HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-08-31, Page 3]MEN wilito Imaiii PLAN'j. oxiloqr4,�,G.&HOIgN PARTIi -JLVCBE. JLOVE AND iN'.U0U0CC0. LAB0PL.UA1[0N94 gt,31 1 83 gu re umiluess. k IS New viarli 111trirchnnt Flees iWorts at the British Government to Some -ehuses at the Arebtte hel Feature of I 0 wason-Und 3111i A U'lli dett-Cout i�utertulner- With aiwarmeil" lipteAtir Daughter. Have the Revolting Traffic Sup. sTheir I , Strength in too United Staten, "d I ant'a Fiat of was the Concise :The feature of thiii. is cason is undoubtedly' Canada- rucauri, at Walli W A Su the The sweet Country Cousins. statement of a pri The quiet villagadf Cairn el is jds4'xiow In, little Woman in an the enormous growth of ka rden and.,other in a farmpat,-OV bet country arhitect's'offiCe�to-da . She went on to vAng,toth" of,44,1gocret R�ports .*on the State of the Slave' P. J. McGuire, Genera is
How dear "to the heart axe the sw Y ah6inooli-partieB., -The ii parties I eoretary of the. wished a house of 10 rooms, sit eady mentioned were fullY attendad and marriage of Trade arid Slavery in'Morocco,?' is' the title: rotherhood of Carpeniera and Joiners,, csstate thii lave ,4,ben dog -days of summer: begin to draw near, \Whioh was to stand on lot 5 wbon , a 0x100 feeti Lao ing� lady of the some -place., Mr� of: a parliamentary paper. 'At Lord Gran, gave to the Senate Committeel a* list of bricksbavogrown hot, and When sun- - , y Burd I I � I an 3,500. to expend � upon it. hag; l�'long iU - �tha, habit, 'of , giv, Us and their In dibershiP in strokes bkd6zena d that she had � �tt-ooulta' J1134 8-11�rafiali wbo.w6slor mapy�year�' villa's -request:Sir J. Drummond Hay for- the trades 111110 a her bargain Ing a L dry-go6daiiiado,ift this' . dity, Fill body with anguish and boeioul And having made Wi,b th '.,t" t'h , e.ntg,,gqd in bhL
with fearil i I L waided io him in May and June of this this country arid Canad�,I'n6t inclujinig the 161dir and the's L act amelliog L' ne,,gar eu,,pa; jes,a er green, Waving f w architect, ave went away. ed from - business in&settled it Year reports from the 00 L n4uJar offices at main to d -Labor, breezes, beadtiful suburban r'bBidence, H611y, Lodge, bership of ,this Knighl buiidreds of Tbo'cuoing from turm6ilto�q4ietanq�calm,, That1h the kind of oustomerd,41d likb to Aigligate" the house brii tyi Lei grand- mol. Hewasavidowe'rand -had a -fa ul �rAborish ports on this sxilij�ct, rferring -Hia, w'hoh went up. into P, a t overy jaid, thei ajojbjteot,�, LL`L, tiy 2ho irichI cieejn*,'xnilk which thejou&Y hIi'lid' i doubts, lot his second if of three grown Clenin at, Lordobipat the is�me time �tb *a -report he thousandii. ,There pire,j be said, in.,the, ishebti4g6ne. rare aXii(#L . 0, theWtimeln up at Lofd'D6rbyIii.reqdeat in Typ quiet litt a at'' ographical Union 15,000 nian Cigar a in Mo b, d atone- A Wen!ithe brown on the , is, Vants' mel, and sold a14 U khoww'what,A 0 1876; Lord . rariville, 9 de"�iug tLe mZers 000; than Xro. coutisi, lina, afterwiiidl Duchies i 18 ntry couti, heThe 'latti Eight` months - �pports, Wrote to Sir Mona -Hay a ins, t masorps; �,000,;, o%rppptprP,! 0�7110 j;W uncultured before ho'goes to an a r P90 t Arm Y,ma 0
The pl�a 61!:�00., Albans. � lt�wgs usuedly.determinati the. cost and,the size, it acquaintEmbe- of, 311Aos, Springeitbiii;,-#i 14" Lated. iron Tco sompi-and cleye'�r'w'omau,wj1o,'left' to Mid -p 000., ama gain f ...... . despatleb,dated July 2ad, which brings the =t country cousins who live on th a L -4 , he knows anything of the size of the lot and -and is &1i, io�Lae �Pelpousl, states that ,,.though the reports differ as to min a, 3t,006 Angola, afterward the Ba�roneiig Burdett- Correspondence to a close. The despatch and - steel wbikerv,,l coal �idnde, er t ikers, 'the ideation. Our Visitors are of every &it grni a woi The sweet country cousins; ob, arn,'t Aiey a cla�s, from the man who has never built a .. r4otions. Marshall Weame! ao4j :the treatment whiohLolaVejs rd6iV is tre enjoyed by that IaLdy,yvbose:biitdftMnmentB a at thd 6,000,; uji 500 , boilerm ker asur6? house before,, and who knows more about qif%inte&., with bar, and*he I n Bhe'viSiie'& "Laridti of their- mastdr' ' thatL ' plLiaterers, 3, - , , . , , . 1 a, .they; show 4,266; ve ngineers, 12,0.00 ; oco- How bandy to love at.the vaedtion time, are ibiost'" 661ebiated,,ai- stifles. bid ho'llsoitwas iloticed that be alwNys was ien., wpuien and, chil I drau -are hawked fI �.d conduc-. And paying one's board is a too costly pleasure, it than the, architect, to, the man who Withcut, being in the, :slightest de-gied %, y to 11,000 *; Irai rce When all can be had without spending a dime. spends -thousands of dollars yearly. That at home.. The family' did nt'-pay� 6DY ab6ut through the - streets of' many,, of I Is spinriera� �5 0001; harness huntress � of li&nB,, Lady Burdett Coutts' I ) I ., How pie ant to.live on rich cream and ri, oray, sp0clal:regard to thd",ittentiou: paid by-tha 'the towns'and sold by"duction that they naukers, 1,500 'glass wloiker�, i000 iake. bat Pe �clam of man generally leuve all to, the finda� col6brated,people, drail niti !g ,I. y o der th'an' 'may., ;be, ! . I 'L . , ' L , ! '
