HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-09-14, Page 1-'MAING& Scorr
Barristers, Solicitors,
_ •
Commissioners tor Onta"„rio and Maoitob'a.
C 0011 BOORS
ALL the„ Authorised
High and Public School
TEXT Books for Sale at
Buy front us as we sell at the
Very lowest 'prices anti keep _
the Largest Stock in the
• Canny.
Now is the -time -to buy
4 Ball, 6 Ball & 8 Ball,
• a
La es Satchels
Pocket Boo
Come an0 see
us2-whetliec you
1.3uy• or nOt.
vo.L.18. NO. 37.
TE WKS -- $1.50 Per Annum
FRIDAY SEPT 14, 1883.:
Publishers. '
• f
Rtw WillfrilOtti%t11/5
good general ser-
vant wanted at once. --Apply to 8111S. D. E.
0.EKVANT WANTED—Good general ser -
10 vent' wanted, good -wages. Apply to MRS.
REEVE, Huron St., opposite Temperance Hall.
ffilie subscriber offers for sale tlio eat -half -of
1. Lot 18, 21Id 0011. of Huflett, 00sting of 50
acres, nearly all cleared, and in fair working
order. Log house, fiame barn, with stable be-
low, water in the barn, young orchard, and
other improvements. Situate only two miles
from the growing- town of Clinton. Will be
sold on reasonable terms of payment. •
Clinton, Sept. 13, 1883. • H. R. WALKER,
LOT 18, CON. 6, 1-1ULLETT,
Consisting' of 1062, acres, situate about three
miles from the rapidly growing town of Clinton.
Well improved, onder good cultivation, splen-
did soil. Well watered, and usual advantages..
Terms liberal. W. W. FARRAN.
- Clinton, Sept. 14, 1883. ,
1-0T 23, CON. 6, HULL.ETT.
100 acres. situate, three miles from Clinton,
cleared and cultivated but two acres, land al,
under -drained ; soi , first-class— A never -failing
water spring in rear, and a flowing water well
at barns. Terms—no money wanted down, and
any-tline 'given, on furnisbing_seenrity.
Clinton, Jane 28th. 1883: ' •
Dissolution- -of -Partnership
• —
xToTicE is boreby, given that .the partner
ship heretofore subsisting between us, the
undersigned, under the style of. DOHERTY &
GIBBINGS, as dealers in musical instruments,
in the Town of Clinton, ' has •been this
day dissolved by mutual consent,' All debts
owing to the partnership are to be .pald to
Thanes Gibbings, Clinton, and all claims
against the said partnership are to bc presented
to the said Thomas Gibbings, by wliona the
samewill-be settled. ••
Witness • • • CORBETT DOHERTY..
1) 9W .
Clinton, August 30, 1883. "
City J3oo1 Store, Clinton.
" $500 RE:w#anRD !
We will pay the above' reWard or y CaS6.- of liVer,
complahat, dyspepsia, sick- headache,. indigestion, con-
stipation or costiveness we cannot cure with , West's
Vegetable Liver pile, When the,directions are strictly
coMplied with. They are purely vegetable, and never
fail terve satisfa.caton. SugarCoated; large boxes,
containing SO pills, 25 cents. For Side by 'all Druggists.
Beware of counterfeits and imitations.- The genuine
' manufactured only by John C.: West.& Co:. "the pill
makers," 81 & 82 King St. Bast, Toronto, Ont. Free
trial package sent by rnail prepaicron receipt of a three
cent stamp. •
CHEAP .,..111.011..f,t.$.1'().NS....
1Vinnipeg and retur - - $50.00
1)ulutband retuin - - $32.,50
Port Arthurand return - $30.00
Sault St. Marie and return $12.00
Tickets issued to the old country via
White Star line of Steamships.
Anchor line of Stetunships.
State line of Steamships.
Monarch line of Steamships.
W. JACKSON, Ticket Agent.
annum, Aug, 15, 1883,
Over the " New Short Line" to Chicago
and all points Southwest, West
and North west. -
Given -..on application, mul all other in.
formation freely Riven at the office in
Runs irce .his in connection with.the Gatten-
bury llouse and G rand Union Hotel, and all
ealls lett at either of the above houses will be
-promptly attended.
