HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-09-07, Page 5.:E, OL' WE WILL GIVE 1 emit' iscountoffi Balance of SUMMER STOCK of BOOTS & SHOES for the next THIRTY DAYS. Trunks and . ai ses La � Aso - . I + • nt 'an�! \ me _V .e,y Cheea p •�71G►S,' rT T EN ll1',�iX€ E1A �7rTE . CLINTOIT, Angus 24,;1883. TAYLOR n stor HARVEST .TOOLS—Forks and Handles, Scythes Rakes, &c., large stock, selling very cheap. AUNT We 'make a specialty of MIXED PAINTS, being sole agen.. t for the celebratedClevelandGUTTA-PERCHA PAINTS, which are always ready for use, and kept in stock in.a11 colors. Also, the Canadian brand of Mixed Paints kept in stock. DU TE Those who have used `our In the past are satisfied with their uniform quality and low price. We.res respectfully solicit a call from -those, who have not p Y.. already tried our goods. Fresh arrival this week, which is the best value ever offered in .the Town of Clinton,at the NOTED TEA, COFFEE and SPICE' HOUSE. Cash fOr Eggs. S.. PALLISE: S. PAILISER, ___ T. WHITE,. CENTRA STC)RE ,JUST I. C1 IYEL7,: TPOWDERS 1�4i ���SFC A� and PERSIAN IIELLEBORE and PARIS GREEN ' Di�1i��aTl INSE=CT POWDER GUNS, POR 'THE` FLY ;CAMPAIGN :-;_ _-- - ,_ _ 14CONTSEELTLAT LIZIth JQ= C/I. mos . cove -u, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON,: ONT. it I' tot tie42' dst�k..1ar� �AC 0 • DAVIS, Clinton. CH-EMISTS. DRUGGISTS, Albert Street, Clinton. The public will find our,stoek of medicines complete, warranted genuine, and of the best quality. TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES, SPONGES AND ALL KINDS OE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES USUALLY KEPT IN :A FIRST CLASS DRUG ' STORE. i :� Lathosi call ,et the__ ow� .Yor � Pa e� P�t� ��s�A THE MOST RELIABLE AND PERFECT FITTING, AT Croquet, Yaserrocse, Express Wia„eonra, .te.; 'A New Stock of large,Chroinoa- Photo aria Picture Frames, a€er STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS LADt S Ei GWN, nWN, >lalR Made tip A. HALE, NEXT TO, WATTI;" DRUG STORE, ALBERT ST. CLINTON v st , sees., r zN ,- Q SWISS SOAP, The best washing soap i><i the' O - Market _G C EITCATRIALFOR,A;S•I£:YOUR !� C -RSR, H :. MANUFACTURED BY THE IMPORTANT'. NOTICE. AROUND' ' THE COUNTY TN consequence of the low price of Rags, Messrs. .1 Harland Bros. and S. Davis, tinsmiths, have,agreed to take naffilore in trade, we have purobaaed.all their rage on and. Having a thorough knowledge of sort- ing for the various markets, we are now prepared to l buy rage both in bulk and small lots •-cash paid for the large lots, trade for the small. The highest price paid for tailors and merchants clips in cast} and a trifle paid for their other clippings in trade. cash, also take old Carpets,rope, bagging, copperehrass, iron, and cash paid to farmers, blacksmiths ani ethers for large uta, and trade for small quantities. MARTEN, Pedlar, Clinton. 'Go to COOPER'S CEII Al GROCERIES' Crockery, Glassware, Oat leaL - and CornzrlealYalwapon hand, AIxS0 - ett4t s3 CCiBbatCd Eaglisp Breakfast Bacon, Iiottry Ctear Bacon, Sugar Cured. ITctnte, And No, 1 LARD;•- At prices which• cannot b'e. beaten is town. HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY FOR • IIQ)lU ll ll�� EJ 9] `JCTRI y SOAP • TI1OMAS COOPER, • •AG13EEtT STREET; CLINTON 5EEP$;a.. SERs ! N0W IN STOCK. FRESH .FIELD AND GARDEN Seeeda, from the most reliable Seedsmen. .-C477--R)®0ER,2 S Try' our .choice Tea at 50 c per saes • TRY FE 1R1i AN'S CELEBRATED HAMS. S�.LT A, -:urge (tnontity o1• Land' Salt In stock. • ' J. MCGARVA.. 'Clinton, April 9, 1533. Ailbert Street.