HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-09-14, Page 6AROUND There at's 75 rich voters list, Mr. T. Dodd; 'week a four mon Dungannon PI scribed $3;000 to church. Donald McInt Grey, died last Sample, sister ot died last Friday: The semi-annu Huron teachers' in Goderich on 12th and 13th of One of the ship west from Goderi full of Cats. The felines are worth e' If a well be pois drink thereat. It is lain of life for one's ',Men by careleadbe 41theritaxiee, this has sparilla keeiti the bl estores aprit:e, at Mr. GeI. McG lot 15, lth con., Beattie, 'eontaini isum of $7,500. Beattie's present give him 20.0 acr On•Monday las of Mr. B. Bonito McKillop, mart above the ankle, log which he Was ad a waggdri, it. On Monday w Seaforth, was en he fell'from -the t of- the wheels; w body breaking s wise injuring -hi No other Medici Cherry Pectorial iderangements of th cog toward cons') rases it is a certain eelief for the ash tve.n in advanced s IMPORTANT On Monday m the building be Abel, Opposite . Winghana, was d It was put out i few pails of water being a small hol The salt well f6ib, has caved engaged in d rilli expected to be fit few days. Re - and tons of soft .c of wood as a fuel of -salt. This is price of wood. • Star says Rev. Mr. Punier astonished 'his. co ing that he had 'a school, and 'wo his engagement a a word of such a before, even by t surprise pf- the surprise imagined. John R. Yea,' H or's Speedy Cure ft) tion is cheap at for it. I am a co continually., and leaving home with Speedy •Core in as leavitc my team at Free to ial bottles at Regular size, fifty -- don't ifeir from our Tory co the , effect that Mr. Cameron; M is expected home middle of the mo Tory friends e won't sit in th next session are 1 ket to the extent_ Says_ the E Ament, of this tc • real Mir iositY. I rather a combina centre is a fait gr ingit, and growl are eight other w distinct and sepal with corn grains. were all growing in the • s irne lid very pretty Alive of the peculiar •fr cannot onsily be Tun 1.IoLmEs 1 and Miss Maggie our fellow towns left town last Tiles go to persue their dist 'Ladies Colieg be -one of the best This is Mi.s :Hon, eons gc•and we 1111: last year was eice progri,ss in hrusit'i• 'surprising soiLl some of her paint artiaticp Holmes' family h roammuiP : say that Mr. 1ioirn no expense to give education the Dr... oldest top final passed his nal Hall, Toronto lie is thu,/ .a fir hasxbecome a lawy begin his practice 0.'Holmes. tha yo Toronto this comi course at the !)-. fain his third year man in Modern Our succeaSfoi Holmes, the sewn us, and We hope Wit-411am has ve proud of the pro - ---,- THE COUNTY. ,ppealS against 0 ciq' e• ., • • ., iNicEilioii, sold last,,, Ilis 11 Ill f tY ' . $ BPeldu!6' ' H ' The greatest' Medical, wonder'nft he, werld; Warranted to s eedil", Cure' Burris' -13iiiisda; . 'tilts Li' leers StPilt Wien m Fever -So' res. Can'. , °ere, ,riles, Chilbliiiirit -Ontii6 Totter, C'hap-,- , , , ped Hands, and alLskin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every lest nue . or 'policy refunded 20 tete box. ' For s.,11.0 by NA atAs & (-'° TIIE 310LSONS BANK , , i tricerporAed by;Act of Parliament, 1853. , dAPITAB', .-i , .; ' $2;(it)0,110.0. , .; , _ Heik-B, ct,..,.. . - •• -,1 t_ifl,:FIC.E,', MONTREAL' y riluE. --A.. thanks subsc...e.r to iiiS"einitiiiiiiiii-.