HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-09-14, Page 511 1E WILL cIvE Iscoulit o1 of SUMMER STOCK of BOOTS & SHOES Balance r th " nextTHIRTY DAYS. l '- � ort 1. -are Ass or Valises, Trunks and and - Ver nler�t y Chea :. J 'T' 1 N iinEXC 11 A_ GE. ECGs TAYLOR S i CLINTON; August 24, 1883 IN Amosiosisiatawass TINGES AND SOFAS RE-UPi-10 rURNITURE WHOLESALE AND REETAIL. MARY ANO I. 'lavas evening, in May, aid the soft zephyrs sighed Through branches low bending above. My Mary and I, as we wander'd along And whispered of beauty and love • — We'll make"us a neat like the birdlings, I said, And never shall part any more, Oh, yes !she replied, and can furnish it race At the "Rea ttecKER" FURNITURE -TORE. '',`Fair creature !•tlieri,s"mauy a wealthier man Would gladly have you for a bride,. But ne OM) can lore you more fondly than S; •My treasure, and beauty, and pride'. on) had I a'mansion, with carpets of gold- ' And of ailrer-=I'd cover the floor•" But smiling, else said, "You can purchase the best • At the "Ran Rocada" FURNITURE STORE." "I'll spread you a couch upon which to recline When evening shall call us to rest, _ Of the flelecleat down." But she'said with a sigh, "1 like .Basxaer's mattresses the best.' Then so shall it be love—and tables inlaid And seats ft -obi -Seine far distant shore." "Ob, no !" she -exclaimed, "they have elegant chairs At the "Ree ROCKER" FURNITURE STORE." We went. Rappy day'! Can I ever forget' The pleasure that beamed in her face • A's she gazed at the marvels of beauty displayed In this most wonderful place! We furnished our neat in en elegant style. Been married a twelvemonth or more,, And Mary_is singing this song to her babe „ ' -, OP tSd' Rei; `li"uCTNa" hSlfl ass Seelig SENNETT,: SIGN OF THE RED' TlociiER, .'.. Next door. to'1IJarland Bros. 'store, AThert s$'treet, Clinton. , um0 u aevep e,I1111tI,I11,I qwelois.ria rap e1 FOR JOH] OPPOSITE 000— Al In order -to clear -out the balance 'of his summer stock of o o w The subscribeswill offer �' . the above goods at a• discount of 20 'per cent for' one His ' month. Tis GENUINE, AND NO HUMBUG. FALL & . 'WINTER GOODS just `arriving,' to be ;sold -at low price` and: the'usual discount. OUR STOCK. OF HEAVY & LIGHT HARNESS IS`' COMPLETE. r nkc aiid Valise's for the Million. Georgian Bay Shingles always on hand. WTHE USUAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH S_ al T'ITC EIEZII: Tic tl>rin lEflactk, 'Clinton. L1.11I]VLOTH ruware flfl HARVEST TOOLS—Forks and Handles, Scythes, Rakes, &c.,' large stock, selling very cheap. :zN We make a specialty of MIXED PAINTS; being 'sole, agent for the celebrated Cleveland GUTTA PERCHA PAINTS; which are always ready for. use and kept in stock in all, colors., Also, the Canadi.n brand of Mixed Paintskept in stock.. PP Dgx'T Pam, Im.-Use Newton's one mrnuta • Wreck .1 Oft L �fQ9' fliii'011. ootheche cure. Relief'at once ; of all dealers, luta. p A'u,pODEBIOII BOAT 'LOST WITlI HANDS.. 