- HEA:LTH. iS. WELT H , ,: f EATREN,;, Dr.B.' C. West's.Nerve and Brain Treatment, a guar- an eed specific for hysteria;dizziness .convulsions. fits,', nervous neuralgia, headache, nervous prostration caus- ed by the use of alcohol; wakefulness, mental depres- sion, softening of the brain, resulting in -insanity and leading to misery, decay and death; premature old age, barrenness;; loss of power in either sex, involuntary losses and spermatorrhoa, caused by over-exertion of, the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence- Onebox will, cure recent eases. Each box`eontains one 'month's treatment. Olio dollar a. box, or six boxes for five' dol- lars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We \ uarantee six; boxes to cure any case. With each or- er received by us for six boxes, accompanied' with five • ollarswewillsendth'e ,ii 114, one 'month's truar an_ tee to refmidtherioney'if the treatment does not ef-. ect a euro. Guarantees issued only by J. II Coolie; sole ag,entfor Clinton, Ont. John C. Vest :& Co., sole 602 Ce) LIJJ ON`s SOAP CO. „ CA-olD E.13R, CH I T T. Soap will be found at the following stores: -T. COOPER. JOHN CIiNINGHAME. T. STANBUIIY, CANTELON BROS. AND A. ANGUS. MILLINERY cheaper than ever. SUMMER PRINTS at a great reduction. Summer HOSIERY at ••cost.: 'SHIRTING'S at cost.. DO7N7r. AOR GET'`')cHE .. PLACF. IC. BEESEEY, - BE4YER..IRLOCK.. A large:proportion of the,'diseases_which crouse human;Sufferin result from -derangement of the-- fitomacta, bowels, and liver. :Ainn'tk,CAT2iAItTIC PJLis act directly upon these organs, and are` , especially designed to cure the diseases caused. by their derangement, ineluding Constipation, 'Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysen•' tery, and a'host of other>allments, for' all of which they are a•safe, sure, prompt,,and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these PILLS by -eminent Physicians in regular practice, show's .'unmistakably the :estimation in which they are held by the medical'pivfession these PILLS are.compoundcd of vegetabl >: stances'only, and are absolutely free from Calm lel or any other injurious ingredient: A' Sufferer from Headache writes : AVER'S Pipes are invaluable to me, and are • my constant coinpauroa .1 have . been a severe sufferer from Headache and your PILLS are the only thing I could look to''for relief. One dose . will qui tidy move my bowels and free my head.. from pa]u. They are the most erreotiveaud'the 'easiest physic I have ever forind. It is a pleasure to me to speak in their praise, and I-ai ays do so then occasion offers . W. L.PAGI, of W. I. Page I: rauklin St., Richmond, Ve., Jouo 3, 1882. ' -,bare uscd_Ayoitt s. Pitts In.nurnberles4 in-.. stances as recommended by yon tiu<lhave never known' them to .fail to accomplish the desired re - r suit. We'eonstantly keep them on hand at our. hotue, and prize them is a pleailant; safe and reliable family medicine; FOR DYSPEP,Si:A • they.aro invaluable. J. T. assns..' ' iloxta, Texas, Juno 17, 1882 2he:T,�iit Z'n>,yo:l(,5_I3,�lIAnLUy¢�,.yR,tJting.fr_om._. .•Itlantu, (Ia says: For some years past 1 LAVA leen Subject to .constipation, from which,' in spite of the WO of medicines of various kinds, T suifered increasing inconvenience,' some Months ago I began taking AYJm'S PILLS, They have'entirely corrected the Costive habit, and have vastly improved my general health." . AYER's CATRARTIC 1fILL8 correct irregulars - ties of the ,bowels, stimulate tho•nppetite and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action give tone and vigor to the whole physical economy, r ' nIC irAED pY Dr. J. C. Ayer:& Co., Lowell Mass. Sold by all Druggists. oabt+ Cor .. ?0 ziost S' S S �io �ur� h e Osc, .b-tkztti xc� 296 �o O�.174 eg W •" PROTECTION. trlilE undersigned having removed their otti_. 