Baggage wagon run in connection with this
the eld established Bus Line.
.1 -iiitention is paid to the preparation of students
for the 'following purposes :---University, Junior and
'Sen Ur atriculation 10 pasii and honors; Matriculation
i» bas' and Medicine, T,eaehers' non-proleSsional
aminations of. ail grades.
,The teaciffng' staff consists of four :Masters, who
are SpeelaUsts in ()lassies, English, heneh, German,
the Cemmercial branches, alithernatics'and Science.
. .
. -
CLINTON. IA easy of 'aceessl by rail a healthy and plea-
sant plane' to live in, and remarkably free .iron
dneemretitO vice,,and from thosp• attractive amuse-
ments- that so frequentlyAnterfete with study. • ,
•An tniVurpasscd supply df Apparatus, for the teach-
ing.thi-OhemiStryi-Nritural-Philesouhy, and Physics; .
' ffsNs effort will be Spared to -make the CLINTON
blIGH SPII.00L ,thoroughly. efficient.. '
lawe :\I:driculant. with honors 01:Alathernatl.P. L One
Sehoharshl ib Modern Languirg,es.'. 'Nine first-class
honerS 111 the Nariebs depertments Of -the' University
Thirtyrily.e_o_ot 'of fur le et8.5_per.
cent, sueeeedett111 passing' at the Iffidsurnmer Examr
_ For auy urther- partleulars.apply to. , - •
- J. TURNBULL,: Herein:festal..
..enfiten Sept., 1883.
THE subscriber will continue the businees
formerfy carried on by the firm of Newton
& Dennis, and hopes to receive a continuation
of the liberal patronage heretofore enjoyed.
11.,A-ANES,5. ALL KINDS.- .
• .PrIeri. n1Ways reasonselble •
hargos mid orate.
estern Fair
-1)15,000.00 - -IN,- PRIZES. -1
Large:pita:Cs tor' trials of speed inn tht. iiKAI'5;0
ring each afternoon. • '
Electric Lights, ' . .Coin petitions, :1(11(1
ether 1 io v.elti 08 for,, the en to..ta Mine LI t :10 ti ,
!GbIllliffi311Rillti 01' wirvisirora: . -------------- - •
'Eiphitirters. witnprease addresscomitiotica-
tions 10 J.sH'S:ii'Vtit, Secretary, 'Londotil, Can•
ada, lei' Prize I,iSts and any other mfortuatuin
reunired, which be" proriiptir, attended! to.
. . _
Secretary.. • • • ' Ffesiocet.
_ 011 ',THAL
1111(3(1 odd by victue of the Foivers o Sale
contained 11 1,00 mortgages. -which will be pro-
duced art th0 time of sale, thr-,re will be &old by
Palate Anetion, at the Ratt011111117: #0,0
DAT 0- •29111. •or,Sentembeir, ISS3.
AT TWO o'clock in the afternoon, by. D. Dick-
llison,-Auutioucer, the renewing desarabee pro -
1. Lot number TWeritY-Six in Block G. of.Isaan
Rat, inibury's Survey,Orr the* east eida et Fre,
derick Street, PI the town of,,Elinton, contain-
ing one-liftlr of an aere.„..'wlili .cdinfortable cot-
tage•or flair-1.6°1es a4 suminer ititehen, (now
.ocenaied by.Tho8.,I448I10n) good garden, With
fruit tiees, welt, &0 • •
2. Lot;number Nine Iiiindred an sixty -rive •of
the said' town of Clinton 011 the east side of
Osborne Street,' conta:iaing pettily one-quarter
.of eifacit, -with faege well -mint cottage of .fli,e
1001118 (1 1011)1110'kitti1011,,f400d W011• &e •
The Vendors reserve the right of one Wining
on each parcel.
