HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-08-24, Page 2y'beipg mistress of this there is no possibility of,revising it, he become 86 Standing dish in a monthly maga- rude—suseried at in a and to A-L1gust'1;),4 1883' RELAT1018,; zine and a power On one or two -weekly house, And insiniated that She gugill to �,w�ites to Darragh for her,ppi ion, a credited with hay. hold the position, as it eloriged to laer Mrs. St. John for applause, periodicals, she may b on ing,achievedheraim.. Herbrain is always fatberwhen he was Alive, and alto ether Toe contiri her hallds,are always fall, behaved in a way that has Spoilt, my morn- di work, - and, 3 to! iligs worli and made me feel quite ill and Much. every minute Of her time is 11 precioui The People LovedHer er hbarers modestly.! �hystericav' 13 vnoibi�r to J,ovc- herself," she assures I fkie The Iteinairl able Eflect i Produceill by Some dq, I i But she IOVOB to see her ndR about her, She gulps a sob up and then gulpe it down. your th�ckbrowii hair i andtohearthe ntiontheymake !der to prove the veracity of her' tile WranstI1410" of lood. laudatory me again in oz Acddl a4w yourform in ailk and lace, i But'lwhen'the tidings burst upondhe ck � the t�p statement As she says this, and looks -at -while they kno psIballs When olbei.6 call you *1 dear -and " fair," other On Saturday pig'�t Deputy Sheriff Frauki ......... ....... ';like a bombshell from Irelarill'that Alines- ur in a triumphantly vindictive way jrl yurhiinds and lris§yduriace, I I I �1, About, or partake of her elegantly arranged Ar th' Andlat � ley has, lactually gone over to Wh Moffat, of Oakland, arrived I here With . an You'll nublorget Ilbal fax above at �hay little banquets, which are neither that makes him get his teeth fast in order --is mmothbr's-love, --I -1 !as the barren and barbaric west eons nor'teas, but a bewildering, to subdue the,temptatio. . to, anaw.er be . I, W1 othLX regar, reeilble insane patient whose case� is one of the n i. EUMATINE
most extraordinary on record. The crazy :Coast of Ireland, to buy an estate and a' xture of both. Lord Killeen 'fidgets, looks imploringly.at !eventually settle there, lamelittItiong of 1% 11111 man, Rogerilliams, is about 28 years 131ong so,raliers III fLr-ollstal I am' in the way Of hearing the opinion her, and then, finding that she will,not go THE GREAT CURE FOR age tall,'and'of emtremeiy� Slender build. In your new home beyond the sea, loud and reprob%tory order arige. The tile world till he has s:aid something, attempts to H 1. i Wbon'af lips are baby'shands of EL great many leading me" In 8 is a graduate of- an eastern, college of al is �havnpion of tbd best I she says to Arthur Smooth things over. grow will 11 arnateurlawn-termis clu over thro w n� -E-3 . . .... va-8--recognme amon is 0 thou, 41 0 nfr3p,�- Thynae. �s at your s�le they Somewaybro or by re a I'm Sorry you ve , een 11)Ved'you, you r little me, and .1 am proud to'� a bing. �Ucb now. ,and, who has' been lookin,. forward to nd stopped in 'your associates �s a "man of no mind� an �pputa; and kind to Poo r6taiDing her prominent a'nd honorable thinkthat I Aid tret6d as a confidential dessert.set uleavy loss'.1 I ovely Annettb is paintingl, vigorous y6il list f'ol love's I y OSe , fipprOVA118 BOU intellect. He, N, as,employed in A And all complaints of a Rheumatic nature,
n,- the ground where abb has friend bY� raciii ght You - must Sea it, Arthur, Killeen 5ayW1, 'o lk lIber other years, gai dd.berJaur'elg, 11 whil4her figure laabsi" la way by so2ne lady deprecatingly; but -his wife, is not to be professional cipaility in San Francisco for RHEUMATIPM is not pvereign remed for -- - - in the most sycophantis some time, at one -time tuayiug hard for all the ills ,that flesh is heir to," but for,yr,73,
the don and I-Lov Ii ts whom I could Inaction. I take diverted from her course of conaernuation tax It Icry with thyy6ars� is reduced' a ortfloat 0 is a dctcli's diploma.. RAI01A, SCIATICA bek not afraid, disappc�intmenl wh hHe ha several then- 1. In s� r - j as she reads her lover's -me, but I never s�ek of cousins by this obvious attempt to mplaints ofPheurnatlIcnaturd. d. at comes to sliid dollas - -when be arrived in it, nw X have -letter O'hiuu justice, be has never San Frs�,b east,, but his SURE!,CURIE