1 cos into the 'TOWNS .HALL. BUILDING, And havingpurchaseel FIRE AND.BURGLAR PROOF SAFE With patent combination lock, and • all modern: improvements, aro prepared to • receive, for sate keeping any: title deeds, docunronts,valu- able securities, or other papers. • MANNING & SCOTT, • • Barristers, tee YOUNG,- OLD, AND MIDDLE-, All exj erieTlge the.i�eenderfnt bq cis - dal eltects of Ayer's garsaparil1a. Children with Sore Eyes Sore Ears, AGED, or au scrofulous or syphilitic taint, may bo made Healthy and strong by its nue. gold by atl].DnlgglatilA six bottles for lti.. w54Frs cru' CO., Agents, . %Allston • HAVE :YOU TRIED • IT. TF NOT go to.yonr DrugiNt'and gist a: bottie of the DOMINION HAIR RESTORER You will, find it to be the gem: of hair preparations. Restoring Gray or faded Hair 'to its natural color; cleaning the Scalp and giving a healtby.'and ;beauti[u7 appearance to the. hair. PRICE - 5 0. C E lel T S. as. I (alnbe, I FOR :(Y If.7•(3 B Is taiere a niisei't;tblc'; weakening 11`L.iti,in the:stini11 :. of the back.? 1';a I 1 i4a;tann painful?1toYou in: }-rspal pitatian it the lu ut+? -1)o •.•stra1•)c(, ii,r rria,a„155 fcrl- :i-ons trrrr l ,• 1 3"isu2 1 tLar and the h,t:-it',el'? ertion ZC{'tl'Y �`011�a.! )OCl4 yoln i rine S11G11' .brick dti;it 11T' nlbiinliil( lis- deposit t Dots tiny s :dllc ti frig]. 1, C•itUSe 111771iC 1'ir?; silatp.pilfli hrthe sli>aiI of t n Mick ?.: Do yen h ,,\ r n aching lt2' the groin'? 1 ypur 1ulcholy impaired l5 1 r -ar`is'e tth. short? A re i] 071 i.,hooting' pains €rl.,ont our i-ita11S ? Are you l:k,Coul ing c17 opsit,al? -These are all 9 7r[ii10JTtS c}f ' lcl!lnl y tI;s 7 ,, iiit Oil 0111' 1; :nerd ainat: tltF nl !. ff let run it xltay enc- i12 Brialit's Disease, which as suroldeath._- Your best couse is to pro --cure at -once 'a b'ott'le of ;SuL P1ituR AND IRON BITTERS Cosmo' ting only 50c. , ' cure! any form of Kidney; Com- plaint, except' })right'~ llt ...�sease,..7t�-,•will "r'elivuv the-,.iyn�p _-. mins and defer the cavil day sonletinies nldefiari.tely.' ' STJLPIITJit ANi) I1t6N TEItS iS a .medicine as halln . less as water.. The world has not seen its: equt,l as a . cure for diseases ',which attack the Kidneys and for • the complaints x to Which females e;ie alone liable:, It is of •3noro value than any,, nredi-tal-comtpound known to themedical faculty. sold by all Druggists and at Depot 450 St; James Si. West, 'Montreal, Price 50e. using any greasy liniment or carrying your Is -tram's 'Fluid Lightning for neuralgia, headache,' toothache,` eta. It does not blister or discolor the skin,; requires; but oiie applies. tion to, banish a11 .pain magically without, _ . .Seaforth taxes this year, are 1c++' mills on , the $. lissr M. A. Buekly, of Kiugsbridge, was'dr:owned while; hauling' water' out of a,;e'isteirt. Simple, of UsbOl'Illto, has sold his farm of 100 acres 10 lVlr,fa, 13uswoll, for 86,600. • The hired than of'Mr. John Durnin, near. Dungannon, 11td his ribs broken by Ms horse running away., No other medicine is so-relialile as Ayer'a Cherry Pectorial for colds, coughs, and all iderangements:of the respiratory' organs teed! ono: toward consumption. In all ordinary rases it is a Certain euro, And it. affords "euro eelief, for, the tweninadvancedast�ma6 c itllsl::.consiam:ptrve_ .,;_ stages of disease. 11It',TChas.,ICIcI�ay, .of Toronto, has been engaged, to teach in'the bt ick school house, Mill Road, near Brucefeld. Mr. Godfred' alas resig?ied his position • as railway agent at: Brussels, and Mr. Creighton, has accepted the •positin. He conies from• Mildmay. 4 S. Munro, teacher at Dungannon, has :been re-eugsiged for the ensuing year. Mr. J'ohssten, teacher in what is known as ;Findlay's school, has also been:re-engaged . If a well be. poisoned, woe be to those who drink thereat. It is worse to poison the.foun. ain of life. for one's self, and for posterity. )ften by carelessness. or by misfortune, or nheritance, this has been done. Ayer's Sar- iaparifla frees the blood, the vital stream, and estores appetite, strength and. health. Mr. J, B:.Fei'giison, cashier at Scott' banking -louse, Wingham;:has been ap- pointed town clerk' there, in :place of MI-. Tlyur,:who has gone to