' TERHS.--,Griesthird'eli the•purchase money' to
be paid on 00 day,of dale, when an agrceinent
forithe purchase is _to be.sigued, , The balance
of the purchase money to -remain (if desired by
1)10 purchaser.) on mortgage. aim insurance for
any term not exceeding three years, with In-
terest:Et seven percent. ; •
•,Por prtieulars avid t tbe Auction-
eer. or tb 'H. HAIM, Esq., linton, or the
iradersigned •
c. A, ART en M
Billiton, Sept, 7, lOSk
TioLaresvi .
Mr. Alex. Birks preached in Goderich
last Sunday evening.
Snial services are now being held in
Sturdy's church, conducted by ,Rev. Mr,
Birks, of lidlniesville. pes-
Mr. Wm. Lobb, is iaciw sick with ty-
phoid fever. He is under the able treat-
ment of a Clinton medico, who, it is hoped,
will bring him around all right. -
Collections were taken up last Sunday
on liehalf of the Lundon West sufferers.
The Sunday morning collection in Metho-
dist church for said object WaS $5.40,
An accident occurred a the Methodist
parsonage here last Tuesday. Mr. Dan.
Calbick, who is repairing the building, as-
sisted by a couple of workmen, was engag-
ed in removing some .scaffolding, when
some of it gave way and -let a number of
heavy boards fall on his shoulder(, giving
him a bad knock., The assistans were
not injured, thanks to a pair -ot'- r s -
worthy legs. '
Mr. Geo. Carter, our mail-earrier, has
taken a holiday to'hiniself and has gone
off on a vieit to his son and cla.ughtee who
removed to Minnesota some time ago.
He is expected home -this week. We
wish him a, pleasant journey and a safe
return to his honae. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
tanley have also gone off on a visit to
numerous friends in the State of aIichi-
gen. We hope, however, ere this ap-
pears in print to be able to welcome them
home again safe and sound. Mr.Stanley's
father and mother from Kinburn are vis -
ling their oid friends here.
PurTERAL..—A large number attended
to pay the last sad rites to the remains of
,Miss Robinson, of the 9th con. The cause
of her death was consumption. Her mo-
ther is reported to be very low also.
IMPROVEMEN T.—Mr. R. James, on the
gravel road, near the 10th con.'has com-
menced the erection of a 'brick house.
ROTTING. — The general ,cry in this
locality is, that their potatoes are rotting
fast. This will be:a serious loss to many.
We are glad to see the smilirig face of
Mr.. John Powell in our midst ae,•ain.
Dame Rumor says his bachelor days are
clone and he will not return. to Detroit
alone. Clinton is reported tolhe the loser
in this speculation.
Priam—Several fields in this locality,
which, promised a large yield of clover
seed, were so much injured by the frost of
last week as to be worthless for seed: On
Saturday we were treated with 3 few -
flurries of snow.
, PERSO N AL.—Mr; Paul Powell; leaves
this week to attend -the Nereid School
at Ottawa. Mr. J. G, Macpherson leaves
to attend the Model School, Goderich.
Mr. Wm. Walker has been engaged to
teach in the Lang,side school; Kinloss, for
$450a year. Miss A. Johnson, of Haldi-
mend Co., has for the pa-,st four weeks
been visiting in this locality the friends
of ber earlier days.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller Lawson
ing friends here at present.
Mr. D. II. Lansing star ed bu ld ng h s
new house last Monday. Last Friday
about 20 of his neighbors were nssisting
liim in hauling brick and sand. We hope
in a few weeks his farm will have lost that
forlorn appearance, which it has assumed.
since the fire.
%vase., vireavaaosta,
Deathlas again visited the ranks of
ithe early pioneers of this township in the
I person ofMr. John Finnigan of the 4th
con. Deceased came here when it was all
la wil erne s, by hard work and persever-
ance he succeeded in accumulating con-
siderable property. The respect with;
which he was regarded was evinced by the
large number .who assembled' to convey
his remains to their last restieg place
in Dunge.rinon cemetery, tib the 7th inat.
Mr. John Ilakingbotton is busy build-
ing a Lew laOnse.The frame is up ready for
the bricklayers, who are expected to begin,
in a few days.
The :National Policy bee nefentirely de-
serted this village, as it is still crawling.