'aa 41 qq 7.b -• -n 'VA'IVATTIO'dic CO. UM' 'Win AYER' PILLS. A large proportion of the diseases which cause human suffering result from.derangeurent of the etomacb,'bowels, and liver. Aran's CATnAi'.tTic, Pni.s act directly upon these organs, andare, especially designed to cure the'dideases caused by their derangement, including Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia; Headache, Dysen7 tery, and a host :of' otherailments,;' for all of which they are a safe, sure,prompt, and pleasant remedy.. The extensive use of these 'PILLS 'by eminent physicians in regular practice, shows unmistakably the estimation in which they are held by the medical profession. These PiLLs are compounded of vegetable sub- stances only; and are absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious ingredient. A Sufferer from Headache writes : " Avrn's PILES are invaluable to me, and are my constant companion. I -have been a severe, satfererfrom Headache, and your Plas are the only thing I could look to for relief. ; One dose will quickly move my bowels and free my head from pain. They: are the mosteffective and the. easiest physic I have ever found. It is a pleasure, so me to speak- in their praise, and I always do so'. when occasion oilers A w. L.:PGE of L Page &Bio Franklin St.,Richmond ' Va, June 3.1882. " I have used. AYER's PILLS in numberless in, stances as recommended' by, you,and have' never known them to fail to accomplish the desired re- sult. ' We constantly keep ;them on hand at our Thome, and prize tlient as a' ,pleasant,_ safe and reliable fainly --medicine: .:OR D'SPE{SIeL they are invaluable. J T. RAVES." ).Alexia, Texas June 17 1882. 'The REV. FRArrcIS'B. HARLOwE., Writing from Atlanta, Gd., says: " For some years past I have been subject to .constipation, from which, in spite of the use of medicines of: various kinds, I suffered increasing inconvenience, until some months ago I began takinggAVER'S PILLS. They have entirely corrected the costive habit, and have vastly improved my general health.'• A.YER'S CATHARTIC PILLS correct irregulari- ties;.of the bowels,' stimulate the appetite and digestion, and by their prompt and, thorough action give tone and vigor to the whole physical PREPARED nit Or. J. C. Ayer & Co 'Lowell Mass. 'Sold: by all Druggists.., YOUNG,. All experience: the wonderful benefi- cial effects eneii-cial,eifects of M DDLE- 'flyer's Sarsaparilla. 01at1dren with Sore Eyes�'Sore Ears, AGED,.. - or any scrofulous or syphilitic taint, alas be made'healythy and strong by its use. Sold-b�_all,Druggieto;_§1.,six t,ittiuq for fi. Olt Ba t Is there a : miserable 've.akenin'g pain in the small. of the back.?' i s urination painful ? 1)risk 't have pal- pitation 'c f t heart ? i)b EIVJISTSVc,z DRUGGISTS,strange., �p 3;;',}�`1$$$(.}�f` and `SltlC5' 1' nes the loo.4 Car Albert : 1:t1"1`et. Clinton;. The publicwill find our stock of medicines complete, warranted gen line, and ni tile=bcst_qualtty. , TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY,' SHOULD'EIt BRACES, TRUSSES, SPONGES AND ALL =KINDS OE DRUGGISTS'' SUNOKIES USUALLY KEPT IN A I''IRS1 'CT,ASS.'^DRUG;''TORE. ' S.( F'-C.HINC .' TTFW SW-ISS.—S6AP3::3110- iestliratiliiiagfso lush the., Market • ' GIVE IT A TRTAL, Al .YOUR 431-1R000111?„,. V'01: ZT� MANTY AC `BRED BY THE xu:oN SOAP' :CO : 'GC317JIJFt;ICH' Soap will he found at.the-followin stores:—T. COOPER, 'JOHN C11 `7INGHA'14SI T. STANBURY. CANTELON BROS. AND A. ANGUS. MILLINERY` cheaper ' than ever. SUMMER RINTS .ata. great reduction.., Summer HOSIERY at ,cost. SHIRTINGS at cost. • Tbio•N' '.I+'.OT 'Cr Irl' .r1I +`.:P4A_CE. :EESLE'Y,__ BEAVER BLOCK. ,hl't rail . , nttr r' y otl Does ry?01 f- 11 1'10 Show lu'iirl.dit ' or t1.11Si'Ilninu1s ' de, seat ? • rocs ;t,ny sibltle.n fright ht • cause 011llltt'l;Se, shai'1i'lla'i i in the small c 'yourl,.tck •Do yogi ("id. the al'Oin Ts'�'OU1 '1,1( lllpl'y impa,il'Cd 3 1_ ••l ntlr 'tomtit .short? Are tiler() Shooting: :Tains about }-orn vitals 2 Are youbecomiii;g drop ical? Thee al are' all,Sy mptoils of kidney cli: ed1'cr.,. 