HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-08-24, Page 6AROUND THE COUNTY. The Rev. Mr. 11Jarling of New York, brothel' of A, Mating, Deputy Minis- ter of Education, is the guest of Itev. 1)r. Ure, Uodericht Mr. Marling was Dr. Wild's predecessor as pastor of Bond street Congregational church, Toronto. DoN'T PVLL IT.—Use Newton's one mtuute toothache cure. Relief at uuee ; of all dealers, lbete. A. monster hawk deseended upon a flock of hens belonging to Mrs. Mitchell, Goderich, on Wednesday Morning, and went off with one of the fowls in his powerful clutches. H. Bain has a load- ed gun ready for the next visit of the hawk, who has also been disturbing his hens during the past few days. A hen belonging to J.Bain, Goderich, laid an egg in the barn the other - day, and, not content with that ordinary.aet, straightway laid another, and a strange looking one, just before the door of his dwelling. The second egg was an odd, crooked affair, coming from a point to a large thick end, and was a decided curi- osity. The shell was very thin, but the yoke was fully formed. Delays are dangerous, particularly in Kid- ney I)treases, so take at ouee Dr. Vau Buren's KIDNEY CURE and obtain relief from all yuur eufl'er•tugs. Your druggist keeps lt. Mr. U. Hare, of Auburn, leaves for England in a few days. He intends bringing back ith hilu one or more thoroughbred stallions. He thinks this is the right direction to snake money. All Lis friends and neighbors wish him every success in his undertaking, as he has always proved himself to be an en- terprising and useful Man in many ways. if a well be poisoned, woe be to those who drink thereat., It Is worse to poison tee foun- tain of life for cue's welt, and fur posterity. Often by careldssness', or by misfortune, ui inheritance, this Las been dune. Ayorb Sar- saparilla frees tun blood, the vital stream, and restores appetite, strength and health. On Sunday last as the Rev. H. E. Hill, of liensall, was driving to art ap- pointment he mot with au accident which [night have proved serious. It appears while he was driving briskly along, and about the centre of the vil- lage, a nut came of the front wheel of his buggy, allowing it to run off, and the same instant the reverend gentle- man was thrown out head first on the hard road, but fortunately received only slight injnrV, - John P. Vert, Ilamilton, Saye : "McGreg- or's speedy Gore for Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion is cheap at fifty times the price asked for it. I am a commercial man, and travel continually, and would no more think of leaving burro without a bottle of McGregor's Speedy Cure in my"valise than I would of leaving tray team'at homo and going on foot." Frei trial bottles at J. II. Uumbe'adrugstore. Regular size, fifty cents and one dollar, Messrs. Ferguson and McDonald, of Walton, have sold the hogs belonging to the Walton cheese factory, to Messrs. Head & lion, of Montreal, and shipped them twin Soaf'od•th station on Thursday. There 0121'0 59 bead, and the lot weighed 17,72,5 pounds, aid the price rerlizod was G cents per pound, slaking $1,081; for fire lot. They were a very tine lot of hogs, aid the sale was among the best that has boon mado in this section this season. BuckIen's Arnica `shies. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to sg edify cure Burns, Bruises, Cuts, 1',cers, halt Rheum, Fever Sores. Can- cers, '1'iJeet, Chilblains, Corsa, Tetter, Chap. ped Hands, and all akin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every lust,nc or money refunded 25 cents per box. For sale by Watts & Co a The ErA•p,)sitor's Monis oerrespondont says;: A number Of the farmers around here say they will have to buy their bread for tite ensuing year On account of the scarcity of wheat, as in some in- stances the wheat crop is almost a to- tal failur,e. Thooe who have their old wheat Slelll to he ninoyed about it heating, :inti those wLo have noun are arl lolly vexed itccuusu they did not keep it over. l'ht•y al: seem to have given op politics, and 1II'thodist union, etc., its their coo versa tiuual topics and chaff, :list, heating, and nnf•tvorable weather ,fro the elttef subjects of discussion. :Ir. 1'. Nugent, of West Wuwanosh, received quite a surprise , ou Monday evening of last. week. Ho had been down at Smith's saw Mill, 11.11t1 was de- tained biter than ho expected. When. 