Mr-. Jas. Young is busy- 'erecting a new
The townehip councils of lIullett and
West WaWanosh base each voted, funds
for, cutting down the hill at the west end
of the main street of this village.
The Rev. Dr. Ure, of Goderich, preach-
edin the Presbyterian church here last
Sabbath. There was a kood attendance.
The Rev. Dr. selected for his text, part of
the subject, which had been discoursed
from the previoas Sabbath.
We noticed in your last issue a call on
correspondents. Mr. Editor, you are no
doubt aware that like your baeheior
scribe," we are apt to get into difficulty.
The Walkerburfi poet, has raised a 'flame,
and even here one of the ministers thought
it his duty to give them a sly hit from the
pulpit. If a scribe did transgresshe made
full amends. Let the Rey, gentleman ex-
amine the record of our church courts
and the published statements of th e same,
and he will find that that class of trans-
gressors are not confined to newspaper
correspondents alone.
REPAIRLNG.—The brick Church on the
10th concession,
is undergoing e thorough
repair, which itneeds very much. The
contract for putting in a new floor, build-
ing -porch at the entrance, building the
west end and plastering has been given to
Mr. Welsh. ,
SHOOTING.—Coad Bros. were out on a
Shooting excursion on Mondaar last and
succeeded in bagging six patralges and
considerable other game. Both gentle-
men are beeoinirig celebrated gunners.
PERSONALS.—C. P. Roche has returned
to Durham, after spending his holidays in
this vicinity. Miss Moore, of Listowel,
traslieen Visiting friends in this neighbor-
hood during the past week.
Iare visit-
FARM Sor.D.-=---Mr, Hugh Radford has
sold the farm of 75 acree-T-erhe 1'h
concessionof Hullett, (formerly occupied
by his son) to Mr. Frances Brown, of this
township for the sum of $4,000. The
farm is a good :one and well worth the
price paid for it.
DEATE.—For over. a yenr Mr. John
Reynolds, of the 4th con. of Ilullett, has
been in declining health, caused by it fall
he'reeeired while in the barn, and; early
on Wednesday mornitig death:ended ,his
sufferiegs. He wee an early Settler here,
having einigrafed from Ireland about 30
years ago. He was a hard-working, in-
dustrions num until he became too old
for work , • 4 kind and considerate neieh-
bor, and held in general respect and esteem
by all who knew him- He was familiarly
known as "Long John Reynolds, a term
uied simply.to distinguish. him frour.it re-
lative' who was ot the same name. He was
an adherent of the Roman Catholic faith,
Ansi MIS buried to-day_lEriday) irealjee,
burial ground near his farm. He leaves'
a wife. three seas and ft dattielL'er to mourn
his loss. "
Courceri,.—A meeting of council was
held at Londeaboro on the aSth inst. (en
motion a by-law was prepared and passed
authorizing the trustees of union school
setioit N o. Eastallitl—Warea--
Wawanosh, to borrow tae SUM Of $100
until the 3ast of Dee,. 1884; to pay -for ee-
pairing their schoolhouse. It was moved,
seeonded and carried, that the tender of
James Young of $672,-for-building—Bing-
ham's Bridge, be accepted, provided he
furnish security to the amount of$100,sat-
isfactory to the reeve and-clerk-and-if-not-
the,reeve and elerk be authorized to accept
the next lowest tender on the same con-
ditions, a.nd that the reeve and B.Church-
ill inspect the work of said bridge when
under construction. The reeve end trea-
surer were authorized to borrow -$500 for
two months from the Molsons Bank, Clin-
ton, to pay,current expenses. On motion,
A: T. McDoualcl atid B. Churchill were
authorized to exaniine con. R.8-9 opposite
lot 35, and have said road-put--in—a--good-
state of repair, and the treasurer instruet-
ed to pay for saidwork on the order of
said councillors when the work is corn-
pleteda—Je-Lashartravas histiticted to ex-
amine approaches at Hamilton's bridge
on cora R. 10-11, and have thorn ptitaTh.
proper repair. JeseMelville was paid $25
on eceottet "fbr plank for -bridge. The
-council- adjou rn edet °au eetawli eneeal ledebye
the aeeitre.
afr, Geo. Dyke, of this township intends
to exhrleit his driving colt at the London
exhibitiOn, and Mr. Robt. McCullagh, of
the Huronroad will show a coach horse.