father', as�bd was conaiderabl. Ii resold on ': the death 'or BeiLbitim,'13,700 German printers 3 000 - ere�i heir owpors orlse a occupies the noticed architect, from the! drawing of'plans and 'tablei it Stratton the Young lady. - Of late, however it Was bankruptcy of� t that ob6dr , 2,li .17,000.; Pre6h golden -hued butter and, cakes light and tate toward: her dinner' warm, letting of coutracts to the final ace4tance street, Ficcuailly., wh she ishall and, the oung t aria is no security aganst the separation tblegraphors..) a
Free use of horses and carts and the wbarries of theatructure, Some people haven t th that Mr. ar ud lineman, 12,000 metal of sweet country cousius*h6 liveon thefarm house field .'whichher The st'idea of of, 1' aywere to be found very often in:each: of wives, from . husbands, or of children. workers, 2,060;.stafio ary einginera, 1,700 - ry a ta, an Aoi the 'tow6r.. cousins,-� the uncuiturea lin :Burdeli wa k 1. I . -:'IUgg
si , '11� L jL 1. I L the' tovOnahouee Proper, is , ilia. roa�by th 001181 .for. the particular purpose for , w other'aicompany. A, proposal 'of marriage, from parents ; that - crueltj is nat inire. i66f-membereip of tWenti unions: The o ntr cousmeriviiho live On the, ; they may -be designed.' In eoll ouieli'ti a merchant, but,theaui6:L qdpnti�and that the only, remedy,for which �49100. Aatoitfiedonditidii ofAhelabor� 6*6et,c u y scene of, perpetual dibners,,'&fid:'eveU- L Was istrd'n'�cUbly IMPOit"t )osed by his fami!V��nd, uu'ill. d I 13 of the. country 164bbittict 'must de6ide �every OPI irs ave. can ope, w o I A : :
. ill use cannot log me the witness said question about the buildin"g.0 parties': during the season,' 'toward Valso by, it , 0 young woman's patientsithe obtain his freedom,: is a change of.'master.' that there were &It' present 60,000 reinero. L How dear are the sweet country cousins in sum the end �'of which tha bayoutats nd. Mr. partioul2objection being theL diiipaiiy of No security is provided 'fL ,th- b i tit ' f who6b�,;V ban $290 a year. . merl . I an I L I I I 11 How are architects paid, or their ser- Burdett-Couli (Mr. Asbme4d. Bartlett's their aged. or, I a o as;y 9 he tatiages were less t] How fragrant the mead6w,rom tiothodowni In place of the former friend: Woii nor for theiri:68cue frona- degrac cs of 1870 sb6w�d that ther� ghi la- sti mar I vices 2" brother) ig&'to Highgato anif give''the fam Many jins.taupes-perhaps this ma- were 240,000, workers iin kenns�lvunm But straightway your faces begin to grow ,For small buildings, such 'as ordinary Ous ship between"Mists Spriegst6id and the two tion' aL At. the thought of their visit next. Winter to residences, a fee is paid 'for the drawing of garden, 'parties, at''Which 'sometil!aes 9. daughters ooldnessgrew, up between. jrit�L�of casea-might be appeald to in .Who veraged �4711 a- yeai� while in the O'deasional look, 41; the tion council a, L, aetim6s medical c6nigress.and son An exhibi-
the larls and ab the and it wag plai�ly intimated that, which 'slaves aie'kiudly treated andwo)], saine State thbr6were 2000 employers The theatre,'tbe con6art, the io�oiuk6 lic'monely o' entertained As well as bar company c'ould,be dispensed With. oared for, but the fact 'can not be gainauid wbose incomes averaged $i24 buildibig duririg.ftd�o6ndtirifction. For large, nume'rotig distingui6hed.gUeSta, 1, 'an 1 ,000 Expended'in ticketsl The, thou'ght gives a d ot filavery exists in the oh6ngbrs- who �L m'build in ave quaim; . " L, I I I I . - h ' d.- h, as, various This �ha no effeoti however, for. Miss that the system .gs an, in cues w ere the architect The sequel of summer is not quite rafik'66d"wealth &s;�hord Springstein was Atill a 'frequent v1sit6r, empire .with -some, of its p4oiat revolting gain of 52L7,000. The average *Pa ' Y' i6n their quired to_ superintend the work, an: Wditubley, oftuir6,'�aud Sir,Samuel Wilson, O'could al'w iijsty's'GoVe ave of Why don't the sWeetcoti . sins remain t is paid,varying from- 2L to 5 nsys ba'fotmd1n tile b6lnpany� features. Her M riameni h abortirs employed bylthe Baltituore farm? gieab.Ausvrpl�`%ns Us, r,as th hall. r,rjtb,f6jbIjCe f wkwaid Cent �2,000 the i, 'a I i'19 ofiMr,i are On Sunday Mips Spring- no;groun'd Ohio Railroad was 41;0 a day. ',.MenL work- per
