HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-09-21, Page 1AMP _ ••,.-,••=mmal
rris'ters, • 'l'olicitors,
Commissioners for Ontario and 31anitoba1
L the Authorised
igh and Public School
EXT Books for Sale at
uy. fwin. Us as -.we sell at the
• ver3rlowest prices and keep
the Largest Stock in the
Now is the time to buy
4 Ball, 61 Ball Sic 8 Ball
adiog. Satchels
ocket oo
VOL 18. NO. SS.
INE:tRIS l..zso Per *ninon'
01.11TON; ON1's. FRIDAY SEPT 21
1883. .
lettv Atirertiottnento.
AV/ANTED. a suitable girl as nurse, and to
✓ assist in light bousehold work. • Appy to
MRS. CRAIG, the Rectory, cieston. • s
A BleInenn.--Messrs. A. B. Powell &
Co., of Lendon, received from a lady in
•the vinage of Varna, an order for one pair
of kid gloves; Inclosed was the sum •of
he bookkeeper of the Arai wrote
FARM" TO RENT. informing her of the' nsisteke. She pro-
bably inclosed the price of the gloves in a
'THE subsetiber offers his . farm en the fifth
I concession of Stanley. to rent. It contains
SO acres; over 60 cleared, Prattle barn and other "
outbuildings, log,house, good orchard LeMfee
can have the job of .cutting 200 cords,of-twood
and Jennie to.nonanzet. F r particuiare-appie
to JOSEPH. CLiivroN.
THE subseriber, having purchased other •property,
offers for sale the centrally -situated Dwelling now
occupied by him on Rattenbury Street., The liOuse le
story -and -a -half, with good brick -lined cellar * there
are two quarter-acie lots, running through to 'Huron
Street. Splendid bearing orchard, hard and soft wa-
ter, stable, &c. This property is in the centre of
Clinton, and willhe sold on the most reasonableterms
. *4 . - -0. S. DOAN-
at a hargaln.
rime: south -half of Lot 25, Seve_iith conces-
-L. den of Goderich Tdviniiin is offered. far
sale, It contains 74 .acre, ia 011 the Cut Line,
o o.iles from Holinesville, five from the town
of Clinton, and a little over eight from Goderieh
For further information apply to
13. GERRY, Bs/lessees.
S"VANT WANTED—A good . general Ser
wanted onae: Apply to MES. rine
einceneson, Mary St. • • .•
WANTED—enod general ser -
1 -3 vant_wanted, good wages Apply bo 31.12S.
REEVE Huron St. opposite Temperance Hall.
A . elBST-CLASS farm for sale or to rent. Lot
6. eon. 14 of Ashfield, wilds from Luck-
now,eontaining 206 acres, 180 under cultivation,
remainder good bush. Good' buntlines., For
Particulars apply to RICHARD BARKWELL,
Londesboro, or JOHN RinkwnLL, on premises.
Ashfield, Sept. 6, 1883,
rphe subscriber offers for. s'ale trio east -half of
'ttli IV N Lot 18, 2nd con.. of Hullett, consisting of 50
acreS. nee,rly alemeared, and in fair working
.. order. • Log house, flame barn, witlistable be-
• 1 , -water in the_ barn. young orchard, and
• other improveMents,,. Situate only two nnles.
from the. growing town, of Clinton. Will be
sold .en reasonable terms of payment. •
e esinitonneeter. 13, 188e., . H. R. WALKER.-
Come' and
us whether
buy or not.
City Rook Store Clinton.
We will pay the above reward for any' ease of liver
complaint,'dyspepsia, sick headache; indigestion. cons
•stipation or costiveness ice cannot elite with West's
Vegetable Liver pills, when the directions-iqd strictly
complied with. They are purely:vegetahle; and never
fail to give sattsfacaton. • Sugar tented, large bOxes;
containing 30 pills, 25 cents: For sale by all Druggists -
'Beware of couriterfeits and imitatfons; The ,genuine
manufactured' only by .J elm C. .•West• 00., 'the pill
maliers,',, 81 & S2'King St. East; TOronto, Ont.. Free.
trig' package sent by mail pre!paicl retielfib p65 three
,.ant fstamp. _
• _
nine .
White Star line of Steannenips.