Goop Po\•AToEs.—Mr. Wm. Colclough,
ofthis townsi_ ip, has left us several sam-
ples -of late rose potatoes that are really
excellent. IIestates that in a residence of
51 years here, hnever' had as good' a
crop, and believes that the proportion of
those affected by .rot, will be only about
half -a -bushel in tent.
—Mr.Elliott, father nf ur esteemed reeve,
who has been visiting his\son in Dakota
for some time, has resumed- to this town-
ship He ivas very much \pleased with
the appearance of thiegs- in the west, the
vastness of the territory,. and the ap-
parent- productiveness of the Soil being
matters of surprise to him. Itato-
gether likely that)Mr. Gabriel Elliott will
Jake.a.triptis-Ntseasori;--purely for pleasure
and -personal observation. '
. _ _ ,
On Thursday night of latir -Week agaierae
person or persons unknown ' brekiathe
lock off the gate of the school groundson
the 15th con., and'allowed their -stock the
pasturage on it during the night. They
were•kind enough to fix the e;ate- uietly so
as not to be searNly no1ice:4. Stich indi-
viduals are eapaale of house breaking.
•Probably they are companions of those
who were lcind eitaugh to fry the strength
of the gaass'in the wincifirrs el' the ee1,001
house with stones. ,, '
ItntErs.--The fro --,t has done consider-
able barm to the corn e_rop in this town-
ship- Work on Turner's.hridge is gding
steadily(Inward. -Some farmers have
finished all their harvesting, while others
have yet considerable to do. Oats are the
I best -crop, by all odds. The youth named
• Millar; who got so badly hurt a short time
since by a team he Was riding -w.ithrun-
-rnng3sw%ly,mr000vering,under rnedicaf
treittnueht.Many in this township would
like -to ffirm the acquaintance of "I ro es -
taut?' who wrote the letter in last week's
NEW ERA; it is a clinchet.
afternoon last Mr. Edward- Marsha,I1, of
atheJ3ayfie1d-concessionesustainedea -very
serious loss by the destruction ot hisbarn
by fireatogether with his crops, imple-
ments, buggy, three horses and several
other articles. The tire was first discover-
ed in a straw stack, which stood slightly_
to the east ofthe barn, and asthewind
was blowing from the east., the flames
quickly_ communicated with the barn.
(inc of the horses tried to come out of the
open stable door (which was beireath the
barn) but the smoke suffocated it, And it
dropped dead. The other three were
burnt to cinders. Two of them had been
uSe shortly before, and were put in to
feed, with their harness On. The barn
contained all of this season's bay, wheat,
barley, besides the articles mentioned
above and not a thing could be saved
although the neighborseineckly_on.
'fiiitia to assist. Mallarshall's thss will be
serious one, the barn having been built
only a year ago, and was uninsured. How
the fire originated 18 a mystery, but it is
supposed that a, little child had been
'playing with matches pear the straw
Mo. WILL anew is home -from Manitoba.
_ ,_,, . •
of Cleveland, .0., is
Miss EVA ZBALAND, of St. Themes, is visit-
ing relatives here. '
1 DR. STRWanT, late, of 'BrOcefield, has re-
turned frordhis continental eau.,
Mn. GEO. A. -WATSON has got as far west
as Edmonton, where he is practicing law.
Mits. , EmeoesoN, of Oshawa, (youngbst
vdiasuitghter of Mr. lienr,
yYoung) is borne on a
13isnor, M. P. P., and A. M. Ross,M.P.P.,
we'Te buth in town on Wednesday, on their
wsy to Lucknow. •
"Mits. D. F. MaernEnsox and Miss Hattie
Coate,. who have been visiting at.l'ingal, have
retni•ned home. .
