The New Era, 1883-08-17, Page 10r
FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1$83..
Miss Nellie Bay is spending'Fa few days
( at home.
LOCAL xoTICES, Miss Jessie Kay, of Galt, is the guest
TtN per cent discount off bplauee; of
,Nu ,mer stook or Boots and Shoes stir, Josh Hamner still lies dangerously at
sale oprices, .sAnder onhould es effects, Sat
'M mAYLoxt ltc beer's; in. urday, inst: at 1 i m.•
Mr L Kennedy, son of Mr. A. Ken -Y, 1'
nedy iia seriously sill. THE Fire Brigade of this town are
Mrs. S. Morley, of 'Belgrave, left for practicing to take part- in the tornament
Winnipeg;. by way of boat. on Tuesday. that into come off at London on the 28th
W. H. Ransford left for Guelph, by and 29enst, There ea a number of good Church Quarterly Board held. on Thurs-
bi yele, on Wednesday. •
of prizes offered for different contests, day' evening f est the salary of Rev Mr,
r. john rew, son of Judge Drew, Gray was fixed at $1,000. A good >;deal
Mr. John McGarva, nlissess Sessie and of. other general business 1 t 11
' t
acted. p
The district meeting of the Methodist
churches in the Goderich district, will be
held in the church here," commencing
next Tuesday. There is considerable
business of one sort and another to come
before the meeting.
Rev. Jas. Gray will leave town on Mon-
day'next for, the General Conference to
Mon -
be held in 'Belleville on the 29th inst:"' it
is . probable he will be• absent three or
four weeks. Mr. Gray is also a member
of the General Missionary Board' of the
THE Wingham Lacrosse Club played
the Hurons, of Goderich,lon Wednesday.
WEDNESDAY was CiViC'holiday,as Blyth,
Wingham and Lucknow. ,
of Miss Josie Fair! THosn in want of first class furnishings
WOOL. Tbe'highest_cash'price paid
Tor any quantity or wool.' COR BETT d:
i�pwtx 7111pit.
Rev. Mr. Loughead filled the pulpit of
Willis Church, on Sunday, Mr.Thompson
taking his work in'Hullett.
Next Sunday evening'scollection in
the Methodist Church, will be in aid of
the London West sufferers. ,
Rev. Jas'. Gray conducted the Quarterly
-Services _of Exeter Methodist Church,
on Sunday, his place here being supplied-
upplied by Mr Kirby,
At the regular meeting of the C. M.
M. Jas: Fair took 153 loads -of hay off J 1 D'
hisfarm. We innton County, is here on a visit to
WE learn that Mrs. D. Melver,• (Miss' Mr.,
Follis previous to marriage) lately died Miss L. WRITE expects to take a trip
at Becton. to the old country.iu the course. of a few
'�1'--: Tesdall.
Two of our hotel keepers were fined for `days..
selling li uoi to boys. The way the boys) -'MR, MACGREGOR, headmaster Almonte
b q
Maggie-Oliver.and-two others from Tuck-
ersmith left on Tuesday night for Gode-
rich to take the round on the magnificent
steamer United Empire, of the Beatty line.
This steamer is the finest on thelakes and.
is doing. an immense excursion_ business
acted on the street, they should have been. High School was visiting friends in town this season. .W Jackson is the agent for
horse -whipped.' last, week. o the lino' in this place. .�•
`- Davis -ails. for home on the 23rd -Mr. and Mrs. - Andrew Callander, of.
., Two -years ago Mr. Geo. Cole ° arrived
inst. She expects to be accompanied by London, former. Cli:ntonians, have been Toronto to take a position with
Mrs Porter, (mother of Mrs Biddlecombe spending a few days with friends here from Toro I 1'
and Mr. H. Porter.)' �S g m p q
T. Jackson j r•,, has` returned from his GoDEnICH will have its . civic holiday faves as f sateen p1 very; soon .won him the
T.favor of his efi�ployers,aud step by step he
trip to the west looking well, and his face neat Thursday, 23rd inst.
quail -
s ess was a so•. rans-
- ,;,, :
e elhau Bros. Minnea olis. Iis
with smiles showing that lie has PAVING -=The streetcommittee are
eno ed himaelf.vvhile
1 y away having the gutter in front of the Coats
Messrs. R. Coats &'. Son, If we are to block paved with stone. ..
judge by the large importations' they have . IT:.IS currently reported that a promi-
„rnade this week, are doing a very, large -hent Seaforthite _, :nes dropped in . the -
business, and .anticipate' its'"continuance. .neighborhood of $70,000 by unprofitable
Mr. S 13aviS has O --n" sale.sorne_sp1endid speculations' 10 Chicago.
coal oil, and to show its superior qualities GRAPES and plums will be a conrpara`-
he madea grand 'illumination. on Satur• . tive:failure here this season, as, they are,
day evening, from base to top of flagpole. now rotting and dropping from the trees.