though, to d the friendship of great man flitter her. 6�2co rom the Soune day,� I all things in rose colored lines.- sought yours, did 1? I ye !aintec Dhough I Wag a13XiOUS Indeed, I houldn't think of Showing health failing he -was put to great expense your ,laughier,s voice, or. smiler or a ly!s doing. � I feel sure that it; and now I It's all Doi T.Ixious tc 'gsi� theira to Mr. "Thynne,'�,,she say�, bitterly. Robert: would never have done such 8,, laad, _Oh�l 1wiv a Petent,to I know t in tiavalliog to health resorts. 'and Then 5ou %villstialle h, slyeet-slivilrise.� hear -frdra those who are Oom oo well the disparaging remarks From All.r. 'tV. S. -%Viquer,ot X. 6.1VIsner And yuur lioul.tiatomine Will daq idicitio, Unkind thing it Dolly had not urged Speak on, Such matters that you are quite that would be made ,.About.' thm, even if paying for medical advice a ad ined ' icine, so clzl'"al Lllnufacliurer-4, of Agricultural bion on�" She cries, when she hadcommuni-, your. parby—that, tlaey were not made to* me., . I h that- his mearis were rapidly abeorbell. ave not Which NNe at ovenilig useirto qTaaTq. the, I coming ma� Feeling th�t.�couutry airi. and outdoor BRA"TrORD, Ont., I July 28, 1880 I . I
caited th� contents of the to her . kill'be th6 Garibald i 6f Ireland, in fact.". forgotten the -way in which both Your I rk Would be the bef*3t tonic for his shat. youl we farnily. I hate the Irish! 'They all go 19,No,'no 11 that's*a little Over' 6ousiri�.derided my efforts to- amuse those farna ih t.h . N. S—HrILLAND, ESq. A flower, it suag, a word may be about bare-footed, and 6at raw ppr.i and serve my country,with ungrateful people at Killeen. - I shall not tared systeria he went on a e DBAit Srit,--I take ploasure in. bearing testi-
A link its strong and sweet;� thaborder; I may vicinity of Livermore. For a time he m h elft). aily of your Rheum&
c c
Ali I th li dei�r c1liI& reme bar me, Potatoes, and ihoot at ou frPm behind pen,.,ondllelp to, deliver her WithmY rlsii being- Subjected -to illat Sort of thling ,ealned to i a was in a e Sam ith R
la, MY mprove, but afb6r three or four y� to t a o�horll beat; hedges.' - Mariana I will -not go there." :tongue, but I don't r again,frorn Mr.Thynue." g%ve, evia6ticeB-,of pulmonary a t ly 'll' a cl w re�, ! fis nol S, me les'bat My love is NOW You everywho, -"We must" reason him, out -of the pur- Who likened me to Garibaldi?" -Mhig-lw.as� a xeference'to. an abortive at- n 6 do 7 c Is �purchase
Py I 0 as etiected a 0 YQ�a cannot got beyond aiseas nd: there w�%s also !a wastirig aw. a and's t'yourbeayt 10 - mm :tl)ll 2 trie v
Ily h al. f our
y from the pill I mupt not tell -Killeen had made to ging Irish aa Ot 11 t _,my prayer ce," Mrs. th b taut
Someday, chase And awa on;" she Says, hanging tempt Lady of blood and tissue tat�.lefb hira almost a �e 0 T of It' a , f th y oure, r I have no a a reuurli 0 She'remembers Or head 'down with. an.air of modest meat yo 1 t1.
At longest, it cariWiot be lo�Ug,, Lepell Says, reassuringly. la melodies to her own h6m.acacimpAni skeleton. 'Amo"ng his iellow-workers on 6 nee �uly, �V. S. W� I shall wiib gla � impatieuce,wait, ''that -she h9,five daugUers biingerthan embarrasstiaent"that' -would be infinitely to the tenants ,and laborers on -Lord the farm was a' young, ma� of about 'his r Amid tba gl'iryalidtthe song, Marian, and' -that engagiiin' ants firo not ad becoming in a girl. 'Then she feels -that she Killeen's hereditary es4ateg. Her efforts own age, who had servedan appr enticeship SOLD BY ALL'DRUGGISTS,?' For you bslorc the Qolden'Gate, easily inadeis broken. has blundered in dragging Garibaldi into iri
After ettah's piti-tirigaud-eartu'r pain, on. the occasion had been rewarded with with� a doctor. Theybecame Warm ftiauds, shall take'very good care to have your the coliversaticin i U �such away, and so seeks much outspoken praige and &&titude from And-; HanuW11titring - Never tu part I NqVer a6aiu!, in l5heir! o6ziversatione, it was suggested i mon y,tied U'Pin such that none of i but neither' -Darragh nor that Williaiiis au'bnait to aii� experiment i in a to turn it; her audiende; ST 6AMaAI9ES; 6NT he�bogs of Darragh area bei enough. - They shall Ica thrown into t Your 'last article in I Matter of faW Arthiii bad. flatt trangfusidn'of blood, in ho t he would A OOkAiBRC1An rrRAVLILLM- BOMANCE. mt. tspoil Says, with becoming emphasis 3ingly clovr. 1, 'had aimpl y told hei it wag 11 very nice,'.' and pe �h% Ako' was Surpassingly, enbraw gain a re 'Neatb the shado bf a; forest, i and Pcli�p. 11 Why on earth ArineBlov should she wanted it to be called,& 11 brilliiint-per- t ength by it. The instruments wore Whoic, the bratiesmormured l6w, , devqVred rather'illan read ib." a i tlake a� step � which.- he .'Must know very, � . 1 ; I it - Soured, but no one could be found whoi, was More'tilian half of it was wri, ton by iny formauce.11 willing tobe bled in bainbltof Rcigers, acid WuquU iti; way'to. fields below; irectly opposed -t.o,� my,.view of cousin Darragh hesays, gratefully. ,in sorry you won11bt -me Fee:,the after eom' dly. As blood a delay it was decided to Use the ,ti y -drops, light 7 dashing. 'ot Unaers-tarldii--if any Where We spi thin I cann, Danc&d and.ilirLed in theair, ould hav nsit for -as.it?" she responds, 000lly� -a ciof we's and suggested as the blood supply, but finally I 'I -W Arthur Says, go,od4empera fan 'animal. At first cash lying.idle I c rSO has got over, his chagrin by Stood 6 I Ige c f roulf.s o!erhaiiglug, Eim in; a.*ay'that would h4ve brought 'la' gorry, to hear" that, for though of cour ihis. time, Fair oeyt, T fall into lrofoui ottq ere Was the:2607-st, half, �ou ma3 merely,feelg ad,- pity for Killeen for wa� deii�ded to sqcr.ifice a cat, or a, -whole, th. wealth:And reputation and the satisfaction L I . :,^ , - .,