!Me. M. C. Ctearitioa, M. P., returned from
the old country on.Tuesd'alevening, looking
well after his trip..............-
MR: B. J. WADE., of Seaforth, (formerly of,
Ciinton) has beau seriously ill -with intermit-
tent fever; but is recovering.
GEo. E. Pay, who has • beheonh' vaissibteinepg
mouthfriends paaisTt,ohroans Toronto ani eiS?mcit.phnoCt)ileaietli.
Mxss BELLAMy, of rin es for 11
. .
visiting her. -sister, Mrs. Alex. Armstronge
for several months, returne'd home on Wed-
MR. JAMES' THOMPSON, of this place, has
boon appointed lay representative on the Sab•
_bath School committee, for -the Guelph dis-
,trict of the united Methodist church. •
ME. Tiros, Fnezile. formerly second master
in the Model School bere, has recently been
appointed principal of -the! one at Owen Sound.
He ie an energetic and successful teacher.
Woneratmeas reed an interesting
. • .
papeabefore the Dominion Medical A.ssocia-
thin, at Kingston, last weekaand was elecitea
o member of the Public -Health Coennaittee.
afit.,Deven MoIerrosn, of'Brucefield, . is -e
judge on horses at the Toren to.andustrial Ex-
hibition, and Messrs. A. Mere Allan and Jas.
McNair, of,Goderich, are judges in tire horti-
cultural department. •
Me. AV:L.-NEW-roe; and wife, were sum -
moved to: Tiverton this week, by telegraph,
owing to the serious illness of the Rev: -Dr.
Davidson, (Mrs. Newton's . father.) He is
-still in a low cendition though out of danger.
WE WERE very'rnueli pleased to see Mr. A.
McAllister in' town' last wok, thoflrst once.
slew for a long time.. -He has not sufficiently
reeovored from his -accident to be able -to
walk.yet, but can drive arouncj with a eel.,
tain degree of comfort and pleasure.
WE.rogret tp'learn that Mrs. 1'. E.
of Seaforth, (fOrmerly Mies Otrofey, df, Olin•
ton) who bats been siifferieg for weeks past
with oplithalmidtrouble, has been compelled
to go to Toronty to have her eye eperdted
upon. Her friendshere will be delighted to
hear. of her ultimate recovery.
Men. LEES, son of Andrew Lees,'of Morris,
wrote at the recent examination for teachers
and secured a professional /st class, certificate.
Ile is an excellent teacher and .has taken a
position in the port Rowan SCID901. itIr. I.,ees
is a well-known pupil of Clinton High School,
but was, recently engaged in pnblishing a
• paperat Orangeville, which position he found
a.great deal harder than teaching, and one
that gave- poorer financial returns, , so lie
wisely abandoned it
A RISIDENT of Goderich; who- is " doing".
the northwest, and -wrote last from Edition.
,ton, thus refers to a son of Mrs. Goodrich, of
tbis .town f--" We Were soon comfortably
quartered,at anew brick botal, ;built and
owned by, Mr. James Goodrich, late orClinton.
•Rereitenjoytho conaforts of a home, ' With
aegond table'well prepared, and. nice 'clean
comfortable.bOdS. No better advertisement:,
forti house oleic/ .be required, and our host
'and hostese, Incentive and energetic couple,
are well up in taeir-lidel-aags.
Me. (.4E0. W. Petrarox, of.Yunei, Arizone, .
paid his feapects tales old friends in Clinton
this week. He loolaiTiornewhat bronzed by
his residence .west, but has not otherwise
changed in his appearance: Mr. Railton etc-,
dapies the position of Division Superinten-
dent of the southern Pacific R. IL and states
thatit takes a Cartaiian a.good while:to be-
eotinafainiliar with the castor -es of people in
the vicinity of Yuma---,niany of,them being
Mexican's, with a sprinkling of Indians: The
enentry iieatt agricultural in its character,
bling largel%H. Sand desert, but -tropical fruits
grow will in ertain localities. The expenses
of living tire ranch higher, than hero, hut this
is in,a measure `conaterbalaneed hy the wages
--T-h e-Ifone-Ad eat-Mack:allele -11 ave. ived-
in 'Montreal.