Apples are not going. to be u very Large
THE 0L1 express horse belonging to:crop; so that-fruit.gener-ally will be scarce.
Mr. J 'Cuninghame, •whilst jumping :aIT 15 SAID that, many farmers` in the
picket fence on Saturday, landed on one 'north: of the county have not sold a Bush
of the pickets and met with serious injury.-
el of last years grain yet, so that if the:
ACCIDENT.—A.young man named` F. crop is ajailure this year they will not be.
Freeman met with 'a painful accident one so bad off after ail. - -
day last week at the Stapleton: Salt Works,
whereby,. his- left hand got 'seriously
WE are glad to learn that the rumor of
the death of Mr. J. L. Brace by Indians
is untrue, his wife having lately received
a letter from him, giving; the information
that he is quite well.
CULVERT.—The large stone' culvert. at
Fair's__mi11is the style of culvert that
should be put in whereyer such an one is
necessary. More money has been 'spent
in repairing some of• the wooden culverts
than would pay for one after this style.
HosE,--Mr. W. O. Searle made a visit
to Toronto fast week, on the recommenda-
tion of the Council, and purchased about
$300 worth of hose for the fire engine. A
four -years'' guarantee is given with its.
Bic'vcLixo.-Two bicyclists from To,
ionto, Ewing ;`Buchanan and ,Alex- J.
) Boyd, registered at the Grand Union on
Tuesday, at noon. They.lied come from
Stratford-sinee morning; and said -we -had
splendid roads for bicycling in this sec-
REPAIRING.—Mr. George. Rentgen•has
been makinga tour of the streets, repair-
ing the sidewalks where t4ey were found
to need his attention. There were agood.
many' places that had become worn and
were dangerous• to pedestrians, .but all.
these have been made secure. NEW: BUILDING.—Mr. A. Routledge,
Bayfield, is about erecting a store on the
vacant lot next Twitchell's harness shop.
Mr. Smaill, architect front Goderich, was
takingmeasurments of the ground, pre-
paratory to commencing; work, on - Tues-
STEALING Mitzi There appears to be
some pettythieves in our midstjust now, was expressed at the .wide difference .in/the
as We hear of several small- , things being figures, and some say that it cannot be
taken. This::vveek complaints are being, built for. tnat amount. As the estinmated,
made .by._severai parties that their COWS' cost by the Commissionerswas only about'
havebeen milked by thieves. They are
enthe watch now :and .if any one'is caught
- at it they will be summarily dealt with.
rose in their confidence
unitil he succeeded Methodist Church, and may have to go to.
toahe head clerkship of their large, dry Halifax to •rneet. that committee before
_goods store. It gives us pleasure to say his return
tliat-Mr. Cole deserves the success that he -�•+ ") '
has achieved since coming liere.:-Menne Wni r attending a picnic one day. last
apolis paper.: week a small boy was unhitching his horse,
and it started,' to run away, the boy trying
ACCIDENT.—The Rev. A. Andrews, of his best to iholdit, sat on the ground and
Kincardine,srowmn a visit to his family wore. out tlieseat of his pants, but manag-
at Stockton, Man., lately met with a seri- ed to get it stopped before urilch damage
ous accident. When going to ';reach' at was :done.
a distant appointment, his horse ran. away It appears that Cetewayo, the .A,fricana
and threw Mrs. Andrews, who was in the potentate, can be kept dead with as.great.
