The New Era, 1883-08-17, Page 7• Bargains SUR SALE STI And Will continue until the whole .s ick is 'cleared ou Butter and Eggs taken the same as- cash.,: marked in plain figures All the goods ESTATE OF THE . LATE J _ IODGE-NS: CLINTON. In some parts of Spain the political dis- • content Is•ggravated, by long continued . iii .;� ,� - 1P1kll drou„ht. rhe peasants .and workpeople,. t�1e _ e� kes c��get� Illhies inconsequence of the agricultural distress, THE MOST RELIABLE AND PERFECT FITTING AT • A .■�:B.- Croquet, Lacrosse, Emw Empress Waggons, &c. A New tock of large Chrolno9. Photo ani Picture Frances. dee. STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS LADIES OWN IIAiR made alp A. HALE, NEXT TO WATTS' DRUG STORE, ALBERT ST., CLINTON NEW GOOD) NEW GO Spring Lines of Boots and Shoes. Woolen's Boots ranging from $1 per pair up to :$2.50. Mens Gaiters and Bals, $2 per pair. Prunellas• from (044. ill��varcl' Call early and. secure good bargains. We still sell large quantities of 3 1b. TEA.for.'$1, equal some dealers' 50 cent Tea. ' PRODUCE TAIsEN FOR GOODS. POTATOES WANTED. CLIN'roN, March, 1881i are also ready for mischief., Inthe south it would seem that -no very great danger is to: be apprehended; but throughout Catalonia and Valencia and more particu- larly in Barcelona, tate state of affairs are critical, ' Dr. McGregor;was found on the evening of Monday, Aug ;13,; in the rear of the Elgin hotel, Kincardine, with his tbroatY cut;lying in a pool of blood, dead. A small .knife was open at, his side, and a new revolver in his pocket .at full cock. Ile had been drinking heavily for some time, and it is supposed he was under the influence'of•'1iquor on that day. At pre- sent no foul play issuspected.. No in- quest will be held. Captain Webb's death has brought out the statement that Boyton once conceived. the plan of floating down the 'Ni/ag'ara rapids in'his;rubber suit. " But, with more. caution than Webb exhibited, he marked:' and numbered-several'.railroad ties and sent them afloat above •,the .brid6e. When. they were recovered below the whirlpool, and Royton saw the ugly dents and, sears. upon .them, •he wisely: turned: his back upon Niagara. • A gentleman who has been connected with the Texascattle trade for years sIys to the ayerage weight of Texas cattle has been increased over 65 per tent within the past five years ; thisis due to improved breed- ing, There is also 'a very marked im- provement in the quality of the native and Western beef stock, the general "Ver- dict of dealers being that the percentage of fine cattle=corriiil to market it'at- In excess of any preceding year. THOMPSON &'SWITZER,.. ID:redl A.lt-ri-vies ; liVER ' 6,000 W-OITL English, S cotch 1 Irish Twee Coatirigs, Worsteds, Serges,.-,.E. The Utahelections of Audi. 6th, When: the territory: went "Mormon?' by :in over- whelming :majority, proved conclusively that Senator Edlnund's new Utah law,. the_essence-of-nhich-isthatpolyga,mists shall neither vote nor hold office, :is. in- operative and does not begin to ton:eh, the root,of the".diffculty.:, Even. if the : poly- gamist refrained from voting, his plurality of wives were. not debarred, and they could and did, to 1 woinati ,vote the`Mor- amon''ticket, which' Swept tiie field; tale woinen's vote being largely in the ma jnrity 7.