Additional Local News,
riattallareNIcae aleariefeinera.
The directors inet for the transaction of
business on Thursday awesing lest, the
Preeident, Mr. illanefaeg, ileethe ehaua,
Mr. Scott the Libmian and Gila other di-
' rector (Probably Rev. Ma. 'Craig) Wertett -
aminted delegates to the Proyincial Asso-
ciation Which meets on the 18th Sept., in
Torobto. Mr. Scott was also granted a.
week's holiday; and will elose the Readl ,
ing room during the whole' of next week,
On Motion of Rev. 111r. Craig, seconded by
Rev. Mr. Stewart vacancy on tile board
was filled by the unanimoos appointinent
of Rev. John Gray. Tee following were
the standing committees fer the year:—
Evening Classes: --Messrs, Ste-veneer-la—
Turnbull, J. Scott, fr., and !Foster.' !
Books. -- Messrs. Malloch, Turnbull,
Forrester and Revs,. Stewart, Gray and!
Craig. , ,
Lectures and Entertainments,--alessrs.
Manning, I-Iolmes, Craig; I'Vaits and!
Worthington. , 1
Finance.—Messrs. Ccenhe, Corbett and:
Stewart, i
Library ca., Room.—alessrs. T. Scott, sr.,
Stevenson, 'Holmes and Gray. !
The book committeewere instructed to
select books • to the extent of $100, and.,
thbse will be added to the library at
once:a The nightly attendance lat the !
Reading Room as on the increttee, end, no !
doubt, as the ivinter sets in,than more '
will avail themselves of the facilities gra- !
tuitously afforded them for gaining infor- '
mation. There are a number of • people, !
residentsof the town, who are not mem-
bers of the Institute, but who should be- I
come subscribers thefeto at 'once..
OniTuARY.--.It again becomes our
painful duty to record the death •. of an-
other of the old residents of the township
Of Stanley, -'who are one by one droppirig
away from our midst.. 11r. Thos._.Baird
7Whifflias7been a; resigeiltoVer, thirty leers, •
died of cancer 'On the 9th inst., stierodailed
by his *held family. ale was a natiee cif
Auchinleek, Ayrshire, 'Scotland, end
einigrated to Canada in 1852..• He -settled
onthe second con. iri the same year, and,
resided there till his death. He was well
and widely known, and..a.aighlyreepeeted
errieneberef-thareainfiaiatifty. , He was .for
sonie years a merabea of the Municipal,
"Council and Acted' once as deputy reeve.
A large concourse followed his remains to
interment in ,Baird's cemetery' to payaheir
last taibute of '-respect.
sons and four, daughters, all married, and
twenty-eight grandchildren, to mourn the
,loss of a-faithltd. friend, --and atrindulgetft=
Mr.R.Adams is making great improve-
ments on his premises by resit painting_
and lettering his emporium. Mit.J. Mel-
ville is the painter and shows good work
and well matched colore.
Several from here availed themselves of
the trip to Lucknow_to_the Caledonia
Thorse belonging to J. Brunsdon
which was struck by lightning, is all right
again under the treatment of J. Metcalfe.
The frost has conapletely spoiled all the
garden stuff that was still in the ground
-ten:fitly *11 -6 -O -OR LifiRIOublo its
5 This place it is thought can pick eight
or ten as good, if not bettep quoit players
AOLtrcuriantAL Soora'rearA meeting of '
the directors of the Hullett Agricidtural"!
Society, was held on Saturday afternoon,
to arrange the prize liet and procure !
judges for the coming fall 'show. Quite ,„
a number of special:prizes are beipg - of- ,
fered,in addition to the regolar list, and
thore is every probability of the show
being a particularly good one. •
NARROW Eseeea.—As the mixed trairt
On the G. W. R. was on its -way! front
Brucefiela, last Thursday, it .bialceman,
named McDonald, fell from the top of ;
one of the cars, cutting htt head I open.
When the train arriveehere, and he was
not on board, the engine backed down the
road, and met lrine 'coming up 011 it dead
run. He was very- fortunate in gettiug
off with such slight injuries 1.