Ottawa to fill it situation iii: the Civil Service. On Tuesday, at lot • 30, con. 4, 'Grey, MrS.. David Duke was gored ,by a steer, causing alinostinstaitaneous death. ,'Her husband went to her rescue, and would h ave sh rred .the sono fate only that, One of the,neighbors arrived on •the scene in time to save. him. John Il. Vert, Hamilton, .says : "b1cGreg- or's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Indigos- - tion is cheap at fifty times the •price aa.l.ed, for it I am a commercial map, and travel contiuu�lly yid weonld no more -think of leaving hom,'e' without a bottle of McGregor's Speedy' Cure in my valise/than I would of leaving my team at home and going on foot.". Free trialbottle . J.� ' r be's-dru store. sat IT. Coni g ore. Regular size, fifty cents and one dollar. '.• Mr- D. ] [. Sullivan of the Brussels• fire clepartaient, attempted .to jump .14 feet iiia standing ,jump at, the Exhibi- tion'Grouri.cls,' London, lastiweek upon a wager50:that he coilld -not accom- 'of p fish it, and he succeeded in covering Po 131 feat." •. tie is matched to attempt the sane, feat, d. rriiig.. the Caledonian games tliefe for a t6,(401 -Of ,$0100". Mr. Wm. Scott, ; s sold his farm, on , 1 the 1ticonh' ., of M Killop,,to Mr. P. Boss for the sum2,of $7,175. The farm contains 100 ares, :and is• a very good. one, :.s.an instance of the increase ilt valines in 'this to,wnship,_ eve -!lay state that Mr. Scott tpurchased r this; farm about two years ago forfor'.$6;150. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The petition: against the return of Iti'Ir. Metcalf, M. P., for Kingston, (Con- servative) hasbeen dismissed. Air. J'os.`Shezrd,:ex-Mayor of Toron- to, who died last week, is said to have - left an estate worth 1240,000 He was t carpenter by trade. A report comes from 'Chatham • that the trial of tbo•petition against the' re - tarn of e-tarn-of Atr. Hawkins of Bothwell -.wild begin on the 27th of September. This is none too soon. Mi. Hawkins had no -right-to the seat, and -would have never occupied it but for the gross prostitution of the law by a partizan returning -officer. O'Donnell,; tilemean who slew the informer Carey, is on his way to CEng- , land to stand his trialfor the crime laid to his charge. 1 -Ie: would have prefer- red being tried. in Africa, where his plea of having, committed the deed' in se f it fence``;5ni,glit -have cairrigid "sumo weight. But in England the scheme is.;.'" not' likely to work very well: ' Hon. A. Mackenzie ands wife 'sailed from. Liverpool 'on Thursday, and may be expected o reach home no later thaw 10th Sept.g entlenian who - is in re- ccs t of � ett*�i rum the. lie n.g outfe - P,., o man; in iieli he states that lie much enjoyed lis, visit to the land of itis birth and to the continent. Heliaclh' het .iri- ed renewed' strength- by tike va6 tion: Mr. Mackenzie says the ; weather in Britain has been cold and very wet, and the glass in ,Scotland during the past few weeks was,seldoin higher hart 65 c' Tho lanai was soaked, and the bills liko big,:sponges.' The Greatest :ilenling 'Compound Is' ;j preparation. of carbolic acid, vasoline and. cerate called McGregor & Parke's Carbolic' Ccrato. It will curd any sore, cut, burn or bruise When all other preparations fail. Call' at J. 13. Combe's drug store and get a pack• oge,Tweuty _five cents is all it costs. RAILWAY TIME CARD. Trains leave Clinton as follows:— Oh/ND TRUNK RAILWAY. 6.15 3.131. express 8.20 it m. mixed, 8.20 n itit'''mixed 1.17 p.m. express 1.17 p.m. 'express 6;15 p.m. . -mixed 3.50 p.m. mixed 9.00 p.m. express enF,ST -WESTERN RAILWAY, °ping North._ ' Going South. 0.25 a.m. express . 8.20'a.m. express 6.10 p.m. express 3.50 p, m. express- Tata QntekestclTring on Record,: • head in a poultice for :;weeks. .' Try atw ty- WATTS & CO. DU NITON. ' "flvelcent bottle from J B Combe, drugging. 9' A.