Anchor line of Stieanashipa,
State • line 'or
• 'For all in ormation apply to
.• W. JACKSON,. Tieketesi (rent. -
Clinton Sept 21 1883
Over the "Now Short Line" te Chicago
and all points ,Sonthwest, Well • '
and Northwest.
Given 'on' application, 'an othei in.'
formation • freely given at the offieedin
- - '
rpien. subScriber will continue , the business
1. formerly carried on by the firm of Newton,
Dennis, lind hopes to receive a continuation
of the liberal patronage beretofore enjoyed.
harges mod-er4e,
LpT. lee CON. HUI-LETT,.
Con:me:Mg of 160 acres,. situate three
f rein the rapiillY growing town of Clinton.
wen improved, under good eultivatiem splen-
did 'sell'. Well Wate,04,, and usn advantages.,
nernis itberal, • W. FARRAR.'
Clinton, F.-I,ent..14,' 1883. ••
00 ael'eS. situate, three miles from Clinton. All
cleared and cultivated but two acres, land all
under -drained; soi , first-class. A tieVer-failins;
water spring in rear, and a flowing water Well
ot barn q. Terms—no money wanted. down, and
iny time given on fuinisbing security.
• • toh, June 28th. 1981.
!II.E5s,61u.holt PartnetShip
see; Ontee; tenerney gftten • tbat• the partner
-1.`4 . Ship 'heretofore sueestieebetween "us, the
undersignmDunder he style of
TIMINGS. as dealers in musical instrnteents„,
(is:tbe Town of Clinton, has: ..been • this'
day; dissolve/1 by nintual conSeut'; All debts
owing to ,-,the: partnership • are to; 'fio :Paid to
Thema s'. Gibbing,,and all. claims,
against tlie 'Said pitrtnerfship Clinton,,re Who prese,nted
to the' said ThomasAl'ibbingsi. by. whoiu the
sanie win lin settled, ' •
• Wl010S5 •: p6fit'Rty.'
l'Ainten..40gusi, 30, 1883,
Clinton—Cotnty Eigh—School
• attention is paid to the preparation of students
f.or the following purposes :—University, Junior and
San fOr_MatriDliatiOn iTi pass and honors, Matriculation
in Law and Medicine, Teachers' non-professional el'
amination' ot all grades.
'The tea Thing htaff 'consists of four Masters, who
• are hpecialists in (..;lashies, English; Frencli German,
the Commercial brelchts' 14iithetnatieS, TI ,SeiCnee.
CtaTOs 13 eaSy, t itedess hy rail, a healthy and plea,
Sant ,plinte.to.4.we in, and:remarkably .free froncin-
dneement§lo vice, ajar fi'cita these 'attractiVe
ments that so frequently interfere with.stuflY• . •
• An unatirpasscsi stipply'Of Apparatus," for the tetteh-
ing of Chemistry, Natinral'PhilosoPhy, and Physics..-
lyitNo effort Will be snared to'inithe the cI1N'roN
1810.11..SCIWOL. thoroughly •effieiefit. •
. „
- FOR .
• One Matrie`ulaiit with honors Mathereatics. One
Spholitrhhhi in Modern LanguageS.• '.Nline,
'honors,' in the 'Carious departnamtamf the Buircrsitr
carriolinn, .Tbirty,'-five' out 701 forty-one, Or .S5-,por.,
cent', stieceeiled pahOng, the Millsnininer,t5301-
ftir any f reettemarsepotess,
• letter to some one to whom she wished to
d $50 '
KILLED.—.IC telegram was received here
OD MOIldtty laet anneunting the death- of
Mr. Benjamin Stiles last Saturday morn-
legeby some accident- in one of the gold
mines of Nevada. Mr. Stiles who --was
well known in this neighborhood, left here
about seven years ago for Nevada, where
be appearn to b aye acquired considerable
wealth, and we hear that it was his in-
tention to return to StaeleY this fall.
Deceased has brothers and esisters living
in . this neighborhood fon whom much
•sympathy 1S eXpresped.
• Geepitieduit mownsit in.
SzeneioN DIED.—Ori- Monday last a
--plenidid TWO -inyr)-o.tre'd
belonging to Mr. Stewart McDougall, died
with gas en the stomach. •.
Enure Sonn.—Mr. D. Cantelon, sr, of
_the 10th con., has bought the farm of Mr.