The brow n -visaged cousins, the great a of the contract Price. From, 0 ounded on con- cousins, of thbltblgiahis,�u a,, ,i the, an Issas to $5,000 is not an I uncommon sum tobe stein Paid a l6bg'visit tb Mr.'Mmrshall, and ventions,'nor do !they wisli to, make pro. 'Ing orr drill pre and iron Work in the, -hopper cousins should stay "an' the foliowilig morning be wagup bright and tests i individualoases;- but they -would, corikfuction of railroad I The cloti, on the. Udsj' u ir ta' !a a Afil machinery received. farm. r, in theActibig br adclotji�: en ifit r 51.10 a day, and 75 cents i wits deducted at traveijai;and Mr.:-, C12, paid for planning. and superintexidiDg costly building, - By,eoine this may . , F in,hisbest suit of 9 in th Costs of humaDityj make'aii i�bo con� , manager.'Two rtraits f lrvirig,�by 'to 6be E'rnL - :the end of every� month for the. support of a -exoro but', it' rnuaV be re. sk
bideied Aant, 1 He paid 'b6:'M7aI3 coming 0 L 8 a ifor the ity: arid bainbot appeal to the' Paror andL a isheil-by the colli 0 RJR WE Iii Mr; Ong, er P'to mightnobreturn thb:Bame evening. Except a 'him' to consider Wheth4 the: time h" relief organization establ ne mb6red tvLt such, jdba 'aria iedi Up, and Bido'nesil and are no, tri street. not In, 1 StL � U require a vast of mental labor. small valise and a -linen duster, he had. ncome, when , he would- be ready ',to piny. , The w(jrkiug ho4rs weie ien &-day, now T'hougli Neg!ect train" the 1-0,ie I �&B- amkt� and.the luggai and his fam�ly paid but little at- plac the � total' earnings per $6 42. I .1 : Full and very detailed sots of plans. buys -to a a ' . . a himself onL &'level With other, Civilized and 111111earis at JiLolving Pairs. be maide for pluruili Carvers and' ch�rd 11r. Ubtf6h` at hisleavin"g, at; he Lad frequently rulers by ta. hibg Steps to abol",slayer� in Carpenters employed by the Baltimore' as' dD,d .The fashion of garden parties has been lefli no Wey r rec L 'to It was 71.25, by the block in th li� a' - 'those, partial se ei� are endorsed,.by� the' Princess of� Wales, who V6 ver, -on bad not' difficulty' which, the: Goveininent. o tb- $1 75; while in the citv 'f B46 ore the o fj� B d 6 b meiathesamomanner. Hectian6t' his dominions. Th i' are aware � of the Ohio oad' eived i tiom,.4i.60, epublican Iufficiti. Tbe buggy In to" jrequired �for-:othei urtisaus. -Wheu- pre f Im J8enjlY,;giVe, Empoiok way meet :in dealing with 9, long *pay wag from 52.25 aiTo-pbsione I' TO at th consideiable amouni-of fieati.�g arlboough done so upid the present bird. visits -`Priortol'977� doft"Wtake' �ndn Zithe train House,, and theLisditionia'df ChIswi& and . I . �. �j Is put in full got$ of plane -have to be drawn Of Miss Springstein also Ceased after Sunim' a blisbod custom, ut'that difficult bus the�. pay, -was very much� bigbei. Frolo, His b and was on the knob. Good -by he called out. There came, frorU some a"' for it. This Work entails much drawing,, Ca b en foUndbQt to be insupe a was fo Ind that one Holland House, as we rawbeirry, day. The M'wrBball family ' be me ., e rable by other close estimate -it 6&i ve bad suspicious and made inquiries at the,home, Mohammedan 'sovereigns. His Majesty twe.thirds;*. of the wealth*, of the upstairs, through -the half-iopen door, a' which is in; no way ch ha 11 con' hag been : , :13 than th, the an "Old of the young lady,' when -they �1!6uud that might be assuked, that any step iak6n by Country was. in the a) feminine voice, 11 Good-bye." 'i Lad then, bepides the merely mechanical part, of by� h (Is of ofie:ififtli t rmy of people Who have no pro- wag. also missing. Every eort'wu at' 1, of Ahe people. The "t ally in this dirt c don would be welcome( 71 a gone out into the glad, spring air, iodoous a large,amount of intellectual work tobe to entertain in thatwa � or indeed Once Made to. di.,cover the whereabouts of, not only, iU. this country, but. in -the. civil knpw hundreds of Ie'n-who .*ore out of she
with the foretoliens of cc I Ming life aod� done in.'pldnniog large buildirip-s. y alit"Is very Well fur persons to give 'a 'the fugitives. It was found that the old ize Gr!d - whereas 'the -po tion of his eml