00 bin i tw(1 home 110 Waft very sulci( aur - prised Io elect a large boar fair On the road. 11 is iu'ars0tip very discourteously refused to give half of this Queen's highway to permit ,ll1. Nugent to puha Lim, but ton the contrary, put ods airs as if Ile into/HAM to [lis 1) Itf 1 right to dint particular hart '.,1• ,he mall, Pat. tllIid1ing discretion (1111 hotter pat of Valor, ;1011, 1, lorbt, remembering Om old saw, 1,111 :1 • who fi%11ts :and inns away may 'live to fi.4h1 :tn(!.ln'r slay," left Bruin undisturbed and rut through tho woods, a utile 0111, (11 t1.0 wily, in utlier to avoid his burly ;tntagenist. This r has had his' I1I;ol lnatt('ts in this woods 1.,xe years, tout has frequently iu tureci)lo»I prnl' htri;ul, n011 caused them no little fluttering of he,11•1. A ille99in;r to ail Mankind. In these times when our Now5papers arc flooded with patent medicine tut vcrtisetncnts, itis gratifying to know what .o procure that will certainly cure you. If you are 11illuua, blood ant of order, Liver ionctrvr, or gur,erol- 1y'd(ihnlstatnii, there it nothing di the world tit .t will enras you so quickly .s Electric list• tors. 'Ih"y are a bit•:•.ang to au man hind, and c.n hn hoof for only fifty cents a bottle of Watts t% t -•. Kresm'e Fluid Lightning. Eeeds no advertising when once introduced. very bottle sold sells hundreds of others, by doing all and more than represented for I'1 u- ralgia, Toothache, Headache, etc. 1t removes any pain instantly, quick as flesh. 'fry it t du you will say it le wen upu,ed leaflet Light- ning. Get it twenty tie, et.ut but,te at J. ki, Cowbe's drug start% TIIE M01.450 N S BANK. Iucerpuratettby.A.1..4ll.srllamaut, 1856. - - CAPITAL, -- [,000,000.. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAitI President. J. H. R. MOLSON. Vice -Pres. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections ,made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. FA7EZAIEI2s. Money advanced to fartnere on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No naurtgage required as se- curity, H. n. Bit1:11 11 M January 1883. nager, 0lint on. UND��T��IYG.I s r11HE SUBSCRIBER MAKES A SPECIALTY .1 of this business and keeps constantly on hand a arge assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS, And can COFFIN TRIMMINGS, SHROUDS, everything in the Undertaking line, and furnish everything suitable for a funeral on the shortest notice and At the most reasaeahle Rates TWO SPLENDID HEARSES KEPT FOR 11158.. REMEMBER THE PLACE, OPPOSITE THE TowN HALL. THOS. STEVENSON. 81.090 Fo7Et.Fxxrr. liming the ipso)<t cnuildenue lu its superiority over all others, and after thousands of tests of the most complicated and severest cases we could find, Wli feel justified in offering to forfeit One 'Thousand Dollars for any ease of coughs, colds, sore throat, influenza, hoarseness, bronchitis, consumption in its early stages, whooping cough, ami alt diseases of the throat and lungs, except aathntn, for which we only claim relief, that we can't cure with West's Cough Syrup, when taken according to directions. Sample bottles 25 and 50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Of:nulo° wrappers only blue. Sold by all druegdsts, or sent by ex- press on receipt of price. John C. IVcst ,t (fa,, 81 4 83 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. For s..le at Combo's Vru4 Store' City CaUict hams, FURNITURE STORE, CLINTON. TILOS, STEVENSON Having moved int( his new brick. store O-I'P()SITE TIT F..T-y-WN-4•IAL Begs leave to state to his numerous f)•ionds in Clinton and the surrounding country, ihat,he keep, on hand a superior quality of Furuitnre of all kinds, snt.h as BEDROOM & PARLOR SET'S Of the latest styles, alio BEDSTEADS, SI DE11OAgt. DS, BUREAUS, TABLES, And everything thatconstittttes furnr,hing a house in his lute, which he will sell at tho lowest tivjug }snot. 1 ask a share of the public pntronago, being. thankful for past favors .nihopeful for the future. The public are invited to call and see for thele-•(•Ivas. THOS. STEVENSON' Clinton, Jnlc C, IRtr3• — AYER'S PILLS. A largo proportion of the diseases which cause human suffering result from derangement of the etomach,bowele, and livor. AS'?R'S CATHARTIC PILLS act directly upon those orgtins, and aro especially designed to cure the diseases caused by their derangement, including Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dyson. tory, and a host of other ailments, for all of which they aro a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these PILLS by eminent physicians in regular practice, shows unmistakably the estimation in which they are held by the medical profession. These 1.'rLLs are compounded of vegetable sub- stances Only, and are absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious ingredient. A Sufferer from Ileadaclte wrltrs "1vr.n'8 rif.t:s are" invaluable to me, and aro Ins constant. companion. 