HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-08-31, Page 5• FURNITURE WHOLESALE AND RETAIt MARY AND L Twat evening in May, and the soft zephyrs sighed Through branches low bending above. My Mary and I, as we wander'd along And whispered of beauty and love— Well make us a nest like the irdl n * I said, Welb a �s, And never shall part any more. Oh, yes ! she replied, and can -furnish -it nice - At the '.`RED: ROCKER" FURNITURE STORE. "Fair creature ! there's many a wealthier man Would gladly have you for a bride, But no one can love you more fondly than I, My treasure, and beauty, and prided Oh ! had La mansion, with carpets of gold— And of silver—I'd cover the floor." But smiling, she said, "You can purchase the best At the "RED ROCKER" FURNITURE STORE." L'il''Spread you a couch) upon which to recline• . When' evening'shall'call us to rest, orthe-flcfieiest-down:'dint-she said -s itlra sigh, "I. like.BENNETrs mattresses the -befit ", "Then so shall it be, love—and tables inlaid, And seats from some far distant shore." "Oh, no !".she exclaimed, "theyhave elegant cliair3 - At the "RED ROCKER" FURNITURE' STORE." ti • And wi ,I continue un 11 t. ,L cFo': e whole stack is Butter and Eggs taken the same as easy. marked in plain figures: ESTATE THE LATE J. HODGENS cleared ;out. di the goods CLINTON. Ladicaneithee*York Do� e��1 C , THE MOST RELIABLE AND PERFECT FITTING; AT I"11S.171.4 17E401 Croquet, Lacrosse, Express Waggons; dcc. A - New Stock of large Chromos Photo anu Picture Frames, dm. STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS. LABIES f1WN HAIR 'made up A. HALE, NEXT TO VI/ DRUG. STORE, ALBERT ST., CLINTON • Spring . Lines oI Boots, and Shoes. F-olrre l's--BOot-s-i ,r -in 0M -T8 -'-per .pili=lip to- ? D.(t Men's Gaiters and Bals; perair. Prun ll s from UO.cup\ r, d.• Call early and secure good bargains. • •\Ye sti19 selh large quantities of 3 Ib:., TEA for -8l, equal dealels 0 cent •Tea;' some PRODUCE TAKEN FOR:GOODS. POTA'rOES WANTED: -THOMPSON' --Gr,lrr2ov,.:M'arch,l8$3 _ _ &, SWYTZER. 0 r_11 OVEN English, Scotch � Irish Twee Coati��gs, Worsteds; Sexges, )oily Arriving GET YOUR FALL SUIT Noir, Immense stack to select .from. WHO NEVER PAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION, IS; STILL OUR ,CUTTER. Prices:away • down. Big Stock bf;PRE ,Neto, Patter>is.. Low Prices. Blac, an oozed 'i K ing it 1 '- . d Ihoise. r usually kept in00 .A u% everything s y a 'first-class Dry G s FALL . WI -NT & FULL 'STOCK OF 'GROCERA,ES.' V1Li11i'fo1H IL 1KK1E'I'S• Thursday, August 30, 1883. Wheat, scot - - - $0 98 a 1 00 White wheat, - 0 95 a' 0 97 Spring, 0 99 a 1 00 Oats, Barley, - Peas, Flour, to , Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Hay„ Hides, 1. Sheep pelta - Lamb skins, O 35 a 040 a 0 70 a - 5.00 a O 50 a 0 13 a O 17`a 800 a 900 600. a O 50 a O 75 a - .6 50 a 8 00 a S, 00 a - 2 00 a O 18 a Beef, Pork, Clover, - Timothy, ct Wool. - 0 40 0 45 0.75 5:50 0 60 . 0'14 O 18 salt Rheuns -. Cured. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Roughh' Skirl, Pimples or Canker ores • if so go at 5k , P p] a , once to J. H. Combe's drug store and get a package of McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cer, ate, Price twenty-five cents. It was never known to fail, MEN WANTED TWO good men wanted, capable of running a steam seperator. Good wages given. I3. B. EV.ANS. Goderich township, Aug. 9, 1883: 6'50 STAR FALL :WHEAT O 75 ) FOR SEED. Mr. T. Stanburyhas been appointed by the tinder- s 00 signed agent for the "sale his celebrated non -rusting 8 25 Wheat. For sale on liberal terms. Only a limited'. 8 50 quantity for; sale. � WM.'REHILL 2;50 0 18 SEEDS- !- SEEDS. !. C ItO P -REPORT. ToaoBTO, Aug. 25.