H. Cook, of the . th c ont 111 g 80
acres, foe the sum of $4,700. •
CONTRACT LE 1 -- he eontract for
building :the" approaches to Turner's
bridge, a fence 00 both sides, and two
breakwaters, was let -last week to Mr. Jas.
MeCfateineleYdthe-sum 011300.
• ILLNESS.—A son of Mr. L. Manning,
who resides on the Base Line, has -been
laid up for about four Weeks with inflam-
mation of the heart, and is yet . in very
poor 'health. Some tinee since while play:
ing with a companionVie 'became rnueh
heated and lay down on the grass to rest
This. is supnosed to have bronght on his
illness, and it has been just at a time when
his services are most valuable 01.1 the farm.
FARM Sonn.-141 r. John Baker, of the
Maitland con., Goderich township, has
sold his tenni of 1-07 acres, being lot 69, to
Messrs. Oakes, ofehe same concession, for
the eum of $6,090 cash. The farm 'is all
cleared but -15 arcs, has on it it good
brick house, and is considered one of- the
best in the toienship, so that it is not dear
at this figure. They tense possession on
the 1st of January. Mr. Baker intends to
retire from fnrrning, and will move to the
classic "and cultured ,town of Clinton to
xeside. •- '
The a ttendance.amd interest is increas-
ire; at the protracted meetings in Sturdy's
• church.
Mr. Young preached in the C.
Church on Sunday evening; there was
service in the morning in the 'Methodist
Mr. Lawrence is making long days, -
between teaching school anti painting the
parsonage. In both of ehicli he is very
Misses Enfold and Blanche have gone
to the fair in Toronto, therefor e the Me-
thodist church had no organist or choir on
Sunday morning. •• .
ANNIVERSARY.—The second,
anniversary of the B. C:'Phurch will be
held on Sunday Sept. 30thand Monday,
October lst. On Sunday • three sermons
will be preached asebileivs : In the morn-
ing at 10 o'clock, by Ren. W. Birks,C.AL,
of Holuiesville. At 2.30 and' 6:30 p.m.,
by tile Rev. T. W. Blatchford,. B. A:,
of Isondon South. On Monday tea will
be served to the public fruit 4.30 to-. 7 p.
m., after which addresses Will bedelivered
by the fellowing Reverend Gentlemen :—
W. Ay erseinf Mitchell, T. W. Blatchford,
-W-nl3irkseand-J.- Kenner. - "%lisle -by --the-
BELGet.even - •_ —
C. 111eLellan has shipped several car
loads of wood, which he bought last winter.
• Some of -the fanners in this vicinity are
not done harvesting yet, and others are
through their fall wheat seeding.
A BIG TELT).— Walter A 1 n,on.. r
vested ten loads of ()ate ofr three acres of
ground, and Nvill have fully 200
It is rumored tline, Mrs. Morley bas
rented her store to Mr. A. naylor for
three years, and is geeing to \Winnipeg or
the great northiveet. •• Inuncan Robertson, of' East Wawa:1°Sn,
measurer). a pea etalk lied found it to be
12 feet 7 in. long; and one of its pods
• contained nine peas. t •
• Leet 'week nIr. Jas. Gillespie, of Blyth.
went to look for gravel, and found a pit
in' Wine, ill earte's len , worth. 'gold, 'for it
• TURNBULL, ileadmaster. is ••a•iti that better ee'zid not be t°und-
esee, iset.
TEfE Cwunow,Ese-Rev, G. In. Cornish
returned on Saturday evening and oc-
cupied his own pulpit on nunday. •Rev.
Jos. Markham is attending the Union
Cor ference- in 13elleville. Rev. Dr. Mc-
Vicar, of Montreal, preavhed in the Pres-
byterian Church Suuday morning' and
evening. The Methodist • choir have
again lost theiralto and the Baptist are
looking for an Organist.
PERSONALS.—Mr, J. A. Merton is in
Ti,ronto this week as a delegate from our
Mechanics _best' ute. Hiscocks re-
• turned from an esrtended holiday trip on
• .
Monday evening Miss 13ella McCutch-
eon is borne again. MSS, A,. M. Hill of
• St Catharines is visiting her many friend's
in Winghani.
THE PASSING SEIQW.--Dr. McVicar. of'
• Montreal delivered a very piofitable and
ablse lecture in the Presbyterian Church
on `Monday evening on the subject
• 'Science of prayer.' The Baird Dra-
matic Co. performed two evenings (Mon-
day and Tuesday) under the auspices of
the town Band. A Concert on behalf of
• the "Helmet Fund" will come off shortly.