1 have been a severe. sufferer front headache, and your PILLS are the only Wing 1 could look to for relief. Ono dose will quickly move my bowels and free any hoad from pain. They are the most efl'eet've rod the easiest nitride 1 have stet fo•u,(1, iti,sa pleasure to not to speak in their grids••, and I always do so trheu oecnri"n offer:,. IV, 1.. 1• ,trb•,'of W. 1.. 1'ngr it ilro." }'r: :11i1:11 tit., It ,at.nund, Va., June 3, 1992. "I 'tor' Used .' ret'; 1'11.Ls in numberless lu- ,I:Wrr< 1,Y ra,ernnu„•ud.d l,y situ, !inti Else never Lo,r,.n ri•••nt to fail to till thn4rt.ired ar.- :nit \Cr e"ta,tant1,. ke••p them on found at our Immo. tun prise, thew :IS ,t le,tsant; raft and ,' relic r f:un1 5 lot .1 rine. FOlt 1)1SP1d Std. they :we Inv:tl, tat,[', J. T. 11,t t'Ert," \fexln, •re.:,s .:, , 17, 18-'.1. 'rhe lttn. Fn\> t • It. 11. at.ow1' welling from .111.1'1.', r 'r 'or soma years p tat 1 have been snblc•a di constipation, from which, in 1,411'' of Om use of medicines of t'al'l' us kinds, l •• dr,r,• i increasing iu-•nnveuieuee, ll [til" some mantis ago 1 begin, taking :1\•f0es PtLLs. They Imre entirely corrected rho costive habit, and have vastly improved my general health." Avf:it's C.+rarearu P11.r,e correct irregnlarl- tb s of the bowels, stimulate the appetite and d,g•.stion, and by their prompt and thor„u.th .rums give, tone .nil vigor to thewholo phy51 41.1 oennnn15 I'nr l'ST<kn nv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sohl by all Druggists. YOUNG, OLD, AND MiDDLE- A11 esjeriencn the wonderful benefi- cial effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Children with Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, AGED, n1' anv sorofnions or sy pinili01 taint, may he tondo healthy and strnug by Its 1150. Sold by all Druggists: $1, six Lottles furl* THE POIrUliAlt AS For the last few weeks have made great invades in our stock a 1; Summer Goods, but being desir- ous of clearing the lot we have made still further reductions, and expect to disposeOf every piece before the end of they present month. LOVELY DRESS GOODS From 71 to 15 . cents, worth from 15 to 30 cents. Good Variety of PRINTS 10 Cents, worth 122 GOOD C�TTON IWI RI At -10 Cent psi_ yard .: We have secured 'a large quantity of 36 inch Gray Cotton, which for weight, make and quality cannot be excelled. We offer it ` for 10 cents per yard. Job lot Toot : and Shoes at half usual Price. The advance shipment of fall goods are to hand and are excellent value. Scotch and Canadian. Tweeds, particularly attractive..` We call especial attention to 'a line of 50 cent Young Hyson . Tea imported specially for our trade, which, forstrength and flavor,surpasses anything. we have heretofore offered. We would like all purchasers ' int' this teal to compare it with any that has been bought at 60 cents per pound. Samples sent on : application. w- - NEW 8 The Magnificent New Sreiiery ordered some time :ago by" ER'-BAYLEY Beaver. Block,-: Clinton. Has 'arrived. Their studio is now Completely equipped, and contains ani great variety of scenery and accessories: as the best city estab'l.ishrnents, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO. tflDlILY FINISHED CANiNET, WORK, BE AVER 'BLOCK, OLIN T:O.N. • ate' Where is the best place to deal this - year Hei,Aeops the hest general stack in taWl1.: Evervthllia Fresh. n,...the (irrocer, Central Grocery, Clinton. tip ALL DESCIIIPTIONS C)I dell's, Youth's; Ladies, Kisses ;.sad Chilarell's Beats aid- Shoes: Er7'1 V' .I: NEW"SPRING STOCK. Ii13i\1Ta'SI�.AR,1E'i. 1,C�i'L L' P1 ICES . 1 ISI lofts wLbcoilll1 ND TROIJELF "TO• aryl lrnnr c oars(. y • ISI GREAT VAR1'E`r t CLL AND SEL ILIr'M BL1OI;.L+' 1rBCiiItSlNIG,, • tIJSE W.IIIME. OUR STOCK OF .HEAVLIGHT IS CDMPLETE Tronks and Valises for the l diff t".,4letlrr;ian Bay Shingles always oli' Hasid. NarTFIE USUAL I)TSeOUN')?—FOR `CAsllt`, a _ '