musical with: the: dbini of theintiit-builders�' larchitect must be V ,g&rdah because their house, ample d w ployment five months iln the year; But there was no !'�ong in � hi's hert, .to, He: must, buys 'a ta�te i6i geutlernah, in company with Miss; Spring- State; -as the -only teiritory boi:dering on How do - -they manage, to' exist 'and 9prlvg hope and lig , bit in his life - he tobk the. beautiful and expres��tbat'tatit as � it is, could , not � be made to stein, early.in 'the afii . on of Monday ill h no effortL is bgt a, in bib theMediterranbau. whic maintain their families duri bat time 2" designs. Oar'i hold a. fifth , of "their frieds-1 but . .1 . I . .. :i 'the rein sf his- groom's ban do an spoketo mosic6inpeteub and suc6ess- it took. -the train from BreWster Station for, made to combat this evil, must become. asked Senator. George.. W 0 aVe La ra - of- what at Eton :tl36 boys .'"The' paw bi' are A16o et�tis 13avo the city. This. was tb6 only trace df:L the daily more intolerable: in the. eyes of ll n o!5erB' shops thrive then," Get on VI And 641e rcide, ftil'architIocts ts, h call "!cheek", people to' give garden through the royal ilvenu6 that led Up twthe love and an iratertat. in. their calling. You .-TPISSIng pair. Iii believed that Miss nations, whatever be-1beir'ibligio-up 'the women nhouse this is what he thoughtr: It Ihad spoilt Is no menial work, aria should I)C7 We'll -purtiLe who, were itdo--po6r or,too"en to pringste has become Mrs. Marshall., and Preed." Earl Granville thbn�instru Idien, do what tbey entertain It is 'on�-thlrjg,to eta Sir go washing,the chi paidfor. -Besides that, tbesuperiut6ndent that,'after'�einjoying,a brief hoheymoo ai ' on been a guest Martha Would havo'been up n, J. D. Hay to strong repiesent t and generally they live- in. such waYs� drecaed. She would hwve� lai t� put upith In be asked t6neet Mi� Tennyson and 9�score they W return to:their comfortable home to the Moorish dovernmeDf, ad re only known to Ile p, oor. II -jet of the annoyances Ofand to J�Ser a d a apray,of muH cal6bi i des, andquite' another -to be wor� fresh flowers at,my Plate. She-wouldhave n villaiol a second- no opportunitk of renewing, his efforts of -building. , He'm not his'eyes open ried into the,euburb& n,spite,ofall protestations. The young lady sat at the table and seen that iny Coffee to the.tr'idkery of builders', and, see after isia little over 21 years old, and therefore 'whenever a favorable opportunity ma;Y The, out ut at ifteclong Metal". xate artist -'or authdir who can Dot 1111 things generady.11 givebis batement of Ahe -was good, and my eggs'liot and my toast friends.. even a glass of 6 . hampagne; This no steps caU-be taken by her Parents it,tt offer. k.rectntlyipublished a browned. Add I hhould have �.at least a. 11 What annoyances marriage has taken plabe—gew York. yield of precious metals bhbws that Ili 1882 difl hind.of thing will be the death Of 11 He Must explain away�gll the 6ul., after con Fai and Prartnibit. parting shake of. the - hand, and a hope lVild. the output of sold in �be entire world was builder to Pet Iasi Which are.'alrbady, 'witlh� a, few, EXTBACT613Ii the valued 5118,000.00 expressed that I would come again, aqd� ties of the owner, and keep the PUTNA&N FAINLEBB 10, andL L of siWer $94,0ii at tbeterms of his contradt. 'The greatest exceptions, such as I have named, A Father Who Forg 4reatr,,mbdy for corns, is absolutely sUfe and 000.. Ibis 9, fact Doi- gen perhaps, a wave of the haiidlierchief.fro %�rally understood 0111 n as, U the balcony. And I should have carried. evil� wbi6h,re6utable architects have to do, 'great manY painleeis, does its work promptly, wthout'iii4th6 hat _Ausisia by the male kind., Who no. more weak y a find a ai pr6c!ucbr husbs,Dds ':and' least in'toiferi ng with' the Comfort L Of' to, t Is the th I "rew idle, bachelors will' goi -the theepuductor, as he looked ovei te con. Patten -painless remcdY,., of gold, the'yield;'of� t t co try away with methat smil a that is brighter than with is the..isystonl of. offering &e job an d is,�bsol uto I y alone as a safe; his. tin being. Wh for Cori for the best sets of plan B P&so will.fall to the, gi6tind.. tents of a lady'a: purse wb had found ns. Do not beLiMposed upon by difiger-' $30 000 000, only $21,400,000 ligia than ethe sunbliine's;6'the last gift of bar gi�ciouti YA6t n6thing"jS more dbliah - if , ul than a on a seat in the next car. ouscounterfeits. Use only Putnam's Coru'Ex- ho8p,tUlity. Itis a Chance if he WoUlaL want to, erect. buildings , for specific pur. d Statcsiand'�2000000"letis ilia 8 p ' '1' d tractor; .Beware of' base* Bub,tituteis. 'Som Unite 11 / . . . , . .1
tot even have proposedL to ride.LL'to pot ws, got valuable suggistioDis in ro r y organize afternoon, and esgeoially ado you,o *w,ith thern ? ywber6 bi dru� ts and dealers L in I U aiied, , S taie's is the is way' ag6rdcnparby. Spaukingof myst'if as one gis m6di- Austrahai. . The them ver to the chief Take only Putnaim's Painhis§ Extractor, Turn .0 baggage-, es. L . 11
