and the c aim to the seat cn behaifof'his client, Mr Betts.. .The reason forhisiaction was.the_ground of expense, as on calculation he had found .thatthe probable tibia consumed would be - a, year and a .half, .and. -.the probable ex- pense ($30,000. Tlie npmber of votes' ob- jected.to e,n both.sideswa`e over 1;100. On - the apnounc.iment being .made the jud- ' gee gave their' final: decision ;-declaring :the - seat vacant • ,and ordering. the :respondent tp-pay the Nit costs. lof the petition and.of . -. the .:trial. '.'Mr. Fauquier haientered an appeal from the judges' finding ' • The nomination- took place 'rn 41g sna on - Saturday, and Messrs. Lyon and Plummer - wili:go to the polls: ,There was req excite- -ment-at--the-':nomination, though -a few representatives of the Muskoka Bribery Brigade.: were on hand. The- election takes place, on:;Sept, 28th. ; The Tories 'have'thrownoff all disguise, and itis. now • understood that'the' election of Mr. Plum- rner by an unbiased vote, would indicate a \' desire oia.the 'part of the inhabitants to an- nex all that portion of Algoma ;west of Thunder Bay, to the Province'nfManitoba, Mr: 'Lyon will head the poll unless the Shields piuicy • is. ;re-enacted,'luring the . next' fortnight,and if' Mr. Plummer and his friends bny the' seat the; judges' will hare;work to do. It:ie • impossible to be- •i'ievethat the actual'reei't•nts of Algoma wanttoseetheir: territory, annexed •to•im- ,pecunieus Manitoba, - arts its timber and. minerals -given-`to-sir John Macdonald'a:; army of political jobbers. o jl A . or Y .Q b res �,, s cies Stook rrt�ures. Woo ttitces cinto d�5�'s 9e yj. �4,akr<�r• t-r4'et. Olio toil,. The public will find our snuck,, .ef inedicines' complete, warranted genuine and ei the best quality. TOILET SOAP, P.EliPEMEEV. Simi Df:tt.13aACLs,TitUSSES,StPONGES: AND AEI:,' KINDS OE 1) UGGESTS' SUED RIES 'US1 ALLY KEPT IN 'A blit';' ct•AS`i DRUG :SToltN:. • ,y. , t f 1Ei,LI+,IiOI�� ��tl. } �II�IS Gl�L�1� D:�LMiATI;�•iv �ti�d ',PRRSItA�I I�,IaC1 P01 .ERS. SLt1T PO:� DER GiJ.NS,' F0J '('RE"FLY CAMPAIGN."' F tE * MOS `I` ZBB T X XXE J'QYCE. ..C11t141ST AND DRUGGIST, • . CLINTON, ONT, • ono 1M[ILLINERY cheaper than ever. •SUMMER PRINTS at a great reduction. Summer HOSIERY at cost, • SHIRTINGS at cost. ft.B1 ESLEY,: BEAVER. BLOCK.: That SULPHUR AND TBON'BIT- TERsw•ill make -the weak' strong and gives the fee- ble, nerve. Wi11- 'increase the muscular force' and double talo staying power. Will insure a hearty appeti- to and increased digestion. Will give sleep, sound and .refreshing -ill-::due season. 'Builds up the 'constitution. and makes the weakest rugged. Strengthens, feeble women' and Tli zt,et,, hinny children .. .Strong. Cures. General Debility and „gives a new lease of, life. -Niel' infuse with new` life the M'et'res' • invalid, The Ilabit s, occupations; vices ccup end unnatural modes of living which em toc t. owc ,tt et ton1ave the 'effect rof c.eNleUnhr ,the human sys- tem of its itccessaiy supply of Iron, and :science having determined this, 'was bound' to find means to re-esta- blish that supple.' It 155 mi tm- ' Formant and difficult- task t But it his been accomplished. �y,In the $Jp.rJlL'R AND ` IRONJTTERs ' which=have---so—quickly seCn -. - -- red' the endorsement of medical nen as well as the public, gone rally. - Iron m combination with -other .- `vital Tonics is found in a proper foul' ' forduick assimilation and the oppi )ion of the ablest medical inen•who have examined. this, preparation is that it is the best thing of the kine ever invented. • • SULr11171 AND IcoN BIT" • T. ns Salta by all ])ruggist and at Depot 150 St Jarnes ,�•SE�Weet Man•treal,�~d�rlcrr-.�-;� VA'1" t•S tB . CtO►•• CLl id1"'ON. LIST.OF FALL :'FAIRS. • - Industt•ial, Toronto,'Sept.,11 to 22. Prov iciei, t;ueiph,:ept. 24 to 9t1. Western, London, Oot, 1 ,to. 5. '`• • Central; Hamilton, Oct: 2 to 5. I'Iav; Z_ prick," Sept 20, 21. ., South Rulon,: Exeter; -Oct, 8, .9.. • West Hurorr;' Goderich,Oct, 9, 1.o, Tuckersmith, Seaforth, Oct. 1, 2. Stanley, Eayfield, Oct. 15, 16, . • Ea,stWatvanosh, Belgrave, Oct, 5. Morris, Blyth, Oct. 11, 12. • Tornberry, Wingham :Oat. 9; 104' r FastHeroin ut"•u,Bui swos,0 1 ct 4 and •5, Iltil lett, Ci )ton,• Oet, 17: 18. ' . The (r n rst, Heating compound d I3 a preeie ation of carbolic acid; vaseliue and cerate called McGreger,&-'Parlce's Carbolie • aerate. I•t-:will'eure.any sore, cut hien or bruise when till other preparations t'.• • Call • tt 7 11 CZrmbe's drug store and ;et a pack iv .T,everty •.fte-eents.-is all -it costs. RAIL -WAV. TIME CARD. Trains leave Clinton as fellows -el e0ls Nn TRIiNE RAILWAY`. • (Ioing-Ea"st _ - Going West, .. 0.15 a.m. express 8.20 4.1.11mixed 9 20 a an, mixed 1.17 p.m.express • 1.17 p.m, express G 15,p.m. mixed 3.50 pan. mixed 9.00 p.tn. 'express GJIEAT tPEsTFRN RAILWAY.• , Going North. Going' South. 9.25 a.tn.express 8.20 a.m. express 6:10 p.m. express 3,50 p.m. express The 41sTeltetit Thing on Iteeor•d. ISI011Ur's Fluid Lightning -for ueuralpiare- Tietidaclie, toothache; e'f'o. ; It door iiot-bliste . of ;d sooIdr-tlneskin ; requires -but o e,ttpplica••., r. tion to banish- all . pain magician ' without using any greasy Iiniinent or carrying your head in a poultice for weeks. Try, a twenty five cent bottle from J:H. Combe, druggist.