carriage, out, breaking her arm,',` seriously difficulty as the late Mr. Banquo, Some
injuring one o'' the horses, breaking the' time ago it was reported that Cetewayo
buggy, and a reaping ipachibe, with which was dangerously wounded ' h'
b Y ; then en came the,
the horses collided. Being about 40 miles- report that he and many, of'.his wiveswere
from medical aid, Mr. A. reduced . the killed; but the cablegrams to-daysayhe
is making his way towards Pietermaritz-
E ieterma itzburg in Natal. Cetewayohas caused" the
British Government 'a great deaPof .trou-
ble in his time, and it wouldplace thein
agr at
i f
being dead'h
would remain -so; if he is . not dead, he
should come boldly forth and declare his
• policy as becometh a king. ;
fractured limb himself,'' and at last ac -
BROKE HER last week I counts Mrs. Andrews was doing well. '-
Miss Wilson, who resides on: Mary street, '
met with an unfortunate accident. .; She
was engaged in putting up window blinds,
tor h•'thehad placed abox-on
and eac top
a chair and was standing thereon, when
he fell,- breaking two of her ribs.
Mx.. S. G. ,Cox, who was so severely
injured a few days ago while jumping off
the train while` in motion, at the Stock
Yards; Toronto; died from the injuries in
a short time. He belonged to an old and
respected family in Goderich township,
and was himself one of the most beloved
and popular of its young. men. The fune-
ral on Sunday was a very large one, 125
vehicles being in the procession. The
bereaved family have the sympathy of
the whole community.
PAINPtL IDENT.- .On Friday eveneven-
ing last Mr. John Mason, Reeve 1 of Hul
let,.droveinto one end of the excavation
for the culvert across the road'front.of.
Fair's: mill, and seriously hui�t himself,
fracturing avibor two and:otherevise brais-
ing him, and breaking the shafts and one
wheel .ofthe buggy. It appears .he was
not aware that they had covered up one
end andopened. the other, thus changing
thedriveway since the morning, when he
drove into town.' We are glad to Learn
that he is rapidly recovering. •
day last
{ ri-day.last the tenders forthe erection of
this much desired and long -labored -for.
bridge was opened by Road Commission-
ers Hardy and Mason, in . company . with
Reeves G. Elliott, E. Corbett, T. Cooper
and W. Young, and P. Adamson, county
clerk.. There were five tenders, ranging
from $2,190 to, $4,500, the former, given, in
by Mr. Harbottle, of Cranbrook, being of
course accepted. A good deal of surprise
POT &To-Ror—Weliave been 1124Wir
some potates that: were very badly affected
by the rot, and was informed that the des=
ease extended over a large surface. It ig.
quite probable that potatoes wi11 suffer
much from the long continued wet wea-
ther, and much loss will be occasioned by
their rotting.. .
Mr. Wm. Bearsden, of Exeter, who has.
.just returned from an extended tour, in
Manitoba and the northwest; called upon
us on Monday, and informed us that ,busi-
ness is very flat in the toms and cities
but' the crop prospects are good, Wheat
promising a large yield:;
IN another column will be found an ad-
vertisement of the new.soap-factoLy at
Goderich, which is manufacturinga first-
class article : called " Swiss •Soap." We
advise all to`give :it a trial, and: if found
satisfactory, stick, to it: as it is a local in-
stitution. -
NINE o'CLocr[, SHARP.—The public,
schools re -open on Monday,'.Sept. -3rd,
and the trustees require .that all the teach-
ers and scholars will be in their places at
nine o'clock, sharp, on the first . day of
openiug. There is a great advantage in
scholars all being present when the classes
are formed.
ExcuaszoN.-On the `30th,of Aug. a
great excursion -will run to Niagara Falls
and Grimsby 'Tamp grounds over the
L H.&B-, celhng' i t al'1 'stations. `Tickets
good for two days, ':North of Clinton
$2.00, Clinton and south $1.75. Train
leaves Clinton .at 8,20 a,m..• This will. be..
the great temperance day atitlre camp, and
the -falls will be all glow, with the electric
light. Crowds will go sure, •
TIE YOUR HorisEs.--One,.of the most
careless things ii: nein can do; is to . leave
liiii Horse uuti Tl: Tt-m.�ctters-not hnw
gentle his horse may be or what his re-
cord may be for remaining where --he is
stopped, he is liable to be scared almost
to death at any time'On a thoroughfare;
and a runaway is a frightful event when
it is accompanied by injury to man or
beast. It aoes not cost' anything to tie
him ; it always prudent and safe to do soy
STRAY ANIMALS,—Advertise your stray
animals in the NEW ERA. Those, who
harbor stray animals without making it
known cannot collect anything from the
owners if they are called for. Advertise
them 'and you can collect 'expenses for
keeping as well as for the advertising. If
you have lost any animals the surest way
to get them is to make your loss known.