`Jey.hug their chains `'and np hold polygamy, not, perhaps,: because they bareshell a heavenly time of it, butbe- cause their socialstatus, however low it be could 'onlybe Lowered by its '.Suppression, and the benefits •to`be derived would be` nil. Some stronger remedy;' • than tale Edwund's.Bill will have to, be found to cure this terrible: that :is 'eating, into fair Coiilmbitl's breast. Sugar coated pills are POO]: substitutes for .the surgeon's It is estimated' thatUnited' States ex- portsex i s will teed the e Import X100;000,000 between now and January 1st. This shows conclusively that the excess of exports either goes to pay interest on borrowed money, the expenses of tourists or to pay dividends on stock. At Harriston,.-on Monday, Aug. 13, Jacob Webber, a butcher; while intoxicat- ed, attempted to board a beer' waggon standing in front_of a hotel -near the . T. R. station. The horse took fright at a passing train, wheeling suddenly around, throwing; Webber in front of the waggon,,. and the wheels passing over his head kill- ed him instantly. Iirn,n's Fluid, Lightning Is the only instaneous;relief for. Neuralgia, HIeadache, Toothache, &e. Rubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. NO taking nauseous -medicines for weeks, but one min- ute's application. removes all pain and will prove the great value of Kraut's Fluid Lightn \ing Twenty•five`cents per bottle at, J. H. 'pombe's, drug store. �.tle..Register.. Household Furniture --T. K. Anderson's, Huron St., Aug 18. D. Dickinson Auctioneer'. • Go to COOP ' FOR ; CHEAP GROCERIES Crociiery, 'Glassware, &c. '0at11141 and Gummi alWays oa' hard; o Makes dour Boots?' CfflK THE .. BO(T : MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF alien, :Women and Children's )toots & Shoes. Spring Stock well assorted, and complete in all 'departments. ALL: GOADS SOLD CHEAP .FOR CASH Cl. CRTTIC:[ SHANX, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON FURNITURE WHOLESALE AND BEWAIL., MARY AND 1. 'Tway evening in May, and the soft zephyrs sighed Through branches low bending above: -: My :Mary and I, as we wander'd along And whispered, of beauty and love= We'll make us a nest like•the'birdlings, I said, And never shall' part anymore. Oh, yes! she replied .and;can'furnishitnice - At the "Rao-RoolmR ''FlURNITURE STORE.. "Fair areaturo ! there s manly a wealthier man ' Would gladly have you for a bride, . But ria one can love: you more fondly than I, • My treasure, and besuty, and pride Oh ! hail I a mansion, with Carpets of of id You can 'purchase' But sit bsl she gSe the "est'• At the "Rxn ROCKER." Fux wase STORN.."' "I'll spread you a couch upon :which to recline When evening shall call us to rest, .Of the fleeciest down." But she said with a sigh, "I like BENNETT'e mattresses the best," "Thenso shall it be love—and tables inlaid, :. And seats from"some far -distant shore." "Oh, no 1" She exclaimed, "they have elegant chairs . At'the,:'11so.ROCKER" FURSITIJRE. STORE.'` We went. ifappy day 1 Can I ever forget The pleasurethat beamed -hr her 'fiiec. As she gazed at the marvels of beauty (bins ysal ' In this-niost'wonderful 'place! • We furnished our nest lit an elegant style. Been married a 'twelvemonth or more, And Mary is singing this song to her babe, Of the "nen Rocitea" FURNITURE S1oas. A. • B EAN N ETT, SIGN._ OF TIIE' RED. Rrea;t door to JIarland Bros. store, Albeit Street;: Clinton. tznno� ut iej'sop. esnliusn3 ss'stS-pst3 4Sjuo etjy Pettv's calabrated English :Eroakfaat Bacon, Lor,•g -Clear I3cicoe, Sugar Cured And No. 1.rL�IRD. At prices w•itith;cannot be beaten in town. YLTY HIS 60 CT;TEA A.SP;ECLA SOLE AGENT: FOR, l�obkl is' BLI:�,;TI IC',SOAP .