On heing under - the galling thumb of his ex- colony of 'The' folly of relying ws per- d mossy, of An honest coiliscience." on ho.r " and thi Underneath 'twas clean an y emplary .Cool alid about, He Will � be county man; Won't call'bwork without her. t wibe. �S'o he seeks to make,things formed,.Ab6�bfcicid bein taken from a num- never Wa Pleasan Or Y h cats of While iL00pvo:J boside.it 01 nt to do anything without Saying e,iB sorry shOivolult, bar of all I d i0o the veins Lepeil asks a littl arlziously� bin see th t6s, end -then goes on' to Wlliams. The be.' Mrs. exppriment was to an Sheltel -d marly a. speckled troub.� her," he.replies. let a pla After All if it is dirt cheap,':&'f he says, And ir happened that, a maiden, eccet which b�Tas just 11 0 I. in love are We?" she says Pressing tell her extent successful. The na'an gained aFair as maiden4l,ey briuld b6, it may' nolt be fiv bad �inve tment.. sAnnesley, Darragh, Gal,way, and:, davendish her plump. chin archly down upon her leirnt himself 6611cerniing thb art of. china- str6flth and had, hope of 'ultimate r ftti there idly inthe-sunse. ecov- Deep ill Hd.du's r 4inety . -1hree Square,' will look'.very well on the cards.',' plumP,ohest, and throwing her eyes up at- ps,inting. -.erv,, but soon he began to'brood over, the a a It's all Doll, him - from that Position, in a WaY, Mat it is hard to receive v In ble inf or -4- consequences of incorporating the blood of And it also happened, strangely, doings-, I ftel'sure," Says that - strpigh�forward stkains them,in their sockets. In 10Y% tiori! which may*b6 of real and -immediate 'caus,into his own sysuera,:and so heavily That a drummQr,- fishing near, Marian. Under W&nUaritig dolAvulthe biaololet's border, , : . � are'we ?. F�ve forgotten all about that sort sckvico to:you from. &� person. whorn you did it�wei h. upon his mind! that his fr;63ids generous manner, of 'here there's ii, lot I Chanced to warider idly here me a' fearad for his.sanity.: . Efeief dead fo'g6' to hini;- W She thinks that when I of thing, though -people used to 09,11. abhor. And with st-eirlthy stop approm don't like. - I kno tty little Woman long go.", Bub, Lady Hilla6h' triumphs over' loved he was Sing Noise less] y, foitaout are shy pre this bad, saying4that he bel ;b There bu boftly ollor thoodges marry, her bmther I 16.6ght. to'41 ' ve up thinking so'much -about"termis and things This is adifficult remark to answ�r With mean feeling to the extent 6f listinling to:; trans�emnd4ate,- -a ct, and 'pr,eferr6,d to, Droppoi�'halnokt successful. fly. t circumspection and gal- night of that Sort., She's &IW'ays� d.*L'gg'irg 11 into halt ihixture Of what he tells her and: determining to act Sleep. an a rLug:befote the fire'. At Ali, a litti: ! NVIth ag . or ha;s.ie., that, Robert, and Robe I rt'only is; to be loantry which Me. -Thymie deems. desirable. upon it, forshe does want to,,make the des-� whan�116t.Asfeep, be woula4einder about me He d,aw it up with sudden'iling.-,*. if- I idn't,ku On the other� hand, be, is. not at'all above gert-gervicei "succeEs! It is. to be Shown, -thought of ; just as� a o`WbOw to a Zi , , the house, jumping the gardez'fence until Thou a ruaidert's volto-rose wi dly, feeling that, it 'Mrs. St. John does, as'Blae 1, not,for competition,", at ail appro c ing I "A out, wheii- be .ould 'climb to the reof .1 A fir And she clainei:wLth teais and blushes, is to c6me SAYS. she does, know a, numbar of men of and she wants the world -and 0h, ly heazZ I You hrrid thiug.!�" behave to the man I am going to marry." big art exhibition, Hcsou,g It's -very wrong, of � -hy or perch on the chitflney., ht the Forth from ontth6 d'rgtto I - ' I'llight and' leadiiigg,' '.'that she may be� to see w a of 6ther�cats,�aqd at intervals there I beitween.'engaged-people," 7Mrs.,LOPeli,"y,, -h t' an accomplisheaano� in us society With the ily" Lh must uccessful to him and to that�cauae which he trious -member of society'sheis, in addition Would iryi` to fight V�i�h 'them, only 1 WAS L.agg,, n hair. L 'Iear�.eBbly. -.If I tb�ught that'Dolly a, I . PENKHAMYS r inteif bring in any *�7, I . would soon give -honestly .At heart. On the other though Killeen 0 low g, hap. so to, being, Lady Killeen. So suceeavog, however in! scatiffig :them LYDIA.' E -in Need w paint the scenii, th, a followed; - hand., whatever Ehe� ight" have been *i has refused his request, and Lady'Killeen: away, wfijeln! he w�uldretire o-Ahe