110 inr:: your guard ;1.;, sinal; ,tllc.nY.'Tr. let: rill it 'Play end in Bright's I)isease;`which auris cleatll. E Your hest cetose is to lit o-, cure at once al bottle of I.l _PFII?It,AND TRONJ3ITTEaS<OS-. " • ring only soca " It will. cure ..any. form of I:ulnct'. Cnm- plaint, ;except I3riglit's cease; it will relieve thesymp toms and defer the evil day sometimes indefinitely-. STILPiiUI` fad' IRON BIT- TERs is -a inedibine as harm- less as watel ' The 1.1011d. -has not; seen, its equal' as a .cuie for. 'diseases which attack the :Kidneys suit] for the •complaints to which 'females are alone ]ladle. Ir; is of more value than any medical' compound known to the imedical.faeulty'. . Sold by alt Iiruggtsts and at Depot 510 $t. ,filmes St. ,Wast, Montreal, Wee Sec. , • WATTS .& CO.. CLINTON. a A dispatch dated Goderich; Sept. '7, Says The schooner-yacht,Eiplorer, with all hands, was. lost •on Greenough'shoal, during a _gale, last Tpesday. She was loaded with salt, and bound from Code-' rich to Clive Island.' The I xplorer was _ owned by E. N. Lewis, of Goderich, who had no.insurance on her. The names' of those lost are Capt. Chas, Worlds, John. McDonald, W. Reale and Walter Crane, the latter a son of AlLert Crane, of Chi-- cagq;'who was on a pleasure trip. The schooner yacht Explorer hid a'ver'y romantic history, ACell pie ;of years ago she, was raised from' the bottom of Lake l 'uroii by H. N Jex, the Port Huron-- diver./ urondiver./ Then was' revived the old story,' told:With"all.the ci;euinstan ees of•fact. . -It'was aid that the, 'nlorer n as loaded with 'whiskey When; she sailed from .a Canadian port on -her last trip: The whiskey was sold 'on rale American shore ' of Lake Huron, and the vessel reloaded with'stone. .Off'Pobeinoray the schooner was scuttled bythe cu ]tain 'who went: ashore in a bet, thinking he bad des- troyed all evidence of lii critte"_when lie sank-14—ship--and' crew t,o, the bottorn of the lake. The craft was raised a couple of years ago and became a pleasure yacht,. doing some in the fall and spring: --Capt.-Woods was 5ibout th'irty--years-of,--; age, unmarried, and bad been iii com- •mand of the"Explorer" but a few trips. •, He wai,broaight up in' Port Burwell, but his relatives have since removed to Lon- don. He had a brother drowned` about ' three years ago,, who was sailing on "Pra- irie State," Prairie'State," 'by the capsizing of. a__boat.. Capt. Joseph Woods' only remaining son also had a very narrowescape; front' drowning about two weeks since by falling , off.a dredge, but was fortunate enough to be rescued, The lost capta n's.family hart a letter from him a few days since, in which he expressed a hope of. seeing then very shortly.' .• craven/8 Cprb'olic Cerate. The finest healing compound under the sun. There is no sore but will succumb to its wonderful' healing properties. 'It is an invaluable dressing for cuts, Burns, „Bruises, Pimples, Seatds, Boils,;Festerings, etc. Price twenty -live cents at J. H.' Combo's drug store., • ELECTION' NOTES. The 'nominations took place in Algoma oil Friday, polling on the 21st. The appeal agai>st the judgment of the .. Election Court, unseating Mr Phelps, M. P P.;;in West Simcoe; will be heard on Wednesday the 19th .inst. :. In the Muskoka election case, Mn:Ber- thune announced at Osgoode hail that he would proceed; N;th the sciutin} : " the '`, court adjourned until Saturday next, when' time and