NEW FeserroreaD wear OF SMUGGLING.
—There is it young lady 'at present visit-
ing in Clietop who, has introduced the -
Somewhat novel plan of smuggling things
across -from Uncle Sam's domains in her
bustle. Recently she managed to bring
O full trimmed hat across in that ing,eni-
ous way. -Itwas observed that she was
quite unable to sit down while creasing
the river 'on -the boat. We hopethis will
not reach the eye of the Custom's:. Holise
office at Windsor, for if he were to com-
mence Making searches iri that direction
there would be considerable objection
made, and he rnight succeed an raising a
larger bustle than he bargained for.
—The "'trustees of the -Model School will
soon be under the necessity of making an
addition to tha present school- building,
or providing it Primary school in some
other part Of the town, for the attendance
is really larger than can be accommodated
with room, or even receive justice at the .
hands of the teachers. On the day, the
sehool-openede-Miss Callender had an at-
tendance of over dile hundred, thirty of
these weee promoted to give her more
room, but every day since she has had an
average attendance of ninety.' This is too
Many. to expect any teacher to properly
look after. If more of them could lie pro-
moted it would not be so bad, but all the
other divisions arecrowded' also. The
trustees have for somo. time realized the
necessity of getting another teacher, but
the expense bas been the main preventa-
tive. As the town will this year receive
about $450 through it • being—a-L.110dd '
school, this objection is easily. overcome.
At any rate, something must be done, and
that at once. The school populations
large and is not likely to get any smaller.
The Presbytery of Huron met in St.
Andrew's church, Blyth, on Tuesday, the
1 lth inst.'at 11 o'clock A. M. the Moder-
ator, the Rev. C. Fletcher, presiding.
Mr. A. H. Drumm, student of Knox-
College, read an exercise with which the
Presbytery expressed its satisfaction. The
clerk was instructed to eertifY Mr.Drumin
to ivt thees scroslid.3eigeeGbioi vr ray
and Bain, Of Gode-
rich, presented it numerously signed 'peti-
tion from the Gaelic speaking residents
of that place, praying for a renewal of the
grant in aid of the "Goderich Gaelic Dais-- -
sion." Tbe Presbytery a.,,°Teed„te'reeenr,
mend the grant, and instructalits repre-
sentative in therlome MissiorCCommittee
to make application in the usual way.
The call of Rev. R. Y. Thomson, M. A.aef
congregations alf Rodger- .
ville and Chiselhualt; WAS ifecepted by
him, and the Presbytery agraed fo rneet. '
at Rodgervil le on the25th inst.-, at Id -A.M.,
to hear his discourses, and if sustained,
proceed to his ordination and induction,
at 2 P.M. 'Rev. -Wm. Martin, of EXoter,
will preach the sermon ;" -Rev. .A. D.Mc-.
Donaldr-of—Seafortlie , ' addres.-the
minister ;' Rey. H. Cameron, of 14 n,
Will address the people ;and the Modern.
tor of Presbytery will preside.
Thei- committee appointed to confer w11
Mr.„A. McDougall, of Porter's Hill; re.-
:00mM:ended that his -name be forwar2.1,1
to ttbe Home Mission committee as a
..cateehist_tor_work in the northwest,
e The 'seasioii of each congregation is to
take, charge of the MiSsionstryl-services for
the year, and to report ter the Presbytery'
at the March meeting. •
The delegation iageeinted le visit Bay-
field and -Bethany, reporteddiligence,1,and--------
recommended that Rev. .N. Paterae., be
allowed to tender his resignation of the
Bethany part of -his charge, and confine
his labors to'llayfield. After a loag !dis-
cussion the recommendation was adopted,
the Moderator giving the casting yo' a.
Several, members of Preabytery entered
their dissent from this finding,
Rev. N." Paterson then tendered ,his
resignation of the Bathany Ipart of his
charge, and the Presbytery ordered the .
I3et1iany congregation to be cited , ati--
-peinfor their interests at the meat reg,u-
iarlueeting ofTresbytery, which --is-to-be---
held irrOlinton on the. second TueSday
of Noyeinhea, at 13 A. "M.