0 er'li6. know that she must o6asd to med ii TEGET,ABLE COMPOUND Tears of cryliltaj., b1iiiihes chaste, h * , rl:�thirfg but'a pretty has. stung him quick, Arthur. pre
former times, a 0 is a to the house�- udtil- -'rested. He manifested V �-, U �v � I -11*0w;-at'len,&th-do6soled,-tlie-drunimer- womwv-how I But�-the-days of hi es-'an"d- little-, S Stole an arui aiouridhiir�waist.? I Shall take very good 6,re,that no Ono Enough tc know that eler the autumn, a. ber favor ill be surely numbered that he has'� done, And,ssi,id nothing"which bot-iseks, �- abdI �- at!., lf%§t 1 his mania so medaibB with AnUesley's mciney.'riliatters orin thooe ralliftil 1F01;i3aill4and WcaLczlesses Thrice its traasures'Bliall have alled, it he � im�lie.a this, Accordingly, caution . may.cio,dse..him 'to forfeW.tbe privilege of. grew brihiiii that he AS confined Until ex. iio �oram6h to ou best rem opulaill.: but lm�yself Wants -to marry�qny clatigh- r 1 amined for com
One mcir4drummer willbaye Wed Or " Mr Ono more maidiln will have promised, marks - the guard6d, ay In his: reply- returning to it. mitme"lut �to "the aBylu t Le�,elf rejoins. he'oaug,t -? " he in4uireg as he nring �tfie Ilmm toil by a 3yow4n. here. observed that no one Can I see Darr�agh D examination he showed *4LLINIa D. this P 8 ron lac gndletiiiom'decenttenaiit,..a,d- (And 16"t be a Preparod by a lVoi a be more c%utibus 'on an emergency is about. to- leavej -finding that, lie is hot to ,��bn the present people Stay' in and keep things C erful,,propenaity for jumpingseveraI -A6 Old Solut� Aleversed.: ihing; but. -if hb than an, impulsive son of Erin.) be asked 'to stak'o'luncheiin. t, I foui�g, and springing, i quiet.iii Irelandi I'll 6�4y, not imes, ruloning oil all k 're"sidential 'and . regenerating D -agh- is': but Lady. Killeenr-say.s. 'over the doctors. Oucahei jubaped throu h roylves the drooping spirits, faN-I.-orates and "There p losse, o,,� a, es up .9 i � - ,
.0 our t ve oud� of tudent the window,"tAkin'g the,13ash withL him . barinonizca the orgaitle f unctions, and' gain. io a ollig notionS"'L not . 'Penuy'bt Marian's mone as a cl. and, So I said when I was'.- a y CHATER VI. L f1rainoss to thotep, restores th6n6turrtt lqser6 6 iho:� Shall be in' ilpower� I'll � tie � it up so ait. ly' on feels until, he was pu in a straightjacket. could eye; an pla I at . s.on the pale clie . ckof,worhan the; frealL If I sang that agii d.r h see'! the. amible mair NEI HER rREr NOR UNITFD." that Twould not, be with.that refrain but herself can touch h adored Another agiirist him. notbekbpt� Stith. - All the time'of his� tightlythat no one -L . , 9� ' Ile 911tics rosoil of life's spring and early annimei time. Which suits in idle.fodng�ae. . ,1 .:. I 1. , ' f thb:11tle to,:whiblishe kePi-up . e and the cadet o his house, kCilI9d-M6wing�'aUd at g2g-�Physicians Ilse It and Prescribe It Fre
f Proud. as She is 0 an ear -pie ely' ope gone wi it- w b- losetedtogether 2 removes faintness, flatul h. has attained, and. of herposition-as-the wife the Sight of L dogs- becamel- lrantic. Whel' it oil I cin Youth has gone and n: Any case that 'Will be the is6si rthtiiVhyrme, havc, San ( I Gone the strong desire of failao. I , and of � Lord Killeen, S'is _not at�&Jl disposed Placed in, charge of Deputy, Moff At he was for stimulant, and rollevo&w Laurels are not for -the old. thing til,Ao, papzO' Mariad says,' a' little -in, the library'for two or thee hours Give Senax-�01(1. eagerly. Just imagine:,,03pending,money the ladies of the -faiiIily 'are,aiill in ign6., to�reigard, Lord, Killeen''s -family as tiny- tolerably quiet,, but - 600n -I af tOi gettip Thatfoolln-g-oft,parbig Take them lads. 11 idbackaelle, is always permallptiloly 1)y its use. lasting nam no�oiie-cfida- -ralnce� atuic -of -the--prolonged. PreBgra WhiLti an ever of�the -n thing lx�-4.11 _gArquably tu n be tried to juin thioug
on a P p one in. Lthq rair P being better born and wincLOW was strapped to Alie seat �see on6.,, debate. and Ile When my life was inAts summer, bC0�jmand is Unsurpassed. Ing k
One fair oman liked my looks: d ffer- Accord* �ly, on every�flccasion,she ta At t 6 depot !here he got ioosO llld"tiiedlo- -,-,'It would look w.ell to some 'of � our,. .1 Lady Killeen, inde-ed,is placidly in i as . 4 T,Yi)IA *3C. pergonL lacks- the, opportunity of asserting, her diguity but as Laally the.