place of :holding, the scrutiny sill be arranged. In the Dominion election cases. -dates for trial have been' fixed as :follows:' Len- nox, at Napanee, Wednesday, 10th• of October,.NiVest Northumberland, at Co- bou g, on' Monday, 29th October ; West Huron, at).Goderich, on Tuesday, 10th' October. ' The Ontario Court of ,Appeal has de- cided thatat'cannot issue summonses to Messrs. Shields, Anderson and: others' to show cause why they should not be dis- qualified for corrupt' practices in the. Mus- koka -election.. Their Lordships say 'they hove no jurisdiction, and advise an app plication to't,e judges who tried the ease. The 'application will he made as:.sugg'ested. The. defeated Tory- candidate at the East Huron local election, Thos. Flays, has sued Mr. Pollard, one of the ,deputy returning -officers, for$200 for non-com- pliance with the:section of the Election Act:requiring the pull -to be' kept ; open 'between nine a ri .; i and;.five 'p.m." The grounds of action are that; the deputy: ,re- ttirniog'officer in question closed- the poll for halt an hour on election day, and ad- journed with the 'poll • clerk and scruti- -neers for-- dinner,--Thi.--matter-.=came up at-Qsgoode Hall, Tor ntp,, on Saturday, and motion to strike out -part of the state= meat of the claim as embarrassing, was' a ljourned until Friday next. Some journals still affect to sneer at Mt Mowat, as <it `l.Chrigtian.politreiaii". cannot, if we'ivould, return the. compli- ment, But we are proud of the matt against whom his -enemies are obliged to adopt that sneer -in default of anything. that will "stick." And that badge will stick,' -liar Mr. Mowat is a " Christian .,pblitictan,"' and that is the kind of politi, clans Christinu people want at `.the head of their.afla'irs And in "the good time coming," .'coming right along, too, . the ,people.will demand that no' other,'. than Christian men, 'shall guide the shipof state, -Waterloo Chronicle.: LIST OF FALL FAIRS. Industrial, Toronto;, Sept. .l 1' to '22. _ _> Provincial, Ouolph,, Sept, 24. to 29th, Western, London, Oct, 1 to 5. • Central, Hamilton, Oct. 2. to u. Hay, Zurich,, Sept 20, 21. . South Huron, Exeter, Oct. 8, 9. West Huron, Goderich,ct, 9, 10. ' Tockersmith, Sdaforth,"''' ett, 1, 2;`' Stanley, .Baylis tel„Oct. 14,'116. East Wawanosh, Belgrave', Oet u. ihorris, Blyth, Qct Tnrnberry, "iYtwgham, Oct. 9,;10 - East Huron,' Brussels, Oct. 4' and 5, y” Hnl.tett, Clinton, 00,17, 18. - .••,-,lei.+ The Greatest heating Compound Is a preparation of'oarbolic.aeid, vaseline and cerate called McGregor &: Parke's"Carboli( ' Cerate. It will euro:auy sore, cut, burn or bruise when all other preparations fail. Call at J. Ii. Combo's drug store and get a pack age,Trventy 'five coots is ail it costs. RAILWAY TIME CARD. . '.Grains leave Clinton as follows:- GF.ANO "rad,\IC RAILWAY. °-Gaang-East- '-Gotag W'est:-` fi,15 eaiu, expose 8,20 a.m. mixed 8,20 a.m. mixed 117 p•m. express 1.17 p.m,. express ' 6.15p.m. 'ndxed 3.50 p.m. mixed - 9,00 p.m. express ORE :AT Wit9TERN RAILWAY. Going North. ,I Going South. 9.25 a.m. express j( 8.20; a.m. express C.10 p.m. express 3.50 p.m. express The, Quickest Thing on Record. Is Kram'e Fluid Lightning fir neuralgia, headache, toothache, etc. It does not blister or discolor the skin; requires but odeapplioa. tion ; to banish" all pain rnagios,Uy without using any greasy liniment 'or carrying your, head in a poultice.for weeks. Try a twenty fiSe emit brittle from 3.1-I. Combe, druggist.'