the station with' me * tb� see Ine A rize of U00 or;12W is offered for thd greatest silver producer, ' the yield L off. For Pho knows, it ever. U t f lans for the building, which to of the Odle, portiumionj I go in my ordinary' man a;t the and of the trip. There is always, -N. C. Polaun & Co,, propFletoi;g Ringston. woman did, ., Be 0 -P town walWg dress, bub9tituiing only,kid La , JUBS I kicked up, and be generall,� finds �1882 being ,546,950�000. , Australia how to welcome the Coming and speed the get planned in the -ordinary way would cost gloves for dbg6kins or gants de S 7 though rankirig� second in the production parting guest. But I'sin oDlYL her liusband OrOb Y' $1,000. Architects 'WhOL ede. :One owners for things. Yes; maDy pe6j1e are now They ake 11111anev. y - any abl desire to of "gold, . contributes scarcel may'stop - from twenty iminutes to two very careless When. travelling. Theylea 0 Coin Pate Mus tL study -up the best models for Wholti V people -possess more m6ey tb" sen'se. ilter to the world's'sup ply,while Mexico ere a bachelor,L aw -muddy� such', buildings, and 'a great 81 V a and I can eat my breakfast alone, as if 1, hors, !the having a charmini allaorts'of tbings in the barts-canes and Tbelalest example isMaiinama6er, the Phila� aer., producei, �yi ldii', t,. fitil
w I get my coffee after have *all L--,,, go-ad-youmplease'.' air,withal. , At every um brellasi often est. I.suppose you've heard delpbia: merchant who . threw away $�200,1,00 imi or clear,.hot or cold, ." Bridget happens: drawn.plans but one is reimbursed. The ted a go6d entertainment of this kind there j8,L advertising last year, and only pock d Comparative � data show that the old yarn about, the man Who got on the pr6frE of:a. inill, g6' The it' * , , to make it, and take eggs hard or soli undi, BYBtemL now gaining favor in the east is to ion in the ted Stat�s is the; only na ion inJ a -,of-&: A-ihow�L'Artists� rally tr' n � I I . I . I i -i . I - L�,
-iom6.kind , I &I and feW as if! he'd peg Times. oth toast Lurnt or soggy, agit chances to � o6maL pay all competitors for �Aho-meehafiidal- �h b . of-thel' precious- .metals are) 'ion -and round. each, other, �thope, Who, are, Ali After. -the, train Htarted;�,you- iiu from a careles-9 -dook. , And... ri'dlio-d y, cares. � port Work, and to:,,awsirdthe t, f, L "i 'Wh fdipadin.i abundance' EI L . engage) or Go no L artists 'little the con- remember, he happened to LtfiiDk he'd left old man hires a lot of men at high salaries d-'-' thus.done to all cheek theL hswife sitting waiting-ro And when I go oil- bye flung after PrIz5forthemerit,oftheLplans. Justiceis Bideration of me Competito 'and w om., every year to dp'nothirg but go"around tha Aunie Lavinia 'June Caroline! Clegg 4 like a dry. bone after an -ill -care for boaveris overeat singers 'of a "'olibout asbad as that Heigho I What's the Use of, bp� our g mar- defjki�di?ban be d 12 n, At afternoon' pagties,i��maylj be spending his money irl.a ver ising, Charminent Was. fi ed at BriVhtofi.,.i E This ast aprxhg.�, mani':aud woman -put their
ri the wAsAodious,a,part T� 1:� 0 n to be&rig Grain,� �,X Claw ,':41b a isonoh i n d.,ithe m,-Snd- but has, to stay 9 home or such: a naite) kept her, husband
ad, any. way ? -v aud.tbe'conB in�� annot-be-, land,jor having (in additiIi
- -, iany. Mr. And this is what she thong 11i it's slij put Ot.'; h other. H.9, . 1 tQi'4estinationia lot- up in, the white Mountains counting thej night by rt Grossinith, stijut. �8 OL m, erw ei roe 41,6d-lf-�Walyk of -kub 3fusing to close one of manyolon a the last touch( t , b a r!" fia- irK, b e f o be r )it Oui T,6t fri' A-"`rult ine ;erki S!, I -parried off their glass, and tri)d hard', 3y that -is sent to him. Such people windows, tbrcoWiLg Off all'the beaclotp, d 4' 0 11S61i luinbier ii � �,. , : I
Z, �; This 11�shovr mouf ibt, 6wni-jtb u Ing. as war sw are a rong ones ofs tho4bib a SM: ��Vhndliiii;ftiud traps, but,ei*ybodyfor of the brij g�, ot of h sing the, full back from her eyes be &64 6 d h brews 3 trouble o. themselves' by and lei power of gas Wd or nity of baby; A' telegrain caught us at the next SUrninoned. LE are, required. d DD a as to give pe, t see that the family breakfast. was readY The auperintendent'.. of the j,tbl Lond'o Advertiur. when ilia cooked thew0iiii F)F -P Opp A I wonder if E really.ciriiis'Anyt Ing.' hive bis- 6yesopeti to all these things an , = otheri and thus beepme's.. ,station, and: tlid ag6nt took care a er,, serving itup ordinner,an in ugh hi d, �bbre judiciously it' helps obap'uhtilAbo%dareless fathei ca butt for me any more. When *6 were fii�t make the- outradi6r do' Whst:iB ii ht."� Me ilth a, An, old woman took a seat in 'a 'Grand: himicat.,it. matters a ong -The essence buggy Scribe people would forget their R- pi0a Church, at the time of. the msual. F. H.::Cowen, the, London �compqser er would Lave gon , , �: I ' 'h who ineirried he nev a off,L D ttolt Ne�lvs.' of,afternoon is to, give riivaioil and heads L If �t ey� Wdrbn!tfagii a this way, and with a care pop !,goo -bye,', evening services�, and won t to About is a rlval� of Sir, Arhur'Stillivaln, in /Lgher dramatic entertainment &is mire ief,itiot as Chi6ago'.,Hgrald. ' 1 ,id L " 11 , , . 1, . .