`and' ..1 . e - 0 .desires to return, the I HITS • his *rare inibPc .1gin .rti-II - ... , , - _ ., -,;,;-, ., ' isco: UT U !ally• terians 'have sub- wards buiwilo., a new . • .Notes eb, of the ji.501 con., Thursday, and Miss, John Sample per J , • • , ,. --_____,,„....i.,-----,.-...- ' • Arr. IA, to. °liver, 0( h, has 801CI Out his hat -11P88. litiAlifeS8 tO GOO. h.e-rt:dtild" Hendei•son and ;Tulin Ward'. If Ontario owns the -diSpUteil'-territOry whY did- she- agree to an arbttratton,. the . . r. r • ..'t T1f01 AS VORKMAM, - ... -.President,- - - ,i. ,R, • .obsonil... .. . . .. yice.-Pres. ,, - P. WO ER TAN THOMAS Ilioneraf Ili 'IC or * ' • d pOunted, 'Collection's made, .`.-Th.•afti , issued, 'Sterling and American,..e;cchange., . '6.puug1..tt and sold at lowes.t, •Orandiii,..hrt-Winas ,current rates. .for.thOinepuipatronage extenqai to t'itin'illthe'past) and' Ify4brinslinig the beet t rileratkve„.pricehe hopes to aa-i"orliani°uat;w'en'et 1 npdb`ialii - recommend a trial othis iiiiiikta?ous or tho' VerY bust brands of ' - ,,,,•, .. - ,! ..', - ' ' ' . '' -and Holland roefnatluie' ireat ' ......- e'lli- 1 ' Popular . r , Goods . ..• House, , -4,-,- .--,. ,., - 1. the late • • ' West' validity of the awary being conditional on . AS approval by the Dominion Parliament'? ..- IN REST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 31ErA.'Etivi' YaRS• .. - SUITABLE FOR ILIEDICINALPoarosrs AND FA.NiILY 1 . BASS' ALE, AND GUINESS' PORTER USE. •-- ......... - = LI meeting ofthe .ssoeiation Will be held. 'riday and -Saturday, October.• • - The 'award not having, been so appreved, by what right does she caim it is • valid ? . -Winnipeg Times. ' , - • • . - Ontario did :not count on a gang -of blackguard repudiators getting int'o Money advanced to farmers, on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No 'wattage required as se- curity., i,. , ,. ' "„ ... - -• - R. c.3iRtf'`":". 31 nage', January 4883 Clinton. - • ' . . .1"n Bottles, Pints and Quarts: . .: ... . CANADIAN ALES AND. PORTFR, C.A.itMite's and DAvins LAGER COIlErtalltiy on hand. ,. r,..,1 1 WE OPEN . -THE • FALL 'CAMPAIGN . .. . BY ANNOU.i0ING, 'nfents to the North,.. eh last week was a box owrier p.yers that the $5 -apiece np there.',.' , lied, wee be to those who worsoto poisou • self,' an& for terity. by mitsfortune,:-or done.' Ayers Sar- ,at Ottawa_ - No Government in the'world ever before ;disgraced 'itself by repudiating ' • • the award of its duly constituted -arbitrit- tors. Sir John Macdonald Could have the ' award confirmed by Parliament il h'e so deSired.: His Ontario supai' orters follow . . . • -. him- like sheep- .on every occasion, -, and their votes added to the, votes of the Lib.e... ral members,' Would confirm the award -in * BIDD.LECOMBE '-''' -' - — --i ) ' - . . ..... Wath, and Clock -Maker, • , . . , ' - -..JEWELEER, ace:, . . ..,, . 0 P PO 411 E TIRE DA It *CET, CIANToN Where he keeps Mseie`ret assortment ef , , dust,teceiyed, in. prime condition . : '. • . ' • ' ' Montreal- ginger Ale, 'Champagne .Cider: . , ., - , - • I Plain Soda.' Sole A.gerit forGioder*eli ..A.le-.• N. RBSON1,.." . ALBERT. STREET, BRICK. BLOCK, CLINTON. , a A special Cash IDiscount 11" - -• - 4111 at licies';of , and Stock is ' now complete. in all at lowest figures, and is. now , . , I of Ten per cent on ,e• Dry vioods ClothInce. Boots. anti Shims. departments. ' it has been carefall swehle.icethed,miibtrght offered 'at- our usual low pricers, 'geed .':ieen ood, the vital stream, and .. . health: • - spite Of Bleu -opposition. duty of Otitarie' to suffer ideprivation of •../.i: 'CLOCKS: JEWLLERY, SILVER - special . discount to cash piirchasers, ',igives a:n. -an opportunity of securing coin forta,ble.tgartrients for the :Cold :season, at -a snotill cost. :.