• The Willing Workers Foreign Mission
Band will hold their first anniversary on
Frida% evening, when a fine selection
of readings recitations and music will be
rendered by the band, who are well known
for their ability to get up a good enter-
tainment. A ` missionary (*Bogue" given
• at last open meeting will be, rendered
again. •A, young lady dreesed
costume pleads for the wonien of her
country, a silver collection will be taken
• up at the close. The object of the band
is the support and education of a heathen.
boy a:0
les. Baer began • building her new
• house last week. The masons lieve the
foundation built and are busy at the brick
Mr. Richard Sprung, of the base line,
and Mr. Robe Hamilton, of the Maitland
, block: were plaeed in similar positions,
last Week, while Mrs. Sprung is rejoicing
oyer an additional help to 'assist her in
future years. Mr. Hamilton is overjoyed
at the prospect of his place being amply
when his right hand will have for-
got its cunning. —
HEIRT.—Mr. Joseph Webster, of the
12th conce,ssion, received a bad bruise
from one of his hornes lase week. He
was engaged hauling in 'peas and took
one of the noises into the barn for the
purpose of tramping themee-Th e auirnal
refused to move in. the softepeas, Mr.
Webster struck it a slight blow, when it
• kicked at and struck him.
DEserne—The early settlers of this
township are fast disappearing. Again
it is our peinful duty to record_ another
vacancy in -the list of the pioneers, in the
person of Mr. Thomas Greenannewho died
on the 12th inst., after a brief illness, and
was interred in SL Agustine Cemetery.—
Deceased leaves a. vvidow and grown up
family to mournbts departure. '•
MreJohn Durst, of Tubal Cain renown,
anctnir.Infeadel, have just returned frem
doing the rnimeie City. •
Miss Dtumlass, of Ingersoll, is the guest
of Miss Lottie Mootish,
111r• John Stewart,of Benmiller Nursery,
lost about $300 worth of tomatoes by the
recent frosts.
• Many feriners are leaving the certain
for the uncertain, by leaving - their ripe
spritig grairis staridirig in order to put in
their fall wheat. •
John McMillan lone a valuable
iiiirse off Manidany from inflainination.
Mr. Peter Cantelon, grocer of Clinton,
and former teacher here, in the early part
of the week. came, saw, ann went, on his
ustud business haste. '
The brick -I -encored • residence of Mr.
• •, „John ,Whitman, .of Dein
grave, hareent.e& 21; load- Of oats in •• three
• r • , days --yield not 'kuowo. . He". set up 609
'shocks instwo hours. Beat that who can.
This place has., riboot 200., inhabitants
op TWO ALI:A.10,E
. •
nrinternandeeeetertet or the enoviers of S:tle,
fion tained mortgages;whiCh will be pro,
thiced at the tithe of sale, therewin be sold by
P ublic Auction, at thellattoebuty House, 'Olin -
SATURDAY,. flq413 SclOtember, LSSS.
At Twn n'eloelt An the 71 at:moon, by Tr: Dick-
itison,A.uctionect,' the follo,tviiig:desirable pro -
1, Lot number Twenty-six in.B1oek.'0, of Isaac
Ilat-miburY's Snrvey, 011 the oast side bf Fre-
'deriek.8treet, in the town of Clinton, contain-
ing one-tiftli of an acre, vial comfortable, cot-
tage Of four rooms and suninier kitchen, (no*
sonenntecLityeenstimieststeeute-gesetnesualenis wine
fruit Glees.' _ ' • '
. Lot number hundred an sixtenive of
theesaid town, crt-nitnton 00 the east side of
Osborne Street, containing, nearly. ope-quarter:
'of an rtere, win) large wen -Melt cottage of five
remits and summer kitzben„ good well, &e,
The Vendors reserve the 'rightef 'one bidellig•
on eaCh. parcel,
TERMS.--Ohe.third 04 8110 purchase money- to
be.paid on tho. day of sale.; w len an agreement
fosethe purchase is fo be signed. % The iialanee
•otthe perebasse moneneo reinain (if desired by
the Purchaser.) on Mortgage aim inSurance fer
inotterin not.exceeding, Alirec Years,. avail 41
re 1-
tercet at seven pee 01)151' . •. , ,
/ e'er funnier prticulars 'apply to the AuCtion-
0011. or 40
. 'HALB, Dag., Clinton, or ttic
• • n. A, Haim; Vendors' S01Ieitor.
nsnnten., Sipt 7;1853; • •
new, There are only two of them old
residents, Mr. W, 1)unean.and Walter Al-
lison, and both ofthem are -blacksmiths.