tossed upstairs as be might t6ss t mi night she awoke, lookedin 'and alone., realms of music thati-,those of- pat�Lnce ivinger er in a n o � eo of the a nering,'i Dade I frightful'ec"hoes, - tt�UdL she n I nd 10 Pinafore;�" Will'Vialb 4ha Jnited cleaned bone to a hungry dioli 6u'ld' The Coldest n the worW�The ah6tii purely These remarks TWo,,Queer iltusslaw-DaelA. H�r cries't I I . . I : .� � I . 1. :
have L found time to run up and kiss me: kitchen'- oilcloth t I . 'i in' aL as nearly'dead wfth.teirok whop iboued. o your bare fet do not,: Otoqurse, app Y to the Weekly I at The warm, season is the,sesson of duels. good-bye and tell me that he missed me at winter's night. homes Of 4rtistiii folk, attended like other While gentlemen shoot - each other with- -------- 7-�7 breakfast and ask was I siok� He is oial iuvit'ation.-7- pistols. or pierce each other with swords, The hottest thing� raisin ymg in am.' '.Is& onsl? �w thout, ape, gracious to his friends, a perfect gentleman buh in *a'mouthfiil of.bot pluin pudding London! Letter.' the , CC, to mLmou folk � seitlei their. troubles in every one but his wife. ' I believe he i's The dulleist.thing �-A funny newspaper. thei Recently near Kalish two r own alired of me. I wish I could let him. go. Ballooning, I The longest thing�Toat friend's favorite Polialil peasautt" blacksmiths by jr�de, had It would be hard on me, but it would-be,, story. , . . I I . I I I t is.d.ifficult to understand what people to question whigh'pri OtAb M[ better for him I Well -1: --Ii mustnIt! I The shortest thing�The'meudory., of 'the _p eippot �to gain by the wild' xp6ji.,. hould hi ii whom both ri"fi- 14 pir HIS C66 RYWILL' ual bb, r WHO Is U11i think' such things as' these.. , Perhaps r med,them- E�JVITH Tkliii,� OCRAP Y': perpab rower* ments in Ea 6DAuties. NO Practical advance 'eye" Wt'oUtr Much � ado they ar TH THE he does love me after all, 'But -but- Thai biggest thing -The fo tittles -you ex- .has evpr,�been imadel in L SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, TH the 1 art dfAirecting selves with the heaviest hammers they had it is coming to be -hardi,to believo,�It. Pent to make by stock SpeoUlation.., balloons. Almost 'immediately aftdr�,ihe and began the.figbt. L The. one a I wung his And so with a happy heart she Wbutto-,her 'The ejrnullest�Th6 fortune d Ifiers -, made'' their diactivery. Up' dr6adfulweap6n, straight at the you P', der ead'of big' work. And the sun laughed in at the k open windows, aud the birds chirped choer 11191 a. was �&oasvd .111 alballodri',anait . ahtag:oDist, buftbe. -!titter Bkilf-ll-"" ' id a The toughest. tbiDii young wife's �has �since been crossed several times, the blow,�and,tbeu in his turn he swung bis T X -N -E Val. to her all day, and the flwerti waved their r of at'bempt'a Lave been bamm6r and crushed the head of his ri ec S most graceful beckoning to I her in vain, all pie -crust. though numbs' IN: �0. I Thff� softest thing -The conversation It is hsr& to ee what is gained He got the girl. IS. I 1-1 11 ..-i . I
for want of that faiew-eil kips. atr6lled, IS Crossa duck-andii.&L�deary., -6r:whatis'leari36d.by-L.MUI't' ' g either In the Crimes, two Tltrtar Ob I husbands and *ivea, Will you.-upyer- a qu On A 0, in,�- the failDreti or'successes. Tne eir Common- a . weetheart, and =atfempt, account of th L -16-i-e-dies o is ig test woundti, and roin the French coust to Al thermometer, about this time. 'to cro�s, f geria, they agreed to settle their troubles in their that the husband owes no buch thoughtful , : TJe':herd at thing --- 4be bit of bon&tLki. may perhaps be re-�arded �ab an incident in own way. Without anv'artificial weit&n%. courteq to any other person, -as be owes , u llcorU6.iigh ith& ihpy�mjt-eachL6ther as'bu6ksdo'j'BtYikibgi' YO t down 'on,"'when, eatinki. the ,celebrated "'Colonial, polioy!'..of, his wife ; that the wife owes' DO SUQU chops. L 1. I I � ,,� , I 1, I - 1, . i. LL , , , "I ' , '* " �' grtiud'� nation., .1;Pbrfiaps the. L balloonist each other with their' foreheads. � They,, attentive consideration to any guest ad she, TlI6� easiest thinji , ;'�, � I YIDg.:. , luffie IrIJU half � a.,doz'en rounds ; 'blood ifl6wied owes to bar husband, and that ofutimes a from -Tho,.marria'e, tie; di `w ay Fisuc6ltb Algiers ; it is c6r. frord both of tbbm, -yet neitber'ofth0,, ar Theitightbat thing 1k littlebiti is a1arderurderi f6r-16�ve to fter �fu iza tbut-is: to,say, �ftxsedlo,be, 'but tainly a!, to'whiph, they are &r. tars would yield. After anotl TOO& L, 1, ', I I j� , . ' ' �� L W( , 11 . . 6und, 6ne�Lof . 