° . -. --• - rerigth-aitil • )nagle sold his farm AtoKiii0p, •-•tQ_Air. A'. . . ' . ' ig 100 acres, for the This farm adjoins Mr. :which, A. i 1 • " h . ( Sir t he ' territory awar...cc. .ier ,..,ecause i... J.ohn Macdonald shamelessly refuse's tb do his duty- by getting the award confirin- ed by the parliament under his control.- 'Hamilton Times. - ' ' rvi;TCHES 1 ' wARL. Which we will sell at reasonable rates. ,, • _ " Repairing 'of every description promptly at tended to, and alfw_ork warranted. ' • . J: BIDT/LECOMBE. tillEITAKIN6 , . .. • . , .#1.7'' ,. Ou'r sliewl lig of F 1-11:i.,AC if ' WORSTEDS. SCOTCH' ENCI.LISItand Canadian T -weed is 'v'ery atiractive.. ". '' . . / . . . , .. .... farm will,- now S...... , , AN ANSWER WANTED. Clinton, Nov i882. ' ' ' I Black. and Colored •Cashineres and'. Fancy Dress •Goods- Dill -.rule ,t.. bcott BoultOn, a son o • • I, of the . 9th con. of . 1 • b io , k e his ., ./ =, unate y eo•• which WAS cauSed . by , a endes.voring- to plirce )ing and -rolling against , .. . bile' Thos. l'iloore, of aged in drawing •wood,- DP of the. load in •I rout • Over hiS Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or.' Liver Complaint that Electric I3itters will not speedily cure ? We say they can. not, ,as thousands of case.s already permabentlYoured , and who are daily recommending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, 'Dia- -hetes, Weak -Back, or arry urinary . complaint quickly cured. They purify the 'blood, 're _ luiste the-howels, and act,directly on the dis. eased. parts:, Everybottleguaranteed. For sue at -50'e...:a•bottlel: by •Watts...t..Co.' . :. Tel Kia„,k • ‘, :ol.,-. ••., . , ... , r • orr.- Climax cough cakes: Quick, 'sure care ; of all di:filers.; Ificts. . - ' ..‘ • • .. .. . PROTECTION.. .. ' '• ' -.,-,-- . ' .. • 111HE Undersigned having removed their otit -1- ' • . . - .. . cos into the . TOVVINI HALL, BUILDING,. • . - . And. having purchased a large - ; . . , .. , . , FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE With patent.combination lock, and all Modern improvements. are prepared ' to teeive, lor .safe keeping nny title deeds, documents,. veto, able Securities, gr ether-paoers, • - , , MANNING & SCOTT, •BarrisMrs, „Pre. . . - , • I willIE „SUBBCRIBER MAKES A, SPECIALTY' . A. -of this business and keeps constantly on hand .• a are assortment of . 1 COFFINS, CASKETS' • 1 , . . . • ' COFFIN TRIVIMINGS I ' , , . , SHROUDS And” everything in the 1.7ndertakilig line, and... can f urnig a ftinerra.l. . See our . -Plain .and ., • NI All- , LONG..BOOTS BLACK and COLORED VELVETEENS beautiful foods . 1 • . - fancy liVincies.• Plain and. fancy' Flannels.; . . . . . . ' . , . 1\1001ALANNR - fUll Width ril:e' and 10 r C* 0 J , . i ' ' ' ' ...Vire show a•ve!•y large .stock of. Lo Boo ,. ' , , ..• • in both Men s and Boy's bich passed' ribs, and: other- '‘.-Ptal • .. • - • -. . , ,gro.te,5,0.1.0.nat and , othrc-QtardL . . . , IN TH. E $URR9GATE,, COURT OF THE- . County , of Huron. . 