A. Taylor, merchant, of Belgrttve, has
done it great business in plums thie year;
he hes ehipped-seyeral can load's t� /seri-
doreands other 'parts, and LS still as buey
as ever. .,., •
Binding bees are the• ender of the day,
there being One; arid eometimes two; every
night; 'Walter Allison., IL. 13rancloa; G.
Nicholson 'and J. Atkinson being, among
thoee that have had 1i bees, and all
There i's quite an enciternent abut the
drains' ivhieh are, now being ptit in in
•Belgravc, hut we think when allnitn over
they will prove satisfactory. The reeves
will not leave the road iifits,preaerit state,
as soineof our leadin'o' men and ratepayers
of tne townships think.
• Mr. E. Littleinir lias,boughttlftee acres
from C. G.Tell, on the top Of the hill
here. He intends to. put nu one of the
best houses in the vilisage, having 'retired
from failning. liforing known Mr. Little -
fair for years'we are sure. he Will make
yr y aceeptable adtitiod to Helgrav.
James • Long is nearly completed, and
adds to the general thrifty appearance of
the farm. '• --
Mr. Pfrannuer has purchased the
farm of Mr. James \Welters, the latter
having bought out the residence and
Blankstnith business of Mr. Wm. Downs,
of Smith's IIill.
• Innestrsnie—Mr. ' M. McEwan, of the
2nd coil. of this townshi-p, last week re-
fused an offer of $676 in advance, es a
yearly rental for his farm of 175 acres.
This was a geed offer, but the farm, is eise
of the best in the township as the' smell
is ;rotten". well a,rn, anced it is not ill ely
:\ cl-fm ma cares to rent now..
BOlitiiig is the. principal amusement
here at present. -Dogs 010 getting very
nurnerens in this locality, on.e, man owu-
ing no -less than six, but of' course a 11 r -
SOD 1111.18b haVenconspany of some kind. In
your AlEauchester correspondence of last
week, the Walkerburn poet is accused of
raising it flame. We deny the assertion,
it was not the poet, it was those but
we forlsear, 1 he asylums 'are already
crowded," and we are positive that they
would be no credit even to -such -a placee
Another correepondent states that "there
are• more asses than mules atound the
13tli con. of .Elullett, and they seem. to
make a good deal more noise."
Mr. Alex, Roberton is getting a new
-ng g ---mach. in e-from-eLmrdtMT'Wlfeeh
Nvill be on hand in a few days.
• • 5.
cAlli dr. j:loassetPW11 eleker this81eY'isotfh eesel eboc)hrtide 'chki lsdt
it during the past month.
Mrs. Stewart is yisiting friends in West
VVawariosh preSent. She formerly ;re=
sided thore, bill during the past 'year' has
resided with friends in the Statee.
The wife, of Me. W. Stevenseof•Hullettf
left here yesterday for England, for :the
benefit of lier health. -
•-• ,•'n•
The Presbytery ofelliiron meets at
Rodgerville next Tuesday, for the indtic-
ion o ev. . Thonison, B. D.
I• - It is expected 'that wee. ma, • Birks; of pursue her studies in music.
Mies M. Wnet is laid up Sick with
touch of sunstroke.
t. L., P. DAVIS, -i Is reported, will remove
hie family to Leaden. Sorry to loose them.
MR. S. Weesit ona brief visit to Kin-
eardine, where he is traDSaeting some 131.1BilleSe ,
MISS BROWN Milliner to the estate of J.
Ilodgetss, has returned from her trip to Eng-
leabnide.te be around. the housfor e a week , by iliness, but is again
MR. W. lIeitegere bee been confined to
Mn.• yotiog0sAt ndnanti. g h'fteeet:,e Otte f t aocnconguaeneideday,bvonhias
visit to Kankakee, Ill. . .
Me. H. C. Binswen, manager, Molson's
Bank, who has been taking a shore holiday,
has reemmed his duties.
Miss C. DEPEW, (sisterein•law of Mr,. W.
