HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-09-28, Page 7ET.TEF T By the lst of March next, In accordance with the terms contained in the will ofthe late proprietor, the, business of the estate has to be wound up by the above date. JJ. 0 ftw :-. P3c. oo $ to oo.o0) ftp Well assorted in every department. rnmenced. on TUES� i ... Vie.._ co . SAY morning, ,SEPT. 4th, give a discount of.„:TEN PER CENT FOIA- "CASH, on all goods excefit .(heli .Bugs. : This, in addition to the very low i. gures eve have been selling -goods at,' 'makes it Ott e The people here have ever had of supplying themselves with ., Dry Goods at less than wholesale prices° ESTATE JOHN" HODGE1 S, y DRY . c.a,c , 5 P LAC , CLI�NTON, Sept. 4, ISS' IDaily AA -riving OVER Engtish, Scotch �: Irish Tweeds, Coatings, Worsteds, Berges, Etc.' GET YOUR :FALL SUIT, NOW. Immense stock to select from.. BVI -IO NEVER FAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION, IS STILL OUR'CUTTER. Prices away down Big Stock of D- - New Patterns. Low Prices. Black and Colored 17. And everything usually kept in a first-class DiyGoods House. FALL 8 WINTER HATS ON THE WAY. FULL ,S,T®CK OF GR.00ERIES. Our increasing trade in other departments compels us for want of room to oo out of BOOTS & SHOES and CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. WE OFFER OUR WHOT" STOCK • Or THESE Goons AT COST., R. COATS ntpn, I. ADVERTISEMEN,£S. Are sellinc, Wholesale and retail at such pricesas to Any other firm in this .Western country to -equal. as regards finish,variety; eleganceor design; in svllich. ho Makes>. Your Boots THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Inert, Women ant Children's Boots.. & Stock Shots.- Spring .� well assorted, and complete. in all departments. ALL _GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH'- C. CRUICKSHANK,-RICK BLOCK, , CLINTON Active Agents, I[ale or Female, Ranted at once in every Township, and Village, to canvas for (WEEKLY .EDITION. The :circnlation of TEE' WEEKLY MAIL is now 75,000 copies weekly, and rapidly increasing. Fromnow till Jitiinary 1st, '1SS5, toll ONE DOLLkiR. It contains the latest news, both Local and J'oreign, a splendid 'Story. Pingo; First class Agricultural Page, reliable; Market Reports, Legal Column, Iloiisehold' and Children's .Departments, Sze. For further particulars apply to W. H. COOPER, Jr., General Agent CLINTON. IF YOU WANT 000D, CLEAR, STRONG, BRIGHT Pr; -LL s- BUY " allzser's strictly Pure Spices, We keep also the VERY BEST BRANDS IN YT 'E4 Ii,, from the best manufacturer's -in the Dominion', at tli NOTED TI COFFEE & ;SP�.OE : DOUSE;: iEAYER BLOCK, NEXT 1.0 'rIIE Towx HALL, CLINTON..; S: PALLTSER T. WHITE We do not exclude e ven London, Toronto,. or Montreal;'.. rrDE-J3OAf DS, w-hick-Taflge=ill-priPe-ftom=six to-si-xty_dollar-s,- .WINDOW POLES AND CoR,NICES in endless, variety. ;. So if you want anything in Just,step into either of the Free Busses Grand '.Trunk ,Pailway Station, and .you will be driven :directly to the' Where you will see a finer stock than in any store i t.town. FLED 'ROCKER STORE 0Olai)o'gte ew Clothin ore Oak :111111 Beaver Block, C'lintocl.: 000 The subscriber desires to intiniate to the people of Clinton and surrounding country, that he has opened a Clothing Store Ne=t door to Thompson c'f� Sit�e°'s, Where he will be pleased to attend to all work entrusted to hint, in the most expedi- tious manner. klavinn y had several year's experience as Gutter for some of the best establishments in Ontarro, he can. • GU.rantes satisfaotion' in Style an.d A full stock of allood. on .hand `usually re uired for Clothing, such as (; 9 4 TWEEDS',. WORSTEDS;.OVERCOATINGS, FANCY'TROUSERINGS, &e. 'AEI -Parties ,haring -their .own, material can have, it made IT -on 464't notice. A TR AL SOI:TCLTl+ D. CIHAIvGES REASONABLE. Cli• t p Bkpt 14, 1883. CL1N ON The subscriber desires to 'announce to„.the. peoppe'of Clinton and; 'Vicinity that he has now on hand a full stock of Scotch, English & Canadian 'Tweeds, Beavers, Meltons,• Broadcloths, Worsteds Fancy Pant Patterns, Etc., Etc.; Which he i'. prepared te make up` onthe very shortest notice. Being a pr lexical cutter, he feels confident t'liat he can give the bestof ;.atisfaetion In fit and style, CAN AMI WILT SELL- >5 CIHT A' AS ANY }fousr TUT :Goins 1V hr, s,Nr<.,'.('ti,• oppo ite the Post 00.19e, Clizmton.