4veeasralittut siiiici,ttta::pair4r , 1' , , . , sizes, made to our order, andguaranteed4o be the :best of le-tther and best wntiiinianhiP with • , patent saddle seam, ralich'Cari.tiOt'rip ' . ) e is•se reliable -as Ayer', a• coldp, couBbs and all e respiratory organ; I. Av. -w-i-•: FAI,MAN, 1-DI.vistoi4 cohut CLERK, w 7' • Coln-SYS,DCOF &S. OffitIC RItttotibitry' Street1.. CliinOn Out ' ' ' • , . , ... • . , . —' ', In the matter Of th.e.` : Craar d' ianship . of .the -Infant Chilc tn of Ectwa.7 d G? CeiL, , •• • . -At. the, most- reasonable -Rates • ,,_ . TWO. SPLENDID TIE A.r SE' . . See our long Hoots, -sizes G. -to- '10, at 11 BO and 10 -per c t ff. • , , en o .• spiion. In all• ordinary cure, and it affoids- sure ireatio and consumptive, i .„. . ' A. 'FORRESTER, ClOw VEYANCER; LANG D . . Insurance and. Generdt Agent. Money to loam ')''''''.(''', -13F-Aivim 13.1,901", eltniwo..%ont. • ' • cleeci'ed• ' . . A .PP.moAnort wilt be made to the SuiTogate Court 11. iff.the County y f Huron before-tbe, Judge in . • , KEPT FOR 111Ilk:. .._,..__... - . _ We. Will. set the ball rolling 2.11_ TUESD A Y', .......... lit!); when we Will coMmence '41.-Vid:iirglit'Ci-- fibTriiiith7eill r calTE dna filiiTe17,--by. oivinira ten' agea.of d1w4sP; ' cutting last the .1•061..jof longing- t • MI'.• John. chambers at the Court House in the tbwn of Go.derich, 1,.40NEY To. LEND IN • LARGE. • OR SMALL after the expiration of twenty days from the first pub - ait suiltiot4 on good. mortgage security, moderate libation hereof `by Hour- Perkins ; of the village' of o of ereat., li.-HAHE; Clinton - Corrie in the County .of `Huron, yeoman-, and. George., Green of -the Township -of Goderich in, the said, ConntY REmEguEn. tifE .P.t:ACE., '1 OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL. . cent .pioce or its 1--q---Ciiv-alen't to all who Pure"' ilse goods- to the extent' of One Dollar, ONE DOLLAB, To fALL .iyri,-.0 , MAKE A TEN DOLLAR FORCE! SAL TEN` DOLLARS TO ALL WHO, 'MAKE A HUNDRED.. DOLLAR P CRC JIIASE. the • Exchange -Hetel. iscoverect,:to 'De on. u re. ' ./A LIST OF LANDS IN HURON FOR SALE BY of Huron, yeoman,. uneleS of, the Said Infant n For an' order apiannting the said Henry Perkins and. .1- the Canada Cornpativ 1116T be seen at the NI - ' • -- -' - • ° e' • 'George Green guardians' of thn said Infant Children of houndersigned. .11. MALE Clinton • • - Edward Green, deceased. Estqd, at Clinton this: 23rd vionso di.-rriirale,nal i:ti, u a it, vt ilzuni.. 1 , -±)-'•Rerneniber theodods are all row - well bought aIhe ' d ' '-:- ' cc ' . whatever •you ,receiv'e--tin: the "Way - of' diS'ebunt is to Y'ot;:•ciiterillintr•d ai:t.:19'w 'prL82 so a few minuteS.with. a - ',..tbe•only.,daniage•dolle ;EX, ....: ..... 21. - day -of August, A. D. 1883. .'.. GEORGE GREEN;', . TA II. DOWSL'.D., hi. C. R. S. ENGLAND . • by MANNING &.SCOTT, hi's solicitors. . otneeyymn=0. CAtl. AND...INSPECT STOCK: AND COMPARE . if Physician, Snrgeon, etc. Office and residence - _ . . .--- -- .- - - PRIOES: . , D. burnt. in-th e-roef,-- riext.MolsoulaBo,,nk, market squarerGiinton: NOIICE , . , , ., . . . . .i • . .. f Dr; Cioletuan; 'Sea- ' •nn:- APPLETON.---OFFICE-Ar RESIDENCE. :- • . • - '' - 11 Ontario street, Clinton 'of • $1,000; -TOREEiT„,..