Doherty) has gone to Toronto, where she will
Holmnseille; will preach in the Clinton m H 8
R. H. _Nura, goes to Toroneo this Week,
et o 1St C Lire Dent Sunday. • , • e • eIng one of the committee . connected
• . . with the new Slicirellern Register. , •
. The election for Bishop of Huron takes
MESSRS THOS' ' AND ' Go. ,,o1AaLcs\vor.rii,
place at London, on the 17th. Oct. The e
aenresentativessfrom-Clintonewill'be"Rev7 Iljlinlc-rtn:brnelisiidneellestsgenlif3-DPIeatemeit-,arMeientin
Mr. Craig, and Messrs. Farran and Racey,.. Mn. Geo. DIM:IL ere has been laid up by
, • . ,
IT HAS been decided that the first meet- pleased ased to
attack of quinsy, nt il e triends will be
in, of the Guelph Conference of the unit- learn that he is recovering,
ed Methoclist church, will be held in Olin- Miss Deenetess, manager of the Mantle
ton, commencing on 'the, 10th of June next. department of Pay & "Wiseman's establ ishnient
. has retiiinsed from her summe hand iVE1'
Rev.nJ. Kenner will (DeV.).'n'reacu - ' '
tlie B. C. chnrch on Sunday morning rvivniidl• was oane.d to Toronto, on Monday. .1?y the ,
. , , . „
Mit A. ARMSTRONG, ealleetOT of ellelOMB '
evening,-• and et the, latter sernice
illness of a member of his family, and is still
seek to improve the death of the lateeMr.
Burden. - '' ns. awaY''•
' '
• . . . ---. MR. JAS. M. MORAN, late of the Stratford
Mr. M. Rumball, (son of Mr. E. Rurn- Iteraed, but now a traveller for, Gage & Co., -
ball, of the Huron road), left here on Sat- tOefrTesOtroofnortoa,gwzteRheeardeeorns: Saturday, in the in-
urdate for Cobourg College, where he re • -
sumes his studies for the Methodist minis-: M. Taos. Jacecsose JR., returned from a
try; Mr., A. Birks, of Holneesvilie, leaves combined bnsitiesssaild,pleasurtrip last week,
in a couple of weeks,for the same place. ohredneletsgdPuleriknegdhuisp aqbusietnecaere, number of beavy
• Rev. J. S. Coeke, formerly of Bayfield I •' '''se • -
circuit of the Methodist church 'but who Mn. JOHNI DINSLEY, of Wingharn, eldest
has been supplying for Rev. Mr. Andrews,
of Kindardine, during the latter's ,absence
in the northwest, has concluded his labors
there and leaves in a ,few days for the
Montreal Theological College. .
' nra-NCII &STE us
• The Good Templars, ,of this villane,
intend having an open Lodge on Friday
evening (to -bight.) The Rev. A. E.
Smith is to giye an address.- Thee Metho-
dist choir have kindly consented to fur-
nish the music; readings, recitations),
dialogues, &e., will be rendered by several
members, a good nime is expected, all are
invited to attend. •
The Rev. Mr. Pritchard is to be absent
for ehree weeks visiting friends, his pul-
pit is to be suppled by the following Rev.
gentlemen, Messrs. Leask, Young and -
McLean, Mr. Anderson is to superintend
the Sabbath School during his absene,e.
•• Sir John AlacdOnaldhas been SedrIenly
celled to Kingston ley 'the serious illness
of his sister., • •
• The death is announced of Mr. Thomas
-Scott, ex -M. P. P. for North Grey. Mr.
son of Mr. E. Dinsley, of Clintone-has lett on
a trip to the northwest, accompaniedleynneu-
duotor .Simpson, of the L.,H.&B. 13-)iihsgp, '
egiiimied for hi:intim,
True St. Cloud (Minn.) Journal Press says: ,
—"Mr. Robe L. Gale, for sortie months past
book-keeper in the First National Bank, has '
accepted % position withnthe St. Cloud. Trans-
fer and Fuel Company." Bob's friends here
will be pleased to learn of his continued
Ma. ARCH. MATIIRSON, formerly of Clinton, ,
has entered themission field in the northwest,
eommencing hincluties on Sunday last. He
is a man of strong religious zonvictions, a
good, forcible speaker, and that he may be `
abundantly suceessful in his labors is the
wish of his many friends here. •
REV. Rowe. CR kill, of Dunbartoe, (brother
-of Mr. W. Craig, of the Bayfield conceseion)
is the latest victim of "misplaced confidence,"
having been entrapped within the inatriinonial
noose, and is therefore no longer 114s own
master. Ire has our sympathies—and con.
gratulations also,
MIL JAMES Swan, who with his wife and
youngest son, have been in Detroit for five
weeks past, have returned to town. Mr.