NOW that Tiule has driven -his plough' friends it You could � ask them 'in ,tfi6' ant. To herArthur is a escape Wad r� the plaiform, Ing. 181,not, row and present superior social power before lodged'in. %:p1ladeof Safe kdepi one an
III deep furrows-onmy b autumn to.ybur country Place, even though, -allAntereBlbl 'In Ireland: -he hA4 always i.t. 0 had, a��orchild. I s1ston aving I ani no morein hergooh6ohs. ' -Up with the peopliawli 'le her the citblobdse6 him�ckazy', 1 7's in Irelilrid,l' Mrs Lepell ea;ys, with'th6 mixed himself' the ,utterly rejard as of the fact,of her certairl.whet ag'a' d i so b i. III 'to her'Lhoti�band, who -Both-the Comlpound,� �diooa ruriner are prepared "There fire gairls for ali our losses?" same sort of aiumnifniclus toleration. gribva�665,��'�re4l' or imaginary, 113Bt 01139 ei�ng-p or whether apre-.existing.indiital weakness to 'a a M, -h1usbdnd1T:91iid -��wfi6m- --therefore is -full of the i�ifk.of-.hum�ail-kiak6-esj3,-.,Ili Grave'liestr14 th-6 wintry ---h*-h, b kight'-exf;iand to a sugabsted her- rid- f astoned.upoa. t -C I -an--d7my, heart, w Inal strong, warm, family feeling to' etb�m c.ompletely z Where t or " ona she �c'ordially And , natural detests. iipt of �l tibrl�ox�
!.In ' ch (I not live . apart, tempoiaty Sojour in Timbuc oo am ly of traditic cra Y. on, a of or of ioitinges, onroix For th y "'ll 'the E a 1 quima - ux . And in England he writes flaming arti-, list � -w en* Indepenilent' W be6n y]ur,gaiii to mq? . Tell her to Write me and I say $lob hat,!attractions are not of'the I first she will be in. I want to seohei and on� rPinichata f realy a marama. No.1 oleo in journals.that scildrurpampi'. No I the words I sang were.idle,. d Ault will eveirso, remaiiii could such A 0ape AS Rologrt.descrbes'llave form,. and she. gets' congratulat6d about sult'her about something,' ' !. tie. says, an Reformin the W rid., -No furilly.9hould lic without LYI)Lk E. I)e%th, and.Ago, and vanished Youth' f or 6ity reasonable person? I Maidenhair them, as one of the family, by obnoxious Lord Killeen, nods, asse'n.t and says hur,- PILS. They cci-e All declare thebitte'r trifth: a. My-degr boy, i.f you wiiat to� reform tb and tlorpidit.�'of,thc If ' in. people Who will persist in regard ing the r�iedly,: b There's w -loss f1 tub it��cbax i�. Buite'r it or every ga old world, dod'b, d geg-Soid I -hatb wild luxuriance.) Anjxitcns�ly clever young political litiarateur as a person All right, all' right I You must come: I . I I . ny son --butter i t.- ' 'If Youl can conduct the cam O i 'o no 'P.9 S people is,.Ars. run .,-.away to cc rselves - Lonflon's' liguon There lies a 1111JOYviii'dear 'a!ra ise en'Ough I can, an& the 'Kings- -of 'Cast i . I I a, �so In c -,,z VA1L1e,of,1re.ar@, L 'L dagli'-, ?6MA T pictiirdaque.fls4ftl&olon.y, calledilab Olkd',- of whom She ought.to be pro*ud. here and dine one night before A��ettiaad th iioueNd ancient spaiiii pptry' Among these obnoxi on 7 Oddl -the 10 ad on cart are ander' e make them P? 1�uch; a rhapsody, about St. John,-w,ho resemblbf4 a Snowball in the a pe'rfack oven now. Where all: hStricken with and,� Ai ed doWn'iwlbb nothing inuA. bav'e'7beeu�,�dic�atitd'by' Doll�; ,foro war she possesses of.rolliiig .stand extrignae.hoat anjwhor6 but in LOU— rinaing a 'O into. I 4p'2: very� $72A WEEK. .919 a day at home easily, m lots, LLngusta" 98 ,ith tears 'ha,t�,froin x firm On the M Scarde"ly'' sighs Marfan'saysi cross yi alongatid gaining as she The pro. 'don.. Annette&nd'Ithirikof'o bout - r "Pitch the' ",MbiinOiiel. I Co tly o#f1b frae� TBu
BurderieI t a ombrance spritig. I v0sh Dolly: were married and but':oP lific and Popular - autl oress is not at all the theMediterranean�boa6t'naxti�aouth. tAn.1 that '.1 do nit "mand the day passe 0. .Thoy may.n6tefifer where't1le'ailgolil-Wi2 Mrs.1apell sort of peia6 who, ohl -&'guperficial. nette's such a capital sailorhat'V133. thi�li- ,it the w iew�of immediate viltei,Questloilsi.. ; I nib -Ing of getting hold W A bigger yacht, And suppgessiqzi�6 M6rmonigm� At� aTill sweetforgLtfulnes a' her:ffifluenoo vMl fllway,sbO adainst,your the 'base, Would b deerned likely to )adh rfa�self for 'too Agktbe mosreminenCphysician - T -lose their chaiva and repro plew,wide th&gate I la1r f fiend, of Lady Killeea, who, emulating%th6'Mmseys. The viorsb of it is times! I to the V.I. 0 n1srests,'for .gbo,16steis that tn�stY ille,fArdil because: I ��n one is -Of any. school what is the best tbingin,the Lea.ding fronj Heaven f Tbars. ever &I `Utah h doe tilt like worldfor iluitingiind-411ayingoIll ikritation:of habit oe in her brcltbef,which'� it � shb ihi -anything marked,' i's : proudly' Darrag 8 I Here bound to earth by tender linkabi Idoinacinill"Iny. life, and.' ho, -fiall. only one If ;bbilly -stupid, and stupidly afrai& of der' not.ging 6 be �nfirel� tied.by D the nerves and caring all! forms) of nervonk coni- have.lbst &.while., is so eixirenaely repr6bensible. Oga Ing Fria ar- rving - i i eep, Are fou a theanothers we wife, . and - was .1' In'' a gigs§ish, plaints, �Iving raaral,c4 Idlike refreshing'sl Elora arethedetir il.6,aa brothers, and above were out of the' WAY, 7A6bert - W Uld' be 6, f rem her own dignity. ButMrs.,St.J6h h- Lady Kiliebri z- . :, -