-ri n and .1:10 has workmen --Yon, opposite the English tlieTle; price . Of Sags, Messrs. osurai.:-, Entrance by side,gate. . . , IN'eonseqeende • . . ' Harland Bros: and S. REIMS thISITlitilS have agreed Having,the utmost confidence hi its superiority over all others and after- thotisands of tests the lg. a new ' halo. ,It is iou-so, 13, CGRADIJATE. OF. TORONTO 0 take no more in tra e, 1VC l'I'Ve purehdse a their of most complicated and severest eases we could And, We Oel lisb04 in the cout'So - of has *pure/lased -a then S-: . . , . .. to take the -I- . . •unb•srsityorhysicht:h.sarge,mi,, sze.,..rciad,oide at ragS on hand. - klaving.a.thOrongb.knewlOdIe Of -'sort- Mr. 51.aiirIng's., three.docirs-east of .0,,,, ,,,xemp6,„1,.. .ing for the various markets,. we are nulY.Prppd. t',.9 Hall, Louryelburo,'Ont. :. • . buy rags both. In 'bulk and small lots; ed,sh pmdfo the : •'' \: '. - • ' ,larthelots, trad. &for the. small.. Thehighest.pry.5!. ' , jiiStified,in-crtfering.to:forfeit One 1Thousand - Dollars "for any case of coughs, ' colds, sore, throat, inflkienza, 'hoarseness, Impfichitis, consumption in it8 early -Stages, whooping cough", :and 'all -discases of_the throat and , , . . • oal place ,. for :the • manufti'ctuia.i. . iwirm-ro the Very high 0 , .., . .• , . „aid L,. . . .,_. for_ tailors and, merchants. clips in cash aid a,trifle TA: 1,-.);tek" qs SON.' LICE'S AUCTIONEER paid.for-their other. clippings in trade • We also take take „. , , ,. .we .11--f• tor the County of Ituroir, 'Sales attended •old, carpets, rope, baggin' g" ,••• copper, brass, •troui,and.• to ProniPtIv. Charges, moderate. • Residenc. cash paidto farmers, blacks,niths and others for large , Albert St. Clinton... ' . . ` - , . e ots, and trade for small quantities. .. • . . 'lungs except asthma., for winch svomily•cleim1 relief that' . • 't '1Vi''' t' ' ; ' ' ' ' i ' can . cure. with .. eS, S. COUgh, :Syrup, when, taken-a000rdin61t0Alreetlelun •: Sample bottles .5 and 5.0 cents ;.larke battles one dollsr, .GenuincrWrappers only in bine: Sold by all druggistS, or sent by ex- -,t . . ' , . . . , ' . -evening ... , 'Ivrit. ,s,. MRS. 13LAOliSTONE.:teachers of VoCei .ii:d" • - . . ' w. MARTEN" Pedler 'Clinton ' " Piees en receipt:of pri6e.. John -O. 'West; di .0o:1-81 St. Toromlo, Ont.. For at Comlae!'s 1 Sunday 1 iy, o ft he M.K.. C h in eh, .i.r.i.. innen a music Rattenburr Street near Or L ,.,;..1'1,.Elect's°F3'....3....i., 1,3-751,'Sing Class now -forniing:, • . . . '.. 83'lling ,East, sale DruStore _ • - -- __ __ anTearit,ion by aril:tonne- . : • • Clinton. Fcb:15 1882 ' ,0 to GO: PE11, , . . :ceepted a . position in, Ild, at 01106 terminate S.the'4. pester.. As not thinaind been known .. • .. • . -romi METCALFE' Veteri '',"'s .S ' ' ' f` ' 1t1 d•:...aoyartonege of. Veterinary Surgeons'sdEngland; . lt'eBI:iffiii•laNpchriniTi litoeS_Ittatihnrded_,toisiart .ocn eel ,OKiitis,,Asfi c 111114P GlitOCIFRIFS . . ' .t. s.s. 11• , Ur' ° . . . ' ., .. . . - . - - ' . ---. ' ' ''' ' p• • . . .. . ' - . • .. . ' .. ' ' ' lio'chuich. t.he k 1 C roC, ,ery, GlassWare c. ...... . — , officers,. Cono•re”atitirr , ma y * • '* -be,. , .. , .. , .' rill,yliE7.2,1'E.-OFFICE,iTTEINEURY ST.--. '1," I'll'Ill'aV`dileok, two thane east of ,Hodgens' en- [ - -I • • ' .' -, - - ,.,, tranee.;-.Hosilenee, Opposite the . Temperance Hall , ' .- I ' - • ' ' ' ' ' Oatmea aid. Cornifical always- n (halt' ,„,ozi,Street, Clinton: ' Ohieltheurs, Sam ....to dp.re.', •. . . . FURNITURE STORE-,..-ChENTON; ' ..1 .. ; • ' " .. ' - . . • 1 - . ,... - — , .:'' • ,. - _ _ __. _ Tlie Affibo.filficent Xe.w. Si._.,enery..ortered SOITle till -16'1.6:0 . ,. . milton/ says : . ' ' 'Al 0011.'cog-. i• Dyspepsia and Indiges- fty times ilia tf" IS WELITT,' TRACHEA OFMUSIC -PUPIL 1111. s Aniled at the' " own' residencef n 's ary 8 ' a:Lso lidelice; joint, Rolterrrtmins,' Duro.n'iStreecets.ClintRo e.' 19 tt I iiiedvia,,,,,, . nietho„ 'taught 'if .:destied. ' n. 0 71 ,C010hated.,•English •Breildast Bacon . 