—Mr. Angus- Blue, Secretary Ontario Bureau of Industries, furnishes the following from his August crop report: Wheat—Average 'yieldper acre 13.6 bushels, compared with 33 last year. Barley -Estimatedproduct less 'than. last "year by; 3rzT0,000`bus iels. Oats—Excellent5; estimates product �;- 626,000 bushels more than last year, aver- age yield nearly 40 bushels per acre. Bye—Only moderately good. Peasare estimated to produce 775,000 bushels in excess of last year. Wet weather has'>greatly: inlu:ed the corn crop. Bean crop and buckwheat more favor- able.: The crop of hay,and clover islargest p_, _the gas ever grown in the country ;'estimated pro- duce, 4,127;419 tons, against 2,090,626 tons last year. o Area under roots is in excess of last year by about 30,000 acres. ==Erult_crop-to_alarge.extent a failure in all parts of the Province. Ya 'theywant n trade in o cle artlil � lzs for. Our increase p ants om els of 'ioorn to o•out,of.BOOTS;& SHOES` and ;CROCKERY t n . E 0 ?FER THESE & GLASSWARE.' ,W � ouR, � xoLl; sTOCi'� oh ODDS AT COST. ;,• jn. < 1 VALUE 01' UUTTEIt!1I1LK, The Canada Lancet has a leading arti- cle on rti-cle-on the beauties of buttermilk as an article of diet. It points out 'that'thepar ridge eaters' and buttermilk. drinkers of Ireland and Scotland are,not excelled by any other people in: soundness of body and clearness of head, and it gives many learned reasons. why'butterinilk should be ingreater demand among Canadians than it now is. .Buttermilk, says our contem- porary, is a true milk, peptonoid—that is the fashionable word of the day -milk. already digested. It is good food and drink for young and old, sick and well. As it is food, it should not be taken be- tween meals, as i9 the habit of many peo-- plea Being an' agreeable drink, it is too often freely used. Sick persons, who par- take of little' or nothing else, may, par- take much' oftner, and more freely." •Al- though containing about the same quan- tity of nutrition as sweet' milk,yet patients appeaf'to be able to consume with ease at least double the quantity of buttermilk. Buttermilk is especially valuable as a laxative, apd may be used with great benefit in cases of typhoid. This affords a hint for its use in habitusi constipation. Buttermilk is a diuretic, and may be pre- scribed with advantage in 'I some kidney troubles. ;Because of its acidity, it exer vises a good impression on the liver, and is well adapted to, many cases in which lime water and milk are usually prescrib- ed. -It is valuable >in the treatment of diabetes, either exclusively or alternately with skim milk. If these facts were gene- rally„known, the pigs might come in for a smeller share of buttermilk that they do, •and it might beless used as a fertilizer of the soil, for in many farrn houses the milk is simply thrown out. ' Who Makes en,. our Boots THE ` BOOT MAKER: DEALER IN RILL, KINDS. OF Womei, &ind Children's Boots & Shoes, Spring Stock well assorted, and complete in all departments. ALL GO'ODS• SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH C. CRUICKSHANK,..BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON' 1\TO�V IN'STOCl2 FRESH FIELD 'A1 D ;GARDEN Seeeds,, from the most reliable Seedsmen. G OO E IBS, Try our .Choice -Tea at 50 c. -per ib. P It: O VI' SIC N—S , TRY't,I AltniA'N's-CEI i RIBTT1 D-1IW-iIS SALT A large Quantity of Land Salt in . stock. "X. 1VICGARVA. Clinton, April 9, 1883. Albert Street; Bayfield-o.te•s' .List. NOTICE is hereby given that have transmitted or delivered t� the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of the Voters' List' Act" the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persona appeauug by`the last revised-' Assessment Roll. - of the said Municipality to be entitled. to vote in the. said Municipality at Elections for member sof the Le- gislative•Assomblyand at Municilial Elections• and. that said list, was first posted up at my office at'Bay-, field oh ninth dory 414 -August, August, X883, and remains . there for -. inspection. - Electors , aro called upon toexamine :the said. list, and if .tiny' omissions or other errors are fouud therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according 2;..lae. ,H. HUNTER,; ayficld, -Aut Itis,1.883. Clerk of said' Municipality J• " BINDLE COMBE, ViatcV and Clock Maker, JEWELLER; &c:; ,OPPOSITE THE IfitARKET, CI.I[VTON Where he keeps a eelect'aseortment of WATCHES,` CLOCKS, JEW- LLERY,'; SILVER- 'Which-we-will:Belt at reasonable rates.. teRndpd itrng of every dweaswcrainpteiodn. 