a as ragh's likes and dislikes, fashion With ? �7. in the bottom Ways Serene sweet * sisbars, - with. their milit'like lamb in your' hands I :�a Perfect lamb - 'land mastered'ber' completely,' and established Says, Swelling With im tince. -And then Oy poor anc W `Prospocli Hill, nealr" And they'will tellyou.unhositatinfg mile; I 1. i I � wo6ds-� belo'
'ending gri I of - 0 'Arthur iloas,.11"! y.- a is is -found Ed"An-d6kiiia about 'd __Lnof�Hopslll your et, v t self on such a footim, in the hous that tla is Is depar tire, 0'.rbur,rdea�d bore with never- d'' tr papa would. be able to: forward 'her Peoria, aad,hii Are lonely husbands wid remembered big illterests in so many way." lady 'Killesn's older, friends Staild' 110 making up his mind as he - goes that he CHAPTER 1. wives, He I bas got, in iWith , 9, ba a m in thd Woods ofoe� day, and iaunf��- me. -how� rving, ', Bghold as V! 6 haveno relief d lot; I'm ae aginst' hisr.' But when she ging 'bestir himself i' a hundi,6d ways., to mat Ask say or. all of,the imost eininent physi- Till swoet obilivioli our loss survives., 21fraid;" Mr. L,epell Says;, . abakin she us.t 11 k, Wild bees and,! f thein '. and g his. head. the praises 6f, -Arthur' �Thyrine over, Darragh re in r6malavery. has to be dee ed'i th.us find a'bee-trs�e.` And]all"the is�the-besib and offly r8mody that cart* Ittlo childi6ti I H' I've never- approved -of the'intimaq wit 8 ev tohl the] ear them cry,; 81the mark, and ca;uges�:Lady Killeen -as well as'. Ireland I e rolibd'orl to CUM 1111 di9dasbs of the kiditays legislation I ever knew - thAt wandering,6id So heavy -w. ,that 41leen s6i;-A!titl6 remembei that the'sb 'people �a ad 4rinary o"gaus ; such ds � Bright's d' eidbtad &nQiO'W.,a&kWibhaL,;. �O. re all fl t6ili%dy. Killeenthat orn of our !ova, d to diei I o,! Sepia up is Is ihi --bYt a tisamere tri a Lit me, as' follows,,to witi (riklietesr, reteritidA or inability to'!eotain urine' so'sooh coalloame k ai m'iseriaL 9 r w 41" Badly her h- a d- 6 that Darragh is at l , in t air way;. re uslb It -tUds on 6 ' ' -t and a g peculiar, to Fair flow'rets crushed by-,6vary bear lotlfilli. - 11 Ilarriely, viz.. Tha"t, , wbuirrever a man and 611 he diBoilapa il Meat Sweet or$, he I" th y'ro calling from the thing,, and I'm � told that 'if tord - deficient in.taot." . � ' ; 1. . . * W I' ". . . , . I I . I
-moth home almost,, the minute af bar Arthur has finflA War 9, bee-tre6,.no matter hose land, omen, .'And they will tell yet,, c.q3licitly and einphaiti- gtass 'Kill6en1ad'childrdn' to. brink ilp he wbul'il Mr, Thyrihe'fs.a renegade. from the left the house. Aad:evenn6w,v&ii.I find my. ,ally,, OftheLtgreianv�ll�yg�ariedwi6h-,inaiiy. si'lilis, bb aPauper. pauper with a . handle to Politics L Of his family, :'and, 'a 1688 1 good'a All the time.?" sheBays. 1 'Bucboi�" oulpass � I � t self abusing the"' tall, lank,' Ask the� same,rillysicians Look up to Cio-1 I'scod.-Idt your childi big name. ISI 0 my mind-, vi; contemptibIai nabUred inan. thatli Lord Kille To tell the truth, I was not. nxi-cius to- WhatL From Vale of Tears to.GRtes of Faradisell" en,wpuld'dis. too- a - ill-ol:ad figur'e, And' the � Sunburned �'bb.ard' iq the mostreliabI6. aud �uroslb cure for olreature.' I'd,f&r 'rather have �to deal with: own him alteg6ther;`� she slys, *b�n'Mra. kno'4 I i - she 1 has' so'* thor- all* liver aiseasoi, or dyspepsia, constipabiop,�. wri 'a amp Sb.-Jchaun . ad I vi , * Where B ie' -was -brown face Add ong, straggling hair loont t pu� Ujiti h' indigestion: biliousilbad. malarial fever. o -men:. 'who hava� --orth i6 flatt6iing-, �o Upset-and�-offeaded-xae-t 18-mOrn- eyes,ofray &c. "'aud.they will toll"you: lYfIVdir-own, J�opbecy cci O' 1---orl)jindelion V! TWe lo -ra flowers I HOWyn 9-,: thel-mysterfes,of -Wjld� bses-and-.�the arewish'. you Beforo,-you,- of-couroe,,Daltragh-is- Those Bitiople "Liliesf the -Field abilityiand perseverance. When I sturtbd wouldn't p'r iae: i me, Mar, 'but I' Jav� of boe-tre6s 1661i'MMOID ilbild reproach. �4, ".. ie,11. her always polite.. and pleasant enough, Herice,viihenthese'rernediesarc combinedwith. Ho. sweet as incelf�o to. bbb air, in life I ii- d '' O Certain ladysbi. goo 0 fu I, II.I.:always,feel - - I havWto suffer oth6rs equally valual3le I . � . . I � I I . .1 i