- TEIOMt1.S COOPER• ,, ALBEIIT STREET, CLINTON. PROTEOTOO�,iL f�1FIE iiiidersigned• h )vin,f, removed tltetr ol.li fOes )nt0 the TOWN HALL BUILD1NG, , And h tvipg purchased ti large' ';FIRE 'ANDDI3U•RGLAPt PROOF S 1F F1 with patent oniubitt'attor: loelr and. ntOde rn improvcnients are prepared to• receive,, , for sate kelpie any title deeds, documents,• valn- able socucitles, 01 other pa:ncors • ' 14TA& NNING SCOTT, Barristers,4Ec. E MISTS & DRUGGIST Albert Street, Clinton. t: -The public will fiTq,our stock- ofmecllcules c6rrlisletc;varrarrted_genuine—ane!_Ctl Z O0.I SOAPS, PERFIJ ERY, SHOUI:'DER BRCYCES :TRUSSES, I.:PONGES AND ALL KINDS OE DP.[7C:GISTS' SUNDRIES USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST 'CLASS. `DRUG STOKE. 1:3(313 r'g.._:. PI Nixl thrit —In Clinton, on the 13th inst., the wife of Ifr. 5. Penncbaker, of 'a clatighter. liossi In Stanley, iln the llth inst., the wilt, of Mr. 1)onal i Ross, of a daiughter„ Jolix9Tox.-In on, the 9th inst. (JET \'(,)U 1; SPRING Suir' NOW. Immense slava; t� select from. Thotlias.A.,soti 'ot Mr. 'Geo. Johnston; aged 2 years and 6'' months. •- J. C. COLE SATISFACTION, N1;\ r.,; l'AiLS To GIVE SATISFACTION, iS STILI, OUR; Ct C'LFB, Prices away ,down. Biw Stock �fPRESS. \v Patterns. Low Prices. 19,1,/,(_,k and ColoPed SIL 1111 c\tr,,1al mg usually kept in a_fir5t class tars U:ood:s iy.otlsr,. SP,; NG & SUMFAER HATS ON THE WAY,. FSTOOK OF GROPE m'I 1)111. IIICIca,,,1111 trade in other {le'-ppal'tlllents.coinp.elS us -for Went • (1 1 t1• o , t . 1 .i:..,, of row,' to �o hitt if T (()1 � ci, SI.I �r5 aid C.Ia,C9G10Ef.�,lt� :,A, -3'- \V \ RE, WE 010 Eft Or lc vVIIO,LE S'17OCiC :01F ,Tg'1 (yoo1)8 Ai COST. • • COAS SON + 1 Iiiiitn ()ri, 4=1117=0111111111M1 , No other medicine is so reliable' asAyer's' Cherry Pectora tl for, colds, coughs, and all derangements of the respiratory organs tend - leg toward .consumption, In all ordinary cases it is a certain cure, and.: it affords sure relief; for the asthmatic and consumptive, even in advanced stages of disease, ... • Thnrstlay, Augoot 16; 1883. Wheat, scot - - $0 OS a 1 00 W1 -hate wheat, - 0 95 a .0 97 Spring, 0 99 a 1 00 Oats, ' - 0 35 a 9 40 Barley, 0 40 a 0 15 Peas, - tl 70.•-1a .0 75 iflour'„' - 5'00 a 5 50 Potatoes, 0 50 •a 9 60 Butter, - • 0 1:3 a 0 14 l4ggs, - 0 id a: 0 17 tT:ay, - - -. 8 00 a D 00 . 1li50s j 0 00 a :',6 50 7r Sheep pelts .0 uh 'a ' 0 !v . , ' T,ninh skins, 0 7:'Y a 1 00 50 Pork, 8-'00 a S 25 Clovor, - 8 00 n 8 50 Timothy, 2 00 a .;.2.,50..._'. Woo -1 - n 18 . t.,0 18 ,sair 11henut cored, kro you troubled with Salt RRheurn, IiouFh n �i- Slciu\ 1 uples or ()linker 'sores , it so, go at once to J. 11 Combo's 'drag store and get' a packetI of l\le -regor'& Parke', Carbolic Cl r it{i,'' i'rice tvent,yfive cents. It CVAs 'nil er known to fail. ),,11"Cf, latpbli'¢” 5)L^4StDASIi'A`rom-••Natio is hereby •.iron that, the pnrtni+rehip beret, ford 02ivtifi Fria 0)111 doses Wtt n, at; ronehiuists'008 1 pis tiay beet) dissolved lry:'nilitit 11 onti40nl. All (ait0lmuh' „•0Ccnunt01111401' he:lia}t} to Mr,'W, Jones' 44who: ix C mpnyiend V,give 441}tiv for tliGsamf .1 f0 sho ex- p et to 1 t timet beitio ,as 1.11 a few Cat's forthIr rinttec of Shish will I0' given. t1'ItN,ES, Clinton, Jnly 21, 188;1. (;-LMt) (.r,'(5,'WAkh• OWER &, SON. 