'promptly ...at • JT I}IDDLECOMBE. ;Oiinton, Nov.1889. ' It is charged that the United States:revenue ofiicers in the upper part of South Carolina have been paying small sums to mountaineers to put up illicit stills; which the officials then seized and obtained the Government reward of $50 for each A daughter of Mr. Wm.' Gunning, of Blansharcd,-Was trying to straighten; a nee- dle in her mouth ee_dlein.herinouth the other day,- when- it broke, -and- one hall' went down her throat. The doctor can not get at: it, and it is fear ed it will work to her heart and kill her. The Deliver ews subg test, a practial. way to stamp Mormon rule out, of, -Utah, and that is for •the Gentiles to pour in 'and'- out number thein. " Letthep' eacliers;" it says, ",call upon their flocks to furnish recruits,'and ifthe ;.feeling'agiiins"t poly gamy is as deep as its utterance is loud, an army of peaceful: invaders can be pour- ed 'into oured•into the territory within a year that will outvote the,111ormonsand fill all the offices with Christian statesmen.". Kraal'sr][Tuid Lightning Ts,the.oniy'instaneous relief' for Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, &c:. Rubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but oihe' min- ute's application removes al1'pain--ani will prove the great value of Kraal's Fluid Lightm: ing. Twenty-five cents per bottle at' J. 11. S., FOWLER & SOX. BEST STOCK OF VIOLIN STRINGS IN TOWN. FINE PLATED WARE. NEWEST DESIGNS IN JE:VVEL:LERY ! Repairing;:done Promptly.•;'. C1 fMay 20",th, 1.882. N S SPI.HITS TILE subserfbir desires to return hip'..siircere; thanks' to his customers and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to him in the past, and by furnishing the best article at the lowest remu- nerative price, he hopes to merit a coutinpance of the' 9amC. r5le would- sReo1nllL.recoinmencLa trial of his direct importations of the'sery best brandy of Brandies; Port Wines and Holland Gin SUITABLE FOR lltrsrc s ui Ptsi osns .0'» Fks,, ,t usa. BASS' -ALE AND GUINESS' PORTER, In Bottles, Pints and quarts. CANADIAN' ALES AND PORTER, OARLiao`s and-DAVI:9 LAGER constantly on hand. .lust received, in -prime comlitioe, Montreal ' Ginger Ale, Champagne' Cider, Plain Soda. . � ol('• n i .A e t for oder cl AI N. ROBSON,.e'"` ALBERT' STREET; BRICK BLOOM, ot.INTON. a We went: Happy day ! Can I ever forget • The pleasure that beamed in her face As she gazed'at the marvels -of beauty„ displayed In this most wonderful place! • 1Vejujr,ished our nest 10 an elegant style. Been,married`a twelvemonth or more, And Mary is swing this song to her babe, Of the `RED ROCKER' Fort3iCURE STORE: 4.' A. BENNETT, Siva or TUE 'RED ROCICER, Neat door to Harland• If7'08. ,tore, Albert Street; Clinton. • ttAol uz ,zaleap :aanhusu ssejS pst3 /Ira ?tis. �Eli/II s �7 � TOGGI'STS A:'lbert Stir eet.'Clinton. The 'public •will• find our, stocl:.of medicines complete, warranted genuine, and of the best; quality. TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, BR,ACES;TRUSSES,SPONGES KINDS OE DRUGGISTS' SU'NDRIES,.USUALLY KEPT, ^t' TN A FIRST CLASS DRUG . STORE. 311.2k1VIIHATOT: ITARVEST • TOOLS=Forks and• Handles; Scythes, Rakes, &c. large: stock, selling ver .cheall We'make aspecialty of .1V1IXAD PAINTS` being; sole agent for. the;,celebrated. Cleveland < GTJTTA PERCHA PAINTS.. which are always ready for use and kept in stock:�in all colors. Aluso, the Canadian brook) of ' M" ed ':Punts kept in stock ' :'. st)1TarriliALINTG,- 7.7N -NAT SWISS' SOAP, The best washing 'soap in the- iia ket GIVE IT A TRIAL, .ASK 'YOU. 1,031 C-izoomR P. I'x°. MA.NUI'ACTURED Bis` THE HURON, SO. Co. c: 01i»I I ICI -311 ®1 TT. will found at' the follosing.store :-T. C r Soap will befollowing s OOpI:R, JOHN CLiNIiVCTI-IAilI1a T.'SSTANBUEY, CAN TBLON"BROS.; AND A. ANGUS. ;' ' . - MILLINERY cheaper a th ever. ' SUMMER PRINTS at a great reduction. Summer HOSIERY at cost. SIIIIVIIWGS at coo. D►C)T¢'!T« FOS Gt iL`' 'rte E PY..A:C v eN fL' L'st)1'I i', „v - „-„ RLAVER IJLOCKsf. �• -