Their- fragrant snow-white blossoms yio d I - P my. min can't d6so Anacoinpounded inWH61) Bitters, sue ribs to you.,hoW .I wish,hd had a unf-:me � With: a hornet. It r Impertitionces-, " ban you are not thirig%;mnol have certain thitigs, and I've, him a drag our If it we're not jr Ed he' w .. I - . P , -S Dill, I am down odihe Mormons. . ..... d --t wee r -forhi,mthat-g; luld-iiiarry, ��y,-.t;�Olie�ail�v;ays-4�-tp�kes-ost-o-to-baake���. �14ot-Bo�l,om-on-iii-9-1,o3ey-brig,, I d lugg,rg'silusanding6ld rray'. own.exer ions. tord"Torbbaak* jesides,I! she7ddsi :with my, hustimit - AS Was sucli'la-fidr,andonarous sight, . � : I .1. renclember that, though I est id brest"in politics. -'Work, a my father I But b,�i �cliarital a' wa y ff d kl' i ig - Iii i m' I -a 0 (I r6 inany ifiin'gs- your a versari H t ihall
.,As, in their modiii3t,bointy, fhey.:. a aB a a. trihmphAlotly ging bluah,' P I've other � reasons, Ifor ti6l bid bbn6i aha"I n . :1 I'might. d 7.: Act and 'Speak giaiiiaoi round tbo.� failbaily ;circle a- for. wishing'with .all, my "��hough there a w rd -They woave not ths Whito-'robeis they wear' d h the g cid taste"And �e'aii -that I h4ight `h�ver, hear 'of �Arthur if, I liked io'bb ungon' yohi 'man Should be, do. not, neitber'dd they, Film, this, an wit eroua.,!..... reason. �Aud i f E oar' ciratimsPec,don the Th and it'is quitaprobWe -that ha'twill .98 A19URE Q ULR
T4=40 I . aWf NO bar I iko frail man, they b Y prry'when I hear For-tinlike him-bboy know no si�. i Yes,, papal, everybody. knows that about' Whmt1heAe other rea6ons",are she does gh and Uly, ,Ilot�-getting,., on for all �igd.asesl o.'.1-thI6 kiafi60 and� of Darra, be -I don't know What, ydnr man is, but 1-� Y i : is tiliekar ...haye -a MeLgaltim L IV El Y-qtt,i Papa. other."' be s%V.s, .. g pinap6ricern, not say. but Mts.',Sb. Jolm'shrewdiv wa ei --optJ Of Christia,uhuttiblonea-of always bad a careful, pru- pects thait the moat CO on of Win iie- or .90 don't sit down in Sao Old h all pour'dust. lulids specific action Pa. this po t a a same ime rtablingit,to rov.,ofrto it' and, May NIVOC�fi$ Pura, Rt,Tc5tlF1'fQ0t, dent wiA3 at horl to. ,auppliement your a that, falling male issua.to t a resont likiiglhiS cousin well,, but *t- irj� Which on your head and 8briisk a reedom and I'liho.osis the bo.ttqr,,bhtt.11i ffoiis'abicad, Pupa 11 Mrs. LopeUdackles, Lor Annett'd bas'a, away ov aa Kille6n, the literary oun agibi inb ot.on, stinralatii]lg illo 6ccre 'on of 1- ator 'M or. ay �ko fell. he slin of Civil- With ititeloiga self -appreciation. - Oh, delix I is heir to'th6 title mlad'69�ftteS. n J-%�.i the'&W f11b Bile, rld'by keeping t e bowele in fre.0 a Onqi�... , [ u to does not ogia !to resist. Ization isn't going to �Eleb I's by the Went Itti(leornar Alvan,: .[ I of ten think it these, dear' girls mak6 half the present time Lady Killeen is a c it less Unsweiiving 6bldshnesof. Tlfat brings iy�b, lcueolifig, to His throue�;L eternal night just, liedmUse'flao majority O� Ifyoun,ro Iffering,fronal "Mis goldon gates of fie0ou., as good WiVbS to tile man 'they marry"as, woman diationi Are of rather a `the peoPle in'-Oiilo didn't-ibink you knew Throws wi 0 Mr. Tllyahe'a me their a other has been to you, what a bless- Yqu'bere, ArthurT' �Ldy Killoon Says,' sombre nature its he walks to hi's club � more tfian. All th'e rest -of the people in the there Will be on us'as a in a way that is to lead him to uuppose his mgin's -house.' Killeenisatio2iml. Very.likely, YOU don�t, if YOU Will wilnQuklyfrom his cc 'State. [), rile, S, very' good, prit a �Ic tD odeallso tale SyStom;0 pire�euoe 'is N surprise, and not tbo,pleaeaut leiatf011ow, 6poa-he edi as o�. dilould take m thorough coirtrsc of it.` I don't seem' to%car6 to be iarted, opon-hand a' look A pale clark.face with i!iyes of light� dent wifi3`on thie.'WeSt,doast of Ireland,,'.' a oid,to% her. I had an idau, that'you *be has iihu �,C)Lr, zvboqcdi� s I. Low crown,,d with.raven hall: - a, but.On the present occasion S Mliriftil SAYS, laughing - k�ther * dolefull' Most UUMiSt&lr_ quirq,r, In -9 " i S -she, morningi atAofist., --I'm glad,y On, can 6 is a great pity,!� Mri. Thy a n a Concert, Conol�adir.� - ) 'y
L'06 hears I am td�'W drv',gg'6d� off. there- -,'she'll the -time and -' oudy to waste, in idlence,d. moncyjbprio�ablyaiid jadi. �6S F*UdaXPQL t, juncture, he London Figard an ins up ihe �ihusicl, Ihate Dolly more'thail �f3ver, and she lim cionsly disimlim ie'�resen T
y. gentlemen of the. press worked' ,in the] hiiiboi6d ag�irlst,Arbhue ih-a A Ali sltl iace!, lier vigorously, enough already." in'the I W 1 est bfAreland I woul . d have secured ilities of' the 'Royal f 9: �f 0110WB C.um, I,! J11 No; we work. �y nigh Of Ch . i . I 4, t chiefly -like 0 5�,� Who I think the your ladyship And the inoles-In the dark.". -his return by L majority 111?cor., desk little �woman I of t�u4ierate and privatd,thre Prince of mralloollege JO Wall I L a warni y - supports 'the Royal A queenly mien. & wavy stop, way tbe'Mackivers' behave to Mrs lin Ar6L having a biasinese; it is I music, limits;'l believe, his mus' A buist tbat tocif bly swells would1be a.caution to'liny son talk, Annetta.' We haven't 'Oper Co Aitl�uc and I Aing man I As