'BEST STOCK' OF m''�1' :�3' ® R I: N; G S IN TOW'aN. FINE PLATED WARE NEWEST D IES I O NS' 1701 RY_...o Repairing done 'Pro aptly. C!;ou, Na•b 20th 1882. r 111:L•''suL,_rrtt.,rrde+r, .;aura' his •sincere 114411; to his1nston1ers and alio 11ub1.c generally for the Ilucr0 toatrOnnO;o 0010 R100 to Mini in 010 )ast, aura lly;.0l l 1yhnY„ the nest art'iOle at the'11,vvest remm- ne'etivo pace, hI hoPes to ru'rrit t eoItil>tance 00 the Tfo-wonitl', specially •rocis51)lmid';ttrial tM• lits direct 11i5porthtiO,ntsof th0 very best nj:zpd_i of ' Brandies, Port ':lines aild Holland in SUl l'A OLE 1'U I,111,n1Cf $,v 1, 95)1PosEs AND 1W111,1' ISY:� a 7 v^ 7• BASS' ALE A � �lcl��,;va PORTER, ,In tot fifth, a11:1 (mart., ' C1N 1) • � N '.5 `r • .,n.. ,t tN ALES' AND 1. C)I�,`.lL I�, ( i1)1rsds ;111(1 1i,vvns LASER um15101513 4411 1)111111. ,Ttt,t rcer=}'vet1,'fii prifolr co (1100)t,, '.410'02/,/:Cla Ghlf er ./1.144.," 7otirt. ao ne lltu.rt, (55(0) - ,. r I.fcl t N y OR A L 6l lt'l' .5!'111,,,'1', 1]llTC 51 13LOtlli, O1,'1NTON• i oo ARI EST TOOLS -Forks and Handles, Scythes,, Rakes, &c., large stock, selling very .cheap. We :'makea specialty of MI FF P-A:IN rI S, . being. sole:' agent 'for- -celebia'tecl7Cievela lel ":1`-T—T—<<1 PERCIIA 'PA-IN-ri.S --- which are always ready. for'use and kept in stock in all colors; Also, .the 'Canaclian;brand of: Mixed Paints kept in stock: GALT., ANI) SEE IT AT COOPER & cKENlIE'S PLANING tali . jnton. 7 ,' B: DDLEOOMBE, Watch and Clock Maker IEC '.'1.. LE 11., ckc., r``1if10 sub-gtriberb, while thanking lhcit• malty . d tomer,: for the,peb on1ge,extend'ed flu tnr,. :rc, to intunatc that in connection with then factory, Near the Grand Trtank'nai,way9•'•• • they ham: ereete0 n llry hln rvvliieli enables"")1'5,411 more .}rimip1y11101 aver tel.0scentenalwork in -11)1'• - ,?i C K + r, c.'1,A t4T'i (D"(' '.I hero ha koopsi 1 .c'eot n,sorttnent of • VATCHE'S,' CLOCKS, dEkVIFLI.EXY,' S/L.ItEf?-r WARE, - 1Tihicli owill Belt ;tto'asoaaableratea. v4�())N lid :1 z 40 1 1pn:14 Rnpaviin(t 4f were d script:on promptly nA rli,lad tx an l uli-roe!. wmlra.ut:0d, Foston e t possible ice, material" 10rl)isl'o0 r 5115 d, L'C.rD.LEO0a13E,. 'stoniest pnssibi0 not}et 1"ind 7t rn,asbl .. ,va atcY•• l7lirW osl „Nova 1892.• 81158 alvei s:keop un I,i of luvt ce,us SI11,P01 t.,a, turd tti0k 11 ypee,ialty i4t10M1,, wi,delrwi11'110 tioh1 at' --: --:.,.._ - --.. _..._.. Ill. luvr5st brit.,, ,h L /3 Cli„,,}„,, lv „,„82 CO0T.1'R• f \lt l,,,,il,TT;. r 1 11 f v li :ti �J 1 Q '117N. onsesotenc'e, of 1110 li;w }trice 1.. !if Bags,' Me r's. ` A vr10(0 131'0a, RIOS, [1, 'is, 1Io011vith0, 1110'' (4'. 10(1 to tRlt0 110 nurre in tr 44144, We 1r tv0 1orth t ed al) their rags on hand.' flaying—ft tlroron di Intowledg0 of se." 5ng',10i'the. verions0uarke10 vie are m;ev proluir; r 1` lily?, rags bttis 15 11(11) and small lots , e,is1\paid i'o ,e litrge lots, trade for the sown!! The Eight sat pries plaid for ta.}lors aiul n1el40ant1 clips fit c;ish and n tr11h: > 1 or Elt r t ler clippings 11r1 m trade. 1\c also t,l e site 441 0 1 i I 11 g off 'rr n s o35 ba+ n' o, pot bens nail 144 7 t 41 l Y r ). 4r p 61x11 paid to f err mors, 1)1)tel.s1ntt by 1.101 otiror•s 10 i` 11 „o nts, inn trade fc1';sn1a11 quantities.. 05. A'Ielit .1.N, 1'cuter, ( lint ser, ,. ,/- 1)11 e i . rtoTK71� 1',i 5TN1,. l;i l��i�t hlw� rt v s•rarl�,,• • 1 t w� hry 1 1 and list U nC 1 Y'' 7 " Cataloged 111, \ i t second hand tell icinee it StoCl : ' 1 ti "'i\ICfAT'1lliiAl,.,,� A.