1. I 11 I . r. I I i . I I feat wbryxusAud He'lle r them-foll down exhduke1. R.. bear than an open and,'flagrant Wrong tne L OoBe 8 I., Ih. L k 'L6 golden ram. to he draw his kni a tb 'his �prbttiestit iiiii on in tlie,� mirror,. steered on, er"6d by. defeat YOU W,llseo iii Thb'win- -A chambermaid made bold to d coast no -such and his%hroat on L tb pot. a KIN Wbittitr the-olMr Ai§, f4r,'�11As'smiog'raplo.� 'The brightest ihing�- bQsUu!fljghtsboi, wild -go( iiiattemptp . 'Una nod with a Wreath of bumps, ie- per, crow L viph, tbe.ipqu6st, sigriftig, his into,yourbye as, j,li irefldci6a from the of the c6rouanig v ii,�auewspapo.r sweetheart,,whPin he now itHe Compiled v , Of L look, I man, and Paired to his, afte-r-i-b--a followingimpromptli'linbB name piece iDg-g ass in the hands of the his motive was ihielligiblb. He was jossesses alone.-Mmeow NeWL miHchitivous� small boy.' in P The truth the English poet saw search of 11 copy," which the gallant proiss- Superior or ro, i Two centuries back is ihio-' The silliest iblug'-Thinking that westb man will seek in the � cannon's, motli �te,l The Nin Who SWee din as by God's law` Lproduces' ba,ppinees,' (Wouldn't 'you loor .with thl: wo Ubadcountabla Options who us a ro art uft. . .. I C -i 'L Makes a If action fine." om an 'to be kriLo the- moonk, --tuccomps, lI their provisions The orang-outang-,now lodged in the Avdin 0qUietrrjniBtry qked provided ..w il came neai0okBioa. Tbbii'g iyraimbw sect house at the Zoo is certainly, in OPP To wants and needs of ours, I see in Ow grace and toil waywell- agree. ,The freshest -thin i know'hinb;,he wi'd drove them to Tuse shores ;. and P9j'nb!bf 'condition .'and health 130 fluest -centuries upon centuries. ago,.'wbil is everywbere. . 116wbivbr, he Will fivally,�witli. more ibantheY caged specimen ever. seen. These crea- b I pain time. yet t a Woriats in 'tgL the sa t deserved, they'landed:gafely near Floren . C . a. tures usually present Lt forlorn ie tuxe of W, 'The 'talest'tbing�Commoti so i a. true relation between Ina'n andwom&6- as ns extreme melancholy, and are generally only recogniztd. Tbese,two qpaint lines con CHICAppil ROCK IfILAND &PACIFC
tain, �.� T' toovisibly moping, away before, odof4, eye's 'I d' be quickest tbinii flea. the history of domestic life from the; The slowest thing -An amuteur Being the Crest Central Line, afiords-to fray'arars, by reason of lis unilva 0 geo drama thi-b-,Vdiii an ept in confinement in.the graphicai pos at, Nor --begiti�in,g,--utid--tbe.y:-aVO-tGtriLirk"elLy-�-to-bb� by-a-matetILr-perforrtt(5ro7,,7--'---'-'---'---�- ition, the shortest and best route between the Ea theast and congenial cli !. : I" L : , i OLVj A, Boston boy heard a faimer say that h thate Of, the tr4ics. Our southeai and the West, NorthwQ6t and Southwest. proven fulse by the future The b jr, L" eat thiri longeoxmon on a bad a jackus so a Ong thali it, could kick -friend exhibits none of these trace drill- it Is.11terally and stricuy tiuej t;hnt its connections are atI of the.pri lines As the good man saitb, so,say we - hot Sunda�y afternoon. ba' health or sadness, but'has fultr6unded the'Pacific, But ad the good woulausaitfi; so I rn Oyer, of road between the Atla,ntlC and Lust it'be The lightest thing A lover"s vow. at'ron', t litui hair free from' a b;ASPiCion OfL marip 13Y its rnaln find 'and branches it reaches That's a, pretty' g a , Ckatis, is Chicago ttawa, On his way to Falls,io take his The thickeat� thing -Your 11ongue when Davenport, 'Muscatine, it?"said1heboy; �ess, a bright eye and a rol dioposi- Li Salle, Ceneseo; IV1611ne and Rock IsIa'nd, In Illinois 0 in 12a I returned the ths, fieldo Des Moines,'West L Ilast swim, Capt. W1,6b said t bis.agek: ooming h th 11 lodge." yes'i t tion, wbi6h can only be ii,ppbased Lby eptilli Washingtoh. Keokuk, Knoxvi Oskalcosag Fair War Council 6 ff. I With this exhibition business was over; The thirltthinsi-The story you, tell is why Ls�w of tumbling. L Apart from:.the Iowa City, Ailantic, 'Avoca, Aud6bon; n,,Cuthrie, Center and is not much I money in i -next I call, it James snift fsk'that this in Iowa ;. Callatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In:MissoUN, and li n_ it, and no,funi yourif ' a t6oruirig. Simian Comes from ere, d there Sumatra, wb n asit] Rios! and tow but won7t.there be a, lot of money in these The wettest thing--Theipot of the small' -The lad, stuel -,the, h-und na� E a pifi ih that labs in d kept although.fimt et them P. boy,with a new pair ot rubbor boots. inii&r�odi The now ideas of mine when I g it tijom� At Sunday school the following is fur scarcer than in Born on, it is remark-. tented ?" Tbe-ideas died with the man, as Tbe driest. thiqg,�-You have just,been Sabbatb� afternoon, wbbn the teacher asked able that W,hs;s shed its tsotb,andha6' he had not p s; re� k'4ipigit�"-Bogion Tianscript.. each member 61 the class,to-rapeat 9. Bible . acquired 9, new set. This dental evolution K 13LL arfected them.' 