"If they are lost to you'foi ever, its worth
a dollar to know it. A dollar's worth of
advertising will accomplish What may not
be done in twenty dollars worth of time
looking ,nnd ;enquiring for the animals.
$300more than Mr. Harbottle's oiler,, and,
he is a,practical bridge builder, eve do.not
think he will be much of a loser; especially.
now-thata; dry spell-:hasset`in,-aridttlie-
water''in the riveris getting low. Mr.
Hardy informed us that if the tenders had
been given a month earlier they would, -
have been at least $1,000 higher. . It:ie:'a.
good deal of satisfaction to the people of
Clinton that the cost' of -the .'budge is so
ch Jess than its opponents said it would.
be .and they can now congratulate them-
selves on
hem-sel.ves•on` the success of theirlong efforts at
so. little cost to the county. .
LOCAL Tit%Y<•I ES. -The rain on' Sunday
made the atmosphere rather cool for, the t
season, on Monday, and' overcoats Were:
necessary 'for' 1 comfort. It ie' said: there
are a couple of cases of typhoid fever' .in
�svn, and if so tli,'utmost caution should
be•used to prevent it spreading. Market
gardening,. though generally.; profitable,
has;' its reverses;.'`during. the cold, wet
Weather of the summer, Mr. "Joyner . lost
several thousand plants, that were killed
out, The, changes in Fair's -mill make
a very decided improvement in its ''ap
pearance. There has'been a great deal
of sickness among children this, year,,
mostly of„ inild"nature,, however. There
has-been no'surnuieri scarcely this year;
theweatherbeing more in keeping with.
fall. The Wingha Times fakes: a holi-
day this week ; people there must lie in-
ndulgent; here they :Would raise the mis-
chief if they. did not get a paper every
week;in the year. The people .eat Winn
ham •"excurted" ter Goderich on the 15t11
there ':was tr i g -cro'wd, andthey had .a
good , day foo' ;.ther holiday., . Goderich
makes:a'.capitallioliday resort, .becauie
its, allyiivs holiday there, but_there-its
usefulness ends. The people of Clinton
cannot be as hearty meat eaters as they
used to be, for at one tinie it took five
butchers to supply their Wants, while now
-two. meet all regtri-rdffelits"LWgUTrer'l-.--
want's to know how many of the town.
by-laws are • a dead letter. The excur-
sions this. Week • are likely to be:. Well
patroriired ; Toronto" is alvei ys' an "'attrac-
tive point f'or• excursionists, and becomes
more so every Years Port Stanleyis just
sufficiently far fora pleasant . ride, while
the' refreshing breezes of Lake Erie are
pleasant to those from the inland ; Nia-
gara Falls, to which place. there is an ex-
cursion on the 17th,, is a place of which
one can never tire, but • the ride by rail is
a little too far; instead of running it all
by Grand Trunk, the line' of the Great
Western should be taken: from Paris.'
The prospects for the fall trade ars gene-
rally good, and Clinton therchantsp are
making preparations to get their share of
it. There is already some talk of possib'le
changes in the Council Beard heart ,ranu-
ary ,but it has not 'takeir''any definite
The Detroit ,Post says that one of the
female , inmates. of the London Asylum
com s from rem Go ri h
de c ,and was driven in -
sane from 'using some bleaching materi al
for her hair.•
S: >a ? l[ ii-TIPIA 1 - IN-JEW--
JEWMC SWISS SOAP, The quest washing soap ill the
T Ii�trket
'rt1� A �.�iTRIAL:, r
I�IAL�;-1�"�I�� YOITR .
se . Chea \Dressk Goods
e all
been SOLD: Another lot of Great Big
Bargains ON . DECK. Come and . see the big cuts
we are-
giving on Summer Goods; Hosiery,
Gloves Parasols.
If prices have any 11 Ru-enee we
are bound to see that they are low
enough h- to
E r :�
ve C off' S�. m m r G d at
y ase a oo s
Gr t
e�, Sacrifece.
t5oap.-w.ill-be fou.ia:t1, tit tire all owing, sOPER C1NIi`TG-HA-Z E '
CA V T1,)LCi\- B11,O- .<1 '
xis emal
we.r •�,:::: vx� � e.vse
a c u s a vet Clinton