Ve 'to gOL in for, the Whole ICAL efforts Trtista Sible perso. firriolied.it yet," it�igrr shall ha daughter enter their,falifily7l her husbE�ndLptr or he I has A, thin -Im AL)erfeotsbape, two tiny ears, not- i6i'lat 6, tfiq7TjZXt.)d- -to-Perforni%Uces on the baitjo. His Sister, be in hurridlyj f g, and bold out ar, tf&q6 a- h'-�f-wordywai-aud -Lbag. a 88 Lculoo.- lolaval ui� ar Ike tragi)6 OCOEL11 -h % B dike,nod- goo d -n atuved:Lhoiro Mrs�. t )all says, it r of 'Teak ha' litiftalto vo reamy hands, two shapely f6eb, Two c i to 1-00000 fiares—. .1 ---' L - � Spiteful sparring, and he k as hig a doubt mi 13 a 6 ice' t a. der-wa-ist-as-wol WAthat Arthur almost surprised At f ell lobe, A bijou potbortvit fill vbmil� woman who is quite is,not in th` mocid�'riow6 whether the Land'Leavue men Will take the' Princess of WRIe's playS !the piatio '(� b
a thl a 'Abe accompanied Millie. iII380 ) ; . .00 per Share, S�peecbo Peace years ago $2 is very, proflered had. of "ObArming Christ'a5allo." i able to tak 0 her �bly.;� Lord Killeen On't mthe'Duke'of A16iny has & Tim BIl b� MadkiVers w dead in cowing her of his Annette', and really believers As a.begin'ning he g66S to his owli,�Oo 11 To Tfit3 fond 'Must The Countseade, la-Torret-pleitiled.that down. in- this neighborhoodii for excellent and EUPOriorl instead'of tolis club, and,writes off in hot iFj a sound theoretical, and,filstoricla being 9, membei: of the anti,-oruelty Society, that we Supporf"he dea," Mr., Y'Llepell person. � Bat his reh article for Lib6i�l t' on don cian; the Ducheas-of Edinburgh -id com p I a, CAXADIAI�-PIJBLIC. ri my Alrd 'for her does nq�. baste �an Sbud.card`for:#6spoots, she to6k,eighteelo'cats,atid nine. dogs into say, to his wife, it! big iof tioat tones. 'Mrs. fact that Sh does not in which be commitil himself to tent to turn ovei. the pagesi of a, full' score her house out of Sion, bUt 9, Loini!166 blind him t6, the a Pape St. John, wh6 occupies one of the Smallest Show the Smoothest Side of her chajp4ctpr snob i9xtrome Home -.Rule. views that he for bar husbundi-and the Duke of Edinburgh corapas6rdered, abat ,& least pretentiousi but withal one of the to bis'rolations., Justice fined her � I and ys to P11 emaitt -difficulty in over auggestibg eggs, sy the vloiin.�,; i Gualpb, Orit., "ahada -
will have gibmt of the nuisavqa. iti6at and West' b- issiden- And I Shouldn't have interrupts uk� i�aodorati6uagain�-ifiat i8i if his article pre expensive ljou r d A copy of the Glasgow,Herald penetrated, SiULS t I if�l I not bee;iIAi�tuyibodd" 11�6s in the *memoryof any manbeyond Doti o6sinAbB fibighborhoo& of Weyb Wgp, has bu a 13 9, k had. It be Alainiied worth the fastnesses of the isditorial depart rl nown IS $5 to $20 �tfree. ftf*doi; &,A6n Portland go a garden-pairtS, aud lawti-bennis m%tch.thiB in my. work -my paintiug�by Darragh "' the hour, which as a journalist he k Bright�' lilsoase, Dlabet(io or any Alsoaso* of of the Cincinnati Comhzercial diett.l. be� Afternoon. Mrs. St. John �is A'delightful. Lady Killeen Says,, bridling.her head, an ektiamel� lruprob&ble contirigerioy.. But, the liver or urmary organs; as Hop parapraphek says : It.w%B e. an! little iielsibil, on the right Side 4 t . he middle spoaking'with� - iin expression of'olislike to the riifto act of Writing f'. settle$ ]him ro'llis BIttJorS Will dortitiolly'and fiStffigly Care You nuat 'Dr.'LaFIEUS'FI?EIVGII;WOIJSr�bilE'i'IGOR -k b�ard out Wallieff iind looke'd arou which mai;,os Art ur's bloc than it is the only thin. th&fWill ryp" and a very presentable MISS L hyl h d saddle,i' and fixes him more fliml itgej �Ath a d,,dtb T nne 4' . I .. . -.,� I " . I , , . b ALPbAji as liie.tl .- All o be a ri 1 , na. ,/Like so rl �ondrordniifar. U -Is i or Ona, tj JOL big T119 a we �ot ek dve n blEr3atermitiatiolU to f1do his hobby _Wearance. She ,aimg at.taking
inOng t 6 itetary laspiran o -not IXIMKOBA� "a" A. P 6� -- - to g 0 i� -.1.1%- membeig of your f6milY she 'point. of re and for the I.tigj' A number of Nuris are tow i-fiTtrn-d-0f 2 Addros' T�NvielAXIC,bgx22i IT a
expected to arrive me' d when it WAS % discover his.. the literary '81100068GS' in the � N6rMvelit 1rom Europe snortly, br Ve �Of'tlie day," she of beiiij the reversal 6t respecifni to ))do;' to4he end-whetber bitter or. not.- oath einell-ed of 13cotchwh al Oita She has but this moirnin 11 b fien: be has as who Will ish--&-lecool a !aw 111yourown town Torras and S' tellB,* People. And as r y� as been downrig t And, w l3it his copy in, and t� Bralidon. 661orlb-' r"3� U- HAL- g Se.... .. . ..... .. .... ..... . ... .......