'They' r CREAT R00 AND. ROU ' TEI""� Baia to relate to, in of, �rb i this . thoughtful' waes� first to bus never before taken pit, ge As,it to familiarly, evilled, offers'to travelers all the advantages and co.mtbrts Prove, tee Ing points, 09 I ren Waste. Incident to ist srn6oWfra6k; sife bridges, Union Depots at all, connect. propelling boats- respond With: apdin Europe'—� Zo�d� World. L if you want to drive you r A Qeiman ttbbnological journal'points Cut' I6, to the ass, tbou,slUggdr;don6ia' it Fail:.Express�Triinili cotinposed'.Of commoDi wELL VENTILATIED, WEL t that I% v' 7 HEATED,; OINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT -DAY COACHES., 41 11111i of itho And have any love for fame, thrslac flat amount ofa,luable steel w a and be'wise," farmak 8 or, - ay bad �a diali ai�out a CHAIR 6 built; PULLMAN Never spare the ink and plip Ile lost every year in tho'shaP.Le Of Pens that 'MOST MAGNIFICENT 'HORTON RECLININ ARS, Lot tbopeop�io %so your name, the boundary lines of their farina. '�'Thlelr latest design,ecl and 0aindso'nriest'PALAdE. SLEEPING OARSir and DINING CARS writing an men (to group; of: small boys) so L are thL thatr are acknowledged by I press and people to bf Energy's ]a 6 of business, bn0drue unfiii d are thrown _poli46 liptiteis now 'settled,, and the FINEST 'RUN UPON ANY industry wiltalw'48 Pay; away. Pens are made of�,tvq varyl Arica ng -on their farms. ist Come new, move on, T ROAD' OOUNTRY, arid, In which superior meals, a�kr *or ad to ira ferd at but always labor"r fieLre's nothi the lawyers V va 0 steel, and can be remelted and. used again, dEN Advertise ft 6m day to. day. turned teriherci,'! Sai boy -Ii Of course When a menagerip.train Lad Collision,' ilia tow rate of SEVIii TS EACH. M for ME613Y purposes. They con be t there isn't., It the'rep WS . 0 you wdul r dn't �lie ne6r'Bingliamptob, the elopliant hastily THhEIt'T0Atii each way between, CkICA0Q and the . IISSOURII 1111VERs NNEAPOLIS afid'rST.-PA01i The Ontarto.Tarliament buildini nto watch epriuge and "fte bladesi � and here., I TWO TRAiii each way between CHICAGO and IM packed his trunk with, the pot '.dbgi broke via thb,tarn being renovated. !loan dissolved and made available' OUS' inthe of ink. The suggestion is The' beiitver Neivg suggests a ,practical out and made for thowoods. The Egyptian debaus has just been com- ujanufRoture out pleted. The totl,poptilation is given' as Icdo that the Children of the'poor sfioul& Way to stamp.Mormon rule- Utah, The Sbapried manuscriptof Douterondrayi 'LEA ROUTE., males and bej6ugbt to Collect casiaway pens, and and t1i iii -for theiGeriil6g.to-ppur' in and Which hag Caused such a lively controversy 'A, Now and Direct Line, - 4in Seneca and K . ankali li L a reciontly b"n opened in' lumapolls find ayett 6,798 230, of whom 3i393,918 are al' fibber them. I' Lob the protidli in literary pircl�s, is pronounced by, Dr. ,16'stween Newport NpW , fRichniond, Clindinnatt" d L 4: as. Cairo his M6 108 inh4bi. thereby gave valuable mat6ri and earn Outfit lers a 3,404,312 fetnS1 201i -011 Y- call up n their flooks to Iui.ill� .Nbubaues and Prof. Sayce a forgery with- sad Council Bluffe, St, ii Minneapolis and lntatmediate polnts.� louts; Alexandria,, withits suburbs, a�&UdL if 0 : . I ... I �, I 11 I 17r,; Port Said, 1 L 6 566; Suez, i0,913;'Tan reeifitsi thelcolingagiMusi Y claims toral)V, it All Through Passengers catrl6d,on Fast Express Trains. polygsmy� onto Jqui y* nd Folder6w1which Mayboobtained! r
Caebier, Fitcb,� of the Warier) Ohio lose is loud, an army There are 17,000,dentiati3i,nthe"tt,nited 'Or nlo�e data lied InfoYmation j sec'Maps aj tab, M726,�.Damiotfa, 84.046, Rosetta i Ticks TIckei Offices L In the United States and Cantida.tAf -up to, the, pol gave himself Jed' at' 'of pe%ceful'inadpis a" be pouredInto ill Statbo, and they. 'every vear put Over tt, at all principal 16 671 ; ManBurab, 20,184'.; �Zai 19,046" Bo I bat ;V111 outvote th: 11 I 0 Sion on Monday. He aokiiowj�dged he territory, within a year t] 01,000,000 of gold in the tooth. A tbouBind R.� IL CABLE IN'To rule one's Ii is w6ll; t r Mormons and fill all the offices ill a r li Can't Iii All Lad 'bet $60,000' Of the, bank's 'fundo ill with, Ubrls� years from now it w Y to mine old 'Vics,11i & Can0l Manager, is 1"i sli Ile seemed coukeleiticle.strickeb. 4ah gravoyards. 0. g
I,Al C( d'