Smith's son lias been undergoine metficel
' treatment and returns somewhat improved
in health. During Mr. Smith's twenty year's
residencelere, he svanneeer before so song•
cott was -Mayor -of Owen Sound at . the
time of his death,' - away from town,
ALEX. ta0P.R.E1,,OI tale I0713WHO .Rae
,, Paul Georgenelne pert Huron postoflicn. been in the northweet foi4he pasenve months,
clerk' accuseclofrifling letters; waived r'eterned , home en •Satinday,". hnving -left
amination before the, United States :cone: Troy . (Quapple) two,. weeks. •before. He is
missioner. ae - Detroit ,yesterday. It . is. issuch pleased with the country, n and. nelieves •
. . • .
thought his peculation Will foot up $400; thatin snmme,r, .at knelt, there' 16. no place ,
• • surpass it. During this•sumrner the •ireathen
• The numberof bowie and 'dirk knives there has been father dry, no rains ';scarcely
has 'greatly •ctecreased in the southern till late in July'nnd Atigust. bewilders
States since ,the passage of laws peohibit- that,on the" whole, the crops.are very good,
ifIg their carringe.- 111r..,Blake's law ,ninted cenSiOering the way' in, which many of them
at the. suppression of . revolver -carrying, were put in ; a good deal of the' land was •
has hnd a similan:effeet in (Inane. • : :broke un in the fat', and was not fit to ..back
set, so that settlers had to Sow thensest way
• A Madeira despatch saes Stanley- was they could. . Still, they are la a fair way .of
,doing well, and have broke en' .more.lancl
this slimmer:, • •IIistwo sons; John and 'Tem,
• have each fifty Sores , ready for (won next .
sprint!, Whittiegbarni have •over one hundred
and Frank Gooditin.and other neighbors' are
Workien hard, 'with fair prospects ahead. The
settlement in •which all those f4ris located, .
Corral considers,. a, Very. tine • one 'and •
they ere 'cle;ierrained to test . theecountrn's
capabilities. 'I'he land there, With some ;few
.exceptioris, is grirtO. The people' Of the.set-
tlernent deserve credit for theis liberality and ,
• enterprise biensliug•M comfortable chnrch,
in whielesereice is held every'Sundnye before -
they had : even ,got themselves • comfortably
situated., .He visited Mr: Arai. Matheson,
.who hatna fine farm arid apPears well satitifiede'
with his .condition e the eldest son of Mre
•Matherion is in poonlioalthe but.the remaining
members of his family are all in good health.
nod spirits. 'Qunpnle town is nearly six.miles:
.froralthe Olieten settlement; and possesses
aeveral good stores. Mr. 'Correll, does not
think, u en .of' the' lend:in, • the .,neighborhood
of Reginasfor although' rolling . and of ,nice
appearance, the ansetant. of blue., clay in ;it
willmane it hard te Work, particularly in wet '
weather.. The eropn On the Boll (which
he close to where h,e, %YRS etaying during -the
'slime:tern ,Mr. -Correll nap,. are riot nearly '
as good as neye been repotten,n the 'wheat -
.Would not tarn otit moreehan fp- 0,14' buBh.
elate the acre; this isnot dna to any inferi-
cnity of the lanin'but to the simple fact that • •
:the land was only plowed once anel .not.b.ack-
-see. On this large farms they used 25 .eeln
binders, bill he. had not an opportunity •of
,seeing them at Work., On his way, home he .
drove ,throegh Southern eleisitene.nwl_ Dak-
ota, and he %firma' that he never SaW heavier
crops. of wheat and Oats than .Werd to be seen
in the first -eminent '-diatricts and he places the .
yield of wheat at froin. 35 to40 bushels toehe.
acre awl pats fee. ' 1 -Xis eon. ,Tames, wbo re.
sides ,ziear CrystfitintrfiliS a field. of160 acres:,
of wheat that he considers could not he .be'at
anyiellere. .fIe visited the Lendesbotp and
Exeter settlement's', ann'found all doing well.