'Having MoVed:inW his new brick- store . - . • . . —• V- -.. pride -asked". ,. , ,. , . .. . . . ..• WOPPOSITETIIF TOWN - Ft ALL nmerciat man, and travel, ,vould no...indre think ',AA, , , . - ot a bottle ofMoGre.Or's.. y valise than I. Weald • cif 'foot. ' • • ',;,•-•,.-.:•,-,:- ,-, •..... • • •.. ,.., , ... , .. • . - , . j , Olin, 0 gar urec .. has "• '61 E'VII./ i••G kl•ADZAIkt'' Or l'HE MEDI , • „Okr.,Departstputuflactottalltliverdity,Toronto for ' ''- , Anfl, ,Nd., 1 LARD:. . molly, Of the H'ospitala. and. DisPeneitries,,NeW•YOtk. coroner'forthe"Cetinty of .Huron;.Bityfleld'i Out At PrieeS..iiilicit,hahhet bh,•beateh ie toww. Bei, "leave to State to his"nitiMMOus frieild.C.in. 'l.i'riton: and that dountrY;'thdt, he keeps "mil hand ' a superior quality of Furniture of aft kinds such as -/A 'SETS' 7=--' . . - Beaver Block, Clinton-. home. and 'going on 3. H. Cornbes drugstore.. . elite- and ore dollar... ' . any further . reniarks , ,D,:- w . w;,,LLIA.m : • ' . • • I ' HIS SG "C 'TEA 11 SPECIALTY . ' ' r ` - . • ..Itt•Torento bniversid; member of thediellegeOfPliy. ' ' .; • ''• P '. ' ' ... °eon 8, Ont. OFFICE RESIDENCE the . SOLE ,A GENT FOR " .. lionSe formerly oeenpictl. by Dr: ,Reeve, Albert Street clinten:,• . . •, , . . - • . .: . Dobbin4'VLECTRIC •. • • . . . SOAP BEDROOM PARLOR ' - ' '- _ -'''• ' -. ' '` ( I • • ' ' ''' • - - ' ' ' f' ' . ., - Of the latest' stitiles aIs:cr- 43E bsTEADs, . sibEBo ir DS ' • • '• - _.;._. - - - ' Has ' 'arrived.: rfli,bii.'.. studio r is lip.sii completely equipped; ... and ' ' -- '-' - - ' - as varfe.ty .aild unty contemporaries to.. "Cameron must • D.:Y." . P.. for West- .1E00; , . . CAIITIVR. 1[9•11-1r `t, fl! 41417 ' ': r ''' 'TIT @MA'S [ 6 OOPE l''' Dentists', will viSit.Seaforth every Wedn es- : - . ' 1 `1A,I.i.i.i.,E_RT, 8,11R.E_E*,- OLIN ION Clay and ThUrsday and Clinton, every.' Friday `of, ' .....BuRt kTJS TABLII]S• H And. f,,rytliing thatconstitutes furnishing a house 111 „his tine; which lie will.sel1 at the lowest living' relit.. 'ask ' e'eritains great ofsceuery a•ceessdries as the best , . • . . . . . • .. 'city establishnwnts. . . .. frera Europe abont the nth-, and -those. of • our - each' - . , weok,except the week -When Tuesday cods first in the • - • ' ' month'. Teeth eitracted-Without pain. ' Charges DS 0 . ' SEEDS 1 ....._ inederatefaqa- tertns--caslitt'''.7--"..'-11- ts.E-E, .. --.,---- " ,. . - - '., ',' 1 h share of the public patronage, being thankful; forpast favors'arid hopeful for the future The public . re *nvit d to call •ii • . • , ..,,,,_,, c caa.a..itee.ter...themselyes,_i_ I., _ . _•, • SPECIAL. ATTENTION TO HIGHLY. FltlISI1E0 CABINET' WORK. .„ . __. . . .. . have bet Money that • • • . . - s Dominion parliaMent • • ` •'.' • • . ,IF1R. iiibliTHINGTON, rriYSibri.N;SORGEON Vow IN STOCK`, PRESII-FIELD AND C&RDEN IJA eenelteur LieentiateOf the Celle eofPh -' • -..i.t Screeds, ,from the. must reliable Seedsmen.. ' • an a sPar eon8o1 Levier Canada' Onci P g" - - Yltrigli. " I --'-- Clintnii "July 6 1882 . ' • ' ' • . -'• ' " ' • ' . BEAVER -BLOCK' CT_IN TON; ikel-Y 't0 0 it: °f-' P9c- • ; ' ; • • -. tiara andg coi•offorfOr thecouni'YofHttrrOvni!1.°10afficealiti ' • ' .60 0 S