He terms the Iletmonite• settlement "the.
landef Goshen," nelicviug,then blive the best
land to belted iu the norIliwest.', Hers they
were all busy onttine their grain, but in the
Cepell die trictebetnnad only canister barley
and oats.: • Men wee own solf-binders charge
ee• an acre for cutting end binding, .and
threshers get 10e, e beshel.• In Southern •
Mattitobn buyerleare. offering 85c b,ushel
-wheat-end-ell oars soldna ; Tur-
tleniountein district allnhey would bring was .
15c, while at Quapple 'there Was such a
mind for them that 65ce was the ruliemfigure.
He believes the weet jest the place for any
'youngetpauto gate although the F6nernMeet
has allowed siren's:tenet° lockinplarge traetS
of land' that should be thrown•opett for Settle, -,
ment,. ntid the induce's:Mitts of • better land .
xeguletienn, nearer markets,, and cheaper
living in Dakota, has induced paany who
would have preferred Manitoba, to settle.
under the Stars and Stripes.: Mr, teerrell
-states that at the nlectiop for'meinbers of the •
Nerthwest Legislative Council, le' Regina'
district, three Coeserva,tives' ran, mid every .
one pledged themselves, to do. their utmost
to defeat the Dominion. Government, because •
oftlieir iniquitous land Polisnen 'Mr. • Ocgrel '
has always lineir's lineleng Conservative, but
he saya the feeling against the Government'
ia very bitter, Midi Inc goes so far as te say ,
that a few unmiths! eeindence in the north:
tveseevenld matoritilly change this views of
thq :nest prOnourreerl e.mee,ninicnt simporter'
at Stanley Pool three weeks ago, well and
hr eopaesfeuelnedo ftshuec cceos sn.g I. dej %Iv.ads rnerpartzrzian gw at
at FranceVille, en route for Stanley Pool.
His mission is a failure. '
thne 'for elosinge signatures for the
submission of the Scott Act, at Oxford,
expired yesterday. Over 3,000 signattrres
have been • obtained7-consideeably' over
the one-third necessary and still there
are largo portionnOf the connty not can-
vassed at all.
*nen` feature so far as the lunch -COWS
department of the l live stock trade is non-
cerned lees been introduced by Mr. James
Elorsfall, of Dundas, Ont., who is shipping
• to the English market 22 head of very
fine cows, several of which have their
calves by their side.
James Kende, a Methodist minister of
Newark, vieited. his Mother at Brooklyn,
on s on av, when ,quarrel e and
drove, a • butcher knife into his wife's
throat, eut.his- MVal throat, and jumped
out o ourt stor9y window. leernlo
is bel;eved to be ineane.
• The preliminary examination in the
East Middlesex election ease has _been
held, and it has been shown that there
was,absolutely nothing done by or with
the knowledge of the respondent that
could poseibly avoid the election. It looks
as if another Tory deposit is in danger.
The Provincial Synod at ite meeting on
Tuesday • was eloquently addressed by the
Earl of Carnarvon on the difficulties the
Mother Church was meeting in Englerun
The noble Earl asserted that the Anglican
Church in. Canada held an enviable psi -
tion, and expressed the opinion that it
was it mighty body, growing daily. The
Synod directed that the mission Board
should assemble in Montreal, and that
collections should be forwarded to •this
central point for distributiou over the
woOrin.Wednesday morning • Grace Le-
strane'an infant daughter of John 13a1-
four, of atneinem, died from poison. It
seems that ebout 7.30 in the morning a
etinnboxencontaininge-a---numbeennef I -Mrs;
composed of strychnine and iron, was
given to the little one to rattle, and she
in some Ivey managed to get the cover off,
and before noticed had eaten a sufficient
number to cause her death after an hour
and a half of terrible suffering.
The first General Conference of the
-United Methodist church closed on Wed-
nesday,after a sitting oecupying two weeks.
The new organization has been set on its
feet most auspiciously, and the indications
are that no hitch will occur in getting the
necessary legislation to begin work in
earnest by the-firet Wednesday in July,
1884, when it is intended the machinery
provided for carrying on the work of the
new church shall come inn) effect. 'It has
been arranged thiff,)the next meeting of
the Getlerel Conference shall convene in
the MetropoIitan,Church, Toronto, on the
first Weclnesdayein Septembee, 1880.